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Case Study of Radial Overhead Feeder

Performance at 12.5 and 34.5 kV

Abstract-The electric performance and the economics of four sup- The study examined the economics and electrical perfor-
ply options for a specific 12.5-kV radial distribution feeder were exam- mance of several feeder upgrading options for a particular
ined. Options included upgrading to 34.5 kV and/or sectionalizing. feeder on the GMP system with respect to
Feeder losses, voltage regulation, and system voltage dips due to feeder
faults were analyzed. It was found that distribution transformer losses 1) feeder losses,
were a significant component in the total feeder loss and an important 2) feeder voltage regulation,
factor in the loss comparison of the two voltage levels. In this case,
3) capital costs and cost of losses,
sectionalizing the existing feeder at 12.5 kV was the preferred option
based upon cost, system voltage dip performance and ease of back feed. 4) voltage dips on the local 115-kV transmission system
caused by feeder faults.
The 115-kV transmission system in the Green Mountain
service area steps down to a networked 34.5-kV subtransmis-

G REEN MOUNTAIN Power Company (GMP) faces some

unique considerations in deciding whether to upgrade its
existing 12.5-kV distribution feeders at 12.5 kV or at 34.5
sion system from which radial 12.5- and 34.5-kV distribution
feeders are supplied. The magnitude of voltage dip experi-
enced on the 115-kV system during distribution feeder faults
kV. In addition to the factors related directly to distribution has been a concern due the possibility of an adverse impact
feeders, i.e., losses, voltage drop, and ampacity, GMP must on sensitive load.
consider the voltage dips on the local 115 kV transmission Specifically excluded from the scope of the study were the
system caused by distribution feeder faults. In some cases, examination of networked versus radial distribution systems,
they must also decide whether to build lines as 34.5 kV sub- radial supply to new load areas, and a comparison of factors in
transmission or as 34.5-kV distribution. the coordination of fault protection at the two voltage levels.
Utility interest in a higher voltage class for distribution has Green Mountain Power presently performs live line mainte-
been based primarily upon improvement in capacity, loss re- nance at 12.5 kV but not at 34.5 kV. The impact of this prac-
duction, and improvement in voltage profile [l], [2]. This pa- tice on the operation and performance of the options also was
per reports upon a comparison of the economic and electrical not considered in the comparison of the two voltage levels.
performance factors on one specific overhead radial distribu- Finally, calculation of probable customer interruption outage
tion feeder that is in operation at 12.5 kV, but whose present rates was not undertaken because, while numerical probabil-
load and growth require that it be upgraded. The comparison ity based indicators of reliability are certainly important, it
study is specific to one feeder with respect to details but gives was felt that data on component outage rates was not of suffi-
indications that are useful with respect to upgrades of other cient quality or comprehensiveness to make such calculations
feeders and to new construction. useful [3].
The approach of studying a specific feeder was taken in A 12.5-kV feeder (2802) in the Green Mountain Power
preference to a study of generic options because the authors service territory was chosen as the test system based upon the
believe that upgrading decisions are inevitably dependent upon immediacy of the need for action, the range of options avail-
local system and feeder characteristics. Such factors as the able for uprating, and the difficulty of supplying a relatively
availability of alternate supply points, the short-circuit strength remote load center under existing conditions. The 34.5112.5-
of the supply points, feeder topology, feeder construction, kV transformer feeding 2802 has a 3750/5250 kVA OA/FOA
load locations and sectionalization points are all unique to rating and a current peak loading of 5184 kVA. The 2802
each feeder and absolutely determine the study outcome. feeder has a main feeder length of 8.1 mi and a maximum
distance from source to load of 11.0 mi. The gross feeder
Paper ICPSD 89-46, approved by the Rural Electric Power Committee of length, including laterals, is approximately 50 mi and it is
the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1989 IEEE one of Green Mountain Power's longer feeders. The load is
Rural Electric Power Technical Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, April largely residential but has a commercial/industrial load center
30-May 2. Manuscript released for publication December 19, 1989.
R. E. Clayton and J . M. Undrill are with Electric Power Consultants, Inc., approximately 7 mi from the present source.
133 Saratoga Road, Scotia, NY 12302. Feeder 2802 has 121 node points where construction-type
E. L. Shlatz is with the Green Mountain Power Company, 25 South Moun- changes or branches are connected, 112 line sections, and
tain Drive, South Burlington, VT 05402.
IEEE Log Number 9035423. 909 customer services. Fig. l(a) shows 28G2 as it is presently

0093-9994190/07OO-O696$01.OO 0 1990 IEEE

_ _ .
I 7


12.5 KV 12.5KV I
12.5 KV ' , 31.5KV
t I I
Fig. 1 . Feeder configurations. (a) Option I, single source-all 12.5 kV. (b) Option 11, single source-all 34.5 kV. (c) Option 111,
sectionalized-all 12.5 kV. (d) Option IV, sectionalized- 1 2 3 3 4 . 5 kV.

supplied at 12.5 kV from the 34.5 kV subtransmission network option ZV: split 2862, feeding the eastern section from
at Charlotte. All of the options studied are described in the an alternative 34.5-kV source and leaving the western
following and are shown in Fig. l(a)-(d): section fed from its original source. (The western section
is operated at 12.5 kV and the eastern section is operated
option Z: feeder 28G2 at 12.5 kV, without changing the at 34.5 kV. This option requires construction of a 34.5-
present configuration (This was studied for the hypotheti- kV subtransmission line.)
cal condition of zero load growth on the existing feeder);
option ZZ: feeder 28G2 at 34.5 kV, without changing the Other options for uprating that were considered but dis-
present configuration; carded as impractical because of economics included over-
option IIZ: split 2 8 6 2 , feeding the eastern section from building the existing 2 8 6 2 feeder with an express 12.5-kV
an alternative 34.5-kV source and leaving the western feeder and tapping into a local 115-kV line.
section fed from its original source; (both the eastern
and western sections are operated at 12.5 kV. This option THEORETICAL
requires construction of a 34.5 kV subtransmission line Distribution losses occur on the feeder itself, in the distri-
and construction of a 34.5112.5-kV substation.) bution transformers feeding the load and in the secondaries.


Since secondary losses would be common to both feeder volt- OPTION CONFIGURATION FEEDER TOTAL VOLTAGE
age levels, it was decided to simulate only feeder and distri- (KV) (PU) (PU)
bution transformer losses. The distribution transformers were I 0: 4 12.5 0.0666 0.1000
modeled with core and winding losses because both can be 1 .o
significant in a loss comparison [4].The computer program
used for the loss study was limited to 200 three-phase nodes
and 40 transformers. Therefore, to simulate the loss effect
of distribution transformers, it was necessary to reduce the


0 ;

I 34.5






number of customer service points by developing an equiv-
alent load model. This section describes how the equivalent Assumptions: Feeder load/line section
Feeder resistance/line section
-- 0.5 pu
0.100 pu @ 12.5 KV
load model was developed and applies the approach to several (0.013 pu @ 34.5 KV)
hypothetical cases to gain insight into feeder performance. Fig. 2. Example of feeder loss and voltage drop.
Assuming that load is uniformly distributed along a feeder
section of length L with R the feeder resistance per unit length nificant magnitude, have a loss factor of unity and certainly
and I the total feeder current, the current at any point on the will affect a loss comparison of the two voltage levels. Ques-
feeder is then tions about the effects of transformer core losses, nonuniform
load distribution, different line and substation costs at the two
i, = 1(1 - x / L ) voltage levels, and the impact of feeder faults, can only be
answered by a specific case study. A case study of GMP's
where x is zero at the source and L at the feeder end. The
2 8 6 2 feeder is described in the following sections.
feeder loss is given by
total loss = 1
i:R d x A multiphase feeder program was used to represent
accurately unbalanced conditions such as load unbalance and
= 1 2 R l L( 1 - 2 x / L +x2/L2)dx single/two-phase laterals. All main feeder sections were
represented as three-phase branches and all lateral feeder sec-
tions were represented as single or two-phase branches, as
= 12RL/3.
appropriate. All construction types were modeled by specific
Therefore, the same loss produced by the distributed load impedance data and node points were placed at all construc-
would be produced by lumping all of the load at a point one tion changes as well as at branch points. The load points were
third of the way down the feeder section. A similar analysis of located one third of the way down each section representing
voltage drop on a feeder without shunt capacitive compensa- a construction type.
tion shows that concentrating the load halfway down a feeder The installed distribution transformer capacity on each sec-
section gives the same feeder-end voltage drop as would be tion representing a construction type was totaled by phase.
produced with a uniformly distributed load. Branches (one per phase) were attached at each load point
Application of this approach to several cases at the two to simulate the impedance of the total installed transformer
different voltage levels and for different feeder lengths is il- capacity on that phase. The impedance ( r + j x ) of each trans-
lustrated in Fig. 2. These cases were selected to simulate, in former branch was calculated in inverse proportion to its in-
an idealized way, the effect of sectionalizing and/or upgrading stalled capacity.
on the losses and voltage drop in feeder 2 8 6 2 . Loads were represented by a constant real and reactive
It is assumed in these cases that the same conductor is used power characteristic and reactive power characteristic and lo-
at both voltage levels. Comparison of the first two options cated on the low side of the transformer branches. The magni-
shows the clear advantage of 34.5 kV over 12.5 kV based on tude of each lumped load was set equal to the installed trans-
feeder losses and resistive voltage drop. The ratio of losses for former capacity on the line section times an appropriate capac-
the first two options is approximately 0.13, in favor of 34.5 ity factor. Load growth was simulated by appropriate changes
kV. The last two options show the same result but with much in transformer installed capacity and related factors.
less absolute difference in losses and voltage drop. Compari- Core losses are strongly dependent upon voltage [ 5 ] ,vary-
son of the third option with the second shows that losses and ing approximately as the square of the voltage over the voltage
voltage drop obtained by splitting the feeder at 12.5 kV are range of interest and were represented at each load bus by a
still greater than those with a single feeder at 34.5 kV, but constant resistance load with a base magnitude proportional
have been considerably reduced, resulting in a ratio of losses to its installed transformer capacity.
in the order of 0.50 instead of 0.13. Therefore, Fig. 2 illus- The Thevenin short-circuit source impedance was calcu-
trates that, while the higher voltage level does have a strong lated for each option from a full-scale transmission system
advantage in a comparison of feeders of the same length, the positive and zero sequence simulation.
advantage is greatly diminished when alternative supply points
make sectionalization an option. LOADANALYSIS
The foregoing analysis ignored the effect of distribution Fig. 3 shows a typical load cycle for the 2 8 6 2 feeder. A nu-
transformer core losses which, in addition to having a sig- merical integration of this load cycle resulted in the following

2862 AVERAGE HA> AN3 JJNE ,OA:3;’46

4 E l ” - - -7


4L *
3 5;


2 5:

2[ 4
,i: -:\ j

1 5 f

‘r 1i
I 1
0 5 10 15 20 25

Fig. 3 Typical load cycle for feeder 28G2

values: raw load power factor of 0.89, which was assumed for all
individual loads in the study.
load factor = 0.79
loss factor = 0.65. The 909 distribution transformers on feeder 28G2 ranged
in rating from 5 to 25 kVA, with several larger commer-
The loss factor was assumed to be constant for all stages of cial/industrial loads. It was impractical to represent each of
growth considered in the study. Analysis of the historical peak these transformers individually, and therefore, it was neces-
loads on the 28G2 feeder showed that growth could be repre- sary to develop an equivalent transformer as follows:
sented as total installed transformer capacity on 2862 =
18 336 kVA
total number of single-phase loads on 2862 = 909
installed capacity per load x 20 kVA.
where po = 4200 kVA and n is the number of years from the The total transformer capacity lumped at any load bus was
base year. This base load growth model was supplemented by simulated as “n” 20-kVA equivalent transformers connected
additional future loading to give the high and medium growth in parallel. It was necessary to calculate the impedance and
scenarios shown in Fig. 4. core loss of the equivalent 20-kVA transformer. Fortunately,
The high load growth scenario will exaggerate the absolute GMP received bids on 12.5- and 34.5-kV pole- and pad-
loss differential between the 12.5- and 34.5-kV options (ih mounted distribution transformers in 1987. These data give
favor of the 34.5-kV options). To avoid biasing the results in values for winding and core losses for various manufacturers
favor of 34.5 kV, it was decided to simulate both the medium and ratings and allowed core and winding losses for the equiv-
and high growth scenarios for all study options. Only the high alent 20-kVA transformer to be estimated as shown in Table
load growth results are reported in this paper. I. The real part of the transformer impedance was calculated
The year 1991 was selected as the starting year for the eco- based upon the value of winding loss and the imaginary part
nomic analysis based upon an estimate of the earliest possible estimated from the GE Distribution Data Book [5].
date for completion of the construction necessary for each op- It is interesting to note that both the core and the winding
tion. An economic line life of 18 years was assumed for the losses at the two voltage levels are almost equal. In fact, trans-
analysis and three stages were selected to simulate the high formers can be designed for a wide range of loss levels. The
and medium growth scenarios. The feeder loading in years optimum point in the trade-off between capital cost and the
1994, 2000, and 2006 were chosen to represent the loading in cost of losses is determined by the relative weight assigned by
each stage. the purchaser to capital and operating costs. The equivalent
The measured power factor at the feeder source at the his- values calculated from the GMP bid data base are substantially
toric peak load of 5184 kVA was 0.99. Accounting for 1900 the same as typical data values found, for example, in [ 5 ] .
kVA of shunt capacitor compensation on the feeder gave a Analysis of the same data base for pole- and pad-mounted

-. . _. ____~
I f



10000 -
Losses (kW)
Option Feeder
9000 - Voltage Load Transformer Line Total
Option (kW) (MW) Winding Core Main Lateral
I 12.5 5.05 26.08 57.23 177.92 7.55 268.78
I1 34.5 4.89 24.48 58.97 21.74 0.49 105.68

1994, 2000, and 2006. The “west” and “east” section losses
4000 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 shown for the sectionalized options I11 and IV are added to-
1988 1998 200B gether to allow a loss comparison with each other and with
YEAR the unsectionalized option 11.
Fig. 4. Load growth scenarios for feeder 28G2 The importance of the correct simulation of transformer
losses is again emphasized by the loss results shown in Table
TABLE I 111. The loss values shown in Tables I1 and 111 are used to
calculate the cost of losses for each option as reported upon
Voltage Core Loss Winding Lossa Impedance in the following section.
(kV) (W) (W) (P.U.)
12.47 59.95 327.7 0.0164 + j0.0135 ECONOMIC
34.50 55.35 311.1 0.0156 + j0.0165
Tables IV and V summarize the present worth of revenue
aAt rated load. requirements (PWRR) for the various options. Table IV shows
an economic comparison of an idealized feeder based upon
distribution transformers gave the following values for trans- 28G2 as if it were newly constructed in 1991 at 12.5 kV
former base prices: (option I) and at 34.5 kV (option 11). Both cases assume no
load growth on the feeder and use appropriate loss values from
20 kVA transformer at 12.47 kV = $24.5/kVA
Table 11. Energy losses were calculated with a loss factor of
20 kVA transformer at 34.50 kV = $292/kVA.
0.65 for the feederltransformer winding losses and with a loss
The effect of load growth was simulated by increasing in- factor of 1 .O for the transformer core losses. The capital costs
stalled transformer capacity at the load buses in proportion to were based upon local figures.
the load growth and thereby keeping the transformer capacity Comparison of the two options in Table IV show that the
factors for each phase at a constant value. present worth of revenue required for the capital costs of the
two voltage levels are almost identical. This is not surprising
given that the 12.5-kV option has higher substation costs but
The voltage profile and losses in the feeder for the four op- lower line and distribution transformer costs when compared
tions were evaluated at various feeder loading levels. The loss to 34.5 kV. The 34.5-kV PWRR of losses are 44%of the 12.5-
results are summarized in Tables I1 and 111. Table I1 shows kV losses. This comparison is somewhat biased in favor of
results for hypothetical new construction of feeder 2 8 6 2 with 12.5 kV because the higher voltage has the capability to serve
zero load growth. Table I11 shows results for the various up- a much greater load area than the 12.5-kV option. However,
rating options for the high load growth scenario. All cases based upon the 2 8 6 2 feeder conditions covered by Table IV,
met the i 6-V (on a 120-V base) voltage criterion without the 34.5-kV option has only a 5% PWRR cost advantage over
any shunt capacitor additions. the 12.5-kV option.
Table I1 shows loss results for options I and 11. Feeder losses Table V shows the results of the economic analysis for up-
in each case were totaled into transformer (winding and core) rating the existing feeder to options 11, 111, and IV, for the
and line (main and lateral) components. As expected, line high load growth scenario. Table V shows that option I11 has
losses at 34.5 kV are less than at 12.5 kV by approximately the lowest cost of all options and option I1 had the highest.
the square of the voltage ratio ({12.5/34.5}2 = 0.13). All The advantages of loss reduction at 34.5 kV for options I1
cases show that the majority of feeder line losses occur on the and IV were far outweighed by their higher direct costs of
main and also that transformer losses are significant. Inclu- uprating when compared to the sunk costs of option 111.
sion of the transformer losses in the simulation changes the It is interesting to compare the PWRR of losses of options
ratio of the total losses in the two cases from 0.12 to 0.39, I1 and 111. Option I1 losses (with the original 28G2 feeder
thereby reducing the advantage of the higher voltage level. being fed at 34.5 kV) are 68.4% of option I11 losses (with
The loss ratio will be even closer to unity at lower loading the original 28G2 feeder split and both halves fed at 12.5 kV)
levels because core losses are independent of load level and for the high load growth scenario and 71% for the medium
will dominate at light load. growth scenario. A comparison of feeder losses on feeders
Table I11 shows the loss results for the high load growth that are identical except for voltage level would result in 34.5-
scenario for upgrading options 11, 111, and IV for the years kV feeder losses being approximately 13% of 12.5-kV feeder



Option Feeder Losses (kW)

Voltage Load Transformer Line Total
Option (kV) (MW) Winding Core Main Lateral
Stage 1: 1994 Loading
I1 34.5 7.47 41.66 78.51 52.54 2.15 174.86
111-WEST 12.5 3.03 16.77 33.93 40.43 37.39 128.52
111-EAST 12.5 4.53
__ 41.34
__ 17.23
__ 41.14

Ill Totals 7.56 47.22 75.27 57.66 78.53 258.68

IV-WEST 12.5 3.03 16.77 33.93 40.43 37.39 128.52
IV-EAST 34.5 4.47 29.93 40.15 0.69 0.94 71.71
__ ~ ~ ~


IV Totals 7.50 74.08 41.12 38.33 200.23

Stage 2: 2000 Loading
I1 34.5 8.92 49.13 93.45 76.53 3.72 222.83
111-WEST 12.5 3.62 19.61 41.17 54.97 53.08 168.83
Ill-EAST 12.5 5.42 35.34 50.58 24.85 59.27 170.04
~ __ __ ~ ~

Ill Totals 9.04 54.95 91.75 79.82 112.35 338.87

IV-WEST 12.5 3.62 19.61 41.17 54.97 53.08 168.83
IV-EAST 34.5 5.33 34.61 49.30 1.01 1.33 86.25
__ __


IV Totals 8.95 54.22 90.47 ' 55.98 54.41 255.08

Stage 3: 2006 Loading
I1 34.5 10.12 55.65 106.87 100.01 3.98 266.51
111-WEST 12.5 4.23 23.84 45.44 81.00 74.14 224.42
111-EAST 12.5 ~
6.05 38.73
__ 57.40
__ 31.19
__ 79.77
__ 207.09
I11 Totals 10.28 62.57 102.84 112.19 153.91 431.51
IV-WEST 12.5 4.23 23.84 45.44 81.00 74.14 224.42
IV-EAST 34.5 ~
5.95 37.74
__ 56.16
__ 1.28 ~
1.67 ~

IV Totals 10.18 61.58 101.60 82.28 75.81 321.27

1991 Present Worth of Revenue Requirements
(New Construction Options-Zero Load Growth)
Option PWRR
Voltage Capital Losses Total
Option (kV) (k$) (k$) (k$)
I 12.5 6153.61a 727.44 6881.06
I1 34.5 6197.61b 320.20 6517.81
"New 34.5/12.5-kV 7.5110.5 MVA substation and new 28G2 12.5-kV
bNew 34.5-kV switching station and new 2802 34.5-kV feeder.


Option PWRR
Voltage Capital Losses Total
Option (kV) (k$) (W (k$)
I1 34.5 7624.43" 635.48 8259.90
I11 12.5/12.5 1292.52 929.16 2221.68
IV 12.5134.5 2416.06' 723.89 3139.95
aUprate 28G2 to 34.5 kV.
'Extend 34.5-kV subtransmission plus new 34.5/ 12.5-kV 7.5 / 10.5-MVA substation.
'Uprate 2862 Eastern section to 34.5 kV. Extend 34.5 kV subtransmission plus new 34.5-kV
switching station.

losses. The theoretical analysis suggested that this apparent Similar economic results were obtained for the medium load
advantage for the higher voltage would be offset by the effect growth scenario. Therefore, it is clear that option I11 is the
of sectionalizing the lower voltage line and by distribution preferred economic choice.
transformer core losses; this is confirmed by the foregoing
It is believed that reasonable variations in the capital costs, Much of the GMP system, including the area under dis-
cost of losses and economic factors used in the foregoing cal- cussion, is remote from major generation and, as a result,
culations would not affect the economic ranking of the options distribution faults can cause voltage dips of significant magni-
because of the wide differences in the resulting total costs. tude on the transmission system. Concern about transmission


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Fig 5. Flicker curves

system voltage dips is heightened because industrial customers closely controlled industrial process equipment and comput-
are connected to the local 115-kV transmission and 34.5-kV ers. Even a single dip of quite brief duration can cause unac-
subtransmission systems with loads that are particularly sen- ceptable disruptions of customer operations. Fig. 6 shows a
sitive to voltage. While it must be accepted that transmission representative voltage tolerance envelope developed as a de-
line faults will disrupt all feeders in the area, it is most impor- sign goal for electronic equipment [7]. It shows that voltage
tant that distribution feeder faults, which are more frequent, dips of up to 13% can be tolerated for periods of 120 cycles or
should not disturb the transmission system beyond the toler- less. The tolerance associated with feeder fault clearing times
ance of connected load. of 15-45 cycles are voltage dips of approximately 20-15%,
respectively. This is a general guide and specific items of
Voltage Tolerance Characteristics equipment may be more sensitive.
Feeder reclosers characteristically will have one to two fast
openlclose operations and one to two slow opedclose oper- Voltage Dip
ations to clear transient faults (lightning, tree contact) or to Given the remoteness of the GMP system from major volt-
allow fuses to blow and/or downline sectionalizers to open to age supporting generation, it was necessary to model a wide
clear permanent faults. If the fault is not cleared in the dead area of the interconnected transmission system to calculate
time between reclosures then each reclosure will reapply the voltage dips accurately at key 115-kV transmission buses for
fault to the system and the system will experience a voltage distribution feeder faults. Short-circuit calculations were made
dip for the period between reclosing and opening. The dead with a transmission system model covering the main transmis-
time could be 15-45 s, giving a repetition frequency of 4-1.33 sion of New England and New York and with a detailed repre-
times per minute. sentation of the 115-kV transmission and 69,46, and 34.5 kV
Voltage dip caused by feeder faults is not flicker in the subtransmission systems in Vermont. The 28G2 feeder main
historical sense where long term repetitive voltage fluctua- line was represented at 12.5 and 34.5 kV to allow considera-
tions caused by arc welding, for example, cause annoyance tion of feeder faults at 1 and 7 mi from the source at Charlotte.
because of perceptible changes in the light output of incandes- Table VI shows the voltage dips produced at the Essex 115-
cent lamps [5], [6]. Fig. 5 [5] shows a “border line of irrita- kV bus by faults on the 28G2 feeder at both voltage levels.
tion’’ flicker curve as a function of percent voltage fluctuation Table VI also shows the effect of distribution feeder faults on
and frequency of occurrence. However, without statistics on feeders connected to the 34.5-kV subtransmission at several
the frequency, number of reclosures and the time relationship other system locations as shown in Fig. 1. The Middlesex
between feeder faults, it is impossible to reach any conclu- feeder location is 26 mi from Essex but close to the Middle-
sion on the impact of feeder faults on flicker. This is because, sex 115/34.5-kV transformer interconnection and the Essex
while voltage dip can be defined from a short-circuit analysis, 19 feeder location is at the low side of the Essex 115/34.5-kV
the frequency of systemwide voltage dips caused by feeder transformer interconnection.
faults is undefined. The voltage dips on the 115-kV system are generally more
The absolute value and duration of voltage dips, indepen- severe for three-phase faults than single-phase faults because
dent of frequency of occurrence, are of critical concern to of strong zero-sequence ground paths provided by delta-wye



205% U

8 7 '10

0 010
0 001


Fig. 6. Typical design goals for power conscious computer manufacturers

Feeder Voltage Dip at Essex 115-kV Bus (%)
Feeder Voltage Fault @ 1 mi Fault @ 7 mi
Case Option Location (kV) 16 36 16 36
1 I Charlotte 12.5 0.98 1.39 0.55 0.64
2 I1 Charlotte 34.5 4.29 6.70 2.33 3.93
3 I Middlesex 12.5 0.61 0.90 0.33 0.38
4 I1 Middlesex 34.5 8.70 10.96 2.11 3.42
5 I Essex 19 12.5 1.39 1.98 0.79 0.90
6 I1 Essex 19 34.5 23.10 22.51 5.94 7.58

transformers between the 34.5- and 115-kV systems. The 115- substation costs but lower line and distribution transformer
kV voltage dips for faults on the 12.5-kV feeders are much costs at 12.5 kV. The PWRR of 34.5 kV losses are 44%
less than for corresponding faults on 34.5-kV feeders because of those at 12.5 kV. Overall, the 34.5-kV voltage level only
of their higher impedance as seen from the 115-kV system shows a 5% cost advantage over 12.5 kV for this application.
and the impedance of 34.Y12.5 kV transformers. Most of the A 5% difference in cost is probably less than the accuracy
cases indicate'that voltage dips are within the typical design of the input data and, therefore, no clear economic advantage
goals shown in Fig. 6, but case 6 suggests that 34.5-kV dis- can be demonstrated for either voltage level based upon this
tribution would be a cause of concern if single-phase or three- comparison.
phase feeder faults occur with any regularity. The frequency An economic comparison of the three options available for
of three-phase and single-phase distribution feeder faults in the uprating of feeder 2862 shows a clear advantage to option
Vermont depends upon the route of the feeder through forest, I11 (with the original 28G2 feeder split and both halves fed
field or suburban areas, upon the currency of tree trimming, at 12.5 kV). Options involving upgrades to 34.5 kV were
and upon other design factors. However, it is clear that the not justified economically in this case because their increased
use of 34.5-kV distribution in Vermont makes transmission capital costs far outweighted their advantage in loss reduction.
voltage dips a concern, while 12.5-kV distribution faults are Option 111 has further advantages of lower 115 kV system
not of concern with respect to transmission voltage dips. voltage dip and ease of back feed should one source be lost.
Voltage dip on the 115-kV system for faults on 34.5-kV
CONCLUSION feeders are significantly higher than for 12.5-kV feeder faults.
The relative economic merits of 34.5- versus 12.5-kV dis- The 115-kV system voltage dips for faults on the 34.5-kV
tribution are strongly affected by recognition of distribution feeders studied could exceed current industry voltage tolerance
transformer winding and core losses. Transformer losses for goals depending upon feeder location with respect to sensitive
the new construction options in this study were 31% of the 115-kV buses.
total feeder losses at 12.5 kV and 79% of the total at 34.5 kV. All comparisons of the two voltage levels should be an-
Ignoring the effect of transformer losses will bias the results alyzed in their specific application. Analysis of the feeder
in favor of the 34.5-kV voltage level. considered herein has shown that there is no clear economic
An economic comparison of capital costs and the cost of advantage to 34.5 kV and that there may be a disadvantage
losses for new construction based upon 2802 at 12.5 kV and at with respect to voltage dip performance. However, analysis of
34.5 kV shows that the PWRR of capital costs in the two cases longer feeders connected to a stiff transmission system could
are almost equal. This is due to the trade-off between higher reverse this conclusion.

-~~ . .
I 1


REFERENCES John M. Undrill (M’66-SM’74-F’78) received

“Panel session on 35 kV distribution update, overhead and under- the honours degree in engineering and the Ph.D.
ground,” IEEE Rep. 86TH0162-PWR. sponsored by the Transmission degree from the University of Canterbury, New
and Distribution Committee of IEEE PES. Zealand, in 1963 and 1965, respectively.
“Higher distribution voltages: Not always a panacea,” Elec. World, He joined the General Electric Company, Electric
Apr. 1988. Utility Engineering Operation in 1966 and Power
“Needed: Consistent distribution-outage data,” Elec. World, July Technologies Incorporated in 1972. He is now a
1988. Principal of Electric Power Consultants Incorpo-
D. I. H. Sun et al., “Calculation of energy losses in a distribution sys- rated which he cofounded in 1986. He has worked
tem,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-90, no. 4, JulyIAug. extensively in electric machine and power system
1980. dynamics and on load flow, short circuit and dy-
Distribution Data Book, General Electric Co., no. 7-80 (5M). namic simulation programs.
IEEE Distribution Subcommittee, Working Group on Voltage Flicker, Dr. Undrill is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New York,
“Flicker limitations of electric utilities,” ZEEE Trans. Power App. the Province of Ontario, and New Zealand. He is a member of the Power
Syst., PAS #85 WM 204-3, Sept. 1985. System Engineering Committee, of its subcommittee on Computer and An-
alytical Methods, and of its Working Group on Exchange of Power System
[71 IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power
Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications (IEEE Orange Analytical Data.
Book), ANSIDEEE Standard 446-1987.

Roger E. Clayton (M’71-SM’78) received the

B.Sc. (hons) degree in heavy current engineering Eugene L. S h a h (M’78) received the B.S. and
and the M.Sc. degree in power system engineering M.S. degrees in electric power engineering from
from the University of Aston, Birmingham, UK, in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, in 1977
1966 and 1968, respectively. and 1978, respectively.
He joined the General Electric Company in 1968 He joined the Advanced System Technology Divi-
in the Electric Utility Engineering Operation and sion of Westinghouse Electric Corporation in 1978
was engaged in studies of power system transients as a Systems Engineer. In 1980, he joined Gilbert
and transmission line design. He joined Power Tech- Associates, Inc., in Reading, PA and was assigned
nologies, Inc., in 1972 working on line design and to their management consulting group. At Gilbert,
transmission planning studies in the U.S. and South he worked on numerous projects in generation plan-
America. He is now a Principal of Electric Power Consultants Incorporated ning, computer applications, and advanced technol-
of which he cofounded in 1986. ogy assessment. He is currently the Assistant Vice President of Engineering
Mr. Clayton is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of New and Electrical Operations for Green Mountain Power Corporation located in
York. He is a member of the Lightning and Insulator Subcommittee and the South Burlington, VT, responsible for the overall operation of the power
Working Group on Estimating the Lightning Performance of Transmission generation and delivery system.
Lines. Mr. Smith is a Licensed Professional Engineer.

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