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AIIs - Intelligent Automation - Insurance 27-28 February 2019

Plus Pre-Conference Workshop

Summit 2019 26 February 2019

The Practical Guide for Intelligent Automation Miami, USA

Application, implementation, benefits and results across the overall value chain

Reducing costs and operational inefficiencies ▪ Creating better experiences for customers ▪ Delivering speed, efficiency, innovation ▪
Achieving exponentially better business outcomes

Showcasing practical “real world” applications and implementation case studies and measurable and demonstrable results

Exchange ▪ Innovate ▪ Transform ▪ Reimagine Insurance…as we know it!


Chris Eaton, Assistant Vice President Business Automation, Protective Life


Conference Day One

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

08:00 Registration


08:30 Meet & Greet
– Enjoy breakfast and connect with fellow attendees
09:00 Chair’s Opening Address

09:05 Unlock the Power of Automation - Re-imagine Business Models and Processes
– How machines are complementing and assisting humans in making effective and intelligence decisions
 Understanding what is really robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning; deep learning, natural language processing (NLP) and
artificial intelligence (AI) – how each assists better decision making, and which works best to achieve the desired ROI / business outcomes
 What processes can gain the most from the use of intelligent automation cognitive capabilities
 Internal and external risks and opportunities to be aware of


09:35 Building Your Business Case: Demonstrating ROI
– Identifying what investment is needed to create a truly “cognitive intelligence system”
 What are the challenges and benefits?
 Prudent vs. bold investment decisions - what and how much to investment
 Metrics to evaluate the pros and cons of the various investment options – which will make a real difference to the bottom line
 Prioritizing them against return on investment
 Tracking value from these initiatives


10:25 Speed Networking
– This is a highly popular, efficient and invigorating networking session!
Two minutes – that’s all you’ve got!

 Introduce yourself, exchange business cards and agree to meet later with other insurance experts of interest to you
 Make it swift, keep it going (2 minutes max for each contact point)
 Make as many new connections as possible before the bell rings!

You’ll meet more people than you typically would through traditional networking – guaranteed!

10:55 Coffee and Networking Break
– Visit to Exhibition/Demo Area - explore new technologies, products and processes
11:15 Stay energized and refreshed while networking with fellow attendees


11:15 Planning the Automation Roadmap
– Outlining a clear development plan and deploying strategy
 Defining the objectives/goals, processes to pilot, strategy to scale, milestones, tools to use and different process stakeholders’ engagement
 Identifying critical new skills to build, use and maintain automation technologies - developing talent from within vs. hiring externally
 Continually reviewing end-to-end processes and applying “intelligent automation of process change”
 End to end customer journey mapping
 Identifying automation opportunities for mature processes

Chris Eaton, Assistant Vice President Business Automation, Protective Life


11:50 Spotlights
-  Shedding light on disruptive automation solutions that can help you innovate, accelerate and transform your business
12:30  Hear energized and invigorating presentations from exciting technology providers!

12:30 Networking Lunch

– Connect with fellow attendees during this extended lunch break
13.30 Building an Intelligent Operating Model
–  Bringing together a new infrastructure of talent, skills, processes, governance and vendors
14:15  Ensuring that the core technology architecture can make use / integrate with the new automation solutions
 Paving the way for new services and process experiences for customers, agents and employees
 How will you ensure all stakeholders understand the what, why and how of automation? (next session)
 Tracking results closely and sharing them
14:15 Automation in Actuarial
- Expanding capabilities for actuarial staff and processes

 Adopting actuarial automation tools to best predict risk and test assumptions - to avoid undesirable outcomes and optimize results
 Evaluating different modelling methods
 Preparing the actuarial skillset for the future
 Collaborating with underwriters, accounts, claims experts, and senior management to develop plans for new lines of business or
improvements to existing business

14:50 Implementing Intelligent Automation in Underwriting Processes

– Improving underwriting quality
 How intelligent automation is facilitating the underwriting process
 Utilising intelligent automation to best predict customers’ risk
 How automation solutions can unveil additional risks to underwrite and improve claims assessment

15:25 Coffee and Networking Break

– Stay energized and refreshed while networking with fellow attendees
15:40 Using Automation to Transform Customer Engagement
– Automation tools to help connect and identify customers’ evolving needs
 How can automation transform the way you engage with your customers and distribute your insurance products and services?
 Using automation to reduce cycle times affecting the overall customer experience – product search, purchasing and claims
 Automation as a means to keep up with your evolving customer profiles, needs and expectations

16:30 How Automation is Supporting Intelligent Claims Decisions

– Practical applications and impact of intelligent automation platforms on the overall claims management process
 Identifying new risks and opportunities and detecting fraudulent claims
 Capturing damage and reporting claims
 Reducing processing times significantly and enhancing the customer experience
 Assisting claims resolution

17:05 Chair’s Closing Remarks and End of Day One


Conference Day Two
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
08.00 Registration

08:30 Meet & Greet
– Enjoy breakfast and connect with fellow attendees
09:00 Chairman´s Opening Address

09:05 Automating Data Analytics
– Expediting business insights, performance, productivity and revenue growth opportunities
 Practical applications of data analytics’ business intelligence throughout the overall value chain - innovation; customer centricity; claims
processing; operational efficiency; risk selection; underwriting pricing; and claim processing
 Identifying what’s the key data to analyze
 Deriving crucial – and otherwise hidden - correlations and predictions
 Leveraging data across the whole business vs. to keeping it in silos


09:45 How Automation Tools Can Support the Development of “Real Value” Products and Services
– Helping develop sophisticated and customized insurance products and services at reasonable costs
 Developing new products quickly, easily and automatically
 How to best price these customized products?
 How to integrate newly launched insurance products within the organization, and work with other teams

10:25 Coffee and Networking Break

-  Grab a drink and something to eat
10:30  Gather around the soapbox (raised platform) in the networking area

10:30 Startups Tech Slam

- Startups take to the stage to inspire you, your team and your business!
 Listen to a series of innovative and exciting automation solutions from some of the most inspirational startups!
 Each presenter has a set time (10 minutes)
 When time runs out a gong sounds and the next presenter starts his / her presentation

10:30 - 10:40 Startup 1 10:42 - 10:52 Startup 2 10:54 - 11:04 Startup 3 11:06 - 11:16 Startup 4 11:18-11:28 Startup 5

11:30 Identifying Your Automation Partners – How to Cut Through the Noise
– How to recognize the automation tools that can save your business a great deal of money?
 Understanding who are the main vendors in the RPA, machine learning, AI, and IoT spaces
 Identifying those providers that are best aligned with your business needs
 Comparing the pricing models and price-value relationship – what to look for to identify the partner that “fits the bill”?


12:05 Spotlights
– Technology Under the Spotlight
12:55 Shedding light on disruptive automation solutions that can help you innovate, accelerate and transform your business

Hear energized and invigorating presentations from exciting technology providers!

12.55 Networking Lunch

– Connect with fellow attendees during the extended lunch break
14:00 Roundtable Interactive Discussions – Rotation One

14:45  A series of in-depth roundtables discussions on automation key challenges and opportunities for the US insurance market
 The duration of each discussion is 50 minutes
 You and all other confirmed attendees will be sent - closer to the summit date - the below list of possible roundtables, and will be asked to select the
top 5 preferred topics by order of interest
 The roundtables ultimately hosted will be the most popular topical areas
 You and all other attendees will attend a max of two roundtable discussions

Roundtable 1 - Using bots to scan a customer’s social profile to gather information and Roundtable 7 - Telematics and connected car platforms – what’s new and how can this
find trends and patterns affect your business?

Roundtable 2 - How intelligent automation can serve fraud detection in claims Roundtable 8 - How automation can help and empower assisted intelligent front line
decision making
Roundtable 3 - How to link intelligent automation and behaviour patterns to existing
actuarial pricing models Roundtable 9 - Integrating IoT technology in underwriting home insurance

Roundtable 4 - Transforming the claims process with real time visual support Roundtable 10 - Automated digital claims management systems for commercial lines

Roundtable 5 - New security risks emerging from automation - how to predict and Roundtable 11 - Automation tools to address corporate governance reporting
capitalise on them?
Roundtable 12 - Solving the automation “people challenge”
Roundtable 6 -Where and how can automation assist with life and health lines

14:45 Roundtable Interactive Discussions - 2nd Rotation of Roundtables of Day 1

– Hear about & share real “war stories” from the actual front
15:25 Coffee and Networking Break
– Visit to Exhibition/Demo Area - explore new technologies, products and processes
15:40 Stay energized and refreshed while networking with fellow attendees


15:40 Cyber Security Automation – Why It’s Crucial
– Security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) tools to consolidate data, analyse information and automate responses
 How security automation tools can help you:
o Overcome skilled cyber professionals’ shortage and free up staff to concentrate on more value-added tasks (rather than manual forensics)
o Attain better correlation between “identifying threat behaviour” and “addressing the volume of incidents”
o Simplify detection and response processes
 Overcoming the challenge of automation architectures’ disparate technologies and multiple suppliers
 Building and developing comprehensive security automation processes

16:30 Change Management - Getting Employees on Board with Your Change Initiatives
– Key steps to devise and put into practice a robust change management strategy and fostering the right corporate culture
 Why it is crucial to get employees involved in the change initiatives
 How to prepare and support individuals, teams, and organizations in making organizational change
 Effectively communicating the value, relevance and meaning of the change - shifting from “humans versus machines” to “humans augmented by
machines” corporate mindset
 Designing change initiatives to engage the commitment of leaders and the workforce
 Putting the right structure and organisation in place

17:00 Chairman´s Closing Remarks and End of Conference


Pre-Conference Workshop
Monday, 18 February 2019
– Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Practical Applications in Insurance
This 1-day workshop will provide for an overview of AI and machine learning transformation and innovation potential on partnerships’ alignment
strategies; customer centricity; operational efficiency; cost reductions; product development; pricing; distribution and sales processes; and claim
processing. It will also outline the latest innovations from mere pattern recognition to true predictive analytics; new digital-centric models; where to
focus to make a real difference to the bottom line; and partnership models with technology providers/startups.

Benefits of Speaking

 An opportunity to position both you and your company as thought leaders in this space
 A great way to maximize networking and learning opportunities on the day, as you’ll have greater visibility with other attendees
 Help direct the conversation in a way that is beneficial to you and your team. E.g. receive valuable industry insights on your work and dig into the
challenges you’re facing in more depth
 A complimentary pass to attend the conference, as a thank you for your input
 Secure a 10% discount for any colleague who wish to attend the meeting with you

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