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(In Hindu Predictive Astrology)

Tizis book deals with the results of155 Conjunctions oftwo to seven
Planets with relevent propitiations methods for various Conjunctions am•

M.I.E.,M.A. (Astrology)
Superintending Enginccr.(Retd)

Vcd Mansion,

In the delineations of horoscope, one has to deal with many

problems which have already been detailed, the author's world famous
astrology, which book became a big volume, so the important aspects
of CONJUNCTIONS OF PLANETS could not be included in the
The authors's mind was in constant agitated fonn that without this
important aspect, how the correct delination of horoscope can be
made. Finally, the author has the honour to present this work to the
learned readers.
In this book, the effects of conjunction of Planets of two to seven
Planets in a house have been described in detail. Pithuyasas, son of
Varahamihira has said that effects of conjunction is just the mixture of
honey and ghcc, if combined in equal quantities will turn out as poison.
Each conjunction has been detailed for its benefic and malefic results.
In a conjunction when a planet is found retrograde or combust, it
becomes difficult to offer the correct predictions. In this book, all ef-
forts have been made to expound this point in dctaii.Carc is to be taken
for the aspects and the position of house and sign for the planet.
One important chapter 'ASPECTS AND TRANSIT OF
PLANETS' has now been added and other chapters have been revised.
Every human being desires to escape from the Evils and malefic ef-
fects of the planets and to mitigate, minimise and to ward off such ef-
fects, suitable, cheap and practical upaycs have been suggested in a
very detailed way through the articles, relations and professions of
various planets and houscs,propitations of planets have also been in-
cluded through Mantras, donations, Tantric Upayes, Gems, Colours
and Surya Namaskar (Prayer to Sun God).
A few practical examples have also been included for the practice
• ol readers.
The author is thankful to all readers in INDIA and ABROAD grant-
~~~~: mas~1vc popularity to my work necessitating the SECOND Edition.
Also the author is thankful to the press who have published a good,
rightful and constructive reviews of author's works.


110, Pr.Jtap Chambers,
Gurd vara Road, Karol Bagh,
New I>elhi-110005
PHONES OFF.5717899

DatedJan. 1989



Definition, Combustion, Orb, Valuable instructions,
Retrogression, Effects, Retrograde planets, method of
Judgement, Retrogression and Transit. Effect of Each
planet for each Ascendant.

Their effects and remedial measures for evil effects of:
Two Planets
Three Planets
Four Planets
Five Planets
Six Planets
Seven Planets
Conjunction of RAHU and KETU with other planets.



Aspects, Main Aspects defined, rules for aspects, check
list of aspects, Hindu Versus Westren Astrology and
Table of aspects.
TRANSIT of Planets in houses, and nakshatras, Transit
of Planets to Mid heaven and Ascendant. Summary of
Planets in transit.


Articles, relations and professions assigned to each
planet, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,
Saturn, Rahu and Kctu, Planets and Professions.
Articles of conjuncted planets
Articles, relations and Professions assigned to all the
twelve houses.


Definition, method and periods ofupaycs and upayes for immediate
relief, Malefic Planets and upayes, Mantras and Donations, Tantric
Upayes, Mantra in Tantric and use ofGayatri Mantra, Gems, how they
affect your wave lengths, and traits of Gems, Colours and their effects,
Vibratory Values of Colours, Colours for each Sign and Table of fast,
Prayer, Meditatiion and Surya Namaskar.


Combustion and Retrogration
There are 12 Zodiacal signs and 27 constellations divided into four
quarters (Padas) each, seven planets and two shadowy planets so in aU
there arc nine plancts.Thc Sun, Venus anc Mercury roughly move in
each sign for 30 days, Mars moves in 40 days, Moon moves in 2 114days,
Jupiter moves in 360 days, Rahu and Ketu in 540 days and Saturn in
900 days. The various divisions of the signs, the sources of strength
and weakness among the planets, the names and identifying marks of
constellations aU arc not provided in this book and may be refcrcd in
For the correct delineations of the horoscope, one should first check
the planetary strength and position, then aspects, then the good and
evil results which accurc to planets from ownership and then associa-
tion and conjunctions.
In a conjunction of planets, we observe that in addition to the abovbe
points, there are two more important factors namely CUMBUSTION
and RETROGRATION which needs to be cheked and analysed.
These two factors arc detailed here-under for the guidance of readers.

Combustion or in Hindi called Asta has a great singnificanceor im-
portance in the interpretation of horoscope. Planets become combust
when they are within certain limits of the Sun. According to Surya Sid-
hanta the following limits of combustion are indicated from the Sun
on either side in Hindu Astrology. Combustion is one of the modes
of conjunction. The limits arc-
Moon within 12 degrees of Sun.
Mars within 17 degrees of Sun.
Mercury within I4 degrees of Sun and 12 degrees when retrograde.
Jupiter within 11 degrees of Sun.
Venus within 10 degrees of Sun and 8 when retrograde.
Saturn within 15 degrees of Sun.
Rahn combusts Sun and Kctu eclipses the Moon.
Western Astrology allows an orb go .30' either side ofthe Sun for a
planet becoming combust. An inherent contradiction is evident in this
theory as, a unifonn orb for all celestial bodies of various sizes and dis-
t:mccs, can not be conceived.
In Phaldccpika Adhaya XX Solka30. it is laid down, The good in-
fluence of a planet is at its maximum, three quarter, a half quarter or
nil as the planets are in the exaltation, Swakshetra, friendly sign, inim-
ical sign or depression sign respectively. The proportions given above
are with respect to benefics or lords of the benefic houses. In the case
of malefics or lords of malefic houses, it will be reverse. When a planet
is in combustion its effects will be similar to that in depression" i.e.
debilitation or nil quantitatively.
Parasara says that planets arc capable of optimum self expression
occupying the 7th house from the Sun which however becomes nil when
conjuncting with the Snn.
Parasara has also said that when 9th lord is debilitated or combust
it makes the native resort to begging for alms. Should Saturn occupy
6th, 8th or 12th house, debilitation or combust troubles through poison,
weapon, change of place or job, canse for great fear, death of parent,
ill health of wife and children, troubles through state. loss, confinement
etc. are denoted.
Varahamihira says the planets that are debilitiated, vanquished in
car, combust by the Sun, devoid of rasmis or dwarfed become like ser-
pents immunilized by mantra or spell.
In Sarvartha Chintaman~ the author Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao has
said in stanza 152 while suggesting that "If the lord of any bhave is com-
bust with the Sun (or occupies 8th etc.) without the association or
aspect of beneficial planets, the Bhave's results become defunct.
In our classical works it is said that during the dasa of a planet in
combustion, one will be drawn into unnecessary conflicts and quarels,
wife and children are afflicted and one meets with the death of serious
So from the above discussion we find that a planet is said to lose its
power completely when it is within a certain distance from the Sun as
detailed abovbe. MERCURY BEING AN EXCEPTION. This is
called Ravi-Budha-Yoga. In addition the planet is called combust
when posited in the same degrees and minutes oflongitudc as the one
occupied by the Sun then it is said to be in "RAPT CONJUNCTION"
with the Sun and it is considered to be eclipsed and becomes utterly
It is also provided by our sagees that planets within a distance of 5
degrees from the Sun are in full combustion. if however they are I 0
degrees apart from the Sun, the combustion is partial or ordinary.
When the planet is beyond 15 degrees. there is no combustion at all.
In other classical and various texts and also in Jatak Tatva it is stated
that the dasa of a planet that is eclipsed (combust) will cause troubles
and produce untoward results. In Jatak Parijat it is laid that the planet
may not prove auspicious when they are eclipsed by Sun;s rays also a
planet is a house cannot advance it if its lord is eclipsed.
Kalidasa in Uttrakalamrita has stated that one's longevity is reduced
if a planet other than Venus or Saturn is combust.
Ptolemy has said planets when they are rising or stationary produce
intensification in the events but when setting, aud under the rays of
Sun (combust) or advancing at evening, they bring about an abatement.
Alfred J. Pearce, William Lily, C.E.O. Cartor has also agreed on
combustion and say that planets under combustion become powerless.
Venus in the heart of Sun CAZIMI gives vast honours and dignities.
Sun with Dragons Head (Rahu) is good.
According to Hindu Astrology, Rahu combuts or eclipses Sun while
Ketu eclipses the Moon.
In the foregoing verses quoted from the old treatises we find that
combust planet becomes powerless but Venus, Mercury and Saturn
are exempted from combustion. The combust planet is deprived of its
natural characteristics. Ail that it denotes or signifies as a Karka is
destroyed, wholly or partially depending on how close the planet is to
the Sun.
Each month Sun conjoins Moon and each year Sun conjoins the
other planets at sometime, at which time they cease to be seen in the
night sky .They will be seen on the Western horiwn just after Sunset
and after some days or week's absence will reappear on the Eastern
horiwn before Sunrise. The disappearance may be days before the
conjunction with the Sun and it may not reappear in the East before
Sunrise till many days after the conjunction with the Sun. The disap-
ppearance in Heliacal Setting and the reappearence the Heliacal
The close conjunction of Sun Venus gives a warm hearted, cheerful
and affectionate disposition, inclines one to art, but is sometimes bad
for marriage and makes the native resentful and combative. The Moon
does not become combust but when very near lhc Sun becomes the
New Moon when he is said to waning and weak which is actually the
same as If the Moon In this position was described as combust.
Mercury though liable to combustion astronomically seem to grow
in astrological strength when very close to Sun. In fact a special yoga,
Bndha Aditya Yoga or Ravi Budha Yoga is generated by Mercury's
proximity to the Sun. This Yoga is only fonned when Mercury though
combust is in his own or Moollrikona house. The combustion of Mer-
cury sharpens the intelligence.
The interpretation of conjunction much depend npon the sign and
house which cancells the dosha caused due to combustion if the planet
is with a planet in his own or exaltation house or in the association \vith
Kendra (angular) and trikona (trines) lords.
The general principle observd in the proper evaluations is to look
for the props for weakness and dents against strength in order to ar-
rive at a blanced picture. A planet exalted in rasi for instance and
debilitated in Navamsa, it is cut to size. Thirdly when a natural or func-
tionally benefic planet aspects an ill placed planet, the latter is absolved
of its weakness or a considerable part ofit. These are some well recog-
nised principles.
Varahamihira says on Aynrdaya that in the matter of deduction of
longevity years due to combustion of Venus and Saturn are exempted
from half reduction. Also Mercury is exempted from such deductions
due to combinbatin


Sun Mercury conjunction is common in many horoscopes as Mer-
cury remains near the Sun and as detailed above this is exempted from
the combustion. Almost all astrologiacal works agree that Sun- Mer-
cury combination is auspicious. The follmving are some of the results
ascribed by different writers:-
fluctuating wealth, polite speech famous, respected, liked by king,
a great man, wealthy and strong.
The person \viii have glaring beauty and strength but he will be fickle
The person will be famous, clever, intelligent and happy etc.
The abvove analysis does not impose any limitation as to the dis-
tance between the planets conjoining though by implication, we have
to assume that the extent and nature of the results depends much upon
the distance between the combining bodies. There are as usual dif-
ferent shades of the combustion and combination being one of the
modes of conjunction, it cannot be always treated as hannful.
So we shall now summarise the main findings of the foregoing dis-
I. Combustion of a planet in a horoscope is no doubt unfortunate
2. It is however nothing to be alarmed.
3. It is far less fearful that Saturn adversely placed or the lord of 22nd
4. There are other factors like aspects, position of planets in sign and
house, lordship wtc. which we must look for.
5. At its worst, its effects will be mixed.
6. Venus. Mercury and Saturn arc comparatively less fcarworthy
than other.
7. As all astrological afflictions, combinations, effects too is capable
of being over come by Gems, mantras,yantras and medicines etc.
such details are provided in Chapter II and IV for each combustion
or conjunction of planet.
In aspect and conjunction 'ORB' has great importance. Technical-
ly, 'ORB' is the distance in longitude within which the influence of a
planet or aspect will operate.
In ancient times it was taught that each planet had an "ORB" or
'sphere' of influence which extended beyond its own body out into
space in all directions; in fact.itrnight be termed the 'aura' of the planet;
and that the influence or 'rays' of the planets were mingled as soon as
the peripheries of thses 'ORBS' came into contact or into aspecting
distance, as the case might be. The latest researches in scientific Astrol-
ogy seem to be approaching an actual physical explanation of this state-
ment, and there can be little doubt that it is the true basis of the "ORBS"
employed by astrologers and thus will explain why 'orb' should differ
for each planet, as well as for every aspect. But we are here concerned
with the practical application of the term, which indicates how many
degrees of'approach'and 'departure' maybe allowed before and after
any aspect becomes technically complete. The following must be ac-
cepted and not taken as hard and fast rules.

For conjunction or oposition allow 12 degrees when Sun aspects

Moon, about 10 degree either luminary aspects a planet, and about 8
degrees for planets aspccting each other.
For Saqnarc and Trine about 8 degree all round may be allowed For
Scxtilc 7° for Scmisquarc and Scsiqniquadratc 4° For scmiscxtilc and
Quincunx 2° For the parallel of declination one degree.
Theses are the outside limits. In all cases the closer an aspect is, the
stronger it is, and vice versa. An aspect that is only just within orbs is
very weak. In some cases two planets that are widely apart by aspect
may be brought closer together by a third planet.
But by way of guide and in order to assist the mind, the approximate
interval, during which any conjunction or opposition between any of
the planets Saturn. Jupiter and Mars remains within 8 degrees orb
which has been given as outside limit. may be stated as follow; Saturn
and Jupiter, one year, Saturn and Mars, very variable according to the
position of earth at the time, but say one month, these periods are ap-
proximate. For other conjunctions, the Ephemeris for the year of birth
will of course, show exactly how long they remain in force
Before elucidating conjunctions of the various planets, it is quite
necessary to study the rules of the astrology of aspects and conjunc-
tion of the planets. The readers should memorise them for correct
predictions. These instructions arc very important and cannot be ig-
nored in the delineations.

1. Kendras, Trikonas, Panaparas, and planetary combinations are

generaly to be taken from the Lagna (Ascendant) unless from the con-
text yon are otherwise advised.
2. The ownership of the planets is a constant factors. It docs not
3. Aspects are nearly as powerful as the planetary conjunctions.
4. Planets in conjunction or Parallel with Saturn is considered good.
5. It there are two or three debilitiated planets in the horoscope,
the person will have many misfortunes.
6. Good and Evil planets (by ownership) give their rcuslts mostly
in their periods and sub periods or Dasas and Bhuktis,
7. When lord of a Kendra and Kona or Trine combine in a house
or mutually aspect each other, both acquire great slrenglh to do good.
8. Combinations from the Moon are as valuable as those from
Lagna and predictions may be safely ventured on such.
9. Conjunction of Evil planets, produce bad health, unless they are
aspected by benefics.
10. By the association or aspect of benefic planet with natural, the
nctural planet gains strength to do good, while the benefic retains its
original power.
11. Lords of Kana (1st, 5th and 9th houses) give good, while lords
of3rd 6th, and 11th houses produce evil results.
12. When benefics own kendras produce evil, but malelics own
kendras produce good. Good and Evil planets become more and more
powerful as they are lords of kendras (1st. 4th 7th and lOth) houses;
5th and 9th houses or 3rd. 6th and 11th houses respectively.
ln this connection we will clarify that Sun, Saturn, Mars. weak Moon
and badly associated Mercury termed as natural are malefic planets.
Jupiter, Venus, well associated Mercury and Full Moon are natural
good planets. Lord of 1st is weaker than lord of 4th, lord of 4th is less
powerful than that of 7th house, and lord of7th is weaker than lord of
lOth house. The same gradation applies to trines (1st. 5th and 9th)
and 3rd, 6th. and 11th houses also. 1n the case of evil planets, they
gradually go stronger by being owners of the later quadrants or kendras
and get the highest power when they become lord of lOth. The reverse
holds good with good planets. Benefics owing first house arc not so
bad as those owing 4th and those who own 7th are worse than those
who rule the 4th and those who own the lOth are worst of the whole
lot. Remember difference between ownership and occupancy of the
13. The lords of 2nd and 12th houses give good or bad results ac-
cordingly as they are in conjunction with lords of the other houses and
the nature of the house they occupy. These lords are not powerful by
virtue of their own merits by owing certain houses but arc considerab-
ly influenced to give good or evil results by the association or conjunc-
tion and position they occupy.
14. Lord of 8th house produces evil results for peace and happiness
as it is 12th from 9th house, a house of fortune generally but not in all
cases. For Aries, Libra and Scorpio lord of 8th is also lord of Ist. and
behaves good. In such cases we have to add that if a planet lord of 8th
house happens to be the lord of 1st or combines with a benefic, be-
comes good.
(i) .Jupiter and Venus owning kcndras become very inauspicious.
When they occupy the 2nd and 7th houses with such ownership,
they become powerful in infllcting death on the native. 2nd and
7th arc the maraka or death houses. The effects will be shown
during their periods and sub periods.

(ii) Mercury is less malefic than Jupiter and Venus and MOON
evil even when they own 8th house. The exception also has been
laid in favour of Mars and Venus when they happen to own ftrst
or birth sign as explained in rule 14 supra.

(iii) Mars does not become good when he owns on1y the 10th
house. He must own the 5th house also to become thoroughly
good, and can happen on1y for a man born in Cancer or Leo Lagna.
15. Rahu and Ketu give the same results as those given by the houses
they occupy and the planets they are in conjunction with, when they
arc powerful.
The above rule we clear from the example of Leo birth. Rahu ac-
cording to Parasara is exalted in Taurus and Kctu in Varischak or Scor-
pio. Now Rahu alone in lOth house aspected by Saturn and Ketu from
4th house and Rahu occupies Venus house. Therefore the results in-
dicated by Rahu are of Venus and Saturn. So we should carefuUy cal-
culate and balance the strength before making any predictions about
Rahu. Ketu is in the house of Mars with Saturn, so will give the results
of Mars and Saturn. But while calculating the results evil or benefic.
they must be powerful. In this case both are in exalted signs and will
confer good results during their dasas and bhuktis or periods and sub
For more details on Rahn and Ketu refer author's worldwide famous
book "Satum, a friend or foe ?" Chapter-9,
Rahu and Ketu occupying kendras or Trikonas and combining with
other planets produce yoga or success.

JuP RP\~U "" 1\ l"tS


K.£iU MEil...· SUN
'IJ£"' u.s
16. H the lord of Kendras are in conjunction with the lords of Tikonas
(Trines) without being associated \\ith the lords of other houses, they
become extremely powerful in producing Rajayoga.

But Sun and Moon have lordship of only one house, while others
are of two houses so we can say the planets in conjunction may either
own kcndras and Trikonas each in himself or may be lords of different
houses which form kendras and trikonas.
17. Hthe powerful lords of the kendras and trikonas are in conjunc-
tion. even when they ae otherwise evil, they produce good results.
18. If lords of 9th and lOth houses exchange places viz. if the lord
of9lh occupies the lOth or the lord of 10 occupies the 9th house, they
produce good results.
19. H the powerful lords of lcendrajoins with any one oft he lords
of trilcona they produce Rajayoga.
But when lord of 9th and 10111 houses are joined by the lords of 8th
and 11th houses, success in endangered.
So lhc simple combination of the lords of 9th and lOth without the
union of other planets are best for Rajayoga. But when they are con-
joined with the lords of other kendras and trikona houses they also
produce good results.
20. Planets debilitated or evil cannot do anything to the person un-
less their own periods operate. The planets may be exalted but what
could Ihey give.?

21. When friendly and unfriendly planets combine together they

produce mixed and ordinary results. lfthe planets occupy quadrants,
trines or places of exaltations in conjuntion with friendly planet. They
produe better results.
22. A natural malefic becomes benefic if he owns a quadrant and
become very powerful benefic if he owns a trine house.
23. A planet owning benefic and malefic houses at the same time
becomes neutral.
24. Also a benefic by ownership if a planet occupies a malefic house
becomes a netural.
25. Planets owning a benefic house alongwith the ownership of 6th,
8th or 12th house becomes a netural. He wiU do considerable evils
during second half of their dasa and bhukti.
The student is now in fuU grip of the main rules required for the
delineation of conjunction of the planets and are advised to apply them
calmly and with intelligence.

The next point is how to analyse the conjunction of planets when
one or more planets are retrograde in the conjunction.
As the benefic influence of a retrograde planet is weakened. The
retrogration is contrary to the regular direction of the planet and is in
that respect EVIL. When malefic planets are retrograde, the evil ef-
fects are increased.
We will now deal this point in detail. The further details than stated
below can be referred in author's famous book, "SATURN, A
FRIEND OR FOE?"Chapter 11.
Stm and Moon have always direct motion whereas Rahu and Ketu
have reverse motion. Other planets have direct and Retrograde mo-
Due to difference in the speeds of planets, there is a continuous
chancge in the Zodic, one planet overtaking and passing another, then
apparently slowing, stopping and bcgining to move backward. The ap-
parant stopping is a "Stationary position; the apparent backward move-
ment is termed "Retrogration ".
The different periods of planets in retrogration are given below for
the purpose of information and valuable use for finding out the actual
occurence of an incidence.
j j


Planet Distance No. of days ofsta- No. of days of

from Sun tionary before-after. Retrogration

Retrograde Direct

MARS 228 132 3 80

MERCURY14T020 17f020 1 24

JUPITER 245 115 5 120

VENUS 29 29 2 42
SATURN 251 109 5 140
URANUS 257 103 6 155
NEPTUNE 259 111 6 157
PLUTO 260 100 160
The favourable influence of a good aspect forwarded by a planet
during rctrogration is considerably debilitated and falls short of its ef-
ficacy in the good results which would otherwise be indicated.
But the general principles are that influence of benefic planet is
weakened when they are Retrograde. The retrogration is contrary to
the regular direction of the planet and is in that respect evil. When
malefic planets are retrograde, the evil effects are increased. Aspect
whether radical or progressed that are thrown to a retrograde planet
reduces the efficiency of the planet, what it promises falling short In
actual results. Should both the planets be retrograde, the things indi-
cated by the aspect would be deficient or disappointing. Hence
Retrogration is considered a DEBILITY.
So when a planet is retrograde, it is teated as a debilitated planet ir-
respective of its owvership, strength, position etc. and indicates its
results being a retrograde planet.
So it is quite imperative to study the effects of retrograde planets.
More details are provided in author's famous book, "SATURN, A


I. Mercury Retrograde. When in birth chart Mercury is found
retrograde, the native thinks in terms of symbols and insight, rather
than facts and figures. The mind works more easily on the sub con·
cions level. hence their insight into motivations arc often uncmmy and
revealing. Such people are amazingly profound, creative, discovering
possibilities which are more direct, obvious, practival mind overlooks.
Such people talk to themselves and hum little tunes.
As Mercury is connected with Education, literature, Intelligence
and Astrology. So the person if a writer will prcrcr stories of atmos-
phere to action, Character to conflict. If astrologer, they are often
more accurate in natal analysis than in predictive work, unless an event
or action is seen as an consequence of some inner motivation, rather
than outward circumstances. They do not always seem to hear other
people. They justify their actions with reasons they grasp after the mat-
ter is concluded.
It is always worthwile listening to people with Mercury retrograde.
What they say may not apply to matter at hand but is ultimately cor-
2. Venus Retrograde. People with retrograde Venus do not find
enjoyments in things liked by most people. Such individuals find it
hard to adjust to outward social conditions. In conditions which re-
quire tact and charm they are tmthful and blunt. The idealistic images
of love. Sex, marriage, child birth arc quite different for them. They
tend to be fastidious about things which others do not consider impor-
tant. They have generally reverse habits and thinking than the other
people. They are also inclined to unconventional love expressions, may
renouna; love for religions; and become quite ceremonious.
3. Mars Retrograde. When Mars is retrograde in one's birth chart,
the physical energy and vitality never rise to meet the challenge. It im-
plies a stubborn, unyielding physical force which docs not move until
some mystical reasons is found for its expression. It is often key to im-
portance and frlgdity, in men and women whose physical forces are
not unlocked until implementd bysomc nonrclated idea or ideal.
such persons often stop in the middle of a project to rccapitu-
lale.They often make good scientists and doctors. They also succeed
in other occupations which require handling of physical material in an
objective, non involved way. They are very good at planning and or-

ganising the physical labour of other thoughts or develop quite dif-

Also such people arc Jaw unto themselves. They nonnally do not
accept the traditional way but adopt unorthodcx methods their ap-
proach to life is different than usual established social nonns. Mars
retrograde when adversly configurated in Natal
Chart indicates persons must go under extensive and successive
Women with such retrograde Mars are signs of marital troubles,
causes the women to become frigid or to go to the other extremes and
no middle course. Such women detest any intimate relations with their
husbands but are easy with younger fellows they contact, they usualy
get themselves into troubles.
Transitting Retrograde Mars follows the general principle that the
powers of a retrograde planet progressively increases as its speed slows
down reaching at peak during stationery period. So during its retroga-
tion one should not buy anns or automobiles, buy new property or
move into new house, to undergo surgery, to start a law suit, to join a
new job, to have sex for the first time, to employ new servant or to
enter into partner ship.
Such people frequently rebel against their own desires, try to stiftle
them preferring to act, when they have to, against tremendous odds,
subconcionsly seeking an excuse for the failure they anticipate.
4. Jupiter Retrograde. People with Jupiter retrograde often find
success in the failures of others. They start at the point where others
become discouraged, and have unique ability to succeed in projects
which have been abandoned. They are people who become surprised
when they find opportunities are worked out with ease. Such people
revive the failed company and uncover hidden assets etc. or in other
words they do some remarkable jobs which cannot be done by olhers.In
order to achieve their material goal, they prefer to bargain, employ in-
direct subtle psychological warfare methods in achieving their goal.
Such people do not respond enthusiastically to obvious opportunities
for gain, but become immediately alert for profits to be derived from
such unpromising situation.
Being of subjective foresight, they seem out of step with the time.
They predict disaster where others see success and vicervcrsa. They
are specially good in situation which involve an unknown clement a
chance factor. The flexibility which is possible due to the unknown ele-
ment becomes key to success.

5. Satum Retrograde. With Saturn retrograde, there is need to be

on guard against a subconcious defeatism which undermine lhir most
noble ambitions. Because of this selfProtective fear motivation they
tend to yield too easily to external influences. They either appear shy,
uneasy, introverted, lacking in self assertion or attempt at times to
cover this insecurity with a pretext of arrogance.
They have strong sense that fate, some universal complelling force,
controls their destiny. They feel alone, isolated, sepcrated from their
fellow men and seldom understood. They are secretives. They may
be an apparent super sophistication about them, an air of total
boredom, an impression that nothing could shock them, stemming
from the fact that they really worry about being a bore and wish to con-
ceal a fact that they are indeed, shockable.
Such people do not like to be known openly in public, for they sub-
conciously fear there is no face behind the mask. They find security in
intellectuals or spirituals.
6. Uranus Retrograde. People with Uranus retrograde are most
creative, imaginable. rebellious, work always for self,individualistic. In
order to search identity and ego fulfihnent, they often reach the ,most
magnificient heights of humanitarian actions. In their worst expres-
sion they are self destructive, inclined to regard themselves as unap-
preciated, constantly in court, wishing to reform everyone but
themselves. Critics of others.
Uranus is a planet symbolising the Divine counter-part of the human
ego. Such natives are generally at odds with their generation. He is
the conscience of his fellows, which is why he so often seems to have
none of his own. Such people should bear in mind that those who
would save their lives will lose them, and those who would lose their
lives, in some higher cause than ego, will surely find them.
7. Neptune Retrograde. Such people with Neptune retrograde
need to avoid parading their virtues before the world. There is a ten-
dency to remind everyone else of their righteousness, arousing resent-
ment instead of admiration they seek. They should be selfish.
Spiritual inconsistancy is denoted in such people. Being psychic
themselves, they may decry the reality of extrasensory skeptical of their
own beliefs but suspect concealment of truth when others appear cyni-
cal. Pride is apparently missing. They will conceal their ideas to such
an extent that they will become so complicated that they do not under-
stand their meaning themselves. They seek seclusion, escape from
material coils. They become very subtle. In their highest form of ex-

pression they are able to revitalise old beliefs, and launch counter
reform:1tlons of simplicity when religion becomes more ritualism or
8. Pluto Retrograde. Pluto retrograde is found in birth charts of
those,who subconsciously rebel against the force of group pressures
and becomes the cause of collapse of established social moves. They
becomes violently intolerant of intolerance. They form cliques to
eradicate cliques. Such people are extremely conscious of social caste.
The resistance to group pressures is their greatest single motivation.
Such people have the seeds of anarchy or sainthood with them. A spe-
cial trait for such people is the desire to the change of the course of
personal inevitability and create an entirely new order for self. Their
actions involving group excitement should be carefully and objective-
ly analysed.
Note lf a Retrograde planet is aspected by .Jupiter, the results are
amazingly good.

The best method to judge the influence of a retrograde planet is a
measure of time, "One day for one year of life".
When a planet apparently changes its motion from Retrograde to
direct or viceversa, by secondary progression, conversly direct allow-
ing an orb of influence of one year on either side or when a planet or
the lights crosses the equator or the ecliptic by the same method of
progression within the life time of a person or of an undertaking, some
particular phase of that person's life, or that of the project under con-
sideration is affected. Research seems to indicate that these periods
usually coincide with the time of the termination of the issue or of the
life itself or with the conclusion of some condition appertaining to it
and the begining of some other which alters its prevailing status.
lt will be noted in appl}1ng this theory, that frequently, these indica-
tions appear in the ephemcri in one progressed year before or after
that of the actual occurance of the event, but this Is no doubt due to
the factor of time which enters into the matter. Therefore, make an
allowance for this "orb oflnnuence." So summing up the whole discus-
sion we come to the conslusion that "-
"A retrograde planet allows time to view the circumstances imper-
sonally and to decide what to do about it unaffected by our emotions.
There are times to use cautions, make an important moves untill the
planet is in direct motion."

When It is in direct motion again, yon can enjoy the fruits

Plan the things when a planet turns retrograde and generally the
plans \\ill be completed when it turns direct and generally between
these dates, it is a period of marking time.


Based on the abobve rules and Astrological cannons we find that

when a natural benefic planet transists a favourable House
(1,2,4,5,7,9,10}, if retrograde nil! give more good resulls.
But when a benefic retrograde planet transits malefic house
(3,6,8,11,I2), the evil results will be reduced to the minmum.
Also when a malefic retrograde planet transit~ a favourable house
\\ill neutralise the good effects of that house.
But when it transits a malefic house, of course a retrograde planet,
the malefic effect of that house will become more evils.
On the other hand, when the planet is direct, he will then be able to
show his pressures to the people by speaking and agonising over them,
the individual with the retrograde birth planet often goes through the
same agonies without being able to communicate, in any sensible way,
what is happening to him.
A retrograde planet represent a psychic process turned in ward and
not manageable, except with enormous efforts by the conscious ego.
A direct planet represents a psychic process, or part of the personality
that is manageable by the ego consciousness.
So, far making analysis of a conjunction of planets the most difficult
positions are COMBUSTION and RETROGRATION when these
are found in conjnncting planets. With the above guide lines reader
can now easily find the effects of such conditions which will help them
in the correct analysis.


In the foregoing "Valuable Instrnction" we have repeatedly men-
tioned benefic or malefic planet. It may baffle the readers, that which
planets are benefic or malefic for particular ascendant? For the
guidance of readers the same are detailed below:
Likewise planets, there arc certain benefic and malefic Houses viz.;
1,2,4,5,7,9,10 are the benefic and 3,6,8,11, and 12 are the malefic

houses. The Planets Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are benefic
Planets whereas Sun, Mars and Saturn are malefic ones.
The effects of the planets can be divided broadly into Four parts:
1. The Planets which always produce Good or benefic resulls.
2. The Planets which produce always malefic results.
3. 1n this part,the planets always remain Neutral.
4. The Planets which give malefic and benefic results.
The above four parts are detailed for the guidance of readers:
1. The most benefic houses are Trines or Trikona 1st, 5th and 9th
houses. The lords of these houses give always benefic results, irrespec-
tive of the fact the planets may be malefic even like Mars, Saturn etc.
In addition to the result conferred by them in the Hooscope as general,
they also behave like that in their Dasa and Antar Dasa (Major period
and sub period).
2. The malefic houses are 3rd, 6th, 8th lllh, Lords of these houses
always denote malefic results whether they are benefic or if they are
malefic, the evil results predominate for the effects as signified by
house sign and planet. Such planet affects health and other matters
but not the income.
3. Kendra houses 1st 4,7, lOth fall in this part. If the lords of these
houses are benefic planets they denote malefic results and if are
Malefic,then they confer the results either benefic or malefic. In the
former case of benefic planet, it is not obligatory that they always work
as malefic, they too can show benefic results depending on Aspect, Ex-
altation, own rasi or sign position etc.
4. The planets in the fourth part are those which are lords of 2nd
and 12th houses. These planets are such which will give both malefic
and benefic results. The planet will give the results of these houses
where the other rasi or sign of their lord is posited. But Sun and Moon,
when lords of 2nd or 12th houses will give the results where they are
In case of Dasa of 12th house, lord and bhukti of a Yog Karka will
give the effects of Raj Yoga.
Now in veiw of the above rules, we analyse the position of all planets
for every Ascendant showing their benefic and malefic nature is as per
lordship of various houses.


Lagna Planet Lord of Results

1. Aries Sun 5th Benefic when strong for all matters for 5th
house viz, boldness, success in exams.
Govt. gain, personal gain, respect, Good
children etc.
Moon 4th If strong by position, Pakash bala, strength
and well aspcctcd, will give good results
for 4th house and for matters for which she
is Karka. Ifbadly placed. evil results.

Mars Ist & First is more strong than Sth house so

6th results of the Lagan will predominate.
Yog Karka Planet, over all Mars in this
case will be good and on the average.

Mercury 3rd, & Bad. The stronger planet the malefic one.
6th The weakest, more ill health, loss of con-
veyance and will reduce the numbers of
brothers but good for finances.

Jupiter 9th & If strong will give Govt. favour, religious,

12th good thoughts, success and gain for 9th
house matters. If weak, then results are
Venus 2nd, & If strong then will become malefic being
7th lord kendra. If it is well aspected, will be-
come more evil. If aspects are evil, will
give good results.

Saturn lOth, & It will act as malefic. But if strong, evil will
11th be increased but gainful for wealth and

2. Taurus Sun 4th A malefic in Kendra is good, provided it is

aspected by benefic planets, and strong,
will give good results for house property,
conveyance, If weak and malefic aspects
arc there on Sun, Evil results viz; ill health,

worried. enemies, loss of property, con-

veyancc and from Govt. and officer.
Moon 3rd It is malefic but if it is weak, has malefic
aspect, located in bad house then it will be
subjected to VipreetRaj Yoga and will be-
stow immense wealth but if strong then
average results.
Mars 7tb& It will give the results of 7th house. Being
12th a malefic but lord of kcndra it will give
good results provided it has benefic
aspects. If aspects are malefic then will act
evil for 7th house matters i.e. wife, busi-
ness, Govt.
Mer- 2nd,& It will be too much benefic provided strong
cury 5th and well aspected. If weak and badly
aspected then failure and break in educa-
tion, worried on account of children, un-
success ful in prospects of 5th house
matters etc.
Jupiter 8th.& Bad effects, but being lord of llth if strong
Ilth it will give benefits. If weak will denote
evil results for lith house matters, loss of
income, loss to elder brother and children,
disease etc.
Venus I st.& It will be malefic. When mooltrikona rasi
6th of Venus is in 6th house, it becomes
malefic. But when Venus in 6th house is
weak it will give gain of money.

Saturn 9th,& Rajyogkarka (Lord ofTrine and Kendra)

lOth will give immense wealth. If weak, then
benefic results are small.
3. Gemini Sun 3rd. Sun is not much benefic here and will not
yield much good results.
Moon 2nd If strong gives much wealth, high and good
position but if weak then loss of wealth
and ill-health.

Mars 6th & Both houses arc malefic. But Mars as I Ith
11th lord is good, so will give both bad and good

Mercury Ist, & Being benefic and lord of Kendra it should

4th be malefic but since is lagna adhipati, it
will give good and bad results if strong. If
weak then evil results are predicted.

Jupiter 7th, & It is benefic and kendra Lord, so malefic

lOth and when weak and posited in 6th, 8th,
12th house will give maximum evil, ill
health. If strong then Govt. favout is ex-

Venus 5lh & It will give effects of the 5th house, educ-
12th tion, food, children, good luck etc. if
strong. It will give evil results if posited

Saturn 8th, & The 8th house is Malefic but 9th is Trikona
9th. house. But Aquarius as 9th house is
Mooltrikona rasi for Saturn, it will give
good result in the end of dasa, otherwise
it is bad. But if it is strong and beneficial
aspects are there there it will be very

4. Cancer Sun 2nd If Sun is strong then it gives hibht rank in

Govt. good eyesight and wealth. If weak,
then worrrics from wife, loss of wealth.
displeasure ofGovt. Eye-disease l'tl'.

Moon 1st If not combust and strong and well

aspected it is highly benefic If weak then
ill health, chest pain, defective blood, dis-
repute etc.

Mars 5th, & Kendra and Kana Lord, Highly beneficial.

lOth If Mars is in lagan it is not dcbilitiatcJ be-
cause it is4thfroml0th over rasi. If strong
will denote excellent results otherwise evil.

Mercury 3th, & Being lord of 12th and 3rd will give results
12th of 3rd house but for Karka purpose it is
Malefic. But if posited in 5th house con-
joined, as peeled by malefic and under the
Influence of some benefic planet then
gives a native lakhs of rupees.

Jupiter 6th, & Its mooltrikona rasi is Sagittarius 9th sign.

9th JupIter here will give good results over all.
The more strong it is, the more good
results of wealth, profession, religion will
be given. lf weak, will give loss of wealth,
dispeasure from Govt. and officers. Non-
religious etc.
Venus 4th, & Venus being lord of Kendra docs not act
11th as benefic and being Lord of 11th (a
malefic house) becomes malefic for mat-
ters pertaining to these houses, ill health
etc, but not of wealth (11th house). lf
weak then loss of wealth also. In Saturn
mahadasa and Venus Antardasa, Venus
gives monetary troubles, worries and ill
health etc.

Saturn 7th, & Being Malefic and Lord of kendra it is

8th good but being a lord of 8th it is malefic
so overall Malefic. lf it is strong then in
its own dasa and bhukti it wiU bestow Loss
of wealth but if weak it gives gains of
wealth, but gives ill health to the native and
\\ife and affects longevity.

5. Leo Sun 1st Being Lagncsh and Lord of trikona it is

highly benefic. If sttrong in nativity then
in its dasa and bhukti bestows immense
wealth, favour from Govt. good health
and respect. lf weak, reverse results are
felt by the native.

Moon 12th lf strong in Pakash bala and not combust,

well aspected, it give wealth, respect, good
health etc lf week then eye trouble,
poverty, disrepute etc.

Mars 4th, & Raj Y og Karka (lord of Kendra and

9th Trikona). In own dasa and bhukti gives
immense wealth, respect, high position,
comforts, all good things if strong. But if
weak then reverse arc the results.

Mer- 2nd, If strong good health, wealth etc. If weak,

cury &lith loss of wealth, seperation from family,
broken education etc. loss to mother's
elder sister etc .

.Jupiter Slh, & The Moot Trikona rasi of .Jupiter is Sagi I -

8th larius and 5th house is trikona, so it is
benefic in own dasa and bhukti. When
strong it gives children. victory over
enemies, wealth and happiness. lfweak,
then loss of children, unlucky, death or loss
of father clc.•

Venus 3rd, & Being Kendra and of 3rd house lord it is

lOth malefic. So if Venus is conjoined with or
aspected by malefics and weak, bestows
good results. But when strong it is
malefics for wife's health, friends, younger
sister, Govt. service etc.

Satum 6th. 7th A malefic lord ofkendra becomes benefic

but as lord of 61h it is malefic so it is
Malefic. In dasa and bhukti, it gives loss
ofwealth, ill health etc. etc.

6. Virgo Sun 12th Being 12th lord if it is strong, well

aspected, it bestows good results like
wealth, Govt; favour health etc. but if weak
then in his dasa and bhukti, will give eye
troubles, loss in service and wealth etc.

Moon 11th If strong very good results. III health if

weak and evil.

Mars 3rd, & Malefic, if strong will give long life but
8th weak Mars gives trouble and short life..
Mars in lOth is not strong but if is in 3rd
bhave from own rasi Mesha which is

malefic and 8th from Varischank rasi then

in end of dasa, shortens life span but not
bad for wealth provided it is not beneficial-
ly aspected.

Mer lst, & It is benefic planet but Lord of Kendras

cury lOth not good but being Lagnesh and Lord of
trikona if strong in birth chart will give
good results at the end of dasa and bhuk-
ti, Being Lagnesh it is not affected by dasa
of being Kendra adhipati.

Jupiter 4th, & Malefic. If strong m Kendra it gives

7th wealth, high position, religious mind. But
if weak and posited in 2,6,8,12th house it
is malefic and gives very bad health, loss
in service and from Govt. etc.

Venus 2nd, & Benefic. If strong gives wealth. Lucky,

9th Progress, Pleasure, Power, etc but if
weak reverse results.

Saturn 5th & Fifth house is good but 6th is equally bad.
6th But 5th rasi Capricorn is his mooltrikona
rasi, so good and averege but over all it is
termed Malefic.

7. Libra Sun 11th 11th house Lord is Malefic. lll health but
good wealth. If strong in dasa bhukti be-
stows wealth, income, respect etc.

Moon lOth It is malefic Benefic planet Lord of

Kendra. If strong good results, oftherwise

Mars 2nd, & Being lord of 2nd house is Malefic, lord of

7th Kendra is good. So when strong it gives
good results. Being lord of two Maraka
houses it becomes weak, ifin 2,6,8, or 12th,
house gives ill health, in dasa bhukti but
only when other mahadasa lord and antar-
dasa lord also denote ill health.

Mercury 9th& Benefic. If strong will give good luck,

12th wealth, Govt. favour, religious faith etc. If
weak reverse results.

Jupiter 3rd, & Malefic, since both houses are malefic.


Venus 1st,& Being Lagnesh it is benefic and also its

8th mooltrikona rasi is Libra. Benefic.

Saturn 4th, & Rajyog Karka. If it is weak in birth chart

5th then even it gives somewhat good results.
It is very beneficial.

8 Scorpio Sun 10th Bencfic,being lord of Kcndar, strong,

when well aspected give immense wealth,
power, authority, respect, reputation etc.
But if weak reverse the results are Indi-

Moon 9th. Benefic. Ifit is a bit strong even then gives

good results, weak Moon shortens the life
as 9th is the badhaksthana for Scorpio as-

Mars 1st, & Malefic lord of Lagan and trikona lord will
6th give benefic at the end of dasa. It can be
&'lid as neutral.

Jupiter 2nd, & Being lord of trikona highly benefic. If

5th strong good education and good 5th house
results, if weak adverse.

Mer- 8th,& Malefic regarding ill health. If strong

cury 11th gives good results.

Venus 7th, & Malefic. Both houses are of sex. So per

12th son is sexy when good results are to be ex-
pected then it is obligatory that Venus be
ill aspected.

Saturn 3rd, & Kendra lord benefic but 3rd house

4th malefic, so Malefic. In dasa and bhukti it
gives evil results. When it is weak and ill
aspected then it gives good results.

9. Sagi Sun 9th Malefic planet but trikona lord is good. If

tarius strong will bless the native with Power,
Position, wealth, religious mind,
vegetarian, lucky, favour from Govt. etc
If found weak, gives evil results.
Moon 8th As per standard dictum 8th Lord is always
malefic. But Sun and Moon are exception
to it. If Moon is strong, it will give good
results otherwise bad.

Mars 5th,& It is benefic if strong, otherwise loss

12th through children etc.
Mer 7th, Benefic, but being a kendra lord is
cury lOth Malefic. If posited in 2nd and 6th, becomes
weak. If strong confer favours from Govt.
Good and chaste wife, good family life,
position, wealth etc.

Jupiter 1st, & Benefic, being Lagnesh when strong gives

4th authority, good health, comforts, wealth,
repute liked by all, conveyance, property
etc. lf it is malefic, one gose abroad and
other results are malefic
Venus 6th, & Both arc malefic houses. So malefic and
11th will give disease, injury etc. If strong gives
good results.

Saturn 2nd, & Being lord of 2nd gives good results but
3rd lord of 3rd malefic, Saturn weak in this
case is ve1y benefic and makes the person

10 Capri Sun 8th Malefic Stb lord and with exception of Sun
corn and Moon it is benefic. It will always gives
good results. But if it is very weak then
only shortens life, gives loss of wealth etc.

Moon 7th Malefic if weak then gives good results.

Mars 4th, & Being a Kendra lord, Mars is benefic but

11th lord of 11th house a malefic. So will give
mixed results. When malefic, gives ill

health. In case it is strong, it gives increase

in income.

Mercury 6th, & Virgo 9th rasi is its mooltrikona rasi, 9th
9th house is more benefic than 6th, so it will
give benefic results, if found weak, loss
through enemies, loss to father and other
evils will be fell.

Jupiter 3rd,& Malefic. in own dasa, bhukti will give loss

12th of wealth and other evil results of these

Venus 5th, & One house is trikona other is Kendra, so

lOth it becomes Yog Karka, if it is even slight-
ly strong it gives good results towards
these houses, wealth, lucky, education,
power, position, favour from Govt. etc.

Saturn 1st, & Being Lagnesh highly benefic for the

2nd house he has lordship. He will be benefi-
cial for all matters relating to I st and 2nd
houses i.e. health, ambitions, wealth etc.

11. Sun 7th Here Sun is debilitated but being a Kendra

Aquarius lord it is benefic. 1f well aspected will yield
good results.

Moon 6th Malefic. Check strength of the Moon also.

Mars 3rd, & Being Kendra lord it is benefic. As lord of

lOth 3rd house it becomes malefic and will give
good and bad results. If Mars is weak and
ill aspected, it gives good wealth.
Mercury 5th, & 8th house is more malefic than 5th house.
8th lt will be malefic. But Prashcr has
regarded it semi benefic being lord of
trikona. When it is weak, it is good for
wealth but gives a dreaded disease.
Jupiter 2nd, & lt is malefic for health but good for in-
11th come. If strong. will bless the native with
good wealth and where it will aspect it will
give benefic results.

Venus 4th, & lt has become Yog Karka and will give
9th conveyance, wealth, respect, education,
position, comforts etc. If it is too weak it
gives adverse results.
Saturn 1st, & Benetic, mooltrikona rasi, Saturn is
12th Aquarius, so it will give benefic results
with regards to Lagna and 12th houses.
12. Pisces Sun 61h Being 6th lord it is malefic but in case of
wealth and income it is benefic unless it is
not we:Jk and ill aspected.
Moon 2nd, & Being trikona lord it will bestow the native
9th wealth, and religious mind, Govt. favour
etc. If weak then evil effects will be
realised viz; loss throLgh Govt. unlucky
through family and loss of money through

Mer- 4th,& Malefic, a benefic planet lord of Kendras.

cury 71h It gives troubles to the native for both
house results. 7th house is maraka house
so in 6th, 7th, 8th or 12th house it is malefic
for family and conveyance otherwise gives
good results.
Jupiter 1st. & Being a lagnesh, it is highly benefic. If
lOth strong then confers repute, wealth, Power,
authority, health, comforts etc. If found
very weak then only gives evil results, like
displeasure of officers, Loss fium Govt.
and of health and wealth.

Venus 3rd, & Malefic, when weak it gives good results

8th as wealth, but shortens the span of life, be-
cause 3rd and 8th both are houses of Lon-
Saturn 11th. & Malefic. 1t is malefic for hehh but not for
12th wealth. In own dasa and bhukti when
Saturn is strong gives good income and
Conjunctions of planets
Technically conjunction means when two or more planets are
posited in the same degree of longitude, the term is so defined in
Western astrology. Conjunction is not an aspect but is position.
According to Hindu Astrology. Conjunction occurs when two
planets are in the same sign, irrespective of the distance between the
two planets. The orb of aspects whether they arc applying or seperat-
ing are alien to Hindu astrology. When one planet is within its orb of
the body of another planet, or with the cusp of a house, it is said then
to be in conjunction with that planet or cusp, the orb in the case of con-
junction is 6 degrees. The effect of such position is good or bad ac-
cording to the nature of the planets.
According to Hindu Astrology, we a pend below briefly the general
effects of each planet while eonjuneting other planets in birth chart or
in transit. Care is to be taken of the Aspects of the Planets on the eon-
junction of the house where the conjunction takes place. Also the sign
where conjunction is posited and planet's avasthas viz; own house,
debilitated, exaltation or Mootrikona etc. are also most important
points for delineation.

Sun has good conjunction with Jupiter, adverse conjunction with
Mars, Saturn and Uranus. Conjunction with Neptune or Pinto is of
doubtful nature.

The exact conjunction of Sun and Moon is good except when sub-
jected to malefic aspect, it tends to weaken the health, especially in
female nativity.
Moon fornJS good conjunction with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter,
the adverse conjunction is with Mars. Satum and Uranus and donbfnl
\\ith Sun, Neptune or Pinto.

The conjunction of any planet with Mars is not considered good.
But conjunctions of Jupiter, Sa tum, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is con-
sidered adverse.

The conjunction of Mercury with Venus, Sun and Jupiter is con-
sidered good, whereas with Mars, Satum and Uranus it is adverse,
doubtful with Neptune and Pluto.

The conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune is considered good.
But conjunction of Saturn, Pluto and Uranus is adverse.


The conjunction of Sun, Jupiter, Neptune with Venus is considered

good, but with Mars, Saturn and Uranus is adverse and with pluto as

The conjunction of any planet with Saturn is not considered good

but that of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is considered adverse.
The conjunction of any planet with Uranus is not considered good.
But of Neptune and Pluto is adverse.
The conjunction of Neptune and Pluto with Venus, Jupiter and
Uranus is considered good. But it is considered adverse "1th Saturn
and Uranus. The doubtful conjunctions are with 1\'loon, Mercury,
Venus, Sun,Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

Rahu vat Sani, Kuj vat Ketu. Rahu gives the effects of Saturn and
Ketu that of Mars. So their conjunctions be considered like wise as
detailed above.
Prithryasas son ofVarahamihira in Hora Sara has laid down that
conjunction of two or more Planets does harm to the Bhave occupied.
It also produces the effect of the conjunction just as the mixture of
honey and ghce if combine in equal qualities, tum out as poison. So
they should be analysed intelligently.

The interpretations listed below arc only intended to be general in-

dications, for much depends upon the sign and house where the con-
junction takes places as to its fiction upon the chnracter or destiny. In
the following, the meaning of the conjunction has not been given so
fully nor so explicitly as one could wish, but where so mnny have to be
dealt with it is obvious that grent detnil would be out of place. nnd thnt
hints only have been given.
In these details we hawe blended at places the results with ASTRO
PALMISTRY which is found rarely in other works. Such details have
been provided where found quite neccessary.
l. Sun Moon. This is a pivotal conjunction, when happens in a horo-
scope, it should be analysed fully with care and detail as it is the key to
the reading of the whole horoscope. The conjunction or pnrrallel with
Jupiter is good, but with Mars, Herschal and Sntum is adverse and with
Neptune of Pluto is doubtful.
Very favourable position. Brings success, position clarity, nttaint-
ment of desires and wishes is ass used it also makes one since and af-
fectionate. It occours on Poomima's dny.
SUN, MOON ASPECT: Brings obstructions and delays
When Sun and Moon arc in conjunction, the individual and personal
sides of the native fonns a hannonious blend and the result is decided-
ly good. It is also good if both are in signs governed by the same planets,
or if the lord of the sign containing one is exalted in that containing
the other e.g. in Aries or in Cancer. The g~ncral strength of charac-
ter is increased, there is some amount of self reliance personal inde-
pendence and stability. It promotes usefulness in the home and world,
increases the activity and the will. It is good for all social, benevolent,
and utilitrarian movements, broadens the sympathies, gives
humanitarian impulses and conduces to popularity and general suc-
cess. There is likelihood of off spring and of good fortune through
them in respect of health, disposition and circumstances. It is good for
parents and children and favour love, friendship and marriage. Gain
of money through variety of sources, through parents, children and
chiefly through occupation denoted by the ruler of the sign where con-
junction is and hiis will be very important and fortunate in the charac-
ter and fortunes, unless badly aspected.

Such a conjunction denotes that one is fond of opposite sex, subor-

dination to woman, of rash temprament, unprincipled, hypocritical,
rich and gain from the business of stone or skilled work, successful in
hopes and schemses. One is inclined towards yantras and tantric vidya.
Renders the native very vital, but some what one sided with tendency
to feel ill used. One nill be skilled in machinery and stone-work.
The signs in which this conjunction takes places is very prominent
in the character and to the house in which this conjunction occurs,
every thing in life will depend upon the nature of that special house.
In 1st house, the native will think chiefly about personal success, if in
2nd house, capital and rank takes the first place in life, proYided yon
do not confront ladies, in 10th, his attention will be mainly on the
honour and respect to he gained in the world, in 7th house glory of
partner must illuminate the native's own personality, in 11th one will
have influential friends etc. If conjunction takes place in 9th house the
person will be wealthy, if they occupy 12th house, he \viii become out-
cast and blind In 3rd house, good lnck but selfish for others, in 4th
house wealthy, religious and charitable. In 5th house, comfortable life
particularly from the date of pregnancy of child. In 6th house long life
if not affiicted. In 8th house, large family and good rank in life.

When Sun Moon are well aspected by Jupiter or a benefit planet,
the favourable results of that house where posited a indicated below.
When Sun line touches Heart line on the palm denotes that such
conjunction will favour the native with comfortable old age, gain from
ancestral property, peaceful and good domestic life.
When the conjunction is in 1st house, the native will lead kingly life.
In 2nd house, respect and gain from ruler, officer and Government,
provided you are not in contact with opposite sex, in that case one suf.
fers defeat. In 3rd house, one will be lucky for himself but selfish for
others, In 41h house it indicate that one \\ill be very rich, comforts of
life and conveyance etc. Provided 10th house is vacant.
In 5th house, a comfortable life, the parents will become lucky after
the conception of such a native. In 6th house the results ~ill be good
provided there is no malefic aspect. In case 2nd house is found vacant,
the effect will be adverse for the parents in such position. Upaye of
Mars will be beneficial which will mitigate the evil effects of Sun and
wiD then be favourable and blees the native \vith long life. In 9th house,
comforts and gain from mother, pilgrimage and benefic.

In lOth house, danger from father and brother, in 12th house, the
position is good for wordly affairs hut second house is posited with
enemies of Sun and Moon, there will he destruction alround. one's
property can he confiscated and one may he punished by the Govern-
In other houses not mentioned, the results willbe of the house where
posited with due regards of aspects on it.

When a line from the mount of Sun travels to the mount of Moon
on the palm denoted ill effects of such conjunction. This indicates op-
position from opposite sex. In case 4th and 5th houses are posited with
Venus, Saturn and any malefic planet the results will be very un-
favourable. One will in this case lead a troubled life, many difficulties,
may one he wealthy but due to turmoils, one will not have peace of
mind. Unexpected, unwanted expenditure and travels.
The conjunction in Ist house indicates sudden death, in 2nd house
has gain from opposite sex. In 3rd house, Quarrels, defeat and dis-
respect. In 4th house, sudden death hut when Saturn is posited in lOth
house, sudden death will he in day time or in a canal. lake, pond or in
running water. In 6th house, when 2nd house is posited with Rahu or
Ketu denotes average span of life. In the lith house it indicates
troubled life, but in case, the native do not use meat as indicated by
Saturn, one will he blessed with a long life.
In other houses not mentioned. the results will be of the houses
where conjunction is posited.
2. Sun-Mars:- One will be bold, of rash temprament, obstinate and
not of sweet speech. He will boss over others and self conceited. Less
progney, vice acts and habits. Quarrelsome, liar and cheat. But when
the conjunction is aspected by Jupiter, the results will be opposite to
the above. With this conjunction, the will power and desire of the na-
tive are harmonious. The native will form an idea, strives towards it
and usually realises it. He has clear views of good opportunities and
knows how to make the utmost use of them in order to attain his goal.
Makes the native self reliant, active and strengthens the health in a
great measure. It wiU be well bear in mind that a sensible native does
not allow himself to be ruled, as little as one wishes to rule others,
everywhere and always reasons should rule. For this conjuction Mrs.
Wachtmeistcr has said that in order to control the power of posses-
sion, one should not try to destroy it but to lead it into another and lof-
tier direction. One wiU be inclined to do sinful deeds.

If they are together any one of lOth, I Ith, 1st or 8th house the per-
son must be born in a very high and rich family and possess great
strength, in other houses the result will be average.
The above effects are when conjunction is well aspected.
Sun Mars Trine or sextile aspect:- A fevourable aspect gives one
good health, courage and vitality. This indicates strength to direct
energy in right direction. One will achieve many things and good posi-
tion, this promises an active life.
Sun Mars conjunction, square or advense aspect
These arc not good aspects. Sun represents light, heat, energy etc.
and Mars only heat and energy. Heat and energy becomes more. Thus
this brings animal nature to the native, heat, energy, Passions, angers
etc. One becomes uncontrolable. More activity but of selfish nature.
Impulsive nature or excess offeelings and one is liable to stoop low in
matters connected with sex.
Opposition of Sun and Mars is bad for health.

When the conjunction is afflicted or unfavourable, one will have op-

position in his life, will be cheated and losses in profession. There will
be many deaths of nears and dears. Eyesight can be afflicted. If
posited in 1st or 2nd house and Mars is malefic one will die in war field
or in quarrel. In 9th or lOth house and Mars is malefic, disputes over
property and cash with near and dears. In other houses, the effects
will be of trails of house. May bring physical injury or ailment. A hard
working life.
Sun Mercury:- One will be intelligent, clever, famous and happy.
Endowed with wealth but less accumumulation of money, fulfilment
of hopes, of good stout and fair body, will be blessed with good rank.
In 4th or 8th house from the Ascendant, the person will possess all
kingly qualities and wealthy. In all other houses, the combination will
make the native possessed of good qualities. This conjunction makes
one subservient to the wishes ofladies. This is not a happy conjunc-
tion as Mercury is a mental planet, the individuality and the intellect,
reasoning create conflicts and one is not able to use, reasoning or in-
tellect even for benefit of self.
In 1st house, lucky, wealthy and good rank, fond of mathematics.
yogas etc. In 2nd house, a good and intelligent, in 3rd, good effects
but sexy, in 4th house, it is Rajyoga, in 5th long life, good longevity for
sons and elders, in 6th good status in life. in 7th a good lucky and weal-

thy wife. in 8th, long life but one should put Gu.rin glass ware and bury,
it in cementery, it will be beneficial and lucky. In 9th house, one will
have good rank and wealth from 24th year. In lOth one will be weal-
thy, in 11th house, gain from property and wealth. If in the ancestral
house and there are religious persons, one will prosper in life; in 12th
house, one will prosper if one wears gold always.
Sun Mer. Trine or Sextile:- It is a good aspect, becomes extremely
powerful for favourable results ifJupiter is also having a trine aspect.
One will have good eduction, cxpession and reasoning ability. It in-
dicates forceful which will do a lot of good to others. One can be a
good teacher or Professor.
When conjunction is afflicted or unfavourable and posited in I st
house there may be dispute with superiors and at that time if Saturn
aspects conjunction in a progressed horoscope or Varshpal, one will
losc.ln 2nd house loss of money. In 3rd house if one is of lose charac-
ter, then, one will be ill reputed, selfish and suffers losses for 17 or 34
years continuously. In 5th house, sudden death, in 6th ill repute and
losses. In 7th house wife will not be comfortable, inlaws sill suffer los-
ses and children's longevity will be afflicted, In 8th house when Mars
is malefic, one will be of war like nature, adulterous and may die in
quarrels etc. In 9th house troubles between 17-27 years, male child
will not born before 34th years age in case of male and 22nd year in
case of females. In lOth house losses ill reputed, in lllh house bad
luck and in 12th house, unwanted expenditures, diseased health,
apoplexy and intestine disorder.
4. Sun Jupiter:- Such person will be cruel but interested in help
ing others. In a Lagna, 9th, lOth or lith house, one will command a
good section of people, may in the army, famous and live in a well for-
tified building, difficult to be approached. Religious, good rank in life,
famous, intelligent and wealthy. In 2nd house brave, cruel, good house
and wealthy, in 3rd house, one will be wealthy but not greedy, 4th house,
it indicated gain from articles of Saturn, wealthy and comfortable life;
in 5th house one will be wealthy specially from the day of birth of son,
victory over enemies, comforts of life. blessed with good conveyance;
in 6th and 7th old age will be comforablc; in 8th house, good luck and
Providential help from accidents and even death; in 12th house, in-
crease in family, all round progress, wealthy and comforts.
When this conjunction becomes malefic if father and son both live
together evils will be warded off, to accept donation or bribe will be

malefic, in case father and son can not live together due to some
reasons then bedding or cot of the father if used by son will be auspi-
cious. To keep articles of Jupiter, Saffron or Gold in the house will be
Sun Jupiter conj!oppfl'rine or Sextile aspects:- Very lucky in any
house. It gives more light and interest to do more noble actions.
Prominent position is assured. One will initiate a number of Ventures
in life which will be prosperous. It denotes a religious mind and keen
desire to do good to others. One has a strong individuality which in-
dicates that native has lot of experience of the past lives and has been
endowned with an enlightened soul. These aspects give good vitality,
health, generosity, Kindness and sympathetic disposition.
S.Sun Venus:- One will not have comforts from wife and limited
fami!y,intelligcnt,fond of fine arts,relations with women,free from dis-
eases of belly.One will be like a king, famous and powerful if posited
in 5th,8th,or lOth house.ln other houses the effects will be medium.
One gets money by association with women.

When conjunction is unfavourabole or afflicted death of father in
early age of the native. Birth of male child either in 36-39 years or 47
years age. Afflicted health of wife. She can be patient ofT. B.
Troubled domestic life. If one is of rash temprament, loose morals
will lead to ruin and T.B. disease. If one is married in 22nd or 25th
years of age one will have disfavour of superior, domestic troubles and
diseases. The upaye in such case will be that the wife of native should
wear gold bangle on her arm for the birth of child. In case of her af-
flicted heallh, she would donate wheat or Jwar in a temple equal to
her weight. Either of the couple should avoid use ofGur from the date
of betrothal or marriage for good married life.
In 1st house conjunction indicates brain diseases, disfavour of su-
perious, if one has illicit relations with other women may not cause him
imprisonment and ruin. In 7th house quarrels with wife, afflicted
health of wife and may affect her longevity. In 9th house, poverty, in
lOth house, unsuccessful in Government and disfavour of superiors.
To feed snake with milk will be favourable. Loose moral will result in
diseases, impurity ofblood, troubled old age. In such case upaye of
cow will enhance t' .c birth of male child.
6. Sun-Sntum:· The person will be clever, well versed in worldly
affairs, intelligent, religious, good businessman, good friends, one will
spend on an unwanted ventures, but deprived from comforts of

children. Not avarious, strained relations with wife to the tune of bick-
ering. Combination involving or aspect to 10th house makes one
politician with heavy sufferings, struggles and one never enjoys the
fruits of the same. One will be deveid of conjugal happiness. It brings
material success self made man.
In 2nd, 6th or 9th house, one wiD be widely famed and happy. In
other houses, the effects wiD be moderate. In 12th comforts from wife
during its period.
Use of Gold "SHRI YANTRA" in ring will ward off the evil effects.
This is a pivotal position, worrying and baffcling the astrologers for
predictions. So we provide a few lines for the guidance of readers spe-
cially when the conjunction is malefic for the native in some specific
houses. It causes seclusion, a wordly attitude, irresponsible behaviour
and egocentric attitude. There may be a conllict of duties result in a
good deal of mental worry. Early life wiU be hard. Success after strug-
In 1st or Ascendant, Rahu and Ketu both wiU be malefics, children
will waste the money of father, worries and troubles due to opposite
sex, gain from Sun's articles but loss from Saturn's articles and not
favourable for ladies of the family. If Saturn is malefic and transits in
5th hoUse, then 9 years period will be malefic denoting fear and loss
from the date of transit through 5th house. In 6th house Saturn wiU
indicate poverty. Food to black dog will be beneficial. If a boy loses
the eye sight or has affiicted health, one will gain money after 18 years
of age of such boy. In such case best upaye will be to bury in a lonely
cross path articles of Mercury such as flower or blue coloured pearls
of glass. In 7th house indicates imprisonment. In 8th, 9th lith houses
denotes losses; in lOth house one will have blemishes, sudden death or
Sun Saturn Conj or opp or square Aspect:- It is the most unfor-
tuate, unfavourable aspect that can happen in a nativity. This will give
good position but only to bring about fall. This brings a conflict in
one's ambitions life which results in much sorraw in life
Sush aspects have tendency to resign from service. Improper cir-
culation of blood is indicated and prone one to heart attacks. These
unfavourable aspects give selfishness, jealously, enmity and a tenden-
cy to adopt difficult path.

Sun Saturn Trine or Sextile Aspect:- These are most favourable

aspects, they give Strength to take good decisions one makes the best
of the time available to an individual. Officers or persons in high posi-
tion as well as those subordinate prove very helpful.
7. Sun-Rahu:- Generally this is not a good position for smooth life
period. When Rahu's transit is malefic, but when Rahu is favourable,
one will become lucky. In 5th house the conjunction indicate a good
rank. In case the conjunction is malefic. and posited in 9th or 12th
house indicates malefic period. Such conjunction tends to make one
impulsive, erratic rash, quick and perspective with an urge for change.
lt tends to upset the health, and inclines one to accidents through con-
veyances, explosions etc. If posited in lOth house indicated dis appoint-
ments and frustration.
Upaye: (i) In such case one should place the barley under weight in
a dark place.
(ii) If one suffers from fever, donation of barley or Gur will be
(iii) For favouable results from Sun, donations of articles of Venus
or Mercury be made.
(iv) When Sun eclipse has taken place, such persons should throw
Rahu's articles in running water.
(v) When Rahu and Sun both are malefic. one should throw in run-
ning water a copper coin which has already been put atleast for 12
hours in fire. But it should particluarly be noted that while taking
such coin to water none of the own child should come across your
way, otherwise, the malefic effects will be indicated for the child.
8. Smt Ketu:- This is not a happy conjunction in any house. The
Sun will act as a malefic planet and indicates loss in journey. Loss due
to the consultations with others. Loss or down fall due to one's own
mistakes. The wife or son of the native will no doubt be healthy but
will be of harsh temperament, the son will waste his fathers money and
may be the cause of his downfall.
In case dog weeps by facing the sky, will be an indication of bad luck
for the native. No comforts from children. There will be no grand sons,
the native will have a long life.
Upaye:- In such case, one should throw in running water the articles
of Ketu and that of the planets which are enemy of Sun. This upaye
will yield favourable results and mitigate evil effects.

9. Moon Mars :- Such native will be disobedient to his mother, liar
and of wicked deeds. Fond of music, brave, victory over enemies, gain
through business. One will be dealer in hammers, plough and other
rough instruments, women, spurious drinks and earthen jars.
In Lagna, 5th, 9th or 11th house, one will be wealthy like a king. In
3rd house, one will be intelligent, respected will be blessed with wealth,
rank and all comforts of life. In 4th house, wealth, provided Saturn is
not posited in 4th or lOth hose. In 7th house, wealthy and large fami-
ly. In 9th house one will be cruel but children will be lucky and weal-
thy. In lOth house, one will be wealthy provided Saturn is beneficial.
In 12th house, one will have a peace of mind and comforts of life. In
other houses, the results will be medium and according ofthe sign oc-


When the conjunction is afflicted or unfavourable and posited in

7th house, one will be greedy, the death will be due to some shock or
accident, NO financial gain from elders. In 9th house death due to
shock. In 11th house one will be greedy and of whimsical nature. If
Mars is malefic, one will be unsuccessful in romances. In other houses,
the results will be as per traits of each house.
10. Moon Mercury. One will speak sweetly and modestly, clever,
good luck, fame and liked by ladies. If posited in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th
house, the native will be fond of poetry and arts, also wealthy. In other
houses, one will be free from fear and will become indigent. In Lagna,
2nd house, 4th house one will be blessed with wealth, ancestral money
will be at his disposal. In lOth house, this conjunction indicates gain
from journeys, gain through war, arms or business. Blessed with
house, the plot will be wide in the front. In I Ith house the native will
gain after the marriage of his daughter. In other houses the results
will be according to the nature of the house.

When conjunction is afflicted or unfavourable and in 3rd house, one
will face difficulties, losses and disagcement with relations.ln 4th
house, one will experience losses, one will ruin due to self entangle-
ment in other's affair, suicidal tendency due to poverty or constant
travelling or sex. In 6th house, one will be murderer, being a wealthy,
there will be troubles and turmoils. In 7th house, troubles even weal-
thy, mother may die early or if alive may become blind, br<1in disease
or loss of profession. In 8th house, as per in 4th house supra. In 10th
bouse, unfavourable for ladies and children of the family, 8th house is
malefic then there is a danger of tragic death and a miserable life. In
12th house !roubles, losses etc.
11. Moon-Jupitu: One will be chief of the family and wealthy, wiD
over power his enemies, fickle minded, posses wife, children and will
be well behaved. Some good effects will be realised in all houses ex-
cept 3rd, 6th and depression house of either of them.
One will be religious, helpful to others, devoted wife, good rank in
life, but, secretive. Relations \lith good natured brother will be cor-
dial. One mil be blessed with long life. The eye sight will become af.
flicted but as old age advances, the native will have peace of mind and
all comforts. Pro\idential help. Gain from inlaws and good education
upto 24th years age. Pilgrimage in 40th years.
In 8th house, long life, relations mil expect money from the native.
The native llill be wealthy. In 12th house, the good luck \\ill struck the
native after the birth of son, the native mil have wealth but renunciate
the same. In such case, one should bury under the house an empty
uten5il of silver.
\Vhen this conjunction is unfavourable, one will face troubles,
Poverty and disputes. In such cases one should avoid to purchase ar-
ticles of music which llill result in death of parents. In such case upaye
ofKetu will be beneficial, one should bury Ketu's articles in the ground,
or put in his neck. Particularly when posited in 9th house, one should
not use the money earned by his daughter, should not accept dona-
tions, this mil act as poison and poverty from the date of this marriage
and birth of daughter. Upaye of Ketn will be beneficial.
12. Moon. Venus. \Veil versed in business, respected and good ad-
\isor, good health, dress and fond of amusements. Less comforts from
children when posited in lOth house, clever in business, good dress,
wealthy and comforts of life, and if in I21h house, one mil get wealth
from foreign countries. In 2nd house, one may not be a doctor yet he
mil cure others. Well versed in love affairs particularly In old age.
When a native digs a well he will be troubled also if one remarries. In
lin house one mil be like a sanyasi and away from sex good and
religious parents. In 7th one \\ill be religious, good nature, he '\ill have
wealth but if uses the same for nefarious acts he mil be ruined. In 8th
house, he will have good health. Service to old women and cow or

donation will be fruiful. In other house results will be according to the

traits of each house.
In such case native is advised to keep his character above the board
and lead a pious life.
In lOth house, one will be clever in selling & buying of things. Wear
good clothes to enjoy life and very wealthly.
When the conjunction is afflicted or unfavourables one will be
troubled from the date of marriage. Mother will die early if alive, may
become blind, dispute between native's wife and mother, one may
remain in own house. When posited in lst house, health of wife will
be afflicted. She may be lunatic or of weak memory etc. In 2nd house,
ruin due to being adultcrousJn 4th house one will be addicted to
drinks and ail possible vices, which be the cause of his ruin. In 7th
house, Joss or afflicted eye sight of mother, loss of finances from date
of marriage. In 8th house, coward, impotent, loss and disturbed mar-
ried life due to native's misdeeds. ln other houses results will be as per
trait of each house.
I3. Moon Saturn. Good natured and takes interest in public wel-
fare. Wastes his money in luxurious life and with opposite sex, has Jove
affairs with an elder woman or man blessed with conveyance, bold and
healthy. But will be rash and indifferent in temprament. One will gain
in partnership with persons of old age. The position if occupied in
Upachaya houses viz 3rd, 6th. lOth or I Ith one will be benefitted if one
keep black horse and digs a well for general public. In 4th house one
will be protected from all troubles. In 12th house. one will be selfless
worker and have no ambitions for money.

When the conjunction is afflicted, in dcbilitiatcd house and un-
favourable, one will be ruined if he is sexy and have liaison with op-
posite sex except his wife. Others will be benefitted from his wealth.
wife and inlaws.
Upaye. In such case of affliction UPA YE of Saturn will be most
favourable. One should blacken the forhead of two coloured animals;
should not drink pure water but one should take for 43 days water
mixed with sugar, milk, lemon etc. Use ofnarcotis and alcohal will be
favourable. To feed snake with milk will strengthen good effects of
Moon. At the time of Moon Eclipse one should throw Saturn articles
coconut etc. in running water, Upaye of Sun will be favourable. To

have favourable results, one should fill water in silver dish and keep in
iron safe when the conjunction is not in 5th house. If in 5th house ar-
ticles of Mars Saturn be kept in the iron safe.
14. Moon Rahu. This is very precarious position. In fact un-
favourable influences will be felt for the traits of the bouse where con-
junction takes place. If they are posited in I st. to 6th houses, one will
suffer death due to accident or bullet wound at the age indicated by
Moon. His mother's health will also be afllicted:ln 7th to 12th house,
mother's health will not be affiicted. if afflicted both mother and na-
tive will suffer upto the Moon's age of24days, months or years. In 9th
house it is favourable. In 11th house, one should extinguish the red
hot gold in water which should be taken after mixing the water in milk
for child birth if one does not have the child.
15. Moon Kctu. The results will be as above. Unfavourable results
will predominate. In case of birth of child of native, the mother of na-
tive should not see her grand child for 40 to 43 days, nither they should
remain together at a place, lest any one dies. The native sholud not
drink milk during night. Upaye. One should use red coloured articles.
Donation of articles of Mercury will be very favourable. For affliction
against eduction, one should donate 3 bananas (Ketu article) daily at
a religious place for 48 days continously.
16. Mars Mercury. When the conjunction takes place in a house,
denotes the person born will be fickly-minded. He will be husband of
a bad women, will be easily satisfied, unclean and desirous of eating in
other's houses. If the said combination be in kendra, the person con-
cerned will earn money and be happy. One will be skilled in boxing.
dealer and interest in herbs, plants, oil and drugs. Less comforts from
wife, one will be cheat, Fond of providing comforts to children and
family. One will be associated with wickea !widows, and not much hap-
piness from own wife.
When the conjunction is favourable, sons will become lucky at the
age of 24 years. Wife will be virtuous, her words will become as a line
on the stone as she will be having some spiritual power. Blessed with
children. When posited in 1st house one will have strong constitution.
helpful to relations of wife, when placed in 2nd house, one will be weal-
thy, gain through wealth and inlaws provided 8th bouse is vacant. In
3rd house, one will gain provided elder brother helps him, comforts
from parents and Providential help. In 4th house,one will lead a com-
fortable life.ln 6th house, one will be lucky and in 8th house one will

gain and lucky. In other houses results will be according to traits of

the house.


When the conjunction is unfavourable, one will suffer loss through

fire, a fake respect, diseases, ill repute, worries and troubles. Uncor-
dial relations with parents. When in 1st house, it will be unfavourable
for brothers who will suffer shortage of progney and miseries of life.
In such case upaye will be to brny in a lonely place a pot of honey mixed
with Mars articles like sugar or honey etc, for more favourable results,
put Dhak leaves around the pot. In 3rd house m theft of wealth, wick-
ed deeds and loss of wealth, In 4th house, one will no doubt have ill
will for others but will be unfavourable for other people. In 7th house,
afflicted health, poisonous cases, quarrels and strained relations in the
family. In 8th house maternal uncle will face troubles and worries. In
11th house, defect in eye if one uses alcohal, house building and keep-
ing gold in the house will cause troubles, the upaye will be to drink
Ganges Water in the morning or upaye of Moon or Jupiter or keep-
ing their articles in house will be more beneficial.

In other houses in paras supa not mentioned, the effects will be of

the traits of the house concerned.
17. Mars Jupiter. one will be long lived, well behaved and blessed
with sons. When the combination is in 6th, 8th or 12th houses, one will
have vicious habits, troubled by diseases and will not have much wealth.
One will be leader of city or a king or a wealthy man. Learned, good
rank in life, helpful to others and to relations also. Proficient in Tantra
Science, intelligent and blessed with respect and high eduction. One
will have Providential help in case of difficulty. He will be blessed with
a child within every 8th year. Victorious over enemies.
In 1st house, on will be wealthy, in 2nd house all relations, wife and
people will love him and loyal to him, earn much through his own in-
telligence. In 3rd house, ancestral wealth will be safeguarded but he
may not be able to add his wealth into it, the native will be very spiritual
and worship his deity a lot. In 4th house there will be many male mem-
bers in the family but the wealth for their livelihood is doubtful. In 5th
house, one will gain wealth after birth of child upto 28th years age, to
donate will increase the wealth. In 9th house, will be favourable for

domestic environments, wealth and members of the family. In IOih

house, one will gain as per planets in4th and 6th houses, if they are
vacant one will be ruin<.'<l, one will gain through nefarious means. In
t 1l h house, father and son both will lead a lm:urioiiS life and will be
wcallhy. For more favoumble results upaye of Jupiter and Mars be
performed. In 12th house expansion of family, good sleep, lncky and
one will be benefitted through his blessings.
When the conjunction is afflicted or unfavourable then Mars if
malefic will indicate diseases for relations upto 31st years age of the
native and losses up to 5th years age. Opposition of men, death of rela-
tions wiU be seen by the native. In 2nd house unfavourable, losses and
worries. In 5th hoiiSc if the native accepts donations one will be ruined.
In 6th house articles professions and relations of Mercury and Ketu
have adverse effect on the children. In 7th house, one will remain under
debt inspite nf the fact one may earn well. In 8th house, the malefic
effects wiU be experienced by the members of his own dynesty. In 11th
house articles and relations of Jupiter and Mars indluding their profes-
sions will be unfavourable.
18. Mars Venus. The native will be rash, sexy, nuder influence of
opposite sex, \\ill do vicious acts attached to other's wife or husband.
A good mathematician, worried, Uar, obstinate, victory over enmies,
illicit relations with opposite sex and passionate. One will be wrest lor,
skiful or a gambler. H the conjunction be in 1st, 4th or lOth house, one
will be chief of his family or bend of town etc. Blessed with wenlth and
When favourable and in 2nd house, one will gain through inlaws,
and blessed \lith children. In 3rd house, helpful to brothers and sisters.
In 7th house, a big expanding family, blessed llith grand children, weal-
thy and comfortable life. In 8th house prosperous and victorious over
opponents. In lOth house, the relations will be wealthy. If his mfe is
beautiful, one will be like a king. In other houses the effects lvill be of
traits of the houses.

When conjunction is unfavourable, one mil suffer miseries,
troubles, tnnnoils and scpcration from loved ones. Deaths through
water etc. Relations llith opposite sex mU be main cause of min. In
such case the upaye of Mars will be favourable.

When posited in 3rd house, the native will be sexy and adulterous.
ln 4th house, ralations of mother will be in troubles and cause ruin of
the native, their deaths will be in the water. In 8th house, one will be
back biter, of base mantality and very unfortunate for others. In 9th
house, health of wife will be afflicted for which help of her elder brother
will be favourable. If her brother gives her the medicines, diet etc, she
will be cured early. In lOth bouse, quarrelsome, poor, temprarnent of
his wife will be that of Saturn. One will make mountain over a mole
in quarrels and will not hesitate to commit murder of brothers for his
wife. In other houses. effects will be of traits of the houses.
19. Mars Saturn. A man of strong determination, once he selects
his path, he has to advance helterskelter. No deviation from the view
point, targets, principles of objects. There can be no compromise.
Makes the native Army or Police officer without any saupples. Suf-
fers financial loss at the hands of brothers. Well versed in metalogy
and religious teachings.conquered of enemies which will be found in
abundance argumentative. without any peace of mind, Thievish and
warlike nature. Avarice to interest of people. One will be troubled
through windy or bilious complaints. If conjunction happens in 3rd,
6th or lOth house, the person concerned will be equal to a king, loved
by all and famous, accident prone horoscope.
When favourable and in 1st house, one will gain through inlaws, long
life, gain from journeys, in 2nd house wealth after marriage, gain
through inlaws, and blessed with children. In 4th house one will gain
wealth but in 5th house wealth will come after the birth of a son. In
7th house, gain through opposite sex, wealthy, comforts from wife and
children, helpful to his family and relations. In 9th house gain of money
when the native will perform religious ceremony of his elders, power,
wealth and comforts. In 12th house too the results will be favourable.
In case conjunction is unfavourable, then over all result will indicate
loss of wealth, deaths in family, diseases, but age of the native will be
90 years, inspite of diseases. Loss of wealth through dacoits. In such
cases upayes will be favourable. One should always lend money after
a written agreement. Upaycs of Mars and Saturn will ward off evils of
diseases. The safeguard ·against daeoity and frauds one should keep
the milk of a mare in a glassware after the birth of her child, the milk
be kept should be the first milk not taken even by her child, this will
also favour with wealth.
In 1st house, losses, diseases will be indicated. Relations with op-
posite sex will be a source of ruin. A lady of black eyes, or small eyes
will ruin his wealth_ A lady of yellow coloued eyes will be helpful.
Upaye will be to consult and act as per advice of people and specially
his mother. In 2nd house. One will meet with an accident or loss if
one gose to a religious place for 40- 43 days continosly with mother or
fatherinlaw during the night, the accident, or loss will be avoided. In
3rd house, opposition from brothers and relations, may be a case of
poison, troubled family life. loss or extinction of wealth, uncle or
younger brother will be wmried and troubled, one may not be blesssed
with children.. In 4th house; it is a very bad position for finances and
troubled life. ln 6th house, selfish, belly disease and one should donate
sweet eatables at a religious place. ln 7th house, afflicted eyesight in
old age. In 8th house, troubled and worried life but to keep a water
from a well situated in a cemetry will be favourable. In 9th and 11th,
one will lead a troubled life, under debt and worried, death due to fire
arms, explosive, murder etc.
20. Man RahtL The results depend on the position of Rahu. In
case Rahu is exalted in own house or well placed, one will be like a
When Rahu is not well placed, will be a cause oftroubles,losse.s to
the oative.In case the native should dine his meals where they are
prepared. evil effects will be minimised.
21. Mars Ketu This condition also will act as per position of Ketu.
In 2nd house, one will hold a good rank, welathy and comforts of life.
In 9th house, very favourable results after 28th year age. One should
keep honey or rain water in a silver ware and hurry the same in the
foundation of ancestral house.
22. Mec:ury-Juplter. Fond of dance, music and scents, comfortable
life, learned. of sweet temprament, intelligent and one can be actor or
a good dancer. The conjunction in 6th, 8th or 12th house will indicate
amiable, famous and of virtuous deeds. Actually such persons will be
very intelligent but they will be wealthy at a time and poor at another
In lst to 4th house, native will be wealthy, learned, preceptor and
brave. In 5th house, lucky and wealthy provided son is born on
Thursday. In 7th house a religious man and in lOth a lucky native. In
11th house, one will gain and lucky during 11th, 23rd and 36th years
age, wealthy, learned, good famed and comfortable domestic life. In

12th bouse, an average business man, but of long life, lucky and com-
fortable life.
\Vhen unfavourable and in 1st and 3rd house, one will be poor, in
4th house, coward. sinful acts may lead to suicide. In 6th house, one
will be of vice deeds. In 7th poor, troubled. may adopt a child, chan-
geable lucky, In 8th house, diseases and troubles during 16th to 19th
or 22ud years age, one should bury a pot of sugar under the ground.
In 9th house, longevity may be affected, troubles through children and
23. Mercury-Venus: Well respected. famous and native of power
and authority. Intelligent, learned. wealth and comforts of life. Help-
fulto others and relations. One \viii be eloquent, possesses land and
will become head of an assembly. But he \viii have mean \vife and a
few children. H the conjunction occurs in 1st, 5th or 9th house, the
person \viii get an important title and command immense wealth. In
2nd house, gain in profession and busines pro\ided one's charcter in
virtuous. In 3rd and 4th, good luck. gain from business. In 6th house
lucky for self, help from opposite sex, comfortable domestic life, if the
native is not bclssed \vith son but \vith daughters, they too will prove
lucky, when Sun in 2nd house, gain through printing and publishing
also gain through writers and authors and if Saturn Is in 2nd house one
should be an honest which \viii result in doublefold of income. In 7th
house a good and happy domestic life, wealthy, gain through business.
In lOth house a good health, intelligent and blessed \vith wealth. In
12th house, a long life and good health.

When conjunction is nnfavouablc and posited in 1st house native
will have Alap Ayu means short life, in 2nd over sexed. in 3rd house,
Joss through step mother ifMoon is affiicted, loss through women, if
one is married during 8 1al7, 24th or 61a 121a or 25th years of age,
all will be ruined and in case of second marriage will be malefic for
parents and inlaws, in case of 3rd marriage the health of both partners
will be affiicted so marriage in these years be avoided. In 4tb house,
Joss through relations of mother and sister of mother, doubtful charac-
ter, agriculture and business of music instruments \viii yield loss, the
upaye of Moon \vill be favourable. In 5th house, loss, the upaye of
Moon will be favourable. In 5th house, Joss through opposite sex.In
6th house, opposition through women, and Joss through them and
children. In 7th house, Joss in business, and Joss through marriage and

children; use of Copper Water will be beneficial. In 8th house, un-

matched couple, disagreement, delayed children, troubled life. In 9th
house if Mercury is malefic or afflicted then at 17th years of age or at
the time ofbirth of first daughter all will be destroyed and malefic ef-
fects of Mars will predominate. lOth losses in 11th house, seperation
from loved ones and superiors, the articles of Mercury and Venus will
be favourable. When Sun and Jupiter are in lOth house one will be
troubled but in such case one should keep a bead of rudraksh or beads
of gold which be washed in milk or river water. This will mitigate
results of malefic Jupiter. In 12th house, afflicted health, losses from
the date of birth of daughter.
24. Mercury Saturn:- One will be clever in cheating others, and ad-
dicted to licentious pleasures. If the conjuntion in !st. 9th or lOth
house, the person born will possess wealth, wife, sons and friends. Such
persons who born with this conjunction will enjoy comforts, clever,
under debt and liar. Lucky for children, birth of son in 24th year age,
eacape from opponents upto 42nd years age, gain from long lived
parents, lucky and helpful to others. In 2nd helpful to others. In 2nd
and 12th houses one will gain immense wealth through business of steel
and stone. Good health and kind hearted, good parents and gain from
them. In 4th and 7th comforts and wealthy. In I lth house, comforts,
gain of wealth at 45th years age. In other houses results of the house
will be experienced as per traits of the house.

When unfavourable then in 2nd and I 2th houses, death of father
through machine, accident, poison or aleohal and business of these ar-
ticles may cause loss and death of father. In 4th house one will be mur-
derer. In 7th house, one will be drunkard. ungrateful. In I I th house,
one will be blessed will property if 3rd house is vacant.
25. Mercury Rahu. The conjunction in 2nd, 3rd 5th or 6th house
will indicate good luck, helpful and lucky for others who will come into
contact. In 7th, lOth or I Ith house, it is also lucky and helpful. In 1st,
4th, 8th, or 9th house one will be unlucky, in 12th house, losses and
diseases, and unlucky native.

When unfavourable and posited in 1st house there will be troubles
with children. in 3rd house one will face trouble till 34th years age, his
sister no doubt if wealthy but indications will be of a widowhood. In
1st, 8th, 9th and 12th all positions are unlucky, losses, troubles etc. In

11th house his sister will become widow or receive scpcration or

divorce within 7days, months or years after marriage or there will be
bickerings with her husband. In such case best upaye will be to shift
the hearth, kitchen or fireplace from the Eastern or Western side of
the ancestral or own house to any place before marriage. In 12th
house, the native and family of inlaws will be ruined, no child, a
troubled and worried life. In such case upaye will be to put one ball
ofkacha earth at a religious place continuously for 100 days, the place
can be changed but there should not be any break.
26. Mercury-Keto. On the whole this is an unfavourable position.
Upaye of Mars will he beneficial.
27 Jupiter-Venus. Such native will be intelligent, famous, careful
for respect, comforts from children, wealthy, learned, social, happy and
will lead a comfortable and respected life. Good wife and many good
qualities. In 1st, 5th, 8th, or 9th, house, this conjunction \\ill bless the
native with wealth, wife and childrrn. In 2nd house gain through work
or business of earth. In 3rd house lucky. In 4th house lucky provided
avoid influence of opposite sex, in 5th gain through intelligence, educ-
tion and children. In 6th house a happy man, one should always keep
a gold on head of his ''ife which \\ill be lucky for children. In 7th house
one will gain through dealing in the articles of Mercury, say there be
ups and down but lucky in the long run. In lOth house, self earned
wealth, ancestral wealth will be wasted particularly when one is anti·
religious, in this case one wiU feel changeful, ups and down in the life.
In 11th house, lucky but avoid sex perversions. In 12th house one \\ill
lead a comfortable life.

When conjunction is unfavourable, any habit or over sex with the
opposite sex will ruin the native bodily, there can be child lessness or
troubles at the time of birth of a child, so this should be strictly avoided.
In 2nd house, shortage of male child and loss of wealth. In 3rd house.
fall in position dne to opposition and flattery. In 4th house, death of
wives after child birth. In 5th house loss and theft of money due to il·
licit connections with unmarried girl or lady. In 6th house, male child
either will not born or die and if alive \\ill remain unlucky particular-
ly when native will hate or quarrel with his wife. In 7th house, native
will be troubled and worried whereas family members \\ill be comfort-
able, shortage of male child, losses of wealth, the main cause of all
miseries will be sex relations \\ith opposite sex which be avoided. In
9th house loss through opposite sex. In lOth house, one will be ruined
at the age of 13th to 15th years age due to an ugly woman. Loss through
other woman due to avaricious character. Troubles through parents
and children, disputes with brothers. In 11th house, loss ofwcalth, if
3rd house is vacant then vice habits like musturabation, night discharge
etc can attack the native, in such case it is not obligatory that one will
have connection with opposite sex but due to airy castles about women
will make him impotent. In such cases one will be benefitted throu~
medicines of Saturn (Fish oil, Iron or Kush tee Folad) or of the Moon
(Silver Kushta or Milk etc.) which should be used with medicine ac-
cording to doctor's advice for 40 to 43 days. Mixture of those in gold
medicines can be useful. When Ketu is not malefic, medicine of Saturn
and Moon will be useful. In 12th house, loss through stock exchange
or gambling.
28. Jupiter-Saturn. It is said by the sages that this conjunction in
any of 1,2,4,5,7,9 and J2 house (Anupachaya houses) will denote that
such person will be devoid of wealth and have no self respect. If these
planets form conjunction in any one of 3,6,10 and 11th huse (Upachaya
hoses) such person will be very famous and honoured by the king. Such
natives are domineering, brilliant, calm death, great luck, learned, of
good fame inventive and enjoys distinction.
When the position is unfavourable and the native drinks alcohale or
accepts donations or free gifts one will have troubled old age, diseases,
general body weakness and vice habits. When this conjunction is being
aspected by Ketu, the children of the native will be troubled particular-
ly through ghosts, souls etc; particularly when one;s house is situated
on the cross roads and direct air from cross roads hits the house. When
posited in Jst house, one will be unlucky. In 2nd house, diseases, and
when during transit as per annual horoscope again comes to 2nd house,
such year are 9, 21,33,45,65,74,96,104 and J17 years during which one
\\ill suffer ill health and I oss through Saturn;s articles also upto the
age of mother. Upaye of Saturn will be beneficial. In 3rd house rela-
tions with father during 9,18 or 36th year age will become strained. In
6th house less comforts from wife. In 7th house, loss of wealth from
birth of daughter. A troubled childhood. In this case when Mars is
malefic or debilitated then one will be rained after the death of mother,
wife, elder brother, elder brother of father or mother. Such a native
can be adulterous, which will be cause of death of mother and father
who may die at 34 years age. In lOth house, it is troublesome. In J J th

house when Mercury is malefic, all will be ruined but if Mercury is

strong, one will lead a comfortable life.
29. Jupiter-Rahu. One will have money without any hard work, but
if has to do work hard then even he will earn much without any much
hard work. In 1st house, one will be charitable and generous, good in-
come through the government. 2nd house, helpful to poor, good deeds
and wealthy. In 3rd house, brave and wealthy. In 4(h house good and
lucky wife. In 5th house, blessed with power and authority. In 7th house
one will have comforts in youth, either father or father in Jaw will sur-
vive. They will be surfferingfrom consumption. In 12th house a good
life provided one leads a pious life. In other houses results of traits of
a house will be realised.


When unfavourable, one will lead a miserable life except when

posited in 2nd or 12th house. Death of father between 16th to 21st
years is indicated or paralysis will attack him. In 42nd years age theft
will take place or loss of gold is indicated. In such case upaye of Ketu
will be beneficial. To wear gold will be helpful. If Ketu is malefic then
upaye of Moon or prayer to Moon through mother will be beneficial.
The native should donate articles of Mars. After washing a ring con-
taining two black and white gems in the water left after drinking by
cow. Or one should throw for 43 days continuosly wheat or barley after
washing in milk in the running water.
30. Jupiter-Ketu. l n ~uch case Ketu v:ill be beneficial. In 1st house,
one will lead a comfortable life, like a king, whereever such native goes
there will be all comforts. In 2nd house, one will have power and
authority, comfortable, wealthy and of good old age provided 8th house
is vacant. In 4th house, good children, wealthy, provided 8th house is
vacant. In 4lh house, good children, wealthy, provided one will be quite
religious, good education and comforts. In 61h house, good natured,
comfortable one will be able to know about his death before hand
provided 2nd house is vacant. In 7lh or 8th house, religious but poor,
will shirk to work. In 12th house wealthy and blessed with all com-
forts. In other houses, the result of house will be experienced as per
traits of the house.

When conjunction is unfavourable ,troubles through oppncnts and
enemies up to 401h years of age. In such case donation of yellow lemon
in a temple will be beneficial. In the 4th house, shortage of male child.
In 6th worries through children, In 7th religious but poor. In 8th
house, one will lead a troubled life.
31. Venus-Saturn. This is very import:.'1nt conjunction. It denotes
sacrificial career in taking the hard road, chilling sense of lonliness
which develops the fonn of happiness, seems like an unreliable dreams.
To accept his responsibility and carries on to his duties are more im-
portant than his self comforts or advantages. Faithful, blessed with
fine art~. Lead comfortable life Jocky, remain in travelling, blessed
with conveyance hut of quarrelsome nature. Such persons are short
sighted. will get wealth augmented through a young woman, He will
he skilled in writing and painting. When the conjunction is in 1st, 5th
9th,4th or 10th house, one will he under the inOuence of his wife, a
minister or memeher in Government service and will he rich. This
conjunction makes one prosper, through a lady or profession
patronised by ladies. Wealth increases under the patronage of women.
In 3rd house, couple will be fond of comforts and will get through
opposite sex. In 4th house a good life as stated above In 12th house,
one will have large family, professions and articles for Venus \viii he
very beneficial and profitable. When Mercury is in 6th house one \viii
be fond of opposite sex hut respected and comfortable and successful
domestic life. Jupiter in 5th, 6th or lOth indicates plenty of property,
wealth and comforts from wife, gain through usurping others; proper-
ty and wealth.Such ladies will have frigidity in sex.Men may lack in sex
When unfavouahle and in 1st house one will he adulterous. In 3rd
house, others will be benefitted through his wealth and property, his
uncle will be adulterous or his wife, will he of bad character. In 4th
house, his uncle's death will be very trouble some and adulterous. In
7th house loss of wealth through nearest relations.
32. Venus-Rahu. Generally this is not a happy position in any house
except 12th house, which indicates a lucky and wealthy wife.Sucb per-
sons are sexy and fond of opposite sex.Many illicit relations.
When this conjunction is unfavourable, the health of wife \viii be im-
paired and the longeoity of her will be affected. Loss of money is also
indicated. When such native keeps a long nail and polishes them or
use bright black Surma In the eyes and talk with the eyes this will In-
dicate bad results of such conjunction and will indicate that one will
suffer upto 43rd years of age and one may not have even comfortable
sleep. In such case upay will be to donate milk and butler or coconut,
lady should wear a silver ring on her right side of the body.
In 1st house one's health will be afflicted and also some brain dis-
ease to his life is indicated, In 3rd house, one will lead a troubled life
upto 34th years age. In 7th house one will be selfish and adulterous
and if Moon Ketu are malefic the longevity of wife will be afflicted
and upto 24th age one will face many difficulties and experience, death
of mother or in the family of mother viz, her brother etc In 12th
house, health of wife and wealth will suffer. In such cases one will be
benefitted if a blue flower is burricd in the evening by the native or his
wife. In other houses, the results will be of the traits of house ill self.
33. Venus-Ketu. In such case this conjunction will protect the na-
tive, a good respected and comfortable domestic life. Comforts from
children and wife. When any malefic planet is posited in the 2nd house
wife will be diseased, children will be troubled. Up to 40th year age
there will be abundance of enemies and opponents. Jupiter's upaye
will be beneficial.
In other houses it will indicate the results of each house except whc.n
conjunction is in 9th house,where it will yield very beneficial results.
Venus alone in 9th house is no doubt a malefic. In 12th house, wife
will be very brave, all children will be male and I2 in numbers who will
also be brave, of good health and lead a comfortable life.


When unfavourable and posited in 1st house, shortage ofprogney,

possibility of childessncss, when Mars is in 4th house, one will be
troubled due to death of children and other friends and relatives. In
6th house, the malefic effects are that wife will be barren, troubled life,
poor and worried.
In other houses the result will be of the traits of the house concerned.


34. Saturn-Rahu. This conjunction indicates wealth, one will be

helpful to others, one will not have any troubles due to others.
In such case when a native has a black spot on his body which can
be covered with thumb is called PAD AM and the spot which is biggar

than thumb is called LASAN has a special significance for this con-
When a Padam is found on right side of body and remains covered
will give beneficial results also when conjunction is unaspected.
\'Vhen the conjunction is in lst to 4th houses and the nativehas a
padam, one will be like King. When posited in Sht to 8th house very
wealthy and like a maharaja. In 9th to 12th houses, the native will be
like a yogi.
\'Vhen the conjunction is in 7th to 12th houses and the native has a
padam on left side of the body. If will not be so beneficial.
In 2nd house, when a native has scrpant sign on left hand one will
be wealthy, helpful to others and victorious. Inlaws. ~ill also lead com-
fortable life. The conjunction when posited in 3rd house and Moon in
the 11th house, the mother of the native will enjoy good health. For
peace of mind native should throw rice in the river. In 9th house, big
family, wealthy, good and comfortable life. In 12th house, serprcnt
sign on right hand will be lucky. Otherwise one \viii be clever, secre-
tive and active.
In other houses, the results will he as per trails of the house.

\'Vhen the conjunction is unfavourable, one \vill be unlucky upto 39th
years age if one has a Lasan on his body. If this sign is between naval
and head, death of male member is indicate and if downward from
naval to feet, loss of wealth is indicated. In both cases one \vill be poor
and lead a troubled life. In such case upaye of malefic Rahu and
malefic Saturn will be beneficial which are detailed below:-
1. Upaye for Malefic Rahu, \'Vhen one faces troubles, ups and downs,
opposition, fever, and losses etc; one should propitiate Rahu as
(-a) To maintain peace of mind upaye and use of silver is
(b) Red masoor dal be donated to sweeper in the morning or
donation generally he given in cash to sweeper.
(c) In case of diseases, harley equal to weight of patient be
thrown in the running water.
(d) Harley be kept near head during night and be distributed to
animals, birds or poor people.

(c) In case one Is involved in cases, disputes with Govt. or of-

ficers and faces losses etc. One should throw Kacha coal in run-
ning water of river equivalent to the weight of native.
(0 Donation of mooli is also rcconuncndcd.
2. Upayc for Malefic Saturn:
(a) Donation of Sarson oil be made on Saturday.
(b) Part of your food be given to crows/blaclc dog.
(c) Donation of Saturn articles like almond, Steel articles, steel
hearth, forks, black masb dal, musk, black cow or buffalo. black
cloth, black flower and balclc horse to poor and sadus,
But be careful that to burn and to fry almond or coconut in the eve-
ning or night of Saturday and on Saturday or evening of Thursday wiU
be most malefic particlularly in a pan, \\ill be more malefic, so one
should avoid.
In 7th house, ruin of domestic life, but if Venus is in 4th, 8th or 9th
house then one will have troubled married life and shortage of male
issue from the date of marriage or from 27th years age.
In 9th house one should avoid drinks and liasion with opposite sex,
otherwise one will have losses of money, father and his health and wiU
be attacked by asthama.
In other houses, the result wiU be of the traits of each house.
3S.Satum-Ketu. The native in such case will be blessed with more
male issues. This conjunction is quite favourable after lapse of half
length of life, but as and when a third planet conjoins the conjunction,
the result of all the three wiU be malefic.
In such case one will be of strong determination, and the proof of
its will be that one will keep an animal whose forhead will be white or
has a white spot and of another colour on the body. Actually in such
case one should keep an animal of one colonr,othcrwise quarrels are
indicated. Horse is exempte from this condition.
When posited in 6th house, one wiU enjoy 70 years as life span. In
8th house protection from death accidents etc. In 9th house, a big fami-
ly, wealthy, comfort<>, pomps and show, good long life and dynesty.
In other houses results of traits oflhc house wiU be the traits of the
When three planets which are bcnclic occupy a single house the
good effects produced by the yoga wiU be par cxcellancc. If the planets

forming the yoga be all malefic, it will be quite the reverse, if it be

mixed, the effects will be mixed.
When Ascendant, 9th or lOth house is occupied by three planets the
person born wiU be busy with many good qualities, will be very intel-
ligent and enjoy like a king.
36. Sun Moon Mars:- Jn Hora Sara it is laid that if these three
planets are together, the person born will be most sinful and will have
a miserable cxistance. He will have no relations, no wife and no
children. He will have a deficient limb. He will be despised by all and
will be a miser.
But the author disagrees with the above reading. The author's can-
did views are that:-
lfthe three planets arc benefic and posited in Ascendant, the native
will be like a king. have all comforts oflife, honour, fame, wealth, con-
veyance, good wife and children. If these are malefic, reverse results
and if mixed the effects will be mixed. But if these are posited in any
other house, one is well versed in hand work, inclined to vice deeds.
sturdy body, careful for his respect, fond of occult sciences, stone
hearted but cruel and of fixed views.
37. Sun-Moon Mercury:- Intelligent, a native of power and
authority and of commanding figure. One will be able to surmount
difficult tasks. Fond of conveyance and will be blessed with that. Such
natives are bold and clever. People will obey him. Respect with the
Govt; respectful to Sadhus and Sanyasis. Learned of religious books.
One can handle successfully two works at a time and will be bold and
competent to counteract any mischief and attack on him. In 17th or
34th years age the native and his father will suffer loss of finance and
relations denoted by Moon, may die by snake bite particularly when
Jupiter, Rahu Saturn or any of them is in 3rd house. The conjunction
when posited in Jst. 2nd or 7th houses, Sun, Mercury will be benefic.
38. Sun-Moon-Jupiter:- Such a native will be learned, intelligent,
lucky, helpful to others, a man of power and authority or a good
businessman. The native will have a lot of travelling, social, one may
be a bit proud, gain through professison and wealthy.
39. Sun-Moon-Venus:-One will be learned, noble and good na-
tured man. Changeable luck, sometime he will have a wealth and
sometime he will face financial crisis, particularly when planets are in
9th house. Dependent on others. Changeable professions. Inclination
towards vice deeds. May snatch property and finance of others and a
40. Sun-Moon-saturn:· Scperated from family, poverty stricken,
not so intellignt, quarrelsome, blessed with Metalogy and remain under
debt. No sincere friends, troubled and diseased, unhappy. He will
earn by serving others by teaching. dancing etc Proficie ns in sexual
41. Sun Moon Rahn:- Troubles and worries, changeable finances,
grief and troubles due to mother. Long life can not be vouchsafed.
But it docs not mean that one will have a short life. When planets arc
in 5th house Snn will be benefic but articles of Moon will give loss, and
loss of children. The upaycs of Mercury will be helpful.
42. Sun Moon Kett1:- One \viii be wealthy but troubled and \vithout
peace of mind. Medium span of life. When conjunction is posited in
5th house, loss of children. Upaye of Mercury will be beneficial.
43. Sun Mercury Jupiter:- One will be intelligent, favourite of kings
and superiours. At the last stage of his life, he will be devoid of aU
money and will be fed at other's cost, and causing great pain to others.
Learned, kind hearted aud helpful to others. Eyesight may remain af-
flicted, careful for self respect, Wealthy, well respected and famous.
One will be attached to his \vife.
When the conjunction is posited in 5th house, indicates Raj Yoga
on the whole but in this particular house native and his father will suf-
fer but religious. His house plot will be broade at the back and short
in the front where his children will prosper, may he "ill not have
enough finance.
When aU planets are in 8th house and Saturn in 2nd house the na-
tive will have sound health and not attracted to temples. Intelligent,
lucky, comfortable life, gain through ancestral property. Independent.
good and lucky position, wealthy and of good statt1s till old age.
44. Sun-Mercury Venus:- One will be of licentious babits, loss of
domestic comforts, relations with other women, many journeys, clever,
sweet speech, over sexed, one will talk against sadhus, spiritual places
and heads. Lean body. One will not be blessed with male child ear-
lier than 40th years age. One will pine for love due to not having or
seperation from wife or beloved.
One will enjoy life endowed with aU objects of life and riches, live
\vith his parents and relations, comfortable life . He \viii shine \vith
honour and bravery.
ln female horoscope this conjunction indicates that at the time of
birth of child she \viii face miseries and troubles. She may etope,leave

the house and face troubles due to her rash temperament, vlce deeds,
and illicit relations \\ith other. Her brother or nearest relation ''ill be
the cause of this episode.
If posited in 8th house then at the time of marriage at 17th or 34th
year if celebrated, his wife will die at day time afternoon, In market
due to some accident within three years of such marriage.
Ia lOth house, one should not contract marriage of his sister inlaw
in his own family which will be the cause of min.
In this conjunction use of silver ring will be favourable.
When posited in 3rd house and Saturn Is in 12th honse,and to
mitigate evll results, one should bury almonds in the dark room of his
house which should be situated in the rear. This will help in the birth
of children.
When posited In 9th house then from the date of marriage, the rela-
tions of Moon (Mother and father-in-law) will face troubles and there
will be ruin.
Upaye :-In case of such conjunction, the propitiation be performed
for favourable results. At the time of marriage of such native, or after
the marriage ccrcmcnics have been per formed,one should donate a
copper set of big size lilled with Moong Dal along\vlth Copper lid and
I he same be thrown into a river or Canal in day time.

Such npaye is strongly recommended, may the conjunction be in any

This upaye may be performed during life at any time if one has not
done at the time of marriage.
45. Sun Mercury Saturn:- On 'vlll have much travelling troubles
through relations. qnarrelsone nature. Feminine face and figure. May
have difference and feel seperation from relations. Coward and less
respected. One \\ill behave like eunuch.
But when posited in 2,5,9 or 12th house, Jupiter will act in a malefic
way, whereas other planets \\ill indicate the results of their posi-
tions. When Sllll is in favourable house, one will gain through articles
of Mercury in business or through one's intelligence. When Saturn is
posited in the benficial house, one \\ill gain property. One \vlll be mar-
ried after 34th years age. If one is married early or in very young age
then for childem it \\ill be malefic and children will be born very late
or mllucky. Moon and Mars both \vlll be malefic. Agriciiitural land
will not yield good results. Mother either \vlll give troubles or herself

be troubled. Such females upto 34th years age and males upto 48Jh
year age will suffer on account of children and domestic life. Loss
through business and Govt. service.
Upayc. For Moon, one should pray to his God, for Mars, .Tapa of
Gayatri manter and for Rahu donation of daughter in marriage. For
Kctu donation of Kapila Cow or Cow will be bcncfficial OR when the
native marries his daughter or propotiates Godess Durga for his busi-
ness and will gain and be benefitted one will be benefitted also if one
do service to a parrot, or if one spares part of his food for black
coloured fish and serve them during night of Friday and Saturday for
40 weeks continuosly but once a week and not daily.
Also the person will have red bitlious body, will hate his relations,
destitute, he will live in foreign land. His body \\111 be full of veins and
46. Sun-Mars,Mercury. Bold and famous wrestler, stubborn, of
harsh tempramcnt, comforts from wife and children, interested in oc-
cult sciences, foreign travels, like to live in a secluded place. Can do
two jobs well at a time. Capable of giving a forceful reply to opponents
and careful to his respect. Opposed to righteous acts. miser, have no
mercy, the wealth earned by him will be destroyed, and he will be men-
tally affected thereby and devoid of happiness. He \\111 be intent in
living in foreign places. He will be roaming about.
47. Sun, Mars, .Jupiter. One will enjoy kingly status, rich, learned
and honoured by all. May have a rank in military intcllignct, brave,
comforts from conveyance, truthful, but harsh in speech. The people
will be benefitted through him. Lucky and wealthy. His relations like
grand father, elder brother, father or elder brother of his father or
maternal uncle or native himself will hold power and authority or will
be judge etc. One will have no enemies and no disease. Free from fear
and endowed with all kinds of happiness.
48. Sun, Mars, Venus. Wealthy and charitable, helpful and kind to
others, \\111 enjoy a good status and position in life, diseases of eyes,
intelligent, fond of performing religous rites, will speak less, think and
act more. Good luck.
49. Sun, Mars, Saturn, "Vealthy, separated from relation, lover of
solitude, quarrelsome nature, argumentatice, diseased may lead his life
in odd circumstances. If conjunction is posited in 8th house one \viii
fall seriously, ill seriously for one year When in lltb house, one \\111 be
unlucky, stubborn, liar and of dogmatic views. Such persons will do

sinful deeds, be will dupe other's wives. He will die in a foreign country
through poision, fire, weapon, heating or imprisonment.
50. Sun, Mercury, Rahu. More than one marriage, one will be lucky
with Govt, and superiors (benefic Sun) and trouble through children.
Articles, relations and profession related to Mercury will indicate
malefic results, for which upaye of Moon will he beneficial,
51. Sun, Mercury, Kctn. Articles, and relations as indicated by
ketu will be unfavourable. Children of brother and sisters will waste
his wealth. One will not have any credit for doing good or others but
his any slight mistake or otherwise will become headache for him.
52. Sun, Jupiter, Venus. One will be liebral in gifts, a renowned
like a king, losses through gambling and women. Tormented by his
enemies and very much troubled by misery. Bold, clever, ofliccntions
habits and may be ill reputed. Good luck after marriage, articles, rela-
tions and profession of Venus will favourable. A good wife.
53. Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Wealthy, good fame, favoured by Govt;
happy family and good children, good deeds, comforts from relations,
kind hearted aud charitable. Benefitted and gain from business. When
all the planets arc in 6th house one will be malefic.
54. Sun, Jupiter Rahu. A mined life, outwardly one will be poor,
All planets will be malefic. Bnt when posited in 5th house, will not be
55. Sun, Jupiter, Ketn, Snn \\ill act as a malefic planet except when
posited in 5th honse where by they will act as a benefic and will yield
favourable results.
56. Sun, Venus, Saturn. Poor, more expenditure than income, pas-
sionate, ill famed, not of good moral character. troubles through
enemies, influence of opposite SClt. There will be misunderstanding
between couple. In this case best upaye will be to bnry pieces of red
stone in earthen pot in a jungle or lonely place, this will indicate
favourable results. Such person will give np his religious observance.
Crafty and diseased. In old age one will have some money at his dis-
57. Sun, Venus, Rahn. Articles, professions and relations of Venus
and wife all will Indicate miserable results, one will be troubled, dis-
eased particularly when posited in the Ascendanl. otherwise general
effects will be as above.
58. Sun, Venus, Ketu. Venus and Ketn both will be malefic par-
ticularly when posited in the Ascendant. Such a native will remain wor-

ried, troubled, diseased and in fmancial troubles tiU his wife resides in
an ancestrarl house.
59. Moon, Mars, Mercury. The persona wiU become famous, loved
by all and learned, he will be eloquent and merciful, will become poor
in middle life. Sometimes will be ill famed and disrespected. In As-
cendant, 4th and 5th house, this conjunction denotes good health and
wealth. If posited in lOth or 11th house both health and finances will
suffer. In such case one should usc skin of deer for sitting and prayer
etc. which will be very helpful.
60. Moon, Mars, Jupiter. This conjunction posited in any house
other than their depression houses or the 6th, 7th and 8th house the
person born will be possed of strength and wealth. One will be adul-
terous and of had habits. Influence and relations with opposite sex.
Of rash temperament and ill famed Liked by ladies generally, falling
in for pretty faces.
61. Moon, Mars, Saturn. Such persons are of rash temperament,
will gain through Govt; or superiors, beneficial to brothers, in early
age will lose his mother, quarelsome and dangerous native, iU famed
and not respected by others. One will suffer from eyesight in old age.
Associated with an elder women. One will suffer from leprosy (white
and balck spots) Except in 11th house where it will be benefic and in
all other houses particlarly in 3rd, 4th and 8th will indicate loss of
wealth, troubles and turmoils, ones wealth if one has, wiU be used by
his maternal uncle and brothers. Watch the interest of his brolhcrs,
mother short lived, quarrelsome and dangerous in dealing, ill famed
and licentious. When posited in 9th , lOth or Ascendant, the person
will dwelt in a foreign place and live happily without the worries of his
family and relation.
62. Moon, Mars, Venus, Ofrasb and iU temperament, many travels
and journeys. the wife af such native will be of quarrelsome and rash
temper. Children "ill be a source of troubles. Self conceited and not
so wealthy. Wife of native will be ill tempered
63. Moon ,Mercury, Jupiter. Wealthy and respected, will be blessed
with power and authority, learned and intelligent. Cardial and happy
relations with friends etc One will gain through business of brokerage.
Beneficial in all houses except 2nd, 3rd and 4th where it will indicate
poverty and troubles etc In 2nd house, one will gain wealth but malefic
for others. In 3rd and 4th houses, aU planets will be malefic, particular-
ly for parents but one will gain finances,

64. Moon, Mercury, Venus. Industrious, wealthy, one will be

engaged in earning money and self comforts, learned. the native will
be greedy and will not be well-wishers of others. Age will be maximum
When posited in 4th house one will be blessed with long life, in 5th
house one will have disease in 2nd year age, if survived will have long
life. In 7th house, disturbances in marriage and married life, also
troubles through children. In other houses, the result~ will be as per
traits of each house.
65. Moon, Mercury, Saturn. Wealthy, will hold a good position,
intelligent, little comforts from children, well versed with property,
respected by all and favoured by the Govt; and renowned. Bold
When posited in houses other than 4th, above results can be
pronounced. But when posited in 4th house, will act as malefic and
will min the materual uncle, he will not die as poor man. The upaye
will be to serve milk to mango tree when one has heart diseases and
fainting fits etc
66 Moon, Jupiter, Venus. One without any doubt will be like aking,
blessed with property, conveyance, followers, treasure etc Learned,
intelligent, wiU do good deeds, wealthy, comfortable life, well respected
and wealthy. His mother will be from a good family and of good
temperament. One will suffer loss after the day of marriage.
When posited in 7th house, one will be mined due to influence of
the opposite sex, in such case if Sun is malefic one will be unsuccess-
ful lover who wiU be ill famed and will suffer losses. When posited in
2nd house and Mars is malefic one will be denied from children.
67. Moon, Jupiter, Sa tum, Good health, weU favoured by the GoYt,
low rewarding. wealthy, respected, constructive arguments, religious,
happy, intelligent, contacts with wealthy and learned people. Of true
promise, interested in occults sciences and fond of opposite sex and
remain under their control. Endowed ~ith children and happiness.
Respectful to mother, father, elders and God.
This conjunction indicates also that .Jupiter and Saturn will be very
benefic, helpful to others who will be benefitted through him. A true
and sincere friend, comforts and gain from parents for long except
when posited in 2,9, and I I houses.
In 2nd house, one will face troubles, in 9th house changeable and
troubled life. In 8th house, mother, grand mother elder and younger

sisters of mother or wife of uncle \\ill either commit suicide or may be

68. Moon, Venus Saturn. Religions, favoured by learned people,
company of opposite sex, good mathematician and well versed in
Astrology and Astronomy. Good eduction, learned man and a good
lecturer in religious matters. Wealthy and generally dies in foreign
land. May bring ill fame to inlaws. Proud and merciful, he will enjoy,
life, neither very high nor low in life, blessed with sons & cows.
Respected by relations.
69. Moon Saturn Rahu. Such native \\ill be licentious under the
influence of opposite sex, \\ill have tow wives, one will be beautiful and
other ugly. Sepcratcd from relations and kindered. From 33rd to 36th
or in 39th years age, the native will suffer due to Saturn for which upaye
of Saturn will be beneficial. Ot rash temperament, less comforts in
domestic life, from wives and mother particulary when conjunction
posited in 12th house when Moon will be malefic. Trouble through
quarrelsome nature. One may be devoid of progney otherwise
troubles through children.
70. Moon, Mars, Rahu. When child hom through womb by taking
his feet out instead of head, then such a native will be malefic for his
father or \\ill born after the death of his father. In such case upaye will
be that native should prepare and take halwa by using milk instead of
water and distribute among others. This \\ill be very beneficial.
71. Moon Mars Ketu. In such case Mars and Jupiter both will be
malefic. One will be devoid of progney upto 48th years of age, par-
ticularly when the conjunction is in 7th house or Venus is malefic
72. Moon, Mercury Rahu Father may die due to drowning. Moon
will not be malefic
73. ,Mars Mercury Jupiter. Fond of dance, music and poetry. Ser-
vice to others \\ill he his principia, helpful to relations, head of family
and in dynesty, Gain through finances of others. Blessed \\ith proper-
ty and charitable. Husband of good wife.
When the conjunction is posited in 8th house and Rahu in 11th
house, three sons of native will suffer from aslhama, in such case use
of gold on body of native will be bcfieial.
As a general the results of this conjunction is not good for the ar-
ticles, relations and professions of all the three planets, particularly
when aspected by Rahu directly.
Upaye. One should propitiate Mercury through

Saturn which will be favourable. In such case goats he served nith

grams during day time OR one should distribulc almonds to girls who
have not reached to the age of puberty and take their blessing.-;, this
will be very beneficial.
74. Mars, Mercury Venus. Intelligent, learned, strong dctcnnina·
lion, obstinate, comforts from nife and children. Wealthy, will do each
work methodically. Renowned in the world. When posited in 3rd
house, it will be malefic for children and
self longevity
75. Mars, Mercury Saturn. Troubles through eye diseases, poor,
lean body, seek help from others, prefer to live at lonely and secluded
places, not much respected, mean actions, cheat, may work in P & T
Department in low capacity.
In such case Saturn nill be malefic, when posited in 6th house one
should donate milk or articles of Jupiter in a temple. in Uth or 2nd
house, donation of patashas made of Sugar be donated in temple.
Maternal Uncles will be troubled and the one alive can only live if be-
comes Sadhu. Upaye of skin of deer lviU be favourable.
76 Mars Jupiter Venus. One \viU be blessed nith vehicles and com-
forts. He will be \\idely famed, immensely rich and nill possess sons
and lands and will ba a voluptuary. Blessed with good rank, power and
authority. Comforts from nife and children. Respected, blessed with
property, finances and man of detennination. Gets much benefit from
fashionable ladies.
One should avoid influuence ,of opposite sex, otherwise Venus nill
be very malefic and one may be devoid ofprogney.
77. Mars, Jupiter Saturn. Cruel hearted. hononrable but jealous,
enmity \\ith people., licentious.
A man of no words and not a good friend. But one nill be rich.
Jupiter in this case will be malefic except when poisted in 2nd house.
Loss through articles, profession and relations of Jupiter. Due to
malefic nature of Jupiter, one will dispose of ancestral property and
will not prosper unless one makes the same by earning himself. His
ancestral property will be destroyed before him when he lvill become
helpless. In 2nd house one \\ill be blessed nith wealth.
78 Mars Venus Saturn. The native nill be disliked by the mother,
\\ill go to foreign places, nill be addicted to other women, he nill be-
have barely, and \\ill suffer humiliation from the Govt. Superions and

royal family. Much travelling, wife will be from low family and of quar-
relsome nature. Comforts from others, domestic bliss and comforts
from children. One will have low family and of quarrelsome na-
turc.Comforts from long life and normally will be protected from
troubles etc. wife will be of wanton character.
79 Mars Sturn Rahu. One will earn through many ways, he will
spend whatever he earns. One will be swindler, cheat, vice acts but
victory over enemies.
80. Mars Saturn Ketu, Mars will be malefic. The house of such a
native will be kacha and pacca where Nccm tree and a dog will always
be there.
81. Mars Saturn & Any Other Planet. Generally all the three
planets will be malefic and indicate adverse results.
82. Mercury Jupiter Venus. One will be ruler, endowed with plen-
ty of wealth, wide fame, courteous, and comfortable life like a king.
Much respected, victory over enemies. In case it is posited in 7th
house, one may not have enough wealth, will suffer from gastric
troubles. Jupiter will be helpful and bene lie. In such case Venus will
be malefic and one will have troubled domestic life.
83. Mercury Jupiter Saturn. Wealthy, blessed with proptics, lead
a comfortable and good life, conveyance, comforts of world etc. In
12th house this combination will be very benefic for one's property and
finances etc. Which will be well protected.
In case Mercury is malefic, one will be troubled and suffers losses,
particularly when one is fond of eating and posited in 7th house. But
if Mercury is benefic, above good results will be realised by the native.
84. Mercury Venus Saturn. Of harsh temperament and bad
character, cheat, liar, ill famed and relations with other women.
Inspitc of above, one will be blessed with fanlily, children and long
Upayes lOne should throw part of his food to cow ,crow and dog.
2. Any sky light in the house will be the cause of ruin and theft of
3. To feed black cow and balck dog with food (Chappatics) will be
4. If one has black cow and black dog as pel in his own house these
should at all not be fed by and body outside the house which other wise
will be a source of loss.

85. Jupiter Venus Saturn. One will become chief of his race if one
may born in poor family. He will be happy with his wife and children.
His gains will he steady and his enjoyment will also he medium. He
\\iU attain fame and will be loved by the people
When the conjunction is posited in 9th house, it will specially he very
benefic. In other house it will also be favourable. In case of this con-
junction, the wife, of the native will pose as meak but due to her naughty
and sarcastic smile will create many quarrels, beating and fights etc.
86. Jupiter Saturn Rahu. Brave, well versed with military tactics,
weallhy, benefit from agriculaturc.
When posited in 12th house, Jupiter will act as poisonuous snake
and will crcat troubles.
When posited in 2nd house, then relations of these planets, VIZ;
father, grand father (Jupiter), inlaws (Rahu), Uncle (Saturn), may
commit suicide particulary when there is a cemctry or grave or jungle
adjoining to the ancestral house in South direction.
As general, the conjunction in any other house denotes that
articles, relations or professions of that house wiD be ruined.
To avoid this one should live within his whole dynesty. lfthe native
lives seperately, he will be ruined.
87. Jupiter Moon, Rahu. On the whole this conjunction indicates
average results, and average comforts from males and females of the
family. If posited in 12th house, the reuslts will be malefic.
88. Jupiter, Moon Kett1 The results of aU the three planets will be
malefic and will cause worries, troubles, losses etc.
89. Jupiter, Mars, Ketu. One wiD lead a miserable life upto 45th
years age. If a brother is lame then he will be helpful upto 45th years
age but after that he will not be helpful.
• To ward off this evil, one should put scent on a stone (of Saturn)
with yellow coloured flowers.
90. Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu. One \viii be wiser, may be a wealthy,
particularly when posited in 12th house, hut the native will then even
be wealthy.
91. .Jupiter, Mercury, Keto. Lucky and favaurablc conditions, par-
ticularly when posited in 2nd house. Comforts from family and wealth.
92. Jupiter, Saturn, Keto. There ~ill be deaths in the family.
Malefic results from the articles, professions and relations of Keto.

93. Venus, Mercury, Rahu. One will be married more than once,
but even then one ~ill suffer and have troubles through children and
in domestic life, particularly when conjunction is positioned in 7th
94. Venus, Mercury, Keto. The results of all planets will be malefic,
particularly when posited in 7th house,one will suffer from marriage
and children.
95. Venus. Saturn, Keto. Such native will be of licentious and of
wicked deeds, this action will be cause of his ruin otherwise average
96. Mercury, Saturn, Rahu. The result of each planet seperately be
analysed as per house and sign where posited. children and in domes-
tic life, particularly when conjunction positioned in 7th house
97. Venus, Mercury, Keto. The results of all planets will be malefic,
particularly when posited in 7th house, one will suffer from marriage
and children.
98. Venus, Saturn, Keto. Such native will be of liceotius and of
wicked deeds, this action will be cause of his ruin, otherwise average
99 Mercury, Saturn, Rahu. The result of each planet sepcrelely be
analysed as per house and sign where posited.
In analysing the con unction of three plane Is, the following principles
be kept in view.
I. When opposite to conjunction there is one enemy. placet, then
the stregth of such planet may it be benefic will be spoiled.
2. When opposit to a conjunction. there are two or three enemy
placets, then the effects of malefic planets will be increased.
3. When in a conjunction there is a enemy of a malefic planet posited
in the opposite house with friend of malefic planet, then in such con-
dition the strength of malefic planet will become two fold, they will
ruin the native and indicate malefic results.
4. In a conjunction if Jupiter Moon or Mercury is conjoined with
two other malefic planets, the results of all the three planets will be

5. If two malefic planets are posited in a honse, then others \\ill snf-
fcr from the articles, professions and relations of each planet bnt the
native will experience benefic effects of both malefic planets.
6. When effects of malefic planets are malefic then Jupiter will also
act as a malefic planet.
100. Sun. Moon, Mara, Mercury, Snch native will be wealthy,
blessed with power and authority, comforts from wife and children. Of
charitable nature. Helpful to people in noble causes, beautiful, stout
body. Brave, bold and well respected.
101. Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus. Clever, intelligent and wealthy but
he will be a native of wicked deeds. Learned, happy from his wife and
children. Relations with other women, Two marriages. One may be
punished by the ruler, superiors or Government.
102. Sun, MoonJvlars, Saturn. Not much wealthy, leads a life with
help of others, defective eyesight, gain from people, eams money
through nefarious means. Respected and not much religious and not
of good morals.
103. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter. The eyes of the native will be
big, lucky, learned, intellignet, master of hard work, respected and
comfortable in life. One will be quite wealthy, happy and accumula-
tion of wealth.
104. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venns. Very fortunate, learned, intel-
ligent, one \\ill hold power and authority like a king. Advisor to people.
Respected, good fame and pillar of the Govt; Parents will also hold a
good position in life. The native will be good and do good deeds.
lOS. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Active, clever, not much profited
from parents, secretive, can be cheat, liar etc. Will work for welfare
of country even through newly devised unlawful means. No permanent
residence, bold, good command over others. Seeking help from others.
106. Sun, Moon, Jupiter Venus. Of sweet and sanguine lempoera-
menl, respected by the people ,will be blessed with good power and
rank, wealthy, tmstworthy. He will be able to repose his confidence on
107. Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn. Short life,very wealthy and
respected. Intelligent, happy natured, relations \\ith women. Sweet
tongued and kind hearted, witty; not favourable for brothers and
parents. One \\ill behave like a woman.

108. Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, The native will be blessed with
money and property. WiU cam wealth by dint of his own efforts and
planning. A native of strong dctcrminaJion. Successful in his wishes
and hopes. His wife will be good.
109. Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter. Self conceited and of rash
temperament. Such native wiD be intelligent, wealthy, good advisor
and planner. Relations with learned people but not much conjugal
110. Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus. Inclined to do vice deeds, rela-
tions with other women, ancestral property wiU be destroyed through
him. Quarrelsome, bold, cheat and liar. Relalion with thieves and
scoundral people.
111. Sun, Mars, Mercury, Saturn. One will be very clever, low
morals. quarrelsome and a liar. A cheat, bold, and of thievish nature.
Normally the traits of the houses where these are posited will be
destroyed. In case the planets are malefic in a house, one will have
victory over enemies. If these are benefic, one wiU gain wealth.
112. Snn, Mars, Jupiter, Venus. The native will be estate owner.
and rich. Blessed \\1th power, authority and rank. Fond of dance and
music, comforts from the opposite sex. Such person will be learned,
intelligent and the native will belong to a respected family.
113. Sun, Mars, Venns, Saturn. \Veal thy and respected. Intelligent,
kind hearted, good and happy nature, sweet speech and will have rela-
tion with opposite sex. But the native will not be beneficial for parents
and brothers.
114. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn. Gain through journeys, well
respected, talkative, self praised, fixed views and separated from loved
115. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn. Fond of opposit sex, secret al-
liances, more expenditure and argumentative. \Vhen posited in 4th
house other people will enjoy from wealth. Devoid of progney even
there \\111 be two wives or husbands, of bad character. Old age of na-
tive will be very troublesome.
L16.Sun Jupiter Venus Saturn Well respected, Crcater of proper-
ty, gain from land and wealthy.
117. Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury. A good and comfortable life.
Wealthy, learned and well respected. Gain through business and op-
positie sex, When the conjunction is posited in 3rd house and 11th
house is vacant, one should perform Surya Namaskar (Sun Namaskar)

for power, respect and wealth, For details of Surya Namaskar indicat-
ing methods, mantras; etc. Readers should refer author;s famous
book, "COMPLETE ASTRO PALMISTRY" Pages 413-414
118. Sun, Jupiter, Moon, Mars. Well respected, wealthy and ana-
tive of power and authority.
119. Moon, Mars, Satum, Rahu, Intelligent, bold, wealthy, kind,
relations with people, self opined, spendthrift. When conjunction is at
inimical place, the native will be leader or decoit and man of nefarious
and bad deeds.
120. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter. The native will be a good ad-
visor, less practical but more theoratical. One will not have much love
for the world. Not so lucky, wealth will not be attained according to
one's wishes. One will keep concnbins, will have love affairs with other
people's wives.
121. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus. One will be fond of tantaric,
Astrology and other allied sciences. Will talk less, less comforts from
children, one will be skilled in many arts. Will have good wives.
122. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn. Clever and intelligent, ill
famed, one will be able to convince the people, Happy and kind na-
123. Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Bold, may be hard of hearing,
proud, determined, happy relations with brothers, active nefarious ac-
tions and troublesome for the people.
124. Moon, Mars, Jupiter. Venus. The native will be oflicentious
character, relations with the opposite sex but not liked by ladies, but
good wife and loss of money through them. May be victim of venereal
diseases, under debt and ill famed. One will not be able to differen-
tiate between good and bad.
125. Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn. Wealthy and comfortabl,e in
early age, second and last part of life will be troublesome. Straind rela-
tions with wife. Generally a troubled life. When posited in 2nd house
one will hold a good position and lead a comfortable life. Husband of
a wanton woman.
126 Moon, :Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn. When the conjunction is
posited in 2nd house, one will have vice company and will do bad deeds.
But when posited in 6th house the native will be famous, wealthy and
will have good company. Well versed in art. Intelligent, incentive, well
reputed, respected by rulers, happy relations with all.

127. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahn: The native will suffer till42nd
years age. The tr'!its of the house where they are posited will be spoiled
but at latter stage the over all effects will be good.
128 Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. One will have two mothers
or will be a son connected with two persons. Learned, wealthy, blessed
with children, kind, respectful and will be able to take people into con-
fidence immediately.
129. Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury: The conjunction will be malefic
in all the houses but will be beneficial after the date of marriage of his
130. Moon, Mercury. Venus, Saturn. Kind hearted, good natured,
happy go lucky, good deeds, happy from wife and progney. Comforts
from servants, victory over enemies, wife will be of good temperament,
wealthy and gain from relations and friends.
I3l. Jupiter, Mercury Saturn, Rahu. One will gain if one do busi-
ness with the finances of inlaws or uncles. When the conjunction is
posited in 12th house, one should do business with his own money and
not with borrowed one, otherwise one will suffer losses and will be
132. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. One will be poet and kind
hearted, becomes annoyed at slightest provocation. Fond of fine arts,
dance and music. A Comfortable life.
133. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn:- Well learned, immovable
property, good conveyance, victory over enemies, harsh temperament
and good rank in life.
134. Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn:- Evil deeds, obstinate. Waver-
ing, mind, ralat ions with opposite sex, very fond of womim, destruction
of property and poor.
135. Mars. Venus, Mercury, Rahu/Ketn:- The marriage of native
will be opposed, loss of finances particularly when posited in 7th house.
136 Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Ralm:- There will not be any malefifc
effects on the traits of the house where posited. If Sun is posited in
the adjoining house, some of his brothers will either be wealthy or
without children. Loss through theft or otherwise will be occassional.
If Mercury is malefic, the daughters of the native will be diseased and
troubled. If there is an entrance on the South side in a house will be
cause of troubles. In such case upaye will be that one should bury a
silver wire under the sill of such enterance equal to the length of the
enterance. The width of wire can be smaller than the enterance.

137. Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn:· Kind hearted. good natured,

happy go lucky, good deeds, happy from wife and p1.:gncy. Comforts
from servants, victory over enemies, wife will be of rash temperament,
wealthy and gain from relation and friends.
138. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn:- Good politician intelligent,
learned and wealthy. Blessed with property, conveyance, comforts
from servants, good natured, donation, relations with learned men, vic-
tory over enemies, and benefit from agriculaturalland etc.
Accordidg to some old Hindu mythology the conjunction of five
planets is termed the best when does not include Mercury but it should
include Rahu or Ketu.
The conjunction of FIVE planets is called PANCHA Y AT.
When male planet, female planet and a malefic planet except Mer-
cury form such conjunction, the native will be wealthy, blessed with
power and authority, children, grand children, comforts of domestic
life and long life, may the native be devoid ofintclligcntia.
The conjunction of Jupiter, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, when
posited in houses. lsi to 6th will yield benefic results. In 7th to 12th
houses, the results will no doubt be benefic but one will be self made
wealthy man. He will lead a comfortable life and act cautiously.
The effects of conjunction will be generally good. In such a case if
a native has vice deeds and acts, then even he will be lucky than others.
In a queer reading, it is stated that if in such conjuction or
Panachayat a malefic planet like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn is not included
and native has no habit ofvicc deeds, the conjunction will be useless.
In other words either there should be a malefic planet in the conjunc-
tion or the native should be mischievous or do vice deeds then only
ben fie results can be experienced. Otherwise one will suffer losses in
the life. ln case the native is truthful and free from vice habits then
one should freely distribute the articles of malefic planets in the people
to realise the beneficial result.
As an example the articles ofRahu are barley, coconut and articles
made ofwheat.
Ketu's articles are banana and articles of soure taste.Saturn's ar-
ticles are almond, wine, cigarete or other narcotic drugs.
Now we explain the conjunction or Panchayat as below:-

139. Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury-Jupiter:- Such a native will be kind,

of good deeds, respected and careful for ills respect. Blessed with
property and comforts from servants. One will be wealthy, lead a com-
fortable life but will not have comforts from wife and will live seperate
from wife.
140. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury Venus:- Master of crafts, gentle
and will lead a comfortable life. In early part of life, one will be of
licentious character, relations with opposite sex, in middle age, one will
become thoughtful and in last part of ills life, will do service to Sadhus
and Sanyasies and may renunciate the world.
141. Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury Saturn:- Short life, not much som-
forts from wealth, worried from wife and children, disease and much
spending of money on this account. One will have billions diseases.
Deviod of matrimonial happiness.
142. Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus:- Gentle nature, kind
hearted, charitable deeds, good advisor, relations with women and
helpful to other people.
143. Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn:- Well learned, good plan-
ner, wealthy and will lead a comfortable life.
144. Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn;- Advisor, well respected,
servants in abundance, relations with other women, fond of travelling,
well versed in wordly affairs and deal them with determined mind. Low
morals and attached to other peoples wives.
145. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn:- Intelligent, well read,
respected, promotions, wealth, succesful attempts. At times suffers
from diseases. Beautiful wife. Relations with damsals.
146. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus: -Intelligent, gain from
Govt. and superiors, respected by the people and society, one will be
able to solve calmly the difficult and intricate problems.
147. Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn :- Learned, intelligent,
wefl read, wealthy, intelligent brain and remains busy in solving well
intricate and complicated problems,
148. Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn:- Well learned, intelligent,
Sweet tongued, good relations with all and wealthy. Liked by Ladies.
149. Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter Saturn:- Diseased, suffers at the
hands of enemies, much troubled and poor.

150. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn:- .Jolly nature, fond of

music and dance, wealthy, well respected and well versed in wordly af-
fairs, good orator and argumentative.
151. Sun, Mcrcur, Venus, Saturn-Rahu:-lntelligent, bold and care-
ful for his respect. He will accomplish all his works with good plan-
ning. boldness and determination.
152. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn:-Clever, self praise,
talkative, rough in thoughts and actions. unsuccessful in all attempts.
153. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn:-Vcry wealthy,
blessed with property, conveyance and comforts oflife like a king. At-
tached to many ladies.
154. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus:- Very wealthy and na-
tive of good slat us, blessed "ith property and comforts of life. One
will be well learned in su~:a,.~ ::f ~...... uaiogy.
155. Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus:- Proud, rude tempra-
ment, leads a secluded life and wealthy. One will be self conceited.
156. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn:- Spendthrift in
early part of the life. In middle age, one will become wise. respected,
good deeds and blessed "ith comforts of life. Attached to other
women and suffers physical diseases.
157. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn:- One will get
buried or willed wealth, respected, wealthy, generous, charitable, com-
forts of life and protector and elevator of name and fame of dynesty.
158. Moon, Mars, MercuryJupiter, Venus Saturn:- Very wealthy,
respected, will attain a good high position in life. Blessed with proper-
ty, conveyances, head of some department, institution- or Minister.
Will lead the life like a king and respected like them.
159: All The Seven Planets:- Very renowned man, respected, weal-
thy, king or minister or will lead a life like them. Blesse with all com-
forts oflife, property, conveyances, children and lucky go round.


In the foregoing conjunctions of planets Rahu and Ketu have not
been dealt with detail.
Rahu and Ketu do not exist in the heavens and possess no mass.
They are only two imaginary Points in the heavens. Sun, and Moon

sull"crs when they come in contact with Rahu or Kctu, other planets
too develop abnormal traits and their qualities usually suffer for the
worse. Stm conjuncHng Rahu gives strong advantage and bestows
strength, vitality, action and warmth. But when Sun is in conjunction
with Ketu, gives a difficul1y in establishing the new growth but gives a
strong will power to face odds.
Westerns astrologers have now recognised Rahu and Ketu as the
Moon's Nodes as a few astrologers of the \Vest have written a few
books indicating the important part of Nodes on human affairs.
Before analysing the conjunctions, one should understand sig-
nificance of Nodes in different houses and signs. This aspect has al-
ready been detailed in author's book, "SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF
HOROSCOPE" and be referred. The sum total is that unaffiicted
Rahu attracts blessing of the house it occupies where as Kent robs of
the beneficial traits of the tenanted house.


1. Rahu will be favourable when occupies, 7th, 4th, 9th, lOth and
11th houses. Ketu \lill prove auspicious when he is in 3rd house.
2. The following four groups, viz.
1. Waning Moon and Mercury when he is a malefic

2. TheSun.

3. Rahu and Mars and

4. Ketu and Saturn are productive of evils in the proportion of

114, 1{l, 3/4, and 1 respectivelly.
3. If Rahu or Ketu occupy 5th or 9th and be conjoined with or
aspected by the lord of the 2nd or the 7th house, they cause death
during their dasa.
4. If they occupy 7th or 2nd house in conjunction with or aspected
by the lord of 5th or 9th, they confer wealth and long life. If under the
same condition viz. Rahu and Kent occupying the 2nd or the 7th con-
fers the above result~. '
5. If Rahu and Kern occupy dual rasis and if the lord of rasis or
Rahu and Ketu occupy dual rasis and if the lord of rasis of Rahu and
Kern are conjoined with the lord ofKendfiHlr kona houses, the native
will during their dasa periods gets wealth, power etc.

6. If they arc posited in dual signs and in conjunction \lith or

aspcctcd by the rulers of 6th, 8th or 12th houses, there \1111 not be much
bcnclit to the native's mother or other relations of the mother's side,
or \lill cause loss of elder brother or father or the native.
7. Rahu Vat Sarri And Kl\i Vat Kctu is the dictum meaning that
Ralni is similar to Saturn and Ketu to Mars in giving effects.
8. Rahu causes palpitation of heart. leprosy, abermtion of mind,
danger. from artificial poisoning, pain in the legs, troubles from Goblins
and serpents and ills to the wife and children. Keh1 indicates troubles
\vith Brahmins and Kashatriyas, or from enemies.
9. If 6th or 8th houses are occupied by Mars or Ketu, one \1111 suf-
fer from unlccr, if Rahu aspected by Mars be in 6th or 81h house, one
\1111 suffer from carbuncles.
10. Rahu will bring about death by leprosy, by eating food mixed
\lith poison. by venomous bites, or by smallpox and the like. Ketu will
cause unnatural deaths, such as suicide, or association as a result of
the hatered of enemies or through worms etc.
11. Rahu when weak by being posited in 6th, 8th or 12th houses or
in conjunction \\ith or aspected by maleliee; each one of these is
declared as causing the destruction of the Bhava in its respective dasa
12 When Gulika is associated \\ith Rahu, person concerned will
suffer from a poisinous disease; if \lith Ketu, he \\ill suffer from fire.
13. During transit, the Sun gives good results when he is in the 6th,
3rd and lOth houses (counted from Moon). the Moon in 3rd, lOth 7th
and 1st, Jupiter in 7th, 2nd and 5th, Mars and Saturn in 61h and 3rd;
Mercury in the 6-111 2nd, 4th, lOth and 8th, all planets in 11th houses,
Venus in a1l houses other than lOth, 7th and 6th. Rahu and Ketu are
similar to Sun. viz. in 6th, 3rd, lOth houses and also in Uth house.
14. Rahu in Karak, Varishabha, Mesha, Kumbha and Varischak,
viz (Cancer, Taurus, Aries, Capricorn and Scorpio) and Ketu in
Meena, Kanya, Varishbha, and the latter half of Dhanus, viz (Pisces,
Virgo, Taurus and latter half of Sagittarius), in Parivesha and ln-
drachapa are strong if there be a conjunction of Moon and the Sun and
the time be night.
15. Rahu posited at birth in 3rd, 6th or 11th and aspected by benefic
planets dispels a1l evils. The same \\ill be the result when Rahn oc-
cupies the Lagna identical \\ith Mesha, Varishbha or kataka.

16. When lord of 8th house conjoins with Rahu, death will be caused
by hanging.
17. Rahu's exaltation sign is Gemini, Virgo is his own sign. The ex-
altation and own sign of Ketu is Sagittarius and Pisces respectively.
But acc'ording to some Scorpio is the exaltation sign of Rahu and
Aquarius that of Ketu. So is provided in Sankeeta Nidhi San.,l sloka
18. Rahu identical to its exaltation sign Gemini placed in an angle
or trine gives political power and fame. One will have all comforts and
become chief of his town, community or group etc.
19 .. Rahu posited in Taurus, Cancer or Aries gives wealth, educa-
tion, good servants, pleasing wife or husband and gain from the Govt,
20. Rahu and Ketu produce the effects of the Bhave they occupy
and planets they conjoin with.
21. Saturn with malefics in 5th house indicates childlessness, Mars
in a similar position will cause abortions to the wife. Weak Sun
aspected by malcfics will destroy children. If Rahu or Ketu be in 5th
in a like situation, the children will be dcspircd or contemptible.


We provide some important combinations of Rahu and Ketu with

other planets. There can be many such combination but it is difficult
to provide all of them

I. If the Sun along with Rahu be in 7th house, the woman will have
many husbands.
2. If Sun is associated with Rahu or Venus is posited in 2nd house,
the native will be harsh in speech, and his wealth will be insignificant.
3. Rahu posited in the 1st house along with Sun, Saturn and Moon
having 9th aspect ofJupiter is the best position.
4. Rahu with 7th lord in Sagittarius or Pisces makes one adulterous
and if Sun joins with them, one will have sexual relations with women
of high born families.
5. Conjunction of Rahu and Sun in 4th house indicates financial
troubles, fear of enemies, and failure of plans. There may be problems
of children also. Finally the native will leave for another town or
6." Conjunction of Rahu and Sun in lOth house brings elevation in
one's life, but political career will be a failure. Many ups and downs
in life. This conjunction in 9th will give higher learnings and foreign
7. Conjunction ofRahu and Sun is unfavourable in Aries, Gemini,
Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius. Sun conjunctngKetu destroys the house
where they are placed.
8. Conjunction of Rahu and Sun in I st. 3rd, 5th and 12th, also in
Leo are favourable resulting fame, dignity, finances and socii eleva-
tion. But relations with father will not be cordial.
9. If Rahu or Ketu conjuncts Sun and is afflicted, placed in malefic
houses or aspected by malefic planets, causes loss of profession and
prestige. Diseases of venereal nature and ofhand, feet and mouth are
indicated. Comforts of children are denied and one will face frustra-
10. Rahu in squae aspect to Saturn, Sun, Moon and Jupiter, a
politician is born, Jupiter in trine aspect to Rahu causes one to be ad-
11. Rahu in 2nd, 6th, 8th or 12th from Saturn, Sun, Moon and
Jupiter makes the native politician and administrator.
1. The lord of lagna or the waning Moon occupying 8th house and
being aspected by or conjoined with Rahu will cause native's death in
7th year.
2. When Rahu associated with malefic aspects the weak Moon or
when the lord of sign occupied by the Moon is eclipsed (or occupies
7th house), the native will die in 6th or 8th year.
3. The lagna lord occupying in conjunction with Rahu in 7th house
causes certain death in 21 days, months or years.
4. lfRahu conjoins Moon in 3rd house, one will have no brother or
sister and will not have much wealth.
5. If Moon, Saturn and Rahu occupy 5th house, one will suffer from
wind disease, a severe spleen pain, wom1 disease respectively.
6. The best position of Rahu is to be posited in the 1st house along
with Saturn, Sun and Moon having 9th aspect of Jupiter.

7. Rahu with Moon and Saturn in 6th, 8th or 12th house and
aspected by the lord of ascendant causes death in bad and mysterious
8. Rahu and Moon in 9th house and .Jupiter in lOth indicates lucky
and beautiful children.
9• •Jupiter and Moon in 12th house are unfortunate, but if Rahu or
Ketu joins, then one is fortunate.
10. Moon, Mars and Rahu or Moon, Saturn, Rahu or Mercury,
Mars, Rahu or Mercury, Saturn, Rahn conjoins and specially in Aries,
Sagittarius and Scorpio or in the constellations ruled by Mars or Saturn
is not auspicious unless there are beneficial aspects. During the dasa
periods of these planets, one "ill meet with frustration, disappoint-
ments, "ill be head strong. restless, have ill controlled tempers and in-
clines the person to go to extremes.
11. Rahu and Moon in 3rd house indicates death of mother in early


1. lfRahu occupies his own sign Virgo and if Mars, Venus and Mer-
cury be together in lOth house, fortune and ill luck are only momen-
tary and not of long standing. If malefics occupy 2nd, 3rd and 7th
houses, and .Jupiter be in the 5th, the person will be of bad behaviour.
2. If Mars occupies 6th house, Rahn 7th and Saturn the 8th, the na-
tive will have misfortune oflosing his partner and becomes dependent
on another.
3. If Sun occupies the 7th, Mars in lOth and Rahu in 12th, the yoga
causes destrnction of parents; if Rahu and Jupiter should occupy, the
6th, 1st or the 4ih (with the Sun in 7th and Mars in lOth). the demise
of the parents will have to be declared to happen "ithin 24 years.
4. Mars in 4th house aspected by Saturn and Rahu, and if the aspect
of Moon should also fall on the bhave, the mother of the child will be
5. When 7th or 8th house is occupied or aspcctcd by Mars, Saturn
and Rahu, the person concerned will be bitten by dogs, serpent and
the like. Or one will surely suffer from a very bad poisonous disease.
6. Mars and Saturn combined with Rahu in 8th house, the native
meets with premature death through weapons ets. Even a benefic in
the 8th house if aspected by inimical and malefic planets will cause
death in battle.

7. Mars in lith with Rahu and Sun in 5th makes the native chlef of
the town.
8. Rahu conjuncting Mars and Saturn in Ascendant causes diseases
of the generative system.
9. Rahu, Mars and Satum conjunction makes one accident prone.
The position of the house will indicate the part of the body to be af-
flicted or shatters the prosperity of that house
10. Rahu, Saturn and Mars in 8th house makes the person cruel,
perverse and immoral. There will be sudden rise and fall
11. Rahu, Mars and Jupiter in 6th, 8th or 12th house indicate dis-
pleasure of the ruler.
I. Rahu conjuncting Jupiter in 7th house and Mercury in 9th
house, one will leave hls country and may reside in foreign lands.
2. Rahu aspected by Satum, Venus and Mercury becomes very
powerful to do good. Although Rahu is stated to be friend of Mer-
cury, Veuns and Saturn, but the conjunction with these planets causes
more affliction than otherwise. In fact, Rahu is no one's friend.
3. Rahu and Mercury in 12th house, Jupiter ancJ Satum in 5th house
is bad for longevity of the native.
4. Rahu 8th from Mercury, the parents will be sickly and unfor-
5. Rahu Mercury in 4th house gives gain of money, hlgh position
and good social status. But in Pisces sign indicates sorrows due to rela-
tions, friends and children.
6. Rahu and Venus in 4th will give comforts and pleasures, but, if
Mercury joins them, one will indulge in sexual excesses damaging hls
health and wealth.
7. Rahu conjuncting Jupiter in 7th house and Mercury in 9th house,
the persons wiU leave hls place of birth and lives in the foreign lands.
8. Rahu in an angle (1-4-7-10) with Satum, Jupiter, Venus and Mer-
cury, the native will be healthy with good children, honour etc. and
long lived.
9. Mercury with Ketu or Rahu in 6th or 12th house and heavily af-
flicted gives rise to a disease whlch cannot be diagnosed and cured.
Even nervous break down or insanity is caused.

10. Combination of Rahu, Mercury. Saturn in the I Oth house may

sometimes causes amputation of legs.
11. Rahu combined with Ascendant lord and Mercury causes white
1. Jupiter, Sun, Rahu and Saturn occupy the 1st, 6th or 5th house,
the yoga will only prove adverse to the parents. 1f all the malefics oc-
cupy lOth, 3rd, 7th and 12th houses, the native will always be suffering
through some tr-ouble or t':('"therin the body.
2. Rahu and Jupiter in Leo blesses the native with long age. Same
results are indicated ifRahu alone is posited in Aries or Virgo.
3. Saturn conjuncting Rahu or Ketu, but under benefic rays of
Jupiter, produces a great yogi.
4. Rahu in square or trine to Jupiter or in trine to Sun creates
5. Rahu and Jupiter in 8th house indicates stomach ailments and
also a birth mark near the naval.
6. Rahu and Venus in lOth house and Jupiter in Aries indicate
prosperous and fortunate person. He will enjoy some sort of authority
7. Rahu Jupiter in 4th house with benefic aspects makes one God
fearing and religious, one will be blessed with power, authority, wealth
and pros parity. One may be a distinguished lawyer.
8. Jupiter Rahu posited in any house destroys the fruits of that
9. Jupiter Ketu posited in 1st. 5th, 9th or Jupiter aspectiug Rahu
when placed in 1st, 9th or lOth house blesses the native with very high
position, finances and respect.
10. Rahu Jupiter in 5th house indicates loss of issues or abortions.
11. Rahu 4th to Jupiter and Venus 4th to Rahu for a Capricorn as-
cendant makes the native rich, lucky, prosperous, name and fame.
There will be fluctuations in life also.
1. If at birth of a child, Rahu Venus, Sun, Saturn and Mercury oc-
cupy the 2nd house, the father will have died before the birth of child,
and this yoga will prove good to the mother.

2. Venus conjuncting Ketu gives perverse sex outlook.

3. Venus conjuncting Rahu in 3rd, 6th, 71h, 8th and 12th house is
bad, but good in other houses, Venus trines Rahu gives the native ex-
cellent moral character.
4. Rahu Venus in 4th house confers the native with money and
lands. Domestic peace, hormony and comforts. Relations and friends
will be of great help.
5. Saturn Ketu in 3rd house, Rahu if aspects Venus in 51h house,
causes fascination for the opposite sex.
6. Venus in 7th house aspected by Rahu, the native may suffer from
cholera and diarrhoea.
7. Venus in Ascendant and Rahu in 8th causes a mark on head or
left car.
8. Rahu in 12th house, Saturn in 3rd and Venus in 5th indicate defec-
tive right eye.
9. Venus in good aspect to Rahu makes the native very suecptiblc
to the admiration of the opposite sex.
10. Venus in conjunction to Rahu or parallel indicated that one will
be fond of opposite sex and pleasure particularly to young females an~
often forms illicit connections with them even after the marriage. This
also happens when Rahu is posited in the sign of Venus.
11. Venus when strong and in good aspect to Rahu, the native falls
an easy prey to the beauty of the female sex and there may be several
love affairs even after marriage.

1. Should all the planets be posited in kendra houses, or if only the

malcfics the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Waning Moon and Mer-
cury when combined with these i.e. all except Jupiter and Venus oc-
cupy the 2nd, 5th and 9th houses, there will be destruction of entire
family and make the native indigent.
2. Saturn and Rahu posited in 5th house and are supplemented by
bad aspects indicate loss of children.
3. If Rahu along with Saturn, Venus and Mars is posited in Virgo,
the native will be wealthy.

4. If Saturn or Rahu alongwith a female planet occupy the 2nd, the

person will lose his wealth through his association with wicked peoples,
courtezans, singers, actors and the like.
5. Saturn conjoined with Rahu in the 3rd house will destroy both
the elder and the younger brothers.
6. Rahu or Ketu and Saturn in 6th house bless the native with wealth.
7. If Saturn and Rahu are posited in 7th house, wife of native will
die of diseases caused by water or worms, through quadruped or
through female imps and goblins.
8. Rahu 2nd from Sun and 9th from Saturn confers spirituality and
turns the native into a religious leader.
9. Saturn in the constellation ofRahu and Kctu in the constellation
of Saturn, involving in 8th house indicates paralysis afflicting the na-
10. Rahu or Ketu with Saturn and 4th house mler posited in 8th
house indicates stomach and digestion troubles.
11. Rahu in lOth house and lOth lord with Saturn in 3rd house in-
dicates that one will be wealthy, religious and learned.


The highest of all learning is the knowledge of the

stars. To trace their cause is to untangle the threads of
mystery ofLife from the beginning to the end. If we
follow them perfectly nothing would be hiddenfn:m
In the previous chapter we have studied the general effects of con-
junction of planets from two to seven planets in a house. A few con-
junctions are favourable whereas others are unfavourable, which now
we refer in detail.
In astrology the Parallel of declination is generally regarded as the
same in nature as the conjunction. \Vhen however two planets are in
parallel and in some definite aspect at the same time it is always best
to analyse the combination in terms of the aspect whether good or bad.
If there is no aspect, the parallel may be treated as a conjunction. but
it will not be so strong, and will act rather as an inclining than a deter-
mining influence. Strictly speaking the conjunction and Parallel are
not aspects but positions.
The feelings and sensations which registers in our minds as plcascnt,
pleasure and good feelings are knmm by the general terms of good or
favourable. On the other hand, the vibrations of planetary angles
which give our sensary nerves an attitude of displeasure are called ad-
verse or unfavourable. The conjunctions which give the above effects
are termed likewise. The same principles apply to aspects, which are
named according to their difference in strength of influence.
Also in conjuction of two or more planets which produce effects we
have to check the resultant effect like the resultant of the meeting of
two forces, the resultant varies according to the angle aud strength of
each force. So the combined and resultant effects of conjuction has to
be analysed giving pleasure or displeasure and hence are tem1ed
favourable and unfavourable respectively.
We clarify the above point through an example. Take the, conjunc-
tion of Mars and Venus. This conjunction denotes, The native will
be rash, nnder influence of opposite sex, a good mathematician,
obstinate, sexy and Passionate_." If we take JVIars as the senses, heat
and boldness and Venus as the soul and passions, when they are in
conjunction and Venus is stronger by sign as in the earhy or Airy
triplicity, the soul will control and refine the senses aud \viii gain in
feelings and emotions, aud termed as favourable but if they are in fiery
or watery sign there will be more danger of the senses and passions
enslaving the soul and is termed as unfavourable.

The results indicated below will only operate when the conjunction
is independent and without any aspect from other planets. The resnlts
be modified according to the aspects.
1. Good-Conjunction or Parallel with .Jupiter.
.Jupiter (i) When Sun is significator, whether be ill or well dig-
nified, he is so debiliti:.ted by the Sun beams that the na-
tive is but little affiicted by him except being rather more
religious. This also denotes honest of generosity, can-
dour, and sympathy. Magnanimity, snccess through am-
bitions, marriage or social advantage. This is a very
favourable positions.

(ii) When .Jupiter is significator, it denotes

pride,liberality, extravagencc, love of dis[Jlay, conceit, os-
tentation, success through superiors and favours from the
persons in authority.
2. Adverse-Conjunction or Parallel with Mars, Saturn or Venus.
Mars (i) If the Sun be significator and Mars, well dignified and
not near enough to be combust, the native Will be bold,
rearless, violent, head stronng and rash. Passionate,
speculative, over asseritve, dogmatic, irreverent, scepti-
cal, exaggerative, good vitality and strong constitution.
High in command and generally victorious, drcadfull
quarrels, or come off terribly wounded.

(ii) When Mars is significator, one will have a strong

character, heroism, courageous, treacherous; rash >md
bloody minded to the extent of murderer. Ignominious
death, defiance, fortitude, resentment, indignation and
Saturn (i) If Sun be the significator and Saturn well dignified
makes the native libidious, much attached to opposite sex,
cautious, diplom~t~,economical,success through respon-
sibility, anci position of tmst One will have habit of
austerity, Proud, and careless. If Saturn is ill dignified,
one is infamous, miserable life, proud, mean covetuous,
rash and poor. Often has mark or blemish on his face.
May break his limbs and dies a \iolent death.

(ii) When Saturn is significator and Suu is well dignified

denotes much evils, loss from fire, proud, lofty1 unfor-
tunate, knavish, unhappy and bewildered. Deficiency of
moral courage, lack of sympathy, poor blood circulation,

weak constitution Danger of disgrace or serious misfor-

tunes and failures.
Venus (i) If sun be the significator and Venus is well dignified,
makes the native soft and cffiminate, fond of fair sex and
greatest ambition will be in the company of opposite sex.
If Venus is combust, the native wilf be extravagent, and
has an attachment for persons whose affairs are always
in a dcrrangcd or ruinous state and will waste his proper-
ty. If Venus is ill dignified, one will not keep company
with any one except with low and infamous women, who
will bring him to ruin.

(ii) If Venus be significator, the native will be proud and

prodigal. If Sun be ill dignified, extremely mean and
poor, liable to consumption, hectic-fever. Ifhowever, the
native live untill Venus separates from Sun, he will be
more healthy, but seldom fortunate.
3. Doubtful:- Conjunction or Parallel with Neptune or Pluto.
I. Good :- Conjunction or Parallel withe Sun, Mercury, Venus or
Sun (i) If the Sun be significator, and Moon well dignified is
said to give profit by travelling, one is a~piring, ambitious,
conservative and impressive. If Moon is ill dignified, the
native will be very unsteady, fond of travelling, respect-
able but sickly in youth.
(ii) When Moon is significator, it denotes defect in eyes,
one is mutable, self centered, harmless and indifferent.
Proud, aiming high, but will seldom attain them, will en-
counter a great variety of new situation.

Note:- The exact conjunction of Sun and Moon is good

except when aspected by malefic planets, although it
tends to weaken the health, especially in a female chart.
Mercury:-(i) Whe Mercury is significator and Moon is well dig-
nified, and both are free from affliction, makes the native
of sound understanding, quick witted and intuitive. If
Mercury be at good distance from Sun, then one is fond
of learning, good abilities, much admired by the lower
order. He will be changeable and unsteady, fond of
travelling, Judicious, and aspiring in his connections and
aquaintances. One who is much favoured by women of a
higher order and generally prosperous in all undertak-
(ii) When Moon is signii}cator and Mercury well dig-
ilified, the effects are neraly the same as above, except
that the native has more abilities and less instability.
Generally handsome, learned. ingcnius. quick witte(J,
profound, often eroduces new ideas and inventions.
Other conf.guarattons with Moon and Mercury be also
taken into consideration.
Venus (i) When Venus is significator and Moon is well dig-
mfied, makes the native unstable but fortunate, good na-
tured and of an easy temper. Admired by the multitude.
But if Moon is ill dignified, one will oe unstable and
foolish, talkative, boastful, always changing places and li-
able to many disappointments.

(ii) When Moon be the significator, Venus is well dig-

nified, the native will be cffiminatc, easy loving, fond of
company and pleasure, comforts, of elegant manners, sel-
dom laymg an)'thil}~ to heart. He is less generally admired
and respected. If venus be ill dignified, one will be lust-
ful, thoughtless, profligate, foolish and careless, Check
aspects on the Moon.
Jupiter (i) If Jupiter be the significator and Moon is well dig-
mfied, the native will be of harmless good nature, will be
chageable, fond of travelling and rmght always be rich.
prosperous and happy. If the Moon is increasing (of
Shulial Pakash) his good fortune will be unbounded, mar-
riage with lady above his status. But if Moon is decreas-
ing (Krishan Paksha) some reverse fortune is indicated
not mjuring the native materially. If at the new or full,
Moon one will suffer occassionally but gain through
ladies, and the native will travel beyond the sea.
If the Moon is ill dignified, one will have unsteal,lv temper,
good nature, changeable, unsatisfied. When Moon IS in
cadent house, unfortunate, low company of infamous
women causing his ruin, if Mars aspects tlie conjunction.

(ii) If Moon is significator, and Jupiter is well dignified,

the native will be highly honoured and respected. For-
tunate and position of authority. One is noble,mag-
nanimous, generous, kind, humane and hospitable.

If Jupiter is ill dignified, all above results will be enjoyed

in moderate degree, though his unaspecting good nature
may occassionally make h1m prey of the hypocritical and
designing, especially in religious matters.
2. Adverse: Conjunction or Parallel with Mars, Saturn, or Uranus.

Mars (i) If Mars is the significator and Moon is well dignified,

the native is very changeable, bold, en~e_rprisjog, marries
above his status. One will be much addicted to women,
yet seldom suffers by them, If Moon is ill dignified, the
native will be vulgar, base or mean, Changeable,
drunkard, wanderer and if women, she will be generally
a prostitute.

(ii) If Moon is sig_nificator and Mars is well djgn_ified, the

native will be bold, rash, enterprising and well calculative.
Fond of travelling and exploring foreign countries where
he \1111 die but fortunate. But if Mars is ill dignified, the
native will be violent, furious, malignant, cruel and may
be murderer. Generallv one has scar in the eye or face.
Saturn (i) If Satum be the significator and Moon is well dig-
mfied, makes the native of sound judgement provided
Mercury is free from affliction, often unfortunate except
in dealing \vith women "or common or lower order of
mankind. Unsettled, denotes great misfortunes, losses,
low company with vilest prostitutes.

(ii) If Moon be the significator and Satum is well dig-

nified, one will be timorous, suspicious reserved, of sound
judgement, fortune through hard work. If Saturn is ill
dignified, one will be cruel, malicious. brutish, suspicious,
and much unfortunate.
3. Doubtful:- Conjunctions or Parallel \vith Sun, Neptune or pluto.
Sun :- The exact conjunction of Sun and :Moon is good except
when it is aspected by malefic or unfavourable aspects,
although it tends to weaken the health, especially in a
female chart.

I. Good No Conjunction or Parallel with Mars is considered good.

2. Adverse: Conjunction or Parallel \vith Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, or Pluto.
Jupiter (i) If Jupiter is significator and Mars is well dignified, the
native \viii be bold, proud, lofty; <faring. a good chemist,
surgeon or psysician and tolerably fortunate. If Mars is
ill dignified, one is ill humoured. If in cadent, one is
coward, idle, unprincipled, liable to accidents, wounds
and even death due to his folly.

(ii) If Mars is significator and Jupiter is weU dignified, the

native \viii be noble, just, J?ious, eminent in iaw and for-
tunate. If Jupiter is ill digmfied, the results are moderate

Saturn (i) If Saturn be significator and Mars is well dignified the

native will be rash, untruly, quarrelsome, cruel warlike
and disgraced. If Mars IS ill dignified, one will be
trccherous, murderer and a thief.

(ii) If Mars be significator and Saturn is well dignified,

one will be roward, rash, cruel, blessed with ancestral
property and gain of property by labour. If Saturn is ill
dignigied, then the native will be mal_ignant,- wicked,
suceptible to danger, will betray his friends, and will finish
his career by a violent act or miserable death.
I. GOOD-Conjunction or Parallel with Venus, Sun, or Jupiter.
Venus (i) If Venus be the significator and Mercury is well dig-
nified and free from affliction, one will be handsome,
witty, ingenious, eloquent and gains through literary pur-
suits. tr ~c_rcury is weak or combust, indicated mean,
artful and a broken spirit.

(ii) If Mercury be the significator and Venus is well dig-

nified, this indicates elegance and beauty, sound wisdom,
goodness of heart, love truth and innocence. If Venus is
ill dignified1 one will be beautiful, too much given to the
rompany ot opposite sex, which prove his rum. He will
be good· in mus1c.
Sun (i) If Sun be the significator and Mercury is well dig-
mfied, the native will oc witty and learned. Mercury does
not suffers by combution.

(ii) If Mercury be the significator and Sun is well signified,

then the native will acquire riches, power, favours with
great men and promotions. Sick in youth, liable to dis-
eases not easily cured. If in good aspect with Jupiter, one
will be more healthy and fortunate.
Jupiter (i) If Jupiter is significator and Mercury is well dignified,
the native will be virtuous, pious, elqoucnt, excellent
scholar and divine. Handsome, very fortunate, has magic
power which defeats opponents and obviates every dif-
ficulty. IfMercury is ill dignified, the native is weak, con-
ceited and superfluous.

(ii) If Mercury is significator and Jupitor is well dignified,

the native will be mild, gentle, amiable and friend to all
mankind. His knowledge will bring him respect, fame,
riches, good fortune and protection. lfJupiter is ill dig-
nified, disposition is equally good, but native is more
credulous and more easily imposed upon. Moderately
fortunate, and if not admired, generally beloved.

2. Adverse-Conjunction or Parallel with Mars, Saturn or Uranus.

Mars (i), IfMars be the significator and Mercury is well dig-
mfied and not combust, the native will be learned, of
sound judgement, good presence of mind, quick penetra-
tion, a good lawyer, orator, politician, ambassador and
messenger. If conjunction is m an angle, a man of never
failing resources, wonderfully successful and invincible.
If Mercury is ill dignified, then the native will be of chat-
tering and ill natured, little learning and less honesty,
thief, traitor, spy, and informer.

(ii) If Mercury be the significator and Mars is well dig"

nified, the native will be great, powerful commander. If
Sun or Jupiter are angular and in good aspect, may rise
to highest honour in the army or navy, due to his great
P.resence of mind and invincible courage. If Mercury is
til dignified, one is trecherous, blood thirsty, if in angle,
one will do much mischief. Idle, dissipated and drunkard.
Rebellious, imposter, gambler or swindler.
Saturn (i) If Saturn be significator and Mercury is well dignified
and free from affliction, one will be subtle, crafty, of
sound judgement, deep and good eduction. Success in
literature connected wtth profession, ,most amiable, su-
perstitious and pedantic. If Mercury is ill dignified, then
one is of weak mind, conceited, talkative and tgnorant. if
in bad aspect with Sun, one will have defective speech,
dishonest, swindler, unfortunate and infamous.

(ii) If Mercury is the significator and Mars is will dig-

nitled, one will be fearful, suspicious, reserved, secretive,
calculative, selfish, unsocial and worthless, If Mars is ill
dignified, the native will be treacherous, malignant, en-
vious, of shallow judgement, suspicious, dishonest and
3. Doubtful-Conjunction or Parallel with Neptune or Pluto.
I. Good-Conjunction or Parallel with Sun, Jupiter or Neptune.
Sun (i) Already described under Sun.
Jupiter (i) This is the most happy conjunction or Parallel, and
promises every good to the native that can be possible, be
the better they are dignified the more amiable and happy
they will be, and if Venus be the sionificator, the native
will be superlatively beautiful. Ifanythingcan add totheir
felicity, it is when the conjunction happens is Pisces and
denotes virtue, honour, piety, tranquility, riches and love.
IfVenus however be dignified, the native will be of loose
desires but never infamous.

2. Adverse-Conunction or Parallel with Mars, Saturn or Uranus.

Mars (i) lf Mars is the significator and Venus is well di~nified,
the native will be of a hasty temper, good nat urea on the
whole, much addicted to opposite sex but maintaining
good respect. Generally fortunate, admired and
respected . If Venus is ill dignified, then one will have
low and dishonourable pursuits, seldom attains success,
his chief companions are prostitutes.

(ii) lf Venus be the significator and Mars is well dignified,

the native will be proud, quarrelsome and very lustful,
brave and fortunate. He may be a good surgeon and
chemist and meets with success.

lf Mars is ill dignified, one will be debauched, deeply

wicked, proud, comf.anion of prostitutes, quarrelsome,
rash, cruel and thie . Owner or agent of brothal par-
ticularly when Mercury is with them or in evil aspect.
Saturn (i) If Saturn be the significator and Venus is well dig-
mgied, the native will be libidious, much attached to op-
posties ex, mild, quite tolerably fortunate, lfVenus is 111
dignified, one is mean, eflimmate, selfish, either ruins
himself being infamous or marries a low or poor. Bad
character, relations with clifferent temperamental women
which renders him miserable,

(ii) If Venus is significator and Saturn is well dignified,

the native will be coward, cruel, unfortunate, moderate
in his desires, steady and of a few words. If Saturn is ill
dignified, one will be beastly, malignant, cruel, stubborn
and infamous. Bad fortune and the life will be full of
series of misconduct.
3. ·Doubtful-S:onjunction or Parallel with Pluto.
I. Good-Conjum:tiomor Parallel with Neptune.
2. Adverse-Conjunction or ParalletWith Saturn or Uranus.
Saturn If Saturn is significator and Jupiter is well diwified, gives
the possessions and inheritance and profits through
agriculture and fruits of the earth. The disposition will be
grave, sober honest, slow and laborious. When Jupiter
IS ill dignified one will be dully, vain, superstitious,
obstinate and unfortunate.
3. Doubtful-Conjunction or Parallel with Pluto.

I. Good-No Conunction or Parallel with Saturn is considered good.
2. Adverse-Conjunction of Parallel with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto.
I. Rahu and Ketu occupying kendras or Trikonas and combining
with other planets produce Yogas for success.
When Rahu and Ketu occupy kendras or trikona with other planets
they give sucess. If Rahu and Ketu occupy kendras and in union with
lords of trikona they become good. If Rahu and Ketu occupy trines
and they are in combination with the lords of quadrants they produce
good. As regards with other planets it is further clarified that if con-
joining planets are owners of unfavourable houses or signs, they will
not be productive of much good.
2. The conjunction of Kendra and Trikona lords produce good, but
when the lords of other trikonas join the lords of kendras they will sure-
ly produce better results.
3. When the lords of 9th and lOth houses are joined by the lords of
8th and 11th houses, success is endangered.
4. The lords of 2nd and 12th houses give good or bad results ac-
cording as they are in conjunction with the lords of other houses and
the nature of the houses, they occupy.
The lords of 2nd and 12th houses have very peculiar ways of influenc-
ing the native. They are not powerful by virtue of their own merits by
owning certain houses, but are considerably influenced to give good or
evil results by the association they have and the position they occupy.
5. Lord of 8th house produces evil, because, he owns the 12th house
from 9th house, a house of fortune and wealth. If he happens to be
the lord of ascendant or combines with a benefic he becomes good
(For Aries and Scorpio ascendants)
6. If the lords of kendras are in conjunction with the lords of the
trikona without being associated with the lords of other houses, they
become extremely powertul in producing good results.
7. If the powerful lords of kendras and trikoncc:s are in conjunction,
even when they are otherwise evil, produce good from the fact of their

8. Evil planets viz, lords of3rd, 6th, 8th 11th and 12th houses, when
in conjunction with powerful Rajyoga planets, also produce favourable
results in their sub-periods according to their own sources of strength
at the time. Conjunction has much innucncc and comdifics greatly the
nature of the planet, thus united.
9. Saturn inclined to do evils by his conjunction \vith lords of death
houses or those who have any power to inflict death, \viii cause death
in preference to any of those planets.
10. Good planets in conjunction \vith the lords of the death inflict-
ing houses, give success. Benefics not in conjunction with the above
give moderate success in their sub periods. Independent yoga karka
planets do not give success in their Bhukties when they arc not in con-
junction \vith the Maraka planets.
11. When friendly and unfriendly planets combine together they
produce mixed and ordinary results. If the planets occupy quadrants,
trine or places of exaltation in conjunction with friendly planets, they
proudce better results.
12. Planets which occupy friendly houses, which are in conjunction
with friendly planets and which are powerful when aspected by jupiter,
makes a man attain to a position which may be equal to that of a king.
After studying the various conjunctions of Planets, it is quite impor-
tant to understand aspects and their results without which the results
of various Conjunctions cannot he modified.

Aspect can be defined as the angular distance he tween planets and

cusps or between planets themselves. The aspect can he good or bad
according to nature of planets and Vibrations as they harmonize or
conflict with our ideas of good or had. Actually there is no malefic
aspects. All things work together for good hut our response to
planetary Vibrations is adverse due to our limited understanding.
Whenever two planets occupy certain position relative to each other,
they present an appearance known as ASPECT or CONFIGURA-
According to Hindu Astrology, all aspects are impersonal and are
found from sign to sign instead of degrees as in Western Astrology. A
house is of 30 degrees and has equal house system.
All planets have fiill aspect on 7th house as counted from the house,
where the planet is posited. In addition Satum aspects 3rd and lOth
houses, Mars aspects 4th and 8th houses,where each Jupiter, Rahu and
Ketu aspect 5th and the 91h houses.
The opposition on 71h aspect becomes extremly good when
produced by Jupiter and Moon in Hindu astrology, whereas in western
system opposition is termed evil always. A planet aspecting its own
house will increase the signification of that house.
Mars aspects also 4th and 8th houses. 8th house aspect sometimes
is b :nelicial or evil depends on the quality of sign and strength of
planet. For instance for LEO Ascendant Mars is Yogkarka and so gets
a special qualifications to produce good aspect by the 4th house aspect
a friendly planet, the significations of the aspected planet and the
houses are greatly enhanced. The same principle applies even in the
case of 8th aspect.
Saturn has special aspects of 3rd and lOth houses. As a natural
malefics, his aspects arc bad, evil or malefics. But the author disagrees
with us. Saturn will produce good aspects, when it acquires beneficial
strength hy situation viz yogkarka, exalted clc.

Similarly Jupiter being a naturnl benefic has aspects as benefic and

produce good results as per Hindu astrology. Again author disagreegs,
the effects are based on the strength and ownership of the Jupiter. A
malefic Jupiter does more harm than Good.
According to Hindu astrology there nre six main aspects which
1. Conjunction
2. Parallel
3. Sextile
5. Square
6. Opposition
In addition applying and seperating aspects are to be checked.
The readers may object that sextile and Trine aspects are not in-
cluded in Hindu Astrology but author disagrees with you because all
these aspects have been borrowed by Westerns from Hindu Astrology.
Since these have been adopted very widely by Western than Hindus,
they are considered to be Western which is quite incon·ect.
To sum up these major aspects we provide that in Hindu Astrology: -
1. Conjunction is a 1st house aspect.
2. Sextile is 3rd and lith house aspects.
3. Trine is 5th and 9th house aspect.
4. Square is 4th and lOth house aspect.
5. Opposition is 7th house aspect.
Likewise applying and seperating terms used in Western Astrology
are actually aspects of Hindu astrology as mentioned in our ancient
treatises like Phaldeepika, Sanketa Niddi, Jatak Tatva, Uthrakalam-
rita etc these aspects are termed ITTHASALA AND MASARJPHA
respectively vide Ram Dayalu's sanketa Niddi san V111 sloka 2 and 3.
So all the aspects are originally from Hindu astrology and as such
have been used in this book.
Prashara has stated lOth aspect as "Kendra Aspect" of a planet,
which is of vital importance. He states, "A planet situated lOth from
any house, sign or planet influences in good or bad ways to houses etc.
depending on the nature of the aspecting planet". For example Sun

posited in 2nd house and Jupiter in 5th house. As perstandard dictum

Sun has no aspect on Jupiter but as Kendra influence and aspect, the
aspect of Sun has great value and effects as it is situated lOth from
Any planet in lOth house aspects the Ascendant. In Western astrol-
ogy this aspect is called Square aspect and is held evil, but in Hindu
astrology the effects of a planet is considered as apd if the planet is
benefic or malefic.
We now explair the main 6 aspects as mentioned above in detail.
When two heavenly bodies are together at the same point of zodiac
are called in conjuction of planets are rather peculiar in their power
to do good or bad is gauged according to their ownership of houses
and their natural relations and qualities.
Conjunction of Lords of Kendras (1,4,7,10) houses and trine house
(5,9) when unassociated with lords of other houses are not only power-
ful in producing good effects of the signification of houses located and
owned by them, but brings honour, wealth and general prosperity even
if located in evil houses of birth chart. But these very lords if very
powerful and strong by position and sign and are in their signs of ex-
altation. Regardless of other sources of evils, such as their union with
lords of other evil houses, becomes not only powerful to do good but
help other planets associated with them towards the same object.

In the enclosed chart on page 96 yogkarka planet Saturn (lord of 4th
and 5th) conjoins lOth honse lord Moon in lith house viz lord of
kendra and trine and is nnassocisated has confered on the native,
honour, wealth and general prosperity. Saturn 4th house lord repre-
sent property the native has many houses. So results of conjunction are
Conjunctions of lords of trine houses are always good. Whatever be
their location: but if the lords of these houses are associated with lords
of 8th or 11th houses success is endangered. Planets in conjunction
with maraka planets or death inflicting house ie 2nd and 7th house
lords become powerful enough to cause death in their periods and sub-
periods according to their relative strength in the nativity. The mutual
reception of planets in their own house is production of good results.
But if natural reception exits between the lords ofkendras and trines,

the period of such planets will be most beneficial particularly if it is be-

tween the lords of 9th and lOth houses.



. l K.t..IU
Rahu and Ketu have no houses to own. Their conjunction with other
planets if occurs in kendra and trine houses, the effects are always good,
in other houses good or bad results will be experienced according to
the strength of planet in the nativity with which they are associated.
When any planet is posited in the same degrees and minutes oflon-
gitude as the one occupied by sun, then it is said to be in "RAPT CON-
JUNCTION". It is considered to be eclipsed and utterly powerless.
2. PARALLEL:- planets having same or equal declination either in
North or South are parallel. Orb should be taken into consideration
Orb for this is 6 degrees. The effect of this position is similar to that
of close conjunction but even more powerful.
3.SEXTILE:-A benefic aspect of 60 degrees of nature. The influen-
ces of planets in this aspect arc mutually blended. The effects are con-
sidered on the planets and the signs between which it occurs.
It is 3rd and lith house aspect: It indicates relationship with groups,
integration of the self with immediate surroundings. It can be regarded
as opposition of trine series. Indicate slate of balance, degree of initia-
tive, one cannot remain passive to sextile. Opportunity and activity are
well associated with sextile. An easy aspect which reinforces your weak
point. This influence docs not impel you to action. Trine of review and
act as per changed time. There is more activity and change shown by
sextile than the time.
The time may be linked to the reward of the past, while the sextile
contains the potentially of the future.

4. TRINE:-lt is 5th and 9th house aspect of 120 degrees. lt blends

the influence of the planets in aspect harmoniously. It is a period of
easy enregy flow and relative lack of stress, when you can make crea-
tive changes. A period oflittle change, even when there is considerable
activity, little resistance to your efforts, with matters often working out
with little efforts on your part.
If the trine aspect is formed between Saturn and Mars it harmonises
the bodies or vehicles represented by the sign occupied by the planets.
Through watery signs, it influences the astral or emotional body.
Through fiery signs the mental body. In this respect it is fortunate
aspect, indicating peaceful, forgiving and charitable nature and en-
vironments. When o~uring between luminaries, it is more fortunate
than any favourable aspect.
5. SQUARE:-A strong malefic aspect of 90 degrees or 4th and lOth
house aspect of the nature of Saturn. This aspect is most critical and
conflicting of aspects. It never fails to give disturbing prejudice or ad-
verse conditions and circumstances. A separative aspect. It is known
as angle of pain and sorrows, bringing remorse and a perturbed state
of mind and feeling with worry, anxiety and despondency.
Illness produced by the square aspect are slow to cure. Every con-
dition or event arising cut of this aspect is critical and turns the tide of
fortune one way or the other definitely with more or less permanent
It indicates challenges from circumstances or others that force you
to prove yourself or to make necessary changes, a time when course
of action proves incorrect :.r if the challenge is withstood, a time of
new intiative and active forward motion or may inaugurate a period of
new effectiveness.
ASPECT. A aspect of perfect hatred or balance. The results depends
on the planets, their strcn~:,'lloo ownership etc.
Jupiter's opposition is benefic always and is an exception.
Esoterically the opposition J:::notes the ending or finishing of fate
or karma.
on the other hand a number of things can occur during this transit.
Ifthe process has gone wcli, thi.s is the time when your affairs reach a
culmination and you begin to reap the rewards of your efforts. It
reforms a native into a nl:.W level. You will get reward for what you

have done. The future beckons, and a new stage of development is

about to begin.
The term ORB usually means an area in which events commcnsing
a transit occurs. Technically the term means a distance in longitude
within which the influence of planet or aspect will operate.
The limits of ORB for conjunction or opposition allow 12 degrees.
When Sun aspects Moon about 10 degrees. when either luminary
aspects a planet and for planets aspecting each other ORB is 8 degrees.
In Hindu old treatises and textbooks, the Orb allowed to the various
planets specifically as arc indicated below:· ·

Sun 12 Degrees 17 Degrees

Moon 8 12

Other Planets 6 8


Now we provide some valuable points which should be memorised
while evaluating the nature and strength of aspect
1. When a planet is lord of beneficial house 1,2,4,5,7,9,10th and ex-
alted in own rasi or in kendra is posited in good position, house,
Navamsa etc. Retrograde but aspected by benefic planet or conjoined
with or aspect any house, yogkarka has Digbala strength is called
POWERFUL OR BENEFIC PLANET and denotes good results.
2. when lord of benefic house is posited in 3,6,8, 11 or 12th house,
bcbilil iated, in enemy's sign, in malefic sign from his own house con-
joined or aspected by malefics and also in Navamsa etc. becomed
MALEFIC PLANET and gives evil results.
3. when two planets arc "ithin range of aspect and one of them is
in retrograde motion, each \viii move towards each other. This is called
MUTUAL APPLICATION. This application is stronger than apply·
ing aspect.
4.When lord of kendra and trine combine in a house or mutually
aspect each other, both acquire great strength to do good.

5. By the association or aspect of benefic planet with neutral, the

neutral planet gains strength to do good, while benefic retains its
original power.
6. By the association and aspect of malefic with benefic, the malefic
loses some of its evil nature and becomes benefic.
7. They retain their original power when two neutrals arc joined or
in aspect.
8. By the association of neutral with a malefic, the neutral becomes
malefic while malefic retains its malefic power.
9. When two malefics join or aspect each other become cxtrcmly
10. When two friendly planets combine will produce good results.
11. when two planets arc inimical and combine or aspect each other,
will produce more evil results.
12. A planet aspecting its own house strengthens and promotes the
effects of that house may this be a malefic planet.
13.lf a malefic planet aspects own house or rasi and malefic planet
or Bhave as pee ted is also devoid of any benefic aspects etc. Even then
the traits of bhave will be strengthened for good.
so far we have studied the aspect in detail and have understand that
without considering the aspect we can not arrive at the right conclu-
tion. But in fact, the aspect must be analysed or tl iagnosictl in view of
the above rules. In addition the following points be kept as a guide.


Sun Moon- Mercury Sal, Venus

lyloon Sun,Mcr- all other

cury planets

Mars Sun Mercury Sat,Ven

J up., Moon


Mercury Sun,Vcn Moon All other


Jupiter Sun,Moon, Saturn Mer, Vcn

Venus Mer, Sat Mars,Jup Sun,Moon

Saturn Vcn,Mcr- Jupiter Sun,Moon,

cury Mars

Rahu Sat, Ven Mccury,Jup Sun,Moon,


Ketu Sun,Moon, Mercury ,Jup Saturn, Venus

2. It should be cheked whether the aspect is good or adverse.
3. The aspect is exact or wide Orb.
4. Whether it is applying or separating.
5. The exact degrees of aspecting and aspected planet.
6. Position of aspecting planet viz angular,succecdcnt or Cadent.
7. The nature of aspecting planet, movable, fixed or common.
Whether fruitful or barren and whether malefic or benefic.
8. What type of house of horoscope docs the aspecting planet oc-
9. Does the aspecting planet hf!s any other aspect at the same time?
If so, compare them and find the resultant good or bad.
10. What house docs the aspected planet occupy? It is in elevation,
than aspecting planet or below it in the chart.
11. Are either of these.'1lancts in their signs ot exaltation or debilita-
tion .
12. 1f either of them is retrograde.
Always go the shortest way through the Zodiac in the chart either
forward or go back to the figure and ascendant.


The difference between Hindu and Western astrology on the point
of aspect is as bclow:-
1. ln Western Astrology conjunction is an aspect whereas in Hindu
astrology conjunction generates effects due to being together but it is
not treated as an aspect.
2. In Western system, the computation of aspect is made from de-
gree to degree, whereas in Hindu system, count is made from sign to
3. ln Western system the aspect will be mutually the same, but in
Hindu Astrology the degree of aspect vary.
4. ln Western astrology certain type of aspects such as sextile and
trine are benefic and square and opposition are evil, but in Hindu sys-
tem there is no such classification.
In Hindu system
(i) Aspect of benefic planets is always good and that of malefic is
(ii) Whether malefic or benefic planet, if he aspects its own house,
he strengthens it and does not harm.
(iii) Aspect of lords of good houses such as 51h,9th and Kendras are
good whereas that of lord of evil houses,6,8,12 are evil
In para 3 supra regarding variations of degrees of aspect in Hindu
astrology we provide a table as is found in old Hindu texts.

ASPECfll'WiH aspect 4th and 8th 5th and 3rd and lOth
PLANET aspects 9lh aspects aspects

Sun 100% 75% 50% 25%

Moon I 00% 75% 50% 25%

Mars 100% 100% 50% 25%
Mercury 100% 75% 50% 25%
Jupiter 100% 75% 100% 25%
Venus 100% 7 5% 50% 25%

Saturn IOO% 75% 50% 100%

Rahu IOO% 25% 100% 25%

Kctu 100% 25%* 100% 25%

In chapter I of this book, we have given a passing reference to tran-
sit of planets, which now on elaborate.
After ascertaining the conjunction of planets, their aspects on each
other, the most important part is to check the conjunction or aspects
of planets in TRANSIT in the birth chart in order to arrive at the cor-
rect judgement and predictions.
We will deal TRANSIT of planets in a sum up form. for more details
readers should refer author's world famous book, 'TRANSIT OF

It is a well known theory that the movements of planets in the Zodiac

from moment to moment signify good or evil. This is the basis over
which transit system rests.
During the transit all planets give good effects in 1Ith house. Sun
proves good in transit in 3,6 and lOth houses. Mars and Saturn in 3rd
and 6th houses. Moon in 1,3,6,7 and lOth houses. Venus in all houses
other than 6,7 and lOth houses. Jupiter in 2,5,7,9 houses whereas Mer-
cury in 2,4,6,8 and lOth houses.
The Sun and Mars in their transit through 3,6 and 1 Hh houses bring
an improvement in position,honour and give gain. In 2nd house they
cause loss of money: in 4th and 5th misery and fear, in 7th house, dis-
eases, Intense sorrows in 9th house. Mars causes disappointments in
lOth whereas Sun in IOth causes success in profession.
Now we explain brief effects of various planets in different houses
of the birth chart to be modified accnrdind to conjunction vedha and
aspects etc.
l.THE SUN(Transit Period one month)
1st House: Loss of prestige and position. Ill health, irritated temper,
aimless travels,obstaclcs, delays, seperation from family and anxiety
2nd House: Loss of money, financial worries, to be duped by others,
company of the wicked, quarrels with relations and friends. Danger of
loss in business etc.
3rd House: Gain of money, new position and status. happiness, good
health, success over enemies, domestic comforts, recognition by supe-
riors, good friendhsip etc.
4th House: Domestic unhappiness, Loss of respect, financial stress,
Quarrels, and disputes in family. Problem regarding property and land
and conveyance etc.
5th House: Mentallensl ion,loss from enemies and children. Expen-
diture, displeasure from Govt: worries, Loss of money, sorrows and
accidents etc.
6th House: Victory over enemies, good health, happiness, peace of
mind, favour from superiors, success in efforts, enjoyments, gain in ser-
vice etc.
7th House: Afflicted health, bumilation,loss of money,quarrel with
wife, depression of mind. unsuccessful efforts and troubles etc.
8th House: Fear, anxiety, ill heaJth to wife, displeasure from supe-
riors, quarrel \\ith friends, expenditure, loss through enemies and high
blood pressure.
9th House: One may become rash, false accusation, loss of money,
disturbed mind, quarrels with elders, failure in attempts and sepera-
tion from loved ones etc.
lOth House: Victory over enemies, wealth, happiness, gain and of
luxurious articles. Success or promotion in service, gain through friends
and others etc.
11th House: Enjoyment of new position, honour, gain of
money,good health and luck. Gain through father, sucess in under-
standings and domestic bliss etc.
12th House: Be cautious from opponents, Loss of money, troubles,
disfavour from Govt, and superiors. Eyes affliction, friends \\ill behave
like enemies etc

2. THEM OON: (Transit period 2 u 4 days)

1st House: Good health, gain of money, sexual enjoyment, meeting

with friends, you will be emotionally demanding from loved ones, be
within control. Good food etc.

2nd House: Depression of mind, loss of honour, obstacles, expen-

diture and dispute. Minor gain of money. A bad time to spend money,
so avoid.
3rd House: Sucess, gain, friendship with opposite sex, fruitful cor-
respondence and conversation. Vicinity oy and happiness etc.
4th House: You should relax at home. Avoid confrontation, emo-
tionally possessive. Keep safeguard your valuables and things.Mental
worry etc.
5th House: Expenditure, Loss of memory, in love greater emotion-
al depth, do not be possessive, express your feelings to loved ones and
others etc.
6th House: Gain of wealth,joy,enemies will be destroyed, good
health and friends happiness. Gain by desire. Pay attention to home
and take care of health etc.
7th House: Sexual bliss, good friends, food and clothes. Gain of con-
veyance, money and happiness. Co-operation from opposite sex.
Favour from elders etc.
8th House: Untoward event, loss of money, quarrels, ill health, be
not emotional.
9th House: Beneficial travels, new foreign friends, unexpected ex-
penses etc
lOth House: Success, Pleasure all round in business and service.
Good public relations, and sale of property. Happiness and gifts etc.
11th House: Meeting with friends, sexual enjoyment, gain of money,
prosperity and good health. Friends will be helpful.
12th House: Jealousy, loss, expenditure, injury, misunderstanding,
secretive mind, good for mystical or spiritual trials.
3. THE MARS(transit period 1 112month)
1st House: Avoid quarrels, obstacles, dejection, relations will be dif-
ficult to handle.Displeasurc from superiors, blood pressure, sepeation
of relations.
2nd House: Displeasure from officers, friends and thieves. Harsh
temper, Increased expenditure, disputes etc. of possessive nature etc.
3rd House: Good health, gain of money and happiness, alround suc-
cess, strength, good position, honour, authority and pleasure from

4th House: Family disputes, professional troubles, sorrows through

relations, parents and opponents. vice deeds domestic unhappiness.
5th House: Causes improper desires, mental anguish, quarrel with
children, troubles, theft in honse, irritable temperaments, feeling
egoistic, strong love nature etc.
6th House: Happiness, victory over enemies, termination of evils
and litigations. Gain , honour, favour from superiors, gain in income,
comforts but care for health.
7th House: Compromise between wife, partner etc, make adjust-
ments during this period being a positive side. On negative side, quar-
rels with wife, loss of money, agony etc.
Kth House: Mental worry, ill health, fever, fatigue, fear, accidents,
and wounds, sinful acts, disagreement with wife, not a good time to
raise loan.
9th House: Mental anxiety, wearisome journeys, loss of wealth,
avoid travelling. But if confined or aspected by Jupiter reverse the
results. Be not dogmatic in views.
lOth House: failure in attempts, ill health fear and cnemity. Second
half will show good results. Be careful. Do Hard work to gain, conflict
with Govt, etc.
lith House: Financial gain, good health, happiness and enjoyment,
gain of landed property, birth of son, .;'"::cess and acquiring luxuries
and amusements etc.
12th House: Loss of wealth, unwanted expenditure, quarrels with
wife. loss fromm enemies, mental worries, troubles through women,
dishonour and losses.

4. THE MERCURY (Transit Period one month)

1st House: Active mind, good time to express, beneficial short jour-
neys, relax. If afflicted enemies, loss , unsteady mind, troubles in jour-
neys, company of low women.
2nd House: Gain of money, reliable friends, sucess in undertakings
but disgrace, scandals and unjust blames etc. Avoid property deals if
3rd House: Favarouble period for intcllcdtual work. Meeting nrw
pcople,short travels not good to relax, postpone contracts, business,
partnership and dealings with others.

4th House: Gain of money, fulfihncnt of desires, scheme and con-

tract,enjoyment, prosperity to relations and f::unily, gainful correspon-
dence. Domestic happiness.
5th House: Do not stubbom to avoid upset peac11of rrlind, quarrels
with children. Games or reading can be beneficial. If afflicted, loss of
position and money.
6th House: Good for mental work to gain sucess and popularity.
Sucessful attempts, mental and domestic happiness. Renown, victory
over enemies, avoid criticising.
7th House: Avoid mental worry, misunderstanding with wife. Dis-
cuss difficulties with otheres lest you feel dishonoured, domestic wor-
ries, arguements be avoided.
8th House: Cheerful, steadiness, victory over enemis, birth of son,
deep thinking and then acting will pay you. Joint property dealings will
pay you.
9th House: Good for study,Law, Philosophy, good time to travel,
conversation or dealing with officials of law. If afflicted reverse, Af-
flicted health, loss of money & Obstacles.
lOth HOuse: Good health, gain ofmonay, sucess in profession, en-
joyment, all round sucess. Mental and domestic happiness. Success
over enemies and property.
11th House: New friendships, happy at home, prosperity, gain of
money, honour, satisfaction, good and favourable time during transit.
12th House: Secrit talks and ClD etc work. Fear of humiliation, dis-
putes, Misunderstandings with wife, friends and relation. Loss and dis-
grace through enerrlies.
5.THE VENUS (Transit period one month)
1st House: Enjoyments and ple~sures, Happiness, good for personal
matters. Enjoyment of martial relations, sucess in education, new posi-
tion and status etc.
2nd House: Good for finance and material posessions. Gain of
money. Control your spending. Investment and borrowing of money
will be advantageous. Honour, Love etc.
3nd House: Prosperity, happiness, gain of money, sucess, favour
from friends and relations. Honour, good pleasure and lovable com-
pany. Increased influence etc

4th House: Domestic happiness and comforts gain of money, im-

provement in residence. Increase in power and influence. Pleasure
trips, good relations with parents etc
5th House: Happiness from children and elders. Gain of money,
birth of child, good position for son. Love relations will be favourable.
Helpful friends and fame etc.
6th House: Difficulties, irritation and dishonour. Problems and
relationship may arise. lllness to wife. But good period for service, un-
expected gain from Govt:
7th House: Best position for love affairs, romance, wife and co-
workers. Partnership will be gainful and ofmututal benefits. But time
for reapproachmenls.
8th House: Gain of wealth through spouse, business partner, bank.
Union with Partner, wife or beloved. Good health. increase in landed
property. Pleasure from opposite sex.
9th House: Gain, mental happiness, good experience through love
affairs, comforts, marriage, distant travel, fame, prosperity, gain from
stranger and foreigners.
lOth House: Favourable for business and profession. Gain from su-
periors. Love relations with elders will be favourable. Avoid mercen-
ary relations to avoid troubles, obstacles etc.
11th House: Gain of friends and luxmy articles. Relations with op-
posite sex, domestic happiness, team work will pay, friendly to all, gain
of money and prosperity.
12th House: Selfishness in love, gain of items of luxury, increased
expenditure and pleasures of beds. Gains of money and from invest-
ment. Charitable,hclpfu1to others. A good and happy transit.
6. THE JUPITER(Translt period one year)

1st House: Help from others, Loved ones will be helpful. Advance
to spiritual side. A fmtunate year in personal terms. Self confidence.
Gain of experience. Do not be child like to avoid losses etc.
2nd House: Gain of money, domestic bliss, defeat of enemies, mar-
riage, birth of son, new position and status. Comforts and pleasures.
A good period for investment and purchase of property.
3rd House: Gain through writings and travels. Cordial relations with
all. Do not spend more. Good understanding, generous, plan effective-
ly to gain. Avoid over doing to avoid losses.

4th House: Good for peace and security. Gain in property, finance,
conveyance. Investment in property rewarding. Good domestic bliss.
Favourable for family life, home & pcrsonnal life.
Sth House: Cour.1geous and expressive. Gain of money, Love rela-
tions will expand. Birth of child. Royal favours, defeat of enemies, in-
crease in property and sucess.
6th House: Good health, speedy recovery from illness, enjoyment
and all over progress. Improvement in service or job. Favour from su-
periors and subordinates. Good transit.
7th House: Favourable for marriage, partnership and contracts.
Gain through people, civil suit will be in your favour. Assistance from
doctor, lawyer, and others.
8th House: Good period for joint ventures, fortunate changes, ex-
perience of occult, spiritual and religious. Gain from partnership and
from other people.
9th House: Prosperity, prestige, respect fium others, increased in-
come and land or house etc. Expansion. Pilgrimage and spiritual ad-
vancement. Religious.
10 th House: Avoid dominating, overbearing and arrogance which
indicate troubles, loss of respect, humalily, domestic quarrals. Better
chances in profession.
11th House: Blessed with child, acquire new position, money,
domestic happiness and good health. Pleasures, promotion, respect
and authority. Group work is good rather to work alone.
llth llouse: Good for learning, spiritutal and religious, occult ex-
periences. support fium others and comforts. If malefic fear; litigation,
afllicatcd health.
7. THE SATURN(Transit period 2 l/ :rears)
1st House: More responsibilities, do not start anything new for long
range project. A time of introversion and intropection, your desires
will be more.
2nd House: In case you are materialistic, loss of money, advance-
ment in spiritual and moral values. Work hard, organise your finances.
Be economical.
3rd House: Extensive changes in environments. Trouble with
people, sucess. recognition of work, gain of wealth, prosperity, power,
position and enjoyment.

4th House: Problems in domestic life, parents health afflicted,Dis-

agrccmcnt with wife, relations and superiors. Mean actions, ill fame.
Be moderate to gain & rise.
5th House: Be careful. False allegations, dispute with children,
litigation, loss of money. Mental agony. Love affairs may become dif-
ficult. Do not gamble, speculate. You will have to work hard, be care-
ful and do disciplined actions.
6th Honse: Loss of enemies and gain & sucess in service. Good
health. All round prosperity. Gain in wealth, happy married life. Hard
work and keep care of your health.
7th Honse: Relation with wife and partners may become strained.
co-workers will not co-operate. Keep up your agreements with others.
some relationship may end. Trvel, ill health etc.
8th HOuse: Problems with finance, conflict with others, criticised
actions, seperation from loved ones. Litigation, bad company, dis-
pleasure of officers and disrepute.
9th House: Legal difficulties, longjourneys, Learning, decrease in
income, criminal proceedings and punishments. fruitless attempts, ill
health to father. Sorrows.
10th House: Gain, many rcsposibilitics, politician will have success,
your prestige, job, status can be threatened. Scandels, loss of money,
loss of honour and employment.
11th House: Gain of money and desires. Property, fame, promotion,
honour and enjoyment with opposite sex. Reward from Govt: Best
transit of your life.
12th House: Danger, accident, loss of wealth & honour. Litigations,
family quarrels, efforts will be fruitless. May be imprisoned. Un-
pleasant journeys and loss fmm enemies.

8. THE RAHU(Transit period 1 112 years)

1st Honse: Develop self confidence, do no't rely on others. self willed.
care of health.
2nd House: Good finances, practical, will have physical endurance,
Relations with persons of good standing for help and gain.
3rd House: Gain through relations and education also from
youngers, travels, publishing and writings.

4th House: Acquisition of property, conveyance, good domestic life.

Gain from mother and law suits. New work be not started, complete
old one lo get gain.
5th House: Love, gain and pleasure from children. Gain from
speculations and through creative activity. many gainful love affairs.
6th House: Gain in service, employers and subordinates. Care of
health. Be of firm views.
7th House: Gain through partnership, public life, domestic bliss, all
round happiness and cooperation. Victory over enemies. Unmarried
may get marriage happily.
8th House: Gain through legacies, occult experience, others money,
pleasures of beds, gain from inlaws or relations of wife. May cause
death of some loved me.
9th House: Prephatic dreams, pilgimage, religious, may travel
abroad to gain education and for expansion. Spiritualistic practice.
Gain through publishing.
10th House: Gain by profession by hard work to receive award or
recognition. One may become leader of masses. Advancement in
profession and social life.
11th House: New friendships andgain through them. Financial gain
and profits. May expand business for definite profit. Friends & rela-
tions sincere and helpfu I.
12th House: Interested in occult sciences and gain through them.
Secret missions & service to inferiors will pay. Victory over enemies.
Prophetic dreams.

9. THE KETU(Transit period I 1/2 years)

1st House: Worried, humiliation, difficulties and sudden reversals,
Enhance seli confidence, systematic working and be courageous.
2nd House: Change in profession, financial set back and difficulties,
~elays,upsetand create worries. Repayment of dues and expenditure.
Possessions be affected.
3rd House: Strained relations with brothers and sisters, breaks in
education. Worries through neighbours. short journeys will not be
4th House: Impaired domestic happiness. Disturbed peace. Change
of residence. There may be death of father or mother. Loss through
property, conveyance & reputation.

5th House: Worries, Joss through children, abortion, disatisfaction

in romance and emotions. Loss through speculations. no new work be
started, have patience & work.
6th House: Illness, loss through service, displeasure of officers, su-
periors and government : active opponents causing loss and humilia-
tion. Change of working conditions
7th House: Discord with wife and partners. Domestic unhappiness.
Worries through Jaw suits, expenditure. seperation or divorce not ruled
out. Death or immortality.
8th House: Loss and careful handling of legacies, others money and
insurance etc. Gain through possessions of dead and that of property.
Sexual matters on increase. Be careful about life.
9th House: Loss through long travel, education will suffer, no gain
from education, disrespect expenditure.
IO th House: Disappointments, changes in profession. Keep control
over self desires,, ambitious and powers. Delay in all matters is indi-
cated. Be helpful to others.
lith House: Financial troubles. strained relations with relatives,
brothers and with opposite sex.
12th House: One will tend to,seek seclusion and meditate, secret
missions, sacrificial and rebellious nature, self distrust and self doubts


Mantcshwara in Phaldcepika has laid down the results of transit of
planets through Nakshatra reckoned from NATAL STAR.
It is of importance to consider the star of planet in transit, the planet
will work under that star. It gives the results of matters signified by the
lord of constellation, through the source indicated by the transit ling
planet, by lordship, occupation and its nature.
We now tabulate the results of planets counted from NATAL STAR
ofth~native in a coincise way as detailed by Manteshwara.

Ist or Natal Star Destruction of property and ill health.

2nd,3rd,4th Influx of wealth, increased earnings and

& 5th gain.

6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Success in undertaking and completion of


10th,llth,12th and Financial gains.


14th to 19th Loss of wealth, increased expenditure etc.

20th to 23rd lllness, indisposition and loss of energy

24th and 25th Gain and increased income.

26th and 27th Serious illness and danger to life.


1st and 2nd Fear and anxiety

3rd to 6th Safety and well being

7th & 8th Sucess over enemies

9th and lOth Financial gain and increased income
11th to 15th Mental happiness and peace

16th to 18th Quarrels and misunderstandings

19th to 24th Journey to distent or foreign places.

25th to 27th Financial gain and increased income


1st and 2nd Ill health,danger to life by accident, fall


3rd to 8lh Quarrels and misunderstandings

9th to 11th Sucess in undertakings and completion of

work started.

12th to 15th Loss of wealth, money and property.

16th and 17th Gain of money

18th to 21st Excessive fear and anxiety

22nd to 25th Happiness and well beings


26th and 27th Travels to distant places.

1st to 3rd Sorrows,grief through loss of wealth or
4th to 6th Gain and increased income

7th to 12th Untoward events and calamity

13th to 17th Gain of wealth and increased income

18th & 19th Loss of money

20th to 27th Honour,new position, status and fame.


1ST Grief or bereavement

2nd to 5th Happiness or prosperity

6th to 8th Journeys and removals

9th to 11th Loss of money and position

12th to 15th Gain of money

16th to 20th Enjoyment and happiness

21st to 25th Happiness and gain

26th & 27th Danger, illhealth etc.
With the up to date oftransit of planets,the author is of the views
that transit should be checked with respect to aspects and conjunctions
with the natal planets in birth chart, which are of quite importance.
When the planets transit Lagna or lOth House (Mid heaven) they
produce special effects. which we now explain.


The most sensitive points in a birth chart are Ascendent or Lagna

and Mid heaven or lOth house, the transit whether benefic or malefic
carry a big value on these points and are provided in nutshell for the
guidance of readers.

Transit or aspect lo the Ascendent affect the general health and

produce also mental tension if malefic otherwise good results. The
aspects to lOth or transit on the other hand denotes hononr, employ-
ment, reputation and the parents according to the nature of inOncn-
ccs benefic or malefic. Allowances must be made for the condition of
planet concerned in the nativity. An affiicted benefic will produ~ com-
paratively good by its favourable aspects to Ascendant or lOth house
and similarly a malefic dignified and well! aspected will produce little
evil,but rathere a strain which \\ill call out the natives latent powers
and in the end prove a blessings rather than a fortune.


1. Conjunction, Trine or Sextile Sun:- Public honour, gain through

Govt: good health. success in attachments and marriage.
2. Conjunction, Trine or Sex tile Moon:- Likelihood of long sea jour-
ney, some public favour, general gain, successful attachments and with
married women. Birth of daughter is indicated.
3. Conjunction ,Trine or Sextile Mercury:- Studious period, ac-
quisiation of knowledge and general gain.
4. Conjunction, Trine or Sextile Venus:· Much pleasure, strong at-
tachments, acquisition of wealth and property. Marriage or strong per-
manent attachments.
5. Conjuntion, Trine or Sextlle Mars:- Much self confidence, great
activity, attachments with females, birth of a son.
6. Conjunction, Trine or Sextile Jupiter:· Many new friends, much
social activity some distinctive position, general rise and financial gain.
OPPOSITION of Jupiter will also produce good results.
7. Conjunction, Trine or Sextile Saturn:- Gain through inheritance,
acquisition of land and house property. Industrious and painstaking.
Grave and seriously disposed and inclined to be preserving.
8. Conjunction, Trine or Sextile Rabu:- Increased self confidence,
initiative, independent working, good personality and individuality.
Success in efforts.
9. Conjunction, Trine or Sextile Ketu:- More arduous and burden
some duties. Clear thinking and planning \viii help you for success.
Reinforced self confidence needed by his recognition of efficiency
gained through past or present experience.

1. Ascendant square or Opposition Moon:· Difficulties with
enemies, afflicted health through cancerous, or tumorous diseases if
there are such indications in birth chart. Difficulties in travel or
voyages. Unpopular period as a general in which health will suffer
through vitality or want of it, and also through de plat ion.
2. Ascendant Square or Opposition Sun:- Lack of stamina for health
and enterprise tendency to stagnation in ideas, poverty of blood.
3. Ascendant Square or Opposition Mars:- Feverish and inflam-
matory complaints, ability to accidents, disputes, disfavour from
others, violent or unexpected hurt or injury adverse for health.
4. Ascedant Square or opposition Mercury:· Nervous disorder,
bowl troubles. Suffering through fraud or enemies.
5. Ascendant Square or Opposition Venus:- Loss through ex-
travagence or intemperate habits, troubles through women and serious
difficulties where affections and attachments are concerned. Difficul-
ties in generative system.
6. Ascendant Square or Opposition Jupiter.- If Jupiter is malefic,
then only blood disorders, liver complaints troubles through false
friends and extravagences, loss through intemperance, unwise en-
thusiasm, undue hopefulness etc.
7. Ascendant Square or Opposition Saturn:- Liability to accidents,
many cold or chills, disorder of a lingering character, troubles in con-
nection with elderly persons and affairs will go wrong particularly with
honour, reputation and family affiars.
8. Ascendant Square or Opposition Rahu:- Lack of self confidence,
one should not reley on anybody except on his owu intiative. He \viii
be forced to project himself depending on the sign position.
9. Ascendant Square or Opposition Ketu:- Sudden set backs and
reversals not to bis liking. Scattering mental impulses. Problems with
self. Lack of self confidence. More arduous and burdensome duties.
1. M.C. Conjunction Trine or Sextile Sun:- Increase of honour,
desire for achievements, elevation as regards of influence, added
breadth of view.

2. M.C. Conjunction Trine or Scxtilc Moon:· Long voyage, some

responsibility, domestic success, probable marriage and birth of
3. M.C . Conjunction, Trine or Scxtilc Mars:- very enterprising
spirit, much activity and general success in all matters of a mechanical
nature, and great access of ambition or wordly enterprise.
4. M.C. Conjunction Trine or Sextile Mercury.- New enterprises,
journeys and a very active period regarding business, much dealing
\\ith lawyers, merchants, and great access of learning and education.
5. M.C. Conjunction Trine or Sextile Venus:· Strong attachments
of a favourable character. Marriage birth of child. good fortune. where
affections are concerned. Gain and prosperity.
6. M.C. Conjunction, Trine or Sextile Jupiter- Much gain and in·
fluence through social affairs, rilse in life and general success. All things
are now tending to go well and looking prosperous.
7. M.C. Conjunctions, Trine Or Sextile Saturn:- Some respon-
sibility or position of trust, increase of position. organising power,
general improvement in matters of service. employment or avocation.
Gain through elders, inheritence and general success.
8. M.C. Conjunction ,TrlneorSextile Rahu:· Public recognition and
honours for services rendered. Public social work success through hard
work and personal sacrifices. Leader and protector ofmassess. Plan a
sound expansion programme. Advancement in business, service and
mder field of influence.
9. M.C. Conjunction,Trine or Sextile Ketu:- Indicates tendency to
resist control by others. Power and success for help of others. Control
of selfish desires, ambition and power. Try to win good will and sym·
pathy of others. work \vith time.
1. M.C. Square or Opposition Sun:- Loss of position, death of
parent and an unpopular period, \vitty, a liability to offend others
grievously. No success nith Govt: or persons in authority or power.
2. M.C. Square or opposition Moon:· Difficulties in domestic af.
fairs. sometimes death of mother, troubles in populace and discredit
from others.
3. M.C. Square or Oppv;;ition Mars:- Liability of heavy losses, dis·
putes and difficulties with others and in business. troubles through
parents, it usually causes death of parent. liability of gric~ious injury.

4. M.C. Square or Opposition Mercury:- Troubles in connection

with writings, correspondence, literature, solicitors, travel and relatives
5. M.C. Square or Opposition Venus:- Troubles through jealousy,
attachments, seperations, difficulties in domestic affairs, loss through
rash conduct, scandals and extravagances through lack of prudence.
6. M.C. Square or Opposition Jupiter:- If Jupiter is malefic, will in-
dicate danger of law suits, legal troubles, legal disputes, difficulties in
social life, and persons with power and authority, loss of money and
financial disputes.
7.M.C. Square or Oppostion Saturn:- Dishonour and disgrace,
legal troubles, difficulties with avocation, suffering at hands of those
of inferior, birth or position. Difficulties in responsibilities and any oc-
cupation requiring trust and integrity.
9. M.C. Square or Opposition Ketu:- Disappointments dissatisfac-
tion with vocation bringing many changes, Vain self glory, control your
selfish desires, ambition and power. Hold gains already one has. One
should be patient when he encounters delay and consider this to be an
opportunity for further preparation.


The general effect produced by one body in trasit over another is in

principle the same as conjunction of the two by direction.
The slower a planet is in motion the more effects does its transit
produce. A Planet stationery within two degrees of some sensitive point
in the horoscope is always important and this rule holds good all
through. Slower planets are much more marked in the results they
bring about than are those that move quickly, and their influence ex-
tends over a much longer period. Because of this, the planets can be
divided for the purpose or transit into two groups: Saturn, Ketu, Rahu
and Jupiter whereas other planets are quick. Mars however is capable
of producing distinct effects by transit at critical times when directions
The slow moving planets often mark unfortunate periods than
definite dates. The influence of a slow Planet is of course strongest on
the day when its transit is exact or within Orb. Transit should always
be noted to the day: for d list of such dates serves to mark the good
and bad days through the year. The transit of Mars in particular often
act very promptly. The transit of the quick moving planets mark days
rather than periods, for their influence seldom extel)ds over more than

two days. Mercury and Venus indicate events of slight interest. The
Moon, although the quickest in motion of all, is of more all round im-
The Sun is significator of father, courage, vitality, power authority
and finances. Also ambitions and boldness, dignity , commanding
power, reputation, general success and Govt: etc.
Now we shall explain in NUT SHELL transits of various planets for
ready reckoner and guidance of readers.
1. Sun Passing over the nate) SUN indicate success with starting new
ventures. The year can be significance bad or good depend on the con-
figuration and planetary aspects. Be of assertive nature. Transit may
not fulfil] all goood things but this does not mean bad period.
2. Sun in transit over Moon denotes your personal, domestic and
emotional life will be prominent. Advancement and elevation to a
much better state of affairs indicated. Relatives with persons and op-
posite sex will be more harmonious. A time for new beginning and
make changes for success not favourable for females.
3. Sun transit over Mercury indicates a good time for travel, chan-
ges, literary work, starting a new business, correspondence, diplomatic
dealings with others. A good time to plan for future, dealing with
lawyers, solicitors, agents, literary persons will prove to be a'success
and advantageous.
4. Sun Transit over Venus often denotes marriage. You will come
very close to persons you love. Enjoy the blissful feelings of gratified
emotions, for pleasures and happiness. A good time for making new
contacts and friendships. You will gain money and material posses-
sions. Contact with beautiful opposite sex and arts items. A good
health and Physique.
5. Sun Transits over Mars is critical and unfavourable position.
Much excitement in temperament and work, self assertive and aggres-
sive. You will feel active, energetic, daring but take care of the health.
Avoid quarrels which will bring serious troubles. Good period to start
new projects. Be calm, Control anger, excitement and avoid argue-
6. Sun transits over Jupiter indicate fortunate transit denoting suc-
cess, good fortune, much gain, many social advantages, and all round
success. Financial gain, benefits from travels. Helpful to others, new

relations will be formed. You may get promotion, favour from Govt:
and superiors.
7. Sun transits over Saturn is a critical unfavourable transit. A very
critical time,suspieious and apprehension of danger. If one goes slow
will succeed. It strengthens individuality, steady, preservings and in-
dustrious. Health will suffer, you will feel isolated and alone. Disfavour
from Govt: superiors for which you should be careful.
8. Sun transits over Rahu is good indicating harmony,social success,
gain through speculations, happy married life and respect in social en-
9. Sun t,ransit~ over Ketu will bound you with responsibility of
children who will be source of worry to you. Be careful against dis-
pleasure of Govt: and superiors. You may not be placed in unhappy
Transits of Moon are of considerable use in deciding fortunate and
unfortunate days. When Moon is Passing through any house in the
horoscope, it gives some degree of prominence and importance to af-
fairs governed by the house, and the result will be fortunate or reverse
according to the condition of that house in the radical horoscope. Thus
if second house was badly afflicted at Birth, the Moon's transit through
it once a month will always tend to be more or less unfortunate. If the
ephemeri shows that Moon receives bad aspects that day. Such as op-
position of Saturn, the tendency to misfortune will be increased: and
if it received some good aspect such as trine ofJupitcrnot much benefit
can be expected from it because of the radical affliction. If on the other
hand, a house is fortunate at birth, the Moon's transit through it will
mark a day that is fortunate for affairs governed by that house: and
this will be increased if the cphmcri shows that the Moon is well
aspected and not much lessoned by afnictions. When the Moon tran-
sits the place of benefic, in the horoscope, Jupiter, Venus or a well
aspected Sun, Moon or Mercury it will indicate a fortunate day. When
it passes over the conjunction or opposition of a malefic or a serious-
ly afflicted Sun, Moon or Mercury, a day will be indicated as unfor-
tunate, when it will be wise to be careful. In each case, if the ephemeri
shows that Moon is well as pee ted on that day, the good will be in-
creased and evil lcsscnd: and vice versa if the ephemris show that it is
badly aspected: but the radical birth chart indications are the most im-

Generally speaking the transit of the Moon through a house or over

the place of a planet tends to call for1h the natural meaning of that
house or planet and aspects at birth. Its transits over .Jupiter's place
or Venus will bring enjoyable days, pleasure, social inlercourse, or
gain: over Mercury, good days for writing, reading, studying and begin-
ning new undertakings governed by that planet. If the Moon was, say,
in trine to .Jupiter at Birth its transit over either of those two places
wiD indicate a fortunate days.
The transit of Moon through the Ascendant is fortunate in most
cases,especially for going a journey or making changes, except when a
malefic or seriously affiicted planet was rising or setting at bir1h. In
this way fortunate and unfortunate days can be marked out according
to the Moon's transits through the birth chart and although lhe Moon
is not the only factor that has to be taken into account in this way, yet
its influence is very important. .Journeys be undertaken if the Moon
transits 1st, 3rd or 9th house or even its own place if well aspected.
Business should be begun when Moon is most fortunate, are when it
transits .Jupiter or Venus.
The most potent and noticeable transits are the following:-
When the Moon by direction is forming a square or opposition to
Saturn, a transit of Saturn over the place of the progressed Moon will
bring out all the evil of the lunar directions. In the same way a benefic
aspect of the Moon to .Jupiter will be doubly benefic when .Jupiter by
transit is passing over the Moon's progressed place.
One of the most certain and direct transit is that of Saturn hunting
the Moon's as it is termed that is, when Saturn is in transit over the
Moon's progressed place. Since the progressed Moon takes twenty
eight and Saturn thrity years to complete the circle, this will often last
for many years and in some cases for a lifetime. The most unfortunate
aspect in a nativity is the affliction of the Moon by Saturn, either by
square or opposition and when the aspect is very close and the progres-
sive Moon is moving slowly, or at the same rate as Saturn the transits
of Saturn goes on for the best part of the life. For the Moon progres-
sive motion moves through one sign of the Zodice in two and a half
years and Saflm1's motion by transit is at the same rate, therefore un-
less the Moon is moving fast and moving out of the sphere of in11uence
of Saturn, a double affliction is kept np far the best part of life. This of
course can only be the case where the Moon is in conjunction, square
or opposition with Saturn at birth.

1. Mercury in transit over the SUN is fortunate for study, writing,
litercaturc, employment, business and new ideas and undertakings: but
if afflicted at the same time either no benefic results or there is trouble.
2. Mercury in transit over the Moon's fortunate for journeys,
publishing, writing, business, speech making and most matters
governed by the planet, unless seriously afflicted.
3. Mercury in transit over its OWN PLACE strengthens all matters
and things signified by the planet according to its capacity as shown by
its position and aspect at birth: but if seriously afflicted, disappoint-
ments, worries, false reports and anxiety are the results.
4. Mercury in transit over Venus is fortunate for social and family
matters, for friends, pleasure, love affairs, holiday making and general
5. Mercury in transit over Mars may make the mind active and have
useful results for those following Mars occupations, but there is always
risk attending it. Danger of disputes, fraud, false rumours, things writ-
ten or hastily sopken causing trouble: neuralgia, headhache, sleepless-
ness, for those who are liable to them. Avoid mental excitement.
6. Mercury in transit over Jupiter is fortunate for business and all
literary occupations, it brings friends, social success, honour aDd
7. Mercury in transit over Saturn causes danger of mental trouble,
anxiety, depression, loss and ill success through writings or study. But
if very well aspected and free from affliction, gain through occupation
and matters ruled by the planet.

l. Mars in transit over Sun infuses activity and energy into matters
signified by the Sun and the house in which it is placed , and is good
for Mars men those who follow occupations of planets, but it is accom-
panied by risk of disputes, accidents, ill health, rashness and ex-
travagence and requires to be met with caution.
2. Mars in transit over MOON causes quarrels, enmity, trouble
through females sometimes a death, danger of imprudent and rash
conduct. If well aspected, travelling and activity in business.
3. Mars in transit over Mercury makes the mind busy and ingenius
but critical and enemies arc likely to be made by toungue or pen,

danger of a law snits. If Mercury was afflicted at birth many annoyan-

ces may result, nervous excitement headache or neuralgia.
4. Mars in transit over Venus if well as peeled brings pleasure, so-
cial enjoyment, holidays and activity in matters ruled by Venus: but if
much afflicted, threatens loss, ext ravage nee, sufferings through women
or friends, or dissipation.
5. Mars in transit over ITS OWN PLACE strengthens all the charac-
teristic of planet according to its position and aspects at birth.
6. Mars in transit over .JUPITER brings activity in social all'airs and
success through them or through business. But if Jupiter was much af-
flicted at birth, extravagance or loss, and trouble through law or
7. Mars in transit over SA TURN threatens accidents, trouble in the
occupation or with superiors or the aged: quarrels, danger of ill health
the father may suffer.

1. Venus in transit over SUN brings pleasure, social and general suc-
cess, and friends among people in good position.
2. Venus in transit over MOON is fortunate for family, domestic
and social affairs, it brings friends, especially among women, and tends
to pleasure, holiday making, enjoyment and success.
3. Venus in transit over MERCURY if fortunate for writing study
and the pursuits of Mercury for trade for travelling and for society and
4. Venus in transit over ITS own PLACE is fortunate for all things
signified by the planet according to its house and sign at birth: but if
much afflicted in the birth chart, not much good will follow.
5. VENUS in transit over MARS brings danger of extravagance,
loss, too much pleasure seeking, and idleness, but if well aspected,
benefits may result from enterprise and activity in matters signified by
either planet.
6. Venus in transit over JUPITER brings good fortune and general
prosperity, friends, popularity, and pleasure, if seriously afflicted by
malefics, the benefic effects wiD be lessoned.
7. Venus in transit over SA TURN cannot do much good unless very
well aspected at birth when good fortune through business or money
matters may follow.

I. Jupiter in transit over the SUN brings good fortune. Success, the
favour of superiors, of Govt: gain through business or employment,
through father, or husbad: pleasure, holiday enjoyment: health im-
2. Jupiter in transit over the MOON is fortunate over the family,
domestic, and social matters: benefit through mother or wife:
popularity, public success, health improves, good for travelling or
change of residence.
3. Jupiter in transit over MERCURY brings benefits through
literary works, writing, study and affairs governed by the planet
generally. It removes mental troubles and makes the mind peaceful
and well disposed.
4. Jupiter in transit over VENUS inclines to pleasure, holiday
making, social amusements, friendships, love making with the young
and may bring success in art, music, drama, the occupation of Venus
and favour of women.
5. Jupiter in transit over MARS may improve the business and af-
fairs, especially with those who follow occupations of Mars and may
lead to activity and changes: but if afflicted heavy expenses and loss.
6. Jupiter in transit over ITS OWN PLACE brings good fortune and
pleasure according to the position and aspects of the planet at birth.
7. Jupiter in transit over SATURN docs not do much good unless
SATURN was well placed and aspected at birth, when there may be
gain of money or property, benefits through superiors or elders, and
through occupation and persons ruled by Saturn.

Saturn as per standard dictum produces troubles in health or affairs
or both. Saturn is a planet of limitation and restrictions producing loss
and fortune. The vitality is lowered when transisting Ascendant, Sun
or Moon and there is likelihood of colds, rheumatism, or accidents. It
coinciding with bad directions such transit may mark a very serious
time when everything goes wrong, but under good directions the
trouble is only temporary.
But the author is of firm views that Saturn is a great benefic as al-
ready explained and in author's world famous book "SATURN A

During transit aspects of other planets be noted carefully. An evil

Saturn during transit. If aspccted by good Jupiter becomes powerless
to a great degree for making mischief. Where as aspect of VENUS
reduces the evil effects by about 20%.
1. Saturn in transit over Sun brings troubles with superiors, persons
with power and authority, loss of position and reputation is in danger,
business and affairs suffer, toubles through father or husband. Not
good for health.
2. Saturn in transit over Moon brings trouble or loss through busi-
ness, property, family or domestic matters and house or land: unfor-
tunate for mother or wife and female relatives. Unpopularity, afnieted
health and the mind may become depressed.
3. SATURN in transit over MERCURY brings trouble through
writings, study, books, documents, and persons ruled by Mercury.
Depressed mind and worry, and nervous upset.
4. SATURN in transit over VENUS brings troubles through females
affections, through social and family matters, and through females,
friends and relatives. Occupations and pursuits by Venus suffer. Under
bad directions there will be scandals or financial loss. lfVenus is very
well aspected, some gain may occur.
5. Saturn in transit over MARS brings danger of quarrels and acci-
dents, change of occupation may occur, rash enterprises are under-
taken, sudden troubles may crop up.
6. Saturn in transition over Jupiter will bring financial benefits, if
Jupiter is well placed, and aspected at birth. Gain through investments
and by economy ..Benefit through religion or law. But if afflicted danger
of loss and troubles.
7. Saturn in transit over OWN PLACE VIZ SATURN brings
troubles according to its position and aspect at birth. If very well
aspected, gain may result in things signified by the planet, but there is
often loss.


In chaptcr2 "Conjunction of planets" we have repeatedly mentioned
at places that articles, relations and professions of a planet or a house
will be benefic or malefic.
This term may not have baffled the students and readers. For the
clarity of this point we provide below the details of above points for
Planets and Houses. These details are not easily available in the com-
mon books available in the market.
The above point can be divided into three main headings for each
Planet and House.
1. Articles.
2. Relations.
3. Professions.

I. Sun
(i) The articles denoted by Sun arc Wheat, Gur, Red Cloth, silk,
Red flowers. Red Sandal Wood, Brown Sugar, Musk, Saffron and
Brown Buffalo. The animals indicated arc Monkey, She-monkey,
Kapila Cow found in Hilly areas. Tree of Tejphal is denoted by Sun.
The metals are Copper and Gold. Gem is Ruby. Colours denoted by
Sun are Orange, Yellow, Brown and Gold etc.
(ii) The relations signified by Sun are father, nephew, friends and
religious people or guides and sons of fathers's sisters.
(ii) The professions denoted by Sun arc power, authority of the
Govt,professions connected with wheat etc. and with nephews, trades
of silver, milk, conveyance, animals, property dealers, copper dealers
and wheat grinding mill. Also professions connected with monkeys
and with children will be beneficial. One will gain if the profession is
carried out with nephews and sons of the father's sister.
2. Moon
(i) The articles denoted by Moon arc rice, milk, curd, condensed
sugar (Misri), white cloth, white sandal, white camphor, green plant of
post with milk, mare and horse. Wells, pond, spring water, under-
ground water, self made or ancestral agriculture land, sea opium, rain

water and hail storm, etc. The metal is silver and Gem Pearl. Colours
arc white, pale, yellow, white, opal and silver shade.
(ii) Relations denoted are mother, aunt, mother of elder uncle,
grand mother, mother of husband or wife, a woman who is blessed
with the longest life in the dyncsty etc.
(iii) The professions indicated are connected with garden, rice,
horse, medicines, cloth merchant, ponds, wells, springs, education of
females, articles connected with journey, ice vender, connected with
agriculature and underground articles, of sea, ancestral property, dry
medicines which are to be used for heart, but narcotis, drugs and watery
medicines will bring in loss particularly when Moon is posited in lOth
house. Professions ofwhite pearls, but the trade connected with pet
animals and watery items will sustain loss when Moon is in 12th house.
3. Mars
(i) The articles of Mars are ghcc, red cloth, red flower, red sandal
wood, ivory, red copper, dal massor and chillies (red), sugar, sweet
diet, honey, red sandoor, nccm tree and skin of deer. The metals are
copper or gold. Gems are red Coral and red stone. Colours indicated
are red scarlet and carmine. Animals are lion, lioness, Camel, She-
camel and deer. Deak or ncem trees are denoted.
(ii) The relations denoted arc brothers which include elder brother
of father, elder brother of mother, friends of children brother in law
VIZ husband of sister, brother of wife, brother of grandfather and
adopted brother of father etc.
(iii) Professions for Mars are of Ivory, snuff, skin of deer, doctor,
medicines particularly used for bcllcy, dal masoor, fruit, and property
not connected with machinery, dry fruits, red coloured articles, honey
and trade of sweet meals, red metal and sandoor, and trade of
medicines which are not sweet. Professions connected with teeth,
sowrd etc. will not be beneficial.
4. Mercury
(i) The articles denoted by Mercury arc Sugar, green cloth, flowers,
green Moong, turpentine, camphor and music instrument, lead, ghosts,
wine, roasted meat, alum, toys, sea shells and metals are silver and
gold. Gem is emerald. The animlas arc elephant, parrot, goat whereas
trees and plants denoted are banana tree, ban tree having wide leaves,
cactus thorny type, green grass etc. The colours ofMercury are azure,
blue, dove and spotted mixture.

(ii) The relations indicated for Mercury are uncles, elder daughter,
unmarried sister in law, elder sister, daughter or aunt, daughter of
grand father e lc
(iii) The professions denoted arc Ihose connected "ith human skull,
music instruments, fountain pens, lead, bamboo, flower, stalionery,
restaurants etc. literature, books, wine shops, ivory, sea shells,
diamond, alum, connected with courts, toys shop but professions of
stock exchange and shares, gambling etc. will sustain loss. One mil
gain in profession if one helps his grand daughter, ncicc etc.
In case Mercury is malefic in the horoscope and If one stammers,
the evil effects of Mercury will be warded off.
5. Jupiter
(i) The articles of Jupiter are gram dal, salt, tarrncric, gur brown
sugar, yellow clothe, yellow flowers, ladoos (sweet), saffron, kasturi,
books, ancestral house, temple, gurdwara, dried pccpal tree, sulphor
etc. The animals are lion, cock, frog, horse, etc. The metals are gold,
tin, platinum. Gems are Topaz and yellow sappire. Colours are green
or purple, violet and mixture of red and indigo colours. Peepal tree is
denoted by Jupiter.
(ii) The relations indicated are children, sadhus, grand father,
father, father-in-law, head of family or dynesty, king, guest, old learned
man and school master etc.
(iii) The professions denoted are those connected "ith articles of
yellow colours, earth work, educational, irrigation, scents, snuffs, trade
of costly and valuable birds, book seller, milk and curd business, in hilly
areas, Pooja articles, gas and religions places articles, trade of iron,
platinum tin or artificial jwellcry or rolled gold etc.
6. Venus
(i) The articles ascribed to Venus are rice, sugar, milk, curd, ghce,
scents and perrumes, white cloth, white flower, white cow and cam-
phor. Copper utensils, carrot, cotton, and earth etc. The metals indi-
cated are gold, silver and platinum. Gems denoted arc diamond and
white pearl. The animals arc cow, bull, the plant is cotton plant. The
colours are turquoise, pink, lemon, yellow and blue.
(ii) The relations of Venus are partner, wife, husband, married sister
in law, brother's wife and women/man "ith whom one contracts illicit
relations etc.

(iii) The professions denoted are the trades connected with women,
perfumes, ready made garments, etc, business of potato, sunmica,
mica, ghee, camphor, brick kiln, gur, gas, fruit, agriculture land
produces, copper wares, cow, under ground vegetables and fruits, cot-
ton: pearl, white coloured articles etc. which will be beneficial
7. Saturn
(i) The articles for Saturn are black til, sarsoon oil, black mash dal,
musk, black cloth and black flowers. Black salt, peeper, grams black
or white, chandan wood, palm tree, sagwan tree and wood thereof.
Black insects, marble, cheel, kail wood, black surma, coal, black cow,
masalas of sorts, scorpio, reptiles, old wood, shisham tree, aak,
crocodile, oil, soap, iron, foolad (kind of iron), tin, copper, artificial,
fish almond and cotton seeds etc, The metals are lead and iron. Five
metals copper, lead, silver, iron, gold jointly used arc also denoted and
are called Panch. Dhatu. The animals and birds are buffalo, blackdog,
and black horse. The plants are Kiker. The colours indicated are
balck, dark brown and Indigo. Gems arc blue sapp-hire, Lapiz Lazuli
(ii) The relations denoted by Saturn are brother of father in law,
husband of aunt, uncle and other like relations.
(iii) The professions indicated by Saturn are of Kikar, mash dal,
Palm and dates, eye surgeon, all kinds of oils,marble, coal, Surma
(black grounded metal used for eyes) Engineering, underground works
and contract orship, cottonseeds, also business of opium, charas,ganja,
old wood like shisham etc. river or watery animals like fish, crocodile
etc. railway, houses and iron and steel business, and business of al-
8. Rahu
(i) The articles related to Rahu are Sarsoon, Sword, horse, ivory,
blanket, til, mixed seven grains, suffaron, coconut and soft coal etc.
The metals are lead, gold, aluminium. Gems arc Rubby, Ncclam and
Gomed. The animals indicated are black dog, elephant etc. and the
plants are coconut tree, thorny grass etc. The colours arc black, blue
and indigo.
(ii) The relations denoted by Rahu are father-in-law or mother- in-
law, sincere friends and inlaws of daughters etc.
(iii) The profitable professions of Rahu are business of Gold, Sar-
soon, lectures and Sermens to be adopted as business, big works and
contracts of eleclrical items, pet dogs, silver articles, business etc. But

the business of coal, ivory, roofs of houses, raw coal, neclam,

aluminium etc. will not be favourable and be avoided.
9. Ketu
(i) The articles of Ketu arc sword, musk, blanket, till, sugar, suf-
faron, mixed seven grains, imli, til, urinal, Pooja place, earthen maund,
cot, onion, and banana. The animals, and birds are sparrow, rabbit,
donkey, pig. two coloured dog or bitch but they should not be of red
colour, mouse and chhapkali. The gems are white and black two
coloured stone, eat's eye and metals are steel and gold. The colours
indicated are mingled shades and checks, the trees are banana, imli
and till plants.
(ii) The relations are step son, only son, brother in law, nephew, son
of aunt, maternal uncle, grand son, son of daughter or sister, son of
uncle and second son of native.
(iii) The professions indicated are business of til oil, toilet articles,
Pooja articles, cot, onions, business of pigcry, donkey
and sale of dogs, articles for foundations of houses, twin cloured
stone, articles ofiiL"Wry, children toys and banana trade. Sale and pur-
chase of rabbits, one may be benefitted if one cures the deafness and
diseases below umblicus and should learn their practice.


\Ve have seen above the professions indicated by planet and houses.
Now we specially deal with the position of planets in houses etc and
professions indicated by them.
The strongest planet in the horoscopes, lOth house, its lord and a
strong Lagna lord indicate profession of the native who will earn by
his personal efforts and hardwork.
A strong 2nd house lord indicates gain in dealing with food articles
and speech. The 3rd lord sinlilarly indicates profession of travelling,
writings and if has any favourable connection with lOth house, one will
be prolittcd in partnership with brothers and relations. He may run a
big business or may serve in the army.
4th Honse strong lord if favourably connected with lOth house the
native will gain from real estate, property, motor vehicles business.
5th house is a house of speculation, learning and games of chances.
The harmonious disposition of lOth and 5th lord indicate gain through
them. 6th and lOth lords when favourably connected makes one Doc-
tor by profession as 6th house being of sickness. One can be on good

position in service and can be benefitted through subordinate and ser-

7th house denotes \vife, partnership and travels. Harmonious dis-
position between 7th and lOth lord indicates gain through partnership.
8th house denotes legacy, imports, exports, etc. Such persons in
whose chart 8th and lOth house lords arc beneficially connected indi-
cate gain through business oi import and export and foreign business
and from property got through legacy.
9th house denotes foreigners, foreign countries, long travels, law
and religion. Connection between 91h and lOth lords will bring earn-
ings through rorcigners, in foreign land, through practice of law,
religious head, preaching, teaching or by long travels.
lOth house is a house of profession, the nature of which is indicated
by lOth lord and by nature of planets or planet occupying or aspecting
lOth house.
11th house indicates gain and income also accumulation of wealth,
elder brotheres and relations etc. Planets posited there in and aspect-
ing the 11th house indicate earning of money. Connection, a favourable
one between lOth and 11th house lords indicats the good earning, ac-
cumulation and gain from elders.
12th house denotes secret works, places of confinement and distant
lands etc. Favourable connections between lOth and 12th lords indi-
cates gain through these. One may be a Jailor or in C.l.D. department,
espionage work, can be a ambassodor in distant land etc.
"SUDHARSHAN CHAKAR" an old method indicated by our an-
cients lays down that the things be checked from Lagna, Sun and Moon.
Likewise 'lOth house from Lagna, Sun and Moon be checked, its rulers
be analysed and check the strongest of all, which will indicate the
profession of the native and according to the Navamsa, he is placed in.
Also consider the planet in lOth house. Sum result wiU indicate source
of earnings at one time as well as different periods in one's life.


Analyse the aspects, conjunction and strength of planet in lOth
house, the various planets when posited in lOth house indicate the fol-
lowing, subject to above conditions which may be benefic or malefic.
For example benefic Sun in lOth house brings respect, good posi-
tion and wealth but when cojoined or aspected by Rahu or Saturn, one

never gets reward for his hard work, remain worried and faces ups and
downs in his profession etc.
This position is generally treated as beneficial. It indicates that per-
son is ambitious, fond of power, authority, recognition and will attain
it. Blessed with Sons, Vehicles, Wealth and fame. Intelligent and will
enjoy kingly status and will be known widely. Brave, honour and suc-
cess. Gain from parents and Govt or ruler or officers etc. The success
in life is steady which may be business, profession or service. One will
enjoy the position of trust and favourable environments. Good vitality
but high moral standards.
In case Sun is afflicted causes hinderance, delays and opposition Ups
and downs in profession. Blemishes from opponents.
An important position. Such persons will become rich by all pos-
sible ways. Wife will be shrcwcd. Indicates many changes in profession
and outward life. Many connection with public and opposite sex, the
private life will be of greater concern yet more success. Wealthy, happy
and intelligent. Inclined to public life. Attraction for women and
mother. Changes in business, profession or employment etc. Indicates
instability of position and popularity in life, followed by rise, downfall
or rewards.
In case Moon has benefic aspect by Sun, Venus or Jupiter, one will
have favour, success, prosperity and popularity, gain in property and
public business etc.
Afflicted Moon by Mars dcontcs public disfavour, Scandal,
notorietry or discreet, obstacles and troubles in business. Afflicted by
Saturn indicates worried mind, and slow progress.
Gain and promotion through business, profession and industrial
pursuits. Great opportunites for progress, courageous and energetic.
The best suited professions will be of Mars and the planet best aspects,
of liberal views, rash in action, praised and loved by people and ruler.
Energetic and bossing nature.
Mercury in good aspect to Mars indicates engineer, Surgeon, Medi-
cal man, Surgical instruments, manufacturer, usc of tools such as iron
or steel instruments and machinery. Hardware dealer, athlcts etc.

If found afflicted one will be of rcvolutioncry nature, resulting in

sorrows, troubles, anxiety and disappointments but the end will be
good. Affliction by Mercury will result low grade work. Such as mason,
labourer, iron or machinery workers also in factories. Affliction by
Saturn or Ketu indicates laborious employment and likelihood of
failure in business.

One will be successful in all Ventures, Wealthy, Liberal, Learned,
happy and famous. Good position for service or holding responsible
positions. One has good memory, sweet speech and mental stamina.
Taste for literature, merchantile work, If Gemini or Sagittarious is
the sign, one will be in the career of Journalism.
lfMercury is found afflicted indicates many unfortunate changes in
profession. Affliction by Mars or Saturn denotes a restless nature, Sub-
tle, and business etc.

Except its depression sign Capricorn, Jupiter in 10th house is in ex-

cellant position. It blessess the native \dth good fame, power and
authority. High position, alround success. Favour and gain from supe-
riors and persons in authority. Social and financial success. If Mercury
is favourable, one will be administrator, Judge, Ambassador, a good
political leader, position of trust, fame, public rccogniion and support.
When afflicted, a weak social life, reckless acl ions, disturbed rela-
tions \dth others due to misunderstanding. Loss and troubles through
subordinates. Affliction by Saturn indicates downfall, obstacles and
losses. By Moon or Sun, reverssal in public, social and official life.
Changes in profession. By Mercury, ordinary position, loss or dis-
credit through dishonesty.

Great desire to contact others, connections with learned and artis-
tic persons and career \dll be influenced greatly by them. Widely
renowned, honour, wealth, social and humorous. The profession \dll
be things connected \dth amusements, ladies, Cinema, music line and
the like. Loved by women.
If beneficially aspected by Sun, Moon or .Jupiter, the native will be
conferred \Wth high distinction, honour and financial success favour
from persons in authority. If by Mercury, a good writer, Speaker, art-

ist of fine arts, actor, Professions require travelling and contacts with
people. When afflicted, disappointments and unhappiness. Hindrance
and delay in progress and finances. Lack of opportunities, often oc-
cupies a low position.

Saturn in lOth house has peculiar nature. lt elevates the native,

politicians, Cinema actors etc to the highest position but throws them
to the depth much greater than heights they climbed. Invariably Saturn
in 1Oth house is not good and causes downfall. It cannot best on good
results merely in 1Oth house, unless it is Yogkarka or Ascendant Lord,
or trine or angular house lord. As 8lh lord in lOth house, without
neutralising influences especially that of Jupiter, the native will go from
ordinary financial position to extreme poverty.
One gains from agriculture, farm land, good farmer and all articles
under the ground such as minerals, Coal, Kerosene oil, Petrol etc. One
may reside in foreign land. One will gain at other place than place of
his birth. Visit to holy places, becomes head of religious institutions
and may become Sanyasi or have such tendency. Unhappiness to
NOTE:- Sign of house where Saturn is posited needs consideration.

Native achieves honour, Credit and high position by merit and in-
dustry and ability. Proud and fearless, Fond of struggle and strife. Does
not have reliable friends. Economical, Loss through powerful enemies.
He may have a few sons, In male chart one, will have liasions with
widows and opposite sex. In female, charts vice versa.
One has interest in arts, poetry and literature. One is more inclined
to travelling and business. Adventurous.

The native is Courageous, pushing, popular and brilliant. He has
Philosophied bent of mind. No Happiness from father and will be of
questionable character. Many journeys and travels. Accidents from
conveyance and animals. One will overcome the obstacles. On the
whole Kctu is not in happy position as it causes loss of position due to
deception, treachery and adverse public conditions such as sudden
depressions, changes or failure.

IfKetu is posited in lOth house in Aries, Taurus, Virgo or Scorpio,

the enemies are crushed, native is economical and accumulates money.
Each planet and sigu signifies certain professions which arc to be
considered for choosing the profession for individuals.
First we deal with planets indicating professions they rule over.
1. SUN:
It rules over kings, ministers, Govt,: position, royal appointments,
which include magistrates, ministers, medical persons, gold smiths,
merchandising, dealing in food stuffs, wool, medicines, fruit trees, me-
tals, administrative posts, auditing, accountancy, drugs and chemicals,
fertilisers, brokerage, wood or timber etc.
Moon rules over ladies, travcllors, sailors, nurses, hawkers,
businessmen, dealing in public commodities. Midwives, art, craft, tex-
tile, horse racing, dairy products. Contracts, Navy, orchards, liquids,
hotels, Petrol, oil companies, salt, cosily articles of clothes. Fish,
women's welfare, ladies garments, water works, irrigation, psychiatry
and sea products etc
Mars governs and indicates Civil Engineering, army, liquor, hunt-
ing, animal training in Circus, iron, Cutlery, lawyers, dcbators, ambas-
sadors. Collector, Electrical Engineering, butchers, atomic energy,
Kerosene oil, Surgeons, postal services, match factory, ammunition
depots, jobs connected with punishment, lands, estate, bold actions,
spying and vice acts.
Mercury denotes salesmanship, orator, school or college teacher,
Accountants, Poets, arts, Poetry, Public speaking, editors, Printer and
Publishers, Mathematicians, painters and auditing. Also journalism,
design and architectural works, clerical work, diplomatic missions,
astrology, Vedas, insurance agents and health officers, computers etc

Venus signifies musical and pleasurable pursuits, artistic Works,
gold ornaments, jewellers, dance, drama, music, opera and Cinema
houses. Actors acting and poets. Hotels, Cabra houses, restaurants,
Silk, milk, perfumes, horse racing, pictures, flowers, dealing with fair
sex and medicines inclu ling T.V. etc.

Jupiter points out to commerce, trade, favour from Govt: service
and people, Law, money, landing, religious institution, travels and
astrology. Lawyers, Judges, scholars, Professors, Physicians, executive
post, spirituality. Revenue Department, education, political career,
production, expansion, research, treasury, Income tax Department,
temples etc

Saturn denotes farming. medical service, insurance agency. Land,
property, mine, petrol, Kerosene oil, Co-operative business,
Panchayat, dealers in iron, lead, black articles, hair, wool, leather,
Pharmaceutical works, Cattle breeding, Peon, Watchman, Labour and
mine workers. Occult subjects, astronomy, Sanyas, Shoe making,
analytical or research work and works requires hard Labour.


Rahu indicates radio, Circus, space travel, aviation and spiritual


Ketu refers to foreign trade, secret missions and secret Sciences,
Clairvoyance, Mesmerism and Palmistry etc.
Like Planets, each sign indicates or rules many Professions, a digest
of these is given below for details refer author's world famous
Indicates army, Defence, Police and Professions connected with
them. Surgeons, chemist, law, iron and Steel. Machines, Factories, in-
dust rics or sports goods etc.

Denotcs trade in luxury goods, cosmetics, scents,jewcls and genus
etc. Any business connected with finances, agriculture, inigation,
music, T.V., radio, pleasure resorts, Cinema, actors, film producers
etc. Transport business, Income tax Dcptt., Ladies clubs, schools,
fashion and beauty parlours, dealers in ladies garments and beauty
items including aritificialjewellery etc.
The Professions indicated are brokers, businessmen, Secretaries,
advocates, journalism, travelling agents, and jobs connected with them.
Articles derived from water like Pearls, Conch and sailor in Navy,
Submarine, shipping Deptt., import or export and travels. Good
caterers, restaurants, managers, orator, preaches, contractor and any
job connected with Inigation Deptt. Development of Vedas and
Sacred texts.
High position in Govt: managers of big concerns, Corporation,
director, Captain, Sales managers etc.
Shows brokers,accountants ,lawycrsjournalist, engineers, sur-
geons,and works connected with liquids etc.
Indicates Govt. servants and officers, Law, cheruist, sale of liquid
items, Electrical engineers, Transportcr,Navy and painter etc. Also
writer, musician, playback singer, actor, architects, and salesman.
lndicates,Ch em istry, M cdicincs,ins u ranee, rna t crnity Dcptt ,Sur-
gens,reserach work,C.I.D,dctcctives, iron and Steel work,rui!itary and
Navy Deptt.ctc.
Teachers, professors, priests, public spcakcr,politics,bank
employee,professions related to religion and educational Institutions.
Editing and publishing,Company law,Civil Engineering,Contrac-
tor,forcign assignments etc.

Business of kerosene oil, land,minc, animal, Irrigation Deptt,Con-
tractor,agriculture,engineer,Cement manufacturing and dealing with
it, Lmvyers,Seientilie instrumcnt,Scicntist or physician,club,Socictics
work,Iong term contracts, mines and land products, Also
Icathcr,Chcmieals and hides etc.
Scientists, good executives, position in large Office and concerns.
Lceturer,Astrologer, legal, financial or education advisor, Mine Con-
tractor, or dealer in shipping and export.
Dcnates bankers,accuntants,music and opera houses, Occult Scien-
ces, actors and good businessman, liasion Officer, Managing Director
or Chairman,Navy,Shipping Corporations etc. Dealers in drinks, Oils
beverages, Cosmatics,Chemicals, medical and education Deptt etc
1Oth House Lord in Different Houses
We have discussed professions related to houses, plantes and signs,
lOth house lagna and Sudarshan Chakra. Now we analyse the position
of lOth house lord in different houses ofbirth Chart.
l.ln 1ST House
One is learned,wealthy and famous. The native rises in life by hard
work, selfmade man, housing, a profession of independence and not
under control of anybody. When lagna & lOth lords conjoin in Lagna,
one leads a kingly life, famous and gain by Social work.
In 2ND House
One rises well in life and becomes wealthy. One may develop fami-
ly trade for gain and success. Res pee ted by G ovt. famous, wealthy.Self
acquired wealth.
ln 3RD House
One is Couragcaous, gains from Service and earning well by hard
work. Short journeys will be benefical. Slow and steady rise in life
after overcoming the obstacles.
In 4TH House
Lucky and learned, happiness from parents, Conveyance, Lands and
buildings. One bccoms wealthy and famous for his learnings and

generosity. Respected and gets royal favour. One may gain from
agricultural pursuits or dealing in property and conveyance.
In 5TH House
One becoms very famous,wealthy, learned and enjoys good life.
Fond of music, respectable and highly placed. He rises in career by
changes and intelligence. The native will gain well in speculation busi-
ness and as a broker. He may become head of orphanages and remand
home if lOth lords occupies 6th,8th, or 12th Navarnsa.
6. 1n 6TH House
One gets wealth from maternal relations, Govt, and other relations.
Many ups and downs in career and troubles through opponents, ser-
vants and subordinates. One may be superseded in service. May face
enquires, criminial actions and may face imprisonment.
7.1n 7TH House
Respected in Career and business A beautiful, fortunate and earn-
ing wife. One is learned, good thinker and hard-worker. Travels
abroad on diplomatic rnisions. Profits through partnership and
Cooperative Societies. The native is debased in his sexual habits and
indu!ges in various vices.
ln 8TH House
Such persons are> liar, back biter,black mailer and loses in profes-
sion. Bad morals and disgraced. Long life. They may have breaks and
changes in career. If lord is fortified, he will occupy a high office for
short time in his field.
In 9TH House
One holds a good position, respected, wealthy and religious or mys-
tic. He has good childern and is learned and happy. Under influcence
of his preceptor. Of Charitable deeds, head of religious institutions. A
guide to others in spirituality.
lO.In HJIH House
One is very well placed in life, wealthy, honest, famous and s ucces-
ful in his service or profession. One gets favour and honour from su-
periors and Govt, one holds high position in Govt, or political sphere.
ll.lo 11TH House
This position favours one with long life, gain from Govt, good posi-
tion in Govt, Happiness from childem. One is truthful and happy. One
is wealthy and gets money through hrd work. Many good friends. One

has mcrtiorious deeds. He employs many and has high source of


In 1Zlll House
This is not a happy position. One faces troubles, ups and downs in
his professions, has many secret enemies. If lOth house is fartified,
one becomes sptititualleader, and if badly afflicted. He can be a smug-
gler, cheat" or criminial one is disrespected and espionage tendencies.
Analysing the horoscope and blending the above points, one can
pin point ones profession easily.
1. J upter Kctu :-Lemon

2. Jupiter, Moon :- Badh Tree

3. Sun, Moon :- Milk ofBadh tree, horse cart and leechi


4. Sun, Venus :- Red bumt earth, copper ware and red

coloured earth.

5. Snn, Mercury :- Green hillocks and mountains, red

alum, and white glass.

(i. Moon Mercury :- River sand, Paroot and well with stairs,

7. Moon Saturn :- Black ink, deep and dark well, tortoise,

motor lorry or conveyance made of steel,
milk affected with curd, deep well where
generally death occurs, and poisonous
8. Venus-Mars :- Earthen tandoor, sweet pomegranate
and Red earth.

9.Venus-Mercury :- Balance, sandy soil, floor gtinding mill

and artificial Stone.

10. Venus-Saturn :- Black peeper, ghee, dry earthen moun-

tain and black stone.
11. Mars-Mercury :-When Mars is malefic, Sunglass which
when put before rays of Sun bums the

paper or black glass, red bright and shin-

ing clothes of a girl and flowers of
12. Mars-Mercury :- When Mars is favourable Red clothes,
worn by a girl at the time of marriage, red
blood colour but not shining and Parrot
13. Mars-Saturn :- Coconut, dried palm or dates,

14. Mercury-Saturn :- Mango tree.

15. Mercury-Rahu :- Badh tree and Tectar bird.

16. Mercury-Ketu :- An animal from which elephant fears.

17. Saturn-Rahu :• Snake and diamond.
1. First House
(i) Conveyance, wealth of private enemies, earned wealth, open
enemies or his fellows or partner, religious and journeys, boundary
wall, underground corners, Govt, service, drawing room etc. The
animals denoted are horned animals, plants assigned are shuburbs
used as medicine, advantages and gains also courage and valour.
(i.i) The relations indicated are private enemies, brothers of friends,
children of religious folk, native's wife, death of servants, journeys,
strangers and foreignors. Profits <jnd gain to younger broters and
friends. Death of partner, wife or husband. ·
(iii) The professions indicated are which gives chance under Govt.
like service, editing, publishing etc. honorary post etc. Early part of
life upto 25th year is denoted by this house Also professions connected
with above articles.
2. Second House
(i) The articles relate are houses, cow stable, money and accumula-
tion of wealth, finances of wife, gas, earth, bank position, sanyas,jcwcl-
lery, law suits, property, converyance to elder brothers, worldly
attainments and possessions. Animals are cow, bull; Plants which can
grow through a branch of plant. Power of intuition. Widow, beloved
etc Also one's financial condition and fortune through own efforts.
Also governs 2nd marriage.

(ii) The relation are grand father/mother, wire's brothers, sisters,

house of inlaws, close relatives, brethern of private enemies, father's
and grand sons of friends, king's sons children, time of marriage,
description of partner and state of maried life, death of wife, partners,
open or public enemies, long journeys of servants, power of speech,
honour of children, well wishers of father and private enemies of
brothers. Mother's and her elder brother's gain, long journeys to
maternal uncle and common diseases of the native.
(iii) The profession denoted are property dealers, religious guides
etc. Professions connected with above articles.
3. Third House
(i) The articles related arc articles of comforts, theft, changeable
luck, correspondence, other's property, intelligence, heroism, air
travels, short travels, education, change of residence, the animals are
lion, and wild animals. The plants arc fiuit bearing trees etc change
of residence.
(ii) The relations arc sister, brother (not real), brother-in- law, un-
cles, younger brothers and sisters, sons of friends, father of enemies,
friends of children, enemies of mother, health of younger brothers and
their position. Female servants, gain or loss of children and mother.
(iii) The professions are denoted as journalist, mathematician,
commission agent, estate broker, publications, book stalls, shops, sign-
ing agreements, accountants, news correspondant and clerk etc
Literary, one will be E. N. T Specialist. Publications· of higher read-
4. Fourth House
(i) The articles are underground place, milk, clothes, inheritance,
expenditure, place of finaccs, property, (immovable) land, vehicles,
water, learning, medicines, treasures, crevices, estate, domestic en-
vironments, general condition of life or life in old age, hidden things,
leases and rent, fields, orchards, mines, gardens, cow, buffalo etc
Agriculture and its produce. The animals are cow and buffalo.
(iii) The professions which related to above materials are profitable.
Second part of life 25th to 50th y= is indicated by this house.
Fifth House
(i) The articles connected arc air, light, intelligence, education gain,
children, connections with Govt; and king, gain from education and
from children, future period, place of education also children, pleasure,

society, lady love, social inclination artistic talent, house of amuse-

ments, speculation, gambling, cinema, games, music, drama, horse
racing. cards, lottery, betting, stock exchange, vedic knowledge, love
affairs and degree of achievements, courtship, adultery, prior and after
marriage romance, social intercourse, kidnap, rape etc. Educations,
deep and wise learning and wisdom, riches, spiritual practice, mantras,
bynum, legacies, pilgrimage, and sorts of illegal nnions and relations.
The plants are grafted plants. Animals denoted are those connected
with fire.
(ii) The relations are children, sickness of private enemies, hank
position of mother, enemies of friends, death of kings or monarch, long
journeys of religious persons, private enemies of servants, gain to
father and opponents, long journeys hy father, marriage of elder
brothers or sisters.
(iii) The professions etc. related to above articles also mechanical
art, speculation, stock exchange, card and gambling.
6. Sixth House.
(i) The articles are underground places, wealth of relations service,
sheep and goats etc, steward, diseases of short and long illness, food
employees, subordinates, servants to employer, hanker, faithfnlness of
suhordimites, debits, hank drafts, pet animals, dress sanitation, magic,
food, clothing, deities, superstition, obstacles, theft. The animals are
birds, sheep and dog. Plants are vegetables and flowers. Also pet
animals and small catties.
(ii) The relations are uncle, aunts, tenants, substance of children.
journeys to mother, purchase and sale of conveyance, bank position of
first issue, death offriends, loss to partner, secret enemies, investment
and purchase by partner, changes and life in foreign places. Dishar-
mony with or seperation from the partner, long journeys and religion
of kinds, name, fame and occupation or business of father etc.
(iii) The professions arc as related to above articles. Purchase and
sale of conveyance, and buildings by younger brother or sister will be
7. Seventh House
(i) The articles related are third part of life, SOih to 75th year, mar-
riage and articles of agriculture, other's property and wealth, unhap-
piness in married life, love questions, partners in life and business,
speculation in business, change of residence, rivals, agreement,
divorce, honour and reputation in foreign countries, pick pockets, etc.

• The animals denoted are grazing animals or birds who lay eggs, animals
having homs facing downward. The plants are those which bear fruits.
(ii) The relatives are wife, partner in life and business, grand
daughter, sister etc Also house of all contention, opposition, and
things opposed, house of buying and selling nuptials etc, also friends
of brothers, sons of friends servants, employees, brethern's sister,
mother's immovable property children of brother, death of private
enemies, religion, long journeys and higher eduction of friends or elder
brothers, honours and credit of the Govt; the fortune of father's as-
sociates etc. Also second child ofthe native. Adopted son, partner-
ship with father's friend.
(iii) The professions are as related to the above articles.
8. Eighth house: (A House ofMystry and Longevity)
(i) The articles related are roof, fire places, southern wall in the
house, surgery, enemies, diseases natural or unanatural death,
slaughter house, cemetry, jungle, mental pain, dowery of wife, in-
surance, gratuity, bonus, property of partner, strength of public
enemies, mode of death (suddent, violent etc.)
Labour, money of public enemies, Animals arc poisonous and rep-
tiles, scorpio, camel, insects which destroys trees. The plants denoted
are such which neither bear flowers nor fmits. Unearned wealth or
share of profit.
(ii) The relations are enemies, sickness of brothers and sister,jour-
nys of private enemies, dignity and honour of friends, worries and
privation, disappointment, defeat, imprisonment of the self, strange
and sudden death etc. Diseases and death in confinement of the native
if Uranus is connected with this house, also death by gas, drowning,
poison etc. of the self Heridatory property is also denoted.
DEATH. Check longevity fium Horoscope fust. Iflagna lord is in
8th, or joins with 8th lord or in the constellation of lagna lord, it will
be cause of self death, If 3rd lord occupies 8th, cr in jconstellation of
lord of 12th native's younger brother or sister maybe cause of his death.
If 3rd house alone is connected, death will be during travel in nearby
locality. If 12th house is connected, death in a nursing home, ayslium,
sanitorium or unknwn place. If 9th house is connected, death will be
in a far off place or while going on long journey. If connected with
11th house, death at friend's or elder brother's residence. Uranus con-
nected with 8th house gives strange and sudden death. by explosion,
incurable disease etc. Neptune gives mysterious death, gas, drowning,
poison, coma, over dose of drugs or allergy etc. Saturn gives death due

to cold, rheumatic pain, bone troubles and chronic diseases, slow and
lingering death. Jupiter gives peaceful and natural death but if evils af-
flict then by cancer, blood poisoning, liver troubles etc. Mars causes
sudden shock, accident, fire, violence, weapon or fire. Watery sign in-
dicate death by drowning etc.
(iii) The professions are surgeons, medical officers and articles re-
lated to this house.
9. Ninth House
(i) The articles related arc of religious and philosophical nature,
medical and of long journeys, saving from elders, religious places
temples etc. Ancestral house, Science, learning higher education.
Writings, editing, publishing, voyages, distant, travels, dreams, visions,
religious guru or preceptor, spiritual life, power of intuition and
foresight, temples, churches, pilgrimage etc. Also law, ancestral house,
arbitration, churches, sea voyages, air travels, rcvcrancc and devotion
to God and ciders and Providentaial help. The animals denoted are
horses, elephants and buffalos, frogs, nee) cow, animals who walk on
water and land. The plants are roots of plants and trees, all plants
which flourish under the ground.
(ii) The relations denoted are precept on, Guru, wife's or enemies
brothers, short travels of wife and partners, father of servants, pleasure
and benefits of children, sickness of mother, wife of younger brother
or younder sister's husband or her competitors or rivals, friends, or
elder brothers and private enemies of king or Govt;
(iii) The professions related to above articles. Publishing special-
ly in Astrology, Law, religion, Science, philosphy, travel, internatioal
law, etc. Text books of universities, import and export of books, na-
tional trade, commerce, communications, cables and \vireless.
10. Tenth House
(i) The articles related are iron, steel, wood, bricks, stone, fourth
part of life, general health, food, machinery, ancestral property, com-
forts from father, eminence, renown, authority and power from Govt;
life position and comforts, trade, business, wealth, commerce,
livelihood, rank, honour, etc. The animals indicated are crocodile,
snakes, animals with tails. Plants which have thorns. House of honour,
public dignity and higher csteeem, worldy attainments, reputation and
ambitions, Employer, superior, master in trade and profession.

(ii) The relations indicated arc father, conveyance of wife and

property there o( sickness of sons and their debts, mother's opponents,
death of younger brothers and sisters, his or her legacies, hospitalisa-
tion of elder brother and friends etc.
(iii) The profession arc horse riding. position of responsibility, ath-
letics, talisman, mantras, hymns. sanyas,judges and of articles related
to this house. Also medicines, seal of authority, service, doctor,
adopted son etc.
11. Eleventh House
(i) The articles indicated are income, luck, self acquired property,
fulfilment and realisation of hopes, ambitions and aspirations, ad-
visors, house of gain and profits, accumulation of wealth, emotional
and emotions. Jewellery, ornaments, devotion to God and deities.
love affair. Gain from persons in authority, irrigation, gas, contracts
with friends, gain from occupation, scadfast in friendship, social suc-
cess. The plants denoted arc such which are without thorns and does
not provide shade. Also indicate whether one should be in business
or service and have success. Profit also is shown by this house.
(ii) The relations denoted are elder brothers, sisters, paternal un-
cles, brother-in-law, gain from father. Correspondence, editing,
publishing, and gain from younger brothers and sisters. Children of
enemies, wife, partner etc. birth of children, plcasureablc pursuits,
speculations, sickness of servants, enemies. daughter-in-law,
childrens, competitions in examination, death of mother, long journeys
!O younger brothers and sister in connection with education, freedom
from misery and pain of the self. Children, elder brother and sisters,
paternal uncle, brother in law, mother's longevity and Arts etc.
(iii) Professions denoted arc for the articles as detailed above.
Horse racing, electric companies, contractors, irrigation estate,
agriculture, engineer, gas, museum etc.
12 Twelfth House
(i) The articles of mysterious nature and evil house, if afflicted are
jungle, sadhus, pleasures of beds, misery, imprisoment, sufferings, oc-
cult sciences, sedition, secret missions, Callies, great beasts, expenses,
loss, purchase, investments, charity association with philanthrapic in-
stitutions, repayment of loans, obstacles and impediments, solitude,
social barriers, higher mind's working, moksha, conspiracy, cunning-
ness, treachery, residence in forcign,deception suicide and murder etc.
Psychic tendencies and realisation of God, parental wealth, loss by
marriage and of wife, loss of wealth, sudden and unexpected loss,

demands, expenses etc. The animals dcno!ed are big animals, beasts,
Salt, fish, etc and the plants are of self growth plants etc and trees
with bark.
(ii) The relations indicated arc neighbours, money offricnds, elders
brothers, younger brother's or sister's professions' .popularity,
prosperity etc. Father's pennanent possessions vehicles etc. sickness
of wife or husbands, servants, enemies particularly secret ones, long
journeys to mother and her foreign travel etc.
(iii) The professions denoted are as indicated by above articleas.
Cl. D. Department, espionage or secret missions etc


IMPORTANT. The author would like to expand this house more

as little has been said and people or readers arc not well aware.
12th house in horoscope carries special significations. It is NOT
EVIL house unless afflicted, please note. It indicates worldly pleasures
and pains, also rules man's final emancipation from the chain of births
and deaths and his merger with the COSMIC SOUL, worship and fu-
ture state of existance are determined from this house. Also 12th
house shows loss, impediments, restraints, limitation, waste and ex-
travagence, expenses outweighing income, drudgery and deception.
Evil planets in 12th house are far less evil than when angular.
Repayment ofloan is to be judged from 12(h and 8th houses. Expen-
ses are incurred in various ways, whether such expenses will be pleasant
and expected or unpleasant and unexpected, \\ill depend upon the na-
ture and lordship of the planets found in 12th house. Such results \\ill
come to pass only when period or sub periods of the significator con-
nected \vith 12th house operates and not at all times. Also check the
most important factor, the constellation in which planet was posited in
12th house and what houses are owned by constellation lord in the
horoscop. VIZ, If Moon is lord of 12th house, and posited in constel-
lation of Mars who is owner of 4th and 91h houses, this means expen-
diture will be on conveyance, publishing and long journeys, pilgrimage

This house is also known as house of solitude, secret and silent suf-
ferings and undergoings, profound service rendered to mankind and
extremities, house of self sacrifice, unseen or unexpected troubles and
secret and inimical activity. This house rules the secret working of
mind, secret plots and schemes, conspiracy and cunningness, envy and
malice, fraud and treachery, intrigue and deception, suicide, murder
of assasination. exile and cxtradictions


SUN in 12th house weak by sign and affiictcd shows enmity of in-
fluential people, life in remote places and sepcralion from loved ones.
If Snn in 12th house is dignified and well aspected secures the na-
tive success in occult and psychic matters and give uncommon tastes.
Work in hospitals in such case is favoured ..One gains in obscure oc-
cupations such as chemical lab, prision or other institutions and of
confinements.. Well aspeeled, is sure sign of sympathies and van-
quishes of enemies.
MOON if well aspected grants success in works perfonned in hospi-
tals and prison, the native may involve himself in clandestine love af-
fairs, but, if Moon is in fixed sign and well aspected, one will keep the
secret to himself. lf Moon in 12th house is in watery sign, one may
have occupations connected with shipping etc. If Moon is found af-
flicted signifies limitalions, hinderances, fanciful fears, enforced retire-
ment, or sickness due to acts of indiscretion, also petty enmities with
women causing worry and troubles.
MARS in dignity and well aspected in 12th house makes one ad-
ministrators. Generally here causes grave troubles through im-
pulse, loss of reputation, or treachery from enemies or misplaced
affcction.If afflicted, indicates danger of violence from enemies in a
fight and danger of injuries through big animals. Mars affiicted by
Saturn in 12th house, may lead to imprisonment or illness caused by a
lingering disease and confinement in a hospital for a long time. Labour
troubles in factory etc.
MERCURY in 12th house, is suited for mysteries, and success in
scientific or occult research. \Vhen well aspected by Mars and Saturn,
one will be in detective work where one remains out of sight, such per-
sons are fond of details. Harmonious aspects from Herschal enables
one to pursue unusual lines ofthought. Mercury alone in 12th causes
petty worries, annoyances and small enemities caused. by writing or
scandalour reports, the mind becomes self absorbed and narrow. lf
afflicted by Saturn or Mars which are malefic, it points to nefarious
schemes, forgeries, plots and conspiracies.
JUPITER posited and well aspected in 12th house gives one gain
and success through those occupations carried on in seclusions, such
as in asy!umms, hospitals, public or philanthropic institutions, remote
from the place of birth and with large animals. One eventually suc-
ceeds over enemies and gain from them. One will receive a big aid

from charitable instituion. If they arc already rich, they will give away
lavishly to those who arc in need.
VENUS in 12th house and well aspected conlribules success in oc-
cupations connected with Jails, charitable institutions or by work in
chemical laboratory. Gain through obscure occupations. One will be
inclined to investigate the scctct arts of study and practice the occult.
One gets pleasures of beds, love and enjoy volunlry seclusion and in-
dicates comforts in beds. Generally, this position of Venus makes one
to hanker after the opposite sex but if Venus is affiicted, it leads to
cncmity of women. Neptune or Uranus afflicting Venus in 12th house
Indicates peculiar love affairs and sudden change of affections lead-
ing to sorrows, suspicion, disappointments, and divorce. Affiiction of
Saturn causes divorce and seperation whereas of Mars denotes that
one becomes morally wreck indulging in passions. •
SATURN in 12th house and well aspected indicates success in
seclusion or quite or laborious occupations. If Saturn is strong by sign
and position, it shows that seclusion is sctr invited. Taken alone, the
position shows that the enemies \\111 steadily work for the downfall of
the native, danger or confusions and bruises through animals cannot
be overruled. One prefers to work in seclusion and in peaceful way.
If Saturn is affiicted, some lingering illness to partner is indicated. Af-
fliction by Mars denotes there is a liability of danger of violence, rob-
bery, or even suicide. By Mercury denotes mental disorder, loss by
theft etc. Uranus in adverse aspect to Saturn is very bad indicating as
•II the malefic mnllcl~ of 12th house will be realised by the native.
URANUS posited in 12th house and well aspcclct.llcnds to success
through occult affairs and by the invention of chemical process which
remains secret. If affiicted indicates danger from accidnts causing
detention in out of way places, disgrace and troubles from psychic and
occult sources, sudcn illness defying diagnosis, restraint in public in·
stitutions, and even exile from Ihe country. One may face strange and
sudden enmities. One will feel irritated and annoyed by the under-
hand actions of eccentric people.
NEPTUNE deals with secrecy, mcdiumship. psychic reascarch and
occult investigation's and Neptune's position in 12th house when well
aspected brings succsss in matters carried on in secret. The native will
be best fitted for detective works and will gain through secluded and
quite methods. If aftlicted, hospitalisation due to cJ;lronic disease, or
a public institution. Also it shows in 12th house the presence ofmany
secret enemies, nefarious schemes, deception, fraud, scandal, of some
unknown danger.

NOTE:- The Western Planets used in the details of 12th house have
been done intentionally as they are found quite necessary.

A most unfailing experience oft he excitement ofsublunary natures, by
tile conjunctions and aspects ofthe planets, has instmcted and com-
pelled my unwilling belief

In the previous chapter under the various conjunctions of planets
we have suggested some ways of propitiations, the term means to ap-
pease or conciliate and in Hindi is used as UPA YE for the planets
which are weak, malefic and by virtue of their position create troubles
for the native. These upayes have been suggested to ward off or min-
imise the evil effects of such afflicted planets.
The readers after going through the previous chapter must be
curious to know the details, methods and other conditions ofupayes,
which the author has explained in much detail in his world famours
book titled,"CO~fPLETE ASTRO PALMISTRY'' which may be
referred. However, for the guidance of readers, we provide below
some synopsis of the same.

The planets which are found weak, malefic or unfavourable by vir-
tue of their position, create troubles for the native and it becomes quite
imperative to perform the requisite upaye to mitigate the evil effects
of such positions of the planets which can be summed up as:
I. Sun or Ketu in 5th, 7th, 8th houses causes too many troubles.
2. Mars and Rahu in 2nd, 8th or 9th houses cause many troubles
and strifes.
3. Moon posited in 6th or 81h house becomes dangerously evil when
week and afflicted.
4. Mercury in 6th, 8th or 12th house becomes weak.
5. Jupiter and Saturn when posited in thir debilitated signs make
the native full of miseries.
6. Venus posited in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th house becomes too weak
and make the native too feeble.
7. Benefics in 3rd and 6th houses give tremendous troubles.
There can be many other positions of planets where they can create
troubles and mischieves and need clear judgment.

In order to get relief from such adverse positions and to avoid
miseries, turmoils and troubles, the propitiations have to be made to
obtain protection from the evil resuls. Such planets can be
strengthened to wa~d off the evil results.
There are many ways to mitigate such evil effects and are known as
By using appropriate measures. This can be sub divided into four
(i) Through articles of the planets.
(ii) Through TANTRIC methods.
(iii) By using Gems and Colours.
(iv) Through Prayer and meditations.
(v) Yoga
The above methods have been detailed in Author's famous book,
which be referred
In addition we should think calmly the methods to ward off the evil
etfecls of malefic planets. The upaye of malefic planets will be chief-
ly through the articles, commoditids and other items assigned to each
planet. This is a fundamental of upaye. As far example, to ward off
the evil effects of Rahu, upayes of Ketu will be useful and for Ketu
upayes of Rahu will be good,
Again we cite another example, for malefic Venus, one should serve
the cow or donate cow, and feed the cow with seven type of mixed grain
or give part of your food to cow. A ball of kneaded flour be given to
cow etc. For Saturn when malefic and to get financial relief, food must
be spared for crows and to get children, food to black dog is recom-
I. In Hindu Shaslras, upaye should be carried out for minimum 40
days and maximum 43 days continously. If for some specific reasons
beyond the control of native, the upaye has to be discontinued then
one should wash rice in the milk and keep them with him, after that
upaye can be restarted to keep the continuity.

2. The upayes be perofrmed between Sun rise and Sun set. There
is no restriction of day for starting the upaye except stated. This can
be started from Monday to Sunday.
3. Upayc can also be performed by the nearest blood relation. But
the author is not in this favour. This should be done by the native him-
4. If a planet is malefic and the native is unmarried, the upaye be
performed at the time of marriage of the native, which will be vety
In the previous chapter we have detailed articles, relations and
professions of each planet and house which should be memorised for
day to day use.

Some immediate relife can be obtained from the following methods.

1. Sun. Gur should be thrown in running water.
2. Moon. A container of milk or water be kept toward your head
in the night, the water or milk be served to kikar tree in the morning.
3. Mars. (i) Sweets and sweet food be donated or Patasha (made
of sugar) be thrown in river in case of positive Mars.
(ii) In case of Negative Mars, rewari (made of sugar and Til) be
thrown in the running water.
4. Mercury. A piece of copper be provided with hole and thrown
in running water.
5. Jupiter. Saffaron either be eaten or be applied on tongue or
central part of belly called Naval or Umblicus.
6. Venus. Donation of cow, Jawar or Milk.
7. Saturn. Donation of sarsoon oil.
8. Rahn. Coal be thrown in the river. Donation of mooli is also
9. Ketu. Part of your food be gieven to the coloured dog,

. Mars. 1 When Mars is malefic in a horoscope, the use of skin of

deer is beneficial. This skin is mainly being used by Sadhus and
Sanyasis due to the fact that poisonous snake will not sit on the skin or
bite the person using such a skin.

2. Sweet chappatties be prepared in Tandoor and donated.

3. Barley be washed in milk and thrown in running water.
4. When a native is suffering from long period of fever orT.B. then
barley be washed in urine of cow and be kept enclosing in red cloth.
Clean your teeth with urine of cow.
5. Rewari (made of sugar and til, be thrown in running water).
6. Saffaron be applied on Naval part ofbody.
7. Gur be thrown in the running water.
When Jupiter is malafic in a horoscope of a male or female, steps
and care should be taken immediately as it is quite essential that in
one's horoscope Jupiter should be benficial.
1. In case of females, this upaye be performed for a good and happy
married life, which will bless her with good husband, wealth and
At the time of marriage of a girl, two pieces of gold of equal weight
be donated to the girl. One of the gold piece be thrown in the running
water and second be kept by the girl hereself with the clear Direction
that this piece should at no cost be sold. So long this piece wtll remain
with her, she will be blessed due to beneficial actions and effects of
Jupiter. In case of loss of this gold piece due to any reason, new gold
piece be procured but there is no need to throw second piece of gold
again in the river.
In case of persons who can not afford gold, use of two small pack-
ets of saffaron or two pieces of tarmeric(Haldi) can be used in the
above manner.
2. In case when Sun is malefic, use of copper be made in the process
as explained in para I supra.
3. When Moon is malefic, white pearl be used in the above way.
When white pearl is not available, then silver, rice and river water
equivalent to the weight of the native be used in the marriage.
4. When Venus is malefic, use of white pearl is recommended.
5. When Mars is unfavourable use of red gem without shine is to
be used.
6. When Mercury is malefic, use diamond or use of seep or sea shell
will be beneficial.

7. Saturn not posited in beneficial way, will give relief through the
use of iron or salt or black surma (used for eyes).
8. Rahu should be propitiated the method as given in Moon above.
Gift of ring with Neelakm be avoided.
9. For Ketu use of two coloured stone is recommended.
When Saturn is malefic or the native is under Sadcsati (2112 years
to 71/2 years period), part of your food be given to crows.
Also Sani Satotra be recited continuously for 27days, four times a
day in the morning facing Sun.
2. When one is denied from children or abortions occur etc. part of
your food be given to black dog.
1. Donation of gold to girl at the time of marriage by the parents
which should be used but be not sold by her.
2. Give part of your food to cow.
3. In acute malefic results, the couple should marry between them-
selves twice after a gap of some period, Venus will be favourable.
Marriage between same couple is denoted and not with outhcr man
or woman.
WhenKetu is conjoined as Mars-Ketu, Moon Ketu, Sun, Ketu, Mcr-
cuary Ketu and may be posited in any house, and are malefic to a lady
then her parents should donate two coloured blanket to ·a temple or
donate silver.
They should also give food to 100 dogs in one day (from Sun rise to
Sun set).
In case of Mercury, a ring of iron without joint be thrown in the river
at the time of marriage of the native or otherwise and second ring be
used always in fourth finger of right hand.


When a native is being troubled much through a malefic planet, one
should propitiate with mantras and donations be made according to

1. Sun.
(i) Articles of donations are gold, ruby, copper, wheat, gur sugar,
ghee, cow, red cloth, red flower, red chandan, suffroan and kamal
(ii) Time of donation: Sun rise.
(iii) Mantra for recitation. 0-om harang, harceng, haroong se
Suryae namha.
(iv) Number of mantras. Seven thousands.
(v) Day of propitiation. Sunday.
2. Moon.
(i) Articles of donation are pearl, silver, rice, condensed sugar
(Misri) Conch, pitcher full of curd and ghee, white chandan, white
flower and camphor.
(ii) Time of donation. Evening.
(iii) Mantras for recitation. 0-om sharang shreeng shrong se
Chandraye namha.
(iv) Number of mantras. Eleven thousands.
(v) Day. Monday.
3. Mars.
(i) Articles for donations are Red Coral gold, copper, wheat, ghee,
gur, red cloth, red chandan, red flower and dal masoor.
(ii) Time of donation, Sun rise.
(iii) Mantras for recitation 0-om karang kareeng karong se
Bhoomaye namha.
(iv) No. of mantras. Ten thousands.
(v) Day. Tuesday.
4. Mercury.
(i) Articles of donation are Emerald, gold, elephant teeth, copper,
mong, sugar, ghee, cloth, flowers of all types, camphor, and turpentine
(ii) Time of donation. Before Sun set.
(iii) Mantras for recitation. 0-om Brang Bareeng Baroong se
Budoayc namha.

(iv) Number of Mantras. Nine thousands.

(v) Day. Wednesday.
5. Jupiter.
(i) Articles for donation are Topaz, gold, ruby, horse, gram dal, salt,
tarmeric, gur, brown sugar, ladoos, yellow cloth, and yellow flowers.
(ii) Time of donation. Evening.
(iii) Mantras for recitation. 0-omgrang greeng, groong se Guruaye
(iv) Number of mantras. Ninteen thousands.
(v) Day. Thursday.
6. Venus.
(i) Articles of donations are Diamond, silver, rice, sugar condensed
sugar (Misri), ghee, milk, curd, perfumes, white cloth, white cow and
white flowers.
(ii) Time of donation. Sun rise.
(iii) Mantra for recitation 0-om drang dareeng daroong see shuk-
raye namha.
(iv) Number of mantras. Sixteen thousands.
(v) Day. Friday.
7. Saturn.
(i) Articles for donations are Neelarn, (Blue Sapphire), iron, gold,
black till. oil, black mash dal, musk, black cow or buffalo, black cloth,
black flowers, crow, black dog and black horse.
(ii) Time of donation :-Noon.
(iii) Mantra for recitation:- 0-om Parang, Parcengb, Paroong se
Shaneaye namha.
(iv) No of Mantras. Twenty three thousands.
(v) Day. Saturday.
8. Rahu.
(i) Articles for donation are Neelam, Gomed, Ruby, Gold, Sword,
Horse, Blanket, Sarsoon, Til, Oil, Coconut, Seven mixed grains, Lead,
Suffaron and Blue Cloth.
(ii) Time for donation :- Midnight.

(iii) Mantra for recitation. 0-om Harang Harccng Haroong sc

Rahnayc namha.
(iv) No. of Mantras. Eighteen thousands.
(v) Day, Wednesday.
9. Ketn.
(i) Articles for donation are Cat's eye, gold, till. sword, musk,
blanket, sugar, mixed seven grains, suffaron and multi coloured dog.
(ii) Time of donation. Morning.
(iii) Mantras of recitation. 0-om Sarang Sarccng Saroong sc
Kctuayc namha.
(iv) Number ofMantras. Eighteen thousands.
(v) Day. Sunday.
So for we have provided a few but effective methods of propitiations
of malefic planets through articles, donation and mantras. In case of
further details the author may be consulted.

Current definitions ofTantra ss "Sacred "Vritings of Hindus "Scrip·
tures ofSakta"; Collection of Magical Treatises" and the like, are either
inaccurate statement characterised by the usual vagueness and in·
decision says. that; "The Tantras are a letter development of the
Pumnic creed and written very much on the same lines as the Pumnas."
But actually the work TANTRA has various meanings and amongst
others Sastras generally, and therefore does not necessarilly denote a
religions Sastra.ln the sense, however, in which the term is most wide·
ly known, it denotes that body of the religious scripture. Sastra which
is stated to have been revealed by Lord SIVA as the specific scripture
of the fourth or present Kali age. This is the definition ofTantra ac-
cording to Sastm itself.
Lord SHIV A, the supreme promulgates, His teachings in the world
below in the works known as Yamala, Damara, Siva Stutra and in the
Tantras which exists in the form of dialogues between the Devata and
his SAKTI, the Devi in Her form as Parvati. According to the Gayatri
Tantra, the Dcva Gancsa first preached the Tantra to the Dcvayoni on
Mount Kailasa, after he had himselfreceived them from the mouth of
Lord SHIV A.

Out of the above discussion one should understand that as per com-
mon belief Tantra is not a magic but a Sadhana and in this Sadhna the
methods have been provided to ward off the wordly evils and troubles.
A fi:w such tested methods, the readers arc requested to perform with
full respect and reverence to gain the results. Nefarious tantric
methods be always discarded. For more details, refer author's world
famous books, "Practicalsofyantras' "Practicals of Mantra and Tantra"
Gyatri mantara has been held in high esteem in Hindu religion. This
mantara can be used in a tantric way to slove one's problems, difficul-
ties etc. by perfonning HAVANA of Gyatri man tara with the follow-
ing directions. The mantara reads. thus:
~ ~·<~: ~: 1 tmr~·~ 1l1iT ~
~~ fa~ rft •n: Sf'\(jqq Iq II

In this man tara after the words following words for the specific pur-
pose shown against eacht:l~: ~:1 and then recite the whole man-
tara. These specific words are called "Samput". The samput has a
great value in tantric and be used carefully.
This samput is useful for wealth and com-
This samput is used for obtaining
proficiency in word-
Through the use of this is
blessed with progney and one enjoys
sexual bliss.

BJhe use of this samput, enemies are

destroyed, troubles and worries vanishes
~d the native is blessed with joy and hap-

Through the candid use of this samput

one recovers from disease.
One's hopes are fulfilled and the native is
protected from evils.


The Havana be performed by using the following articles and recit-
ing Gayatri mantara with samput.
I. Use the flowers of red Kamal or Juhi in the Havana for wealth
and gold.
2. Prepare small balls of Gugal and perform Havana with ghee, one
will become very lucky.
3. The pieces ofGilo be dipped in milk and Havana be performed
with them, this blesses the native with cure from diseases.
4. To obtain a cure from fever one should perform Havana with
leaves of mango tree dipped in milk.
5. Barley, til and ghee be used in Havana, the native is blessed with
There are various methods of Tan tara to ward off evils, but the su-
pereme is ofGayatri Mantara. The other method will be placed before
the readers at some appropriate time.
Another method to propitiate the planets is through Germs and
Colours. Since mankind is powerless against vibrations sent by planets,
it has been trying to explore the possibilities of averting these calamities
by shantis or propitiatory rites. Hundreds or such propitiatory
prescription can be found in the Sastras. Wearing of jewels sacred to
the different Planets is one of these propitiatory rites.


Human body is led with "Cosmic Radiation" these radiations be-
comes unbalanced in the body. In order to bring a balance in cosmic
Radiations, Astral Gems are used The entire proc~ss may be
regarded as the effects of the Cosmic Radiations depicted by the
planetary position, The position of a house in the horoscope indicates
the strength or weakness of a planet through efficiency or dcfficienc)
or cosmic rays indicates potency or the deficiency in the individual.
For such a close study of such planetary positions, we select stones
or called Gems for increase of the deficiency or for removal of the
deficiency. These remedial stones, the Astral Gems as will call them
act in two ways. One is by its spectrum effects and other is by radioac-
tive effects.

Dr. Oscar Brunler of America has measured the rediations of Gems

and planets and he says that these Gem are Nature's store house of
energy and they give rise to constructive vibmtions against the disease
vibrations which are destructive in character. Malefic powers released
by the planets are always Negative, whereas the powers of jewels are
always positive when positive meets negative they are both neutralised.
He further says that as medicines have power to remove disease by
their commulative vibrations even so the jewels can counteract the ef-
fects of malefic Planets. When a ring is worn jewel goes on continuous-
ly viberating its power which is absorbed in the individual aura. The
protective aura thus becomes powerful to resist any untoward vibm-
tions comings from external sources. But care should be taken in selec-
tion of jewel otherwise reverse results can be expected (From
Astrological Magazine May 1976 issue).


Planet Wave Jewel assigned to Wave

lengths planet lengths
negative positive

l. Sun 65000 Ruby 70000

2. Moon 65000 Pearl 70000

3. Mars 85000 Coral 65000

4. Mercury 85000 Emrald 70000

5. Jupiter 130000 Topaz 50000

6. Venus 130000 Diamond 80000

7. Saturn 65000 Sapphire 70000

8. Rahu 35000 Gomed 70000

9. Ketu 35000 Cal's Eye 70000

ln author's famous book, "SATURN, A FRIEND OR FOE? "Chap-
ter 17, it is stressed that two stones are required simultaneously. One
ruling planet stone a permanent one, and the other for the malefic
planet to ward off the evils.
The second point stressed is that when a planet is malefic in a horo-
scope and use the same stone of that planet is prescribed then in
author's views the hands of that planet have been strengthened by
giving him and added power to do more evils. What is required to use

ANTI-DOSE TREASEMENT to the planet in order to subsiside or

minimise the evil results. This has given me success at all the times.
We provide below the names of the malefic planets and the jewels
to be worn for the purposes of propitiations.

Planet Gem Hindi Name Nature

Sun Ruby Manak Hot

Moon Pearl Moti Cold

Mars Coral Moonga Hot

Mercury Emerald Panna Cold

Jupiter Topaz Pukhraj Cold

Venus Diamond Hira Hot

Saturn Blue Sap- Nee lam Cold


Rahu Gomed Gomed Cold

Ketu Cal's eye Lahasanya Hot

Gems in addition to warding off the evil effects of planets can be
used for other useful purposes.
The Gems can be used to increase the Psychic powers of a native.
For example: Emerald, increases brain powers, fickle mindedness,
stammering, loss of memory etc. In such case when Emerald is worn
will continue to vibrate incessantly the benefic powers of Mercury.
Other Gems can be used likewise.
The planets control the seven system of human body. There are
seven Dhatus in the body namely and respectively Chyle, Blood, Flesh,
Fat, Bone, Marrow, and Semen and the seven planets have lordship
over seven Dhatus respectively are Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter,
Sun, Mars and Venus. Accordingly Gems have curative effects on dis-
eases when the planets cause the diseases.
The traits of Gems are only summarised for the guidance of readers.
Selection and Use of Gems are only summarised for the guidance of
readers. Selection and Use of Gems be made very carefully to

propitiate the planets, and be worn on the correct day and in correct
finger of right hand and in correct metal.
The Jewels or Gems should under no circumstances be removed
fium the body. lt takes months before the action of the jewel becomes
manifest in the organism, but the moment the jewel is removed, the
benefic effcts is instantly lost.
1. RUBY :- The stone is hot and can be used for the development
of soul force, be used in summer months, it cures peptic ulcer, fever,
rheumatism, Gout etc. It's constant use may cause boils, itch and in-
somnia. The use ofthis stone be avoided by ladies as it will destroy
the body lustre. The Hindi name of Ruby is MANAK It should be
used in third finger of right hand on Sunday in gold. The weight should
be 3 or 5 grams.
2. PEARL:-Pearl is used to remove the evil effects of Moon and
strengthens the mind force and increases the good sleep and cures in-
somnia. It also gives good memory, cures uterine disorders, heart
trouble and eye diseases, T.B. Constipation, Hysteria and plourisy etc.
are also cured through Gems. Pearl is very useful for ladies as it in-
creases their beauty and fascial! ustre and will keep them ever young.
It increases sexual strength and makes the conjugal life hapy. Removes
melancholy and increases fortune. Will protect fium all harms from
others, inspires love and faithfulncssand overall ensures a happy mar-
ried life. Hindi name is MOT!. It should be worn in 4th finger of right
hand on Monday in silver, weight should be 2,4,6,9 grames. lt is a cold
stone a':d be worn during bright nights.
3. CORAL:· Ensures material happiness, recovery fium diseases
given by Mars, such as fever, cough, billions complaints,. small pox,
chicken pox, headach, loss of vitality, Piles, boils, measeles etc. Hindi
name is MOONGA. It should be worn in silver or copper and of
9,11,12 grams on Tuesday in 1st or 4th finger of right hand, It is a hot
4. EMERALD:- It increases intelligence and brain power, removes
and cures fickle mindedness, loss of memory, starnmerings, fear fium
spirits, harsh speech, but reduces passions and sexual desire. Con-
stantly gazzing at Emerald improves the eye sight. Newly married
couples should not use this gem as the conjugal happiness will be
hampered due to reduction in the sexual desires.
Emerald is also useful for curing diarrhoes, dysentry, gastric, pep-
tic ulcer, asthama, insomnia, heart troubles etc The Hindi name is
PANNA, it should be used in 4th finger of right hand in gold and the

weight should be 3,5,7 or 10 grams worn on Wednesday, It is a hot

5. TOPAZ:-It increases the power of penetrating vision, increase
the wealth, unlimited prosperity, life security, protects from poverty,
removes adversity, misfortune and melancholy. Topaz cures diar-
rhocs, gastric, ulcer, jaundice, insomnia, heart trouble, impotency,
gout, rheumatism, arthritis, pain in the knee joints, etc. Topaz should
be worn in gold and in Ist finger of right hand on Thursday, the weight
should be 7 or 13 grams. The Hindi name is PUKHRAJ. It is a cold
6. DIAMOND;-Diamond creates goodness in the native, removes
evil and fearful thoughts, improves financial conditions and blesses the
native with comforts and peace of mind. Also cures diabetes, diseases
of urine and of private parts, syphilis, skin and uterine diseases. It
should be worn in third or first finger or right hand on Friday in gold
or platinum, the weight should be l/4th I/2 grams. Hindi name is
HIRA. It is a hot gem.
7. SAPPHIRE:-Sapphires are yellow or blue in colour and is a too
cold gem. Removes evil effects of Saturn. It should be tested before
use. It brings wealth, name and fame, good stamina, longevity and
security in life. Can improve fertility in a barren women, best suited
for lovers of joy, love and happiness. It cures fainting fits, virility, men-
tal disorder, deafness and boldness. It should be used in second finger
of right hand on Saturday in Gold or Panch Dhatu and the weight
should be 5 or 7 grams. Hindi name is NEELAM.
8. GOMED:-Gomed is cold in nature. In English, it is called Has-
sonite. It curse diseases ofRahu and Saturn. It also increases appetite,
vitality, confers good health, wealth and happiness. Termed for all
round prosperity. It should be used in silver on Saturday in 2nd finger
of right hand, the weight should be 6,1I or I3 grams.
9. CAT'SEYE:- Its Hindi name is LAHASANYA and is too hot in
nature. Useful for eradicating evil influences of Ketu and diseases
given by Mars. Prevents unexpected mishaps of life, cures mania,
paralysis etc. Saves from accident and secret enemies. For business
men it is a miraculous result giver stone. Bestows wealth by secret
means like horse racing, gambling, stock exchange market and specula-
tions. It should be worn in gold in 2nd or 3rd finger of right hand on
Thursday. The weight should be 3,5 or 7 grams.
The author is in full agreement with Dr. Bhattacharya that above
kinds of applications of jewels for increasing psychic powers should not

be resorted to by sinful person who indulge in bad actions, bad thoughts

and bad habits and are swayed by greed, hatered and injury. The
planets, obviously are not in a mood. to help sinful persons in bad work.
Such persons when they invoke the powers of jewels to better their
condition, invariably meet with disaster. For them it is dangerous to
wear jewels of any kind, and the chances are that they will not only
receive any benefic results, but also precipitate their fall. Careful selec-
tion of gems is again suggested. When the Planet is in fall, debilitated
position etc. or is unfavourable, then the selection is most difficult. In
such cases the readers are advised to refer the Chart of "Details of
Gems" in author's world famous book, "SATURN, A FRIEND OR
FOE? in which all such details have been provided.

Colours are another ways of propitiations and have remarkble ef-
fects on the environments, mood and health of the native. Selection
of favourable colours of clothes, bed rooms, bed sheets, curtains etc.
arc to be chooscn according to one's luckiest Planet which is a must.
Gems should also be of the proper colours.
The author has analysiscd the effects of colours and put them in
practice since years and have found remarkable results. As an experi-
ment let a Martian or Leos use constantly black colour or a Saturnian
use constantly black coulur or a Saturnian use constantly red colour,
they will feel EVIL results.
We provide below the requisite colours of each planet, which may
be used taking into considertion the Ascendant or lagna of the native
and the planet giving the evil results.
I. Sun :-Orange, Yellow, Brown, Gold, Deeper shades of Yellow.
2.Moon :-Green, Yellowish, White, Silver, Pale Green, Opal, Sea
Green, Pearl, Olive Green, Emerald Green and Apple Green.
3. Mars :-Red, Scarlet and Crimson, Maroon, Pink, or Brown.
4. Mercury:- Yellow, Azure Blue, Dove, Spotted Mixture and Gol-
den glow.
5. Jupiter :-Violet Green or Purple, Lavender etc.
6. Venus :-Blue, Turquoise, Pink, Lemon, Purple, Yellow and Pale
Blue, Navy Blue,and Sky Blue.
7. Saturn :-Black, Dark Brown and Indigo.

8. Uranus :-Checks, Plains, Mingled Shades and Changeable

9. Neptune :-Intensified Turquoise, Ocean Colour, Mauve and
10. Pluto :- Smokey.
The main colours are SEVEN which can be seen through a prism
while looking at the Sun. Each colour has been assigned to each planet.
These colours arc Violet (Jupiter), Indigo (Saturn), Blue (Venus),
Green (Moon), Yellow (Mercury), Orange (Sun), and Red (Mars),
Everything we see is related to these or combination of these colours.
White is the mother of all colours.
The use of dcfmite colour for a particular treatment of mind and
physical defects or diseases are common in India and abroad, par-
ticularly in Indian rituals is au evidence of its long use and authenticity.
The use of colours in combination of yoga, regulation of diet etc. in-
dicate marvellous results. It is known as COLOUR THERAPY.
Colours have a great magnetic influence on persons of all ages. The
nature too has provided a proof of colours in through the formation of
rainbow, and has been characterised as the gateway of heaven. Rain-
bow has exercised yet subtle force and fascination in the shaping of
human imagination and our literature from times immemorials.
As every colour has modifYing shades you can undergo personality
shades of changes within the same colour.
Now we explain the vibratory values of different colours. Each main
colour has different shades known as mingled shades both have also
been provided below.
1. RED:- Red is the colour of rashness, energy, of soldier, restless-
ness and revolution, It is the chosen colour of the Revoluiionsts and
anarchist. This colour has greatest vibratory force and most powerful
of all colours.
People who like red colours are usually stout and strong with strong
and robust outlook, It shows vitality and virility. Such people are not
as head strong as may be feared. They are perfectly controlable. They
are zealous, bold, rash, determined and have endurance. Adventurous
and love the life of joy. Courage, sacrifice and martyrdom, love of sport
and passionate are the other traits of such persons. The people who

use red colour are generally optimistic, enthusiastic with high spirits,
they do actions for the welfare of society. But such persons need
guidance for their proper development. Red colour is assigned to
MARS. Red colour is protector of ladies.
The physical vitality of body depends upon the correct and sufficient
intake of red rays. This ray helps heat and body temperature, circula-
tion of blood, psychologically this ray is effective for nervous system
giving more confidence, will power and courage. For the persons suf-
fering from anaemia. paralysis, irregular circulation of blood and men-
tal depression, the use of red ray is recomcndcd.
PINK;-The persons who have liking for Pink colour ate social, help-
ful to others specially the low class, they have deep real love rather
than mere admiration, arc of mild nature without jealousy or malefic.
They are sensitive, easily hurt, have depressions which are of short
duration. The darker the red hue, the more depressive mood needs
to be controlled well in time. The lighter the shade of pink, the more
loving, gentle and humane nature the wearer possesses. Such a per-
son has an oasis of tranquility amid the storm of a desert. Bright limks
show buoyancy. Dull hues indicate glumness and gloominess.
CRIMSON:-The persons using Crimson colour are optimistic, of
looking up spirit, competitive nature, eager for success and are am-
bitious, They have action blended with aggressiveness. Its dynamic
drive carries an individual to towering heights. Inspite of the fact that
such persons have short comings yet they are with bright future. Such
people are of affectionate nature and have capacity to sway opinions.
!'.IAROON:-Maroon colour has red vibrations. Such persons are of
trne fighting spirit, strong have purpose and restraint, can face many
ups and downs of life with courage. They have friedhsip nature, affec-
tionate and cooperative. The richer the Maroon colour the better is
the vibratory influences. Too much Brown shade in the Maroon colour
makes one gloomy and selfish.
SCARLET:-Such people are of rash temprament, lack purpose and
have restless moods, have superficial love nnture. Selfish, volatile and
BROWN:-Brown colour too has redness. Such persons are good
followers and dependable, have plain practical nature as leaders. They
know how to do and die without reasoning why. They do not enter
into arguments. either they obey or rcblc. Such people should be hand-
led reasonably and carefully with a sense of duty and discipline.

2. VIOLET:-Violet colour is most soothing and harmonious for

glory, grandeur and greatness and is effective for nervous system of all
other rays,
It has the highest vibrations. It promotes higher and nobler ideals
than blue colour. Such people are fond of self respect, can easily in-
fluence others, have literary, artistic or dramatic abilities, deep im-
agination and of creative mind. They have profound longing for the
mystical knowledge. Of practical nature and change their theoratical
ideas to practical ones. This colour helps in meditation and in increas-
ing the power of concentration.
People using or liking violet colours are unaware of their weakness
and strength, faults and foibles. They shy of any adverse remarks and
fight for the beliefs according to their own understanding and yardstick.
They must avoid egoism and egotism. Vanity can prove to be the cause
of their failure.
All forms of neurosis or neurotic manifestations can be healed up
through the rays of violet colour. Also can be used for treatment of
mental and nervous diseases, for rhuumatism, kindney troubles etc.
The colour is assigned to JUPITER.
LAVENDER:- Lavender is a shade of violet colour. People with this
vibration have sweet nature. They are precise in thir behaviour and
demeanour also they have exact observance of forms. Such perosns
arc disciplined and exacting in social dealings. To achieve their main
object and goal, they ignore minor trifles, they are also of affectionate
3. lNDIGO:-This ray is a mixture of more of blue and less of red.
The basic characteristics of such persons using or liking such colour
have more affection and less devotion. Its usc broadens the mind and
makes one immumne from fear and inhibition. Social help is their
Keynote. They are moody, calm and more tranquil.
Mixture of other colour and tinges reduces the steadfast character
of the blues. A strong tinge of grey creates uncertainty and even
provides fear. A mixture of green with blue such as in some shades of
turquoise indicates impetuousness.
The rays are effective on serious mental complaints such as obes-
sion. Indigo rays are also used to treat any eye diseases, ears, nose,
also diseases of the lungs, dyspepsia etc
The colour is assigned to SATURN.

BLACK:-Nonnally in Astrology this colour too is assigned to Saturn.

It is not a glum and gloomy colour. it is a sy,bol of formality and con-
vention. It indicates dignity without false prideof dynamic action and
profound thought. Jt is more genuine than showy, such people arc
trustworthy, they are genuinely true but not showy. It exercises a great
restraint on the subjects as well as those who come in contact with
4. BLUE:-It is a cooling fight and has variable shades from lightest
blue to darkest blue. It blends sensitivity with enthusiasm. Powerful
for expression. Such persons are generally lazy, fond of all comforts
and sexy in life. The moods vary with changing shades. It rises to
greatest heights of inspiration and descends to the bottoms of lowest
Blue colour is of duty, devotion and dedication, such people make
friends easily, they enjoy independence and self sufficiencey. Such
peoples look to sea and sky for guidance and inspiration. It seeks
higher things and deeper causes in life. It is a favourite colour of ar-
tists who believe in modern decor. It shows dedication to nobler causes
and unseflsb personalities.
Blue colour rays are most effective for throat afflicitions and many
other treatments of diseases,also throat troubles of all kinds, insomnia
etc It is used as aotieeptie. Blue colour gives peace of mind from over
excitement even in hysteria.
NAVY BLUE,-It is a strong dark colour. It shows trustworthines
and faithfulness, also it indicates tenacity of purpose. They have self
sufficiency in a spirit of give and take, cooperativeness, strength and
reliablily are the key notes of their charactter. '
SKY BLUE:-Sky Blue or Azure is a truely heavenly colour. Such
people renunciate the world and dedicate their lives to the humanity,
they have unselfish motives dedicated to higher spiritual aspiration.
PURPLE:-Purple is a royal blue colour. Such people command
respect in higher society, have superior nature than others, prestige
and power is their only aim of life. They hope to realise social impor-
tance by imitating it and living upto it.
5. YELLO\V:-Yellow colour has been assigned to Mercury, the
planet of intelligence. Such persons have robust character, they are
generous, intelligent, gentle and genial. Also the colour denotes scien-
tific mind and has method even in madness. The colour is of saints,
mystics, artists and craftsmanship. Such persons are wise, creative and
of inventive mind. They are moody, optimistic and opportunist.

When yellow colour has golden glow but a shade of dull paleness,
intelligence is restrained by caution. One has many wishful thinkings
but is unpractical
Dull yellow indicates that person is selfish and opportunists. Yel-
low Brown indicates moody mind and muddling, they achive small
things while hide the big ones.
This colour is verry important for human system and articularly ef-
fective on the whole neverous system. It also controls the digestive sys-
tem. Acts as a purifier on the liver and intestines, Particularly this
colour has healing properties for the skin, stimulates growth of the in-
tellectual faculties, logical maind and reasoning power. It also aids self
control and harmony in the attitude oflife. Yellow colour is a remedy
for constipation, liver troubles and diabetes etc
GOLDEN GLOW:-It is an aura of deep inner understanding of life
and the world. Such people are highly intuitive and see things through
and through. They see your character as in a mirror. They concentrate
their energies on the lasting objects of the life.
6. GREEN:-Grecn colour has been assidned to Moon. It is a mix-
ture of Blue and Yellow and is the midway between hot and cold. It
is commonly said that people whose favourite colour is green are even
tempered and of a well balanced outlook. Such person can adopt
thcmselve according to the circumstances and conditions. They are
sentimental, sympathetic, fond of society and companion, over zealous
and take the life too seriously. They are slow in anger, and restrained
by hesitation and thoughtfulness. They are firm and of dogmatic
opinion, strong will power, enthusiastic, their power grows slowly but
surely. Optimism is the key of their character. They have courage of
conviction and of firm opinion. They should not be lazy and lethargic.
The rays of this colour arc soothing for eye troubles, rstores heart
troubles, good remedy for blood pressure, cures headache. All green
vegetables and fruits help the action of green rays.
SEA GREEN:-Sea green is darker than all green colours. It carries
envy with its strength. It is truely green eyed. Towards yellow, green
becomes a symbol of instability. Towards blue, it is an indication of ex-
cessive smartness.
OLrVE GREEN:-The colour indicates dull and weak nature. Such
persons are on the look out of finding excuses rather to act. It has
negative vibrations. It is evasive and impractical. It is not a very help-
ful colour to those who prefer it.

EMERALD GREEN:-It is a strong rich green colour. Its expression

of aura is most volatile. One adapts itself to most adverse circumstan-
ces and characters. One makes the best of the worst circumstances.
APPLE GREEN:-It is a clour of hopefulness and great genuine ex-
pectations. It has optimistic vibratins. It indicates sympathy with the
most unsympathetic causes. Such persons are sentimental and warm-
ly enthusiastic.
WHITE:- White colour is generally assigned to Moon in Astrology.
It is a mother colour. It is a symbol of purity. It indicates that persons
who like white colour are generally has unmuddicd mind by worldly
affairs of greed and selfishness. The people who choose while colour
in old age rather in childhood or youth are false people who make show
of fastidiousness and physical cleanliness, they are critical of others
who do not abide by social standards.
7. ORANGE:- Orange colour has dynamic drive of red colour and
has been assidned to Sun. It indicated high munitions people are
proud, self contained, conceited and self centered. They can influence
others. They arc highly minded and fully self controlled. They are not
obssessed with sexual affairs and are cool, if not cold and lack warmth
in dealing with others. One has independent drive and is not dynami-
cally social.
They genrally meet with failures due to the habit of ifs and buts, they
do not go out of their way to seek popularity, over come the opponents
and oppositions. They have great inventive skill and display sheer ex-
uberance in their activities. They feel contented when they get what
they want, act with self confidence and courage. Their struggle in life
is not restricted by laws of logic but rather with laws of love.
The rays of orange colour assist in assimilation and distribution in
the circulatory system of the body, effective as a tonic on physical and
mental system. These are called wisdom rays and and are useful for
physical vitality and mental strength, also help to broaden the mind,
help in raising the retarded intelligence. Also rays are best treatment
in case of disorder and infection of spleen, kidney diseases, chest dis-
order and mental abbressions. Orange fruits and vegetables are the
best diet to supplement orange rays.
GREY:-Grey colour indicates indecision and uncertainty, also false
bravadoes but such people have self confidece to face social challan-
ges, of prudery they are firm in their path in life and ignore public
opinion. Grey with silver tinge shows constancy and sincerity.

On the above basis, one can judge a fair measure of on d's nature,
his career and character from colour combinations for which a person
shows preference.
From the above details we have seen that how the colours can be
used as propitiation measurs. For sure recovery,correct diagnosis of
evil planet and diseases is important prior to adoption of the usc of
correct colour.
Each sign or Rasi is governed by its lord otherwise known as a planet
and accordingly each rasi or sign has been allotted different colours.
In order to enjoy good luck, one should ascertain his ascending sign
and use the colours indicated in the following Tahle:-
Ascending Sign FavourableColours Colours to be
1. Aries Red, Copper, Yel- Black.
low Golden.
2. Taurus Blue, Pink, Green, Red.
3. Gemini Green, Yellow, Red, Black.
Purple, Blue, Pink,
4. Cancer Green, White, Blue
Cream, Red, Yellow
5. Virgo Orange, Red,Green Black.
6. Virgo Green,whlte, Yel- Red, Blue,
low,Emerald Black
7. Libra Blue, Orange, Green, Yel-
White, Red low
8. Scorpio Yellow, Red, Blue, pure,
Cream, Orange white and

9. Sagittarius Violet,White, Red, Pearl,

Cream, Orange, Black
Light-blue and
10. Capricorn Indigo, Yellow,Cream
11. Aquarius Indigo, Yellow, Orange,Green
White, Cream. , Blue, Red.
12. Pisces Grccn,Violet,Red,Ycl Blue.
Tills heading is out of context of Astrology and falls within the juris-
diction of Numerology. But the author feels strongly that this infor-
mation too be provided for propitiations in a very coincise way for the
benefit of readers:-
Find out your birth number and select the use of colours in various
forms for good luck and reduce or ward off the effects of evil planets.
The forms include dress, bed rooms, curtains, bed sheets etc.
Birth No. Favourable Colours
1 . Persons having birth number I, should use or w= as much
possible in all shades of brown light or dark, and shades of
yellovt and gold colours. They \vill find this colour rule will
have an excellent effects in soothlng their nervous system, and
they will rest and sleep better in rooms having their own
2. They should use or wear all shades of green from the darkest
to the lightest shade also cream and whlte. They should avoid
all heavy dark colours, especially black, purple and dark red.
3. Persons having 3 as birth number should use or wear shades
of mauve, violet, pale or lilac shade of purple. But as men
cannot dress easily in these colours they should at least employ
them in the neckties, hankies or shirts etc

4. Such persons should use or wear electric colours namely

Blues, Greys, Electric Blues and half shades. They should
avoid strong or positive colours of all kinds.
5. They should wear or use light shades of aU colours, especial-
ly light greys, white and glistening material. They should never
use or wear dark colours and possibly avoid doing so.

6. Such people should use or wear all shades of blue, from the
lightest to the dark navy but not electric blue, They can also
use shades of rose or pink but not red, scarelet or crimson.

7. They Should use or wear all shades of pale green, white, yel-
low and gold colours. The palest possible shades are best for
them, such as pastel shades.

8. The people born as 8 their birth number should usc or wear

all shades of dark greys, dark blue, purple and black. Light
and gaudy colours be avoided.
9. Such persons should use or wear all shades of Red, Rose,
Crimson, Pink or Red Purple. The darker or rich shades of
these colours are best for them.
Fast is another way of propitiations of planets and must be observed.
In author's views they are very effective, provided fast is kept regular-
ly without break through out the life. It is quite incorrect to keep the
fast for a fixed numbers of days and then discontinue which should be
We provide below a table the day of fast according to your ascen-
dant or Lagna and birth number.

Lagna Day of Fast Birth Number Day ofFast

I. Aries Tuesday I Sunday

2. Taurus Friday 2 Monday

3. Gemini Full Moonday 3 FullMoonday

(Poornima) (Poornima)

4. Cancer Monday 4 Monday.


5.Lco Full Moonday (Poor- 5 FuiiMoonday

nima) or Sunday (Poornima)

6. Virgo Wednesday 6 Friday.

7. Libra Friday 7 Tuesday.

8. Scorpio Tuesday 8 Saturday.

9.Sagittarius Thursday 9 Tuesday.
tO Capricorn Saturday.
11. Aquarius Saturday.
12. Pisces Thursday.

There are two ways of removing or overpowering the evil influence

of the malefic planets, namcly:-
1. External
2. Internal.
The external method is to use the mantaras, Gems, Tantric etc. as
explained earlier. The internal method is to regulate inner energy.
For the regulation of inner energy, mantras for each planet are avail-
able in Vedas, one has to meditate with soul and mind, spiritually and
in psychic ways, saints, sages and men of highest spiritual and moral
qualities have attained the stage by concentrated meditation, the goal
to achive the object of warding off the evils. But using inner energy
and external mantaras, one can control evil effects. IT IS NOT AN
ORDINARY TASK. One should try within the boundary of his
religion and one will find remarkable results. Have self realisation and
achive the goal. Prayer changes the things.

Surya Namaskar or Worship of Sun God has been in vogue in this
country from times immemorial. The Sun God drives out ignorance
and blesses the native with light, intelligence and wealth also drive away
many ills and diseases particularly pertaining to heart. Sun God cures
leprosy and other ghastly diseases. Great Warriors had worshipped
Snn God before going to war. SUll is represented by his two consorts

namely Chaya and Smigya and said to come in a chariot drawn by seven
There are many temples dedicated to Sun God in India. The most
famous is at KONARK built in 13th Century by the Ganga King Nar-
simha I, also there are other temples at Belur, Halebid where the
Cho!as, Palla vas and the Pandyas have depicted Sun God in their sculp-
tures and inscriptions. Temples at Mathura, Mul:an (Pakistan) were
once the centre of worship, near Bubneshwar, in Bagh caves, Kandagiri
are found the images of Sun God. The Palla vas first depicted the Sun
God in stone in Ratha' of Dharamaraja at Mahabalipuram. In Tamil
Nadu at Kumbhakonan there is a temple. Sun temple at Suryanarkoil
near Aduthurai in Tanjavur District is famous one. Paranthaka Chola
constructed the temple in lOth Century and it was known as Sri Gan-
daradhitpa Graham.Ncar Delhi in Haryana state, we find' Suraj

Sun God is not being worshipped in India but aiso in other lands.
The painter of Europe have depicted and represented the Sun God.
The Buddhists worshipped the Sun, The Arabs also paid homage to
him. One muslim Sham mas was a worshipper or the Sun. In the Jan in
Cave temples figures of Sun God are seen in the caves of Kandagiri in
Orissa. The Sagars were responsible for the Sun worship in India even
from the 3rd Century. In purnara relating ·o Gupta period were figures
of the Sun God. Manda Sagar in Malva State built between lith Cen-
turies. In Kashmir, King Lalilhlayan built a stone temple for Sun God.
In Rajasthan too at Sironi images of Sun God have been found. In
South temples are found in Tirvehi Caves, Thirumuthukundram, pak-
kam in North Arcot District. Thirumuthukundram, Kanchcepuram,
Childambaram and other places. Some kings made endownments for
:he worship of the Sun. Some others imprinted the figure of Sun God
on their coins. The Panchalla kings in particular did that. In the second
Century coins, there are figures of Sun God, One of the Grecian King
had inscribed the figure of Sun God on his coins.

In Tamil Nadu, the first day of New Year is dedicated to Sun God
when Sun moves from one Zodiac sign to the other. The Tamil month
of Thai or Sankranthi is important for the Sun. He is in the Makara
Rasi now. The month ofThai is considered to be the early morning
for the Devas.


Mantras for Surya Namaskar, Bead or Rosary and Rudrak-
shas alongwith auspicious mantras have been detailed in
author's world famous book. 'COMPLETE ASTRO
PALMISTRY'whieh should be referred by eaders'
Once again we remind the readers the rule laid down under the
heading "CONJUNCfiONS"Chapterii. which reads thus:-
"Prithuyasas son of Varahamihira in Horasara has laid down that
conjunction of two or more planets does harm to the Bhave occupied.
It also produces the effect of the conjunction just as the mixture of
honey and ghee if combined in equal quantities turn out as poison".
Also it is laid down in Chapter II that care is to be taken of the
aspects of the planets on the conjunction ofthe house where the con-
junction takes place. The sign where conjunction takes place. The sign
where conjunction is posited, and planets avasthas VIZ;own house,
debilitated, exaltation etc. are also most important for delineations.
The author append below a few selected horoscopes from his 36
year old record casted on Niryana System indicating conjunction of
planets. Full delineations cannot be provided, only hints are given for
the guidance of readers which should be checked with the rules
provided in the book.
1. A lady born on 26th February 1954 at 2,30 p.m.. at 28° N 20', Lat
and 75o E25'Longitude.
Gemini ascendant, Sun 14°, Mercury (R) 20° and
Venus 21o in Aquarius. Moon 18° Mars 15° in Scorpio Saturn (R)
6° Neptune (R) 2o in Libra, Jupiter 23° Taurus, Rahu 0°-47' in
Capricorn, Ketu in Cancer, Uranus 27° in Lagna and Pluto (R) 0°-
53'in Leo (R means Retrograde).
HINTS:- Mercury is Retrograde, Mercury and Venus are combust.
The daughter of a peon, mother expired at 1112 years age, adopted by
an I.A.S officer on 26.1.1956, convent educated, married to a good of-
ficer and living presently in Tanzania. Blessed with daughter. Mar-
riage and foreign travel in Ketu mahadasa. Why so ? Please analyse
II. A native born on 24th August, 1955 at 2.52 p.m at 28° N 38'Lat.
and 77o E 12'Longitude.
Sagittarius ascendant, Sun '1',Mars4°, Mercury 22°•Venus 5°, Pluto
2° in Leo, Jupiter 22°, in Libra. Rahu 2° in Lagna, Ketu in Gemini.

HINTS:-Mars is combust, Sun in own house, Jupiter, and Saturn

are exalated, Venus in inimical rasi and combust running Saturn dasa
upt 5.12.1982 but not yet fully and finally settled in life and unmarried
yet, inspite Saturn is exalted? Check the conjunctions and find out
reasons why Saturn dasa has not proved effective, Saturn being ex-
Ill. A girl born on 22nd February, 1951 lshat 7 ghatis 22 pal as at
28° N 38'Lat. and 77° E 12' Longitude. Aries Ascendant. Latitude of
the planets have not been worked out.
Ketu, Moon in Leo, Saturn in Virgo, Mercury in Capricorn, Sun,
Rahu, Jupiter and Mars in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces.
HINTS:-The girl was educted up to high school level, betrothal was
performed but died on 22nd/23rd May 1972 at 3 a.m. when she just
completed 21 years age?
IV A native born on lOth January, 1945 at 7.20 p.m. (local time) at
30° North 28' Latitude. 47o E 51'. Cancer Lagna. Sun 26° Mercury 8°,
Venus 21°, Ketu 7o in Sagittarius, Moon 24°, in Pisces, Jupiter 2o in
Libra, Mars 1o in Lagna with Pluto 18°' Saturn 28° Rahu 6° in Gemini,
Herschal 21 o in Taurus, Neptune 13° in Virgo.
HINTS:-Graduatcd in Electrical Engeenicr, resident of foreign
land, married on 11.5.1976, fair comlcxioncd. Owns property in
America. Mars is debilitiated, Mercury is in fall. Venus is combust but
was married during Venus period Mercury sub period when both arc
VA native born on 1st scptemeber 1914 at 9.59 A.M. at 31 o N 8',
Latitude and 74o E 26' Longitude. Libra is ascendant. Sun 15°, Mer-
cury 15° Ketu 12o in Leo, Saturn go Gemini, Venus 1o in Libra, Mars
19° in Vigo, Moon 23° and Jupiter 22° in Capricorn and Rahu 12° in
HINTS:-Upto the age of33 years, the native bad agriculature land,
house, profession ofwine merchant, but after that suffered heavy los-
ses in speculations during 1952 to 1963 and since then doing no solid
business but leading an average respected life?
VI A girl born on 13th/14th November 1954 at 12.20 A.M. at 27"
N 28' Latitude and77" E42'Longitude. Leo ascendant. Sun28°, Mer-
cury 9°, Venus (R) 28°, Saturn 20°and Neptune 3o in Libra, Jupiter 6°
Herschal, (R) 4o in Cancer, Moon 12o Ketu 14° in Gemini Mars 23°
Capricorn, Rahu 14° in Sagittarius and Pluto 3° in ascendant.

HINTS:·Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, are exalted, Venus in own house,

Sun debilitated, Venus and Saturn combust, Jupiter dasa expiring on
21.7.1981. A beautiful and gracious girl, well versed in dance, good
educated, enjoining average fan1c, travelled abroad, unmarried, father
died in 1974. Will she succeed in film career as she is anxious to join
and has been invited by a producer. But in author's views she should
remain aloof from film carear aud can be a good renowned dancer.
Please check the views of author?
VII A lady born on 18th June, 1953 at 9.00 P.M. at 29° N 25' Lat,
and T? E 00, Longitude. Ascendent is Sagittarius. Sun 4° Mars go
Mercury 26° in Gemini, Herschal 23°, Moon 24° in Leo, Saturn 27°
Neptune 28° in Virgo, Jupiter 16° in Taurus, Venus 18° in Aries. Ketu
13°, Pluto 27° in Cancer and Rahu 13° in Capricorn.
HINTS:- A well qualified and intelligent lady, married on 11.5.1976,
travelled abroad on lOth September, 1976 and residing in foreign land.
Owns house and blessed with son and daughters. Lord SHlVA may
bless her more.
VIII A girl born on 3rd February, 1962 at 7.16 A.M. at 28° N 39'
Latitude, no E 13' Longitude. Ascendant Capricorn. Note the horo-
scope carefully.
Sun 20°, Mars 7°, Mercury (R) 26° Jupiter 25°, Venus 22°, Saturn
10° and Ketu 25° in Lagna or ascendent, Moon 23° in Sagittarius, Ralm
25" in Cancer. Herschal (R) so and Pluto (R) 16° in Leo and Neptune
20° in Libra.
HINTS:- Look seven planets are posited in Lagna. Mars is exalted,
Sun in enemy's house, Jupiter debilitated, Venus and Mercury are in
friend's house, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Ketu all are combust. 3rd,
7th and lOth houses are aspected by Saturn, 4th, 7th and 8th by Mars,
5th, 7th and 9th by Jupiter. Sun, Ketu, Mercury and Venus aspect 7th
house. Ralm is posited in 7th house, lord of7th house is in 12th and
is unaspected. ·
She is quite intelligent, active and studying. She is daughter or a
Senior Class 1 Officer, who is an engineer and Head of the State. She
is running Moon period expiring on 27.6.1982. Kindly check intelligent-
ly and calmly the prospects of her life? Is late and abnormal marriage
not indicated? She has been married on 8.2.1987 to a divorce who is in
Navy. (Fore cast of your author proved correct.)
IX A lady born on 6th April, 1951 at 8.30 A.M. at 30 oN 20' Lat.
and no E 01' Longitude. Ascendent Taurus. Sun 22°, Moon 18°
Jupiter 3° in Pisces. Saturn (R) 4°, Neptune (R) 25° in Virgo, Venus

25°, Mercury 11° and Mars 3° in Aries, Rahu 26° in Cancer. Balance
at birth Mercury dasa 14 years S months 6 days.
HlNTS:-Moon is combust. Mars and Jupiter in own houses. Intel-
ligent and a good administrator, married, owns factory etc. Blessed
with power of Intuition (vide author's world famous book,
X Twin girls born on 23rd/24th December, 197S at 4.35 A, M. and
430 A.M. At 2S N 39' Latitude and 77o E 13' Longitude. Lagna is

Scorpio. (Degrees of planets have not been calculated).

Sun, Mars in Sagittarius, Mercury, Neptune in Lagna, Venus,
Herschal in Libra, Moon, Pluto in Virgo, Saturn, Rahu in Leo, Ketu
in aquarious and Jupiter in Cancer.
HlNTS:-The girls were very weak in constitution at the time of birth.
Youger died on 10th/11th February, 1979 at 2.0 A.M. whereas elder
died on 2.2.1979 at 5 P.M at the place of birth, why?
XI A boy born on 6th/7th June 1973 at 3.20 A.M. at 2S N 3S Lat.
and 77o E 12', Longitude. Ascendant Aries. Sun 22°, in Saturn 29° in
Taurus, Venus S Mercury 11°, Ketu 14° in Gemini Moon IOo ,27' in

Leo, Herschal 25° Pluto (R) so in Virgo, Neptune (R) 7° in Scorpio,

Rahu 14° in Saggitarius, Jupiter (R) I So in Capricorn and Mars 27° in
Aquarious, Saturn free from combustion. Balance of Ketu 1 year 6lh
months 5 days, dasa at birth.
HINTS:- The boy is son of a wealthy man. Mercury in own house.
Jupiter in lOth house, lOth lord aspected by Jupiter also Sun Saturn
conjunction aspected by Jupiter. Sun dasa 11.12. 1974 to.ll.l2. 2000.
A very bright future is awaiting for him.?
XII And now the horoscope of your author.
Born on 13th/14th October, 192S at 4 A.M. at 30° N 12', Latitude
and 71 o E 2S', Longitude. Ascendant Leo. Sun 27"-2S', in Virgo, Moon
0°-32*, Mercury (R) 16°- 27, and Venus 25°- 8' in Libra, Saturn 22°-
13' and Ketu 9°-35' in Scorpio, Jupiter (R) l4°-2S' in Aries, Rahu 9°-
35' in Taurus, Mars 11°-9' and Pluto 25°-6' in Gemini, Herschal (R)
12°-26' in Pisces, Neptune 7°-2S' and Fortuna 24°-3' in Lagna or As-
cendant, and Gulika 2°-26' in Virgo. Balance of Mars dasa at birth 3
years 2 months 20 days.
HINTS:-Moon, Mercury, Venus arc aspected by Jupiter from 9th
house, Mars in 11th house and Rahu is exalted in lOth house.

By the grace of Lord SHIV A, your author is a Senior Class l En-

gineer (Civil), blessed with property, conveyance, good family, good
health and comforts oflife ..Selfstudy of Palmistry and Astrology since
1952 (Jupiter period started on 3.1.1950 and the study started during
Jupiter period and Jupiter sub period). Mark Jupiter in 9th house
aspecting conjunctions in 3rd house which indicate writing, publishing
and spirituality. Distant travels (not so far). Kindly check?
Xlll A Lady born on 26th April, 1951 at 6.20 A.M. Lat. 28°.39 *N
and Long. 77°-13 'E.
Ascendant Aries, Mars, Sun and Mercury in Lagna, Venus In
Taurus, Ketu in Leo, Saturn in Virgo, Rahu in Aquarius, Moon in Sag-
gittarius, and Jupiter in Pisces, Balance ofKetu dasa at birth is 2 years
3 months and 16 yays. An interesting horoscope for analysis.
HINTS:- Exalted Sun and Mars in own house in lagna with Mercury
(3rd and 6th house lords.). This conjunction is of vital importance.
Mars and Mercury arc combust. 7th house lord. The lady has a charm-
ing and graceful look, intelligent, of well proportioned body. sanguine
pature, tall and well versed in household afairs. 5th lord Sun is exalted
has blessed here with higher and good academic career.
She isM Sc. Chemistry. Sun being eclipsed by Ketu and in Ashwini
star did not help her to get any benefit from her cducationevcn during
her Sun's dasa from 12.8.73 to 12.8.79. which passed without any
promising effects. She has a robust health as there is no Sun Moon
Note the results of illusionary grand Conjunction. The lady is un-
married with all such good qualities till the age of2911 2 years. She is
not Manglcck vide author's world famous book, "Saturn a Friend or
Foe". page 186. Moon Rahu dasa will bless her with marriage, a good
financial position and of course foreign Travel.
Readers should check the conjuntion in a more lucid way
XIV The native born on 19lh December 1923 at 6.43 p.m. at 32°-
34' N Longitude and 71°-30' E Latitude. Born in Gemini ascendent,
Rahu in Leo, Mars and Saturn in Libra, Jupiter in Scorpio, Sun, Mer-
cury, Venus in saggitarius, Ketu in Aquarius, and Moon in Aries. Birth
dasa ofVenus, with balance of6 years 3 months and 27 days.
HINTS:-From low position had risen to class 1 gazetted Engineer.
Married to a Wealthy inlaws. Childless, became diabetic at the age of
39 years. Died on 14th June 1977 at 7.15 a.m. at Delhi due to swelling
of injuction and failure of heart.

XV A Lady born on 29th/30th September, 1938 at 12.44 A.M. at

31°- 38' N Longitude and 74°-53' E Latitude. Born in Cancer as as-
cendent, Mars in Leo, Sun, Mere1.1ry in Virgo, Rahu Venus in Libra,
Moon in saggitarius, Jupiter in Aquarius, Saturn in Pisces and Kctu in
Aries. Balance of Ketu dasa at birth 3 years 4 months 7 days.
H1NTS:-Beautiful, well prportioned body, tall, well versed in
household duties, Sincere in Love, Domestic life average. No male
child. Her husband got heart attack when she was running 39th years
age. Passionate and fond of good society. Check birth of male child?
XVI A Lady born on lsll2nd August, 1926 at 4 p.m. at 18° 58' N
Longitude and72°-50' E Latgitude. Born in Scorpio ascendent. Ketu
in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Aquarius, Mars in Aries. Moon in Taurus,
Venus and Rahu in Gemini, Sun and Mercury in Cancer and Venus
in Libra. Balance of birth Dasa Sun 1 year 6 months.
HlNTS:-Commonly known as Devi ji, belongs to a family of Lords
and rich persons. Took sanyas in prime youth at the age of 21 years 2
months and 13 days. She is of middle stature, beautiful and of soft
speech. Intelligent, wise and learned. ·
Apart from above, there are many more interesting horoscopes in
the possession of author which are quite useful from astrological point
of view and are being placed before the readers in my various books.
The author is now sure that conjunction of planets can be delineated
easily in any horoscope through the detailed study of this work.


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