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Some Lessons from Surah Al Bakarah that can be applied in everyday life:

1. Use Al-Quran as the source of guidance (advise) in all matters (this alone can lead to
true success and happiness)
2. Faith and belief must precede and accompany all good actions
3. Be constant in prayer (salah) and charity. Be constant in prayer (salah) and charity
4. Pray in congregation
5. Be ever conscious of The Day of Judgement
6. Spend and share with others the gifts given by The Almighty (money, food, clothes,
time, knowledge etc)
7. Give only good things in charity and not things which you might dislike for yourself
8. Do not give reminders about acts of charity or hurt the ones you have given charity to
9. Live , eat and travel with your spouse
10. Maintain contact and do good towards parents and relatives (e.g. our Prophet
instructed us to visit the sick). And do good towards the orphans and the poor
11. Speak kindly to all people
12. Seek knowledge
13. Trust in The Almighty’s plan. None can fathom His infinite wisdom
14. Repent with true regret and remorse after sinning and correct yourself
15. Remember, remember all the blessings that The Almighty has bestowed
16. Do not advise others to that which you do not do yourself
17. Seek help through patience, perseverance and prayer
18. Be grateful (say Alhamdulillah) after waking up from sleep
19. Eat pure, wholesome and good food
20. Enter all places humbly
21. Do not complain about food
22. Do not ask unnecessary questions
23. Bear in mind the lessons from Al-Quran. Hold on to it with all strength (2: 93)
24. Seek only protection and help from The Almighty (2: 106-7)
25. Do not fear or grieve if you have truly submitted to Allah and are a doer of good (2: 112)
26. Remain conscious of the Day of Judgment (2: 123)
27. Pray for the acceptance of good deeds when doing the deed (2: 127)
28. Enjoin faith and teach religion to your family (2: 132-3)
29. Compete with each other in doing good deeds (2: 148)
30. Do not fear or be in awe of disbelievers or wrongdoers (2: 150)
31. Remember The Almighty and be grateful to Him (2: 152)
32. Do not say that the martyrs are dead
33. Be patient during adversity and bad times (i.e. keep doing good deeds and do not
complain or be unhappy with The Almighty’s decree) (2: 155)
34. When calamity befalls say “Inna lillah hi wa inna ilaihi roji’un” (2: 156)
35. Eat only lawful and good things and give thanks (2: 168, 172)
36. Faith and belief should lead to spending what one loves upon family, orphans, needy,
wayfarer, beggars and for freeing of captives and keeping promises and patience in
adversity (2: 177)

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