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1158 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

1997, 36, 1158-1162

Why Are Polymerization Reactors Special?

Brian W. Brooks*
Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University,
Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, U.K.

Unlike many other products from the chemical industries, polymer molecules cannot easily be
separated from each other. Therefore, the material has to be produced with the required
specification at the reactor stage. The correct choice of reaction model is crucial for the prediction
of reactor behavior. Allowance must be made for the effects of high viscosities on both heat
transfer and reaction kinetics. In suspension polymerization, drop sizes, drop mixing, and
sedimentation all require particular attention. With emulsion polymerization, a change in the
reactor start-up procedure can lead to changes in dynamic behavior, monomer conversion, and
product quality. If we can learn from nature, polymerization reactors may take new forms in
the future.

Chemical reactors can take many forms, but in
principle, most of them can be assigned to three
groups: batch reactors, continuous-flow reactors with-
out back-mixing, and continuous-flow reactors with
back-mixing. Simplistic diagrammatic representations
of these reactor types are shown in Figure 1. These
representations indicate the desired mixing conditions; Figure 1. Basic types of chemical reactors.
they do not show the physical manipulations which may
be necessary to achieve these conditions. Some mul- fractionation; also, most polymers are involatile and
tiphase reactors do not fit simply into these groups, cannot be fractionated by distillation. Therefore, the
especially if mixing is confined to one phase only. product mix must be correct at the reaction stage; i.e.,
Reactors can take a wide variety of shapes and sizes the required molecular weight distribution must be
from small pipes to large fluidized beds. In each case, obtained in the reactor. There is little scope for chang-
the size, residence time, mixing patterns, and temper- ing the size range afterwards.
ature profiles are all important. It should be realized Polymerization reactions also have unusual physical
that, although a tube may be a simple piece of equip- features which pose problems for reactor design. Mono-
ment, the events occurring inside the tube may be far mer feeds usually have a relatively low viscosity, but
from simple. the polymer-containing fluids which are produced in the
Chemical reactions of industrial interest often proceed reactors often have very high viscosities. This imposes
via complex reaction schemes, and the distribution of severe constraints on the choice of mixing pattern and
products depends on the nature of the mixing pattern limits the extent of heat transfer (Carloff et al., 1994).
in the reactor. Usually, the reaction products must be Restricted heat transfer is particularly important when,
separated into distinct components. The success of a as often happens, the polymerization is exothermic.
separation process depends on the differences, in the
chemical or physical properties, between the product Polymerization Reactors
components. A wide variety of separation processes can
be used including distillation, extraction, absorption, Reactors of various types, mentioned above, are used
adsorption, crystallization, membrane methods, and for polymer manufacture, but it can be seen that
filtration. polymerization reactors have a number of special fea-
tures which affect design choices. Detailed information
Polymeric Products about all the constituent chemical and physical steps
in a reaction process is often unavailable. Therefore,
Chemical products such as ammonia, benzene, phe- in order to design a reactor successfully, it is necessary
nol, or sodium carbonate have a unique and distinct to construct serviceable models which account for
composition. They can be separated from process important reaction phenomena. A model can take many
streams and obtained in pure form. In contrast, the forms depending on the center of interest. For a
constituent molecules of a polymer product have a chemical reactor, a working model should take into
variety of sizes. For example, the term poly(ethylene account chemical kinetics, fluid mixing, changes in
oxide) may be used to describe s[-CH2CH2O]ns but in physical properties, and temperature variations (So-
reality, there is not a single species present but a range roush and Kravaris, 1993). In this paper, special
of polymers which have different molecular weights. The features of polymerization reactors will be discussed
physical properties which determine the usefulness of with particular reference to free-radical polymerization.
the polymer mixture depend on the range of values for Choosing acceptable simplifications in a model is not
n. The chemical differences between the various mo- always easy. This can be illustrated by considering the
lecular sizes are not sufficiently wide to permit easy dynamic behavior of a continuous-flow reactor which is
used for the first stage in a styrene polymerization
* Telephone: +44(0)1509 222510. Fax: +44(0)1509 223923. process. During this process, changes in density and
E-mail: specific heat are relatively small, but if they are
S0888-5885(96)00375-2 CCC: $14.00 © 1997 American Chemical Society
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 4, 1997 1159

Figure 2. Styrene polymerization in a stirred-flow reactor. (A)

No allowance for changes in properties. (B) Allowance for changes Figure 4. Changes in average drop size at low polymer content.
in properties.
performance of a polymerization reactor (the model also
predicts reaction kinetics accurately without further
parameter changes (Bogunjoko and Brooks, 1983b)). To
test this model, it is necessary to devise a method for
distinguishing and characterizing a newly-formed poly-
mer in a reaction fluid which already has a substantial
polymer content.

Suspension Polymerization
Figure 3. Instantaneous molecular weight distribution of poly-
(methyl methacrylate) at high viscosity. (A) Experimental results. In suspension polymerization, the problems with heat
(B) “Ideal model”. (C) New model.
transfer are avoided by dispersing monomer drops in a
neglected, then the predicted variation of temperature continuous aqueous phase before polymerization begins.
with time takes a somewhat spectacular form as shown Heat transfer, from the small drops to the aqueous
by plot A in Figure 2 (Brooks, 1981). A real reactor phase and from the aqueous phase to the reactor
would become unstable well before the first temperature surroundings, is rapid. Therefore, control of the reactor
peak was reached; in effect, our model is telling us that temperature is better than that which is possible in bulk
this process is not feasible. However, if the model is polymerization. Drop size distribution, which depends
modified to allow for the real (but small) changes in on reactor geometry and stirrer speed, is important
density and specific heat, then the prediction is changed because it determines the size distribution of the
dramatically, as shown by plot B in Figure 2. This finished polymer particles. The presence of a drop-
modified prediction corresponds accurately with reality. stabilizing agent in the continuous phase is usually
Fortunately, in this particular case, workers in industry necessary. If the product is to be used in particulate
discovered experimentally that the process is safe long form, then the particle size distribution is part of the
before anyone diverted them with inadequate models. product specification. It might be expected that, for a
given monomer system, the relationships between rate
coefficients and physical conditions, which are observed
Viscosity Effects in bulk polymerization, should apply to suspension
The high viscosity which is often encountered in polymerization (Kalfas and Ray, 1993).
polymerizing fluids not only inhibits mixing and im- Most studies of drop size distribution, in liquid-liquid
pedes heat transfer but also affects the reaction kinetics. dispersions, have been concerned with liquids of low
Fast reaction steps can become “diffusion controlled” viscosity with attention focused on drop size distribution
(Stickler et al., 1984). To allow for this, many workers in the steady state. In these cases, the time required
have devised models for molecular diffusion which can to achieve a steady state is often very short and is not
be used to correlate changes in rate coefficients and to considered to be important. However, when the drops
predict kinetic behavior (Ray et al., 1995; Vivaldolima are highly viscous or when their physical properties
et al., 1994; Soh and Sundberg, 1982). These changes change during the process, some considerable time may
in the rate coefficients affect both the overall polymer- be required to achieve a stable drop size distribution.
ization rate and also the molecular weight distribution This is the case with suspension polymerization (Lange
of the polymer product. Therefore, it is important that and Reichert, 1981). Even when the fluid viscosity is
models account for both of these effects simultaneously. low, Figure 4 shows that an appreciable time is required
Figure 3 shows the results for the instantaneous to achieve a stable drop size distribution (Brooks and
polymerization of methyl methacrylate at high viscosity Richmond, 1994); this could be a significant fraction of
(Bogunjoko and Brooks, 1983a). It can be seen that the the reaction time. Drop sizes which are predicted by
molecular weight distribution for the polymer is bimo- “classical” relationships with the Weber number are not
dal., Models which assume a variable, but single, value always obtained in practice (Zerfa and Brooks, 1996).
for the chain-termination rate coefficient all predict an At higher conversions, viscosity increases and changes
instantaneous molecular weight distribution which is in the drop size distribution require even more time.
monomodal, as shown by plot B in Figure 3. Changing The drop size distribution is obtained by breakage and
values for key parameters alters the location of curve coalescence of drops. If these processes, which are not
B but not the shape. well understood (Chatzi and Kiparissides, 1995), become
By constructing a model which distinguishes between slow, as the viscosity increases, then the mixing of any
different sizes of growing polymer molecules, even in a new ingredient by postaddition to the reactor will not
very crude fashion, the essential features of the molec- be effective. The presence of drop stabilizers also
ular weight distribution can be reproduced. This is inhibits drop coalescence and mixing (Zerfa et al., 1995).
shown by plot C in Figure 3. Thus, a model which is Also, it is important to consider the possibility of phase
not highly detailed can be sufficient for predicting the inversion (in which the drop phase becomes continuous
1160 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 4, 1997

Figure 5. Dangerous consequences of density changes in suspen-

sion polymerization as density and viscosity increase.

Figure 6. Schematic representation of dispersed phases in

emulsion polymerization.

and the phase which is initially continuous is turned

into drops (Brooks and Richmond, 1991)).
The drop density often increases during suspension
polymerization. This increase may be small (say 10%),
but it is important because it can have dangerous
consequences. Figure 5 shows an example in which the
monomer is less dense than hot water but the polymer
is more dense than hot water. If the agitator design is
not good, the polymerizing drops sediment and may
coalesce. Heat transfer from the sedimented mass is
much slower than heat transfer from the small drops,
and since the reaction is usually exothermic, the tem-
perature inside the polymerizing fluid will rise. Rapid Figure 7. Conversion changes with time for the isothermal
vaporization of monomer can then occur, leading to emulsion polymerization of styrene in a continuous-flow reactor.
disaster. The high potential for thermal runaway is one
feature of polymerization reactors which cannot be nucleation and particle growth are virtually consecutive
ignored (Barton and Nolan, 1984; Nemeth and Thyrion, rate processes. However, continuous-flow reactors usu-
1995). ally require agitation, and as a result of back-mixing,
particle nucleation and particle growth become simul-
Emulsion Polymerization taneous processes. The particle size distribution now
becomes wide so that the latex which is produced is
In emulsion polymerization, monomer drops are significantly different from that obtained with a batch
dispersed in water but an assembly of very small reactor (which gives a narrow particle size distribution).
polymer particles is generated in the aqueous phase as Particle nucleation now requires characterization. If a
shown in Figure 6. This is not to scale; drop diameters tubular flow reactor is used, then back-mixing can be
range between 0.05 and 2.0 mm, whereas the particle restricted and a narrow particle size distribution is
diameters are usually less than 0.001 mm. The pres- obtained (Paquet and Ray, 1994).
ence of emulsifiers is required, and the essential chem- Early work predicted that, even when feed streams
istry occurs mostly in the polymer particles and in the to a continuous-flow back-mixed emulsion polymeriza-
aqueous phase. In conventional emulsion polymeriza- tion reactor were steady and the reactor temperature
tion, virtually no reaction occurs in the monomer drops was constant, both the monomer conversion and the
which act as reservoirs. However, very small monomer particle concentration in the reactor could oscillate with
drops can be transformed into polymer particles (Vander- time during the reaction. Even so, some workers
hoff, 1993). In addition to the physical advantages of believed that any oscillatory behavior was solely the
suspension polymerization, the mechanism of emulsion result of inadequate temperature control and that the
polymerization often allows the simultaneous occur- conversion would stabilize quickly (after the initial
rence of high polymerization rate and high polymer stages when particles were being generated). Early
molecular weight. The final reaction product is a experimental results were deceptive. Figure 7A shows
dispersion of very small polymer particles which may the results obtained from regular sampling of a reactor
be used directly (e.g., for surface coatings or adhesives). effluent. It can be seen that, after the start-up peak,
In emulsion polymerization, particle nucleation and the conversion appears to become steady. Figure 7B
particle growth are important steps which are not fully shows the “obvious” line to draw through the points, but
understood (Giannetti, 1993). This lack of understand- is this correct?
ing does not present an insurmountable problem with If, in addition to the regular samples, data points are
batch reactors because particle nucleation is usually acquired at other times, then a different picture emerges
completed early in the polymerization so that particle (Brooks et al., 1978). Figure 7C shows data in addition
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 4, 1997 1161
Table 1. Relative Strengths of Fibersa
material tenacity (g/denier)
nylon 6,6 5.2
polyester 5.1
poly(acrylonitrile) 3.2
steel 3.5
spider silk (drag line) 7.8
a Data from Lucas, 1964.

Figure 8. Effect of start-up conditions for the emulsion polym- Often, a number of monomers are polymerized simul-
erization of methyl methacrylate in a continuous-flow reactor. taneously to make copolymers. Then, product composi-
Identical feed streams with small differences in start-up condi-
tion becomes important. In these circumstances, a
semibatch reactor may be chosen. Here, there is an in-
flow but no out-flow so that the volume of the reactor
contents changes with time. With reactors of this type,
particle nucleation can be manipulated and polymer
composition can be controlled. The order in which the
reaction ingredients are added is now crucial because
it determines the nature of the final product. New ways
of describing semibatch polymerization reactors are now
being developed (Li and Brooks, 1993; Powell and
Brooks, 1995).

The Future
Products of the polymer industry are becoming more
Figure 9. Start-up effects in the emulsion polymerization of
styrene in a continuous-flow reactor. Identical feed streams with
complex with precise quality requirements. Reactor
small differences in start-up conditions. processes are becoming more effective as our under-
standing improves. However, although substantial
to the results that would have been gained from regular advances have been made, the range of our processes
measurements. Clearly, the estimate of the best line is still narrow. Most polymerization reactions require
through the original points must be revised, as shown sensitive catalysts, very clean conditions, controlled
monomer feed ratios, effective mixing, and precise
in Figure 7D. In this example, the oscillations are
temperatures. Often, large cumbersome equipment and
relatively small and may eventually die out. In other
toxic feedstocks must be used. Perhaps we should ask
cases, substantial oscillations are sustained throughout
if anything can be learned from nature.
the process even though the reactor is isothermal and
All around us, many green plants are quietly copoly-
the feed rate is steady (Greene and Poehlein, 1975).
merizing carbon dioxide and water to make polymeric
The long-term behavior of a continuous-flow emulsion materials (cellulose and carbohydrates). How would we
polymerization reactor depends noticeably on the way set about copolymerizing carbon dioxide and water (just
in which the reactor operation is started up (Brooks and supposing that we knew how to do it)? Judging by
Raman, 1987). Figure 8 shows the results of two existing technology, extensive apparatus with large
experiments in which monomer conversion is oscillating compressors, sensitive catalysts, and a variety of control
around quite different values. In both cases, the feed equipment would be required. But green plants work
streams and temperature are identical; the only differ- at atmospheric temperature and pressure with a so-
ence is in the order in which the reactants were first phisticated (and effective) catalyst which copes with a
introduced to the reactor. These differences in conver- highly contaminated feedstock (dirty air and water) and
sion are accompanied by differences in particle size functions in all weathers. Trees produce a variety of
distribution. In effect, two different products are being “grades” of timber with complex polymeric structures
made from identical feed streams. Even when condi- (already “laminated”) having very useful physical prop-
tions are arranged so that conversion does become erties; some trees produce latex rubber. Although latex
steady, bifurcation may still be observed; also, the rubber can be made in polymerization reactors, it does
particle sizes may continue to change. Figure 9 shows not match the material from the rubber tree.
that, for identical reactor conditions (using identical feed The garden spider (Araneus diadematus) produces
streams), a small change in start-up procedure leads to webs from very fine silk. The silk is composed of a
two different (but almost steady) conversions (Baddar variety of polyamides (proteins), and the fiber properties
and Brooks, 1984). However, it can be seen that, in one are changed to fulfill many functions (Vollrath and
case, the particle size is increasing rapidly (as nucle- Edmonds, 1989). Five types of silk have been identified,
ation almost ceases). In spite of a stable conversion, each with a controlled composition (Lucas, 1964). From
catastrophic coagulation can be expected to occur very the precursor materials, spiders produce their silk with
late in this process, when nucleation re-commences much-envied ease at atmospheric temperature. In spite
(Kiparissides et al., 1980; Brooks and Raman, 1987). Not of high humidity, they manage to displace reaction
only is the “wrong” product formed but the physical equilibrium very rapidly, achieving high conversion to
properties of the emulsion will change so that the polymer before vaporization of volatiles occurs. In the
emulsion will no longer flow out of the reactor (Brooks web, the drag lines are very strong. Table 1 shows that
and Raman, 1987). Ten tons of immobile gel inside a spider silk is stronger than many man-made polymers.
reactor is most unwelcome. Oscillatory behavior can be Some specialized man-made fibers are as strong as
avoided by using a prereactor as a continuous seeder spider silk, but the extension at break is much lower.
(Penlidis et al., 1989). Although it might be claimed that spiders have been
1162 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 4, 1997

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