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of theInternalBodin ATP
InquiryFigure9.15:ls theBotation
Synthase Responsible forATPSynthesis?

Introduction-The Article and PhenomenonUnder Study

ATP is made from ADP and inorganic phosphateusing the energy from proton flow through the membrane protein compler
known as ATP synthase.A particular subunit of the protein complex acts as a rotary motor in the production of AIP. Inquirr
Figure 9. 15 in Campbell/ReeceBiology, Eighth Edition, showshow investigatorsprovided direct evidencefor this mechanism
of ATP synthesisby meansof rotation in the following article:
KengoAdachi,Hiroyuki Noji, RyoheiYasuda,Masasuke
HiroyasuItoh,Akira Takahashi,
by F1-AIPase,Nature421:465168(29 January 2004).

for ReadingThisArticle
Guiding Questions
A. AbouttheArticle
1. What is the name of the first authorof this researchteam?

2. Most of the authorsof this paper work in major researchlaboratoriesin what nation?What is the name of the author af-
filiated with the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in the United States?

3 . What is the nameof thej ournalin which this article was published?This paperwas publishedin what month and yearI
1-l Inquiry in Action: Interpreting Scientific Papers

l. This research was supported in part by grants from what organization? (See Acknowledgements, p. a68.)

5. The afticle's abstract(p. 465, first paragraph,in bold print) summarizesthe major contributions of the study.Write the
one sentencefrom the abstractthat statesthe basic concept for which the study provides direct evidence.

6. Specializedvocabulary:Write a brief definition of eachterm.





B. About the Study

7. Was this an in vivo study (in intact cells, in living organisms)or an in vitro study (literally, "in glass,"meaningin test
tubes or in laboratorv containers)?

8. The action of isolatedF1 parliclesof AIP synthaseappearedto be reversible.(a) The centralsubunitrotatesanticlock-

wise (that is, counterclockwise)when what happens-A or B? (A) AIP is synthesized;(B) ATP is hydrolyzed(broken
down to ADp and inorganic P). (b) The central subunit rotatescloclcwisewhen what happens-A or B? (A) ATP is syn-
thesized;(B) ATP is hydrolyzed(brokendown to ADP and inorganicP).

9. The researchersmanipulated a single subunit of the AIP synthasecomplex, the y (gamma) subunit' Prior to this study,
what aspectof the y subunitin Fl reversalhad not yet beentested?
Article 3: Inquiry Figure 9.15

10. One end of the Fl test complex was attachedto a glassslide by modifying two cysteineamino acidsof one end of the
complex. The other end of the F1 test complex, the y end, was attachedto a magnetic bead using a specific attachment
protein (streptavidin).Examine the experimental setupin Figure | (p. 466).Although the drawing in Figure 1a is not to
scale,which is the larger element, the Fl protein complex or the magnetic bead?How did the investigatorsmanipulate
this systemto causethe y end of the complex to rotate?

11. The investigatorsnoted that during ATP hydrolysis,the complex rotated in one direction.What reactiondid they hy-
pothesizewould occur if the complexwas rotatedin the oppositedirection?

12. The investigatorsused photons of light produced in a chemiluminescentluciferin-luciferase system as an indicator of

ATP synthesis.When AIP is present,this enzyme systemwill hydrolyze AIP to produceADP and inorganic phosphate
and releasephotons of light. (Thus, it serves as a "reporler enzyme," as mentioned in Inquiry Figure 9.15 of
Campbell/ReeceBiology,Eighth Edition.) What doesthe y-axis on the left side of Figures3a and 3b represent?This is
an indirect measureof the rate of which rotation-driven process-AlP synthesisor ATP hydrolysis?

13. Figure 3a showsthe numberof photonsdetectedwith respectto rotation of the y-subunitof the ATP synthase.N, S, and
H refer to what three rotation states?In Figure 3a, the relative number of photons detectedis highest at which type of
rotation-N. S. or H?

14. In the control experimentsgraphed in Figure 3b, the broken lines show the lowest number of photons detected.What
was different aboutthoseexperimentsto producesuch low numbers?Why did this omissionserveas a control for the
16 Inquirl- in Action: Interpreting ScientificPapers

C. General Conclusionsand Extensionsof the Work

letters to nature
15. What new information about the role of the y sub-
unit in AIP synthasedid this researchproject eluci-
date? How does the subunit serve as a reversible
motor? Mechanically driuenAIP
synffie$isby F1-ATPase
Hiruyasu ltohl'2, Akira Takahashl3, Kengo Adaofil4, Hiroyuki l{oil5,
Rydrei Yasuda6, Masasuke YchidaT & lhanhiko Kinoslta Jl

rTsukubaResearchLaboratory,Hattdmatsu Photonics KK, and2CILEST

"Creation and application of soft nano-machinz,the lryperfunctionalmolecular
machine" Team lj+, Tokodai, Tsukuba3a0-2635,Japan
SystemDivision, HamamatsuPhotonics KK, Joko,Hamamatsu 431-3103,Japan
"Cmter for Integrative Bioscience,Okazaki National ResearchInstihttes,
Okamki 444-8585, Japan
'lnsritute of Indwtial Stience,Univqsity ofTolcyo,Takyo 153-85a5,Japan
Spring Harbar Laboratory CoId Spring Harbor, New York 11724 tlSA
7ERATO "ATP System", 580a4 Nagatsuu, Yokohama226-a026,

ATB the main biological energy currency, is synthesized &om

ADP and inorganic phosphate by AIP synthase in an energy-
requiring reactionl-3. The F1 portion of AIP synthase, also
known as F1-ATPase, functions as a rotary molecular motor:
irc vitra its 1-subunit rotatesa against the surrounding o3$3
subunitss, hydrolysing ATP in three separate catalytic sites on
the $-subunits. It is widely believed that reverse rotation of tfre
1-subunit, driven by proton flow through the associated Fo
portion of ATP synthase, leads to ATP synthesis in biological
16. What future tasks do the authorswish to do once systemsl-3'5'7.Here we present direct evidence for the chemical
they understandthis motor mechanismfully? synthesis of AIP driven by mechanical €nergy. We attached a
magnetic bead to the 1-subunit of isolated F1 on a glass surface,
and rotated the bead using electrical magnets. Rotation in the
appropriate direction resulted in the appearance of AfP in the
medium as detected by the luciferase-luciferin reaction. This
shows that a vectorial force (torque) working at one particular
point on a protein machine can influence a chemical reaction
occurring in physically remote catalytic sites, driving tlre reac-
tion far from equilitrrium.
When isolated F1 hydrolyses AIB its central 1-subunit rotates
anticioclrsdseawhen viewed from above in Fig. 1a,with an efficiency
of chemical-to-mechanical energy conversion approaching 1000/o
{ref. 8). The purpose of this study w'as to show that the chemo-
mechanical coupling in the F1 motor is completely reversible, and
that reversal is achieved by manipulating a single variable-that is,
the rotary angle of the 1-subunit" Any molecular machine would be
reversible if one could manipulate all constituent atoms at will.
Whether one or a few thermodynamic handles exist in a chemo-
mechanical molecular machine such that its operation can be
controlled through that handle in both directions is aa important
but unresolved issue. For example, rvhether one can synthesizeATP
by pulling back a iinear molecular motor such as myosin or
kinesin-and if so, where to pull-is unknown. Reversal of the
whole AIP synthase is well documentedl'e, including the demon-
stration of 1-subunit reorientation under sytrthesis conditionsto,
but whether or not the 1-subunit angle servesas a single handle for
F1 reversalhas not been tested.
To prove this reversibility, we used a3$31, the minimal subcom-
plex of F1 that shows AlP-catalysed rotationa. The subcomplex was
attached to a glasssurface through histidine residues engineered at
the amino terminus of the $-subunits, and a magnetic bead coated
with streptavidin was attached to the 1-subunit, which had been
biotinylated at two engineered cysteines (Fig. 1a). The beads were
rotated with magnets (Fig. 1b-d) in a medium containing ADP and
phosphate as substrates and the luciferin-luciferase syst"mlr'r2,
which emits a photon when it captures and hydrolyses ATP. The
initial idea was to count thesechemiluminescentphotons (Fig. lb);
however, background luminescence originating from contaminant
AIP present in ADP evenafter purification was a problem. Thus, the
Article 3: Inquirl'Figure 9.15 li

letters to nature
.,,olumeof medium per active F1 molecule had to be small' the magnets were tumed off' AlP-driven rotation resumed'
First, we tried to reduce the volume by making microdroplets in Si'nthesiswas shown in the ADP-luciferase medium by accumu-
oii (Fig. 2a). Figure 2b shows data fiom a 4 x 4 array of droplets in iating chemiluminescence photons over a series of 5-min intervals
one chimber. The beadsin droplets were rotated at 10Hz alternately in wfrich the magnetic field was rotated at 10Hz in either direction
for 5 min each in the direction of hydrolysis (anticlockwise when or tumed off. all seriesproduced the expectedpattern (Fig' 3a):
viewed from top irl Fig. 1a) and synthesis(clockwise)' As seenin higher photon counts during ciockwise rotation (S, synthesis) than
Fig. 2b, 14 out of 16 droplet cuwes showedthe M-shaped pattem of cluling anticlockwiserotation (H, hydrolysis) or no rotation (N)'
photon counts exPectedfor the sequenceofrotation direction when This graph compiles ali data taken in consecutive experiments
ihe overall decline was taken into account. The decline was due to (aUoui half of the experiments failed at some point, for exainple
the gradual disappearanceof the aqueous phase into oii: although during chamber preparation or because of a large focus drift, and
we iaturated the oil with water before the experiment, droplets did nJt produce data)' Mechanical synthesisin the flat chamber was
tended to shrink crver time. For random photon counts, the reproducible, although variation among data rvas stiil large'
probability of observing a sianting M shape is 8 '. The probability We note that irl most curves shown in Fig. 3a including the total
ofobserving14ormore M shapesoutof 16is 2 x 10-11.The dataset counts, counts during anticlockwise rotation (H) are higher than
shown in Fig. 2b thus strongly indicates mechanical synthesis' Th-e those at no rotation (N). This is due to the presenceof F1 at the
experiment is extremely difficult (at most a ferv beads rotate in each ceiling of the chamber as stated above' For these upside-down F1
droplet), however, and we have obtained only a few more data sets mole.-.,I.s, anticlockwise bead rotation will drive ATP s1'nthesis'
that contained severalM-shaped patterns. Indeed, when we flipped the chamber upside down after obtaining
We thus tried to increase the number of rotating beads in an the unbrokenblue ii"e in Fig. 3a' the count Patternwasreversed,as
ordinary obserwation chamber (Fig. 1c) by infusing a concentrated shown by the broken blue line. Another reason for the higher counts
solution ofbeads carrying F1.To aliow F1 to rotate in the proper durilg anticlockwise rotation was that luciferase did not consume
direction, we derivatized only the bottom surface of the chamber a1lof ihe newly synthesizedAIP in 5 min: as shown by the unbroken
with nickel nitrilo-triacetic acid (Ni2+-NTA), which would specifi- lines in Fig. 3b, the luminescence at no rotation lvas high after ATP
cally bind the $-histidines. In control experiments done in 4mM synthesis it the arrows. Luminescence decay after AIP mixing was
AIP (no ADP) and without magnets,we found in the fieid of view of sirown to involve a comPonent with a lifetime of about 3 min (see
1.0x 105pmt us many as 480 | 70 F1 molecules rotating anti- Supplementary Information). Thking aii of the above points into
clockwise at the bottom {three chambers). However, the high aciount, we consider that mechanical synthesis has been conclu-
density of beads resulted in nonspecific binding to the ceiling, sively demonstrated.
where 100 + 20 beads rotated clockvrise (as viewed from above the Figure 4 shows the effect of rotary speed on the efficiency of
chamber). We also tested in the AIP medium rvhether forced ATP synthesis. The synthesis rate apparently saturated above 3 Hz
(fig. +U). This was becauselarger beadsor bead aggregatesfailed to
rotation by external magnets would damage F1. After confirming
AlP-<lriven rotation, we turned on the magrets and applied several rotite at high speeds,as confirmed by direct obserwation (uncou-
bursts of hundreds of revolutions at l0 Hz in both directions'When pling betwJen magnet and bead rotations)' Calibration of the

Magn€tie bead

$lrertavidjn *: i:
Gal}i1lcompiex i, j.

boMaonet d

Ob je ctivele n s._| I
-F- I

l'ij. lffase
r.i"* E+
._-> Frce€ssing


Figu re1 Exp erin r ent als et - up' a, Bas ic des ign' The s t r u c t u r e s o {F 1 a n d s t r e p t a v i d i n a r e N i 2 *- N T A v l a s a p p | i e d o n | y t o th e b o tto m su a ce '
fromref.2landrcL22.respectively.Thebeadisnottoscaleandtheorientationof ontheceiling.d,Topvlewofthernagnets
streptavidin b, Sideview of the system.
optical c, Observation chamDer.
NATURE VOL427 29 IANUARY 2004 twnaturc'com/Earure
@2004 NaturePublishingGrouP
1E Inquiry in,\cfion : Interpreting Scientific Papers

letters to nature
Sample d.oF,ets i\ergi't 3 um. dJanelH 30 Fml
otr oa:te'ned area coated 4,th P'i, ' NTA 20Sx103

*zs 150
Er o tr
q E
E 15 G
E 50

b ?sF

E 150
's bss
6 rcO 30


Figure2 Rotationalsynthesisinmicrodroplets. chamber
a, Observation 0nthesilanized
h {n
bottom coverglass,4 x 4 spotsseparatedby-50 pmandmeasuring 20-30pmujere ts t f#[."*;;;:
derivatizedwithNi2+NTA, whichrendered thespotshydrophilic,Anoillayer witha
z- : ;i-:=i:EES;lt ,
thicknessof .'3mmwasplacedontop Usingaglassmicropipette,weformedadroplet c

thesolutionwithonecontaining N H SH S H N S H S H N ]
of - 1pl conlainingF, oneachspotandthenreplaced
beads, ADP, phosphate andthe chemiiuminescencesystem b,Simultaneous observation
of 16 droplets, curvewithopencircles ihesumofallunbroken Figure3 Rotational
represenls synthesis in a flatchamber. Eachsymbol shows thenumber of
cuTvest errorbarsrepresent + 2q whereo istheexpected s d, forphotonstatlstics photonsdetectedover5mininanimageareaof 7,8x 104pm2 N,norotation;H,10-Hz
(square rooi0f thetotalcount).Thebrokencurveat thebottom represents a controlin rotationinthehydrolysis direction (forF1onthebottom ofthechamber); S,10 Hzrotation
whichanareaoutside wasimaged.
thedroplets SeeSupplementary Informationfor inthesynthesis direction. a, Results from12chambers, distinguishedbydifferent
details. colours. Broken bluecurve repfesents results
obtainedafterthechamber gtvingrisetothe
unbroken blue curve was flipped upside do\.n. Thickmagenta curuewith open circles
represents thesumof allunbroken curves;err0rbarsrepresent + 4o (>99,99%
confidence). Forclarity, somecun/es havebeen shifted withint 1,000counts
photon-to-ATP ratio (seeSupplementaryInformation) indicated a b, Control experiments. Unbroken curves showresults without
either orwith
ivnthesis rate of about five molecules of ATP per second under imposed clockwise rotation forsynthesis at 10 Hz(arrows).Broken curuesshow
rotation at 3Hz, as compared with the nine molecules of AIP per experiments carried outasina exceptthat phosphate wasomitted fromthemedium. The
second expectedfor the one AIP molecule per 120' schemeu. counts inihebroken curves arelowin comparison to theothers because phosphate
Although Fig. 4 represents our best data so far and variation tended toincrease thebackground, apparently byincreasingthepodion ofluciferaseihat
arnong chambers is large (Fig. 3a), we anticipate that the coupling reacted ATP
v,rith extremely slowly $ee Supplementary Information)
between mechanical rotation of the 1-subunit and chemical syn-
thesis is tight, at least at 1ow speeds.The significant synthesisat low
speeds (Fig. 4), which were much lower than the maximal rotary
speed of 130H2 of this motor during AIP hydrolysisr3,merits Information). If F1, or the motor enzyme myosin, is mixed with
attention. Becausethe slow rotation was at a constant speed,it is high concentrationsofADP and phosphatein the absenceofATR
likely that chemical reactions were at quasi-equilibrium at all angles' some AIP is spontaneously formed on the enzyme without input of
Rotation by ATP hydrolysis can also be made slow and at a constant energvlt-tu. This, however, is a dead-end reaction and the AIP that
speed by attaching a long actin filament to the 1-subunit8, again has been formed is not availabie in the medium: releaseof the tightly
suggestingquasi-equilibrium. The implication is that ATP slmthesis bound ATP requires an external supply of energyt'lt.
in-F1 proceeds as a straightforward reversal of the hydrolysis Here we have demonstratedrepetitivesynthesisby F1 (-10'ATP
reaction, tracking the same reaction pathway in the opposite molecules in 5min), leading to aPpearanceof the product in the
direction. On that pathway, both hydrolysis and slnthesis reactions medium. To our knowledge, this is the first accomplishinent of
are controlled by one mechanical handie' the rotary angle of the
rotary artificial chemical s1'nthesisby a vectorial force (although nature
1-subunit. The situation contrasts with the more complex presumably has been doing this for millions of years)' Pressure
motor of bacterial flageila, where rotational directions can be
could also shift a chemical equilibrium by actirg on substrates(and
switched without reversing the proton motive forcetn.
solvent); however, in our experiments the chemical equilibrium
AIP synthesis is a chemical reaction that is energetically uphill,
per seis on the side of almost complete hydrolysis, and a force on a
requiring 80-100 pN nm ofenergy under physiologicalconditions'?'
In the experiments shown here, contaminant AIP amounted to poilt remote &om substrates counters the hydrolysis reaction and
to the point offavouring s1'nthesis'Because
about I irM, impiying that roughly 30 pN nm of fiee energy was pushes the equilibrium
needed per molecule of ATP synthesized (see Supplementary r.vestill have to rely on nature's nanomachine, the F1 motor' our

NAIURE VOL 427 29.IANUARY2004 @2004 Nature Publishing Group

letters to nature
a Microscopy
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The chmber wro placed on an inverted ICM 450 microscope
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9s o collected with an oi1 immersion x60 obiective, numerical aperture 1.45
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g,25 (V8070L' 64 \210:
ED Plan x2 objective (Nilon) onto a cooied photon counting amera
12 0 C4566 equipped with an Argus 50 image processingsystem; Hamamatsu
2 whichrelordedcentroidpositionsofincomingphorons(countsintheduk:-l5s'o\tr
pairs of cuslom
€rs the whole image plane). To rotate the beads,we placed thtee opposing
m"de"L".to*"gnetswithaPemailoycoreonthechamber(Fig 1d) Thethreepairswere
fie1d lin
b10 activated with a custom circuit 120'out ofphce to Produce a rotating magnetic
either direction).
z Received 5 Man accePted 31 October 2003; doii1o 10l8lna1ure02212'
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with buffer
acid/KOH, 20 mM KrSOa 4 mM MgSOa, pH 7'6) for 10 min at 23 "C, wmhed
Kikkoman Co We
A, md concentrated with a magnet. Luciferaser2was a kind gift from Supplementary Inft rmaton accompmies the Paper on www'natrlre'Gfln/nature'
purified ADP (K-salt; Sigma) as described'oon a Poros HQIL coiumn
Photonia KK who
Biosystems). Acknowledgements We thmt T. Hayakawa md T' Hiruma of Hmmatsu
for the idea of using
allowed H.I. to work on this project for more than 6 learsj S Brenrer
0bservation microdropletsi M. Sugai for initial work; M. Shio, menbers ofthe
fomer CREST Team 1l and the
Mizuoo' K Suzuki' S Llchiyama
Forthechambershominlig. Ic,a32/.24mm2coverglasswasfunctionalizedbyasilane curent Kirosita and Yosh'ida labomtorie for help and advice; I
reacted first with and H N'fiyaiima for the magneic
coupling agent with m SH group (TSL 83801GE Toshiba Silicone)'and and Y. Mizuguchi for the photon-counting system; C Gosse
i paallel
ro rril maleimide Cr-NTe-1oojindo) and then with i0 mM NiCl, Two tweas; K. Abe and K. Rikukawa for nicroscopy; S Murakami for lucifercq and H' Umsaw
-g of Lumirror polyester film (TORAY) were placed on the covergis' and a
strips and M. Fukatsu for labomtory management. This rvork was supPofied
in Part by Gnnts-in-Aid
top to form a
t8 x ts mmz cot"rglus coated with hexamethyldisilazanewas placed on from the MinistryofEduetion, Cultue, SPo{is, Science andTqlhrologyof lapan' and Bunoughs
Ar (buftbr A
flow chmber. We inft*d -soo plt t1-conjugated magnetic beads in buffer Wellcome Fund (R.Y).
3 mgml-1 bovine serum albumin (BSA)) md incubated the chamber tbr
10 pM
:O min at"z:'C. efter infusing buffer A: severaltimes, buffer A containing competingfinancial
BSA' together CompetingIntefestsstatsnent The authorsdedre that they haveno
luciferase, 1 mM luciferin, i0 mM K2Poa, 200 pM ADP and 1 5 mg ml
eventuallysere 1tr1erss.
with a small number of 3-pm DlnabeadsM-280 beads(Dynal) thatwould
upper coverglas
as spacers,wx infused. The spacerstrips were arefully rhe
the spacerbeads' Conespondence ud requsts for malerialsshouldbe addrssed to H I
*^ p."rrud ao reduce the chmber height to -3 pm, as determined by
The chmter wc then sealed with wu and subjected to observation'

NAIURE VOL 427 29 .IANUARY2004 Mnature con/narure

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