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Hormones produced by the endocrine glands and the kind I could find:
a. The pituitary gland, consists of: the anterior pituitary produces adrenocorticotropic hormone,
thyroid hormone, somatotrof hormone, gonadotropin hormone (FSH and LH). Intermediate
pituitary only found in infants. The posterior pituitary produces antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and
Anterior pituitary section produces a wide variety of hormones, among others somatotrof
hormone, thyrotropin hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, lactogenic hormones and hormone
gonadotropin. Smoatotropin hormone stimulates the synthesis of protein and fat metabolism, as
well as stimulating bone growth (especially bone pipes) and muscle. Triotropin hormone controls
the growth and development of goiter or thyroid gland and stimulates the secretion of thyroxine.
Pituitary middle, these glands produce melanocyte stimulating hormone or melanocyte
stimulating hormone (MSH). When these hormones are produced that cause the skin to become
black. MSH secretion was also stimulated by a regulatory factor called factor stimulating hormone
release is inhibited by melanocytes and melanocyte hormone inhibitory factor (MIF).
Pituitary posterior part of oxytocin and vasopressin produce. Oxytocin plays a role in stimulating
the smooth muscle found in the uterus, whereas vasopressin also called antidiuretic hormone
(ADH) have an effect on the process of urine reabsorption in the distal tubules, preventing urine
spending too much.
b. The thyroid gland (thyroid), produces the hormone thyroxine, triodotironin, and calcitonin
c. Parathyroid glands (glands goiter), produces hormones parathormone
d. Epiphyseal gland, a hormone produced unknown
e. The thymus gland, the hormone hoard functioning somatotrof
f. The adrenal cortex, produces mineralocorticoid, glucocorticoid, and androgen medulla part of the
adrenal glands, producing hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline
g. Testicular glands produce testosterone. Glands ovaries produce the hormones estrogen and
h. The pancreas gland, produces the hormones insulin and glucagon
Hormone function in women and men:
a. FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The FSH
hormone function in the formation and maturation process known as spermatogenesis spermatozoa
and ovum, known as oogenesis. In addition, FSH also stimulates the production of hormones
testoseron in men and estrogen in women.
b. LH (Luteinizing Hormone). This hormone is also produced by the pituitary gland. This hormone
can stimulate the formation of the yellow body or corpus luteum in the ovary, poses after ovulation
(release of the egg).
c. Testoseron, a hormone produced by the testes and plays a role in spermatogenesis and the
appearance of secondary sex characteristics in men.
d. Estrogen. This hormone is produced by graaf follicles in the ovaries. This hormone plays
oogenesis nature and appearance of secondary
e. Progesterone. This hormone is produced by the yellow body or corpus luteum in the ovary. Role
in the formation of the endometrium lining the walls of the uterus to receive the fertilized egg. At
the time of pregnancy, progesterone along with estrogen to maintain the endometrium continues to
grow, forming the placenta, resist in order not to contract the muscles of the uterus, and stimulates
the mammary glands to produce milk.
f. Oxytocin. This hormone is produced by the pituitary. Role, which is in the process of birth, to
stimulate early contractions of the uterine muscle.
g. Relaxin. This hormone is produced by the placenta, serves to stimulate the relaxation of the
pelvic ligaments in the birth process.
h. Lactogen, produced by the pituitary gland which, together with progesterone stimulates the
formation of milk.
Sex characteristics in women. In addition, this hormone also acts to stimulate the production of LH
and inhibit the production of FSH.
Tha workings of the endocrine glands:
Mechanism of action of Thyroid Gland
At first the hypothalamus will produce TRH (Thyrotropine Releasing Hormone) which will
stimulate pituitary gland (Pituitary) to produce TSH (Thyrotropine stimulating hormone), and TSH
will stimulate the thyroid gland to produce T3 and T4. If the thyroid hormone is produced in small
amounts, the TSH will increase in value in order to stimulate the thyroid gland can produce T3 and
T4 in sufficient quantities. Conversely, if increased production of T3 and T4, the TSH will decrease
in number so as not to form T3 and T4 again.
Mechanism of Parathyroid Glands
In carrying out its work, the parathyroid glands are regulated and supervised directly by the
pituitary gland. PTH is the concentration of calcium ions contained in extracellular fluid. PTH
production will increase if the level of calcium in the plasma decreased. In the normal physiological
state, the level of calcium in the plasma under the supervision hoemostatik within very narrow
limits. This supervision is influenced by changes in diet every day and exchange between bone
mineral with blood.
Parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone. Parathyroid hormone is a peptide hormone
secreted by the parathyroid glands, four small glands located on the back surface of the thyroid
gland parathyroid hormone along with vitamin D and calcitonin regulate calcium levels in the
blood. Parathyroid hormone synthesis is controlled by the plasma calcium levels, which inhibited
the synthesis when high calcium levels and stimulated if calcium levels are low.
Such as aldosterone, parathyroid hormone essential for life. The overall effect of parathyroid
hormone is to increase the calcium concentration in plasma and prevent hypocalcemia. Parathyroid
hormone if at all available, within a few days the individual in question will die, usually as a result
of asphyxia caused by spasm of the respiratory muscles hypocalcemic. Through its effect on bone,
kidney, and intestine parathyroid hormone increases plasma calcium levels if these electrolyte
levels began to fall so hypocalcemia and its effects can normally be avoided. This hormone is also
working to lower plasma phosphate concentration.
Mechanism of action of thymus gland
Although technically the thymus gland is part of the immune system, also produce a
chemical called timosin that activate immune system cells called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are
white blood cell types. After passing through the thymus lymphocytes or contact with timosin then
he will be called T lymphocytes Lymphocytes are involved in many aspects of immunity, including
the production of chemicals that stimulate and regulate the immune response. Thymus, located in
the chest area very prominent during infancy and the child but will be reduced in line with age.
The working mechanism of Adrenal Glands
This gland is located at the top of the kidneys and there is a pair. The adrenal gland consists of two
parts, each of which secrete different hormones. Parts of it are as follows.
a. Adrenal cortex
This section serves the following secrete hormones.
1) Glucocorticoids
Glucocorticoid function is to stimulate the conversion of fats and proteins to metabolites
intermediates were eventually converted into glucose, which can cause a rise in blood glucose
levels. In the world of medicine glucocorticoid used to treat arthritis and poisoning, due to the effect
turned out to glucocorticoids can suppress inflammation in the body.
2) Mineralocorticoids
This hormone stimulates the reabsopsi ions Na + and CI- in the kidney tubules, and can maintain
osmotic pressure is always high, so the volume and blood pressure became normal.
3) Androgen
This hormone serves to determine male secondary sex characteristics. This function is performed
jointly with the hormones from the gonads.
b. Adrenal medulla
This section serves secrete hormones, among others, as follows.
1) Adrenaline
Adrenaline serves to increase blood pressure, heart rate, increase blood glucose levels and
metabolic rate. This hormone is secreted when people are angry, scared, and stress. In such
circumstances adrenaline hormone levels in the body will rise.
2) Noradrenaline
This hormone also has the function to increase blood pressure.
Diseases of the glandular system:
On various types of diseases of the endocrine system. Diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system
is the most commonly diagnosed.
Other endocrine disorders including:
a. Adrenal insufficiency
The disease is caused by the adrenal glands release too little of the hormone cortisol, and
sometimes aldosterone. Symptoms include fatigue, abdominal pain, dehydration, and skin changes.
Addison's disease is a type of adrenal insufficiency.
b. Cushing's disease
Excess hormones pituitary gland causes an overactive adrenal gland. A similar condition
called Cushing's syndrome can occur in humans, especially children, are taking corticosteroids.
c. Goiter A
Common manifestation of Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, goiter is an enlarged
thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly that is located in the neck area of the body. This condition
usually occurs due to iodine deficiency, and has become rare in the United States after the advent of
iodized salt. Swollen glands are usually painless, but sometimes if too large will cause difficulty in
breathing. Here it should be noted that the disruption of the endocrine system affects women four
times more often than men. The strategy recommended treatment involves supplementation of
thyroid hormone in the body that ease the burden of the gland, so bring a reduction in size.
Sometimes, it is necessary to lift some or all swollen gland through surgery. The best way to avoid
these disorders are consuming iodized salt in your diet on a regular basis.
d. Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus are both disorders of the endocrine system, because
each marked with hormone deficiencies, the latter is also known as metabolic function disorders.
The next Mellitus Diabetes can be divided into Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, which previously also
referred to as Juvenile Diabetes. The disease is triggered by a hormone deficiency, diabetes causes
an abnormal increase in blood glucose levels, a condition known as hyperglycemia. In Type 1,
hyperglycemia is associated with an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly
starts attacking the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas.
On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes, largely due to genetic causes, so that the disease is
inherited from parents to their children. Insulin is one of the two pancreatic hormones are
important, the other is glucagon are produced in sufficient quantities, the amount of sugar in the
bloodstream begins to rise, which is also excreted in the urine. Among the most common
symptoms, there include excessive urination, increased thirst and appetite, blurred vision, weight
loss was not intentional, limp and lethargic. In extreme situations, the patient may even be in a
Natural cure for this disease is to regulate and control diet and regular exercise. Because if
there is excessive urination, victims are usually advised to drink more water to keep the body's fluid
content daam. Treatment by injecting insulin on a regular basis, which will allow patients to live a
normal or near normal. It is important to note that insulin injections must be timed precisely to
avoid hypoglycemia condition, in which blood glucose levels drop below normal limits.
e. Gigantism (acromegaly) and other growth hormone problems
If the pituitary gland to produce too much growth hormone, bones and body parts children
can grow rapidly. If growth hormone levels are too low, a child may experience slow growth.
f. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia I and II (MEN I and II MEN)
The disease is caused by a genetic condition that is passed down through families. They
cause tumors of the parathyroid, adrenal and thyroid gland, causes excess hormones.
Hyperthyroidism is the caused by excessive secretion of thyroid hormone by the thyroid
gland located in the neck area. This hormone is associated with regulation of body growth and
metabolism. Hyperthyroidism results from autonomous excess thyroid hormone by the gland
enlarges Suffering from Graves' disease. In less common cases, very high secretion of the thyroid
hormone can also result from unwanted growth of a single nodule in the gland. Reviews These
symptoms are five times more Often in women than in men, usually Affects people age ranging
from 30 to 40 years. Is associated with growth and metabolism, the amount of excess hormone
accelerates all metabolic activity in the body, roomates Also Involves the burning of a surplus
amount of calories. The common symptoms include swelling in the neck, anxiety and stress,
insomnia, increases the heart rate, restlessness, excessive sweating, rapid movement of the
intestines, and weight loss despite Increased appetite and food consumption is high. In most cases,
hyperthyroidism can be treated, but if neglected, may be fatal and takes over the life of the patient.
The preferred method of treatment is radioactive iodine and Patients may require medical
supervision throughout Reviews their lives. In Certain circumstances, surgical removal of the
affected part of the thyroid gland Also may be recommended.
Often caused by accidental removal of the parathyroid glands during neck surgery, or
scrapping deliberate when treating hyperparathyroidism. Individuals who become victims of falling
ill when four pea-sized glands found around the thyroid gland in the neck area, shows the inability
to produce and secrete sufficient amounts HP (parathyroid hormone). HP task is to regulate the
level of calcium in the blood. Starting from paresthesia to tetani, the lack of HP resulted in a variety
of neurological and muscular disorders. Common symptoms, such as numbness and tingling,
burning and prick sensation in the face, hands, fingers, and other parts of the body. However,
patients may also experience painful muscle cramps, skin and hair becomes dry and dull, abnormal
tooth development in children, psychosis, and seizures. After the development of the disease, there
is a need for monitoring of calcium levels in the blood. Meanwhile, calcium supplements lifetime
and a large amount of vitamin D recommended, whereas severe seizures and convulsions may
require hospitalization. Sometimes, the administration of anticonvulsants and intravenous calcium
injections become necessary for temporary relief, but directly from the symptoms.
It is Characterized by low production of the hormone by the pituitary gland, the which is
located deep in the brain and is Considered the most important endocrine glands in the body or
hormonal system. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) or human growth hormone is one of the six
hormones produced by the anterior portion of the pituitary gland. This hormone deficiency in
children leads to stunted growth or dwarfism. Other prominent symptoms such as fatigue, nausea
and vomiting, slow heart rate, late in thinking, extreme thirst, the appearance of fine wrinkles on the
eyes and mouth, and so on. Early diagnosis and provision of HGH can improve the condition and
cause children back or close to normal. Various symptoms the caused in the case of another
hormone deficiency of the pituitary gland. If all of this important gland hormone released in small
amounts, then this condition is Referred to as panhypopituitarism. Because the pituitary gland
hormone acts as a stimulant for other glands to produce hormones, such a situation MIGHT have a
snowball effect, the resulting in a shortage of sex hormones, hormones adrenal gland and thyroid
hormones as well.
Disruption of the endocrine system Occurs when the thyroid hormones are produced in small
amounts by the thyroid gland. This insufficiency, in turn, will lead to a slowdown in all the
metabolic processes in the body. Autoimmune disorders, such as Hashimoto's disease, and
inadequate production of thyroid stimulating hormone grouped Among the causes of
hypothyroidism. Usually develops over many years, the severity of symptoms depends on the level
of thyroid hormone deficiency. Some obvious symptoms include fatigue, cold intolerance,
constipation, unusual weight loss, hair loss, lack of interest in sex, goiter, fatigue, Becomes deeper
voice, impaired mental abilities, prolonged menstrual periods, and so on. The emergence of full-
blown symptoms leading to a condition known as myxedema. Treatment is done through a lifetime
of hormone replacement therapy with thyroid hormone or thyroxine.

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