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Standardization of methods of analysisfor heavy metalsin sediments

A. J. de Groot', K. H. Zschuppe1 & W. Salomons 2

Institute for Soil Fertility, P.O. Box 30003, 9750 RA Haren (Gr.), The Netherlands
Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, c/o Institute for Soil Fertility, P.O. Box 30003, 9750 RA Haren (Gr.), The

Keywords: standardization, heavy metals, sediments, base-line levels, chemical partition


In studies of heavy metals in sediments, there is a need for standardization of the procedures for sample
collection and preservation, chemical analyses and presentation of results. The method and depth of
samplingdepend ontheaim oftheinvestigation and onlocalsediment conditions,suchasconsistency ofthe
sediment, rate of sedimentation, diagnetic processes and bioturbation. Therefore no general recommenda-
tionscan begiveninthisrespect. Duringcollectionand preservation, contamination and lossof constituents
must beavoided. Insediments,thebestmeansfor estimatingtotalcontents ofmetalsisdigestion with HF,in
combination with strong acids. Other methods includeX-ray fluorescence and neutron activation analyses.
The use of HF is considered objectionable by some laboratories. A reasonable alternative is aqua regia.
Becausevariations ingranular composition affect metal contents, it isadvisable to usethefraction < 63 ^ m
for the analysis.
Chemical partition of sediments provides an insight into the source of metallic constituents, and their
pathwaystodepositionareas.Athree-stepextraction procedure,inthesequence0.1M hydroxylamine-HCl,
H 2 0 2 30%and HF, is proposed.
Finally, attention is paid to the anthropogenic enrichment of metals in sediments. The establishment of
base-line levels is discussed.

Introduction of a river system and may be influenced by pollu-

tion over longperiods and over a widespread^area,
Numerous investigations have been carried out they are very suitable for monitoring purposes. In-
to establish environmental changes insediments of ternational comparisons of heavy metal pollution
rivers, estuaries and nearby coastal areas. Under of sediments, however, are very difficult, because
natural conditions the concentration of heavy me- there are no standards for collection, preservation
tals in sediments reflects the occurrence and abun- and analyses of the samples, nor for the presenta-
dance of these metals, in rocks or mineralized dep- tion of the analytical results.
osits,inthecatchment area oftherelevantrivers. At In this communication, a number of suggestions
present, however,and inmanycases,theanthropo- for standardization oftheanalysisfor heavy metals
geniccontribution totheheavymetalburden ofthe in sediments is given. Since sample collection is a
rivers equals or exceeds the amount released by rather complicated matter (because the aim of in-
weathering. Alarge fraction of thedischarged me- vestigations and local conditions of the sediment
tals becomes part of the suspended matter, and determine how the deposits have to be sampled)
therefore contributes to the metal contents of the directions will be given for only selected aims and
sediments. As these sediments are an integral part conditions. The samples should be preserved in

Hydrobiologia 92,689-695 (1982). 0018-8158/82/0923-0689/$01.40.

©Dr W. Junk Publishers, The Hague. Printed in The Netherlands.

ton o: -> f

suchawaythat contamination with metalsand loss Although the grabs of the excavator type are
of constituents are avoided. The analyses of sedi- designed for samplingtheuppermost centimeters of
ments require theuse of more or less drastic proce- bottom sediments, it is also possible to collect the
dures for solubilization of the metals and these will uppermost skins of these sediments. For that pur-
be discussed. Also, the distinction of metals asso- pose thegrab is opened carefully, aboard ship, and
ciated with different chemical phases in the sedi- then the top layer of the contents is subsampled.
ments willbeconsidered. One of the greatest prob- Box corers, however, are better suited for taking
lems in making comparisons of the results of almost completely undisturbed samples of the top
various studies on heavy metal levels is caused by layer. Moreover, the contents of the box can be
the effect of grain size. In sediments, the relation- divided into different layers. Different types of box
ship between metal contents and grain size compo- corers which may be used include the Reineck box
sition is often overlooked. Therefore grain size has corer, the Birge-Ekman dredge, the Auerbach-
to be taken into account when the heavy metal Wippermann graband theSoutar-Gamble corer.A
contents of sediments are presented. disadvantage of subsampling different sediment
Finally, some attention is given to the extent of layers from box corers is that it must be done by
pollution ofsediments with respecttothe 'base-line removing successive slicesdownwards from the top
levels'. These levels can be determined in samples side ofthesample,within thebox. Inthisrespect, a
which are representative of the conditions existing better recovery maybehad bytheuseofthe Jenkin
before the industrial revolution. mud sampler. This sampler consists of an open
perspex tube provided with lids at each end, which
are closed mechanically after the tube has been
thrust into the mud. By introducing a piston into
Sample collection and preservation
the lower part of the tube, after it has been hauled
up, the mud column can be lifted upward and can
Sample collection
easily be divided into several slices. We have suc-
cessfully used theJenkin mud sampler in collecting
To study the most recently deposited layers of
sediment profiles to a depth of about 60cm. Word
sediments in the aquatic environment, it is often
(1976) compared the efficiency of seven grab sam-
sufficient totaketheuppermost centimeters of sed-
plers;most successful weretheVanVeengraband a
iments with a grab sampler. There are different
box corer. Based on the findings of Word, and on
principles on which most types of grab samplers
our experiences, werecommend theVanVeen grab
for sampling the upper layers of soft and firm sedi-
1) A pair of weighted semi-cylindrical jaws press ment. For deeper layers of soft silt the Jenkin mud
intothesediment bytheirownweightwhilethey sampler orabox corer of, for instance,the Reineck
are open. When thedevice islifted, thetwojaws type are reliable. For deeper layers offirm material
close bytheir own weight or bya tension spring. core samplers are needed. However, no gravity or
2) An open sampling box cuts into the sediment pistoncorerwillpenetrate morethan about a meter
and isclosedfrom below,byamechanism, when into pure sands. Some workers had considerable
it is raised. success with vibrating corers. Finally the Shipek
Theimportant difference between thetwo methods grab is a good alternative for sampling the upper
isthat, withtheboxtype,sediments canbetaken in layers of sandy sediments, especially for sediments
their original and nearly undisturbed state. The far below water level (Sly 1969, 1981).
simple excavator type,however, isbetter suited for
coarser sediments and is superior to the sampling
box types for that material, because the complicat- Sample preservation
ed closing mechanism of thelatter isoften jammed
by gravel grains. Different types of the excavator Before beingsubsampledfor physicaland chemi-
type include the Van Veen grab, the Smith-Mcln- cal analysis, it was found necessary to place sam-
tyre grab, the Ponar grab, the Shipek grab, the plesintocold storagetohalt biological activity and
Franklin-Anderson grab, the Dietz-La Fond grab to prevent any chemical transformation inthe sed-
and the Petersen grab. iments. Before further treatment, sediment samples

are often dried. For drying sediments, different In view of these considerations, it isadvisable to
temperatures canbeused:roomtemperature, oven- study digestion procedures for heavy metals in sed-
dried attemperatures rangingform 30°Cupto 110 iments, from different origins. Selection of an ex-
°C, or freeze-dried. In a few cases, metal analyses traction method on the basis of a minimal differ-
are carried out on moist samples, especially when encefrom the HF-method isoneofthe possibilities.
exchangeable metals are to be determined. Soil Another possibility is to make a differentiation on
chemistsprefer dryingat atemperature ofabout 40 the basis of the extent of destruction of metallifer-
°C. ousmineralsinsediments.Suchanevaluation ofan
For the determination of non-volatile metals, all extraction method, however, involves an intensive
drying procedures are acceptable. At temperatures mineralogical analysis of the sediment before and
higher than 40 °C, however, significant losses of after the extraction procedure.
mercury may occur. Therefore, drying at 40 °C is According to our present knowledge, the best
proposed. In any event, samples should be kept in extraction technique, for estimating the total con-
suchawayastoavoid contamination bymetals and tents of metals in sediments, is digestion by HF in
to prevent loss of constituents before analysis. combination with strong acids. Where the use of
HF isconsidered objectionable, from a laboratory-
technical point of view, aqua regia is a reasonable
Total-metal determination alternative.

The chemical analysis of a sediment usually con-

sists of a digestion procedure and a determination Grain size and metal concentration in sediments
ofthe extracted metals.To estimatethetotal metal
contents of sediments, a rigorous digestion with Although naturally metal-rich heavy minerals
strong acids, or combinations of strong acids, is occurinthefine sand fractions, thehighest concen-
generally used. Sediment analyses may be carried trations of both natural and contaminant metals
out, also, by other reliable methods such as X-ray are usually found in the very fine grained muddy
fluorescence, neutron activation analysis and emis- sediments. This non-uniform distribution of trace
sion spectrographic techniques. Digestion proce- metals over the range ofgrain sizefractions causes
dures, prior to an estimation of total amounts of variations in the metal contents of sediment sam-
metalsin sediments, involve theuse of HF, in most ples, even from within the same area. To compare
cases in combination with strong acids, e.g. aqua the metal concentrations in sediments from differ-
regia. However, in many laboratories HF is consi- ent areas, and to determine the course of heavy
dered objectionable. Although usinga teflon-bomb metal pollution in time, corrections have to be
for the digestion procedure somewhat diminishes madefor differences ingrain sizecomposition. Dif-
the disadvantage of the use of HF, the method ferent methods have been compiled by De Groot,
remains rather laborious. Partly for this reason Salomons & Allersma (1976), Förstner & Witt-
other methods, involving strong acids, are used in mann (1979) and Förstner & Salomons (1980). A
many laboratories. Although it isnot yet known to summary is given below:
what extent HF can bereplaced by other digestion A. Separation of grain size fractions
techniques, it is well known that different, 'strong :
204 jum — 175 jum 63 ßm
attack' leaching procedures do not always dissolve
2 |Um;
equal amounts of metals.
B. Extrapolation from regression curves
Diversity, both in sediments and in digestion % < 16 Mm % < 20 Mm -
procedures, gives rise to different amounts of ex- < 63Mm specific surface area;
tracted metals. In this connection, diversity in sed- C. Comparison with 'conservative' elements
imentsrefers todifferences intherelative abundan- Ratio element/ aluminum.
ces of heavy metals in the crystal lattices of the The generally linear relationship between metal
individual minerals. Diversity in digestion proce- contents and a grain sizefraction (B),may be used
dures refers to their greater or lesser capability for asasuitable basisfor thestandardized presentation
destroying metalliferous minerals in the sediment. of heavy-metal contents in most sediments. An ex-

2 samples from a particular location are needed.

ug/g However, theseparation ofthefractions lessthan2,
32 - Mnx10 = Mn
Cu x 2 = ug/g
16or20/imistime-consuming; moreoverthe meth-
_ Co ug/g
od requires resuspension in(distilled) water, which
Fe x '/2 = %
28 -- Hgx!£ = may cause remobilization of metals. On the other
•/ hand, separation of the fraction less than, for in-
- stance, 204 or 175/im bysieving has the disadvan-
2U —
- tagethattheseparatedfractions contain considerab-
•4 leamounts oflargegrains,whichareusuallylowin
4 trace metals (Förstner & Salomons 1980). It has
* */ therefore beenproposed tousethe< 63pm fraction
9 •' for comparisons of metal contents (Förstner and
/% Salomons, 1980).The advantages are:
f 16 - • /
V 1) Trace metals have been found to be present
/ • O / . mainly in the clay/silt particles;
•/ © y a© / Co 2) This fraction isnearly equivalent to the material
2 12 carried in suspension;
©©_©/© s
c • ©9' © 3) Sieving does not alter metal concentrations by
o Fe remobilization;
- / / \ * ^
/ / • y / x
' " * 4) Numerous studies on metals have been per-
formed on the < 63 ^ m fraction;
-Hg 5) Comparisons amongthemetalconcentrations in
- • * ' • ' " muddy sediments and in coarser sediments (e.g.
those from the sea floor) are possible.
I I I I I L i i i Separations of the fractions < 63 ^m are per-
20 40 60 80 100
formed eitherbydry-orbywet-sieving. Dry-sieving
Grain size (%<16,um)
ispossible onlyif the sample has been freeze-dried.
Fig.1. Relationship between the metal composition and the The useofdisposable nylon sieves,amethod devel-
grain sizedistribution for samplesfrom theriverEms. opedbytheRouen MunicipalLaboratory (France),
is recommended by the Centre Océanologique de
Bretagne (France). Care should be taken to sieve
ample ofsucharelationship usingthefraction < 16 just enough sediment, with a minimum of water.
^m in samples from the same location is given in Thecombined waterand sieved sedimentshould be
Fig. 1. oven-dried at 40 °C.
To characterize such a group of co-genetic sedi- Another way (C) to eliminate grain size is to
ments, the linear relationships can be extrapolated normalize the metal concentrations to the amount
to 100%or 50%of the fraction < 16/xm.Also, the of 'conservative' elements such as aluminum. This
fractions < 20and< 63urn, and thespecific surface method has the disadvantage of giving ratio values
areas, have been used in correlation studies of instead of real concentrations but, at present, there
heavy metalsindifferent sediment fractions (Licht- is insufficient data to determine the difference be-
fuss& Brummer 1977;Smithet al.1973).Thecalcu- tween the concentrations derived bythe use of me-
lation ofaregression line,however, requiresalarge thods (B) and (C). If only small quantities of sedi-
number (10-15) of samples from one location. ment sample are available, e.g. in the case of
Moreover, it is often impossible to determine a suspended matter, metal/Al ratios may be a good
regression line,duetothelimited rangeingrain size alternative, because the Al contents can be deter-
of the sediment at a certain location. mined on small amounts of material and often in
Another way to treat grain size corrections is to the same extracts as those for the heavy-metal de-
isolate a certain granular fraction, and analyze the terminations.
metals within such a fraction (A). Separation of
grain sizes is advantageous, because only a few

Chemical partition iment, thetemperature and theratio ofsolid matter

to volume of extraction solution.
To assess the impact of contaminated sediments Unfortunately there is a proliferation of extrac-
on the environment, information on total concen- tion schemes, which also make it difficult to com-
trations,alone,arenotsufficient. Onlyapart ofthe pare the results of analyses. Therefore a 'standard
metals present may take part in short-time geo- extraction scheme'hasbeenprepared by Salomons
chemical processes or may be bio-available. For & De Groot (1978) and summarized as follows:
this reason, a series of different extraction proce- 1) An extraction with 0.1 M hydroxylamine-HCl.
dures have been devised to gain a more or less This step includes the extraction of exchangea-
detailed insightintothedistribution ofmetals with- ble cations and of carbonate-bound metals;
inthevarious chemicalcompounds and minerals.A 2) An extraction with acidified peroxide (30%).
summary of several methods is given in Table 1. Thisextraction should befollowed byan extrac-
Various single leaching steps are combined into tion with ammonium acetate to remove any re-
leaching schemes to determine trace metals in sedi- absorbed metal ions;
ments, e.g. differentiation of trace metals into a 3) Dissolution of the remaining sample with HF to
reducible, an oxidizable and a resistant fraction; a estimate the metals left in the residual fraction.
distinction between exchangeable metals, metals The rather important 'exchangeable phase' (re-
presentinmetalhydroxide coatings,organicsolids, presenting very loosely bound trace metals which
and the crystal phase;determination of metal con- regulate or reflect the composition of surface wa-
tentsininterstitial waterand inexchangeable, easi- ters) is not included in this scheme. To determine
lyreducible, moderately reducible, organic and re- the amount of exchangeable metal ions, an extrac-
sidual fractions. tant is used which contains cations that are more
It should be pointed out that the extraction strongly bound, than metals, to the exchange sites
procedures arenot asselectiveasissometimes stat- (BaCl2, MgCl2 and NH 4 OAc). Although the ion-
ed.Re-adsorption ofmetalsmaytakeplaceand the exchangeable fraction of trace metals is ill-defined,
results are influenced bythe duration of the exper- ammonium acetate is a generally accepted agent.

Table1.Summary ofcommon methodsfor theextraction ofmetalsassociated withdifferent chemicalphases insediments(Salomons&

Förstner 1980).

Adsorption and cation exchange

Extractions with: BaCl2, MgCl2, NH 4 OAc. *

Detrilal/non detrital: authogeneousI lithogeneous fractions

Extractions with: EDTA, 0.1 M HCl, 0.3 M HCl, 0.5 M HCl, 0.1 M HN0 3

Manganese and ironphases; reducible, easily and moderately reducible phases

Extractions with (in approximate order of release of iron): Acidified hydroxylamine, ammonium oxalate, hydroxylamine-acetic acid,

Carbonate phases

Extractions with: C 0 2 treatment, acidic cation exchange, NaOAc/HOAc (pH 5).

Organicphases; humic andfulvic acids, solid organic material

Extractions with: H 2 0 2 , H 2 0 2 -NH 4 OAc, H 2 0 2 -HN0 3 , organic solvents,0.5 NNaOH, 0.1NNaOH/ H 2 S0 4 , Na hypochlorite-dithioni-

Salomons &Förstner (1980)used theabove menti- Anthropogenic enrichment of sediments with me-
oned 'standard extraction scheme' (including an tals
estimation of the ion-exchangeable fraction) in an
analysis of 18different river sediments and a sum- To determine the 'extent of pollution' of sedi-
mary of their results is given in Fig. 2. mentsbymetals,thenaturallevels(base-line levels)
of these substances must be established and then
substracted from themeasured valuesofmetalcon-
^ ,*>\ôoW < centrations. Inthiswaythetotalenrichment caused
* ^jrjr^^^j?£:<s>~ o**^
< ^ V > ° ^ <f&°cTc^*<*V o-° ^ byanthropogenic factors canbefound. However, it

1 1iP mm is difficult to make an ideal comparative basis for

natural levels. Since no observations exist which
I Zn
record the presence of heavymetals duringthe pre-
industrial period, sediments deposited at that time
must be used as proxy data. These are now buried
M P beneath later deposits and have been subject to a
widevariety ofgeochemical processes. Asa result,
they may have lost or increased part of their heavy
metal content. Such data usually represent min-
imum values.Another wayofdefining background
levels is to use the heavy metal contents of the
average shale, deep-sea clay, or near-shore sedi-
ment. However, these data represent averages,
whereas in river sediments local mineralizations in
their catchment areas may result in naturally high
concentrations of some metals. In addition, the
mineralogical composition of the sediment may
differ from that of the average shale or deep-sea
clay. For instance, organic matter, which is an ex-
cellent scavenger for a number of metals, is more
abundant in some river deposits than in many ma-
NHiAc NH20H.HCI H202/HCI resistant rine sediments.
Fig. 2. Chemical partition of trace metals in some river sedi- In Table 2, heavy metal contents of Rhine river
ments. sediments,from different years,arecompared with

Table 2. Mean heavy metal contents in Mg/g (values at 50% < 16 jum) in sediments from the Rhine river, compared with those of
uncontaminated sediments (base-line levels).

Zn Cu Cr Pb Cd Ni Hg As

Rhine sediments sampled in:

1958 2420 294 642 533 14 54 10.5 198
1970 1855 323 789 447 27 62 14.5 136
1975 1905 325 820 399 31 81 10.1 54
Base-line levels:
Rhine deposits from the
15th and 16th century 93 21 77 31 0.5 33 0.14 12.2
Nearshore sediments 1) 95 48 100 20 - 55 - -
Clays and shales 2) 80 57 100 20 0.3 95 0.4 6.6
Shales 3) 95 45 90 20 0.3 68 0.4 13
Deep-sea clays 3) 195 250 90 80 0.4 225 - 13

Sources of data: 1) Wedepohl (1960);2) Vinogradov (1962); 3) Turekian & Wedepohl (1961)

a number of base-line levels. With respect to the Groot, A.J. de,Salomons, W.&Allersma, E., 1976. Processes
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R. & Liss, P. S. (Eds) Estuarine Chemistry, pp. 131-157.
Cu and Niarehigher in deep-sea clays than inthe
Academic Press, London. _
average shale.This isprobably caused bytheaddi- Lichtfuss, R.&Brummer, G.,1977.Schwermetallbelastung von
tion of these elements during transport and after Elbe-Sedimenten. Naturwissenschaften 64: 122-125.
deposition intheoceans. In ouropinion, the metal Müller,G., 1979.Schwermetalle indenSedimenten des Rheins-
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pogenicmetalburdenhasbeendeveloped byMüller 394 pp.
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Sly, P. G., 1981.Equipmentand techniques for offshore survey
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B„ = natural base-line value of the relevant ele- sediments from the Thames estuary. Environ. Pollut. 4:
ment inthefraction < 2ßm. Thecorrection 153-157.
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factor 1.5 is used in connection with the
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