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【美〕 MH艾布拉姆斯(Mey盯lloward Abra哪)著

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WWWCe吧吧e日SlaC0m 定价:8200元
【美」 M . H.艾布拉姆斯(Meyer Howard Abrams)著

Literary TermS



艾学犬语词典〔第7版拭中英对照)八美)义布拉妈斯〔 Ab限角s叼H)瞥吴松字等
编译北京;北京大学出版社2 。韶5
(培文资然人文科学系列) 勺


1文U ①艾②灵吐玄学西方国家阅典中英对照丙巧

粼日版本图书馆C丁F橇据核字派。 。动第。 7邢,7弓


uop火蕊川。 1书,吻W耐s分。引几口郎r以犷”即罗】径肖五3
e牲La巴出。,口u 。 」.吕卜目当了乙洲gd ‘必乙改” 「口炙人l 」,t创化论犯曰之d
P巴虑.gU爪v改引沙尸陀朋.sauh盯.此日byCc朽Zag它工口r , , l名忱p 」 H拐卜ardd浅nb以舒e湘上u川v诊,
山Ls肠l 〕比‘ J 」司山G门T川5 ed山cn崛6以一犯rl理d几r粗le . n六〔 P叱日七SRepu淤.c川Chr,。饥卜
〔 e太」 ‘ , ] 19 Hcl准孟c 「簇3A翼执舰a 。吕产尺.n以1引wa川写几吕」比丁谓ede笼p 。,以比L各记d自。 n ,
戮丫j 。比妇。,七ft勿e Cop叮咭狱八。义J讹art司” . sp 」成沈抓IDn ”活岁弓亡挽口。 d以ed盯小川r.丁”耐
b丫足矶y刀ea几吕“从份云改中,助扑”淤盯re七迎,a卿以创n姗川。以t卜之吻丁份姿川r佗r 「盯里邓lO "
。 ft卜已pJ创.叻以
65卜牡r泊阻Way件沮OU下冠马川M讯宕含广g之Por巳06经8 。吕
厂了‘ 0双划r 、 L咙m而健现更名为C七rg艺‘ e乙配了”犷引

标准书号9了37 30卜jo日亡592 00吕1字
阶址:北京译海淀区成府赂又断尽。 。 E71
网址从了p / / ww讲口Lp仁眨电z信箱:p田回p邢,kjc过u朋
电旨:白「脚部右”贺015发行部胶75 。£班编辑部527三。月2出版都52了E ' g石2

越吕由子升nl几6少7压宁n夕雌由千住姑厂」展;",。下11彬」 H cn
M . H.艾布拉姆斯(Meyer Howard Abrams , 1912一)是当代欧美文学理论家和批
评家中的大师级人物。 1912年7月23日,他生于美国新泽西州一个贫寒的犹太家
庭,父亲是一个建筑油漆工。 1930年他考人哈佛大学攻读英语文学专业,成为他们家
“现在工作不好找,与其干着不喜欢的活还挨饿,不如做我感兴趣的文学挨饿。 ” 1934
年他取得学士学位,同年获得亨瑞奖学金(Henry Fellowship)到英国剑桥学习,师从
英国新批评大师瑞恰兹(又译理查兹)教授(1 . A . Richard , 1893一1979)。
理学引人文学理论和文学批评。瑞恰兹和奥格登合作出版《美学原理》(Foundat£on ,
of Aesthetic , , 1921)、 《意义的意义》(Th 。 M亡aning 。 f从比ning , 1923 ),独自完成(批评
原理》(Principles of Literary Criticism , 1924)、 《科学与诗》(Science and Poetry ,
1926)、 《实用批评》(Practical Criticism , 1929)等文学理论和文学批评史上划时代的
著作,成为西方文艺理论界新批评派的权威。 1927年,瑞恰兹到远东旅行结婚,在日
学外语系任教,1931年返回剑桥。 30年代初,瑞恰兹成为奥格登发起的“基本英语”运
动的领袖。 1936年,瑞恰兹来到中国,在赵元任、胡适、叶公超、陈翰笙等的支持下,在
他受邀到哈佛大学任教,直到退休。 1978年,寄寓剑桥的瑞恰兹接到北大校长周培源
返中国。 1979年5月,瑞恰兹来到中国,在桂林、杭州、上海、济南、青岛周游演说,6月
初在青岛病倒,被紧急送到北京协和医院。 1979年7月,中国政府派人护送昏迷的瑞
恰兹回英国剑桥,但他却一直没有苏醒过来。 9月7日,瑞恰兹在剑桥逝世,终年86
燕卜荪(William Empson , 1906一1984)于1925年进人剑桥学习数学。他兴趣广
泛,除有数学天赋,对人文科学亦甚感兴趣。在大二读了T . 5.艾略特的文学论文后,
产生了转学的念头。 1928年10月他转人英文系,跟随系主任瑞恰兹教授研究英国文
下,燕卜荪在193 。年出版了他在1928年完成的著作《晦涩的七种类型》(Seven巧Pe '
。 fAmbiguity ),轰动西方文学理论界。 1931一1934年,燕卜荪在东京大学教英语。
旦、郑敏等,都在西南联大受过他的教诲。 1940年燕卜荪休假回国,因反法西斯宣传
出版的《北大1946一1948 》一书中对他有这样的描述:“燕卜荪是瑞恰兹的弟子,因而
对‘晦涩’ 、 ‘基本英语’都下过工夫,他是现代英国有名的诗人之一;他讲莎士比亚,是
他的夫人最近来参加反对美国扶植日本的大会。 ”他在中国经历了中国抗日战争和解
在中国。 1952年,中国大学开始进行全国性的院系调整,北大、清华、燕京等院校的外
了北大。回到英国,燕卜荪在谢菲尔德大学(Sheffield University)英文系一直任教到
1971年退休。燕卜荪的著作除了上面提到的成名作,还有尸oem , ( 1935)、 Th 。 Gather -
ing Storm ( 1940)、 Collected Poem , ( 1949)、 Milto , ' , God ( 1961)、 Essa夕,on Shake , peare
( 1986)等。鉴于燕卜荪在学术研究、诗歌创作和教育上的杰出贡献,他的母校剑桥大
获得母校高度的肯定。 1979年,英国女王授予他爵士头衔。
艾布拉姆斯小燕卜荪6岁,人瑞恰兹门下也晚燕卜荪6年。 1934年艾布拉姆斯
恰兹的引导下,艾布拉姆斯重点研究英国18世纪诗人及批评家约翰逊(Samuel John -
son)和柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge ),并于1937年和1940年分获文学硕士和
包括像卡勒(Jonathan Culler)、米勒(J Hillis Miller)、科恩(Ralph Cohen)、德里达(Jac -
ques Derrida)等知名学者,从而大大促进了康奈尔大学的人文学术研究。艾布拉姆斯
桃李满天下,著名批评家布卢姆(Harold Bloom)、后现代作家品钦(Thomas Pynchon )
等都出自他门下。艾布拉姆斯著述丰富,最有名的为三部经典:( 1 ) 1953年出版的理
论著作《镜与灯―浪漫主义文论及批评传统》(Tho Mirror and T } lo LamP : Roman
t£:孔eor夕。二“ t人。 cr£tical Tradition ) , ( 2 ) 1957年出版的文学工具书《文学术语词典》
( AGlossaryofLiteratureTerm , ) , ( 3 ) 1962年主编的文学教科书《诺顿英国文学选
读》(Norton Anthology of English Literatur 。)。当今研究和学习英美文学和文学理
作家叶芝和T . 5.艾略特,并阅读过艾略特在出版前送给瑞恰兹的诗歌批评。 《镜与
“模仿说” 、 “实用说” 、 “表现说”和“客观说” : “模仿说”不仅仅是现实主义文论的美学追
( work ) ; 2,世界(universe ) ; 3,艺术家(artist ) ; 4,欣赏者(audience)。在这个以作品、世
《镜与灯》出版后产生了巨大的影响。批评大师韦勒克(Rene Wellek)认为,这部
义。 《时代》文学副刊评论认为,在过去四十多年中,文学理论界曾有过多次规范文学
大的五本著作之一。 21世纪初,在Modern Liberary评出的过去100年内英语写作的
1 。 。部非虚构类作品中,《镜与灯》排在第25位。早在《镜与灯》出版的第二年,它就获
世界的大学课堂。 ”李赋宁先生认为,艾布拉姆斯的英国文学研究和教学的贡献具有
长寿。 2002年,北大出版社编辑《未名译库》,《镜与灯》再次列人出版规划。 2 。 。 3年,
朱金鹏、朱荔翻译的艾布拉姆斯的《文学术语词典》 。当时的书名定为《欧美文学术语
词典》,主要是考虑到本书涉及的文学术语范围都是欧美文学。 199 。年的中文翻译版
是根据本书1981年第4版译出的,第4版比初版增加了许多新条目。 2003年北大出
语词典》 1999年第7版的中文版权。艾布拉姆斯在新版中对原词条做了调整,增加约
5 。余条;精简或删减了一些常识性的词条或是在其他条目中论述到的词条;并对部分
条目做了改动,如“幕”修改为“幕与场” , “唯美主义与颓废派”修改为“唯美主义与唯美
主义运动”,另设“颓废派文艺” , “小说与叙事”改为“小说与真实”,有关叙事学和叙事
理论另设两个新条目,“现代主义”改为“现代主义和后现代主义” , “俄国形式主义”改
《简明牛津文学术语词典》(Tho Concise份ford Dict£onary of Literary Term ,)与《文
学术语与文学理论词典》(D£ctionar , of Literature Terms and Literature Theor夕),两
者所收条目远远超过艾氏的《文学术语词典》 。艾氏的词典条目少而精,!到释很有特
2004年的第8版和2005年的第9版均为艾布拉姆斯与Geoffrey Harpham合作完
书。近年来先后引进出版了《全球通史》(A Globol History : Fro执Pre从storyt 。 the
21st Centu勺)、 《美国人民》(介。 American Peopl 。:Creating A Nation and A Socie -
ty)、 《艺术与观念》(Art , and Ideas ),以及一批心理学、社会学、伦理学等方面的图书,


者艾布拉姆斯还“对旧有版本予以改进和充实” , “对所有条目都进行了重新修订” 。可
会让读者看不懂。 20世纪80年代改革开放后不久,西方的一些文论术语刚被介绍进


本版论述了10 。多个新术语;应许多读者要求,对下列每个术语分别编写了实质


的变体;例如," parodie , "(戏谑模仿的复数形式)和“ parodic "(戏谑模仿的)指的是
" Parod厂(戏谑模仿作品)这一条目j 。对于那些主要是外来的、学生最有可能发错音

出版前言・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … J
序・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ … … 9
原书前言・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 77
中文条目索引・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 13
文学术语・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 1
作者索引・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 666
术语索引・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 696

A 对偶・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 23

哀歌・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … ” " " ' ' ' " 145
哀史・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … ‘ … ‘ " ' " 277翻案诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 401
B 反讽・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 269

反英雄・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 23

柏悲剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 643否定能力・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 349
拉图式恋爱・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  47仿古・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  25版本・  ・  ・,・  ・  ・,・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  143讽刺・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ,・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  …  51
悲伤感・  ,・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・,・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  409浮夸之辞・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  51悲喜剧・  ・  ・  ・ 、,・  、 ・  ・  ・ 、 ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  、 ・  ・一651符号论・  ,・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  5 9

背景・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 569
比喻语・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 193感伤谬误・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 407
编年历史剧 73 感伤主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 569
编年史 75 感受力与想象力・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 175
表现主义・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 1 71哥特式小说・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 221
C 格律・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 319

超现实主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・一621
陈词滥调 75 哈莱姆文艺复兴・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 229
崇高・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・一617涵义与表义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 93
词藻华丽的章节・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 507合唱队・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ … 71
D 黑人艺术运动・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 47

打油诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 139后结构主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 477
当代批评理论,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ … … 641后殖民主义研究・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 、 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,一473
地方色彩・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 291滑稽讽刺作品・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 53
话语分析・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 133
第一人称、基调和言念 435
荒诞派文学・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 3
典故 19

叠句・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 527黄金时代・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 221
定型反应・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 597 J

定型情景・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 597机智、幽默与滑稽・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … “ 9
定型人物・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 595及时行乐・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 63
读者反应批评・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 5 13即兴喜剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 83
短篇小说・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 573假面歌舞剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ … … 307
对话批评・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ … 125降神・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 125
教诲文学・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … …,..… 131 Q
接受理论・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 525七大罪・,・ ・ ・,・,・ ・ ・ ・ 】 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 571
结构主义批评・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 601奇迹剧、道德剧和插剧・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 331
解构主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … In歧义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,… … 21
警句・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 159骑士传奇(或中世纪传奇)・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 69
具体与抽象・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 87骑士恋・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・,… … 97
具像诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 89启蒙运动・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 151

前拉斐尔派画家和诗人・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ … 487
凯尔特文艺复兴・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・.… … 65巧思妙喻・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 85
科幻小说与幻想作品・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 557轻松诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 279
客观的与主观的・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 393情感谬误(又译感受谬误)・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 9
客观对应物・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 395情感文学・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 565
口头程式诗歌・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 401情节・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 449
夸张与含蓄・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 241情节剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 309
垮掉派作家・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 43

人文主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 233
籁歌・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 279人物与人物塑造・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 65
灵瞬・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 161

三一律・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 641
马克思主义批评・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 295散文・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 493
谩骂・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 269尚古主义与进步论・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 489

美国的超验主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 653社会主义现实主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 57 美国文学各时期的划分・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 409神话・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・,・,・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,… 341
梦幻体(又译梦幻寓言体)・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 143诗的破格・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ … 461
民间传说・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  201诗的正义・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  461民谣・  ・  ・,・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・,・ …  37诗节・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・,・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・,・  … 589
摹仿・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ,・  ・  ・  ・  一247诗意辞藻・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ,・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  …  457牧歌・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  405十四行诗(又译商籁诗)・  ・  ・  ・  ・,・  … 581
墓畔诗人・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 225史诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 153
幕和场・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 5史诗明喻・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ … 159

史诗戏剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 159
内心独白・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 579试金石・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 643
拟声词・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 399视角・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 463
逆说・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 403释义与阐释学・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 255
女性主义批评・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 177书本版式・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ … 211
P 抒情诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ … … 293
徘句・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 227属性形容词・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 165
批评(或文学批评)・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 99双关・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 507
思想与感受的分裂・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 135象牙塔・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 277
颂・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 397象征・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 623
T 象征释义和寓意释义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 265

题同性恋理论・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 509谐音与非谐音・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 167
旨与主题・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  …  39象征主义运动・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  629通感・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・ …  631小说・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ‘ ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  …  381
头韵・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 17心腹・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・-・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 93
突降与突降法・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 41心理距离与感情介入・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 137
颓废派文艺・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 109心理学与精神分析批评・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 495
新古典主义和浪漫主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 349

新历史主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 365
唯美主义或唯美主义运动・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,… … 7新批评・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 361
维多利亚时期与维多利亚时期的 形式与结构・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 203
特点・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・一657形式主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 205
伟大的生存(环)链・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 225性格喜剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 83
委婉语・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 167修辞格・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 541
文本批评・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 635修辞学・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 537
文本与书写(书面文字)・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 633修辞学批评・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 539
文化研究・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 107虚构小说与真实・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 189
文体・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 607叙事和叙事学・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 347
文体学・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 6n叙事语法・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 345
文学惯例・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 95玄学派诗人・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 317
文学经典・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 57 Y

文学类型・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 217押韵・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 547
文文字误用・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 295仪轨・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 123
学社会学・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  …  57 哑剧和默剧・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  …  403文艺复兴・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ,・  …  529言语行为理论・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・  ・一583
问题剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 493移情与同情・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 149
乌托邦和反面乌托邦・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 655异化效果・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 9
无韵诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 49意识流・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 597

意图谬误・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 253
喜歌・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 163意象・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 243
喜剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 77意象主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 245
喜剧性调剂・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 83隐喻理论・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 309
戏剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 139应景诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 395
戏剧独白诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 141英国文学各时期的划分・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 421
现代主义和后现代主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 335英雄剧・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 231
现实主义与自然主义・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 521英雄双韵体・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 229
现象学与文学批评・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・一441影射小说・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 551
影响与影响的焦虑・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 249赞美诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 239
尤弗伊斯体・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 1 69张力・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 631
语言学在文学批评里的应用・ ・ ・ … … 281传记・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 45
寓言 l1 自白诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 91
寓言诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 173自然神论・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 125
原型批评 25 自由诗・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … Zn
韵律学・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 495作品基调・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 29
Z 作品删节・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 53
杂文・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 165作者和作者身份・ ・ ・ ・,・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ … … 29

Absurd , L奴eroture of tke . The term 15 applied to a number of works in
drama and prose fiction which have in common the sense that the human
condition 15 essentially at ) surd , and that this condltion can be adequately rep ・
resented only in works of literature that are themselves absurd . Both the
mood and dramaturgy of absurdity were anticipated as early as 1896 in Alfted
Jarry , 5 FrenCh play毋u roi(仍u the King ) . The literatUre has its roots also in
the movements of exPressionism and su脚Iism , as well as in the fiction , writ -
ten in the 19205 , of Franz Kafka(角eT找al,沁tamorPhosis ) . The current move -
ment , howeve乙emerged in France after the horrors ofw匕ridw打11 , asa
r比ellion against essential beliefs and values of traditional CUltUre and tradi -
tional lit6rature , This earller tradition had inctuded the assumptions that
human beings are fairly rational creatUres Who live in an at least partially in -
telligible universe , that they are part of an ordered social structure , and that
they may be caPable of heroism and dignity even in defeat . After the 19405 ,
however , there was a widespread tendency , especially prominent in the exis -
如五al philosOP妙of men of letters such as Jean一Paul Sartre and Albert Camus ,
to view a human being as an isolatede对stent who 15 cast into an alien uni -
verse , to conceiv6 the univ6rse as possessing no inherent truth , value , or
meaning , and to represent human life一m its fruitless search for purpose and
meaning , as it moves from the nothingness Whence it came toward the noth -
Ingness where it must end一as ane劝stence Which 15 both anguished andab -
surd . As Camus said in The柳伪ofs定syP五仍(1942 ) ,
In a universe that 15 suddenly deprived of illusions and of light , man
feels a stranser . His 15 an irremedi北le exile … This divorce between
man and his life , the actor and his setting , truly constitutes the feeling of
Absurdity .
or as Eug之ne Ionesco , French author of劝e Bald SoPrano ( 1949 ),仆e Lesson
( 1951 ) , and other playsln the theater of the absurd , has put it : " Cut off from
hls reli多ous , metaphysical , and transcendental roots , man 15 lost ; all his ac -
tions become senseless , absurd , useless . " Ionesco also said , in commenting on
the mlxtUre of moods in the literature of the absurd : " People drowning in
meaningiessness can only be grotesque , their sufferings can only appear tragic
by derision ・ ”
Samuel Beckett ( 1906一89 ) , the most eminent and influential writer in
this mode , both in drama and in prose fiction , was an lrishman livlng in Paris
who often wrote in French and then translated his works into Enghsh . His
Absurd , Literatrue of the荒诞派文学

( 1942)中写道的:

人,是陌生客。他的流放无可补救… …人与人之间,演员与背景之间的这种

或如同创作了《秃头女高音歌手》(1949)、 《惩诫》(1951)和其他一些荒诞戏剧作品的法
到茫然若失;他的一切行为也都变得毫无意义、荒诞不经而又徒劳无益。 ”尤内斯库在
唐怪诞,他们的遭遇只能以带有嘲弄色彩的悲剧形式体现。 ”

plays , such as腼i瓦ng for Godot ( 1954 ) andEn心ame ( 1958 ) , prolect the irra -
tionalism , helplessness , and absurdity of life in dramatic forms that relect re ・
alistic settings , logical reasoning , or a coherentiy evolving plot.琳对找ng for
GodO亡presents two tramps in a waste place , fruitlessly and all but hopelessly
waiting for an unidentified person , Godot , who may or may note劝st and
with whom they sometimes think they remember that they may have an ap -
pointment ; as one of them remarks , " Nothing happens , nobody comes , no -
body goes , it , 5 awful . " llke most works in this mode , the play 15 absurd in the
double sense that it 15 grotesquely comic and also irrational and nonconse -
quential ; it 15 a parody not only of the traditional assumptions ofw已stern cul -
tUre , but oftheconventionsandgenericformsoftrad1tionaldrama , andeven
of its own inescapable participation in the dramatic medium . The lucid but
eddying and pointless dialogue 15 often funny , and pratfalls and other modes
of slapstick are used to prolect the alienation and tragic anguish of human ex -
istence . Beckett , 5 prose fiction , such asM川oneD泛es ( 1958 ) and仆e Unnamable
( 1960 ) , present an an丘hero Who plays out the absurd moves of the end game
of CIVllization 111 a nonW0rk whiCh tends to underrnine the Cohetence of its
medium , language itself . But typically Beckett , 5 characters carry on , even if in
a life Without purpose , trying to make sense of the senseless and to comrQuni -
cate the uncommuniCable .
Another French play叭lght of the曲surd was Jean Genet ( who combined
absurdism and diabolism ) ; some of the early dramatic works of the English -
man Harold Pinter and the American Edward Albee are in a Similar mode . The
plays of Tom Stoppard , such as RosencrantZ and Guildenste阴Are Dead ( 1966 )
and Traves找es ( 1974 ) , exploit thed州ces of absurdist theater more for comic
than philosophical ends . There are also affinities with this movement in the
numerous recent works WhiCh exploit blackco皿dy orb城k humor : bale -
ful , naive , or inePt characters in a fantastic or nightmarish modern一world play
out their roles in what Ionesco calleda " tragic farce , " in which the events are
often simultaneously comic , horri加ng , and absurd . EXamples are Joseph
Heller , 5 Catch - 22 ( 1961 ) , Thomas Pynchon , sV ( 1963 ) , John Irving , s仆e叭/o rld
According to GarP ( 1978 ) , and some ofthenovelsbytheGermanGunterGrass
and the Americans Kurt Vonnegut , Jr . , and John Barth . Stanley KubriCk , s Dr .
StTa雌elove 15 an example of black comedy in the dnema . More recently , some
playwnghts living in totalitarian regimes have used absurdist technlques to
register social and political protest . see , for example , LargO Desolato ( 1987 ) by
the Czech Vaclav Havel and角e Island ( 1973 ) , a collaboration by the South
A丘ican wrlters Athol Fugard , John Kani , and Winston Ntshona .
See wit , humor , and theco脚ic , and refer to : Martin Esslin,仆e仆ea批ofthe
Absurd ( r ev . , 1968 ) ; David Grossvogel,几e BlasPhemers : The仆eatTe ofBrecht ,
IOnesCO , Beckett , Genet ( 1965 ) ; Arnold P . Hinchliffe,仆e Abs " rd ( 1969 ) ; MaxF .
Schultz , Black枷mor Fic吻” of the Six互es ( 1980 ) ; and Enoch Brater and Ruby
Cohn , eds . , Around theAbsutd : EssaysonMddemandPOs加odemDrama ( 1990 ) .

ACt一d Scene . An act 15 a malor diVisionintheactionofaplay . InEngland
this division was Introduced byEI让abethan dramatists , who imitated ancient
成英文。他的剧作,如《等待戈多》(1954)和《最后一局》(又译《结局》)( 1958 ),采用摒弃现实
发生。谁也没来,谁也没去。这太可怕了。 ”就像大多数同类戏剧一样,该剧的荒诞性也具
《马洛纳之死》(1958)和《无名的人》(1960 ),在试图通过破坏语言自身这一媒介的连贯性的
作品。在汤姆・斯托帕德的剧作如《罗森克兰茨和吉尔登斯特恩都已死去》(1966 )
及《滑稽的模仿》(又译《戏谑》)( 1974)中,剧作家为了促成滑稽而非含有哲理的目
( 1961 ),托马斯・品钦的《玛(1963 ),约翰・欧文的《盖普眼中的世界》(又译《加普的
世界观》)( 1978 ),以及德国作家京特・格拉斯和美国作家小库特・冯尼戈特以及约
参见:机智、幽默与滑稽。参I阅:Martin Esslin , The Theatre oft入‘ A占sur己
( rev . ) , 1968 ; David Grossvogel , The Blasphe饥ers : Th 。 Theatr 。 of Brecht , 10 , esc 。,
Beckett , Genet , 1965 ; Arnold P . Hinchliffe , The Absurd , 1969 ; Max F . Schultz ,
Black Humor Fiction of th 。 Sixties , 1980 ; Enoch Brater and Ruby Cohn , eds . ,
Around the Absurd : Essa夕50 " Mbdern and Postmodern Drama , 1990 。

Act and Scene幕和场


ROman plays by stIUctUring the action into five acts . Late in the ninetee leteellth
Ibsenby a number of writers followed the example of Chekhov and
constmCting plays in four acts . In the present century the most common form
for nonrnusiCald扭mas has been three acts .
Acts are often subdivided into scenes , whlch in modem plays usually
consist of units ofa山on in Which there 15 no change of place or break in the
continuity of time . ( S ome recent plays dispense with the division into acts
and are strUctured as a sequence of scenes , or episodes ・)In the conventional
theater with a proscenium arch that frames the front of the stage , the end of
a scene 15 usually indicatedbyadroppedcurtainoradimmingofthelights ,
and the end of an act by a dropped curtain and an intermission .

肋吐heticism , or the Aesthetic Moveme . t , was a European phenomenon
during the latter nineteenth century that had lts chief headquarters in France ・
In opposition to the dominance of scientific thinking , and in defiance of the
widespread indifference or hostility of the middle一dass society of their time to
any art that was not useful or did not teach moral values , French writers de -
veloped the view that a work of art 15 the suPreme va 】 ue among human prod -
ucts precisely because it 15 self - sufficient and has no use or morala加outside
its own being . The end of a work of art 15 simply to叨st in its formal
perfe比on ; that 15 , to be beautiful and to be contemplated as an end in itself .
A ral丫ng cry of Aesthetici加became the phrase " l , art pourl , art ,,一art for
art , 5 Sake .
The historical roots of Aestheticism are in the views proposed by the Ger -
man philosopher Immanuel Kant in his Cri瓦que oflu边卿ent ( 1790 ) that the
" pure , , aesthetic experience consists ofa " disinterested , , contemplation of an
oblect that " pleases for its own sa缺," without reference to reality or to the
" extemal , , ends of utillty or morality . As a self - consctous movement , howeve耳
French Aestheticism 15 often said to date fromTh乏ophile Gautier , 5 witty de ・
fense of his assertion that art 15 useless ( preface to Mad自” Oiselle de MauPin ,
1835 ) . Aestheticism was developed by Baudelaire , who was greatly influenced
by Edgar Allan Poe , 5 claim ( in " The Poetic Principle , " 1850 ) that the supreme
work isa " poem pers乌’ ' a " poem written solely for the poem , 5 sake , , ; it was
later taken up by Flaubert , Mallarme , and many other writers . In its extreme
form , the aesthetic doc七dne of art for art , 5 sake veered into the moral and
quasi一reli多ous doctrine of life for art , 5 sake , with the artist represented asa
priest Who renounces the practical concerns of ordinarye劝stence in the sery -
ice of what Flaubert and others called " the reli乎on of beauty . "
The vieWS of FrellCh Aestheticism were illttoduCed ifito Victorian Ell -
gland byw砚ter Pater , with his emphasis on higha币fice and stylistic subtle尔
his recommendation to crowd one , 5 life with exquisite sensations , and his ad -
vocacy of the supreme value of beauty and of " the love of art for its own
sake . , , ( See his Conclusion to仆e RenaissanC6 , 1873 . ) The artlstic and moral
views of Aestheticism were aiso expressed by Algemon Chailes SWinbume
and by Ellglish writers of the 18905 such as oscar Wilde , Arthur Symons , and
Lionel Johnson , as well as by the artists J . M . Whistler and Aubr即Beardsley .
照契诃夫和易卜生的做法把戏剧划分为四幕。 20世纪的非音乐剧通常划分为三幕。

触st卜et . c . sm , ort卜e Aest卜etic Movement唯美主义或唯美主义运动

唯美主义的历史根基源于德国哲学家伊曼纽尔・康德在其《判断力批判》(1790 )
戈蒂埃对艺术非实用论的机智辩解[见《莫班小姐》(1835)序言」 。深受埃德加・爱伦・
坡美学思想―最高超的诗作是“为诗而作的诗” t 《诗歌原理》(185 。)〕 ―影响的波
( 1873)的结论一章〕 。唯美主义的艺术主张与道德规则也在阿尔杰农・查尔斯・斯
翰逊以及艺术家J . M.惠斯勒、奥布里・比尔兹利等人的作品中得以体现。某些被唯

The influence of ideas stressed in Aestheticism - - especially the view of the
" autonomyn ( self一sufficiency ) of a work of art , the emphasis on craft and
artistry , and the concept of a poem or novel as an end in itself and as invested
with " intrinslc , , values一has been important in the Writings of prominent
们陀entieth一century authors such as W B . Yeats , T . E . Hulme , and T . 5 . Eliot , as
well as in the literary theory of theN匕F Cri找cs ・
For related developments , see decade " ce and ivo甲tower . Refer to : William
Gaunt,几e Aesthe坑AdventUre ( 1945 , reprinted 1975 ) ; Frank Kermode , RO -
man廿c加叮巴(1957 ) ; Enid Starkie , F阳m Gau灯er to Eliot ( 1960 ) ; R . V . Johnson ,
Aes伪e红cism ( 1969 ) . For the intellec加al and social conditions during the eigh -
teenth centUry that fostered the theory that a work of art 15 an end in itsel瓦
see M . H . Abrams , " Art一as一Such : The Sociology of Modern Aesthetics , " in
Doing仆i雌5 with及x七:ESsa那in Cri廿cis阴and Cri瓦cal角eoly ( 1989 ) . Useful
collections of Wrltings in the Aesthetic Movement are Ian Small , ed .,仆e Aes -
thetes : A SOurcebook ( 1979 ) , and EricW翻mer and Graham HOugh , eds ・,Stra码竿-
ness and Beau尔An Anthol驾夕ofAesthe红c Cri瓦ctsm 1848 - - 1910 ( 2 vols ・;1983)・
A useful descriptive guide to books on the sublect 15 Llnda C . Dowling , Aes -
the五cism and Decadence : A Selec " ve Annotated Bibli驾,p抑(1977 ) .

A到触cti , e Follocy . In an essaypublishedinl946 , W . K . WimsattandMon -
roe C . Beardsley defined the affectivE fallacy as the error of evaluating a poem
by its effectsseespecially its emotional effectseeupon the reader . As a result of
this fallaCy " the poem itself , as an obiect of sp州fically Critical iudgment ,
tends to disappear , " 50 that criticism " ends in impresslonism and relativism . "
The two比tics wrote in direct rea由on to the view of 1 . A.形chards , in his in -
fluential州n即Ies ofLitera即Cri改cism ( 1923 ) , that the value of a poem can be
measured妙the psychological responses it inCites in its readers . Beardsley has
since modified the eailier claim by the admission that " it does not appear that
critical evaluation can be done at all except in relation to certaint即es of ef -
fect that aesthetic Obiects have upon their perceivers . " 50 modified , the doc -
trine becomes a claim for objec瓦vecri跳is琳in whlch the criti乌instead of
describing the effects of a work , focuses on the featUres , devices , and form of
the work by which such effects are achieved . An extteme reaction against the
doctrine of the affectiv6 fallacy was manifested during the 19705 in the devel -
叩ment Of reader-怨毕onse币沈钻m .
Refer to : Wnnsatt and Beardsle又“ The Affective Fallacy , " reprinted in
W . K.勺Vlmsatt,仆e Verbal ICOn ( 1954 ) ; and Monroe C . Beardsley ) Aesthetics :
尸阳ble阴5 in thePhilosoP抑ofCriticis阴(1958 ) , p . 49landchapterll . Seealso
Wjmsatt and Beardsley , S related concePt of the inten扮onal falla华

月正enotionE到rect . In his ePic thea妙of the 19205 and late不the Germ
aI胳er加m ・几Gt

dramatist Bertolt Brecht adapted the Russian fonnalist concept of " defamili硕
tionn into what he called the " alienation effect , )(枷加用血娜£加幼.The
man term 15 also translated as estrange刃。 ent团免ct or distancing
last 15 closest to Brecht , 5 notion , in that it avoids the connotat10n of
性、诗歌与小说独立于生活并具有“内在”价值等,对20世纪著名作家W . B.叶芝、 T .
E.休姆和T . 5.艾略特的创作,以及“新批评派”的文学理论都产生了重要的影响。
相关发展情况参见:颓废派文艺和象牙塔。参阅:William Gaunt , Th己Aes艺hetic
Ad珑nture , 1945 , rep石nted 1975 ; Frank Kermode , Ro柳ntic介故罗,1957 ; Enid Starkie ,
From Gautier to Eliot , 1960 ; R . V . Johnson , Aesthet£cism , 1969 。关于18世纪产生“艺
术品自身即是目的”这一理论的知识界与社会条件,参见:M . H . Abrams , " Arta , Such :
The Sociology of Modern Aesthetics " , in Doing Things切ith Texts : Essa夕5 in Crit£-
cism and Cr艺tical Theo划,1959 。唯美运动中实用的论著选集,参见:Ian Small , ed . ,
The Aes ‘阮te : : A Sourcebook , 1979 ; Eric Warner and Graham Hough , eds . , Strangeness
and Beauty : An Antholog夕of Aesthetic Criticis抓1848刁910 , 2 vols . ; 1983 。关于该主
题有关书籍的实用性描述指南,参见:Linda c . Dowling , Aest人eticism an己Deca -
dence : A SelectiveA柞notated Bibl乞ograph夕,1977 。

Affective Fa } } acy情感谬误(又译感受谬误)

W . K.维姆萨特和门罗・ C.比尔兹利在其1946年联合发表的论文中把“情感谬
和相对主义” 。这两位批评家对1 . A.理查兹在其颇有影响的著作《文学批评原理》
( 1923)中提出的观点,做出了直接回应,理查兹认为诗歌的价值可以通过其在读者心
只有凭借美的事物赋予欣赏者的种种感受才能对它进行评价。 ”这种修正后的文学批
作品取得艺术感染力的特征、手段和形式。 20世纪70年代发展起来的读者反应批评
参l列:Wimsatt and Beardsl即," The Affective Fallacy , " reprinted in W . K . Wimsatt ,
Jr . , The Verbal Icon , 1954 ; Monroe C . Beardsley , Aesthet£cs : Problems艺n zhe Ph ' -
losop人y of criticism , 1955 , P . 491 and Chap . 11 。也请参l阅维姆萨特和比尔兹禾,J的

A } ienation Eftect异化效果

2 。世纪20年代及其以后,德国剧作家贝尔托尔特・布莱希特在其《史诗戏剧》中
把俄国形式主义批评家提出的“陌生化”概念转换成“异化效果” 。这一德文术语也被

incapacity to feel , and sodal apathy that the word " alienation , , has acquired in
. Thls effect , Brecht said , 15 used to make familiar aspects of the present

・ U H . 1
social reality seem strange , 50 as to prevent the emotional identification or

n - 115 . m
volveme狱Of the audiencev爪h the characters and their actions in a play .
aim was instead to evoke a crltical distance and attitude in the spectators ,
order to arouse them to take action against , rather thans加ply to accePt , the
state of society and behavior represented on the stage ・
on Brecht , refer toM比rxist币红c定s娜for a related aesthetic concept , see
成5故nce and invoZve从ent .

Allegory . An allegory 15 a narrative , whether in prose or verse , in which the
agents al 5 and actions , and sometimes the set ing as wel  , are contrived by the authort ( to make coherent sense on the " literal , " or primar又level of significa -
tion , and at the same time to signify a second , correlated order of signifi ・
Catiofi .
W亡can distinguish two main types : ( l ) Historical and political allegory ,
in Which the characters anda由ons that are signifled literally in their turn
represent , or " allegoriZe , " historical personages and events ・ 50 in John Dry -
den , s Absalom and AchitOPhel ( 1681 ) , nng David represents Charles 11 , Absa ・
lom represents his natural son the Duke of Monmouth , and the biblical story
of Absalom , 5 rebellion against his father ( 2 Samuel 13一18 ) allegorizes the re -
bellion of Monmouth against摊ng Charles . ( 2 ) The allegory of ideas , in which
the literal characters rePresent concepts and the plot ailegorizes an abstract
doctrine or thesis . Both types of allegory may either be sustained throughout
awork , asinAbSatomandAchitOPheIandJohnBunyan , s仆ePi恻水,s PrOJ琳55
( 1678 ) , or else serve merely as an episode in a nonallegorical work . A famed
example of episodic allegory 15 the encounter of Satan with his daughter Sin ,
as well as with Death - - w ho 15 represented allegorically as the son bom of
their incestUous relationship月n John Milton , 5 Paradise LOst , Book 11 ( 1667 ) .
In the second type , the sustained allegory of ideas , the central device 15
the person诉ca灯on of abstract entities such as virtUes , vices , states of mind ,
modes of life , and types of character . In explicit allegories , such reference 15
specified by the names given to characters and places . Thus Bunyan , s仆e Pil -
洲m , s乃’ o8哪5 allegorizes the Christian doctrine of salvation by telling how
the character named Christian , warned by Evangelist , flees the City of De -
structton and makes his way laboriously to the Celestial City ; enroute he en -
counters characters with names like Faithful , Hopeful , and the Giant Despai兀
and passes through places like the S10ugh of Despond , the Valley of the
Shadow of Death , and Vanity FaiL A passage from this work indicates the na -
ture of an explicit allegorical narrative :
Now as Christian was walking solltary by himself , he espied one afar off
come crossing over the field to meet him ; and their hap was to meet } ust
as they were crossing the Way of each other . The Gentleman , 5 name was
Mr . Wbrldly ・ Wiseman ; he dwelt in the TOwn of Carnal一Policy , a very
great Town , and also hard by from whence Christian came ,


我们可以把寓言划分为两种主要类型:( 1)历史与政治寓言:借助字面上描写的
( 1681)中的大卫王象征着查理二世,押沙龙代表他的私生子蒙默思公爵,引用《圣经》
菲尔》和约翰・班扬的((天路历程》(1678 ),也可能只用于一部非寓言作品的某个情
离“灭亡城”,历尽艰辛奔赴“天城”,路逢名为“忠信” 、 “盼望”与“绝望”等人,途经“灰心
潭” 、 “死荫谷”和“虚华集市” 。以下的原文摘录可以表现出其讽喻鲜明的特性:


WbrkS which are primarily nonallegorical may introduce allegorical im -
a罗ry ( the personification of abstract entities who perform a brief allegorical
action ) in short passages ・ Familiar instances are the opening lines of Mllton , s
L , A 11卿’ O and 11 Penseroso ( 1645 ) . This device was exploited especially in thepo -
e瓦c dic找on of authors in the mid一eighteenth century . An exampl卜50 brief
that it presents an allegoric tableau rather than an actionesls the passage in
Thomas Gray , s " Elegy Whtten in a Country Churchyardn ( 1751 ) :
Can Honour , 5 volce provoke the silent dust ,
or Flatt , ry soothe the dull cold ear of Death ?

Allegory 15 a narrative strategy which may be employed in any literary
form or genre . The early sixteenth一century Evely阴an 15 an allegory in the form
of a morali今pla环肠e Pi恻m , s乃’ Oj尸55 15 a moral and religious allegory ina
prose narrative ; Edmund Spenser , s角e撇e成伽eene ( 159孚96 ) fuses moral ,
religious , historical , and political allegory in a versero阴ance , . the third book of
Jonathan Swift , 5 Gulliver , s Travels , the voyage to Laputa and Lagado ( 1 726 ) , 15
an allegorical sa伽directed mainly against philosophical and scientific
pedantry ; and William Collins , " ode on the Poetical Character , , ( 1747 ) isa
树c poem Which allegorizes a topic in literary criticismeethe nature , sources ,
and power of the poet , s creative imagination . John Keats makes a subtie use of
allegory throughout his ode " TO Autumn , , ( 1820 ) , most explicitly in the sec ・
ond stanza , which represents autumn personified as a female figure amid the
scenes and actlvities of the harvest season .
Sustained ailegory was a favorite form in the Middle Ages , when it pro ・
duced masterpieces , especially in the verse一narrative mode of the dream , ision ,
in which the narrator falls asleeP and experiences an allegoric dream ; this
mode includes , in the fourteenth century , Dante , 5 Di讨ne Comed书the French
Ro嫩an de la Rose , Chaucer , 5 HOuseo厂Fame , and William Langland , 5 Piers PIOw -
man . But sustained allegory has been认的tten in all literary periods and js the
form of such malor nineteenth一century dramas in verse as Goethe , 5 Faust , Part
11 , Shelley , s彻metheus Unbound , and Thomas Hardy , s升。刀娜as七.In the
present century ' the stories and novels of Franz Kafka can be considered in -
stances of imPlicit allegory .
A variety of literaryge力res may be classified as species of allegory in that
they all narrate one coherent set of circumstances which signify a second
order of correlated meanings :
A fable ( also called an aPologue ) 15 a short narrative , in prose or verse ,
that exemplifies an abstract moral thesls or principle of human behavior ;
usually , at its conclusion , either the narrator or one of the characters states
the moral in the form of aneP如理m . Most common 15 the beast fable , in
which animals talk and act like the human types they rePresent . In the famil -
iar fable of the fox and the grapes , the fox - - after exe觅ng all his wiles to get
the grapes hanging beyond his reach , but in vainweseconcludes that they are
probably sour anyway : the exPress moral 15 that human beings belittle what
they cannot get ・(The modern term " sour grapes , , derives from this fable . ) The
beastfable 15 a very anclent form thate劝sted in Egypt , India , and Greece . The

( 1645)的开头部分就有这种人们熟悉的范例。诗意词藻条目中的18世纪中期的作家


寓言是任何文学形式或体裁都可采用的一种叙事技巧。 16世纪早期的《每人》就
是这样一则道德剧形式的寓言故事。 《天路历程》是叙事散文体的道德、宗教寓言。
( 1726)为寓言性讽刺刁、说,旨在暴露当时的哲学与科学学究们的迁腐自大。此外,威
化梦境。这种体例包括14世纪但丁的《神曲》 、法国寓言长诗《玫瑰传奇》 、乔雯的《名
望之屋》(又译《声誉之宫)))和威廉・朗格兰的《农夫皮尔斯》 。寓言创作遍及各个文
《浮士德》第二部、雪莱的《解放了的普罗米修斯》 、托马斯・哈代的《列王》 。当代的弗
14 ALL 〔 GO盯

fables inw比tern cultures derive mainly from the stories attributed to Aesop ,
a Greek slave of thes议th centuryB ・ C . In the seventeenth century a French -
man , Jean de la Fontaine , wrote a set of witty fables in verse which are the
classics of this literary kind . Chaucer , s " The Nun , 5 Priest , s几le , " the story of
the cock and the fox , 15 a beast fable . The Americanjoe Chandler Harriswrote
many Uncle Remus stories that are beast fables , told insouthem African ・
American dialect , Whose origins have been traced to folk匆les in the oral liter -
ature ofw比t Amca that fea加re a trickster like Uncle Remus , Brer Rabbit . ( A
trickster 15 a character in a story Who persistently uses his wiliness , and gift of
gab , to achieve his ends by outmaneuvering or ou妇劝tting other characters . ) A
counterpart in many North Amerlcan Indian cultures are the beast fables that
feature Coyote as the central trickster . James Thurber , s凡bles for our Time
( 1940 ) 15 a recent set of short fables ; and in Animal Fann ( 1945 ) George orwell
exPanded the beast fable into a sustained satire on the political and social sit -
uation in the mid一幻陀entieth century .
stress the tacit analogy , or parallel , with a general thesis or lesson that the nar -
rator ist币ng to bring home to hls audience . The parable was one ofjesus , fa -
vorited州ces as a teacher ; examples are Hls parables of the good Samaritan
and of the prodigal son . Here 15 His terse parable of the fig tree , Luke 13:企9 :
He spake also this parable : A certain man had a fig tree planted in his
vineyard ; and he came and sought加it thereon , and found none . Then
said he unto the dresser of his vineyard , " Behold , these three yearsl
come seeking fruit on thls fig tree , and find none : cut it down ; why cum ・
bereth it the ground ? , ) And he answering said unto him , " Lord , let it
alone this year also , till 1 shall dig about it , and dung it . And if it bears
frUlt , well : and if not , then after that thou shalt cut it down . , ,

助cently Mark Tume称in a greatly extended use of仇e term , has used " para -
ble , , to signify any " pr01ection of one story onto another , " or onto many oth -
ers , whether the proiection 15 intentional or not . He proposes that , in this
extended sense , parable 15 not merely a literary or didac廿cd州ce , but " a basic
cognitive principle , , that comes into play in interpreting " every level of our
experiencen and that " shows uP everywhere , from simple actions like telling
time to complex literary creations like Proust , 5 A Ia recherche du ten功5 perdu . "
( M ark几rne称仆e Litera甲Mind , New York , 1996 . )
An exemphim 15 a storytoldasaparticularinstanceofthegeneraltheme
in a rellgious sermon . Thed州ce was popular in the Middle Ages , when exten ・
siv6 colleCtions of exempla , some historical and some legendary , were prepared
for use by preachers . In Chaucer , s " The Pardoner , 5 Tale , " the Pardoner , preach -
ing on出e theme " Greed 15 the root of all evll , " incorporates as exemplum the
tale of the three drunken revelers who set out to find Death and find a heap of
gold instead , only after all to find Death when they klll one another in the
attempt to gain sole possession of the treasure.匆extension the term " exem -
pinm , , 15 also applied to tales used in a formal , though nonreligious , exhorta -
tion . Thus Chaucer , s Chanticlee乙in " The Nun , s Priest , s几le , " borr0Ws the
preacher , 5 technique in the ten exempla he tells in a vain effort to persuade

叫伊索的希腊奴隶。 17世纪法国诗人让・德・拉封丹写了一系列风趣诙谐的寓言
福音》(13 : 6一9)里基督以无花果树为题的简洁的醒世寓言故事:

摘无花果都是空手而还。干吗让它空占着一块地呢?干脆砍掉它。 ”园丁回
到时再砍掉吧。 ”

16 ALLI下〔肋刀oN

his skeptical wife , Dame Pertefote the hen , that bad dreams forebode disaster . Se  G . R . owst , Litera加re and the即IPit in枚dieVal England ( Znd ed ・,1961 ,
chaPter4)・ Many proverbs ( short , pithy statements of widefy ac epted trUths about everyQay il e ) are al egorl ‘山in tl 改tl the explicit statement 15 meant to have ,
ryday life ) are allegorical in that
by analogy or by extended reference , a general application : " a stitch in time
saves nine , , ; " people in glass houses should not throw stones . " Refer to介把
。义脚ra刀砚cnona甲O了乙雌“ sn尸rove巾凡eo ・ W ・行・ smltn andh只Wllson ( 1 , 7U)・
See dida币c,护脚加l ( for the distinction between allegory and symbol ) ,
and ( on the fourfold allegorical interpretation of the Bible ) interPreta灯on:妙O -
l州cal and allegO月cal . on allegory in general , consult C . 5 . Lewis,仆e AllegOIy
ofLove ( 1936 ) , chapterZ ; Edwin Honig , Dark Conceit仆eM比kingo厂AllegO甲
( 1959 ) ; Angus Fletcher , AllegO酬仆e升co甲ofas加bolic MOde ( 1964 ) ; Rose -
mund TUve , All6gorical加昭己甲(1966 ) ; Michael Murrin,劝e珑11 ofAll6go尽
( 1969 ) ; Maureen Qllilligan,角e La雌“昭祀ofAll6gO甲(1979 ) .

Alllterotion 15 the repetition of a speech sound in a sequence of nearby
words . The ter们n 15 usually applied only to consonants , and only when the re -
current sound begins a word or a stressed syllable within a word . In old En -
giish ailiterative meter , alliteration 15 the princiPal organizingd州ce of the
verse line : the verse 15 unrhymed ; each line 15 divided into two half - lines of
two strong stresses by a decisive pause , or caesura , . and at least one , and usu -
ally both , of the two stressed syllables in the first half - line alliterate with the
first stressed syllable of the second half - line . ( In this type of versificationa
vowel was considered to alliterate with any other vowel . ) A number of Middle
助glish poems , such as William Langland , 5 Piers Plowman and the romance Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight , both written in the fourteenth centu琳contin ・
ued to use and play variations upon the old alliterative meter ・(See stro叹犷sb肖s
meters . ) In the opening line of Piers Plowma札for example , all four of the
stressed syllables alliterate :
In a s6mers乏son , when s6ft was the s6nne.…

In later English versification , howeve兀alliteration 15 used only for special sty -
listic effects , such as to reinforce the meaning , to link related words , or to pro -
vide tone color and enhance the palpability of enunciating the words . An
example 15 the repetitions of the s ' th , and w consonants in Shakespeare , 5 Son -
net 30 :

When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
1 summon up remembrance of things past ,
1 sigh the lack ofmanyathinglsought
And with old woes new wail my dear time , 5 waste,…
Various other repetitions of speech sounds are identified by special terms :
Consonance 15 the repetition of a sequence of勺四0 or more consonants ,
but with a change in the intervening vowel : live一love , lean一alone , pitter -
patter . W . H . Auden , 5 poem of the 19305 , " ' 0 where are you going ? , said
reader to ride乙” makes prominent use of thisd州ce ; the last stanza reads :

梦预示灾祸的道理。参见G . R.奥斯特的《文学与中世纪英格兰的布道》(第2版,
它们形式简明,借以类推或外延意义,具有广泛的实用性:像“防微杜渐” ; “自身有短,
休惹他人”等。参见W . G.史密斯与F . P.威尔逊编著的《牛津英语谚语辞典》(197 。)。
经》四重喻意的解释)。关于寓言的一般论述,参看:C . 5 . Lewis , Th君Allegoryof
Lov 。,1936 , Chap . 2 ; Edwin Honig , Dark Conceit : TheM诚in召of Allego勺,1959 ;
Angus Fletcher , Allego勺:The几eor夕of as夕n , bolic Mdde , 1964 ; Rosemund Tuve ,
Alleg 〔,rical Imag心r夕,1966 ; Michael Murrin , The Veil of Allegor夕,1969 ; Maureen
Quilligan , The五anguage of Allegor夕,1979 。


文爵士与绿衣骑士》 。两部作品都作于14世纪,沿用了古体头韵的各种变体形式(参

十四行诗中就有以辅音,、 th 、 w形成的头韵:

旧恨新怨使我痛悼磋蛇的时光… …(辜正冲译)

Iiv于IOve , lea介alone , pitter一patter 。 W . H.奥登在作于20世纪30年代的《何往?》这首

" Out of this house , , - said万泛盯to reader ,
" YOurs never will即一said户rer to fea喊
" They , re looking for you " said hearerto儿。脚‘
As he left them there , as he left them there . *
Assonance 15 the repetition of identical or similar vowels - esespedally in
stressed sytlableseeln a sequence of nearby words . Note the recurrent long 1 in
the opening lines of Keats , " ode on a Grecian Um , , ( 1820 ) :
Thou still unr州shed bride of quietriess ,
叨lou foster child of silenCe and slow time.…

The richly assonantal effect at theb匆nning of William Collins , " ode to
Evening , , ( 1747 ) 15 achieved勿a patterned sequence ofchan矛ngvowels :
If aught of oaten stop or pastoral song ,
May hope , chaste EVe , to soothe thy pensive eaL …
For a special case of the repetition of vowels and consonants In combina -
tion , seerh脚e .

Allusion 15 a passing reference , without explicit identification , to a literary
or historical person , place , or event , or to another literary work or passage ・ In
the Ellzabethan Thomas Nashe , s " Litany in Time of Plague , "
Brightness falls from the air )
Queens have died young and faif ,
Dust hath closed Helen , 5 eye ,
the unidentified " Helen , , in the last line altudes to Helen of Troy . Most allu -
sions serve to illustrate or expand upon or enhance a subiect , but some are
used in order to undercut it ironically by the discrePancy between the subie改
and the allusion . In the lines from T . 5 . Eliot , s介e下撇ste Land ( 1922 ) describ -
ing a woman at her modern dressing table ,
The Chair she sat in , like a burnished throne ,
Glowed on the marble , * *

the iro儿ic altusion , achieved by echoing Shakespeare , s phrasing , 15 to Cleopa -
tra , 5 magnificent barge in Anto恻and CleoPatTa ( 11 . 11 . 196 ff . ) :
The barge she sat in , like a burnish , d throne ,
Bum , d on the water .

For discussion of a poet Who makes persistent and complex use of this
d州ce , see Reuben A . Brower , Alexander POPe ..劝e POe即ofAllusion ( 1959 ) ; see
also John Hollander,仆eF妙re OfEchO : A Mdde OfAllUSion in Milton andA加r
( 1981 ) ; and Edwin Stein,不钧rdswo肋,s Art ofAlluston ( 1988 ) .

* Lines from " 0 where are you going ? , , ftom议H . A " d即:COllected POems 1927 - - 1夕57 by
W . H . Auden , ed . by Edward Mendelson . Copyright 01934 and renewed 1962 by W . H .
Auden . Reprinted by permission of Random House , Inc . , and Faber & Faber Ltd .
* * Lines from " TheW韶te Land , ) ftom COllectedPO翻5 1909 - - 1962 by T . 5 . Eliot , coPyright
1936 by Harcourt Bracejovanovich , Inc . , coPyrightol964 , 1963byT . S . Eliot.取printedby
permission of Harcourt Bracejovanovich and Faber and FaberLtd .

“走出这间屋子” ―骑手对读书人说,
“你们的决不会” ―旅行者对受惊的人说,
“他们正在寻找你” ―听者对令人生厌的人说,
受过了沉默和悠久的抚育… …(穆旦译)
可否期盼贞节的夏娃,抚慰你忧郁的听觉… …



在《荒原》(1922)中,诗人T . 5.艾略特对一位在时髦的梳妆台前的现代妇女所作的描写:
有关惯于综合运用典故手法的诗人的论述,参阅鲁本・ A.布劳尔的《亚历山大・蒲柏
及其典故诗作》,1959 。亦可参见:John Hollander , Th己Figure of Ech 。:A人肠de ofA " u -
sion inM汀to , and人fter , 1981 ; and Edwin Stein , Words二orth ' ' Artof
Allusion , 1988 。

引自《 W . H.奥登:诗歌选集,1927一1957 》,爱德华・门德尔松主编。 1934年版及1962年
新版版权归w . H.奥登。转载得到了兰登出版有限公司和费伯色费伯有限责任公司的许可。
引自T . 5.艾略特《 1909一1962诗歌选集》中的《荒原》 。 1936年版权归哈科特・布鲁斯出
版有限公司,1964 、 1963年版权归T . S.艾略特。转载得到了Harcout Brace Jovanovich出版社和
20 AM已IGulTY

SinCe allusionS are not explicitly identified , they imply a fund of knowi -
edge that 15 sharedby an author and the audience for whom the author
writes . Most literary allusions are intended to be recognized by the generally
educated readers of the author , 5 tlme , but some are aimed at a special coterle .
For example , in As如P儿el anJ Stella , the Elizabethan sonnets匀uence , Sir Philip
Sidney , s punning allusions to Lord RObert形ch , who had married the Stella of
the sonnets , were identifiable only by intimates of the peoPle concerned . ( See
Sonnets 24 and 37 ・)Some modem authors , includingjoyce , Pound , and Eliot ,
include allusions that are very specialized , or else drawn from the author , 5 pri -
vate reading and eXperience , in the awareness that few if any readers will rec -
ogn让e them prior to the detective work of scholarly annotators . The current
term intertex扭ali印inctu改5 literary echoes and altusions as one of the many
ways in which any text 15 inteilinked with other texts .

人.心五gulty ・ In ordinary usage " ambigu仰,, 15 aPplied to a fault in style ; that
15 , the use of a vague or equivocal expression when What 15 wanted 15 preci -
sion and partiCUlarity of referenCe . Since William Empson published Seven
加es ofAmbigUi妙(1930 ) , howeve乙thetermhasbeenwidelyusedincriticism
to identi印a deliberate poetic device : the use of a single word or exPression to
signify two or more distinct references , or to express two or more diverse atti -
tudes or feelings . Multiple meaning and phirisignation are alternative terms
for this use of language ; they have the advantage of avoiding the pelorative
assoctation with the word " ambiguity . , ,
When Shakespeare , S Cleopatra , exciting the asp to a frenzy , says ( A nto即
and CleoPa如,V . 11 . 306 ff . ) ,
Come , thou mortal wretCh ,
With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate
of life at once untie , Poor venomous fool ,
Be ang以and dispatch ,
her speech 15 richly multiple in significance . For example , " mortal , , means
" fatal " or " death一deaiing , " and at the same time may signify that the asP 15 it -
self mortal , or subiect to death . " W比tch " in this context serves to exPress
both contempt and pity ( Cleopatra goes on to refer to the asp as " my baby at
my breast , / That sucks the nurse asleep , , ) . And the铆0 meanings of " dis -
patch ,,一“ make haste " and “妞1 , ‘妞re equally relevant .
A special type of muitiPle meanlng 15 conveyed by the portr以anteau
word . The term was introduced into literary criticism by Humpty Dumpty ,
the exPert on semantics in Le,厅5 Carroll , s角roug)王the Looking Glass ( 1871 ) . He
15 explicating to Alice the meaning of the opening lines of ' Jabberwocky , , :
' TWas brillig , and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe ・
" Slithy , " Humpty Dumpty explained , " means ' lithe and slimy ,.… You see
it , S like a portmanteaueethere are two meanings packed up into one word . "
Jamesjoyce exPloitedthisdevice一thefusionoftwoormoreexistingword卜
in order to sustain the multiple levels of meaning throughout his long dream


晦涩。自193 。年威廉・燕卜荪发表《七种歧义类型》(又译《晦涩的七种类型》 、 《朦胧的


( 1871)描写的那位语义专家汉普蒂・丹普蒂引人文学批评领域的,他对爱丽丝解释

在摇摆中旋转和平衡。 (赵明菲译)

汉普蒂・丹普蒂解释说:“滑动就是‘光滑’和‘流动’ … …你看,这就是一个合并词,两
个意思装在一个词里了。 ”詹姆斯・乔伊斯为了在他的长篇梦境小说《芬尼根的觉醒》

narrative Finnegansl论ke ( 1939 ) . An example 15 his comment on girls Who are
" yUng and easily freudened , , ; " freudened , , combines " frightened , , and
" Freud , " while " yUng , , combines " youngn and Slgmund Freud , 5 rival in depth
psycholo邪Carl Jung . ( Compare pun . ) " Diff6rance , " a key analytic term of
the philosopher of language Jacques Derrida , 15 a portmanteau noun Which
he describes as comb而ng two diverse meanings of the French verb " diff6rer , , :
" to differ , , and " to defer . " ( See deconshac如n . )
William Empson ( who , in analyZing poetic ambigui尔named and en -
larged upon a literary phenomenon that had been noted by some earlier Crit -
ics ) helped make CUrrent a mode of群户liCa如n developed especially by
exponents of the入砂wCri灯cism , which greatiy exPanded the awareness by
readers of the complexity and richness of poetic language . The risk , at times
exemplified by Empson and other recent Critics , 15 that the intensivE quest for
ambiguities will result in over - reading : ingenious , overdrawn , and some -
times contradlctory explications of a literary word or passage .
For related terms see connota瓦on and denota互on and pun . In addition to
Empson , refer to Philip wheelwright,劝e Buming FOuntain ( 1954 ) , especially
chapter 4 . For critiques of Empson , 5 theory and practice , seejohnCroweRan -
som , " Mr . Empson , 5 Muddles , ' ‘仆e South溯Review4 ( 1938 ) , and Elder olson ,
" William Empson , Contemporary Criticism and Poetic Diction , " in Cri瓦cs and
Cri沈15批ed . R . 5 . Crane ( 1952 ) .

A . d血ero . The chief person in a modern novel or play whose character 15
widely discrepant from that whlch we ass州ate with the traditional protago -
nist or hero of a serious llterary work . Instead of manlfesting largeness , dignity ,
power , or herolsm , the antihero 15 pet尔ignominious , passive , ineffedual , or
dishonest . The use of nonheroic protagonists occurs as earfy as the picaresque
novel of the sixteenth centuly , and the heroine of Defoe , s Moll Flanders ( 1 722 )
15 a thief and a prostitute . The term " antihero , " however , 15 usually applied to
writings in the period of disillusiona旅r the Second WbridM白r , beginning
with such protagonists as we find in JohnW缸n , 5 Huny on Down ( 1953 ) and
枪ngsley Amis , Luc勺li脚(1954 ) . Notable later instances in the novel are YOs -
s硕an in JosePh Heller , 5 Catch - 22 ( 1961 ) , Humbert Humbert In Vlad加ir
Nabokov , S Lolita ( 1955 ) , and介rone Slothrop in Thomas Pynchon , 5 Gm讨印,s
Rainbow ( 1973 ) . The antihero 15 esPecially conspicuous in dramatic tragedy , in
which the protagonist had usually been of high estate , dignity , and courage
( see tT0lgedy ) . Extreme instances are the characters who people a world striPPed
of certainties , values , or even meaning in Samuel Beckett , s dramas一the tramps
讥adimir and Estragonin腼i丘ng for Godot ( 1952 ) or the blind and paralyzed
old man , Ha们。 rn , who 15 the protagonist in枷心口me ( 1958 ) . See llterature of
the absu耐and black comed)二and refer to Ihab Hassan , “功e Antihero in Mod -
em British and Anlerican Fiction , " in Rumors ofCha玛阳(1995 ) .

A " U侧卜esis 15 a contrast or opposition in the meanings of contiguous
Phrases or clauses that manifest Parallelism一that 15 , a simllar word一order
and structure一in theirs娜橄.An example 15 Alexander Pope , 5 description of

( 1939)中取得语义的多重效果而充分运用了这种修辞手法,即把两个或更多的词混
合在一起。例如他对“ yung and easily freudened ”的姑娘们所作的评论中,freudened
思:" differ "(相异)和“ de允r ' '(拖延)(参见:解构主义)。
相关术语参见:涵义与表义以及双关语。除燕卜荪外,还可参考PhiliP Whee卜
wright , T人。 Burn泛ng Founjat£on , 1954,尤其是书中第4章。关于对燕l 、荪的理论
和实践的批评,参见:John crowe Ransom , " Mr . Empson ' 5 Muddles , " The Southern
Revie叨,4 , 1938 , and Elder Olson , " William Empson , Contemporary Criticism and
Poetic Diction , " in Cr乞t艺cs and Cr艺t乞。艺sm , ed . , R . 5 . Crane , 1952 。


( 1961)中的约瑟连、弗拉基米尔・纳博科夫《洛莉塔》(1955)中的亨伯特・亨伯特,以
老汉姆。参见:荒诞派文学和黑色喜剧,参阅:Ihab Hassan , " The Antihero in Mod -
ern British and American Fiction , " in Rumor , of Change , 1995 。



Atticus in his印istle to Dr . Arbuthnot ( 1735 ) , " Willingtowound , andyetafraid
to strike . " In the antithesis in the second line of Pope , s description of the
Baron , 5 designs against Belinda , in仆e Rape ofthe Lock ( 1714 ) , the parallelism
in the syntax 15 made especially promlnent by allitera以on in the antithetic
n0UnS :

Resolved to win , he meditates the way ,
By加rce tor州sh , orby斤aud betray .
In a sentence from Samuel Johnson , s prose fiction Rasselas ( 1 759 ) , chapter 26 ,
the antithesis 15 similarly heightened by the alliteration in the contrasted
nouns : " Marriage has many pains , but celibacy has no pleasures . "

Archolsm . The literary use of words and expressions that have becomeob -
solete in the common speech of an era . Spenser in仆e Faerie Queene ( 159 〕 96 )
deliberately emp10yed archaisms ( many of them derived from Chaucer , 5 me -
dieval English ) in the attempt to achieve a poetic style appropriate to his re -
vival of the medieval chival爪ro切ance . The translators of the抢ng James
Version of the Bible ( 1611 ) gave weight , dignity , and sonority to their prose
by archaicr州vais . Both Spenser and the租ngjames Bible have in their turn
been maior sources of archaisms in Milton and many later authors . When
Keats , for example , in his ode ( 1820 ) described the Grecian urn as " with brede
/ of marble men and maidens ove门形rought , " he used archaic words for " braid , ,
and " worked [ t hat 15 , ornamented ] all over . " Abraham Lincoln achieved
solemnity by biblical archaisms in his " Gettysburg Address , " which begins ,
" Fourscore and seven years ago . " Aichaism has been a standard resort for po -
e找c dic如n . Throu劝the nineteenth century . for examDle . manv ooets contin -
ueQ to use ' ' 1 ween , ' " metnougnt , " ' ' steeQ , ' ' ' ' taper , , ( tor candle ) , and " mom , "
but only In their verses , not their everyday speech .

Arch肉甲目Cdticism . In literary Critictsm the term arche协甲e denotes re ・
CUrrent narrative designs , pattems of aCtion , character-协甲es , themes , and im -
ages which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature , as well as in
myths , dreams , and even sodal rituals . Such recurrent items are held to be the
result of elemental and unlversal forms or pattems in the human psyche , whose
effective embodiment in a literary work evokes a profound response from the
attentive reader , because he or she shares the archetyPes expressed by theau ・
thor . An important antecedent of the literary theory of the archet即e was the
treatment of myth by a grouP of comparative anthroPofogists at Cambridge
Univ6rsity , espedany James G . Frazer , Whose仆e GOlden Bougl以1890 - - 1915 )
identified elemental pattems of myth and ritual that , he cla如ed , recur in the
legends and ceremonials of diverse and far - fiung cultUres and religions . An even
more important antecedent was the depthp斗chology of Cail G . Jung
( 1875一1961 ) , who applied the tenn " archetype , , to what he cailed " pr加ordial
images , " the " psychic residue , , of repeated pattems of common human
ence in the liv6s of our very ancient ancestors Whlch , he maintained , sup月vein

( 1735)中对阿蒂克斯的描写:“乐于伤害,却怯于下手。 ”蒲柏在《卷发遇劫记》(1714 )


过对比名词的头韵来强化对偶效果:“结婚多有苦衷,而独身毫无乐趣” 。


达方式的做法。斯宾塞在《仙后》(159 。一1596)中刻意运用仿古这种手法(其仿古语汇
用古字“ brede(刺绣)”取代“ braid ",用“ overwrought ”取代“ worked(即镶边)” 。亚伯拉
罕・林肯在“葛底斯堡演说”中以模仿《圣经》的古语开始:" Fourscore and seven years
ago ' '(八十七年前),取得了庄重肃穆的文体效果。仿古成了诗意词藻的惯用手法。例
如,整个19世纪,不少诗人仍然使用1 ween(我以为)、 methought(据我看来)、 steed
(骏马)、 taPer(蜡烛)和morn(早晨)等古语,但仅限于诗句中,而非在其日常口语中。

Archetypai Criticlsm原型批评

对神话的分析,尤其是詹姆斯・ G.弗雷泽,他的喊金枝》(189 。一1915)分析了他认为
原型文艺批评的另一更为重要的理论渊源是卡尔・ G.荣格(1875一1961)的深层心理
26 ^ Rc日Ew队LcRITIclsM

the " colle由ve unconsdous , , of the human race and are exPressed in myths , re -
娜on , dreams , and prlvate fantasies , as well as in works of literature . Seelu州an
币瓦南m , underPs产hoana恻c币红跳m .
Archetypal literary criticism Was矛ven impetus by Maud Bodkin , s Arche -
妙al Paae邢in PoetTy ( 1934 ) and flourished especiaily during the 19505 and
19605 . Some archetypal critics have dropped Jung , 5 theory of the collective
unconsctous as the deep source of these patterns ; in the Words of Northrop
Frye , this theory 15 " an unnecessary hyPothesis , " and the recurrent archetypes
are simply there , " however they got there . "
Among the prominent pra由tioners of various modes of archetypal crit -
icism , in addition to Maud Bodkin , are G . Wilson Knight , Robert Graves ,
Philip Wheelwright,形chard Chase , Leslie Fiedler , and Joseph Campbell ・
These critics tend to emphasize the ocCUrrence of mythical pattems in litera -
ture , on the assumption that myths are closer to the elemental archet即e than
the artful manipulations of sophisticated writers ( see柳th币找cs ) . The death -
rebirth theme 15 often said to be the archetype of archetypes , and 15 held to be
grounded in the cycle of the seasons and the organic Cycle of human life ; thls
archetype , it has been claimed , ocCUrs in primitive ritUals of the king who 15
annually sacrificed , widespread myths of gods who die to be rebom , anda
multitude of diverse texts , including the Bible , Dante , s Divine Come办in the
earfy fourteenth century , and Samuel Taylor Coleridge , s “砒me of the Ancient
Mariner , , in 1 798 . Among the other archetypal themes , images , and charac -
ters that have been ftequentfy traced in literature are the lourney under -
ground , the heavenly ascent , the search for the fathe兀the Paradise一Hades
image , the Promethean rebel一hero , the scapegoat , the earth goddess , and the
fatal woman ・

In his remarkable and infiuential book Anato柳of Cri讹ism ( 1957 ) ,
Northrop Frye developed the archet即al approach-一which he combined with
the妙01叨cal interPretation of the Bible and the conception of the加agination
in the writings ofthepoetandpainterwilliamBlake ( 1757一1827)一intoaradl -
cal and com伊ehensive revision of traditional grounds both of the theory of lit -
erature and the pra由ce of literary critlctsm . Frye proposes that the totality of
11terary works constitutea " self - contained literary tmiverse , , which has beencre -
ated over the ages by the human加a多nation 50 as to incorporate the alien and
indifferent world of nature into aIChetypal forms that serve to satisfy endu血g
human desires and needs . In this literary unlverse,匆ur radical mythoi ( that 15 ,
plot forms , or orga血加9 strUctUralp血dples ) , correspondsnt to the four sea -
sons in the cycle of the natural world , are inco甲orated in the foux malor genres
of comedy ( sPring ) , romance ( summer ) , tragedy ( autUmn ) , and satire ( winter ) .
v血hin the overarching archetypal mythos of each of these genres , individual
works of literatUre also play variations upon a number of more limited arche -
type卜一that 15 , conventional pattems and types that literatUre shares with sodal
rituals as well as with theology , history , l娥and , in fact , all " discursiv6 verbal
strUctures . , , Viewed archetypally , Frye asserts , literatUre tUms out to play an es ・
sential role in refashioning the impersonal material univ6rse into an altemative

莫德・博德金的《诗歌中的原型》(又译《诗中的原型模式》)( 1934 ),推动了原型文
说,这一理论是“多余的设想” , “不管是怎么来的”,反复再现的原型就在那儿。
各类文学作品中,包括《圣经》 、 14世纪早期但丁的《神曲》 、 1798年塞缪尔・泰勒・柯
勒律治的《古舟子咏》 。文学作品常常追溯的其他原型主题、形象和人物还有地狱行、

verbal univ6rse that 15 intelli脚le andvi的le , because it 15 adapted to essential
andu九iversal human needs and concems . Frye continued , in a long series of
later叭成tings , to expand his archet即al theory , to make a place in its overall
scope and on different levels for the inclusion of many traditional Critical con -
cePts and procedures , and to ap ly it both to social pra出ces and to the elud a - tion of Writings ranging from the Bible to contemporary poets and novel sts .
See A . C . Hamllton , NOharoP脚e : Anato阴夕ofHis Cri找cism ( 1990)・
In addition to the works mentioned above , consult : C . G . Jung , " on the
Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetic Art " ( 1922 ) , in COn沉bu瓦ons toAn -
a妙红cal几班hol卿(1928 ) , and " Psychology and Literature , " in MOdem Man in
Search of a Soul ( 1933 ) ; G . Wilson Knight,乃e Starlit Dome ( 1941 ) ; Robert
Graves,仆e科肠ite Goddess ( rev . , 1961 );租chard Chase,仆e Quest for娜尸th
( 1949 ) ; Francts Fergusson,仆e Idea ofa仆eater ( 1949 ) ; Philip Wheelwright ,
仆e Buming FOuntain ( rev . , 1968 ) ; Northrop Frye , " The Archetypes of Litera -
ture , " in凡bles oflslen瓦妙(1963 ) ; Joseph Campbell,角e价ro witha仆ousand
Faces ( Zd ed . , 1968 ) . In the 19805 , feminist币红cs developed forms of arche -
t即ai criticism that revised the male bases and biases ofjungandotherarche -
typists . See Annls Pratt , Arche妙alPa创℃ ms in灿man , sFi币on ( 1981 ) , and
Estella Lauter and Carol Schreier彻pprecht , Feminist Arche妙al仆eoIy . ' Inte卜
disciPlina甲Re ・ Visions oflu叼an角Ought ( 1985)・
For discussions and critiques of archet即al theory and practice , see H . M .
BlocK " CultUral Anthropology and Contemporary llterary Critlcism , " loumal
ofAesthe瓦cs andA沈Cri瓦cis , 11 ( 1952 ) ; Murray Krieger , ed ・,NO肋rOPF解in
MOd白” Cri红山脚(1966 ) ; Robert Denham , NOrthrOP Flye and翻找cal Method
( 1978 ) ; Frank块ntricchia , A加r theN沙四Cri廿cism ( 1980 ) , chapter 1 .

A七” osPhere 15也e emotional tone pervading a section or the whole of a lit -
erary work , Which fosters in the reader expectations as to the course of events ,
whether hapPy or ( m ore commonly ) terrifying or disastrous . Shakespeare es -
tablishes the tense and fearful atmosphere at the beginning of Hamlet by the
terse and nervous diaiogue of the sentinels as they anticipate a reappearance
of the ghost ; Coleridge engenders a compound of religious and superstitious
terror by his description of the initial scene in the narrative poem Christabel
( 1816 ) ; and Har即in his novel仆e RetUm oftheNa红ve ( 1878 ) makes Egdon
Heath an加mense and brooding presence that reduces to pettiness and futil -
ity the human strUggle for happiness for Which it 15 the setting.月temative
terms frequentiy used for atmosphere are mood and ambience ・

A.侧hor Ond Au侧bors址p . The prevailing conception of a literary author
Inight be sUInmarlzed as follows : Authors are individuals who , by their intel -
lectUal and imaginative powers , purposefulfy create from the materials of
their experience and reading a literary work which 15 distinctively their own .
The work itself , as distinct from the individual written or printed texts that in -
stantiate the work , remains solely a product accredited to the author as its
originator , even if he or she tums over the rights to publish and profit from
the printed texts of the work to someone else . And insofar as the literary work

社会实践和作品阐释中去。参见:A . C . Ham让ton , Northrop Fry 。:Anatomy of His
Criticism , 1990 。
除了上面提到的著述,还可参考:C . G . Jung . " On the Relation of Analytical Psy -
chology to Poetic Art , " 1992 , in Contributio , : 5 to Anal夕t艺cal Ps少cholog夕,1928 , and
" Psychology and Literature , " in ModernM口n in Search of a Soul , 1933 ; G . Wilson
Knight , The Starlit Dome , 1941 ; Robert Graves , The研场ite Goddess , rev . , 1961 ;
凡chard Chase , The Que , t for呵刃h , 1949 ; Philip Wheelwright , The Burning Fountain ,
rev . , 1968 ; Northrop Frye , " The Archetypes of Literature , " in Fables of Identity , 1963 ;
Joseph Campbell , The Hero二th a Thousand Faces , Zd ed . , 1968 。在20世纪80年代,
视野和偏见。参见:Annis Pratt , Archet夕户al Pat , erns in Woma , ' 5 Fiction , 1951 ;
Estella Lauter and Carol Schreier Rupprecht , Feminist Archet夕pal Theor夕:Interdis -
ciplinar夕Re一Visions of Ju 、 gian Thought , 1985 。
关于原型理论和实践的讨论和批评,参见:H . M . Block , " Cultural Anthropology
and Contemporary Literary Criticism , " Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism , 11 ,
1952 ; Murray Krieger , ed . , NorthropF勺e泛n Modern Cr泛ticism , 1966 ; Robert Den -
ham , NorthropF勺e and CriticalM此hod , 1978 ; Frank Lentricchia,为论r the New
Cr葱t£cism , 1980 , Chapterl 。


( 1816)中开始场景的描绘烘托出一股凝聚着宗教与迷信的恐怖基调;哈代在他的小

AUthor and Aut卜orship作者和作者身份

30 AuT日oR ^ No ^ u下日ORS日IP

七叮ns out to be great and original , the author who has composed that work 15
deservedly accorded hlgh CUltUral status and achieves enduring fame .
Since the 19605 this way of conce iving an author has been questionedby
a number of structural and poststrUctUral theorists , who posit the human
, ' sublect , , not as an originator and shaPer of a work , but asa " spa ( e " inwh1Ch

conventions , codes , and cirCUlating loCUtions preciPitate into
text , or else asa " site , , wherein there converge , and are recorded ,
cons加cts , discursive formations , and configurations of power prevalent ina
given cultUrai era . The author 15 said to be the product rather than the pro ・
ducer of a text , and 15 often redescribed as an " effect " or " function ' , engen -
dered by the intemal play of textual language . Famousl又In 1968 Roland
Barthes proclalmed and celebrated " The Death of the Authot , " whom he de -
scribed as a figure invented by critical discourse in order to limit the inherent
freeplay of the meanings in reading a literary text . ( S ee unders打初c加ralist沉t -
泪5阴and POs七加c扭ralis阴.)
In an influential essay " What 15 an Author ? , , wrltten in 1969 , Mlchel Fou -
cault raised the question of the historical " coming into being of the notion of
' author , ,,一that 15 , of the emergence and evolution of the " author function , '
within the discourse of our cultureseand specified inqulries such as " how the
author became individualized , ' ' " what status he has been given , " what " sys ・
tem of valorization , , involves the autho乙and how the fundamental category
of " ' the一man一and一his - W0rk critidsm , began . " Foucauit , 5 essay and example
gave impetUs to a number of historical stUdies which reiect the notion that
the prevailing concept of authorshiP ( the set of attrlbutes possessed by anau -
thor ) 15 either natural or necessitated by the way things are . Instead , his -
toricists conceive authorship to bea " CUltural constrUct , , that emerged and
changed , in ' accordance with changing economic conditlons , soclal circum ・
stances , and institUtional arrangements , over many centuries in thew比tem
world . ( Seen脚historic台m . )
Investlgators have emphas让ed the important role of such historical de -
velopments as :
( 1 ) The shift from an oral to a literate culture . In the former , the identity
of an author presumably was not inquired afte兀since the individual
bard or minstrel improvised by reference to Inherited subject - matter ,
forms , and literary formulae . ( See oralfo溯ulaic poe郊)In a cultUre
where at least a substantial segment of the poPulation can read , the
production of enduring texts in the fonn of written scrolls and man -
uscriPts generated increasing interest in the individual responsible for
productng the work that was thus recorded . Many works in manu -
script , however , drculated freely , and were Often altered in transcrip -
tions , with llttle regard to the intentions or formulatlons Of the
originator of the work .
( 2)仆e shift , in the course ofthefifteenthandsiXteenthcenturies , from
a primarily manusCript CUlture to a prlmarily prillt CUlture . The in ・
vention of printing greatly exPedited the mallUfad卫re alld disseml -
nation of printed texts , and 50 multiplied the number 6f pro dllCerS of

“场所” 。作者被视为文本的产品,而非文本的制作者,而且还往往被重新描述为由文本
语言的内部游戏产生的“效果”或“功能” 。最有名的是,1968年罗兰・巴尔特振聋发瞪
1969年,米歇尔・福柯在其颇具影响的《何为作者?》中提出了“ ‘作者’这一概念
的历史性形成” ―即在我们的文化话语之内出现并得以发展的“作者功能” ―并
探讨了诸如“作者何以个性化” 、 “作者享有何种地位” 、关于作者的“评估系统”是什么
以及“ ‘作者及其作品批评’这样的基本范畴是如何‘开始’的”等一些具体问题。福柯

( l)从口头文化向书面文化的转变。在口头文化阶段,作者的身份也许没有人去
( 2)从15到16世纪,以手抄本文化为主向印刷本文化为主转变。印刷术的发明

nt the establishlllent of
literary works , and made financtally im write不in order to invite sup -
the identity and ability of an individual
nort for that individual by the contemporaw sVstem of aristocratic and
noble patronage . Foucault , in addition , proposed the lmportance ota
punitive fun由on in fostering the concept of an author , 5 responsibility
in ori乎na血9 a work , which served the interests of the state in aff沉ng
the blame for加nsgressive or subversive ideas on a single individual .
( 3 ) The emphasis in recent research on the diffiCUlties in establishing , in
various periods , iust who was the originator of what parts of ane对st -
ing literary text , which was often , in effect , the product of multiple
collaborators , censors , editors , printers , and publishers , as well as of
successiy6 revisions by the reputed author . See textUal币瓦cism .
( 4 ) The profiferation of the population of middle一class readers in the Iate
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , and the attendant explosion in
the number of literary tities printed , and in the number of writersre -
quired to supply this market . Both Foucault and Barthes , in the essays
cited above , emphasiZed that the modem figure and funCtion of an
author as an individual who 15 invested with the intellectual owner -
ship oftheliteraryworkthatheorshehasbrought皿obdngwasthe
product of the ideology engendered by the emerging capitalist econ -
omy in this era . other scholars have stressed the importance of the
change during the eighteenth centUry , first in England and then in
otherE讯opean countries , from a reliance by writers on literaryp小
trons to that of suPport by payments ftom publishers and booksellers .
A result of the booming literary market Was the increasing ( and in -
creasingly successful ) appeal by Writers for copyright laws that would
invest them , instead of the publlsher , with the ownershiP of the works
that they composed for public sale . These conditions of the literary
marketPlace fostered the claims by writers to possess originality , cre -
atlvlty , and genius , resulting in literary productions that are entirely
new ; they made such claims in order to estab此h their legal rights , as
authors , to ownership of such productions as " intellectual proper诊”
in addition to their rights ( Wllich they could sell to others ) to the
printed texts of their works as " material property . " Historians of au -
thorship point out that the most emphatic claims about the genius ,
creativity , and originality of authors , which occuned in the Roman瓦c
p币od , coincided with , and was interactive with , the success of authors
in achl州ng some form of copyrlght protection of an author , s propri -
etary rights to the Iiterary work as the unique product of his or her na -
tive powers . ( See Martha W6odmansee,仆e Author , Art , and the从泛rket . .
Rereading伪e于价to甲of Aesthe红cs , 1994 , and the essays by various
scholars in角e Cons加c瓦on ofAuthorshiP:升义tUal滩PProPria红oni九Law
and Litera勿T6 , ed . Martha Wbodmansee and Peter Jaszi , 1994 . )

Historicist sCholars of authorshlp have clearly demonstrated that there
has been a sustained interplay between the economic cir山mstances and

( 3)近期研究的重点和难点是确定在各个不同时期到底谁是现存文学文本某个
( 4 ) 17世纪晚期和18世纪,中产阶层读者数量激增,伴随而来的是印刷体文学种
给他人)外,而且拥有著作生产的“知识产权” 。一些研究作者身份的史学家
独特产品的某种形式的版权保护是一致的,而且是互相影响的(参见:Mar -
tha Woodmansee , The Author , Art , and theM改rket : Reread£九9 theH艺stor )
of Aest人etic : , 1994;各派学者的文章参见:The Construction of Authors人ip :
TextualAppropriation inLawa " dLiterature , ed . Marthawoodmanseeand
Peter Jaszi , 1994)。


instit - Utional arrangements for producing and marketing literary texts and the
detailed way that the authorship of such texts has been conceived . The radi -
cal further daim , howeve乙that the modern figure and functions assigned to
an author are in their essentials a recent formation , resulting from the dis -
tinctlve conditions of the literary mar缺tplace after the seventeenth century ,
does not iibe with a great deal of historical evidence . Some two thousand
years ago , for example , the Roman poet Horace wrote hls verse ・ ePistle , the Ars
POe红ca , at a time when books consisted of texts copied by hand in rolls of pa -
p刃肚5 . Horace adverts to a number of individuals from Homer to his friend
Virgil Who , he makes clea耳as individuals who brought their works into being ,
are responsible for having achieved their contents , form , and quallty . A com -
petent literary author - - Horace refers to him variously as scriPtor ( writer ) , poeta
( maker ) , andca溯inis auCtor ( o riginator of a poem ) - rnust possess a natural
talent or genius ( i1枯阳niu叫as well as an acquired art , and purposefully designs
and orders his Poe脚a in such a Way as to evoke the emotions of his audience .
The bookseller , Horace indicates , advertises his commodities locally and also
shlps them abroad . And if a published work succeeds in instructing and矛v -
ing pleasure to a great many readers , it 15 a book that not only " makes money
for the bookseller , " but also " crosses the sea and spreads to a distant age the
fame of its author . " Clearly , Horace distinguishes between material and au ・
thorial , or intellectual,。 wnership , in that the autho乙even if he has no pro -
prietary interest in a published book , retains the sole responsibility and credit
for having accomplished the work that the text of the book incorporates . ( See
M . H . Abrams , " What 15 a Humanistic Criticism ? , , in仆e EmPeror Redressed . .
Cri匆uingC汀红cal仆eo供ed . Dwight Eddins , 1995 . )
Another revealing instance 15 provided by the publication of the First
Folio of Shakespeare , 5 plays in 1623 . As Writings intended for the commefCial
theater , Shakespeare , 5 plays were a collaborative enterprise in which textUal
changes and insertions could be made by various hands at all stages of pro -
duction ; the resulting products were not Shakespeare , 5 propert又but that of
his theatrical company . Furthermore , as Stephen Greenblatt remarks in the
Introduction to仆e NOrtDn ShakesPeare ( 1997 ) , there 15 no evidence that
Shakespeare himself wanted to have his plays printed , or that he took any
, , interest In asserting authorial rights over a script , " or that he had any legal
standing from Whlch to daim such rights . Nonetheless , as Greenblatt points
out , seven years after Shakespeare , s death his mends and fellow一actors
Hemlnges and Condell were confident that they could selltheir expensive
folto collection of his plays by virtUe of the fact , as they claimed in a preface ,
that their printed texts were exactly " as he conceived themn and represented
what he himself had " thought , , and " uttered . " The identlty of the conceiver
of the plays , serving to attest the authentiCity of the printed versions , 15
graphically represented in an engraved portrait of Sha址speare by Ma比n
Droeshout in the front matteL The First Folio also included a poem by Ben
Jonson , Shakespeare , s friend and dramatic rival , " To the Memory of My
Beloved , The Author Mr . William Shakespeare . " In it Jonson appraised Shake -
speare as the equal of the Greek tragic dramatists Aeschylus , Euripedes , and

史证据不相吻合。例如,大约2 。 。 o年前,罗马诗人贺拉斯创作完成了他的书信体诗文
书不仅能“让书商赚到钱”,而且能让“作者名扬四海,声誉永垂” 。显然,贺拉斯对作
完成了作品的文本(参见:M . H . Abrams , " what 15 a Humanistic criticism ? ' , in八e
E阴peror Redressed : Critig " ing Critical Theo砂,ed . Dwight Eddins , 1995)。
“所想”和“所言” 。用以确定印刷本真实性的剧作者身份明确地体现在印有马丁・德罗
剧上的对手本・琼森的一首诗《为了纪念我钟爱的朋友、作者威廉・莎士比亚先生》 。
36B ^ L以。

Soohocles : lauded him as not only " The applause ! deli蜘t ! the , vonder of our
stage ! " but also as an indivi血al who , by the products ot nls Innate abillties
( " nature , , ) even more than his " art , " was " not of an age , but for all time ! " ; and
asserted that his " well一tumedn lines reflect the " mind , and manners , , of the
poet who had fathered them . It would seemthat , in large outline , the flgure
and functions of Horace , s " auctor , , and of Jonson , s " author , , were recogniz ・
abfy what they are at the present time , in ordinary critical discourse .
In addition tothe items listed above , refer to Frederick G . Kenyon , Books
and Readers in Ancient Rome ( 1951 ) ; A . J . Mirmis,人犯成eval仆eo宁。厂AuthorshiP
( 1984 ) ; W七ndyw抓l,仆el帅rint of Gender : AuthorshiP and九blica红on in the
English Renaissance ( 1993 ) . Roger Chartie乌in " Figures of the Author , " The
order ofBooks ( 1994 ) , describes the diverse functions assigned to an individual
autho乙from the late middle ages through the eighteenth century .

Bollod . A short definition of the popular bailad ( known also as the folk
ballad or traditional ballad ) 15 that it 15 a song , transmitted orally , Which
tells a story . Ballads are thus the narrative species of folk 50叹rs , which ori参-
nate , and are communicated orally , among illiterate or only partly literate
people . In all probability the而tial version of a ballad was composed by a sin -
gle autho几but he or she 15 unknown ; and since each singer who leams and re -
peats an oral ballad 15 apt to introduce changes in both the text and the tune ,
it exists in many variant forms.仰pically , the popular ballad 15 dramatic , con -
densed , and impersonal : the narrator begins with the climactic episode , tells
the story tersely妙means of action and dialogue ( sometimes by means of the
dialogue alone ) , and tells it without self - reference or the expression of per -
sonal atti扭des or feelings .
The most common stanza form代alled the ballad stanza一15 a quatrain
in alternate four一and three一stress lines ; usually only the second and fourth
lines rhyme . This 15 the form of " Sir Patrick Spens , , ; the first stanza of this bal -
lad also exemplifies the conventionally abrupt opening and the manner of
proceeding by third一person narration , curtly sketched setting and action ,
sharp transition , and spare dialogue :
The king sits in Dumferling towne ,
Drinking the blude ・ red wine :
" owharwilllgetaguidsailo乙
TO sail this schip oflnine ? , ,
Many ballads employ set formulas ( which helped the singer remember the
course of the song ) including ( l ) stock descriptive phrases like " blood一red
winen and " milk一hite steed , " ( 2 ) are加in in each stanza ( " Edward , " " Lord
Randall , , ) , and ( 3 ) incremental repetition , in which a line or stanza 15 re -
peated , but with an addltion that advances the story ( " Lord Randall , " " Child
W巨ters , , ) . ( See oralfo洲ulaicpoe郊)
Although many traditional ballads probably originated in the later Mid -
dle Ages , they were not collected and printed until the eighteenth century ,

赋”)胜于“艺术”的、 “不属于一个时代,而是所有时代”的天才;琼森还声称,莎士比亚
“措辞巧妙”的诗行反映了这位曾经酿就这些诗句的诗人的“思想和行为” 。从广义上
除了上述条目,其他参考文献有:Frederick G . Kenyon , Boo走,anJ尺eajer , in
Ancient Rooe , 1951 ; A . J . Minnis , M七dieval T } leor夕of Author ' hip , 1984 ; Wendy
Wall , The Imprint of Gender : Authorship and Publicatio刀in the English Renais -
、 a刀ce , 1993 。 Roger Chartier在其1994年出版的《书本的秩序》一书中的“ Figures of
the Author ”一章里描述了自中世纪后期至18世纪期间作者个体被赋予的不同功能。

Ba { Iad民谣

诗,通常只有二、四两行押韵。 《帕特里克・斯彭斯爵士》采用的就是这种形式,这首民


大多数民谣都会采用一些固定的模式(以帮助歌手记忆歌曲): ( 1)描述性的陈词套
语,如“血一般红的酒” 、 “奶一样白的马” ; ( 2)每一段中有一个叠句(“爱德华” 、 “兰德
尔老爷” ) ; ( 3)递增的重复,即重复某行或某段,但内容有所增加以推进故事情节(“兰
德尔老爷” 、 “童泉”)。(参见:口头程式诗歌。)

first in Ellgland , then in Germany . In 1 765 Thomas Percy published his
ReliqUes ofAndent English Poe抑which , although most of the contents had
been re叭汉itten in the style of PerCy , 5 era , did much to inaugurate widespread
interest in folk literature . The basic modern collection 15 Frands J . Child , 5 En -
glish andscO川sh和Pular Ballade ( 1882es98 ) , Which includes 305 ballads , many
Of them 111粉riallt代rsiollS . Bertrand H . BrollS0n has edited刀记乃份di瓦O刀al
几nes of the Child Ballads ( 4 vols ・,1959一72 ) . Popular ballads are still being
sung-一and collected , now with the help of a tape recorder一in the British Isles
and remote rural areas of America . TO the songs that early settlers inherited
ftom Great Britaln , America has added native forms of the bailad , such as
those sung by lumberiacks , cowboys , laborers , and social protesters . A num ・
ber of recent folk singers , including Wbody Guthrie , Bob Dylan , and Joan
Baez , themselves compose ballads ; most of these , however , such as " The Bal -
lad of Bonnle and Clyde , ' ( about a notorious gangster and his moll ) , are closer
to the iournalistic " broadside ballad , , than to the archaic and heroic mode of
the popular ballads in the Child collection .
A broadsids ballad 15 a ballad that was printed on one side of a single
sheet ( ca lleda " broadslde , , ) , dealt with a current event or person or issue , and
was sUng to a well一known tUne . Beginning with the sixteenth century , these
broadsides Were hawked in the streets or at country fairs in Great Britain .
The traditional ballad has greatly influenced the form and style oflyric
poetry in general . It has also engendered the literary ballad , whlch 15 a nar -
rative poem认成tten in deliberate imitation of the form , language , and spirit
of the traditional ballad . In Germany , some malor literary ballads were叭的t -
ten in the latter eighteenth century , induding G . A . Burger , 5 very popular
, , Lenore , , ( 1774)一司晰hich soon became widely read and influential in an En -
glish transl甜onweand Goethe , S “公l劝nign ( 1 782 ) . In Ellgland , some of the
best literary ballads were composed in the Roman瓦c Period : Coleridge , s “形me
of the Anclent Mariner " ( which , however , 15 much longer and has a much
more elaborate plot than the folk ballad ) , W缸ter Scott , s " Proud Maisie , " and
Keats , " La Belle Dame sans Merci . " InL州cal Ballade of 1798 , Wbrdsworth be -
矛ns " W七Are Seven , , by introducing a narrator as an agent and first一person
teller of the story-一"1 met a little cottage矛rln - - w hich 15 probably one reason
he called the colle比on “柯cal ballads . " Coleridge , s " Ancient Mariner , " on
the other hand , of which the first version also appeared inL)洲cal BalladS ,
oPens,爪h the abrupt and加personal third一person narration of the tradi -
tional ballad :
It 15 afi anCiellt Mariner
And he stoppeth one of three.…
Gordon H . Gerould,仆e Balladof了翔di灯on ( 1932 ) ; W . J . Entwistle , Euro -
钾口nBalla勿(rev . ed . , 1951 ) ; M . J . C . Hodgart,仆eBallads ( Zded . , 1962 ) ; John
A . and Alan Lom城Am已rican Ballads and FOIkso叮,( 1934 ) ; D . C . Fowlet , A
Literaly HistO甲of the八护ular Ballad ( 1968 ) . For the broadside ballad see仆e
Common为勿Se , eds . V . de Sola Rnto and Allan E . Rodway ( 1957 ) .

在英国,继而在德国。 1765年,托马斯・拍西出版了《英国古诗拾遗》(又译《英诗辑
具有拍西时代的风格。弗朗西斯・ J.蔡尔德的《英格兰与苏格兰民谣集》(1882一
兰・ H.布朗森编辑了《童谣的传统曲调》(四卷,1959一1972)。如今在英伦三岛和美
般的民谣风格,而更接近新闻报道性的“宽页传单上的民谣” 。
诗谣创作于18世纪后期,其中包括G . A.伯格创作的非常流行的《勒诺》(1774 ) -
人》 。在《抒情歌谣集》(1789)中,华兹华斯以《我们是七人》为开篇诗,把叙述者当做行


参阅:Gordon H . Gerould , The Balladof界视dition , 1932 ; W . J . Entwistle , Europe -
an Ballad勺(rev . ed . , 1951 ) ; M . J . C . Hodgart , Th 。 Ballad , , Zd ed . , 1962 ; John A .
and Alan Lomax , American Ballads and Folk Songs , 1934 ; D . C . Fowler , ALitera勺
History oft人。尸opular Ballad , 1968 。关于宽页传单上的民谣,参见:The Common
叼如e , eds . V . de Sola Pinto and Allan E . Rodway , 1957 。
405 ^ RoQuE ・ BAT日05 ANoA闪TlcLIM ^ x


ClaS -

achieve elaborate , grandiose , energetic , and highly dramatic effects . Maior ex -
amples of baroque art are the sculpture of Bernini and the architecture of St .
Peter , 5 cathedral in Rome .
The term has been adopted with reference to literature , with very diverse
applications . It may signify ally elaborately formal and magniloquent style in
verse or prose-一for example , some verse passages in Milton , s撇radise Lost
( 1667 ) and Thomas De伽incey , s prose descriptions of his dreams in Confes -
sions ofan English OPiu脚加ter ( 1822 ) have both been called baroque . occa -
sionally-一though oftener on the Continent than in Engiand一t serVes asa
period term for post一Renaissance literature in the seventeenth century . More
ftequently it 15 aPplied specifically to the elaborate verses and extravagant
conceits of the late一sixteenth and early seventeenth一century poets Giambat -
tista Marino in Italy and Luis de Gongora in Spain . In English literature the
metaphysical poems of John Donne are sometimes described as baroque ; but
the term 15 more often , and more appropriately ) applied to the elaborate style ,
fantastic conceits , and extreme religious emotionalism Of the poet形chard
Crashawl 1612一9 ; see under metaPhysical conceit . Refer to Ren乏W已lek , " The
Concept of Baroque in Literary scholarship , " in ConcePtso厂Cri瓦c汇s 。(1963 ) .
The term " baroquen 15 derived ftom the Spanish and Portuguese name for
apeailthatisroughandirregularinshape ・

sothos皿d A . ticlioox . Bathos 15 Greek for " depth , " and it has been an
indispensable term to critics since Alexander Pope , Paro办ing the Greek Long -
inus , famous essay on the Sublime ( that 15 , " loftiness , , ) , wrote in 1 727 an essay
on Ba伪os : of汰eA此ofsi " ki叮定n POe郊With mock solemnity Pope assures his
readers that he undertakes " to lead them as it were by the hand … the gentle
down一hill way to Bathos ; the bottom , the end , the central point , the non plus
ultTa , of trUe Modern Poesy ! " The word ever since has been used for an unin -
tentional descent in literature when , straining to be pathetic or passionate or
elevated , the writer overshoots the mark and drops into the trivial or the
ridiculous . Among his examples Pope cites " the modest request of two absent
10vers , , in a contemporary poem :
YeGods ! annihilatebutspaceandTime ,
匆ld make们泞0 lovers happy .
The slogan " For God , for Countt又and for介le ! , , 15 bathetic because it moves
to intended climax ( that 15 , an ascending sequence of importance ) in its
rhetorical orde耳but to unintended descent in its reference - - at least for some -
one Who 15 not a Yale student . Even great poets sometimes fall unwittingly
into the same rhetorical figure . In the early version of仆e Prelude ( 1805 ; Book


巧思妙喻词条下的有关论述。参阅韦勒克《批评的概念》(1963)一书中的“ The Con -
cept of Baroque in Literary Scholarship ”章节。

Bathos and Anticlimax突降与突降法

山… … ‘突降’到山的深处、山底、尽头、中心点,以领略真正的当代诗艺之粹!”从此,
或变得浅薄可笑。蒲柏在例证中引用了当时的一首诗“两位缺席情侣的谦恭乞求” :



IX ) , Wil iam Wbrdsworth,峨er recounting at length the tale of the star - cros ed lovers Vaudracour and Julia , tel s how Julia died , leaving勺恤udracour

to raise theit infant son :
It consoled him here
TO attendupontheorphanandperform
The office of a Nurse to his young Child
Whlch after a short tlme by some mistake
or indiscretion of the Fathe石died .

仆es加ffed owl : An Antholo}沙OfBad Verse , ed ・ D . B.叭乍ndham Lewis and
Chailes Lee ( rev . 1948 ) , 15 a rich mine of unintended bathos .
Anticl恤ax 15 somet加es used as an equivalent of bathos ; but in a more
useful aPplication , " antidimax " 15 non一derogato琢and denotes a Writer , s de -
liberate drop from the serious and elevated to the trivial and lowly , in order to
achieve a comic or satiric effect . Thus Thomas Gray in his mock ・ heroic " ode
on the Death of a Favorite Cat , , ( 1 748)一the cat had drowned When she tried
to catch a goldfish一乎avely inserts this moral observation :
What female heart can gold despise ?
W 】 lat cat , 5 averse to fish ?

And in Don Iuan ( 1819一4 ; 1 . ix . ) Byron uses anticlimax to deflate the Would ・
be gallantry ofjuan , 5 father :
Abettercavallerne , ermountedhorse ,
or , being mounted , e , er got down again ・

Beot例竹加rs identifies a loose一knit group of poets and novelists , writingin
the second half of the 19505 and early 19605 , who shared a set of 50巾1 atti -
tudesesantiestablishment , antipolitical , anti一intellectual , opposed to the pre -
vailing cultural , literary ' and moral vatues , and in favor of unfettered
seif - realization and self - expression . The Beat Writers often performed in coffee ・
houses and other public places , to the accompanlment of drums or iazz
music . " Beat " was used to signi勿both " beaten downn ( that 15 , by the oppres -
sive culture of the time ) and " beatific , , ( many Of the Beat writers cultivated ec -
static states by way of Buddhism , Jewish and CMstian mysticism , andlor
drugs that induced vislonary experiences)・ The group inctuded such diverse
figures as the poets川len Ginsberg , Gregory Corso , and Lawrence Feilinghetti
and the novelists Wllllam Burroughs and Jack Kerouac . Ginsberg , 5 HOwl
( 1956 ) 15 a central Beat achievement in its breathless , chanted celebration of
the down一and一out and the subculture of drug addicts , social misfits , and com -
pulsivE Wanderers , as well as in its representation of the derangement of the
intellect and the senses effected by a comblnation of sexual abandon , drugged
hallucin甜ons , and reli矛ous ecstasies . ( Compare the vogue of decade " ce in the
late nineteenth century ・)A representative novel of the movement 15 Jack Ker -
ouac , s On the Road ( 1958 ) . Whlle the Beat movement was short ・ 11ved , it left its
imp血t on the sublects and forms ofmanywritersofthe1960sand1970s ; see
countercul加玛under八城ods ofAmerican Litera细re .



此外,在《唐・瑛》(1819一1824 ; 1 . ix .)中,拜伦是这样用突降法降低唐・磺之父自诩


Beat Writers垮掉派作家

派作家经常在咖啡馆和其他公共场所在鼓乐或爵士乐的伴奏下表演。 “垮掉”有两层
44 B10GRAPHv

取fer to Lawrence Lipton,角eHO扮Barbarians ( 1959 ) ; Seymour Krim , ed . ,
角eBeats ( 1960 ) ; Gregorystephenson,仆eD即breakBOys : EssaysontheLitera -
匆reof伪eBeatGenera瓦on ( 1989 ) .

Biogr叩hy . Late in the seventeenth century , John Dryden defined blogra -
phy neatly as " the history of particular men , 5 lives . " The name now connotes
a relatively full account of a particular person , 5 life , involving the attempt to
set forth charactel , temperament , and milieu , as well as the subiect , 5 activities
and experiences .
Both the ancient GreekS and ROmans produced short , formal lives of in -
dividuals . The most famed surviving example 15 the Paraltel Lives of Greek and
Roman notables by the Greek writer Plutarch , c . 46一120 A . o . ; in the transla -
tion饰Sir Thomas NOrth in 1579 , it was the source of Shakespeare , 5 plays on
ROman sublects . Medieval authors wrote general沈ed chronicles of the deeds
of a king , as well as ha矛ographies : the stylized lives of Christian saints , often
based much more on pious legends than on fact . In Eflgiand , the fairly de -
tailed secular biography appeared in the seventeenth century ; the most dis -
tinguished instance 15 IzaakW缸ton , 5 Lives ( including short biographies of the
poets John Donne and George Herbert ) , written between 1640 - - 78 .
The eighteenth century in England 15 the age of the emergence of the
full一scale biography , and also of the theory of biography as a speclal literary
岁” re . It was the century of Samuel Johnson , 5 Lives of the English Poets
( 1779一81 ) and of the best known of all biographies , James Boswell , s Lifeof
Sa切uel IOhnson ( 1 791 ) . In our own time biographies of notable women and
men have become one of the most popular of literary forms , and usually there
15 at least one biographical title high on the bestseller list .
Autobiography 15 a biography written by the subiect about himself or
herself . It 15 to be distinguished from the memoi耳in whlch the emphasis 15
not on the author , 5 developing self but on the people and events that the au -
thor has known or witnessed , and also from the priVate diary or ioumal ,
Whlch 15 a day - to一day record of the events in one , 5 life , written for personal
use and satisfaction , with little or no thought of publication . Examples of the
lattertype are the seventeenth一century diaries of Samuel PePys and John Eve -
lyn , the eighteenth一centUry iournals ofjames Boswell and Fanny Burney , and
Dorothy Wbrdsworth , 5 remarkable IOumals , written 1 798一1828 , but not pub -
lished until long after her death . The first fully developed autobiography 15
also the most infiuential : the Confessions of St . Angustine , written in the
fourth century . The design of this profound and subtle spiritUal autobiogra -
phy centers on What became the crucial experience in Christian autobiogra -
phy : the author , 5 anguished mental crisis , and a recovery and conversion in
which he discovers his Christian ldentity and religious vocation .
MIChel de Montaigne , 5 Essays , publlshed in 1580 and in later expan -
sions , constitute in their sum the first great instance of autobiographical self -
revelation that 15 presented for its inherent interest , rather than for reli多ous
or didactic purposes . Among later distinguished achievements in primarily
seCUlar autobiography are Rousseau , 5 Confessions , written 1764 - - 70 , Goethe , s

参阅:I , awrence Lipton , The Holy Barbarians , 1959 ; Seymour Krim , ed .,孔e
Beat 、,1960 ; Gregory Stephenson , The Da少break Bo夕s : Essa夕50 , the Literat二reof
the Beat Generation , 1989 。


17世纪晚期,约翰・德莱顿把传记简明地定义为“特定人物的生平” 。如今,该术
艾萨克・沃尔顿于164 。年至1678年创作的《名人志))(包括诗人约翰・多恩和乔治・
沃兹沃斯写于1798一1828年间而直到她去世很久才得以发表的著名的《日志》 。第一
录》 。这部深刻细腻的精神自传展示了基督徒自传的主要内容:从作者苦闷的精神危
米歇尔・德・蒙田发表于158 。年的《随笔》及其后来的扩充本成为首部自传体作
46B认cK^盯5 MovEM 〔 N下

Dic儿tU叮und腼hrheit ( , , POetry and肠uthn ) , wrltten 181于31 , and the autobi -

ographles ot Benjarnln厂rankljn , Henry Adams , SeanO , Case又Lil ian Hel man , and Gertmde stein ( published in 193  under the titie角eAutobios而沪妙口邝Iic6

B . TOklas ) . Many spiritual histories of the sel瓦however ) like John Bunyan , s
Grace Abounding to the Chiofofsinners ( 1666 ) , followed Augustine , 5 example of
religious self - revelation centering on a crisis and conversion ・ An important Off -
shoot of thistyPe are seCUlar autobiographies that represent a spiritual Crisis
which 15 resolved by the author , s discovery of his identity and vocation , not as
a Christian , but as a poet or artist ; examples are Wbrdsworth , s autoblograPhy
in verse.劝e Prelude ( comoleted 1805 . Dublished in re训sed form 1850 ) , or the
partly autobiographical works of prosefi比on such as Marcel Proust ' 5 A Ia
理动民加du勿nPsp曰如(1913一7 ) , Jamesjoyce , sPo功成toftheA而tasayou叮
Man ( 1915 ) , and Ralph Ellison , s加嘛ible Man ( 1965 ) . In recent years , the dls ・
tinction be七泞een autobiography and fiction has become more and more
bkirred , as authors include themselves under their own names in novels and
autobiographies are Written in the asserted mode of flction , or OikeM树ne
Hong枪ngston , s角e种b爪an科么沉or , 1975 ) mingle fiCtion and personal expe -
rience as a way to get at one , s essential life story ( see under noveo .
on biography : Donald A . Stauffer , English Bi叩’ aP妙before 1700 ( 1930 )
and仆e Art ofBIOg阳P柳in Eighteenth ・ CentU甲England ( 1941 ) ; Leon Edel , Liter -
a甲Bi叩’ aP柳(1957 );形chard D.组tick , Lives and Letters : A HISto甲ofLitera甲
B娜琳护柳in England and Am州ca ( 1965 ) ; D州d Novarr,仆e Lines ofLife:角eo ・
ries of Bi绍那甲hy , 1880 - - 1970 ( 1986 ) ; Linda Wagner一Martin , Telling灿men , s
Lives:角eN白甲BIOj界矽妙(1994 ) . Catherine N . Parke , Bi昭叩户hy ..训侧丘ng Lives
( 1996 ) , includes a chapter on " Minority Biography . " on autobiography :
M阳扣e Shumaker , English Autobi昭阳Phy ( 1954 ) ; Roy Pascal , Des伽andT加th
in Autobioj琳甲h尸(1960 ) ; Estelle C . Jelinek , ed .,灿。 en , s Autobi驾拟phy : EssayS
inC八瓦cism ( 1980 ) ; and仆e Tradi找onof科勺men , s Autobi咫叩p柳加川An拄qui却
to the Present ( 1986 ) . John N . Morris , in Versions ofthe Sel六S加dies in English
Autobi叩即勺加m IOhn Bunyan to IOhnS加a比Mill ( 1966 ) , deals both with reli -
乎ous and secular spiritual autobiographies . M . H . Abrams , inNa扭ral SuPer -
natUralism ( 1971 ) , narrates the history of spiritual autobiograP坤and
describes the wide ramifications of thetype in historical and philosophical as
well as literary forms .

BI此k几rts Movemeot designates a number ofA加can一m州can认几iters
whose work was shaped by the social and political加rbulence of the 19605一
the decade of massiv6 protests against the Vietham叭厄r,而litant demands for
the rights of blacks that led to repeated and sometimes violent confrontations ,
and the riotS and burnings in功5 Angeles , Detroit , New YOrk , Newark , and
other maior ctties . The literary movement was associated with the Black Power
movement in politics , whose spokesmen , mcluding Stokely Carmichael and
MalcolmX , opposed the proponents of integration and assimilation , and in -
stead advocated black separ甜rm , black pride , and black solidarity.取presenta -
tiVes of the Black Arts put their literary Writings at the service of these social
and politicala如5 . As Larry Neal put it In his essay " The Black Arts Movement , '

恩记》(1666 ),以奥古斯丁的宗教自我展示为样本,主要记述精神危机和灵魂的饭依。
1805 , 1850年以修订版出版),或如马塞尔・普鲁斯特的《追忆似水年华》(1913一
士》,1975 〕将小说和自我经历融为一体来记录某人主要的生平故事,自传与小说之间
关于传记,参看:Donald A . Stauffer , English Biograph夕b刁bre 1 700 , 1930 , and
The Art ofB汇ograph夕i , E乞ghteenth一Ce二tur , Eogland , 1941 ; Leon Edel , L汇terar夕
B£ograph夕,1957 ; Richard D . Altick , LivesandLetters : AHistor夕ofLiterar夕Biog -
raph夕in England and America , 1965 ; David Novarr , The Line , of Life : Theories
ofB乞ograph夕,1880一1970 , 1986 ; Linda Wagner - Martin , T君111 , , 9 Women ' sL泛ves : The
Ne叨Biograph少,1994 . Catherine N . Parke , Biograph少:W八ti刀9 Lives , 1996 ,
includesa 。 hapter on " Minority Biography ” 。关于自传,参看:Wayen Shumaker , Eng -
lish Autob艺ograph ) , 1954 ; Roy Pascal , Design and Truth in Autobiograph夕,1960 ;
Estelle C . Jelinek , ed . , Wo扭en ' A林tob£ograph夕:Essa夕,£nC二泣t£c ' 5水,1980 ; and The
Tradi公艺on of Wdmen ' 5 Autobiograph夕介。 m Antiguit夕to the Present , 1986 。 John N .
( 1966)中,论述了宗教和世俗精神自传。 M . H . Abrams在《自然的超自然主义》
( 1971)中,讲述了精神自传的历史并描述了其在历史和哲学以及文学当中种类繁多

BlacK Arts Movement黑人艺术运动

人,包括斯托克利・卡迈克尔和马尔科姆・ X,反对种族混合和种族同化的倡议,倡导
48B " NK vERSE

( 1968 、:, , Black Art 15 the aesthetic and splritUal sister of the Black Power Con ・
ceot . As such it envisions an art that speaks directly to tne neeas anQ aspiranons
of Black AmeriCa , , alld uto the Afro一AmeriCan desire tor Selt - Qetet刀nmaU0n afiQ
nationhOOd . ' ,
The Black Aesthetic that was voiced or supported by representative Writ -
ers in the movement reiected , as aspects of domination by whlte CUlture , the
" high art , , and modernist forms advocated by Ralph Ellison and other
Afrlcan - American writers in the 19505 . Instead , the black aesthetic called for
the exploitation of the energy and fr6shness of the black vernaCUlar , in
rhythms and moods emulating lazz and the blues , applied especially to the
lives and concerns of lower一class blacks , and addressed specifically to a black
mass audience . ( See Addison Gayle,仆e Black Aesthetic , 1971 . ) The most no -
table and infiuential practitioner of the Black Arts was Imamu Amiri Bara灿
( b orn LeRoi Jones ) who , after an early period as an associate , in Greenwich
village , of Allen Ginsberg and other Beat writers , moved to Harlem , whele he
founded the Black Arts Repertory Theater / School in 1965 . Baraka was distin ・
guished as a poet , a dramatist ( h 15 play Dutch阴an 15 often considered an ex -
emplary product of the Black Arts achievement ) , a political essaytst , anda
critic both of literature and of iazz music . Among other notable Writers of the
movement were the poets Etheredge Knight , Sonia Sanchez , Haki Madhuboti ,
and Ni脚Giovanni ; the authors of prose fiction John Alfted Williams , EI -
dridge Cleave几and James Alan McPherson ; and the playwrlghts Paul Carter
HarriS0n and Ed BullillS .
The revolutionary impetus of the Black Arts movement had diminished
by the 19705 , and some of its pronouncements and achievements n0w seem
undisciplined and too blatantly propagandistic . But its best writings survlve ,
and their critical rationale and sublect一matter have served as models not only
to later Afrlcan - American writers , but also to Native American , Latino , Asian ,
alld other已th九iC Wrlters in AmetiCa .
仆e Black Aesthe氏ed . Addison Gayle ( 1972 ) , mcludes essays that were
important in establishing this mode of criticism by ROn Karenga , Don L . Lee ,
and Larry Neal , as well as by Gayle himself . See also Imamu Amiri Baraka ,
HOme : SOcial ESsays ( 1966 ) , and editor with Larry Neal of Black Fire : An Anthol -
卿ofA加一me爪an科/ri " ng ( 1968 ) ; stephen Henderson , Understanding the
八殆wBlackPoe抑(1973 ) ; andthetext , biograPhies , andbibliographiesfor " The
Black Arts Movement : 1960 - - 1970 , , in仆eNortonAnthol昭夕ofA加canAm币can
Litera匆r6 , ed . H . L . Gates , Nellie Y . McKa又and others , 1997 .

Blonk勺龟rse consists of lines of iambic pen勿met6T ( 11ve一stress iambic verse )
which are unrhymed一hence the term " blank . " of all Efiglish metrical forms
it 15 closest to the natural rhythms of Enghsh speech , and at the same time
fiexible and adaptiv6 to diverse levels of discourse ; as a result it has been more
frequentfy and variously used than any othertype of versification . Soon after
blank verse was introduced by the Earl of Surrey in his translations of BooksZ
and 4 of Vir多l , s仆e Aeneid ( about 1540 ) , it became the standard meter for
Elizabethan and later poetic drama ; a free form of blank verse 15 still the

直接表达黑人美国的需求和渴望”以及“美国黑人对自主和国家认可的期望” 。
艾迪生・盖尔主编的《黑人美学》(1 971)收录了罗恩・卡伦格、唐・ L.李和拉里・
尼尔及其本人为建立这种批评模式而写的一些重要文章。另外参见:lmamu Amiri
Baraka,月。爪e : Soc乞a之Essa , s , 1966 , and editor withl了arry Neal of BlackF艺re : An
Antholog ) ofAj沁一A功er艺ca二Wr艺t ' ng , 1968 ; Stephen Henderson , Understand艺ng the
New Black Poetr夕,1973 ; H . I ・ Gates和Nellie Y . McKay等人编著的《诺顿非裔美国
文学选集》(1997)中为“黑人艺术运动:196 。一197 。 ”提供的文本、传记及参考文献。

B } an伙Verse无韵诗

称“无韵诗” 。在各类英语格律诗歌中,无韵诗最接近英语口语的自然节奏,同时,无
常见和多样化。(大约在154 。年)萨里伯爵在翻译维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》第二卷和
本的标准格律;无韵诗的一种自由形式仍然是20世纪马克斯韦尔・安德逊和T . S .
50 BoM6 ^ S下

medium in such twentieth一century verse plays as those by Maxwell Anderson
and T . 5 . Eliot . John Milton used blank verse for his epic撇radise Lost ( 1667 ) ,
James Thomson for his descriptive and philosophical Seasons ( 172卜30 ) ,
william Wbrdsworth for his autobiographical彻Iude ( 1805 ),川fred , LordTen -
nyson for the narrativeldy姚ofth6King ( 1891 ) , RObertBrowningfor仆eRing
and the Book ( 1868一69 ) and many dramatic monologues , and T . 5 . Eliot for
much of仆e " / a ste Land ( 1922 ) . A large number of meditativ6 lyrics , from the
Roman以cPe此od to the present , have also been written in blank verse , includ -
ing Coleridge , s " Frost at Midnight , " Wbrdsworth , s " Tintem Abbey , " Ten -
nyson , s " Tears , Idle介ars , , ( in which the blank verse 15 divided into five一line
stanzas ) , andw欲lace Stevens , " Sunday Morning . "
Divisions in blank verse poems , used to set off a sustained passage , are
called verse paragraphs . See , for example , the great verse paragraph of
们四enty一siX lines Whlch initiates Milton , s撇radise Lost , be矛nning with " of
man , 5 first disobedience , , and ending Wlth " And lustify the ways of God to
men , , ; also , the opening verse paragraph of twenty一two lines in WOrdsworth , s
, , Tintern Abbey , ' ( 1798 ) , which be多ns :
Five years have past;月ve summers , with the length
of five long winters ! and agaln 1 hear
These waters , rolling from their mountain一springs
丫Vlth a soft inland murmur .

See meter , and refer to Moody Prior , 5 critical study of Verse ifi刀1已
La矛孚J咫扭ofTr ' lgedy ( 1964 ) .

Bombost denotes a wordy and inflated diction that 15 patentiy dispropor -
tionate to the matter that it signifies . The high style of even 50 fine a poet as
Christopher Marlowe 15 at times inappropriate to its sense , as when FaustUs
dedares ( D抓Faus加,1604 ; 111 . 1 . 47 ff . ) :
NOw by the kingdoms of infemal rule ,
of styx , Acheron , and the fiery lake
of ever一burning Phlegethon 1 swear
That 1 do long to see the monuments
And situation of bright一splendent Rome ;
whlch 15 to say : " By Hades , I , d like to see Rome ! " Bombast 15 a frequent com ・
ponent in the hero定c drama of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth cen -
turies . The pompous language of that drama 15 parodied in Henry Fielding , s
TO脚角u阴b the Great ( 1731 ) , asinthenotedopeningofActll . v . , inwhichthe
diminutlve male 10ver Cries :

oh ! Huncamunca , Huncamunca , oh !
Thy pouting breasts , like助ttle一drums of brass ,
Beat everlasting loud alarms of ioy ;
As bright as brass they are , and oh ! as hard ;
oh ! Huncamunca , Huncamunca , oh !
Fielding points out in a note that this passage was a paro即of James Thom -
son , 5 lines in仆e介Zge即ofsoPhon钻ba ( 1730 ) :
艾略特等人从事诗体剧本创作的艺术形式。约翰・弥尔顿的史诗《失乐园》(1 " 7)、
詹姆斯・汤姆逊寓描述和哲理于一体的《四季》(1726一173 。)、威廉・华兹华斯的自传
T . 5.艾略特的《荒原》(1922)中的大部分内容,都采用了无韵诗的形式。自浪漫主义
时期至今,许多沉思性的抒情诗歌也是用无韵体创作的,如柯勒律治的《霜夜》 、华兹华
斯的《丁登寺》 、丁尼生的《眼泪枉流》(为五行一节的无韵诗),以及华莱士・斯蒂文斯
的《礼拜日的早晨》 。

参见:榕律,参阅:Moody Prior在《悲剧的语言》(1964)中对无韵诗的评论研究。


番陈述(《浮士德博士》,1604 ; 111 , i , 47 ff . ) :


其实这里所要表达的只是“冥王,我想看看罗马!" 17世纪晚期和18世纪早期的英雄
( 1731)中对英雄剧中的浮夸之辞作了一番戏谑模仿。例如在该剧第二幕第五场著名


( 1730)中的诗句:
52 BowoL 〔 Rlz 〔 ・日uRL 〔 sQu 〔

oh ! SoPhonisba , Sophonisba , oh !
0hl Narva , Narva , oh !
" Bombast , , originally meant " cotton stuffing , " and in Elizabethan times
came to be used as a metaphor for an over一elaborate style .

Bowdledze . TO delete ftom an edition of a literary work passages consid ・
ered by the editor to be indecent or indellcate . The word derives from the
Reverend Thomas Bowdler , who tidied up hisFa阴i妙ShakesPeare in 1818 by
omitting , as he put it , " whatever 15 unfit to be read by a gentleman in a com ・
pany of ladies . " Jonathan SWift , 5 Gulliver , s加vels ( 1726 ) , Sha缺speare , 5 plays ,
and仆e Arabian Nights are often bowdlerized in editions intended for the
yOung , ' and until the 19205 , at Which time the standards of propriety were
drastically liberaliZed , some compilers of anthologies forcollege stUdents
availed themselves of Bowdler , 5 prerogative in edlting Chaucer .

surles职e has been succinctly defined as " an incongruous加itationn ; that
15 , it imitates the manner ( the form and style ) or else the subiect matter ofa
serious literary work or a literary genre , in verse or In prose , but makes the im ・
itation amusing by a ridiculous disparity be勺榨een the manner and the matter .
The burlesque may be written for the sheer fun of it ; usually ) however , it isa
form of sa瓦re . The butt of the satiric ridiCUle may be the particular work or the
genre that 15 being imitated , or else the sublect matter to which the imltation
15 incongruously applied , or ( O ften ) both of these together '
, , Burlesque , , , " parod又” and " travestyn are sometimes applied inter -
changeably ; simpfy to equate these terms , however , 15 to surrender useful Crit ・
ical distinctions . It 15 better to follow the critics who use " burlesque , , as the
generic name and use the other terms to discriminate species of burlesque ; we
must缺ep in mind , however , that a single instance of burlesque may eXPloit
a variety of technlques . The application of these terms will be clearer if we
make two preliminary distinctions : ( l ) In a burlesque imitation , the form and
style may be either lower or higher in level and dignity than the sublect to
which it 15 incongruously applied . ( See the discussion of levels unders如le . ) If
the form and style are high and dignified but the subiect 15 low or trivial , we
have " high burlesquen ; If the subiect 15 high in status and dignity but the style
and manner of treatlnent are low and undignifled , we have " low burlesque . "
( 2 ) A burlesque may also be distinguished according to whether it imitatesa
general literary type or genre , or else a particular Work or author . App切ng
these two distinctions , we get the follo叭八ng species of burlesque .
1 Vadetlesofhighburlesque :
( 1 ) Aparodyimitatestheseriousmannerandcharacteristicfeaturesofa
particular literary worK or the distinctive style of a particular author ,
or the typical stylistic and other features of a serious literary genre ,
and defiates the originai饰aPplytng the imitatlon to a lowly or com -
ically InaPproPriate su坷ecL John PhilliPs " ' The sPlendid shilljng , ,
( 1705 ) parodied the epic style ofjohn Milton , sParadiseLost ( 1667 ) by


" bombast , ' ( “浮夸之辞”)的原意是“棉花填料”,在伊丽莎白时代用以比喻冗长浮华、

Bowdler } ze作品删节

比亚选集》时删去了他认为“绅士不宜读给女士听的内容” 。乔纳森・斯威夫特的《格

Bur } esque滑稽讽刺作品

“滑稽讽刺作品” 、 “戏谑作品”和“效肇作品”三者有时可交替使用;然而如果简单
如果我们作如下两类初步的区分,这些术语的用法将会更加清晰:( 1)滑稽讽刺模仿
仿作品” 。(2)滑稽讽刺模仿作品也可以根据所模仿的是一般的文学类型或类别,还
( 1)戏谑模仿作品:模仿某篇文学作品严肃的手法或特征,或某一作家独特的文
54 euRt 〔 sQu 〔

exaggerating its high formality and app切ng it to the description ofa
tattered poet composing in a drafty attic . Henry Fielding in josePh An -
如卿5 ( 1742 ) parodied Samuel形chardson , 5 novel凡mela ( 1740弓1 )
byputtingaheartymaieheroinp1aceof几chardson , ssexuallybelea ・
guered heroine , and later on Jane Allsten poked good一natured fun at
the genre of the gothic novel inNO肋a铭盯Abb即(1818 ) . Here 15 Hart -
ley Coleridge , s parody of the first stanza of William Wbrdsworth , s
, , She Dwelt among the Untrodden叭/a ys , " whlch he applies to
Wordsworlh himself :

He lived amidst th , untrodden ways
TO Rydal Lake that lead ,
A bard Whom there were none to praise ,
And very few to read ,
From the early nineteenth century to the present , parody has been the
favorite form of burlesque . Among the少ed parodists of the present
century have been Max Beerbohm in England ( see his A Chris加as Gar -
land , 1912 ) and Stella Glbbons ( ColdCO用fo材Fan拜1936 ) , and the
Americanw劝ters James Thurber , Phyilis McGinleyl and E . B.叭飞让e .
The novel POssession ( 1990 ) , by the Efiglish WriterA , 5 . Byatt , exempli -
fles as川ous literary form WhiCh includes straight一faced parodies of
Victorian poetry and prose , aswell as of academic sCholarly Wrltings .
( 2 ) Amockepicormock一heroicpoemisdistinguishedasthatt即eof
parody which imitates , in a sustained way , both the elaborate fonn
and the ceremonious style of the ePic genre , but applies it to narrate at
length a commonplace or trivial subiect matteL In a masterpiece of
thlstype,几e Rape of the Lock ( 1 714 ) , Alexander Pope views through
the grandiose epic perspective a quarrel be七陀een the belles and ele -
gants of his day over the theft of a la勿,5 cuil . The story Indudes such
elements of tradltional epic protocol as supematural machine供a voy -
age on board ship , a visit to the underworld , and a herolcally scaled
battle between the sexesesalthough with metaPhors , ha切ins , and
snuff for weapons . The term mock - heroic 15 often applied to other dig -
nified poetic forms which are purposely mismatChed to a lowly sub -
leCt ; for example , to Thomas Gray , 5 comic " ode on the Death ofa
Favorite Cat , , ( 1748 ) ; see under bathos anda拄流11爪ax .
11如rletie , of low burle ‘叼ue :
( 1)仆eHudthrasticpoemtakesitsnamefromSamuelButler , sHud定bras
( 1663 ) , whlch satiriZ6d rigid Puritanism by desCribing the adventures
of a Puritan knight , Sir Hudibras . Instead of the doughty deeds and
dignified style of the tradltional genre of the chiva流ro阴ance , how ・
ever , we find the knightly hero exPeriendng mundane and humillat ・
ing misadventures which are described ind叨erel verses anda
ludicrously colloquial idiom .
( 2 ) Theti韧vesty mocks a pa川cular work勿treatingits lofty sublect ina
乎。 tesquely undign迅ed manner and style . As Boileau Put it , describing

个强健热诚的男主角以戏谑模仿塞缪尔・理查逊的小说《帕美勒》(174 。一1741)。


式。 20世纪戏谑模仿的天才作家,包括英国的马克斯・比尔博姆(参见他的作品《圣
伯、菲利斯・麦金利和E . B.怀特。英国作家A . 5.拜厄特在小说《占有》(1 990)中展示
( 2)模拟史诗或仿英雄体诗与其戏谑模仿的诗作不同,它持续模拟史诗宏大精细
薄低劣的主题;例如托马斯・格雷的滑稽诗作《祭爱猫之死》(1748 );参见词条突降与
( 1 ) “休迪布拉斯”式滑稽诗得名于塞缪尔・勃特勒的《休迪布拉斯》(1663 ),该诗
( 2)效堰作品是以滑稽平庸的方式和风格表现崇高的主题来嘲讽某一作品。正
56 cANoN oF Ll丁〔 RATuR 〔

a travesty of Virgil , 5 Aeneid , " Dido and Aeneas are made to speak like
fish倾ves and ruffians . ”仆eN亡w YorkeT once published a travesty of
Ernest Hemingway , 5 novel Across伪e Rjver andlntothe血es ( 1950 ) with
the titieA 。旧55 thes白雀t and Into theBa矜andthefillnyoungF巾nk哪te动
15 a travesty of Mary Shelley , s novel厂巾nk州stein ・
Another form of burlesque 15 the lampoon : a short satirical work , ora
passage in a longer work , which describes the appearance and character ofa
partiCUlar person in a Way that makes that person ridiculous . It typically em -
ploys caricature , which in a verbal description ( as in graphic art ) exaggerates
or distorts , for comic effect , a person , 5 distlnctiv6 physical features or person -
ality traits . John Dryden , 5 Absaloma " d AchitOPhel ( 1681 ) includes a famed
twenty一five ・ line lampoon of Zimri ( Dr州en , s contemporary the Duke of Buck -
ingham ) , which begins :
In the first rank of these did Zimri stand ;
Amansovarious , thatheseemedtobe
Not one , but all mankind怡epitome :
Stiff in opinions , always in the wrong ;
W韶everything by starts , and nothing long二
The modern sense of " builesque , ) as a theater form derives , historically ,
from plays which mocked serious types of drama by an incongruous imita -
tion . John Gay , sB侧孚犷,s OPera ( 1728)一which in turn became the model for
the German角阳即enny OPera by Bertolt Brecht and KurtW以11 ( 1928 ) - - w asa
high burlesque of Italian opera , aPpl界ng its dignifled formulas to a company
of beggars and thieves ; a number of the musical plays by Gilbert and Sullivan
in the Victorian era also burlesqued grand opera ・
George屹tchin , A SurV即。厂Burlesque and Paro即in English ( 1931 );形ch -
mond P . Bond,石喇ish Burlesque POetTy , 1700 - 1750 ( 1932 ) ; Margaret A . ROse ,
Parody . . Ancient , MOde巩and POSt - MOde阴(1993 ) . Anthologies : W叭ter Jerrold
and R . M . Leonard , eds . , A CentUly ofParo即and加ita五on ( 1913 ) ; RobertP .
Falk , ed .,仆e An瓦c MUSe : A功州can不竹咬ters诬摊Paro即(1955 ) ; Dwight MacDon -
ald , ed .,尸口即dies : An AnthoIO}沙(1960 ) .

Conon of Literot " re . The Greek word " kanon , " signi勿ing a measuring rod
or a rule , was extended to denote a list or catalogue , then came to be applied
to the list of books in the Hebre 、犷Bible and the NeW介stament which were
desiguated by church authorities as the genuine Holy Scriptures . A number of
writings related to those in the Scriptures , but not admitted into the authori -
tative canon , are called apocrypha ; eleven books which have been inctuded
in the Roman Catholic biblical canon are considered apocryPhal by Protes -
tants .

The term " canonn was later used in a literary application to signify the
list of secular works accepted by experts as genuinely written by a particular
allthor . We speak thus of " the Chaucer canon , , and " the Shakespeare canon , "
and refer to other works that have sometimes been attributed to an authoT ,
but on州dence that many editors ludge to be inadequate or invalid , as

说起话来像泼妇与恶棍。 ” 《纽约人》上曾发表过一篇效擎欧内斯特・海明威的小说
弗兰肯施泰因》则是效擎玛丽・雪莱的小说《弗兰肯施泰因》 。

一切事情都是有头无尾… …

模仿而嘲讽严肃戏剧的剧目。约翰・盖伊的《乞丐的歌剧》(1728 ) ―后来又成为贝
参阅:George Kitchin , A Sur勺e , of Bor乙esq脱ea了正d Parod,乞儿E " 91汇sh , 1931 ;
Richmond P . Bond , E刀glish Burlesgue Poetr少,1700刁750 , 1932 ; Margaret A . Rose ,
Parod夕:Ancient,人肠der , : , and Post一M口dern , 1993 。文集:Walter Jerrold and R . M .
I矛eonard , eds . , A Centu勺of Parod夕and Imitation , 1913 ; Robert P . Falk , ed . , The
Antic Muse : AmericanW八ters in Parod夕,1955 ; Dwight MacDonald , ed . , Parodies :
An Antholog , , 1960 。

Canon ofL } terature文学经典

希腊单词“ kanon ”指的是一种度量标杆或度量尺,被引申用来指代列表或目录,
后来," canon ' '(经典)一词又被引用到文学领域,指真正由某位作家创作的,又经

" aoocrvDhal . " In recent decades the phrase literary canon has come to desig ・
nate一In worid llteratUre , or in European literature , but most trequently Ina
national literatUre - - those authors who , by a cumulative consensus of critics ,
scholars , and teachers , have come to be widely recognized as " malo乙” and to
have written works often hailed as literary classics . The literary worksby
canonical authors are the ones whlch , at a given time , are most址pt in print ,
most frequently and fully discussed by literary critics and historians , and
most likely to be included in anthologies and in the syllabi of college courses
with tities such as " Wbrld Maste甲ieces , " " Malor English Authors , " or " Great
AmeriCan Wdters . , ,
The use of the terrn " canon , , with reference both to the Bible and to sec -
ular writings obsCUres important differences in the two applications . The bib -
llcal canon has been established by church authorities vested with the power
to make such a decision ; 15 enforced by authorities with the power to impose
religious sanctions ; 15 explicit In the books that it lists ; and 15 closed , permit -
ting neither deletions nor additions . ( See the entry " Canon , , in乃e Oxford
CO玲IPanion to the Bible , 1993 . ) The canon of literature , on the other hand , 15
the product of a wavering and unofficial consensus ; it 15 tacit rather than ex -
plicit , loose in its boundaries , and always sublect to changes in its inclusions .
The social process by Which an author or a literary work comes to be tac -
itly recognized as canonical has come to be called " canon formation . " The
factors in this formativ6 process are complex and disputed . It seems clear ,
however , that the process involves , among other conditions , a broad concur -
rence of critics , scholars , and authors with divErse viewpoints and sensibili -
ties ; the persistent influence of , and reference to , an author in the work of
other authors ; the frequent reference to an author or work wlthin the dis -
course of a cultural community ; and the widespread assignment of an author
or text in school and college curricula . Such factors are of course mutually In ・
teractlve , and they need to be sustained over a period of time . In his " Preface
to Sha址speare , , ( 1765 ) Samueljohnson said that a centuryis " thetermcom -
monfy fixed as a test of literary merit , " It seems , however , that some authors
who wrote within the present centUry such as Marcel Proust , Franz Kafka ,
Thomas Mann , and James Joyceesesperhaps even a Wrlter 50 recent as Vladimir
Nabokov - - already have achieved the prestige , influence , assignment in col -
lege courses , and persistence of reference in literary discourse to establish
them in the European canon ; others , including挽ats , T . 5 . Eliot , Virginia
W匕olf , and Robert Frost , seem aiready secure in their national canons , at least .
At any time , the boundaries of a literary canon remain indefinite , whlle
inside those boundaries some authors are central and others more marginal .
occasionally an earlier author who was for long on the fringe of the canon , or
even outside it , gets transferred to a position of eminence . A conspicuous ex ・
ample was John Donne , who from the eighteenth century on was regarded
mainly as an interestingly eccentric poet . T . 5 . Eliot , followed by Cleanth
Brooks and other入陌w Cri五cs in the 19305 and late乙made Donne , s认Iritings
the very paradlgm of the self - ironic and paradoxical poetry they most ad -
mired , and 50 helPed elevate him to a high place within the玩glish canon .

视为“伪作” 。近几十年来,文学经典这一术语开始用来指在世界文学,或在欧洲文学
“重要的” 、写出被尊为文学经典的那些作家。出之于经典作家之笔的文学作品在某
研究,而且极有可能被文选收录并被大学课程的教学大纲所采用并冠以“世界名著” 、
施、目录明确、不容增减的封闭性作品[参见《牛津圣经词典》(1 993)中的条目“经典” 〕 。
一位作家或一部作品被公众默认为经典的社会过程被称为“经典的形成” 。该形
来说是用以检验文学价值的时间段。 ”但一些20世纪的作家,如马塞尔・普鲁斯特、弗
他像包括叶芝、 T . 5.艾略特、弗吉尼亚・吴尔夫和罗伯特・弗罗斯特等在内的一些作
一直被视为是一位有趣的行为怪诞的诗人。 T . 5.艾略特及其后的克利安斯・布鲁克
60 c ^ NoN oFL , TERATURE

( See用etaPhysical poetS . ) Since then , Donne , 5 towering reputation has dimin -
ished , but he remains prominent in thecanon . once firmly established , an
author shows considerable resistance to being disestablished by adverse critl -
cism and changing literary preferences . For example many New Critics , to -
gether with the influential F . R . Leavis in Ellgland , while lauding Donne ,
vigorously attacked the ROmantic poet shelley as embodytng poetic qualities
they strongly condemned ; but although a considerable number of critics
ioined in this derogation of shelley , the long一term effect was to aggrandize
the critical attention and discussion , whether in praise or dispraise , that helPs
sustain an author , s place in the canon ・
Since the 19705 , the nature of canon formation , and opposition to estab -
lished literary canons , have become a Ieading concem among critics of dl -
verse vieWPoints , whether deconstructive , feminist , Ma加st , postcolonial , or
new historicist ( see pos招加c勿ralism ) . The debate often focuses on the practi ・
cal issue of What books to assign in college CUrriCUla , especially in required
" core courses " in the humanities and inw此tem civiliZation . A widespread
charge 15 that the standard canon of great books , not only in literature but in
all areas of hu用anis价stud又has been determined less by artistic excellence
than by the politics of power ; that 15 , that the canon has been formed in ac ・
cordance with the ideoloJ洪political interests , and values of an乏lite class that
was whlte , male , and European . As a result , it 15 claimed that the canon con ・
sists mainly of works that convey and sustain ractsm , pa沉arch另and imperial ・
ism , and serves to marginal让e or exclude the interests and accompltshments
of blacks , Hispanics , and other ethnic minorities , and also the aChievements
of women , the working dass , popular CUlture , homosexuals , and non一加rOPean
civilizat10ns . The demand 15 " to open the canon , , 50 as to make it rnulticu卜
tUral instead of " Eurocentric , , and to make it represent adequately the con ?
cerns and wrltings of women and of ethnic , non一heterosexual , and other
groups . Another demand 15 that the standard canon be strlpped of its目ltism
and its " hierarchismn一hat 15 , its built一in discriminations between high art
and lower art一in order to include such CUltural products as Hollywood films ,
tel州sion serials , popular songs , and fiction written for a mass audience .
There 15 also a radical wing of revisionist theorists who , to further the political
aim to transform the existing power一structUres , demand not merely the open ・
ing , but the abolition of the standard canon and itsr叩lacement by marginal
and excluded groups and texts .
The views of defenders of the standard canon , like those of its opponents ,
range from moderate to extreme . The position of many moderate defenders
mjght be summariZed as follows . Whatever has been the influence of dass ,
gende耳race , and other special interests In forming the喇s如9 canon , this 15
far from the whole story . The canon 15 the result of the concurrence of a great
many ( often unexpressed ) norms and standards , and among these , one crucial
份改。 rhasbeenthehighintellectUa1andattisticqualityofthecanonicalworkS
themselves , and their attested power to give delight , and to aPpeal to widely
shared human concems and vatues . Moderate defenders agree to the desirabil ・
ity of enlarging the canon of texts that are assigned ftequently in academic

例如许多新批评家和英国颇有影响的F . R.利维斯一道,在赞美多恩的同时,对浪漫
自2 。世纪70年代以来,经典形成的本质,以及与已确立的文学经典的对立,成了
掉精英统治和“等级主义” ―即对高雅艺术和低级艺术之间固有的歧视性区别―

courses , in order to make the canon more broadly representativE of diverse CUI -
tUres , ethnic groups , dasses , and interests ; they poifit out , howev6T , that such
changes would not be a drastic Innovation , since the educational canon has al -
ways been sub } ect to deletions and additions . They emphas让e that thee劝sting
W匕tem , English , and儿nerican canons include exemplars of skeptidsm比Out
established Ways of thinking , of political radicalism , and of the toleration of
dissent-一加atures of the accepted canons of which the present radical仇eorists
and proponents of change are , clearl又the inheritors and beneficiaries . And
however a canon 15 eniarged to represent other cultUres and classes , moderate
defenders insist on the need to maintain a continuing scrutiny of and dialogue
with the diverse and 10ng - lasting works of intellect and im娜nation that have
shaPedW比tem dvillzation and constitute much ofw此tem cultUre . They
point to the enduring primacy , over many centuries , of suchw比tem authors
as Homer , Shakespeare , and Dante . They aiso remark that many theorists Who
challenge the traditional Engllsh canon , when they tUm from theory toap -
plied Critidsm , attend prePonderantly to established maior author卜eenot only
ShakesPeare , but also Spenser , Milton , Jane Austen , WbrdsW0rth , George Eliot ,
Whitman , Henry James and many othersseand 50 recogn让e and confirm in
praCtice the liter田了canon that they in theory oppose ・
Discussions of the natUre and formation of the literary canon : the collec ・
tion of essays edited by RObert von Hallberg , Cano " s ( 1984 ) ; John Guillory ,
CultUral Capital:仆e乃刀bl日” ofLi份ra尽CanonFO溯a如n ( 1993 ) ; andw匕ndell
从Harris , " Canonlci诊即尸酮陇A , 106 ( 1991 ) , pp . 110 - - 21 . Q笋estioners or oppo -
nents of the traditional canon : Leslie A . Fiedler and Houston A . Bake石Jr . , eds . ,
English Literature:即阴inK UP the Canon ( 1981 ) ; Jane Tompkins , Sensa " onaIDe -
s伽s:仆e Cul切lal认七欢ofAm州can月苗on , 1790 - 1860 ( 1985 ) ; Jonathan
Culler , F巾ming thes伽:Cri沈ism and招加互tU瓦ons ( 1988 ) , chapterZ , " The
Humanities TOmorrow ; , , and DarrylL . Gless and Barbara H . Smith , eds .,仆e
Poli丘cs of Lib日叹1 Educa " on ( 1990 ) . Defenses of the traditional canon : Frank
Kermode , " Prologue , , to An月PPe百te for Poe抑(1989 ) ; the essays in劝e Cha路
ing Cul加reo厂the Universi尔a sPecial lssue ofPa而anR曰内曰即(Sp血9 1991 ) ;
Harold Bloom,角e认沦stem Canon ( 1994 ) .

Co甲eDiel . , meaning " seizetheday , " isaLatinPhraseftomoneofHorace , s
O动绍住.劝.) whlch has become the name for a very common literary mo晰es -
pectallyinlyric poetry . The speaker in a carpe diem poem emphas让es that life
15 short and time 15 fleeting in order to urge his auditor - - who 15 often repre -
sented as a vir矛n reluctant to change her conditionweto make the most of
present pleasures 、 A frequentemblem of the brevity ofp坤siC81 beauty and the
finality of death 15 therose , as in Edmund Spenser , s角eFa州e伽een马159于96
( 11.对1 . 7冬75 ; " Gather therefore the Rose , whilst yet 15 prime , , ) , and , in the sev -
enteenth centU珍Robert Hemck , s " TO the Virgins , to Make Much of Time , ,
( " Gather ye rosebuds , while ye may , ' ) , and Edmund功白ller , s " Go , Lovely
ROse ・,' The more complex poems of thls tyPe communlcate the poiguant sad -
ness印r else desperation一-。 f the pursuit of pleasures under the sentence of in -
州table death ; for example , Andrew Marvell性“ TO His Coy Mistressn ( 1681 )

有关文学经典的本质和形成的论述有:Robert von Hallberg , ed . canon , ( 1954 ) ;
John Guillory , Cultural Capital : The Problem of Literary Cano , Formation ( 1993 ) ;
WendellV ・ Harris , " Canonicity , " PMLA , 106 ( 1991 ) , PP . 110一121 。对传统经典提出
质疑或反对的有:I , eslie A . Fiedler and Houston A . Baker , Jr . , eds . , Englis人Litera -
ture : Opening Up the Ca , o , ( 1981 ) ; Jane Tompkins , Seosat艺ooal Desfg二s : The Col -
trual wdrk of American Fiction , ] 790一860 ( 1985 ) ; Jonathan Culler , Framing the
Sign : Criticism and It , Institutions ( 1988 ) , chapterZ , " The Humanities Tomorrow " ;
Darryl L . Gless and Barbara H . Smith , eds . , The Politics of Liberal Education
( 1990)。为传统经典辩护的有:Frank Kermode , " Prologue " to An Appetite for Poet卿
( 1989 ) ; the essays in TheChangingCultureoftheUniversit夕,aspecialissueofPar -
tisan Review ( Spring 1991 ) ; Harold Bloom , TheW比tern Canon ( 1994)。

CarpeD } em及时行乐

" carPe diem ' ’是出自贺拉斯《歌集》(工.元.)中的一个拉丁文短语,意为“及时行乐”,现
埃德蒙・斯宾塞的《仙后》(1590一1596 , 11 . xii . 74一75 ; “故尔采摘玫瑰,要趁花俏叶
茂。 ” ) ; 17世纪罗伯特・赫里克的《致处女:及时行乐》(“好花堪摘须及时”)以及埃德
蒙・沃勒的《快,可爱的玫瑰》 。这类诗歌更为错综复杂的杰作都表达了一种面对不
64c 〔 LTlcR 〔 VIVAL 。 CH ^ RACr 〔 RA闪oC日^队CT 〔 RIZAT10N

and the Set of variations on the carpe diem motifin角e Rubdiyat of omar
Zt Edward FitsGerald . In 1 747 , Lady Mary Wbrt - Kha乃硕m , by the Victorian poet
ley Montagu wrote " The Lover : A Ballad , " a brilliant counter to the carpe diem
poems written by male poets , in which the woman exPlains to her importu 、
nate IOver Why she finds him utterly resistible ・

Celtic Re讨,。 】,also known as the Irish Literary Renaissance , identifies the
remarkably creative period in Irish literature from about 1880 to the death of
William Butier丧ats in 1939 . The aim of Yeats and other early leaders of the
movement was to create a distinctiv6ly national literatUre by going back to
Irish histo年legend , and folklore , as Well as to native literary models . The
maior Writers , however , wrote not in the native Irish ( one of the Celtic lan -
guages ) but in English , and under the infiuence of various non一Irish literary
forms ; a number of them also turned increasingiy for their subiect matter to
modern Irish llfe rather than to the anCient past ,
Notable poets in additionto丧ats were AE ( George Russell ) and oliv6r St .
John Gogarty . The dramatists included Yeats himself , as well as Lady Gregory
( who Was also an important patron and publicist for the movement ) , John
Millington Synge , and later Seano , Casey . Among the novelists were George
Moore and James Stephens , as well as James Joyce , who , although he aban -
doned Ireland for Ellrope and ridiculed the excesses of the nationalist writers ,
adverted to Irish sublect matter and characters in all his wrltings . As these
names indicate , the Celtic Revival produced some of the greatest poetry )
drama , and prose fiction Written in English during the first four decades of the
twe而eth century .
See E . A . Boyd , Ireland , s Litera甲丑enaissance ( 1916 ; rev . , 1922 ) ; Herbert
Howarth,爪e Irish不仍咬ters ( 1958 ) ; Phillip L . Marcus , y6ats and theB叨nningofthe
Irish Rena钻sance ( 1970 ) , and " The Celtic Revival : Literature and the Theate丸” in
仆e Irish World ..劝e Hi3to甲and Cul加ral Ach旧’ e men朽ofthe Irish PeOPle ( 1977 ) .

Chorocter ond Chorocter七。 don .
( 1 ) The character 15 the name of a literary genre , . it 15 a short , and usually
witty , sketch in prose of a distinctive tyPe of person ・ The genre was
inaugurated勿Theophrastus , a Greek author of the second century
B . c . , who wrote a lively book entitled Characters . The form had a great
vogue in the eariier seventeenth centUry ; the boob of characters then
Written by Joseph Hall , Sir Thomas overbu年and John Earle Influ -
enced later writers of essays , history , and fiction . The titles of some of
overbury , 5 sketches will indicate the nature of the form : " A Courtier , "
" AWiseMan , ' , " AFairandHappyMllklnaid . " See几chardAlding -
ton , 5 anthology A Bookof " Characters " ( 1924 ) .
( 2 ) Ch和旧cte巧are the persons represented in a dramatic or nanati刀e work ,
who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with pa觅cular
moral , intellectual , and emotional qualities by inferences from what
the persons say and their distinctlve ways of sa刃ng It一the dialogu卜

( 1681)和维多利亚女王时代的诗人爱德华・菲茨杰拉德以及时行乐的各种形式为题旨
创作的《欧玛尔・海亚姆的鲁拜集》 。玛丽・沃特利・蒙塔古夫人作于1747年的《情

Celt } c Reviva}凯尔特文艺复兴

除叶芝外,爱尔兰文学复兴的重要诗人还有“ AE "(即乔治・拉塞尔)和奥列弗・
参见:E . A . Boyd , Ireland ' 5 Litera勺Renaissa , ce , 1916 ; rev , ed . , 1922 ; Herbert
Howarth,了汤之I戒sh环今iters , 1958 ; Philhp L . Marcus , h以5 and艺he Beg笼二n乞二9 of the
Irish Renaissance , 1970 , and " The Celtic Revival : Literature and the Theater , " in The
Irish叼而rld : The Histo勺and Cultural Achievements of the Irish People , 1977 。

Character and Characterization人物与人物塑造

( l)人物素描是一种文学类型的称谓;是作者以简洁、诙谐的白描手法勾勒出的某
一类典型的人物形象。公元前2世纪(应为公元前372?一287 ?,原书有误―译者
式的特性,如《馅媚者》 、 《聪明人》 、 《漂亮快活的挤奶姑娘》 。参阅理查德・奥尔丁顿
( 2)人物是戏剧或叙事作品所描写的人,读者通过人物的话语和其特有的话语方

and from what they do卜eethe action . The grounds in the characters ,

temperament , des让es , and morai natUre forth比sPeeCh anda由。 are called th改motiv甜on . A character may remaln essentially " sta -
ble , " or unchanged in outiook and disposition , ftomb匆nning to end
of a wolk ( Prospero in ShakesPeare , s仆e及mPest , Mic即四ber in Charles
Dickens , David COI沪晰己Id , 1849一o ) , or may undergo a radical change ,
either through a gradual process of development ( the titie character in
Jane Austen , 5 Emma , 1816 ) or as theresultofacrisis ( Shakespeare , sK诬ng
Lea ' PIP in Dickens , GreatExPecta如ns)・ Whether a character remains
stable or changes , the reader of a traditional and realistic work exPects
" consistency ”一代he character should not Suddenly break off and actin
aWayn0tplausiblygroundedinhisorhertemperamentaswehaveal -
ready come to切Ow it .
E . M . Forste石in AsPects ofthe Novel ( 1927 ) , introduced popular new terms
for an old distinction如discriminating between flat and round characters . A
flat character ( also called a tyPe , or " two一dimensional , , ) , Forster says , 15 built
around " a single idea or quality , , and 15 presented without much individual让-
ing detail , and therefore can be fairly adequately described in a singie phrase
or sentence . A round character 15 complex in temperament and motivation
and 15 represented with subtie particularity ; such a character therefore 15 as
difficult to desCribe with any adequacy as a person in real life , and like real
persons , 15 capable of surprising us ・ A hu爪ours characte ' such as Ben Jonson , s
" Sir EpiCUre Mammon , " has a name Which says itall , in contrast to the round -
ness of character in Shakespeare , s multifaceted Falstaff . Almost all dramas and
narratives , properly enough , have some characters who serve merely as func -
tionarles and are not Characterized at all , as well as other characters who are
left relatively flat : there 15 no need , in Shakespeare , 5 Henly IUPa材1 , for Mis -
tress伽ickly to be as giobular as Falstaff . The degree to whlch , in order to be
regarded as artistically successful , characters need to be three一dimensionai de -
pends on their function in the plot ; in manyt即es of narrative , such as in the
detective story or adventure novel or farce comedy , even the protagonist 15
usually two一dimensional . Sherlock Holmes and Long John Silver do not re -
quire , for their excellent literary roles , the roundness of a Hamlet , a Becky
Sharp , or a Jay Gatsby . In hls Anato恻ofCri瓦山m ( 1957 ) , Northrop Frye has
prOPosed that even lifdike characters are identifiable variants , more or lessin -
divi血alized , of stock types in old literary genres , such as the self - deprecating
" eiron , " the boastful " alazon , " and the " senex iratus , " or choleric old father in
classical comedy . ( see stockc万aracters . )
A broad distinction 15 frequently made between altematiVe methods for
characteri址ng ( i . e . , establishing the distinctive characters 00 the persons in
a narrative : showing and telling . In showlng ( also called " the dram甜c
methodn ) , the author simply presents the characters talking and aCting and
leaves the reader to infer the motives and dispositions that lie behind what
they say and do . The author may show not only extemal speech and actions ,
but also a character , s inner thoughts , feelings , and responsiveness to events ;

比亚《暴风雨》中的普洛斯彼罗,查尔斯・狄更斯《大卫・科波菲尔德》(1849一1850 )
题人物爱玛〕或由于经历危机(如莎士比亚的《李尔王》 、狄更斯《远大前程》中的皮普)
的,传统作品和现实主义作品的读者总是期望作品中人物的“连贯性” ―人物不应
E . M.福斯特在《小说面面观》(1927)中通过辨别干瘪的人物和丰满的人物为旧
如古典喜剧中自我贬损的“愚人” 、善于吹嘘的“骗子” 、 “愤怒的女祭司”或性情暴躁的
68C日Iv ^ LR [ c ROM ^ NCE

foften to eva 】 uate , the motives and dispositional qualities of the characters .
or a highly developed mode of such in er showing , se  sb即阴of cribe , and nes  . In tel ing , the author intervenes authoritatively in order to des
心口刀5 ‘之O翻5 ・

For example , ' n the terse open , ng chapter of钾dea州州udice ( 1尽13 ) , Jane
Austen first shows us Mr . and Mrs . Bennet as tney tal长to one anotner aoout
the young man Who has ) ust rented Netherfield Park , then ( in the quotation
below ) tells us about them , and 50 confirms and exPands the inferences that
the reader has begun to make from what has been shown ・
Mr . Bennet was 50 odd a mixture of quick parts , sarcastic humou乙re -
serve , and caprice , that the experience of three一and一twenty years had
been insufficle狱to make his wife under吐and his ch及racter.石妙mind
was less difficult to develop . She was a woman of mean understanding ,
Iittle infornlation , and uncertain temper .

Especially since the novelistic theory and praCtice of Flaubert and Henry
James , a critical tendency has been to consider " telling , , a viofation of artistry
and to recommend only the technique of " showingn characters ; authors , it豆s
said , should totalfye枷ce themselves in order to write " obiectively , " " imper ・
sonally , " or " dramatically . " Such 】 udglnents , however , privilege a modem
artistic limitation suited to particular novelistic effects , and decry an alterna -
tiv6 method of characterization which a number of novelists have employed
to produce masterpieces . ( See point of摊ew . )
Innovative writers in the present century一includmg novelists from
James Joyce to French writers of the new novel , and authors of the dramas and
novels of the absurd and various experimental forms印ften present the per -
sons in their works in ways which r ' Un counter to the earlier mode of rep -
resenting lifel此characters Who manifest a consistent substructUre of
individuality.狱cent structuralist critics have undertaken to dissolve even the
lifeli缺characters of traditional novels into a system of literary conventions
and codes whlch are natUralized by the readers ; that 15 , readers are said to pro -
lect lifelikeness upon codified llterary representations by asslmilating them to
thdro脚叽Prior stereo协甲es of individuals in real life . Sees如ctUraljst币ticis脚
and t6xt and wri吞ng必比i匆re ) , and refer to Jonathan Culler , S加c细ralist POe找cs
( 1975 ) , chapterg , " Poetics of the Novel ・ ”
See plot and na加灯ve and na加tol昭醉on the traditional problems and
methods of characteriZation , including dlscussions of showing and telling ,
see in addition to E . M . Forster ( above ) , Percy Lubbock,仆e Cra厅。厂Fic汀on
( 1926 ) ; M白卵e C . Booth,仆eRheto月cofFic灯on ( 1961 ) , especiallychaPtersl一:
and W . J . Harve叭Character and the NOvel ( 1965 ) . on problems in deterllilning
dramatic character , see Bert 0 . States,角e Pleasure ofthePlay ( 1994 ) ; andon
the disappearance of traditional characterization in postlnodem drama , Eli -
nor Fuchs,仆e Dea汰ofC五aracter ( 1996 ) .

Chivolrk Rom一ce ( or me己evol rom曲ce ) 15 a type of narrative that
developed in twelfth一centUry France , spread to the literat山es of other coun -
tries , and displaced the earlier ePic and heroic forms . ( " Romance , , originally



己的存在,以便做到“客观” 、 “不介入”和“戏剧性”的描写。然而,这种观点赋予了一
字);并参见乔纳森・卡勒所著《结构主义诗学》(1975)中的第九章“小说的诗学” 。
述两种手法的论述,除了上文提到的E . M.福斯特外,另可参见:Percy Lubbock , Th 。
Cra户ofF£ct£on ( 1926 ) ; Wayne C . Booth , T人eR人etor乞。 ofF乞ct乞on ( 1961 ),尤其是其中
的1一4章;W . J . Harvey , Characte , and the Nooel ( 1965)。关于确定戏剧性人物的
问题,参见:Bert 0 . States , The Pleasure of the Play ( 1994 );关于后现代戏剧中传统
人物塑造手法的消失,参见:Elinor Fuchs , T入。 De 。 t人。 fc入aracle , ( 1996)。

ohiva ! rlc Romance ( or medleval romance)骑士传奇(或中世纪传奇)

的史诗及英雄体文学形式的一种叙事体文学类型[" romance " ―罗曼司一词原指用

in the French language , which evolved from a dialect
signified a work叭的tten in the French language , wnlcn evolvea rrom a olalect
of the ROman language,肠tin . ) Romances were at first written in verse , but
later in prose as well . The romance 15 distinguished from the epic in that it
does not represent a heroic age of tribal wars , but a courtly and chivalric age ,
often one of highly developed manners and civillty . Its standard plot 15 that of
a quest undertaken by a singie knight in order to gain a lady , 5 favor ; fre -
quently its central interest 15 courtlyto岭together with tournaments fought
and dragons and monsters slain for the damsel , 5 sake ; it stresses the chivalric
ideals of courage , loyalty , honor , mercifulness to an opponent , and elaborate
manners ; and it delights in wonders and marVels . SuPernatural events in the
epic had their causes in the wi 】 1 and actlons of the gods ; romance shifts the
suPematural to this World , and makes much of the mysterious effect of magic ,
spells , and enchantments .
The recurrent materials of medieval Chivalric romances have been di -
vided by scholars into four dasses ofsublects : ( 1 ) " The Matter of Britain , , ( th at
15 , Celtic subiect matter , especially stories centering on the court of King
Arthur)・(2 ) " The Matter of Romen ( the history and le罗nds of classical antiq -
uity , including the exploits of Alexander the Great and of the heroes of the
Trojan War ) ; Geoffrey Chaucer , sTrO定l " sa " d Cris即de belongs to this class .
( 3 ) “仆eMatterofFrance , , ( Chailemagneandhisknights ) . ( 4 ) " TheMatterof
England , , ( heroes such as儿ng Horn and Guy ofw扭rwick ) . The cycle of tales
which developed around the pseudohistorical British屹ng Arthur produced
many of the finest romances , some of them ( stoties of Sir Perceval and the
quest for the Holy Grail ) with a religious instead Of a purely seCUlar content ・
Chr乏tien de Troyes , the great twelfth一century French poet , wrote Arthurian
romances ; German examples are Wblfram von Eschenbach , s撇rZival and Gott -
示ed von Strassburg , s丁沦tan und ISolde , both written early in the thirteenth
century . Sir Gawain and the Green众ight , composed in fourteenth一century
England , 15 a metricai romance ( th at 15 , a romance Written in verse ) about an
Arthurian knlght ; and Thomas Malory , 5 Mdrted , A rthur(脸eenth century ) 15
an Engiish version in prose of the cycle of earlier metrical romances曲out
Arthur and his众ights of the Round几ble .
See prosero阴anc6 , Gothic rooance , and roman瓦c come办Refer to W R Ker )
即ic and Romance ( 1897 ) ; L . A . Hibbard , Medieval Romance in England ( rev . ,
1961 ) ; R . 5 . LOomis,仆e DeVelOP优ent ofArthurian Ro脚ance ( 1963 ) , and仆e
Grail ( 1963 ) ; and the anthology加fedieval Ro脚ance凡ed . R . 5 . and L . H . Loomis
( 1957 ) . For the history of the term " romance " and modern extensions of the
genre of romance , see Gillian Beer,仆e RO脚ance ( 1970 ) ; and for Northrop
Frye , s theory of the mythical basis of the romance genre , see the entry in this
GIOssa甲on myth ・

Cltorus . Among the anctent GreekS the chorus was a group of people , wear -
ing masks , who sang or chanted verses whlle performing dancellke maneu -
vers at religious festivals . A similar chorus played a part in Greek tragedies ,
where ( in the plays of Aeschylus and Sophocles ) they served mainfy as com -
mentators on the dramatic actions and events who expressed traditional

法语(由古罗马语的一种方言拉丁语衍生而成)写成的作品」 。骑士传奇起初采用诗
学者把中世纪传奇的常见题材划分为四种类型:( 1 ) “不列颠题材”(即凯尔特题
材,尤其是以亚瑟王的宫廷为中心的故事)。(2 ) “罗马题材”(古代历史和传说,包括
里西德》就属于这一类别。(3 ) “法兰西题材”(查理曼大帝和他的骑士们)。(4 ) “英格
具有宗教色彩而不是纯粹的世俗故事。 12世纪伟大的法国诗人克雷蒂安・德・特鲁
于13世纪早期。 《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》是创作于14世纪英国的一部格律传奇(即用
参见:散文体传奇、哥特式传奇和爱情喜剧。参阅:w . P . Ker , EPi 。 。 nd Romanc 。,
1897 ; L . A . Hibbard,叼论die做1 Romancei刀England , rev . , 1961 ; R . 5 . Loomis , The
De * lopment of Arthoria 、 Ro 、 nce , 1963 , and Theo石11 , 1963 ; R 5 . andL 、 H . LOorms ,
ed .,沁击。以R 。,阴“ , 1957 。关于术语“传奇”的历史和传奇文学类型的现代运用,
参阅Gillian Beer , The Romance , 1970;诺斯罗普・弗莱关于传奇文学类型的神话基


72 CHRo闪ICL 〔 Pl消YS

moral , religious , and social attitudes ; beginning with Euripides , however , the
chorus assumed primarily a lyrical function . The Greek ode , as developed by
Pindar , was also chanted by a chorus ; see ode ・
Roman pla外啊lghts such as Seneca took over the choms from the Greeks ,
and In the mld一s认teenth century some English dramatists ( for example , Nor -
ton and Sackville in Gorbuduc ) imitated the Senecan chorus ・ The classical type
of chorus was never widely adopted by English dramatic writers . John Milton ,
however , included a chorus in Sa脚son Agonistes ( 1671 ) , Shelley in Prometheus
Unbound ( 1820 ) , and Thomas Hardy in角eD娜asts ( 1904 - - 08 ) ; more recently ,
T 5 . Eliot made effective use of the classical chorus in his religious tragedy
M睡耐扮in the Cathedral ( 1935 ) . The use ofachorUsofsingersanddancerssur -
vives also in opera and in musical comedies .
During the Elizabethan Age the term " chorus " was applied also to a sin -
gle person who spoke the prologue and epilogue to a play , and somet加es in -
trodu此d each act as well . Thls character served as the author , 5 vehide for
commentary on the play , as well as for exposition of its subiect , time , and set -
ting , and the description of events happening offstage ; see Christopher Mar -
lowe , s Dr . FauS郎and Shakespeare , 5 Hen甲V In Shakespeare , s州nter , s Tale ,
the fifth act begins with " Time , the Chorus , " who asks the audience that they
" impute it not a crime / To me or my swift passage that 1 slide / 0 , ers诫een
years " since the preceding events , then summarizes What has happened dur ・
ing those years and announces that the setting for this present act 15 Bohemia .
Stage Manager in Thornton Wilder , 5 our TOwn ( 1938 ) .
Modem scholars use the term choral character to refer to a person
within the play ltself who stands apart from thea比on and by his comments
provides the audience with a special perspective ( often an ironic perspective )
through whlch to view the other characters and events . EXamples in Shake -
speare are the Fool in King Lear , Enobarbus in Antony andC触apatTa , and Ther -
sites in7初ilus and CreSSida ; a modern instance 15 Seth Beckwith ino , Neill , s
Mdum泛ng Beco优es EleC加(1931 ) . " Choral character即15 sometimes applied also
to one or more persons in a novel who represent the point of view of a com -
munity or of a CUltUral group , and 50 provide norms妙which to } udge the
other characters and what they do ; instances are Thomas Hardy , 5 peasants
and the old blaCk Womefi in Some of勺Villiam FaUlkner , s novels .
For the altematiVe use of the term " chorus , , to sign介a recurrent stanza
in a song seere加in ・ Refer toA ・ w . Pic灿rd一Cambridge , Dith脚脚b , Tr ' lse办
and Comedy ( 1927 ) , and仆e Drama沈F6S找vals ofAthens ( 1953 ) ; T . B . L . M爬b -
stet , Gre欧仆eater尹roduc如n ( 1956 ) .

伪ronlcle川oys were dramatic works based on the historical materials in
the Engllsh Chronicles勿Raphael Holinshed and others . Thcy achieved high
popularity late in the slxteenth century , when the patriotic免rvor following
the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 fostered a demand for plays dealing
with English history . The early chronide plays presented a loosely knit series
of events during the reign of an Engiish king and depended for effect mainly

1908)当中,采用了合唱队的表现手法;现代作家T . 5.艾略特在其宗教悲剧《大教堂凶
士》和莎士比亚的《亨利五世》 。在莎士比亚《冬天的故事》第五幕中,首先出场的是名
年沧桑的概述并说明本幕戏的场景是波希米亚。桑顿・怀尔德的《小城风光》(1938 )
角)。如莎士比亚戏剧《李尔王》中的弄臣、 《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》中的伊诺巴勃
斯、 《特洛伊罗斯与克里西德》中的瑟赛蒂兹;在现代戏剧中,这样的例子有奥尼尔的
《哀悼》(1931)中的塞思・贝克威思。 “唱白人”一词有时也用于指称小说中的一人或
A . W . Pickar企Cambridge , D艺th夕ramb , Traged夕and Comed少,1927 , and The Dra -
mat艺c Fest云vals Qf Athens , 1953 ; T . B . L . Webster , Greek Theater Product艺on , 1956 。

Chronicle Plays编年历史剧

依据的剧作。 1588年英国战败西班牙无敌舰队后,国内出现的狂热的爱国主义激发

on a bustle of stage battles , pageantry , and spectacle . Christopher Marlowe ,
however , in his Ed即ardH ( 1592 ) selected and rearranged materials from
Holinshed , 5 Chronicl " to compose a unified drama of characte石and Shake -

speare , S series of chronicle plays , encompas ing the suc es ion of English kings from形chard 1  to Henry vl l , includes such maior artistic achievements

as Richard 11 , 1石飞力Iy IUZ石勿1甲I环and Henly认
TheEI如bethan chronicle plays are sometimes called history plays . This
latter term , however , 15 often applied more broadly to any drama based
mainly on historical materials , such as Shakespeare , 5 ROman plays IuliuS Cae -
sar and Anto呷and CleOPa帆and including such recent examples as Arthur
Miller , s仆eC川cible ( 1953 ) , Which treats the Saiern witch trials of 1692 , and
RObert Bolt , s AM比n for All Seasons ( 1962 ) , about the siXteenth一century iudge ,
autho称and martyrsir Thomas More .
E . M . Tillyard,肋口kesPeare , s Histo尽PIa那(1946 ) ; Lily B . CamPbell , Shake -
毕eare , s , ' Hi stories " ( 1947 ) ; Irving砒bner,仆e English HIStory Play吏n thoA罗of
ShakesPeare ( rev . , 1965 ) ; Max M . Reese,仆e Ceaseof侧可es妙:AS加即ofshake -
sPeare , s Histo侧Plays ( 1962)・ For a recent new-力钻toricist treatment of Shake -
speare , s价n翔IU 1 and 2 and Henly环see Stephen Greenblatt , " Invisible
Bullets , " in POli瓦cal ShakesPeare : N亡w Essa产in CultUralM比terialism , ed .
Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield ( 1985 ) .

Chronicles , the predecessors of modem histories , were written accounts , in
prose or verse , of national or Worldwide events over a considerable period of
time . If the chronicles deal with events year by yea ( they are often called an -
nals . Unljke the modern historian , most chroniclers tended to take their in -
formation as they found it , making llttle attempt to separate fact from legend .
The most important English chronicles are the AngIO一axon Chronicle , started
by擞ng Alfted in the ninth century and continued untll the twelfth century ,
and the Chronicleso厂England , Scotland , and Iteland ( 1577一87 ) by Raphael
Holinshed and other writers ; the latter doCUments Were important sources of
materials for the chronicle Plays of Sha处speare and other Elizabethan drama -
tists .

Clich吞which 15 French for the stereotype used in printing ) signifies an ex -
pression thatd州ates enough from ordinary usage to call attention to itself
and has been used 50 often that it 15 feit to be hackneyed or cfoytng , " 1 beg
your pardon , , or " slncerely yours , , are standard usages that do not call atten ・
tion to themselves ; but " point with pride , " " the etemal verities , " " a whole
new ballgame , " and " lock , stock , and barrel , , are accounted as clich乏s ; 50 are
indiscriminate uses in ordinary talk of terms ta址n from specialized vocabu -
l硕es such as " alienation , " " identity crisis , " and " interface . " Some clich亡5 are
foreign phrases that are used as an arch or elegant equivalent for a common
Engiish term ( " aqua Pura , " " terra firma , , ) ; others are over一used literary echoes ・
, , The cup that cheers , , 15 an inaccurate quotation from William CoWPer , s角e
Task ( 1 785 ) , refemng to tea - - " the cups / That cheer but not inebriate . " In his
Ess即。 ” Cri价ism ( 11 . 11 . 350 ff . ) Alexander Pope comments sat试cally on

亨利八世的系列编年历史剧,其中具有高度艺术成就的有《查理二世》 、 《亨利四世》第
一部与第二部及《亨利五世》 。
参看:E . M . Tillyard , Shakespeare ’£History Play , 1946 ; Iily B . Campbell ,
Shakespeare ' s " Hi , torie , " , 1947 ; Irving Ribner , The English Histo勺Pla夕in the
Age of Shakespeare , rev , , 1965 ; Max . M . Reese , The Ceaseof几工Zjesty : A Stud夕of
shokesPea,。 ’占History Play 、,1962 。关于近期新历史主义者对莎士比亚戏剧《亨利
四世》第l 、 2部和《亨利五世》的论述,参见:Stephen Greenblatt , ' ' Invisible Bullets , " in
Political Shakespeare : New Essa夕5 in CulturalM时erialism , ed . Jonathan Dollimore
and Alan Sinfield , 1985 。

Chronlc } es编年史

纪)和拉斐尔・霍林希德等人编著的《英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰编年史》(1577一1587 )(该


引人注意;而“深感荣幸” 、 “永恒的真理” 、 “完全是一种新情况”和“一古脑儿地”等则
被视为陈词滥调。同样,在日常交谈中,不加区分地运用“异化” 、 “性格认同危机” 、
通英语词语以取得格调上的对等(如“净水” 、 “陆地” );另外,还有因过度模仿文学经
断章取义,意指饮茶― “杯盏宜人而不醉人” 。亚历山大・蒲柏在《批评论》(n . 1 1 .

some clich趋5 that early eighteenth一century poetasters ( untalented pretenders
to the poetic art ) used in order to eke out their rhymes
Where , er you find " the c00ling western breeze , , ,
In the next line , jt " whispers through the trees , , ;
If crystal streams " Wlth pleasing murmurs creep , "
The reader , 5 threatened ( not in vain ) with " sleep . "
See Eric Partrldge , A Dic瓦onaly of Clj动由(4th ed . , 1950 ) , and Christine
Ammer,枷ve a Mce Day-一NO Problem ! A Dic瓦ona尽ofClich占(1992 ) .

In the most common literary aPplication , a comedy 15 a fictional
・ om吧。笋in tne 1110st ' ummon 11terary aPPllcauon , a comeQy 15 a nCt10nal C0
work in which the materials are selected and managed primarily in order to
interest and amuse us : the characters and their discomfitUres engage our
pleasurable attention rather than our profound concem , we are made to feel
confident that no great disaster will occur , and usually the actlon turns out
happily for the chief characters . The term " comedyn 15 CUstomarily applied
only to plays for the stage or to motion pictures ; it should be noted , how -
ever , that the comic form , 50 defined , also occurs in prose fiction and narra -
tlve poetry .
Within the very broad spec加m of dramatic comed丫the following types
are frequently distingulshed :
( 1 ) ROmantic comedy was developed by EliZabethan dramatists on the
model of contemporary prose romances such as Thomas Lodge , 5 Ros ・
a枷de ( 1590 ) , the source of Shakespeare , 5 As YOu Likelt ( 1599 ) . Such
come即represents a love affair that involves a beautiful and engaging
heroine ( sometimes disguised as a man ) ; the course of this love does
not run smooth , yet overcomes all diffiCUlties to end in a happy
union ( re允r to E . C . Pettet , ShakesPeare and the Ro脚ancel ' radi丘on ,
1949 ) . Many of the boy一meets一girl plots of later writers are instances
of romantic comedy , as are many motion pictures from仆e Philadel ・
phia Sto尽to SleePless in Seattle , In仆e Anatomyo厂C汀瓦c定sm ( 1957 ) ,
Northrop Frye points out that some of Shakespeare , s romantic come -
dies mafiifest a movement from the normal Worid of ConfliCt and
trouble into " the green Worldn一the Forest of Arden in As You Likelt ,
or the fairy - haunted wood of A Midsu用mer Night , s Drea脚一n Whlch
the problems and iniustices of the ordinary World are dissolved , ene -
mies reconctled , and trUe lovers united . Frye regards that phenome -
non ( together With other asPects of these comedies , such as their
festive conctusion in the social ritual of a wedding , a feast , a dance ) as
州dence that comic plots derive ftom pTimitive myths and rituais
that celebrated the victory of spring over winter . ( See arChe妙al州灯-
cism . ) Linda Bamber , 5 Co功ic WOm眠升叨cM动:A StU即ofGen衍and
佘” re in ShakesPeare ( 1982 ) undertakes to account for the fact that in
Shakespeare , 5 romantic comedies , the women are often superior to
the men , while in his tragedies he " creates such nightmare female fig -
Ures as Goneril , Regan , Lady Macbeth , and VOlumnia . "

350 ff .)中辛辣地评论了18世纪早期冒牌诗人(没有天赋而妄装诗人)为了填词补韵

无论何处你遇到“凉爽的西风” ,
下一行里必有风“耳语于丛林中” ;
倘若再见清澈的溪水“潺潺流过” ,

参见Eric Partridge , A Dictionar夕of Clich若s , 4th ed . , 1950 ; Christine Ammer ,
Have a Nice Da夕一No Proble , n ! A Dictionar夕of Clich户s , 1992 。


会意,我们确信不会有大难临头,剧情往往是以主人公如愿以偿为结局。 “喜剧”这一

( l)爱情喜剧:是伊丽莎白时期剧作家在同时期散文体传奇的模式上发展起来
结良缘(参见E . C.佩蒂特,《莎士比亚与爱情传统》,1949)。后世作家的许多
( 1957)中指出:莎士比亚的部分爱情喜剧体现出由充满矛盾与烦扰的现实
世界转向“绿色世界” ―如《皆大欢喜》中的阿登森林,或《仲夏夜之梦》中仙
( 1982)中,致力于论述这样一个事实,即在莎士比亚的爱情喜剧中,女性总
和瓦卢米尼亚这样一些梦魔般的女性形象” 。

( 2 ) Satiric comedy ridiCllles political polictes or philosophical doctrines ,
or else attacks deviations from the social order by making ridiculous
the violators of its standards of morals or manners . ( See sa瓦re . ) The
early master of satiric comedy was the Greek Aristophanes , c . 45于
c . 385 B . c . , whose plays mocked polltical , philosoPhlcal , and literary
matters of his age . Shakespeare , 5 contempora以Ben Jonson , wrote
satiric or ( as it 15 sometimes called ) " corrective comedy . " In his
VOIPone and升e Alchemist , for example , the greed and ingenuity of
one or more intelligent but rascally swindlers , and the equal greed
but stupid gullibility of their victims , are made grotesquely or repul -
sivety ludicrous rather than llghtly amusing ・
( 3 ) The comeuy of manners originated in the New Comedy of the
Greek Menandet , c . 342 - - 292B , c . ( a 5 distinguished from the Old
Comedy represented by Aristophanes ) and was developed by the
Roman dramatists Plau拟5 and Terence in the third and second cen -
tu血5 B . c . The汀plays dealt with the vicissltudes ofyoungloversand
included what became the stock characters of much later comedy , such
as the clever servant , old and stodgy parents , and the wealthy rival .
The English comedy of manners was early exemplified by Shake -
speare , 5 Love , s Labour , s Lost andM " ch Ado about Nothing , and was
given a high polish in Restoration comedy ( 1660 - - 1700 ) . The
Restoration form owes mUCh to the brilliant dramas of the French
writer Moli之re , 1622 - - 73 . It deals with the relations and intrigues of
men and women living in a sophisticated upper一class society , and
relies for comic effect In large part on the wit and sparkle of the dia -
logueeeeeoften in the form of rePa欣e , a witty conversational矛ve一and -
take which constitutes a kind of verbal fencing match - and to a lesser
degree , on the violations of social standards and decorum by would -
be wits , lealous husbands , conniving rivals , and foppish dandies . Ex -
cellent examples are William Congreve , s仆ewa夕of the肠rld and
William Wycherley , s仆e Cou ”抑州fe . A middie一class rea由On
against what had come to be considered the immorality of situation
and indecency of dialogue in the courtly Restoration comedy resulted
in the sen瓦men匆1 comedy of the eighteenth century . In the latter part
of the century , however , oliver Goldsmith ( S力e StoOPs to COnquer ) and
his contemporary租chard Brinslcy Sheridan(仆e RivalS and A School
for Scandaor州ved the wit and gaie尔while deleting the indecen以
of Restoration comedy . The comedy of manners lapsed in the early
nineteenth centUry , but was revlved by many sklllful dramatists , from
A . W . Pinero and oscar Wilde(仆e翔叩O血nce ofBeing Ea . est , 1895 ) ,
through George Bernard Shaw and Noel Coward , to Neil Simon , Alan
Ayckbourn , W亡ndyw此serstein , and other Wdters of the present era .
Many of these comedies have also been adapted for the cinema . See
David L . Hirst , COmedy ofM比nners ( 1979 ) .
( 4 ) Farce 15 a type of comedy designed to provoke the audience to sim -
ple , hearty laughter - - " belfy laughs , " in the parlance of the theater . To

( 2)讽刺喜剧用于嘲讽政治方针与哲学信条,或通过嘲弄破坏道德或习俗准则者
作家阿里斯托芬(公元前450一前385 ),他的戏剧嘲讽当时的政治、哲学及文
( 3)风俗喜剧源于希腊剧作家米南德(公元前342一前292)的新喜剧(和阿里斯
过王政复辟时期的喜剧(166 。一1700)得以高度完善。王政复辟时期的喜剧
出的代表作有威廉・康格里夫的《如此世道》和威廉・威彻利的《乡下女人》 。
同一时代的理查德・布林斯利・谢立丹(《情敌》 、 《造谣学校》)又恢复了王
政复辟时期喜剧的机智和妙趣横生的对白,而摒弃了污秽的言词。 19世纪
初期,风俗喜剧再度销声匿迹,但自A . W.平内罗和奥斯卡・王尔德(《认真
的重要性》,1895 ),经乔治・萧伯纳和诺埃尔・科沃德,再到尼尔・西蒙、
L . Hirst , Comed夕of几九nners ( 1979)。
( 4)闹剧是喜剧的一种类型,其目的是逗引观众发出天真、衷夕自的大笑,用剧界的
80 COM 〔 oy

do 50 it commonly employs highly exaggerated or caricatured types
of characters , puts them into lmprobable and ludicrous situations ,
and makes free use of sexual mix一ups , broad vethal humo乙and phys -
ical bustle and horseplay . Farce was a component in the comic
episodes in medieval脚iracle plays , such as the功/a kefield plays NOah
and the Second ShePh翻,s PlaX and constitUted the matter of the Ital -
ianco阴media dell , a rte in the Renaissance . In the Engiish drama that
has stood the test of time , farce 15 usually an episode in a more com -
plex form of comedy ' examples are the劝ockabout scenes in Shake -
speare , s仆e Taming of the ShreW and角e Meny Wives of Windsor . The
plays of the批nch playwrlght Georges Feydeau ( 1862 - - 1921 ) , em -
plo界ng sexual humor and inmiendo , are true farce throughout , as 15
Brandon Thomas , Charl即,S Aunt , an American play of 1892 which
has often been revlved , and also some of the current plays of Tom
Stoppard . Many of the movies by such comedians as Charlie Chaplin ,
Buster Keaton , W . C . Fields , the Marx brothers , and Wbody Allen are
excellent farce , as are the Monty Python films and tel州sion
episodes , Farce 15 often employed in single scenes of musical revues ,
and 15 the Stand赶d fare of televisioll " Situation ComedieS . " It Sh0Uld
be noted that the term " farce , " or sometimes " farce comedy , " 15 ap -
plied also to play卜a supreme example 15 oscar Wilde , s仆e坤POr -
tance of Being Eamest ( 1895)一n which exaggerated character一types
find themselves in ludlcrous situations in the course of an improba -
ble plot , but whiCh aChieve their comic effects not by broad humor
and bustling aCtion , but by the sustained brilliance and wit of the di -
alogue . Farce 15 also a frequent comic tactic in the theater of the ab -
surd . Refer to Robert Metcalf Smith and H . G . Rhoads , eds .,现璐of
Farce Comedy , 1928 ; Leo Hughes , A CentUlyo厂English Farce ( 1956 ) ; and
for the history of farce and low come即ftom the GreekS to the pres -
ent , Anthony CaPuti , Buffo:劝e Genius of Vulgar COme即(1978 ) .

Adistin出onisoftenmadebe幻泞eenhighandlowcomedy . Highcomedy ,
as described by George Meredith in the classic essay仆e Idea ofComedy ( 1877 ) ,
evokes " intellectUal laughter ”一houghtful laughter from spectators Who re -
main emotionally detached ftom the actionseat the spectacle of folly , preten -
tiousness , and incongruity in human beh州or . Meredith finds its highest form
within the comedy of manners , in the combats of wit ( sometimes identified
now as the " love duels , , ) between such intelligent , highly verbal , and well -
matched lovers as Benedick and Beatrice in Shakespeare , sM妇ch AdO aboutNOth -
ing ( IS98es99 ) and Mirabell and Millamant in Congreve , s角e腼yo厂the科/Orld
( 1700 ) . Low comedy , at the other extreme , has llme or no intellectual aPpeal ,
but undertakes to arouse laughter by lokes , or " gags , " and by slapstick humor
and boisterous or clownlsh physical activity ; it 15 , therefore , one of the com -
mon components of farce .
See also comedy ofhuoours,切呀ico 。己办and袱t , huoor , and the comic . on
come即and its varieties : H . T . E . Perr又M此ters ofDra阴a瓦c Co 。 ‘即(1939 ) ;
行话讲,就是“捧腹大笑” 。为了实现这个目的,闹剧常运用高度夸张或极其
喜剧演员查理・卓别林、巴斯特・基顿、 W . C.菲尔兹、马克斯兄弟和伍迪・
剧也是荒诞戏剧里一种常见的喜剧手法。参阅:Robert Metcalf Smith and
H . G . Rhoads , eds .,几pes of Farce Comed夕,1928 ; Leo Hughes , A Centu -
ry ofEnglishFarc 。(1956 );关于自古希腊至今闹剧和世俗喜剧的发展史,参
见Anthony Caputi , B袱为:The Genius of Vulgar Comed夕(1978)。

等行为,引发观众“理性的笑声” ―即在观众对剧情保持感情上的超然态度的基础
形式体现在聪慧、善辩、匹配的情侣之间的智斗中(有时相当于现今的“爱情决斗” ) ,
H . T , E . Perry,八弘sters of Dramatic Comed夕,1 939 ; G . E . Duckworth , The Nat " re of

G . E . Duckworth,角eNa扭re of Roman Come即(1952 ) ; Louis Kronenberger ,
仆e角read ofLaugl , ter ( 1952 ) ; Elder olson,仆e仆eO甲ofCOme即(1968 ) ; Allan
ROdway English Comedy ( 1975 ) . on the relation of come即to myth and rit -
llal : NO : Northrop Frye , Anato哪of Cri价钻m ( 1957 ) , pp ・ 163一6 ; C ・ L . Barbe乙
ShakesPeare , sFes瓦ve Comedy ( 1959 ) . on comedy in cinema and television : Ho -
race Newcomb , Tel日廊ion:介e为rostPoPular Art ( 1974 ) , chapterZ ; Steve Neale
and Frank Krutri止,尸叩ular Fi如and TeleVision COmedy ( 1990 ) .

C恤e勿Of Hu . . ours . A type of comedy developed by Ben Jonson , the
EliZabethan pla势啊ight , based on the andent physiological theory of the
" four humours , , that was still current in Jonson , 5 time . The humours were
held to be the four primary fluids一blood , phlegm , choler ( or yellow bile ) ,
and melancholy ( or black bile)一闷陀hose " temperament , , or mixture , was held
to determine both a person , 5 physical condition and charactertype . An im -
balance of one or another humour in a temperament was said to produce four
hnds of disposition , whose names have survived the underlytng theory : san -
guine ( from the Latin " sanguis , " blood ) , phlegmatic , choleric , and melan -
cholic . In Jonson , 5 comedy of humours each of the maior characters hasa
preponderant humour that gives him a characteristic distortion or eccentric -
ity of disposition ・ Jonson expounds his theory in the " Induction , , to his play
五雀IyM泛n in HIS Humour ( 1598 ) and exemplifies the mode in his later come -
dies ; often he ldentifies the ruling disposition of a hum0UrS character by his
or her name : " Zeal一of - the一land Busy , " " Dame Purecraft , " " Wdlbred . " The Jon -
sonlan type of humours character冲pears in plays by other Elizabethans , and
remained Influential in the comedies of manners by WilliamW夕cherley ' Sir
George Etheredge , William Congreve , and other dramatists of the Engiish
Restora瓦。枕166于1700 .

Com玩Relief 15 the introductton of comic characters , speeches , or scenes in
a serious or tragic Work , especiallyindramas . Suchelementswerealmostuni -
versal in Eliza加than tragedy . Sometimes they ocCUr merely as episodes of dia -
logue or horsePlay for purposes of alleviating tension and adding variety ; in
more carefully Wrought plays , however , they are also integrated with the plot ,
in a way that counterpoints and enhances the serious or tra矛c significance ・
Examples of such complex uses of comic elements are the gravediggers in
Hamlet ( V . i ・), the scene of the dmnken porter after the murder of the king in
M泛cbeth ( 11 . 111 ・), the Falstaff scenes inl石ren即IU and the roles of Mercutio
and the old nurse in Ro拼eo and Iuliet .
See Thomas De伽incey , 5 classic essay " on the众ocking at the Gate in
M沈动亡th , , ( 1823 ) .

Co . ".创赶0dell , Ade was a form of comic drama developed about the mid -
s沈eenth centUry by guilds of professional It曲an actors . Playtng stock charac -
加践the actors largely加provised the dialogue aronnd a given scen耐。卜-a term
that still denotes a brief outline of a drama , indicating merely the entrances of

Roman Comed夕,1952 ; Louis Kronenberger , The Thread of Laughter , 1952 ; Elder
Olson , The Theo卿of COmed夕,1968 ; Allan Rodway , Engl乞sh Comed夕,1975 。关于
喜剧和神话、礼仪的关系,参看:Northrop Frye , Anatom , of Criticism , 1957 , pp ・
163一156 ; c . L . Barber , s人a龙epear 。 ’ 5 Festive Comed少,1959 。关于影视喜剧,参看:
Horace Newcomb , Telev泛s泛on : The Most Popular Art , 1974 , ChapterZ ; Steve Neale
and Frank Krutnik , Popular Film and Television Comed夕,1990 。

Comedy of Humours犷l生格喜剧

热心人” 、 “手艺完美女爵” 、 “正人君子” 。琼森式的性格人物类型也出现在伊丽莎白时
里夫以及其他一些英国王政复辟时期(166 。一1700)的剧作家产生过一定影响。

Comic Relief喜剧性调剂


Commedia dell ' Arte即兴喜剧

84 CONC 〔 IT

the main characters and the general conrse of thea出on . In atypical play , a pair
of young lovers outi耐t a rich old father ( " Pantaloonn ) , aided by a dever andin -
triguing servant ( uHarlequin , , ) , in a plot eniivEned by the bu且bonery of
" Punchn and other clowns.叭厄ndering Itallan troupes played in all the large
dties of Renaissance Europe and Influencedy硕ousw对ters of comedies in EliZ -
abethan England and,加ter ) Moli色re in France . The modem puppet shows of
PUnch and Judy are descendants of this old Italian comedy , emphas让ing its
components of farce and buffO0nery .
See Kathieen M . Lea , Italian Popular Comedy , 156 〕 1620 ( 2 vols . ; 1934 ) .

Conceit . ori多nally meaning a concept or image , " conceitl , came to be the
term for figures of speech which establish a striking parallel , usually ingen -
iously el比orate , be幻陀een two very diss加ilar things or situations . ( See肋Jra -
找ve Ia侧脚冈夕.) Ellglish poets of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
adapted the term from the Italian " concetto . " Two types of conceit are often
distinguished by spedfic names :
( 1 ) The Petrarchan conceit 15 a type of figure used in love poems that
had been novel and effective in the Italian poet Petrarch , but became
hackneyed in some of his imitators among the Elizabethan son ・
neteers . The figure consists of detailed , ingenious , and often exagger -
ated comparisons applied to the disdalnful mistress , as cold and cruel
as she 15 beautiful , and to the distresses and despair of her worshipful
loveL ( See court妙tove ・)Sir Thomas Wyatt ( 1503一2 ) , for example , in
the sonnet " My Galley Charg6d with Forgetfulness , , that he trans -
lated from处trarch , compares the lover , 5 state in detall to a ship la -
boring in a storm . Another sonnet of Petrarch , 5 translated byw夕att
begins with an似妙的oron describing the opposing passions experi -
enced by a courtlysufferer from the disease of love :
1 find no peace ; and all mywarisdone ;
1 fearandhope ; Ibumandfreezeinice .
Shakespeare ( Who at times employed this type of conceit himselD
parodied some standard comparisons by Petrarchan sonneteers in his
Sonnet 130 , beginning
My mistress , eyes are nothing like the sun ;
Coral 15 far more red than her lips , red :
If snow be Whlte , why then her breasts are dun ;
If hairs be wires , black wires grow on her head .
( 2 ) The metaphysicai conceit 15 a characteristic figure in John Donne
( 1572 - - 1631 ) and other me铆hysicalpoe朽oftheseventeenthcentury .
It was described by Samuel Johnson , in a famed passage in his " Life of
Cowiey , " ( 1 779一l ) , as " wit , , which 15
a klnd ofdiscordiaconco嘴acomblnationofdissimilarimages , ordiscov -
ery of occult resemblances in things apparently unlike.… The most
heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together .

帮助,智胜有钱的老父亲(“傻老头” ),同时通过“潘趣”和其他丑角的插科打浑活跃剧
的,主要展示其闹剧性和插科打浑的表演。参见:Kathleen M . Lea , Italian poPula :
Comed夕,1560一1620 ( 2 , 015 . ; 1934)。


截然不同的事物或情形之间炮制出的别出心裁的类比(参见:比喻语)。该术语是16 、
17世纪的英国诗人从意大利语“矫揉造作的文体” ( concetto)改写而来的。巧思妙喻
( l)彼特拉克式巧思妙喻是用于爱情诗歌中的一种修辞格,在意大利诗人彼特拉
首彼特拉克的十四行诗中,以逆喻(又称“矛盾修辞法” ―译者注)开篇,描写求爱者受



( 2)玄学派巧思妙喻是约翰・多恩(1572一1631)和17世纪其他一些玄学派诗人
中,把这种巧思妙喻描绘成一种“机智” :

绝不相似的事物中发现玄妙的相似.汽… …把最不伦不类的思想概念强行捆
86 coNcR盯〔^No ^ ssTRAcT

仆emetaPhysicalpoetsexPloitedall幼oWledg ? ommonPlaceor
esoteric , pra由cal , theolo乎cal , or philosophical , trUe or fabulous一匆r
the vehicles of these figures ; and their comparisons , whether succlnct
or expanded , were often novel and witty , and at their best startlingly
effective . In sharp contrast to both the concepts and figures of con -
ventional处trarchlsm 15 John Donne , S " The Flea , " a poem that usesa

flea who has bitten both lovers as the basic reference for its argument
against the la勿,5 resistance to an importUnate male . In Donne , S " The
Canon让ati皿," as the poetic argument develops , the comparisons for
the relationship be勺浑een lovers move from the area of commerce and
business , through actual and mythiCal birds and diverse forms of his -
torical memorials , to a climax whlch equates the sexual acts and the
moral status of woildly lovers with the ascetic 11fe and heavenly desti -
nation of unworldly saints . The most famous sustained conceit 15
Donne , s parallel ( in " A valediction : Forbidding Moumingn ) between
the continuing rel甜onship of his and his lady ' ssoul血ring their

! - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l . . . . t
physicai parting , and the coordinated movements of the two feet ofa
draftsman , S compass . An oft ・ ctted instance of the chilly ingenuity of
the metaphyslcal conceit when it 15 overdriven 15几chard Crashaw , s
descriPtion , in his mid一seventeenth一century poem " Saint Mary Mag -
dalene , " of the tearful eyes of the repentant Magdalene as
two faithful fountains
于wo wal址ng baths,伽。 weeping motions ,
Portable and compendious oceans .
The metaphysical conc已t fell out of favor in the dghteenth centU取
when it came to be re邵rded as strained and unnatural . But with the great re -
村val of interest in the metaphysical poets during the early decades of the
twentieth century ' a number of modem poets exploited thistype of figure .
Examples are T . 5 . Eliot , 5 comparison of the evening to " ap甜ent etherized
uPon a table , ' at thebe才nning of " The Love Song of J . AI丘ed Prufrock , " and
the series of startling ftgurative vehides in Dylan Thomas , " In Memory of
Annjones . " Thevogueforsu比conceitsextendedeventopopularlovesongs ,
in the 19205 and late称by well一educated composers such as Cole Porter :
"物u , re the Cream in My Coffee " and " YOu , re the Top . "
Refer to Rosemond TUve , Elizabethan andMe娜娜icallm闰尸甲(1947 ) ,
and K . K . Ruthven,仆e Conceit ( 1969 ) .

Concr . te ond Ab川比。(t . In standard philosophical usagea " concrete term , ,
15 a word that denotes a particular person or physical obiect , and an " abstract
term " denotes either a class of things or else ( a 5 in " brightness , " " beau议”
" evil , " " despair " ) quallties that喇st onfy as attributes of pa川CUlar persons or
things . A sentence , accordingl又js said to be concrete jf it makes an assertion
about a particular sublect仁5 . Ellot , S " Grishkin 15 nice … ” ) , and abstract if it
makes an asse觅on about an abstract subiect脚exander Pope , s " H叩e springs
etemal in the human breast , , ) . Critics of litera加re , howeve耳often use these
口... .~动=‘一一二里搜二竺碑奥旦旦里旦鱼旦全护甲口白己口口旦国口口里口-=二二 ,, ,.尸只r咭~1二曰.口周口




喻手法。例如:T . 5.艾略特在《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中把傍晚比喻成“昏倒在桌子上的
患者” 。迪兰・托马斯在《纪念安・琼斯》中也运用了一连串令人叹服的比喻。这种巧
的流行情歌中,如科尔・波特创作的《你是我咖啡里的奶油》和《你是第一流的》 。
参l阅:Rosemond Tuve , Elizabethan andM此aph少‘ ical Imager夕,1947 ; K . K .
Ruthven,丁丙e Co刀ceit . 1969 。

Concrete and Abstract具体与抽象

物或特定的人或物的属性的名词(如“明亮” 、 “美丽” 、 “罪恶” 、 “绝望”)界定为“抽象名
词” 。相应地,阐明一个特定主体的句子被认为是具体的(如艾略特的句子“格里施金
是个好姑娘… … ” ),阐述一个抽象主体的句子则为抽象的(如亚历山大・蒲柏的“但
,.甲尸j,,.钾甲口口口口口口.臼口口口,. . . . . . . . . ..州

88 coNcRET 〔 po盯盯

terms in an extended Way : a passage 15 called abstract if it represents its sub -
iect matter in general or nonsensuous words or with only a thin realiZation of
its exPerienced qualities ; it 15 called concrete if it represents its sub } ect matter
with striking pa比cularity and sensuous detail . In his " ode to Psyche , , ( 1820 )
John Keats ,
' Mid hush , d , cool一rooted flowers , fragrant一eyed ,
Blue , silver ・ White , and budded仰rian
15 a concrete description of a locale which interinvolves qualities that are per -
ceived by four different senses : hearing , touch , sight , and smell . And in the
opening of his " ode to a Nightingale , " Keats communicates concretely , bya
combination of literal and figuratiVe language , how it feels , in physical detail ,
to exPerience the full一throated song of the nightingale :
My heart aches , and a drowsy numbness pains
Mysense , as though of hemlock 1 had drunk ,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains …
It 15 frequently asserted that " poetry 15 concrete , " or , as John Crowe彻nsom
put it in仆e WOrld , s Bo办(1938 ) , that its proper sublect 15 " the rich , contin -
gent materiality of things . " Most poetry 15 certainly more concrete than other
modes of language , especially in its use ofi阴叮已今It should be kept in mind ,
howeve乙that poets do not hesitate to use abstract language When the area of
reference or artistic purpose calls for it . Keats , though he was one of the most
concrete of poets , began En咖” ion with a sentence composed of abstract
ter们ns :

A thing ofbeautyisaloyforever :
Its loveliness increases ; it will never
Pass into nothingness;…
And some of the most moving and memorable passages in poetry are not
concrete ; for example , the statement about God in Dante , 5 Paradiso , " In His
will 15 our peace , " or the bleak comment by Edgar in the last act of King Lea乙
Men must endure
Their going hence , even as their coming hither ;
租peness 15 all .
See John Crowe Ransom,几e WOrid , s BOdy ( 1938 );形chard H . Fogle , Im -
age甲ofKea七and Shell即(1949 ) , chapter 5 .

Concr吐e Poe廿y 15 a recent term tor an ancient poetic type , called pattem
poems , that experiment with the visual shape in which a text 15 presented on
the page . Some Greek poets , beginning in the third centuryB ・ C ・,shaped a text
in the form of the oblect that the poem describes or suggests . In the Renais -
sance and seventeenth century , a number of poets composed such patterned
forms , in which the lines vary in length in such a way that their printed shape
outlines the subiect of the poem ; familiar examples in Engiish are George Her -
bert , s " Easter Wings , , and " The Altar . " Prominent later experiments with pic -
torial or suggestive typography include St乏phane Mallarm亡,s枷COuP dedds


又像是刚刚把鸦片吞服… …(查良铮译)

言:诗歌恰当的主题是“事物丰富多变的物质性” 。当然,大多数诗歌比语言的其他形

上帝的陈述:“我们的安宁寓于上帝的意志之中。 ”又如《李尔王》最后一幕中埃德加凄


参见:John Crowe Ransom , TheV而rld ' 5 Bod夕,1938 ; Rachard H . Fogle , Image勺
of Keats aod Shelle夕,1949 , Chapters 。

Concrete Poetry具像诗

赫伯特的《复活节的双翼》和《祭坛》 。此后,以图像或排印造型为试验创作出的杰出

( " A Throw of Dice , " 1897 ) and Guillaume Apollinaire , 5 CalliP花mmes ( 1918 ) ;
in the latter publication , for example , Apollinaire printed the poem " 11 pleut , ,
( l , lt ralns " ) 50 that the component letters trickle down the page .
仆e recent vogue of conc戒e poetry 15 a Worldwide movement that was
largely inaugurated in 1953 by the SWiss poet Eugen GomringeL The practice
of such poetry varies widely , but the common feature 15 the use of a radically
reduced language,钾ped or printed in such a way as to force the visible text
on the reader , s attention as a physical oblect and not simply as a transparent
carrier of its meanings . Many concrete poems , in fact , cannot be read at all in
the conventional way ' since they consist of a single word or phrase which 15
sublected to systematic alterations in the order and position of the compo -
nent letters , or else are composed of fragments of words , or of nonsense sylla -
bles , or even of single letters , numbers , and marks of punctUation . In their
shaped patterns , concrete poets often use a variety oftype fonts and sizes and
different colors oftype , and sometimes supplement the text with drawings or
photographs , whlle some of their shapes , called " klnetic , " evolve as we turn
the pages .
America had its nativ6 tradition of pattern poetry in the typographical
experiments of Ezra Pound , and especially e . e . Cu刀nmings ; see , for example ,
cummings , " r - p一。一p一h一e一s一s一a一g一r " in Which , to represent the way we at first
perceive vaguely , then identi尔the leaping insect , scrambled sequences of let -
ters gradually order themselves into the word " grasshoppeL " Prolninent re -
cent practitioners of pattern poems in the shape of the things that they
describe or meditate upon are Mary Swenson ( 1切n驾拟Phie , 1970 ) and John
Hollander(乃夕es ofshape , 1991 ) . other Americans who have been influenced
by the international vogue for concrete poetry include Emmett Williams ,
Jonathan Williams , and Mary Ellen Solt .
Collections of concrete poems in a variety of languages are Emmett
Williams , ed . , An AnthOlo}沙ofCOncretePoe抑(1967 ) ; MaryEllensolt , ed ・(with
a useful historical introduction ) , COncrete POe抑:A科乞rld俩曰即(1968 ) . Fora
noted early * eighteenth一century attack on pattem poems , see Addison , 5 com -
ments on " false wit , , in the SPec故tor , Nos . 58 and 63 .

Confesslonul Poetry designates a type of narrative and lyric verse , given
impetus勿Robert Lowell , 5 Life StUdies ( 1959 ) , which deals with the facts and
intimate mental and physical experiences of the poet , s own life . Confessional
poetry was written in rebelllon against the demand for impersonality by T . 5 .
Eliot and theN沙即Critics . It differs in its secular sublect matter ftom religious
confessions in the lineage of Augustine , 5 Confessions ( c . 400 ^ . D . ) . It differs
also from poems of the Roman瓦cPe月od representing the poet , 5 own drcum ・
stances , experiences , and feelings , such as William Wbrdsworth , s " Tintem
Abbey , , and Samuel Taylor Coleridge , s " Delection : An Ode , " in the candor
and sometimes shocking detail with which the poet reveals prlvate or dinical
matters about himself or herself , including seXual experiences , mental an -
guish and illness , experiments with drugs , and suiddal impulses . Confes -
sional poems were written妙Allen Ginsberg , Sylvia Plath , Anne Sexton , John
美国拥有本土具像诗的传统,埃兹拉・庞德,尤其是e . e.卡明斯曾经从事过图案
诗的创作实验。例如卡明斯的作品“卜p一。一p一h一。 s一s一a一g一r ",它表现的是我们起初依稀
也逐渐组合成“蝗虫” ( grassh叩Per)这个字。近期以其所描述或沉思冥想的某一事物
不同语言的具像诗集:埃米特・威廉斯编辑的《具像诗选》(1967 );玛丽・埃伦・索
尔特编辑的《具像诗:世界视角》(1968 ),其中包括一些有价值的历史性回顾。 18世纪
《虚假的机智》 。

Confesslonal POetry自白诗

验。自白诗是为反对T . 5.艾略特和新批评家所倡导的客观性写作要求而兴起的。有
普拉斯、安・塞克斯顿、约翰・贝里曼和其他一些美国诗人。参见:压ane Mid出ebrook ,
92 CONrlo ^ N丁・ CONNOI谈TloN ^ No DENO私爪ON

an , and other American poets . See Diane Middlebrook , Anne Sexton : A
Berryman , and otner Amerlcan poets.岛eeL
WhatW韶Confessional Poetry ? , , in仆e COlumbia His -
BIDgraPhy ( 1991 ) , and " what was Confessic
to即ofA阴e对can POe奴ed . J好Parini ( 1993 ) .

( the feminine form 15 " confidante , , ) 15 a Character in a drama or

novel Who plays only a minor role in the action , but serVes the protagonist as a trusted mend to Whom he or she confesses intimate thoughts , problems ,
and fe lings . In drama the confidant provides the playwright with a plausible device for com unlcating to the audience the knowledge , state of mind , and
intentions of a principal character Without the use of stage devices such as the

soliloq呷oIn nrose fiction a famed confidant 15 Dr . W缸son in Arthur Conan Doyle , s
r the aside , . examples are Hamlet , 5 friend Horatio in Shakespeare , s枷拼Iet , and CleoPatra , 5 mald Charmion in his Antony and CleoPatra ・
stories about Sheilock Holmes ( 1887 and tollowing ) . The device 15 pa比cularly
useful to those modern writers who , 11址Henryjajnes , have largelyrenounced
the novelist , 5 eailler prlvileges of having access to a character , 5 state of mind
and of mtruding into the narrative in order to address such information dl -
rectly to the readeL ( See pointofview . ) JamesappliedtothecOnfidanttheterm
ficelle , French for the string by which the puppeteer manages his puppets ・
Discussing Maria Gostrey , Strether , 5 confidante in仆eA附加邵adors , James re -
marks that she isa " ficellen who 15 not , " in essence , Strether , 5 friend . She 15
the reader , s伍end much rather ,,仃ames,仆eA厅of the NOvel , ed . R . P . Black -
mu乙1934 , pp . 321一2 ) .
See W . J . Harv6y , Charac加r and the NOvel ( 1966 ) .

Connototion ond Denototion ・ In a widespread literary usage , the deno -
tation of a word 15 its primary signification or reference ; its connotation 15
the range of secondary or associated signiftcations and feelings which it com -
monfy suggests or implies . Thus " homen denotes the house where one lives ,
but connotes priv3cy , intimaCy ) and coZiness ; that 15 the reason real estate
agentsli缺to use " home , , instead of " housel , in their advertisements . " Horse , ,
and " steed , , denote the same quadruped , but " steed , , has a different connota -
tion that derives from the chivalric or romantic narratives In which this word
WaS often USed .
The connotation of a word 15 only a potential range of secondary signifi -
cations ; wh1Ch part of these connotations are evoked depends on the way the
word 15 used In a pa觅CUlar context . POemstypically establish contexts that
bring into play some part of the connotative as well as the denotative mean -
ing of words . In his poem " Virtue , , George Herbert Wrote ,
Sweet day , 50 cool , 50 calm , 50 bright ,
The bridal of the earth and sky …
The denotation of " bridat ,,一a unton between human being卜serves as part
of the脚und for applytng the word asa " etaPhor to the union of earth and
sky ; but the specific poetic context in Which the word occurs also evokes
such connotations of " bridal , , as sacred , joyous , and ceremonial . ( N ote that

Anne Sexton : AB ' ograph少,1991 , and " Wllat Was Confessional Poetry ? " in The Colum -
bfaH艺‘ tro夕of American Poe才r少,ed . Jay Parini , 1993 。


心腹(其阴性形式是“ confidante ")是戏剧或小说作品中的一种配角,他进人情节
特雷时,詹姆斯认为,她只是个“笔偶” , “事实上,她并不是斯特西尔的朋友,而是读者
的朋友。 ” ( James , The Art of the Novel , ed . , R , P . Blackmur , 1934 , pp . 321一322)。
参看:W . J . Harvey , C入arac尤erandtheNo二el , 1966 。

Connotation and Denotation涵义与表义

广告时喜欢用“家”来代替“房屋”一词。英文中“ hors 。 ”和“ steed ”指代同一四足动物
(这里指马。 ―译者注)。但由于“ steed ”一词曾广泛用于骑士或传奇叙事作品中,


“婚礼” ( bridal)一词的表义,即人和人之间的结合,用作隐喻天地合一的基础;但在特定
的诗文语境中,该词的出现又使人联想到庄严、欢乐与仪式等涵义。[注:" rnarriage "(婚

" marriage , , although metrically and denotatively equivalent to " bridal , "
would have been less richly significant in this context , because more com -
monplace in its connotation ・)Even the Way a word 15 spelled may alter lts
connotation . John Keats , in a passage of his " ode to a Nightingalen ( 1819 ) ,
Charmed magic casements , opening on the foam
of perilous seas , infa卿lands forlorn ,
altered his ori多nal spelling of " fairy , , to the old form " faeryn in order to evoke
the connotations of antiquity , as well as of the ma矛c worid of Spenser , s仆e
Fa州e Queene .
on connotation and denotation see 15北el C . Hungerland , POe红c Dis -
course ( 1958 ) , chapterl , and MonroeC ・ Beardsley , Aesthetics:尸mblems in the
PhilOSoPhy ofCri瓦cism ( 1958 ) , chapter 3 .

( 1 ) In one sense of the term , conventions ( derived from the Latin term
for " coming together , , ) are necessa珍or at least convenient , d州ces ,
accepted by tacit agreement between author and audience , for solv -
ing the problems in representing reality that are posed by a particular
a比stic medinm . In watching a modern production of a Shake -
spearean play , for example , the audience accepts without question
the convention by which a proscenium stage with three Walls ( or if it 15
a theater in比e round , with no Walls ) represents a room with four
walls . It aiso accePts the convention of characters sPeaking in blank
verse instead of prose , and uttering their private thoughts in solitoquies
and aside凡as well as the convention by which actions presented ona
singie stage in less than three hours may represent events Which take
place in a great variety of places , and over a span of many years .
( 2 ) In a second sense of the term , conventions are conspicuous features
of subiect matter , form , or technlque that occur repeatedly in works
of literature . Conventions in this sense may be recurrent types of
characte兀扣rns of plot , forms of versiflcation , or klnds of diction and
style . Stock characters such as the EliZabethan braggart soldier , or the
languishing and fainting heroine of victorian fiction , or the sad
young men of the lost一neration novels of the 19205 , were among
the conventions of their literary eras . The abrupt reform of the villain
at the elld of the last act was a Common Con健ntion of metodra切a . Eu -
phuis用in prose , and the几trarChan and metaPh外ical conceits in verse ,
were conventional devices of style . It 15 now iust as much a literary
convention to be outspoken on sexual matters as it was to be reticent
In the age of Charles Dickens and George Eliot .
( 3 ) In the most indusive sense , common in structuralist criticism , all lit -
erary works , no matter how seemingly realistic , are held to be entirely
constituted by literary conventions , or " codes ,,刊f genre , plot , char -
acter , language , and 50 on一司四hich a reader natUralizeS , by assimilat -
ing these conventions to the world of discourse and experience that ,

礼)一词尽管在韵律和表义上与“ brida1 ' ’一致,但在该语境中,其意义显得不够丰富,因


改用“美女(fairy ) ”一词的古体形式(faery ),为的是使人联想起其古老典雅的涵义,同
关于涵义和表义,参见:lsabel C . Hungerland , Poetic Discours 。,1958 , Chapter
1 , and Monro 。 C . Beardsley , Aesthetics : Problems in the Philosophy of Crit乞c艺sm ,
1958 , Chapter3 。


( l)就该术语的第一层意义而言,文学惯例(该术语渊自拉丁语,意为“聚合在一
( 2)从该术语的第二层意义上讲,文学惯例也是反复出现在文学作品中的题材、
( 3)从总体意义上说,正如结构主义批评理论通常认为的那样,一切文学作品,无

in the reader , 5 time and place , are regarded as real , or " natural . " ( See
s加c勿ralist州价ism and charact6T and charaCt6riza如n . )

Invention was originally a term used in theories of rhetoriC , and later in
literary critictsm , to signify the " finding , , of the sublect matter by an orator or
a poet ; it then came to signify innovative elements in a work , in contrast to
the deliberate " imitation , , of the forms and subiects of prior literary models .
( See imita瓦on . ) At the present time , " inventionn 15 often opposed to " conven -
tion " ( in senseZ , above ) to signify the inauguration饰a writer of an un ・
precedented subiect or theme or form or style , and the resulting work 15 said
to possess ori乡naiity狱peatediy in the history of literature , innovative writ -
ers such as John Donne,协阳It Whltman , James Joyce , or VirginiaW匕olf rebel
against reigning conventions of their time to produce highly ori多nal works ,
only to have their inventions imitated by other Wrlters , who thereby convert
llterary novelties into an additional set of literary conventions .
There 15 nothing either good or bad in the extent or obviousness of con -
formity to pre一e龙sting conventions ; all depends on the effectiveness of the
use an individual writer makes of them . Thepastoralelej厌forexample , isone
of the most conspicuously convention一bound of literary forms , yet in “琢d -
das , , ( 1638 ) John Milton achieved what , by wide critical agreement , ranks as
one of the greatestlyTics in the language . He did this by emplo界ng the an -
cient pastoral rituals with freshness and powe耳50 as to absorb an indiVidual , s
death into the universal human experience , and to add to his voice the reso ・
nance of eailier pastoral laments for a poet who died young .
See E . E . Stoll , Poets and Pla洲喊ghts ( 1930 ) ; M . C . Bradbrook,几emes and
COnven如nso厂Elizabethan升agedy ( 1935 ) ; HarryL州n , " NOtes on Conven -
tion , " in PersPec红ves ofC汀拄南m ( 1950 ) ; and the issues on COnven如n inN七w
Litera即Histo供vols . 13一14 ( 1981 and 1983 ) . on convention and ln孚n ality
see John L . Lowes , Conven瓦on and Revolt in POe卿(1919 ) ; GrahamH ough Re -
Pec如ns on a LiteralyRevolu灯on ( 1960 ) .

Cou川yLove . Adoctrilleoflove , togetherwithanelab0ratecodegoverning
the relatlons between aristocratic lovers , which was widely represented in the
珍ric poems and chivalric romances ofwesternEuropeduringtheMiddleAges ,
仆e development oftheconven红onsofcourtlyloveisusuallyattributedtothe
廿。 ubadours ( P oets of巧ovence , in southem France ) in the period from the
latter eleventh century through the twelfth century . In the conventional doc -
trine , love between the sexes , with its erotic and physical aspects spirituallzed ,
15 regarded as the noblest passion this side of heaven . The courtiy lover ideal -
izes and idol让es hls beloved , and subiects himself to her every whim ・(This
love 15 often that of a bachelor knight for another man , 5 wife , as in the stories
of Tristan and Isolde or of Lancelot and Guinevere ; it must be remembered
that marriage among the upper classes in medieval Europe was usually nota
relationship of love , but a kind of business contract , for economic and politi -
cal purposes . ) The lover suffers agonies of body and spirit as he 15 put to the
test by his imperious sweetheart , but remains devoted to her , manifesting his

参见:E . E . Stoll , Poets and Playwrights , 1930 ; M . C , Bradbrook , Themes and
Conv心nt£o牡5 ofE乙£zabethao Traged ) , 1935 ; Harry Levin , " Notes on Convention " , i二
Perspectives of Cri , icism , 1950;有关论述参见On Convent£on in Ne二Literar夕His -
tor夕,vols . 13一14 , 1981 and 1983 。有关文学惯例与创造性的论述参见:John L .
Lowes , Conve刀tion and Revolt in Poet勺,1919 ; Graham Hough , Re可刀ections ona
Litera勺Revolution , 1960 。

Courtly Love骑士恋

98 cRI丁IclsM

honor by his unswetving fidellty and his adherence to a rig . Code of be -

h州or , bothin幼ightly battles and in the complex ceren of courtfy
sDeeCh and CofidUct .
The origins and development of courtly love have been traced to a nUm -
ber of sources : a serious reading of the Roman poet ovid , 5 mock一serious book
角eR翻献如ofLove , . an imitation in lovers , relations of the politics of feudal -
ism ( the lover 15 a vassal , and both his lady and the god of love are his lords ) ;
and especially an importation into amatory situations of Christlan concepts
and ritual and the veneration of the Virgin Mary . Thus , the lady 15 exalted and
worshiped ; the lover sins and repents ; and if his faith stays steadfast , he may
be admitted at last into the lover , s heaven through his la即,s “乡丘of grace . ' '
From southern France the doctrines of courtly love spread to Chr趋tien
de Troyes ( ftourished 1 17于90 ) and other poets and romance Wrlters in
northern France , to Dante ( L aVi匆Nuo低1290 - - 94 ) , Petrarch , and other
认耐ters in fourteenth ・ centUry Italy , and to the love poets of Germany and
northem Europe . For the reader of English 11terature the conventions of
courtly love are best known by their occurrence In the medieval romance Sir
Gawa认and the Green Knight , in Chaucer , 5 TroiluS and Cn ' s即de , and later in
the Petrarchan sublect matter and the几tTarChan conce定ts of the Eliz的ethan
sonneteers . There has long been a debate whether medieval courtly love was
limited to literature and to elegant conversation at courts , or whether to
some degree it reflected the actual sentiments and conduct of aristocratic life
of the time . What 15 clear 15 that lts views of the intensity and the ennobling
power of love as " the grand passion , " of the special sensibllity and sPiritual
status of women , and of the complex decorum governing relations between
the sexes have profoundly affected not onfy the literature of love but also the
actual exPerience of " being in love , , in thew比tern world , through the nine -
teenth century and ( to a diminished extent ) even into ourown day of sexual
candor , freedom , and the feminist movement for equivalence in the rela ・
tiolls between the sexes . A number of feminists attack the medieval doctrine
of courtly love , and later tendencies to spiritUalize and idealize Women , as in
fact demeaning to them , and a covert device to ensure their social , political ,
and economic subordination to men . Seefe脚inist币红cism .
C . 5.块,ds,仆e Allego甲ofLOve ( 1936 ) ; A . J . Denomy,仆e劲脚sy ofCourt扮
工口雀(1947 ) ; M . J . V习en以In乃在iseofLOve ( 1958 ) ; E X . Newrnan , ed .,仆e人fean -
ing of Courtly Love ( 1968 ) ; Denis de Rougemont,切雀in thel哑stem灿rld ( rev . ,
1974 );助ger Boase,仆eo叼n and入介aningofCOu柳Love . ' AC汀瓦caIS细dyofEu -
呷ean ScholarshiP ( 1977 ) . For skeptical views of some commonly heldop而ons ,
see Peter Dronke,人化成eval La红n and theR朽e ofEurOPean Love - L)洲c ( 1965一6 ) ;
E.几lbotDonaldson , " TheMythofCourtlyL0ve , " inSPeakingofCha " cer ( 1970 ) .
For reapp面sals of the role of women in the tradition , see And血K压hn Blum -
stein,入化驾娜夕and介lealiza如n in咖Cou柳Romance ( 1977 ) , and R . Howard
Bloch,加介成巴棍l入打509娜夕and次e Inven如nof功/e stem Roman红c Love ( 1991 ) .

Cddcls . , or more sPeciflcally肚terory criticis叭15 the overall term for
StudieS with defining , classifying , analyzing , interpreting , and

于117 。一1190年间)和其他诗人与传奇作家、意大利的但丁(((新生》,1290一1294)、彼
《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》 、乔雯的《特洛伊罗斯与克里西德》,以及其后伊丽莎白时期十
C . 5 . Lewis , The Allegor夕of Love , 1936 ; A . J . Denomy , The Heres夕of Courtl夕
Lo * , 1947 ; M . J . Valency , In Prais它ofLove , 1958 ; F . X . Newman , ed . , TheM由ning
of Courtl夕Love , 1968 ; Denis de Rougemont , Love艺,: the We 、 terow盯ld , rev . ,
1 974 ; Roger Boase , The Origi刀andM七a刀ing of Courtl夕Love : A Critical Stud少of
EuroPean Scholarship , 1977.关于对人们通常所持观点的怀疑性论述,参见:Peter
Dronke , M已d艺eval Lat乞n and theR艺、£of European Love一L , r乞。,1965一1966 ; E . Talbot
Donaldson , " The Myth of Courtly Love , " in spea走ing of Chaucer , 1970 。关于对传统
中女性作用的重新评价,参见:Andr亡e Kahn Blumstein , Misog少n夕and Idealization
in the Courtl夕Romance , 1977 ; R . Howard Bloch , M亡d艺e七al Misog , n , and thel刀勺e刀-
tion ofw比tern Romantic Love , 1991 。

Crjticim , or Literary Crjticism批评(或文学批评)

100 cRITlclSM

al criticism proPoses an exPliCit the ,

嚣燃嚣蕙藻 al principles , together with a set of
applied to identi单ng and anafyzing
works of literature , as well as the criteria ( the standards , or norms ) by which
these works and their writers are to be evaluated . The eariiest , and enduringiy
important , treatise of theoretical criticism was Aristotle , 5 POe瓦cs ( fourth cen ?
turyB ・ C ・)・ Among the most influential theoretlcal critics in the following cen -
turies were Longinus in Greece ; Horace in Rome ; Boileau and Sainte一Beuvein
France ; Baumgarten and Goethe in Germany ; Samuel Johnson , Coleridge ,
and Matthew Arnold in England ; and Poe and Emerson in America . Land -
marks of theoretical Criticism in the first half of the twentieth century are 1 . A .
形chards , P找n即le 、 ofL定化m甲Cri瓦c定s拼(1924 ) ; Kenneth Burke,仆e Philo , oPhy
ofLiteralyFO洲(1941 , rev . 1957 ) ; Eric Auerbach , Mi阴esis ( 1946 ) ; R . 5 . Crane ,
ed . , Cri封cs andC对ticism ( 1952 ) ; and Northrop Frye , Anato功y of Cri瓦cism
( 1957 ) .
Since the 19705 there has been a lalge number of writings , Continental ,
American , and English , proposing diverse novel and radical forms of crltical
theory . These are listed and dated in the entry仆eorieso厂litera扭re , cu能nt , '
each theory in that list 15 also given a separate entry in this GIOssa甲.For a dis ・
cussion of the special uses of the term " theory , , in these current critical move -
ments , see posts臼祝ctUralis浓.
Practicai criticism , or applied criticism , concems itself with the discus -
sion of partiCUlar works and writers ; in an aPplled critique , the theoretical
principles controlling the mode of the analysis , inte甲retation , and evalua -
tion are often left implidt , or brought in only as the occasion demands ・
Among the more influential works of applied critictsm in England and Amer -
ica are the literary essays of Dryden in the Restora瓦On , . DL Johnson , s Livesof
the English Poe 。(1 779书l ) ; Coleridge , 5 chapters on the poetry ofw匕rdsworth
in BioS阳Phia Literaria ( 1817 ) and his lectures on Shakespeare ; William Haz ・
litt , S lectures on Shakespeare and the English poets , in the second and third
decades of the nineteenth centUry ; Matthew Ainold , 5 Essays inC对价ism ( 1865
and following ) ; 1 . A.趾hards,乃闷‘改cal Cri瓦cis 。(1930 ) ; T . 5 . Eliot , 5 SelectedEs -
says ( 1932 ) ; and the many critical essays by Vir乎nia Wbolf , F . R . Le州s , and
Lionel竹illing . Cleanth Brooks,角e嫩11叭/1o雌htU巾(1947 ) exemplifies the
" close reading , J of single texts Whlch was the typical mode of practical criti -
Cism in the AmeriCanN沙即Cri瓦dsm .
Practical criticism 15 sometimes distinguished into impressionistic and lu -
dicial criticism :
Impressionistic criticism attempts to represent in words the felt quali -
ties of a particular passage or work , and to express the responses ( the " impres -
sion , , ) that the work directlyevo缺5 from the critic . As William Hazlitt Put it
in his essay " on Gentus and Common Sensen ( 1824 ) : " you decide from feel ・
ing , and not from reason ; that 15 , from the如pression of a number of things
on the mind … though you may not be able to analyze or account for it in
the several partiCUlars . ,,加d Waiter Pater later said that in criticism " the first
step toward seeing one , 5 Obiect as it really 15 , 15 to know one , s own impression

20世纪前半叶,具有划时代意义的理论批评论著有1 . A.理查兹的《文学批评原理》
( 1924)、肯尼思・伯克的《文学形式原理》(1941 , 1957年修订版)、埃里克・奥尔巴赫
的《摹仿》(1946)、 R . 5.克莱恩主编的《批评家和批评》(1952)和诺斯罗普・弗莱的《批
《诗人传》(1779一1781 );柯勒律治的《文学传记》(1817)中论述华兹华斯诗歌和他关于
莎士比亚的讲演的章节;19世纪20 、 30年代威廉・黑兹利特关于莎士比亚和英国诗
人的演讲;马修・阿诺德的《评论文集》(1865年及其后); 1 . A.理查兹的《实用批评》
( 193 。); T . 5.艾略特的《论文选集》(1932 );以及出自弗吉尼亚・吴尔夫、 F . R.利维斯
( 1947)是对单纯的文本加以“细读”的一个范例,这是美国新批评实用批评的典型
( 1824)中所说的:“人们是凭感觉而不是理智去判断事物的,即通过大脑对许多事物
的印象… …尽管可能无法对这种印象作出细致的分析或解释。 ”后来,沃尔特・佩特

as it real y 15 , to discriminate it , to realise it distinctly , " and posed as the basic question , " What 15 this song or plctUre,二to阴e ? " ( preface tos切成郎in the
月钻to甲of the RenaissanC6 , 1873 ) . At its以treme this mode of CritiCISm be -
comes , in Anatole France , 5 phrase , l , the adventures of a sensitive soul among
masterpieces . "
Judicial critlcism , on the other hand , attempts not merely to col
cate , but to analyze and explain the effects of a work by reference to
iect . or皿nization , techniQues , and style , and to base the critic , 5 individual
iud帅ents on specified Criteria of literaw excellence . Rarefy are these two
modes of criticism sharply distinct in practice , but gO0d examples ot pnmar -
ily impressionistic commentary can be found in the Greek Longinus ( see the
characterization of the odyss即in his treatise on the Sublime ) , Hazlitt , W砚ter
Pater ( the locus classicus of impressionism 15 his description of Leonardo , s
Mdna Lisa in仆e RenaissanCe , 1873 ) , and some of the twentieth一centUry criti -
cal essays of E . M . Forster and Virginia Wbolf .
仰pes of traditional critical theories and of applied criticism can be use -
fully distinguished according to whether , in explalning and ludging a Work of
literature , they refer the work primarilyto the outer world , or to the reade乙or
to the author , or else treat the Work as an entity in itself :

( 1 ) M恤etic criticism views the literary work as an imitation , or reflec -
tion , or representation of the world and human life , and the primary
criterion aPplied to a work 15 the " truth , , of its representation to the
sublect matter that it represents , or should represent , This mode of
Criticism , which first appeared in Plato and ( in a qualified way ) in
Arlstotle , remains characteristic of modern theories of literary real -
ism . ( See imita瓦on . )
( 2 ) Pragmatic criticism views the work as something Which 15 con -
structed in order to achieve certain effects on the audience ( effects
such as aesthetic pleasure , instruction , or kinds of emotion ) , and it
tends to ludge the value of the work according to its success in
achi州ng that aim . This approach , which largely dominated literary
discussion from the versified Art ofPOet7y by the Roman Horace ( first
century B . C ・)through the eighteenth century , has been revived in re -
cent rhetorical币红山m , whlch emphasiZes thea觅stic strategiesby
which an author engages and influences the responses of readers to
the matters represented in a literary work . The pragmatic approach
has also been adopted by somes加c匆ralis七who analyZe a literary
text as a systematic play of codes which effect the interpretativ6 re -
sPonses of the reader .
( 3 ) ExPressive criticism treats a literary work primarily in relation to its
author It defines poetry as an expression , or overflow , or utterance of
feelings , or as the product of the poet , s imagination operating on his
or her perceptions , thoughts , and feelings ; It tends to } udge the work
by its sinceri年or its adequacy to the poet , 5 individual vision or state
of mind ; and it often seeks in the work evidences of the particular

得到的印象”,并且要提出这样一个基本问题:“这首歌曲或这幅图画… …对我来说是
阿纳托尔・法朗士所说的:是“敏感的心灵在名著宝库里的探奇” 。
奇的《蒙娜丽莎》的描绘成了印象主义批评的最为权威的章节1,以及20世纪E . M,福

( 1)幕仿式批评认为文学作品是对世界和人类生活的一种模仿或反映或再现,衡
( 2)实用主义批评认为文学作品的创作目的在于对读者产生艺术感染力(如给
( 3)表现主义批评主要探讨文学作品与作者的关系。它把诗歌解释为感情的表

temperament and experiences of the author Who , consciously or un -
consciously , has revealed himself or herself in it . Such views were de -
veloped mainly by romantic critics in the early nineteenth century
and remain current in our own time , especially in the wrltings ofPS户
chol州cal and psychoana扮“ c币“ cs and in币“ cs of conscjousness such
as George Poulet and the Geneva School .
( 4 ) obiectivec ritiri ' m deals with a work of literature as something
WhiCh StalldS 【 5 freeft from What 15 oftefl Called " eXtrifisiC , , relat ons to
the poet , or to the audience , or to the environing world . Instead it de -
scribes the literary product as a self - sufficient and autonomousob -
lect , or else as a world一in一itself , Which 15 to be contemplated as its
own end , and to be analyzed and ) udged solelyby " intrinslc , , criteria
such as its compl翻ty , coherence , equillbrium , integrity , and the in -
terrelations of lts component elements . The general viewpoint of the
self - suffidency of an aesthetic oblect was proposed in众nt , sCri汀que
ofAesthe瓦clu勿nent ( 1790)一seedis匆nce and involve阴ent-一was taken
up by proponents of art for art , s sake in the latter part of the nine -
teenth century , and has been elaborated in detailed modes of applied
Criticism by a number of important critics since the 19205 , including
theN己w洲红cs , the Chic阅扣School , and proponents of European for -

An essentialente印rise that the ordinary reader takes for granted 15 to es -
tablish the text of a literary work to be put in print ; see the entry textUal cri瓦-
cism . It 15 also a frequent procedure to distinguish types of criticism which
bring to bear upon literature various areas of knowledge , In the attempt to
identi厅the conditions and influences that determine the particular charac -
teristics and values of a literary work . Accordingly ) we have " historical criti -
ctsm , " " biographlcal criticism , " " sociological criticism , , ( see socioIOi妙of
literatUre andM比众ist币瓦比阴), Ps班hological币百cism ( a subspecies 15 ps尸choan -
aly瓦c币tic七脚), and arche妙al or用yth币丘cis脚(W hich undertakes to explain
the formation oftypes of literature by reference to the views about myth and
ritual in modem cultural anthropology)・
For a detailed discussion of the classification of traditional theories that 15
rePresented in this essay , see M . H . Abrams,角e Mirror and the LamP ( 1953 ) ,
chapterl , and “仰pes and orientations of Critical Theories , , in Doing角ings
with及xts : ESsays in Cri廿cism and Critical角co甲(1989 ) . on types of critical
aPproaChes , refer also to Ren乏W日lek and AustinW泛rren,角eo甲ofLiterature
( rev . , 1970 ) , Histories of criticlsm : Class定cal Cri红cis叭ed . George A.众nnedy
( 1989 ) ; Bemard Wdnberg ) A Histo甲ofLitera甲C对廿眺阴动the Italian Renais -
sance ( 2 vols ・,1963 ) ; Ren乏W记lleK A Histo甲ofMddem Cri红cism , 1750 - - 1950 ( 7
vols . ; 1955 ff . );仆e Cambridge Histoly of Litera甲Cri廿cis脚(multiple vols . ,
1989一on Criticism in the eariier nineteenth centUry see Abrams,仆eMi加r
and the La泞哄and on twentieth一century criticism , 5 . E . H犷man,角e AnnedVi -
sion ( 1948 ) ; Murray Kriegef,仆eN白甲APol州Sts for POet7y ( 1956 ) ; Jonathan
Culler , S加ctUralist POe找cs ( 1975 ) and Literaly Theo乍A Very ShortlntTOduc瓦on

( 4)客观批评把文学作品看成是通常被称为独立于诗人、读者和外部世界的“外
(参见:心理距离和感倩介人), 19世纪后期被为艺术而艺术的倡导者所接

的类型。因此,就出现了“历史批评” 、 “传记批评” 、 “社会学批评”(参见:文学社会学
关于对出现在本文中的传统理论的分类,可参见以下详尽论述:M . H . Abrams ,
TheM汀ror and the Lamp , 1953 , Chapterl , and " Types and Orientations of Critical
Theories , , in Do王ng Th乏ngsw£th Texts : Essa , s艺刀Crit艺c£sm and Cr乞t£cal Theor ) ,
1989 。关于文学批评方法的类型,参见:Ren己Wellek and Austin Warren , Theor夕of
Literature , rev . , 1970 。关于文学批评史,参见:Classical Criticism , ed . George A .
Kennedy , 1989 ; Bernard Weinberg , A His ' ory of Litera砂Criticism in the Ital艺an
Renaissance , 2 vols . , 1963 ; Ren6 Wellek , AH£sto勺of Modern Cr艺t泛c£sm , 1750 -
1夕50 , 7 vols . , 1955 ff . ; TheCa爪br汇dgeH£story ofL£terary Cr乞t乞c£、 m ( multiple
vols . , 1989一)。关于19世纪早期的文学批评,参见:M . H . Abrams , Th己Mirro , and
th 。 Lamp 。关于20世纪的文学批评,参见:5 . E . Hyman , Tho Armed Vision , 1948 ;
Murray Krieger , The New Apolog泛sts for Poetr夕,1956 ; Jonathan Culler , Structur -
a ‘£st Poet£cs , 1975 , andL£terar夕Theor , : A Ver夕Short Introd " ct汇。 ” , 1997 ; Grant
106 cu汗u队LsTuol 〔 s

( 1997 ) ; Grant防阳bstet,仆eRePubl定cofLette1S : AHISto今ofPOstwarA川币canL宜t -
eralyoP认ion ( 1979 ) ; Frank Lentricchla , A介r伪eN白甲Cri瓦cism ( 1980 ) ; Chrls
Baldick , Cri沈is脚and Litera尽仆eo邝1890 to the Present ( 1996 ) .
Convenient anthologies of literary criticism : A . H . Gilbert and G . W .
用len , LiteratyC汀灯cis巩尸翻to to Croce ( 2 vofs . , 194于41 ) ; W . J . Bate , C万瓦cism :
角eM可Or及涅ts ( 1952 ) ; Lionel Trilling Litera甲Cri叮cis爪:An IntTOductolyReadeT
( 1970 ) . Antholo矛es of recent and current criticism : Hazard Adams and Leroy
Searle , eds ・,Cri找cal角co甲since 19 " ( 1986 );物551115 Lambropoulos andD州d
Neal MUle丸eds . , T叭”价th ・ CentU甲Litera甲角eo乍An IntToducto甲Anthol驾y
( 1987 ) ; David Lodge , ed . , Mddem Cri瓦cism and劝eo甲(1988 ) ; Robert Con
D州5 and Ronald Schleifer , COnte川IPora甲Litera甲Cri找cis切(rev . , 1989 ) . Sug -
gested readings in CUrrentt押es of criticai theory are inctuded in the entry of
this Glossa尽for each type ・

C川加r川StU山es designates a recent and rapidly growing cross一disciplinary
entelprise for analyzlng the conditions that effect the produ由on , recePtion ,
and cultural significance of all types of institutions , practices , and products ;
among these , literature 15 accounted as merely one of many forms of CUltural
, , signi加ng pra川ces . " A chief concem 15 to speci勿the functioning of the 50 -
cial , economic , and political forces and power一structures that produce all
forms of CUltural phenomena and endow them with their social " meanings , "
their " truth , " the modes of discourse in Whlch they are discussed , and their
relatiVe valUe afid StatuS .
one precursor of modem cultural studies was ROland Barthes , who In
脚thol州es ( 1957 , trans . 1972 ) analyZed the social conventions and " codesn
that confer meanings in such social practices as women , s fashions and profes -
stonal Wrestiing , ( S ee Ba曲es under semiotics ands加c扭ralism . ) Another was
the British school of neo一a浦st stUdies of literature and art代specially in
their popular and working - class modes一5 an integral part of the general cul -
ture . This movement was inaugurated by Raymond Williams , CultUre and Soci -
e如(1958 ) andby砒chard Hoggart , 5 The Uses of Litera印(1958 , rePrinted
1992 ) , and it became institutionalized in the influential Birmingham Centre
for Contemporary CultUral Studies , founded by Hoggart in 1964 . In the
United States , the vogue for cultural stUdies had its roots mainly in the mode
of literary and culturai criticism如。 Wn as " the new historicism , " with its an -
tecedents both in poststructural theorists such as Louis赶thusser and Michel
Foucault and in the treatment of culture as a set of signi尔ng systems by Clif -
ford诀ertZ and other cultUral anthropologists . ( See undern翻h1 ' storicis阴.)
A prominent endeavor in cultural studies 15 to subvert the distinctions
in traditional criticism between " high literature , , and " high art , , and what
were considered the lower forms that appeal to a much larger body of con -
sumers.介pically , CUltural stUdies pay less attention to works in the estab -
lished literary canon than to popular fiction , best一selling romances ( that 15 ,
love stories ) , lournalism , and advertising , together with other arts that have
mass aPpeal such as cartoon comics , film , television " soap operas , " and rock
and raP music . And within the areas of literature and the more traditional

Webster , Th 。 Republi 。 of Letter 、:A Hi 、 tor夕of Postwar American Literar夕Op£n -
ion , 1979 ; Frank Lentricchia , After the New Cr艺ticism , 1980 ; Chris Baldick , Criti -
cism anJ Literar少Theor夕,15夕0 to the尸resent , 1996 。实用文学批评文集有:A . H .
Gilbert and G . W . Allen , Literar夕Criticism , Plato to Croce , 2 vols . , 1940一1941 ; W .
J . Bate , Criticism : TheM改少or Texts , 1952 ; Lionel Trilling , Literar夕Criticism : An
Introductory Reader , 1970 。近期和当代文学批评文集有:Hazard Adams and Leroy
Searle , eds . , Critical Theo即since 1965 , 1986 ; Vassilis Lambropoulos and David
Neal Miller , eds .,丁让entiet斤Centur夕L£terar夕Theor夕:An Introducto即Antholog少,
1 987 ; David Lodge , ed .,几肠dern Criticism and Theor夕,1988 ; Robert Con Davis and
Ronald Schleifer , Contemporar少Literar夕Criticism , rev . , 1959 。关于当代批评理论

Cultural Studies文化研究

是具体说明产生文化现象的所有形式,并赋予它们以社会“意义” 、 “真理” 、人们谈论
现代文化研究的先驱之一是罗兰・巴尔特,他在《神话学》(1957 , 1972年英译本)
( 1958 , 1992年重印)所引发的,并于1964年由霍格特组建成颇具影响力的专门机
构― “伯明翰当代文化研究中心” 。在美国,文化研究的兴起主要植根于被称为“新历
1080 〔 C ^ DENCE

arts , a ftequent undertahng 15 to move to the center of cultural study works that , it 15 claimed , have be n marginalized or exclude  by the aesthetic ide - ol gy of white European or American males , partiCUlarly the products of

women , minority ethnic groups , and colonial and postcolonial writers . As in
new historiCist criticism , polltically radical eXp OfielltS of山l加rals加dies ori -
ent theirw过tings and teaching toward the eXPlicit end of reforminge对sting
power一structures and relations , which they view as dominated by a privi -
leged gender , race , or class ・
A conspicuous activity in cultuxal studies 15 the analysls and interpreta ・
tion of oblects and socialp ) pra由ces outside the realm of literature and the
other arts ; thes e phenomena are viewed as endowed with meanings that are
the product of social forces and conventions , and that may either express or
oppose the domina以str ' Uctures of power in a CUlture . In theory , there 15 no
limit to the kinds of things and pattems of behavior to which such an analy -
515 of cultural " texts , , may be applied ; CUrrent studies deal with a spectrUm
ranging from the vogue of body一building through urban street fashions , and
from cross一dressing to the social gesture of smoking a dgarette .
See the loumal Cul加rals加dies , 1987一;aiso Catherine Belsey , Cri红cal Prac -
瓦ce ( 1980 ) ; Andrew Ross , NO ResPect . . Intellec勿al and POPular CultUre ( 1989 ) ;
L撇ence Grossberg , Cary Nelson , and Paula Treichler , eds ・,CultUral StUdies
( 1992 ) ; Anthony Easthope , Litera甲into Cul匆rals勿dies ( 1991 );形chard Klein ,
Cigare故5 are Sublime ( 1993 );物lda Blundell , John Shepherd , and Ian几ylor ,
eds . , Reloca廿ng Cul扭rals加di6s : DeveloPmen七in仆eo甲and Research ( 1993 ) ;
Mariorie Garber , Vice ・俩邝a : Bisexuali印and theErO瓦cismofEve叫即Life ( 1994 ) ;
Mark Seitzer , Serial称llers 1 , 11 , 111 ( 1997 ) ; Mieke Bal,仆e介actice of Cul加ral
Analys钻(1997 ) . Jessica Munns and Gita Ralan , eds . , A CultUral StUdies Reader :
Histo拼仆eo拼尸mc瓦ce ( 1995 ) 15 a wide一ran矛ng anthology that traces whatwe
now call culturals扭dies as far back as Matthew Arnold in the Victorian era ,
then through the structural anthropology of ClaudeL洲一Strauss to many
practitioners in the present day .

Decodence . In the latter nineteenth一century , some French proponents of
the doctrines ofAesthe找cism , especiallyCharlesBaudelaire , alsoespousedviews
and values that developed into a movement called " the Decadence . " The term
( not regarded勿its exPonents as derogatory ) was based on qualities attrlbuted
to the literatUre of Hellenistic Greece in the last three centuries B . c . , and to
Roman llterature after the death of the Emperor Augustus in 14 ^ . D . These lit ・
eratures Were said to possess the high refinement and subtie beauties of a cul -
ture and art that have passed thdr vigorous prime , but manifest a spedal savor
of InciPient decay ・ Such was aiso held to be the state of Eulopean clvlllzation ,
espedally in France , as it approached the end of the nlneteenth century .
Many of the precepts of the Decadence were voiced byTh之ophile Gautier
in the " Notice , " desCribing Baudelaire , 5 poetry , that he prefixed to an edition
of Baudelaire , 5 Les Fleurs如胡al ( , , Flowers of Eviln ) in 1868 , Central to the
Decadent movement was the view that art 15 totally opposed to " nature , " in
the sense both of biological nature and of the standard , or " natural , ' ' norms of

参见期刊《文化研究》(1987一);并参见:Catherine Belsey , Critical Practice ,
1 980 ; Andrew Ross , NoRespect : IntellectualandPopularCulture , 1989 ; I一awrence
Grossberg , Cary Nelson , and Paula Treichler , eds . , Cultural Studies , 1992 ; Antho -
ny Easthope , Literar少into Cultural St " dies , 1991 ; Richard Klein , Cigarettes are
su占lime , 1993 ; Valda Blundell , John Shepherd , and Ian Taylor , eds . , Relocating
Cultural Studies : Developme刀ts in Theor夕and Research , 1993 : Marjorie Garber ,
讥ce一Ver : a : B乞、 e二、 al£t , a刀d the Erot£c乞s叨of Ever夕da夕上乞fe , 1994 ; Mark Seltzer ,
Serial Killer , I , 11 , 111 , 1997 ; Mieke Bal , Th 。 Practice of Cultural Anal夕515 ,
1997 。杰茜卡・芒斯与吉大・拉姜恩合编的《文化研究读本:历史、理论与实践》
( 1995 ),是一部涉猎范围广泛的文集,回顾了远至维多利亚女王时代马修・阿诺德,


花》 “前言”中对波德莱尔诗歌的描述中。颓废派文艺运动的核心观点认为,在生物性

morallty and sexual behavior . The thoroughgoing Decadent Writer cultivates
high artifice in his style and , o批n , the bizarre in his subiect matte乙recoils
from the feCUndity and exuberance of the organic and instinctual life of na -
tUre , prefers elaborate dress over the living human form and cosmetics over
the natUral hue , and sometimes sets out to violate What 15 commonfy held to
be " natural , , in human experience by reso川ng to drugs , d州ancy from stan -
dard norms of behavior , and sexual experimentation , in the attempt to
achieve ( in a phrase echoed from the French poet Arthur形mbaud ) " thesys -
tematic derangement of all the senses . n The movement reached its heiZht in
the last two decades of the century ; extreme products were the novel A rebours
( " Against the Grain , , ),叭成tten by J . K . Huysmans in 1884 , and some of the
paintings of Gustave Moreau . This period 15 also known as the fin de 51改le
( end of the century ) ; the phrase connotes the lassitude , satiety , and ennui ex -
pressed by many writers of the Decadence .
In England the ideas , moods , and behavior of Decadence were mani ・
fested , begilming in the 18605 , in the poems of Algemon Charles SWinbume ,
and in the 18905 by Writers such as oscar Wilde , Arthur Sylnons , Ernest Dow -
son , and LIOnel Johnson ; the notable artist of the English Decadence was
Aubrey Beardsley . In the search for strange sensations , a number of English
Decadents of the 18905 exPerimented with drugs and espoused illicit , or What
were conventionally held to be extra一natural , modes of sexual exPerience ;
several of them died young . RepresentatiVe llterary productions are Wilde , s
novel仆e Pic勿re ofDorian Gray ( 1891 ) , his play Salo阴百(1893 ) , and many of
the poems of Emest Dowson ・
The emphases of the Decadence on drugged perception , sexual exPeri -
mentatlon , and the dellberate inversion of conventional moral , social , and
a比stic norms reappeared , with modern variations , in the Beat poets and nov -
elistS of the 19505 afid in theCO拟nte兀ultU即of the deCadeS that followed .
Mario Praz,仆e Roman红c Ago恻(1933 ) ; A . E . Carter ’仆e介lea ofDecadence
in French Litera加re , 1830 - - 1900 ( 1958 );众rl Beckson , ed . , Aesthet6Sa摊d Deca -
由九ts ofthe 15905 ( 1966 );租chard Gi加an,刀氏口由” ce:仆e StrangeLifeofan即-
ithet ( 1979 ) ; Ian Fletcher , ed . , D ‘印决” ce and the 18905 ( 1979 ) ; and G . H .
Pittock Murrayl SPec如巾ofDecad动ce:角己Litera扭re ofthe 18905 ( 1993 ) . A use -
ful descriptive guide to books on the sublect 15 Linda C . Dowiing , Aesthe红比m
and Decade " ce . . A Selec五ve Annotated Bibliog川P妙(1977 ) .

oeconSltr " ction , as aPplied in the Critidsm of literature , deslgnates a the -
ory and praCtice of reading whlch questions and claims to " subvert , , or " un -
dennine , , the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that
are adequate to establish the boundaries , the coherence or unity , and the de -
terminate meanings of a literary text . lypically , a deconstructive reading sets
out to show that confli比ng forces within the text itself serve to dissipate the
seeming definiteness of its strUcture and meanings into an indefinite array of
incompatible and undectdable possibilities .
The originator and namer of deconstrU比on 15 the French thinkerjacques
Derrida , among whose precursors were Friedrich Nietzsche ( 1844 - - 19 ( X ) ) and
1 11

兰波的话说)“一切观念体系的错乱” 。该运动在19世纪后20年发展到顶峰阶段;其
激进的代表作有J . K.于斯曼创作于1884年的小说《逆流》,以及古斯塔夫・莫罗的一
里・比尔兹利。 19世纪90年代,英国的许多颓废派人士为了追求奇异的感受而吸食
( 1893 ),以及欧内斯特・道森的许多诗作。
参见:Mario Praz , The Romantic Agony , 1933 ; A . E . Carter , The Idea of Deca -
dencei刀French Literature , 1830一1900 , 1958 ; Karl Beckson , ed . , Aesthetesand Deca
dent , of the 18905 , 1966 ; Richard Gilman , Decade 、 ce : The Strange Li介ofa , Epi -
thet , 1979 ; Ian Fletcher , ed . , Decade刀ce and the ] 8905 1979 ; G . H . Pittock Murray ,
Spectrum of Decadence : The Literature of the 189山,1993 。 Linda C . Dowling , Ae 、-
theticism and Decadence : A Selective Annotated Bibliogra户h夕(1977 ),是一部关于该


德国哲学家弗里德里希・尼采(1844一1900)和马丁・海德格尔(1889一1976 ),他们
1 12 oECONs丁RucTIoN

Ma川n Heidegger ( 1889 - - 1976)一German philosophers Who put to radical

如estion fundamental philosoPhical concepts su山as " knowledge , " " trUth , " and " identity ,,一5 wel  as Slgmund Freud ( 185卜1939 ) , whose psychoa九alysis
violated traditional concepts of a coherent individual consciousness and a uni -
tary seif . Demda presented his basic views in three books , all publlshed in
1967 , entitled哪Gra川matoIOJ汉W袱瓦ng and Di所淤nC6 , alld SPeech andPhenom -
ena , . since then he has reiterated , exPanded , and applied those views in a rapid
sequence of publications .
Derrida , s节川tings are complex and elusive , and the summary here can
only indicate some of their main tendencies . His point of vantage 15 What , in
OfGram爪atoloJ汉he calls " the axial proposition that there 15 no outside一the -
text , , ( " iln , y a rien hors du texte , " or altematiVEly " iln , y a pas de hors ・ texte , , ) .
Like all Derrida , s key terms and statements , this has multiple significations ,
but a pr加ary one 15 that a reader cannot get beyond verbal signs to any
things一in一themselves which , because they are independent of the system of
language , might serve to anchor a determinable meaning . Derrida , 5 reiterated
claim 15 that not only allw比tem philosophies and theories of language , but
allw匕tern uses of language , hence allw比tern culture , are logocentric ; that
15 , they are centered or grounded ona " logosn ( whlch in Greek signified both
" word , , and " rationality , , ) ot , as stated in a phrase he adopts from Heidegger ,
they rely on " the metaphysics of presence . , , They are logocentric , according
to Derrida , in part because they are phonocentric ; that 15 , they grant , implic -
itly or exPlidtly , logical " priority , " or " privilege , " to speech over Writing as the
model for analyzing all discourse . By 10905 , or presence , Derrida slgnifies
what he aiso calls an " ultimate referent ,,曰self - certl尔ng and self - sufficient
ground , or foundation , available to us totalfy outside the play of language it -
sel瓦that 15 directfy present to our awareness and serves to " center , , ( that 15 , to
ancho石organlze , and guarantee ) the stIUctUre of the linguistic system , and as
a result suffices to血the bounds , coherence , and determinate meanings of
any spoken or Wrltten utterance Within that system . ( on Derrida , s " decenter -
ing " of strUcturalism , see posts加ctUralism . ) Historical instances of claimed
foundations for language are God as the guarantor of its validity , or a Platonic
form of the trUe reference of a general term , or a Hegelian " telos , , or goal to ・
ward which all process strives , or an intention to signi勿something determi -
nate that 15 directly present to the awareness of the person who initiates an
utterance . Demda undertakes to show that these and all other attempts by
W比tem philosophy to establish an absolute ground in presence , and all im -
plicit reliance on such a ground in using language , are bound to fail . Espe -
dally , he directs his skeptical exPOsition against the phonocentric
assumption一司即hich he regards as central inw比tem theories of language - -
that at the instant of speaking , the " intention , , of a speaker to mean some -
thing determinate by an utterance 15 immediately and fully present in the
speaker , S consciousness , and 15 also communicable to an auditor . ( See inten -
找on , under interPreta找on and he洲eneutics . ) In Derrida , 5 view , we must always
say more , and othe石than we intend to say .
1 13

对诸如“知识” 、 “真理”和“同一性”等基本的哲学概念提出了激进的质疑;此外还有西
格蒙德・弗洛伊德(1856一1939 ),他的精神分析学说打破了那种认为个人的意识本
身是独自连贯和一元的传统观念。德里达在1967年发表的《论文字学》 、 《文字与差
外的世界” 。和德里达所有的关键性术语和陈述一样,这一陈述同样具有多重所指,
形而上学” 。根据德里达的观点,它们之所以是词义中心的,是因为它们又是语音中
具有逻辑上的“优势”或“特权” 。德里达用标识语或在场指代他所谓的“最终所
指” ―即自我证实和自主自足的基础或根据―这种所指是完全处在语言自身的

Derrida exPresses his aitematlve conception that the play of linguistic
mpon芍。 。,i 。,, , : ndp洲d月hl户,, Int户rI们凡derived fiom Saussure , s view that ifi a 51只11 -
svstem . both thes如诉ers ( the material elements ot a language , wne仇er spo枕n
or Written ) and thes如沙山(their conceptual meanmgs ) owe thelr seeming
identities , not to their OW " " posltiven orlnherent features , but to their " di月免r -
ences , , from other speech一sounds,机ltten marks , or conceptual signific甜Ons .
( S ee Saussure , inl定叩此瓦“ in mode阴币红跳m and in semio瓦cs . ) From this view
Derrida evolves his radical claim that the features that , in any partiCUlar utter -
ance , would serVe to establish the signified meaning of a Word , are never " pres -
ent , , to us in their own positive identi年since both these featUres and their
signiflcations are nothing other than a ne七泞ork of diff改ences . on the other
hand , ndther can these identi尔ng features be said to be strictly “的sentn ; in -
stead , in any spoken or叭币tten utterance , the seeming meaning 15 the resuh
only ofa " seif - effacing , , traceesself - effacing in that one 15 not aware of it - -
whlch consists of all the nonpresent differences from other elements in the lan -
guage system that invest the utterance with its " effect , , of having a meaning in
its own right . The consequence , in Derrida , 5 view , 15 that we can never , in any
instance of speech or认币ting , have a demonstrably fixed and改ctdable present
meaning . He says that the dlff台entlal play ( jeU ) of language may produce the
, , effects , , of deddable meanings in an utterance or tex仁but asserts that these are
merefy effects and laCk a ground that would iustify certainty in interpretation .
In a characteristic move , Derrida coins the po由” anteau term di俄rance ,
in which , he says , he uses the spelling “一ance , , instead of “一ence , , to indicatea
fusion of幻浑0 senses of the French verb " diff6rer " : to be different , and to defer .
This double sense points to the phenomenon that , on the one hand , a text
proffers the " effectn of having a significance that 15 the product of its differ -
ence , but thaton the other hand , since this proffered significance can never
come to rest in an actUal " presence ,,印r in a language一independent reality
Demda calls a transcendsntai sign饭ed一lts determinate specification 15 de -
ferred from one linguistic interpretation to another in a movement or " play , "
as Derrida puts it , en ab加已一that 15 , in an endless regress . To Derrida , 5 view ,
then , it 15 dlfference that makes possible the mearting whose possibility ( asa
decidable meaning ) it necessa川y baffies . As Derrida says讯another of his
coinages , the meaning of any spoken or written utterance , by the action of
opposing intemal linguistic forces , 15 inetuctably disseminated一a term
which includes , among its deliberately contradictory significations , that of
baving an effect of meaning ( a " semantic , ' effect ) , of dispersing meanings
a甲ong irmumerable alternatives , and of negating any specific meaning .
Th郎e 15 thus noground , in the incessant play of difference that constitutes
any ' language , for attributing a deddable meaning , or even a finite set of de -
terminately multiple meanings ( which he calls " polysemism , , ) , to any utter -
ance that we speak or Write . ( What Derrida calls " polysemismn 15 what
Wiiliam Empson called " ambiguity , , ; see amb妙i尔)As Derrida puts it in侧用t -
ing andD主ffe洲ce : " The absence of a transcendental signified extends the do -
main and the play of signiflcation infinitely , , ( p . 280 ) .
1 15

这些差异赋予言语自身以具有某种意义的“作用” 。德里达认为,其结果是,在任何口
用“一ance ”代替“一ence ",表示法语动词“ diff改er ”所含“差异”和“延缓”两种意思的混合。
这一双重意义指的是这样一种现象,即一方面,一个文本提供的具有意义的“效果” ,
际的“在场” ―或一个独立于语言之外的现实之中,德里达称之为超验所指―其
戏的范围” ( p . 280)。

Several of Derrida , 5 skeptical procedures have been especially influential
. One 15 to subvert the innumerableb
subvert tne InnumeraDle Dlnary

薰薰翼黔燕薰薰 e / culture , truth / e仃or ) male / fe -
in logocentric language . Derrida
shows that such oppositions constltUte a tacit hierarchy , in Whlch the first
term fun比ons as privileged and superior and the second term as derivative
and inferior Derrida , 5 procedure 15 to invert the hierarch又by showing that the
secondary term can be made out to be derivative from , or a special caseo瓦the
pr加ary term ; but instead of stopping at this reversal , he goes on to destabilize
both hierarchies , le州ng them in a condition of Undecidability . ( Among de -
constructive literary critics , one such demonstration 15 to take the standard hi -
erarchical opposition of literature / criticism , to invert it 50 as to make Critidsm
primary and literature secondary , and then to rePresent , as an undecidable set
of oppositions , the assertions that criticism 15 a species of literature and that lit -
erature 15 a species of criticism ・)A second operation infiuential in literary critl -
cism 15 Derrida , 5 deconstrUction of any attempt to establish a seCUrely deter -
minate bound , or limit , or margin , to a textual work 50 as to differentiate what
15 " inside , , ftom what 15 " outsidel , the work , A third operation 15 his analysis of
the inherent nonlogiC8lity , or " rhetoricity ,,一that 15 , the inescapable reliance
on rhetorical助理res and肋理ra五vela矛孕诬臾睁一m all uses of language , including in
what philosophers have traditionally claimed to be the strictly llteral and 1091 -
cal arguments of philosophy . Derrida , for example , emphasiZes the indispensa -
ble reliance in all modes of discourse on met叩hors that are assumed to be
merely convenient substitutes for Iiteral , or " proper , , meanings ; then he under -
takes to show , on the one hand , that metaphors cannot be reduced to literal
meanings but , on the other hand , that suPposedfy literal terms are themselves
metaPhorS whose metaPhoriC nature has been forgotten .
Derrida , 5 characteristic way of proceeding 15 not to lay out his decon -
structive concepts and operations in a systematic exposition , but to allow
them to emerge in a sequence of exemplary close readings of passages ftom
writlngs that range from Plato through Jean一acques Rousseau to the present
eraeswrltings that , by standard classification , are mainly philosophical , al -
though occasionally literary . He describes his procedure asa " double read -
ing . " Initially , that 15 , he interprets a text as , in the standard负shion , " lisible , ,
( r ead北le or intelllgible ) , since it engenders " effects " ofh洲ng determinate
meanings . But this reading , Derrida says , 15 only " provisional , " as a stage to -
ward a second , or deconstructive " critical reading , " whlch disseminates the
provisional meaning into an indefinite range of significations that , he claims ,
always involve ( in a term taken from logic ) an叩oria - - an insuperable dead -
locK or " double bind , " of incompatible or contradictory meanings which are
" undecidable , " in that we lack any sufficient ground for choosing among
them . The result , in Derrlda , 5 rendering , 15 that each text decons加cts itsel无
byunderminingitsownsupposedgroundsanddispersingitselfintoincoher -
ent meanings in a wa又he claims , that the deconstmctive reader nelther initi -
ates nor produces ; deconstrU比on 15 something that simply " happens , , ina
critical reading . Derrida asserts , furthermore , that he has no option except to

文本的“内部”与“外部” 。其三是他对所有语言使用中,包括哲学家传统上认为是严
品。德里达把他的解构过程称为“双重阅读” 。即他首先按通常的方式视作品具有
“可读性”(易读的或可理解的),因为作品生成了具有确定意义的“效果” 。但德里达
(按逻辑学的术语)一种反逆性― “不可确定的”难以调和或矛盾的意义导致的不可

attempt to communicate his deconstructive readings in the prevailing 1090 -
centric language , hence that his own interpretive texts deconstruct them -
selves in the very act of deconstructing the texts to which they are applied . He
insists , howeve乙that " deconstruction has nothing to do with destmction , "
and that all the standard uses of language Will inevitably 90 on ; what he un -
dertakes , he says , 15 merely to " situate , ) or " reinscribe即any text in a system of
difference which shows the instability of the effects to which the text owes its
seeming intelligibility .
Derrida did not propose deconstrUction as a mode of literary criticism ,
but as a way of reading all klnds of texts 50 as to reveal and subvert the tacit
metaphysical presuppositions ofw此tern thought . His views and procedures ,
howeve乙have been taken up by literary Critics , especially in America , Who
have adapted Derrida , s " critical reading , , to the kind of close reading of pa觅c -
ular literary texts which had earlier been the familiar procedure of theN七w
Cri丘cis娜they do 50 , however , Paul de Man has said , in a way which reveals
that new一critical close readings " were not nearly close enough . " The end re -
sults of the two kinds of close reading are utterly diverse . New Critical expli -
cations of texts had undertaken to show that a great literary work , in the tight
intemal relations of its figurative and paradoxical meanings , constitutesa
fteestanding , bounded , and organic entity of multiplex yet determinate
meanings . on the contrar又a radicalfy deconstructivE close reading under -
takes to show that a literary text lacksa " totalizedn boundary that makes it an
enti娜much less an organic unity ; also that the text , by a play of internal
counter一forces , dlssemlnates into an indefinite range of self - conflicting signi -
flcations . The claim 15 made by some deconstrUctive critics that a litera钾text
15 superior to nonliterary texts , but only because , by its self - reference , it shows
itself to be more aware of features that all texts inescapably share : its fiction -
ali年its lack of a genuine ground , and especially its patent " rhetoricity , " or
use of figurative procedures一features that make any " right reading , , or " cor -
rect reading , , of a text impossible .
PaUI de Mall WaS the m0St illllovative afid ififlUential of the CritiCS who
applied deconstIUction to the reading of literary texts . In de Man , 5 later writ -
ings , he represented the basic conflicting forces within a text under the head -
ings of " grammar , , ( the code or rUles of language ) and " rhetori心,, ( the unruly
play of figures and tropes ) , and aligned these with other opposed forces , such
as the " constative , , and " performative , , linguistic functions that had been dis ・
tinguished by John Austin ( see sPeech一act thco动.In its grammatical aspect ,
language persistently aspires to determinate , referential , and logically ordered
assertions , which are persistently dispersed by its rhetorical aspect into an
open set of non一referential and illogical possibilities . A literary text , then , of
inner necessity says one thing and performs another , or as de Man alterna -
tively puts the matter , a text " simultaneously asserts and denies the authority
of its own rhetorical mode , , ( A Ilegories ofReading , 1979 , p . 17 ) . The inevit的le
result , for a critical reading , 15 an aporia of " vertiginous possibilities . "
Barbara Johnson , once a student of de Man , s , has applied deconstructive
readings not oniy to literary texts , but to the writings of other critics , including
1 19

够细” 。这两种细读的最终结果截然不同。对于文本的阐释,新批评所从事的是表明
肯定而又否定它自身修辞模式的权威性”(《阅读的寓言》,1979 , p . 17)。对于批评阅

De川da himself . Her sucdnct Statement of the alm and methods of a decon -
strucdve readingisoftencited :
D “刀川加川on 15 not synon叨rnous withdes打翻币。摊.… The de - constrUCtion
of a text does not proceed by random doubt or arbitrary subversion , but
勿the careful teasing out of Warring forces of significatlon within the
text itself . If anything 15 destroyed in a deconstructive reading , it 15 not
the text , but the claim to unequivocal domination of one mode of signi -
柳ng over another
(角eCri跳aID硬加阴ce , 1980 , p . 5 )
J . Hiilis Miller , once the leading American representativ6 of the GeneVa
School of consCIOusness一crlticism , 15 now one of the most prominent of de -
constrUctors , known especially for his application of thistyPe of Critical read -
ing to prose fiction . Miller , 5 statement of his critical practice indicates how
drastiC the resuit may be of applying to WorkS of literature the concepts and
procedures that Derrida had developed for deconstructing the foundations of
W比tem metaphyslcs :
Deconstruction as a mode of interpretation works by a careful and cir -
cumspect entering of each textual labyrinth.… The deconstrU由ve
critic seeks to find , by this process of retracing , the element in the system
studied which 15 alogical , the thread in the text in question which will
unravel it all , or the loose stone Which will pull down the whole build ・
ing . The deconstruction , rathe称annihilates the ground on which the
building stands by showing that the text has already annihilated the
ground , knowingly or unknowingly . Deconstruction 15 not a disman -
tiing of the strUcture of a text but a demonstration that it has already dis -
mantled itself .

Miller怡concltision 15 that any literary text , as a ceaseless play of " irreconcil -
able , , and " contradlctoty , , meanings , 15 " indeterminable " and " undecid的len ;
hence , that " all reading 15 necessarily misreading . ' ' ( " Stevens , Rock and Criti -
cism as Cure , 11 , " in Miller , s仆eo甲仆en and NOw 11991 ] , p . 126 , and " W习ter
Pater : A Pa川al Portrait , " Dae血lus , Vol . 105 , 1976 . )
FOr other aspects of Derrida , 5 views see posts如ctUralism and refer to
Geoffrey Bennington , IacquesD而da ( 1993 ) . Some of the central books by
Jacques Derrida available in English , with the dates of translation into En -
glish , are of Grammatol绍另translated and introduced by Gayatri C . Spivak ,
1976;科用tingandDifference ( 1978 ) ; andD应55溯主nation ( 1981 ) . Ausefulanthof -
ogy of selections from Derrida 15 AD而da Reader : Bet ' Ween the Blinds , ed . Peggy
Kamuf ( 1991 ) . A比ofLitera加re , ed . Derek Attridge ( 1992 ) , 15 a selection of
Derrida , 5 discussions of literary texts , An accessible introduction to Delrida , s
views 15 the edition by Gerald Graff of Derrida , 5 noted dispute with John R .
Seaile about the speech一act theory ofjohn Austin , entitled Limitedlnc . ( 1988 ) ;
on this dispute see aiso Jonathan Cullel , " Meaning and Iterabili诊” ino " De -
cons如c瓦on ( 1982 ) . Books exempli柳ng types of deconstructive literary criti -
cism : Paul de Man , Blindness and Insight ( 1971 ) , and Allegories of Reading
( 1979 ) ; Barbara Johnson,仆e CriticaID玄fference : EssayS乞n比e ContemPom甲

解构不是破坏的同义词… …时一文本的解构并非无端的怀疑和任意的
指模式明白无误的主宰。(((批评的差异》,198 。,p . 5 )

本的迷宫来实现的… …解构主义文学批评家利用这样的追溯过程来寻找研

无休止的游戏,是“不可确定”或“不可推断”的;因此,“一切阅读必然导致误解。 ”
( " Steven ' 5 Rock and Criticism as Cure , 11 , " in Miller ' 5 Theor夕Then and Now , 1991 ,
p . 1 26 , and " Walter Pater : A Partial Portrait , " Daedalu , , vol . 105 , 1976 . )
Gram , atology,由佳娅特亚・ C.斯皮瓦克于1976年译介;Writing andD炭fferencc ,
1975 ; Disse , inat£on , 1981 。有关德里达的实用的选集:A Derr ' da Reader : Bet , en
t人。 Blind , , ed . Peggy Kamuf , 1991 。德里克・阿特里奇主编的《文学行为》(1992 ) ,
R.塞尔针对约翰・奥斯汀提出的言语行为理论的著名争论的著述《从mited In 。 》.
( 1988 ),是一部介绍德里达学术观点的简明易懂的作品。关于这一争论,也可参考:
Jonathan Culler , " Meaning and Iterability , " in On Deconstruction , 1982 。举例说明解
构主义文学批评类型的著述有:Paul de Man , Blindness and Ins£ght , 1971 , and AI -
legorie , of Reading , 1979 ; Barbara JOhnson , Th 。 Critical Difference : Essa夕、 in the
1220 〔 coRuM

Rhetoric ofReading ( 1980 ) , andA下叭,rld OfD泣fference ( 1987 ) ; J . Hillis Miller , Fic -
E喇ish NOvels ( 1982 ),角e Li,聊Jis找c人勿阴ent . . From
瓦O刀口九d RePe红瓦on:介禅” E叼拈h Novels ( 1,匕艺),了” e , NOw ( 1991 ) ; Cynthia
心滋to Ste淤刀s ( 1985 ) , and刀把ory刀len and
Chase , De印州少仍ingF妙res : Rhetorical Read定雌5宜n次e Roman红c升介d定瓦on
( 1986)・ Expositions of Derrida , 5 deconstruction and of its applications to liter -
ary mticism : Geottrey Hartman , Sa " ng the了改t ( 1981 ) ; Jonathan Culler , On
DeconstrU币on ( 1982 );几chard ROI年“ Philosophy asa称nd ofV人itlng , , , in
Consequences ofPrai卿a跳m ( 1982 ) ; Michael Ryan , M沈众绍m andDecons如c如n
( 1982 ) ; Mark C.几ylo耳ed . , D ‘印ns如c如n in COntext ( 1986 ) ; Christopher Nor -
ris , Paulde为ran ( 1988 ) . Among the many critiques of Derrida and of various
practitioners of deconstructive literary criticism are介rry助gleton,仆e凡nc -
瓦on ofC对厅比m ( 1984 ) ; M ・ H ・ Abrams , " The Deconstructive Angel , " " How to
Do Things with Texts , " and " ConstrIJing and Deconstructing , " in Doing
仆i雌‘ with及xts ( 1989 ) ; John M . Ellis,月卯instDecons如c百On ( 1989 ) ; W亡ndell
V . Harris , ed . , B即OndPOstshac加ralism ( 1996 ) .

Decoru . . , as a term in literary Critictsm , designates the view that there
should be propriety , or fitness , in the way that a literary genre , its sublect mat -
ter , its characters and actions , and the style of its narration and dialogue are
matched to one another . The doctrine had its roots in classiCal theory , esPe -
cially in the vers访ed essay Art ofPoe抑by the ROman Horace in the first cen -
tury B . C . It achieved an el叻orate form in the criticism and composition of
literature in the Renaissance and the恤oclassic age , When ( as John Milton put
It in his essay ofEduca瓦on , 1644 ) decorUm became " the grand masterpiece to
Observe . " In the most rigid application of this standard , literary forms , char -
acters , and style were ordered in hierarchies , or " levels , " from high through
middle to 10残and all these elements had to be matched to one another . Thus
comedy must not be mixed with tragedy , and the highest and most serious
genres ( epic and tragedy ) must represent characters of the highest soctal
dasses ( kings and nobility ) acting in a way appropriate to thdr status and
speaking in the highs州e ・ A number of critics in this period , however , espe -
ctally in England , maintained the theory of decorum only in limited ways ・
仆omas Rymer ( 1641一1713 ) was an English proponent , and Samuel Johnson
( 1709一84 ) was a notable opponent ofthestrictformofliterarydecorum .
See ncoclassic and romantic , poe瓦c dic瓦on , ands粉l马and refer to Vemon
Hall , Renaissance Litera甲Cri价朽” : A StU即of招Social Content ( 1945 ) . Erich
Auerbach , 5 Mimesis ( 1953 ) describes the sustained conflict in postclassicalEu -
rope be妇泞een the reigning doCtrines of literary decomm and the example of
the Bible , in Whlch the highest matters , induding the sublime tragedy of the
life and passion of Christ , are intermingled with base characters and humble
narrative detall and are treated with what seemed to a classical taste a blatant
indecorum of style . For Wbrdsworth , 5 deliberate inversion of traditional deco -
rum at the be多nning of the nineteenth centU琢by investing the comrnon ,
the 10wly , and the trivial with the highest dignity and sublimity , see M . H ・
Abrams , Na加ral SuPema扭ralism ( 1971 ) , pp . 39于408 .

Contemporar少Rhetoric of Readi , g , 1980 . andA阴而rld of Difference , 1987 ; J . HII -
115 Miller , F£ct£ona " d Repet艺t艺on : Se勺e儿Engl乞、 h Nouels , 1982 , Thel-乞ng双乞st艺c Md -
ment : FromW乙rdsworth to Stevens , 1985 , and Theor夕Then and No叨,1991 ; Cyn -
thia Chase , Decomposing Figures : Rhetorical Readings in the Romantic Tradition ,
1986 。有关对德里达解构主义理论及其在文学批评中的应用的论述可参见:Geoffrey
Hartman , Sa认儿9 the及xt , 1981 ; Jonathan Culler , On Deoo二、 truct艺on , 1982 ; Richard
Rorty , " Philosophy as a Kind of Writing , " in Conseguence , of Pragma艺ism , 1982 ; Mi -
chael Ryan , M巨rxisma , d Deconstruciton , 1982 ; Mark C . Taylor , ed . , Deconstruc -
tion in Context , 1956 ; christopher Norris , Paul de Md 。,1988 。部分对德里达的评
论以及解构主义文学批评的实践者及其著述:Terry Eagleton , Th 。 F “ 。 tion of cri " -
cism , 1984 ; M , H . Abrams , " The Deconstructive Angel , " " How to Do Things with
Texts , " and " Construing and Deconstructing , " in Doing Things with Texts , 1989 ;
John M . Ellis , Against Decon , tru ' ion , 1989 ; Wendell V . Harris , ed . , Be夕ond Posts -
tructurali万m , 1996 。


言)仪轨已经成为人们“奉行的金科玉律” 。在应用过程中,仪轨最严格的标准是要求
参见:新古典宝义和浪漫主义;诗意辞藻;戈体。参阅:Vernon Hon , Renais -
sanc 。毛iterar夕Criticism : A stu己夕of It , social Content , 1945 。埃里克・奥尔巴赫的
琐碎的人或事而刻意颠倒传统仪轨的做法,参见:M . H . Abrams , Natural Supernat -
uralism , 1971 , pp . 390一408 。

Ddsm . A widespread mode of religious thinking that manifested the falthin
human reason that characteriZed the European Enlightenmentduringthelatter
seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries . Deism has been succinctly de -
scribed as " reli多on认爪hout revelation . " The thoronghgoing deist renounced ,
as violating reason , all " revealed reli多on ”一hat 15 , all partiCUlar religions , in -
cludingC加stianity , which are based on faith in the加ths revealed in spedal
scriptUres at a certain time and place , and therefore available only to a partic -
ular individual or group . The deist instead relied on thoset几ths which , It was
claimed , prove their accord with universal human reason饰the fact that they
are to be found in all reli矛Ons , everywhere , at all times . Therefore the basic
tenets of deism一for example , that there 15 a deity , discoverable by reasoning
ftom the creation to the creator , who deserves our worship and sanCtions all
moral vaineses司叩ere , in theory , the elements shared by all particula耳or " posl -
廿ve , " rellgions . Many thinkers assimilated aspects of deism while remaining
professing Christians . Alexander POpe , without renouncing his Catholicism ,
expressed sucdnctly the basic tenets of deism in his poem " The Universal
Prayer , , ( 1 738 ) , which begins
Father of all ! in every age ,
In every clime adored ,
By saint , by savage , and by sage ,
Jehovah , Jove , or Lordl

Deus ex Moch纽015 Latin for " a god from a machlne . " It describes the
praCtice of some Greek playwrights ( espedally Euripides ) to end a drama with
a god , lowered to the stage by a mechanical apparatus , who by his iudgment
and commands resolved the dilemmas of the human characters . The phrase 15
now used for any forced and improbabled州c卜a telltale blrthmark , an un ・
expected inheritance , the discovery of a lost will or letter一by whlch a hard ・
pressed author resolves a plot . Conspicuous examples occur even in malor
novelsl此Chailes Dickens , oliver孙ist ( 1837一38 ) and Thomas Hardy , 5 Tess
oftheD,以叻心即“ Ies ( 1891 ) . The German pla丫wright Bertolt Brechtparodiesthe
abuse of such devices in the madcap concinsion of his角理印en呷OPera
( 1928 ) . Seeplot .

Didogic CdUcis血15 modeled on the theory and critical procedures of the
Soviet critic Mlkhail Bakhtin Who , although he published his malor works in
the 19205 and 19305 , remained virtUally unknown to thew亡st until the
19805 , when translations of his writings gave him a wide and rapidly increas -
ing influence . To Bakhtin a literary work 15 not ( a 5 in various pos七打划‘加ral
theories ) a text whose meanings are produced by the play of impersonal lin -
即朽tic or economic or cultural forces , but a site for the dialogic intera比on of
multiple voices , or modes of discourse , each of Which 15 not merely a verbal
but a social phenomenon , and as such 15 the product of manifold deter -
minants that are spectfic to a class , social group , and speech community . A
person , s speeCh , composed of languages from diverse sodal contexts , does
not express a ready - made and autonomous individuality ; instead , his or her


的宗教” 。彻底的自然神论者否认所有反理性的“天启的宗教” ―即包括基督教在

Deus ex Machlna降神

该术语是拉丁文,意为“从机械里出来的天神” 。它描述的是一些希腊戏剧作家
( 1928)的轻率的尾声里以戏谑摸仿的手法嘲讽了对降神手法的滥用。参见:情节。

oiajogic criticism对话批评


character emerges in the course of the dialogue and 15 composed of languages
from diverse soclal contexts . Each utterance , furthermore , whether in actual
life or as represented in literature , owes its precise inflection and meaning to
a number ofattendantfactors一thespecificsocialsitUationinWhichitisspo -
ken , the relation of its speaker to an actUal or anticipated listener , and there -
lation of the utterance to the prior utterances to which it 15 ( exPlicitiy or
implicitly ) a response ・
Bakhtin , s prime interest was in the novel , and espedally in the ways that
the voices that constitute the text of any novel disrupt the authority of the
author , 5 single voice , In Problems ofDOstoevs勺,s Poe叮cs ( 1929 , trans . by Caryl
Emerson , 1984 ) , he contrasts the monolo扩c novels ofwriterssuchasLeoTol -
stoy-一which undertake to subordinate the voices of all the characters to the
authoritative discourse and controlling purposes of the authorseto the dia -
10乡c form ( or " polyPhonic form , , ) ofFyodor Dostoevs坤,5 novels , in Whlch
the characters are liberated to speak " a plurality of independent and un -
merged voices and consciousnesses , a genuine polyPhony of fully valld
voices . " In Bakhtin , 5 vie琳however , a novel can never be totally monologic ,
since the narrator , 5 reports of the utterances of another character are in -
escapably " double一voicedn ( in that we can distinguish therein the author , s
。 v 『 n accent and inflection ) , and also dialogic ( in that the author , 5 discourse
continually reinforces , alters , or contests with the types of speech that it re -
ports ) . In Rabelais and His灿rld ( trans . , 1984 ) , Bakhtin proposed his widely
cited concept of the camivalesque in certain literary works . Thls literary
mode parallels the flouting of authority and inversion of social hierarchies
that , in many cultures , are permitted in a season of carnival . It does 50 by in -
troduclng a mingling of voices from diverse social levels that are free to mock
and subvert authority , to flout sodal norms砂ribald攀and to exhibit various
Ways of profaning What 15 ordinarily regarded as sacrosanct . Bakhtin traces
the occurrence of the camivalesque in ancient , medieval , and取naissance
writers ( espedally in助belais ) ; he also asserts that the mode recurs later , espe -
cialfy in the play of lrreverent , parodic , and subversive voices in the novels of
Dostoevsky , which are both dialogic and carnivalesque .
In an essay on " Discourse in the Noveln ( 1934 - - 35 ) , Bakhtin develops his
view that the novel 15 constitUted by a multiplicity of div6rgent and contend -
ing social voices that achieve their full significance only in the process of their
dialogic interaction both with each other and with the voice of the narrator .
Bakhtin exPllcitiy sets his theory against Aristotle , s POe瓦cs , which proposed
that the prlmary component in narrative forms 15 a plot that evolves coher -
ently from its beginning to an end In which all complications are resolved
( see ptot ) . Instead , Bakhtin elevates discourse ( equivalent to Aristotle , s subordi -
nate element of dic如n ) into the primary component of a narrative work ; and
he describes discourse as a medley of voices , soctal attitudes , and values that
are not only opposed , but irreconcilable , with the result that the workre -
mains unresolved and open一ended . Although he wrote during the Stalinist
re矛me in Russia , Ba幼tin , 5 libertarian and open concept of the literary narra -
tive 15 obviously , although tacitly , opposed to the Soviet version of Marxist

单一的声音权威被瓦解的小说文本。在《陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题》(1929 , 1984年卡
耶夫斯基小说的对话形式(或“复调形式” ),在这种形式里,小说人物能自由表达“一
的复调。 ”但巴赫金认为,一部小说是无法做到完全独白的,因为由叙述者所表述的另

Cdticism , which stresses the Way a novel either refleCts or distorts the true 50 -
c扭1 real 尔or expres es only a singie dominant ideolOgy ' or should exempl fy a " soctal reailsm , , that ac ords with an authoritarian party line . Se M魂rxist
币价ism and , for a discussion of the complex issue of Bakhtin , s relation to
Marxism and Soviet llterary criticism , Simon Dentith , Bakh瓦摊ian劝。雌ht . . An
IntTOducto甲Reader ( 1995 ) , Pp ・ 8一21 ・
Baktitin , 5 views have been , In some part anQ In Qlverse ways , Incorpo -
rated by representatives of various types of critical theory and practice ,
whether tradltional or pos臼加CtUral . Among current students of literature ,
those Who are identified spectfically as " dialogic critics , , follow Bakhtin污ex -
ample by proposing that the primary component in the constitUtion of nar -
rative works , or of literature generally-一and of general culture as well一sa
plurality of contending and mutually quali单ng social voices , with no possi -
bility of a decisive resolution into a monologic trUth ・ Self ・ refle劝vely , a thor -
o雌hgofng dialogic critic , in accordance with Bakhtin , 5 own views , considers
his ownc砚cal矶itillgs to be simpfy one voice among many in the con -
te而on of critical theories and practices , which coe劝st in a sustained tension
of OPposition and mutual definition ・ As Don Bialostosky , a chief spokesman
for dialo孚c criticism , has voiced itsr甜onale and ideal :
As a self - conscious practice , dialogic criticism tUms its inescapable in -
volvement with some other voices into a program of articulating itself
with all the other voices of the山scipline , the culture , or the worid of
cultures to Which it makes itself responsible.… Neither a llv6 ・ and ・ let -
live relativism nor a settle ・ it一once一and一for ・ all authoritarianism buta
strenuous and open ・ ended dialo乡sm would keep them talking to them -
selves and to one anothe称discovering their affinities without resting In
them and clari柳ng their diff6rences without resolving them .
( " Dialogic Criticism , , , in G . Douglas Atkins
and切ura Morro琳eds ・,COnte柳ora甲Litera即
仆eo 〕 1989 , pp . 223一24 )

See the related critical enterprise called discourse analysis , . and in addition
to the Writings mentioned above , refer to Mikhail Bakhtin , s仆e Dial州c加aX -
ina如n , ed . Micha已Holquist ( 1981 ) and sPeech Genres and otherLateEssays产
ed . Caryl Emerson and Mlchael Holquist ( 1986 ) . For Bakhtin , 5 life and intel -
lectUal views , with attention to the problem of identi单ng Writings that
Bakhtin published under the names of various of his cofleagues , see Katerina
Clark and Michael Hofquist,人价儿ail Bakhtin ( 1984 ) , and Gary Saul Morson
and Caryl Emerson , Mikha宜1 Bakh五n : Creation ofa POetics ( 1990 ) . An Infiuential
early exPosition that publldzed Bakhtin , 5 idsas in thew七st was TZvetan
TOdoro又Mikhail Bakh红n:仆e Dialogical洲nciPte ( 1984 ) ; a later book describ -
ing the wide dissemination of these ideas isD洲d LOdge , s After Bak入如
( 1990 ) ; and a recent aPplication of dialo乒criticism 15 Don H . Bialostosky ,
WOr ’七林心rth , Dial州cs , and the乃’ ac找ce of以批七从(1992 ) , For a critical vlew of
Bakhtin , 5 cla如s , see Ren之Wdlek , A拭sto尽。厂加勿dem Cri找cism 1750 - - 1好0 ,
VOI . 7 ( 1991 ) , pp . 35今71 .

斯的《巴赫金思想:人门读本》(1995 ),第8一21页。

责任的学科、文化,或文化世界的其他声音一道清楚地表达它自己… …既非

( “对话批评”,见于G.道格拉斯・阿特金斯、劳拉・莫罗

参见相关批评模式话语分析。除了上述著述,还可参阅:Mikhail Bakhtin ' sTh '
Dialogic Imagination , ed . Michael Holquist , 1981 and Speech Genres and Other Late
Esssa夕,, ed . caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist , 1986 。有关巴赫金的生平和学术
Clark and Michael Holquist , M诀hail Bakhtin , 1984 ; Gary Saul Morson and Caryl
Emerson , Mikhail Bakhtin : Creation of a Poetic , , 1990 。早期向西方世界公开介绍
巴赫金学术思想的著名作品是:Tzvetan Todorov,从k人ail Ba走人t£n:几。 Dialogical
尸rinciple , 1984;后来记叙巴赫金学术思想广为传播的作品是:David Lodge ’匆论r
Bakhtin , 1990;对话批评的近期运用著述是:Don H . Bialostosky , W介dswort人,
Dialogics , and the Practice of Criticism , 1992 。对于巴赫金学术主张的批评,参见:
Ren己Wellek , A Histo勺of八而deo Criticism 1 750一950 , VOI . 7 ( 1991 ) , pp . 554一371 。

Didoctic Llteroh呀e . The adlective " didactic , " which means " intended to

矛vform , amoral , religious , orphilosophicaldoctrineortheme ・ Suchworksare
e instrUCtion , " 15 ap lied to works of literature that are designed to ex - pound a branch of knowledge , or else to embody , in ima乎native or fictional
commonly distinguished from essentially imaginative Works ( sometimes
called " mimetic , , or " representational , , ) In which the materials are organlzed
and rendered , not in order to enhance the appeal of the doctrine they em -
body , but in order to enhance their intrinsic interest and their capadty to
move and give artistic pleasure to an audience . In the first centuryB ' C . the
Roman Lucretius wrote his didactic poem DeR蒯m NatUra ( " on the吻ture of
Things , , ) to exPound and make persuasivE and appealing his naturalistic phi -
losophy and ethics , and in the same era Vir矛1 wrote his Geo娜CS , in which the
poetic elements serVe to add aesthetic appeal to a laudation of rural life and
information about the practical management of a farm . Most medieval and
much Renaissance literature was didactic in intention . In the eighteenth cen -
tUry , a mimber of poets wrote georgics ( on the model of Virgil ) describing in
verse such utilitarian arts as sheepherding , running a sugar plantation , and
making cider . Alexander Pope , s Ess即On Cri瓦cism and his Ess即onM比n are
eighteenth一century didactic poems on the sublects of literary criticism and of
moral philosophy .
Such works for the most part directly eXPound the principles and proce -
dures of a branch of knowledge or a craft , or else argue an explicit doctrine by
proofs and examples . Didactic litera钮re , however , may also take on the at -
tributes of加aginative works , by embodying the doctrine in afi比onal narra -
tlve or dramatic form that 15 intended to enhance its human interest and
persuasive force , as well as to add a dimension of pleasure in the artistry of the
representation , In the various forms of allegO供for eXample , including Ed -
mund Spenser怡仆eFa州e Queene and John Bunyan , s仆e Pi如m , s乃’ Oj尸55 , the
purpose of enhancing and adding force to the incorporated doctrine 15 a pri ・
mary determinant of the choice and presentation of characters , the evolution
of the plot , and the invention of fictional details . The diverse types of sa廿re
are didaCtic in that they are designed , by variousd州ces of ridicule , to alter
the reader , s attitUdes t0Ward certain types of people , institutions , products ,
and modes of conduct . Dante , S Lett6r to Can Grande tells us that he planned
hls fourteenth ・ centuryD侧neCo用edy to represent , in the mode of a visionary
narrative , the ma ) or Christian trUths and the way to avold damnation and
achieve salvation , And John Milton污Paradise Lost ( 1667 ) can also be called
didactic to the extent that the narrative 15 in fact organized , as Milton claimed
in his opening invocation , around his " great argument , , to " assert Eternal
Providence , / And lusti勿the ways of God to men . " It will be seen from these
examples that " dida比c literature , " as here defined , 15 an analytical distinc -
tion and not a derogatory term ; also that the distin比on 15 not absolute buta
matter of relativ6 emphasls on instructing and persuading an audience , as
against rendering a sublect 50 as tom树m让e its power to move and give artis -
tic delight in its ov门n right . The plays of Bernard Shaw and Bertolt Brecht

Dldactic Llterature教诲文学

教诲性的创作意图。 18世纪,许多诗人(效仿维吉尔)创作了诗体农事篇作品,以介绍
开篇乞灵中所申明的那样,全诗情节的安排都围绕着他的“重大论点” - “维护永恒
的上帝/声辩天公待人之道。 ”从以上例子可以看出,这里所说的“教诲文学”指的是作
132 olSCOuRSEAN ^ LvslS

manifest a fine balance of didactic intention , im娜native Invention , and
a觅stic enhancement . And some literary masterpieces are primarily dida出c ,
while others ( S hakespeare ' sKi叮Lear , Jane Austen , 5 Emma , James JOyce , s
砚光ses ) - ? even though their plots involve moral concerns and imply Criteria
for moral iudgment卜are primarily , to adopt a pnrase by samuellaylor七ole -
ridge , Works " of pure ima矛nation . "
The term propagan山st literature 15 sometimes used as the equivalent of
dida比c literature , but it 15 more useful to reserve the term for that species of
didactic work whlch patently 15 organized and rendered to induce the reader
to assume a specific attitude toward , or to take direct action on , a pressing 50 -
cial , political , or religious issue of the tlme at Which the work 15认成tten .
Prominent and effectiVE examples of such works are Hamet Beecher Stowe , s
UnCleTO脚,s Cabin ( 1852 , attacking slavery in the South ) , Upton Sindair , s
仆e Iungle ( 1906 , on the horrors of the unregulated slaughtering and meat -
packing industry in Chicago ) , and Clifford odets , 1叭对瓦叮for Le御(1935 , a
play directed against the strong ・ arm tactics used to suppress at祝cab drivers ,
union ) . The socialist realism that was the official doctrine of the former Soviet
Union was essentially a propagandist mode of literature .
See厅c如踌and refer to John Chaiker,角e Engl台h Geo颐c . . AS扭即in the
DeveloP阴ento厂a Fonn ( 1969 ) . on a useful way to distinguish between primar -
ily didactic and primarily lm娜nativE , or " mimetic , " literature , see R . 5 .
Crane , ed . , Cri红cs andCri沈ism ( 1952 ) , especially pp . 63一8 and 589一4 .

Discour , e Au目ysis . Traditional linguists and phllosophers of language , as
well as literary students ofs印le ands印115以cs , have tyPically focused their
analyses on isolated units of languagees - the sentence , or even single words ,
phrases , and figures一n abstraCtion from the specific circumstances of an ut -
terance . Discourse analysis , on the other hand , as inaugurated in the 19705 ,
concems itself with the use of language in a running discourse , continued
。 ver a sequence of sentences , and involving the interaction of speaker ( or
叭耐ter ) and auditor ( or reader ) in a specific situational context , and withina
丘ameW0rk Of SOCial afid Cultural ConventionS .
Emphasis on discourse as occurring within specific cultUral conditions
and Under particular亡让a刀刀stances derives from a number of mvestigators and
areas of research , inctuding the work of Hans一Georg Gadamer in hermeneutlcs ,
the concem of Michel Foucault with the institutionai conditions and power -
strUctUres that serVe to make多ven statements acc叩ted as authoritatiVe or
廿刀e , and the work of Cli且brd Geertz and other cultural anthropolo多sts on the
rootedness of linguistic and other meanings in the social forms and praCtices
sPeCific to a cultural community . ( S ee the above writers , under inte甲reta如n
andh绷翻翻以cs and new histori山m ・)The current use of discourse anaiysis in
literary studies was沙en spe山limpetus by the speech一act philosopher H . P .
Grice , who in 1975 coined the term加plicature to account for Indirection in
discotirse ; for eXample , to explain how we are able to identify the illocutionary
force of an utterance that lacks an explicit mdicator of its iliocutionary in ・
tention . ( S ee sPeech一aCt theo甲.) Thus , how can we account for the fact that the

学之列的,而有些(莎士比亚的《李尔王》 、简・奥斯丁的《爱玛》 、詹姆斯・乔伊斯的
( 1906,揭露芝加哥肉类加工厂无节制的屠宰和肉类加工业的恶劣劳动条件),以及克
参见:虚构小说,并参阅:John Chalker , The Englis人Georgi 。:A stud少int人e
DoeloPment of a Form , 1969 。关于从本质上区分教诲文学和虚构文学,或“模拟”文
学的有益方式,参见:R . 5 . Crane , ed . , Critics and Criticism , 1952,尤其是.pp . 63 -
68 and 589一594 。

Discourse Analysis话语分析

学家H . P.格赖斯对话语分析应用于目前的文学研究起了特殊的促进作用,他在1975
134 olssoCIATIONOrS 〔 Nsl日ILIW

utterance , " Can you pass the salt ? n although it 15 in the synta比cal form ofa
question , can be used勿the speaker , and correctly understood by the heare石
as a polite form of request ? ( H . P . Grice , " Logic and Conversation , " 1975 ,
reprinted in his StU礴ies in the科公yo厂协brds , 1989 . ) Grice proposed that users of
a language share a set of impliCit expectations Which he calls the " Commu ・
nicativ6 presumPtion ,,一for example , that an utterance 15 intended bya
sPeaker to be trUe , clear , and above all relevant ・ If an utterance seems Pur ,
posely to violate these exPeCtations , we seek to make sense of it饰transfemng
it to a context in whlch it 15 clearly aPpropriate . other language theorists have
contlnued Grice , 5 analysis of出e collective assumptions that help to make ut ・
terances meaningfUI and intelligible , and serve also to make a sustained dis -
course a coherent development of signiflcation instead of a mere collocation of
indePendent sentences . one such assumPtion 15 that the hearer shares with
the speaker ( or the reader shares with the Wrlter ) a large body of nonlinguis讹
knowledge and experience ; another 15 that the Speaker 15 usinglanguage ina
way that 15 intentional , Purposive , and in accordance With linguistic and cul -
tUrai conventions ; a third 15 that there 15 a shared knowledge of the complex
ways in which the meaning of a locution varies with the particular situation ,
as well as with thetyPe of discourse , in Whlch it 15 uttered .
Some proponents of stylistics inchide disconrse analysis within their area
of investigation . ( Sees印listics . ) And since the late 19705 , a number of critics
have increasingly adapted discourse analysis to the examination of the dialoJ川e
innovelsanddr田刀as . Achiefa加istoexp1alnhowthecharactersrepresented
in a literary work , and also the readers of that work , are constantly able to infer
meanings that are not asserted or specified in a conversational interchange .
The daim 15 that such inferences are " rule一governed , " m that they dePend on
sets of assUmptions , shared by users and interpreters of discourse that come
into play to establish meanings , and furthermore , that these meanings vary
system甜cally , in accordance with whether the rule一guided expectations are
fulfilied or intentionally violated . Such exPlorations of conversational dis -
course in literature often extend to the re一analysis of point ofvi , and other
traditional topics in the criticism of literary narratives . ( Compare the entry on
See Malcolln Coulthard , Anln加duc瓦on to Discourse Analysis ( 1977 ) ;
Gillian Brown and George Yule , Discourse Analysis ( 1983 ) ; Teun A . van Dilk
andw缸ter枪ntsch , S加姗姚ofDIScourse ComPrehension ( 1983 ) ; Dan Sperber
and Delrdre Wilson , Relevance : Communica瓦on andC奥卿i丘on ( 1986 ) , W亡ndell
V . Harris , InterPre五veAc七(1988 ) , chapter2 .

Dissociotion of Se此场川ty was a phxase introduced by T . 5 . Eliot in his
essay " The MetaPhysical Poetsn ( 1921 ) . Eliot , 5 daim was thatjohn Donne and
the Other metaPhysical POe七of the earlier seventeenth century , 11ke the Eliza -
bethan and Jacobean dramatists , " possessed a mechanism of sensibility Whlch
could devour any kind of experience . " They manifested " a direct sensuousaP -
prehension of thought , " and felt " their thought as immediately as the odour
of a rose . " But " in the seventeenth century a dissociation of sensibility set in ,

确理解呢?〔格赖斯,“逻辑与会话” ( 1975 ),收人其《言语方式的研究》(1989年重印)〕
格赖斯指出,一门语言的使用者共有一套含蓄的期望,他称其为“交际预设” ―例
参见:Malcolm Coulthard , An Introductio , to Discourse Anal夕515 , 1977 ; Gillian
Brown and George Yule , D艺sco 、 rs 。 Anal,、艺5 , 1983 ; Teun A . van Dijk and Walter
Kintsch , Strategies of Discourse肠mprehension , 1983 ; Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson ,
Relevance : Communication and Cognition , 1986 , Wendell V . Harris , Interpretive
Acts , 1988 , chapterZ 。

D } ssociation of Sensibility思想与感受的分裂

思想与感受的分裂是T . 5.艾略特在《玄学派诗人》(1 921)中提出的一个概念。
一世时期的戏剧家一样,“具有捕捉任何经验感受的技巧” 。他们表现出“对思想的
到” 。但是,“在17世纪,思想与感受开始分裂,从此再也没有弥合。 ”根据艾略特的
136 DISTANC 〔^NolNVOLv 〔 M 〔 N丁

from wh1Ch we ha代never reCovered . " ThiS dissociation of ifltellection from
弓greatly aggravated
emotion and sensuous perception , according to Eliot , was greatly aggrava

bsensibility .
y the influence ofjohn Milton andjohnDryden ; and most later poets in加glish either thought or felt , but did not think and fe l as afl act of Unified
Eliot , 5 vaguely defined distinction had a great vogue , especially among
American New Critics . The dissociation of sensibility Was taken to be the fea -
ture that weakened most poetry between Milton and the Iater Writings of
W . B . Yeats , and was attributed particularlytothedevelopment , intheseven -
teenth century , of the scientific conception of reality as a materlal universe
stripped of human values and feeling . ( See , for example , Basil Willey , The SeV ・
enteen伪Cen加甲Back81Ound , 1934 ・)Especially since 1950 , however , Eliot , s
conception of a sudden but persisting dissociation of sensibility has come in
for strong criticism , on the ground that it 15 an invalid historical claim that
was contriv6d to support Eltot , 5 disapproval ( as a political and social conser -
vative ) of the course of Engiish intellectUal , political , and religious history
after the Civil叭/a r of 1642 , as well as to rationalize Eliot , 5 particular poetic
preferences .
See T . 5 . Eliot , " The Metaphysical Poets , ' ‘交lected EssayS ( Zd ed ・,1960 ) ,
and " Milton 11 , " On POe抑and POets ( 1957 ) . Attacks on the validity of the doc -
trine are Leonard Unge石Donne , s POe即and Mode阴以找cism ( 1950 ) , and Frank
Kermode , Ro次an瓦c加咫祀(1957 ) , Chapter 8 .

Distonce曲d Involvement . In his Cri行que ofluds阴ent ( 1790 ) , Immanuel
Kant analyzed the experience of an aesthetic oblect as an act of " contempla -
tion , , which 15 " disinterested , , ( that 15 , independent of one , 5 personal interests
and desires ) and free from reference to the obiect , 5 reality , moral effect , orutil -
ity . Various philosophers of art developed this concept into attempts to dis -
tinguish " aesthetic experience , , from all other klnds of exPerience , on the
basis of the impersonallty and disinterestedness with which we contemplate
an aesthetic ob } ect or work of art.撇iting in 1912 , Edward Bullough intro -
duced the term " distance , , into thistype of theory . He points , for eXample , to
the difference between our ordinary experience of a dense fog at sea , with its
strains , anXie尔and fear of invisible dangers , and an aesthetic exPerience , in
which we attend with delight to the " oblective , , featUres and sensuous quali -
ties of the fog itself . This aesthetic mode of exPeriencing the fog 15 , Bullough
affirms , the elfect of " psychical distance , " wllich " 15 obtained by separating
the obiect and its appeal from one , 5 own sel无by putting it out of gear with
practical needs and ends . " The degree of this psychical distance varies accord -
ing to the nature of the artistic obiect that we contemplate , and also in accor -
dance with an , ' i ndividual , 5 capacity for maintaining a greater or lesser
degreeh of such distance .
In recent literary criticism the term aesthetic distance , or simply dis ・
tance , 15 often used not only to define the nature of literary and aesthetic
exPerience in general , but also to anafyze the many devices by which authors
control the degree of a reader , 5 distance , or " detachment , , - - w hich 15 in

流行。思想与感受的分裂被认为是自弥尔顿到W . B.叶芝后期的作品这一时期内大
阅巴兹尔・威利的《 17世纪的背景》(1934)〕 。然而,尤其是自20世纪50年代以来,
参见:T . 5 . Eliot , " The Metaphysical Poets , " Selected Es 、 a夕s ( Zd ed . , 1960 ) , and
" Milton 11 , ”汤Poetrya , , d Poets , 1957 。对这一学说的合理性加以抨击的有:Leonard
Unger , Donne ' 5 Poet勺a , : d Mddern Criticism , 1950 , Frank Kermode , Romantic
Image , 1957 , Chapters 。

Distance and Involvement心理距离与感情介入

我相分离,并使客体与主体的实际需要和目的相脱离而获得的。 ”心理距离的远近程
上的把握能力” 。

Inverse relatlonsnlp to tne aegree ot a reader ' 5 involvement , or " concem ,,一
with the actions and fortUnes of one or another character represented within
aworkofliterature . See , forexample , WayneC . Booth , sdetailedanalysisof
the control of distance in Jane Austen , sE阴次a , in The Rhetoric ofFic瓦on
( 1961 ) , Chapter 9 .
See Edward Bullough , " Psychicai Distance as a Factor in Art and an Aes -
thetic Princtple , " Bri出h jou阴al ofPS产holo}沙S ( 1912 ) , reprinted in Melvin
助der , ed . , A MOdem Book ofAes伪e瓦cs ( rev . , 1952 ) . A usefuir州ew of theories
of the aesthetic attitude and of aesthetic distance 15 Jerome StollnitZ , Aesthet -
ics and the PhjlosoPh尹ofA汁Cri红cjsm ( 1960 ) , chapterZ ・ For the view that such
theories are mistaken , see George Dickle , Art and the Aesthe万c ( 1974 ) , chapters
4 and 5 .

Doggerel ・ A term applied to rough , heavy - footed , and lerky versification ,
and also to verses that are monotonously regular in meter and tritdy conven -
tlonal in sentiment . Doggerel 15 usually the result of ineptitude on the part of
the versifier , but 15 sometimes deliberately emp10yed by poets for satiric ,
comic , or rollicking effect . John Skelton ( 1460?一1529 ) wrote short lines oftwo
or three stresses , inte而onally rough and variable in mete称Which have come
to be called Skeltonics ; as he both desCribed and exemplified his versification
in COli九Cto " t

For though my rhyme be
Tattered and lagged ,
Rudely rain一beaten ,
Rusty and moth一eaten ,
If ye take well therewlth ,
It hath in it some pith .

The tumbling , broken , and comically grotesque octos川labic couPlet , often
using double , triPle , and imperfect rhymes , developed by Samuel Butler for
his satiric poem月叭司bras ( 1663一78 ) 15 a form of deliberate doggerel that has
Come to be臼lled HUdlb服Stic ve招e :

Besldes , he was a shrewd philosopherl
And had read every text and 91055 over ;
Whate , er the crabbed , stauthor hath ,
He understoodb , implicit faith .

Dro血0 . The form of composition designed for performance in the theater ,
inwhichact0rstaketherolesofthecharacters , performtheindicateda比on ,
and utter the Written dialogue ・(The common altemative name for a dramatic
composition 15 a play . ) In po毗c由ama the dialogue 15 written in verse ,
Which in Engiish 15 usually blank verse and in French 15 the twelve一syllable line
called an Alexan献n6 , ' almost all the heroic dramas of the English助storation
Period , however , were Wrltten in heroic couPle朽(iambic pentameter lines
rhyming in pairs ) . A closet drama 15 written in dramatic form , with dialogue ,

参见:Edward Bullough , " Psychical Distance as a Factor in Art and an Aesthetic
Principle , " British Journal of Ps夕cholog夕5 , 1912 , reprinted in Melvin Rader , ed . , A
Moder刀Book of Aesthetic , , rev . , 1952 。杰罗姆・斯托尼茨在其《美学与艺术批评哲


幽默的艺术效果。约翰・斯克尔顿(146 。?一1529)写过不少这种打油诗,其诗行仅有





1400队M ^ T IcMo闪oLocU 〔

indicated set ings , and stage directions , but 15 intended勿the author to be read rather than to be performed ; examples are Milton , s a脚son Agonis如

( 1671 ) , Byron , sM沈n加d ( 1817 ) , Shelley , 5 Prometheus Unbound ( 1820 ) , and
Hardy , s角eDy撇sts ( 1904 - - 8 ) .
For types of plays , and their component elements , see the Index of Terms
under Jram4 .

Dro川.。甘c Monologue . A monologue 15 a lengthy speecti by a single per -
son . In a play ) When a character utters a monologue that exPresses his or her
private thoughts , it 15 called a soliloquy . Dram毗c monologue , however , does
not designate a component in a play , but a type of洲c poem that was per -
fected by Robert Browning . In its fullest form , as represented in Browning , s
, , My Last Duchess , " " The Bishop Orders His Tomb , " " Andrea del Sarto , " and
many other poems , the dramatic monologue has the following features : ( 1 ) A
single person , who 15 patently not the poet , utters the speech that makes up
the whole of the poem , in a specific situation at a critical moment : the Duke
15 negotiating with an emissary for a second wife ; the Bishop lies dying ; An -
drea once more attempts wistfully to believe his wife , 5 lies . ( 2 ) This person ad -
dresses and interacts with one or more other people ; but we know of the
auditors , presence , and what they say and do , only from clues in the discourse
of the single spcaker , ( 3 ) The maln principle controlling the poet , 5 formula -
tion of what the lyric speaker says 15 to reveal to the reade乙in a way that en -
hances its interest , the speaker , 5 temperament and character .
In monologues such as " Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloistern and " Caliban
uPon Setebos , " Browning omits the second feature , the presence of a silent
auditor ; but features ( l ) and ( 3 ) are the necessary conditions of a dramatic
monofogue , The third feature一the focus on self一revelation弓erves to distin -
guish a dramatic monologue from its near relation , the dramatic lyric , which
15 also a monologue uttered in an identifiable situation at a dramatic moment .
John Donne , s " The Canonizationn and " The Flea , , ( 1613 ) , for example , are
dram涌c协ics that lack onfy one feature of the dramatic monologue : the
focus of interest 15 primarily on the speaker , 5 elaborately ingenious argument ,
rather than on the character he inadvertently reveals in the course of arguing .
And although Wbrdsworth , s " Tintern Abbey , , ( 1798 ) 15 spoken by one person
to a silent audltor ( his sister ) in a specific sitUation at a significant moment in
his life , it 15 not a dramatic monologue prope兀both because we are invited to
identify the speaker with the poet himself , and because the organizing princi -
ple and focus of interest 15 not the revelation of the speaker , 5 distinctive tem -
perament , but the evolution of his observations , memories , and thoughts
toward the resolution of an emotional problem .
Tennyson wrote " Ulysses " ( 1842 ) and other dramatic monologues , and
the form has been used by H . D . ( Hilda Doolittle ) , Amy Lowell , Robert Frost ,
E . A . Robinson , Ezra Pound , Robert Lowell , and other poets of this cen扭ry .
The best一known modern instance 15 T . 5 . Eliot性“ The Love Song of J . Alfred
Pmftock , , ( 1915 ) .


oramatic Monologue戏K1j独白诗

中,如勃朗宁的《我那已故的公爵夫人》 、 《圣普拉西德教堂的主教吩咐后事》 、(萨脱的
安德列亚》以及许多其他诗作,戏剧独白诗具有如下特点:( 1)全诗由某一他人,显然
特尔、埃米・洛威尔、罗伯特・弗罗斯特、 E . A.罗宾逊、埃兹拉・庞德、罗伯特・洛威
尔和其他诗人也采用过这种形式。 T . 5.艾略特的《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》(1915)是当代
142 oRE ^ MvlsloN ・ 〔 01下IoN

See Benlamin Fuson , Browning and His English Predecessors in功e Dra阴a瓦c
MOnOIO}浏e ( 1948 ) ; RObert Langhaum,仆e Poe妙Of公perience:仆e Dra -
ma讹MOnolo}倒e in Mod日” Litera州Tradi瓦on ( 1957 ) ; Ralph W . Rader ) " The Dra -
matic Monologue and Related Lyric Forms , " C月沈司扭quily3 ( 1976 ) ; and Adena
Rosmann,仆e Power ofGe刀re ( 1985 , chaPterZ , " The功amatic Monologue ' , ) .

Dreo川口Vlsion ( Qlso colled dreom dlegory ) 15 a mode of narrative widely
employed by medieval poets : the narrator falls asleep , usually in a spring
landscape , and dreams the events he goes on to relate ; often he 15 led bya
guide , human or animal , and the events which he dreams are at least in part
盛n allego华A very influential medieval eXample 15 the thirteenth一century
Rench poem Ro脚an de Ia Rose , . the greatest of medieval poems , Dante , 5 Di讨ne
Come办15 also a dream vision . In fourteenth一century England , it 15 the narra -
tiVe mode of the fine elegy角e Pearl , of Langland , 5 Piers Plo娜a珠and of
Chaucer , s几e Booko厂the Duchess and仆e House ofFa切e . After the Middle
Ages the vogue of the由eam allegory diminished , but it never died out , as
Bunyan , 5 prose narrative角e几恻m , s阮侈ress ( 1678 ) and Keats , verse narra -
tive仆e Fall ofl { yP献on : A Dream ( 1819 ) bear witness . Lewis Carroll , 5 Al诬ce , S
Adven勿res in 】从〕 nderiand ( 1865 ) 15 in the form of a dream vision , and James
Joyce , sFi " negans科公ke ( 1939 ) consists of an immense cosmic dream on the
part of an archetypal dreamer .
See C . 5 . Lewis,角e AllegOly ofLove ( 1938 ) ; and HOWard Rollln Patch,角e
other不钧rld according to Des " iP如ns in人加dieval Litera匆re ( 1950 , reprinted 1970 ) .

E山tion in present usage designates the total copies of a book that are
printed ftom a single setting oftype or other mode of reproduction . The vari -
ous " printings , , or " reprints , , of an edition一sometimes with some minor
changes in the text一may be spaced over a period of years . w七now identi勿as
a " new edition " a printing in whlch substantial changes have been made in
the text . A text may be revised and reprinted in this Way many times , hence
the terms " second edition , , , " third edition , , , etc .
A variorum edition desiguates either ( 1 ) an edition of a work that lists
all the textual variants in an author , 5 manuscripts and revisions of the printed
text ; an example 15仆e Vario川切Edi瓦on of the Poe阴5 of W B . Yea饥eds . Peter
赶It and知ssell K.川spach ( 1957 ) ; or else ( 2 ) an edition ofatextthatincludes
a selection of annotatlons and commentaries on the text by previous editors
and crltics . The term “枪riorum , ' 15 a short form of the Latin cum no比vari -
o川脚:" with the annotations of various persons . ”仆e入飞wVa而,脚Edi瓦ono厂
ShakesPeare , still in process , 15 a variorum edition in both senses ofth赶word .
The term incunabula ( the singular 15 " incunabulumn ) signifies all books
that were produced in the infanCy of printing ・(The word " incunabula , , 15
Latin for " swaddling clothes . " ) The terminal date 15 1500 , about fifty years
after the German printer Johann Gutenberg invented movable printing type .
See fonnat ofa book and textUal币廿cis切.A classic work on booklnaking
and printing 15 Ronald B . McKerrow , An IntTOduc如n to Biblioj琳矽hy ( rev . ,

参见:Beniamin Fuson , Bro二ning and His English Predecessors in the Dramat乞c
Monologue , 1948 ; Robert Langbaum , ThePoetr夕ofExper泛ence : TheDrama才艺cM叭-
ologue in材乙dern Litera州Traditio刀,1957 。 Ralph W . Rader , " The Dramatic Mono -
logue and Related Lyric Forms , " Cr艺t笼call儿g双艺r , 3 , 1976 。 Adena Rosmarin , Th '
Power of Genre ( 1985 , chapterZ , " The Dramati 。 Monologue , ,)。

Dream Vls旧n梦幻体(又译梦幻寓言体,dreama ! iegory )

(人或动物)引领,他的梦中经历至少在一定程度上是个寓言。 13世纪法国的寓言诗
梦幻体作品。在14世纪的英国,精美的挽歌《珍珠》 、朗格兰的《农夫皮尔斯》 、乔雯的
游奇境记》(1865 ),詹姆斯・乔伊斯的《芬尼根的觉醒》(1939)中有一位原型梦幻者在
参见:C . 5 . Lewis , The Allegory of Love , 1938 。 Howard Rollin Patch , The
OtherW乙rld accordi儿9 to Descr艺ptions in Med乞evalL艺terature , 1950 , repinted 1970 。


册。一个版本的不同“印刷本”或“重印本” ―有时会在文本中出现细微的变化―会
和重印,因此就有“第二版” 、 “第三版”等这样的称谓。
集注本指的是:( 1)集中了一个作家手稿的所有不同版本和印刷本的所有修订文
本而形成的版本;例如《叶芝诗歌集注本》仁彼得・奥尔特和罗塞尔・ K.奥尔斯帕奇主
“集注本”是拉丁文。 um noti , varior " m的简写形式,其意义是“包含不同人的评注” 。
古版本(单数形式为“ incunabulum ")指的是15 。 。年前,也就是大约在德国印刷
参见:书本板式和文本批评;有关书籍编辑与印刷的经典著作,参见:RonaldB .
McKerrow , An Introductio , toB泛bliograph夕(rev . , 1965 );也参见:Fredson Bower , ,

1965 ) .川50 , Fredson Bowers,州nciPI韶of Bibl娜琳ZPhiCal Desa勿如n ( 1949 ) ;
Philip Gaskell , AN匕F加tTOdu苗On to Bibli驾raph尹(1972 ) ; G . Thomas介nselle ,
角eHisto甲ofBooksasaFieldofstUdy ( 1981 ) .
In Greek and Roman literature , " elegy , , denoted any poem written in
meter ( a ltemating hexa柳eter and penta阴eter lines ) . The te加was also
篡糕黯氛镖版瑟饭架认瓮棍黑粼歌黑默,) oavned糯
in old Engiish on the transience of all woildly things are even now
Europe and England the word contlnued to have a variable
' ough the Renaissance . John Donne勺elegies , written in the late
earfy seventeenth centuries , are love poems , although they re -
late to the sense of elegy as lament , in that many of them emphasize mut比11 -
ity and 1055 ・ Intheseventeenthcenturythetermelegybegantobe1imitedto
its most common present usage : a formal and sustained lament in verse for
the death of a particular person , usually ending in a consolation , Examples
are the medieval poem仆e Pearl and Chaucer , 5 Book oftheDuchess ( el匆esin
the mode of动rea仇allegO动;Alfred , Lord Tennyson , SIn人犯用oriam ( 1850 ) , on
the death of Arthur Hallam ; and W . H . Auden , s " In Memory of W . B.旋ats , ,
( 1940 ) . occasionally the term 15 used in its older and broader sense , for
somber meditations on mortality such as Thomas Gray , S " ElegyV六itten ina
Country Churchyard , , ( 1 757 ) , and the Duino El州es ( 1912ee22 ) of the German
poet Rainer Maria砒Ike on the transience both of poets and of the earthly ob -
lects they write poems about .
The dirgeis also a versified expression of grief on the occasion of a par -
ticular person , 5 death , but differs from the elegy in that it 15 short , 15 less for -
mal , and 15 usually represented as a text to be sung ; examples are
Shakespeare , s " Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies , , and William Collins , " A
Song from ShakesPeare , sC脚be卫定ne , , ( 1749 ) . Threnody 15 now used mainly as
an equivslent for " dirge , " and monody for an elegy or dirge whlch 15 pre -
sented as the utterance of a single person ・ John Milton describes his " Lycidas , ,
( 1638 ) in the subtitle asa " monody , ' in which " the Author bewails a leamed
F讹nd , , ' andMatth洲ArnoldcalledhiselegyonA . H . Clough " Thyrsis : A
Mono即,, ( 1866 ) .
An important subtype oftheelegyisthepastoralelegylwhichrepresents
both the poet and the one he moums - Who 15 usually also a poet一as shep ・
herds ( t he Latin word for shePherd 15 " pastor , , ) . This poetic form Was origi ・
nated饰the 51已ian Greek poet Theocritus , was continued妙the ROman
virgil , was developed in various European countries durlng the Renaissance ,
and remained cu打ent in助gnsh poetry throughout the nineteenth century .
Notable助glish pastoral ele乡es are Spenser , s " Astrophel , " on the death of
Slr Philip Sldney , ( 1595 ) , Mllton , s " Lycidas , , ( 1638 ) , Shelley ' s " Adonais "
( 1821 ) , and in the Victorian age , Ainold , s " Thyrsis . " The pastoral ele拼sts ,
from the Greeks thro鳍h the助naissance , developed a set of el的orateco " ven -
以ons , which are illustrated here by reference to " Lycidas . " In addition to the

Principles ofB£bliographical Descriptio , , 1949 ; Philip Gaskell , ANewlntroduction
to Bibliograph少,1972 ; G . Thomas Tanselle , Th 。 Histo勺of Books as a Fieldof
Stud夕,1981 。


题,尤指对爱情的哀怨。根据后一种用法,古英语中的“流浪者” 、 “水手”和其他以世
初的哀歌属爱情诗,尽管其中有些慨叹人世沧桑和死亡,仍然属于挽歌悼词。 17世纪
而写的《悼念》(1850 ),以及W . H.奥登创作的《悼念叶芝》(1940)。哀歌有时在其古义
人雷纳・马利亚・里尔克的《杜伊诺哀歌》(1912一1922 ),里尔克的这部作品主要哀叹
分拘泥格式,并且一般可以配曲吟唱。例如:莎士比亚的《海下长眠》 、威廉・柯林斯
为“作者哀悼博学故友的独唱挽歌” 。马修・阿诺德也把他悼念A . H.克拉夫的哀歌
称为《独唱挽歌―色西斯》(18 ")。
描述为牧羊人(“牧羊人”在拉丁文里为“ Pastor , ')。这种诗歌形式由西西里的古希腊
斯》 。从古希腊到文艺复兴,牧人哀歌诗人们逐渐形成了这种诗歌形式的严格的文学
146 EL 〔 GY

fictional tation of both moumer and subiect as shepherds tending
their flocks ( lines 23一36 and elsewhere ) , we often find the foll0Wing conven -
tlonal features :

( 1 ) The lyric speaker begins by invoking the muses , and goes on to make
frequent reference to other figures ftom classical mythology ( lines
15一2 , and later ) .
( 2)月1 natUre loins in mourning the shePherd , 5 death Oines 37一9 ) .(助-
cent critics who stress the mythic and ritual origins of poetic genres
claim that this feature 15 a surVlval from pr如itiv6 laments for the
death of Thammuz , Adonis , or other vegetational deities Who died in
the autumn to be rebom in the spring . See卿伪试红cs ・)
( 3 ) The mourner charges with negiigence the nymphs or other guardians
of the dead shepherd ( liness于63 ) .
( 4 ) There 15 a procession of appropriate mourners ( liness冬1 11 ) .
( 5 ) The poet raises questions about the lustice of fate , or else of Provi -
dence , and adverts to the corrupt conditions of his own times ( lines
64 - 84 , 1 13一31 ) . Such passages , though sometimes called " digres ・
sions , " are integral to the evolution of the moumer , s thought in " Ly -
CidaS . "
( 6 ) Post ・取naissance ele多es often include an el的orate passage in Whlch
appropriate flowers are brought to deck the hearse(助es 133一51 ) .
( 7 ) There 15 a closing consolation . In Christian elegies , thelyric reversal
from grief and despair to ioy and assurancetypically ocCUrs When the
elegist suddenly realizes that death in this world 15 the entry toa
higherllfe ( lines 165一5 ) .
In his Life ofMIlton ( 1779 ) Samuel Johnson , who disapproved both of
pastoralism and mythology in modem poet琳decried " Lycidas , , for " its in -
herent improbability , ' ' but in the ele多es by Milton and other maior poets the
ancient rituals provide a structural frame on Which they play variations with
originality and power . Some of the pastoral conventions , although adapted
to an industrial age and a non一Christian worldvie琳survive stlll inw欲t
Whltman , s elegy on Lincoln , " When Lilacs加st in the Dooryard Bloom , d , ,
( 1866 ) .
In the last two decades of the七陀entieth century there has been a strong
revival of the ele邪especially in America , to mourn the devastation and
death认厅ought by AIDS among talented young intellectuals , poets , and artists ;
see Michael班eln , ed . , POets户r Life : 5曰招”加six POe七ResPOnd to AIDS ( 1989 ) .
See conven如ns and pastoral . on the elegy , referto : Mary 110yd,刀州es ,
Ancient andM匕讹m ( 1903 ) ; T . P . Harrison , Jr . , and H . J . Leon , eds .,仆eP必toral
EI恻:An AntholoJ沙(1939 ) ; Peter Sacks,几e English EleS丫StUdies in the Genre
加切sPenser to yea朽(1985 ) . on “勿Cidas , , : C . A . Patrides , ed ・,Milton , s气州-
由尹:仆e了物di如n and the Poem ( rev . , 1983 ) , which inctudes a number ofre -
cent critical essays ; and Scott Elledge , ed . , MIItOH , s钩陀idas护(1966 ) , which
rep血ts classical and Renaissance pastoral elegies and other texts as back -
乎。 und to Milton , 5 poem .


( l)抒发哀情的悼念者以呼唤乞灵缪斯开始,继而频频提及古代神话里的其他众
( 2)自然界的万物都加人到哀悼牧人之死的行列(37一49行)。(强调诗歌类别
( 3)哀悼者控诉山林女神或死去的牧羊人的其他保护神的失职(50一63行)。
( 4)身份相宜的哀悼者列队而至(88一111行)。
( 5)诗人质问命运或上苍之公平,叙说当时社会的腐败(64一84 ; 113一131行)。
( 6)文艺复兴以后的哀歌中经常包括一段用适宜的鲜花装饰灵枢的细节描写
( 133一151行)。
( 7)全诗以慰藉结束。在基督教的哀歌里,随着作者顿悟到与世长辞意味着灵魂

( 1779)中贬斥弥尔顿的《利西达斯》 “带着固有的虚假”,但是在弥尔顿和其他主要诗
病夺取生命的才华横溢的年轻知识分子、诗人和艺术家。参见:Michael Klein , ed . ,
Poets for Life : Sevent夕一six Poets Respond to AIDS , 1989 。
参见:文学惯例及牧歌。有关哀歌的参考文献:Mary Lloyd , Eleg论,, Ancient
andM乙dern , 1903 ; T . P . Harrison , Jr . , and H . J . Leon , eds , The Pastoral Eleg夕:
A , Antholog少,1939 ; Peter Sacks , The English Eleg夕:Studie,乞n the Genre from
Spenser to Yeats , 1985 。有关《利西达斯》,参见:C . A . Patrides , ed .,从lton ' s " L夕c£-
das " : Th 。升。山瓦on andth 。尸oem , rev . , 1983,其中收录了一些新近的评论文章;以及
scott Elledge , ed . , Milton ’£“毛夕ci己as " , 1966,其中作为弥尔顿诗作的背景资料重印
148 EMPAT日v ^ NosvMPAT日v

E.即tky and Sympoth子erman theorists In the nineteenth centUry de -
veloped the concept of ' lhlung " ( " feeling into , , ) , which has been trans -
lated as empathy , It . an ide狱iftcation of oneself with an observed
person Orob } ect which 15 50 close that one seems to partidpate in the pos -
ture , motion , and sensations that one obserVes . Empathy 15 often desCribed
as " an involuntary prolection of ourselves into an Oblect , " and 15 commonly
以plained as the result of an " inner mimicry , , ; that 15 , the observation of an
oblect evokes incipient musCUlar movements Which are not experienced as
one , 5 own sensations , but as though they were attributes of the Outer oblect .
The oblect may be human , or nonhuman , or even inanimate . In thoroughly
absorbed contemplation we seem empathically to pirouette with a ballet
dance石soar with a hawk , bend with the movements of a tree in the wind ,
and even share the strength , ease , and grace with Which a well一proportfoned
arch appears to support a bridge . When John Keats said that he becomes " a
part of all 1 see , " and that " if a sparrow comes before my window 1 take part
in itse劝stence and pick about the gravel , " he Was describing an habitual ex -
perience of his intensely empathic temperament , long before the word was
COilled .
In literature we call " empathic , , a passage which conspicuously evokes
from the reader this sense of participation with the pose , movements , and
physical sensations of the obiect that the passage describes . An example 15
Sha缺speare , s description , in his narrative poem Venus and Adonis ( 1593 ) , of
the snall , whose tender horns being hit ,
ShrinkS backward in his shelly cave with pain .
Another 15 the description of the motion of a wave in Keats , En办阴fon ( 1818 ) ,
when heav , d allew
Old ocean rolls a lengthen , d wave to the shore ,
Down whose green back the short一liv , d foam , all hoar ,
Bursts gradual , with a wayward indolence .
拟50 empathic 15 the description of a Wave-一experienced from the point of
view of Penelope awaiting the long ・ delayed return of her husbando即sseus一
byH . D . ( HildaDoolittle ) , inherpoem , " Atlthica , , :
over and bacK
the long waves crawl
and track the sand with foam ;
night darkens and the sea
takes on that desperate tone
of dark that wives put on
when all their love 15 done .

知tnpathy , as distinguished from empathy , denotes fellow ・ feeling ; that
15 , not feeling - into the physical state and sensations , but feeling - along一with
the mental state and emotions , of another human being , or of nonhuman be -
ings to whom we attribute human emotions . ( See person诉ca瓦。摊.) W七“卿rnpa -
th让e , " for example , with the emotional experience of a child in his且rst
attempt to recite a piece in public ; we may also " empathize , , as he falters in

任mpat卜y and Sympathy移情与同情

19世纪德国理论家提出了“移情作用”的概念,英语译为移情。 “移情作用”表示
他已经成为“自己视野中万物的一部分了” , “如果有只麻雀飞临窗前,我会与它同形
落,我们称其为“移情篇” 。例如莎士比亚在叙事诗《维纳斯与阿多尼》(1593)中有关蜗






150 〔 NLlcH下〔 NMENT

his speaking or makes an awkward gesture . Robert Bums , " To a Mouse , , ( 1786 )
15 an engaging exPression of his quicks犷rnpathy with the terror of the " wee ,
sleeht , cow , rin , tim , rous beastie , , whose nest he has turned up with his plow .
Thee ent and control of a reader , 5 sympathy with certain charac -
ters , and the establishment ofantipathy toward others , 15 essential to the tra -
ditional literarya雨st . In King Lea ' Shakespeare undertakes to make us
sympathlze with Cordelia , for example , and progress浓ly Wlth擞ng Lear , but
to make us feel horror and antipat坤toward his " pelican daughters , " Goneril
and耽gan , our attitude in the same ptay toward the villainous Edmund the
bastard son of Gloucester , as managed妙Shakespeare , 15 complexeeantipa -
thetic , yet with some element of sympathetic understanding of his distorted
personallty . ( S ee distance and involvement . ) Bertolt Brecht , 5 al记na灯oneffeCt was
designed to inhibit the sympathy of an audience With the protagonists of his
plays , in order to encourage a critical attitude to the aCtions and social reali -
ties that the plays represent ・
A number ofrecentcriticaltheoristsstresstheneedtoreadagainstone , S
acquiescence to the sympathetic identificatton intended by an author . Such
felninist critics as Judith Fetteiley , for example , in仆e Resis叮ng Rea衍(1978 ) ,
propose that women should learn to read in oppositton to thes叨mpathy With
male protagonists , and the derogation of women characters , that 15 Written
into the work of many male authors , ( S ee underfe " inist币次ism . ) And a ten -
dency in then酬historicis脚,as well as in postcolonial Criticism , 15 to recom ・
mend that the reade丸even if against an author , 5 intent10n , shift his or her
sympathy from the dominant to the subversive characters in a literary work -
from the magus Prospero , for example , in Shakespeare , s仆e TemPest , to hls
brutish and rebellious slave Caliban , who 15 taken to rePresent the natives of
the New Wbrld who are oPpressed and enslaved by English and Europeanin -
vaders . ( Some current critics claim that , whatever Shakespeare , 5 intentions ,
Caliban , as he 15 represented , 155叨mpathetic , and that Prospero , as he 15 rePre -
sented , 15 not ; also that the admiration for Prospero in the nineteenth century
depended on a willful evasion of aspects of the play . )
Refer to H . 5 . Langfeld,角e Aesthe百cA伍tUde ( 1920)一the section on em -
pathy 15 reprinted In尸rob如” 5 ofAestheticS ( 1963 ) , ed , Eliseo Vivas and Murray
众egeL For detailed analyses of empathic passages in llterature , see形chardH ・
Fogle,仆e加口罗尽ofK由七and Shel脚(1949 ) , chapter4 ,

臼ligltten . ent . The name applied to an intellectUal movement and cul -
tural ambiance whlch developed in western Europe during the seventeenth
century and reached its height in the eighteenth , The common element wasa
trust in human reason as adequate to solve the crucial problems and to estab -
llsh the essential norms In life , together With the beliefthat the aPplication of
reason Was rapidly dissipating the darkness of superstition , preiudice , and bar -
bari尔was freeing humanity from its eailier rellance on mere authority and
unexamined tradition , and had opened the prospect of progress toward a life
in this worid of univErsal peace and happ谊ess . ( See the idea of pro乡ress ・)For
some thinkers the model for " reason , , was the induCtive procedure of science ,

支吾、呈现窘态时,我们则会产生“移情” 。罗伯特・彭斯的《致小鼠》(1786)生动地表
怕事的小东西” 。
参看:H . 5 . Langfeld , Th召Aesthetic Attitude , 1920;有关移情见重版的Problems
of Aesthet£cs , 1963 , eds . Eliseo vivas and Murray Krieger 。有关文学作品中“移情篇”
的详细分析参见:凡chard H . FOgle , Th 。介朋ge即of Keat ' and Shelley , 1949,第四章。


152 EPIC

the facts of exPerience to general laws ; for

followers ) , the model for " reason , , was pri -
of particular tnjths from clear and distinct
by " the light of reason . " Many thinkers re -
lied on reason in both these Senses .
In England the thought and the Worid outlook of the玩lightenment
are usually traced from Francis Bacon ( 1561一1626 ) through John Locke
( 163各1704 ) to late一eighteenth一centUry thinkers such as William Godwin ; in
France , from Descartes ( 1596 - 1650 ) through VOltaire ( 1694一1778 ) to Diderot
and other editors of the great twenty一votume EncycloP翻e ( 1751一72 ) ; in Ger -
many , ftom Leibniz ( 1646 - - 1716 ) to what 15 often said to be the highest prod -
uct of the Enlightenment , the " critical philosophy , , of Immanuel Kant
( 1724 - - 1804 ) . Kant , 5 famous essay " What 15 Elllightenment ? " written in 1784 ,
defines it as " the liberation of mankind from his self - caused state of minority , ,
and the achievement of a state of maturity whlch 15 exemplifled in his " deter -
mination and courage to use [ h 15 understanding ] without the assistance of an -
other . " In Alnerica , Beniamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson represented the
principles of the French and Ellglish助lightenment , which also helped shape
the founding documents of the United States , the Declaration of Indepen -
denCe and the ConstitUt10n .
See neodassicis脚andro脚an沈结啊and refer to Emst Cassirerl仆e Philoso -
p妙of the Enlighten脚ent ( 1932 ) ; A . 0 . Loveloy , Essays in the川stoly ofldeas
( 1948 ) ; Basil Wille又仆e Eighteenth CentU甲Bac掩” und ( 1950 ) ; Peter Gay,仆e
Enlightenment . . An InterPre故瓦on ( 1966 ) .

Epic . In its strict sense the term epic or heroic poem 15 applied to a work
that meets at least the following criteria : it 15 a long verse narrative on a seri -
ous subiect , told in a formal and elevated style , and centered on a heroic or
quasi一divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of a tribe , a nation , or
( i n the instance ofjohnMilton , s翔radiseLost ) thehumanrace .
There 15 a standard dlstin比on between traditional and literary ePics . Tra -
ditional epics ( also called " folk epics , , or " primary epics , , ) were written versions
of what had originally been oral poems about a tribal or national hero during
awarlikeage . ( Seeoralfo " ulaicpoe你)Amongthesearethelliadandodyss即
that the GreekS ascribed to Homer ; the Anglo一Saxon Bcowu侨the FrenchC力an -
son de Roland and the SpanishPo日” a del Cid in the幻泞elfth century ; and the
thirteenth一century German ePic Nibelu伙孵nlied . " Literary epics , , were com -
posed勿individual poetic craftsmen in deliberate imitation of the traditional
form . of this klnd 15 Virgil , s加tin poem the Aeneid , Whlch later served as the
c扮efmodelforMilton3literaryepic撇radtseLost ( 1667 ) . ParadiseLostintUm
became , in the Romantic Period , a model for John Keats , ftagmentary epicHy '
产内n , as well as for William Blake , 5 several epics , or " prophetic books , ,(仆e
FOur ZOas,洲Ito礼介邢alem ) , which translated into Blake , 5 own mythic terms
the biblical narrative that had been Milton , S subiect .
In his Anato柳ofCri瓦cis脚(1957 ) Northrop Frye asserts that Homer es -
tablished for his successors the " demonstration that the fall of an enemy ) no

( 1596一1650 ),经伏尔泰(1694一1778)直至狄德罗和二十卷《大百科全书》(1751一
最辉煌的成就―伊曼纽尔・康德(1724一1804)的“批判哲学” 。康德在写于1784年
参见:新占典主义和浪漫主义。参阅:Ernst Cassirer , Th 。尸从losoPhy of the
Enlightenment , 1932 ; A . O , Lovejoy , Essa夕5 in the Histo妙of Ideas , 1948 ; Basil
Willey , TheE艺ghteenth Centu勺Background , 1950 ; Peter Gay , The Enlightenment :
An Interpretat£on , 1966 。


和12世纪西班牙的《熙德之歌》,以及13世纪德国的《尼贝龙根之歌》 。 “文学史诗”是由
的几首史诗或“预言书” ((四天神》 、 《弥尔顿》与(耶路撒冷》)的创作蓝本。布莱克的这
154 EPIC

less than of a friend or leade乙15 tragic and not comic , " and that with this " ob -
lective and disinterested element , " the epic acquired an authority based " on
the vision of nature as an impersonal order . " The epic Was ranked by Aristotle
as second only to tragedy , and by many取naissance critics as the highest of
all岁nres . The literary epic 15 certainly the most ambitious of poetic enter -

prises , m巍ng im ense demands on a poet , s knowledge , invention , and sldl  to sustain the scope , grandeur , and authority of a poem that tends to encom -

pass the World of its day and a large portion of its learning ・ Despite numerous
attempts in many languages over nearly three thousand years , we possess no
more than a half - dozen such poems of indubitable greatness . Literary ePics
are highly conventional compositions which usually share the follo , dng fea -
tures , derived by way of the Aeneid from the traditional epics of Homer :

( 1 ) The hero 15 a figure of great national or even cosmic importance ・ In
the Iliad he 15 the Greek warrior Achilles , who 15 the son of the sea -
nymph Thetis ; and Virgil , 5 Aeneas 15 the son of the goddess
APhrodite . In Paradise Lost , Adam and Eve are the progenitors of the
entire human race , or if we regard Christ as the protagonist , He 15
both God and man . Blake , 5 primal figure 15 " the Universal Man , ' AI -
bion , Who incorporates , before his fall , humanity and God and the
COSm0S as well .
( 2 ) The settlng of the poem 15 ample in scale , and may be woildwide , or
even largeL odysseus wanders over the Mediterranean basin ( the
whole of the world known at the time ) , and in Book Xl he descends
into the under world ( as does Virgil , 5 Aeneas ) . The scope of Paradise
Lost 15 the entlre universe , for it takes place in heaven , on earth , in
hell , and in the cosmic space between . ( See Ptole州aic universe . )
( 3 ) The action involves superhuman deeds in battie , such as Achilles ,
feats in the TrolanW泛r , or a long , arduous , and dangerous iourneyin -
trepidly accomplished , such as the wanderings of odysseus on his
way back to his homeland , in the face of opposition by some of the
gods . Paradise Lost Inctudes the revolt in heaven by the rebel angels
against God , the ioumey of Satan through chaos to discover the
newly created world , and his desperately audacious attempt to ou七泞It
God by cor斑pting manHnd , in which his success 15 ultimately加s -
trated by the sacrificial action of Christ .
( 4 ) In these great actions the gods and other supernatUral beings take an
interest or an active part一theol犷rnpian gods in Homet , and Jeho ・
vah , Christ , and the angels in Paradise Lost . These supematural agents
were in the入吻cla " ic Age called the machinery , in the sense that
they were part of the literary contrivances of the epic .
( 5 ) An epic poem 15 a ceremonial peiformance , and 15 narrated in a cere -
monial style Which 15 deliberately distanced from ordinary speech and
proportioned to the grandeur and formallty of the heroic subleCt and
archited卫re . Hence Milton , 5 grand style一his formal di由on and elab -
orate and stylized syntax , whlch are often modeled on Latin poetry )


( 1)主人公是一个民族乃至宇宙中举足轻重的伟大人物。 《伊利亚特》的主人公
( 2)史诗具有非常广阔的空间背景,其范围可以是整个世界甚或更大。 《奥德赛》
卷中,他又下到地狱(维吉尔史诗中的埃涅阿斯也有着同样的经历)。 《失乐
( 3)史诗中描写的战争是一些超乎凡人的行为,如阿喀琉斯在特洛伊战争中的壮
的回家之路。 《失乐园》描写了天国中天使反叛上帝的斗争,撒旦穿越混沌发
( 4)众神和其他超自然势力对英雄们的壮举表现出兴趣或者采取积极介人的态
( 5)一首史诗就是一场礼仪的展现,史诗采用礼仪化叙事风格,其行文刻意区别
156 EPIC

hls sonorous lists of names and wide一ranging allusions , and his imita -
tion of Homer , s印ic similes and ePithe七・
There are also widely used epic conven红ons , or formulas , in the choice and
ordering of episodes in the heroic plot ; prolninent among them are these fea -
tUres , as exempl坦ed in Paradise Lost :
( 1 ) The narrator begins by stating hls argument , or ePic theme , invokes
amuseorguidingspirittoinspirehiminhisgreatundertaklng , then
addresses to the muse the ePlc question , the answer to Which inau ・
即rates the narrative proper ( Pa radise Lost , 1 . 1一9 ) .
( 2 ) The narrative starts in medias res ( " in the middle of things " ) , ata
critical point in the action . Paradise Lost opens with the fallen angels
In hell , gathering their scattered forces and determlning on revenge .
Not until BooksV - Vll does the angel Raphael narrate to Adam the
events in heaven whlch led to this situation ; whlle in BookS Xl - Xll ,
after the fall , Michael foretells to Adam futUre events up to Christ , s
second coming . Thus Mllton , s epic , although its action foCUses on the
temptation and fall of man , encompasses all time from the creation
to the efid of the world .
( 3 ) There are cataiogues of some of the princiPal characters , introduced
in formal detail , as in Milton , s description of the procession of failen
angels in Book 1 of Paradise Lost . These山aracters are often矛ven set
speeches that reveal theit diverse temperaments and moral attitudes ;
an example 15 the debate in Pandemonlum , Book 11 .
The term " epic , , 15 often aPplied , by extension , to narratiVEs whlch differ
in many respects from this model but manifest the epic spirit and grandeur In
the scale , the scope , and the profound human importance of their subiects . In
this broad sense Dante污fourteenth ・ centuryD加ine COmedy and Edmund
Spenser , s late一sixteenth一centUry角eFa州e Queene ( 159于96 ) are often called
eplcs , as are consplCUously large一scale and wide一ranging works of prose fiction
such as Herman Melville , s MOby - Dick ( 1851 ) , Leo Tolstoy污War and Peace
( 1863一9 ) , andjamesjoyce , sUIy " es ( 1922 ) ; thislastworkachievesePicscope
in rePresenting the events of an ordinary day in Dublin ( 16 June 1904 ) by
modeling them on the episodes of Homer , s0咖5即.In a still more extended
aPplication , the Ma而st critic Georg Lu肠cs used the term bourgeois epic for
all novelswhlch , inhisvie琳reflectthesodalrealityoftheircap1tallstageon
abroadsCale . Inafamedsentence , LuUcssaidthat " thenovelistheepicofa
woild that has been abandoned by God "(仆印甲ofthe Novel , trans . Anna Bo ・
stock , 1971 ) . See Luk轰cs underM泛以ist币五南阴.
See用ockeP纪and refer to W . W.加wrence , Beowu扩and即ic刃的di如n
( 1928 ) ; C . M . Bowra,矛m阴硬州1 to Milton ( 1945 ) , and石殆roic Poe妙(1952 ) ;
C . 5 . Lewis , A助faceto ' ' F狡radiseLost , , ( 1942 ) ; Brianwilkie , Ro阴an价凡e七and
即iC刀恤di找on ( 1965 ) ; Mlchael Murren,仆e Allego汀cal EPic ( 1980 ) ; Andrew
Ford , HOmer ..仆e Poe钾ofthe Past ( 1992 ) ; D州d伽int,即ic andE仰ire ( 1993 ) .
For ana戚e妙al concePtion of the epic , see Northrop Frye , Anato哪ofCri瓦-
南m ( 1957 ) , pp . 315一26 .


( 1)叙述者以阐明他的论点或史诗主题开始,乞求女神或灵魂的引导者激发他大
( 2)史诗以倒叙开篇,即从情节发展中的某个紧要关头开始叙述。 《失乐园》是从
( 3)对一些主要人物加以分类,并做详细介绍,如弥尔顿《失乐园》第一卷中对被

义上来说,14世纪但丁的《神曲》 、 16世纪晚期埃德蒙・斯宾塞的《仙后》(1590一1596 )
这个世界中被上帝抛弃的史诗”(《小说理论》,Anna Bostock译,1971)。参见马克思
参见:揍拟史诗。参1阅:W . W . Lawrence , Beowulf and Epic Tradition , 1928 ;
C . M . Bowra , From Virgil to Milton , 1945 , and Heroic Poetr , , 1952 ; C , 5 . Lewis , A
Preface to " Paradise Lost " , 1942 ; Brian Wilkie , Romant艺cPoetsandEpicTradition ,
1965 ; Michael Murren . The Allegorical Epic , 1980 ; Andrew Ford , Homer : The
Poet勺of th 。 Past , 1992 ; David Quint , EpicandE阴户ire , 1993 。关于史诗的原型概
念,参见诺斯罗普・弗莱的《批评的剖析》(1957 ) , pp . 315一326 。

印Ic 51回les are formal , sustained similes in Which the secondary subiect ,
or vehicle , 15 elaborated far beyond its sPecllic polnts of close parall61 to the
primary sublect , or如。 ‘ to whlch it 15 compared ( see under助Jra找ve Ian -
别叮的.Thisfigurewas加ltatedftomHomerbyVIYgil , Milton , andotherwnt -
ers of literary ePics , who employed it to enhance the ceremonial quality and
wide一angingre勿ence of the narrativestyle . In the epic slmile in Paradiso Lost
0 . 768 ff . ) , Milton describes his primary subiect , the fallen angels thronging
tOWard thelr new - bullt paiace of Pandemoninm , by an elaborate comparison
to the swanning ofbees :

In sPring tim鸟when the Sun With几urus rides ,
Pour forth thelr populous youth about the Hive
In clusters ; they among fresh dews and flowers
Fly to and fto , or on the smooth色d Plank ,
The subuth of their Straw ・ built Citadel ,
New rubb , d with Balm , exPatiate and confer
Th比State斌airs . 50 thick the aery crowd
Swarm , d and were strait , n , d;…

Epic几eoter . The term that the German playVmght Bertolt Brecht , in the
19205 , aPplled to his Plays.匆the word " ePic , " Brecht signlfted primarily his
attempt to emulate on the stage the obiectivity of the narration in Homeric
ePic . By empfo尹ng a detached narrator and other devices to achieve aliena如”
叮渺饥Brecht almed to subvert the sympathy of the audience with the actors ,
and the ldentiftcation of the actor with his role , that Were featUres of the the ・
ater of bourgeols realism . His hope was to encourage his audience to criticize
and Oppose , rather than passlvely to accePt , the sociai conditions and modes
of behavior that the plays rePresent . Brecht , 5 dramatic works continue to be
produced frequently , and his epic theater has had important Influence on
such playV币ghts as Edward Bond and Caryl Churchill in Engiand and Tony
KUShner 111 AmeriCa .
See Bertoft Brecht under M4狱ist州丘cis机and refer to John Willett , ed . ,
Brecht on仆eatre:仆e DeVeloP嫩ent ofan Aesthe瓦c ( 1964 ) ; andjanelleReinelt ,
A介erBre比tB找出h EPic Theater ( 1994 ) .

The term 15 now used for a statement , whether in verse or prose ,
w址Ch 15 terse , pointed , and witty . The epigram may be on any sublect , ama ・
to珍ele矛ac , medltative , compliment ; ry , anecdotal , or ( m ost often ) satiric .

纽ai , the Roman ePigrammatist , established the enduring model for the
比ally satiric ePigram in verse .
The verse epigram was much cultivated in Engiand in the late siXteenth
and seventeenth centu血5 bysu比poets as Jo加Donne , Ben Jonson , and
RObert Herrick . The form fiourished especially in the dghteenth centU以the
廿me that Austin DObson血scribed as the age " of wit , of pollsh , and of POpe . "

Mat hew Prior 15 a highly ac omplishedw对ter of epigrams , and many closed cou识ets by Alexander Pope and Lady Mary Wbt ley MOniagu are detachable


印ic Similes史诗明喻

仪性和增加叙事风格的多变性。在《失乐园》(第一卷,768 ff .)中,弥尔顿用离巢迁徙
也得无与此情形等;' ’ ・ …(傅东华译)


参见马克思主义批评中关于贝尔托尔特・布莱希特的论述。参阅:John Willett ,
ed . , Brecht on Theatre : The Development of an Aesthetic , 1964 ; Janelle Reinelt ,
After Brecht : Br乞t艺sh Ep艺cT丙eater , 1994 。


为一个“才趣横溢、诗艺圆熟的,也是蒲柏的时代。 ”马修・普赖尔是杰出的警句作家,

epigrams . In the same century , when the exiled Stuarts were still pretenders to
the English throne , John Byrom proposed this epigrammatic toast :
God bless the抢ng一1 mean the Faith , 5 defender !
God bless ( no harm in blessing ) the Pretender !
But who pretender 15 or Who 15 king一
God bless us all ! that , 5 quite another thing .
And here 15 one of Samuel介ylor Coleridge , 5 epigrams , to show that Ro -
manticism did not Preclude wit :
on a VOlun份er 51叹夕r

Swans sing before they die一Jtwere no bad thing
Should certain people die before they sing !
Many of the short poems ofw白lter Savage Landor ( 1 775一1864 ) were fine
examples of the nonsatirical ePigram . Boileau and Voltaire excelled in the epi -
gram in France , as did块ssing , Goethe , and Schiller in Germany ; and in Alner -
ica , a number oftheshortpoemsbyR . W . EmersonandEmilyDickinsonmay
be accounted ePigr田叽5 . The form has continued to be cultivated by Robert
Frost , Ezra Pound , ogden Nash , Phyllis McGinley ) Dorothy Parker , A . R . Am -
mons,几chard Wilbur ) John Hollander , and other poets in the present centUry .
a即igramn came to be applied , after the eighteenth centu以to neat and
witty statements in prose as well as verse ; an alternative name for the prose
即igram 15 the aPothegm . ( For the analysis of examples , see丽t , humor , and
the com滋c ・)Such terse and witty prose statements are to be distinguished from
the aPhorism : a pithy and polnted statement of a seriousm树m , opinion , or
general tTUth . one of the best known of aphorisms 15 also one of the shortest :
arsto力ga,树tab爬vis est - - , , art 15 long , life 15 short . n It occurs first in a work at ・
tributed to the Greek physician Hippocrates entitled APhoris川5 , whlch con -
sisted of tersely Worded precepts on the practice of medicine . ( See John Gross ,
ed.仆e山ford Book ofAPhorisms , 1983 . )
取fer to T . K . Whlpple , M沈斌司and theEnglishEP电Ta阴(1925 ) ; E . B . osbom ,
ed ・,角eHun话redBestEP勿视” s ( 1928 );琦ngsleyAmis , ed .,仆eN枷OxfordBook
ofLight珑冷e ( 1978 ) ; Russell Baker , ed .,仆eNO州加BOok ofLight Verse ( 1986 ) .

印i沙。 。 y means " amanifestation , " or " showingforth , " andbyChristian
thinkers was used to signi勿a manifestation of God , 5 presence Within the cre -
ated woild . In the early draft of APO由’ a it oftheA币stasayoungM泛nentitied
StePhen五介ro ( published posthumously in 1944 ) , Jamesjoyceadaptedtheterm
to seCUlar experience , to signify a sudden sense of radlance and revelation
that one mayfe七1 while perceiving a commonplace oblect . " By an epiphany
[ S tephen ] meant a sudden spiritual manifestation . " " Its soul , its whatness ,
leaps to us from the vestment of its appearance . The soul of the commonest
obiect … seems to us radiant . The obiect achieves lts epiPhany . " Joyce , s short
stories and novels include a number of epiPhanies ; a dimactic one 15 the rev -
elation that Stephen experiences at the sight of the young girl wading on the
shore of the sea in APO功’ a it oftheA砒t , chapter 4 .




美国,R . W.爱默生和埃米莉・狄金森的许多短诗都可归为警句诗。警句经20世纪
克、 A . R.阿蒙斯、理查德・威尔伯、约翰・赫兰德和本世纪的其他诗人的发展而得以
名且最短小的警语之一是:“艺术长存,生命短暂。 ”该警语最早见于希腊名医希波克
Gross , ed . The Oxjord Book of Aphor诬sms , 1983)。
参l阅:T . K . Whipple , M改rtial and the English Epigram , 1925 ; E . B . Osborn ,
ed . , The Hundred Best Epigrams , 1928 ; Kingsley Amis , ed . , The Ne二O二ford
Book of Light Verse , 1978 ; Russell Baker , ed . , The Norton Book of Light
Verse , 1986 。


物时其灵性的顿悟。 “(斯蒂芬)的‘灵瞬’指的是他心灵上的顿悟。 ” “事物之灵与实质穿
过它的躯壳投向我们。这种普通事物的灵魂… …在我们眼前显得绚丽夺目。事物获得
了其灵感。 ”乔伊斯的短篇故事和长篇小说中出现过不少这样的灵瞬情节;《一个青年艺

" EPiphanyn has become the standard term for the descriPtion , frequent
in modern poetry and prose fiction , of the sudden flare into revelation of an
, howeve乙had merely substituted this word for
ordinary Obiect or scene . JOyce , howeve乙nadmerelysuDstltUteomlsworuror
what earlier authors had cailed the幻比ome址.Thus ShelleV ・ in hisD亡伦” se of
POe抑(1821 ) , described the " best and happiest moments … arising unfore -
seen and departing unbidden , " " visitations of the dMnity , " which poetry " re -
deems from decay . " WilliamW匕rdsworth Was a pre一eminent poet of what he
called " moments , ' ' or in more elaborate cases , " spots of time . " For examples
of short poems which represent a moment of revelation , see WOrdsworth , s
, , The Two April Morningsn and " The Solitary ReaPer . " Wbrdsworth , 5 Prelude ,
like some ofjoyce , s narratives , 15 constructed as a sequence of such visionary
encoufiters . Thus in Book Vlll , lines 543一54 ( 1850 ed . ),叭陌tdsworth descr山es
the " moment , , when he for the first time passed in a stagecoach over the
" threshold , , of London and the " trivial forms / of houses , pavement , streets "
suddenly assumed a profound power and significance :
' twas a moment , 5 pause,一
All that took place within me came and went
As in a moment ; yet With Time it dwells ,
And grateful memory , as a thing divine ・

See Irene H . Chayes , , ' J oyce , 5 Epiphanies , " reprinted in foyce , S aPO功扮it , , :
Cri沈1505 and Cri向ues , ed . T . E . Connolfy ( 1962 ) ; Morris Beia , EPIPha即in the
加勿山mN的el ( 1971 ) ; Ashton Nichols,仆e Poetics ofEP护ha呷(1987 ) . On the
history of the traditional " momentn in sacred and seCUlar叭耐tings beginning
with St . Augustine , and its conversion Into the modem literary epiPhany , see
M . H . Abrams,枷扭rals峥翻a加ralism:升“成灯On and ReVO扭tion宜n ROmantic
LiteratUre ( 1971 ) , chapters7一8 .

印油目。耐姐,or in the Latin form " ePithalamium , " 15 a poem wlitten to
cdebrate a ma川age . Among its classical practitioners Were the Greeks Sappho
and TheoCrituS and the Romans ovid and Ca拟llus . The term in Greek mealls
" at the bridal cilamber , , , since the verses were originally written to be sung
outside the bedroom of a newly married couple . The form flourished among
the Neo一Latin poets of the Renaissance , who established the model that was
followed by writers in the European vernaCUlar tanguages , Sir Phil中Sidney
wrote the first Engllsh instance in about 1580 , and fifteen years later Edmund
Spenser Wrote his great lyric " EPithalamlon , " a celebration of his own mar ・
riage that he composed as a Wedding gift to his bride . Spenser , s poem follows ,
in elaborately contrived numbers of stanzas and lines , the sequence of the
hours during his wedding day and night and comblnes , with unfailing grace
and dignity , Christian ritual and beliefs , pagan topics and mythology , and
the local Irish settlng . Jo恤Donne , Ben Jonson , RObert Herrick , and many
other狱naissance poets composed Wedding poems that Were solemn orrib ・
ald , according to the intended audience and the poet , S own temperament ・
Sir John Suckling , s " A Ballad upon aM爬dding , , 15 a good ・ humored Parody of
this upper ・ class poetic form , which he applies to a fower ・ class Wedding . The

瞬息。雪莱在《诗辩》(1821)中描叙了“令人销魂的黄金瞬息… …来无影去无踪”,诗歌
就是要“从腐败中救赎出” “上帝探访人间的时刻” 。威廉・华兹华斯是位能卓越地表
现“片刻” 、或更为详尽的“瞬息”的诗人,如在《四月里的两个早晨》和<孤独的收割者》
是对一系列灵瞬的记述。 《序曲》第8卷第543至554行(185 。年版)描写了这样一些
“片刻”:他乘公共马车初次进人伦敦大门“门槛” , “外表平凡的房屋、便道与街巷”顿


参看:Irene H . Chayes , ' ' JOyce ' 5 Epiphanies " , reprinted in Joyce ' : " Portrait " :
Criticism and Criti叮ues , ed : T . E . Connolly , 1962 ; Morris Beja , Epiphan夕in the
MOdern Novel , 1 971 ; Ashton Nichols , Th 。 Poetics ofE户iphan少,1987 。有关始于
瞬”的历史,参I阅:M . H . Abrams , Natural Supernaturalism : Tradition and Revolu -
tioni刀Romantic Literature , 1971 , Chapters7一8 。


的古代作家主要有希腊的萨福、武俄克里托斯和罗马的奥维德和卡图鲁斯。 “喜歌”
喜歌。 15年之后,埃德蒙・斯宾塞为庆贺自己的婚礼而创作了著名的抒情《婚曲》,作
164 EPITH盯。 〔 SsAY

tradition per , ists . Shel ey composed an “印ithalaminm " ; Ten yson , s InMe脚。-汀口扔尹althongh it OPens with a funeral , cfoses with an ePithalamton ; A . E . Ura

Housman spoke in the antique idiom of the bridal song in " He 15 Here ,
nia , s Son , , ; and W . H . Auden Wrote an “即ithalamionn in 1939 ・
See Robert H . Case , English即ithalamies ( 1896 ) ; Vi卿nia J . Tufte,角ePo -
etyy ofMa爪age ( 1970 ) ; and ( on the elaborate constrUction of the stanZas and
lines in Spenser , s “印ithalamion , , to correspond with the pa朽age of time on
his wedding day ) A . Kent Hieatt , ShottTi巾e , s EndlessM乙nument ( 1960 ) .

印妞het ・ As a term in Criticism , epithet denotes an adlective or adie由val
phrase used to define a distinctive quality of a person or thing ; an example 15
John Keats , " silver snarli叮trumpets , , in几e Eve ofst . A尹es . The term 15 also
applied to an identi加ng phrase that stands in place of a noun ; thus灿exan -
der Pope , s " the glitte月ng户币叉“ 15 an ironicauy inflated epithet for the scissors
with which the Baron performs his heinous act in角e RaPe oftheLOck ( 1714 ) .
仆e ftequent use of derogatory adjectives and phrases in invec丘ve has ledto
the mistaken notion that an " eplthet , , 15 always uncomplimentary .
Homeric ePithets are adjectival terms一suaily a compound of two
words一11ke those which Homer in his eplc poems used as recurrent formulas
in refemng to a distinctive feature of someone or something : “刀eet - footed
Achilles , " " bolt - hurling Zeus , " " the wine ・ da沃sea . " Buck Mulligan in James
Joyce , sU加ses parodied the formula in his referenceto " the snot一green sea . "
W泛often use " conventional ePithets , , in identifying historical or legendary
figures , as in Charles the Great , LorenZo the场捌i厅cent,撇决力t Griselda .

Essoy . Any short composition in prose that undertakes to discuss a matter ,
express a point of view , persuade us to accept a thesis on any subled , or sim -
ply entertain . The essay differs ftoma " treatise , , or " dissertation " in its lack of
pretension to be a systematic and complete exposition , and in being ad ・
dressed to a general rather than a spectallzed audlence ; as a consequence , the
essay discusses its sublect in nontechnical fashion , and often with a liberal use
of suchd州ces as anecdote , striking illustration , and humor to augment its
appeal .
A useful distinction 15 that between the formal and informal essay . The
formal essay , or时ticle , 15 relativefy impersonal : the author Writes as an au -
thority , or at least as highly如owledgeable , and exPounds the sublect in an
orderly way . Examples will be found in vatious scholarly iournals , as well as
among the seriousa川cles on current topics and issues in any of the maga -
zines addressed to a thoughtful audienceee于fa巾er , s , Commen匆拼Sden瓦乃c
America辉and 50 on . In the Informal essay ( or " fa而liar , , or " personai essay , , ) ,
the author assumes a tone of intimacy with his audlence , tends to deal with
everyday things rather than With public affairs or spedalized topics , and
writes in a relaxed , self - revelatory , and sometimes whlmsical fashion . Accessi ・
ble modem examples are to be found in any issue of7触入陌w YOrker .
The Greeks Theophrastus and Plutarch and the Romans Cicero and
Seneca wrote essays long before the genre was given what became its standard

一首“喜歌,';丁尼生的《悼念》虽以葬礼开篇,却用喜歌结尾。 A . E.豪斯曼用古代方言创作
了新婚喜歌《乌拉尼亚的儿子在这里》;此外,W . H.奥登于1939年也写过一首“喜歌” 。
参看:Robert H . Case , English Epithalamie , , 1896 ; Virginia J . Tufte , The
尸oetryof腼rriag ' , 1970;有关斯宾塞《婚曲》中诗节和诗行与他婚礼的过程相呼应
的精致结构,参阅:A . Kent Hieatt , Short Time ' 5 Endless几如nument , 1960 。


短语;如约翰・济慈《圣阿格尼斯夜》中的“带有浮凸花纹的银号” 。该术语还适用于
斯” 、 “雷神爷宙斯” 、 “像酒一样绛紫色的大海” 。詹姆斯・乔伊斯《尤利西斯》中的巴
克・马利根诙谐地模仿荷马的手法,把大海描写成“鼻涕一样青色的大海” 。我们常


肃的时事评论文章中,如《哈拍斯》 、 《评论》 、 《美国科学论坛》等杂志。在非正规杂文
杂文体裁是于158 。年正式得名于蒙田的法文《随笔》,但在很久之前,古希腊的武

na 】 】 1 e by Montaigne , S FtenchESsaisinl580 . Thetitlesignifies " attempts , , and
was meant to indicate the tentative and unsystematic nature of Montaigne , s
commentary on topics such as " of lllnessn and " of Sleeping , " in contrast to
formal and technical treatises on the same sublects . Francis Bacon , late in the
siXteenth centUry , inaugurated the助glish use of the term in his own ESsays , '
most of them are short discussions such as " of Truth , " " of Adversi年” " of
Marriage and the Single Life . ”川exander Pope adopted the term for his expos -
itory compositions in verse , the Essay on Cri廿cis脚(1711 ) and the凡sayonM跪n
( 1733 ) , but the verse essay has had few important exPonents after the eigh -
teenth centUry . In the earfy eighteenth century Joseph Addison and Sir
砒chard Steele , 5 Tatl6r and sPec匆tor , with thelr many successors , gave to the
essay Written in prose its standard modern vehicle , the literary periodical ( ear ・
lier essays had been published in boo骊).
In the early nineteenth century the founding of new types of magazines ,
and their steady proliferation , gave great impetus to the Writing of essays and
made them a malor department of literature . This was the age when William
Hazlltt , Thomas De Quincey , Charles Lamb , and , later in the cent ' Ury , Robert
Louls Stevenson brought the English essay-一and especially the personal
essay-一to a level that has not been surpassed . Malor American essa界sts in the
nineteenth century indude Washington lrving , Emerson , Thoreau , James
RUssell LOwell , and Mark TWain . In our own era the many periodicals pour
out scores of essays every week . Most of them are formal in type ; Virginia
W匕olf , George orwell , E . M . Forst饥James Thurber , E . B . White , James Baid -
win , Joan Didion , Susan Sontag , and TOni Morrison , however ) are notable
twentieth一century practitioners of the informal essay .
See Hugh叭/a lker ’几e English ESsay and Essay朽ts ( 1915 , reprinted 1923 ) ;
Robert SCholes and Carl H . Klaus , Elemen七oftheESsay ( 1969 ) ; JohnGross , ed . ,
仆e山ford Booko厂ESsays ( 1991 );城ndy Martin , ed . , Essays妙COnte玲沪ora甲
American灿脚en ( 1996 ) . W . E Bryan and R . 5 . Crane , eds .,仆e Englis力Famil宕ar
Ess即(1916 ) , has an informative historicai introduction to this literary form ・

E即ke时sm . An inoffensive exPression used in place of a blunt one that 15
teit to be disagreeable or embarrassing ・ Euphemisms are used frequently With
reference to such subiects as religion ( " Gosh dam ! " for " God damn ! " ) , death
( " pass away " instead of " die , , ) , bodily funCtions ( " comfort st涌on , , instead of
" toiletn ) , and sex ( " to sleep with , , instead Of " to have sexual intercourse with , , ) .
on the extraordinary number and variety of sexual euphemisms in
Shakespeare , s plays , see Eric Partridge , ShakesPeare , s Baw即(1960 ) .

加phony ond Cocopho " Ly.加phony 15 a ter们n applled to language which
strikes the ear as smooth , pleasant , and musical , as in these lines from John
Keats,仆e Eve ofst . A幼es ( 1820 ) I
And hicent syrops , tinct with cinnamon ;
Manna and dates , in argosy transferred
From Fez ; and spic色d dainties , every one ,
From Silkefl SamafCand to Cedar , d Lebaflon .

题相同的正规性及学术性论著相对比,表现出的探索性与无系统性。 16世纪后期,弗
理》 、 《论逆境》 、 《论婚嫁与独身》等。亚历山大・蒲柏也把杂文一词用于自己的诗体
论文,如《批评论》(1711)和《人论》(1733 ),然而18世纪以后,从事这种诗体杂文创作
的有影响力的作者就寥寥无几了。 18世纪早期,约瑟夫・艾迪生和理查德・斯梯尔
杂文作品,其中多数为正规杂文。弗吉尼亚・吴尔夫、乔治・奥威尔、 E : M.福斯特、
詹姆斯・瑟伯以及E . B.怀特、詹姆斯・鲍德温、琼・迪狄恩、苏珊・桑坦格和托妮・
参看:Hugh Walker , The English Essa夕and Essa夕i , t , , 1915 , reprinted 1923 ;
Robert Scholes and Carl H . Klaus , Element ' of the Essay , 1969 ; John Gross , ed . ,
The Oxford Book of Essa夕s , 1991 ; Wendy Martin , ed . , Essa夕sb夕Contemporar夕
American朋而men , 1996 ; W . F . Bryan and R . 5 . Crane , eds . , The English Familiar
Essay , 1916 。以上文献具有介绍该文学形式发展历史的价值。


用于谈及宗教(" Gosh darn ”代替“ God damn ! ”天谴;" Gosh ”代替“ God ”上帝)、死亡
( “逝世”而不是“死亡”)、身体功能(如指厕所时用“ comfort station ”而非“ toilet " ),以及
和性有关的话题(如指性交时用“ sleep with ”而非“ have Sexual intercourse with , ,)。
在莎士比亚戏剧中,有大量关于性的各种委婉语,参见埃里克・帕特里奇196 。年
出版的《莎士比亚的污言秽语》 。

任up卜ony and oacophony谐音与非谐音


来自非斯、撒马罕、黎巴嫩等地的珍谧。 (屠岸译)
168 EUpHU ! sM

Analysis ot the passage , however , will show that what seems to be a purely au ・

ditory agreablens 15due more to he signficane ofthe words ,coni ed with  e ase ndpleasure ofthe pysical ctof enuciatng thesquenc ofthe spech一sounds ,than to he inhernt melodiusne  ofthe spech ・sounds themslves .The Amrican ritc John Crowe Ransom ilustraed theimpor -

tance ofsigniftcance to euphony by altering Tennyson , s " The murmur of in -
numerable bees , , to " The murder of Innumerable beeves , , ; the euphony 15
destroyed , not by chan尔ng one speech sound and inserting others , but by the
change in reference .
Similarly , in cacophony , or由ssonanceeelanguage Which 15 perceived as
harsh , rough , and unmusical一the dlscordancy 15 the effect not only of the
sound of the words , but also of their significance , conioined with the diffi -
culty of enunciating the sequence of the speech ・ sounds ・ Cacophony may be
inadvertent , through a lapse in the Wliter 、 attention or sklll , as in the unfor -
tUnate line of Matthew Axnold , 5 fine poem " Dover Beachn ( 1867 ) , “加y 11耽
the folds of a bright girdle furied . " But cacophony may also be deliberate and
加nctional : for humo耳as in Robert Browning , s " Pied Piper , , ( 1842 ) ,
RatS !
They fought the dogs and kllled the cats二,
SPlit OPen the处95 of saited sprats ,
Made nests inside men , 5 Sunday hats ;
or else for other purposes , as in Thomas Hardy , 5 attempt , in his poem " In
Tenebrisl , " to mlmic , as well as describe , dogged endurance by the diffiCUlty
of enunciating the transition from each stressed monosyllable to the next :
1 shall not lose old strength
In the lone frost , S black length ,
Strength long since fled !
For other sound effects see allitera如n and onomatoPoeia . Refer toG , R .
Stewart,仆e及chniqueo厂E州污h Verse ( 1930 ) , and Northrop Frye , ed ・,Sound
and Poet7y ( 1957 ) .

加沙川-・ A conspicuously formal and elaborate prose style which hada
vogue in the 15805 in drama , prose fiction , and probably also in the conver ・
sation of English court clrcles . It takes its narne from the moralistic prose ro -
mance EuPhues:角e Anato柳of州t , which John Lyly Wrote in 1578 . In the
dialogues of this work and of EuPhues and川3 England ( 1580 ) , as well as in his
stage comedies , Lyly exaggerated and used persistently a stylized prose which
other writers had developed earlier . The style 15 sententious ( that 15 , full of
moralm现ms ) , relies persistently on syntactical balance and an廿thesis , rein -
forces the strUctuTal paTallels by heaVy and elaborate pattems of alli众牙a瓦On
and assonance , exploits the rheto汀cal ques百on , and 15 addicted to long slmiles
and learned alluslons whlch are often drawn from mythology and the habits
of legendary anlmals . Here 15 a brief example ftom EuPhues , . the character Phi -
lautus 15 speaking :

翰・克罗・兰塞姆通过把丁尼森的诗句‘ ’无数蜂儿嗡嗡细语”改写成“无数肉牛被杀
憾的诗句:“像一条折拢的明晃晃的腰带堆攒在那里。 ”然而,作者也可能故意利用非
它们向狗开战并杀死了猫… …


有关其他语音效果,参见:头韵及拟声词。参看:G . R . Stew盯t , Th 。 Tech瓜。讹
of English Verse , 1930 ; Northrop Frye , ed . , Sound and Poetr夕,1957 。


散文传奇《尤弗伊斯:才智的剖析》 。在这部作品和《尤弗伊斯及其英国》(1580)及其
170 ExpREssloNlsM

1 seenowthatasthefishSCholoP泣如sinthefioodArarisatthewaxingof
the Moon 15 as white as the driven snow , and at the waning as black as
the bumt coal , 50 Euphues , which at the 6rst encreaslng of our familiar -
ity , Was very zealous , 15 now at the last cast become most faithless .
Shakespeare good一umoredly Parodied this self - consciously elegant style in
Love , s Labour台Lost and other plays ; nonetheless he , like other authors of the
dayl profited from Lyly , 5 explorations of the formal and rhetorical possibllities
of Ellglish prose .
Sees妙Ie , . also Jonas A . Barish , " The Prose Style of John Lyly , " English Lit -
era即拭,to甲23 ( 1956 ) , and G . K . Hunter , fohnL卿(1962)・

众press肠毗sm . A German movement in literature and the other arts ( espe -
cially the visual arts ) Which was at its height between 1910 and 1925一that 15 ,
in the period lust before , during , and after WbildW时1 . Its chief precursors
were artists and Wrlters Who had In various ways departed from realistic de -
pictions of life and the worid , by inco甲orating in their art visionary or p0w .
e血lly emotional states of mind that are exPressed and transmitted by means
of distorted rePresentations of the outer world . Among these precursors in
painting were vincent Van Gogh , Paul Gauguin , and the Norwe矛an Edvard
MunchseMunCh , s lithograph角eC甲(1894 ) dePicting , against a bleak and
stylized beckground , a tense figure with a contorted face utterillg a scream of
pure horror , 15 often taken to epitomize what became the expressionist mode .
homlnent among the lit6rary preCUrsors of the movement in the nlneteenth
centUry were the French poets Charles Baudelaire and Arthur形mbaud , the
Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky , the German philosopher Friedrich Niet ・
zsch乌and above ail the Swedish dramatist August Strindberg .
众presslonism itsdf was never a concerted or well一defined movement . It
can be sald , howevet , that its central feature 15 a revolt against the artistic and
literary tradition of realis琳both in sublect matter and in style . The expres ・
sionist artist or Writer undertakes to express a personal visionweusualfy a trou -
bled or tensely emotional vision一~。 f human life and human sodety . This 15
done by exaggerating and distorting What , according to the norms of artistiC
realism , are oblective features of the woild , and by embodying violent ex -
tremes of mood and feeling . often the work implies that what 15 deplcted or
descrlbed represents the exPerience of an individual standing alone and afraid
in an industrial , technological , and uthan society wh1Ch 15 disilltegr甜ng into
chaos.众pressionists Who were radicai in their politics also prolected utopian
views of a future community in a regenerate worid .
众pressionist palnters tended to use lagged lines to depict contorted ob -
lects and forms , as well as to substitute arbitrary , often lurid colors , for natUral
hues ; among these painters were Emil Nolde , Franz Marc , 05灿r Kokoschka ,
and , for a time,叭敌ssuy Kandinsky . Expressionist poets ( including the Ger -
mans Gottfried Benn and Georg竹akl ) departed from standard mete石syntax ,
and poetic structUre to organize their works around卿mbolic images ・ Expres -
sionist writers of prose narratlves ( m ost emlnently Franz Kafka)比andoned


参见:文体,及Jonas A . Barish , " The Prose Style of John Lyly , " Engl£shL£tera州
Histo勺,23 , 1956 ; G . K . Hunter , JohnL夕l少,1962 。


森特・凡・高、保罗・高更和挪威籍画家爱德华・蒙克。蒙克的版画《呐喊》(1894 )
172F ^ SLI ^ u

standard modes of character让ation and plot for symbolic figures involved in
an obsessive woild of nightmarish events .
Drama was a promlnent and widely Infiuential form of expre SSionist节庄it -
ing ・ the better一known German playVmghts were Kaiser ( G叭
几口从为勿阴to Midnisht ) , ) , Emst Toller伽协s从泛n ) , and in his
Bertolt BreCht . ionist dramati Sts tefided to

types instead of indivi血aliZed比aracters , to replace plot by ePisodic rende血gs of Intense and rapidly osdl ating emotional states , often to ftaglnent the dia -
logue into exdamatory and seemingly incoherent sentences or phrases , and to
employ masks and abstract or lopsided and sprawling stage sets . The producer
Max耽inhardt , although not himself in the movement , directed a number of
plays by Strindberg and by German expressionists ; in them he inauguratedsu山
modemd州ces as the revo州叭9 stage and spedal effects in lighting and sound ・
This mode of German drama had an加portant influence on the American the -
ater . Eugeneo , Neill , S仆e EmP娜r lones ( 1920 ) prolected , in a sequence ofs犷m -
bolic episodes , the individual and radal memories of a terrified modem
Afrlcan - American protagonist , and Elmer形ce , s仆e AddingM沈ch定ne ( 1923 ) used
nonrealistic means to rePresent a mechanical , sterile , and伍ghtening world as
experienced by Mr ・ Zero , a tiny and helpless cog in the加personal system of big
business . The fle对ble possibilities of the medium made the motion pid卫re an
加portant vehide of German expressionism . RObert Wiene , 5 early expressionist
film角e Cabinetof众Caligari ( 1920)一representing , in Olninously distorted set -
tings , the machj巨ations of the satanic head of an insane asylumseas well as
Friedrich Mumau性腼乖m匆(1922 ) and Frits纽n沙沁仇护0115 ( 1926 ) are often
Shown in current revivals of films .
Expressionism had begun to flag by 1925 and was finally suPpressed in
Germany by the Nazis in the early 19305 , but it has continued to exert influ -
ence on Engllsh and American , as well as European , art and literature . w眨rec -
ognize its effects , direct or indirect , on the wrlting and sta矛ng of such plays as
Thornton Wilder , s角e Skin of our Teeth and Aithur Miller , 5 DeathO厂a Sales -
man , as well as on the theater of the absurd , . on the poetry of Allen Ginsberg
and other Beat Writers ; on the prose fiction of Samuel Beckett , Kurt Vonnegut
Jr . , Joseph Heller , and Thomas Pynchon ; and on a number of films , manifest -
ing the distorted perceptions and fantasles of distuthed characters , by such di -
rectors as Ingmar Bergman , Federico Fellini , and Michelangelo Antonioni .
See形chard Samuel and R . H . Thomas,称户resstonism in GeI7nan Life , Liter -
a加re and the角eateC 1910 - - 1924 ( 1939 ) ; W缸ter H . Sokel,升e训厅i撅认Ex -
tremis:脚户resstonism inT眺n价th一CentU甲Gennan LiteratUre ( 1959 ) ; John
城llett,五冲ress定on钻m ( 1970 ) . onthe exPressionist cinema : Siegfried Kracauer '
From Caligari to Hitler : A凡班hol州cal HISto甲oftheG绷an FII 。(1947 ) ; Lotte
Eisner,仆e Haunted Screen:五却ressionism in theG绷an Cinema and theln刀u -
enceof人ra义Reinhardt ( 1969 ) .

The medieValfabliau was a Short ComiC or Satitic tale In Verse deal -
ing realistically with middle一class or lower一class characters and delighting In
the ribald ; its favorite theme 15 the cuckolding of a stupid husband . ( Professor

有乔治・凯泽(《煤气》 、 《从清晨到午夜》)、恩斯特・托勒尔(《群众和人》),此外还有当
的《九死一生》 、阿瑟・米勒的《推销员之死》以及荒诞派戏剧的创作和演出中,在艾
参看:Richard Samuel and R . H . Thomas,丑rpressionism£n价~n Life , Litreature
and the Theater , 1910一1924 , 1939 ; Walter H . Sokel , TheW八ter inE艾tremis:丑丈pres -
sionism艺nT让Jentieth一Centu砂German Literature , 1959 ; John Willett , Expressionism ,
1970 。有关表现主义电影可参看:Siegfried Kracauer , From Caligarit 。 Hitler : A
Ps夕chological Histo勺of the German Film , 1947 ; Lotte Eisner,刀记Haunted
Screen:丑不pres , ionis 。:in th 。 German Cinema and th 。 Influence ofM巨x
Reinhardt , 1969 。


174队Ncv^闪oIM^。 IN盯loN

Douglas Bush neatly characterized the type as " a short story broader than it llth
long . " ) The fabliau flourished in France in the twelfth and thirtee
. isce

ntUrieS and eenth cent
poPularin助gland during the fourtee century .
Chauce乙Who wrote one of the greatest serious short stories in verse , the ac -
count of Death and the rioters in " The Pardoner , s几le , " also Wrote one of the
best fabliaux , the hilarious " Miller , s几le . "
See Joseph B6dier , Les介bliaux ( sth ed . , 1928 ) ; and Fabliaux : Ribald Tales
加m the oldFr6nch , trans . RobertHellmanand租chardo , Gorman ( 1976 ) .
ronCy ond 1009五notion . The distinCtion be饰een fanCy and imagination
was a key element in Samuel介ylor Coleridge , s theory of poetry , as well as in his
general theory of the mental processes . In earlier discuSSions , ' , fanCy " and
, , imagination , , had for the most part been used synonylnously to denote a fac -
ulty of the而nd which 15 distinguished from " reason , " " iudgment , " and " mem -
o珍,, in that it rec咖es “加ages , , that have been perceived by the senses and
reorders them into new combinations . In the thirteenth chapter of Bioj阵甲hia
Literaria ( 1817 ) , Coleridgeattributes this reordering fun由on of the sensory加-
ages to the lower faculty he calls fancy : " FanCy … has no other counters to
play嫩th , but丘心ties and defillites . The Fancy 15 indeed no other than a mode
of Memory emanctPated from the order of tinle and space . " To Coleridge , that
15 , the fancy 15 a mechanical process Which receiv6s the elementary如ageseethe
“且劝ties and definites " whlch come to it rea即一made from the senseseeand ,
without aite血9 the parts , reassembles them into a different spatial and tempo -
ral order from that in which they were ori乡nally perceived . The imagination ,
howeverl which produces a much higher kind of poetry ,
dissolves , diffuses , disslpates , in order to re一create ; or where this process
15 rendered impossible , yet still at all events it struggles to idealize and
unify . It 15 essentially讨tal , even as all obiects ( as obiects ) are essentially
fixed and dead 、

Colendge , s恤哪nation , that 15 , 15 ableto " create , , rather than merely re -
assemble , by dissolving the fixlties and definites一the mental pictures , or im -
ages , receiV6d from the senses - - - and uni切ng them into a new Whole . And
while the fancy 15 merely mechanical , the ima乎nation 15 “城tal , , ; thatis , it 15 an
organlc faculty Whlch operates notl此a sorting maChine , but like a living
and gro彻ng plant ・ As Coleridge says elsewhere , the imagination " generates and
produces a form of its OWn , " while its rules are " the very p0Wers of gro叭Ith and
production . ”如d in the foUrteenth chapter of theB娜仰户hia , COleridge adds
his famous statement that the " synthetic , , power Whlch 15 the “加agina -
tion … reveals itself in the baiance or recondliation of opposite or discotdant
qualities : of sameness , with difference ; of the general , with the concrete ; the
idea , with the加age … ”仆e faculty of加agination , in other words , ass加ilates
ands扣thes沈es the most disparate elements into an organic Whole一that 15 , a
newly generated unity , constitUted by an interdependence of parts whose iden -
tity cannot sun月ve their removal from the whole . ( See orgdnicfo洲・)
Most Critics after Coleridge who distinguished fancy hom imagination
tended to make fancy simply the faculty that produces a lesser , lighter , or

荣于12 、 13世纪的法国,到14世纪又成为英国大众喜闻乐见的文学形式。乔雯不
仅写了一篇严肃的短篇叙事诗歌《卖赎罪券者讲的故事》 ―这是最著名的寓言诗
讲的故事》 。
参看:JosephB仑dier , Le ' Fabliau二,sth ed . , 1928 ; Fabliaux : R艺bald Tales
from the Old French , trans . Robert Hellman and RichardO ' Gorman , 1976 。

「 ancy and Imaginatlon感受力与想象力

做同义词,用以指代大脑的一种官能,这种官能不同于“推理” 、 “判断”和“记忆”,它是
把这种对感官形象整理加工的功能称为感受力的初级官能:“感受力… …除了固定与
记忆方式。 ”在柯勒律治看来,感受力是一种机械认识过程,它原封不动地接受感官传
新组合成不同时空序列。 ”然而,更高级别的诗歌的产娘―想象力


与创造的动力” 。在《文学传记》第14章中,柯勒律治添加了这样一句名言:“想象力”
这一“综合”的能力“在对相同与差异,一般与具体,概念与形象… …这些对立或排斥
的特性加以平衡调和的过程中,展示了自身的作用。 ”换言之,想象力的官能把截然不

hUmor0US kind of poetr又and to make ima矛nation the faculty that produces
a highe耳more serious , and more passionate poetry . And the concept of
, , imagination , , itself 15 as various as the modes of psychology that critics have
adopted ( associationist , Gestalt , Freudia传Iu呼an ) , whlle its processes vary ac -
cording to the way in which a critic conceiVes of the nature of a poem ( as es -
sentially realistic or essentially vislonary , as a verbal constrUction or as
" myth , " as " pure poetry , , or as a work designed to produce effects on an audi -
ence ) .
See 1 . A.租chards , ColeridJ孵on加叻na如n ( 1934 ) ; M . H . Abrams,仆e Mir -
ror and the La哪(1953 ) , chaPter7;形chard H . Fogle,仆e Idea of Coleri心e ' S
Cri瓦cism ( 1962 ) .

Femlni成C对ticism . As a distinctive and concerted approach to literature ,
feminist criticism was not inaugurated until late in the 19605 . Behind it , how ・
ever , lie七泞0 centuries of struggle for the recognition of women , s cultural roles
and achievements , and for women , 5 social and political rights , marked by
such books as Mary W0llstonecraft , 5 A Vindica瓦on of theR沙ts ofM / O从an
( 1792 ) , John Stuart Mill , s仆e Subjec如n of认/O水en ( 1869 ) , and the American
Margaret Fuller , s钊自man in the Nineteenth Cen匆甲(1845 ) . Much of feminist
literary critidsm continues in our time to be interrelated with the movement
by political fen " nists for social , legal , and cultural freedom and equality .
An important preCUrsor in feminist critidsm WasVi睡nia Wbolf , Who , in
addition to her fiCtion , wrote A Room ofone , s own ( 1929 ) and numerous other
essays on women authors and on the CUltUral , economic , and educational dls -
abilities within what she calleda " patriarchaln society that have hindered or
prevented women ftom realizing their productive and creative possibllities .
( See the colle由on of her essays,琳,men and科用红ng , ed . M . Barrett , 1979 . ) A
much more radical critical mode was launched in France by Simone de Beau -
voir , s仆e SecondS以(1949 ) , a wide一ranging critique of the cultural ident访ca -
tfon of women as merely the negative oblect , or " oth甄” to man as the
do而nating " Sublect , , who 15 assumed to represent humanity in general ; the
book dealt also with " the great collective myths , , of women in the works of
many male writers . In America , modern feminist critidsm Was inaugurated by
Mary Ellman , 5 deft and witty discussion , in角inking about灿men ( 1968 ) ,
about the derogatory stereotypes of women in literature Written by men , and
also about altemative and subversive points of view in some writingsby
women ・ Even more infiuential Was Kate Millett , 5 hard一hitting Sexual Poji瓦cs ,
published the following year . By " politicsn Millett signifies the mechanisms
that express and enforce the relations of power in society ; she analyzesM阳st -
em social arrangements and institutions as covert ways of manipulating
power 50 as to establish and pe印etuate the dominance of men and the subor -
dination of women . In her book she attacks the male bias in Freud , 5 psycho -
analytic theory and also analyzes selected passages by D . H . Lawrence , Henry
Mille石Norman Mailer , and Jean Genet as revealing the ways in whlch theau -
thors , in their fiCtional fantasies , aggrandize their aggressive phallic selves
and degrade women as submissive sexual obiects .

雅、严肃,以及更富有激情的诗歌的一种官能。 “想象力”本身的概念因批评家所采用
参看:1 . A . Richards , Coleridge on Imagination , 1934 ; M . H . Abrams , The
M£rror and the乙a , p , 1953 , Chapter7 ; Richard H . Fogle , The Idea of Coler滋dge ' s
Cr公ticism . 1962 。

Feminist Criticism女,】生主义批评

( 1792)、约翰・斯图尔特・穆勒的《妇女的屈从地位》(1869)和美国作家玛格丽特・富
勒的《 19世纪的妇女》(1845)等著作为标志,女性为争取在文化地位和成就方面的认
泛的批判;该书还论及了许多男性作家作品中所虚构的女人的“伟大的集体神话” 。
她在书中抨击了弗洛伊德心理分析理论中的男性偏见,也通过分析D . H.劳伦斯、
178 「 EMINIs下cRITIclsM

Since 1969 there has been an explosion of feminist writings without par -
allel in pre们0仍critical innovat1Ons , in a movement that , as Elalne Showalter
has remarked , displays the urgency and excttement of a religious awakening .
Thls current Critidsm , in America , England , France , and other countrles , 15
not a unitary theory or procedure . It manifests , among those Who practice it ,
a great variety Of critical vantage points and procedures , including adapta -
tions of声ychoana洲c,枷rxist , and diverse pos七加c加ral定st theories , and its
vitality 15 signaliZed by the vigor ( sometimes even rancor ) of the debates
within the ranks of professedfe而nists themselves . The various feminisms ,
howeve耳share certaln assumptions and concepts that underlie the diverse
ways that individual Critics exPlore the factor of sexual difference and privi -
lege In the production , the form and content , the recePtion , and ttie critical
analysis and evaluation of works of literature :

( 1 ) The basic view 15 thatw匕tern civillzation 15 pervasivefy patrlarchal
( ru led by the father)一比at 15 , it 15 male一centered and controlled , and
15 organized and conducted in such a way as to subordinate women
to men in all culturai domalns : familial , religious , politicai , eco ・
nomic , sodal , legal , and artistic . From the Hebrew Bible and Greek
Philosophic叭厅itings to the present , the femaie tends to be definedby
negative re勿ence to the male as the human norm , hence as an
other , or kind of non一man , by her lack of the identi娜ng maleo啥an ,
ofmaiepowers , andofthemalecharactertraitsthatarepresumed , in
the patriarchal vie琳to have achieved the most important sclentific
and technlcal inventions and the maior works of civilization and cul ・
ture . w匕men themselves are taught , in the process of being social -
ised , to intemalize the reigning patriarchal ideol卿(that 15 , the
conscious and unconscious presuPpositions about male superiority ) ,
and 50 are condltioned to derogate their own sex and to cooperate in
theit OWn Subordination .
( 2 ) It 15 widely held that while one ' s sex 15 determined by anatomy ) the
prevailing conc叩ts of gen山r洲〕 f the traits that are conceived to
constitute What 15 masCUline and What 15 feminine in identity and be ・
havior - - are largely , if not entirely , cultural constructs that were ge仆
erated by the pervasive pa优archal biases of our civilization . As
S加one de Beauv01r Put it , " one 15 not bom , but rather becomes , a
woman.… It 15 clviliZation as a whole that produces this crea ・
tUre … which 15 descrlbed as feminlne . " By this cultural process , the
masculine in our CUltUre has come to be widety identified as active ,
domlnating ) adventurous , rational , creative ; the feminine , by system -
atic opposition to such traits , has come to be identified as passive , ac ・
quiescent , timid , emotional , and conve而onal ,
( 3 ) The further da加15 that this patriarchal ( or " masculinist , " or " andro ・
centric " ) ideology pervades those writings whlch have been tradition ?
ally considered great llterature , and which until recently have been
written mainly by men for men.介pically , the most highly regarded


( 1)其基本观点是父权制(受父权统治)是西方文明的普遍特征,即社会是以男性
( 2)人们普遍认为,当一个人的性别决定于解剖学时,那么性别这一广为人知的
是天生的,倒不如说是转变而成的… …正是整体的文明造就了这一产物・ …,'
被人们描述为女性。 ”在这一文明过程中,男性在我们的文化中被普遍认为是
( 3)更进一步的观点认为,这种父权制(或“男权主义” 、 “男性中心主义”)的意识
180 rEMINIs下cRI丁IcfsM

literary works foCUs on male protagonists一Oedipus , Ulysses , Hamlet ,
TOm Jones , Faust , the仆ree Musketeers , CaPtain Ahab , Huck Firm ,
Leopold Bloom一司陀ho embody masculine traits and ways Of feeling
alld mas山lifie interestS ifi maSCUlille fields Of aCtiofi . To these
males , the female characters , when they play a role , are marginal and
subordinate , and are represented either as complementary to or in

oPposition to masculine desires and enterprises . Such works , lacking autonomous female rofe models , and加plicitly addressed to male
readers , either leave the woman reader an alleno砒sider or else solidt
her to identify against herself byta犯ng uP the position of the male
sublect and 50 assUming male vatues and Ways Of percei访ng , fed主ng ,
and aCting . It 15 often held , in addition , that the tradltional aesthetic
categories and criteria for anal州ng and appraising literary Works , al -
though represented in standard critical theory as oblective , disinter -
ested , and universal , are in fact infused with masCUline assumptions ,
interests , and Ways of reasoning , 50 that the standard selection and
rankings , and also the mtical treatments , of literary works have in
fact been tadtly bot thoroughly gender一biased .

AmaiorinterestoffeministcriticsinEnglish ・ speakingcountrieshasbeen
to recon州tute the Ways we deal with literatUre in order to do } ustice to femaie
points of view , concerns , and values . one emphasis has been to alter the way
awomanreadstheliteratureofthepastsoastoma缺hernotanacquiescent ,
but ( in the title of Judith Fetteiley , 5 book published in 1978)乃e Resis百ng
Reader ; that 15 , one who resists the author , 5 intentions and design in orde不by
a " revisionary rereading , " to bring to light and to counter the covert sexual
biases机itten into a literary work . Another prominent procedure has been to
identify recurrent and distorting “加ages of women , " esPedally in novds and
poems Written by men . These images are often represented as tending to fall
into枷0 antithetic patterns . on the one side we find ideallzed pro } e比ons of
men3 deslres ( the Madonna , the Muses of the arts , Dante , s Beatrice , the pure
and innocentvi琢n , the " Angel in the House , , that was represented in the
writings of the victorian poet Coventry Patmore ) . on the other side are de -
monic proiections of men , 5 sexual resentments and terrors ( Eve and入ndora
as the sources of all evil , destrU由ve sensual temptresses such as Delilah and
Citce , the maiign witch , the castrating mother ) . While many feminist critics
have deCried the literature认成tten妙men for its dePICtion of Women as mar -
硕nal , docile , and subservient to men , 5 interests and emotional needs and
fears , some of them have also ide毗ified male writers who , inth比vie琳have
managed to rise above the sexual pre } udices Of their time suffidentiy to un -
derstand and rePresent the cultural pressures that have shaPed the characters
of women and forced upon them their negative or subsidiary sodal roles ; the
la讹r class 15 said to include , in selected works , such authors as Chauce几
Shakespeare , Samuel形chardson , Henrik thsen , and George Bemard Shaw .
A number of femlnists have concentrated , not on the woman as reader ,
but on what Elaine Showalter calls gynocriticismeethat 15 , a criticism which


形象” 。这些形象往往趋向于两种对立的模式。一方面我们发现她们是男性欲望的
182r 〔 MINIsTcRI丁IclsM

concems itse任with developing a specifically female framework for dealing
with works Written勿women , in all asPects of thdr production , motivation ,
anafysis , and interpretation , and in all llterary forms , including loumals and
letters . Notable books in this mode include Patricia Meyer Spacks,仆eFe阴ale
加叨na以On ( 1975 ) , on助glish and American novels ofthepastthreehundred
years ; Ellen Moers , Litera甲WOme " ( 1976 ) , on malor women novelists and
poets in England , America , and France ; Elaine Showalter , 5 A LiteratUreof仆eir
O柳犷B汀出h认七川enNovelists加mBron份toLessing ( 1977 ) ; andsandraGilbert
and Susan Gubar,仆eM比计w 。脚an in theA橄c ( 1979 ) . Thls lastbookstresseses -
pecially the psychodynamics Of women Writers in the nineteenth centUry . Its
authors propose that the " anxiety of authorship , " resulting from the stereo -
t即e that literary creativity 15 an exclusively male prerogative , effected in
women Writers a psychological duplidty that proiected a monstrous counter -
figure to the ideal让ed heroine , typified by Bertha ROchester , the madwoman
in Charlotte Bront赴,5 laneE尸.e , . such a figure 15 " usually in some sense the au -
thor , s double , an image of her own anxiety and rage . " ( Refer toi叻uence and
the anxie妙ofi明“ ence . )
one concem of gynocritics 15 to identify What are taken to be the distin 。
tively feminine subiect matters in literature written by women一the world of
domesticlty , for example , or the special exPeriences of gestation , giving blrth ,
and nurtUring , or mother一daughter and woman一woman relations一n which
personal anda旋ctional issues , and not extemala比vism , are the primary
interest . Another concern 15 to uncover in literary history a female tradition ,
incorporated in subcommunities of women writers who were aware of , emu -
lated , and found support In earlier women writers , and who in turn provide
models and emotional support to their own readers and successors . A third
undertaking 15 to show that there 15 a distinctive feminine mode of experi -
ence , or " sub } ectivl尔” in thinking ) feeling , valuing , and percdving oneself
and the outer world . Related to this 15 the attempt ( thus far , without much
agreement about details ) to specify the traits ofa " woman , s language , " or dis -
tinctively feminines酬e of speech and writing , in sentences加CtUre , types of
relations be勺陀een the elements of a discourse , and characteristic figures and
lmagery . Some feminists have tumed their critical attention to the great num -
ber of women , 5 domestic and " sentimental , , novels , which are noted perfunc -
torily and in derogatory fashion in standard literary histories , yet which
dominated the market for fiction in the nineteenth centUry and produced
most of the best一sellers of the time ; instances of this last critical enterprise are
Elaine Showalter , s A Litera加reof仆以ro竹” ( 1977 ) on British Wrlters , and Nina
Baym , s科必man , sFi币on : A Guide to NOvels妙and about科/O men inA阴阴印产
182小1870 ( 1978 ) . SandraGilbert and Susan Gubar have described the Iater
history of women , 5 writings in NoM沈n , s Land:仆e Place ofthe灿manw找ter
in theT沁en决th CentU甲(2 vols . ; 1988一89 ) .
The often ・ asserted goal of feminist critics has been to enlarge and re -
order , or in radical instances entirely to displace , the literary cano " eethat 15 ,
the set of works Whlch , by a cumulative consensus , have come to be consid -
ered " malor , , and to serve as the chief subiects of literary history , critidsm ,

去30 。年间英美小说的《女性想象》(1975 );艾伦・莫尔斯关于英美和法国主要女性小
说家和诗人的《文学妇女》(1976 );伊莱恩・肖瓦尔特的《她们自己的文学:从勃朗特
到莱辛的英国女性小说家》(1977 );以及桑德拉・吉尔伯特和苏珊・格芭的《阁楼上
的疯女人》(1979 ),该作品着重强调了19世纪女性作家的精神动力现象,作者认为,由
的女性体验模式或“主观性” 。与此相关的是尝试(迄今为止,在一些细节上尚未形成
瓦尔特关于英国作家的《她们自己的文学》(1977 );尼娜・贝姆的《女性小说:1820一
1870年美国女作家所创作的小说及有关女性的小说指南》(1978 );桑德拉・吉尔伯特
田习奋.压甲走勺留曰』汾巨,卜甘J . " ' , ' ' ',已留户



hip , and teaching ( see canon oflitera加re)・ Feminist stu中es have se衅d
to raise the status ofma叮female authors hitherto more or less scanteQDy
scholarS and critics ( induding Anne Finch , George Sand , El让abeth Barrett
劝zabeth Gaskell , Christina Rossetti , Harri改Beecher Stowe , and
Sidonie一Gabrielle Colette ) and to bring into ew other authors who have
for serious Conside扭tion

sGilman , andanumberof
ton ) . Some feminists have
devoted their criticai attention especially to the literatUre written by lesbian
writers , or that deals with lesbian relationships in a heterosexual cultUre . ( See
American and Engilsh critics have tor the most part engaged In emp孟ncal
and thematic studies of writings by and about women . The most prominent
feminist critics in France , howeve乙have been occupied with the " theory , , of
the role of gender in Writing , concePtualized within various posts加c扭ral
frames of reference , and above all Jacques Lacan , 5 reworUngs of Freudian Psy -
choanalysis in terms of Saussure , 5 linguistic theory . Engllsh一speaking femi -
nists , for eXample , have drawn attention to demonstrable and spedfic
州dences that a male bias 15 encoded In our lingUistic conventions ; instances
include the use of " man , , or " mankindn for human beings in general , of
" chairman , , and " spokesman , , for people of either sex , and of the pronouns
, , he " and " his即to refer back to ostensibly gender ・ neutral nouns such as " God , "
" human being , " " child , " " inventor , " " author , " " poet " ( see Sally McConndl -
Ginet,助th Bor址r , and Nelly Furman , eds . , WOmen and La矛娜理ag6诬n Litl翔加re
and Socie尔1980 ) . The radical claimof some French theorists , on the other
hand , whatever their differences , 15 that allw比tern languages , in all their fea -
tures , are utteily and irredeemably male一engendered , male一constltuted , and
male一dominated . Discourse , it 15 asserted , in a term proposed by Lacan , 15
phallogocen七dc ; that 15 , it 15 centered and Organ止ed throughout by implidt
recourse to the phallus ( used ina甲rnbolic rather than a literal sense ) both as
its supposed " 10905 , " or ground , and as its prime signifier and power source .
Phallogocentrism , it 15 claimed , manifests itself inw眺tem discourse not only
in its vocabulary and syntax , but also in its rigorous rUles of logic , its procliv -
ity for fiXed classifications and opposltions , and its criteria for what 15 tradi ・
tionally considered to be valid evidence and oblective knowiedge . A basic
problem for the French theorists 15 to establish the very posslbility ofa
woman , 5 langUage that Will not , When a WOman Writes , autom甜cally beap -
Propriated into this phallogocentric language , since such appropriation 15 said
to force her into complicity with linguistic featUres that lmpose on femalesa
condition of marginality and subse州ence , or even of linguistic nonentity .
To evade this dilemma , H乏l之neC议ous posits thee对stence of an in -
ciPient " feminine writingn(乏critUre免minine ) which has its soulce in the
mother ' m the stage of the mother一child relation before the child acqu波s
the male ・ centered verbal language ・ Thereafter , in her view , this prelinguistic
and unconscious potentiality manifests itself In those Wrltten texts Whlch ,

又指称女性,而用代词“他”和“他的”公然指代中性名词“上帝” 、 “人类” 、 “儿童” 、 “发明
家” 、 “作家” 、 “诗人”(参见:Sally McConnell一Ginet , Ruth Borker , and Nelly Furman ,
eds . , WOmen an ‘五anguag 。 in毛iteratur 。 and societ夕,1950)。另一方面,一些法国

abolishing all repressions , undermine and subvert the fixed signification , the
logic , and the " closure , , of our phallocentric language , and open out intoa
) oyous freeplay of meanings . Altematively , Luce Irigaray positsa " woman , s
writing , , which evades the male monopoly and the risk of appropriation into
thee劝sting system by establishing as its generative prindple , in place of the
monolithic phallus , the div6rsity , fluidity , and multiple possibilities inherent
in the strUcture and erotic functioning of the female sexual organs and in the
distinctivE natUre of female sexual exPeriences . Julia Kristeva positsa " chora , "
or prelinguistic , pre一oedipal , and unsystematized signi尔ng process , centered
on the mothe乙that she labels " semiotic . " Thls process 15 repressed as we ac -
quire the father一controlled , syntactically ordered , and logical language that
she calls " sylnbolic . " The semiotic process , however , can break out in a revo -
intionary way - her prime example 15 avant一garde poet琢whether Written by
Women or by men一sa " heterogeneous destructive causality , , that disrupts
and disperses the authoritarian " sublect , , and strikes ftee of the oppressive
order and rationality of our standard discourse which , as the product of the
, , law of the Fathe石” consi邪5 women to a ne , tive and marginal status ・
In recent years a number of feminist critics have used pos七如ctUral红t po -
sitions and techniques to challenge the category of " woman , , and other
founding concepts of femlnism itself . Th即point out the existence of differ -
ences and adversarial strands within the supposedly monolithic history of pa -
triarchal discourse , and emphasiZe the inherent linguistic instability in the
basic conceptions of " woman , , or " the feminine , " as well as the diversities
within these supposedly universal and uniform female identities that result
from differences in race , class , nationality , and historical situation . See Bar -
bara Johnson , A灿rld ofDifference ( 1987 );形ta Felskl , B卿ndFe阴inistAesthet -
ics:几阴inist LiteratUre and Social Chang己(1989 ) ; and the essays inFe州inis耐
POs加odemis琳ed . Linda J . Nicholson ( 1990 ) . Judith Butlet , in two influential
books , has opposed the notion that the feminist movement requires the con -
cept of a feminine identity ; that 15 , that there exist essential factors that define
awomanasawoman . Instead , sheelaboratestheviewthatthefundamental
features which define gender are social and cultural productions that produce
the illusory effect of being natural . Butler proposes instead that we consider
gender asa " performativen一hat to be masculine or feminine or homosexual
15 not something that one 15 , but a pre一established condition that one rePeat -
edly enacts . ( For the concept of " the performative , " refer to sPeech一act thco即.)
See Judith Butle乙晓nder加uble . . Feminism and the Subversion Oflden瓦妙(1990 ) ,
and Bodies thatM泛创沦r ( 1993 ) .
Feminist theoretical and critical Writings , although recent in origin , ex -
pand yearly in volume and range . There喇st a number of spectal让ed teminist
loumals and publishing houses , allnost all colleges and uniy6rsities now have
programs in women , s studies and courses m women , 5 literature and feminist
critictsm , and ever - increasing place 15 givEn to writings by and about women
in antholo矛es , periodicals , and conferences . of the many critical and theoret -
ical innovations of the past several decades ( see币价钻琳印~t功coriesof ) ,
the concem with the effects of sexual diff6rences in the Writing , interpretation ,

是普遍同一的女性身份中,也存在着多样性。参见:Barbara Johnson , A Wdrldof
D议冷renc 。(1 987 ) ; Rita Felski , Be夕ond Feminist Aesthet£cs : FeministL£teratore and
Social Change ( 1989 ) ; and the essays in Fe爪乞nis琳/Post仇odern汇sm , ed . Linda J .
Nicholson ( 1 " o)。朱迪思・巴特勒在两部颇有影响的著作中反对认为女权运动需要
188 「 lC ' I - loN ^ No下RuT日

analysis , and assessment of literatUre seems destined to have the most promi -
nent and enduring effects on literary histo珊critidsm , and academic Instruc -
tion , when conducted by men as well as by women ・
In addltion to the books mentloned的ove , the following works are espe -
cially useful . Sandra Gilbert and Susan Guba乙eds ・,角eNO而n Antholo}沙可众t -
。 ratUre妙Women ( Zd ed . , 1996)一the editorial materials provide a conctse
history , as Well as biographies and bibliographies , of female authors since the
Middle Ages . See also Jane Gallop,角e DaugIZter台Sedu苗on:死阴inism andPS卜
Choanalrsis ( 1982 ) , and Gayatri Chakiavorty Spiysk,加other科/o月ds : Essa沁i "
CultUral Poli瓦cs ( 1987 ) . Histories and critiques of feminlst critidsm : K . K .
Ruthven , Feminist Literaly StUdies : Anln的duc厅on ( 1984 ) , and TOril Moi , 5以-
ual / Te义加al Politics : Fe阴inist Litera甲介co甲(1985)一much of this book 15 de -
voted to feminist theorists in France , Collections of essays in felninlst
criticism : Elaine Showaltet , ed .,角eN七w凡min朽t以吞cism ( 1985 ) ; Patroc加。
P . Schweickart and Elizabeth A . FI刃in , eds . , Gender andReadi叮凡3a那。九
ReadetS , Te男ts , a摊d Contexts ( 1986 ) ; Robyn R . W劲rhol and Diane Price Hemdl ,
eds .,凡切inisms : An Antholo}酬ofLitera甲仆eo甲andC汀价钻m ( 1991 ) ; Margo
Hendricks and Patrida Parker , eds .,肠脚印沪,' R aC6 , " and训沉月叮in the Early
M匕由m Period ( 1994 ) . A critique of some feminist views by a professed femi -
nist 15 Elizabeth Fox - Genovese,凡州inism withoutlllustons : AC汀廿queoflndi讨d -
ualis脚(1991 ) . Among the books by French feminist theorists available in
English are HeleneC议ous and Cath比ne Clement,仆e入陌w扮Bom认必阴an
( 1986 ) ; Luce Irigaray ' SPea , lum ofthe other灿man ( 1985 ) and仆15 SexW脚ch
ISNoto " e ( 1985 ) ; JuliaKristeva , DesireinLa叹卿昭欲ASemio价内即御chtoLit -
eratUre and Art ( 1980 );仆eK廊此甲口Reader , ed . Toril Moi ( 1986 ) . on feminist
treatments of African - American women : Barbara Christian , BlackFe阴inist
侧丘cism ( 1985 ) ; Hazel V . Carby ' Recons如币雌Wo枷nhood ..角e Eme心阴ce of
theA加一m喇ca拄Woman入砂vel台t ( 1987 ) ; Henry L . Gates , JL , Reading Black ,
ReadingFe用in1 ' st : AC汀瓦cal AntholO}粼(1990 ) . Feminist treatments of lesb饭n
and gay literature : Eve KosofS坤Sedgwick , Be自艘en入抢n : EnXlish Litera细re and
为白leHOm “ 。 d以D " ir6 ( 1985 ) andEPiste切010}沙oftheCloset ( 1990 ) . Femlnlst
theater and ftlm studies : Teresa de Lauretis , Alice DOesn , t ..凡用in钻巩5日” iO以CS ,
C动ema ( 1984 ) ; Sue一Ellen Case , Femint ' sm and仆eatT6 ( 1987 ) ; Constance Pen -
leyl角eFu扭re ofan Illusion : FII机几阴inis成and Psychoanalysis ( 1989 ) ; and
Peggy Phenan and Lynda Hart , eds . , Ac红ng outFe胡i摊istPe响nnances ( 1993 ) .

Fl叮don ondTI , th ・ in an inc比iv6 sense , 6cUon 15 any literaryna湘的灼
whether in prose or verse , whlch 15 invented instead of being an account of
events that in fact happened . In a narrower sense , howeve瓦ndion denotes
only narratives that are Written in prose ( the novel and short sto动,and some -
times 15 used simply as a synon叨m for the novel . Uterary prose narrativesin
which thefi比on 15 to a prominent degree based on biographical , historical ,
or contemporary facts are often referred to by compound names such as " fic -
tional biography , " the historical novel , and the non尽拄on novel .
Both philosophers and literary critics have concerned themselves with
the 10乡cal analysis of thet即es of sentences that constitute a flctional text ,

除了前面提到过的著作,下列著作也特别有裨益。 Sandra Gilbert and Susa . n
Gubar , eds . , The Norton Antholog夕of Literatureb夕习而men , Znd . ed . , 1996,该编著
资料提供了自中世纪以来,女性作家精确的创作历史及她们的传记和文献目录。 Jane
Gallop , The Daughter ' 5 Seduction : Feminism and Ps夕choanal夕515 , 1982 ; Gayatri
Chakravorty Spivak , In Other Wdrlds : Essa少5 in Cultural Politics , 1987 。关于女性
主义批评的历史与评论,参见:K . K . Ruthven , Femin£st Literar夕Studies : An Intro -
duction , 1984 ; Toril Moi , sexual / Textual Politics : Fem艺nist Litera勺Theor夕,
有:Elaine Showalter , ed . , Th 。 New Feminist Critic乞sm , 1985 ; Patrocinio P . Schwe -
ickart and Elizabeth A . Flynn , eds . , Gender and Read乞ng : Essa夕5 on Readers , Texts ,
and COntexts , 1986 ; Robyn R . Warhol and Diane Price Herndl , eds . , Feminisms : An
Antholog少ofL£tera勺Theor夕a , d Criticism , 1991 ; Margo Hendricks and Patricia
Parker , eds . , Wdmen , " Race , , , andw八ting in th 。 Earl少Mddern Period , 1994 。公
开对一些女性主义者的观点作出评论的女性主义者是:Elizabeth FO二Genovese ,
Feminismw诬t人out Illus诬on , : A Cr£t乞qu 。 of Individualism , 1991 。法国女性主义批评
理论家著述的英译本有:Helen 。 Cixous and Catherine Clement , The Newl夕Born
Wd二an , 1986 ; Luce Irigaray , Speculum of the Other认而man , 1985 , and Thi , Sex
W从ch 15 Not One , 1985 ; Julia Kristeva , Desire in Language : A Semiotic Approach
to Literature and Art , 1980 ; Th 。 Kristeva Reader , ed . Toril Moi , 1986 。女性主义
者关于美国黑人妇女的论述有:Barbara Christian , Black Feminist Criticism , 1985 ;
Hazel V . Carby , Reconstruct艺ng Wdmanhood : Th 。 E阴e啥enc 。 of th 。匆扮。 American
P而man Novelist , 1987 ; Henry L . Gates , Jr . , Reading Black , Reading Feminist : A
critical Anthology , 199 。 。女性主义者关于女同性恋文学和男同性恋文学的论述有:
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick , BetweenM已n : English Literature and几坛le Homosocial
Desire , 1955 , andE户istemolog少oft人e Closet , 1990 。女性主义者关于戏剧和电影的
研究有:Teresa de Lauretis , Alic 。 Doesn ' t : Feminism , Semiotic ' , Cinema , 1984 ;
Sue - - Ellen Case , Feminism and Theatre , 1987 ; Constance Penley , Th 。 Futur 。 of an
Illusion : Film , Feminism , and Ps ) choanal夕515 , 1989 ; Peggy Phenan and Lynda
Hart , eds . , Act艺ngo友t : Feminist Performances , 1993 。

FICtion and Truth虚构小说与真实

素材的文学叙事作品常用合成名词来指称,如“传记小说” 、历史小说和非虚构小说。
190 FlcrloN ^ No丁Ru下日

anQ especlallyw找n tne quest10n ot the止truth , or What 15 sometimes called
their " truth刃ahie ,,一that 15 , whether , or in lust whatw职they are subiect to
the criterion of truth or falsity . Some thinkers have asserted that " fictional
sentencesn should be regarded as referring to a special world , " createdn by the
autho乙whlch 15 analogous to the real world , but possesses it own setting , be ・
ings , and mode of coherence . ( SeeM , H . Abrams,劝eMi脚r and the La川lP ,
1953 pp . 27各85 , " The Poem as Heterocosm , , ; James Phelan,不物d由加m
A仆印Iy ofLa双卯峪巴inFi币on , 1981 . ) others , most notably 1 . A .
欢hards , have held thatfi比on 15 a form of emotive language composed of
pseud0Statements ; and that whereas a statementin " referential language , , 15
" } ustined by its trUth , l ・ e ・,its corresP0ndence …州th the fact to which it
points , , , a pseudostatement " 15 lustifted entirely by its effect in releasing or or -
gan诫ng our attltUdesn ( I ・ A.形chards , Science and POe外1926 ) . Most current
theorists , howeve丸present an efaborated fogical version of what Sir Philip
Sidney long ago proPosed in his APol卿for POe抑(P ublished 1595 ) , thata
poet " nothing affinnes , therefore never lyeth . For , as 1 take it , to lye 15 to af -
firm that to be true wh1Ch 15 false . , , Current versions of this view hold that fic -
tive sentences are meaningful according to the rules of ordinary , nonfictional
discourse , but that , in accordance with conventions implicitiy shared by the
author and reader of a work of fiction , they are not Put forward as assertions
of纽ct , and therefore are not sublect to the criterion of trUth or falsity thataP -
pli6s to sentences in nonfictlonai discourse . See Margaret MacDonald , " The
Language of Fiction , , ( 1954 ) , reprinted in W . E . Kennick , ed . , A材and Philoso -
ph夕(r ev . , 1979 ) .
In sPeech aCt theo琳a related view takes the form that a Writer of fiction
only " pretendsn to make asse川ons , or " imltates , , the making of assertions ,
and 50 suspends the " normal illoCUtionary com而tinent , , of the writer of such
utterances to the claim that what he asserts 15 true . See John R . Searie , " The
Lo乡cal StatUs of Fictionai Discourse , " in ExPression and入距an定nX . ' StUdies in
the仆eoly ofSPeec力ActS ( 1979 , rePrinted 1986 ).价find in a number of other
theorists the attempt to extend the concePt Of " fictive utterances即to inchide
all the genres of literatUreeseepoems , narratives , and dramas , as well as novels ;
ail these forms , it 15 proposed , are lmltations , or fictive representations , of
sometype of " naturaln discourse . A novel , for example , not onfy 15 made up
of fictional utterances , but 15 itself a fictlve utterance , in that it " rePrese刀七the
verbal action of a man [ i . e . , the narrator ] reporting , describing , and referring . "
See Barbara Hemnstein Smith , " Poetry as Fiction , " inM魂州ns of Discourse
( 1978 ) , and形chard ohmann , " Speech Acts and the Definition of Literature , "
PhilosoP妙and Rheto康4 ( 1971)・
Most modem Critics of prose fiction , whatever their persuasion , make an
important distincdon be勺四een the fictional scenes , persons , events , and dia -
fogue that a narrat01 rePOrts or describes and the narrator , 5 OWn assertions
about the world , about human hfe , or about the human situatton ; the central ,
Or controlling , generallzations of the latter sort are said to be the theme or the -
515 of a Work.仆ese asse币ons妙the narrator may be explicit ( fo r example ,
Thomas Har即,S statement at the end of Tess oftheD灿心erVIlles , " Tlle President

其真实性的问题,或有时被称为它们的“真实性价值” ―也就是说,它们是否能或以
背景、人物及其衔接模式(参阅M . H.艾布拉姆斯《镜与灯》中的“诗中的不同世界” ,
PP . 272一285;詹姆斯・费伦的《词中的世界:小说语言理论》,1981)。其他理论家,尤其
是颇具声望的I . A.理查兹认为:虚构小说是传情语言的一种形式,由模拟陈述构成;用
“所指性语言”表达的陈述是“能被证实的,即与所指事实… …相吻合”;而模拟陈述则
“完全依靠其渲泄和组织我们的态度时造成的效果来证实其真实性”(参阅1 . A.理查
的东西的真实性。 ”持这一观点的当代人认为,依据一般非虚构性话语的规则,虚构的
参阅玛格丽特・麦克唐纳的《虚构小说的语言》(1954 ),该文重印于W . E.肯尼克主编
行为的义务”,而声称他的表述是真实的。参见约翰・ R.塞尔《表达和意义:言语行为
理论研究》(1979 , 1986年重印)中的《虚构性话语的逻辑情形》一章。我们还发现其他
Hernnstein Smith , " Poetry as Fiction , , in Marg£n , ofD£sco二rse ( 1978 ) , and Richard
Ohmann , " Speech Acts and the Definition of Literature " , Philosoph夕and Rhetoric4
( 1971)。
的(如托马斯・哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》结尾的陈述“ … …那个众神的主宰对于苔丝的
192 rlGuRATIV 〔以NcuAGE

of the加mortals had had his sport with介55 , , ; or TOIstoy , s philosophy of his -

merely “加plie氏” " suggested , " or段黑饮黑黔嗯黑黔七黑盖黯笋糕公光翼器粼篇瓷
conttOI of the fiCtional爪al characters and Plot of the narr浦Lve itseif . tt 15 oft妞
da五ned that such generaliZations by the narrator within a fictional Work ,
nCtion as韶se比ons that dalin to be true about
簇篇摆黑腮嘿会 telate the fict10fialn翻比ative to the fad卫al afid
moral world of aCtUal experience . See Jobn Hospers , " Implied肠旧ths in Utera -
h甘e " ( 1 % 0 ) , rep血ted in w . E . Kenni氏ed . , A材a耐Phijos叩妙(rev . , 1979 ) .
Amuch ・ discussedtopic . relatedtothequestionofanauthor , sassertions
and truth一claims in narrativefi川on , 15 that of the role of the belie血of the
reader . The problem raised 15 the extent to which a reader , 5 OWn morai , r比-
多ous , and sOCial convictions , as they coincide with or diverge from those as -
serted or implied in a work , detennine the interpretatlon , acceptability , and
evaluation of that work by the reader . For the history and disCUssions of this
problem in literary criticism , see William JOseph ROOney,仆e乃’ 0 ble功of刃Po -
e抑and Belier ' inC闭加杯少ora甲以五ds拼(1949 ) ; M . H . Abrams , editor and
contributor , LiteratUre and Belief ( 1957 ) ; W欲ter Benn MIChaels , " S州ng the
及xt : Reference and Belie无”加勿改m La叹叫吧祀Notes 93 ( 1978 ) . Many disCUs -
sions ofthe question of bellef in ficdon clte 5 . T . Coleridge , s description of the
reader , 5 attitude asa " willing suspension of disbellef . "
A review of theories conceming the relevance of the criterion of trUthto
fiCtion 15 MonroeC ・ Beardsley 、 Aesthe枷:尹m方犯用5 in the PhilOSoP妙ofCri " -
南阴(1958 ) , pp . 409一19 . For an anaiysis and critique of theories of emotive
language see Max Black , " Q归estions about Emotive Meaning , " inLa叹乒峨ge
and Phi如oP妙(1949 ) , chaPter 9 . Gerald Graff defefids propositional trUthin
poetryin而e价S匆加阴ent and Cri瓦caID昭州a ( 1970 ) , chapter 6 . In the writings
of Jacques Derrida and his followers in literary criticism,胶opposition
trUth / fa lsity 15 one of the metaphysical presuPpositions OfW比tem thought
that they putto question ; see dec洲s加ction . For a detailed treatment of there -
lations of fictions to the real worid , inCluding a surVey of div6rse answersto
this problem , see Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom olsen,了加th , Fic廿on and
LiteratUre : A PhilosoPhical PersPe苗ve ( 1994 ) .

ngur咐ve LOnguoge 15 a conspicuous dePartUre from what users of a lan ・
guage aPprehend as the standard meaning of words , or else the standard order
of WOrds , in Order to achieve some spedal meaning or eff改t . Figures are some -
tlmes described as prim硕ly poetic , but they are Integral to the fun比。 nlng of
language and indispensable to all modes of discourse ・
Most modem dass访cations and analyses are based on the treatinent of
6即rative language甸Aristotie and later dassical rhetoriCians ; thefu加st and
most influential treatlnent 15 in the ROman Quintilian , slnS灯tUteS of orato甲
( fir st centUry A . D . ) , Books巩11 and IX . Since thatt加e , figurative language has
often been dlvided Into柳oc扭sses : ( l ) FigUres of thought , or tropes ( m ean -
ing " tums , " " conversions " ) , in which words or phrases are used in a way that
effects a conSPICUOus change in what we take to be their standard meaning .

很多此类观点都是通过叙述者对小说人物与情节本身的选择与安排而“意指” 、 “暗
虚构性叙事作品和现实经历与道德世界衔接起来的作用。参阅W . E.肯尼克主编的
威廉・约瑟夫・鲁尼的《当代批评中“诗歌与信念”的问题》(1949 ) ; M . H.艾布拉姆斯
主编和撰稿的《文学与信念》(1957 );《现代语言札记》第93期(1978)中沃尔特・本・
迈克尔斯的《挽救文本:参考与信念》 。许多关于虚构小说中信念问题的讨论,都引用
了5 . T.柯勒律治对读者态度的描述:“愿意中止怀疑。 ”
关于对真实与虚构标准的相关性的理论评述,参阅:Monroe C.玫ardsley , Aest阮卜
ic ,:尸阳况ems£n认ePh£losop无y of Criticism , 1958 , pp . 409一419 。关于传情语言理论的
分析和评论,参l阔:Max Black , " Questions about Emotive Meaning , " in Languag 。 an己
尸从losoP仰,1949 , chaPterg 。杰拉尔德・格拉夫在《诗学命题与批评教义》的第6章
Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom Olsen , Truth , Fiction andL艺terature : A Ph艺10 -
soph艺ca乙Perspect饭ve , 1994 。

「 igurative Language比喻语

相背离的修辞手法,目的是为了取得某种特殊的语义或效果。比喻(或称“修辞格” )
被划分为两个类型:( l)概念性比喻或称比喻(意为“变换” 、 “转换” ),这类比喻语中的

The standard meaning , as op o sed to its meaning in the 6gurative use , 15 cal ed the literal meauing . ( 2 ) n四爬5 of spe ch , or rheto对cal助Jres , or

schemes ( from the Greek word for " form " ) , in which the departUre from stan -

dcritics agree On its applic比On ・ For convenlence Ot expoSltton , noweve几tne
ard usage 15 not primarilyin the meaning of the words , but in the order or syntacticai pat em of thof exposition , howeve几the
e words . This distinCtion 15 not a sharp one , nor doal
most commonlyide而fied tropes are treated here , and the most commonty
identified figu心of speech are collected in the article rhetorical助戒res . Forre ・
cent OPposition to the basic distinction be饰een the literal and the figuratlve ,
see杭etUPhor , theo成s杯
In a slinll乌a comparison between幻陀0 distinctly different things 15 ex ・
plidtly indicated饰the word " like , , or " as . ' ' A simple example 15 RObert
Bums , " 0 my love , S like a red , red rose ・,, The following simile from Samuel
几ylor Coleridge , s “劝e功me Of the Ancient Mariner , , also sPed6es the fea -
tUre ("尹en " ) in which icebergs are similar to emerald :
And ice , mast一high , came floating by ,
As green as emeraid .
For highly elaboratedt即es of slmile , see conce让and ePic simile ・
In a metaphot , a word or exPression that in literal usage denotes one
班nd of thing 15 aPplied to a distin团y different kind of曲ng , without assert ・
加9 a comp硕son ・ For example , ifBumshadsaid " omyloveisared , redrose , '
hewouldhaveuttered , technlcallysPeaking , ametaPhOrinsteadofasimile .
Here 15 a more comp以metaphor from the poet St6phen sPender , in which
he describes the即e as it perceives a landscape :
即e , gazelle , delicate wanderer ,
Drin缺r of horiZOn , 5 flUid llne , *

FOr the dlstinction beb泞een metaphor ands犷rnbol , see护协bol .
It should be noted that in these examples we can distinguish们泞0 ele -
ments , the metaphorical term and the sublect to whlch it 15 applied , ina
widely adopted usage , 1 . A.形chards introduced the name tenor for the sub ・
ieCt ( " my IOve " in the altered line from Bums , and “即e , , in Spender , S lines ) ,
and the name vehlde for the metaphorical term itself ( " rose , , in Burns , and
the three words " gazelle , " " wanderer , " and " drinker , , in Spender ) . Inan加・
plidt metaphorl the tenor 15 not itself speci伽d , but only implied ・ If one were
to say , while disCUssing someone , s death , " That reed was too frail to sup月ve
the storm of lts sorrOWs , " the situational and verbal conteXt of the term
, , reed , ' indicates that it 15 the vehide for an implidt teno耳a human being ,
whlle " storm , , 15 the vehicle for an aspect of a specified tenor ' " sorrows . "
Those aspects , pyopertles , or common assoCiations of a vehicle which , ina
乡ven contex仁apply to a tenor are calledby形chards the grounds ofa
metaphor . ( See 1 . A.脉hards , PhilosoP妙ofRheto汀c , 1936 , chapterss一6 . )

* Llnes from " NOt palaces , an era , s cr0Wn , , , from COlle日redPO日忆产192子1953 , by Stephen
sPender . Cop州ght 1934勿The Modern Library ' Inc . , and renewed 1962 by StePhen
SPender . Reprinted by Permission of Random House , Inc . , and Faber & Faber Ltd .

为字面意义。(2)修辞格或称修辞手段(源自希腊语,意为“形式,' ),这类比喻中,对语
( “绿”)具体化:




喻物。在广为接受的隐喻用法中,1 . A.理查兹提出用喻的指代被比喻物(如上述更改
后的彭斯诗句中的“我的爱人”及斯彭德诗句中的“眼晴” ),用喻矢指代比喻词本身
(如彭斯诗句中的“玫瑰”和斯彭德诗句中的“小羚羊” 、 “漫游者”与“饮酒者”三个词)。
墓础(参阅1 . A.理查兹《修辞哲学》(1 936)中的第5一6章)。

摘自斯蒂芬・斯彭德《诗选》(1925一1953)中的“ Not palaces , an era ' s 。 rown ” 。其1954年

have been nouns , but

:嵘蒸薰澡巍薰澎攀 Themetapho水useof
1 . 54 , " How sweet the
mooniight sleePs uPon this ba吐n ; and the metaphoric use of an adlec巨ve oc -
curs in Andrew Marvell , s " The Garden , , ( 1681 ) :
Annihilating all that , S made
TOa了re即thought in a green shade .
Amlxedmetaphorcon ) o1nstwoormore0bviouslydiversemetaphoric
vehicles . When used inadvertently , without sensltivity to the possible incon -
gruity of the vehicles , the effect can be tudicrous : " Girding up his loins , the
chairman plowed through the mountainous agenda . " Densely figurativ6
poets such as Shakespeare , however , often mix metaphors in a fun比onal way .
one example 15 Hamlet , 5 expresslon of his troubled state of mind in his solito -
q即(111 . 1 . 59一0 ) , " to take arms agalnst a sea of trouble , / And by opposing
end them , , ; another 15 the complex involvement of vehicle within vehicle , ap ・
plied to the process of aging , in Shakespeare , 5 Sonnet 65 :
0 , how shall summer , 5 honey breath hold out
Against the wrackful slege of battering days ?
A dsad metaphor 15 one whlch , llke " the leg of a table , , or " the heart of
the matter , " has been used 50 IOng and become 50 common that its users have
ceased to be aware of the discrepanCy be伽een vehicle and tenoL Many dead
metaphors , however , are only moribund and can be brought back to life .
Someone asked Groucho Marx , " Are you a man or a mouse ? , , He answered ,
" Throw me a piece of由eese and you , 11 find out . " The recorded history of lan -
guage indicates that most words that we now take to be literal were , in the dis -
tant past , metaphors .
MetaPhors are essential to the functionlng of language and have been the
sublect of copious analyses , and sharp disagreements , by rhetoridans , 11n ・
guists , literary Critics , and philosophers of language . For a discussion of di -
verse views , see the entry me帅hor , theonesof
Some tropes , som毗mes classified as species of metapho石are more fre -
quentiy and usefully乡ven names of their own :
In meton如my ( Greek for " a change of name , , ) the literal term for one
thing 15 aPplied to another with which it has become dosely associated be -
cause of a recurrent relationship in common exPerience . Thus " the crown , , or
" the scepter " can be used to stand for a king and " Hollywoodn for the film in -
dustiy ; " Milton即can signify the Wrltings of Milton ( , , 1 have read ail of Mil -
ton , , ) ; andt即ical attire can signify the male and female sexes : " doublet and
hose ought to show itself courageous to petticoat , , ( S hakespeare , As You Likelt ,
11 . iv . 6 ) . ( For the Infiuential distinction by the linguist Roman Jakobson be -
勺陀een the metaphoric , or " ve觅cal , " and the metonylnic , or " horjzontal , " di -
mension , In aPplication to many aspects of the functioning of language , see
under 11护锣戒iS红cs in Iitera甲币廿dS附.)
In synecdoche ( Greek for " taking togethern ) , a part of somethingis used
to signifythewhole , or ( m orerarely ) thewholeisusedtosign介apart . w七use

斯商人》(V . 1 . 54)中就有动词用作隐喻的例子:“月光是何等甜蜜地沉睡在河岸上” ;

“主席先生紧了紧腰带后,便开始穿越议事日程的高山峻岭。 ”不过,莎士比亚等擅长
中(111 . 1 . 59一60)述说自己烦乱心绪时说的这样一句话― “向烦恼的海洋挥起利剑,


我一块奶酪,你便会知道。 ”语言的发展历史表明,具有当今字面意义的大多数词在遥
借喻(源自希腊文,意为“易名” ):用一事物的字面名称指代因在日常中与其经
完了” );典型化的装束也可以指示男、女不同性别:“穿褐衫紧身裤的总该向穿长裙的
显示出勇气来”(莎士比亚,《皆大欢喜》 n . iv . 6)。(语言学家罗曼・雅各布森对隐喻或
举隅(或提喻,源于希腊文,意为“代全” ):以事物的局部代其整体,或(罕见)用整
198 FlcURATIvE以NCu ^ G 〔

the term " ten加nds , , for ten wol匆men , or " a hundred sa宜Isn for ships and , in
cunent slang , " wheels , , to stand for an automobile . In a bold use of the figure ,
Milton descdbes the comipt and greedy dergy in " Lyddas , ' as " blind功out抽."
Another figure related to metaphor 15 personification , " ri乎the Greek
erm , pros叩叩eia , in which either an inan加ate Oblect or an abstract con -
cePt 15 spoken of as though it were endowed with life or with human attrl ・
butes or feelings ( compare Pathetic faJlacy ) . Milton wrote in Paradise Lost ( IX .
100各3 ) , as Adam bit into the fatal apple ,
sky lowered , and muttering thunder , some sad drops
W亡pt at completing of the mortal sin .
The second stanza of Keats , " To Autumn , , finely personiftes the season , au -
tumn , as a woman carrying on the rural Chores of that time of year ; and in Au -
rora Leigh , 1 . 251一2 , Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote :
Then , land!只hen,助gland ! oh , the frosty diffs
Looked cold upon me ・
The personification of abstract terms Was standard in eighteenth ・ centuryPO -
e价d洲。礼where it sometimes became a thoughtiess fonnula . Coleridge cited
an eighteenth一century ode celebrating the invention of inoCUlation against
smallPox that began with this aPos饥沪he to the personified sublect of the
poem :
InoCUlation ! heavenly Maid , descend !
See Steven Knapp , Person诉ca如n and the Subli从e ( 1986 ) .
The te丈们。 kenning denotes the recuTTent use , in the Angio一Saxon Beow “扩
and poems written in other old Germanic languages , of a descriptive phrase
in place of the ordinary name for something . ThistyPe of户eriPhrasis , which at
times becomes a stereotyped expression , 15 an indication of the origin of these
poems in oral tradition ( see OralfO溯材王a主cpoe咖.Somekenningsareinstances
of脚eton脚俐夕(, , the Whale road , , for the sea , and " the ring ・ giverl , for a king ) ;
以hers ofs户“而che ( " theringed Prow , , for a shiP ) ; still others descrlbe sallent
or Picturesque features of the oblect referred to ( " foamy - necked floater , , fora
shipundersail , " stormofswords , , forabattle ) .
other departures from the standard use of words , often classified as
troPes , are treated elsewhere in thisG王ossa护ap0ria ' conceit , ePic simile , h冲er -
bole , irony , litotes , parado为拌咖hrasis , pun , und日悠tate用ent . In recent decades ,
esPedally in theN七w Critidsm , R琳sianfo溯al滋s巩由田川加币on , and Harold
Bloom , 5 theory of the anxie印。厂in加ence , there has been a great interest in the
analysis and fun比。 ning of figurative language , whlch was once thoughtto
be largely the province of pedantic thetorictans .
A dear sununary of the dass访c甜on of figures that Was inherited from
the classical past 15 Edward P . J . Corbett , Classical Rhetorfc for theM匕改ms加以朗t
( 3d ed . , 1990 ) . SisterM试am JosePh , 5 ShakesPeare , s Useof墩eA出of加叨刊冈弹
( 1947)讹ats the conventional analysis of figures in the Renaissance , Ren乏
协爬11ek and Austin Mlanen , in仆eo甲ofLj扭ra扭re ( rev . , 1970 ) , sumrQariZe , with
bibltography , diversetreatments of figurative language ; and Jonathan Culler ,

《失乐园》(ix . 1 。 。 2一1 。 。 3)中描述亚当咬那个决定命运的苹果时写道:

丽莎白・巴雷特・勃朗宁在《奥罗拉・利》(1 . 251一252)中写道:




爱德华・ P . J.科比特的《古典修辞学今用》(第3版,1 " 0 ),对沿承古典时期的比
( 1947 ),论述了文艺复兴时期对比喻的传统分析。勒内・韦勒克与奥斯汀・沃伦的
《文学理论》(1970 ),以文献目录形式总结了对比喻语的各种不同论述。乔纳森・卡

ins臼优勿ral台t内e找cs ( 1975 ) and众e九rsuitofs妙s ( 1981 ) , discussesthecon -
cem With the sublect in recent critical theories .

since the mid ・ nineteenth century , has been the colleCti钾name
rd匕or畴sincet ]
sa训n仑5 . verbal comDositions , alld soclal rituals that have been
applied tos州ngs composl
handed down solel又or at least ori primarily , by word of mouth and example
rather than in wrltten form . Folklore developed , and continues even now , in
communities where few if any peOPle can read or认币te . It also continues to
flourish among literate poPulations , in the form of oral iokes , stories , andva -
rieties of wordplay ; see , for example , the collection of " urban folklorenby
Alan Dundes and Cail R . Pagter ' W为en you , re uP to your Ass in AZligators : Mdre
以由“ nFOIktore加mthe和Pe门甲OrkEmPire ( 1987 ) . Folkloreincludeslegends , su -
perstitions , songs , tales , proveTbs , Tiddies , speils , and nursery , hymes ; pseudo -
scientific lore about the weather , plants , and animals ; customary actlvities at
births , mamages , and血aths ; and tradltional dances and forms of drama
which are performed on holidays or at communal gatherings . Elements of
folklore have at allt如es entered into sophisticated written literature . Forex -
ample , the choice among the three cas缺ts in Shakespeare , s入介rchantof碑nice
( I I . iX ・)and the superstition about a maiden , 5 dream which 15 central to众ats ,
石光ofst . A护es ( 1820 ) are both derived from folklore . Refer to A . H.枪appe ,
Science ofFolklore ( 1930 , reprinted 1974 );租chard M . Dorson , ed . FOIktore and
Folklife : Anln加duc如” ( 1972 ) .
The following forms of folklore have been of special importance for later
written literature :
FO攻山份ma ori矛nated in primltive rites of song and dance , especlally in
cormection with agriCUltUral activities , whlch centered onvegetational deities
and goddesses offe川lity . Some scholars maintain that Greek加lgedy devel -
oped from such rites , which cd由rated the life , death , and rebi曲of the veg -
etational god Dionysus . Folk dramas sup门ve in England in such forms as the
St . George Play and the mummers , Play ( a " mummer , ' 15 a masked actor ) .
Thomas Hardy怡角e RetUm oftheNa互ve ( Book 11 , chapters ) describes the per -
匆丈mance Ofa幻以u幻以幻以ers , play , and a fonn of this drama 15 still performed in
America in the Kentuc冲mountains . See Edmund K . Chambers,仆e English
FOlk - PI即(1933 ) .
Folk songs include love songs , christmas carols , work songs , sea
chanties , reli矛ous songs,面nking songs , children , 5 game一songs , and many
。 thertypes oflyric , as well as the narrative song , or traditional ballad . ( S ee oral
fonnulaic Poe勿.) All forms of folk song have been asslduously collected since
the late eighteenth century , and have insp讹d many imitations by writers of
l州c poeti另as well as by composers of popular songs in the们陀entieth cen -
tury . Robert Bums collected and edited Scottish folk songs , restored or rewrote
them , and加itated them in hiso脚n lyrics . His " A Red , Red ROsen and " Auld
Ung Syne , " for example , both derive from one or more folk songs , and his
" Green Grow the Rashes , 0 " 15 a tidied一up version of a bawdy folk song . See
J . C . Dick,仆e 50似5 ofRobertBu韶(1903 ) ; CecilJ . Sharp , FOlkso驾sofEngland
( 5 vols . , 1908一12 ) ; and月an Lomax,几eFOlkSO了lgsofNorthA阴erica ( 1960 ) .

勒的《结构主义诗学》(1975)和《符号的追寻》(1981 ),论述了近期批评理论对比喻语的

Fo ! Klore民间传说

例子可参见由阿伦・邓德斯和卡尔・ R.帕格特编著的《城市民间传说》选集(见环场en
YO " ' re " p toyo林rA 、 s汇” All艺gators : MdreUrba儿Fo乙龙loreFromthePaper切orkEm -
州r 。,1987)。民间传说包括神话传说、迷信、民歌、故事、谚语、谜语、符咒和童谣;关于
例如,莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》(H . ix .)中选择三个首饰匣的情节;济慈《圣阿格尼斯
夜》(1820)中的主要情节少女梦事的迷信都来源于民间传说。参见A . H.克拉普的
(民间传说学》(1930 , 1974年再版)和理查德・ M.多森编选的《民间传说与民间生活
面剧表演的描写,这种戏剧形式至今仍流行于美国肯塔基山区。参阅埃德蒙・ K.钱
的基础上改写而成的。参阅J . C.迪克的《彭斯的歌》(1903 );塞西尔J,夏普的《英国民
歌》(第5卷,1908一1912 );及阿伦・洛马克斯的《北美民歌》(1960)。

The folktale , strictly defined , isa short narrative in prose of unknown
authorship which has been transmitted orally ; many of these tales eventually
achieve叭庄itten for刀n . The ter幻n , howevet , 15 often extended to include stories
invented by a knOWn author - - such as " The Three Bearsn by Robert Southey
( 1774 - - 83 ) and Parson Mason L . M爬ems , story of GeorgeW扭shington and the
Cherry tree-月浑hlch have been picked up and repeatedly narrated by word of
mouth as well as in wrltten form . Folktales are found among peoples every -
where in the Woild . They inctude哪ths , fables , tales of heroes ( W hether his -
toricalli缺JOhnny Appleseed or legendary like Paul Bunyan ) , and fairy tales .
Many 50 ・ called " fairy tales " ( the German wordM益rChen 15 frequently used
for thist即e of folkta 】 e ) are not stories of fairies but of various klnds of mar -
vels ; examples are " Snow Whiten and , ' J ack and the Beanstalk ・ ” Anothert即e
of folk tale , the set " ioke ,,一that 15 , the comic ( Often bawdy ) aneCdote.一15 the
most abundant and persistent Of all ; new iokes , or new versions of old ) okes ,
continue to be a staPle of contemporary sodal eXchange , wherever people
congregate in a relaxed mood .
The same , or dosely similar , oral stories have turned up in EuroPe , Asia ,
andA丘Ica , and have been embodied In the narratives of many writers .
Chaucer , s Can加rbu甲Tales incfudes a number of folktales ; ' , The Pardoner 、
Tale , , of Death and the three rioters , for example , was of Eastem ori矛n , See
Beniamin A . Botkin , A于湘Suly ofAmerican FOlklore ( 1944 ) , Stith Thompson ,
角eFolk勿le ( 1974 ) , andVlad加irPropp , M匕甲holoJ沙oftheFOIktale ( 1970 ) . The
standard catalogue of recurrent脚o灯冷in folktales throughout the world 15
Stith Thompson , s Md洋劲d改ofFolk一iteratUre ( 1932ee37 ) .

ro口.一ds 。,引切任.. " Form , , 15 one of the most frequent terms in literary
币tidsm , but also one of the most diverse in its meanings . It 15 often used
merely to designatea岁” re or literaryt即e ( " the lyric form , " " the short story
form , ' ) , or for pattems of meter , lines , and rhymes ( , , the verse form , " " the
stanza form " ) . It 15 also , hOWever-一In a meaning descended from the Latin
, , forma , " which was equlvalent to the Greek " idea ,,一the term for a central
criticai concept . In this application , the form of a work 15 the principle that
detennines how a work 15 ordered and organized ; critics , however , differ
greatiy in their analyses of this principle . All agree that " form , , 15 not simplya
放ed contain既11ke a bottle , into which the " content " or " sublect matter , , of
aworkispoured ; butbeyondthis , theconcePtoffO1mvariesaccordingtoa
critic污pa川cular assumptions and theoretical orientation ( see币沈绍阴).
Many neocl心sic critics , for example , thought of the form of a work asa
combination of component parts , matched to each other according to the
p血dPle of decorU机orn甜tual fittingness . In the early nineteenth centUry
Samuel几ylor Coleridge , follo初ng the le耐of the German critic A . W .
Schlegel , distinguished be勺陀een mechanic form , which isa血ed , pree对stent
shape such as we impose on wet day by a mold , and organicfo皿,which , as
Cul颐dge says , " 15 innate ; it shapes as it develops itself from within , and the
fullness of its development 15 one and仇e same with the perfection of its out -
ward form . " To Coleridge , in other words , as to other organicists in literary

署名的创作故事―如罗伯特・骚塞的《三只熊》(1774一1783)和帕森・梅森・ L.威
茎” 。另外一种民间故事类型是一些“笑话” ―即滑稽(往往是色情淫秽的)轶事,这
参看:Be哟amin A . Botkin , A Treasury of American Folklore , 1944 ; Stith
Thompson , The Folktale , 1974 ; Vladimir Propp , Mdrpholog夕of the Folktale , 1970 。
stith Thompson,腼t梦了n汀ex of Fol走一乙iterature , 1932一1937,是世界范围内民间故事

Form and Structure形式与结构

用来仅指文学类型或体裁(如“抒情诗体” 、 “短篇小说体” ),或指诗歌格律、诗行及韵
律的类型(如“诗体” 、 “诗节形式”)。 “形式”也是文艺理论批评中的一个主要概念,其
意义源自拉丁语“ forma ' ',等同于希腊语中的“理念” 。在这个意义上,所谓一部作品的
轨”或互相匹配的原则结合而成的组合。 19世纪早期,塞缪尔・泰勒・柯勒律治效仿
德国文艺理论家A . W.施莱格尔将作品的形式划分为模具形式和有机形式。前者为
最后塑成。 ”换句话说,在柯勒律治及文艺批评理论的有机论者看来,一首好诗好似一
204 FoRMALlsM

critidsm , a good poem 1511址a gro州ngp妞nt Which evolves , by an intemal

eand the concePt of organic form , seeM ・ H ・ Abrams,角e MinDr and the La呷
nerg歼into the organic unity that constitutes its aChieved form , in which the parts are integral to and interdependent with the Whole . on organic Critidsm
( 1953 ) , chaPters7一;and George Rousseau , organiC FOnn ( 1972 ) . Many入阳w
Cri瓦cs use the word structUre interchangeably with " form , " and regard it as
primarily an equilibrium , or interaction , or ironic and parado劝cai tension , of
diverse words and加ages in an organ让ed totality of " meanings . " V缸ious ex ・
ponents of arche妙al theory regard the form of a llterary work as one of a llm ・
ited number of plot一shapes which it shares with myths , ri加ais , dreams , and
other elemental and reCUrrent pattems of hUman experience . And structUrai ・
ist Critics conceive a literary strUcture on the model of the systematic Way that
a language 15 strUctured ; sees如血ral钻t币以cis脚.
In an influential critical enterprise , R . 5 . Crane , a leader of theC址cago
School of criticism , re讥ved and developed the concept of form in Aristotie , s
POe打cs , and made a distinction between " form , , and " structure . ”仆e form ofa
literary work 15 ( i n the Greek term ) the " dynamis , , ' the pa甩cular " working , '
or " emotlonal ' power , " that the composition 15 designed to effect , whlch
fun比ons as its " shaping principle . " This formal principle controls and syn ・
thes让es the " strud卫re , , of a work-一that 15 , the orde ' emphasis , and rendering
of all its component sublect matter and parts一nto " a beautiful and effective
whole of a determinate kind . " See R . 5 . Crane,角e La叹卿吧比ofCri配iS功and
thes打祝c加reo厂POe即(1953 ) , chapters 1 and4 ; also Mlayne C . Booth , " Be勺衬een
TWo Generations : The Heritage of the Chicago School , " in Professton 82 ( M od ・
em Language Assodation , 1982 ) .
Seefo " " al台m and refer to鞭成W日lek , " Concepts of Form and StrUctUre
m Twentieth一Century Critidsm , " in ConcePtS ofCri讹iS巾(1963 ) ; Kezmeth
Burke,几e PhilosoP妙。厂Litera甲Fo洲(3d ed . , 1973 ) ; and Eug枷e Vinaver ,
拘力” and Mea ”宜叮玄n沁成evalR帅ance ( 1966 ) .

r皿.dism . A type of literary theory and analysls which origlnated in
Moscow and St . Petersburg in the second decade of this century . At first , op ・
ponents of the movement of Russian Formalism applied the term " formal ・
lsm , , derogatorily , because of its focus on the formal pattems and technical
d州ces of literature to the exclusion of its subiect matter and sodal values ;
later , however , it became a neutral designation . Among the leading represen ・
tatives of the movement were Boris Eichenbaum , Victor Shklovsky , and
Roman Jakobson . When this critical mode was suppressed by the Soviets in
the early 19305 , the center of the formalist study of literature moved to
Czechoslovakia , where it was continued especially by members of the Prague
LingUistic Ci代】 e , which induded Roman Jakobson ( who had emlgrated from
Russia ) , Jan Mu灿rovsky , and Ren乏叭爬llek . Beginning in the 19405 both
Jakobson andw逆llek continued their influential work as professors at Ameri -
cafi UlliversitieS .
Formalism views literature primarily as a spedallZed mode of language ,
and proposes a fundamental opposition be幻陀een the literary ( or poetical ) use

见M . H.艾布拉姆斯《镜与灯》(1953)中的第7一8章;乔治・卢梭的《有机形式》
( 1972)。很多新批评家用结构一词与“形式”替换使用,并认为在“意义”这一组织化的
芝加哥学派的领袖人物R . 5.克莱恩在其颇有影响的批评实践中,复兴并发展了
品的形式是使作品具有感染力的(用希腊术语说)“活力” 、特殊的“作用”或“情感‘力
量” ,,是作品“成型的原则” 。这条形式原则将作品的“结构” ―即顺序、重点和对组
而又有感染力的整体” 。参阅:R . 5 . Crane , The La , guages of cr ':乞c艺s , an己t人e
str二ct二re of Poetr夕(1953 ) , chapters 1 and4 ; also Wayne , C . Booth , " Between Two
Generations : The Heritage of the Chicago School " , in Profes:艺。,82 ( Modern Lan -
guage Association , 1982)。
参见:形式主义。参看:Ren己Wellek , " Concepts of Form and Structure in Twen -
t ieth Century Criticism , ' in Concepts of Cr乞:乞c艺sm , 1963 ; Kenneth Burke , ThePh艺1050 -
ph少of Literar夕Form , 3d ed . , 1973 ; Eug之ne Vinaver , FormandM亡an笼,g乞” M亡d艺仑-
val Roma汀ce , 1966 。

Formal } sm形式主义

亨鲍姆、维克托・什克洛夫斯基和罗曼・雅各布森。 20世纪30年代早期,这一文艺

of language and the ordinary , " practical , , use of language . It concelv6s that
thecen姗1 funCtion of ordinary language 15 to communicate to audltorsa
message , or information , by references to the woride劝sting Outside of lan ・
guage . In contrast , it conceives literary language to be self - focused , in that its
funCtion 15 not to convey information妙making eXtrinsic references , but to
优几:the reader a sPecial mode of exPerience by drawing attention to its own
, , formal , ' features一that 15 , to the qualities and intemal relations of the lin -
州stic signs themselves . The linguistics of literature differs from the linguis ・
tics of practical discourse , because its laws are oriented toward produCing the
distinctlve features that formalists call literariness . As ROmanjakobsonwrote
in 1921 : “仆e oblect of stUdy in literary sclence 15 not literature but ' literari -
ness , ' that 15 , What makes a given work a literary work . " ( See lin.纠15瓦cs in mod -
邵”币红山m . )
The literariness of a worK as Jan Mukarovsky , a member of the Prague
Circle , described it in the 19205 , consists " in them工心mum of foregrounding
of the utterance , " that 15 , the foregrounding of " the act of expression , the act
of speech itself , "(为“ foreground , , 15 to bring something into the highest
prominence , to make it dominant in percePtion ・)By " backgrounding , ' the
referential aspect and the 10矛cal connections in language , poetry ma缺5 the
words themselves " palpable , , as phonic signs . The primary aim of literature In
thus foregrounding its linguistic medium , as Victor Shklovsky put it in an in -
fluential formulation , 15 to estr叩ge or dsfam山arize ; that 15 , by dismpting
the modes of ordinary linguistic discourse , llterature " makes strange , , the
world of everyday perception and renews the reader , 5 lost capacity for fresh
sensation . ( In the Bi昭阳phia Literaria , 1817 , Samuel Taytor Coleridge had long
before described the " pr加e merit , , of a literary genius to be the representa -
tion of " familiar obiects , , 50 as to evoke " freshness Of sensationn ; but Whereas
the ROmantic critic had stressed the author , s比ility to express a fresh mode of
experiendng the world , the formallst stresses the function of purely literary
d州ces to produce the effect of freshness in the reader , 5 exPerlence of a liter -
arywork . ) Theforegroundedproperties , or " a川sticdevices , " whichestrange
poetic language are often described as " deviations , , from ordinary language .
加ch deviations , whlch are analyzed most fully in the writings of ROman
Jakobson , consist prima川y in setting uP and also violating pattems in the
sound and syntax of poetic language一mchiding pattems in speech sounds ,
grammatlcal constrUCtions , rhythm , th叨me , and stanza forms - - and also in
setting uP prominent reCUrrences ofkey WOrds or images ・
Some of the most fiultful work ofjakobson and others , valid outside the
formalist persPective , has been in the analysis of meter and of the repetitions
of sounds in alli加ra如n andrh卿e , These fea加res of poetiy they regard not as
supplementary adorn工nents of the meanlng , but as effe比ng a reorganiz甜on
of language on the semantic as well as the phonic and syntactic levels . For -
malists have also made infiue而al contrlbutions to the theory of prose fic -
tion . With respect to洲5 genre , the central formalist distinction 15 that
be幻泞een the " story , I ( the simple enumeration of a chronolo多cal sequence of
events ) and a plot . An author 15 said to transform the raw material of a story

离” 。偏离―罗曼・雅各布森在其著述中对这种偏离作了充分的分析―主要在

into a literary plot by the use of a variety of devices that violate sequence and
deform and defamiliarize the story elements ; the effect 15 to foreground the
narrative medium and devices themselves , and In this way to disrupt What
had been our standard responses to the subiect matter . ( See na溯瓦ve and na卜
ratol ‘哪l . )
AmericanN沙即以丘比雌although it developed independently , 15 some -
times called " formalistn because , like European formalism , it stresses the
analysis of the literary Work as a self - su组cient verbal entity , constituted by in -
ternal relations and independent of reference either to the state of mind of
the author or to the " extemal , , world . It also , like EUropean formalism , con ・
ceiv6s poetry as a special mode of language whose distinctive features are de -
fined in terms of their systematic opposition to practical or sdentific
language . Unlike the European formalists , howeve兀the New Critics did not
apply the science of linguistics to poet琳and their emphasis was not ona
work as constitUted by linguistic devices for achieving specifically literary ef -
fects , but on the complex interplay within a work of ironic , paradoxical , and
metaPhoric meanings around a humanly important " theme . " The main influ -
en此Of Russian and Czech for们。 alism on American criticism has been on the
development ofs圳15灯低and of na加tolOJ孚ROman Jakobson and TZvetan
TOdorov have been influential in introducing formalist concepts and methods
into Frenchs加ctUralism . Strong opposition to formalism , both in its Euro -
pean and American varieties , has been voiced by someM泛众ist币tics ( w ho
view it as the product of a reactionary ldeology ) , and more recently by propo -
nents of reader - response币优is琳sPeech一act theoly , and new historicis脚these
last three types of criticism all relect the view that there 15 a sharp and defin -
able division between ordinary language and llterary language . In the 1990sa
number of critics have called for a retum to a formalist mode of treatinga
work of llterature primarily as literature , instead of with persistent reference
to its stand , whether exPlicit or covert , on political , racial , or sexual issues . A
110table illstallCe 15 Frank LentriCChia , S " Last勺Vill and几stament of afl Ex -
literary Critic , , ( Li护孚舰Fmnca , Sept . / oct . 1996 ) , renouncing his earlier writ -
ings and teachings " about literature as a political instrument , " in favor of the
们ew " that literature 15 pleasurable and important , as literature , and not as an
illustration of something else . " See also Harold Bloom , s strong advocacy of
readlng llterature not to confirm a political or social theory but for the love of
literature , in仆ep论stem Canon ( 1994 ) ; the essavs in Aesthe红cs andI ’北川。几
ea.行eorge比vine ( 1 , , 4 ) ; ano susan Woirson,户。 nnal动a赵竿s : TheS九aPingof
物亡妙inBri价hRo阴an瓦比阴(1997 ) . ( S eealsoobjec瓦ve币叮cismunder沉瓦d ' m . )
The standard trea恤ent of the即ssian movement 15 by Victor Erllch , R琳-

sianFo洲alism:拭sto拼DOc沉” e ( rev . , 1981 ) . Se  also R . L . Jackson and 5 . Rudy , eds . , Rus ianFo洲alis阴:A RetrosPe币ve Glance ( 1985 ) . Ren乏Wdlek has described

了触Litera即几eo即and Aesthe五“ ofthe你叨招义力001 ( 1969 ) . Representativefo卜
95 are collected in Lee T . Lemon and Marion 1.狱ese , eds . , Russian
FOnnalistCri沈拈m . . FourEssays ( 1965 ) ; LadislavMateikaandKrystynaPomorska ,
eds . , Readings in Russian凡e瓦“ : FOn " alist ands如c加ralist Views ( 1971 ) ; P . L .
Garvin , ed . , A外叨招5动001 Rea衍on ESthe红cS , Litera甲S如血re ands吵(1964 ) ;

, ' P卜部”世界所指的自足的语言实体加以分析。新批评也同欧洲的形式主义一样,把
分。 20世纪90年代,很多批评家呼吁重新回归到形式主义的批评模式中,把文学作
嘱》(Ling ' Franca , SePt . / oct . 1996)声明放弃了自己在先前的著作与学说中关于
令人愉悦而重要的”观点。另可参见哈罗德・布卢姆的《西方经典》(1994 ),他在其中
乔治・莱文编著的随笔集《美学和意识形态》(1994 );苏珊・沃尔夫森的《形式的内
涵:英国浪漫主义诗歌的形成》(1997 )(参见批评下的客观批评)。
式主义运动进行了权威性的论述。参看:R . L . Jackson and 5 . Rudy , eds .,尺uss艺a ,
Formalism : A Retrospective Glance ( 1985)。勒内・韦勒克的述评:The Literrary
Theory " nd Aesthetics of the Prague Scho时(1969)。李・ T,莱蒙和马里恩・ 1.里斯编
辑的《俄国形式主义文论选》(1965)一书中汇集了形式主义者的代表作。 Ladislav
Matejka and Krystyna Pomorska , eds . , Readings in Russian Poetics : Formali : t and
Structuralist Views ( 1971 ) ; P . L . Garvin , ed . , A Prague Sc人001 Reader on Esthetic , ,

and Peter Steine石ed .,仆e你叨把义力001 : Selected下竹i瓦叹吓1929 ' 1946 ( 1982 ) . A
comprehensive and infiuential formalist essay by Romanjakobson , " Llnguistics
and Poetics , " 15 induded in hisLa翅浏冈犷in LiteratUre ( 1987 ) . SamuelL州n , s
Li护锣雀is沈S加c加心in POet7y ( 1962 ) rePresents an American application of for ・
malist pri川Ples,阴d E . M . Thompson has Written RussianFo洲al七m andAnglo -
A ? nN沙四即红山” : A ComPara红ves加dy ( 1971 ) .

Fo恤吐ofoBook . FOrmatsign坦esthepage一size , shape , andotherphysical
features of a book . The printer begins with a large " sheet , , ; if the sheet 15 folded
once 50 as to form two " leaves , , of four pages , the book 15 a folio ( the加tin
word for " leaf ' ' ) . when we refer to " the flrst Shakespeare folio , " for example ,
wemeanavolumepublishedin1623 , thefirsteditionofsha缺speare , scol -
lected plays , the leaves of which were made by a single folding of the printer , s
sheets . A sheet folded tWlce into four leaves makes a quarto ; a sheet foldeda
third time into eight leaves makes an octavo . In a duodec恤0 volume , a sheet
15 folded 50 as to make twelve leaves . The more leaves into which a single sheet
15 divided , the smaller the leaf , 50 that these terms indicate the dimensions of
a book , but only approximately , because the size ofthefullsheetvaries , espe ・
dally in modern prillting . It can be said , however , that a folio 15 a very large
book ; a quarto 15 the next ins让e , with a leaf that 15 nearly square . The third in
s沈e , the Octavo , 15 the most frequentiy used in modem printing ・
As this book 15 open in front of you , the page on the right 15 calleda
概to , and the page on the left 15 called a verso ・
The colophon in older books was a note at the end stating such facts as
the title , author , printer ' and date of issue . In modem books the colophon 15
ordinarily in the front , on the title page . With reference to modem books ,
, , colophon , , has come to mean , usually , the publisher , 5 emblem , suCh asa
torch ( Harper ) , an owl ( Holt ) , or a ship ( Vi king ) .
See also the entryedi如n .

nee Verse 15 sometimes referred to as " open form , , verse , or by the French
term vers llbre . Like traditional verse , it 15 printed in short lines instead of
with the continuity of prose , but it differs from such verse by the fact that its
rhythmic pattern 15 not organized into a regular metrical formeethat 15 , into
feet , or recurrent units of weak一and strong一stressed syllables . ( See mete仁)Most
free verse also has irregular line lengths , and either lacksth叨rne or else uses it
only sporadically . ( B lank verse differs from unr饰med free verse in that it 15
metrically regular )
Wi而n these broad boundaries , there 15 a great diversity in the measures
that are labeled free verse . An approxlmation to one modem form occurs in
the处ng James translation of the biblical Psalms and Song of Solomon , which
imitates in助glish prose the parallelism and cadences of the Hebrew poeti予
In the nineteenth century William Blake , Matthew Alnold , and other poets in
England and America exPerimented with departUres ftom regular meters ; and
in 1855w滋t whitman startled the literary world with his Leaves ofGrass by
using verse lines of varying length which depended for rhythmic effects not

Literar夕structure and St夕le ( 1964 ) ; Peter Steiner , ed . , The Prague School : Select -
edwriting , , 1929一1946 ( 1982)。罗曼・雅各布森所著的全面而著名的形式主义随
的语言结构》(1962)中描述了形式主义原理在美国的应用;E . M . Thompson , Russian
Fo ? lism aod Aoglo一Amer艺can Ne 、 Crftic艺sm : A COmparatioe Stud夕(1971)。

Format of a Book书本版式


厂ree Verse自由诗

语散文的对句法和希伯来诗歌的韵律。 19世纪,威廉・布莱克、马修・阿诺德和其他
2 12 「 R 〔 EV 〔 RS 〔

on recurrent metric feet , but on cadenced units and on the rePetition , bal -
ance , and variation of words , phrases , clauses , and lines . Frenchsy阴bolist
nineteenth centUry , and American and English poets of the

tha , 15 Publi ‘卜ed ' oday 15甲n呼trical二,.…_
Among tne many moQes or open verslncatlon In七ngllsn , We can maKea
broad distinction between the long - lined and often orotund verses of poets
like Whitman and Allen Ginsberg , of which a principal origin 15 the translated
poetry of the HebreW Bible , and the shorter ・ lined , conversational , often ironic
forms employed by the maiority of Wrlters in free verse ・ In the latter type ,
poets界eld up the drive , beat , and song achievable by traditional meters in
order to exploit otherrhythmic possibilities . A poem by e . e . cummings will
illustrate the effects that become available when the verse 15 released froma
regular line and reiterative beat ・ Instead , C ' Ummings uses conspiCUous visual
cues一the variable positioning , spacing , and length of Words , phrases , and
linesee - t 0 con廿01 pace , pause , and emphasis in the reading , and also to
achieve an altemation of suspension and relief , in accordance as the line ・ ends
work against or co砍ide With the Pull toward closure of the units of syntax .
Cha力SOnln打0 ‘阴te *

in Just -
spring When the WOTld 15 mlld -
IUSC10US the little
latlle ball00llmall

WhistleS far alld Wee

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it , s

when the World 15 puddle一wonderful

the queer
old balloonman whistles
far and wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing
from hop一scotch and jump一rope and

* " injust ・,) isreprintedfromTuliPsandChi阴刀娜bye . e . cummings , editedbyGeorgejames
Flrmage , by permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation . Copyright 1923 , 1925 , and re -
newed 1951 , 1953勿e . e.印mmings . Copyrlght 0 1973 , 1976 by the Trustees for the e . e .
cummings竹璐t . Copyright 0 1973 , 1976 by GeorgejamesFirmage .

重复而借助节奏单元和言词语句和诗行的重复、平行及多变使诗句富于节奏感。 19
朱尔斯・拉弗格、 T . 5.艾略特、埃兹拉・庞德、威廉・卡洛斯・威廉斯及其他众多用







摘自乔治・詹姆斯・弗米吉主编的e . e.卡明斯的《郁金香和烟囱》,重印征得利弗莱特出
版公司的许可。 1923 、 1925,及1951 、 1953年修订版版权归e . e.卡明斯所有。 1973 、 1976年版权
归e . e.卡明斯托拉斯信托公司所有与乔治・詹姆斯・弗米吉所有。
2 14 FR 〔 〔 vERS 〔



balloonMan WhistleS

In the following passage from Langston Hughes , free一erse poem
, , Mother to Son , " the second ands沈h lines are metrically parallel ( in that
both fall into fairly regular iambicp州tameter ) in order to enhance their oppo -
sitfon m reference ; while the single word " bare , " constituting a total verse -
llne , isth叨med with " stair , , in the long line to which " bare , , contrasts starkly ,
in meaning as in length :
人勿ther toso月*

W日1 , son , I , 11 tell you :
Life for me ain , t been no crystal stair .
It , shadtacksinit ,
And splinters ,
And boards torn up ,
And places喊th no ca甲et on the floor - -
Bafe .

A very short poem饰A . R . Ammons exempllfies the unobtrusiv6 way in
which , even as he departs from them , a free一erse poet can recall and exPloit
traditional stanza for力ns and meters :


The reeds乎ve
Way to the

wind and give
the wind away
The visual pattern of the printed poem signals that we are to read it as con -
sisting of four equal lines of three words each , and as divided into two stan -
zaic couPleO . The first line of each stanZa ends with the same word " glve , " not
onfy to achieve tension and release in the suspended syntax of each of the
verb一phrases , but also , by means of the parallelism , to enhance our surprise at
the shift of meaning from " give way , , ( surrender ) to " give … aw盯,, ( reveal ,

* Lines from " Mother to Son " by Langston Hughes.助printed by permission of Harold ober
Associates Inco甲orated . Copyright 1953 by比ngston Hughes . Copyright renewed 1981by
George Houston Bass ・
* * " Small Song , , 15 reprinted ftom角e Real纷ShortPO翻5 ofA . R . A阴从。儿5 , by permission of
W . W . Norton & Compan又Inc . CoPyright 01990 byA . R . Ammons .
2 15



自成一行的“光秃秃的” ( bare)和长句中的“梯” ( stair)押韵,二者在诗行长度和意义上



A . R.阿蒙斯的这首非常短小的诗以谨慎的行文,说明了即使自由体诗人背离了



成两组对句诗节。每节的第一行都以同一单词“ glve ”结尾,这样不仅可以在每一个动
由“ give way "(让步、屈服)转换为“ give … away "(暴露,也含让步之意)后引起的诧异之

摘自兰斯顿・休斯的《母亲对儿子说的一席话》 。重印征得哈德・奥伯合作有限公司的许
可。 1953年版权归兰斯顿・休斯。 1981年修订版版权归乔治・休斯敦・巴斯所有。
摘自《 A . R.阿蒙斯短诗集》,重印征得w . w.诺顿有限公司许可。 199 。年版权归A . R.阿
2 1 6 GENRES

with a suggestion aiso of界eld up ) . The poet also adapts standard metric feet
to his sPedal purposes : the poem 15 framed by opening and closing with a reg -
ular ia嫩bic foot , yet isfree to mimic internally the resistance to the wind in

the recur ent strong stres es in the first stanza ( Th趋r乏eds give/诵y ) and the乎aceful多elding to the wind in the suc es ion of light iambs in the second

stanza ( A nd give It成wind盖w盛y ) .
A number of contemporary poets and critics are callin兮一m a movement
termed the new fon " alism一匆r a retum from free verse to the meters , th犷me ,
and stanza ・匆nns of traditional Ellgllsh versification . For discussions see Alan
ShaPiro , “仆e NeW Fonnalism , " Cri吞cal Inqui甲(钧1 . 14 , 1987 ) , and Dana Gloi丙
" Notes on the NeW Formalism , " Conv日临ant Essays , ed . James McCOrkle ( 1990)・
See氏rcy Mansell Jones,仆e Bac枯功u摊dof人rod曰” Fre摊Ch Poe勺(1951 ) ;
DonaldW匕ling , " The Prosodies Of Free诀rse , " inT叭刀瓦eth一CentU甲LiteratUre
in RetrosPect , ed . Reuben A . Br0Wer ( 1971 );叭白lter Sutton , A脚州印n Free Verse
( 1973 );几ul Fussell , POe瓦c MeterandPOe改cFo溯(rev . , 1979 ) ; Charles 0 . Hart -
man,刃比‘ Verse : An Ess即on尹roso办(1980 ) . Timothy Steele , sM俪ing人犯asures :
Moden祖助亡抑and the ReVOIt against Meter ( 1990 ) 15 a history of free verse bya
叭币ter Who argues for a retum to metrical versification .

Genre , . A term , French in origin , that denotestypes or classes of literature ・
The genres into whlch literary works have been grouped at different times are
very numerous , and the criteria on which the classifications have been based
are highly variable . Since the Writings of Plato and Aristotle , howeve耳there
has been an enduring division of the overail literary domain into three large
classes , in accordance With Who speaks in the work:恻c ( u ttered throughout
in the first person ) , eP北or na溯灯ve ( i n which the narrator speaks in the first
person , then lets his characters speak for themselves ) ; and drama ( in which
the characters do ail the talking ) . A similar tripartite scheme was elaborated
by German critics in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries , was
echoed byjamesjoyceinhisPO巾’ a itoftheA肋tasayoungM泛n ( 1916 ) , chap -
ters , and fun比ons still in critical discourse and in the general distin比on , In
college catalogues , between courses in poetry , prosefi比on , and drama .
Within this overarching division , Aristotle and other classical critics
identified a number of more limited genres . Many of the ancient names , in ・
cluding ePic , tT6岁办come办and sa灯re , have remained current to the present
day ; to them have been added , over the last three centuries , such newcomers
as bioj卿护hy , essay ' and novel ・ A glance at the articles listed in the Index of
介rms underge " re will indicate the criss一crossing diV6rslty of the classes and
subdasses to whlch individual works of literature have been assigned .
Through the Renaissance and much of the eighteenth century , the recog ・
niZed genresee - or poetic kinds as they were then called一were widely thought
to be fixed literary types , somewhat like species in the biolo乡cal order of na -
ture . Many neoclassic critics insisted that each klnd must remain " pure , , ( there
must , for example , be no " m沈ng , , of tragedy and comedy ) , and also pro ・
posed川Ies Whlch spedfied the subiect matter , structure , style , and emotional
effect proper to each klnd . At that time the genres Were also commonly

抑扬榕音步,但在第一节,仍然自由地以重复出现的重音(Th色reeds give / wdy)在诗行
中模拟对风的抗拒,在第二节中,又以连续出现的轻抑扬格(Andg扮e / th乏wind
统英国诗歌的韵律、押韵和诗节形式。有关论述参见:Alan shapiro , ' 4The New For -
malism , , , Critical InQuir少(Vol . 14 , 1987 ) , and Dana Gioia , " Notes on the New For -
malism " , Conversant Essa夕s , ed . James McCorkle ( 1990)。
参看:Percy Mansell Jones , The Background of Mddern French Poetr夕,1951 ;
Donald Wesling , " The Prosodies of Free Verse " , inT切entieth Ce刀tur夕Literature in
Retrospect , ed . Reuben A . Brower , 1971 ; Walter Sutton , American Free Verse ,
1 973 ; Paul Fussell , PoeticM此er and Poetic Form , rev . 1979 ; Charleso , Hartman ,
Free Ver 、 e : An Essa少。刀P犷osod少,1980 。 T王mothy Steele , M乞、 s£ng Measures : Mod -
er,尸oetr夕。 n " t人。尺evolt 。 g 。 inst Meter , 1990,此为主张回归到韵律诗的作者所写的


时让作品中的人物自述);戏剧(全部由剧中人物叙述)。 18世纪末与19世纪初,德国
不可“混杂” ),同时还为每一文学类型提出了限定其题材、结构、风格及其情感感染力
2 18c 〔 NRES

ranked in a hierarchv ( related to the ran瓦ng of social classes , from royalty
and the nobility down to peasants一see讹co川叫产ran乎ng仃om eplc ana
traZedy at the top to the pastoral , short IVric,印igram , and other types , then
considered to be minor genres , at the bottom . snakespeare satlnzeQ tne
oedantic classifiers of hls era in Polonius , catalo邢e ( Ha阴Iet , 11 . 11 . ) of types
of drama : " tragedy , comedy , hlstory , pastoral , pastoral一comlcal , nlstoncal -
oastoral . tra滋cal一historical,加不cal一comical一historical一pastoral … ”
In the coU比se of the eighteenth century the emergence of new帅es of lit -
erary pro血dionssesuch as the novel , and the poem combining desCription ,
philosop弥and narrative oames Thomson , 5 SeaSOns , 1 72卜30)一helPed
weaken confidence m the丘心ty and stability of literary genles . And in the latter
dghteenth and early nineteenth centU职the extraordinary rise in the promi -
nence and prestige of the short lyric poem , and the concunent shift in the basis
of Critical theory to an exPressive orientation ( see the entry币价is阴), effecteda
drastic aiteration both in the conception and ranking of literary genres , with
thelyric displaCing epic and tragedy as the quintesse而any poetic协甲e . From
the ROmantic Period on , a decreasjng emphasis on the generic conception of lit -
whicheeeeunl旅the Criteria in neoclassic Critidsm , which tended to be speclficto
" sincerity , " " intensity , , " organic unity , " and " high seriousness . " In the NeW
Critictsm of the mid一柳entieth century , with its ruling concePt of the unique ・
ness of each literary Work , genre ceased to play more than a subordinate role in
Critical analysis and evaluation , For the changes in the nineteenth century in
the dass谊cation and ranldng of the genres , see M . H . Abrams,角eMi脚randthe
LamP ( 1953 ) , espedally chaptersl , 4 , and6 ; on the continuance , as Well as
山anges , of Writings in the traditional genres dunng the Romantic Period , see
Stu拼Curran , POe讹FOnn and Bri价h Roman以cism ( 1986 ) .
Since 1950 or 50 , an emphasis on gen印ctypes has been re 、 Ived by some
城tical theorists , although on varied principles of classification . R . 5 . Crane and
other Chicago critics have defended the utility for pra比cal criticism of a rede -
fined dls血由on among genres , based on颇stotie , sP碑吞cs , in whlch works are
class访ed in accordance with the slinil硕ty In the princiPles妙which they are
organiZed in order to achieve a pa川cular klnd of emotional effect ; see Crane ,
ed . , Critics andCri红cis阴(1952 ) , pp . 12es24 , 54企63 , and refer to theC入允闪和
school in this Gtossa邝NorthroP Frye has proposed ana劝e妙al theoryin
which thefo世爪ajor genres ( Comedy , romance , tragedy , and satire ) are heldto
manifest the permanent forms bodied forth勿the human加agination , as reP -
resented in the arche协甲ai myths correlated喊th the four seasons ( A nato哪of
cri瓦山m , 1957 , pp . 15卜239 ) . othercurrenttheoristsconceivegenresassodal
fonnations on the model of sodal institut10ns , such as the state or church ,
rather than on the model of blological spedes.即stTUctUralist币tics a genre 15
conceived as a set of constitUtive conventions and codes , altering from ageto
age , but shared勿a klnd ofimplidtcontractbeb爬enwriterandreader . These
codes make possible the writing of a PartiCUlar literary text , though the Whter
may play against , as well as with , the prevalling generic conventions , In the

(《哈姆雷特》第二幕第二场)- “悲剧、喜剧、历史剧、田园剧、田园喜剧、田园史剧、
历史悲剧、历史田园悲喜剧… … ”,嘲讽了当时那些迁腐的文学类型分析理论家。
为一体的诗歌仁如詹姆斯・汤姆逊的《四季》(1726一173 。)3,动摇了以往文学类型一成
的批评标准广泛应用于所有的文学作品:如“真实性” 、 “思想感情的强度” 、 “有机整体
性”和“高度严肃性”等标准。 20世纪中期的新批评,其主导概念是每一部文学作品具
于19世纪文学类型划分和等级划分的演变,参阅M . H.艾布拉姆斯的《镜与灯》
( 1953 ),尤其是其中第一、四、六章;关于浪漫主义时期传统文学类型写作的延续及其
自2 。世纪50年代前后以来,在一些批评理论家的推动下,尽管划分的原则不尽
殊的情感效果,在组织作品时所依循的原则的相似性来划分作品,R . 5.克莱恩和其他
践具有实用性。参阅克莱恩主编的《批评家和批评》(1952 ) , PP . 12一24 , 546一563,并
种永恒体现在与四季有关的原型神话中(《批评的剖析》,1957 , pp . 158一239)。其他当
220 GOLDEN AG 〔 ・ Go下日Ic NoVEL

reade不these conventions generate a set of expectations , which may be contro ・
verted rather than satisfied , but enable the reader to make the work intelll参・
bl合一that 15 , to na加ralize it , by relating it to the world as defined and ordered by
codes in the prevalling CUI加re ・
Bymanycritics " tthepresenttime , howeve不genres _ areconceiyedtobe
more or less arbitrary modes of classification , whose lustlticatlon 15 tnelr con -
VenienCein ta加ng about literature . Some critics have applied to generic
classes the classes the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein , 5 concept of family resem ・
blances . That 15 , they propose that , in the loosely grouped family ofworksthat
make uP a genre , there are no essential defining features , but only a set of fam -
ily resemblances ; eacn member snares some Ot these resemblances witti some ,
but not all , of the other members of the genre . ( For a description and discus -
sion of Wittgenstein , svi毗see Maurice Mandelbaum , " Family Resemblances
and GeneraliZation Concerning the Aits , " Am州can PhilosoPhical QuarterlK Vol .
2 , 1965 , pp . 219es28 . ) There has also been interest in the role that generic as -
sumptions have played in shaping the work that an author composes , and also
in establlshing expectations that aiter the way that a reader will interpret and
respond to a pa雨cular work . Wllatever the present skeptictsm , howeve耳about
the ofd belief that genres constitUte inherent species in the realm of literature ,
the fact that generic distinctions remain indispensable in literary discourse 15
attested by the unceasing publication of books whose titles announce that
they deal with tragedy , thelyric , pastoral , the novel , or another of the many
types and subt押es into Whlch literatUre has over the centUries been class欣d ,
Reviews of traditional theories of genre are Ren赴W已lek and Anstin叭/ar -
ren,仆eo甲ofLitera匆re ( rev . , 1970 ) , chapter 17 , and the readable short survey
byHeatherDubro成Genre ( 1982 ) . ForrecentdevelopmentsseePaulHernadi ,
B卿nd Genre : N己w Direc瓦ons亡n Litera甲ClassiPca如n ( 1972 ) ; Alastair FoWler ,
称” ds ofLiteratUre ( 1982 ) ; Adena Rosmarin,仆e Power ofGenre ( 1986 ) ; James
Battersby ) Reason and the NatUre ofTe义tS ( 1996 ) .

C目den Age . The tenn derives from the fonn ofch洲01州calprimi灯治m that
was propounded in the Greek poet Hesiod , sM / o rks andD哪(e ighth centuryB ・ C ・),
as well as by many later Greek andROman writers . The earllest period of human
histo琳regarded as a state of perfect felid娜was called " the golden age , " and the
continuous later decline of human well ・ being through time was exPressed by the
sequence " the silverage " and " thebronzeage , " ending州ththePresentsadcon -
dition of htnnanity , “山e iron age . " See州耐瓦姚m andp川罗’ es 5 and , for render -
ings Of the golden age in the gUise of a carefree rUrale劝stence,户心toral ・ Referto
HarryL州n,角e为叫衷oftheGO诚脚月岁in the Renaissance ( 1969 ) .

6ot址c Novel . The word Gothic ori矛nally referred to the Goths , an early
Germanic tribe , then came to signify " germanic , " then " medieval . " " Gothic
architecture , , now denotes the medievaltype of architecture , characterizedby
the use of the high pointed arch and vault,卿ng buttresses , and intricate re -
cesses , which spread through western Europe between the twelfth ands议-
teellth CenturieS .

述与论述,可参见莫里斯・曼德尔鲍姆的“ Family Resemblances and Generalization
Concerning the Arts , ” 《美国哲学期刊》(第2卷), 1965 , pp . 219一225 。)文学类型的设
对传统文学类型理论的评述,参见:勒内・韦勒克与奥斯汀・沃伦《文学理论》(1 970
发展概况,参见:Paul Hernadi , Beyond晓刀re : New一及rection,动瓜terary Oas五fication ,
1972 ; Alastair Fowler , Kinds of Literature , 1982 ; Adena ROsrnarin , Th 。 Poor ofG曰Zre ,
1986 ; James Battersby,尺印son and theN心ureof奚九、,1996 。

GOIden Age黄金时代

“黑铁时代” 。参见尚占主义与进步论以及用无忧无虑的乡村生活来描写黄金时代的

Gothic NOVel哥特式小说

哥特一词原指早期日耳曼的哥特部族,后被用于指代‘旧耳曼”以至’ ‘中世纪” 。
222 cOT日IC NOv 〔 L

Gothic romance , isa
The Gothic novel , Or In an altemative term , thic romance , 15 a type

of prose fiction which inaugurated by Horace walpole , s仆e Castleof otTdnto : A Gothic Sto尽( 1764)一the subtitle refers to its set ing in the mid le

fol -

aers set them in a Catholic count琢especially Italy or Spain . The locale
ges一nd flourishedt址ougti the early ninete nth cen加ry . Some叭成ters lowedw劲IPole , 5 example by set ing their stories in the medieval period;・
oth -

fumished with dungeons , subterranean passages , and
often a gloomy castle fumished With dungeons , subterranean passages ,
ical story foCUsed on the sufferings lmposed on an in -
sliding panels ; thet即ical story foCUsed on the sufferings lmposed
nocent heroine by c川el and lustful villain , and made bountiful use of
ghosts , mysterious ghosts , mysterious disaPpearances , and other sens甜onai and supematurai
occurrences ( w hich in a nUInber of novels turned out to have natural expla -
nations ) . The principal aim of such novels was to evoke chilling terror by ex ・
ploiting mystery and a variety of horrors . Many of them are now read mainly
as period pieces , bot the best opened up tofi比on the realm of the irrational
and of the perverseimpulses and nightmarish terrors that lle beneath the or -
derly surface of the civilized mind . EXamples of Gothic novels are William
Beckfbrd , 5 Vathek ( 1786)一the setting ofwhichisbothmedievalandoriental
and the sub } ect both erotic and sadistic一Ann Raddiffe , s仆e人印steriesof
队勿IPho ( 1 794 ) and other highly successful Gothic romances , and Matthew
Gregory Lewis,仆e Mdnk ( 1 796 ) , which exPlolted , with considerable literary
sklll , the shock ・ effects of a narrative involving rape , incest , murde石and dia -
bolism . Jane Austen made good一humored fun of the more decorous instances
of the Gothic vogue inNo肋a叹孵r Abb即(written 1 798 , published 1818 ) .
The term " Gothic , , has also been extended to a type of fiCtion Which
lacks the exotic setting of the earlier romances , but develops a brooding at -
mosphere of gloom and terror , represents events that are uncanny or macabre
or melodramatically violent , and often deals With aberrant psychological
states . In this extended sense the term " Gothicn has been applied to William
Godwin , 5 Caleb Will企ams ( 1794 ) , Mary Shelley , 5 remarkable and influential
尸巾n加nstein ( 1817 ) , and the novels and tales of termr by the German E . T . A .
Hoffinann . Still more loosely , " Gothic , , has been used to describe elements of
the macabre and terri柳ng in such later works as Emily Bront赴,s训爪thering
价igh饥Charlotte Bront贬,5 lane妙re , Charles Dickens , Bleak HOuse ( for exam -
ple , chapters 11 , 16 , and 47 ) and Great ExPecta红ons ( the MissH洲sham
episodes ) . Critics have recently drawn attention to the many women wrlters
of Gothicfi由on , and have explained the features of the mode as a result of
the suppTession of lemale sexuality , also as a Challenge to the gender hierar -
chy and vatues of a male一dominated culture . See feminist币瓦cism and refer to
Sandra Gilbert and Susan Guba石仆eM比计w口man in theA旅c ( 1979 ) , and Ju ・
liann E . Fleenor , ed .,仆eFe州ale Gothic ( 1983 ) .
America , espectally southem America , has beenfe由le in Gothicfi由on in
the extended sense , from the novels of Ch妞es Brockden Brown ( 1 771一1810 )
and the terror talesof Edgar Allan Poe to William Faulkner , s sanctUa甲and Ab -
salom , Absalom ! and some of the fiction of Truman Capote . The nightlnarish
realm of uncanny terror , violence , and crue冲叩ened by the Gothic novel
continued to be explored in novels such as Daphne du Maurier , 5 popular

威廉・贝克福德的《瓦提克》(1786 ) ―作品以中世纪和东方为背景,表现了色情淫
事;以及马修・格雷格里・刘易斯的《僧人》(1796 ),其中运用高超的文学技巧,描述
斯》(1794)、玛丽,雪莱杰出而著名的《弗兰肯斯泰因》(1817)以及德国作家E . T . A .
庄》 、夏洛蒂・勃朗特的《简爱》 、查尔斯・狄更斯的《荒凉山庄》(如第11 、 16 、 47章)及
等级和男权文化价值观的一种挑战。参见:女性主义批评,参阅:Sandra Gilbert and
Susan Gubar,丁丙e叼改dwoman in the Atti 。(1979 ) , and Juliann E . Fleenor , ed . , The
Female Gothic ( 1953)。

式小说。达夫妮・杜・莫里哀在其颇受欢迎的小说《蝴蝶梦》(1938 ),以及艾丽斯・
224 GRAVEYARo po曰S ・ cR 〔 ATC日^IN OFB 〔 ING

Rebecca ( 1938 ) arid Iris Murdoch , S肠e Unicom ; it 15 also exploited by writers of
horror fiction such as H . P . Lovecraft and StePhen擞ng , and by the writers and
direCtorS of horror movles .
See G . R . Thompson , ed ・,仆e Gothic加叨刀a如n : Essays in Da沃Roman万-
cism ( 1974 ) ; and William Patrick Da又In the Circles ofFear and Desire ( 1985 ) ;
David Punter,仆e Litera勿即ofTe脚r . . A Histo甲ofGothicFic瓦on加m 1765 tothe
尸化肥nt ( 1979 , Zd ed . , 1996 ) , Eugenla DeLamotte , PeriIS of the Night ( 1990 ) ;
Anne Williams , Arto厂Darkness ( 1995 ) . On " American Gothicn一and especially
the " southern Gothic ,,一ee Chester E . Eisinger , " The Gothic Spirit in the For -
ties , " Fic丘on in theFO币es ( 1963 ) .

G印ve扣rd Poets . A term applied to eighteenth一century poets Who wrote
meditative poems , usuaily set in a graveyard , on the theme of human mortality ,
in moods which range from ele矛ac pensiv6ness to profound gloom . Examples
are仆omas Pamell , s " Night一Piece on Death , , ( 1721 ) , Edwardyoung , S longNight
仆oug丙。(1742 ),皿d RObert BI北,s " The Graven ( 1743 ) . The vogue resulted in
one of the most widely known English poems , Thomas Gray , s " ElegyV六ltten in
a Countty Chulchyard , , ( 1751)・ The writing of肛av即ard poems spread from
Engiand to Continental literature in the second part of the century and 15 rep -
resented in America by William Cullen Bryant , s " ThanatOPsis , , ( 1817 ) .
See Amy Louise Reed,角e BackS叨und ofGray , S EI卿(1924 ) . EdithM , Sick -
els , in角e Gloo卿勿瘤t ( 1932 ) , follows the evolution of graveyard and other
melancholy verse through the ROmantic Period , For the voguein玩rope ,
refer to助ul VOn Tieghem , LeP形・ roman公脚e ( 3 vols . , 1924 - - 47 ) .

Greot Cltoin of seing . The conception of the Great Chain of Being 15
grounded in ideas北out the natUre of God , or the First Cause , in the Greek
philosophers Plato , Aristotle , and Plotinus , and was developed by later
thinkers into a philosophy to account for the ori矛n , types , and relationships
of all living things in the universe . This woridview was already prevalent in
the Renaissance , but was refined and greatiy developed by the German
phifosopher Got位ied块ibniz early in the eighteenth century , and then
adopted by a number of thinkers of the Enlightenment . In its comprehensive
eighteenth一century form , the Great Chain of Being was based on the idea that
the essential " excellence , , of God consists in His limitless creativity - that 15 ,
in an unstinting overflow of His own being into the fullest possible variety of
other beings . From this premise were deduced three consequences :

( 1 ) Plenltude . The universe 15 absotutely full of every possible klnd and
variety of life ; no conceivable spectes of being remains unrealized .
( 2 ) Continuity ・ Each sPecies differs from the next by the least possible de -
gree , and 50 merges all but imperceptibly into the spedes most nearly
related to it .
( 3 ) Gradation . The existing species exhibit a hierarchy of status , and 50
compose a great chain , or ladder , of being , extending from the lowli -
est condition of the mereste对stence up to God Hlmself . In this chain

衣钵。另外,H . P.洛夫克拉夫特和斯蒂芬・金等恐怖小说作家,以及恐怖电影的剧作
参看:G . R . Tholllpson , ed . , The曲thic Imagia , , tion : Essa夕5 in肠rk Romanticism ,
1974 ; William Patrick Day , In the Circles of Feor and Desire , 1985;及四id Punter , TheLiter -
atu柑of升rror : A从sto即of Gothic Ficti阴:户切nl乃5 to the Pre 、 。 t , 1979 . Zd ed . , 1996 ;
E吧e而a DeLamotte , PerilsoftheNi劝t , 1990 ; Annewilliarns , A对ofDarkness , 1995 。关
于“美国哥特式小说”,尤其是美国“南方哥特式小说”的论述,参见:chester E.乙singer ,
" The Gothic Spirit in the Forties " , Fictioni刀the凡rties , 1963 。

Graveyard Poets墓畔诗人

知的英诗佳作。 18世纪后半期,墓畔诗歌的创作从英国传人欧洲大陆和美国,代表作
参看:Amy Louise Reed , Th 。 Ba沃gro 。刀d of Gray ' 5 Elegy , 1924 。伊迪丝・ M .
其他伤感诗歌。关于墓畔诗在欧洲的盛行,参阅:Paul von Tieghem , L 。尸沦-
romantisme , 3vols . , 1924一1947 。

Great Chaln ot日e ] ng伟大的生存(环)链

( l)丰富性:宇宙间完全充满着各种各样的生命,不存在尚未认识的可想象到的
( 2)连合性:每一物种与另一物种的区别是微乎其微的,因此它便能以几乎难以
( 3)等级性:存在中的一切物种体现出不同的地位等级,它们因此组成了一条伟

human beings occupy the middle position between the animal kinds
and the angels , or purely spiritual beings ・
on these concepts Leibniz and other thinkers also grounded what 15
called the doctrine of philosophical OPtimism一the view that , this 15 " the
best of all possible Woridsn ; but only in the special sense that this 15 the best
world whosee劝stence 15 10拼cally possible . The reasoning underlytng this
claim 15 that , since God , 5 bountifulness consists in His creat10n ofthe greatest
possible variety of graded beings , aspects of created life that to al加lted
human point of view seems to be deficiency and州1 can be recogn让ed , from
an overall cosmic vie例point , to follow necessarily from the very excellence of
the divine nature , which logically entails that there be a progressive set of
l加it甜ons , hence increasing " evils , " as We move farther dOWn along the
chain of being . As Voltaire ironically summarized this mode of optimism :
, , This 15 the best of all possible worlds , and everything in it 15 a necessary evil . "
With his remarkable precision and econom又龙exander Pope compressed
the concepts that make up the Great Chain of Being into a half - dozen or 50
hero纪couPle饥in EPistie 1 of his Essay onM泛n ( 1 732 - - 34 ) :
of systems possible , if ' tis confessed
That Wlsdom Infinite must form the best ,
Where all must full or not coherent be ,
And all that rises rise in due degree ;
Then in the scale of reasoning life , ' tis plain ,
There roust be , somewhere , such a rank as man.…
See , through this ai乙this ocean , and this earth ,
灿lmatterqulck , andburstingintobirth.…
介st Chain of Being ! which from God be邵n ,
Natures ethereal , human , angel , man ,
Beast , bird , fish , insect , what no eye can see ,
No glass can reachl from Infinjte to thee ,
From thee to nothing.…
Philosophical optimism 15 one particular form of what 15 known asa
theodiCy . This term , compounded of the Greek Words for " Godn and " right , "
designates any system of thought which sets out to reconcile the assumption
that God 15 perfectly good with the fact that州l喇sts . Milton , s " great argu ・
ment , ' in Paradise Lost , by which he undertakes to " assert Etemal Providence /
And lust仰the ways of God to men , , ( 1 . 24 - - 26 ) 15 an example of a traditional
Christian theodicy , explaining evil as the result of " man , s first disobedience "
in Eden , that " Brought death into the worid , and all our woe . "
See A . 0.切ve1Oy , S classiC work in the history of id6as,仆e Great Chainof
Being ( 1936 ) ; also E . M . W . Tjllyard,肠eEI红欢加than认/Orl泛例‘匆re ( 1943 ) , ChaPters
今5 , wllich deals with the prevalence of the concePt in Shakespeare , slife廿me .

HO吸u ( sometimes spelled hokku ) 15 a Japanese poetic fonn that represents ,
in seventeen syllables , ordered into three lines of five , seven , and月ve sylla -
bles , the poet3 emotional or spiritual response to a natUral oblect , scene , or
season of the year . The strict form , which relies on the short , uniform , and

我们沿着这条生存链继续向下时,就会发现渐增的“邪恶” 。伏尔泰曾饶有讽刺意味
事物都必然是邪恶的。 ”
在某种程度上,注定存在着这样一个如同人类一样的序列… …
万物在瞬即间皆关联,且在突然间生发… …
自你直至微不足道的… …

道的公正” ( 1 . 24一26)的“伟大的论点”就是传统的基督教神正论,它向人们解释罪恶
源自在伊甸园“人类初尝禁果”,使“死亡和所有的灾难降临到这个世界” 。
关于思想历史的经典论著参阅:A . 0 . Lovejoy , Tho Great chain of Being ,
1936;另外,关于这一观念流行于莎士比亚一生之中的著述,参见:E . M . W . Tilly盯d ,
The ElizabethanW汾ld Picture , 1943 , Chapters4一5 。


228日^RL 〔 MR 〔 NAlss ^ Nc 〔 ・日ERojC coupL 〔 T

unstressed syllabic strUcture of the Japanese language , 15 very difficult in En ・
gllsh ; most poets who attempt the haiku loosen the rule for the number and
pattem of the syllables . The haiku greatly influenced Ezra Pound and other
Imagists , who set out to reproduce both the brevity and the distinctiveness of
the image in the Japanese originai . Ezra Pound , s " In a Station of the Metron 15
a well一known instance of the haiku in the loosened Engllsh form ; see this
poem underi脚州s柳.
Eari R . Miner)仆eZ即anese于的山瓦on主n Bri红sh and American Litera加re
( 1958 ) ; and R . H . Blyth , A HIStoly ofHaiku ( 2 vols . , 1963巧4 ) ; Bruce Ross , ed . ,
Haiku MOme柱t . . An Antholq卿ofC0ntemPora印North American枷iku ( 1993 ) .

H公le过Ren过ssonce . A period of remarkable creativity in literatUre ,
music , dance , painting , and sculptUre by African一Americans , from the end of
the First WbrldW故in 1917 through the 19205 . As a result ofthemassmigra -
tions to the urban North in order to escape the legal segregation of the Amer -
ican South , and also In order to take advantage of the iobs opened to
African一Americans at the beginning of the Wa乙the population of there乎on
of Manhattan知own as Hariem became almost exduslvely Black , and the
vital center of African - AmeriCan cul加re in AxneriCa . Dtstinguished Writers
who were part of the movement included the poets Countee Cullen ,
Langston Hughes ( w ho also wrote novels and plays ) , Claude McK哪and Ster -
ling Brown ; the novelists Jean TOomer ( w hose remark的ly inventiveC " ne ,
1923 , included verse and drama as well as prose fiction ) , Jessie Fauset , and
W缸lace Thurman ; and many ess州sts , memoirists , and wrlters in diverse
modes such as James Wddon Johnson , Marcus Garvey , and Ama Bontemps .
The Great Depression of 1929 and the early 19305 brought the period of
buoyant Harlem cultur ? hich had been fostered by prosperity in the pub -
lishing industry and the art worideeeffectiVely to an end . Zora Neale
Hurston , 5 novel,仆eir Eyes嫩re叭公tching God ( 1937 ) , and other Works , h0w -
ever , are widely accounted as late products of the Harlem Renaissance .
See仆e入陌wN电To : An Inte甲reta廿。九(1925 ) , an anthology edited by Alain
Locke , which did much to define the sPirit of the Harlem Renaissance ; Ama
Bontemps , ed .,几e Harle附Re " aissance Rem翻b日望d ( 1972 ) ; Margaret Per年
角eHarlemRenaissance ( 1982 ) .

Herolc Co即let . Lines of iambic pentameter ( see爪eter ) whlch rhyme in
pairs : aa , bb , CC , and 50 on . The adiective " heroicn was applied in the later sev -
enteenth century because of the frequent use of such couplets in heroic ( that
15 , ePic ) poems and in触roic dramas . This verse form was introduced intoEn -
glish poetry by Geoffrey Chaucer ( ln仆e L6gend of Good灿men and most of
劝eCanterbu卿介les ) , andhasbeeninconstantuseeverslnce . Fromtheageof
John Dryden through that of Samuel Johnson , the heroic couplet was the pre -
dominant English measure for all the poetic klnds ; some poets , including
Alexander Pope , used it almost to the exclusion of other meters .
In that era , usually called the Neoclass定cPe找od , the poets wrote in dosed
couplets , in Whlch the end of each couPlet tends to coincl山with the end

参看:Earl R . Miner , The Japanese Traditio , , i刀British andA爪erican Litera -
lure , 1958 ; R . H . Blyth , A Hi ' to砂of Ilaiku , 2 vols . , 1963一1964 ; Bruce Ross , ed . ,
Haiku Mdment : An Antholog夕of Contemporar夕North American Haiku , 1993 。

Har } em Rena } ssance哈莱姆文艺复兴

劳德・麦凯和斯特林・布朗;小说家琼・图默〔著有闻名于世的《手杖》(1923 ),还创
作了许多诗歌、戏剧和小说〕 、杰西・福塞特和华莱士・瑟曼;另外还有詹姆士・韦尔
参看阿兰・洛克主编的选集《新黑人设释》(1925 、,书中大部分内容都是在解释
哈莱姆文艺复兴的精神。 Arna Bontemps , ed .,几。月a : lez , l尺en " 15,。 nc 。尺eme , n -
bered , 1972 ; Margaret Perry,刀e Harlem Renaz 、,a , : : e , 1982 。

日eroic couplet英雄双韵体

英雄双韵体为五步抑扬格诗行(参见:格律),对句成韵,形成aa , bb , cc …的韵
律。 17世纪后期,因为对句在英雄(即史诗)诗歌和英雄剧中的频繁出现,形容词

either ofa sentence or of a self - suffident unit of syntax . The sustained em -
plo叨ment of the closed heroic couplet meant that two lines had to serVe
of the funCtion Of a Stanza . In ordet tom出。幻nize the intettelatfons

of the comp onent parts ofand also broke many single llnes into subunits by balanctng the
 the couplet , neoclas ic poets often used an end - stop ed first line ( that 15 , made the end of the line coincide with a pause in
line around a strong caesu低or medial pause In the syntax .
The following passage fromjohnDenham , sCOOPer , s HIll ( whichheadded
in the version of 1655 ) 15 an early instance of the artful management of the
closed couplet that fascinated later neoclassic poets ; they quoted It and com -
mented uPon it agaln and again , and used it as a model for exPloitlng the pos ・
sibilities of this verse form . Note how Denham achieves diversitywi如n the
straitness of his couplets by shifts in the position of the caesuras , by the use of
rhetorical balance and an瓦thesis be勺四een the single llnes and be幻战en the勺四o
halves within a single line , and by the variable positioning of the adlectlves in
the second couplet . Note also the framing and the emphasis galned by invert -
ing the iambic foot that begins the first line and the last line , and by maniPu ・
lating similar and contrasting vowels and consonants . The poet 15 addressing
the助verThames :

0 could 1 flow like thee , and make thy stream
My great example , as it 15 my theme !
Though deeP , yet clear ; though gentie , yet not dull ;
Strong without rage , Withouto , erfl0Wing full ・
And here 15 a passage from Alexander Pope , the greatest master of the metri -
cal , syntactical , and thetorical possibilities of the dosed heroic couplet ( " of
the Characters of Wbmen , " 1 735 , lines 243摊8 ) :
See how the world its veterans rewards !
A youth of frolics , an old age ofcards ;
Fair to no purpose , artful to no end ,
Young without lovers , old without a friend ;
A fopthdr passion , but their prize a sot ;
Alive , ridiculous , and dead , forgot !
These closed neoclassic couplets contrast With the " open , , pentameter
couPlets quoted ftom Keats , En咖币on in the entry on meter . In the latter , the
pattem of stresses varies often from the iambic norm , the syntax 15 unsylll -
metrical , and the couplets run on加ely , with the thyme serving to color
rather than to Stop the verse ・
See GeorgeV八11iamson , " The Rhetorical Pattem of Neoclassical Wit , "
MOde阴Phitol昭y33 ( 1935 ) ; W . K . Wimsatt , " one Relation of Rhyme to Reason
( Al exander Pope ) , " in仆e Verbal ICOn ( 1954 ) ; William Bowman PIPe丸了触
石飞阳ic CouPlet ( 1969 ) .

Herolc Dro . . o was a form mainly spec讯c to the Res加ra瓦onP币od ,
instances continued to be written in the early eighteenth centUry . As John
Dryden defined it : " An heroic play ought to be an imitation , in little , of an




参看:George Williamson , " The Rhetorical Pattern of Neoclassical Wit , , , M乙dern
Philolog夕33 , 1935 ; W . K . Wimsatt , " One Relation of Rhyme to Reason ( Alexander
Pope ) " , in The Verbal Icon , 1954 ; William Bowman Piper , The Heroic
Couplet , 1969 。

Heroic Drama英雄剧


heroic poem ; and consequently … love and valour ought to be the subiect of it , , ( Pree epic by employtng as protagonist
faceto仆e Co拄quest of Granada , 1672 ) . By " heroic poem , , he meafit
豁燃操薰薰 the fate of an empire , and by hav -
and elaborate style , usually cast in

the ePlgram atic form of the closed五eroic co即let . A noble hero and heroine aret即ical y rePresented in a situation in which their pas ionate love conflicts

with the demands of honor and with the hero , 5 patriotic duty to his country ;
if the conflict ends in disaste ' the play 15 called an heroic tragedy . often the
central dilemma 15 patently contrived and the characters seem to modem
readers to be statuesque and unconvincing , While the attempt to sustaina
high epic style swells sometimes into bombast , as in Dryden , 5 LoVe TriumPhant
( 1693 ) : " What woods are these ? 1 feel my vital heat / Forsake my limbs , my
curdled blood retreat . "
Dryden 15 the maior writer of this dramatic form;角e COnquesto厂Granada
15 one of the better heroic tragedies , but the most successful achievement 15
All for Love ( 1678 ) , which 15 an adaptation to the heroic formula of Shake -
speare3 Anto恻and CleOPatTO . other heroic dramatists were Nathaniel Lee
(角eRivaIQueens ) andThomasotway ) Whose论nicePreserVedisafinetragedy
that transcends the limitations of the form . w七also owe indlrectiy to heroic
tragedy two very amusing paro成“ of the type : the Duke of Buckingham , s仆e
Rehearsal ( 1672 ) and Henry Fielding , s角e Tragedyo厂乃风卯dies , or the Life and
Death ofTO用仆u阴b the Great ( 1731)・
See Bonamy Dobree , Restora如n Tr ' lgedy ( 1929 ) ; Allardyce Nicoll , Restora -
瓦on Drama ( 1955 ) ; Arthur C.擞rsch , D叫en , S Hero之c Dra川a ( 1965 ) .

H.国.On加m . In the sixteenth century the word humanist was coined to 519 -
nify one Who taught or worked in the " studia humanitatls , " or humanities一
that 15 , grammar , rhetoric , history , poetry , and moral philosophy , as
distinguished丘om fields less concerned with the moral and imaginative as -
pects and activities of man , such as mathematics , natural philosophy , and
theology . At that time , these stUdies foCUsed on classical , and above all Latin ,
CUlture ; and they put great emphasis on leaming to speak and write good
Latin . Scholarly humanists recovered , edited , and expounded many ancient
texts in Greek and Latin , and 50 contributed greatly to the store of materials
and ideas in the European Renaissance . These humanists also wrote many
works concemed with educational , moral , and political themes , based largely
on classical Wrlters such as Aristotle , Plato , and above all , Cicero . In the nine -
teenth centUry a new word , humanism , came to be applied to the view of
human nature , the general values , and the educational ideas common to
many Renaissance humanists , as well as to a number of later Wrlters in the
same tradition .
勺pically , Renaissance humanism assumed the dignity and central posi -

of human beings in the unlverse ; emphasized the importance edUCa - tioll
of stud尹ng classical ima乎native and phllosophical literature , tioll
Wlth emphasis on its morai and practical rather than its aesthetic values ; and

仿,因此… …爱情与英雄气概应该是它的主题”(《格拉纳达的征服》序言,1672)。德
什么森林?我感到生命之火/弃离了我的手脚,周身冷固的血液已经退去。 ”
剧,但他最有成就的剧作要数《一切为了爱》(1678 ),该剧是他对莎士比亚的《安东尼
参看:Bonamy Dobr己e , Restorat乞on Traged夕,1929 ; Allardyce Nicoll , Restora -
t艺。刀Dra仇a , 1955 ; Arthur C . Kirsch , Dr少den ’ 、 Heroic Dza功a , 1965 。



insisted on the primacy , in orde血9 human life , of reason ( considered the dis -
tinctively hUman faCUlty ) as opposed to the instinctual appetites and the " an ・
加al , , passions . Many humanists also stressed the need for a rounded
develoPment of an individual , 5 diverse powers , physical , mental , artistic , and
moral , as OPposed to a merely technical or speclalized klnd of training .
In our也De the term " hllm和nist , , often connotes those thin缺rs who base
trUth on human experience and reason and base values on human nature and
culture , as dlstinct from those Who regard religious revelation as the warrant
for all tTUth and values . With few excePtions , howeve乙Renaissance human -
ists were pious Christians who inco印orated the concepts and ideals inherited
ftom pagan antiquity into the frame of the Christian creed . The result was
that they tended to emphasize the vatues achievable by human beings in this
woild , and to minim让e the earlier Christian emphasis on the innate corrup -
tion of human beings and on the ideals of asceticism and of withdrawal from
this woild in a preoccupation with the world hereafter . It has become com ・
mon to refer to this synthesis of classlcal and Christian views,钾pical of叭耐t ・
ers such as Sir Phllip Sidney , Edmund Spenser , and John Milton , as Christian
h , , manl咤m .
The rapid advance in the achievements and prestige of the natural sci ・
ences and technology after the Renaissance sharpened , in later heirs of the
the need to defend the role of the humallities in a lib -
against the encroachments of the sdences and the pra比cal
As Samuel Johnson , the eighteenth一century humanist who had once
been a schoolmaster , wrote in his Life ofMilton :

The trUth 15 , that the如owledge of extemal nature , and the sdences
whlch that knowledge requires or includes , are not the great or the fre -
quent business of the human mind.… W七are perpetually moralists ,
but we are geometricians only by chance.… Socrates was rather of
opinion that What we had to learn was , how to do good , and avoid州1 .

Matthew Amold , the notable proponent of humanism in the VICto而n八到od ,
strongly def6nded the central role of humane studies in general education .
Many of Arnold , 5 leading ideas are adaptations of the tenets of the older hu -
manism一hlsvi峨for example , that culture 15 a perfection " of our humanity
proper , as distinguished from our animallty , " and consists of " a harmonious
expansion of all the powers Which make the beauty and Worth of human na ・
ture , , ; his emphasls on knowing " the best that 15 knOWn and thought in the
world , " with the assumption that much of what 15 best 15 in the Wrltings of
dassical antiquity ; and his conception of poetry as essentially " a critidsm of
life . "

In the 18905 the German philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey developeda
highly influential dis血d10n be七胜en the natUral sctences , whlch aim at a re ・
ductive " explanation , , of the world , and the " human sciences , , ( the humani ・
ties ) , whlch aim to achieve an " understanding , , of the full , concrete world of
actUal experience一the liv6d human worid , for example , that 15 rePresented in
Works of literature . ( S ee in the entry InterPreta找on and Ilem把neu以cs . )


不是人们头脑中频繁思考的事物… …我们永远是道德主义者,而成为几何
学家仅仅是出于偶然… …苏格拉底认为:我们应该学会的就是怎样行善

值的全部能力的和谐发展”;他强调认识了解“世界上已知并被视为最美好的事物” ,
诗歌是“对生活的评说” 。

In our own century the American movement of 191于33 known as the
New Humanism , under the leadership of Irving Babbitt and Paul Elmer
More , argued strongly for a retum to a primarily humanistic education , and
for a very conservative view of moral , political , and literary values that 15
grounded mainly on classical literature . ( See Irving Babbitt , LiteratUre and the
American Coll6ge , 1908 ; and Norman Foerster , ed . , Humanis优and Ameri帆
1930 . ) But in the present age of proliferating demands for specialists in the
sclences , technofogy , and the practical arts , the broad humanistic base fora
general education has been greatly eroded . In most colleges the earlier hu -
manistic川ew of education survives mainly in the requirement that all stu -
dents in the liberal arts must take at least six hours in the group called the
humanlties , which comprises literature , philosophy , music , languages , and
sometimes history .
It 15 notable that a number of recents加ctUralist and poststruc加ralist
philosophical and critical theories are expressly antihumanistic , not only in
the sense that they undertake to subvert many of the values proposed妙tra -
ditional humanism , but in the more radical sense that they undertake to " de -
center , " or to eliminate entlrel又the focus on the human being , or su勿ect , as
the malor obiect of study and the malor agency in effect讥9 scientific , cul -
tural , and literary achievements . " Man , , as Michel Foucault has put it ina
widely quoted affi皿ation , " 15 a simple fold in our language , , who 15 destined
to " disappear as soon as that knowledge has found a new form . " In the realm
of 11terary and critical theory , somes合祝c纽ralists conceive of a human author
as simplya " space , , in which linguistic and cultUral codes come together to ef -
fect a text;讹印ns如c找onists tend to reduce the human sublect to one of the
" effects , , engendered by the dlfferential play of language ; and a number of
M动rxist and new一historicist critics describe the sub } ect as a variable construc -
tion that 15 Produced and positioned by the ideological or cultural " discursive
formations " that the author一as一subiect incorporates and transmits in his or
her own literary product . ( See poststUctUralis脚.) A number of feminists , gay
and lesbian critics , and proponents of ethnic multiculturalism are adherents
of " identity politics , " and stake out a position which differs from both the hu -
manistic and poststructUral views of the nature and valid role of the human
sublect . Like traditional humanists , identity theorists relect the extreme
poststructulal cla恤5 that the human subiect 15 no more than a social con -
struction or textual effect , and replace the subiecteeas a particular sexual ,
gender一spectfic , or ethnic identity一at the center of the scene of writing , in -
terpretation , and political action . In opposition to traditional humanists , on
the other hand , identity theorlsts emphasize the identity of the subiect asa
representativE of one or another group , rather than as a representative of uni -
versal humanity . ( on current conflicts about " identity , , see Jonathan Culler ,
Litera甲Theo份AVe侧Short劲tToduc如n , 1997 , Chapters ; also refer to the en -
tries in this GIOssa即on fem动ist试跳站巩postCOtonial stUdies , and口ueer theo斤.、
Un the history of humanism : Douglas Bush,仆e Renaissance and En对ish
月uman派sm ( i , J , );只U.红lstdle耳了大e Classics and Renaissance仆。之Ight ( 1955 ) ;
H . 1 . Marrou , A Histo甲。厂五湘ca丘on inA儿丘qui今(1956 ) ; R . 5 . Crane,仆eldeaof

和美国大学》(1908)和诺曼・福斯特编写的《人文主义与美国》(193 。)]。但是由于当
“在知识一寻求到一种新形式时就消失不见” 。在文学和批评理论领域,一些结构主
义者把人类作家简单地理解为一个语言、文化代码结合在一起以产生文本的“空间” ;
书中的女性主义批评、后殖民主义研究和同性恋理论词条〕 。
有关人文主义的历史,请参阅:Douglas Bush , The Rena乞s 、 a 。 。 ea , dE二91乞sh
Humanis阴,1939 ; P . 0 . Kristeller , TheClassicsandRenaissanceThought , 1955 ; H .
1 . Marrou , A Histor夕of Education艺n Anti , uit夕,1956 ; R . 5 . Crane , Th 。 Idea of the
238 HYMN

功eHu从ani瓦es ( 2 vols . , 1967 ) . on小e New Humanism in the early twentieth
centUry : Claes G.即n,州11,加呼na红O九and Reason:力喇ng Babbitt and伪e Prob -
份川ofReali妙(1986 ) . For antihumanist critiques or deconstruction of the
human sublect , see the references under posts加ctUralism , deconstTUc找on , and
new histo爪ism . For opposition to such views and defenses of the humanist
position in authorship , inte甲retation , and criticism , see形chard Levin ,
" Bashing the Bourgeois Sublect , " in Tex加al Pra币ce3 ( 1989 ) ; Clara Claiborne
Park , R咖ining the Com从on Reader ( 1991 ) ; M . H . Abrams , " What 15 a Humanis -
tic Criticism ? , , in角eE帅eror Redressed . . Cri廿quing创以cal角eo邝ed . Dwight
Eddins ( 1995 ) ; Rlchard A . Etiin,加De伽se ofHu嫩anism : Value inA心and Let -
加朽(1996 ) ; Alvin Kernan , ed . , W加t , s枷Ppened to theH扮mani瓦esZ ( 1997 ) .

知.. incurrentusagedenotesasongthatcelebratesGodorexpressesreli -
gious feelings and 15 intended primarily to be sung as part of a rellgious sery -
ice . ( S ee州c ・)The term derives from the Greekh脚nos , Whlch originally
signified songs of praise that were for the most part addressed to the gods , but
in some instances to human heroes or to abstract concepts . The early Chris -
tian Churches , following classical examples , introduced the singing of hymns
as part of the liturgy ; some of these consisted of the texts or paraphrases of
old介stament psalms , but others were composed as songs of worship by
churchly authors of the time . The Writing of religious lyric poems set to music
continued through the Middle Ages and into the Protestant Reformation ;
Martin Luther hlmseif ( 1483一1546 ) composed both the German words and
the music ofh犷mns , including " A Mighty Fortress 15 our God , " which 15 now
sung饰most Christian denominations ・
The wrlting of reli矛ous hymns , some of them metrical魂rsions of the
psalms and others original , continued through the Renaissance and was sup -
plemented by a revival of " literary冲mns , , on secular or even pagan sub ・
】 ects一a dassicaltype which had been kept alive through the Middle Agesby
a number of neo一Latin poets , and was now composed to be read rather than
sung . Edmund Spenser , 5 FOwreHy阴ns ( 1596 ) are distlnguished examples of
suCh literary冲rnns ; the first two celebrate earthly love and beauty , and the
second two celebrate heavenly ( that 15 , Christian ) love and beauty . The tradi -
tion of认庄iting冲mns on secular sublects continued into the nineteenth cen -
tu以and produced such examples as James Thomson , s " A Hymn on the
Seasonsn ( 1730 ) , Keats , " Hymn to Apollo , " and Shelley , s " H扣mn of Apollon
and " H叨mn of Pann ; the last three of these hymns , it should be noted , like
many of the original Greek hymns , are addressed to pagan gods .
The secular冲rnns were often long and elaborate compositions that
verged closely upon another form of versified praise , the ode . These hymns , as
well as many reli乎ous instances such as the great " Hymn , , that constitutes all
but the brief introduction of Milton , s " on the Moming of Christ , 5 Nativityn
( 1629 ) , were formal compositions that were intended only to be read . The
short reli矛ous lyric wrltten for public sin乡ng was re们ved , and developed into
its modem form , by the notable eighteenth一century hymnists of personal
religious emotions , including Isaac Watts , Charles and JohnW比leyl and

Huma , itie , , 2 vols . , 1967 。关于20世纪早期的新人文主义,参阅:Claes G . Ryn ,
Will , Imagination and Reason : Irving Babb£tt and the Problem of Real£t夕,1986 。对
场的维护,参l阅:Richard Levin , " Bashing the Bourgeois Subject " , Textual Practice
3 , 1989 ; Clara Claiborne Park , Rejoining the Common Reader , 1991 ; M . H .
Abrams , " What 15 a Humanistic Criticism ? " , in The Emperor Redressed : Critiquing
Critical Theo勺,ed . Dwight Eddins , 1995 ; Richard A . Etlin , InDef ’湘seofHuman -
乞sm : Val " e艺九Artsa " d Letters , 1996 ; Alvin Kernan , ed . , W了at ’ 、 Happe拜ed to the
Humanities ? 1997 。


为仪式的一部分而被吟唱(参见:抒情诗)。这一术语源于希腊文勺mno 、,原指赞美
赞美诗的补充。 “文学赞美诗”属于古典赞美诗类型,在中世纪时期,通过一些新拉丁语
传统延续至19世纪,其间出现了像詹姆斯・汤姆逊的《四季颂歌》 、济慈的《阿波罗颂》

勺VilllamC ; a successor in the next century wasjohnHenryNewman ,
author of " Lead,租ndly Light . " In America the poets John GreenleafM几11世er ,
oliverw七ndell Holmes , and HenryW妞dsworth LongfelloW wrote hymns , but
the greatest and best一如own American devotional songs are the anonymous
A侧can一m州cantype that we call sp城tuals , such as " Swing LO代Sweet Char ・
iotn and " Go Down , Moses . "
See JamesW已don Johnson and J . ROsamond Johnson , Boo天。厂A川州印n
N电TOSPiri扭als ( 1925一6 ) , andtheN己w山fordBOOkofChris血nVerse , ed ・ Don ・
aid Davie ( 1982 ) ; and refer to : C . 5 . Phillipe,脚州no即Past and PTesent ( 1937 ) ;
Louis F . Benson,仆e English助卿n ( 1962 ) ; P . 5 . Diehl,介e人伦dieval EuroPean
Rel娜ousL州c ( 1985 ) ; and the artide " Hymn , , in仆eN日胃州nceton En叭IOPe -
dia ofPOe抑and POe瓦cs ( 1993 ) .

H仰“ bole Ond Uude截比吐朋.ent . The figure of sPeech , or廿OPe , called
h即erbole ( Greek for " overshootingn ) 15 bold overstatement , or the extrava -
gant exaggeration of加ct or of possibility . It may be used either for serious or
ironic or comic effect . Iago says gioatingly of othello ( 111 . 111 . 330ff ・):
Not poppy nor mandragora ,
Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world ,
Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep
Which thou洲,dst yesterday ・

Famed examples in the seventeenth century are Ben Jonson , s gallantlyh扣er -
bolic compl加ents to hls lady in " Drink to me only with thine eyes , " and the
ironic hyPerbolesin " To His Coy Mistress , " by which Andrew Marvell attests
how infinitely slowly his " vegetable love should gr卿n衬f he had " but world
enough and time . " The " tall talk , , or tail tale of the AmericanW比t 15 a form
of mainly comich即erbole . There 15 the story of a cowboy in an eastem
restaurant who ordered a steak well done . " Do you call this well done ? , , he
roared at the waitress . " I , ve seen critters hurt worse than that get well ! "
The contrary figure 15 understatement ( t he Greek term 15 meiosis , " less -
ening , , ) , which deliberately represents something as very much less in magni -
加de or importance than it really 15 , or 15 ordinarily considered to be . The effect
15 usually ironlc一avagely ironic injonathanSW袱,s A Taleofa几b , " Lastweek
1 saw awomanflayed , andyouwillhardlybelievehowmuchitalteredherper -
son for the worse , " and comically ironic in Mark Twain , 5 comment that " The
reports of my death are greatiy exaggerated . " Some川tics extend " meiosis , , to
the use in literature of as加ple , unemphatic statement to enhance the effect of
a de印lypatheticortra乎cevent ; anexampleistheIineatthecloseofthenar -
ratlve in Wbrdsworth污人五动ael ( 1800 ) : " And never llfted uP a single stone . "
A spectal form of understatement ts litotes ( G reek for " plain , , or " sim -
ple , , ) , the assertion of an affirmative by negating its contrary : " He , 5 not the
brightest man in the world , , meaning " He 15 stUpid . " The figure 15台equent in
Anglo ・ Saxon poet琢where the effect 15 usually one of grim irony . In Beowu桥
after Hrothgar has descrlbed the ghastly mere where the monster Grendel
dwells , he comments , " That 15 not a pleasant place . "

威廉・柯拍。 19世纪的一个继承者是《慈光歌》的作者约翰・亨利・纽曼。美国创作
美国类型的赞美诗,比如《马车慢慢摇》和《去吧,摩西》 。
参看:James Weldon Johnson andJ , Rosamond Johnson , Book oj American Negro
Spirituals , 1925一1926 ; Donald Davie ed . , New 〔欢ford Book of Chr泛stian Verse ,
1 982 ; C . 5 . Phillipe,月夕mnod夕Past and Present , 1937 ; Louis F . Benson , TheEng -
115人H夕m儿,1962 ; P . 5 . Diehl , TheMedievalEuropeanReligiousL夕ric , 1985;关于
" Hymn ”的论文收在The New Pr泛nceton卫,: c夕cloped班a of Poetr夕and Poet乞cs , 1993 .

日yperbo } e and Understatement夸张与含蓄


都不能使你得到昨天晚上你还安然享受的酣眠。 ”(朱生豪译)

性的夸张表明他的“爱情之株长得”极其缓慢―但愿自己有“足够的空间和时间” 。
与夸张相反的修辞手法是含蓄(希腊文为meiosis - “曲言” ),这种手法在形容
到何种地步。 ”马克・吐温的评论里有句滑稽的讽刺“有关我的死讯的报道有夸大之
嫌” 。一些评论家把文学作品里以轻描淡写来强化哀怜或悲剧事件之深切效果的手
其反面来表示肯定:用“他不是世界上最聪明的人”来意指“他愚蠢” 。这一修辞手法
可不是个好玩的地方。 ”
242 IMAGE盯

lm叨ery . Thistermisoneofthemostcommonincriticism , andoneofthe
most variable in meaning . Its applications range all the way from the " mental
pic加resn which , it 15 sometimes claimed , are exPerienced by the reader ofa
poem , to the totality of the components Whlch make up a poem ・ Examples
of this range of usage are C . DayL四ds , statements , in his Poe找c加峪巴(1948 ) ,
pp . 17一18 , that an image " 15 a picture made out of Words , " and that " a poem
may itseif be an如age composed from a multiplicity of images . " Three dis -
criminable uses of the word , however , are especially frequent ; in all these
senses imagery 15 said to make poetry conCrete , a opposed to abstraCt :
( 1 ) " Imagery , , ( that 15 , " images , , taken collectively ) 15 used to signi印all
the obiects and qualities of sense perception referred to in a poem or
other work of literature , Whether妙literal description,勿allusion , or
in the vehicles ( the secondary references ) of itss加lles and metaPhors .
In William Wbrdsworth , s " She Dwelt among the UntroddenM白ys , ,
( 18 ( X ) ) , the imagery in this broad sense includes the literal obiects the
poem refers to ( for example , " untrodden ways , " " springs , " " grave , , ) ,
as well as the " violetn of the metaphor and the " starn of the simile in
the second stanza . The term " image , , should not be taken to implya
visual reproduction of the obiect referred to ; some readers of the pas -
sage experience visual images and some do not ; and among those
who do , the exPlicitriess and details of the pictUres vary greatly.灿50 ,
" imagery , , in this usage includes not only visual sense qualities , but
also qualities that are audito琢tactile ( touch ) , thermal ( heat and
cold ) , olfactory ( s mell ) , gustatory ( taste ) , and kinesthetic ( sensations
of movement ) . In hisln人fe阴oriam ( 1850 ) , No . 101 , for exampl乌Ten -
nyson , s加agery encompasses not only things that are visible , but
also qualities that are smelled or heard , together with a suggestion , in
the adlective " summer , " of warmth :
Unloved , that beech will gather brown,…
And many a rose ・ carnation feed
With summer sPice the humming air.…
( 2 ) Imagery 15 used , more narrowly , to 51脚fy only sPedfic desmptionsof
visible Oblects and scenes , espedally if the des币ption 15 vivid and par -
tiCUlaliZed , as in this passage fromM硕anne Moore性“ The SteePle一a比” :
a sea the purple ofthepeacock , s neckis *
paled to greenish azure as Dtirer changed
the pine tree of the卫盯01 to peacoCk blue and guinea grey .
( 3 ) Commonly in recent usage,加agery signifies助雀ra红vela叹卯叮马espe -
cially the vehicles of metaPhors and similes . Critics after the 19305 ,
and notably theN白胃Cri找cs , went far beyond earlier commentators in
stressing imagery , in this sense , as the esse而al component in poet以
and as a maior factor in poetic meaning , strUcture , and effect .
* Lines from " The Steeplelack ,,妙Marianne Moore , from肠eCO帅letePO翻5 ofM口对anne
M乙ore . Copyright 1951 . PrintedwithpermissionfromFaber & F的er .


分。这一系列用法的例子可见C.戴・刘易斯在他的论著《诗学意象》(1948)中第17 、
18页里的陈述:意象“是文字组成的画面” , “一首诗本身也可以是多种意象组成的一
个意象” 。然而意象一词有三种可辨别的用法尤为常见。就这三种用法而言,意象的

( 1 ) “意象”(即“形象”的总称)用于指代一首诗歌或其他文学作品里通过直叙、增
包括诗里提到的直观物体(如“人迹罕至的地方” 、 “春天” 、 “坟墓” ),以及第二
段里用于隐喻的“紫罗兰”和用作明喻的“星星” 。不能认为“意象”这一术语
可听见的事物的特征,并且通过“夏日”这一形容词给人以“温暖” :

没人爱,山毛样依然变黄,… …
同众多的玫瑰石竹一样,把夏香添入嗡嗡的空气… …

( 2)意象在较为狭窄的意义上仅用来指对可视客体和场景的具体描绘,尤其是生

( 3)按照目前最普遍的用法,意象指的是比喻语,尤其指隐喻和明喻的喻矢。 20

选自《玛丽安・穆尔诗歌全集》(1951)中的《尖顶》 。引用得到费伯一费伯出版社的许可。

Using the term in this third sense , Carollne Spurgeon , in ShakesPeare , sIm ・
andw入atltTellsUs ( 1935 ) , made Statistical CoUntS of the referents of the
figurativev比icles in Shakespeare , and used the results as clues to Shake -
eare , S personal experiences , interests , and temperament . Following the lead

several eariier critics , she also pointed out the ftequent ocCUrrence in
Shakespeare , 5 plays of image一clusters ( reCUrrent groupings of seemingly unre -
lated metaphors and similes ) . She also presented evidence that a number of
the indlvidual plays have characteristic image mo找fs ( for example , animal im -
agery in King Lea ' and thefigures of disease , co刘ptlon , and death in枷m -
let ) ; her view was that these elements established the overall tonality of a play .
Many critics in the next few decades loined Spurgeon in the search for im ・
ages , image clusters , and " thematic加ageryn in works of literatUre . By some
New Critics the implicit interaction of the imagery一In distifiction from ex ・
plicit statements by the author or the overt speeches and actions of the char -
acterseewas held to be the way that the controlling literary subiect , or theme ,
worked itself out in many plays , poems , and novels . See , for example , the crit -
ical Writings of G . Wilson众ight , Cleanth Brooks onM晚动‘ th in角e Well
认勃峪批U角(1947 ) , chaPterZ , and RObert B . Heilman , Th玄5 Great Stage : Imag已
ands加ctUre in , ' K ing Lear , , ( 1948 ) .
H . W . W匕115,为e沦Im阅孵甲(1924 ) ; June E . DOWneyl Crea红velm叨na如n
( 1929 );租Chard H . FOgie,仆elm冈孵甲of Kea七and Shell即(1949 ) ; Norman
Friedman , " Imagery : From Sensation to Sylnbol , , ' IO umal ofAesthe跳5 and Art
Cri找dsm 12 ( 1953 ) ; Frank Kermode , Romanticl川闪弹(1957 ) .

Imogism was a poetic vogue that flourished in England , and even more vig -
orously In America , between the years 1912 and 1917 . It was planned and ex -
empl饭ed by a group of助glish and American Writers in London , pa川y under
the influence of the poetic theory of工E . Hulme , as a revoit against What Ezra
Pound called the " rather blu打y , messy … sentimentalistic mannerish , , po -
etry at the turn of the century . Pound , the first leader of the movement , was
soon succeeded by Amy Lowell ; after that Pound sometimes referred to the
movement , slightingly , as " Am卿sm . " other leading participants , for a time ,
were H . D . ( H ilda Doolittle ) , D . H . Lawrence , Wllliam Carlos Wllliams , John
Gould Fletcher , and形chard川dington . The Ima孚st proposals , as voiced by
Amy Lowell In her preface to the first of three anthologies called Some加州时
PO出(1915一17 ) , were for a poetry which , abandoning conventional poetic
materials and versification , 15 free to choose any sublect and to create its own
rhythms , uses common speech , and presents an image or vivid sensory de -
sCription that 15 hard , clear , and concentrated . ( See image甲・)
Thetyplcal Im匆st poem 15 Writtenin加e verse and undertakes to render
as predsely and tersely as possible , and without comment or generahzation ,
the Wrlter , S impression of a visual obiect or scene ; often the impression 15 ren -
dered by means of metaphor , or by luxtaposing , without indicating a relation ,
the descriPtion of one oblect with that of a second and diverse obiect . This
famed example by EZra Pound exceeds other Imagist poems in the degree of
its CofiCenttat10n :

( 1935)中对莎翁作品中用到的比喻喻矢作了统计,并且将统计结果用作分析莎士比
群及“主题意象” 。一些新批评家认为,很多戏剧、诗歌及小说作品中起主导作用的文
制的瓮》(1947)一书中第2章有关《麦克白》的评论,以及罗伯特・ B ・海尔曼所著《这
参看:H . W . Well 、,Poetic Imager夕,1924 ; June E . Downey , Creative Imagina -
tion , 1929 ; R . H . Fogle , The Imager ) ofKeatsandshelle夕,1949 ; NormanFriedman ,
" Imagery : From Sensation to Symbol " , Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism , 12 ,
1953 ; Frank Kermode , Romant艺c Image , 1957 。

} magism意象主义

它由伦敦的一些英美作家发起,在一定程度上受到T . E.休姆的诗歌理论的影响,反对
世纪之交被庞德称为“模糊、杂乱… …感伤造作”的诗歌。庞德是这次运动的首位领头
主义” 。一段时间内,其他的主要参与者有H , D .(希尔达・杜利特尔)、 D . H.劳伦斯、
246 } MITAT } ON

加as匆瓦on ofthe人fe 。刀*

仆e apparition of these faces in the crowd ,
Petals on a wet , black bough ・
In this poem Pound , l止e a number of other Ima乎sts , Was influenced by the
Japanese haiku .
Ima廖sm was too restri由ve to endure long as a concerted movement , but
it served to inaugurate a distinctive feature of脚口讹mist poetry ・ Almost every
malor poet from the 19205 through the middle of the present centUry , inctud -
ing W . B . Yeats , T . 5 . Eliot , and叭/a 11ace stevens , manlfests some infiuenceby
the lma多st exPer加ents with the rePresentation of Predse , clear images that
are luxtaposed without spect加ng their interrelations .
See T . E . Hulme , sP翻la如ns , ed . Herbert Read ( 1924 ) ; Stanley K . Coff -
man , Im叨3m ( 1951 );仆e加叨对PO日叹ed . William几att ( 1963 ) ; Hugh众n -
ner,仆e PoundEra ( 1972 ) .

1回todon . In literary criticism the Word加itation has伽0 frequent but di -
verse applications : ( 1 ) to define the nature of literatUre and the other arts , and
( 2 ) to indicate the relation of one llterary Work to another literary work Which
served as its model .

( 1 ) In his POe五cs , Aristotle defines poetry as an imlt甜on ( in Greek , m加e -
515 ) of human actions . ( See币瓦跳m ・)By “加itation , , he means some ・
thing like " rePresentation , , , in its root sense : the poern imitatesby
taldng an instance of humana出on andre一presenting it in a new
" medium , " or material一that of words . By distinguishing differences
in the artistic media , in the kind of actions imitated , and in the man ・
ner of imitation ( fo r example , dramatic or narrative ) , Aristo次first
dis血gUishes poetry ftom other arts , and then makes distlnctions be -
勺泞een the various poetic kinds , suCh as drama and ePic , tragedy and
comedy . From thes沈eenth through the eighteenth centUry the term
" imitation " was a central term in discussing the nattire of poetry . Crit -
ics differed radically , howeverl in their concept of the nature of the
Inimetic relationship , and of the kinds of things in the extemal worid
that works of llteratUre lmitate , or ought to imitate , 50 that theories of
加itation vaned in the kind of art they recommended , from a strict
reallsm to a remote idealism . With the emergence in the earlynine ・
teenth centUry of an exP想55柳币瓦dsm ( th e view that poetiy 15 essen ・
tially an expression of the poet , s feelingsor加a矛natlve process ) ,
imltation tended to be displaced ftom its central position in literary
theory ( see币找南m ) . In the last half - century , however , the use of
the term has been revived , especially妙R . 5 . Crane and other Chicqgo
币瓦线who gronnd their theory on the analytic method and basic

* Lines from " In a Station of the Metrol , ftomPe朽Onae by Ezra Pound . COpyllght 1926by
EZIa Pound.助printed bypermissionofNewDireCtions Publishjng Corporation and Faber &
Faber Ltd .



w . B.叶芝、 T . 5 . ‘艾略特和华莱士・斯蒂文斯,都显示了并列描述但未指明其间相互
参看:T . E . Hulme , Speculations , ed . Herbert Read , 1924 ; Stanley K . C诫man ,
Imagism , 1951 ; William Pratt , ed . , The Imagist Poem , 1963 ; Hugh Kenner , The
Pound Era 、 1972 。

} mitation摹仿

( l)亚里士多德在《诗学》中把诗歌解释为对人类活动的摹仿(希腊文为mimesis )
叶,摹仿这一术语再度流行,尤其是得到了R . 5.克莱恩和其他芝加哥批评派成员的青

选自埃兹拉・庞德的意象诗歌集《人物》中的《地铁车站》 。 1926年版权属于埃兹拉・庞

distinctions of Aristotle , 5为etics . Many从泛rxist币互cs also proposea
训ew of litera加re as an imitation , o称in their preferred term , " reflec ・
tion , " of social reality .
( 2 ) Ancient rhetoridans and critics often recommended that a poet
should " imitate , ' the established models in a pa币cular literary genre .
The notion that the proper procedure for poets , with the rare excep ・
tion of an " original genius , " wasto加itate the normative forms and
styles of the Greek and Roman masters continued to be influential
through the eighteenth centUry ; all the malor critics , howeve丸also
insisted that mere copytng Was not enough一that a good literary
work must imitate the form and spirit rather than the detail of the
classic modeis , and that success can be achieved only by a poet who
possesses an innate poetic talent .

In a specta血ed use of the term int比second sense , “加itation , , was also
used to describe a literary work which deliberately echoed an older work but
adaPted it to subject matter in the writer , 5 own age , usually in a satirical fash -
ion . In the poems that月exander Pope called Imita如拄5 ofHOrace ( 1733 and
follo侧ng ) , for example , an important part of the intended effects depend on
the reader , 5 recognition of the resourcefulness and wlt With Which PoPe ac -
commodated to contemporary circumstances the strUcture , details , and even
the wording of one or another of Horace , 5 ROman satires .
on " imitation , , as a term used to define literature see R . 5 . Crane , ed . ,
CriticS and Cri五cis巾(1952 ) ; M . H . Abrams,角eMi加r and the LamP ( 1953 ) ,
Chaptersl一2 ; and Erich Auerbach,入介川“ 15 , translated by Willard Trask ( 1953 ) .
on PoPe , s " imitations , , of Horace and other ancient masters see R . A . Brower ,
AlexanderP叩e ..角e POe勿ofAllusion ( 1959 ) . For denials , on various grounds ,
that literature can be ctalmed to加itate reali年see Russianfo溯al七m , s如c -
tUralist州坑钻m , decons加‘如n , new histo改ism , and text and wri瓦ng ( dc ritUre ) ,
Among modern defenses of the vlew that llteratUre 15 mimetic , in the broad
sense that it has refeTence beyond the text to the worid of human experience ,
see Gerald Graff , Litera匆re峪ainst他elf ( 1979 ) ; A . D . Nuttall , AN白甲人五用es站:
S加扮卿口re and theRePresentab ' ono厂Reali印(1983 ) ; andRObertAlter , " Mimesis
and the Motives for FICtion , " in hisM口行ves for几币on ( 1984 ) .

Innuence ond恤e A . xjety of Inouence . Critics and historians of litera ・
ture have for many centUrles dealt with what has been called the infiuence of
one author or literary tradition uPon a later author Who 15 sald toa如pt , and
at the same time to alter , aspects of the sublect matter ' form , or style of the
eailier writer or叭的ters . Among traditional topics for discussion , for example ,
have been the influence of Homer onvi卿1 , ofVi叨1 on Milton , of Milton on
Wbrdsworth , or of Wbrdsworth onw欲lace Stevens . The anxiety of influence
ts a phrase used by the influentiai contemporary critic Harold Bloom to iden -
tify his radical re钓sion of this standard theory that influence consists in
a direct " borrowing , " or asslmllation , of the materiais and features found
in eailier节成ters . Bloom , S own view 15 that in the composition of any poem ,

语说,是对社会现实的“反映” 。
( 2)古代修辞学家和评论家经常建议诗人去“摹仿”特定文学体裁中业已公认的
关于“摹仿”作为说明文学性质的术语,参阅:R . 5 . Crane , ed . , c八tic , and criti -
cis解,1952 ; M . H . Abrams , The Mirror and the La阴p , 1953 , Chapters . 1一2 ; Erich
Auerbach,叭mesis , translated by Willard Trask , 1953;论述蒲柏对贺拉斯作品及其
他古典名家的“摹仿”可参看:R . A . Brower , Alexande,尸。 Pe : Th 。尸oetry of Allu -
sion , 1959;从各种不同的理论依据否定“文学是对现实的摹仿”的观点,参见术语:
界,参看:Gerald Graff , Literature against Itself , 1979 ; A . D . Nuttall , A New
Mimesis : Shakespeare and the Representatioo of Real乞ty , 1983 ; Robert Alter ,
" Mimesis and the Motives for Fiction " , Motives for Fiction , 1984 。

Influence and the Anxjety of influence影响与影响的焦虑

250 INFLu 〔 Nc 〔 ANoT日E ^ NxlfTY OF INFLU 〔 NcE

influence 15 inescapable , but that it evokes in the author an an对ety that com -
pels a drastic distortion of the work of a predecessor . He applies this concept
of anxiety to the reading as well as the Writing of poetiy
In Bloom , 5 theory a poet ( especially since the time of Milton ) 15 moti -
vated to compose when his ima多nation 15 se让ed upon by a poem or poems of
a " preCUrsoL " The " belated , , poet , 5 attitudes to his preCUrsor , like those in
Freud , s analysis of the oedipal relation of son to father , are ambivalen七that
15 , they are compounded not only of ad而ration but also ( since a strong poet
feels a compelling need to be autonomous and original ) of hate , eny另and
fear of the preCUrsor , 5 preemption of the descendant , 5 imaginativ6 space . The
belated poet safeguards his sense of his own freedom and priority by reading
a parent一poem " defensively , " in such a Way as to distort it beyond his own
conscious recognition . Nonetheless , he cannot avoid embod户ng the dis -
torted parent ・ poem into his own hopeless attempt to write an unPrecedent ・
edly original poem ; the most that even the best belated poet can achieve 15 to
叭几lte a poem 50 " strong , ' that it effects an iltusion of " priority ,,一that 15 , an 11 -
lusion that it has escaped the precursor一poem , 5 precedence in time and that it
exceeds It in greatriess .
Bloom identifiess认disto巾ve processes Which operate in reading a preCUr -
sor ; he catls these processes " r州sionary ratios , , and defines them mainly on the
model of Freud , 5 defense mechanisms ( see psychoana秘c币价钻优). He also
equates these mechanisms with the devices by Which the medleval Kabbalists
reinterpreted the Hebrew Bible , as Well as With varioustypes of rhetorical臼即es
( see助理ra瓦vela叨浏age ) . Since in Bfoom , 5 view ther州sionary ratios are the cat ・
egories through which all of us , whether or not we are ourselves poets , neces -
sarily read our precursors , his conclusion 15 that we can never know " the
poem一in一itseif , , ; all interpretation 15 " a necessary misprision , " and all " reading 15
therefore Inisprisionesesor misreadjllg . " A " weak Inisreading , , 15 an attempt
( doomed to fail ) to get at what a text really means , whilea " strong而sreading ' ,
15 one in whlch an individual reader , s defenses are unconsdously licensed tore -
cast in an innovativ6 fashion the text that the reader undertakes to interpret .
Since Bloom conceives that " every poem 15 a misinterpretation of a par ・
ent poem , " he recommends that literary critics boldly practice what he calls
antitheticai criticismsethat 15 , that they leam " to read any poem as its poet3
deliberate misinterpretation , as ap爬t , of a precursor poem or of poetry in
general . " The results of such strong readings will be antith比cal both to What
the poet himself thought he meant and to what standard weak misreadings
have made out the poem to mean . In his own powerfully individualistic writ -
ings , Bloom applies such antithetical criticism to poets ranging from the eigh -
teenth century through the malor Romantics to介ats and Stevens . He 15
aware that , in terms of his theory , his own interpretations both of poets and
critics are necessarify misreadings.班5 claim 15 that his antithetical inte印reta -
tions are strong , and therefore " interesting , " misreadings , and 50 will take
their place in the accumulation of misreadings which constitutes the history
both of poetry and of criticism , at least since the seventeenth century-一al -
though this history 15 bound to be tragic , since as time goes on there will bea

布卢姆确认了六种在阅读前辈作品时对其进行曲解的过程,他称其为“修正率” ,
误解―或误读” 。其中“节制型误读”的做法试图搞清文本的真正含义(但注定要失
视为作者作为一位诗人对前辈诗作或所有诗歌的故意曲解的结果” 。这种过激性阅
252 iNTEN下loN ^ L FAL以cy

constant decrease in the area of imaginative possibilities that are left open to

poets . A preCUrsor of Bloom , s theory wasw以ter Jackson Bate , s几e Bunlen ofthe
Pasta而theE喇15五内此(1970 ) , whlch describe
1660 , to overcome the Inhlbi廿ve effect of fear their predecessors
have exhausted all the possibilities of Wlitillg匕Original poems ・
presented his own theory of reading and writing poetry in角e Anxie印ofln ・
刀uence ( 1973 ) , then elaborated the theory , and demonstrated its ap lication to diV6rse poetic texts , in thre  rapidfy suc es iv6 b0 ks , A人rapof入化reading
( 1975 ) ,孟油为ba依h and Cri沈ism ( 1975 ) , and POet7yandRePression ( 1976 ) , as Well
。 、,mhpr nfw行tln叭cnnrerned with individUal noets . See alSO the C01 -

e比on of Bloom , 5 wrltlngs均亡找csof加刀uenC6 , ed . John ander ( 1988 ) . For
analyses and critiques of this theory of 11terature see Len川cchia , A # er
theN白四Cri沈ism ( 1980 ) , chapterg ; D州d Fite , HarOId BtoO切:仆e Rheto沈of
Roman廿c Vision ( 1985 ) ; M . H . Abrams , " How to Do Things with介Xts , , , In
Doing仆ings with Texts ( 1989 ) . Bloom proposed his theo年it城11 have been
noted , with respect to male poets ; for an aPplication of the allxlety ofi叨u -
ence to women节成ters , see Sandia Gilb毗and Susan Gubar,仆eM比廿即。柳an
in伪eA川c ( 1980 ) , discussed in the entryfe用inist拭价七功.

IotentiondF目locy signifies what 15 claimed to be the error of interpreting
and evahiating a literary Work饰reference to evidence , outside the text itself ,
for the intention一the design and purposes , - Of its author ・ The term was pro ・
posed by W . K . Wimsatt and Monroe C . Beardsl即in " The Intentional几llaCy , ,
( 1946 ) , rePrinted in wimsatt ' s仆e珑油al Icon ( 1964 ) . They asserted that an
author , 5 intended aims and meanlngs in writing a literary work-一whether
these are asserted by the author or merely inferred from our knowiedge of the
author , s life and opinions - - are irrelevant to the literary critic , because the
meaning , structUre , and vaiue of a text are inherent within the finished , free -
standing , and publlC work of 11teratUre itself.鞭ference to the author , 5 sup ・
posed purposes , or else to the author , 5 personal sitUation and state of mind in
writi雌a text , 15 held to be a harmful mistake , because it diverts our attention
to such " extemal , ' matters as the author , 5 biography , or psychological condi ・
tion , or creative process , whlch we substi加te for the proper critical concem
with the " intemai , , constltutlon and inherent value of the 11terary product .
( s ee objec灯ve币瓦跳m , under币沈ism . )
This da加,which was central in theN酬Criti南m , has been strenuously
debated , and was reformulated by both of its original proponents ・(S ee Wim -
satt , " Genesis : An Argument取sumed , " inD即o厂the LeOPards , 1976 ; and
Beardsley , Aesthe五cs , 1958 , pp . 457 - - 61 , and劝e POssibili印ofCri廿cism , 1970 ,
pp . 16 - - 37 . ) A view acceptable to many traditional critics ( b ut not tos加c -
扭ral朽t andPos 。打祝日知ralisttheorists ) isthatintheexceptionalinstances一扬r
example , in Henry James , prefaces to his novelseewhere we possess an au ・
thor ' 5 exPress statement心out his artistic intentions in a literary work , that
statement should constltute州dence for an interpretiveh即othesis , but
should not in itself be deter刀ninative . If the author , 5 stated intentions do not

( 197 。)。巴特在该书中描述了自166 。年以来诗人们为了克服担心先辈们已竭尽了他
论,继而又在短时间内连续出版的三部论著《误读的地图》(1975)、 《神秘哲学与文学
批评》(1975)、 《诗与抑制》(1976 ),以及一些关于个别诗人的文章中,进一步详尽地阐
Hollander ed .,尸oet£c 、 of Jnflueoc 。,1988;有关对这一文学理论的分析和评论,参见:
Frankl了entricchia , After the New Criticism , 1980 , chapterg ; David Fite,月“ rold
Bloom : TheRhetoric ofRomantic Vision , 1985 ; M . H . Abrams , " How toDoThings
with Texts " in Doing介ing , wit人介xt , , 1989;值得注意的是,布卢姆是就一些男性

Intent } ona } Fa } lacy意图谬误

思和目的―去解释和评价一部文学作品的错误做法。该术语由W . K.维姆萨特和
门罗・ C.比尔兹利在《意图谬误》(1946)一文中提出,重印在维姆萨特的论著《语像》
( 1964)中。他们宣称,作家创作一部文学作品时的意图和意义―无论是作者自己
重提》;比尔兹利的《美学》(1958)第457一461页,《批评的可能性》(1970)第16一57页〕 。

accord with the text , they should be qualified or reiected in favor of an alter -
natiVe interpretation that con10rms more dosely to the shared , or " publlc , "
linguistic and literary conventions that the text itself incorporates .
Compare affec瓦ve fallacy . For divErse views of the role of authorial inten -
tions in est心lishing a text and in interpreting the meanings Of a text , see in -
加巾reta灯on andh喇eneu瓦cs andtex加al币万cism . A detailed oblection to
Wlmsatt and Beardsley , S original essay 15 E . D . Hirsch , s " oblectiv6 Interpreta ・
tion , I ( 1960 ) , reprinted as an append认to his Validj印定” Inte1Pletation ( 1967 ) .
An anthology of disCUssions of this topic in criticism 15 David Newton ・ de
Molina , On Li加ra甲扭ten找on ( 1976 ) . Ronald Dworkin discusses parallels be ・
tween the role of intention in legai interpretation and literary interPret甜on ,
in “加w as Inte甲retation , ”介e Poli瓦cs oflnterPreta如n , ed . W . J . T . Mitchell
( 1983 ) .

Interpretotion ond Her砚eneutics . In the narrow sense , to inte甲reta
work of literature 15 to speci印the meanings of its language by analysis , para -
phrase , and commentary二usualfy such inte印retation f0CUses on especiaily
obscure , ambiguous , or figurative passages . In a broader sense , to interpreta
work of literature 15 to make clear the artistic允atures and purport in the over -
all work of which language serves as the medium . Interpretation in this sense
includes the analysls of such matters as the work , 5 genre , component ele -
ments , structure , theme , and effects ( see币瓦cis附).
The term hermeneutlcs originalty designated the formulation ofp血ci -
ples of interpretation that appfy specifically to the Bible ; the principles incor -
porated both the rules governing a valid reading of the biblical text , and
exegesis , or commentary on the applicatlon of the meanings expressed in the
text . Since the nineteenth century , howeve兀“ hermeneutics , , has come to des -
ignate the theory of interpretation in general一that 15 , a formulation of the
principles and methods involved in getting at the meaning of all written
texts , induding legal , historical , and literary , as well as blblical texts .
The German theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher , in a series of lectures
in 1 819 , was the first to ftame a theory of " general hermeneutics , , as " theart
of understanding , , texts of every kind . Schlelermacher , 5 views were devel -
oped in the 18905勿the Influential philosopherV八thelm Dilthey ( 1833一1911 ) ,
who proposed a science of hermeneutics designed to serve as the basis for in ・
terpreting all forms of wrlting in the " hu位an sctences , , : that 15 , in the hu -
爪ani瓦es and the social sCiences , as distinguished from the natural sciences .
Dilthey regarded the human sciences as ways of dealing with the temporal ,
concrete , " lived experience , , of human beings . He proposed that whereas the
aim of the natural sciences 15 to achleve " explanation , , by means of statlc ,
reductive categories , the aim of hermeneutics 15 to establish a general theory
of " understanding . " The understanding of a verbal text consists in " the
interpretation of works , Works in Which the texture of inner llfe comes fully
to expression . " And in literature above all , " the inner life of man finds its
complex , exhaustiv6 , and oblectively intelligible expression . " ( See human -

点,参见:释义与阐释学和文本批评。 E . D.赫什在《客观释义》(1960)一文中详述了
文学意图》(1976)。罗纳德・德沃金在《释义法》一文中〔收人W . J . T.米切尔主编

! nterpretation and Hermeneutlcs释义与阐释学

般释义原理”,将其作为所有类型文本的“理解技巧” 。 19世纪90年代,饶有影响的哲
分表现内心生活实质的作品的解释” 。最重要的是,在文学中,“人类的内心生活得到
256 IN下印pRE刀订ION ^ No日〔 RM 〔 N 〔 u丁ICs

In formulatingthe way in which we come to understand the meaning of
a text , DlltheygavethenamethehermeneuticcirCletoaprocedureSChleie卜
macher had earlier described . That 15 , in order to understand the determinate
meanings of the vethal parts of any linguistlc whole , we must approach the
parts with a prior sense of the meaning of the Whole ; yet we can know the
meaning of the whole only by knowing the meanings of its constituent parts .
This ctrCUlari钾of the interpretive process applies to the interrelations be -
tween the single words within any sentence and the sentence as a Whole , as
well as to interrelations between all the single sentences and the work asa
whole . Dilthey maintalned that the hermeneutic circle 15 not a vlctous cirCle ,
in that we can achieve a valid interpretation by a mutualfy quali柳ng inter -
play be勺四een our ev01ving sense of the Whole and our retrospec伽e under -
standing of its component parts .
Interest in the theory of interprctation re们ved宙ongfy in the 19505 and
19605 , concurrentlywiththetUrnofW比temphilosophytofocusontheuses
and meanings of language , and the tUrn of literary criticism一exemplified饰
theN白甲C汀瓦cis脚in Americaweto the conception of a literary work as a lin -
guistic obiect and to the view that the primary task of critictsm 15 to interpret
its verbai meanings and their interrelations . There have been two main lines
of development in recent hermeneutics :

( 1 ) one development , represented notably by the Italian theorist Emilio
Be饭and the American E . D . Hirsch , takes off from Dilthey , s claim
that a reader 15 able to achieve an oble由ve interpretation of anau -
thor , 5 exPressed meaning . In his撇lidi却加劲加巾犯tation ( 1967 ) , fof -
lowed by仆eA俪5 oflnterPreto如n ( 1976 ) , Hirsch asserts that " a text
means what its author meant , " specifies that this meaning 15 " the ver ・
bal meaning whlch an author intends , " and undertakes to show that
such verbal meaning 15 in principle determinate ( even If in some in ・
stances determinately ambiguous , or multiply significant ) , that ltre -
mains stable through the passage of time , and that it 15 in principle
reproducible by each competent reader . The author , s verbal inten -
tion 15 not the author , s state of consctousness at the time of认币ting ,
but only the intention一to一mean something which , by making use of
pre喇sting linguistic conventions and norms , gets actual让ed in
words , and 50 may be shared by readers who are competent in the
same conventions and norms and know how to apply them in their
mterpretive praCtice . If a text 15 read independenfly of reference to
the author , 5 intentions , Hlrsch asserts , it remains indeterminate一
that 15 , cap由le of an Indefinite divsrsity of meanings . A reader arrives
at a determinate interpretation by using an加plicit 10矛c of valida -
tion ( caPable of being made exPlicit by the hermeneutic theorist ) ,
which serves to specify the author , s intention , by reference not only
to the general conventions and norms of a language,加t also to all
evidence , whether intemal or external to the text , concerning " rele -
vant aspects in the author , 5 outlook " or " horizon . " Relevant extemal


( 1)第一条发展的主线以意大利文艺理论家艾米利欧・贝蒂和美国的E . D.赫什
( 1976)里断言“一部作品表达着作者所要表达的意思”,并明确指出作品的含

references include the au由or , S ctiltural milieu and personal prePos -
sessions , as well as the llterary and generic conventions that were
available to the author at the time when the work was composed ,
Hlrsch reformulates Dilthey , 5 concept of the hermeneutlc ctrCle
as follows : a competent reader fonnsan " h即othesisn as to the mean -
ing of a part or Whole of a text Whlch 15 " corrigible , ’一hat 15 , thehy -
pothesls can be either confirmed or disconfirmed by continuing
reference to the text ; if disconfirmed , it 15 replaced by an altematlve
h即othesis Whlch conforms more closely to all the components of
the text . Since the interpreted meanings of the components of a text
are to some degree constituted by theh即otheses one brings to their
interpretation , such a procedure can never achieve absolute certainty
as to a text , 5 correct meaning . The most a reader can do 15 to arrlve at
the most probable meaning of a text ; bot this 10尔c of highest proba ・
bility , Hirsch insists , 15 adequate to厂eld obiective knowledge , con ・
firmable by other competent readers , conceming the determinate
and stable meanings both of the component passages and of thea比s ・
tic whole in a work of literature .
Hirsch follows traditional hermeneutics in making an essential
distinction between verbal meaning and significance . The sign访・
cance of a text to a reader 15 the relation of its verbal meaning to
other matters , such as the personal situation , beliefs , and responses of
the individual reade丸or the prevailing cultural milleu of the reader , s
。 wn era , or a partiCUlar set ofconceptsorvalues , andsoon . Thever -
bal meaning of a text , Hirsch asserts一he meanlng intended by the
writer一污determinate and stable ; its slgnificance , however一what
makes the text aliVe and化Sonant for dlverse readers in diverse
times一15 Indeterminate and ever一changing . Verbal meanlng 15 the
particular concem of hermeneutics ; textual significance , In its many
aspects , 15 one of the concems Of literary criticism ・
( 2 ) The second line of deve1Opment in recent hermeneutics takes off
from Dilthey , s view that the genuine understanding of literary and
other humanistic texts consists in the reader , S re一eXPerience of the
" innerlife , , that the texts express . A primary thinker in this develop -
ment 15 Martin Heidegger , Whose价ing and Time ( 1927 , trans . 1962 )
inco甲orated the act of inte甲retation into ane对stential philoso ・
phy-一that 15 , a philosophy centered on " Dasein , " or what it isto一be -
in ・ the一world . Heidegger , s student Hans Georg Gadamer adapted
Heidegger , 5 philosophy into an influential theory of textual interpre -
tation,了加th and Method ( 1960 , trans . 1975 ) . The philosoPhical prem -
lse 15 that temporality and historicality一a situation in one , 5 present
that looks back to the past and antidpates the futureeeis inseparably
a part of each individual , s being ; that the process of understanding
something , involving an act of interpretation , goes on not onlyin
reading verbal texts but in all aspects of human exPerience ; and that
language , like temporality , pervades all asPects of that experience . In

以“修正的” ―即通过不断参考文本而予以肯定或否定;如果这种假设被
( 2)近代阐释学发展的第二条主线源自狄尔泰的观点,即:对文学及其他人文
发展的主要思想家是马丁・海德格尔,他的论著《存在与时间》(1927 , 1962
年英译本)把释义行为纳人以“ Dasein ' ,(即时空存在论)为核心的存在哲学
的范畴。海德格尔的弟子汉斯・乔治・伽达默尔在《真理与方法》(1960 ,
260 IN下〔即RE刀订IoN ANoH 〔 RMEN 〔 uTlcs

ap 切ng these philosoPhical as umptions to the understanding ofa literary text , Gadamer translates the traditional hermeneutic circle
into the metaphors of diafogue and fuston . Readers bring to a texta
" pre一nderstandlng , " Which 15 constituted by their own temporal and
personal " horizons ・,, They should not , as " subiects , " attempt to ana -
叭ea耐dissect the text as an autonomous " ob } ect . " Inste时the
readerj as an " I , " sltuated in his present time , addresses questions to
the text asa " Thou , " but with a receptive openness that simply allows
the matter of the text一by means of their shared heritage of lan -
guage一to speak in responsive dialogue , and to readdress its own
questions to the reader . The understood meaning of the text 15 an
event Which 15 always the product ofa " fusion of the horizons , , thata
reader brings to the text and that the text brings to the reader .
Gadamer insists that ( unlike most theories of interpretation ) thls
heTmeneUtics 15 not an attempt to establish norms or rules for a cor -
reCt interpret甜on , but an attempt Simply to desclibe how we in fact
succeed in understanding texts . Nonetheless his theory has the con -
sequence that the search for a detenninate meaning of a text Which
remains stable through the passage of time becomes a Wlll - o,・ the ・
wisp . Since the meaning of a text " 15 always codetermined , , by the
partiCular temporal and personal horizon of the individual reader '
there cannot be one stable " right interpretation , , ; the meaning ofa
text 15 aiways to an important extent its meaning that it has here ,
no琳for me . To Gadamer , 5 view that the historical and personal rela -
tivity of meaning 15 inescapable , Hirsch rePlies that a reader in the
present , by recons恤C " ng the lingulstic , literary , and CUltUral condi -
tions of its autho称15 often able adequately to determlne the ori矛nal
and unchanging verbai meaning intended by the writer of a text in
the past ; and that insofar as Gadamer 15 right about the unbridgeable
gaP be饰een the meaning of a text then and its meaning no残he 15
re免rring to the ever一alter曲le " significance , , contributed by each
reader , in his or her time and personal and social drcumstances , to
the text , s stable verbal meaning 、
Traditional literary critics had tacitly assumed that to interpreta
text correctly 15 to approximate the meaning intended by its autho '
long before theorists such as Hirsch undertook to define and lustify
thls view . Even the入飞wCri汀cs took for granted that the meaning ofa
text 15 the meaning that the author intended ; what some of these Crit -
ics called the inten如nal fallacy merely designates the supposed error ,
in interpreting a text , of emplo厂ng clues conceming an author , S in -
tention whlch are “以temal " to the " intemalI ' realization of that
inte而on in the language of the text itself . Most traditional philoso -
Phers , including culrent " ordinary language philosophers , " have also
held that to ullderstand an utterance involves reference to the 、 vrlt巴,s
intention , which we infer ftom our awareness of the writeT , s linguis -
tic assumptions . H . P . Gtice , for example , proPosed in the 1950san

构成的“预先理解” 。但是他们作为“主体”,不应试图把文本当做独立的“客
文本的含义“总是由”每个读者特定的暂存视野和个人视野“共同确定的” ,
而形成的永远变化的“意义” 。
设定的理解中推断出来的。例如,H . P.格赖斯曾于20世纪50年代提出

influential account of verbai meaning as a speaker , 5 intention in an
utterance to produce a specific effect in a heare乙by means of the
hearer , 5 recognition of the speaker , 5 intention in making that utter ・
ance . ( See under discourse analysis .)玩SPeech ActS ( 1970 ) , John Searle
accepted this description , with the qualificatlon that the speaker can
express , and 50 enable the hearer to recognize , his or her intention
only insofar as the expression conforms to the conventions or rules of
th血common language . In al斑r refinement of this vie琳Searle
ma址5 a distinction between the speaker , 5 intention which deter ・
mines the kind and meaning of a SPeec五act , and the speaker , 5 inten -
tion to communicate that meaning to a hearer ; see his Inten瓦onali印
( 1983 ) , chaPter 6 . on this issue in ordinary一language philosophy , see
also P F . Strawson , " Intention and Convention in Speech Acts , " in Jay
F . Rosenberg and Chailes Travis , eds . , Readings定n功e助定JosoPhyof
La矛岑理吧巴(1971 ) .
A radical departUre from the traditional author ・ oriented views of
a determinate intended meaning OcCUrs in a number ofs加c加ral and
如£tS加c勿raJ theories . ( See au功or and authorshiP ・)Some theorists , re -
lecting any control of inte甲retation by reference to an author , or sub -
ject , and hls or her intention , insist that the meanings of a text are
rendered " undeCidable , , by the self - conflicting workings of language
ltself , or alternatively that meanings are entirely relative to the partic -
ular interpretive strategy that 15 brought into play by the reader ' ( See
讹伪ns如c廿on and reader - I ' e5 ponse币价拈m . ) Other CUrrent theorists , al -
though they may ad而t that the manifest meanings of a text are spec -
ified by the intentions of the author , regard such meanings merely as
disguises , or displacements , of the real meanings , whlch are the un -
consdous motives and needs of the autho兀or else the suppressed po -
litical realities and power一relations of the social strUc加re of an
historical era . ( See那炸hoana秘c币瓦cism,人rarxist币价is琳new his -
toricis阴.) Paul形coeur has labeled such modes of reading , as exempli -
fied by NietZsche , Marx , and Freud , the henneneu瓦cs ofs从sPicfon , in
that they approach a text as a veiled or mysti批d set of rePresenta -
tions , whose real meaning , or subtext , needs to be deciphered by the
knowlng reader .
In addition to the tities listed above , refer to租chard E . Palmel ,
石附川en四瓦cs : InterP爬匆tion仆eo甲泣” Schle定喇acher , D定lth今Heid雌ger ,
and Gadamer ( 1969 ) , an informative review of the history and con -
flictlng theories of inte印retation ftom the standPolnt of an adherent
to Gadamer污theory . See also Litera甲Cri讹ism and拭sto月cal咖而卜
stand定ng , ed . Phillip Damon ( 1967 );仆e Con刀诬ct oflnterPretations : Es -
sa)心in乃殆n " eneu红cs ( 1974 ) by the French philosopher Paul形coeur ;
Charles灿tieri , Act and伽ali纷A仆eo印ofLitera甲Meaning andUn -
山邓tanding ( 1981 ) ; the anthology of essaysHe溯eneu枷:Ques万ons
and尹ro胡ec饥ed . Gary Shapiro and龙an Sica ( 1984 ) ; Wendell V . Har -
ris , InterPre瓦ve Ac臼:In Searchof人介aning ( 1988 ) ; Francis一Noel Thomas ,

一普通语言哲学论题,还可参看杰伊・ F.罗森伯格和查尔斯・特拉维斯所
编的《语言哲学阅读》(1971)中P . F.斯特劳逊的《言语行为的意图与惯
例》 。
狄尔泰、海德格尔与伽达默尔的释义理论》(1969 ),此书从一位伽达默尔理
还请参看:Phillip玩mon ed . , Litera勺Criticiso and Historical Under -
stand£ng , 1967 ; Paul Ricoeur , The Conflict of Interpretat艺。,s : Essa夕s泛。
Hermeoeut£cs , 1974,作者为法国哲学家;Charles Altieri , ActaodQ二ality : A
Theo勺of Literar夕叼比ning and Understanding , 1981;文选:Gary Shapiro
and Alan Sica ed . , Hermeneut葱cs : Quest泛ons and Prospects , 1984 ; Wendell
V . Harris , Ioterpret乞ve Ac : s : I刀Search of Mean艺” g , 1988 ; Francis一No总l

角eM / I iter科/ri瓦ng ( 1992 ) , chaPterZ , " ' Intentions , and ‘加印oses . ' , , In
M川即le AuthorshiP and the脚th ofsolita甲G朗ius ( 1991 ) , Jack Still -
inger points out that reference to authorial intention to determine
meaning 15 complicated by the fact that often a number of persons
coll北orate in producing a literary or other publlshed text .

Interpret " don:介polog孟cd and Allegoricd ・ The typologlcal ( or fig ・
ural ) mode of interpreting the Bible Was inaugurated by St . Paul and devel -
oped by the early Church Fathers as a way of recondling the history ,
prophecy , andl雀Ws of the Hebrew Sc即tures With the narratives and teach -
ings of the Christian Scriptures . As St . Augustine eXPressed its principle : " In
the old Tes饭ment the New Testament 15 concealed ; in the New Testament the
old介stament 15 revealed , " In typological theory , that 15 , the key persons , ac ・
tions , and events in the old Testament are viewed as " figurae , , ( Latin for " fig -
ures , , ) whlch are historicalfy real themselves , but also " prefigure , , those
persons , actions , and events in the New Testament that are similar to them in
some aspect , function , or relationshlp . often the old Testament figures are
called types and their later correlativ6s in the New Testament are called antl -
types . The old Testament figu珍or type 15 held to be a prophecy or promise of
the higher trUth that 15 " fulfilled " in the New Testament , according to a plan
whiCh 15 eternally Present in the mlnd of God but manifests itself to human
beings Onlyin the妇那0 scriptUral revelations separated by a span of time .
TO cite a few of the very many instances oftypological interpretation :
Adam was said to be a figure ( or in alternative terms , a " type , " “加age , " or
" shadow , , ) of Christ . one of the analo乎es Cited between preflguration and
fulfillment was that be勺陀een the creation of Eve from Adarn , 5 rib and the flow
of blood from the side of the crudfied Christ ; another was the analogy be -
七泞een the tree that bore the加it occasioning Adam , sori多nal sin and the
cross whlch bore as its frult Chrlst , the Redeemer of that sin . In a similar fash -
ion the manna provided the chlldren of Israel in the wllderness ( EXo血5 16 )
was held to prefigure the Euch硕st , and the relation between the细甲tian
serVant矛ri Hagar and Sarah ( Genesis 16 ) to prefigure the relatlon between
the earthly Jerusalem of the old Testament and the heavenlyje斑salem ofthe
New几stament ・ By some interpreters , elements of New Testament history
were rePresented as in their tum preftguring the events that will come to be
fulfilledin " the last days , , of Christ , 5 Second COming and Last Judgment .
The扛Uegoricai inte印花tadon of the Bible had its roots in Greek and
Roman th让山ers who tieated classiCai myths as allegnrical representations ofab -
stract cosmologicai , philosoPhical , or moral trUths . ( S ee allegoly . ) The method
was applied to nanatives in the Hebrew SCriptures by the Je初sh philosopher
Philo ( d ied A . D . 50 ) and was adaPted toC加stian interpret而on by origen in
the third centUry . The fundamental distinction in the allegorical Interpretation
of the Bible 15 be伽een the " literal即(or " historical , " or " camaln ) meaning of the
text - - - 1上ehistoriCalti讯hthatitspe曲callysigniflesweandtheadditional " spiri -
tuai , , or " mystical , , or " allegoric , , meaning that it signifies饰anaiogy .

Thomas , TheW八terw月ting , 1992 , chapterZ " Intentions and ' Purpo -
ses " ’ 。在《多重作者与孤独天才的神话》(1991)一书中,杰克・斯蒂林格指

interpretation : Typojogjcal and Al } egorical象征释义和寓意释义

和教义的一种方法。圣・奥古斯丁把其原理解释为“ 《旧约》里面蕴含着《新约》,而《新
约》里面又显露着《旧约》 ” 。象征理论认为,《旧约》里记述的主要人物、情节与事件是历
型,而此后他们在《新约》中的相应形象则被称为反原型。 《旧约》的形象或原型被认为
说法是,“原型” 、 “形象”或“影像” ):亚当的肋骨造就夏娃与耶稣受难时肋部血流如注
列儿童在旷野中获得的神赐食物“吗哪”(《出埃及记》 16)预示着《新约》里的圣餐;埃
及侍女“夏甲”与“撒拉”的关系(《创世纪》 16)也预示着《旧约》中人间圣地耶路撒冷与

The spiritual aspect of a text , S literal meaning was often in turn subdi ・
vided into two or more levels ; some inte甲reters specified as many as seven , or
even twelve levels . By the twelfth century , however , biblical interpreters
widely agreed in finding a fourfold meaning in ma叮biblical passages ・ A
t即ical set of distinctions , as proposed by St . Thomas Aquinas and others ,
spedfies ( 1 ) the literal or historical meaning , whlch 15 a narrative of what in
fact haPpened ; ( 2 ) the allegorical meaning prope乙which 15 the New Testa ・
ment tIUth , or else the prophetic reference to the Christian Church , that 15
signifted by a passage in the Old Testament ; ( 3 ) the tropological meaning ,
which 15 the moral truth or doctrine signified by the same passage ; and ( 4 ) the
anagogic meaning , or reference of the passage to Christian eschatulogy , that
15 , the events that are to come in " the last daysn of Christ , s iudgment and the
life after death of indlvidual souls .
W七can distinguish between the typolo矛cal and allegorical mode of in ・
terpretation勿saytng thattyPofogy 15 horizontal , in that it rdates items in
细。 texts ( t he old and New介staments ) that are separated in time , whlle alle ・
gorlcal interpretation 15 vertical , in that it uncovers muitiPle layers of Signifi ・
cance in a single textual item . The七四0 inte甲retive methods , howeve兀were
often applled simultaneously , and in many instances fused , by biblical ex -
egetes , Both methods flourished into the eighteenth century and recur recog -
n让ably in later periods . Theywereemp10yedinsermonsandinagreatvariety
of writings on rellgious matters , and were adaPted to iconography-一that 15 ,
rePresentations of biblicai and non一biblical persons and events Intendedto
have allegoric ors叨rnbolic significance一In painting and sculpture . Medieval
and later poets sometimes adopted the typofogicat and allegorical principles
of biblical interpretation in constrUcting the七own Writings on rel卿ous sub -
lects . Dante , for example , In a letter Wrltten in 1319 to his friend and patron
Can Grande della Scala , announced that he composed his Di讨ne COmedyto
signi厅a double sublect , literal and allegorical , and that the allegorical sublect
can in tum bes曲divided into allegoricai , moral , and anago多cal meanings .
Scholars have analyzed the adaptation of typological and allegorical proce -
dures by many later poets who wrote on reli乡ous themes , including Edmund
Spenser , George Herbert , John Milton , and ( in a late and highly individual re -
讨val ofthemode ) WllliamBlake .
In the last half - century , the American scholar D . W . Robertson and others
have proposed that not only Wrltings on reli多ous subiects but also many
seemingly secular poems of the Middle Ages一including the Ro阴an de la Rose ,
the works of Chaucer and Chr己tien de Troyes , and medieval love lyricsse司陀ere
exPressly written to incorporatetypolo多cal and allegorical modes of theolog -
ical and moral references . The validity , howeve乙of extending these interpre -
tive modes to secular literature 15 strongiy disPuted ; see the suggested readings
below . In仆e Genesis ofseCTecy : on the加te巾reta吻力ofNa即厅ve ( 1979 ) , the
British critic Frank Kermode adaPted the ancient interpretiV6 dlstinction be -
柳een camal and spiritual meanings to his analysis of recent works of prose
fict10fi .

20世纪下半叶美国学者D . W.罗伯逊及其他一些学者提出,不仅仅是宗教主题的

on the various modes of biblical interpretation , see EW.几rra石川‘ to尽of
Bible主n the MiddleA乡绍(rev . ,

翼燕撇攫鞘罄箕 Ex留seM配i即ale . . Ies quatre
assic disCUssion of帅010矛-
cal , or figural , interpretation 15 Erich Auerbach , s " Figura , , in his Scenes加用the
Dra用a ofEurOPean LiteratUre ( 1959 ) . Philip Rollinson , in CJassical仆eorieso厂Al -
2聊尽a儿dChris血nCulture ( 1981 ) , relatesearIymedievalinterpretationofthe
Bible to modes of literary interpretation in dassical times . An American appli -
cation in the eighteenth century of the old interpretive modes 15 Jonathan Ed -
wards , Im阅孵5 ors儿adows ofDivine劝inirs , ed . Perry Miller ( 1948 ) . For uses of
typological and allegoric materials饰v硕ous literary authors , see Rosemund
T如e , A Readi叮ofGeorge Herbert ( 1952 ) and Allego爪allm阅脾今(1966 ) ; J . H .
Hagstrum , Willia脚Blake : POet and Painter ( 1964 ) ; P . J ・川pers,几e Poe妙of “劝e
介币e Queene , , ( 1967 ) ; and the essays on a number of authors in Paul Miner ,
ed . , Litera甲Usesof乃叩010}沙(1977)・ For the extension oftypological and alle -
goric methods to the analysis of secular medieval poems , see D . W . Robertson ,
Jr , " Historical CritiCism , " in Engl七h扭S瓦tUte Essa娜,1950 , ed . A . 5 . Downer
( 1951 ) , andA挽face to Chaucer . . S纽成已in人fed洒,a IP以沪ec瓦ves ( 1962 ) . Theva -
lidity of such an extension 15 debated by several scholars inCri瓦caIAP户roaches
to人仓dieval Litera加re , ed . Dorothy Bethurum ( 1960 ) , and by R . 5 . Crane , " on
H即以heses in ' Historical Critidsm , ' , , in几e五lea oftheHumani红es ( 1967 , VOI . 2 ,
pp . 236 - - 60 ) . on the application ofbiblicalallegor让ationtolaterliteraryfonns
see , in addition to Kermode ( above ) , Northrop Frye,角e Great COde : T乳e Bibte
a " d LiteratUre ( 1982 ) ; and Stephen Prickett , ed ・,Reading the及xt . ' BiblicalCri汀-
cism and Literaly仆co甲(1991 ) .

Invective 15 the denunciation of a person by the use of derogatory ePithetS .
Thus Prince Hal , in Shakespeare , 5 1 Hen甲I环calls the corpulent Falstaff " this
sanguine coward , this bedpresse耳this horseback一breaker , this huge hill of
flesh . " ( In the context of the play , there 15 in this instance of invective an un -
dertone of affe出on , as often when ftiends , secure in an intimacy that guar -
antees they will not be taken literally , resort to derogatory name ・ calling in the
eXuberance of their affeCtion . )
In his Disco " rse Co " c溯亡叮Sa瓦re ( 1693 ) , John Dryden described the dif -
ference in efficacy ) as a put , down , between the directness of invective and the
indirectness of iro职In Whlch a speaker maintains the advantage of cool de -
tachment勿le州ng it to the circumstances to convert bland compliments
iflto inSUltS :

How easy 15 it to call rogue and villain , and that Wittily ! But how hard to
make a man appear a foof , a blockhead , or a knave , without using any of
those opprobrious terms.… There 15 … a vast difference be们能en the
slovenly butchering of a man , and the fineness of a stroke that separates
the head from the body , and leaves It standing In its place .

lfl Greek comedy the character called thee定ron was a dissemb 】 er , Who
characteristically spoke in understatement and deliberately pretended to be

有关《圣经》释义的各种方法,参看:F . w . Farrar , History of Inter户retation ,
1886 ; Beryl Smalley , The Stud夕of theB£ble in the Middle Ages , rev . , 1952 ; Henri
de Lubac,五.2己g己seM亡di亡、 le : les quatre , ens del ’户cr艺ture ( 4 vols . , 1959一1974 ,
rev . , 1993)。象征或形象释义的经典讨论参看:Erich Auerbach , " Figure " , in Scenes
fromth 。 Drama of EuroPe 。,反terature , 1959 。菲利普・罗林森在《寓言与基督教文
释义方法联系起来。 18世纪美国采用的旧释义法参看:Jonathan Edwards , Jmage ,
o二s人ajow 、 of Divin 。 Thing 、,ed . Perry Miller , 1948 。不同文学作家们对象征与寓
意题材的运用参看:Rosemund Tuve , A Reading of George Ilerbert , 1952 ; and Alle -
gorical Imager夕,1966 ; J . H . Hagstrum , William Blake : Poet and Painter , 1964 ; P .
J . Alpers , T人。尸oe , r夕of " T认‘ Faer泛e Quee , : e " , 1967;以及保罗・迈纳所编《类型学在
象征与寓意方法在分析中世纪世俗诗歌中的延伸应用参看:D . W . Robertson , " His -
toricaLI Criticism , " in English Institute凡sa笋,1950 , ed . A . S.伪wner , 1951 ; A Preface to
Chaucer : St , d艺es ' n肠d£e孤1 Pe , sPect£,: , 1962 。有关释义法延伸应用的有效性讨论参
看:氏刃thy及thurum , ed , . 0公icalApproaches to几纽石e傲1 Literature , 1960 ; R . 5 . Crane ,
" On Hypotheses in ' Historical Criticism " , , The Ide倪of the Hu , nanities , 1967 , vol . 2 , pp .
236一26 。 。有关《圣经》寓意法在后来各种文学形式中的应用,除上面提到的克莫德外还
有:Northrop Frye , The Great Code : Th 。 B乞blea刀dL乞terature , 1982 ; Stephen Prick -
ett , ed . , Reading the Text : Biblical Criticisma刀dL艺tera勺Theo卿,1991 。


子,大肉堆… … ”(在剧中背景下,这个例子里的谩骂尖刻中又略含几分情谊,正像平

蛋、傻瓜或流氓的本相,这谈何容易… …前者把人痛骂得构血喷头、体无完

} ron丫反讽

270 IRoNv

less intelligent than he was , yet triumphed over the alazon一the seir - deceiving
and stupid braggart ( see in Northrop Frye , Anatomy of Cri坑is优,1957 ) . In
most of the modem critical uses of the term " iron又,, there remains the root
sense of dissembling or hiding what 15 actually the case ; not , however , in
order to deceiv6 , but to achieve special rhetorical or artistic eff6cts .
决由ai irony ( Whlch was traditionally class近ed as one of the tTqpes ) isa
statement in which the meaning that a speaker加plies differs sharply from
the meaning that 15 ostensibly exPressed . The ironic statement usually in -
volves the explicit expression of one attitude Or evaluation , but with indica -
tions in the overall speech一situation that the speaker intends a very different ,
and often opposite , attitude or evaiuation . Thus in Canto IV of Alexander
Pope , s肠e RaPe oftheLock ( 1714 ) , aftersirPinme , eggedonbytheladies , has
stammered out his incoherent request for the return of the stolen lock of hair ,
the Baron afiSWe路:

, , It grieves me much , , , replied the处er again ,
uwho speaks 50 well should ever speak in vain . "
This 15 a straightfon柑ard case of an lronic reversal of the surface statement ( of
which one effect 15 to give pleasure to the reader ) because there are patent
clues , in the circumstances established by the preceding narrativ6 , that the
Peer 15 not in the least aggrieved and does not think that poor Sir Plume has
spoken at all Well . A more complex instance of irony 15 the famed sentence
with which Jane Austen opensP法北and乃"ej udice ( 1813 ) : " It 15 a truth univer -
sally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortUne must be
in want of a wife , , ; part of the ironic implication ( b ased on assumptions that
Austen assumes the audience shares with her ) 15 that a single woman 15 in
want of a rich husband . Sometimes the use of irony by Pope and other mas ・
ters 15 very complicated : the meaning and evaluations may be subtly qual遗ed
rather than simply reversed , and the clues to the ironic counter一meanings
under the liteml statemen卜一。 r even to the fact that the author Intends the
statement to be understood ironicaily-一may be oblique and unobtrUsive . That
15 Why recourse to irony by an author tends to convey an implidt compli -
ment to the Intelligence of readers , who are Invited to assoctate themselves
with the author and the kno初ng minority Who are not taken in by the 05 -
tensible meaning . That 15 also why many literary ironists are misinterpreted
and sometimes ( like Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift in the eighteenth cen -
tury ) get into serious trouble with the obtuse authorities . Follo初ng the intri -
cate and shifting maneuvers of great ironists like Plato , Swift , Austen , or
Henry James 15 a test of skill in reading between the lines .
Some literary works exhibit sti " c加ral iron买that 15 , the author , instead
of using an occaslonai verbal irony , introduces a strUctural feature that serves
to sustain a duPlex meaning and evaluation throughout the work . one com -
mon literary device of this sort 15 the mvention of a nalve hero , or else a naive
narrator or spokesman , whose invindble simplictty or Obtuseness leads hlm to
persist in putting an inte甲retation on affairs Which the kno州ng reader --司咚ho
penetrates to , and shares , the implied point of叨ew of the authoriai presence

的《批评的剖析》(1957 )]。 “反讽”一词在大多数现代批评的使用中仍保留了其原意,

“话说得如此漂亮之人所说的都是空话。 ”

272 iRoNv

persona - - just as persistentiy 15 called on to alter and correct .
irony depends on幼owledge of the fictional sPeaker , 5 ironic
15 shared both娜the speaker and the reader ; strUctUral irony
depends on a knoWledge of the author污ironic intention , which 15 sharedby
the reader but 15 not intended by the fiCtional speaker . ) one example of the
na姚spokesrDan 15 SWlft , s well ・ meaning but insanely rational and morally ob -
tuse economist Who节江ites the " Modest ProPosai , , ( 1729 ) to convert the excess
children of the oppressed and poverty唱tricken Irish into a financial and gas -
tronolnical asset . other examples ares州ft勺stUbbomly credulous Gullive耳
the seif - deceiving and paranoid monologuist In Brov 『 ning , s " Soliloquy of
the sPanish Clolstern ( 1842 ) , and the insane editot,屹nbote , in讥adimir
N比okov , 5 Pale Fire ( 1962 ) . A旧ated strUcttlrald州ce for sustaining ironlc
qual访cation 15 the use of the fall宜ble九a蒯tor , in which the teller of the story 15
a partidpant in it.川though such a narrator maybeneitherstupid , credulous ,
nor demented , he nevertheless manifests a failure of Insight , by viewing and
appraising his own motives , and the motivEs anda由ons of other characters ,
through what the reader 15讥tended to recogn让e as the disto觅ng persPective
of the narrator , 5 PreludiceS and private interests . ( Seepo亡ntofview . )
In A Rhetoric oflton尸(1974)劝厄四e Booth identifies as stable irony that
in Which the speaker or author makes available to the reader an asse川on or
position which , whether expliclt or imPlle氏serves as a firm ground for ironi -
caily quali加ng or subverting the surface meaning . Unstable irony , on the
other hand , ofl渝5 no fixed standPoint which 15 not itself un改rcut by further
ironies . The literature of the absurd typicalfy presents such a regression of
ironies . At an extteme , as in Samuel Beckett , 5 drama科rai互ng for Godot ( 1955 )
or his novel7为e Unnamable ( 1960 ) , there 15 an endless regress ofironicunder -
cuttings . Suchwo比5 suggest a deniai that there 15 any secure evaiuative stand -
point , or even any ddermin的le rationale , in the加man situation .
Sarcas扭in common parlance 15 sometimes used as an equivalent for all
forms of irony,加t It 15 far more useful to restrict it oniy to the crude and
taunting use of aPparent pralse for dispraise : " Oh , you , re God , s great gift to
women , you arel " The di到笼rence in application of the two terms 15 indicated
by thed进eTence in thdr etymolo矛es ; whereas " irony , ' derives ftom " elron , "
a " dissembler , , , " sarcasm , , derlves from the Greek verb " sarkazein , , , " to tear
flesh . " An added due to sarcasm 15 the exaggerated inflection of the speaker , s
The term " itony , " qualified by an adlective , 15 used to identify various lit -
eraryd州ces and modes of oTganization :
Socratic itony takes its name from the fact that , as he 15 representedin
Plato , s dlalogues ( fo urth century B . c . ) , the philosopher Socrates usually dis -
sembles by assulning a pose of ignorance , an eagemess to be instructed , anda
modest readiness to entertain opinions proposed by others ; although these ,
uPon his continued questioning , always加rn out to be 111一ounded or to lead
to的surd consequences .
Dramatic irony involves a situation in a play or a narrative in which
the audience or reader shares with the author如owledge of present or future

这两个术语的不同词源便说明了它们在使用上的差别;“讽刺”来源于“ eiron ",指的是
一种“掩盖,' ; “挖苦”源于希腊语中的动词“ sarkazein ' ',指的是“划伤肉体” 。言者的夸
274 IRoNv

clrcumstances of which a character 15 ignorant ; in that situation , the character
unknowingly acts in a Way we recogniZe to be grossly inappropriate to the ac -
tual circumstances , or exPects小e opposite of What we know that fate holds
in store , or says something that anticipates the actual outcome , but not at all
in the way that the character intends . Writers of Greek tragedy , who based
thdr plots on legends Whose outcome was already known to their audience ,
made frequent use of this device . Sophocles,诀帅us , for example , 15 a very
complex instance of tragic irony , for the king ( " I , oedipus , whom all men
call great " ) engages in a hunt for the incestuous father一murderer who has
brought a plague upon Thebes ; the obiect of the hunt tums out ( as the audi ・
ence , but not oedipus , has known right along ) to be the hunter himself ; and
the king , h州ng achieved a vision of the terrible truth , penitently blinds him ・
seif . Dramatic irony occurs also in comedy . A comic example of dramatic
irony 15 the scene in Shakespeare , sT阮Iffh Night ( 11 . v . ) in which Malvolio
strUts and preens in anticipation of a good fortUne that the audience如ows 15
based on a fake letter ; the dramatic irony 15 heightened for the audience by
Malvolio3 ignorance of the presence of the hidden hoaxers , who gleefully
comment on his incongruously complacent speech and actions .
COsmic irony ( or " the irony of fate , , ) 15 attributed to literary works in
which a deity , or else fate , 15 represented as though deliberately manipulating
events 50 as to lead the protagonist to false hopes , only to加strate and mock
them . This 15 a favorite strUcturald州ce of Thomas Hardy . In his Tess of the
D廿由曰树lles ( 1891 ) the heroine , having lost her virtue because of her inno -
cence , then IOses her happiness because of her hones年finds it again onlyby
murder , and havlng been briefly hapPyl 15 hanged . Hardy concludes : " The
President of the Immortals , in Aeschylean phrase , had ended his sport with
TeSS . "
ROmantic irony 15 a term introduced by Friedrich Schiegel and other
German Writers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centUries to desi矛
nate a mode of dramatic or narrative Writing in Which the author builds
up the illusion of representing reality , only to shatter it by revealing that the
author , as artlst , 15 the creator and arbitrary maniPulator of the characters
and theira出ons . The concept owes much to加urence Sterne , 5 use of a self -
conscious and willful narrator in his7跳tTam Shan即(1 759一7 ) . Byron , 5 great
narrative poem Don luan ( 1819一24 ) persistently uses thisd州ce for ironic and
comic effect , letting the reader into the narrator , s confidence , and 50 reveai -
ing the latter to be a fabricator of fiction Who 15 often at a 1055 for matter to
sustain his story and undecided about how to continue it . ( See Anne Mellor ,
English Ro爪an红c Irony , 1980 . ) Thistype ofirOny ' involvingaself - consdousnar -
rator , has become a recurrent mode in the modem form of involuted厅c丘on .
A number of writers assodated with the New Criticism used " irony , " al -
though in a greatiy extended sense , as a general Criterion of literary vatue . This
use 15 based largely on two literary theorists . T . 5 . Eliot praised a kind of " wit , ,
( characteristic , in his vi6w , of seventeenth一century me娜h卢ical poe朽butab -
sent in the romantic poets ) which 15 an " intemal equilibrium , , that implies the
" recognition , " in dealing with any one kind of experience , " of other ldnds of

的戏弄也就完结了。 ”
《英国浪漫体讽刺》(198 。)〕 。这种形式的讽刺涉及到一位自我意识的叙述者,已经成
与新批评有关的一些作家将“讽刺” ―尽管大大扩展了其含义―作为衡量文
学价值的一般标准。这种用法主要基于两位文艺理论家T . S艾略特和1 . A.理查兹
的思想。 T . 5.艾略特吹捧一种(在他看来属于17世纪玄学派诗人的特征而浪漫主义
276 Ivo盯和w 〔 R ・ l 〔 R 〔 MI ^ o

experience WhiCh are possible ・ ” ( " Andrew MarVell , " 1921 , In介纪‘介以凡5冈四,
1960 . ) And 1 . A.租chards defined irony in poetry as an equilibriUIn of oppos -
inga川tudes and evaluations任竹nciPI6s ofLitera甲Cri互cis巩1924 , chapter 32 ) :
Irony in this sense consists in the brin赓ng in of the opposite , the com -

plementary impulses ; that 15 Why poetry Which 15 exposed to it 15 not of the highest orde芍and Why lrony itself 15 50 constantiy a Characteristic of
poetry Whlch 15 .

Such observatlons were developed by Robert Penn叭厄rren , Cleanth BrookS ,
and other New Critics into the da加that poems in which the writer commits
himself or herself unreservedly to a single attltude or outiook , such as love or
admiration or idealism , are of an inferior order because they are vulnerableto
the reader , s ironic skeptictsm ; the greatest poems , on the other hand , areill -
vulnerable to extemal irony because they alreadyincorporate the poet , 5 own
" ironic " awareness of opposite and complementarya饭tudes . See Robert Penn
叭扭rren , " Pure and ImPure Poetry , , ( 1943 ) , in Cri瓦qUes and Essays inCri廿南琳
ed . Robert W . Stallman ( 1949 ) ; Cleanth Brooks , " Irony as a Prindple of StrUc ・
turen ( 1949 ) , in Litera尽oPinion宕n Am州ca , ed . M . W . Z北el ( 1951 ) .
J . A . K . Thomson , ItOny . ' An扭sto对calln的duc瓦on ( 1926 ) ; A . R . Thompson ,
角eD甲人勿比:A StU即oflro即in Drama ( 1948 ) ; D . C . Muec址,Irony ( 1970 ) ;
A . E ・ Dyson,角e Cm罕Fa洲c , ESsaJ四in加呷(1965 );叭白四e C . Booth , ARheto沦
oflrO恻(1974 ) . A suggestive and wide一ran矛ng earlier exploration ofthemode
155必ren儿erkegaard , s劝e COncePt oflron尸(1841 ) , trans . Lee M . Capel ( 1965 ) .

hory Tower . A phiase taken from the bibli以Song of SOngs7 : 4 , in whichit
15 said of the beloved woman , " Thy neck 15 as at咖er of ivory . " In the 18305 the
French clitic Sainte一Beuve applied the phrase " tourd,钾。吹,, to the stance of the
poet Alfred de Vign又to sign海his 1501甜on from everyday life and his exalta -
tion of art above all pra比cal concems . Since then " ivory tower , , has been fre -
quentiy emPloyed ( u sually in a derogatory Way ) tosigi心fy an attitUde or a Way
of life which 15 indifferent or hostile to praCtical affairs and the everyday World
and , more spec访call又to signify a theory and practice of art which insulatesit
from moral , political , and sodal concems or effects . ( S ee Aesthe瓦dsm . )

Ierem纽诫.A term dellved from the old Testament prophet Jeremiah , who
in the seventh centUryB ・ C . attributed the calamities of Israel to its violation of
the covenant with Jehovah and retum to pagan idolat职denounced with
gloomy eloquence its reli矛ous and morai iniquities , and called On the people
to repent and reform in order that Jehovah mlght restore them to His favor
and renew the ancient covenant , As a literary term , lere刃aiad 15 applied to any
work which , with a magniloquence like that of the old Testament prophet
( although it may be in secular rather than religious terms ) , accounts for the
misfortUnes of an era as a lust penalty for great social and moral州15 , but usu ・
ally holds open the poss山illty for changes that will bring a happler futUre ・
In the Ro小an瓦c几月od , powerful passages in William Blake , s " prophetic
poems , , constitUte short } eremiads , and the term 15 often applied to those of

( 1921)这篇文章]。 1 . A.理查兹把诗歌中的反讽定义为是对立观点和评价的平衡
「 《文学批评原理(1924)第32章〕:
仁1943,收人R . W.斯托曼所编的《文学批评中的评论与论文》(1949)」;克林斯・布鲁
克斯所著的《讽刺―结构的原则》 〔 1949,收人M . W.扎贝尔所编的《美国的文学主
张》(1 951)〕 。
参看:J . A . K . Thomson , Iro即:An Historical Introduction , 1926 ; A . R .
Thompson , TheD勺八勃ck : A Stud少of Jron少乞n Drama , 1948 ; D . C . Muecke , Iron夕,
1970;凡E . Dyson , The Craz夕Fabric , Essa夕51儿Iron夕,1965 ; Wayne C . Booth , ARhet -
orio of Irony , 1974 。早期对于这一方法具启发性的广泛探索参见:Soren Kierkeg -
aard , The Concept of Iron夕,1841 , trans . Lee M . Capel , 1965 。

} vory丁ower象牙塔

这一表达来源于《圣经・雅歌》(7 : 4 ),原用来描述所爱的女人,“你的脖颈像一座
象牙塔” 。 19世纪30年代,法国批评家圣一伯夫将“象牙塔”这一词组用来指诗人阿


278以I ・ LioHT vERSE

Thomas Carlyle , s writings in whiCh he uses a biblical idiom to denounce the
social and代onomic misdeeds of the Vjcto月an Period and to call for drastic re -
forms . The leremiad , in its ori矛nal religious mode , was a familiar genre in the
sermons and writings of the Colonial Period in America , at at加e when it was
a commonPlace that the cofonies inNewEngland were the " New Israel , , with
which God had covena爪ed a glorious future . The mlsfortunes of the COI -
onists , accordingly , were attributed to deviations from the divine commands
and desCribed as punishments Inflicted妙God on His chosen peoPle for their
。 Wn ultimate ben比t . In the words of Increase Math巴," God does not Pun -
ish … other Nations until they have filled up the Measure of their sins , a耐
then he utterly destioyeth them ; but if oUr Nation forsake the God of their Fa ・
thers never 50 little , " He punishes us in order " that 50 he may prevent our de -
struction , ,(仆e Dayo厂Trouble 15 Near , 1674 ) . Since that era the prophetic
stance and denunciatory rhetoric of the leremiad has been manifested坪
many orators and writers , religious and seculat , into the present time . See Sac -
van Bercovitch,仆e American Ieremiad ( 1978 ) , and George P . Lando钱Elegant
介即阴iahs:角esaJ弹加m CarIJ啤toM比iler ( 1986 ) .

Ld . A nameori多nally applied to a variety of poems by medieval French
认旧ters in the latter勺滓elfth and the thirteenth centuries . Some lais werelyric ,
but most of them were short narratives written in octo罕llabic couPlets . Marie
de France , who认几ote in the FrenCh language although probably in Ellgiand at
the court of屹ng Henry 11 , colnposed a number of notable poems of this sort ;
they are called " Breton lais , , because their narratives are drawn for the most
part from Arthurian and Other Celtic legends . ( , , Breton , , refers to Brittany ,
which was a Celtic part of France ; see chivalric romance . ) The Angiicized term
Breton lay was applied in the fourteenth century to English poems Written
on the model of the narratives of Marie de France ; thcy induded Siro币0 , the
L即ofLaunfal , and Chaucer , s " The Franklin , s Tale . ”加ter still , lay was usedby
English poets simpfy as a synonym for song , or as an archaic word for a fairly
short narrative poem ( fo r example by Sir叭厄lter Scott in hisL即of the Last
MinstT6I , 1805 ) .
See ROgerS ・ Loomis , ed ・,A肋uria " Lit日恤加re jn伪e Mjddle人卯s ( 1959 ) , and
the IntroduCtion by Charles W . Dunn to La产。厂Courtly Love , trans . Patricta
介rry ( 1963 ) .

Ught砚rse 15 a term applied to a great vatlety of poems that use an ordi ・
nary sPeaking voice and a relaxed manner to treat their subiects gaily , or play -
fully , or wittily , or with good一natured sa百re . The sublects of light verse need
not be in themselves petty or inconsequential ; the defining quality 15 the tone
of voice used , and the attitUde of thel州c or narrative speaker toward the sub ・
lect . Thomas Love Peacock , s " TheW时Song of Dinas物叭理n ( 1829 ) be多ns
The mountain sheeP are sweetet ,
But the valley sheeP are fatter ;
W眨therefore deemed it meeter
TO carry offthelatteL

斯・马瑟的说法,“上帝并不惩罚… …其他民族,除非因为他们充满了罪孽,他才彻底毁灭
他们;但我们的民族背弃了上帝太多”,他惩罚我们是为了“阻止我们走向毁灭” 〔 《灾难之日
近了》(1674)」 。从那时一直到现在,许多世俗和宗教演说家和作家便开始使用哀史中的先
知态度和谴责措词。参看萨克万・伯罗维奇的《美国哀史》(19 78 );乔治・ P ・兰多的《典雅


( " Bret0n ' ’是指布列塔尼,当时是法国的凯尔特部分;参见:骑士传奇)。英语化术语
包括《奥费欧爵士》 、 《朗法尔之歌》及乔雯的《富兰克林的故事》 。后来籁歌仍被英国
各特爵士的《最后的吟游诗人之歌》(1805)〕 。
参看:RogerS助ohas , ed . , A滋urian Literaturei刀the从ddle彻肖,1959 ; The In -
troduction by CharlesW.乃mn toLa夕sof汤u对l夕Lo优,trans . Patricia Terry , 1963 。

L . g卜t verse轻松诗


280 LINculsTIcs IN Ll下〔队RvcRI下IcisM

And it ends

W亡brought away from battle ,
And much their land bemoaned them ,
Two thousand head ofcattie ,
Aiid the head of him who owned them
Ednyfed , king of Dyfed ,
His head was borne before us ;
His wine and beasts supplied our feasts
And his overthro代our chorus .

The dispassionatea川加de , brisk colloquialism , and pat rhymes convert what
could be a matter for epic or ttagedy into a comic narrative that qualifies as
light verse .
Vers de soci乏悦(society verse ) 15 the very large subdass of light verse
that deais with the relationships , concems , and doings of polite society . It 15
often satiric , but in the mode of badinage rather than severity ; and when it
deals with love it does 50 as a sexUal game , or flirtatiously , or in the mode of
elegant and witty compliment , rather than with passion or high seriousness .
The tone 15 usually uthane , the styled吹,and the form polished and some -
times contrlved with technical virtUosity ; most poems using intricate French
stanza forms , such as the讨llanelle , are society verse .
Nurseryth犷tnes and other children , s verses are another type of light
verse . Edward Lear ( " The Jumblies , " " The owi and the Pussy Cat " ) and Lewis
Carroll ( , ' J abberwocky , ,,仆e枷n红ng of the Snark ) made chlldren , 5 nonsense
verses into a Victorian specialty . Lear also popularized the five一line limerick ,
th丫ming aabba which , whether in its ribaid or decorous mode , 15 a forln Of
light verse that everyone knows and many of us have pra比ced .
Some other finea觅ficers of light and sodety verse are John Skelton
( c . 146于1529 ) , the CavalierpoeO of the early seventeenth centu珍andjohn
Dryden , Matthew Prior ' Lady Mary Wbrtley Montagu , Alexander Pope , W . 5 .
Gilbert , and Austin Dobson . Modern praCtitioners inchide Ezra Pound , W . H .
Auden , e . e . CUmmlngs , ogden Nash , Marianne Moore , Edna St . Vincent
Millay , Dorothy九rker , Phyllis McGinley , Mofris Bishop , John Betleman , A . R .
Ammons , John UPdike , and Ishmael Reed .
See ePigram.取fer to A Vers de Soci翻AntholOJ澎ed , Carolyn Wdls ( 1907 ,
reprinted 1976 );肠rldly为佃se : An Anthol卿ofse八ous Light Verse , ed . A . J . M .
枷ith ( 1951 );爪e Fireside Book ofHumorous Poe娜ed , W . Cole ( 1959 );丁触
N如护Oxford Book ofLight Vers马ed.见ngsl即Amis ( 1978 );劝eNO月力n Bookof
Light Vers马ed . Russell Baker ( 1986 ) .

Ung川川cs In Uterory Critici二LingUistics 15 the systematic stu即of
the elements of language and the principles goveming their combination and
organization . An older term for the sdentific study of the constitution and
history of language was philology ' a term that 15 still sometimes used as syn -
on叨mous叻th lingUistics . Through the nineteenth centU以phil010gy was
mainly " comparativen ( the analysis of slmilarities and differences withina
family of related languages ) and " historicaln ( the analysis of the evotution of



的诗歌成为维多利亚时代的文学特产。李尔还普及了韵式为a " b ba的五行打油诗,
146 。一1529 ) , 17世纪初期的英国骑士诗人,约翰・德莱顿、马修・普赖尔、玛丽・沃
特利・蒙塔古夫人、亚历山大・蒲柏、 W . S,吉尔伯特和奥斯丁・多布森。现代诗人
埃兹拉・庞德、 W . H.奥登、 e ・ e ・卡明斯、奥格登・纳什、玛丽安・穆尔、埃德娜・
曼、 A . R.艾蒙斯、约翰・厄普代克和伊什梅尔・里德。
参见:警句。参阅:Carolyn Wells ed . , A Vers de Soci ' t亡Antholog夕,1907 ,
reprinted 1976 ; A . J . M . Smith ed . , W匕rldl夕M锐se : An Antholog夕of Seriou , Light
Vers 。,1 951 ; W . Cole ed . , The Fireside Book of Humorous Poet勺,1959 ; Kingsley
Arnis ed . , The Ne叨Oxford Book of Light Vers 。,1978 ; Russell Baker ed . , The
Norton Book of Light Verse , 1986 。

Lingu ! StiCs in Literary Criticism语言学在文学批评里的应用

282 LINGuls丁ICS IN LI下〔队盯cRITIclSM

aof time has come to be called diachronic ; the important developmentsin
 family oflanguages , or of changes within a particular language , over a long course of time ) . Thls lat er study of the changes in language over a Spafl
妇陀entieth一century linguistics came with the shift to the synchronic study of
the systematic inte rrelations of the components of a single language at a par -
ticular time . A ma10r contributor to modern synchxonic linguistics was Ferdi -
nand de Saussure , a French一spea址ng Swiss whose lectures on language asa
self - sufficient system , delivered 1907 - - 11 , were publlshed from students , notes
in 1916 , three years after Saussure , 5 death ; these lectures have been translated
as Course in General Lin.卿应s瓦cs ( 1916 ) . ( See Saussure under sem诬。红cs . ) Impor ・
tant contri加tions were also made by American " descriptive , , or " str ' Uctural , ,
linguists , not的ly Edward Saplr and Leonard Bloomfield , who set out to devise
a lingUistic theory and vocabulary adequate to analyZe , as modes of verbat
' , , behavior , " the current state of various American Indian languages ; a basic
text in American linguistics 15 Bloomfield , 5 La侧川闰孵(1933)・ BOth Continental
and Amerlcan linguistics have been applied to the analysis of the distinCtive
uses of language in literary texts ( see Russianfo溯alis脚ands州iS瓦cs ) , and
Saussure , S concePts and procedures in analyzing a language have been adopted
as a model for analyzing the forms and organization of large一scale literary
structures ( sees如‘加ml注st币灯cjsm ) .
The following linguistic terms and concepts are often employed by CUr -
rent CritiCS afid theoristS of litemtu化.
Saussure introduced an impo由nt distifiction between langue and pa -
role . A parole 15 any particular meaningful utterance , spoken or Wrltten . The
langue 15 the impliCit system of elements , of distinctions and oppositions ,
and of principles of combination , which make it possible , within a language
communi娜for a speaker to produce and the auditor to understand a partiCU -
lar parole . The linguist , 5 primary concern , in Saussure , 5 vie琳15 to est比lish
the nature of the under切ng linguistic system , the langue . Noam ChomS匆
has substitUted for Saussure , 5 langue and parole the distinction be们陀een com ・
petence ( the tacit knowledge on the part of native speakers who have mas -
tered , or " internal让ed , " the implicit conventions and rules of a language
system Which make possible the production and understanding of well -
formed and meaningfUI sentences ) and performance ( t he actual utterance Of
p叭icular sentences)・ Competent speakers know how to produce suCh sen -
tences , without being able to speci印the conventions and rules that enable
them to do 50 ; the funCtion of the linguist 15 to identify and make exPlicit the
system of linguistic conventions and rUles that the speaker unkno,喊ngly puts
into practice ・
Modern lingUists cornmonly distinguish three asPects that together con ・
stitute the grammar-一the components and the principles of ordering the
components一n any " natural language , , ( e ・ g ・,English , Rench , Japanese , and
50 on ) : ( l ) phonologyl the study of the elementary speech sounds ; ( 2 ) mor ・
phology , the study Of the ordering of speech sounds into the smallest mean -
ingful groups ( morphemes and Words ) ; and ( 3 ) syntax , the stUdy of the way
that sequences of words are ordered into phrases , clauses , and sentences ・

历时语言学。 20世纪语言学的重要发展表现为向针对特定时期某一种语言内部成分
通语言学教程》(1916 )(参见:符号论中有关索绪尔的论述)。著名的美国“描写”或

manifesting paral -

燕黔嘿薰薰燕棘) uccessively higher
of language some -
included within the area of linguistics 15 semantics , the stUdy of the
meaning of words and of the combination of Words in phrases , sentences , and
linguistic units . In the area of semantics , Saussure introduced the ter -
minology of thes如(a single word ) as constituted by an inseparable union of
signifier ( the speech sounds or written marks composing the sign ) and
fied ( the conceptUal meaning of the sign)・

( 1 ) one branch of phonology 15 phonetics , the physical description of
the elementary speech sounds in all known languages and the way
they are produced by the vocal apparatus . The " phonetic alphabet , , 15
a standard讼ed set ofs扣mbols for representing in written form these
speech sounds . Another branch 15 " phonemics , " which deals with
phonemes : the smallest units of speech sound Whlch , within any one
natural language , are functional一that 15 , Which cannot vary without
chan乡ng the word of whlch they are a part into a different word .
Thus in the Eflglish word rePresented by the spelling " pin , " ifwe
change only the initial speech sound , we get three different words ,
pin一tin ・ din ; if we change onlythe medial sound , we get pin一pen一pun ;
ifwechangeonlythefinalsound , wegetpin一pit一pill . Fromthema ・
trix of such changes , we determine that each of the individual units
rePresented勿the spellingp , t , d ; i , e , u ; andn , t , 1 function as differ -
entiating phonemes within the English language . Each language has
its ov刃以system of phonemes which both overiaps with and diverges
from the phonemic system of any other language . The imperfect suc -
cess that a native speaker of one language , such as German or French ,
manifests in adapting his habitual pronunciations to the phonemic
system of a different language , such as English , 15 a maior feature of
what we identify asa " foreign accent . "
Even withln a singie language , hoWever ' a native speaker will
vary the pronunciation of a single phonemic unit within different
combinations of speech sounds , and Will also vary the pronunciation
from one utterance to another . Even greater phonetic differences are
apparent between勺沁0 native speakers , especially if they sPeak the di -
aleCtS of div6rsere巨ons , or of diverse social groups . Saussure pro -
posed the principle that What we identi勿as " the same phoneme , '
within a language 15 not determined by the physical features of the
sPeech sound itself , but by its difference from all other phonemes in
that languag卜that 15 , by the diff6rentiabili尔within a given lan -
guage , between a partiCUlar speech unit and all other functional
speech units . Saussure , s important claim 15 that the principle of dif -
ference , rather than any " positiven proper年functions to establish
identity not only for phonemes , but for units On all levels of linguis -
tic organ沈ation , including both signs and the concepts that the signs


( 1)音韵学的一个分支是语音学:对一切已知语言的基本语音及其发声器官的
发声方法的具体描述。 “音标”是记录这些语音的标准化符号系列。音韵学
的另一分支是以音位为研究对象的“音位学” 。音位是任何一种自然语言中
一个不同的词。以英语单词“ pin ”为例:如果我们只变换字头的音,就可以得
出三个不同的词“ Pin ” 、 “ tin ' ’ 、 “ din ' ';只改变中间一个音则可引出“ pin ” 、
" pen ” 、 “ pun ";如果我们只变换最后一个音就会得出“ pin ” 、 “ pit ” 、 “ pill ”三个
词。从这种变化模型里,我们可以断言,由p , t , d ; i , e , u ; n , t , 1代表的每一个
286 Ll闪cuis下Ics IN LITE队RYcRITIcISM

signify.灿1 thesetypes of items , then , are systemic facts that achieve
an identity only within a particular language , and vary between one
language and another . ( This claim , that seeming identities are in fact
constituted by networks of differences , has been adopted and gener -
alized as a central fea加re ins加c加ralis功,se从iotiCS , and decons加c -
红on . )
( 2 ) The next level of analysis , after phonology , 15 mo甲holog卜一the COlll -
bination of phonemes into morphemes and into words . A r以Or -
15 the smallest meaningful unit of speech sounds within any
one language ; that 15 , a morphemic unit , composed of one or more
phonemes , 15 a unit that recurs in a language witli the same , or at
least simila乙meaning . Some mo甲hemes , such as " man , " " open , "
and " run , , in助glish , constitUte comPlete words ; others , however ,
ocCUr only as parts of words ・ For exampl兮the noun " grace , ' 15 a word
that 15 a single morpheme , If we prefix to the root element , " grace , "
the morpheme " dis一," It becomes a different word with a sharply dif -
ferent meaning : " disgrace , , ; if we add to the root the morphemic suf -
flx “一ful , " the noun functions as an adlective , " graceful , , ; if we add to
these two morphemes the further suffix , “一ly , " the resulting word
functions as an adveth , " gracefully , , ; if we prefix to this form either
the morPhemic " dis ・,' or " un一," we get the adverbial words , each com -
posed of four mo甲hemes , " disgracefully刀and " ungracefully . , ,
W七find also an interesting set of phoneme combinations Whlch
do not constitute specific morphemes , yet are experienced by speak -
ers of English ash州ng a common , though very loose一oundaried ,
area of meaning . Examples are the initial sounds representedby " fl一,,
in the set of words " flash , flare , flame , flicke乙flimme乙” all of which
signi印a kind of moving light ; while in the set " fly , fliP , flap , flop , flit ,
flutter , n the same initial sounds all signify a kind of movement in air .
The terminal sounds represented by “一ash , " as they ocCUr in the set
" bash , crash , clash , dash , flash , gash , mash , slash , " have an overiap -
ping signiflcance of sudden or violent movement . Such combinations
of phonemes are sometimes called " phonetic intensives , " or else in -
stances of sound ・ symbolism ; they are important components in the
t即e ofwords , exploitedesPedallybypoets , inwhichthesoundsofthe
words seem peculiariy appropriate to their Signiflcance . See onomato -
poe宜a , and refer to Leonard Bloomfield , La雌“叮£(1933 ) , pp . 244es46 ;
1 . A . mchards,角e PhilosOPh尹。厂Rhetoric ( 1936 ) , pp ・ 57一65 ・
Phonemes , mo甲hemes , and words are all said to be " segments "
of the stream of the speech sounds which constitute an utterance .
Linguists also distinguish suprasegmental features of language , con -
sisting of stress , iuncture , and intonation , all of which function mor -
phemicall又In that they alter the identity and siguificance of the
segments in an utterance , A shift in stress一that 15 , of relative force -
fulness , or loudness , of a component element in an utterance一from
the first to the second syllable converts the noun " invalid , , into the

( 2)音韵学之后的另一分析层为“形态学” ―即研究音位结合成词素和结合成
完整的词,如英语里的“ man "(人)、 “ open "(开)、 “ run "(跑);而其他一些词素
仅仅作为词的一个部分出现。例如,名词“ grace , '(优雅)本身是单独的一个
词素。如果我们在词根“ grace ' ’上加上前缀词素“ dis一”(不),它就变成了意义
完全不同的另一个词“山sgrace "(不优雅);若我们在词根上加上后缀词素“ -
ful ' '(… …的),它就从名词变成为形容词“ graceful ' '(优雅的);若我们在这两
个词素上再补加一个后缀“一丫’(… …地),结果就得出了它的副词“ graceful -
ly "(优稚地);如果在该副词形式前加上词素“ dis一”或“ un一”(不),就会得出
分别由四个词素组成的副词“ disgracefully "(不光彩地)和“ ungracefully "(不
如以“ fl一”为始音的一组词:" flash(闪光)、 flare(闪亮)、 flame(闪耀)、 flicker
(闪现)、 flimmer(发微光)",它们都表示光的某种动感;而在另一组词“ fly
(飞)、 flip(抛)、 flap(扔)、 flit(掠过)、 flutter(飘)”里,相同的始音都表现了空
气中的一种移动。以“一ash ”为代表的尾音出现在“ bash(猛击)、 Crash(碰撞)、
clash(猛撞)、 dash(猛冲)、 flash(飞驰)、 gash(划开)、 mash(捣碎)、 Slash(猛
音位、词素和词都是形成言语的一串发音里的“音段成分” 。语言学家还
的相对重读或音高)从第一音节转移到第二个音节可以把名词“ invahd , '(病
弱者)转换成形容词“ inv么lid , ,(无用的),也可以把名词“ c6nvict , ,(罪犯)转化

adlective " inv乱id , " and the 110Un , ' c 6nvict , , into the veth " cofiviCt . , ,
Junc加re denotes the transition in an utterance be七砚en adlacent
speech sounds , whether within a word , be铆een words , or be七陀een
groups of words . Lin脚sts distinguishv硕ous functional Classes of
luncturesin助glish utterances ・ Intonation 15 the variation of pitch ,
or voice ・ melody , in the course of an utterance ・ W七utter the assertion
" He 15 going homen with a different intonation from that of the ques -
tion " 15 he going home ? " ; and the use of the question intonation
even,爪h the asse出ve sequence OfWOrds " Heisgoinghome ? , , will
make the sentence fun比on to an auditor not as an asselt1On , but asa
question . Uttering the following three words 50 as to alter the relati仰
stress in the Ways indicated , and at the same time using a variety of
intonational pattems and pauses willr四eal the eXtent to whiCh
5 Calla任ect
suprasegmental featUre汉晚ct the significance of a Senten此 COn ・

. " " 11止ey6u
stituted勿the same words : " 11撅you . " " 1 like you . " " 11止e y6u . "
( 3 ) The third level of analysis ( after the level of Phonemes and the level
of the combination of phonemes into morphemes and words ) 15 syn -
tax : the combination of words into phrases , clauses , and sentences .
Analysis of speech performances ( parOles ) in any language reveals reg -
ularities in such constructions , which are explained by postUlating
syntactic rules that are operative within the lingUistic system , or
langue , which has been mastered by competent speakers and audi -
tors ・(These purely " descrlPtive ,,川les , Or general regularities , of syn -
tax are to be distinguished from the " prescriptive , ' rules of grammar
whiCh are presented in school handbooks deslgned to teach the " cor -
rect usage , , of upper一dass standard助glish . ) A widely used distinc -
tion , developed by Roman Jakobson , 15 that be幻陀een the rules
goveming paradlgnlatic relations ( the " ve川cal , , Telations be伽een
any single Word in a sentence and other words that are phonolo梦
call又syntactically , or semantically simila耳and which can be substi -
tuted for lt ) , and syntag叮atic relations ( the " horizontain relations
which determine the possibilities of putting words in a sequence 50 as
to make a Well一formed syntactic unit ) . on the phonemic and mor -
phemic levels , a similar distin出on 15 made between paradlgmatic
relations among single elements and syntagmatlc rel甜ons of se -
quences of elements . This paradigmatic一syntagmatic distinction
parallels the dis血ction made by Jakobson be饰een metaPhoric ( ver -
tical ) and meton犷mic伍orizontal ) relations in analyzing反拟la找ve
Noam Choms匆in护,tac价S如ctUres ( 1957 ) Initiated What 15
known as transfonnatiouaLgenera七万e grammar . Choms匆,sPe卜
sistent emphasis 15 on the central feature he calls " creativity , , in lan -
guage一the fact that a competent native spea址r can producea
meaningfUI sentence which has no exact precedent in the speaker , s
earlier linguistic exPerience , as well as the fact that competent audi ・
tors can understand the sentence immediately ' though it 15 equally

为动词“ 。 onvict , '(使知罪)。连音表示话语里相临语音的过渡衔接,它可以发
不是“断言” 。说出下列由三个同样的词组成的三个语句并按照重读符号的

‘们ike you ',我(不是他人)喜欢你。
" Ilikeyou ,,我喜欢(非其他感情)你。
" Ilikey6u ,,我喜欢你(不是喜欢其他人)。

( 3)在音位分析及音位组合成词素和词的分析层次之后,第三个分析层次为“句

new to them . TO exPlain this " rUle一bound creativity , , of a language ,
Choms匆proposed that native speakers , and listeners , competence
consists in their mastery of a set of generative and transformational
rules . This mode of linguistics 15 called generative in that it under ・
takes to establish a finlte System of rules that will sufficeto " gener -
ate ,,一n the sense that it will adequatefy account for一the totality of
syntaCtically " well一formed , , sentences that are possible In a given lan -
guage . It 15 transformational in that it postulates , in the deeP struc -
tUre of a language system , a set of " kemel sentences " ( such as , ' J ohn
15 building a house , , ) which , in accordance with diverse rules of trans -
formation , serve to produce a great variety of sentences on the sur ・
face strllcture of a language system ( e . g . , the passiv6 form " The
house 15 being built勿John , , and the question form " 15 John building
ahouse ? " aswellasa1argenumberofmorecomplexderivativesfrom
the simple kemel sentence ) .
For div6rse applications of the concepts and methods ofmodern
linguistics to literature , see decons如币。味Russianfo溯alis批semio瓦CS ,
s如c加ralis巩ands切is跳5 . For Saussure , 5 theories refer to Ferdinand
de Saussure , COurse inG阴eral Li昭证s吮s , trans . w泛de Baskln ( 1966 ) ,
and the conctse analysis妙Jonathan Culle乙凡记认and de Saussure
( rev . , 1986 ) . For American linguistics : Leonard Bloomfield , La护聊J峪亡
( 1933 ) ; Zellig 5 . Harris , Shac扭ral LinJ浏is瓦cs ( Zd ed . , 1960 ) ; George L .
Trager and Henry Lee Smith , Jr . , An outline ofE州ishs加ctUre ( 1957 ) .
on transformationai ・ generativ6 grammar : NOam Chomsky , Sele改d
ReadingS , ed . J . P . B.灿len and Paul物n Buren ( 1971 );仆es如CtUreof
La叹卯昭芍ed . Jerry A . Fodor and Jermld J.众tZ ( 1964 ) ; John Lyons ,
入协口m Cho脚御(1970 ) . Usefuir州ews of Continental and American
linguistics and of their applications in literary critictsm are included
in Karl D . Uitti , LinJ甲is瓦cs and Literaly仆eo甲(1969 ) ; William H .
Youngren , 5日” an打低Lini叫is瓦CS , and以价绍m ( 1972 ) ; Jonathan
Culler ' S打珑tUralistPoetics ( 1975 ) and仆e九rsuitofs如s ( 1981 ) ; Nigel
Fabb and others , eds.角e LinJ川is五cs ofl仍咬红ng . ' ArgUm阴七be自形een
La叹纠ageandLiteratUre ( 1987 ) ; Janziolkowskl , ed . onPhilol侧沙(1990 ) ;
ROger Fowie马LinJ脚iS坑Cri五dsm ( Zd ed . , 1996 ) . See also Roman
Jakobson , s influential essay " Linguistics and Poetics , " in his La昭uage
in Literature ( 1957 ) , and the expansion ofjakobson , s basic distincti6n
be伽een the horiZontal andve觅cal dimensions of language inD州d
Lodge,仆己人白讹5 ofM匕山用科沉以ng . ' MetaPhor , Meton尸优另and the今
pol卿ofM匕山m LiteratUre ( 1977 ) . Deborah Cameron deals with issues
of gender in Feminism and Ling " is价角coly ( 1985 ) .

Loc目Color . The detailed representation in prose fiction of the setting , di -
alect , CUstoms , dress , and ways of thinking and feeling Which are distinctive
of a particular re孚on , such as Thomas Hardy , s " wessex , , or Rudyard屹pling , S
India . After the CivilW七a number of American writers exPlolted the llterary
possibilities of local cofor in various parts of America ; for example , thew比t

在某一语言系统的深层结构里假定出一些“核心句”来(如“ John 15 buildinga
house . " ),根据转换的各种法则,这些核心句可以在该语言体系的表层结构
上派生出许多不同的句子(例如,从上述陈述句可以派生出被动句式:" The
house 15 being built by John . ”疑问句:" 15 John building a house ? ”而且这个

义、符号论、结构主义、戈体学。关于索绪尔的有关理论参看:Ferdinand de Sauss盯e ,
COurse in General Linguistics , trans . by Wade Baskin , 1966 ; Jonathan Culler ,
Ferdinandd心Saussur己,rev . , 1986,中的简明分析。关于美国语言学参看:Leonard
Bloomfield , Languczge , 1933 ; Zellig 5 . Ha州s , Structural Linguistics , Zd ed . , 1960 ;
George L . Trager and Henry Lee Smith , Jr . , An Outl艺ne of English Structure , 1957 。
关于生成转换语法参看:Noam Chomscky , Selected Readings , ed . J . P . B . Allen and
Paul Van Buren , 1971 ; The Structore of Language , ed . Jerry A . Fodor and Jerrold J .
Katz , 1964 ; John Lyons , NoamChomsck夕,1970 。关于对欧美语言学及其在文学批评
里的应用的实用评论参看:Karl D . Uitti,乙inguistic , anJ乙iterary八eo勺,1969 ;
WIlliam H . Youngren , Sema , t诬cs , L乞ngu艺stics , and Cr£ticism , 1972 ; Jonathan Culler ,
Structuralist Poetics , 1975 ; Jonathan Culler , ThePursuitofsigns , 1981 ; NigelFabb
and others , eds . The Linguistics of Writing : Arguments between Language and Lit -
erature , 1987 ; Jan Ziolkowski , ed .,凸2 Philolog夕,1990 ; Roger Fowler , Linguistic
cri " cism , Zd ed . , 1996 。(另请参看)雅各布森颇有影响力的文章:《语言学与诗学》,
收人《文学中的语言》(1987 );大卫・洛奇在《现代创作的式样:隐喻、转喻和现代文学

LOca } Co } or地方色彩


( Bret Harte ) , the Mississippl re乡on ( M ark Twain ) , the South ( GeorgeM厄sh -
ington Cable ) , the Midwest ( E . W . HOwe , Hamlin Garland ) , and New England
( Sarah ome Jewett and Mary Wil班ns Freeman ) . The tenn " local color认耐t ・
ingn 15 often applied tow沉ks whlch , l撅0 . Henry , 5 or Damon Runyon , 5 sto -
ries set in NeW YOrk City , rely for their interest mainly On a sentimental or
comic representation of the surface partiCUlarities of are乎on , instead of on
more deeP ・ seated , complex , and general human characteristics and problems .
See real台m andre岁Onal novel ・

勒州c . In the most common use of the term , a lyric 15 any fairly short poem ,
consisting of the utterance by a singie speaker , who expresses a state Of mind
or a process ofperception , thought , andfeeling . Manyl州csPeakersarereP ・
resented as musing in solitude . Indra树a坑恻cs , however , thelyric speakerls
represented as addressing another person in a specific situation ; Instances are
Jdhn Donne , s " Canonlzation , , and Willlam Wbrdsworth乞“ Tintem Abbey . "
Although thel州c 15 uttered in the first person , the " l , , in the poem need
not be the poet who wrote it . In some lyrics , such as Jo恤Milton , 5 sonnet
" when 1 consider how my light 15 spent , , and Samuel Taylor Coleridge , s " Frost
at Midnight , " the references to the灿。 Wn circumstances of the author , S life
ma址it clear that we are to read the poem as a personal expression.助en in
such Personallyrics , however , both the character and utterance of the
speaker may be formalized and shaped by the author in a way that 15 con ・
duciv6 to the desired artlstic effect . In a number oflyrics , the sPeaker 15 a con -
ventional period一figure , such as the long - suffering suitor in the Petrarchan
sonnet ( see几如rchan conceit ) , or the courtly , witty lover of the Cavalier
poems . And in sometypes of lyrics , the speaker 15 ob村ously an invented fig ・
ure rerQote from the poet in character and Circu们。 stance . ( See persona , confes -
sional poe你anddra阴a坑川onolOJ浏e for distinctions between personal and
inventedlyric speakers . )
The lyric genre comprehends a great variety of utterances . Some , l坎e Ben
Jonson 、 “ To the Memory of … William ShakesPeare , , andw欲t Whitman , s
ode on the death of Abraham Lincoln , " 0 Captain , My CaPtain , " are ceremo -
nial poems uttered in a public voice on a public occasion . Among thelyrics in
amorepriy & temode , somearesimplyabrief , intenseexpressionofamoodor
state of feeljng ; for example , Shelley , s " To Night , " or Emily Dickinson , s " Wild
Nights , Wild Nights , " or this fine medieval song :
FOWles in the frlth ,
The fisshes in the flood ,
And 1 mon waxe WOod :
MUCh 50nVe 1 Walke With
For best of bone and blood .

But the genre also indudes extended expressions of a complex evohition of
feelingful thought , as in the long elegy and the meditative ode . And withina
lyric , the process of Observation , thought , memory , and feeling may be or ・
ganized in a variety of ways . For example , in " love lyrics , , the speaker may

西西比地区、乔治・华盛顿・凯布尔再现的美国南部、 E . W.豪和哈姆林・加兰勾画
新英格兰地区。 “带有地方色彩的作品”这一用语通常指的是那种像欧・亨利或达


《丁登寺》 。



simply expres  an enamored state of mlnd in an ordered form , as in ROb曰t Burns , " 0 my love , 5 like a red , r时rose , , , ot Elizabeth Banet  Bt0Wnln 19 , S " How

do 1 love thee ? Let me count the ways " ; or may gallantly elaborate a compli -
ment ( Ben Jonson , s " Dtink to me only with thine eyes " ) ; orm盯deploy an ar ・
即ment to take advantage of fleeting youth and opportUnity ( A ndrew
Marvell , s " To His Coy Mistress , " or ShakesPeare , 5 first seventeen sonnetsad -
dressed to a male youth ) ; or may express a cool response to an importUnate
lover ( C皿stina Rossetti , s " NO , thank you , John , , ) . In other kinds oflyrics the
speaker manifests and lustifies a partiCUlar disposition and set of values口ohn
Milton , s " U习legro , , and " 11 Penseroso , , ) ; or exPresses a sustained process of
observation and meditation in the attempt to resolve an emotional problem
( Wbrdsworth乞“ ode : Intimations of Immortality , " Arnold , s " Dover Beach即);
or ise劝ibited as making and lusti柳ng the choice of a way of life ( Ye ats ,
asailing to Byzantlum , , ) .
In the originai Greek , “妞让n signified a song rendered to the accompani -
ment of a lyre . In some current usages,娇让still retains the sense of a poem
written to be set to music ; theh脚n , for example , 15 alyric on a reli矛ous sub ・
iect that 15 intended to be sung . The adiectival form " lyrical , , 15 sometimes
aPplied to an expressiVe , song一like passage in a narrative poem , such as
Eve , 5 declaration oflovetoAdam , " Withtheeconversinglforgetalltime , " in
Milton , 5 Paradise Lost,以639 - - 56 .
See genre for the broad distinCtion between the three ma ) or poetic classes
of drama , narra伽e ( or epic ) , andlyric , and also fot the sudden elevation of
lyric , in the ROmantic perfod , to the status of the quintessentialfy poetic
mode . For subclasses of the lyric , see aubade , dra阴a瓦c阴onoloi叫e , eleJ职ePithal ・
amion , h脚n , ode , sonnet . Refer to Norman Maclean , " FromA出on to Image :
Theories of the Lyric in the 18th Century , " in Critics and Cri沈ism , ed . R . 5 .
Crane ( 1952 ) ; MauriCe BO 、 vra,城diaeval Love一So叮(1961 ) ; William E . ROgers ,
仆e仆ree Genresa " d the劲招甲爬ta瓦ono厂乙州c ( 1983 ) ; Chaviva Hosek and
Patricia Parker , eds .,切介POe抑:B卿” dN白胃Crib ' ciS , ( 1985 ) ; D州d llndley ,
乙州c ( 1985 ) ; Helen珑ndlerl仆eM妇sic ofwhat枷ppens ( 1988 ) .

Molopropism 15 that type of solecism ( t he conspicuous and unintended vi -
olation of standard diction or grammar ) which mistakenly uses a Word in
place of another that it resembles ; the effect 15 usually comic . The term derlves
ftom Mls . MalaPropin砒chard Brinsley Sheridan ' 5 comedy仆e Ri做Is ( 1775 ) ,
who in the attempt to display a coptous vocabulary said thlngs such as " a
progeny of leaming , " " as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile , "
and " he 15 the very pineaPple of politeness . "

Mo叮对吐Crltic互sm , in its diverse forms , grounds its theory and practice on
the economic and cultural theory of Karl Marx ( 1818一83 ) and his fellow -
thinker Friedrich Engels , and especially on the following da加s :
( 1 ) In the last analysis , the evolving history of humanlty , of its sodal
groupings and relations , of its institutions , and of itsw盯5 of thinking

情诗。 “抒情诗”的形容词形式“抒情诗般的”,有时可用来指叙事诗中富于表现力的
慕之情的诗歌《同你的交谈让我忘记时间》 。
随clean , " From Action to Image : Theories of the Lyric in the 18 ' h Century , ' , Critics and
Criticism , ed . , R . 5 . Crane , 1952 ; Ma朋ce氏wra,八介以iae微1 Lo份song , 1961 ; Willi翻
E . ROgers , The ThreeG翻res and the Interpretat艺on ofL夕ric , 1983 ; Chaviva Hosek and
Patricia Parker , eds . , L夕ric Poet卿:Be夕ond New Criticism , 1985 ; David Lindley , L夕ric ,
1985 ; Helen Vendler , The凡甄sicof职肠召t Hdppens , 1988 。


喜剧《情敌》(1 775)。剧中的马拉普罗普太太为了显示她丰富的词汇量而这样说话:“学习
的产物” ; “就像尼罗河里的饿鱼一样顽固” ; “他真是礼貌的高潮”(周翰译)。

Marxist Crlticism马克思主义批评


( l)归根结底,人类、社会集团和关系、制度以及思维方式的发展历史在很大程度
296 MA吠IST cRrTIclsM

are largely determined勿the changing mode of its " material produc ・
tion ,,一that 15 , of its overall economic organiZation for producing and
distributing material goods ・
( 2 ) Historlcal changes in the fundamental mode of material production
effect changes in the dass strUcture of a socie尔establishing in each
era dominant and subordinate classes that engage in a st斑ggle for
economic , political , and social advantage .
( 3 ) Human consciousness 15 constituted by an ideolog卜that 15 , the be -
liefs , vatues , and Ways Of thin犯ng and feeling through which human
bdngs perceiv6 , and by recotirse to Which they explain , what they
take to be reality . An ideology 15 , in complex ways , the product of the
po劝tion and interests of a pa比助ar class . In any historical era , the
dominant ideology embodies , and serves to legitim让e and perpetu -
ate , the interests of the dominant economic and social class .

Ideology was not much discussed by Marx and Engels after角e Gen " an
几介口娜洪which they wrote lointly in 1845一6 , but it has become a key con -
ceptin Marxist criticism of literature and the other arts . Marx inherited the
terln from French philosophers of the late eighteenth centu琳who used it to
designate the study of the way that all general concepts develop from sense -
perceptions ・ In the present era , " ideology , , 15 used in a variety of non ・ Mar劝st
w盯s , ran多ng from a derogatory name for any set of political ideas that are
held dogmaticaify and applied rigorously , to a neutrai name for ways of per ・
ceiving and thin沁ng that are specific to an individual , 5 race , or sex , or edu ・
cation , or ethnic group . In its distinctively Marxist use , the reigning ideology
in any era 15 conceived to be , ultimately , the product of its economic struc ・
ture and the resulting class一relations and class一Interests . In a famed architec -
tural metaphor ' Marx represented ldeology asa " superstructuren of which
the conCUlrent socioeconomic system 15 the " base . " Friedrich Engels de -
scribed ideology as " a false consciousness , " and many later Marxists consider
it to be constitUted largely by unconscious prepossessions that are illusory , in
contrast to the " scientific , , ( that 15 , Mar劝st)知owledge of the economlc de -
terminants , historical evolution , and present constitution of the social
world . A further claim 15 that , in the present era of capitalist economic or -
ganization that emerged during the eighteenth century , the reigning ideol -
ogy inco印Orates the interests Of the dominant and exploitativE class , the
" bourgeoisie , " who are the owners of the means of production and distribu -
tion , as opposed to the " proletariat , " or wage ・ earning wor裕ng class . This ide -
ofo邪to those who live in and Withit , it 15 claimed , seems a natural and
inevitable Way of seeing , explaining , and dealing with the environing world ,
but in fact has the hidden function of legitimizing and maintaining the po -
sition , power , and economic interests of the ruling dass . Bourgeois ideology
15 regarded as both producing and permeating the social and cultural institU -
tions and practices of the present eraeeincluding reli乎on , morali尔philoso ・
phy , politics , and the legal system , as well as ( though in a less direct way )
litemture afid the other arts .

( 2)物质生产基本方式的历史性变化引起社会阶级结构的变化,确立了每个时期
( s)人类意识由意识形态―即信仰、价值观以及思维和感觉方式组成,它使人

筑学隐喻,将意识形态描述作“上层建筑”,以与其并存的社会经济体系为“基础” 。弗

In accordance with some verslon of the views iust outlined , a Ma而st
critictypically undertakes to explain the literature in any historical era , not as
works created in accordance with timeless artistic criteria , but as " Products , , of
the economic and ideological determinants spectfic to that era . What some
Ma叨st critics themselves decry as " vulgar Marxism " analyzesa " bourgeois , ,
literary work as in direct correlat沁n with the present stage of the class strU矛
gle and demands that such works be replaced bya " social realism , , that will
represent the tiue reality and progressiv6 forces of Our time ; in prac讹e , this
has usually tUmed out to be the demand that literatUre conform to an omdal
party line . More flexibleM鱿劝sts , on the other hand , buil山nguPonscattered
comments on literature in Marx and Engels themselves , grant that traditional
literary works possess a degree of autonomy that en曲les some of them to
transcend the prevalling bourgeois ideology sufficiently to represent ( or in the
frequent Ma冈st吧quivslent , to refleCt ) aspects of the " oblective , , reality of
their time ( see imita如n ) .
The Hungarian thinker Georg Luk巨cs , the most widely influential of
Malxist critics , represents a fle劝ble view of the role of ideology . He proposed
that each great work of literature creates " its own world , " whlch 15 unique and
seemingly distinct from " everyday reallty . " But masters of realism in the
novel such as Balzac or Tolstoy , by " bringing to life the greatest possible rich -
ness of the obiect加e conditions of llfe , " and by creating " tyPical , , characters
who manifest to an eXtreme the essential tendenCies and determinants of
their epoch , succeedeeoften " in Opposition to [ th e author , 5 ] own consdous
ideOlogy , ’一n producing a fiCtional world Whlch isa " reflection of llfe in the
greatest concreteness and darity and with all its motiva血9 contradictions . "
That 15 , the fictional woild of such叭的ters accords with the Ma加st conceP ・
tion of the reai worid as constituted by dass conflict , economic and social
" contradictions , " and the allenation of the individual under capitalism . ( S ee
加“咭卿15 ePic , under ePic , and refer to Georg Lu肠cs,认沉terandCri讹andother
Essa ) , S , trans . 1970 ; thevo址me also includes LUk反cs , useful review of the
匆undational tenets of Ma沈st critictsm , in " Marx and Engels on Aesthetics . " )
Whlle lauding nineteenth一century literary realism , Lu肠cs attac缺d mod ・
emist experimental认耐ters as " decadent , , instances of concem with the sub -
lectivity of the alienated individual in the frag献nted world of our late stage
of caPitalism . ( S ee modemis阴・)He thereby inaugurated a vigorous debate
among Mar劝st critics about the pofitical standing of formal innovatorsin
伽entieth一century literature . In opposition to加k反cs , the FrankJ陌rt School
ofGennanMar劝sts , esPeciallyTheodorAdomoandMaxHorkheimer , lauded
modemist Writers such as James Joyce , Marcel Proust , and Samuel Beckett ,
proposing that their formal experiments , by the very fact that they fragment
and disrupt the life they " reflect , " effect a distance and detachment that serve
as an加Plicit critiquees一Or外elda " negative knOWledge ,,印f the dehumaniz -
ing institutions and processes of society under capitalism .
1加0 rather maverick German Ma斑sts , Bertolt Brecht and叭lalter
Beniamin , who also supported modemist and nonreallstic art , have had con -
sidefable influence on non ・ Mar对st as Well as Marxist critidsm . In his critical

看做是那个时代起决定作用的特定经济、意识形态的“产物” 。被一些马克思主义批
的世界”,这一世界是独特的,似乎不同于‘旧常现实” 。但现实主义大师,如巴尔扎克
种矛盾”的虚构世界―这通常“与〔作者」自己意识中的意识形态相悖” 。也就是说,
〔参见史诗中的市民史诗;参阅乔治・卢卡契的(作家、批评家和其他论文》(197 。年英
本原则的有用评论。 〕
300 MARxls下CRI刀CfSM

theo珍and in hls own dramatic叭的tings ( See甲iC theater ) , BertOlt Brecht re ・
iected what he called the " Aristotelian " concept that a tra矛c play 15 an lmita ・
tion of reality咐th a unlfted pfot and a universal theme whlch establishes an
identiflcation of the audience with the hero and produces a catharsis of the
sPectator , 5 emotions . ( See肠stotie , under打ag6dy and ptot . ) Brecht ProPoses
instead that the illusion of reality should be deliberately shattered by an
episodic plot , by protagonists who do not attract the audience性卿rnpathy , by
a striking theatricality in sta乡ng and actin肠and勿other ways ofbaringthe
artifice of drama 50 as to produce an " alienation effect , , ( see under dista " ce
and involv亡用胡t ) . The result Of such alienation will be to lar audiences out of
their passiV6 accePtance of modem capitalist society as a natural Way of llfe ,
into an attltude not only ( as in Adomo ) 0fcr1ticalunderstandingofcaPitalist
shortComings , but of actlve engagement with the forces of change . Another
notable critic,节厄lter Benja功In , was both an admller of Brecht and briefiyan
associate of the Frankfurt School . Particularly Infiuential was Ben } amin , S at ・
tention to the effects of changing materiai conditions in the production of
the arts , esp州allythe recent technolo多cai developments of the mass media
that have promoted , he said , " a revolutionary Critidsm of traditional con ・
cepts of art . " In his essay " The叭IOrk of Artln the Age of Mechanical Repro -
ductio乌” Beniamin proposes that modem technical innovations such as
photography , the phonograPh , the radto , and espectalfy the dnema , have
transformed the very concePt and statUs of a work of art . Formerly ana撇st or
author Produced a work which was a singieob ) ect , regarded as the sPedal pre -
serve of the bourgeois elite , around which developed a quasi ・ reli乎ous " auran
of uniqueness , autonom另and aesthetic value indePendent of any social func ・
tio ? an aura which invited in the spectator a passlve attitUde of absorbed
contemplation in the oblect itself . The new media not only ma奴possible the
infinite and preCise reproducibility of the obiects of art , but eff6ct the produc -
tion of works whl比,11址motion pictures , are spectfically desigued to be
reproduced in multiple coples.加ch modes of art , Benlamin argUes , byde -
stro户ng the mystique of the unique work of art as a subiect for pure contem ・
pl甜on , make possible a radical role fOT works of art勿opening the way to
" the formulation of revolutionary demands in the politics of art . " ( A useful
colle比on of central essays by the Ma斑st crltics Luk盏cs , BreCht , Beniamin ,
and AdomO 15 R . Taylor , ed . , Aesthe找cs and POIi找CS , 1977 . )
Since the middle of the present century there has been a resurgence of
Ma加st criticism , marked by an openness , on some level of literary analysis ,
to other current critical perspectives ; afl喇bllity Which acknowiedges that
Mar出t criticat theory 15 itself not a set of timeless truths but at least to some
degree an evolving historical process ; a subtiliZing of the concePt of ideology
as applied to literary content ; and a tendency to grant an increased role to
non一ideological and distinctiv6ly artlstic determinants of literary strUctures .
111 the 19605 the infiuential French Marxist LOuis AlthuSSer ass币ml 】月ted
thes加c细raliS阴then current into his view that the strUctilre of society 15 not
amonolithicwhole , botisconstitutedbyadiversityof " nonsynchronous , ' 50 -
cial formations , or " ideological state apparatUses , " including religious , legal ,

挥激进的作用【 R.泰勒编写的《美学与政治》(1977)收录了马克思主义批评家卢卡契、
布莱希特、本雅明和阿多诺有益的主要文章〕 。

pstance " 15 the ideology of a pa觅cular Institution deter刃nined by its material
olitical , and literary Institutions . Each oftheseis inte仃elated with the others in complex ways , b) my , , ; only
ut pos es esa " relat映autono ; only " in the tastin -
base in contemporary economic produCtion . In an Infiuelltial reconsideration
of仇e nature of ideology,川t加sser opposes its definition as simply " false
consciousness , , ; he declares instead thati血ofogies vary according to the fonn
and praCtices of each mode of state apparatus , and that the ideology of each
mode OPerates by means of a type of discourse which Inte印ellates ( cails
uPon ) the individual to take uP a pre ・ established " stiblect position ,,一that 15 , a
position as a person with certain views and values wh1Ch , in every instance ,
serve the ultimate interests of the ruling class . ( S ee discourse under post -
s加ctUralism . ) Within the particular sodal formation of literatUre , further -
more , a great work 15 not a mere product of ideology , because its fiction estab ・
lishes for the reader a distance from which to recogn让e , hence expose , " the
ideology from whlch it 15 bom … from Whlch it detaches itseif as art , andto
whlch it alludes . " Pierre MaCherey , inA角eo甲of Litera尽尸阳duc吻n ( 1966 ,
trans . 1978 ) , stressed the supplementary claim that a literary text not only
distances itself from its ideology by its fiction and form , but also exPoses the
" contradi比ons , , that arei曲erent in that ideology by its " sllences , , or
" gaPs ,,衬hat 15 , by what the text fails to say because its ideo10gy makes it im ・
posslble to say it . Such textual " absences " ares叨吐ptoms of ideofogiCat rePres -
SIOns of the contents in the text , 5 own , , unconsdoUS . " The aim of MatXISt
critiCism , Macherey asserts , 15 to make these silences " sPeak , , and 50 to reveal ,
behind what an author consdously intended to say , the text怡unconscious
content一代hat 15 , itsr即ressed awareness of the fiaws , stresses , and incoher -
ence in the very ideology that it incorporates .
B的瘾en 1929 and 1935 the ttallan CommunistAntonioGramsct , whlle
imprisoned by the fasdst govemment , wrote appro对mately thirty documents
on pofiticai , sodal , and cultural subjects,玩。脚n as the " prison not比ooks . "
Gramsd maintains the ori乎nal Mar劝st distinction be七那een the economic
base and the cultural superstructUre , but replaces the older notion that culture
15 a disguised " reflection , , of the material base with the concept that the rela -
tion between the two 15 one of " reciprodty , " or interactive influence . Gramsd
places special emphasis on the popular , as opposed to the elite elements of
culture , ranging from folklore and popular music to the cinema . Gramsd , s
most widely echoed concept 15 that of hegemony : that a sodal class achleves
a predominant influence and power ' not by direct and overt means , botby
succeeding in making its ideofogical view of 50康ty 50 pervasive that the sub ・
ordinate classes Unwi川ngly accePt and participate in their own oppression .
Gramsct , 5 prison writings have become widely influe成al since they were
published late in the 19405 , espedally among literary and social Critics , such
as及rry Eagleton in England and Fred水Jameson and Edward Said in Amer -
ica , who concern themselves with the power of literary culture to intervene in
and to transforme劝sting economic and political arrangements and activities .
See Gramsd , selec如ns加m Cul勿ral科厅i红ngS , trans . William Boelhowe丸1985 ;
Chantai Mouffe , ed . , Gramsc应andM比搜ist角co拼1979 .

召)个人采取某种预先确立的“主观立场” ―即作为具有某种观点和价值观的个人
认识,进而揭示“产生这部作品… …使之作为艺术分离出来,并且反映出来的意识形
态。 ”彼埃尔・马舍雷在《文学生产理论》(1966 , 1978年英译本)中强调补充说,文学文
期间,写了约30篇有关政治、社会和文化主题的文献,这些文献被称为“狱中笔记” 。
葛兰西的《文化作品选集》,由威廉・博尔豪尔译为英文(1985 );香岱尔・默菲编的
《葛兰西和马克思主义理论》(1979)」 。
304 MA队15下cRI下icfsM

In助gland the many social and critical叭的tings of肋ymond Williams
manifest an adaptation of Ma叨st concepts to his humanistic concem with
the overall texture of an individual , s " liv6d exp即ence . " A leading theorist of
Ma沈st criticlsm in Engiand 15 Terry Eagleton , who has exPanded and elabo ・
rated the concepts of川thusser and Macherey into his view that a literary text
wh1Ch ideological discourseee - d es
毛。,。 n,。 1 , 1七勺nd nf nrndllr行nn In which ldeolo叮Ical discourseee - de兄Crihed as i心,《 npri , l卜亏nd nf nrodllr竹nn In ‘甘“ J犷‘ , ' ? ' ? “一~' r '~一一~・-? ?~一一
any system of mental representations of lived experienceseis reworked intoa
specifically literary discourse . In recent years Eagleton has been increasingly
hospjtable to theta巾cal use , for dealing with ideology in literatUre , of con -
ceptsd州ved from decons加c如” and from Lacan , 5 version of Freudian声样ho -
analys台.Eagleton views such poststructuralist analyses as useful to Marxist
critics of literary texts insofar as they serve to undermine reigning beliefs and
certaintles , but Only as preliminary to the properly Ma虎st enterprise of ex -
posing their ideolo乎cal motivation and to the application of the criticism of
literatUre toward politically desirable ends .
The most prominent American theorist , Fredricjameson , 15 also themost
e军leCtic of current Marx 」 st critics . In仆ePOli五cal Unconscious : MZ加脚已asaSO -
dal扮扣” bOIIC Act ( 1981 ) , Jameson expressly adapts to his synthetic Critical
enterprise suCh seemingly incompatible vieWPoints as the medieval theory
of fourfold levels of meaning in the allegorical interPreta瓦on of the Bible , the
arche妙al币价钻脚of Northrop Frye , s如ctUralist币沦is琳Lacan , 5 reinter -
pretations of Freud , semio价凡and decons加c瓦On , These modes of criticism ,
Jameson asserts , are applicable at various stages of the critical interpretatfon
of a literary work ; but Ma虎st critictsm , he contends , " subsumes即all the
other " interpretiy6 modes , " by retaining their positiVe findings withina " po -
litical interpretation ofllterary texts , , whlch stands as the “且nal " or " absolute
horizon of all reading and all Interpretation . " This last一analysis " political in -
terp橄ation , , Of a literary text involv6s an exposure of the hidden role of the
" polltical unconscious ,,一a concePt which Jameson describes as his " collec -
tive , " or " political , " adaPtation of the Freudian concept that each individual , S
unconscious 15 a rePository Of rePressed desires . ( See ps炸hol州cal andPs炸ho -
ana扮6c币红c定Sm ・)In any literary product of our late caPitalist era , the " Tifts
and discontinuities , , in the text , and especially也ose elements whlch , in the
French phrase , are its " non一ditn ( its not一said ) , are symptoms of the repression
by ap ; edominant ideofogy ofthecontradictionsof " History , , intothedepths
of the political unconsdous ; and the content of this repressed History ,
Jameson asserts , 15 the revolutionary process of " the collective struggle to
wrest a realm of Freedom from a realln of Necessity . " In the final stage of an
interpretation , Jameson holds , the Ma川st Critic " rev刃ntes , " in the mode of
" allegory , " the literary text " in such a Way that the Itext ] may be seen as
the … reconstrUction of a prior historical or ideological subtex尸一that 15 , of
the text , s unspoken , because rePressed and unconscious , awareness of the
ways it 15 determined not only by current ideolo舒but also by the long一term
process of tme " History . "
See sodoloJ沙ofliteratUre , and for the Ma川st wing of the new historicism ,
see cul加ral脚aterialism under the entry new histori山m . In addition to the

了其他所有“设释模式” , “在对文学文本政治性的诊释中”,保留了这些诊释模式的所
有建设性发现,这种淦释代表了对“所有阅读、所有诊释的‘最后’或‘绝对’的认识” 。
在法语中被称为“ non一dit ”的成分(即文本中未说出来的部分),是占主宰地位的意识形
方式使〔文本〕可以被视为… …是对于先前历史或意识形态的次文本的重建” ―即
306M站Qu 〔

listed above , referto : GeorgLu肠cs , S勿diesi拄E R翻Its很

( 1950 ) ; Raymond Williams , Cul勿re and SOcie尔1780 - - 1夕50 ( 1960 ) andM魂rx -
ism and Litera纽re ( 1977 ) ; Peter Demetz , M4rx , E玛阳lS and the POe 。:0叼脚of
M沈rxist Litera尽俐讹ism ( 1967 ) ; W欲ter Benlamin , Illumina如肛(tTans . , 1968 ) ;
Louis用thusser , L阴in and PhilosoP娜and other Essa那(1969 , trans . 1971 ) ;
Redric Jameson , M泛众钻m andFO洲(1971 ) ; Lee Baxandall and Stefan
Morawskl , eds . M泛粼andE峪els on LiteratUre andA厅(1973 ) ; Terry Eagleton ,
C月廿cis脚and IdeoJ昭y ( 1976 ) andM魂rxis切a " d Litera甲Cri红cism ( 1976)一the
latter 15 a useful inttoduction to Ma沈st criticism in general ; Chris Bullock
and David Peck , eds . , Guide toM魂rxistL定加m甲Cri瓦c定sm ( 1980 ) ; Michael Ryan ,
M泛rxism andDecons打刘c瓦。 ” ( 1982 ) ; J . J . McGann,仆eRo功an价月印佃沙(1983 ) ;
J . G Merquior,认翻加mM泛众is阴(1986 ) ; and the comprehensive surve又“ Marx -
ist Criticism , " by叭/a lter Cohen in Redrawing the Boundari6S , ed . StePhen
Greenblatt and Giles Gunn ( 1992 ),物rious essays勿Gayatri Chakravorty
sPivak assimilate Ma川st concePts both to decons加币。 n and to the viewpoint
of feminist币价钻啊see , for example , her " Displacement and the Discourse of
WOmen , " in DisPla “切ent De耐da andA加‘ ed . Mark Krupnick ( 1983 ) . Fora
sharp critique of recent theorists of Marxist criticism , see Frederick Crews ,
" Dialectical Immaterialism , " ins灭eP瓦caIE构沪ge功en朽(1986 ) ; also形chard
Levin , " The New Interdisciplinarity in Literary Criticism , " in NanCy Easteilin
and Barbara砒ebling , eds ・,A加r POStS如ctUralis执:InterdisciPlinari印and Litera甲
角eo邝1993 . Ernest Ladau and Chantal Mouffe , in从?ge用。即and Socialist
S加吻尹(1985 ) , write a posts如ctUralist challenge to the " master narrative , , of
Mar劝st theory .

Mo$职e . The masque ( a variant spelling of " mask , , ) was inaugurated in Re -
nalssance Italy and flourished in England during the reigns of Elizabethl ,
Jamesl , and Charles 1 . In its full development , it was an elaborate form of
court entertainment that combined poetic drama , music , song , dance , splen -
did costuming , and stage sPectacle . A plot - - - often slight , and mainty mytho -
10多cal and allegorical - - served to hold together these diverse elements . The
speaking characters , who wore masks ( h ence the title ) , Were often playedby
amateurs Who belonged to courtly society . The pl盯concluded with a dance
in Which the players doffed their masks and were ioined by the audience .
In the early seventeenth centUry in England the masque drew upon the
finest artistic talents of the day , including Ben Jonson for the poetic script ( for
example,角eM比sque ofBlacknesse and角e加rasque ofQueens ) and Inigojones ,
the architect , for the elaborate sets , costumes , and stage machinery . Each lav -
ish production cost a fortUne ; it Was literally the sport of hngs and queens ,
until both court and drama were abmptly ended by the Puritan triumph of
1642 . The two examples best known to modem readers are the masque ・
within一a一play in the fourth act of Shakespeare , s角eTe呷est , and Milton , 5 sage
and serious revival of the form , COmuS , with songs by the composer Henry
Lawes , which was presented at加dlow Castie in 1634 .
The antlmasque was a form developed by Ben Jonson . In it the charac -
ters were grotesque and unrul又the action ludlcrous , and the humor broad ; it

化唯物主义。除了以上列出的篇章,请参阅:Georg Luk么cs , St " di “认E " roPe " , ,
Realism , 1950 ; Raymond Williams , Culturea刀d Societ夕,] 78住1950 , 1960 ; and
叼drxism and Literat 、 re , 1977 ; Peter Demetz,人如二,肠gel , a儿d the Poets : Originsof
儿几二ist Literar夕Criticism , 1967 ; Walter Benjamin , Illuminations , trans . , 1968 ;
Louis Althusser , Lenin and Philosoph夕,and Other Es , a夕s , 1969 , trans . , 1971 ; Fre -
dric Jarneson , M改rxism and Form , 1971 ; Lee Baxandall and Stefan Morawski , eds . ,
八而rx and Engels on Literatu理and Art , 1973 ; Terry Eagleton , Criticism and lde时09夕,
1976 ; and腼rxism an己毛itera即Criticism , 1976(本书是对马克思主义批评概括性的
实用介绍); Chris Bullock and David Peck , eds . , Guid 。 t 。 Md : xist Litera勺Critic艺sm ,
1 980 ; Michael Ryan , M泛rxism and Deconstruction , 1982 ; J . J . McGann , TheRoman -
tic Ideology , 1983 ; J . G . Merquior , Western叼升x艺sm , 1986;综合概况参看:Walter
Cohen , " Marxist Criticism , , , in Redrawing the Boundarie ' , ed . Stephen Greenblatt
and Giles Gunn , 1992 。佳娅特丽・查克拉沃蒂・斯皮瓦克的不同文章将马克思主义
理论与解构主义和女性主义批评的观点结合起来,可参阅她写的:" Di splacement and
the Discourse of Women ",收人《置换:德里达与后来者》(1983)。有关新近马克思主
义批评理论家的尖锐批评,参l阅:Frederick Crews , " Dialectical Immaterialism " , in
Skeptical Engagements , 1986 ; Richard Levin , " The New Interdisciplinarity in Liter -
ary Criticism " , in八fter Poststrocturalis阴:Interdi , ciplinarit夕and Litera勺Theor少,
Nancy Easterlin 。 nd Barbara Riebling,。 ds . 1993 。欧内斯特・拉克劳和香岱尔・默


假面歌舞剧(masque为“ mask ”的另一种拼写方法)起源于意大利文艺复兴时期,

served as a foil and countert即e to the elegance , orde丸and ceremony of the
masque proper , wh1Ch preceded It in a performance .
See EnidW已sford,仆e CourtM沈sque ( 1927 ) ; Allardyce Nicoll , S加a厅
M魂sques and the RenaissanceS娜℃(1937 ) . Stephen orgel and Roy Strong , in
劲190 fones:仆e仆eatTe ofthes加art Cou陀(2 vols ・,1973 ) , disCUssjones , contii -
butions to the masque , with copious illustrations .

Melodromo . " Melos , , 15 Greek for song , and the term " melodrama , , was
originally applied to all musical plays , Including opera . In early nineteenth -
century London , many plays Were produced with a musical accompaniment
that ( as in modern motion pictures ) served simply to fortify the emotional
tone of the various scenes ; the procedure was developed in part to circumvent
the Licensing Act , which allowed " le多timate , , plays only as a monopofy of
the Drury加ne and Covent Garden theaters , but permitted musical entertain -
ments elsewhere . The term " melodrama , , 15 now often applied to some of the
typical plays , especiaily during the Victoha打Period , that were written to be
produced to musical accompaniment ・
The Victorian melodrama can be said to bear the relation to tragedy that
farce does to comedy.仰pically , the protagonists are刀attypes : the hero 15
great一hearted , the heroine pure as the drlven sno琳and the villain a monster
of mallgnity ( the sharply contrasted good guys and bad guys of the movie
westem and Some telev1Sion dramas are modern derivatives from standard
types of characters in the old melodramas ) . The plot revolves around malevo -
lent intrigue and violent action , whlle the credibility both of character and
plot 15 saCrificed for violent effect and emotional opportUnism . Nineteenth -
cen加ry melodramas such as枷der the GaSlight ( 1867 ) and the temperance
play Ten NightS in a Ba加om ( 1858 ) are still sometimes produced一less for
thrills , however , than for laughs . Recently , the composer Stephen Sondheim
converted George Dibdin Pitt , 5 Victorian thriller Sween即Todd,角e Barberof
Fleet Sb悦t ( 1842 ) into a highly effective musical drama .
The terrns " melodrama " and " melodramatic , , are also , in an extended
sense , applied to any literary work or episode , whether in drama or prose fic -
tion , that relies on implausible events and sensational action . Melodrama , in
this sense , was standard几re in cowboy - and一Indian and cops一and一robber
钾pes of silent films , and remains alivE and flourishing in current cinematic
and tel州sion productions .
See M . W . Dishe乙Blood and角under : Mid - VictorianM以odrama and儿ori -
乎ns ( 1949 ) andPIO七角at角rilled ( 1954 ) ; Frank Rahill,角e侧而rld ofM已to ・
drama ( 1967 ) ; R . B . Heilman,介攀即and Metodrama ( 1968 ) ; D州d Thorbum ,
“介l州sion Melodrama , " TeleViston as a CultUral Forc马ed . Douglass Cater
( 1976 ) ; Bruce McConachie , M己todrama红cFO洲a如ns : A阴erican仆eatTC and 50 -
价尔1820 - - 1870 ( 1992 ) .

Met叩hor , Theories of . When someone says , in discussing John , 5 eating
habits , ' , . I ohn 15 a pig , " and when Coleridge writes in " The Ancient Mariner , ,

参看:Enid Welsford,八。自u汀腼sgue , 1927;凡lard界e Nicoll , Stua九腼sgues and
th ' R . issanc 。 stage , 1937 。斯蒂芬・奥格尔与罗伊・斯特朗合著的两卷本《伊格尼・琼
斯:斯图尔特宫庭戏剧》(1 973 ),详细地说明、讨论了琼斯对假面歌舞剧的贡献。

Me } odrama,隋节剧

" melos ”是希腊文“歌”的意思,“情节剧”这一术语原指包括歌剧在内的一切音乐
文特加登剧院的戏剧舞台,但却允许音乐剧在舞台上演)。 “情节剧”一词现在常用于
可信度。 19世纪的一些情节剧如今仍然时有上演,如《煤气灯下》(1867)以及用于戒酒
宣传的剧目《酒吧十宵》(1858 ),但重演这些剧目已经不是为了刺激而是为了引笑于
参看:M W.压sher , Blood and Thunder:从d Victorian从已odrama and It , 0龙-
g乏” s , 1949 ; and Plots That Thrilled , 1954 ; Frank Rahill , The Wd犷ld of Melodrama ,
1 967 ; R . B . Heilman , Traged夕andM以odrama , 1968 ; David Thorburn , " Television
Melodrama , " Television as a Cultural Force , ed . Douglass Cater , 1976 ; Bruce McCo -
nachie , Melodrama忿艺c Format£ons : American Theatre and Soc艺et少,1820 -
1870 , 1992 。

Metaphor , Theories of隐喻理论

310M以p日oR 。丁日〔 oRIEsoF

The moonllght steeped in silentness
The steady weathercock ,
we recognize that " pig , , and " steePed , , are metaphors , and have no trouble
understanding them . But after twenty - nve centuries of attentlon to meta -
phors妙rhetoricians , grammarians , and literary critics一n whlch during the
last half - centUry they have been } oined by many philosopherseethere 15 no
general agreement about the way We identify metaphors , how we are able to
understand them , and what ( if anything ) they serVe to tell us . ( See metaPhor
under助理ra找ve Ia叮“ age . ) Following 15 a brief summary of the most promi -
nent views about metaphor :

( 1 ) The similarity view ' This was the traditionai way of analyzing meta -
phors , from the time that Aristotle introduced it In the fourth century
until the recent past . It holds that a metaphor 15 a depar扭re from the
Iiteral ( that 15 , the standard ) use of language which serves as a con -
densed or elliPtical simile , in that it Involves an implicit comparison
between two disparate things ・(The two things in the examples cited
above are John , s eating habits and those of a pig , and the event of
something being steeped一soaked in a liquld一and the appearance of
the moonlit landscape . ) This view usually assumes that the features
being compared pre一e对sted the use of the metaphor ; that the met -
aPhor can be translated into a statement of literal simllarity without
1055 of cognitive content ( that 15 , of the information it conveys ) ; and
also that a metaphor serves mainly to enhance the rhetorical force
and stylistic vivi血ess and pleasantness of a discourse .
( 2 ) The interaction view . In仆e PhilosoPh尸。厂Rheto行c ( 1936 ) 1 . A .
形chards introduced the terms vehicle for the metaphorical word ( in
the two examples , " pig , , and " steePed , , ) and tenor for the sublect to
which the metaphorical word 15 applied仃。恤,s eatingh如its and the
moonlit landscape ) . In place of the similarity vie琳he proposed that
ametaphorworksbybringingtogetherthedisparate " thoughts , ' of
the vehicle and tenor 50 as to effect a meaning that " 15 a resuitant of
their interaction " and that cannot be duplicated by literal assertions
of a similarity be们滓een the two elements . He also asserted that
甘坦taPhor cannot be viewed simply as a rhetorical or poetic departUre
ftomordinary usage , in that it permeates all language and affects the
Ways we perceive and conceive the world .
Almost twenty years later , in an influential essay entitied " Meta -
phor , , ( 1954 - - 55 ) , the phlfosopher Max Black reftned and greatly ex -
panded砒chards , treatment , Black proposed that each of the two
elements in a metaPhor hasa " system of associated commonplaces , "
consisting of the properties and rel甜ons that we commonly attach
to the ob } ect , person , Or event . When We understand a metaphor , the
system of commonplaces associated with the " subsidiary sublect , ,
( equivalent to 1 . A.见chards , " vehiclen ) interacts with the System
3 11


( l)相似观点。从亚里士多德在公元前4世纪引人这种观点直到近期,这都是分
( 2)相互作用观点。在《修辞哲学》(1936)一书中,1 . A.理查兹介绍了一些术语:
312 METAp日0氏下日EoRIESOF

assoctated with the " prindPal sublect , ,(租chards , " tenor " ) 50 as to " fil ・
ter , ' or " screenn that System , and thus effects a new way of perceiving
and conceiving the prindPai sublect . Thls process , by which a com ・
Plex set of assodations serves to select and reorganlze a seconds鱿,
Black daims , isa " distinctive intellec加al operation . " He also daims
that , in Place ofsaytngthatmet叩horssimplyformulateapre ・ e劝sting
slmilarity be细een the细0 sublects , " it Would be more illuminatingin
some of these cases to say that the metaphor卿tes thes加ilarity . "
Before Max Black , s essay , Philosophers had paid only passing at ・
tention to metaph0L The reigning assumption had been that the
main function of language 15 to communicate truths , and that truths
can be clearty communicated Only in literal language . For the most
part , accordingly , philosoPhers adverted to metaphor only to warn
against its intrUsion into rational discourse , as opposed to poetry and
优atory ' on the ground that且guratiV6 language , as John Locke had
said in his凡say Conc日” i叮Human Understanding ( 1690 ) , serVes only
" to垃sinuate wrong ideas , move the passions , and thereby mislead
the iudgment . " Black , s essay , however , inaugurated a philosoPhical
concem with metaphor which , since the 19605 , has resulted ina
flood of publlcations . Many of these叭耐tings restate , with various
quallfications , refinements , and expansions , either the similarity or
intera比on views of metaPhor . within these contributions , however ,
one can identify勺陀0 additlonal views , both of which have been in -
fiuential in literary theory as well as in philosoPhy :
( 3 ) The Pragmatic view . In an essay " What Metaphors Mean " ( 1978 ) ,
Donald Davidson mounted a challenge to the standard assumption
that there 15 a metaphorical meaning as distinct from a lite阁mean -
ing . " MetaPhors , " he claims , " mean What the words , in thelr mostlit -
eral interpretation , mean , and nothing more ・,, The question of
metaPhor 15 pragmatic , not semantic ; that 15 , it 15 the use of a literal
statement in such a way as to " suggest , " or " intimate , " or " lead us to
notice , , what we might otherwise overlook . In a chapter on " Meta ・
phor , , inE郑脾55诬洲a " d沁anj叮(1979 ) , John Searle also reiected the
s加ilarity and interaCtion views , on the grounds that at best they
serve to explain , and that only in part and in a misleading way , how
some metaphors come to be used and understood . In consonance
with his overall sPeech act theo供Searie proPosed that to exPlain
metaphor we must distinguish be七泞een " word , or sentence meaning "
( what the word or sentence means literally ) and a speaker , S " utter -
ance meaning , ' ( the metaphorical meaning that a speaker uses the lit -
erai woyd or sentence meaning to express ) . Searle goes on to ProPose
a set ofimplidtprinciPles , sharedbythespeakerandinterpreter ' to
explain how a speaker can use a sentence with a literal meaning to
say something with a very dif反rent metaphorical meaning , as well as
to clari勿how a hearer recognizes and proceeds to interpret a literal
sentence that 15 used metaphorically .
3 13

了这种相似更具有启发性” 。
情,由此误导判断” 。然而,布莱克的文章引发了对隐喻的哲学关注,其结果
( 3)语用观点。在《隐喻的意义》(1978)一文中,唐纳德・戴维森对普遍的假定提
意。 ”隐喻的问题属于语用问题而非语义问题;即以这种方式使用字面陈述以

( 4 ) The cognitive ( or conceptUal ) view . This view of metaphor , promi -
nent since about 1980 , begins by relecting the assumptton in many
eailier theories of metaphor that the ordinary ' norrnal Use ofl language
15 literal , from Which metaphor 15 a deviatton for special rhetorical
and poetic purposes ・ Inste胡it claims that the ordinary use of lan -

guage 15 perVasively and indispensably metaphorical , and that met - aphor persistently and profoundly structures the ways human beings
。 erceive . what th四know , and how th即think .
George比kott and Marklumer In More rnan ‘刀01找eason以,/ , )
provide a short and accessible introduction to this cognltiVe view )
with spectal attention to its relevance for the analysis of metaPhors in
poetry . They conceive metaphor to be a proiection and mapping
across What thcy call " conceptUal domains即;that 15 , its use 15 basically
a cognitive mental process , ofwhlchthemetaphoricalword , phrase ,
or sentence 15 only the linguistic aspect and expression . To identify
the幻盯0 elements that compose a metapho不the authors rePlace " ve -
hiden and " tenor , " or " Primary , , and " secondary , " with the terms
, , source domainn and " target domain . " In using and understandinga
metaphor , part of the conceptUal structUre of the source domain 15
" maPped , , onto the concePtual st川cture of the target domain , ina
one一way " transaction " ( as dis恤ct froman " interaction , , ) whlch may
serve to alter and re一organize the way we perceive or think about the
latter ele瓜ent .
A distinctive procedure in this view 15 to identify a number of
" basic conceptual metaphors , ' that pervade discourse in ourw比tern
culture , but are 50 common and operate 50 automatically that for the
most part we use them without noticing them . Some of the most
common basic metaPhors are : Purposes Aie Destinations ; Time
Moves ; Time 15 A Reaper ; Life 15 A Joumey ; Life 15 A Play ; People Are
Plants . Such metaphors establish cross一conceptUal mappings that
manifest themselves in our ordinary speech as well as in the greatest
poetry ' People Aie Plants , for example , 15 atype of cognitive mapping
that undeilies such everyday expressions as " She , s in the flower of
youth , " " She , 5 a late bloomer , " and " He , 5 withering fast , " no less than
it does枪ng Lear , S “形peness 15 all . " The difference between trivlalfy
conventlonal and innovativefy poetic uses of a basic metaphor,勿
thls analysis , 15 a difference not in cognitive ldnd , but in the range
and dlversity of aPplication , and in the skill manifested in its verbal
expression . And in all uses ( induding in the language of the sciences )
cross一domain metaphors play an ineradicable part in deter而ning
what we know , how we reason , what values we assign , and the ways
We ColldUct OUt 11VeS .
Vigorous debates about metaphor continue apace . An emerging
conclusion 15 that the diverse accounts of metaphor need not bemu -
tually exctusive , in that each 15 directed especially to a particular one
of many hnds of metaphor or functions of metapho ' or focuses ona
3 15

( 4)认知(或概念)观点。有关隐喻的这种观点,大约从198 。年以来异军突起,它
域” 、 “目标领域”来代替“喻矢”和“喻的”,或“主体”和“副体” 。在对隐喻的使
“她正处在花样的青春年华” ; “她是朵迟开的花儿” ; “他迅速枯萎”,以及李尔
王的“成熟就是一切” 。通过这样的分析可以得知,基本隐喻在琐碎的日常言

dlfferent moment in the process of recogn过ng and understandinga
metaoho乙or 15 adapted to the perspe比ve of a distinctive woildview .
Mark Johnson , ed . , PhilOSoP力ical几rsPec " ves on MetaPhor ( 1,吕1 )
includes , among others , the wri血95 on metaphor ( mentioned above )
by几chards , BlacKD州dson , and Searle ; Sheldon SackS , ed . , on
袂taPhor ( 1987 ) contains essays by both Philosophers and literary
Critics ; and Andrew ortony , ed ・,腼taPhor and角O王,ght ( second ed . ,
1993 ) includes an essay by George Lakoff that summariZes the cogni -
tive treatments of metaphor . on the cognitiv6 view ) see also George
功koff and Mark Johnson , MetaPhors漩Live脚(1980 ) , and Mark
Tumer ' Death 15 the Mb动er ofBeau却(1987 ) . For eailier analyses of the
cognitive function of metaphors , see stephenC ・ Pepper , World脚.
Potheses ( 1942 ) , on the " root metaphorsn that generate the malor
philosophical woildviews ; and M . H . Abrams,角eMi加r and the La呷
( 1953 ) , on the " constitUt扮e metaphorsn that provlde the structure
and categories of diverse theories of literatUre and the other arts . See
also Paul斑coeuf,仆e Ruleof沁taPhor ( 1977 ) , and for an influential
ess盯on metaPhor妙a deconstr祝c红ve theorist , Jacques Derrida ,
, , White Mythology , " inM比娜ns ofDIScourse ( 1982 ) .

Met叩hyslcol Poets . John Dryden said in his Discourse COncemingsa叮re
( 1693 ) thatjohn Donne in hispoetry " affectsthemetaphysics , " meaningthat
Donne emp1Oys the termlnology and abstrUse argUments of the medieval
Scholastic Philosophers . In 1779 Samuel Johnson extended the term " meta -
physical , , from Donne to a school of poets , in the aCUte and balanced critique
which he incorporated in his " Life of Cowiey . " The name 15 now applied toa
group Of seventeenth ・ century poets who , whether or not directlyinfluenced
by Donne , employ slmllar poetic procedures and恤agery , both in seCUlar po -
etry ( Cleveland , MarVell , Cowiey ) and in religious poetry ( Herbert , Vaughan ,
Crashaw , and Traheme ) .
Attempts have been made to demonstrate that these poets had in com -
mon a philosOPhical worldview . The term " metaphyslcal , " however , fits these
verydlv6rsewritersonlyifitisused , asJ0hnsonusedit , toindicateacommon
poetic style , use of figurative language , and way of organ让ing the meditative
process or the poedc argument . Donne set the metaphysical mode by Writing
poems Which are sharply opposed to the rich melllfluonsness and the ldealiZed
view of hurnan nature and of sexUal love whlch had constituted a centrai tra -
ditionin皿iZabethanpoet以esP川allyinspenserandtheW " tersofPe 。 ’ arc五an
sonne姆Donne , s poems are opposed also to the fluld , regular verification of
Donne , s contemporaries , the Cavalierpoets . Instead , Dorme叭几ote in a diction
and meter modeled on the rough矛ve一and一take of actual speech , and often or -
ganized his poems in the fonn of an urgent or heated argument一with a reluc ・
tantmistress , oranintrUdlngftiend , orGod , ordeath , orwithhlmseif . He
emp1Oyed a subtle and often deliberately outrageous logic ; he was realistic ,
ironic , and sometimes勺爪ical in his treatment of the compl喇ty of human
motives , espedally in the sexual relation ; and Whether playfill or serious , and
3 17


喻的认知叙述的文章。有关认知观点,还请参l阅:George Lakoff and Mark Johnson ,
M此aphors We LiveB ) , 1980 ; Mark Turner , Death 15 the几如therofBeaut夕,1987 。有
关对隐喻认知功能的早期分析,参阅:St叩hen C . Pepper , World场Potheses , 1942,本书
论述了产生主要哲学世界观的“根源隐喻” ; M . H . Abrams , Th召热rror 。 ndth 。 Lamp ,
1953,本书论述了提供给文学和其他艺术各种不同理论的结构和分类的“构成隐喻” 。
同时也可参看利科的《隐喻规则》(1977 );以及解构主义理论家雅克・德里达有关隐

Metap卜ysjcal Poets玄学派诗人

3 1 SM曰ER

Whether writing the poetry of love or of intense reli多ous experience , he was
above all “倾t诊,, making ingenlous use ofparadox , pun , and startlingparalle1s
in simile and metaPhor ( see爪e娜hysical conceit and侧t ) . The beginnings of
four of Donne , 5 poems初11 illustrate the shock ta由c , the dramatic form of di ・
rect address , the rough idiom , and the rhythms of the 11ving voice thatare
characteristic of his metaPhysical style :
Go and catch a falling sta称
Get with Child a mandrake root …

For God , 5 sake hold your tongue , and let me love .
Busy old fool , unruly sun …
Batter my heart , three一ersoned God …
Some , not all , of Dorme , 5 poetic procedures have parallels in each of his con -
temporaries and successors whom literary historians usually group as meta -
physical poets .
These poets have had admirers in every age , but be矛nning with the入陌O -
classic Period of the later seventeenth centu年they Were勿most critics and
readers regarded as interesting but perversely ingenfous and Obscure exPo -
nents of false wit , until a drastic revaluation after Wbild叭厄r 1 elevated Dorme ,
and to a lesser extent Hethert and Marvell , high in the hierarchy of English
poets ( see canon of litera加re ) . This reversal owed much to H . J . C . Grierson , s
Introduction to MetaPh卢iCGIL)喊cs andPO绷5 ofthes已把nteenth Cen栩甲(1912 ) ,
Was沙en strong impetus by T . 5 . Eliot , 5 essays " The MetaPhysical Poets , , and
" Andrew Marvell , , ( 1921 ) , and Was continued by a great number of commen -
tators , induding F R . Leavis in England and espedally the American New
Critics , who tended to elevate the metaphysical style into the model of their
ideal poetry of iron又paradox , and " unified sensibillty . " ( See disso血瓦onof
sens诬bil索扭)More recently , Donne has lost his exemplary status , but continues
to ocCUpy a flrm position as a prominent poet in the English canon .
See George Williamson,仆e Donnel物di红on ( 1930 ) ; F . R . Leavis , Revalua ・
廿on ( 1936 ) ; Cleanth Brooks,加句山m Poe妙a扑d the Tradi找on ( 1939 ) ; Rosemund
Tuve , Elizabethan and MetaPhysicallm冈孵甲(1947 ) ; J . E . Duncan,角eR酬valof
Me帅娜ical POe妙(1959 ) ; Helen Gardner , ed ・,lohn DOnne ' . A Colle币Onof以t -
ical Essays ( 1962 ) . EJ,叭厄mke , EurOPean沁taPh珍ical POe抑(1961 ) , treats the
continental vogue Of this style .

Meter 15 the recurrence , in regular units , of a prominent feature in the se ・
quence of speech ・ sounds of a language . There are four maint即es of meter in
European languages : ( 1 ) In dassical Greek and Latin , the meter was qpantita ・
tive ; that 15 , it was establlshed by the relative duration of the utterance ofa
syllable , and consisted of a recurrent pattem of long and short syllables . ( 2 ) In
French and many other Romance languages , the meter 15 syllabic , depending
on the number of syll比les within a llne of verse , without regard to the fall of
the stresses . ( 3 ) In the older Germanic languages , inchiding 01d English , the
meter 15 accentUal , depending on the number of stressed sytlables withina
line , without regard to the number of intervening unstressed syllables . ( 4 ) The

去叫何首乌肚子里也有喜… …(卞之琳译)


忙碌的老傻瓜,任性的太阳・ ・一

粉碎我的心,三位一体的上帝… …(汪剑钊译)

H . J . C.格里尔森对《 17世纪玄学派抒情诗与诗歌》(1912)的介绍以及T . S,艾略特的
两篇文章《玄学派诗人》和《安德鲁・马韦尔》(1921)的巨大促进作用。包括英国的F .
参看:George Williamson , The Donne Tradition , 1930 ; F . R , Leavis , Revalua -
t乞on , 1 936 ; Cleanth Brooks , Mddern Poetr ) and the Trad乞tio " , 1939 ; Rosemund
Tuve , Eli二abethan andM此aph夕sicall , age勺,1947 ; J . E . Duncan , The Reoivalof
M滋aph夕s乞cal Poetr , , 1959 ; Helen Gardner , ed . , Joho Do二。 e : A Collect该00 of Cr艺t乞cal
Essays , 1 962 。 F . J.沃恩克的《欧洲玄学派诗歌》(1961)一书,论述了欧洲大陆的玄学


中有四种主要的格律:( l)在古典希腊文和拉丁文中,格律是根据音长划分的;即它建

fourth type of meter , combining the features of the two preceding types , 15
accentual ・ syllablc , in which the metric units consist of a recurrent pattem Of
stresses on a recurrent number of syllables . The stress一and ・ syllable tyPe has
been the predominant meter Of血glish poetry since the fourteenth century .
There 15 considerable dispute about the most valid way to analyze and
dassify助glish meters . This entry will be小n by presentillg a traditional
accentual ・ syllabic analysis Which has the virtUes of being Simple , widely used ,
and applicable to by far the greater part of English poetry from Chaucer to the
present . Malor departUres from this stress一and一syllable meter will be described
in the latter part of the entry .
址ail sustained spoken Engllsh we sense a rhythm ; that 15 , a recognize ・
able thoughva州ng pattern in the beat of the stresses , or accents ( the more
forcefully uttered , hence louder syllables ) , in the stream of speech一sounds . In
meter , thisrhythm 15 structured into a reCUrrence of regular一that 15 , appro劝・
mately equivslent - seunits of stress ・ pattem . Compositions Written in meter are
also kn0Wll韶Ve巧e .
W亡attend , in reading verse , to the individual line , which 15 a sequence of
words Printed as a seParate entity on the page . The meter 15 determined by the
pattern of stronger and weaker stresses on the syllables composing the words
in the verse一line ; the stronger 15 called the " stressed , , syllable and all the
weaker ones the " unstressed , , syllables.例hat the ear perceives as a strong
stress 15 not an absolute quantity , but 15 rdatlve to the degree of stress in the
ad } acent syllables ・)Three ma10r factors determine where the stresses ( in the
sense of the relativ6ly stronger stresses or accents ) will fall in a llne of verse :
( 1 ) Most加portant 15 the " word accent , , in words of more than one syllsble ;
in the noun “孟ccent , , itself , for example , the sttess falls on the first syllable .
( 2 ) There are also many monosyllabic words in the language , and on wh1Ch of
theseeein a sentence or a phrase一the stress will fall depends on the grammat -
icai function of the word ( we normally put stronger stress on nouns , verbs ,
and adjectives , for example , than on artides or PrePositions ) , and depends
also on the " rhetorical accent , " or the emphasis We矛ve a word becausewe
want to enhance its importance in a particular utterance . ( 3 ) Another deter -
minant of perceiv6d stress 15 the prevailing " metrical accent , " whlch 15 the
beat that we have come to expect , in accordance with the stress pattern that
was established earlier in the metrical composition .
If the prevailing stress pattem enforces a drastic alteration of the normal
Word accent , we geta节序enched accent . WrenChing may be the result of a laCk
of metrical sklll ; it was , h0Wever , conventional in the folk balldd ( for example ,
, , fair ladie , " " far coun成e , , ) , and 15 sometimes deliberately used for comic ef -
fects , as in Lord Byron , s DOn Iuan ( 1819一4 ) and in the verses of ogden Nash .
It 15 possible to distinguish a number of degrees of syllabic stress in Eng -
llsh speech , but the most common and generalfy useful fashlon of anafyZing
and dassi柳ng the standard English meters 15 " binary . " That 15 , we dis如guish
onfy two categories一strong stress and weak stress曰nd grouP the syllables
into metric feet according to the patte而ng of these two degrees . A foot 15 the

重音)应该落到何处取决于三个主要因素:(一)最重要的是多音节词中的‘ ’重音布
局”,例如,“加cent , '(重音)这个名词本身的重音落在第一个音节上;(二)语言里还有
重音。这往往是因韵律技法不佳所致。然而,这却是民间歌谣的惯用技法〔例如:" fair
1adie ' '(美丽的女士)、 “ far countr侠,'(遥远的国度)〕,有时,诗人为了造成喜剧效果也故
格律最常见、总体来说最有效的方法是“二分法” 。即我们只区分“强重音”与“弱重

combination of a strong stress and the associated We砍stress or stresses which
make up the recurrent mettic unit of a line . The relatiVely stronger ・ stressed
syllable 15 called , for short , " stressedn ; the relatively Weaker一stressed syllables
are called " light , " or most commonly , " unstressed ・ ”
The four standard feet distinguished in English are :
( 1 ) Iambic ( the noun 15 " iamb , , ) : an unstressed syllable followed bya
stressed syllable .
Th巨cdrj距w t6lls 1 th乏kn趋川6fp孟r 1 fing day . l
汀homas Gray ,
" Elegy Wrltten in a Country Churchyard , , )
( 2 ) Anapestic ( t he noun 15 " anapest " ):勺陀。 unstressed syllables followed
by a stressed syllable .
Th赴Ass介11且nc盏me d6wn 1 nke轰w6lf 1 6n th诬f6ld .
Lord Byron
" The Destruction of Sennacherib , , )

( 3 ) Trochaic ( the noun 15 " trochee " ) : a stressed followed by an unstressed
syllable .
Th巨re th妙I丘re,听1 fif厅lm乏n且nd 1 w6m赴n . l
( Robert Browning , " onew匕rd More , , )
Most trochaic lines lack the final uns讹ssed syllabl卜一In the technical term
such lines are catalectic . 50 in Blake , s " The Tiger " :

井喇.‘班吟!I肠rn Ing 1 brightl
1 6fth赴inight . l
111 Ifle 1 10 fest

( 4 ) Dactylic ( the noun 15 " dactyl , , ) : a stressed syllable followed勿七那。
unstressed syllables .
加e,杭thh乏r lb巨sk乏t,嗬51
D乏ep飞n th乏lb亡115盖ndgr盏55 . 1
( Ralph Hodgson , " Eve , , )
Iambs and anapests , since the strong stress 15 at the end , are called " rising
metern ; trochees and dactyls , with the strong stress at the beginning , are
called " falling meter . " Iambs and trochees , h州ng two syllables , are called
" duple meter , , ; anapests and dactyls , having threesyllables , are called " triple
meter . " It should be noted that the iamb 15妙far the commonest English

Two other feet are often distinguished by sPedal titles , although they
ocCUr in English meter only as variants from standard feet :
Spondaic ( the noun 15 " spondee , , ) : two successiye syllables with ap ・
pro劝mately equal strong stresses , as in each of the first幻泞0 feet of
this line :

G6od str6ngl thicks怕lp赴厅l飞ng inlc色nse sm6ke . i
( Browning , " The Bishop orders His Tomb , , )

读音节简称为“弱读”,更常见的称法是“非重读” 。

( l)抑扬格(名词形式为“ iamb , ' ):一个弱读音节后跟一个重读音节,例如:
Th乏。 。 r } f厄wtolls } th色kn ‘川6fp应r } trngd么y . 1(托马斯・格雷,《墓畔哀歌》)

( 2)抑抑扬格(名词形式为“ anapest , ' ):两个弱读音节后接一个重读音节,例如:
Th乏凡s尹}i如c泳d6wn { nke巨w6lf } 6nth ' fold . }(拜伦,《塞纳切里布的毁灭》)
( 3)扬抑格(名词形式为“ trochee , ' ):一个重读音节后接一个弱读音节,如:

Th ' re th乏yl应re , m夕}fift夕}m ' n巨nd } wo m6n . }(罗伯特・勃朗宁,《再进一言》)


Tig巨川tig色r ! } born Ing } bright }
in th趋}f6:厄st 1 6f th色}night . 1

( 4)扬抑抑格(名词形式为“ dactyl ' ' ):一个重读音节后接两个弱读音节,如:

它ve , wlthh还r } b应sk任t , w巨s {
D已ep rn th厄}b亡115巨nd gr巨55 . 1(拉尔夫・霍奇森,《伊夫》)

称为“降韵” 。抑扬格与扬抑格只有两个音节,故称作“双拍韵”;抑抑扬格和扬抑抑格
各有三个音节,所以被称为“三拍韵” 。应注意的是,抑扬格是迄今英语中最常见的
扬扬格(名词为“ sPondee , ' ):连续两个音节大体同样重读,例如以下诗行的前两

G6od str6ng } thick st 。!p巨f夕}rng in}。诬nse sm6ke . !
(勃朗宁,《圣普拉西德教堂的主教吩咐后事)) )
324M盯〔 R

巧m阁c ( the noun 15 also " pyrrhic , ' ) : a foot composed of七泞0 succes -
siv6 sytl北les with appro对mately equal light stresses , as in the second
and fourth feet in this line :

附丽yl沃5 t6 Ib赴ginl诚thth赴lb赴gin苗ng !
( Byron , Don Iuan )
This latter term 15 used only infrequentiy . Some traditional me悦sts deny the
喇stence of a trUe pyrrhi乌on the grounds that the prevailing metrical ac -
cent - sem the above instance tamblc-心柳ays恤poses a slightfy stronger streSS
on one of the勺浑0 syllables ・
Ametriclineisnamed according to the of feet composing it :
Ofie foot
dimetet : tWO feet
three feet
foUr feet
flve feet
s议feet ( an Alexandrine 15 a line of six iambic feet )
seven feet ( a fourteener 15 another tenn for a llne of seven
iambic feet一hence , of fourteen Syllables ; it tends to break
into a unit of four feet followed by a unit of three feet )
eight feet
To describe the meter of a line we name ( a ) the predominant foot and
( b ) the number of feet it contains . In the lllustrations above , for example , the
line from Gra岁s " Elegyn 15 " lambic pentameter , " and the line from Byron , s
" The Destruction of Sennacherib , , 15 " anaPestic tetrameteL "
TO scan a pass呀e ofverseistogothroughitlinebyline , anal州ngthe
component奴t , and atso indicating where any malor pauses in the phrasing
fall withln a line . Here 15 a scansion , signified by conventional卿mbols , of
the first five lines from John Keats , En即阴ton ( 1818 ) . The passage was chosen
because it exemplifies afl翻ble and variable rather than a highly regUlar met ・
rical pattem ・
( 1 ) Athing 1 ofb仑aul寸15 1 aj勿1 f6r乏健r : I
( 2 ) hs 16vel nn己55 1 In creasl色s ; / / itl叻lln乏v趋rl
( 3 ) P么55妞1 t6 n6thl讯gn赴55 , 1 Ilb位stilll,川1蜕ePI
( 4 ) A b6w 1 er qull趋t f6r 1 05 , / l反nd 1 a 51乏epl
( 5)孙11 of 15戒etd虎ams , l巨ndh厄alth , i巨nd qull色t br趋ath ing . l
The prev幻ling meter 15 iambic pentameter . As in all fluent verse , however '
there are many variations upon the basic iambic foot ; these are sometimes
Called " substi加tions . , , ThUs :

( 1 ) The dosing feet of linesl , 2 , and 5 end with an extra unstressedsyl ・
labl乌and are sald to have a feminine ending . In lines 3 and4 , the
closing feet , because they are standard iambs , end with a stressed syt -
lable and are said to have masculine endings .

抑抑格(名词也是“ pyrrhic ' ' ):一个音步由相连的两个大体同样弱读的音节组成,

M夕w巨y } rs t6 } b乏gin } with th亡}b乏gin ning }(拜伦,((唐・横》)
要描述一行诗的格律,我们要说明:( a)诗行内的主导音步和(b)它所包括音步的
纳切里布的毁灭》里的那行诗则是“四步抑抑扬格” 。

( l ) A thing } 6fb己au } t夕15}巨j6y } f6:己v ' r : 1
( 2 ) Its 16ve } lrn己55 } In 。 r ' as!。 s ; / / it } w工lln 。 、 。:}
( s ) P应55 In } t6 n6th } rngn乏55 , } / / b位t still } wlllk仑ep }
( 4 ) A bow}还:qui}赴t f6 :}。 s , / / ' nd}五51己ep }
( 5 ) Foll 6flsw赴etdr ' ams ,}巨ndh亡alth ,}盛ndqul}乏tbr己athrng . }


( l)其中第一、二、五行,以行尾附加的一个弱读音节结束,通常称其为弱音尾。

( 2 ) In llnes 3 ands , the open讯g认mblc feet have been " inverted , , to
form trochees ・(The initial position 15 the most common place forin -
versions in iamblc verse . )
( 3 ) 1 have marked the second foot in lineZ , and the third foot of line3
and line 4 , as pyrrhics ( two unstressed syllables ) ; these help to多ve
Keats , verses their rapid movement . This 15 a procedure in scansion
about Whlch metric analysts disagree : some will feel enough of a met ・
ric beat to mark all these feet as iambs ; others will mark still other feet
( for example , the tL third foot of linel ) as pyrrhics also . And 50 】 ne
metrists prefer toUSe sylnbols measuring two degrees of strong stress ,
and will indicate a difference in the feet , as follows :
介51加e 1 fin趋551飞n cr血51诬5 .

Notice , howeve乙that these are differences only in nuance ; analysts agree that
the prevailing pulse of Keats , versification 15 iambic throughout , and that de ・
spite many variations , the felt norm 15 Of five stresses in the verse一line ・
Two oth郎elements are important in the mettic movement of众ats , pas -
sage : ( l ) In lines 1 ands , the pause in the reading - - w hich occurs natUrally at
the end of a sentence , clause , or other syntactic unitesescoinddes with the end
of the line ; such llnes are以led end ・ stopped . Lines 2 through4 , on the other
hand , are called run ・ on lines ( or in a term deriv6d from the French , they ex -
hibit enjambment - - " a stridin兮overn ) , because the pressure of the incom -
pleted syntactic unit toward closure carries on over the end of the verse ・ line .
( 2 ) When a strong phrasal pause falls within a line , as in linesZ , 3 , and4 , it 15
called a caesuraesindicated in the quoted passage by the conventional sym -
bol / / . The management of these intemal pauses 15 important for giving vari -
ety and for providing exPressive emphases in the long pentameter line ・
Tounderstandtheuseandlimitationsofananalysissuchasthis , wemust
real址e that a prevailifig metiic pattem ( iambic pentameter , In the passage from
Keats ) est比lishes itseif as a perceived norm which controls the reader , S expec -
tations , even though the number of lines that deviate from the norm may ex -
ceed the number that fit the norm exa团y . In addition , scansion 15 an abstract
scheme which dellberately omits notation of many aspects of the actuai read -
ing of a poem that contrlbute irnportantiy to its pace , rhythm , and total加-
pression . It does not sped尔for example , whether the component Words ina
metric line are short words or long words , or whether the strong stressesfall on
short vowels or long vowels ; it does not give any indication of the intona如n - -
the overall rise and fall in the pltch and loudness of the voiceeewhlch we use
tobring0utthemeanmgandrhet0ricaieffectofthesep0etic1ines ; nordoesit
indicate the interplay of the metric stresses with the rhythms of the varied
phrasal and clausal strUctures within a sustained poetic passage . SuCh details
are omltted in order to lay bare the essentlal metric skeleton ; thatis,也e pat -
tem of the stronger and weaker stresses in the syllabic sequence of a verse一line .
Moreover , an actUal readlng of a poem , if it 15 a skillful reading , will not accord
mechanically with the scansion . There 15 a difference between the scansion , as

( 2)第三、五两行每行开头的抑扬格音步被“转换”成扬抑格(抑扬格韵文里,韵行
( 3)我将第二行的第二个音步、第三及第四两行每行的第三个音步标识成抑抑格

lts 16ve } Iln己55}了n cr进as}诬5 .

例中的第二、三、四行,这种情况叫做行间停顿,在示例中以惯用的符号“ / / ”表明。运
328 MET£R

an abstract metrical norm , and a sHlled and exPressive oral readlng , or per -
will peiform the same

嚣渊薰愁薰嚣燕 the metriC nor 〔 n indi -
改ure of pulses ; in fact ,
the interplay of an expressive performance , somet而es with and sometimes
against this underlying strUctural pattem,沙es tension and vitality to our ex -
perience of verse ・
W七need to note , finauy , that some kinds of versification which occur in
English poetry dl旋r from the syllable一and一stiesstype already described :
( 1 ) Sttong - stress meters or accentUal verse . In this meter , natlve to Eng ・
lish and other Germanic languages , only the beat of the strong
stresses counts in the scanning , While the number of intervening
light syllables 15 highlyvariable . Usuallytherearefourstrong - stressed
syllables in a llne , whose beat 15 emphas沈ed妙allitera如n . This was
the meter of old English poetry and continued to be the meter of
many Middie Ellglish poems , until Chaucer and others populariZed
the sytlable一and一stress meteL In the opening passage , for eXample , of
几日陈PIOwman ( later fourteenth century ) the four strong stresses ( al -
ways divided饰a medial caesura ) are for the most part reinforcedby
alliteration ( see allitera瓦ve meter ) ; the light syllables , whlch vary in
number , are recessive and do not assert their individual presence :
In a s6mers乏son , / / whan s6ft was the s6nne ,
1 sh6pe me in shr如des , / 1 as 1 a sh乏pe were ,
Inh如its 11枕anh乏remite , / / unh6ly of w6rkes ,
W七nt呵de in this w6rid , l / w6nders toh趋re ・

Strong一stress meter survives in folk poetry and in traditional山11 -
dren , S rhymes such as " Hlckory , dickory , dock , , and was revlved as an
artful literary meter by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Christabel ( 1816 ) ,
in which each line has four strong stresses but the number of syllables
wlt址n a line varies from four to勺榨elve .
What G . M . Hopklns in the later nineteenth century called his
sp拟ngrh列上m 15 a variant of strong - stress meter : each foot , as he de ・
scribes it , begins with a stressed syllable , which may either stand
alone or be assodated with from one to three ( occasionally even
more ) light syllables . Twos协stress lines from HoPkins , " TheM八eck
of the Deuochland , , indlcate the variety of the rhythms in this meter ,
and also exempl介its most strihng feature : the great weight of the
strong stresses , and the ftequent luxtaposition of strong stresses
( sPonde " ) at any point in the line . The stresses In the second line were
marked in a manuscript by Hopklns himself ; they indicate that in
complex instances , his metric decisions may seem arbitiary :
The 6ur 15呀the 1 cringe , and the 1 bl之ar 15 Sh盛爬1 C6me . l
OUr h乏arts , ch么rlty , 5 lh通arth , s 1 fire , ourl th6ughts , chivalry , sf
thr6ng , 5 1 L6rd .

( 1)重音体格律或强音诗歌。在这种英语和其他日耳曼语的本土格律中,格律标

In a s6mers己son , / / whan 56ft was the s6nne ,
I 、 h6pe me in shr6udes , / / as 1 a sh ' pe were ,
Inh应bit 。 like anh亡remite , / / unh6ly of w6rkes ,
Wentw夕de in this world , / / w6nders toh ' re .

响》 。塞缪尔・泰勒・柯勒律治曾把它作为一种文学格律技巧用到诗歌(克利斯托贝
G . M.霍普金斯在19世纪晚期称他的弹性节奏是强重音格律的一种变体:正如

The 】 s6ur 】 sc夕the ! cringe , and the 】 bl ' ar } sh白re 】 c6me . }
our 】 h6arts ' ch应rity ' s } h ' arth ' s } fire,。 ur } th6ughts ‘ 。 hivalry , s }
thr6ng ' s } L6rd . }
330 MIRAcL 〔 p哪s , Mo队Llwp哪s , ^ No INT 〔 RLUDEs

( See Ma Marcella M . Holloway)仆e Prosodic仆eo甲。厂Gerard为ranl即
枷户kins , 1947 . ) A number of modern metrists , inctuding T . 5 . Eliot
afid EZra Pound , skillfully interweave both strong一stress and syllable -
and一stress meters in some of their versifiCation .
( 2 ) Quan改ta拄ve meters in English are Wrltten in imitation of classical
Greek and Latin versification , in whlch the metrical pattem 15 not de ・
termlned by the stress but勿the " quantity , , ( duration of pronunda -
tion ) of a syllable , and the foot consists of a combination of " long , ,
and " short " syuables . Sir Philip Sidney , Edmund Spenser , Thomas
Campion , and other Elizabethan poets experimented With this meter
in English , as did Col州dge , Tennyson , HenryW直dsworth LOngfellow ,
and RObert Bridges later on . The strong accentual character of En ・
glish , however , as well as the indeterminateness of the duration ofa
syllable in the English language , makes it impossible to sustaina
quantitative meter for any length ・ See Derek Attridge , Well一城ighted
即llables : EliZabethan磅rse in Classical城加招(1974 ) .
( 3 ) In加e verse ( discussed in a seParate entry ) , the component lines have
no ( or only occasional ) metric feet , or uniform stress一patterns .
George Saintsbu年球storicalM沈nual OfEnglish Prosody ( 1910 ) , and R . M .
川den , EnglishVe朽e ( 1930 ) , are well一illustrated treatinents oftreditionalsyllable -
alld一StreSS IlletriCS . For later diSCUSSiofiS of this and altetllative metriC theories
see George R . Stewart,仆e Technique ofEnglis入饨路e ( 1930 ) ; Se犷mour Chatlnan ,
A仆eo尽ofMeter ( 1965 ) ; and W . K . Wimsatt and Monroe C . Beardsley , " The
Concept of Meter , , ( 1959 ) . This last essay 15 rePrinted in W . K . Wimsatt , Hate -
加1 Con加成5 ( 1965 ) , and in HarVey Gross , ed .,角es加ctUre ofVerse ( 1966)一
an anthology that reprints other useful essays , including Northrop Frye , " The
Rhythm of Recurrence , " andy勺or Winters , " The Audible Reading of Poetry . "
See also W . K . Wimsatt , ed .,钟路访ca如n:例劝r La矛聊理峪巴乃夕es ( 1972 ) ; Paul
Fussell , POe瓦c Meter and POe瓦cFO溯(rev . , 1979 ) ; John Hollander , Rh脚e , s Rea -
son : A Guid6 to English珑rse ( 1981 ) ; Anthony助sthope , POe抑as DIScourse
( 1983 ) ; T . V . E Bro助n , E喇ish饨乃松口如n , 1570 ' 1980 ( 1981 ) .

Mi . cle曰oys , Mor目ity Ploys,。 nd Interludes aret即es of late一me -
dieval drama , written in a variety of verse forms .
The miracle play had as its subiect either a story from the Bible , or else
the life and martyrdom of a saint . In the usage of some historians , howeve耳
" Miracle play , , denotes only dramas based on saints , liVes , and the term mys -
tery play一“ mystery , , in the archaic sense of the " trade , , conducted妙each of
the medieval guilds Who sponsored these plays一5 applied only to dramas
based ofi the Bible .
The plays rePresenting biblical narratives ori矛nated within the church in
about the tenth century , in dramatizations of brief parts of the加tin liturgical
service , called tropes , especially the “伽em quaeritis , I ( , , Whom are you seek -
ingn ) trope portraytng the visit of the three Marys to the tomb of Christ . Grad -
ually these evolv6d into complete plays Which were written in English instead

〔参阅马塞拉・ M.霍洛韦的《霍普金斯诗法理论》(1947)〕 。一些现代诗律学家,其中
包括T . 5.艾略特和埃兹拉・庞德,在他们的一些诗律作品中把“强重音”和“音节一重
( 2)音长格律:英诗的这种格律体式是对古希腊与罗马古典诗律的模仿,它的韵
《加权音节:伊丽莎白时期的古典格律诗歌》(1974)〕 。
( 3)自由诗(前面已讨论过)中的诗行里不存在(或只是偶尔出现)韵脚,或一致的
乔治・塞恩斯伯里的《英文韵律学历史手册》(1910)和R . M.奥尔登的《英语诗
歌》(193 。),对传统的音节一音强体格律作了充分的论述。
后来对音节一音强体及其他不同格律理论的讨论参见:George R . Stewart , Th 。
Technigue of English Verse , 1930 ; Seymour Chatman , A Theor夕ofM此er , 1965;以
及W . K.维姆萨特与门罗・ C.比尔兹利合写的《格律概念》(1959)一文中,该文重印
于w . K.维姆萨特的<恶意的对立》(1965)并被收人哈维・格罗斯所编的《韵文结构》
( 1966)一书,这本选集还重印了其他一些比较有用的文章,包括诺斯罗普・弗莱的
《复现的节奏》与伊弗・温特斯的《听得见的诗歌阅读》 。也可参看W . K . Wimsart ,
ed . , Versification:人如jor Language Type , , 1972 ; Paul Fussell , PoeticM此er and
Poetic Form , rev . , 1979 ; John Hollander , Rh夕me ' 5 Reason : A Guide to English
Verse , 1981 ; Anthony Easthope , Poet勺as Discourse , 1983 ; T . V . F . Brogan , Eng -
lish Versification , 1570一1980 , 1981 。

Mlracle尸}ays , Morality Plays , and Interludes奇迹剧、道德剧和插剧

“奇迹剧”仅仅用来表示那些以圣徒生活为题材的戏剧,而将术语神秘剧― “神秘”
的古意指的是资助这些戏剧的各个中世纪同业工会进行的“贸易” ―用来表示那些
堂礼拜仪式上的主要部分,被称为圣歌对白,尤其是一种叫作“复活问答” ( “你们在寻

of in比tin , produced under the auspices of the various trade guilds , and acted
on stages set outside the由urch . The mirade plays Written in England are of
unknown author ¥ hiP . In the fourteenth century there developed in dties
such as York and Chester the practice , on the feast of Corpus Christi ( slxty
days after Easter ) , of putting on great " cydes , , ofsu山plays , rePresentil
dal events in the biblical history of manHnd from the Creation and
man , through the酗tivity , CruCinxjon , and狱surrection of Chris七

加s, , pageant wagon , , Which was drawn , in sequence , to one after another血ed
t Judgment . The precise way that the plays were staged 15 a mat er of schol - arly debate , but it 15 widely agre d that each scene was played

station in a ctty , at each of which some parts of the cycle were enacted . The
biblical texts Were greatly expanded in these plays , and the unknown authors
added scenes , comic as well as serious , Of their own invention . For examples
of the variety , vitality , and power of these dramas , see theM白kefield " Noah "
and " Second Shepherd , 5 Play , " and the Brome " Abraham and Isaac . "
Morality plays were dram甜zeda王IegO月es of a rePresentative Christian
llfe in the plot form of a quest for salvation , in Which the娜cial events are
temptations , sinning , and the cl加actic confrontation with death . The usual
protagonist rePresents Man址nd , or Everyman ; among the other characters
are personifications of virtUes , vices , and Death , as well as angels and demons
who contest for the prize of the soul Of Mankind . A character known as the
Vice often played the role of the tempter in a fashion both sinister and comic ;
he 15 regarded by some literary historians as a precursor both of the Cynical ,
ironic villain and of some of the comlc figures in EliZabethan drama , includ -
ing Sha缺speare , 5 Falstaff . The best一knOWn morality play 15 the fifteenth -
century Ev曰笋的an , whlch 15 still多ven an occasional performance ; other no -
table examples,机itten in the same century , are仆e Castle ofPersev盯ance and
材泛九ki九d .
Intetlude(肠tin , " between the play , , ) 15 a term applied to a variety of
short stage entertalnments , such as seCUlar加rces and witty dialogues witha
reli乎ous or political point . In the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries ,
these little dramas were performed by bands of professional actors ; it 15 be -
lieved that they were often put on be妇泞een the courses of a feast or between
the acts of a longer play . Among the better一known intertudes are JOhn Hey -
wood , 5 farces of the first half of thes汰eenth century , especially劝e FOurPP
( that 15 , the Palmer , the Pardone乙the ' Pothecary , and the Peddle耳who en -
gage ina切ng contest ) , and Iohan lohan the劲巧band,升b HIS Wife , and Sir
Iohn the州esL
Until the middle of the present century , concem with medieval drama
was scholarly rather than critical . Since that time a number of stUdies have
dealt with the relations of the texts to the religious and seCUlar culture of me -
dieval Europe , and have stressed thea由stic excellence and power of the plays
themselv6s . See Kari Ybung , 7触Dramao厂the人fedie ' Val Church ( 2 vols ・,1933 ) ;
Hardln Craig , English Rel娜ous Dra脚a of the MiddleA岁s ( 1955 ) ; Arnold
Williams,仆e Dra脚ao厂人北司曰舰IEngland ( 1961 ) ; T . W . Craik , The几dor Inter -
Iude ( 1962 ) ; V . A . Kolve,仆ePlayCalledCOrPusChris瓦(1966 ) ; Rosemary叭loolf ,

当的顺序用马匹拉到市镇上一个又一个固定的“站” 。在每一站上演整套奇迹剧中的
阅威克菲尔德的《挪亚》和《牧人剧之二》和布罗姆的《亚伯拉罕和以撒》 。
德剧有《坚忍的堡垒》和《人类》 。
剧,尤其是《四PP 》[即托钵僧(Palmer)、赦罪僧(Pardoner)、药剂师(Pothecary)和小贩
( Peddler ),他们卷人了一场说谎竞赛〕和《约翰、他的妻子蒂卜和牧师约翰爵士》 。
系,并强调了这些戏剧的艺术成就和影响力。参看:Karl Young , Th 。 Drama of the
M已dieval Chorch , 2 vols . , 1933 ; Hardin Craig , English Religiou , Drama of the
M艺ddl 。 Age , , 1955 ; Arnold Williams , Th 。 Drama ofM云d£eval England , 1961 ; T .
W . Craik , The了公dor Interlnde , 1962 ; V . A . Kolve , The Pla夕山lled CorP鹉Christi ,
334 Moo 〔 RNlsM ^ No posTMooERNISM

T触Enr孟ish人初扭即Plavs ( 1972 ) ; Jerome Taylor and纪ar块lson , eds ,,人犯成已砚l
En对ish Drama : EssavsCri沈al and Con奴tUal ( 1972 ) , RObert Fotte称了打e万ngl , sn
Mdrali印Play ( 1975 ) ; David Bevington,户rom ' ' ManKina , I ro Marlowe Li , o乙).

Moder川sm ond Po蛇.口odernlsm ・ The term modemism 15 widely used
to identify new and distinctive featUres in the subiects , forms , concepts , and
stVles of literature and the other arts in the earlV decades of the present cen -
tury , but especially after WbrldW缸I ( 1914 - - 18)・ The specltic teatures slgnlned
by " modernism , , ( or by the adlective modemist ) vary With the user , but many
critics agree that it involves a deliberate and radical break with some of the
traditional bases not only ofw比tem art , but ofw比tern CUlture in general ・
Important intellectual preC ' Ursors of modemism , in this sense , are thinkers
who had questioned the certainties that had supported traditional modes of
social organ议ation , religion , and morali诊and also traditionai ways of con -
ceiving the human self-一thinkers such as Friedrich NietZsche ( 1844 - - 1900 ) ,
Karl Maix , Sigmund Freud , and James G . Frazer ) Whose仆e Golden Bough
( 1890 - - 1915 ) stressed the correspondence be勺陀een centlaiC址istian tenets
and pagan , often barbaric , myths and rituals .
Uterary historians locate the beginning of the modemist revolt as far back
as the 18905 , but most agree that what 15 called hlgh modsmlsm , markedby
an uneXampled range and rapidity of change , came after the first WbrldM伯r .
The year 1922 alone was signalized by the simultaneous appearance of such
monuments of mode而st innovation as James Joyce , s砚产ses , T . 5 . Eliot , s角e
科么£te Land , and Virginia叭心oif ' s Iacob , s Roo巩as well as many other experi -
mental wo必of literature . The catastrophe of the war had shaken faith in the
moral basis , coherence , and durability ofw比tem clviliZation and raised
doubts about the adequacy of traditionai literary modes to represent the harsh
and dissonant realities of the postwar worid . T . 5 . Eliot Wrote in a review of
Joyce , s哟心ses in 1923 that the inherited mode of ordering a literary work ,
which assumed a relatively coherent and stable soctal order , could not accord
with " the切n们nense panorama offu曲ty and anarchy which 15 contemporary
history . " Like Joyce andl业e Ezra Pound in his Cantos , Eliot experimented with
new forms and a new style that would render contemporary disorde乙often
contrasting it to a lost order and integration that had been based on the rell -
矛on and myths of the cultural past . In仆e腼ste Land ( 1922 ) , for example ,
Eliot rePlaced the standard syntactic flow of poetic language勿fragmented ut -
terances , and substituted for the traditional coherence of poetic strUctUre a de -
liberate dislocation of parts , in Whlch very diverse components are related by
connections that are left to the reader to discovet , or Invent . Maior works of
modernistfi比on , follo嫩ng Joyce , s砚沁ses ( 1922 ) and his even more radical
Finn6gans琳之ke ( 1939 ) , subvert the basic conventions of eariier prose fiction坪
brea幻ng up the narra咖e continuity , departing ftom the standard ways of rep -
resenting characters , and viol甜ng the traditional syntax and coherence of
narrative language by the use of stream of consciousness and other innovative
modes of na仃ation . Gertrude Steineeesoften linked wlthjoyce , Pound , Eliot , and
Wbolf as a trail一bla以ng modemistweeeexPerimented with automatic writing

1 966 ; Rosemary Woolf , The English卉与ster夕Pla夕s , 1972 ; Jerome Taylor and Alar
Nelson eds . , Med艺e刃al Engl注,h Dra , na ; ES sa少5 Cr艺t戈。 ala九d Co ”艺e艾t " al , 1972 ;
Robert Potter,丁人e English Moralit夕Pla夕,1 975 : David Bevington , From “叼瓦n -
kind , , to人蛋Zrlowe , 1962 。

Modernism and Postmodernism现代主义和后现代主义

蒙德・弗洛伊德和詹姆斯・ G.弗雷泽。弗雷泽的著作《金枝》(189 。一1915)着重论述
伊斯的《尤利西斯》 、 T . 5.艾略特的《荒原》 、弗吉尼亚・吴尔夫的《雅各布的房间》及许
疑。 T . 5.艾略特在1923年评论乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》的文章中指出:用以组织文学作
的无效和无政府状态” 。像乔伊斯,也像埃兹拉・庞德在其长诗《诗章》中一样,艾略特
要作品仿效乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》(1922)以及他更为激进的小说《芬尼根的觉醒》(1939 ) ,
336 Moo 〔 RNISM ANo posTMoo 〔 RNIsM

伽对ting that has been fteed from control by the conscious , purposiV6 mind )
and other modes that achieved their effects by viol甜ng the norms of standard
entence strUd刀re . Among other European and American
en妞廿ves of modemism are the no代listSM肛cel
Proust , Thomas Mann , And说Gide , Frsnz Kafka , Dorothy租chardson , and
William FaulkneU the poets Mallarm乏,Wliliam Butler介ats , Rainier
Maria砒Ike , M硕anne Moore , Carlos Williams , and叭厄llace stevens ;
and the dramatists Angust Indberg,加i尔代randello,加geneo , Neili , and
Bertolt Brecht . Their new 5 ofliteraryconstru由onandrenderinghadob -
parallels in the violatton of representational conve而ons in thea比stic
movements of exPressioniS胡and su蒯lism , in the modernist paintings and
sculpture of Cublsm , FutUrism , and Abstract Expressionism , and in the viofa -
tions of standard conventions of melod又harmonyl and rhythm by the mod -
emist muslcal composers Stravinsky , Schoenberg , and their radical followers .
AproIIilnentfeatUreofmodetnismisthephenomenoncalledtheavant ・
garde ( amilitarymetaphor : " advance ・ guardn ) ; thatis , asmall , self - conscious
group of artists and authors who dellberately undertake , in Ezra Pound , s
phrase , to " ma缺it new . " By violating the accepted conventions and propri ・
eties , noto川y of art but Of social discourse , they set out to create ever一new
artistic forms and styles and to introduce hitherto neglected , and sometimes
fotbidden , subiect matteL Frequently , avant一gardea出sts represent them -
selves as " alienatedn ftom the establlshed order , against which they assert
their own autonomy ; a prominent aim 15 to shock the sensibilities of the con ・
ventional reader and to challenge the norms and pi比es of the dominant
bourgeois CUlture . See助nato Poggioli,仆e仆印甲of the Avant - Garde ( 1968 ) .
PeterB住rger , s仆印甲of伪e八vant - Garde ( 1984 ) 15 a neo一Ma斑st analysis both
of modernism and of its distinctive CUltural formation , the avant一garde ・
The tenn pos恤odemlsm 150旅n applled to the literature and art after
Wbrld功向r 11 ( 1939一5 ) , when the effects on快stem morale of the first war
were greatly exacerbated by the experience ofN叨totalitarianism and mass
extermination , the threat of total destrUction by the atomic bomb , the pro -
gressive devastation ofthe natural environment , and the onilnous fact of over -
p叩ul甜on . PostlnodenUsm Involves not only a continuation , sometilnes
carried to an extreme , of the countertraditional exPeriments of modernism ,
but aiso dlverse attempts to break away from modemist forms which had , in -
曰月t比ly , beC0meintheirtumconventional , aswellastooverthrowtheelitism
of modernist " highart , ' by recourse to the models of " mass cultUre , , in film ,
喊evision , newspaPer cartoons , and popular music . Many of the works of post ・
modem literature - - b y Jorge Luis Borges , Samuel Beckett,讥ad加ir Nabokovl
Thomas Pynchon , ROland Ba曲es , and many others - - - - so blend literary genres ,
cultUral and stylistic levels , the serious and the pla到Eul , that they resist dassm -
cation according to tradltional literary rubrics . And these literary anomalies are
paral划ed in other arts by phenomena 11址poP斌,op art , the musical compo -
sitions of1Ohn Cage , and thefi恤5 ofjean - Luc Godardandotherdirectors .
BeCkett and other aUthorS of the litera七以化Of the房bsurd一15 to SUbvert the

现代主义显著的特征之一是先锋派(" avant一garde ”是军事上用的比喻,意思是“前
艺术家往往表现为对现存秩序的“异化” 。他们主张自成一统,想达到的主要目的是
338 MorlF ^ No下日〔 M 〔

foundations of our accePted modes of thought and experience 50 as to reVeal
the meaninglessness ofe劝stence and the under切ng " abyss , " or " void , " or
" nothingness , , on which any supposed seCUrity 15 conceived to be precari -
ously susPended . Postlnodemism in literatUre and the arts has parallels with
the movement known as poststrUctUrallsm in linguistic and literary theory ;
poststrUcturalists undertake to subvert the foundations of language in order
to show that its seeming meaningfUlness dissipates , for a rigorous inquiret ,
into a Play of confli比ng indeterminades , or else to show that all forms of
cultural discourse are manifestations of the ideology , or of the relations and
constru比ons of power , in contemporary sodety . ( See pos七加CtUraliS拼・)
For some postlnodernist developments in literatUre , see literatUre of the
absurd , an咖日叹an灯” Ovell Bea亡w汀份践cona吧te POe奴m而爪如n , new novel .
on modemism and postlnodernism , refer to形chard Ellmann andCh祖es
Feidelson , eds ・,仆e Mdd曰书了栩di丘on : Bac掩初unds ofM乙由m LiteratUre ( 1965 ) ;
Robert M . Adams , Nil : EPISod6S in the Litera甲Conquest of VOid duri叮the Nine -
加胡th CentU即(1966 ) ; Irving Howe , ed ・,仆eldeaoftheMOdeminLiteratUreand
theA心(1967 ) ; Lionel Trilling , B即ond Cul细re ( 1968 );叭厄lter Benlamln , " The
Wbrk of Art in the叱e of Mechanical Reproduction , " in Illumina如ns ( 1969 ) ;
Paul de Man , " Uterary History and Literary Modemity , " in Bli摊dness andln ・
sisht ( 1971 ) ; Hugh Kenne耳仆e POund Era ( 1971 ) ; D州d Perkins , A从sto甲of
Mod白”儿亡郊From the 18905 to the月奄h Mode阴ist MOde ( 1976 ) ; Clement
Greenberg,仆eNO红on ofPOst-加rodem ( 1980 ) ; Ihab Hassan,仆eD台m翻加溯改t
ofo护h郎(Zd . ed ・,1982 ) ; J . E Lyotard,角ePO3tmo改阴Condi如n(廿ans . , 1984 ) ;
Sanford SchwartZ,仆eM泛沉沈ofM匕山阴ts阴(1985 ) ; Andreas Huyssen , A脚r the
Great Di讨de : Mddemism,加勿“ Cul扭玛助5加ode阴ism ( 1986 ) ; John McG0wan ,
POs加。成mtsm and招Cri瓦cs ( 1991 ) ; Fredric Jameson,尸仍加odemts脚(1991 ) .
伪modem and postlnodem drama : Austin Quigley ) 7几e加rode阴狗犷and
other认勺rlds ( 1985 ) ; Wllllam B.叭陌rthen , MOd日” Drama and th6 Rhetoricof
仆eater ( 1992 ) ; D比ora Geis , POstmod曰”仆ea沉c ( k ) s ( 1993 ) .

Motif一d The砒.A motif 15 a conspicuous element , such as atype ofin -
cident , d州ce , reference , or formula , which occurs frequentfy in works of lit ・
erature . The " loathly lady , , who tUms out to be a beautiful princess isa
common motif in folklore , and the man fatally bewitched by a fairy Iady isa
motif adopted from folklore in Keats , " La Belle Dame sans Merci , , ( 1820 ) .
Common In lyric poems 15 the ubi sunt motif , the " where ・ are , , formula for
lamenting the vanished past ( awhere are the snows of yesteryear ? , ' ) , and also
the ca甲e成e功motif , whose natUre 15 suffidentiy indicated by Robert Herrick , s
title " To the vir以ns , to Make Much of Time . " An aubade - ftom the old
French " alba , " meaning dawn一15 an early一mornlng song whose usual motif 15
anurgentrequestt0abe10vedtowakeup . AfamillarexampleisShakespeare , s
" Hark , hark , the lark at heaven , s gate sings . "
An older term for recurrent poeticconcepts or formulas 15 the topos
( Greek for " a commonplace , , ) ; Ernst R . Curtius , Eu即ean LiteratU阳and the
La如Mi湘le人罗s ( 1953 ) , treats many of the ancient literary toPoi . The term
" motif , " or else the German Ieitmotif ( a guiding motio , 15 also applied to the

在的“深渊”或“空虚” 、 “虚无”,任何假定的安全都是危险地悬浮在这些潜在的“深
家、具像诗、元小说、新小说。关于现代主义和后现代主义,参阅:Richard Ellman and
Charles Feidelson , eds . , T儿e Modern Tradition : Backgrounds of ModernL艺terature ,
1965 ; Robert M . Adams , N泛l : Ep£sodes滋n the Litera州Conguest of Void dur泛ng the
N艺neteen忿h Centur夕,1966 ; Irving Howe , ed . , The Idea of the Modern云n Literature
and the Art , , 1967 ; Lionel Trilling , Be夕ondC二lture , 1968 ; Walter Benjamin , " The
Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction , , , in JZI “水艺nat£o刀,1969 ; Paul de
Man , " Literary History and Literary Modernity " , in BI£刀dness andl刀5乞ght , 1971 ;
Hugh Kenner , Th 。 Po二。 d Era , 1971 ; David Perkins , AH乞stor ) of Modero Poetr ) :
From the 1890 , to theH艺gh入肠dern£s ' Mdde , 1976 ; Clement Greenberg , The Not乞。 n
of Post一Modern , 1980 ; Ihab Hassan , TheD£smembernzeot oforphe 。:, Znded . , 1982 ;
J . F . Lyotard , The Po3tmodern Condition , trans . , 1984 ; Sanford Schwartz , The
几坛trix of Mddernism , 1985 ; Andreas Huyssen , After the GreatD乞v£de : Mdder 。-
ism,几九55 Culture , Postmodernism , 1986 ; John McGowan , Postmodern艺sm and Its
cr * t * c , , 1991 ; Fredri 。 Jameson,尸ostmo ' ernism , 1991 。关于现代和后现代戏剧参看:
Austin Quigley , The人而de期Stag 。 and Other Wdrlds , 1985 ; William B . Worthen ,
Mddern Drama and the Rhetoric of Theater , 1992 ; Debora Geis , Postmodern Theat -
r艺c ( k ) , , 1993 。

Motif and Theme题旨与主题

段、一项关联或一个程式。 “令人生厌的女子”最后竟然是一位美丽的公主―这是民
倒的男子,也是从民间传说里借用的题旨。抒情诗里常见的题旨是ubi sunt motif --一一
即悲叹消逝的岁月“在哪里”的程式(“去年的雪都到哪儿去了?" ),另一常见的题旨是
众rP 。 diem及时行乐题旨。罗伯特・赫里克一首诗的题目《致处女:及时行乐》足以
说明及时行乐这一题旨的本质。展歌源自古法语“ alba , '(意思是拂晓),是一种清晨歌
听!云雀在天堂之门歌唱》 。
表示反复出现的诗歌概念或程式的一个较古老的词是常用主题(top “是希腊文,
意为‘旧常琐事”)。厄恩斯特・ R.库齐乌斯的《欧洲文学和拉丁中世纪》(1953)一书
中就谈到了许多古代文学的常用主题。 “题旨”或德文里的中心意思(引导性题旨)也
340 MYT日

frequent repetition within a singie Work of a sign访cant verbal or musical
phrase , or set desc即tion , or complex of images , as in the operas of班chard
W绍ner or in novels by Thomas Mann , James JOyce , vir琳nia Wbolf , and
William FaulkneL See im昭坦Iy , ' and for a deconS如c瓦ve treatment of recurrent
elements or motifs in prose fiction , J . Hillis Miller , RePe红tion and Fic瓦on
( 1982 ) .
Theme 15 sometimes used interchangeabfy With " motif , " but the term 15
more usefully aPplied to a general concePt or doctrine , whether implicit or as -
serted , which an imaginatiVe work 15 designed to incorporate and make per ・
suasiv6 to the reader . John Milton states as the exPlicit theme of Paradise Lost
to " assert Etemal providence , / And } ustify the ways of God to men , , ; seedi -
da苗c literatUre and斥红on and加th . Some critics have claimed that all non -
trlviai works of literature , including lyric poems , involve an implicit theme
which 15 embodied and dramatized in the evolving meanings and imagery ;
see , for example , Cleanth Brooks,仆e袖11钊汤刀叨比阶川1947)・ And arche妙al
币tics trace such recurrent themes as that ofthescapegoat , orthejourneyun ・
derground , through myths and social rituals , as well as literature . For a dis -
cussion of the over 】 apping appllcations of the critical terms " subiect , "
" theme , " and " thesisn see Monroe C . Beardsley , Aesthe找cs ( 1958 ) , pp . 401一11 .

Myt卜.InclassicalGreek , " mythos , , signifiedanystoryorplot , whethertrUe
or invented . In its central modem significance , hOWever , a myth 15 one story
in a mytholog娇一a system of hereditary stories of andent origin Which were
once believed to be trUe by a part1C ' U1ar cultural grouP , and which served to
exPlain ( in terms of the intentions and actions of deities and other supemat -
urai beings ) w冲the woild 15 as it 15 and things happen as they do , to provide
a rationale for sodal customs and Observances , and to est比lish the sanCtions
for the rules by Whlch people conduct their lives . Most myths are relatedto
social ritUai卜set forms and procedures in sacred ceremonies一but anthro -
pologists disagree as to whether rituals generated myths or myths generated
rituals . If the protagonist isa加man being rather than a suPematural being ,
the traditional story 15 usually not called a myth but a legend . If the heredi -
tary story concerns supematural bdngs Who are not gods , and the storyisnot
part of a systematic mythology , it 15 usually classified as a folktale .
The FrenCh strUcturalist ClaudeL州一Strauss departed from the tradl -
tionai views lust described , to treat the myths within each culture as sign勿-
ing systems Whose trUe meanings are unknown to their proponents . He
analyzes the myths of a pa觅cular culture as composed of signs Which areto
be iden曲ed and interpreted on the model of the linguistic theory of Ferdl -
nand de Saussure . SeeL翻・ Strauss , " The StructUral Study of Myth , " ins加c -
tUral AnthroPol卿(1968 ) , and refer tos如ctUralist币丘比m and semio瓦cs .
Another infiuential contribution to the theory of myths 15 the German intel -
lectUal historian Hans Blumenberg , s肠rk on Myth ( Pu blished 1979 , translated
1985 ) . Among other things , Blumenberg proposes that the function of myth
15 to helP human beings cope with the inexorability of given reality , a need
that 15 not outmoded by sctentific advances and rationality ; that myths

寻找这样一些反复再现的主题,如替罪羊和地狱之旅。有关对批评术语“论题” 、 “主


鲁门贝格的著作《神话》(1979 , 1985年英译本)是对神话学说另一具有影响力的贡献。

evolve according toa " Darwinism of words , " with those forms and variations
surviving that prove able to cope most effectively with the chan乎ng sodai
environment ; and that myth 15 best co nCei视dl not as a collection of fixed and
oing and final stories , but as " a work ,,一n ongoing ever一chan矛ng process that 15
VeS afld expressed in oral and written narratives includes the div6rse ways in
which these narratives are received and
It can be said that a mytholo只v 15 a religlon in which we no longer be ・
lieve . Poets , howeve乌after having ceased to believe in them , have persisted in
using the myths of JuPite称Venus , Prometheus , Wbtan , Adam and Eve , and
Jonah for their plots , ePisodes , or aitusions ; as Coleridge said , " still doth the
old instinct bring back the old names . " The term " myth , , has also been ex -
tended to denote supematural tales that are deliberately invented by their au ・
thors . Plato in the fourth century B . c . used such invented myths in order to
prolect philosophical speculation beyond the point at which certain knowl -
edge 15 possible ; see , for example , his " Myth of Er , , in Book X of角e RePublic .
The German romantic authors E W . J . SChelling and Friedrich Schlegel pro -
posed that to Write great literatUre , modem poetsmust develop a new unify -
ing mythology which willsynthesize the insights of the myths of thew七stern
past with the new discoveries of philosophy and the physical science . In the
same period in England William Blake , Who felt " 1 must create a system or be
enslaved by another man , s , " incorporated in his poems a system Of mythol ・
ogy he had himself created by fusing hereditary myths , biblical history and
propheCyf and his own intuitions , visions , and intelle由on . A number of
modem Writers have also asserted that an integrativ6 mythology , Whether in -
herited or invented , 15 essential to literature . James Joyce in切冲ses and
Fi " negans钊自ke , T . 5 . Eliot in仆e下Vaste Land,血geneo , Neill inM匕umingBe -
comes Electra , and many other Wrlters have deliberately woven their modem
materials on the pattem of ancientm尹hs , while W . B . Yeats , like his admired
predecessor Blake , undertook to construct his own systematic mytholOgy '
which he exP0unded in A Vis定叭(1926 ) and embodied in a number of re -
markablelyric poems such as " The Second Comingn and " Byzantium . "
uMyth即15 a prominent term in llterary analysis . A large grouP of writers ,
the myth critic卜includmg RObert Graves , Francts Fergusson , Maud Bodkin ,
Richard Chase , and ( the most influential ) Northrop Frye - - view the genres
and individual plot一pattems of many works of literature , including what on
the surface are highly sophisticated and realistic works , as recurrences of basic
mythlc formulas . As Northrop Frye put it , " thetypical forms of myth become
the conventions and genres of literatUre . " Accordlng to Frye , 5 theory , there
are four main narratlve genres代omedy , romance , tragedy , and lrony
( satire ) weand these are " disPlaced , , modes of the lour elemental forms of myth
that are assoctated with the seasonal cycle of spring , summer ) autUmn , and
winteL ( See arche妙al币价ism and genre ・)
A reader needs to be alert to the beWi1deringvarietyofaPplicatfonsofthe
terln " myth , , in contemporary criticism . In addltion to those aiready de -
scribed , its uses range all the way from signi尔ng any widely held fallacy ( " the
myth of progress , , , " the American success myth , , ) to denoting the solidly

要把神话理解为固定不变的故事集,而应把它看做一部“作品” ―一个用口头和书
复现” 。 “神话”这个词也被引申用于形容作家刻意虚构的超自然故事。柏拉图在公
识范围以外;例如,《理想国》第十卷里的“原始的神话” 。德国浪漫主义作家F . W . J .
“我必须创建一个自己的神话体系,否则我将受他人的神话体系支配” 。他将自己的
斯在《尤利西斯》和《芬尼根的觉醒》中、 T . 5.艾略特在《荒原》中、尤金・奥尼尔在《哀
的模式里,而W . B.叶芝却像他所敬仰的前辈布莱克一样,创建了他自己系统的神话
抒情诗,比如《第二次到来》 、 《拜占庭》里表现了这一神话体系。
莱所说:“神话的典型形式成为文学的惯例和文学体裁” 。弗莱的理论指出,存在四种
344N ^ RRATloN , c防MM ^ R OF

ima乡ned realm within Whlch a flctional narrativ6 15 enacted ( , , Faulkner , s
myth of YoknaPata即ha County , " " the mythical worid ofMO妙-D iCk , , ) .
on dassical mythology see H . J . ROse , A Handb0Ok of Greek人印thol卿
( 1939 ) , and on the use Of classical myths in助glish literatUre , Douglas Vin -
cent Bush,坤tholoJ罕and the Renaissance Tradi找on in English POe抑(rev . ed ・,
1963 ) and Mytholoi妙and伪e RO , antic升口d定tion应n Engl定s儿助e仰(rev . ed . ,
1969 ) . Among studies of myths especially influential for modern literatUre
and Criticism are James G . Fraze称仆e Golden Bo峪h ( rev . , 1911 ) ; Jessie L . W七-
ston,尸功脚Ri加al to Romance ( 1920 ) ; Jane E . Harrison,角emis ( Zd ed . , 1927 ) ;
F . R . R . 5 . Raglan,仆e石殆ro ( 1936 ) . on myth criticism , see William砒ghter ,
柳动and LiteratUre ( 1975 ) ; and for instances of the theory and pra比ce of
myth critictsm , Francts Fergusson,仆e Idea ofa角eater ( 1949 );形chard Chase ,
伽est for Myth ( 1949 ) ; PhiliP Wheelwright,仆e Bu , ingFO " nta泣” ( 1954 ) ; Leslie
Fiedler ' Love and Death in the Am州can NOvel ( 1960 ) ; John B . Vickery , ed ・,帅认
and Litera加re ( 1966 ) ; Northrop Frye , Anato叩of翻价钻川(1957 ) and " Litera -
ture and Myth , , in Rela瓦ons of Litera甲StUdy , ed , James Thorpe ( 1967 ) . This
last essay has a useful bibliography Of the theory and history of myths , as Well
as of maior exponents of myth criticism .

Nor,。 Uon , Gro团..口Or of . The analysis ofsP比ai grammatical usages that
are characteristic offi由onal narra廿ves . The systematic stu即of the grammar
of nan滋tion was begun by众te Hamburger讯,eL州c ofLitera加re ( 1957 ,
廿胡s , 1973 ) . one focus of such analysis 15 the spectai play of deictic卜esthat 15 ,
of words such as " no琳” " then , " " here , " " there , " " todayl " " last month , " per -
sonal pronouns and certain tenses of verb卜明hose reference depends on the
particular speaker and his or her position in place and time . In many narratives ,
usually in a way not exPlicitiy noted勿the Teader , theTeferences of such tenns
constantiy shlft or merge , as the narration moves from the narrato耳by whom
the events are told in the past tense ( e . g ・,then and there ) , to a character in the
narration , for whom thea由on 15 present ( e . 9 . , here and now ) . Another notable
grarnrnatical usage has been called放e indirect曲cou巧e ( equivalent to the
French " style Indirect libre , , ) , or " represented speech and thought . ”仆ese tenns
refer to the Way , in many narratives , that the reports of what a character says
and thinks shift in Pronouns , adverbs , tense , and gramm甜cai mode , as we
mov已esor sometimes hove卜be伽een the direct narrated reprodu由ons of
these events as theyo ' cur to the character and the indir臼=t representation of
such events by the narrator . Thus , a direct representation , " He thought , ' 1 will
see her home now ' and may then stop at my mother污,' , , might shift , inan " in -
direct representation , , , to “价thought that he would see her home and then
maybestop at his mother , s . " Ina " free indirect representation " the sentence
mightchange to " He Would see her home then , and而ght afterward stop at his
mother , s . " Refer ton~以ve and nan ' a tol卿1 and see Roy几scal,劝e众故1 Voice . .
万卿Indi作ct SPeech and招加”币洲ing inthe从ne仓阴th一C朗tU甲加仰朗n Novel
( 1977 ) ; DOrrit Cohn , Tra搜沪arentMi九ds : Na溯红ve Modes forPres洲找ngCons吻us -
”郎5 inFi州on ( 1978 ) ; Ann Banfield , UnsPeakable Sen如ces : Na 、如n andRePre -
sen匆如nin功eLa叹罗age ofFic如n ( l982 ) .

的神话” 、 “美国式成功的神话”)到指代一部小说里叙述的确切可信的虚构世界(如
“福克纳的约克纳帕塔法郡的神话” 、 “ 《白鲸》里的神话世界”)。
关于古典神话,请参l阅:H . J . Rose , A Hand占。 〔,k of Gree无加勿t入ology , 1939;关于
古典神话在英语文学中的应用,请参阅:Douglas Vincent Bush , M,人0109 , a二己t人e
Renaissance Tradition in肠glish Poetr夕,rev . ed . , 1963 ; and加勿tholog少and the
尺omant艺。 Trajition in Engli 、 h Poetr夕,rev , ed . , 1969;在有关神话的研究中,对现代
文学和文学批评特别有影响的著作是:James G . Frazer , Th ' Golde " Bough , rev . ,
1911 ; Jessie L . Weston , Fro执R艺t , al to Ro饥a " ce , 1920 ; Jane E . Harrison , T入e爪乞、,
Zd ed . , 1927 ; F . R . R . 5 . Raglan , The Hero , 1936 。有关神话批评,参阅:William
Righter , M少人。 nJ五iterature , 1975;有关神话批评中理论和实践的例子,参阅:
Francis Fergusson , The Idea of a Theater , 1949 ; Richard Chase , Quest forM厂h ,
1949 ; Philip Wheelwright , The Bur九£刀9 Fo材nta乞n , 1954 ; Leslie Fiedler , Lovea九d
Death in the American Novel , 1960 ; John B . Vickery , ed . , M少h and Literature ,
1 966 ; Northrope Frye , Anatom少of Criticism , 1957 , and " I子iterature and Myth " in
尺el 。 tion , of工itera勺stuJ少,ed . , James Thorpe ( 1967)。最后这篇文章的参考书目

Narration , Grammar of叙事语法

学的逻辑》(1957 , 1973年英译本)开创了系统分析叙事语法的先河。这类分析的关注
之一是指示词―即一些像“现在” 、 “那时” 、 “这儿” 、 “那儿” 、 “今天” 、 “上个月” 、人称
著名的语法用法被称为自由间接引语(等同于法语中的“ style indirect libre ")或“描述
的话语和思想” 。在许多叙事文中,这些术语指的是叙事方式,即当我们在直接叙事
待上一会儿” ’可能转变成为“间接描述” : “他想他将送她回家,然后可能去他妈妈家
待上一会儿” 。而在“自由直接描述”中,这句话则可以变成:“他那时将送她回家,然
后可能在他妈妈家待上一会儿” 。参阅:叙事和叙事学,并参阅:Roy Pascal , Th 。
DualVo£ce : Free Ind£rect Speech and Its Funct乞oning in theN艺neteenth一Centu勺
European Novel , 1977 ; Dorrit Cohn , TransparentM动ds : Narrati二。 M乙des for
Presenting COnsciousness in Fiction , 1978 ; Ann Banfield,饰speakable Sentences :
Norration and Representation in the Language of Fiction , 1982 。
346N ^ RRATIv 〔^闪0 NARRATOLOcv

N 。叮rotive一dNorrotology . An剑rrativeisastory , whethertoldinprose
or verse , involving events , characters , and What the characters say and do . Some
literary forms such as the novel and short story in prose , and the epic andro -
mance in verse , are exPlicit narratives that are told by a naITator . In drama , the
narrative 15 not told , but evolves by means of the direct presentation on stage of
thea由ons and speeches of the characters . It should be noted that there 15 an
如pllctt narrative element even in many州c poems . In William Wbrdsworth , s
, , The Solitary取aper , " fo ; example , we Infer from what thelyric speaker says
that , coming unexPectedly in the Scottish Highlands upon a giri reaping and
singing , he stops , attends , meditates , and then continues his cllmb uP the hill .
Narratology denotes recent concerns with the general theory and prac -
tice of narrative in all literary forms . It deals espectally with types of narrators ,
the idefitifiCatioll of StruCtural elemellts and their dlverse modes of COlllbina -
tion , reCUrrent narrative devices , and the analysis of the kinds of discourse by
which a narrative gets told , as well as with the narratee一that 15 , the explidt
or implied person or audience to whom the narrator addresses the narrative .
Current narratological theory picks up and elaborates uPon many topics in
traditional treatments of fictional narratives , from Aristotle , 5 POe以cs in the
fourth century B . c . t0w遨yne Booth , s仆e Rhetorico厂Fic瓦on ( 1961 ) ; current
theory , howeverl applies to such topics concepts and analytic procedures
which deriv6 from recent developments in Russianfo溯alis脚and especially
in Frenchs如ctUralism . Narratolo矛sts , accordingly , do not treat a narrative in
the traditional way , as a fictional representation of life , but as a systematic for -
mal construction . A primary interest of structural narratologists 15 in the way
that narrative discourse fashions a story一the mere sequence of events in
time一Into the organized and meaningful strUcture of a literary plot . ( The
Russian formalists had made a parallel distinction between the fabula一the
elemental materlals of a story-一and the syuzhet , the concrete representation
used to convey the story . ) The general undertaking 15 to determine the rules ,
or codes of composition , that are manifested by the diverse forms of plot , and
also to formulate the " grammar , , of narrative in terms ofs加ctures and narra -
tive formulae that recur in many stories , whatever the differences in the nar ・
rated subiect matters ・ InNa加瓦ve Discourse ( 1980 ) , followed byF伽resof
Literaly Discourse ( 1982 ) , the French structuralist criticG乏rard Genette pre -
sented influential analyses of the complex interrelations between a story and
the types of discourse in Which the story 15 narrated , and greatly subtil让ed the
treatment ofpointof丙日甲in narrative fiction .
Hayden White 15 a historian who sets out to demonstrate that the narra -
tives叭币tten勿historians are not simple representations of a sequence of
facts , nor the revelation of a design inherent in events . Instead , White ana -
lyzes historical narratives as shaped妙the imposition on events of cultUral
patterns similar to the narratolo矛cal , arche妙al , and other structural concepts
that had been applled in the criticism of litera加re ; see his Metahisto尽(1973 )
and角e Content of theFO溯:Na加脚‘ Discourso and川Storical RePresenta如n
( 1987 ) . The philosopher W . B . Gallie has wrltten an influential book on the
kind of exPlanation and understanding that , in the writing of history , 15

Narrat } ve and Narrato } ogy叙事和叙事学

论题,从公元前4世纪亚里士多德的《诗学》到韦恩・布斯的《小说修辞学》(1961 );近
和syuzhet(即用于表述故事的具体描述)作了同样的区分〕 。一般的做法是确定规则
同)里反复出现的结构和叙事惯例方面,规定叙事“语法” 。在《叙事话语》(1980)及其
《形式的内容:叙事话语和历史再现》(1987)。哲学家W . B.加利写了一部重要论著,

achieved by narration rather than勿propositional statements and logicalar -
即ments ; see W . B . Gallie , PhitosoP妙and the拭storical Understandi叮(1964 ) ;
also Arthur C . Danto , Na 、如n and Knowtedge ( 1985 ) .
A book which did much to inaugurate modem narratology was劝eM口r -
phol卿of the Folktale by the Russian formalist Vladimir PrOPp ( trans . , 1970 ) .
For later developments in narrative theory see , in addition to Genette ( a bove ) ,
毛Wetan Todorov,仆e POe瓦csof尹rose ( trans ・,1977 ) ; Seymour Chatlnan , Stoly
and Discourse : N泛即以ves加c加re in Fic瓦on andFi如(1978 ) ; Robert Alters,角e
A厅ofBiblicalNa即红雀(1981 ) ; W缸lace Martin , Recent仆coriesof枷加找ve
( 1986 ) ; Gerald Prince , A Dic丘ona尽ofNan ' atoI昭夕(1987 ) ; Paul形coeur ) Time
and枷rra瓦ve ( 3 vols ・,1984 - 88 ) ; and Mieke Bal , Na而toloJ酬In加duc如n tothe
劝eo甲。厂Na加行ve ( rev . ed . , 1997 ) . In recent years , some cognitive psycholo -
gists and literary and cultUral theorists have proposed that narratlve , or the
telling of div6rse " stories , , about how one thing leads to anothe乙15 the basic
means by whlch we make sense of the world , provide meaning to our exPeri ・
ences , and organiZe our lives ・ See Jerome Bruner , Ac七of人feaning ( 1990 ) , and
Ac加al认必刁山,几“ ible Minds ( 1986 ) ; and Mark Tumer,仆e Litera甲入刃刀d
( 1996 ) . For recent narratolo多cal contributions to older analyses of howa
story gets told , seePo切t of衬日从

Negotive COP曲lllty . The poet John Keats introduced thisterm in a letter
认的忱en in December 1817 to define a literary quality " which Shakespeare
possessed 50 enormously-刁meanN心冲丘ve CaPabili尔that 15 , when man 15 ca -
pable of being In uncertainties , mysteries , doubts , without any irrit北le reach ・
ing after纽ct and reason . " Keats contrasted to this quality the Writingof
Coleridge , who " would let 90 by a fine isolated verisimilitude … from being
incapable of remaining content with haif knowledge , " and went on to express
the general princtple " that with a great poet the sense of beauty over comes
every other consideration , or rather obliterates all consideration . "
The elusive terrn has entered critical Clr山lation and has acCUlllulateda
large body of commentary . When conloined with observations in other let ・
ters勿Keats , " negative capability , , can be taken ( 1 ) to characterise an imper -
sonal , or oblective , author Who maintains aesthe万c distance , as opposed toa
subiectlve author who 15 personally involved with the characters and actions
represented in a work of literature , and as opposed also to an author Who uses
a literary work to present and to make persuasive his or her personal beliefs ;
and ( 2 ) to suggest that , when embodied in a beautiful artistic form , the liter ・
ary subiect matter , concepts , and characters are not sub ) ect to the ordinary
standards of州dence , truth , and morality , as we apply these standards in the
course of our practical experience .
Refer todis匆nce and involv日” ent and objec瓦ve and sub ) ec瓦ve . on the div6rse
interpretations of Keats , " negative caPabili娜” see W . J . Bate , Iohn丑浓a 。(1963 ) .

Neoclosslc ond Romontic . The simplest use of these extremely variable
terms 15 as noncommittal names for periods of literature . In this application ,
the " Neoclassic Period , , in England spans the 140 years or 50 after the

参阅w . B.加利的《哲学与历史的理解》(1964)与阿瑟.C.丹托的《叙事与学问》(1985)。
的《民间故事形态学》(197 。年英译版)。有关叙事学理论后来的发展,除了上面提到
过的热奈特,还请参阅:Tzvetan Todorov , The Poetics of Prose , trans ・,1977 ; Sey -
mour Chatman , Sto勺and Discourse : Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film ,
1978 ; Robert Alters , Th 。 Art ofB葱blical Narrat艺。 e , 1981 ; Wallace Martin , Recent
Theorie , of Narrative , 1986 ; Gerald Prince , A Dictiona勺of Narratolog少,1987 ;
Paul Ricoeur , Time and Narrative , 3 vols . , 1984一1988 ; Mieke Bal , Narratolog夕:
Jntro己uctiont 。 t入。 Theor夕of Narrative , rev . ed . , 1997 。近些年来,一些认知心理学
阅:Jerome Bruner , Acts ofM七aning , 1990 ; Jerome Bruner , ActualW厉lds , Possible
Minds , 1986 ; Mark Turner , TheL ' tera勺Mind , 1996 。有关近期叙事学对老式分析

Negative capability否定能力

力处于一种不确定、神秘、怀疑状态,却不急于谋求事实和理性” 。济慈用柯勒律治的
作品来对比这种特性,柯勒律治“通过一种绝佳的孤立的貌似逼真的事物… …来摆脱
来说,美感超越了任何其他思考,或打消了所有的思考” 。
书信中的评论联系起来,“否定能力”可以用于:( 1)描述保持一种审美距离、不受个人
的作者,也不同于通过文学作品提出和宣扬个人信仰的作者;( 2)表明被体现在优美
释义,参阅W . J.贝特的(约翰・济慈》(1963)。

Neoclassic and Romantic新古典主义和浪漫主义

350N印C以SSIC ^ ND阳M ^ NTIc

Restoration ( 1660 ) , and the " Romantlc Period , , 15 usuaily taken to extendaP ・
ately ftom the outhreak of the French Revolution in 1789 - ? or alter ・
D ' n

atively , from the publicat10n ofL州cal Ballads in 1798一hrough the first
three decades of the nineteenth century .勺Vlth reference to American litera -
ture , the term " neoclassic , , 15 rarely applied to eighteenth一centUry writers ; on
the other hand , 183于65 , the era of Emerson , Thoreau , Poe , Melville , and
Hawthome , 15 sometimes called " the American Romantic Period . " ( See pe汀-
ods ofEngltsh literatUre andp州OdSO厂American IiteratUre ・)The same terms are
frequently applled to periods Of German , French , and other Continental lit -
eratures , but with differences in the historical spans they ldentify .
Historians have often tried to , , define , , neoclassicism or romanticism , as
though each term denoted a single essential feature which was shared , to
var刃ng degrees , by all the malor认耐tings of an age . But the course of literary
events has not formed itself around suchs加ple entities , and the numerous
and conflicting single definitions of neoclassidsm and romanticism are either
50 vague as to be next to meaningless or 50 sPecific as to fall far short of equat -
ing with the great range and variety of the literary phenomena . A more useful
undertaking 15 simply to specify salient attributes of literary theory and prac -
tice that Were shared by a number of lmportant writers in the Neodassic Pe -
riod in England , and that serVe to distinguish them ftom many outstanding
wliters of the Romantic Period . The followlng list of ideas and characteristics
that were shared , beb泞een 1660 and the late 17005 , by authors such asjohn
Dryden , Alexander Pope , Joseph Addison , Jonathan Swift , Samuel Johnson ,
oliver Goldsmith , and Edmund Burke , may serve as an introductory sketch of
some prominent features of neoclassic litera扭re :

( 1 ) These authors exhibited a strong traditionalism , whlch was often
) oined to a distrUst of radical innovation and Was evidenced above all
in their great respect for classical writers一that 15 , the writers of an -
dent Greece and Rome " who were thought to have aChieved excel -
lence , and established the endu血9 models , in all the malor literary
岁九res . Hence the term " neoclassic . , ' ( It 15 from this址gh estimate of
the literary achievements of classical antiquity that the term " a clas ・
slcn has come to be applied to any later literary Work that 15 widely
agreed to have achleved excellence and to have set a standard in its
沁nd . See the entry canon oflitera匆re and T . 5 . Eliot , s科/h atls a ClassicZ
( 1945 ) .
( 2 ) LiteratUre was conceived to be primarily an " artn ; that 15 , a set of skills
whlCh , though it requires innate talents , must be perfected by long
study and practice and consists mainly in the deliberate adaptation of
known and tested means to the achievement of foreseen ends uPon
the audience of readers . The neoclassic ideal , founded espectally on
Horace , 5 Roman Ars POe找ca ( fir st centUry B . C ・), 15 the craftsman , S ideai ,
demanding ftnish , correction , and attention to detail . Spedal al -
lowances were often made for the unerring fteedom of What were
called na加ral geniuses , and also for happy strokes , available even to

文学中,“新古典主义”一词很少被用在18世纪的作家身上;另一方面,183 。一1865年

( 1)这些作家表现出强烈的传统主义,其中往往夹杂着对激进的文学创新的怀
了永久的范本。 “新古典主义”一词即由此而来。正是出于对古典作品所取
就并为其所属的文学类型树立典范的后世文学作品。参见:文学经典和T .
( 2)将文学视为主要是“艺术”;即一套固然需要天赋的才能,但必须经过长期的
352N 〔 oc以sslc ANo RoM ^ NTlc

some less gifted poets , which ocCUr without premeditation and
achieve , as AleXander Pope sald ( in his deft and comprehenslv6 sum -
mary of neoclassic princiPles An凡s即OnC月沈is机1711 ) , " a grace be -
vond the reach of art . , , But the prevailin只view was that a natural
gen她5 such as Homer or Shakespeare 15 extremety rare , anQ pr0OaDly
a thing of the past , and that to even the best of artful poets , literary
, , graces , , come only Occasionally . The representative neoclassic Writer
commonly strove , therefore , for " correctness , " was careful to observe
the complex demands of stylistic deco川。,and for the most part re -
印ected the established " rules , , of his art . The neoclassic rules of po ・
etry were , in theo年the essential properties of the various岁” res
( such as epic , tragedy , comedy , pastoral ) that have been abstracted
ftom dassical works whose long sulvlval has proved their excellence .
Such properties , many critics belleved , must be embodied in modem
works if these too are to be excellent and to su州ve . In England , how .
eve耳many critics were dubious about some of the mles acceptedby
Itallan and French critics , and opposed the strict application of rules
犯ch as theth爬e " n亡决5 in dra幻na .
( 3 ) Human beings , and especially human beings as an integral part ofa
social organization , were regarded as the primary sublect matter oflit -
erature . Poetry was held to be an imi加如n of human life一in a com -
mon phrase , " a mirror held up to nature . " And by the human actions
it imitates , and thea由stic form it glves to the imitation , poetry 15 de -
signed to厂eld both Instruction and aesthetic pleasure to the people
who read it . Not art for art , s sake , but叭for humanity , 5 sake , wasa
central ideai of neoclassic hu阴anism .
( 4 ) Both in the subject matter and the appeal of art , emphasis was placed
on what human beings possess in commonesrepresentatlve山aracter -
lstics and widely shared exPeriences , thoughts , feelings , and tastes .
" Tnle wit , , Pope said in a much ・ quoted passage of his ESSayon以红・
cism , 15 " what oft was thought butne , er 50 well expressed . , , That 15 , a
primary aim of poetry 15 to give new and consummate expression to
the great commonplaces of human wisdom , whose prevalence and
durabllity are the best warrant of their importance and trUth . Some
critics also insisted , it should be noted , on the need to balance or en -
hance the general , typical , and familiar Wlth the opposing qualities of
novelty , pa川细硕ty , and invention . Samuel Johnson substituted for
Pope , 5 definition of加e wit the statement that wit " 15 at once natUral
and new , ' and praised Shakespeare because , wllile his characters are
spedes , they are all " discriminated , , and " distinct . " But there was wide
agreement that the general nature and shared vatues of humanltyare
the basic source and test of叭,and also that the fact of unlversal
human agreement , everywhere and always , 15 the best test of moral
and relig10us truths , as Well as of aesth比c vaiues . ( Compare dejsm ・)
( s ) Neoclassic叭成ters , 11耽the ma 】 or philosophers of the time , viewed
human beings as limited agents Who ought to set themselves only

说的“一种超越艺术范畴的优雅” 。但是,普遍的观点认为,像荷马、莎士比
些技艺最为高超的诗人来说,他们也只能偶尔达到文学上的“优雅” 。所以
复杂要求,并在很大程度上尊重他所从事的艺术业已确立的“法则” 。新古
( 3)人,尤其是作为社会结构不可分割的一分子的人,被认为是主要的文学题材。
诗歌被视为是对人生的一种摹仿―通俗地说,“是一面展示人生的镜子” 。
术,而是为人类而艺术” 。
( 4)不论是在题材上,或是在艺术魅力上,新古典主义都强调人类所共有的,具有
中说道:“真正的机智是那种人们常常想到但从来无法完美表达的机智” 。
智所下的定义,即“机智既是天生的,也是独具一格的” 。他称赞莎士比亚,因
为莎士比亚笔下的人物虽然各式各样,但他们都“不尽相同” 、 “各有特色” 。
( 5)新古典主义作家和当时的主要哲学家一样,认为个人能力有限,只应设定自

accessible goals . Many of the great works of the period , satiric and di -
dactic , attack human " pride , " or presumption beyond the natural
limits of the species , and enforce the lesson of the golden mean ( the
avoidance of extremes ) and of humanity , 5 need to submit to its re -
stricted position in the cosmic orderesan order sometimes envisioned
as a natural hierarchy , or Great Chain ofBeing . In art , as in life , what
was for the most part praised was the law of measure and the acceP -
tance of limits upon one , 5 freedom . The poets admired extremely the
great genres of ePic and tragedy , but wrote their own masterpieces in
admittedly lesser and less demanding forms such as the essay in verse
and prose , the comedy of manners , and especialfy satire , in Which
they felt they had more chance to equal or surpass their classical and
Ellglish predecessors . They submitted to at least some " rules , , and
other limiting conventions in literary subiects , structure , and dlction .
砂pical was their choice , in many poems , to认江ite within the ex -
tremely tight limits of the ctosed couPlet . But a distinctiv6 quality of
the urbane poetry of the Neoclassic Period was , in the phrase often
quoted from Horace , " the art that hides art , ' ; that 15 , the seeming free -
dom and ease with which , at its best , it meets the challenge set by tra -
ditional and highly restrictive patterns .
Here are some aspects in which romantica加5 and achievements , in many
promlnent and innovative Writers during the latee吵teenth and early nine -
teenth centuries , difl泛r most conspicuously ftom their neodassic precursors :
( 1 ) The prevailing attitude favored innovation over traditionalism in the
materials , forms , and style of literature . w匕rdsworth , s preface to the
second edition OfL)洲cal Ballads In 1800 was Written as a poetic " man -
ifesto , " or statement of revotutionary aims , in which he denounced
the uPper一class subiects and thepoe沈dic如noftheprecedingcentury
and proposed to deal with materials ftom " common life , , in " a selec -
tion of language realfy used by men . " Wbrdsworth , s serious or tragic
treatment of lowly sublects in common language violated the basic
neoclassic rule of deco爪m , Which asserted that the serious genres
should deal onfy with the momentous actions of royal or aristocratic
characters in an appropriately elevated style . other innovations in
the period were the exploitation by Samuel Taylor Coleridge , John
Keats , and others of the realm of the supematUral and of " the far
away and the long ago , , ; the assumption勿William Blake , William
Wbrdsworth , and Percy Bysshe Shelley of the persona of a poet -
proPhet who Writes a visionary mode of poetry ; and the use of poetic
护优bolism ( espeCiaily by Blake and Shelley ) deriving from a woridview
in Which oblects are char罗d with a significance beyond their physi -
cal qualities . " 1 always seek in What 1 see , , , as Shelley said , " the like -
ness of something beyond the present and tan矛ble obiect . "
( 2 ) In his preface toL)时cal Ballads , Wbrdsworth repeatedly declared that
good poetry 15 " the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings . "



( 1)在文学素材、形式和风格上,普遍支持革新、反对传统主义。华兹华斯18 。 。年
和实体的相似之物。 ”
〔 2)在《抒情歌谣集》的序文中,华兹华斯再三论述了他的观点:优秀诗歌是“强
356 NEOC以sslc ^ No RoM ^ NTIC

According to this view poetry 15 not primarily a mirror of men in ac -
tion ; on the contraryJ its essentlal component 15 the poet , 5 own feel -
ings , while the process of composition , since it 15 " spontaneous , " 15
the OPposit6 of the art比1 maniPulation of means to foreseen ends
stressed by the neoclassic Critics ・(See exPressive币沈iS阴.) Wbrdsworth
carefully qualified thisr诫cal doctrine by describing his poetly as
, , emotion recollected in tranquility , " and by speci单ng that a poet , s
spontaneity 15 the result of a prior process of deeP refie比on and may
be followed by second thoughts and revisions . But the immediate act
of composition , if a poem 15 to be genuine , must be spontaneou卜
that 15 , unforced , and ftee of whatw乙rdsworth decried as the " a川fi -
ciai , , rules and conventions of his neodassic predecessors . " If poetry
comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree , " Keats wrote , " it had
better not come at ail . " The philosophical一minded Coleridge substi ,
tuted for neodassic " rules , " whiCh he describes as imposed on the
poet from without , the concept Of the inherent organic " laws , , of the
poet , s枷叨na如n ; that 15 , he conceives that each poetic work , likea
growing plant , evolves according to its own intemal principles into
its final otganicfo洲.
( 3 ) To a remarkable degree extemal naturees戒he landscape , togetherwith
its flora and fauna一became a persistent subiect of poet年and was de -
sCribed with an acCUracy and sensuous nuance unprecedented in ea卜
lier wrlters . It 15 a mistake , howeve ' to describe the romantic poets as
simply " nature poets . " While many maior poems by Wbrdsworth and
Coleridg卜and to a great extent by Shelley and Keat卜set out from
and return to an aspect or Change of aspect In the landscape , the
outer scene 15 not presented fot its OWn sake but only as a stimuhisfor
the poet to engage in the most characteristic human activity , that of
thinhng . Representative romantic Works are in fact poems of feeling -
ful meditation Whlch , though often stimulated by a natural phenom -
enon , are concemed with centtai human experiences and Problems .
叭向rdsworth asserted , in what he calleda " Prospectus , , to his malor
poems , that it 15 " the Mind of Man , , which 15 " My haunt , and the
main region of my song . "
( 4 ) Neodassic poetry Was about other pe叩le , but much of romantic po -
etry in朽ted the reader to identify the protagonists with the poets
themselves , either dire川y , as in WOrdsworth , 5 Prelude ( 1805 ; revised
1850 ) and a number of romantic lyric poems ( see树c ) , or in altered
but recogn让able form , as in Lord Byron , s Childe枷rold ( 1812 - - 18 ) . In
prose we ftnd a parallel vogue in the revealingly personal essays of
Charles Lamb and Willlam Hazlitt and in a number of sPiritual and
intellectual autobiographies : Thomas De Quincey , s COnfessions of
an English oPiu阴Ea妙(1822 ) , Coleridge ' S Bi昭御Phia Literaria ( 1817 ) ,
and Thomas Carlyle , sfi比onalized self - representation in Sartor Resar -
初(1833一34 ) . And whether romantic sublects were the poets them -
selves or other people , they were no longer represented as part of an

烈情感的自然流露” 。依据这种观点,诗歌并不像镜子那样主要是映现行动
能像树上的叶子那样自然地出现,那就最好别出现了。 ”具有哲学思想的柯
( 3)外在的大自然,即包括动植物在内的自然景色,在很大程度上成为诗歌的一
主要范畴” 。
( 4)新古典主义诗歌描写的是其他人,而浪漫主义的许多诗歌则是引导读者将作
品中的主人公与诗人本人等同起来,或是像华兹华斯的《序曲》(1805 ; 1850

organlzed sodety but , typical y , as solitary figures en gaged in a long , and sometimes infinitely etusiy6 , quest ; often they we托alSO Sodal
nonconfor而sts or outcasts . Many important romantic works had as
protagonist the isolated rebel , whether for good or 111 : Prometheus ,
Cain , thew扭nderingJ峨the Satanic hero一llain , or the great outlaw .
( S ) What seemed to a number of political liberals the infinite social
promise of the French Revolutlon in the early 1 7905 , fostered the
sense in Wrlters of the early Romantic Period that theirs was a great
age of new beginnings and high possibilities . Many writers vieweda
human being as endowed with limitless aspiration toward the infinite
good envisioned by the faCUlty of加agination . " our destiny , "
Wbrdsworth says in a visionary moment in角e彻Iude , " our being , s
heart and home , / 15 with infinitude , and only there , " and our desire
15 for " something evermore about to be . " " Less than everything , "
Blake announced , " cannot satisfy man . " Humanity , 5 undaunted aspi -
rations beyond its assigned limits , which to the neoclassic moralist
had been lts tragic error of generic " pride , " now became humanity , s
glory and a mode of triumph , even in failure , over the pettiness of cir -
cumstance . In a parallel wa另the typical neoclassic ludgment that the
highest art 15 the perfect achievement of limited aims gave way toa
dissatisfaction with rules and inherited restrictions . According toa
number of romantic Writers , the highest art consists in an endeavor
beyond finite human possibility ; as a result , neoclassical satisfaCtion
in the perfectly accomplished , because limited , enterprise was re -
placed in writers such as Blake , Wbrdsworth , Coleridge , and Shelley ,
by a preference for the glory of the imperfect , in which the artist , s
very failure attests the grandeur of his aim . Also , Romantic writers
once more entered into competition with their greatest predecessors
in audadous long poems in the most exacting genres : Wbrdsworth , s
加lude ( a rerendering , at epic length and in the form of a spiritual au -
tobiography , of central themes of John Milton , 5 Paradise Lost ) ; Blake , s
visionary and prophetic epics ; Shelley , 5 Prometheus Unbound ( emulat -
ing Greek drama ) ; Keats , Miltonic epicH)岁州on , . and Byron , 5 ironic
conspectUs of modern European civiliZation , Don luan .
See Enlighten巾ent , and refer to R . 5 . Crane , " Neoclassical Criti -
dsm , " in Di币Ona甲of WOrld Literatu低ed . Joseph T . Shipley ( rev . ,
1970 ) ; A . 0 . Loveioy , EssayS in theHisto甲ofld山s ( 1948 ) ; Jamessuther -
land , A触face to Eighte朗thC翻饭甲Poe即(1948 ) ; W . J . Bate,几u拼Clas -
sic to Roman沈(1948 ) ; Harold Bloom,角e Vistona甲Co呷any : A
Reading ofEngl台h Roman瓦C Poe抑(1961 ) ; Ren亡wellek , " The Concept
of Romantidsm in Uterary History , , and " ROmantictsm Re一examined , "
in ConceP七ofC八红山m ( 1963 ) ; No曲rop Frye , ed . , Roman找cism Recon -
s记日吧d ( 1963 ) , and A StU即of Engl七h Roman吮钻阴(1968 ) ; M . H .
Abrams,了触Mi加r and the LamP : Ro阴an五c仆印甲and the Cri红cal乃往-
di如n ( 1953 ) , and NatUral SuP翻atUralis爪:加di如n and Revolu丘on in
Ro阴an吮Litera扭re ( 1971 ) ; Thomas McFarland , Roman沈15阴and the

( 5)发生在18世纪90年代早期的法国大革命在一些政治自由主义者看来具有
起的,仅此而已”;我们向往“永远都将要发生的事物” 。布莱克宣称:“少干
任一事物都不能使人满足” 。人类这种不受限制、无畏的渴望,对新古典主义
《唐・磺》 。

参见:启蒙运动,并参I阅:R . 5 . Crane , " Neoclassical Criticism " , in Diction 。 r ) of
W口rld Literature , ed . , Joseph T . Shipley rev . , 1970 ; A . 0 . Lovejoy , Essa少5 in the
H汇stor少of Ideas , 1948 ; James Sutherland , A Preface toE£ghteenth Centur夕Poetr夕,
1 948 ; W . J . Bate , From Class£c to Romantic , 1948 ; Harold Bloom , The叭siona勺
肠明户a " : AReading ofEnglishRomanticPoet即,1961 ; Ren己Wellek , " TheConceptof
Romanticism in Literary History , , and " Romanticism Roexamined , " in Concept : of Cr艺ti -
c艺sm , 1963 ; Northrope Frye , ed . , Romant乞cism Recons艺dered , 1963 ; and A Stud少of
Engl£sh Ro伽孔‘£c乞sm , 1968 ; M . H . Abrams , TheM计ror and the La爪p : Romant乞c
Theo州and the Critical Tradition , 1953 ; andN口t " rals " pernaturalism : Traditio刀
and Revolution in RomanticL艺terature , 1971 ; Thomas McFarland , Romanticismand
360闪Ew cRi丁IclsM

户。刀” 5盯找u王n Ll , bl ) ; Manlyn " utiet,人。川口n臼CS , Re加15 andRe口c红onar -
ies : Engl钻h Lit曰铆加re and仍Bac掩知“ nd 176华1830 ( 1982 ) ; Jerome
McGann,仆e Roman次几北。王卿(1983 ) ; Marilyn Gaull , English Roman -
瓦cism:仆e HumanCO " teXt ( 1988 ) ; Phllippe Lacoue - Labarthe andjean ・
Luc Nan以仆eL诬加川甲Absolute:角eT触olyo厂Li往ratUre认佘” " an
Roman沈钻m ( trans . , 1988 ) ; Isaiah Ber 】 in,角‘ C找心kedTi功翻叮of月ru阴an -
ity . ' ChaPterS认the Histo甲ofI ' leas ( 1卯0)・ Hugh Honour , in his books
onN由一classic£sm ( 1969 ) and on ROman瓦dsm ( 1979 ) , stresses thevisual
arts . A colleCtion of essays that define or discuss romantidsm 15 Robert
F . GlecknerandGeraldE . Enscoe , eds . , Ro巾an跳is切:PO认臼ofVi日四(rev . ,
1975 ) . In POe瓦c FOnn andB找公入Roman流钻m ( 1986 ) , StUart Curran
stresses the relationship of innovative Romantic forms to the tradi -
tional poetic genres .

陇w Criticism . This term , set current by the publication ofjohn Crowe
助nsom , s劝eN亡wCri改钻m in 1941 , came to be applied to a theory and prac -
tice that was prominent in AmeriCan literary critictsm untll late in the 19605 .
The movement derived in considerable part from elements in I . A形chards ,
州nciPles of Litera甲Cri瓦由m ( 1924 ) and Prac红cal Cri次ism ( 1929 ) and from
the critlcal essays of T . 5 . Eliot . It opposed the prevall讯9 interest of scholars ,
critics , and teachers of that era in the biographies of authors , the social con -
text of literatUre , and literary history by insisting that the proper concem of
literary criticism 15 not with the extemal circumstances or effects or historical
position of a work , but With a detailed consideration of the work itself as an
independent entity . Notable Critics in this mode were the southemers
Cleanth Brooks and Robert PennW瓦rren , whose textbooks Unders匆ndingPo -
e抑(1938 ) and Und日悠故nding Fic瓦on ( 1943 ) did much to make the New Criti -
cism the predominant method of teaching literature in American colleges ,
and even in high schools , for the next two or three decades , other promlnent
writers of that time一in addition to Ransom , Brooks , andM / a rren一司四ho are
often identified as New Critics are龙len Tate , R . P . Blac匆rnu马and Wllliam K .
VVimS妞tt .
AveryinfluentialEnglishcritiC , ER . Le州s , intuminghisattentionfrom
background , sources , and biography to the detailed analysis of " literary texts
themselves , " shared some of the concepts of the New Critics and the让ana -
lytic focus on what he called " the words on the page , " He differed from his
American counterparts , however , in his emphasis on the great literary works
as a concrete and life一affirming enactlnent of moral and cultural values ;
he Stressed alSO the eSSential role in edu臼tion of What he以lled " the Great
Tradition , , of English IiteratUre in advancing the values of culture and " dvi ・
lization , , against the antagonistic forces in modem life . See E R . Le州s , Reval -
" a如n . ' Tradi如n andDeveloPmentinEnglishPOe妙(1936 );五而ca如摊andthe
Universi粉(1943 , Zd ed . 1948 );仆e Great加di如n : George Eltot,石殆n甲la阴es ,
losePh Conrad ( 1948 ) ; also Anne Sampson,只R . LeaviS ( 1992 ) .
The New Critics differ from one another in many ways , but the follo,八ng
points of view and procedures are common to many of them .

th 。 Form , of Roin , 1981 ; Marilyn Butler , Ro水antics , Rebels and Reactionaries :
Engli ' h Literat " re and Its Background 1760一1830 , 1982 ; Jerome McGann , The
Romant£c Ideolog ) , 1983 ; Marilyn Gaull , English Romanticis拼:The Human Con -
te工t , 1988 ; Philippe Lacoue - - Labarthe and Jean一Luc Nancy , TheL£terar夕Absolute :
The Theor夕of Lfterature艺n German Romant艺cism , trans . , 1988 ; Isaiah Berlin , The
c柑诫edTin功erofHumanity : ChaptersinthoHistoryofldea : , 199 。 。休・昂纳在《新
义的文集有:Robert F . Gleckner and Gerald E . Enscoe , eds . , Romanticism : Pointsof
Vie二,rev . , 1 975 。在<诗歌形式和英国浪漫主义》(1986)中,斯图尔特・卡伦强调了

New Critlcism新批评

要的理论与实践。这一运动在很大程度上源起于1 . A.理查兹所著的《文学批评原理》
( 1924)、 《实用批评》(1929)和T . 5.艾略特的文学批评论文。新批评反对那个时期在
要作家还包括艾伦・泰特、 R . P.布莱克默和威廉・ K.维姆萨特。
F . R.利维斯是一个很有影响力的英国批评家,当他把注意力从背景、来源和传记
统”中所发挥的重要作用。参阅:F . R.利维斯的《革命:英诗的传统与发展》(1936 ) ;
《教育和大学》(1943 , 1948年第二版);《伟大的传统:乔治・艾略特、亨利・詹姆斯、约
瑟夫・康拉德》(1948 );安・桑普森所著的《 F . R.利维斯》(1992)。
362 NEw cRI下IclsM

( 1 ) A poem , it 15 held , should be treated as such一in Eliot , s words , " pri ・
marily as poetry and not another thing ,,一nd should therefore bere ・
garded as an independent and self - suffident verbai obiect . The first
law of criticism , Jolm Crowe R & nsom said , " 15 that it shall be Ob 】 ec -
tive , shall dte the nature of the oblect , , and shall recogn让e " theau -
tonomy of the work itself as喇sting for its own sake . " ( Seeo坷e币ve
币瓦比m . ) NeWCriticswamthereaderagainstCriticalpracticeswhich
divert attention from the poem itself ( see inten如nal falla印and affec -
脚己falla切.In analyzing and evaluating a pa觅cular Work , they es ・
chew reference to the blograp坤and temper田叭ent of the autho乙to
the sodal conditions at the time of its pro血由on , or to lts psycho ・
10乎cal and moral effects on the reader ; thcy also tend to min加让ere ・
course to the place of the work in the history of literary forms and
subieCt matter . Because of this critical focus on the literary work in
isolation from its attendant clrcumstances and effects , the New Criti -
cism 15 often classified as atype of criticalfo洲al钻m .
( 2 ) The prindples of the New Criticism are basically verbal . That 15 , liter ・
ature 15 conceiv6d to be a spedal hnd of language whose attributes
are defined勿system甜c opposition to the language of sdence and
of pra由cal and 10琪cal discourse , and the explicative procedure 15 to
analyze the meanings and InteraCtions of words,反州心ofsPeeCh , and
护优bolS . The emphasis 15 on the " organic unity , " in a successful liter ・
arywork , ofoverallstrUctureandverbalmeanings , andwearewarned
against seParating the two by what Cleanth Brooks has called " the
heresy of paraphrase . "
( 3 ) The distinctive procedure of a NeW Critic 15 exPlication , or close
reading : the detailed analysis of the complex interrelations and am -
bigUi瓦es ( multiPle meanings ) of the verbal and figurative components
within a work . “众plication de texte , , ( stressing all kinds of Informa ・
tion relevant to the full understanding of a word or passage ) has long
been a fonnal procedure for teaching literatUre in French schools , but
the kind of explicatlve analyses of verbal interaCtions characteristic of
the New Critidsm derives ftom suCh books as 1 . A.形ch肛ds,尸mc瓦cal
Cri以由m ( 1929 ) and William Empson , sS日吧n乃夕es of AmbigUi印
( 1930 ) .
( 4 ) The distinctionbe七陀een literary邵nr6s , although ac如。 wledged , does
not play an essential rofe in the New Criticism . The essential compo ・
nents of any work of literatUre , whetherl州c , narrative , or dramatlc ,
are conceiv6d to be words , images , ands犷mbols rather than Charactet ,
thought , and plot . These linguistic elements , whatever the genre , are
Often said to be Organ让ed around a central and humanly significant
theme , and to ma川fest high llterary value to the degree that they
manlfest “加出枷," “如雌刀and伽rad以,, in achi州nga " recondlia -
tion of diverse如Pulses , , oran “叫uilibrium of opposed forces . " The
form of a worK whether or not It has characters and plot , 15 said to be
prim硕lya " strUctUre of meanings , " which evolve into an integrai

( 1)认为应该这样对待一首诗歌―用艾略特的话来说就是:“主要是作为诗,
塞姆说过,文学批评的首要法则是“它必须是客观的,必须引用对象的实质” ,
( 2)新批评的原理基本上都是有关言辞方面的。也就是说,新批评认为文学是语
( 3)新批评家独特的批评方式是解说,或称为细读,即对一部作品中文字和修辞
成分间复杂的相互关系和歧义(多种含义)作细致的分析。 “解说文本”(强调
自诸如1 . A.理查兹的(实用批评》(1929)和威廉・燕卜荪的《七种歧义类型》
( 1930)之类的论著。
( 4)文学类型之间的区别尽管已得到承认,但在新批评中并不重要。在新批评
力” 、 “讽刺”和“逆说”,以取得“各种冲动的调和”或“相互排斥力量的均衡” 。
一部作品,不管它是否有人物和情节,其形式基本上都是“多层意义的结构” ,
364 NEW HlsToRIclSM

and freestanding unity mainly through a play and counterplay of
" thematic imageryn and " symbolic action . "

The basic orientation and modes of analysis in the New Critidsm were
adapted to the contextual criticism of Eliseo vivas and Murray KriegeL
Krieger defined contextualism as " the da加that the poem 15 a tight , com -
pelling , finally dosed context , " Which prevents " our escape to the world of
reference anda出on beyond , " and requires thatwe " iudge the work污efficaCy
as an aesthetic obiect . " ( S ee Kriege乙角eN如声APol州sts for POe郎1956 , and
仆eo甲ofCri以cism , 1976 . ) The revotutionary thrust of the mode had lost
much of its forceby仇e 19605 , when it gave way to various newer theories of
critidsm , but it has left a deep and enduring mark on the criticism and teach -
ing of literature , in its primary emphasis on the individual work and in the
variety and subtlety of thed州ces that it made available for analyzing its
intemal relations.匀枚POe妙B卿ndN亡w Cri互比m , ed . Ch州ra Ho互ek and
Patricia Parker ( 1985 ) , 15 a collection ofs如湘ralist , pos臼加CtUralist , and Other
essays whicheeesoften in express opposition to the New Criticism一exempli厅
the diverse newer modes of " close reading , , ; some of these essays emphas让e
that competing forces within the language of a lyric poem predude the possi ・
bility of a unified meaning ・
Central instances of the theory and practice of New Criticism are Cleanth
Brooks,仆e阶11科Iro叮htU动(1947 ) , and W . K . Wimsatt,仆e Verbal Icon
( 1954 ) . The enterprises of New Criticism are privileged Over aiternativeaP -
proaches to literature in Ren亡W日lek and Austin叭伯nen,角co尽ofLitera勿re
( 3d ed . , 1964 ) , which became a standard reference book in the graduate stUdy
of literatUre . Robert W . Stallman , 5 Cri行ques and Essa班inCri瓦dsm , 1920 - - 1948
( 1949 ) 15 a convenient collection of essays in this critical mode ; the literary
ioumal仆e ExPlicator ( 1942ff ・), devoted to dose reading , 15 a characteristic
product of its approach to literary texts , as are the items listed in Poe抑五冲11 -
ca以on : AC彻cklis亡。厂InterPreta找ons如ce 1924 ofBrf出h andA州州canPO日” SP哪t
and Present , ed . JosephM , Kunts ( 3d ed . , 1980 ) . See also W . K . Wlmsatt , ed . ,
称川ica万on as Cri瓦cism ( 1963 ) ; ther州ew ofthemovementbyRen亡W日lek , A
Histo甲of ModeoC汀瓦比m , vol . 6 ( 1986 ) ; and the spirited retrospective de -
fense of New Criticism by its chief exponent , Cleanth Brooks , " In Search of
the New Criticism , , ( 1983 ) , reprinted in Brooks , Communi尔Rel娜O传andLiter -
atUre , 1995 ) . For Critiques ofthetheoryandmethodsoftheNewCritidsm , see
R . 5 . Crane , ed . , Cd瓦csa九dC汀浓钻机A " cient and Mdde力1 ( 1952 ) , and仆e La " -
别冈脾5 ofCri红cis阴and thes打初c加re ofPOe妙(1953 ) ; Gerald Graff , POe沈StUte -
用ent and Cri红calD电卿a ( 1970 ) ; Terry助gleton , Litera甲角co平Anln 。 ’ O duc如n
( 1993 ) ; Susan Wbl伪on , Fonnal Cha稚竿S ( 1997 ) .

NewH五吐。 dcism , since the eaily 19805 , has been the accepted name fora
mode of literary stU即that its proponents oppose to thefo洲alism they at -
ttlbUte both to theN日四Cri瓦dsm and to the以抚ICal decons加理ction that fol ・
lowed it . In place of dealing with a text in isolation from its historical context ,
new historicists attend pr加arify to the historical and cultural conditions of


们“把一部作品的效用当做一个审美对象来加以评价” 〔参阅克里格的《诗歌的新辩护
者》(1956)和《批评理论》(1976 )]。不过,这种文学批评模式的革命性冲击,到了20世
新批评理论和实践的主要作品有:克林斯・布鲁克斯的《精制的瓮》(1947 ) ; W .
K . Wimsatt , Tho Verbal Icon , 1954;勒内・韦勒克与奥斯汀・沃伦的《文学理论》(第
3版,1964 ),阐释了新批评体系优于其他别的文学方法的地方,它已成为文学研究生
学习中的权威参考著作。罗伯特・ W.斯托尔曼的《文学批评论文随笔,1夕20一1948 》
( 1949 ),是运用这一批评模式的论文集,便于研究使用。文学刊物《释义者》,1942年
创刊,专门从事细读研究,是运用新批评方法分析文学文本的典型产物。约瑟夫・ M .
举的书目也是这种分析方法的产物。也请参阅:w . K . Wimsatt , ed . , ExPli 。 。 “ On 。,
Criticism , 1963;勒内・韦勒克的《现代批评史》(第6卷,1986 ),评论了这一文学运
有关对新批评理论和方法的评论,请参阅:R . 5 . Crane , ed . , critic,。 nd critic钻m ,
Ancient and几肠de阴,1952 ; and The Languages of Criticism and the Structoreof
Poetr夕,1 953 ; Gerald Graff , Poe乙艺cs亡ate机e九亡and Cr£t艺cal Dogma , 1970 ; Terry
Eagleton , L艺terar夕Theo甲:An Introduct滋on , 1933 ; Susan Wolfson , Formal Char -
ges , 1 997 。

New Historicism新历史主义

自2 。世纪80年代初以来,新历史主义这一名称就已被人们接受,用来指称一种

黑斋默器默糕si ' s豁踩器已就鼎裂糕忿豁器策跳
tory asa " backgroundn against Which to set a work of literature as an inde -
pendent entity , or had viewed literatUre asa " reflection , , of the worldview
characteristic of a period . Instead , new historicists conceiv6 of a literary text
as " situated " within the institutions , social praCtices , and discourses that con -
stltute the overall culture of a particular time and place , and with Which the
literary text mteracts as both a product and a producer of CUltUral ene叼es
afid CodeS ,
What 15 most distinctiv6 in the new mode of historical study 15 mainly
the result of concePts and practices of literary analysis and interpret甜On that
have been assimilated from various recent poststrUctural theorists ( see Post -
s打知c扭ralism ) . Especially prominent are ( l ) The views of the revisionist Malx .
ist thinker , Louis Althosset , that ideology manifests itself in different ways in
the discourse of each of the semi一autonomous institutions of an era , indud -
ing literature , and also that ideology operates covertly to forrn and position
the users of language as the " s曲lects , , In a discourse , in a Way that in fact
" subiects " them一魂hat 15 , subordinates themesto the interests of the ruling
dasses ; see ideol咫夕underM比rx定st币ticis川.( 2 ) Michel Foucault , 5 view that the
discourse of an era , instead of reflec血9 pree对sting entities and orders , brings
mtobeingtheconcepts , OPposltions , andhierarchiesofwhichitspeaks ; that
these elements are both products and propagators of " power , " or social forces ;
and that as a result , the pa由cular discurslve formations of an era determine
what 15 at the time accounted " knowle电e , , and " truth , " as well as What 15
considered to be humanly normal as against What 15 considered to be crimi -
nal , or insane , or sexuallyd州ant . ( 3 ) The central concePt in decons如苗雀
critictsm that all texts involve modes of signification that war against each
othe耳merged with Mikhail Bakhtin , s concept of the dialogic nature of many
literary texts , in the sense that they incorporate a number of conflicting
voices that represent div6rse soclal classes ; see dial叨c币沈is附.( 4 ) Recent de -
velopments in cultural anthropology ' especially Cllfford GeertZ , view thata
CUlture 15 constituted by distinctive sets of signi单ng systems , and his use of
what he calls thlck descriptions一魂he close analysis , or " reading , " of a partic -
ular social produCtion or event 50 as to recover the meanings it has for the
people involved in it , as well as to discover , within the cultural system ,
the generai patterns of conventions , codes , and modes of thinking that invest
the item with those meanings .
in an oft一quoted phrase , Louis Montrose described the new historictsm as
" a rectProcal concem with the historictty of texts and the textuality of his -
tory . " That 15 , history 15 conceived not to be a set of fixed , oblectiv6 facts but ,
like the literature with whlch it interacts , a text which itself needs to be inter -
preted . Any text , on the other hand , 15 conceived as a discourse , Which , al ・
though it may seem to present , or reflect , an external reality , in fact consists
of what are called representations一that 15 , verbal formations which are the

特定世界观的“反映” 。与其相反,新历史主义者认为文学文本“处于”构成某一特定
是:( 1)修正主义的马克思主义思想家路易斯・阿尔都塞的观点认为:意识形态在某
和史实文本性的交互关注” 。其意思是:历史不应被视为一套固定、客观的事实,而是如
368 NEw HIS下OR . cfsM

, , ideological products , , or " CUlturai constructs , , of the historical conditions
spedfic to an era . New historiCistso批n claim also that these cultural and ide -
ological representations in texts serve mainly to reproduce , confirm , and
propagate the power一structUres of domination and subordination Which char -
acterizea乡ven sodety .
Despite their common perspective on the contextUalism of literature
,爪h other components of CUlture , we find considerable diversity and dis -
agreements among individual exponents of the new historictsm . The follow -
ing proposals , however , occur frequently in their Writings , sometimes in an
extreme and sometimes in a qualified form . All of them are formulated in op -
position to views that , according to many new historidsts , were central ideo -
10乡cal constructs in traditional literary critlcism . A number of historidsts
assign the formatlve period of these traditional views to the early era of capi -
talism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries .

( 1 ) Literature does not occuPya " trans一historicai , , aesthetic realm Which
15 indePendent of the economic , social , and political conditions spe -
cific to an era , nor 15 literature sub ) ect to timeless criteria of artistic
vatue . Instead , a literary text 15 simply one ofmany址nds oftexts曰e -
ligious , philosophical , legai , sclentific , and 50 on - - all of which are
formed and strUctured by the particular conditions of a time and
place , and among which the literary text has neither unique status
nor special privilege . A related fallaCy of mainstream critidsm , aC -

cording to new historicists , was to view a literary text as an aU ・

tonomous body of fixed meanings that cohere to form ano
whole in which ail conflicts are artistically resolved . on the contrar又
it 15 claimed , many literary texts consist of a diy6rsity of dissonant
voices , and these voices exPress not oniy the orthodox , but also the
subordinated and subversive forces of the era in which the text Was
produced . Furthermore , what may seem to be the artistic resolution
of a literary plot,户elding pleasure to the reader , 15 in加ct deceptive ,
for it 15 an effect that serves to cover over the Unresolved confliCts of
power , class , gender , and dlverse sociai groups that make uP the real
tensionS that underlie the surface meanings of a literary text .
冈History 15 not a homogeneous and stable pattern of facts and events
which can be used as the " background , , to the literature of an era , or
whlch literature can be said simPly to reflect , or which can be ad -
) ( as in eariyM泛众ist币跳结m ) as the , , material " conditions Verted to
a unllateral Wa又determine the pa比cularities of a literary that , in是
contrast to such views , a 11 teXt . IllC terary text 15 said by new histori -
cists to be " embedded , , in its context , and in a constant interaction
and interchange with other components inside the network of insti -

黯骡默盗黑糕群默井器黔a ; trdo黑糕思黑霍

的观念。一些历史主义者把这些传统观点的形成时期划归到17 、 18世纪的资本主义

( 1)文学不能占据独立于某个时期特定的经济、社会和政治条件之外的“跨历史”
( 2)历史不是可被用作一个时代文学“背景”的事实与事件的相似而稳定的模式,

be a constrUct of post一取naissance ideologicai formations . They con -
tinue to make use of such discrlminations , but onfy for tactical con -
venience in conducting Critical discussion , and stress that one must
view all suCh bound如es as entirely permeable to interchanges of di -
verse elements and forces . Favored terms for such interchanges - -
whether among the modes of discourse withln a singie literary text , or
among dive邝e klnds of texts , or be勺四een a text and its institutional and
cultural context-一are " negotiation , , , " commerce , " " exchange , " " trans -
a比on , " and " drCUlation . " Such metaphors are intended not only to
denote the七泞o . way ) osctllatory relationships among literary and other
components of a CUlture , but also to indicate , by their obvious ori矛n in
the monetary discourse of the marke中lace , the degree to which the op -
erations and vaiues of modem consumer capitalism saturate literary
an成aesthetic , as well as all other sociai institutions and relations . As
StePhen Greenblatt has expressed such a view , the " negotiation , , that
results in the produCtion and drculation of a work of art involvesa
" mutUally profitable exchange ,,刊ncluding " a return normally meas -
ured in pleasure and interest , ’一in which " the socie州5 dominant cur -
rendes , money and prestige , are invariably ? Iv6d . " ( “北warda
Poetics of CultUre , " in仆e入阳w Histo找ds机ed . H . Aram Veese乙1989 . )
( 3 ) The hu脚anis雌c concePt of an essential human natUre that 15 common
to the author of a literary work , the characters within the work , and
the audience the author writesfo ' 15 another of the widely held ideo -
10乎cal illusions that , according to many new historidsts , were gener -
ated primarily by a caPitalist culture ( see hu脚anism ) . They also
attribute to this " bourgeois , , and " essentialist humanism , , the view
that a literary work 15 the imaginatiVe creation of a free , or " au -
tonomous , " author who possesses a unified , unique , and enduring
personal identity . In the epilogue of Renaissance SelFFashioning ( 1980 )
Stephen Greenblatt says that , in the course of writing the book , he
lost his initial confidence in " the role of human autonomy , " for " the
human subiect itseif began to seem remarkably unfree , the ideologi -
cal product of the relations of power in a pa川cular society . " An area
of contest among new historicists 15 the extent to Which an author ,
despite being a su勿ect who 15 constructed and positioned by the play
of power and ideology within the discourse of a partictilar era , may
retain some scope for Individual initiative and " agenCy . " Those his -
toricists Who asCribe a degree of freedom and initiative to an individ -
ual author usually do 50 , however , not as in traditional criticism , in
order to account for an author , 5 literary invention and distinctive
artlstry , but in order to keep open the theoretical possibility that an
individual author can intervene 50 as to inaugurate radical changes in
the social power ・ strUcture of Whlch that Individual , 5 own " subiectiv -
ity " and function are themselves a product .
( 4 ) Llke the authors who produce llterary texts , their readers are " subiects , ,
who are constTUcted and positioned勿the conditions and ideological

制度和文化背景之间―有“谈判” 、 “商业” 、 “交换” 、 “交易”和“流通”等。这
互惠的交换” ―这种交换包括“一般以愉悦和利益来衡量的回报” ―其
编著的(新历史主义》(1989)中的《走向文化诗学》一文〕 。
( 3)文学作品作者、作品中的人物以及作者所针对的读者所共有的关于人类本质
如此不自由” 。新历史主义者们争论的一个领域是作者可以在何种程度上保
( 4)与文学文本的作者一样,他们的读者也是他们所属时代的环境和意识形态结
372N洲日{SToRlc ! sM

formations of their own era.沮1 claims , therefore , for the possibillty of
a dis皿erested and obiectlve interpretation and evaluation ofallterary
text一such as Matthew Arllold , s behest that we see a Work " as in itseif it
reallyis ,,一are among the ilfusions of a huma川川c idealism . Insofar as
the ideology of readers conforms to the ideo10gy of the writer of a Iiter -
ary text , the readers will tend to natUraliz6 the text-一山at 15 , interpret its
culture一spectfic and time一bound represent甜ons as though they were
the features of universal and permanent human experience . on the
other hand , insofar as the readers , ideology diff改5 from that of the
write耳they will tend to aPpropriate the text - - - t hat 15 , interprct it 50 as
tomakeitconformtotheir0WnculturalprepossesSl0ns .
New historicists acknowledge that they themselves , like all au -
thors , are " sub ) ectivities ' , that have been shaped and informed by the
circumstances and discourses spedfic to their era , hence that their
own critical writings in great part construct , rather than discover
ready一made , the textual meanings they describe and the literary and
cultural histories they narrate . To mitlgate the risk that they will un -
questioningly appropriate texts that Were written in the past , they
stress that the course of hlstory between the past and present 15 not
coherent , but exh山its discontinuities , breaks , and ruptures ; by dotng
50 , they hope to " distance , , and " estrange , , an eailier text and 50
sharpen their曲ility to detect its differences from their present ideo ・
logical assumptions . Some historidsts present their readings of texts
written in the past as ( in their favored metaphor ) " negotiations , , be -
tween past and present . In this two一way relationship , the featUres ofa
CUltural product , Which are identifiable only relative to thelr differ -
ences from the historicist , 5 sub } ect ・ position , in return make Possible
some degree of insight into the forces and configurations of powe卜
especially with respect to class , gende乙race , and ethnidty一that pre -
vail in the historicist , 5 present culture and serve to shape the
histoticist , 5 own ideology .
The concepts , themes , and procedures of new historicist Critictsm
took shape in the late 19705 and early 19805 , most prominently in
writings by scholars of the English Renaissance . They directed their
attention espedally to literary forms such as the pastoral and masque ,
and above all drama ; emphasized the role in shaping a text of soctal
and economic conditions such as literary patronage , censorshlP , and
the control of access to printing ; analyZed texts as discursiv6 " sitesn
which enacted and reproduced the interests and power of仇e Tudor
monarchy ; but were alert to detect within such texts the voices of the
oppressed , the marginalized , and the dispossessed . At aimost ttie
same time , students of the English Romantic period developed paral -
lel conceptions of the intertextuality of literatUre and histo以and
similar views that the " representationsn in literary texts are not re -
flectors of reality but " concretized , , forms of ideology . Historidsts of
Romantic literature , howeve乙in distinction from most Renaissance

构所构筑与定位的“主体” 。因此所有认为有可能对文本进行公正客观的解
判” 。在这种双向关系中,某一文化产品的特征,只是因为它们与历史主义

historicists , often name their critical procedures political readings of
a literary text - eereadings in Which they stress quasi一Freudian mecha -
nisms such as " suppression , " " dlsplacement , " and " substitution , , by
which , they assert , a writer , 5 political ideology ( in a process of Whlch
the writer remains largely or entirely unaware ) in州tably disguises , or
entirely elides into silence and " absence , " the circumstances and con -
tradictions of contemporary history . The primary aim of a political
reader of a literary text 15 to undo these ideological disguises and sup -
pressions in order to uncover the historical and political conflicts and
oppressions Which are the text , 5 true , although covert or unmen -
tioned , sublect matteL ( See Pierre Macherey , underM比rxist币灯cism . )
In the course of the 19805 , the characteristic vie例points and
practices of new historidsm spread rapidly to all periods of literary
study , and were increasingly represented , described , and debated in
conferences , books , and periodical essays . The interpretative proce ・
dllres of this CritiCal mode ha钾intemCted with the earlier CoflCem of
斤脚in红t critics , who stressed the role of male power一structures in
forming dominant ideological and cultural constmcts . New histori -
cist procedures also have parallels in the critics ofA脚canA,翻can
and othere功nic llteratures , who stress the role of culture一formations
dominated by White Europeans in suPpressing , marginalizing , or dis -
torting the achievements of non一White and non一European peoples ・
In the 19905 , it seems clear , various forms of new historicism , and re ・
lated types of criticism that stiess the embeddedness of literature in
historicai circumstances , have displaced deconstruction as the reign -
ing mode of ava ”亡创rde Critical theory and praCtice .
Stephen Greenblatt inaugurated the currency of thel北el " new
historictsm , , in his Introduction to a special issue of Gen代VOI . 15
( 1982 ) . He prefers , however , to call his own critical enterprise cul -
tUral poetics , in order to highlight his concem with literature and
the arts as integral with other social practices that , in their complex
interaCtions , make up the general culture of an era . Greenblatt , 5 essay
entitled " Invisible Bullets即in ShakesPearean NdgO丘a如ns ( 1988 ) serves
to exempl介the interpretive procedures of a leading exponent of this
mode of Critidsm . Greenblatt begins by reading a selection from
ThomasH助dot , s A BriefandT翔e RePOrt oftheN白甲FOundLandofVir -
舒nia , Written in 1588 , as a representative discourse oftheEnglishcol -
onlzers of America which , without its author , 5 awareness , serves to
confirm " the Machiavellianh即othesis of the ori矛n of princely
power in force and fraud , " but nonetheless draws its " audience irre ・
sistibly toward the celebration of that power . " Greenblatt also asserts
that Harriot tests the English power structure that he attests by
recording in his RePo厅the counter一voices of the Alnerican Indians
who are being appropriated and oppressed by that power . Greenblatt
then idefitifies parallel modes of power一discourse and counterdis -
course in the dialogues in Shakespeare , sTe柳est between Prospero

名为文学文本的政治解读―在这种解读中,他们强调如“抑制” 、 “移位” 、
与矛盾,或完全归于沉寂和“不存在” 。政治解读某一文学文本的主要目的
情况下,该书证实了“马基雅弗利关于王侯的权力源于力量和骗局的假设” ,
但同时却又使“读者不可抗拒地赞美这种权力。 ”格林布拉特还声称哈里奥
376 NEw日ISTORlclsM

the imperiallst appropriator and Caliban the expropriated native of his
island , and goes on to find similar discursiv6 configurations in the
texts of Shakespeare , s乃渤即IU 1 and 2 and乃油1甲V In Greenblatt , s
reading , the dialogue and events of the Henry plays reveal the degree
tow址ch prlncely power 15 based on predatton , caiculation , deceit ,
and hypocrisy ; at the same time , the plays do not scruple to record the
dissonant and subversive voices of Falstaff and varions other rePresen -
tatives of Elizabethan subcultures . These counter一establishlllent reve -
lations in Shakespeare , 5 plays , howeve不in fact are 50 managed as
to maneuver their audience to accept and even glorify the power -
structure to Whlch that audience 15 ltself subordinated . Greenblatt ap -
Plies to these plays a concePtuai pattem , the subversion一containment
dialectic , whlch has been a central concem of new historicist critics
of Renaissance literature . Hls thesls 15 that , in order to sustain its
powe ' any durable political and cultural order not only to some
degree allows , but actively fosters " subversive , I elements and forces ,
yct in such a way as more effectively to " contain , , such challenges to
thee对sting ordeL This view of the general triumph of containment
over the forces of subversion has been Criticized as " pessimistic , , and
" quietist , , by the groups of new historiclsts , known as " Cultural materi -
alists , " who insist on the capacity of subversive ideas and practices一
Including those manifested in their own Critical Writings一to effect
drastic social changes .
Cultural materialism 15 a term , used by the British neo一Ma川st
critic助ymond Williams , whlch has been adopted by a number of
other British scholars , especially those concemed with the literature
of the Renaissance , to indicate the Mar劝St orientation of their mode
of new historlcism一Marxist in that they retain a version of Marx , s
view of cultUral phenomena asa " superstnjctUren Whlch In the last
analysis 15 determined by the economic " base ・,, ( SeeA4比rxist cri找ds椒・)
They insist that , Whatever the " textuality , , of history ) a CUlture and its
literary products are atways to an important degree conditionedby
the real material forces and relations of production in their historical
era . They are partiCUlarly interested in the political signiflcance , and
especially the subversiv6 aspects and effects , of a literary text , not
only In its own time , but also in later versions that have been revlsed
for the theater and the cinema , and in the changing interpretations
of the text by later literary critics . Cultural materialists stress that
their criticlsm 15 itself oriented toward polltical " intervention , , in
their own era , in an express " commitment , " as Jonathan Dollimore
and Alan Sinfield have put it , " to the transformation of a soctal order
which exPloits people on grounds of race , gender , and dass . , , ( Fore -
word to POli找cal ShakesPeare . . N七w Essays in CultUraIM比terialis琳1985 . )
Similar views are expressed by those American exponents of the new
literary history Who are political activists ; indeed , some of them claim
that if new historicists llmit themselves to describing the examples of

秩序” 【 《政治的莎士比亚:文化唯物主义新论》(1985)前言l 。美国一些政治
378 NEW HlsTORlclsM

class dominance and exploitation m literary texts , but stop short ofa
commitment to remake the present social order , they have been co -
opted into " complicity , , with the fonnalis脚of the types of literary
critidsm that they set out to displace ・
See cultUrals耐ies , whlch are closely related in concePts and prac -
tices to the new historicism . For Writers especiallyinfluential in form -
ing the concePts and pra由ce of the new historicism , see LOuls
川thusser , L朗动and PhilosoPhy , and Other EssayS ( 1969 , trans . 1971 ) ;
Louls McKay , Foucault : A即以calln加du川on ( 1994 ) ; and Clifford
GeertZ , " Thick Description : Tbward an Interpretive Theory of Cul -
ture , " in仆e加terPreta如n of Cul加res ( 1973 ).角eN白四拭storicis雌ed .
H.儿am Veeser ( 1989 ) , 15 a useful collection of essays by LOuis Mon -
trose , Stephen Greenblatt , and other prominent historicists who focus
on the Renaissance ; see also the essays in Je价cyN ・ CoX and LarryJ ・
Reynolds , N匕,拭storical Litera甲S加dy ( 1993 ) ; Stephen Gree汕latt , ed .
RePresen瓦心the English Renaissance ( 1988 ) and his Leaming to Curse : Es -
saysin助rly人rodem CultUre ( 1990 ) ; and the survey in Paul Hamilton ,
拼stodcism:仆eN日F Cri找cal Idio阴(1996 ) . For a femlnist application of
new historidsm , refer to Margaret W . Ferguson , Maureen Quilligan ,
and NanCyJ , Vickers , eds . R曰四月以ng the Rena台sance:仆e DIScourseso厂
S6xuaIDiff6rencei摊Earlr人rodemEu扰少e ( 1986 ) . TreatlnentsofR0mantic
literature that exemplify a new historidst orientation include Jerome
J . McGann,劝e Roman价介介。勿丫A即瓦cal Inves心口如n ( 1983 ) ; Mar -
iorie Levinson,灿rdswo肋,S Great八洲Od POems ( 1986 ) ; Cllfford Siskin ,
仆eHisto献印ofRo拼a拄价Discourse ( 1988 ) ; AlanLiu , WOrdS卿肋:仆e
交彬eof月钻to甲(1989 ) ; and Mariorie Levinson and others , Reth切king
扭sto汀山m : Cri沈alReadingsinRoman沈角3to甲(1989 ) .
Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield present wrltings by British
cultural materialists in Poli瓦cal ShakesPeare : N亡w ESsa产in Cul加raIM泛-
terialis脚(1985 ) , as does John Dra灿扣5 in Alte阴a找ve ShakesPeares
( 1985 ) ; see aiso Raymond Williams , M比rxis附a " d LiteratUre ( 1977 ) ,
and Terry Eagleton , M泛狱is阴a " d Litera甲Cri五cism ( 1976 ) . W缸ter
Cohen , " PolitiCal Criticism of Shakespeare , " in Jean E . Howard and
Marion EO , Connor , eds . , S儿akesPeare ReProduced:几e Text in Histo甲
a牲dldeol卿(1987 ) , 1nterrogatesnewhistoricismfromaMar双stpoint
of view ; While J . Hillis Miller , in his presidential address to the Mod -
ern Language Association on " The Triumph of Theory , , ( P酬rLA , VOI .
102 , 1987 , pp . 281一1 ) , does 50 from the point ofviewofdeconstruc -
tive critidsm . Feminist critiques of new historicism are Lynda Boose ,
, , The Family in Shakespeare Studies , " Renaissance Quarterly 40 ( 1987 ) ;
and Carol Thomas Neely , " Constructi飞the Sublect : Feminist Prac -
tice and the New Renaissance Discoursen ( E雌lish Litera尽Renaissance ,
vol . 15 , 1958 ) . Critiques of new historicism from more traditional
critical positions are Edward Pechter , " The New Historicism and Its
Discontents , ”尸M匡A 102 ( 1987 ) ; M , H . Abrams , " on Polltlcal Read -
ings ofL州cal Ballads , " in Doing仆i哪wi伪TextS : Ess邓in Cri讹ism


义概念与实践的形成具有特殊影响的作家,参阅:Louis Althusser , Len诬na , d尸从105 -
oph夕,and Other Essa夕s , 1969 , trans . 1971 ; Louis McKay , Foucault : A Cr乞艺ical
Jntroduct滋on , 1994 ; Clifford Geertz , " Thick Description : Towa记an Interpretive The -
ory of Culture , , , in The Interpretation of Cult 、 res , 1973 。 Th 。 NewH£stor£c泛、 m , ed . H .
Aram veeser , 1989,是一本收录了路易斯・蒙特罗斯、斯蒂芬,格林布拉特和其他关注
文艺复兴的著名历史主义者所写的文章的有用论文集。另请参阅:杰弗里・ N.科克斯
和拉里・ J.雷诺兹在《新历史主义文学研究》(1993)中的文章;Stephen Greenblatt ed . ,
Represent£ng ihe Engl ' : h Re " a艺:、 a刀ce , 1988 ; Stephen Greenblatt , Learn乞” 9 to Curse :
Essa , 5汇n Earl ) Moder " C林l£林re , 1990 ; Paul Hamilton , H艺stor乞c乞5水:The Ne切Cr艺t艺-
cal址访m , 1996,这是一本概论。关于新历史主义在女性主义中的应用请参阅:Mar -
garet W . Ferguson , Maureen Quilligan and Nancy J . Vickers , eds . , Re刊r汇t乞ng the
Re , a艺ssa,。 e : The Disoourses of Sex二alD艺ffereoce汇二Ear乙夕Modern Europe , 1986 。
论述浪漫主义文学体现了新历史主义取向的论著包括:Jerome J . McGann , The
Roma性££c Ideolog , : A Crit£cal Invest£gat艺on , 1983 ; Mariorie Levinson , W价ds -
二orth ' 5 Great Per艺od Poems , 1986 ; Clifford Siskin , The Hi 、 tor£c乞t夕of Roma二‘艺c
D艺scoorse , 1988 ; Alan Liu,职而rdsworth : T } e Sen 、 e of His ' or夕,1989 ; Marjorie Le -
vison and others , Retl 。,, Iking Historic£、 m : Cr£tical Read艺ngs£n Ro彻nt£c
耳艺stor夕,1989 。
文学批评》(1976)。沃尔特・科恩的《莎士比亚的政治批评》收录于吉恩・ E.霍华德
和马里恩・ F.奥康纳所编的《重温莎士比亚:历史和意识形态的文本》(1987)一书,从
马克思主义的观点质疑了新历史主义。 J.希利斯・米勒在对现代语言学会所作的题
为《理论的胜利》(《美国现代语言学会季刊》 102卷第281一291页,1987)的主席发言
参阅:Lynda Boose , " The Family in Shakespear Studies " , RenaissanceQ翻arterl夕40 ,
1 987 ; Carol Thomas Neely , " Constructing the Subject : Fetninist Practice and the New
Renaissance Discourse " , English Litera恻Renaissance , Vol . 18 , 1988 。从更传统的
立场对新历史主义所作的评论有:Edward Pechter , " The New Historicism and Its
Discontents , " PMLA 102 , 1987 ; M . H . Abrams , " On Political Readings ofL夕rical
Ballads , " in Doi儿9 Things叨ith Texts : Essa夕51 , : Criticism and Critical Theo州,
380 NOvEL

and Cri万cal仆eo尽(1989 );形chard Levin , " Unthinkable Thoughts in
the New Hlstoricizing of English Renaissance Drama , " N如Litel ' a尽
川sto甲21 ( 1989一0 ) , pp . 433一7 ; and Brcok功omas,仆eN户四从s -
to成is阴and OtherO脚・ Fashioned TOpics ( 1991 ) . For tendencies in the
writing of general history closely parallel to the new historictsm in llt -
erary stUdies , see Dominick La CaPra , Histoly and Cri红c定sm ( 1985 ) ;
and Lynn Hunt , ed ・,了触入陌w CultUral Histo甲(1989 ) ,

Novel . The term " novel , , 15 now applied to a great variety of Wrltings that
have in common oniy the attribute of being extended works of乃c红On written
in prose . As an extended narrative , the novel 15 distingUished from the sho汀
sto甲and from the work of middle length called the novelette ; its magnitude
permits a greater variety of characters , greater complication of plot ( or plots ) ,
ampler development of milieu , and more sustained exploration of character
and motives than do the shorter , more concentrated modes . As a narratlve
wrltten in prose , the novel 15 distinguished from the long narratives in verse
of Geoffrey Chaucer , Edmund Spenser , and John Milton which , beginning
with the elghteenth century , the novel has increasingly supplanted.帕thin
these limits the novel includes sUch diverse works as Sarnuel砒chardson , S
撇阴ela and Laurence Sterne , 57找s如川Shandy ; Jane Austen , 5 Emma and Vir -
小nia Wbolf , 5 orlando ; Chailes Dickens , Pickwick PaPers and Henry James,角e
Wi拟3 oftheDove;块oTolstoy , sV自randPeaceandFranzKafka , s仆e别al ;
Ernest Hemingway ' s角e Sun Also Rises and James Joyce , 5 Fi九n咫在ns下物ke ;
Doris Lessing , s劝e GOIden NOtebook and讥adimir Nabokov , 5 Loli故.
The term for the novel in most European languages 15 roman , which 15
derlved from the medieval term , the 10 " lance . The English name for the form ,
on the other hand , 15 derlved from the Italian novella ( literally , " a little new
thing , , ) , which was a short tale in prose . In fourteenth一century Italy there was
a vogue for collections of such tales , some serious and some scandalous ; the
best known of these collections 15 Boccaccio , 5 Deca川e阳玛which 15 Still avail -
able in Engllsh translation at any well一stocked bookstore . Currently the term
, , novella , , ( or in the German form , Novelle ) 15 often used as an equivalent for
no雀lette ' a prose fiction of middle length , such as Joseph Conrad污云化口rtof
Darkness or Thomas Mann , 5 Death派九Venice . ( See under short sto华)
Long narrative romances in prose were written饰Greek writers as early
as the second and third centuries A . D.砂pically thcy dealt with separated
lovers who , after perilous adventures and hairbreadth escapes , are haPpily re -
united at the end . The best kn0Wn of these Greek romances , influentlal in
later European llteratUre , were the AethioPica by Heliodorus and the charming
pastoral narrative DaPhnis and Chloe by LOngus . Thomas Lodge , s Rosa如de
( the model for Shakespeare性As YOu Like It ) and Sir Philip Sidney3 Arcadia
were Elizabethan continuations of the pastoral romance of the anclent
Greeks . ( See romance and Pastoral . )
Another important predecessor of the later novel was the picaresque nar -
. Uve , whlch emerg6d ins认teenth一centUry Spain , although the most popular
instance , Gil Blas ( 1715 ) , was written by the Frenchman Le Sage . " Picaro , , 15

1 989 ; Richard Levin , " Unthinkable Thoughts in the New Historicizing of English Re -
naisoance Drama , , , Ne叨L乞torar ) 11乞、 tor , 21 , 1989一1990 , pp . 433一437 ; Brook Thom -
as,介己New月istoricism 。 nJ ot人er 01以一Fas入£onedTo户ic ' , 1991 。有关文学研究中
与新历史主义极为相似的撰写一般性历史作品的趋势,参阅:Dominick La CaPra ,
Histor夕and Criticism , 1985 ; IJynn Hunt , The New Cultural Histor夕,1989 。


的《洛丽塔》 。
在大多数欧洲语言里,表示小说的术语都是“ roman ” 。这个词源自中世纪的传
奇。而其英文名称则衍生于意大利语“ novella , '(字面意思是“小巧新颖之物” ) ―一
时而严肃,时而中伤。这些故事集中最著名的是薄伽丘的《十日谈》 。这本书的英译
本在任何一家藏书丰富的书店里仍可买到。现在“ novella "(或德文Novell己)常用作
" novelette , '(中篇小说)的同义词:指一部篇幅适中的散文体小说,譬如,约瑟夫・康拉
和朗格斯所著的迷人田园叙事诗《达芙妮与克罗埃》 。托马斯・洛奇的《罗莎琳德》

Spanish for " rogue , " and a typical story concerns the escapades of an insou -
ciant rascal who lives by his wits and shows little if any alteration of character
throu曲the lon交succession of his adventures . Picaresque fiction 15 realistic in
mannet , ePisodic in struc加re ( t hat 15 , composed of a sequence ot events tield
togetherl珊ely because they happened to one person ) , and often satiric in
aim . The first , and very lively , English example Was Thomas Nashe , s仆eUn -
fo血nate乃视velleT ( 1594 ) . W亡recognize the survival of the picaresque type in
many later novels such as Mark伽ain , s角e AdventUres OfTom SaW作r ( 1876 ) ,
Thomas Marm , 5 FelixK栩11 ( 1954 ) , and Saul Bellow , s乃e Adven扭res ofA叨e
腼rcn ( 1953 ).仆e development of the novel owes much to prose works
which , like the picaresque story , were Written to deflate romantic or idealized
fictional forms . CerVantes , great quasi一picaresque narrative DOn Quixote
( 1605 ) was the single most important progenitor of the modern novel ; in it ,
an engaging madman Who tries to live by the ideals of chivairic romance in
the everyday worid 15 used to explore the relations of illusion and reality in
hUman life .
After these precedents and many other曰ncluding the seventeenth -
century character ( a brief sketch of a typical personality or way of life ) and
Madame de场Fayette , 5 psycholo矛cally complex study of characterj La
州ncesse deC脚哪(1678)一what 15 recognizably the novel as we now think of
it appearedin玩gland in the early eighteenth century . In 1 719 Daniel Defoe
wrote Robi书onC川soe and in 1 722 , M川1 Flande招.Both of these are still pica -
resque in type , in the sense that their structUre 15 episodic rather than in the
organized form of a pto七wnile Moll 15 herself a colorful female version of the
old picar卜"twelve决ar a Whore , five times a Wife ( W hereof once to her own
Brother ) , TWelve Year a Thief , Eight挽ar a Transported Felon in Virginia , " as
the title page resoundingly informs us . But RobinsonC爪soe 15 given an en -
forced unity of action by lts focus on the problem of surviving on an unin -
habited island , and both stories present 50 convincing a central character , set
in 50 solid and detailedly realized a world , that Defoe 15 often credited with
writing the first novel of incldent .
The credit for having written the first English novel of character , or
, , psycholo矛cal novel , " 15 almost unanimously glven to Samuel砒chardson for
hls Pamel劣。乙Vi血eR日撇rd6d ( 1 740 ) . Pamela 15 the story of a sentimental but
shrewd young woman who , byp川dently safeguarding her beleaguered
chastity , succeeds in becoming the wife of a wild young gentleman instead of
his debauched servant girl . The distinction between the novel of incide爪and
the novel of character cannot be drawn sharply ; but in the novel of incident
the greater interest 15 in what the protagonist will do next and on how the
story will tum out ; in the novel of character , it 15 on the protagonist , S motiVes
for what he or she does , and on how the protagonist as a person will turn out .
on twentieth一century developments in the novel of character see Leon Edel ,
角eM0de用乃卿01叨caINovel ( rev ' , 1965 ) .
掬mela , like its greater and tragic successo乙形chardson , 5 Clarissa
( 1747一8 ) , 15 an epistol田甲novel ; that 15 , the narrative 15 conveyed entirety
by an exchange of letters . Later novelists have preferred alternative devices for

" picaro ' ’是西班牙语,意思是“流氓”,典型的流浪汉叙事文的主题是一个自在逍遥的
( 1594)。流浪汉叙事文在许多后来的小说里依然可以见到。譬如,马克・吐温的《汤
( 1605)是现代小说独一无二的最重要先驱;小说中叙述了一位可爱的疯子,试图以骑
《克莱芙公主》(1678 ) ―我们现在所定义的小说是18世纪早期在英国出现的。 1719
年,在弗吉尼亚州服刑役8年” 。 《鲁滨逊漂流记》则是靠侧重于在荒无人迹的海岛上
美勒》(又名《美德受到了奖赏》)( 1740)的塞缪尔・理查逊。 《帕美勒》描写的是一位多
《帕美勒》和它后来更为杰出的悲剧式姐妹篇、理查逊的《克拉丽莎》(1747一1748 )

limiting the narrative point of摊,to one or another single characte乙but the
ePistolary technique 15 still occasionalfy revlved一for example , in Mark Harris ,
hilarious novel WakeUP , S铆id ( 1959 ) and Alice袖Iker , s肠e COtor PurPIe
( 1982 ) . See Linda Kauffman , sPec故IDelively : EPistola州M口desinM乙讹阴Fic红on
( 1992 ) .
Novels may have any kind of pfot fornl - eetragic , comic , satirlc , or roman -
tic . A common distinction一which was described by Hawthome , in his preface
to The HOuse of these详n Gables ( 1851 ) and elsewhere , and has been adopted
and exPanded by a number of recent critics一5 that be勺陀een two basic types of
prose fiction : the realistic novel ( which 15 the novel proper ) and the romance .
The realistic novel 15 characterized as the fictional attemptto乡ve the effect of
real乞sm , by rePresenting complex characters withm映d motives Who are
rooted in a social class , operate in a developed social strUcture , interact with
many other characters , and undergo plausible , everyday modes of exPerience ,
This novelistic mode , rooted in such eighteenth一century叭的ters as Defoe
and Fielding , achieved a high devefopment in the master一novelists of the
nineteenth century , including Jane Austen , George Eliot , Anthony Trollope )
William Dean Howells , and Henry James in England and Alnerica ; Stendhal ,
George Sand , Balzac , and Flaubert in France ; andT址genev and TOlstoy in Rus ・
sia . If , as in the writings of Jane Austen , Edith Wharton , and John P . Mar ・
quand , a realistic novel focuses on the customs , conversation , and ways of
thinking and valuing of a pa掀CUlar social dass , it 15 often called a novelof
manners . The prose romance , on the other hand , has as precursors the chival -
ric romance of the Middle Ages and the Gothic novel of the later eighteenth cen ・
tury . It usually dep10ys characters who are sharply discriminated as heroes or
villains , masters or victims ; its protagonist 15 often solltary , and relatively 150 -
lated ftom a soCial context ; it tends to be set in the hlstorical past , and the at -
脚OsPhere 15 such as to suspend the reader污expectations based on everyday
exPerience . The plot of the prose romance emphasizes adventure , and 15 fte -
quently cast in the form of the quest for an ideal , or the pursuit of an enemy ;
and the nonrealistic and occasionally melodramatic events are claimed by
some critics to prolect in卿mbolic form the primal desires , hopes , and terrors
in the depths of the human mind , and to be therefore analogous to the mate -
rials of dream , myth , ritual , and folklore . Examples of romance novels are叭白l -
ter Scott , 5 RobR妙(1817 ) , Alexandre Dumas,仆e角ree为佃skete日昭(1844 - 45 ) ,
Emily Bron悦,s侧血伪州叮价igh臼(1847 ) , and an important line ofAInerican
narratives which extends from Edgar Allan Poe , James Fenimore Cooper ,
Nathaniel Hawthome , and Herman Melville to recent Writings of William
Faulkner and Saul Bellow . Martin Green , inD柑a阴5 ofAdventUt6 , Dee办ofEm -
pire ( 1979 ) , distinguishes a special卿e of romance , " the adventUre novel , "
which deals with masculine adventUres in the newly colonized non一European
world . Defoe , 5 Robi炸son Crusoe ( 1719 ) 15 an early prototype ; some laterin -
stances are H.斑der Haggard , sKi九9 5010阴on , S Mines ( 1886 ) , Robert LOuis
Stevenson , s丁沦asure Island ( 1883 ) , and助dyard屹pling , sKim ( 1901)・
Refer to Deborah Ross,仆eE欠cenence of Falseh口od . . R帅a力Ce , R留价m , and
晰,阴en台Con沉bu互on to the NOvel ( 1991 ) . on the realistic novel in the nineteenth

斯泰。如果一部现实主义小说,像简・奥斯丁、伊迪丝・华顿和约翰・ P.马昆德的作
参阅:Deborah Ross , TheE二celle刀ceof凡lsehood : Romanc 。,Realism , and
386 NOv 〔 L

centUry see Harry Levin,角e Gates OfHO阴:A StU办of Five French Realis 。
( 1963 ) ; Ioan Williams,仆e Realist Novel in England ( 1975 ) ; G . J . Bec缺石M璐妙
EurOPean Realis朽(1982 ) . on the prose romance in America , see形chard Chase ,
角eAm币canNOvelandltsl ' fadi如n ( 1957 ) ; NorthropFrye " The Mythos of
Summer : Romance , " in Anatom尸ofCri沦is阴(1957 ) ; Joel Porte,角eRomancein
Am喇ca ( 1969 ) ; Michael D . Bell,仆eDeVeloPmentofAmeri印nRomance ( 1980 ) ;
and for a skeptical view of the usual divislon be妇胜en novel and romance ,
Nina Baym , Novels , Readers , and Revi翻四ers : ResP0nses to Fic瓦on in Antebellum
Am翻ca ( 1984 ) .
other often identified subclasses of the novel are based on dlfferences in
subiect matte乙emphasis , and artistic purpose :
Bildungsroman andE川ehungsroman are German terms signi加ng
" novel of formationn or " novel of education . " The sublect of these novels 15
the development of the protagonist , s mind and character , in the passage from
childhood through varied experienceseeand often through a spiritual Crisis一
into maturity , Which usually involves recoguition of one , 5 identity and role in
the world . The mode was begun by K . P . Moritz , 5 Anton Reiser ( 1785一0 ) and
Goethe , s刚Ihel脚Meister , S月PPren瓦ceshiP ( 1795一96 ) ; it includes Charlotte
Bronte , s laneE尸(1847 ) , George Eliot , s仆e MIll on the FIOss ( 1860 ) , Charles
Dickens , Great丑甲ecta如ns ( 1861 ) , Somerset Maugham , s OfHuman BondaJ孵
( 1915 ) , and Thomas Mann , S The赫娜cM口untain ( 1924 ) . An important sub -
t即e of the Bildungsroman 15 the助nstierroman ( " artist一novel , , ) , whlch rep -
resents the gro叭沈h of a novelist or other artist from childhood into the stage
of matUrity that signal让es the recognition of the protagonist , 5 artistic destiny
and mastery of an artistic craft . Instances of this type inctude some malor
twentieth一century novels : Marcel Proust , sR溯绷乡mnceof仆i够,儿时
( 1913一27 ) , James Joyce , 5 A Portrait of theA砒t as a youngM比n ( 1914 - - 15 ) ,
Thomas Mann污TOnioK城ger ( 1903 ) and Dr . FaustUs ( 1947 ) , and Andr亡Gide , s
仆e Coun加币iters ( 1926 ) , See Susanne Howe,州lhel橄Meister and His Englis人
Kins优en ( 1930 ) ; Lionel Trilling , " The Princess Casamasslma , " in介e Lib曰视I
加呼na如” ( 1950 ) ; Maurice Beebe , IvO甲TO催rs and Sacred FOun 。:角eA心stas
无伦阳inFic瓦on ( 1964 ) ; Jerome H . Buckley , Season of Youth:仆e BIldu咫3roman
加拼Dickens to Goldi叮(1974 ) ; Martin swaies,升‘ Ge洲an BIldungsro椒an加爪
功傀Iandto乃眺Se ( 1978 ) . In Unbecoming WOmen : Bri沦h灿men侧咋iters and
the NOvelo厂Devel0P爪妞t ( 1993 ) , Susan Fraiman analyzes novels about " gr0w ?
ing uP female , , ; she proposes that they put to question the " enabling fiction , ,
that the Bildungsroman isa " progressiv6 development ) , toward " masterful self -
h00d . , '
The social novel emphasizes the infiuence of the social and economic
conditions of an era on shaping characters and determining events ; often it
atso embodies an implicit or exPlictt thesis recommending political and social
reform . Examples of sodal novels are Harriet Beecher Stowe , 5 Uncle TOm , s
Cabin ( 1852 ) , Upton Sinc协ir , s仆elu喇e ( 1906 ) , John Steinbeck , s仆e GraPes
ofw巾th ( 1939 ) , Nadine Gordimer , s Bu醚竿r , s Daug)恤ter ( 1979 ) .
Some reaiistic novels make use of events and personages ftom the histor -
ical past to add interest and picturesqueness to the narrative . What we usually

叼而阴。 ’ , Contri占ution tot人召No * l , 1991 。有关19世纪的现实主义小说,参1阅:Harry
Levin , The Gates of Horn : A Stud夕of Five French Realists , 1963 ; Ioan Williams ,
The Realist Novel in England , 1975 ; G . J . Becker , Ma 、 terEuropean Realists , 1982 。
关于美国的散文体传奇,参l阅:Richard Chase , Th己A水erican Novel and It,丁radi -
tion , 1957 ; Northrop Frye , ' , The Mythos of Summer : Romance " , in Anatom夕of
Criticism , 1957 ; Joel Porte , The Ro饥ancei刀America , 1969 ; Michael D . Bell , The
nevelo户mentof八merican Romance , 1980 。对小说和传奇通常的划分所持的怀疑观
点,参l阅:Nina Baym , Novels , Reader , , a , d Reviewers : Responses to Fiction in Ante -
bellum America , 1984 。
Bildun罗roman和Erziehun罗roman这两个德语术语表示“主人公成长小说’ ,,或
“教育小说” 。这类小说的主题是主人公思想和性格的发展,叙述主人公从童年开始
己在世间的位置和作用。这类小说模式始于K . P,莫里茨的《安东・赖绥》(1785一
1790)和歌德的《威廉・迈斯特的学徒生涯》(1795一1796 );还包括夏洛蒂・勃朗特的
“教育小说”的一个重要分支是艺术家成长小说(“艺术家小说” ),艺术家小说再现了
( 1914一1915)、托马斯・曼的《托尼奥・克略特尔》(1903)和《浮士德博士》(1947)、安
参阅:Susanne Howe , WilhelmM碗stera " d His English Ki , smen , 1930 ; Lionel
Trilling , " The Princess Casamassima " , in The Liberal Imagination , 1950 ; Maurice
Beebe , Ivo砂Towers and Sacred Founts : The Artist as Hero in Fiction , 1964 ;
Jerome H . Buckley , Season of Youth : The Bildungsroman fro耀Dickens to Golding ,
1974 ; Martin Swales,了汤e German Bildu , : gsro从an from Wieland to Hesse , 1978 。
Un白ecoming WOmen : British Wome刀w八ters and the Novel of Development , 1993;在
388 NOvEL

specity as the historicai novel , howeve耳began in the nineteenth century
with SirW习ter Scott . The historical novel not only takes its setting and some
characters and events from history , but makes the historical events and issues
crucial for the central characters and narrative . Some of the greatest historical
novels aiso use the protagonists and actions to reveal what the author regards

as the de p forces that impel the historical proces  . Examples of historical novels are Scot  , 5 Ivanhoe ( 1819 ) , set in the period of Norman domination of

the Saxons at the time of形chardl ; Dickens , A介Ie ofT冲0 Ci灯es ( 1859 ) , in
Paris and London during the French Revolution ; George Ellot , 5 RomOIa ( 1863 ) ,
in Florence during the Renaissance ; TOlstoy , s叭勺ra " d Peace ( 1869 ) , duling
Napoleon , 5 invasion of Russia ; and Margaret Mitchell , 5 Go拄e with the Wind
( 1936 ) , in Georgia during the CivilW滋and Reconstruction . An Influential
treatment of the form was by the Ma加st scholar and critic Georg Luk丘cs,仆e
Histo万cal NOvel ( 1937 ; trans ・ 1962 ) ; a comprehensive later commentary 15
Harry E . Sha琳仆eFO溯5 ofHjstorical Fic对on : SirV自Iter Sco仗and His Successors
( 1983 ) .
one七泞entieth一century varlant of the historical novel 15 known as docu ・
mentary fiCtion , which incorporates not only historical characters and
events , but also rePorts of everyday events in contemporary newspapers : John
Dos九5505,比八(1938 ) ; E . L . Doctorow , R叨ime ( 1975 ) and Bil纷Bad如te
( 1989 ) . Another recent offshoot 15 the form that one of its innovators,予mman
Capote , named the nonfiction novel . This uses a variety of novelistic tec卜
niques , such asd州ations from the temporal sequence of events and descrip -
tions of a participant怡state of mind , to give a graphic rendering of recent
people and happenings , and 15 based not only on historical records but often
on personal interviews with the chief agents ・于泪man Capote , 5 In COId Btood
( 1965 ) and Norman Mailer , sT触Execu百o九er , s Song ( 1979 ) are instances of this
mode ; both offer a detailed rendering of the life , personali年and actions of
murderers , based on a sustained series of prison interviews with the protago -
nists themselves . other examples of this form are the Writings ofjohn McPhee ,
whlch the author calls literature of fact ; see his Levels ofthe Ga脚e ( 1969 ) and
仆e Deltojd九砷k诬n Seed ( 1973 ) . A third variant 15 the加bula红ve historical
novel that interweaves history with fantasized , even fantastic events : John
Barth,仆e Sot-认/ee d Factor ( 1960 , rev . 1967 ) ; Thomas Pynchon , Gravi妙,S Rain -
bow ( 1973 ) . See John Hollowell , Fact and Fic灯on:劝e入砂w jou阴alism and the
NOn斥红on Novel ( 1977 ) ; Barbara Foley ) Telling the加th:仆e仆印甲and乃砚瓦ce
ofDoCUmenta甲Fic红on ( 1986 ) ; and Barbara Lounsber职角‘ A厅ofFact . . Contem -
pora甲A币sticNO九厅c灯On ( 1990)・ Cushing Strout , in仆e钟mdous加叨na红on
( 1981 ) , studies other recent developments in novels , as well as the related form
called documentary drama in theate乙film , and tel州sion , whlch combines
fiction with histo琳ioumalistic reports , and biography .
There乎onal novel emphasizes the setting , speech , and social structure
and customs of a particular locali尔not merely as Iocal color , but as impor ・
tant conditions affecting the temperament of the characters and th以r ways
of thinking , feeling , and interacting . Instances of such localities are " W赶s -
sex , , in Thomas Hardy , 5 novels , and " YoknapataWPha County , " Mississlppi ,

( 1819 ),以理查一世时诺曼人统治撒克逊人的时期为背景;狄更斯的《双城记》(1859 )
建时期的乔治亚州。马克思主义学者和批评家乔治・卢卡契的《历史小说》(1937 ,
E . L.多克特罗的《爵士乐》(1 975)和《比利・巴斯盖特》(1989)便是此类代表。历史小
曼・梅勒的《刽子手之歌》(1979 ),就是这类小说形式的范例;这两部小说以叙述者与
思的《烟草代理商》(1960 , 1967年修订版);托马斯・品钦的《万有引力之虹》(1973 ) ;
参阅:约翰・霍洛韦尔的《事实与小说:新新闻学和非虚构小说》(1977 );芭芭拉・福
里的《讲述真实:文献小说的理论与实践》(1986 );芭芭拉・劳恩斯伯里的《事实的艺
术:当代艺术性纪实小说》(1990 );库欣・斯特劳特在《真实的想象》(1981)里,研究了
390 Nov 〔 L

in Faul如er , 5 . Stella Gibbons wrote a Wltty paro即of the regional novel in
Cold Comfort Fann ( 1936 ) .
Beglnning with the second halt ot the nlneteentn cen七ury , tne novelals -

placed al  other literary forms in popularity . The novelistic art has received the devoted at ention of some of the greatest ] masters Of modern literature一

Flaubert , Henry James , Proust , Mann , Joyce , and Virginia Wdolf . ( Henry
James , prefaces , gathered into one votume as仆e Art oftheNOvel , ed , R . P .
Blackmur , 1934 , exemplify the care and subtlety that have been lavished on
this craft . ) There has been constant exPerimentation with new fictional meth -
ods , such as management of the pointofviewtominimizeorel加inatetheap -
parent role of the author一narrator or , at the opposite extreme , to foreground
the role of the author as the inventor and controller of the fiction ; the use of
s卿bolist and exPressionist techniques and of devices adopted from the art of
the cinema ; the dlslocation of time sequence ; the adaptation of forms and
moti朽ftom myths and dreams ; and the exploitation of stTeamO厂consciousness
narration in a way that converts the story of outer action and events intoa
drama of the life of the mind .
In recent decades such experimentation has reached a radical extreme
( see postmodem台m ) . Vladimir Nabokov 15 a supreme technician who叭耐tes
invohited novels ( a work whose sublect incorporates an account of its own
genesis and development一for example , his Pale Fire ) , employs multilingual
puns and lokes , incorporates esoteric data about butterflies ( a subiect in
whlch he was an accomplished scientist ) and strategies from chess , crossword
puzzles , and other games , parodies other novels ( and his own as well ) , and
sets elaborate traps for the unwary reader . This 15 also the era of what 15 some -
times called the antinovel一that 15 , a work which 15 deliberately constructed
in a negative fashion , relytng for its effects on the deletion of standard ele -
ments , on violating traditional norms , and on pl州ng against the expecta -
tions established in the reader by the novelistic methods and conventions of
the past . Thus Alain Robbe一Grillet , a leader among the exponents of the nou -
veau roman ( t he new novel ) in France has written leatousy ( 1957 ) , in which
he leaves out such standard elements as plot , characterization , descriptions of
states of mind , normal settings in time and space , and frame of reference to
the world in Whlch the Work 15 set . M爬are simply presented in this novel with
a sequence of perceptions , mainly visual , which We may na扭raliZe ( that 15 ,
make intelligible on the model of standard narrative procedures ) by postulat -
ing that We are ocCUpying the physical space and sharing theh即eraCUte ob -
servations of a lealous husband , from Which We may infer also the tortUred
state of his disintegrating mind . other new novelists are Nathalie Sarraute
and Philippe Sollers . See Roland Barthes , U用万ngD电ree Zero ( trans . , 1967 ) ,
and stephen Heath,角e Nouveau Roman : A StU办in the Prac " ceof科/ri " ng
( 1972 ) .
The term magic realism , originally applied in the 19205 to a school of
painters , 15 used to describe the prose fiction ofjorge Luis Borges in Argentina ,
as well as the Work of writers such as Gabriel GardaM巨rquez in Colombia , 15 -
abel Allende in Chile , G位nter Grass in Germany , Italo Calvino in Italy , and

法郡” 。斯特拉・吉本斯在其《寒冷舒适的农庄》(1936)中对地方小说作了诙谐的戏
( R . P.布莱克默主编,1934)的集子,这些序言举例论述了为这一文学类型所付出的大
量心血和所取得的许多精益求精的精妙技法〕 。现代作家不断地试验新型小说写作
读者设下精心布置的圈套。这也是个有时被冠之为反小说的时代。 “反小说”是这样
( 1957)的小说。这部小说摒弃了传统小说的标准要素,如情节、人物刻画、心理状态
392 osjEcrlv 〔^No susJEc下iv 〔

John Fowles in England ・ These writers interweave , in an ever , shifting pattern ,
a sharolyetchedrealis脚inrepresentingordinaryeventsanddescriptivedetails
to它ether with fantastic and dreamlike elements , as well as with materials de -
rived ftom myth and fairy tales ・ Robert Scholes has popularized metaliCtton
( an altemative 15 su币ction ) as an overall term for the growing class ofnovels
which depart from realism and foregrou幻d the role of the author and reader in
inventing and receiving the fiction . Scholes has also popularized the term fab -
ul甜on for a current mode of free一wheeling narrative invention . Fabulative
novels violate , in various ways , standard novelistic exPectations by drasti卜
and sometimes highly effeCtiveesesexperiments with subiect matter , form , style ,
temporal sequence , and fusions of the everyday , the fantastic , the mythical ,
阴d the nightln硕sh , in renderings that blur tradlt10nai distin比onsbe勺衬een
what 15 serious or trivial , horrible or ludlcrous , tragic or comic . Recent fabula -
tors include Thomas Pynchon , John Barth , Donald Barthelme , William Gass ,
Robert Coove乙and lshmael鞭ed . See Raymond Fedel们nan , S “币币on ( 1975 ) ,
Robert Scholes , Fabula如n andM沙师‘如n ( 1979)一an expansion ofhis角eFab -
ulators ( 1967 ) ; James M . Mellard,仆eExl,勿山dFo洲:仆e加rodemist NOvel in
A 。州ca ( 1980 ) ; and PatriciaM厄ugh,沁师州。作(1984 ) . Refer also to the entries
in this Gtossa今on the literature of the absurd and black humor .
See厅c万On and na加丘ve and na溯tol ‘切沪.Histories of the novel : E . A . Baker ,
Histolyo厂the English Novel ( 12 vols ・,1924ff ・); Arnold Kettle , 5 Ma加st surVey ,
An加加duc廿on to the English Novel ( 2 vols . , 1951 ) ; Dorothy物n Ghent,仆e
E喇ish Novel : FOnn and Func如n ( 1953 ) ; IanW欧t,仆e Riseo厂the NOvel ( 1957 ) ;
Michael McKeon,仆eo叼璐of the English NOvel 160少1740 ( 1987 ) ; Deborah
Ross,仆e Excel如ce ofFalsehood . . ROmanCe , Realis巩and WOoen , sCO ”沉bu如n
to the NOvel ( 1991 );仆e Colu橄bia从sto甲of从eBri价hNOvel , ed . John几chetti
( 1994 ) ; and仆e Colu用bia HISto甲。厂the American NOvel , ed . Emory Elliott
( 1991 ) . on the art of the novel : Percy Lubbock,仆e Cra厅。厂Fic瓦on ( 1921 ) ;
E . M . Forster , AsPec七of the Novel ( 1927 ) ; and three later influential books ,
Wayne C . Booth,仆e Rhetoric ofFic如n ( 1961 ) , Frank Kermode,仆e Sense ofan
Ending ( 1968 ) , and David Lodge,角e Art ofFic瓦on ( 1992 ) . Philip Stevick , ed . ,
仆e仆eo甲of伪e Novel ( 1967 ) 15 a collection of important essays by various
critics ; J . Hillis Miller applies a deconst斑ctive mode of criticism in Fic灯on and
RePe厅瓦洲(1982 ) ; and Daniel Schwarz , TheHu阴anis瓦cHe八姗州1986 ) , reviews
theories of prose fiction from 1900 to the present ・

objective ond Sul , jective . The social critic John Rus犯n complained in
1856 that " German dullness and English affectation have of late much multi ・
plied among us the use of two of the most oblectionable words that were ever
coined by the troublesomeness of metap饰sician卜namel又‘ ob } ectlve , and
' sublective . " , Ruskin was at least in part right . The words were imported into
English criticism from the post一Kantian German critics of the late一eighteenth
and earty nineteenth centUries , and they have certalnly been troublesome .
Amid the great variety of sometimes conflicting ways in which the opposition
has been applied to literature , one 15 sufficiently widespread to be worth spec -
i尔ng . A sublective work 15 one in which the author incorporates personal

・库弗和伊什梅尔・里德。参阅雷蒙德・费德曼的《超小说》(1975 ),罗伯特・斯科尔
斯的《寓言和元小说》(1979 ) ―这部书是对他的《寓言家》(1967)的扩充;詹姆斯・ M ・
参见:虚构小说、叙事和叙事学。有关小说的历史:E . A . Baker , History of the
English No . el , 12 vols . , 1924 ff . ; Arnold Kettle , Anl刀troduction to the English
Novel , 2 vols . , 1951 ; Dorothy Van Ghent , TheEnglish Novel : FormandFunction ,
1953 ; Ian Watt , TheR乞se of the No 。 。 l , 1957 ; Michael McKeon , The Or落g乞二5 of the
English Novel 160于1740 , 1987 ; Deborah Ross , The及cellence of Falsehood :
Ro从ance , Realism , andw 。从en ' 5 Contributio二tot } : e Novel , 1991 ; John Richetti ed . ,
Th 。 COlumbia Histor夕of th 。 Briti , h Novel , 1994 ; Emory Elliott , ed . , Th 。 Columbia
Histor夕of the American Novel , 1991 。关于小说艺术:Percyl廿ubbock , TheCraftof
F£ction , 1921 ; E ・ M . Forster , AspectsoftheNo二el , 1927;后来三部具有影响的著作:
Wayne C . Booth , The Rhetoric of Fiction , 1961 ; Frank Kermode , The Sense of an
E二ding , 1968 ; David Lodge , The Art ofF艺ct£on , 1992 。菲不{」普・斯特维克编写的
《小说理论》(1967)收录了不同批评家的重要论文。 J.希利斯・米勒在《小说与重复》
( 1982)一书中采用了解构主义批评模式。丹尼尔・史瓦兹在《人文传统》(1986)中回
顾了19 。 。年至今有关散文体小说的理论。

o匕Jective and su匕Jective客观的与主观的

词―也就是‘客观的’和‘主观的’ 。 ”罗斯金至少说对了一部分。这两个词是在18
394 o3)〔 c - rlv 〔 coRRE盯IvE ・ occAsloNAL POEMs

experiences , or proiects into the narrative his or her personal disposition , iudg -
ments , values , and feelings . An Objective work 15 one in Which the author pres -
ents the invented situation or the fiCtional characters and their thoughts ,
feelings , anda比ons and undertakes to remain detached and noncommittal .
Thus a subleCtive州c 15 one in which we are invlted to associate the " I , " or
l州c spea缺r , with the poet ( Coleridge , S " Frost at Midnight , " W份dsworth , s
“肠ntem Abbe多” Shelley , s " ode to thew比t Wlnd , " Sylvia Plath , s " Daddy , , ) ; in
anob } ectlve lyric the speaker 15 obviously an invented character ( Robert
BrOWning , s " My加st Duchess , " T . 5 . Eliot , s " Love Song of J . Alfred Prufrock , "
W扛llace Stevens , " Sunday Moming , , ) . A subiective novel 15 one in which the
author ( o r at any rate the narrator ) interVenes to comment and deliver iudg -
ments about the characters anda比ons rePresented ; an oblective novel 15 one
tells itseif . Critics agree , however , that the difference between a sublective and
Ob } ective literary work 15 not absotute , but a matter of degree . Seeco刀fessional
Poe奴distance and involvl日” ent , n6ga丘ve印即bili尔persona , and pointof ”曰献
on the introduction of the terms " obiectlve , , and " subiectiven into Eng -
lish critictsm and the variousness of their application , see M . H , Abrams , The
Mi附and the LamP ( 1953 ) , pp . 235吸4 . FOr their application to modem criti -
ctsm of the novel , seew白yne C . Booth,角e Rhetoric ofFic瓦on ( 1961 ) , chapter 3 .

0坷e记veCo爪lotive . Thisterm , whichhadbeencoinedbytheAmerican
painter and poetw如hington Allston ( 1 779一1843 ) , was introduced by T . S ,
Eliot , rather casually , into his essay " Hamlet and His Problems , , ( 1919 ) ; its
subsequent vogue in literary criticism , Eliot said , astonished him . " The only
way of expressing emotion , ' ' Eliot wrote , " 15 by finding an ' oblective correla -
tive , ; in otherwords , asetofoblects , asituation , achainofeventswhichshall
be the formula of that pa心cular emotion , " and which will evoke the same
emotion from the reader . Eliot , 5 for们nulatlon has been often criticiZed for fal -
51切ng the way a poet actually composes , since no oblect or situation 15 in it -
seifa " formula , , for an emotion , but depends for its emotional significance
and effect on the way it 15 rendered and used by a particular poet . The vogue
of Eliot , 5 concept of an outer correlative for inner feelings was due in part to
its accord with the rea比on of the New Criticism agalnst vagueness of de -
sCription and the direct statement of feelings In poetry-一an oft一cited example
was Shelley , s " Indian Serenade " : " 1 die , 1 faint , 1 fail ”一and in favor of defi -
niteness , impersonality , and descriptive concreteness .
See Eliseo Vivas , " The oblective Correlative of T . 5 . Eliot , " reprinted in
Cri红ques and Essa尸sin以红南m , ed , Robert W . Stallman ( 1949 ) .

occ公iond POems are written to celebrate or memorialize a specific occa -
sion , such as a birthday , a marriage , a death , a military engagement or vic -
to以the dedication of a public building , or the opening performance ofa
play . Edmund Spenser , s “印ithalamion , " on the occasion of his own mar -
riage , John Milton , s " Lycidas , " on the death of the young poet Edward King ,
Andrew Marvell , s " An Horatian ode upon Cromwell , 5 Return from Ireland , "

观的抒情诗引导我们把“我”,或抒情人与诗人联系在一起(如柯勒律治的《霜夜》 、华兹华斯
的《丁登寺》 、雪莱的《西风颂》和西尔维亚・普拉斯的《父亲》);在一首客观的抒情诗里,说
话人很显然是一个虚构的人物(如罗伯特・勃朗宁的《我那已故的公爵夫人》 、 T . S.艾略特
的《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》 、华莱士・斯蒂文斯的《礼拜日之晨》)。在一部主观的小说里,作者

ob ] ective Corre } ative客观对应物

这个术语是由美国画家和诗人华盛顿・奥尔斯顿(1779一1843)创造的,T . 5.艾
行诗:“我完了!我昏迷,倒下!" ―而赞同用直截了当、非人格化和描述性的具体感
参看:Eliseo Vivas , " The Objective Correlative of T . 5 . Eliot , " reprinted in Cri -
tigues and Essa少51刀Criticism , ed . , Robert W . Stallman , 1949 。

occasional Poems应景诗

396 00 〔

and Alfred , Lord Tennyson , s " The Charge of the Light Brigade , , are all poems
that have long survived their original occasions , and W . B.坎ats , " Easte称
1916 , , and w . H . Auden , s " Septemberl , 1939 " are notable modem examples ・
England , 5 poet laureate 15 often called on to meet the emergency of roya
anniversaries and important public events with an appropriate occasional
poem ・

ode . A long lyric poem that 15 serious in sublect and treatlnent , elevated in
style , and elaborate in its stanzaic structure . As Norman Maclean has said , the
term now calls to minda恻c which 15 " massive , public in its proclamations ,
and Pindaric in its classical prototype , , ( " From Action to Image , " in Cri红cs and
Cri瓦cism ' ed . R . 5 . Crane , 1952 ) . The prototype was established by the Greek
poet Pinda乙whose odes were modeled on the songs by the cho邢in Greek
drama . His complex stanzas were patterned in sets of three : moving ina
dance rhythm to the left , the chorus chanted the strophe ; moving to the
right , the antistrophe ; then , standing still , the ePode ・
The regular or Pind初c ode in English 15 a close imitation of Pindar乞
form , with all the strophes and antistrophes written In one stanza pattern ,
and all the epodes in anotheL This form was introduced into England by Ben
Jonson , 5 ode " TO the Immortal Memory and Friendship of That Noble Pair , Sir
Lucius Cary and SirH ・ Morisonn ( 1629 ) ; thet即ical constrUCtion can be con -
veniently studied in this poem or in Thomas Gray , s " The Progress of Poesy , ,
( 1757 ) . The irregular ode was introduced in 1656 by Abraham Cowiey ) who
imitated the Pindaric style and matter but disregarded the recurrent stanzaic
pattern in each strophic triad ; instead , he allowed each stanza to establish its
own pattern of variable line lengths , number of lines , and thyme scheme ・
Thistype of irregular stanzaic strUcture , which 15 free to alter in accordance
with shifts in sub } ect and mood , has been the most common for the助glish
ode ever since ; Wbrdsworth , s " ode : Intimations of Immortality , , ( 1807 ) 15 reP -
resefltatiVe .

Pindar , s odes were enconilastic ; that 15 , they were Written to praise and
glorify someone月n the instance of Pindar , the ode celebrated a victorious
athlete in the olymplc games . The earlier English odes , and many later ones ,
were also written to eulogize something , such as a person仃ohn Dryden , s
I , Anne兑lligrew , , ) , or the arts of music or poetry ( Dryden , s " Alexander , s
Feast , , ) , or a time of day ( Collins , " ode to Evening , , ) , or abstract concepts
( Gray , s " Hymn to Adversity , , and Wbrdsworth , s " ode to Duty , , ) . Romantic
poets perfected the personal ode of description and passionate meditation ,
which 15 stimulated by ( and sometimes at its close reverts to ) an aspect of the
outer scene and turns on the attempt to solve either a personal emotional
problem or a generally human one娜七rdsworth , s " I叨mations , , ode , Cole -
ridge , s " Delection : An ode , " Shelley , s " ode to thew比t Wind , , ) . Recent exam -
ples of this lattertype are Allen Tate , s " ode to the Confederate Deadn and
W叭lace Stevens , " The Idea of order at众yw比t . " See M . H . Abrams , " Struc -
ture and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric , , , in角eCO欣sPondent Breez爵
1984 .

下来。 W . B.叶芝的《 1916年复活节》和W . H.奥登的《 1939年9月1日》,是现代应景


典的原型属于品达诗体” 〔见R . 5.克莱恩编写的《批评家与文学批评》(1952)里的《从
忆和友谊》(1629)传人英国;我们可在这首诗或托马斯・格雷的《灵感的进程》(1757 )
决个人的情感问题,或普遍的人类问题(譬如华兹华斯的《不朽的征兆》 、柯勒律治的
《沮丧颂》 、雪莱的《西风颂》)。近代的后一种颂体诗有艾伦・泰特的《南军死难将士
颂》和华莱士・斯蒂文斯的《基・韦斯特地方对秩序的看法》 。参阅:M . H.艾布拉姆
斯《相似的微风》(1984)一书中的《大浪漫主义抒情诗的结构与文体》 。

The Horatian ode was originally modeled on the matte耳tone , and form
of the odes of the Roman Horace . In contrast to the passion , visionary bold ・
ness , and formal language of Pindar , 5 odes , many Horatian odes are calm ,
meditative , and colloquial ; they are also usually homostrophic ( that 15 , writ -
ten in a singie repeated stanza form ) , and shorter than the Pindaric ode . EX -
amples are Marvell , s " An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell , 5 Retum from
Ireland , , ( 1650 ) and Keats , ode " To Autumn , , ( 1820 ) .
See Robert ShafeT,仆e English Ode to 1660 ( 1918 ) ; G . N . Shuste毛仆e E ' tg -
lish ode加m Miltonto价ats ( 1940 , reprinted 1964 ) ; Carol Maddison , APolto
and theN动e . . A Histo即of the ode ( 1960)一his book includes a discussion of
the odes of代ndar and Horace ( chapterZ ) ; John Heath一Stubbes,仆e ode
( 1969 ) ; Paul H . Fry,仆e Poet , S Callingi " the English ode ( 1980 ) .

onoootoPoeio , sometimes called echoism , 15 used both ina and
in a broad Sefise .

( 1 ) In the narrow and most common use , onomatopoeia designatesa
word , or a combination of words , whose sound seems to resemble
closely the sound it denotes : " hiss , " " bUZz , " " rattle , " " bang . " There 15
no exact duplication , however , of nonverbal by verbal sounds ; the
perceived similarity 15 due as much to the meaning , and to the feel of
articulating the words , as to their sounds ・ Two lines of川fred , Lord
Tennyson , s " Come Down , 0 Maid , , ( 1847 ) are often cited as a sklllful
instance of onomatopoeia :
The moan of doves in immemorial elms ,
And murmuring of innumerable bees .
The American critic John Crowe Ransom has remarked that by mak -
ing only two changes in the consonants of the last line , we lose the
echoic effect because we change the meaning drasticalfy : " And mur -
dering of innumerable beeves . "
The sounds seemingly mimicked by onomatopoeic words need
not be pleasant ones . Robert Bro 、 vning liked squishy and scratchy ef -
fects , as in " Meeting at Nightn ( 1845 ) :
As 1 gain the cove with pushing pro代
And quench its speedi , the slushy sand .
A tap at the pane , the quick sharp scratch
And blue spurt of a lighted match二,.
Compare euPhon尸and cacOPhony .
( 2 ) In the broad sense , " onomatopoeia , , 15 applied to words or passages
which seem to correspond to , or to strongly suggest , what they de -
note in any way whatever - - ins让e , movement , tactile feel , or force , as
well as sound ( see sound-邓明bolism ) . Alexander Pope recommends
such extended verbal mimicry in his ESs即on Cri瓦cis脚(1711 ) when
he says that " the sound should seem an echo of the sense , " and goes
on to illustrate his maxim by mimicking two different klnds of action

斯体颂:为克伦威尔从爱尔兰归来而作》(1 650)和济慈的《秋颂》(1820)。
参看:Robert Shafer , Th 。 English Ode to ] 600 , 1918 ; G . N . Shuster , The English
(刀e户书m从lton to Keats , 1940 ( reprinted 1964 ) ; CarolM掀dison , Apolloand the Nine :
A History ofth 。 od 。,196 。 ―此书收录了一篇关于品达的颂诗和贺拉斯的颂诗的讨
论(第2章); John Heath - Stubbes , The Ode , 1969 ; Paul H . Fry , The Poet ' 5 Call ' ngi , :
the English Ode , 1980 。


( l)在狭义的和最普遍的意思上,拟声词指的是一个词或几个词的组合,其发音
似乎与它所要表示的声音相似:如“嘶嘶” 、 “嗡嗡” 、 “嘎嘎” 、 “砰砰” 。然而,非言辞的


数肉牛的宰杀” 。

擦燃的火柴喷出一朵蓝花… …(飞白译)

( 2)在广义上,“拟声词”指的似乎是与其所表现的事物在任何方面(不仅在声音,
文辞上扩展延伸的模仿,他说道:“语言应当像是感觉的回声。 ”蒲柏还通过韵律的变

utterance , in coniunction With the meanings , of the poetic lines that
describe them :

When Alax strives some rock , 5 vast Weight to thro代
The line too labors , and the words move slow ;
Not 50 When swift Camilla scours the plain ,
Flieso , er th , unbending corn , and skims along the main ・

or川Fom目dc Poetry . Poetry that 15 composed and transmitted如
singers or reCiters . lts origins are prehistoric , yet it continues to flourish even
now among populations which for the most part cannot read or write . oral
poetry Includes both narrative forms ( see ePic and balla司and lyric forms ( see
folk songs ) . There 15 no fixed version of an oral composition , since each per -
former tends to render it differentiy ) and sometimes introduces differences
between one performance and the next ・ such poems , however , typicalfy in -
corporate verbal formulas一set words , word pattems , and爬加ins一which
help a performer to improvise a narrative or song on a given theme , and also
to recall and rePeat , although often with variations , a poem that has been
lealfied from Someone else .
Some oral ballads and songs have been collected and published ever since
the eighteenth centu平The systematic analysis of oral formulaic poetry in its
origins and earfy renderings , however , was begun in the 19305 by the Ameri -
can scholar Milman Parry on field trips to Yugoslavia , the last place in EuroPe
where the custom of composing and transmitting oral poetry , espedally
heroic narratives of warfare , still survlved . Albert B . Lord and other successors
continued Parry , s work , and also applied the prindples of this contemporary
oral poetry retrosPectively to an analysis of the constitUtion of the Homeric
ePics , the Anglo一Saxon Bcowu坑the old French Chanson de Roland , and other
epic poems Which , although they survive only in a written form , had origi -
nated and evolved as oral formulaic poetry . Research in oral literary perform -
ances 15 also being carried on in Africa , Asia , and other parts of the world
where the ancient tradition maintains its vitality . w时ter J . ong , orali印and
Literacy . ’角e Technol州zing ofthe肠rd ( 1982 ) analyZes the effects on literary
compositions of the shift from an oral to a print cultUre .
A description of Milman Parry , 5 work 15 in Serbocroa瓦an Heroic 50伙rs , ed .
川bert B . Lord , VOI . 1 ; see also用bert B . Lord,仆e 51咫群of Tales ( 1960 ,
rePrinted 1968 ) ; Adam Parry , ed,仆eM比king ofHO切eric Verse:角e COlleCted
和户ers ofMilmanPa叮(1971 ) ; Ruth Finnegan , oral矛加你地NatUre , S咖i厅-
cance and SOcial Context ( 1977 ) ; and J . M . Foley , oral Tradi瓦onal Literature
( 1980 , reprinted 1983 ) .

Poliuode . A poem or poetic passage in which the poet renounces or rettacts
an earlier poem ort即e of subiect matteL An elaborate and charming example
15 the Prologueto几e Legend ofGoodWO川e " in which Geoffrey Chaucer , con -
trite after being charged by the God of Love with having slandered women
lovers in伽i加and Cris州e and his translation of the Romance of the Ros灼


oral Forrnu } aic尸oetry口头程式诗歌

于分析荷马史诗、盎格鲁一撒克逊人的《贝奥武甫》 、古法语诗《罗兰之歌》和其他一些
正在开展对口头文学表现的研究。沃尔特・ J.翁格在《口头和文字:文字的技术化》
( 1982)一书中也分析了口头文化向印刷文化的转变对文学创作的影响。
对米尔曼・帕里著作的描述参阅:Albert B . Lord ed . , serbocroatian Her 。女
Songs , Vol . 1;另请参l阅:Albert B . Lord , The Singer of Tales , 1960 , reprinted
1 968 ; Adam Parry , ed . , TheM泛king of Homer艺c Verse : The COllected Papersof
Mil撇n Par勺,1971 ; Ruth Finnegan,。祖1 Poet即:ItsN公ure , Significanceand Social
肠牲text , 1977 ; J . M . FOley ,(从以升“ d乞t汇。朋IL乞terat " re , 1980 , reprinted 1983 。



does penance by Writing this poem on women who Were Saints in theirfi -
delity to the creed of love .(取fer to courtly tove ・)Palinodes are especially com -
mon in love poetry . The Elizabethan sonnet by Sir Philip Sldney , " Leave me ,
0 love which reachest but to dust , " 15 a palinode renouncing the poetry of
sexual 10ve for that of heavenly love .

扣ntomime皿d Du . . b Show . Pantomime 15 acting on the stage without
speech , using only posture , gesture , bodily movement , and exaggerated facial
exPression to mime ( , , mimic , , ) a character , 5 actions and to exPress a charac -
ter , s feelings . Elaborate pantomimes , halfway between drama and dance , Were
put on in ancient Greece and Rome , and the form was revived , often for
comic purposes , in Renaissance Europe ・ Mimed dramas en ) oyed a vogue in
eighteenth一century England , and In the present century the silent movies en -
couraged a briefr州val of the art and produced a superlative pantomimist in
Charlie Chaplin . Mlming survived into the present with French masters suCh
as Marcel Marceau in the theater and Jacques Tati in the cinema . England still
retains the institution of the Christmas pantomime , which enacts children , s
nursery thymes , or familiar children , 5 stories such as " Puss in Boots , " ina
blend of miming , music , and dialogue . In America and many other countries ,
clrCUs clowns are exPert pantomi而sts , andm而ing has recently been revlved
111 the theater for the deaf .
A dumb show 15 an episode of pantomime introduced into a spoken
play . It was a common device in Elizabethan drama , in imitation of its use勿
Seneca , the ROman writer of tragedies . IWo well一known dumb shows are the
preliminary ePisode , summarizing the action to come , of the play - within一a -
play in Hamlet ( 111 . 11 . ) , and the mimlng of the banishment of the Duchess and
her family in John叭/e bster , s几e Duchess ofM劝价(111 . iv . ) .
See R . J . Broadbent , A角sto尽ofPantom加e ( 1901 ) .

P叮odox . A paradox 15 a statement which seems on its face to be logically
contradictory or absurd , yet tums out to be interpretable in a way that makes
good sense . An instance 15 the conclusion to John Donne , 5 sonnet " Death , Be
Not Proud , , :

one short sleep past , we wake eternally
And death shall be no more ; Death , thou shalt die .

The paradox 15 used occasionally by almost all poets , but was a persistent and
central device in seventeenth一century metaPhysicalpoet7y , both in its reli多ous
and secular forms . Donne , who wrote a prose collection titled Proble阴5 and
Paradoxes , exploited the figure in his poetry . " The Canonization , " for exam -
ple , 15 organized as an extended proo七full of local paradoxes , of the paradox ・
ical thesis that sexual lovers are saints . Paradox 15 also a frequent component
in爬rbal Wit .
If the parado对cal utterance conloins two terms that in ordinary usage are
contraries , it 15 called an ox丫moron ; an example 15 Alfred , Lord Tennyson , s
, I 0DeathinIife , thedaysthatarenomore . " Theox扣moronwasafamiliartype


Pantomime and Dumb Show哑剧和默剧

为了达到喜剧目的。在18世纪的英国,哑剧十分流行。 20世纪的无声电影促进了这
参看R . J.布罗德本特的《哑剧史》(1901)。



便再不会有死亡;死神你自己将死亡。(汪剑4 . J译)


of PetTOrchan co " ceit in Elizabethan love poet珍in phrases like " pleasing

pies , whichtranscend human sense and logic . 50 John Milton describes the
ains , " " 1 burn and fre ze , " " loving hate . " It 15 also a frequent figure in devo - tional prose and religious poe仃y as a Way of expres ing the Christian myster -
appearance of God , in Paradise Lost ( 111 , 380 ) :
Dark with excessive bright thy skirts appeaL
Paradox was a prominent concern of manyN己w即瓦cs , who extended the
term from its limited application to atype of助滋ra以vela叮“吧℃ 50 as to make it
encompass all surprising deviations from , or qualifications of , common per -
ceptions or commonplace opinions . It 15 in this expanded sense of the term
that Cleanth Brooks 15 able to dalm , with some plausibili年that " the language

oseminate themselves into the unresolvable paradox called an aPOria ,
f poetry 15 the language of paradox , " in角e阶1 训爪,叨比U动(1947 ) . Se  also the recent theory of decons如币On for the claim that al  uses of language dis -
P 。眺。 rol . The originator of the pastoral Was the Greek poet Theocritus , who
in the third century B . c . wrote poems representing the life of Sicilian shep -
herds . ( " Pastor , , 15 Latin for " shepherd , " ) Virgil later imitated Theocritus in his
Latin Eclogues , and in doing 50 established the enduring model for the tradi -
tional pastoral : a deliberately conventional poem exPressing an urban poet , s
nostalglc image of the peace and simplicity of the life of shepherds and other
rural folk in an idealized natural setting . The conven如ns that hundreds of
later poets imitated from Vlrgil , 5 imitations of Theocritus include a shepherd
redining under a spreading beech tree and meditating the rUral muse , or Pip -
ing as though he would ne , er grow old , or engaging in a friendly singing con -
test , or expressing his good or bad fortune in a lovea血ir ) orgri州ng over the
death of a fellow shepherd . From this lasttype developed the pastoral elej汉
which persisted long after the other tradltional types had lost their poPularity ・
other terms often used synonymously with pastoral are idyll , from the title
of Theocritus , pastorals ; eclogue ( literally , " a selection , , ) , from the title of Vir -
911 , 5 pastorals ; and bucolic poet哪from the Greek Word for " herdsman . "
Classical poets often described the pastoral life as possessing featUres of
the mythical golden age . Christian pastoralists combined the golden age of
pagan fable with the Garden of Eden in the Bible , and also exploited the reli -
矛ous symbolism of " shepherd , , ( as applied to the eccleslastical or parish " pas -
tor , , , and to the figure of Christ as the Good Shepherd ) to矛ve many pastoral
poems a Christian range of reference . In the Renaissance the traditional pas -
toral was also adapted to diverse satirical and allegorical uses . Edmund
Spenser , s ShePherd , S Calendar ( 1579 ) , whlch popularized the mode in English
poetry , included most of the varieties of pastoral poems current In that pe -
riod .
Such was the attiaction of the pastoral dream that Renaissance Writers in -
orated it into various other literary forms . Sir Philip Sidney , sA仰成4
( 1581一4 ) was a long pastoral romance Written in an elaborately artful prose ・
(灿cadia was a mountainous region of Greece which Virgil substituted for

月” 。逆喻是伊丽莎白时期情诗里所表现的彼特拉克式巧思妙喻的一种常见类型,如
短语“令人愉快的痛苦” 、 “我冻得火辣辣的” 、 “深情的仇恨”等等。逆喻也是虔诚的散
约翰・弥尔顿在《失乐园》第3章第38 。行里这样描绘上帝的出现:

这一术语的延伸意义上,克林斯・布鲁克斯才能够似有道理地在《精制的瓮》(1947 )
里宣称“诗歌的语言是逆说的语言” 。也请参阅当代解构主义理论中的一个说法,即


牧羊人生活的诗歌(拉丁文“ pastor ”的意思是“牧羊人”)。而后维吉尔在用拉丁文写
然保存。和牧歌在意思上往往相同的词有― idy1l(田园诗),出自武奥克里托斯的牧
歌标题;eclogue(牧歌)(其字面上的意思是“选择” ),出自维吉尔的牧歌标题;bucolic
Poetry(田园诗),源自希腊词“牧人” 。
406n ^ T日E下Ic FAL以CY


and the
e of this
a green
from the troubles and complications of ordinary life where all enmities
are reconciled , all problems resolved , and the course of true love made to run
smooth .
The last important series of traditional pastorals , and an extreme instance
of their calculated and graceful display of high artifice , was川exander Pope , s
凡storals ( 1709 ) . Five years laterjohn Gay , In his shePheTd , s嫩ek , wrote apar -
o即of the type by applying its elegant formulas to the cr ' Udity of actUal mstic
manners and language , and by doing 50 , inadvertently showed later poets the
way to the seriously realistic treatment of rural life . In 1783 George Crabbe
published介e VillaJ犷specifically in order to
paint the cot
As竹以h will paint it and as bards Will not ・
How far the term then lost its traditional application to a poetry of aristocratic
a由fice 15 indicated by Wbrdsworth , 5 titie for his realistic rendering of a rural
tragedy in 1800 : " Michael , A Pastoral Poem . "
In recent decades the term " pastoral , , has been exPanded in various ways ・
Wllliam Empson , in Some铃rsiO刀5 ofPastoral , identified as pastoral any work
whlch opposes simple to complicated llfe , to the advantage of the former : the
slmple life may be that of the shepherd , the child , or the working man . In
Empson , s view this literary mode serVes as an oblique way to criticiZe the
values and hierarchical dass structllre of the society of its time . Empson
accordinglyapplies the term to works ranging from AndreW Marvell , s
seventeenth一century poem " The Garden , , to Lewis Carroll , 5 Alice in不物nder -
land and the modem proletarian novel . other Critics appfy the term " pas -
toral , ) to any Work Which represents a withdrawal to a place apart that 15 close
to the elemental rhythms of natUre , where the protagonist achieves a new
perspective on the comple欢ies , frustrations , and conflicts of the social
world .
W . W . Gregg,撇storaIPOe抑andPastoraIDrama ( 1906 ) ; thelntroduction
to English撇storaIF决妙加椒theB州洲i雌5 toM泛rvell , ed . Frank Kermode
( 1952 ) ; Thomas G . Rosenmeyer,角e Green Cabinet ..几eo币tUS and the加几恻口n
PastoraIL州c ( 1969 ) ; AndreW V . Ettin , Litera扭re and the Pastoral ( 1985 ) ; Paul
Alpers,仍肠atlsPastoraIZ ( 1996 ) .

Po比etic Follocy . A phrase invented by John助skin in 1856 to signify any
representation of inanimate natUral oblects that ascribes to them human ca -
pabilities , sensations , and emotions(入fodem PainterS , VOI . 3 , chaPter 12 ) . As
used by Rushn - - for whom " tr ' Uth , , Was a primary criterton of art一代he te恤
was derogatory ; for , he claimed , such descriptions do not represent the " true
appearances of things to usl , but " the extraordina琢or false appearances ,

方式,他无意中向后世诗人展示了严肃地描绘乡村生活的写实方法。 1783年乔治・


参看:W . W . Gregg , Pastoral Poet勺and Pastoral Drama , 1906 ; Frank Ker -
mode , ed . E , 91£sh Pastoral Poet砂from the Begin , ings toM盯vell , 1952,参考这本
书的序言。 Thomas G . Rosen - meyer , The Green Cabinet : Theocritus andt人e European
Pa , toralL夕r泛c , 1969 ; Andrew V . Ettin , Literature and the Pastoral , 1985 ; Paul
Alpers , W六at 15 Pastoral ? , 1996 .

Pathetic Fallacy感伤谬误

408 PAT日05 ・ p 〔 Rloos oF ^ M 〔 Rlc ^ N LI下E肋TURE

when we are under the influence of emotion , or contemplative fancy . " TWo of
即skln , 5 examples are the lines
The spendthrift croCUs , bursting through the mould
Naked and shivering , with his cup of gold ,
and Coleridge , 5 description in ‘ ℃ hristabel , , of
The one red leaf , the last of its clan ,
That danCes as often as dallCe it Can .

These passages , Ruskin says , however beautiful , are false and " morbid . " only
in the greatest poets 15 the use of the pathetic fallacy valid , and then only at
those rare times when it would be inhuman to resist the pressure of powerful
feelings to humanize the perceived fact .
Ruskln , s contention would make not only hisroma ”沦predecessors but

lust about al  poets , including Sha扮speare , " morbid . " " Pathetic fal aCy , , 15 no勺V used , for the most part , as a neutral name for a very com on phenome -

non in descriptive poetry , in Whlch the ascription of human traits to inafii -
mate na拟re 15 less formal and more indirect than in the figure Called
perso昨诉ca灯on .
See Josep hlne Miles , Pathe瓦c Falla印亡n the Nine故” th CentU尽(1942 ) ;
Harold B100m ed .,仆e Litera尽Cri价ismo厂lohn Ruskin ( 1965 ) , Introduction
and pp . 62 - - 78 .

in Greek meant the passtons , or suffering , or deep feeling generally ,

as distinguished打om ethos , a person , 5 overal  disposition or character . In modern criticism , however , pathos 15 ap lied in a much more limited Way to

a scene or passage that 15 designed to evoke the feelings oftenderness , pity , or
the VICto对a儿era a fiUmber Of

the endurance of many readers
th of Little Nell in Charles Dick -
of Little Eva 111 Hatriet BeeCher
Stowe , s枷cle TOm , s Cabin . ( Sees胡找mentalism . ) To many modem readers , the
greatest passages do not dwell on the details of suffering but achleve the effect
of pathos by understatement and sug estion.众amples are the spe ch of劝ng Lear when he 15 brieny reunited with Cordelia ( IV . vi  . 59f  ・), be乡n ing
Pray , do not mock me .
1 am averyfoolishfondoldman ,
and Willlam Wbrdsworth , 5 terse revelation of the grief of the old father for the
1055 of his son inM纪hael ( 1800 ) , 11 . 465一66 :
Many and many a day he thither went ,
And never lifted up a single stone ・

Pedods of A . . ericon Ltter川比re ・ The divlsion of American litera加re into
convenlent historical segments , Or , , periods , " lacks the degree of consensus
among literary scholars thatwe find with reference to English literatUre ; s兮e
P喇。 ds ofEnglishLi加ra加re . The many syllabi of college surveys rePrinted 1n

感或冥想的影响下,事物在我们眼中异常的、非真实的呈现” 。以下是他的两个例证:
士比亚在内,都显得“病态” 。 “感伤谬误”现在在大多数情况下,是用来指描绘性诗歌
参看:约瑟芬・迈尔斯的《 19世纪的感伤谬误》(1942 );哈罗德・布卢姆主编的《约
翰・罗斯金的文学批评》(1965 ),参阅该书的序言和62一78页。




Periods of American Literature美国文学各时期的划分


Recons加c红ngA脚州印n Litera加re ( ed . Paul Lauter ' 1983 ) , and the essays in Re -
山户ning Am州can Litera尽拭,to 〕 ed . A . LaVonne Brown Ruoff and JerryW .
功几rd ( 1990 ) , demonstrate how variable are the temporal divislons and their
names , especially since the recent efforts to do iustice to literature Wrltten by
women and by ethnlc minorities . A number of recent historians , anthologists ,
and teachers of American literature simply divide their surVey into dated sec -
tions , without affixing period names . A prominent tendenCy , howev鱿15 to
recogn让e the lmportance of maior wars in marking significant changes in lit -
erature . This tendenCy , as the scholar Cushing Strout has remarked , " suggests
that there 15 an order in American political history more visible and com -
pelling than that indicated by specifically literary or intellectual categories . "
The following divisions of American literary history recognlze the impor ・
tance assigned勿many literary historians to the RevolutionaryW时
( 1775一1 ) , the Civil叭厄r ( 1861一65 ) , WbrldW时I ( 1914 - - 18 ) , and WbrldM白r 11
( 1939一5 ) . Under these broad divisions are listed some of the more Widely
used terms to distinguish periods and subperiods of American llterature ・
These terms , it will be noted , are diverse in klnd ; they may signify a span of
time , or else a form of political organization , or a prominent illtellectuai or
ima乎native mode , or a predominant literary form .
1607一1775 . This overall era , from the founding of the first settlement at
Jamestown to the outhreak of the American Revolution , 15 often called the
Colonial Period . V介itings were for the most part religious , practical , or his -
torical . Notable among the seventeenth一century Writers of iournals and narra -
tives concerning the founding and early history of some of the colonies were
Willlam Bradford , John Winthrop , and the theolo乎an Cotton Mather . In the
folloWing century Jonathan Edwards was a maior philosopher as well as the -
ofogian , and Benlamin Franklin an early Anlerican master of lucid and cogent
prose . NOt until 1937 , when Edward几ylor , 5 Writings were first publlshed
from manusCript , was几ytor discovered to have been an able religious poet in
the从etaPhysical style of the English devotional poets Herbert and Crashaw .
Anne Bradstreet was the chief Colonial poet of secular and domestic as well as
reli乡ous sublects .
The publication in 1 773 ofPO翻5 on Various Subjec岛by Phillis Wheatley ,
then a nineteen一year一old slave who had been bom in Africa , inaugurated the
long and distinguished , but until recently neglected , line of Black writers
( or by what has come . to be the preferred name , A衍can ・ American writers )
in America . The compl喇ty and dlversity of the African ・ American cultural
heritag卜bothw比tern and African , oral and Written , slave and加e , Judeo -
Christian and pagan , plantation and urban , integrationist and BlaCk national -
ist一have effected tensions and fusions that , over the course of time , have
produced a highly innovative and distinctive literature , as well as musical
forms that have come to be considered America , 5 unique contribution to the
W比tern musical tradition . See J . Saunders Redding , TO凡rake aF协et Black
( 1939 ; reissued 1986 ) ; Houston A . Bakel , Jr . , Black Litera加re in Am州ca ( 1971 ) ;
Berna川W . Bell,仆eA加一m州can Novel and ItS7勿di如n ( 1987 ) ; Henry L .
Gates , Jr . , F如res in Black ( 1987 ) and ed . Black Litera勿re and Litera甲仆eo尽

夫和杰里・ W.沃德编写的《重新界定美国文学史》(1990)的文章,证明了(尤其是自近
更为人信服的顺序” 。
传统独特贡献的音乐形式。参看:J . saunders Redding , To腼无。 。尸oet Blac走,
1939 , reissued 1986 ; Houston A . Baker , Jr . , Black Literature in America , 1971 ;
Bernard W . Bell , Th 。八了ro一American Novel and It,丁阴dit艺on , 1987 ; Henry L .
Gates , Jr . , Figures in Black , 1987 and ed . Black Literature and Litera勺Theor夕,

( 1984 ) ; also Henry L . Gates JL , Nellie Y . McKay , and others , eds .,肠eNo浓川

1790issometimesdistin -
fThomasPaine , sinfluen -
" Statute of Virgin认for
Reli力ous Freedom , " " Dedaration of Independence , " and many other Wrlt -
ings ; of仆eFe讹ml畜st Papers in support ot tne七onsutUtlon , most noraDly
those by川exander Hamilton and James Madison ; and of the patriotic and
satiric poems by Philip Freneau and Joel Bariow .
1775一1865 . The years 1775一1828 , the Eariy Nationai Period ending
with the triumph ofjacksonian democracy in 1828 , signalized the emergence
of a national ima多native literature , including the flrst American comedy
( Royall介ler , s仆e Con打’ a st , 1787 ) , the earliest American novel ( William Hill
Brown , sT孔e POwero厂协叩ath另1 789 ) , and the establishment in 1815 of the
first enduring American magaZine,角e NOrthA脚喇can ReVieW . W如hington
I州ng achieved illtemationalfame Wlth his essays and stories ; Charles Brock -
den Brown wrote distinctively American versions of the GOthic novel of mys ・
tery and terror ; the career ofjames Fenimore Coope耳the first maiorAmerican
novelist , was well launched ; and William Cullen Bryant and Edgar沮lan Poe
wrote poetry that Was relatively independent of Eflgllsh precursors . In the
year 1 760 was published the first of a long series of slave narratives andau -
tobiographies Wrltten byA脚can砚merican slaves who had escaped or been
freed . Most of these were published between 1830 and 1865 , inc址ding Fred -
erick Douglass , Na溯廿ve of the Life ofFrederick DOuglass ( 1845 ) and Harrietja -
cobs , Inc应d朗tS定n功君Life ofa Slave Girl ( 1861 ) .
The span 182卜1865 from thejacksonianeratotheCivilW劲r , ofteniden ・
tified as the ROmantic Period in America ( see neoclassic and阳州an瓦c ) , marks
the full coming of age of a distinctiVefy American literature . This period 15
sometimes known as the American Renaissanc乌the titie of E 0 . Matthies ・
sen , s influential book ( 1941)比out its outstandlng Writers , RalPhM爪ldo Emer -
son , HenryD州d Thoreau , Edgar Allan POe , Herman Melville , and Nathaniel
H的找home ( see alsos娜boljs哟;it 15 also sometimes called the Age Of Tlran ・
scendentalism , after the philosOPhical and literary movement , centered on
Emerson , that was dominant in New助gland ( see乃祝nscenden故lism ) . In all the
ma ) Or literary genres except drama,认币ters produced works of an originality
and excellence not exceeded in later American hlstory . Emerson , Thoreau , and
the earlyfe而nist Margaret Fuller shaped the ldeas , ideals , and llterary alms of
many contemporary and later American Writers . It was the age not only of con -
tinulng writings by Willlam Cullen Bryant , W比hington Irving , and James Fen ・
imore Coop饥but also of the novels and short stories of Poe , Hawthome ,
Melville , Harli以Beecher Stowe , and the southem novelist William Gilmore
Simms ; of the poetry of POe , John Greenleaf Whittier , Emerson , Henry
W直dsworth Longfello琳and the most innovative and influential of all Ameri -
can poets , M厄It Whitlnan ; and of the beginning of distinguished American
critictsm in the essays of Poe , Simms , and James Russell Lowell . The tradition
ofA尽can一m州can poetry by women was continued by Francis Ellen节18tklns

1984 ; Henry L . Gates Jr . , Nellie Y . McKay , and others , eds . , The Norto儿A , tholog夕of
AfricanAmerican Literature , 1997 。
1765年印花税法和179 。年之间的这一阶段有时被区分为独立战争时期。这是
1775一1865年。 1775一1828年被称为早期民族文学时期,这个时代以1828年杰
首部美国喜剧(罗耶尔・泰勒的(对比》,1787 ),最早的美国小说(威廉・希尔・布朗
的《同情的力量》,1789)和1815年创办的第一家长盛不衰的美国杂志《北美评论》 。华
相对独立于其英国前辈的诗歌。 1760年出版了一大批奴隶故事和自传中的首批作
品,作者是逃跑的,或获得自由的非裔美国奴隶,这些作品大部分出版于183 。一1865
( 1845)和哈丽特・雅各布斯的《一个女奴的生平事件》(1861)。
时期有时也被称为美国的文艺复兴时期,这一名称来自于F . 0.麦西森颇有影响的
同名著作(1941 ),该书评介了这一时期的著名作家拉尔夫・沃尔多・爱默生、亨利・

Harpet , and the African一American novel was inaugurated byV门liamw匕115
Brown , 5 Cfotel ( 1853 ) and by Harriet E . Wilson , s ourNig ( 1859 ) .
1865一1914 . The cataclysm of the bloody CivilW缸and the ReconstrUc ・
tion , followed by a burgeoning industrialism and urbanization in the North ,
profoundly altered the American sense of itself , and also American literary
modes . 1865一1900 15 often known as the Realistic Period , by reference to the
novels by Mark Twain , William Dean Howells , and Henry James , as well asby
John W . DeForest , Harold Frederic , and theA脚can一。 ‘八印n novelist Charles
W . Chesnutt . Theseworks , thoughdiverse , areoftenlabeled " realistic , , incon -
trast to the " romances , , of their predecessors in prose fiction , Poe , Hawthorne ,
and Melville ( see prose romance and realism ) . Some realistic authors grounded
their fiction in a regional mllieu ; these include ( in addition to Mark Twaln , s
novels on the Mississippi形ver region ) Bret Harte in California , Sarah ome
Jewett in Malne , Mary Wilkins Freeman in Massachusetts , and GeorgeW .
Cable and Kate Chopin in Louisiana . Chopin has become prominent as an
early and malor户而nist novelist . whitman continued Writing poetry up to
the last decade of the centuryl and ( unknown to him and almost everyone
else ) was loined by Emlly Dickinson ; although only seven of DICkinson , s
more than a thousand short poems were published in her lifetime , she 15 now
recognized as one of the most distinctive and eminent of American poets . Sid -
ney Lanier published his experiments in versification based on the meters of
music ; theA尽can一me爪an author Paul Laurence Dunbar published both
poems and novels be七泞een 1893 and 1905 ; and in the 18905 Stephen Crane ,
although he was only twenty一nine When he died , published short poems in
free verse that antidpate the exPeriments of Ezra Pound and thelm叨sts , and
wrote also the brilliantly innovative short stories and short novels that look
forward to勺浑0 later narrative modes , naturalism and impresslonism . The
years 190于191斗wealthough James , Howells , and Mark Twaln were still Writ -
in肠and Edith Wharton was publishing her earlier novelsseare discrin " nated
as the Naturalistic Period , in recognltlon of the powerful though sometimes
crudely wIOught novels by Frank NOrris , Jack London , and Theodore Dreiser ,
whlch typically represent characters who are ioint victims of their instinctual
drives and of extemal sociological forces ; see na加ralism .
1914 - - 1939 . The era between the two world wars , marked also by the
trauma of the great economic depression beginning in 1929 , was that of the
emergence of what 15 still known as " modern literature , " which in America
reached an eminence rivaling that of the American Renaissance of the Inid -
nineteenth century ; unli址most of the authors of that eariier period , how -
ever , the American modernists also achieved widespread intemational
recognition and influence . ( See mod曰” ism ・)尸比抑magazlne , founded in
Chicago by Harriet Monroe in 1912 , published many innovative authors .
Among the notable poets were Edgar Lee Masters , Edwin Arlington Roblnson ,
RObert Frost , Carl Sandburg , W劫llace Stevens , William Cailos Williams , Ezra
Pound , RObinson Jeffers , M翻anne Moore , T . 5 . Ellot , Ednast . Vincent Millay ,
ande , e . cummings一authors who wrote in an unexampled variety of poetic
modes . These included thelm叨s优of Amy Lowell , H . D . ( Hilda Doolittle ) ,

非裔美国小说则由威廉・韦尔斯・布朗的《克洛代尔》(1853)和哈丽特・ E.威尔逊的
模式。 1865一190 。年间经常被称为现实主义时期,指的是包括马克・吐温、威廉・迪
安・霍威尔斯、亨利・詹姆斯以及约翰・ W.德福雷斯特、哈罗德・弗雷德里克和非
裔美国小说家查尔斯・ W.切斯纳特的作品。这些作品尽管各有不同,但都被归为“现
那州的乔治・ W.卡布尔和凯特・肖邦。肖邦现在已作为早期主要女性主义作家而闻
创作的100 。多首短诗在她生前只发表了7首,她今天已被视为美国最独特、最杰出的
说,这些作品预示了后来出现的两种叙事模式:自然主义和印象主义。 19 。 。一1914
1 , 14一1 , 39年。这一时期介于两次世界大战之间,也以始于1929年的经济大萧
逊・杰弗斯、玛丽安・穆尔、 T . 5.艾略特、埃德娜・圣・文森特・米莱和e . e.卡明斯。
这些诗人采用了史无前例种类繁多的诗歌创作模式,其中包括埃米・洛威尔和H . D .

and others , the metric poems by Frost and the free一verse poems by Williams
in the American vemacular , the formal and typographic experiments of cum -

mings , the poetic naturalism ofjef ers , and the as imilation to their own dis - tjnctive uses by Pound and Eliot of the forms and procedures of French

明切bOlism , merged with the intellectual and figurative methods of the English
metaPh声icalpoetS . Among the maiorwritersofprosefictionwereEdithWhar -
ton , Sinclair Lewis , Ellen Glasgow , Willa Cather , Gertrude Stein , Sherwood
Anderson , John Dos Passos , F . Scott FitZgerald , William Faulkne乌Ernest Hem -
ingway , Thomas Wblfe , and John Steinbeck ・ America produced in this period
its flrst great dramatist inEugeneo , Neill , a well as a group of distinguished
literary critics that included Van Wyck BrookS , Malcolm Cowley , T . 5 . Eliot ,
Edmund Wllson , and the irreverent and caustic H . L . Mencken .
The literary produCtions of this era are often subclassified in a variety of
ways . The flamboyant alld pleasure一seeking 19205 are sometimes referredto
as " the Jazz Age , " a title popularized by F . Scott FitZgerald , 5 Taleso厂the lazzA罗
( 1922 ) . The same decade was also the period of the Harlem Renalssance ,
which produced malor叭时tings in all the literary forms by Countee Cullen ,
Langston Hughes , Claude McKay , Jean Toome乙Zora Neale Hurston , and
many otherA脚can一merican writers . ( See Harle阴Renaissance . )
Many prominent American Writers of the decade following the end of
WbrldW时I , disillusioned by their war experiences and alienated by what
they perceived as the crassness of American culture and its " puritanical , , re -
pressions , are often tagged ( i n a term first applied by Ger恤de Stein to young
Frenchmen of the time ) as the Lost Generation . A number of these writers
became expatriates , moving either to London or to Paris in thelr quest fora
richer literary and artistic milieu and a freer Way of life . EZra Pound , Gertmde
Stein , and T . 5.皿otlived out their 11ves abroad , but most of the younger " ex -
iles , " as Malcolm Cowley called them ( Ex ile , s RetU琳1934 ) , came back to
America in the 19305 . Hemingwa犷s仆e Sun Also Rises and FitZgerakl , s及nder
15 the NightarenovelsthatrePresentthemOodandwayofl旋of伽ogroups
of American exPatriates . In " the radical ' 305 , " the period of the Great Depres -
sion and of the economic and social reforms in the New Deal inaugurated by
Presldent Franklin Delano ROosevelt , some authors ioined radical political
movements , and many others dealt in their literary works with pressing social
issues of the tim卜inchiding , in the novel , William Faulkner , John Dos Pas -
505 , James T . Farrell , ThomasW汉fe , and John Steinbeck , and in the drama ,
助geneo , Neill , Clifford odets , and Maxwell Anderson .
1939 to the Present , the contemporary period . WbridW滋11 , and espe -
cially the disilfusionment with Soviet Communism consequent upon the
Moscow trials for alleged treason and Stalin , s signing of the Russo一German
pact With Hitler in 1939 , largely ended the literary radicaiism of the 1930s . A
final blow to the very few writers who had maintained intellectual alle矛ance
to Sovlet Russia came in 1991 with the collaPse of Russian Communism and
the dissolution of the Soviet Union . FOr several decades theN亡wC月瓦d ‘刹愧一
dominated by conservative southern writers , the Agrarians , who in the 19305
had championed a return from an industrial to an agricultural economy一

伍德・安德森、约翰・多斯・帕索斯、 F.司各特・菲茨杰拉德、威廉・福克纳、欧内斯
斯、马尔科姆・考利、 T . 5.艾略特、埃德蒙・威尔逊,以及傲慢而刻薄的H . L.门肯。
外,他们或者去了伦敦,或者去了巴黎。埃兹拉・庞德、格特鲁德・斯泰因和T . 5.艾
(《流亡者归来》,1934 ),都在20世纪30年代返回了美国。海明威的《太阳照样升起》和
3 。年代”,即美国经济大萧条和富兰克林・德拉诺・罗斯福总统推行新政带来经济、社
詹姆斯・ T.法雷尔、托马斯・乌尔夫和约翰・斯坦贝克的小说以及尤金・奥尼尔、克
幻灭,在很大程度上给20世纪30年代的文学激进主义画上了句号。 1991年苏联解
418p 〔 RloosoF ^ MERICANLI了印盯uR 〔

typifled the prevailing critical tendency to isolate literature from the life of
the author and from society and to conceive a work of literature , in formal
terms , as an organic and autonomous entity ( see John L . Stewart,角e Bu耳len
ofTime:角eF叨的“ andA罗闷血ns , 1965 ) . The eminent and influential critics
Edmund Wilson and Lionel Trilling , howeveresas well as other critics grouped
with them as the New YOrk Intellectuals , including Philip Rah从Alfted
Kazin , and Irving HOWe一ontinued through the 19605 to deal with a work of
Iiterature humanistically and historically , in the context of its author , S life ,
temperament , and social milieu , and in terms of the work , 5 moral and imagi -
native qualities and its consequences for soctety . See V . B . Leltch , Am翻can Li卜
era甲Cri价ism加m the仆泣川郡to theEigh价s , 1988 , chapter4 . ( ForadisCUssion
of radically new developments in American literary theory and Criticismin
the 19705 and late耳seepos七加c扭ralism . )
The 19505 , while often regarded in retrospect as a period of cultural con -
formity and complacenCy , was marked by the emergence of vigorous anti -
establishment and anti一traditional literary movements : the Beat writers such
as Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac ; the American exemplars of the literature
of the absurd , . the Black Mountain Poets , Charies olson , Robert Creeley , and
Robert Duncan ; and the New YOrk Poets Franko , Hara , Kenneth Koch , and
John Ashbery . It was also a time of confessional poe抑and the literature of ex -
treme sexual candor , marked by the emergence of Henry Miller as a notable
author ( his autobiographical and flctional works , begun in the 19305 , had ear -
lier been available only under the counter ) and the writings of Norman
Mailer , William Burroughs , and Vladimir Nabokov ( L olita was published in
1955 ) . The counterculture of the 19605 and early ' 705 continued some of
these modes , but in a fashion made extreme and fevered by the rebellious
youth movement and the vehement and somet恤es violent opposition to the
war in vietnam ; for an approving treatment of this movement , see Theodore
Roszak,角eM沈king of a Counter Cul加re ( 1969 ) , and for a later retrospect ,
Morris Dickstein , Gat6S ofE诫勿:American CultUre in the Six瓦es ( 1978 ) . See mod -
溯ism and pos加。改mism and for radical developments of this era in Aftlcan -
American llterature , see BlackA心M口雀用ent .
加portant American Writers after Wbrid功厄r 11 include , in prose fiction ,
讥adimlr Nabokov ( Who emigrated to America in 1940 ) , EudoraW已ty , Robert
PennW自rren , Bemard Malamud , James Gould Cozzens , Saul Bellow , Mary
McCarthy , NOrman Mailer ' John UPdike , Kurt Vonnegut , JL , Thomas Pynchon ,
John Barth , Donald Barthellne , E . L . Doctoro琳and Cynthia ozick ; in poetry ,
Marianne Moore , Robert Penn叭/a rren , Theodore Roethke , Ellzabeth Bishop ,
几chard Wilbur , Robert Lowell,川len Ginsbe侣,Adrienne租ch , sylvia Plath ,
A , R . Ammons , and John Ashberry ; and in drama , Thornton wikler ) Lillian
Hellman , Arthur Mille乙夜nnessee Williams , Edward赶bee , and a number of
more recent playwrights , including Sam Shepard , D州d Mamet , Tony Kush ・
nerJ andw七ndyw此serstein . Many ofthemostinnovativeanddistinguished
literary work of the latter decades of the twentieth century have been Written
bywr1tersWhoareoftenidentifiedasbelongingtooneoranother " minority , "
or ethnic literary group ・(肋“ ethnic group , , consists of individuals Who are

势,用正式的术语来说,就是将文学作品视为有机的和自主的实体[参阅约翰・ L.斯
图尔特的《时间的重负:逃亡者与平均地权论者》(1965)〕 。然而,颇具声望和影响力
景,以作品的道德、想象力品质和对社会的影响作为评价标准。见V . B.莱奇的《从
斯和弗拉基米尔・纳博科夫(《洛丽塔》出版于1955年)等人的著作为标志。 20世纪
持赞成态度的论述,参阅西奥多・罗斯扎克的《反文化的形成》(1969 );后来对这一运
动的回顾参阅莫里斯・迪克斯坦的《伊甸园之门― 60年代的美国文化》(1978)。参
二战后美国散文体小说的重要作家包括:弗拉基米尔・纳博科夫(194 。年移居美
托马斯・品钦、约翰・巴思、唐纳德・巴塞尔姆、 E . L.多特罗和辛西娅・奥兹克;在诗
奇、西尔维亚・普拉斯、 A . R.阿门斯和约翰・阿什伯利;在戏剧方面包括:桑顿・怀
家。 20世纪后几十年很多最具创新意识、最杰出的文学作品往往都是那些被归于某

distingu ishable , within a maiority cultUral and sodal system,勿shared char -
acteristics such as race , religion , language , cultural modes , and nationalori ・

gpty " 5 part oftheAInencanm ? 1n strea件or灼.5叮ess . tne ’月叩tltyor . eac只Wntel
in .)仆ere 15 , however , much conte叫on , both within and oUtside these承oup , , whethe , , , " mo , e ju , , and enl , ghten , ng , oson于护er黔ch州娜,书势-
as " particlpant in " n少nlc粤ltUre吧钾ts " , stlP . Ct性子uDle产哪tter,缪平臀,
and formal teatures . ' Inls 15 tne era ot讥e notaDle八川Ca ",住m已ncan nove且lsts
and essa户sts Raiph Ellison , James Baldwin,租cha川叭哟ght,川bert Murrayl
Gloria Naylor , AliceW缸缺r , and Toni Morrison ; the poets Am试Baraka ( Le1Oi
Jones ) , Gwendolyn Brooks , Maya Angelou , and斑ta Dove ; and the由amatists
Lorraine Hansberry and Angust Wilson . It 15 also the era of the emergence of
such prominent minority novelists as Leslle Marmon Silko ( N ative AmeriCan ) ;
oscar Hl ) uelos and Sandra Cisneros ( Hispanic ) ; andM翻ne Hong幻ngston
and Amy Tan ( Chinese American ) , See Houston A . Bake称ed ,,仆reeA椒州can
Li此ra加res : Essays inC力ica " o , Na找veA阴曰t口n , and Asian诫m州ca " Li份ratUre for
几比chers ofAm州can Li加ra加re ( 1982)、
The contemporary literary scene in America 15 crowded and varied , and
these lists could readily be exPanded.功傀must await the passage oft加eto
determine which writers now active will emerge as enduringly malor figures
in the canon of Ameri以n litera加re .

Per诬。 ds of臼glish UteroLture . For convenience of discussion , historians
divide the continuity of Engllsh literature into segments of time that are
called " periods . " The exact number , dates , and names of these periods varyJ
but the list below conforms to widespread practice . The list 15 followed bya
brief comment on each period , in chronological order .

450一1066 Old English ( or Anglo ・ Saxon ) Period
1066一1500 Middle Engllsh Period
1500 - - 1660 The Renaissance ( or EarlyModem )
155于1603 Elizabethan Age
1603一1625 Jacobean Age
1625一1649 Caroline Age
1649 - - 1660 Commonwealth Period ( or Puritan Interre
166于1785 The NeoClassical Period
1660 - - 1700 The Restoration
1700 - - 1745 The Augustan Age ( or Age of PoPe )
1745一1785 The Age ofsensibility ( orAgeofjohnson )
1785一1830 The Romantic Period
1832一1901 The VICtorian Period
1848 - - 1860 The Pre一Raphaelites
188于1901 Aesthetidsm and DeCadefi代
1901 ? 1914 The Edwardian Period
1910 - - 1936仆e Georglan Pertod
1914 - - The Modem Period

小说家的时代。参阅休斯敦・ A.贝克编著的《三种美国文学:奇卡诺人文学、美国本

Perfods of Engils门Literature英国文学各时期的划分

为了便于讨论,历史学家把延续至今的英国文学划分成时间段,称为“时期” 。这
1066一15 。 。年中古英语时期
1500一166 。年文艺复兴时期(或早期现代时期)
1649一166 。年共和国时期(或清教徒执政期)
166 。一1785年新古典主义时期
1660一170 。年王政复辟时期
17 。 。一1745年奥古斯都文学盛世(或蒲柏时代)
1848一186 。年前拉斐尔时期
188 。一1901年唯美主义和颓废派文艺
422p印10050 「 〔 NGLIs日LtT 〔 RATuR 〔

T卜户nld pn川i ' h pP衬nd nr the An叮10一SaX0n Period . eXteflded trom the

invasion of Celtic Ellgland by Germanic tribes ( the Angles , Saxons , and Jutes )
in the flrst half of the fifth century to the conquest of England in 1066 by the
Norman French under the leadership of William the Conqueror . onfy after
they had been converted to Christianity in the seventh centUry did the
Anglo一Saxons , whose eaTlier literatUre had been oral , begin to develop a writ -
ten litera加re . ( S ee oral fonnulaic poe妙)A high level of culture and leaming
was soon achieved in various monasteries ; the eighth一century churchmen
Bede and Alcuin were malor scholars who wrote in Latin , the standard lan ・
guage of intemational scholarship . The poetry Written in the vemacular
Anglo一Saxon , known also as old English , included Beowulf ( eighth century ) ,
the greatest of Germanic epic poems , and such lyric laments as " TheW自n ・
dere乙” " The Seafarer , " and " Deol , " all of Which , though composed by Christ -
ian writers , reflect the conditions of life in the pagan past . Caedmon and
Cyne例” If Were poets who wrote on biblical and religious themes , and there
survlve a number of old Engiish liv6s of saints , sermons , and paraphrases of
books of the Bible . Alfred the Great , aw七st Saxon king ( 871一9 ) who fora
time united all the kingdoms of southem England against a new wave of Ger -
manic invaders , the Vikings , was no less important as a patron of literature
than as a warrior He himself translated into old English various books of
Latin prose , superVised translations by other hands , and instituted the Anglo -
Saxon Chronide , a continuous record , year by year , of lmportant events In
England .
See H . M . Chadwick,几e HeroicA罗(1912 ) ; 5 . B . Greenfield , ACri丘caIHi , -
to尽ofoldEnglishLiteratUre ( 1965 ) ; C . L . Wrenn , AStU今ofoldEnglishLitera -
扭re ( 1966 ) .
Middle English Period . The four and a half centuries between the Nor -
man Conquest in 1066 , Which effected radical changes in the language , life ,
and culture of England , and about 1500 , when the standard literary language
( deriving from the dialect of the London area ) had become recognizably
" modern Englishn一hat 15 , similar to the language we speak and叭汀ite today '
The span from 1100 to 1350 15 sometimes discriminated as the Anglo -
NormanP时od , because the non一Latin literature of that time was written
mainly in Anglo一Norman , the French dialect spoken by the invaders who had
established themselves as the rUling dass of England , and who shared a liter -
ary cultUre with French一speaking areas of mainland Europe . Among the im ・
portant and influential works ftom this period are Marie de Rance , 5 Lais
( c . lls仆一whlch may have been written while Marie was at the royal court in
England ) , Guillaume de Lorris , and Jean de Meun , s Ro脚an de la Rose
( 1225界75 ? ) , and Chr亡tien de Troyes,五化c et Enide ( the first Arthurian ro -
mance , c . 1165 ) andh忱in ( c . ll77一81 ) . When the native vemacular一刁e -
scended from Anglo一Saxon , but with extensive le对cal ands邓tactic elements
assimilated from Anglo一Norman , and known as " middle Engllsh ,,代ame Into
general literary use , it was at first mainly the vehicle for rel卿ous and
homiletic writings . The first great age of primarily secular literatUr卜rooted
in the Anglo一Norman , French , Irish , and Wdsh , as well as the native Engiish

中最伟大的作品《贝奥武甫》(8世纪),以及抒情哀歌,如《流浪者》 、 《航海家》和《狄奥
尔》 。这些诗歌尽管都是由信奉基督教的作者所写,但却反映了过去异教徒的生活状
参阅H . M.查德威克的《英雄年代》(1912 ) ; 5 . B.格林菲尔德的《古英语文学批评
史》(1965 ) ; C . L.雷恩的《古英语文学研究》(1966)。
1066年的诺曼征服给英格兰语言、生活和文化造成了根本变化,15 。 。年左右标准的
文学语言(源于伦敦地区的方言)被公认为“现代英语” ―它与我们今天所说所写的
语言。这一时期具有影响的重要作品有玛丽・德・法兰西的《籁歌》(约118 。年―这
莫恩的《玫瑰传奇》(1225?一1275 ? ),克里蒂安・德・特鲁瓦的《艾赫克与艾妮德》
成分,被称为“中古英语” ―被普遍用于文学写作时,最初主要是作为宗教和说教作

literatUreeewas the second half of the fourteenth century . This Was the age of
Chaucer and John Gower , of William Langland , 5 great religious and satirical
poem Piers Plowman , and of the anonymous master who wrote four malor
poems in complex allitera百ve meter , including Pearl , an elegy , and Sir Gawain
and the Green众ight . This last work 15 the most accomplished of the English
chivalric roman " s , ' the most notable prose romance was Thomas Malory , s
M石rted , A rthur , Written a century later . The outstanding poets of the fifteenth
century were the " Scottish Chaucerians , " who incinded监ng James 1 of Scot -
land and Robert Henryson . The fifteenth centUry was more important for
popular literature than for the artful literature addressed to the upper classes :
it was the age of many excellent songs , secular and religious , and of folk bal -
lads , as well as the flow颐ng time of them诬racle and拼orali印pla邓,which were
written and produced for the general public .
See W . L ・ Renwick andH ・ orton,介eB叨nni驾5 ofEnglish LiteratUreto
Skelton ( r ev . , 1952 ) ; H . 5 . Bennett , ChaucerandtheFi # eenthCentU尽(1947 ) ; Ed -
ward物sta , ed ・,Middle Engl定Sh Sury职Cri红cal Essays ( 1965 ) .
The取naissance , 150于1660 . There 15 an increasing use by historians of
the term early mode , to denote this era : see the entry Renaissance .
EI让abethan Age . Strictly spe山ng , the period of the reign of Elizabethl
( 1558一1603 ) ; the term " Elizabethan , " however , 15 often used looselytoreferto
the lates议teenth and eariy seventeenth centuries , even after the death of Eliz -
abeth . This was a time of rapid development in English commerce , maritime
powe称and nationalist feeling-一the defeat of the Spanish Armada occurred in
1588 . Itwasagreat ( indramathegreatest ) ageofEnglishliteratUre一theageof
Sir Philip Sidney , Christopher Marlowe , Edmund Spenser , Shakespeare , Sir
W缸ter Raleigh , Francis Bacon , Benjonson , and manyotherextraordinarywrit -
ers of prose and of dramatlc , lyric , and narratlve poetry . A number of scholars
have looked back on this era as one of intellectual coherence and soctal order ;
an influential example was E . M . W . Tillyard , s仆e EliZabethan卜Vorld Picture
( 1943 ) . Recent hlstorical critics , howeve石have emphasized its intellectual un -
certaifities and politicai and sodal conflicts ; see new儿isto对cism .
Jacobean Age . The reigu ofjamesl ( in Latln , , ' J acobus " ) , 1603一5 , which
followed that ofQ林een EI让abeth . This was the period in prose writings of
Bacon , John Donne , 5 sermons , Robert Burton , s Anato柳ofMelancho伙and
the花ng James translation of the Bible . It was also the time of Shakespeare , s
greatest tragedies and tragicomedies , and of maior writings by other notable
poets and playwrlghts including Donne , Ben Jonson , Michael Drayton , Lady
Mary姗oth , Sir Frands Beaumont and John Fletche乙JohnW亡bste乙George
Chapman , Thomas Middleton , Philip Massinge乙and Elizabeth Ca年whose
notable biblical drama仆eTt ’攀即ofMariam , the Faire Queeneof介w今was the
first long play by an Englishwoman to be published .
See Basll Willey , T为e Seventeenth CentU甲Backs加“ nd ( 1934 ) ; Douglas Bush ,
English LiteratUre in the Earlier Sevente朗th CentU今(1945 ) ; C . V . W眨dgewood ,
SeVenteenth CentU甲English LiteratUre ( 1950 ) .
Caroline Age . The reign of Charlesl , 1625一9 ; the name 15 derived from
" Carolus , " the Latin version of " Charles ・ ” This was the time of the Engllsh

巨匠以押头韵的复杂方式创作了包括挽歌《珍珠》 、 《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》在内的四部
重要诗作的时代。 《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》是英国骑士传奇成就最高的一部作品;最著
名的散文体传奇则是一个世纪后托马斯・马洛礼的作品《亚瑟王之死》 。 15世纪的杰出
诗人则是“苏格兰的乔雯们”,包括苏格兰国王詹姆斯一世和罗伯特・汉里森。 15世纪
参阅W . L.伦威克与H.奥顿的《从英国文学发端到斯克尔顿》(1 952年重版); H .
5.贝纳特的《乔雯与十五世纪》(1947 );爱德华・瓦斯塔编著的《中古英语概况:批评

文艺复兴时期,150 。一166 。年。历史学家越来越多地采用早期现代时期这一术
伊丽莎白时期。严格地说,这是指伊丽莎白一世执政时期(1558一1603 );但“伊丽
升的时代― 1588年英国击败了西班牙无敌舰队。这是英国文学的一个伟大时代
将其视为心智统一、社会有序的时代,E . M . W.蒂利亚德的《伊丽莎白时代尘世图》
( 1943)是一个具有影响的例子。但近来的历史批评家却强调其心智上的不确定性及
詹姆斯一世时期。詹姆斯时期(James的拉丁文为“ JacobuS ")是指1603一1625
参阅巴兹尔・韦利的《 17世纪背景》(1934 );道格拉斯・布什的《 17世纪早期的英
国文学》(1945 ) ; C . V.韦奇伍德的《 17世纪英国文学》(1950)。
查理时期。指1625一1649年查理一世统治期间;这个名称来自“ C盯olus ",即“查

CivilW时fought between the suPporters of the king ( known as " Cavaliers , , )
and the supporters of Parliament ( known as " Roundheads , " from their cus -
tom of wearing their hair cut short)・ John Miiton began his Writing during
this period ; it was the age also of小e religious poet George Herbert and of the
prose Writers RObert Burton and Sir Thomas Browne .
Associated with the court were the Cavalier poets , writers of witty and
polished lyrics of courtship and gallantry . The group Included租chard
LOvelace , Sir John Suckling , and Thomas Carew . Robert Herrick , althougha
country parson , 15 often classified with the Cavalier poets because , like them ,
he was a Son of Ben一that 15 , an admirer and follower of Ben Jonsonseln
many of his lyrics of love and gallant compliment .
See Robin Skelton , Cavalier POe七(1960 ) .
The Commonwealth Period , also known as the Puritan Interregnum ,
eXtends from the end of the CivilW泣r and the execution of Charles 1 in 1649
to the restoration of the Stuart monarchy under Charles 11 in 1660 . In this pe -
riod England was ruled by Parliament under the Puritan leader oliver
Cromwell ; his death in 1658 marked the dissolution of the Commonwealth .
Drama almost dlsaPpeared for eighteen years after the Iharitans closed the
public theaters in September 1642 , not oniy on morai and religious grounds ,
but also to prevent public assemblies that might foment civil disorder . It was
the age of Milton勺political pamphlets , of Hobbes , political treatise Le讨athan
( 1651 ) , oftheprosewriterssirThomasBrowne , ThomasFuller , Jeremy介ylor '
and Izaak节厄iton , and of the poets HenryV妞ughan , EdmundW砚let , Abra -
ham Cowley ' Sir William Davenant , and Andrew Marvell .
The Neoclassical Period , 166于1785 ; seetheentryneoclassicandro功an沈.
Restoration . This period takes its name ftom the restoration of the Stu叭
line ( Charies 11 ) to the助gnsh throne in 1660 , at the end oftheCommon林吧alth , .
it 15 sPedfied aslas血9 until 1700 ・ The urbanity,嫩t , and licentiousness of the
lif6 centering on the court , in sharp contrast to the seriousness and sobriety of
the eariier Puritanr匆me , 15 reflected in much of the literatUre of this age . The
theaters came back to vigorous life after the revoc甜on of the ban placed on
them饰the Puritans in 1642 , although thcy became more exlusively oriented
tOWard the aristocratlc classes than they had been earller . Sir George Etherege ,
William叭今cheriey , V川liam Congreve , and John Dryden developed the dis -
tinctive comedy of manners called Restora如n com啤and Dryden , Thomas
otway ) and other playVmghts developed the even more distinc匕ve form of
tragedy calledh卿ic动闷用a ・ Dryden was the major poet and Critic , as well as one
of the malor dram甜sts . other poets were the satirlsts Samuel Butier and the
Eari of Rochester ; notable Writers in prose , in addition to the masteriy Dryden ,
were SamuelPepys , Sir William Temple , the reli乡ous writer in vemaCular Eng -
lish John Bunyan , and the philosoPher John Locke ・ Aphra Behn , the first Eng -
lishwoman to earn her living by her pen and one of the most inventive and
versatile authors of the age,叭庄。 te poems , highlysuccessful plays , ando阳onoko ,
thetra乎c story of a noble Aftlcan slave , an加portant precursor of the novel .
See Basil Willey,角es曰昭nteenthC阴tU甲Backs " und ( 1934 ) ; L . 1 . Bredvold ,
仆e Inteljec细al树l定eu offohnD叫en ( 1932 ) .

直至166 。年查理二世在位的斯图亚特王朝复辟。在此期间,英国处于清教徒领袖奥
新古典主义时期。 166 。一1785年,参见:新占典主义和浪漫主义。
王政复辟时期。这个时期的名字从共和国末期,斯图亚特王朝(查理二世)166 。
年复辟重掌英国王权而来,确切说来,一直延续到17 。 。年。以宫廷为中心的温文尔
参阅巴兹尔・韦利的《 17世纪背景》(1934 ) ; L . 1.布雷德沃尔德的《约翰・德莱顿
428P 〔 Rloos oF ENcLIS日LIT 〔 RATuRE

Augustan Age . The original Augustan Age was the brilliant literary

枯『 ZJ e厂到e
riod of Virgil , Horace , and Ovid under the ROman emperor AugUstus
B . c一D . 14 ) . In the eighteenth century and late毛howeve兀the term was
auentlv apolied also to the literary period in En卑and from appro对mately
1700 to 1745 . The leading writers ot the tlme ( sucn as AiexanQer l . ope ,
Jonathan Swift , and Joseph Addison ) themselves drew the parallel to the
Roman加gustans , and deliberately imitated their literary forms and subiects ,
their emphasis on social concerns , and their ideals of moderation , decorum ,
and uthanity . ( See neoclassicism ・)A malor representative of popular , rather
than classical , writing in this period Was the novelist , lournalist , and pam -
phleteer Daniel Defoe . Lady MaryW匕rtley Montagu was a brilliant letter -
writer in a great era of letter一writing ; she also wrote poems of wit and candor
that violated the conventional moral and intellectual roles assigned to
women in the Augustan era .
Age of SensibilityThe period between the death of Alexander Pope in
1744 , and 1785 , which was one year after the death of Samueljohnsonand
one year before Robert Burns , POems , Chie脚in Sco肋h Dialect .(赶ternative
dates frequently proposed for the end of this period are 1789 and 1798 ; see
Ro阴an丘c Period . ) An older name for this half - centU年the Age ofjohnsoll ,
stresses the dominant position of Samuel Johnson ( 1709一84 ) and his literary
and intellectual circle , which included oliver Goldsmith , Edmund Burke ,
James Boswell , Edward Gibbon , and Hester Lynch Thrale . These authors on
the whole rePresented a CUlmination of the literary and critical modes of neo -
classicism and the worldview of the Enligh如ment . The more recent name ,
" Age of Sensibili年” puts its stress on the emergence , in other writers of the
17405 and later , of new cultUral attitUdes , theories of literature , and types of
poetry ; we find in this period , for example , a growing sympathy for the Mid -
dle Ages , a vogue of cultUral pri川itivism , an awakening interest in ballads and
other folk literature , a tUrn from neoclassic " correctness , , and its emphasis on
ludgment and restraint to an emphasls on instinct and feeling , the develop ・
ment of a IiteratUre Ofse脚ibjli尔and above all the exaltation by some critics of
" original genius , , anda " bardicl , poetry of the sublime and visionary imagina -
tion . Thomas Gr盯expressed this anti一neoclassic sensibllity and set of values
in his " Stanzas to Mr . Bentley , , ( 1 752 ) :
But not to one in this benighted age
15 that dlviner inspiration given ,
That burns in Shakespeare , s or in Milton , s page ,
The pomp and prodigality of Heaven .

other poets Who showed similar shifts in thought and taste were Wiiliam
Collins and Joseph and ThomasW泣rton ( P oets Who , toge仇er with Gray , began
in the 1 7405 the vogue for what Samuel Johnson slightingiy referred to as
" ode , and eleg又and sonnet , , ) , Christopher Smart , and William Cowper .
Thomas Percy published his influentialR " Jiques ofAncientEnglishPoe抑(1765 ) ,
which included many folk balla办and a few medieval metrical romances , and
James Ma印herson in the same decade published his greatly doctored ( and in

以后,这个术语也被频繁用于指称大约从17 。 。年到1745年的英国文学时期。这时
最高成就以及启蒙运动的世界观。 “主情时期”这一较新的名称则重在强调18世纪



诗拾遗》(1765 ),其中包括许多民间歌谣和一些中世纪诗体传奇;同期,詹姆斯・麦克
430p 〔 Rloos OF 〔 NGLIS日Lll - ERAIUR 〔

considerable part fabricated ) versions of the poems of the Gaelic bard ossian
( oisin ) which were enormously poPular throughout Europe , This was also the
period of the great novelists , some realistic and satiric and some " sentimental , , :
Samuel形chardson , Henry Fielding , Tobias Smollett , and Laurence Sterne .
See W . J . Bate , F功m Classic to Roman瓦c ( 1946 ) ; Northrop Frye , " TOward
Defining an Age of Sensibility , " in Fables ofI ' len找印(1963 ) , and ed . Roman红-
比m Reconsidered ( 1965 ) ; E w . Hllles and Harold Bloom , eds ・,From Sensibili妙
toROman坑钻m ( 1965 ) .
Romantic攻riod . The Romantic Period in Engiish literature 15 dated as
beginning in 1 785 ( see Age ofsensibili切.-。 r altematively in 1789 ( the out -
break of the French Revolution ) , or in 1 798 ( the publlcation of William
Wbrdsworth , 5 and Samuel几ylor Coleridge , sL)衬cal BalladS)一nd as ending
either in 1830 or else in 1832 , the year in Which SirW欲ter Scott died and the
passage of the Reform Bill signaled the political preoccupations of the Victo -
rian era . For some characteristics of the thought and writings of this remark -
able and div6rse literary period , as well as for a list of suggested readings , see
ncoclassic andro脚an灯c . The term 15 often applied also to literary movements
in European countries and America ; see periods ofAmerican literatUre . Roman -
tic characteristics are usually said to have been manifested first in Germany
and England in the 1 7905 , and not to have become prominent in France and
America until two or three decades after that time . Maior玩glish writers of
the period , in addition to Wbrdsworth and Coleridge , were the poets Robert
Burns , William Blake , Lord Byron , Percy Bysshe Shelley , John Keats , andw缸-
ter Savage Landor ; the prose writers Charles Lamb , William Hazlitt , Thomas
De QI1incey ' MaryW匕llstonecraft , and Leigh Hunt ; and the novelists Jane
Austen , SirW缸ter Scott , and Mary Shelley . The span be伽een 1 786 and the
close of the eighteenth century was that of the Gothic romances by William
Becklord , Matthew Gregory Lewis , WIlliam Godwin , and , above all , Anne
Radcliffe -
Victorian Period . The be矛nning of the Victo山n Period 15 frequently
dated 1830 , or altematively 1832 ( the passage of the first Reform Bill ) , and
sometimes 1837 ( the accession of Qlleen Victoria ) ; it extends to the death of
Victoria in 1901 . Historians often subdivide the longperiodintothreephases :
助rly Victorian ( to 1848 ) , Mid一Victorian ( 1848一70 ) , and Late Victorian
( 187于1901 ) . Much writing of the period , whether imaginative or didactic , in
verse or in prose , dealt with or reflected the pressing social , economic,了eli -
gious , and intellec加al issues and problems of that era . ( For a summary of
these issues , and also for the derogatory use of the term " Victorian , " see Victo -
rian and矶ctorianism . ) Among the notable poets Were Alfred , Lord Tennyson ,
RObert Browning , Ellzabeth Barrett Browning , Christina Rossetti , Matthew
Arnold , and Gerard Maniey Hopklns ( Whose remarkably innovative poems ,
howeve兀dld not become known until they were published , long after his
death , in 1918 ) . The most prominent essa界sts were Thomas Carlyle , John
Ruskin , Ainold , andw欲ter Pater ; the most distinguished of many excellent
novelists ( this was a great age of English prose fiction ) were Charlotte and
Emily Bronte , Charles Dickens , William Makepeace Thackeray ) Elizabeth

“感伤” 。

参阅W . J,贝特《从古典主义到浪漫主义》(1 946 );诺斯罗普・弗莱的《本体寓言》
( 1963)一书中的《为主情时代定性》和他编写的《浪漫主义再思考》(1965 ) ; F . W.希尔
维多利亚时期。一般都认为维多利亚时期始于183 。年或者1832年(第一部《选
利亚时代早期(到1848年为止)、维多利亚时代中期(1848一187 。)和维多利亚时代晚
期(187 。一1901)。这个时期的许多作品,无论是想象的还是说教的,诗体还是散文体,
432 pERlooS oF 〔 NGLIsH LIT 〔 RATuR 〔

Gaskell , George Eliot , George Meredith , Anthony肠dlope , Thomas Hardy ,
and SamUel BlltleL
For prominent literary movements during the Victorian era , see the en -
tries on Pre一aPhaeliteS , Aesthe瓦比琳and Decade力ce .
Edwardian Period . The span between the death of Victoria ( 1901 ) and
the be乎nning of WbridW缸I ( 1914 ) 15 named for柑ng Edward Vll , who
reigned丘om 1901 to 1910 . Poets Writing at the time included Thomas Hardy
( who gave up novels for poetry at the beginning of the century ),赶fted
Noyes , William Butler Yeats , and Rudyard擞pling ; dramatists induded Henry
Arthur Jones , Arthur Wing Plnero , James Ba叮ie , John Galsworthy , George
Bernard Sha代and the playwrlghts of the Cel灯cR州val such as纽dy Gregory ,
Yeats , and JohnM ・ Synge . Many of the ma } or achievements were in prose fic ・
tion一works by Thomas Hardy , Joseph Conrad , Ford Madox Ford , John
Galsworthy , H . G . W已15 , Rudyard擞pling , and Henry James , who published
his malor final novels,仆e渐产娜ofthe Dove,仆eAmbassadors , and仆eGolden
Bowl , between 1902 and 1904 .
Georgian Period 15 a term applied both to the reigns in助giand of the
four successive Georges ( 1 714 - - 1830 ) and ( more frequently ) to the reign of
GeorgeV ( 1910 - - 36 ) . Geo叻an poets usually designates a group of Writers in
the latter era who loomed large in four anthologies entitled Gco娜anP匕e娜
which were published by Edward Marsh between 1912 and 1922 . Marshfa -
vored writers we now tend to regard as relatively minor poets suCh as Rupert
Brooke,叭厄lter de la Mare , Ralph Hodgson , W . H . Davies , andjohnMasefield .
The term " Georgian poetry , , has come to connote verse which 15 mainly rural
in subiect matter , deft and delicate rather than bold and passionate in man -
ner , and traditlonal rather than exPerimental in technique and form .
Modsm Period . The application of the term " modern , " of couxse , varies
with the passage of time , but it 15 frequentfy applied specifically to the litera -
ture written since the beginning of WOrldW改1 in 1914 ; see modemism and
pos加ode用is阴.This period has been marked by persistent and multidimen ・
sioned experiments in sublect matter , form , and style , and has produced
maior achievements in all the literary genres . Among the not的le writers are
the poets W . B.旋ats , Wilfred OWen , T . 5 . Eliot , W . H . Auden , Robert Graves ,
Dylan Thomas , and Seamus Heaney ; the novelists Joseph Conrad , James
Joyce , D . H . Lawrence , Dorot抑形chardson , Vi匆nia Wbolf , E . M . Forster , AI ・
dous Huxley , Graham Greene , Doris Lessing , and Nadine Gordimer ; the
dramatists G . B . Sha代Seano , Casey , Noel Coward , Samuel Beckett , Harold
Pinter , Caryl Churchill , Brendan Behan , Frank McGuinness , and Tom Stop ・
pard . The modern age was also an important era for literary criticism ; among
the innovative English critics were T . S ・ Eliot , I . A ・形chards , Virginia Wbolf ,
E R . k州s , andwilliamEmpson . ( See入殆wCri讹ism . )
This entry has followed What has been the widespread practice of includ -
ing under " Efiglish literature , ' writers in the Engiish language from all the
British Isles , A number of the authors listed above , were in fact natlves of Ire ・
lan氏Scotland , andw缸es , of the Modem Period esPecially it can be said that
much of the greatest " English , , literature was written by the Irish认成ters Yeats ,

1901一191 。年在位的爱德华七世命名。这个时期的诗人包括哈代(他从20世纪初开
约翰・高尔斯华绥、乔治・萧伯纳和诸如格雷戈里夫人、叶芝和约翰・ M.辛格等凯
斯・哈代、约瑟夫・康拉德、福特・马多克斯・福特、约翰・高尔斯华绥、 H . G.威尔
斯、拉迪亚德・吉卜林和在1902年到1904年间出版了最后几部重要小说《鸽翼》 、 《大
183 。),也(更经常地)用于指称乔治五世的统治时期(191 。一1936)。乔治时期的诗人一
梅尔、拉尔夫・霍奇森,W . H.戴维斯和约翰・梅斯菲尔德等马什喜欢的作家,在我们
现代时期。 “现代”这一术语的运用当然随着时间的改变而改变,但它通常被用
都取得了重要成就。著名作家有诗人W . B.叶芝、威尔弗雷德・欧文、 T . 5.艾略特、
W . H.奥登、罗伯特・格雷夫斯、迪伦・托马斯和谢默斯・希尼;小说家有约瑟夫・康
拉德、詹姆斯・乔伊斯、 D . H.劳伦斯、多萝西・理查森、弗吉尼亚・吴尔夫、 E . M.福
评来说也是一个重要时期;具有创新意识的英国批评家包括T . 5.艾略特、 I . A,理查
兹、弗吉尼亚・吴尔夫、 F . R.利维斯和威廉・燕卜荪(参见:新批评)。
434p 〔 RsoNA,丁oNE , ^ No VolcE

Shaw , Joyce , O , Casey , Beckett , Iris Murdoch , and Seamus Heaney . And in re -
cent decades , some of the most notable literary achievements in the English
language have been written by natives of recently liberated English colonies
( w ho are often referred to as " postcolonlal authorsn ) , including the South
Africans Doris Lessing , Nadine Gordimer , and Athol Fllgard ; thew比t Jndians
V 5 . Naipaul and Derek叭/a Icott ; the Nigerians Chinua Achebe and Wble
50厂nka ; and the Indian novelists R . K . Narayan and Salman Rushdie . Seepost -
colonials扭dies .
The Postmodem Period 15 a name sometimes applied to the era after
WbildW时11 ( 1939一5 ) . See mode阴15拼and postmode阴is优and for recent in ・
novations in critical theory and practice , pos七加c加ralism .

Persono , TOne , ond VOice . These terms , frequent in recent criticism , re -
flect the tendency to think of narrative and lyric Works of llterature as a mode
of speech , or in What 15 now a favored term , as discourse . TO conceiv6 a work as
an utterance suggests that there 15 a speaker Who has determinate personal
qualities , and who exPresses attitudes both toward the characters and materi -
als wlthin the work and toward the audience to whom the Work 15 addressed .
In his Rhetoric ( fourth century B . C . ) , Aristotle , followed by other Greek and
ROman rhetoricians , pointed out that an orator proiects in the course of his
oration an ethos , that 15 , a personal characte乙which itself functions asa
means of persuasion . For example , if the impression a speaker pro ) ects 15 that
of a person of rectitude , intelligence , and goodwill , the audience 15 instinc -
tively inclined to多ve credence to such a speaker , 5 arguments . The current
concern with the nature and function of the author , 5 presence in a work of
ima多native literature 15 related to this traditional concept , and 15 part of the
strong rhetorical emphasis in modern criticism . ( See rhetoric , rhetorical币瓦-
cism , and sPeech一aCt theo华)
Specmc applications of the terms " persona , " " tone , " and " voice , , vary
greatly and involve diffi以It concepts in philosophy and social psychology一
concepts such as " the self , " " personal identity , " " role一pl州ng , " and " sincer ・
ity . ' ' This essay will merely sketch some central uses of these terms that have
proved helPful in analyzing our exPerience of diverse works of literature .
Persona was the Latin word for the mask worn by actors in the classical
theate石from which was derived the term dramatis personae for the list of
characters Who play a role in a drama , and ultimately the Ellglish word " per -
son , " a pa川cular individual . In recent literary discussion " persona " 15 often
applied to the first一person speaker who tells the story in a narrative poem or
novel , or whose voice we hear in a lyric poem . Examples of personae , in this
broad application , are the visionary first一person narrator ofjohn Milton , 5 Par -
adise Lost ( Who in the opening passages of various books of that epic dis -
courses at some length about himselo ; the Gulliver who tells us about his
misadventures in Gulliver , s了加vels , . the " I , , who carries on most of the conver -
sation in Alexander Pope , 5 satiric dialogue印istle to Dr . ATbuthnot , ' the genial
narrator of Henry Fielding , 5 TOm fones , who pauses frequently for leisurely dls -
course with his reader ; the speaker who talks first to himsel无then to his sister ,

民主义作家” ),其中有南非的多丽丝・莱辛、内丁・戈迪默和阿索尔・富加德,西印度
群岛的v . 5.奈保尔和德里克・沃尔科特,尼日利亚的奇努阿・阿奇贝和沃利・索因
卡,以及印度小说家R . K.纳拉扬和萨蒙・拉什迪。参见:后殖民主义研究。

户ersona , Tone , and voice第一人称、基调和言念

“第一人称” 、 “基调”和“言念”这三个术语的具体应用大不相同,涉及到哲学和社
会心理学中一些复杂的概念,诸如“自我” 、 “个人属性” 、 “作用功能” 、 “真实”等等。本
“人” ―某一特殊的个人。在近代文学的探讨里,“第一人称”常用于指在一首叙事
436p 〔 RSON ^ , TON 〔,^ ND volcE

in William Wbrdsworth , s " Tintern Abbey , , ; the Duke who tells the emissary
about his former wife in Robert Brov刃几ing , s " My Last Duchess , , ; and the fan -
tastic " biographer , , who narrates VirginiaW乙olf , 5 Orlando . Calling all such di -
verse speakers " personae , , serves to indicate that they are all , to some degree ,
adapted to比e generic and formal requirements and the artistic aims of a par -
ticular literary work . w七need , however , to 90 on to make distinctions be -
们陀een such speakers as Jonathan SWift , s Gulliver and Browning , 5 Duke , who
are entirely flctional characters very different from their authors ; the narra -
tors in Pope , s EPistle and Fielding , sTO阴IOnes , who are presented as closer to
their authors , although clearly shaPed to fit the roles they are designed to play
in those works ; and the speakers in the autobiographical passages in Paradise
Lost , in " Tintern Abbey , " and in " ode to a Nightingale , " where we are invited
to attribute the voice we hear , and the sentiments it utters , to the poet in hls
o , vnperson ・
In an influential discussion , 1 . A.形chards defined tone as the exPression
of a literary speaker污“ attitude to his listeneL " " The tone of his utterance re -
flects … his sense of how he stands toward those he 15 addressing , , ( Prac瓦cal
Cri流ism , 1929 , chapters 1 and3 ) . In a more complex definitlon , the Soviet
critic Mikhail Bakhtin said that tone , or " intonation , " 15 " oriented in白夕0 di -
rec灯ons : with respect to the listener as ally or witness and with respect to the
ob ) ect of the utterance as the third , living participant whom the intonation
scolds or caresses , denigrates or magnifies . " ( , , Discourse in Life and Discourse
inArt , " inBakhtin , sFreudianism : AMdrxistCri向u灼trans . 1976 . ) Thesensein
which the term 15 used in recent criticism 15 suggested by the phrase " tone of
voice , " as applied to nonliterary speech , The way we speak reveals , by subtle
clues , our conception of , anda橄tude to , the things we are tal犯ng about , our
personal relation to our audito ( and also our assumptions about the social
level , intelligence , and sensitivity of that auditoL The tone of a speech can be
described as critical or approving , formal or intimate , outspoken or reticent ,
solemn or playful , arrogant or prayerful , angry or loving , serious or ironic ,
condescending or obsequious , and 50 on through numberless possible nu -
ances of relationship and attitude both to oblect and auditor . In a literary nar -
rative , the na加tee ( the person or persons to whom the narrator addresses the
story ) 15 sometimes explidtly identified , but at other times remains an lm ・
plied auditot , revealed only by what the narrator implicitfy takes for granted
as needing or not needing explanation or iustification , and by the tone of the
narrator , 5 address.介minist币瓦cs , for example , point out that much of the lit -
erature by male authors assumes a male readership who share the narrator , s
views , interests , and values ・ See Judith Fetterley,仆e Resis瓦ng Reader ( 1978 ) .
Some current critical uses of " tone , , are broade乙and coincide in reference
with what other critics prefer to call " voice . , ,
Voice , in a recently evolved usage , slgnifies the equivalent in ima巨native
literatUre to Aristotle , s " ethosn in a speech ofpersuasiverhetoric , andsuggests
also the traditional rhetorician , 5 concern with the importance of the physical
voice in an oration . The term in criticism points to the fact that we are aware
of a voice beyond the fictitious voices that speak in a work , and a persona

以及弗吉尼亚・吴尔夫的《奥兰多》中想象出来的叙述故事的“传记作者” 。将所有这
《失乐园》 、 《丁登寺》和《夜莺颂》这些带有自传性质的篇章中,叙述者则使我们不由自
1 . A.理查兹在一次颇具影响的讨论中,将基调定义为文学叙述者表达他“对听众
的态度” 。 “叙述者话语的基调反映了… …他意识到他是如何对听众说话的” 【 《实用
批评》(1929)第一、三章〕 。俄国批评家米哈伊尔・巴赫金在一条更为复杂的定义中
术中的话语”,摘自巴赫金的《弗洛伊德主义:马克思主义批评》,1976英译版)。 “说

behind all the dramatic personae , and behind even the first一person
W迫have the sense , that 15 , of a pervasive authorial presence , a determinate In -
telligence and moral sensibility , who has invented , ordered , and rendered all
these llterary characters and materials In lust this way . The particular qualities
of the author , S ethos , or voice , in Henry Fielding , 5 novelTO阴fones ( 1 749 )
manifest themselves , among other things , in the fact that he has chosen to
create the wise , ironic , and worldly persona who ostensibly tells the story and
talks to the reader about it . The sense of a distinctive authorial presence 15 no
less州dent in the work of recent writers Who , unlike Fielding , pursue a strict
poliCy of authorial noninterference and by effacing themselves , try to give the
impression that the story tells itself ( see point ofview ) , There 15 great diversity
in the quality of the authorial mind , temperament , and sensibility which , by
inventing , controlling , and rendering the particular fiction , pervades works一
all of them " obie川ven or impersonal in narrative techniqu卜such as James
Joyce , sU]那ses , Virginia WOoff , s人份.Dallowa书Ernest Hemingway , s " The
屹llers , " and William Faulkner , s角e Sound and the九华For a particular em ・
phasis on the importance of the author ' s implicit Presence as this 15 sustained
from Work to work , see币红cs ofconsctousness . For a disCUssion of the rel甜on
be七跨een a poet , 5 speaking voice in real llfe and the qualities of his or her
poem , refer to Francis BerryJ POe抑and thePh卢iCal VOice ( 1962 ) .
of the crltlcs listed below who deal,爪h this concept , M白卯e C . Booth
prefers the term implied author over " voice , " in order better to indicate that
the reader of a Work of fiction has the sense not only of the timbre and tone of
a speaking voice , but of a total human presence . Booth , 5 view 15 that this加-
plied author 15 " an ideal , litera年created version of the real man ,,只hat 15 , the
implied author , although related to the actUal author , 15 nonetheless part of
the total fiction , whom the author gradually brings Into being in the course of
his composition , and Who plays an important role in the overall effect ofa
work on the reader . Critics such asw司ter J . ong , on the other hand , distin -
guish be们泞een the author , s " false voice , , and his " trUe voice , " and regard the
latter as the exPression of the author , s genuine self or identity ; as they see it ,
for a writer to discover his true , , voicen 15 to discover himself.川1 of these Crit -
ics agree , however , that the sense of a convincing authorial voice and presence ,
whose values , beliefs , and moral vision serve implidtly as contr01ling forces
throughout a work , helps to sway the readerto户eld the imaginative consent
without which a poem or novel would remain an elaborate verbal game .
Refer to Bakhtin , s view of the multiplex voices in narrativ6 fiction , indi -
al叻c币tids功.See砒chardEI加ann,冷4ts:仆eM泛n and theM此ks ( 1948 ) ,
which discusses Yeats , theory of a poet , s " masks , , or " personae , " both in his
life and hisart ; Reuben Brower , " The Speaking Vblce , " in Fields ofLight ( 1951 ) ;
功白邓e C . Booth,介eRhetoricofFic如n ( 1961 ) , chapter3 ; W . J . ong,介eBar -
barianwi伪in ( 1962 ) ; J . 0 . Pert丫ed .,八即roach郎to伪e POem ( 1965)一Sec . 3 ,
, , TOne , Voice , Sensibility , " includes selections from 1 . A.形chards,取uben
Br0Wer , and W J . ong ; W匕lter J . Slatoff,州th ResPect to Rea讹rs ( 1970 ) ; Lionel
Trilling , Sin “月印and Authen州印(1972 ) ; and Robert C . Elliott,几eLitera甲尸爵
sona ( 1982 ) .

情影响的”叙事技巧的作品。譬如,詹姆斯・乔伊斯的《尤利西斯》 、弗吉尼亚・吴尔
夫的《黛洛维夫人》 、欧内斯特・海明威的《杀人者》和威廉・福克纳的《喧哗与骚动》 。
以下列出的探讨“言念”这一概念的批评家中,韦恩・ C.布斯认为用隐遁的作者
这个隐遁的作者是“一种创造出来的理想化的、文学化了的真实的人” 。也就是说,这
用。另一方面,诸如沃尔特・ J,翁格等批评家却区分了作者的“假言念”和“真言念” ,
参阅对话批评中巴赫金有关叙事小说中多种声音的观点。参阅:Richard Ell -
mann , Yeot 、:Th 。腼n 。 ndth 。腼sk , , 1948,该书讨论了叶芝有关诗人在生活和艺术
中的“面具”或“第一人称”的理论。 Reuben Brower , " The Speaking Voice , " in Fieldsof
Light , 1951 ; Wayne . C . Booth , TheRhetori : ofFictio , , 1961 , Chapter3 ; W . J . Ong ,
The Barbarian Within , 1962 ; J . 0 . Perry , ed . , Approache , to the Poem , 1965,第3
节“ Tone , voice , sensibility ",文中选录了1 . A.理查兹、鲁本・布劳尔和W . J.翁格的
文章。 Walter J . Slatoff , With Respect to Readers , 1970 ; IJionel Trilling , Sincerit夕and
Authentic艺t夕,1972 ; Robert C . Elliott , The Literar夕Persona , 1982 。

P触no血enology Ond Criticism ・ The phifosophical perspective and
method called phenomenology was established by the German thinker Edmund Husserl ( 1859一1938 ) . Husseri set out to analyze human consdous -
ness一that 15 , to describe the concrete " Lebenswelt , , ( lived world ) as experi -
enced independently of any prior suppositions , whether these suppositions
come ftom philosophy or加m common sense . He proposes that conscious -
ness 15 a unified intentional act . By " intentional , , he does not mean that it 15
deliberately willed , but that it 15 always directed to an " obiect , , ; in other
words , to be conscious 15 always to be conscious of something . Husseri污claim
15 that in this unltary act of consciousness , the thinking sublect and the oblect
it " intends , " or 15 aware of , are interinvolved and reciProcally implicativ6 . In
order to free itself of prior conceptions , the phenomenological analysls of
consciousness be乡ns with an " epoch己,, ( suspension ) of all presuppositions
about the nature of experience , and this suspenslon involves " bracketing , ,
( holding in abeyance ) the question whether or not the obiect of conscious ?
ness 15 real一代hat 15 , Whether or not the obiect exists outside the conscious ・
neSS wh1Ch , , ifitends , , it .
Phenomenology has had widespread phllosophical influence since it was
put forward by Husserl in 1900 and later , and has been diVersely developedby
Martin Heidegger In Germany and Maurlce Merleau一Ponty in France . It has
greatly influenced Hans一Georg Gadamer and oth巴theorists concemed with
analyzing the conscious activity of understanding language ( see interPreta如摊
andh蒯。 nou廿cs ) , and has , directly or indirectly , affected the way In which
many critics analyze the experience of literature .
In the 19305 the Polish theorist Roman Ingarden ( 1893一1970 ) , who
wrote his books both in Polish and German , adapted the phenomenological
vie " point and concepts to a formulation of the way we understand and re ・
spond to a work of literatUre . In Ingarden , 5 analysis , a llterary Work origjnates
in the Intentional acts of consciousness of its authol - " intentiollal , , In the
phenomenological sense that the acts are directed toward an obiect . These
acts , as recorded In a text , make it possible for a reader to re一experience the
work in his or her own consdousness . The recorded text contains many ele -
ments which are potentlal rather than fully realized , as well as many " places
of indeterminacy , , in what it sets forth . An " active reading , ) responds to the
sequence of the printed words by a temporal process of consdousness whlch
" fills out , , these potential and indeterminate aspects of the text , and in 50
doing , in higarden , 5 term , the reading concretizes the schematic literary
work . Such a reading 15 said to be " co心eativen with the conscious processes
recorded by the author ) and to result in an actUalized " aesthetic obiect , ,
within the reader , s consciousness which does not depict a reallty thate劝sts
indePende皿y of the work , but instead constitUtesa " quasi一reality ,,一hat 15
to sa势its ov们n flctional world . See Roman Ingarden,仆e Litera尽Worko厂A厅
( 1931 , trans . 1973 ) , and仆eC侧卿i瓦on ofthe Litera甲侧而rk ofArt ( 1937 , trans .
1973 ) ; also , the exposltion in Eugene Faik,角e Poe此cs of Roman hlgarden
( 1981 ) . For German critics stronglyinfluenced by Ingarden , see Wblfgang Iser
under reader - resPonse币灯cism , and Hans Robert Jauss under receP如n一theo今

p卜enomeno } ogy and Crltic } sm现象学与文学批评

说意识总是指向某一‘ ’客体”;换言之,“有意识”总是指对某一事物的“有意识” 。胡塞
自胡塞尔在19 。 。年及其后提出现象学理论以来,它的哲学影响极为广泛。德国
197 。)把现象学的观点和概念运用到我们理解文学作品并作出反应的理论里。根据
定之处”和许多潜在的、没有完全被意识到的因素。 “积极的阅读”是用短暂的意识程
加登的术语来说,这样做阅读也使得概略的文学作品具体化了。 “积极的阅读”是读
的“审美客体” 。审美客体所描绘的不是独立存在于作品之外的现实,而是“拟现实” ,
即一个虚构的世界。参阅罗曼・英加登的论著《艺术的文学作品》(1931 , 1973年英译
本)和《艺术的文学作品之认知》(1937 , 1973年英译本);也请参阅尤金・福尔克在《罗
442P日〔 NoM 〔 No田cv ^ No cRITlclsM

The term phenomenolo乡cal criticism 15 often applied spectfically to
the theory and pra比ce of the Geneva Sch001 of critics , most of whose mem -
bers taught at the University of Geneva , and all of Whom were loinedby
friendship , interinfluence , and比eir general approach to literature . The older
members of the Geneva School were Marcel Raymond and Albert Beguin ;
later members werejean ROusset , Jean一Pierre形chard , and , mostprominently ,
Georges Poulet . J . Hillis Mille称who for six years was a colleague of Poulet at
Johns Hopklns Universi仪was in his earlier career ( b efore turning to decon ・
s加c丘ve币沈is巾)the leading American representative of the Geneva School
of criticism , and applied this critical mode to the analysis of a variety of Amer -
ican and English authors .
Geneva critics regard each work of literature as a fictional world that 15
created out of the Lebenswelt of its author and embodles the author , s unique
mode of consciousness ・ In its aPproach to literature as primarily sublective ,
thls criticism 15 opposed to the obiective approach offo洲alism , both in its
European variety and in American入阳w Cri红cism . Its roots instead 90 back
through the nineteenth century to thatt即e of romantic群pressive币瓦c钻m
which regarded a literary work as the revelation of the personality of its au -
thor , and also proposed that the awareness of this personality 15 the chief aim
and value of reading literature . ( A 5 early as 1 778 , for example , the German
critic Johann Gottfried Herder wrote : " This Iiving reading , this divination into
the soul of the authorl 15 the sole mode of reading , and the most profound
means of self - development . " ) In the course of time , however , Geneva critics
assimilated a number of the concepts and methods of Husseri , Heidegger , and
other phenomenologists . In the view of the Geneva critics the " co矛to , " or
distinctive formations of consdousness , of the author - esrelated to , but not
identical with , the author , s " empirical , " or biographlcal , self - - pervadesa
work of literature , manifesting itself as the subiective correlate of the " con -
tents , , of the work ; that 15 , of the oblects , characters , image琢and style in
which the author , 5 personal mode of awareness and feeling imaginatively
prolects itself . ( For a related critical concept see voiC6 , ' refer also to objec瓦ve and
subjec瓦ve ・)By " bracketing , , their personal prepossessions and particularities ,
the readers of a literary work make themselves purely and passively receptiv6 ,
and 50 are capable of achieving participation , or even identity , with the im -
manent consciousness of its author . Their undertaking to read a work 50 as to
experience the mode of consciousness of its author , and then to reprolect this
consciousness in thelr own critical Wrlting about that Work , underlies the fre -
quent application to the Geneva School of the term critics of consciousness
and the description of their aim in a Cfitical reading of works of literature as
, , consciousness of the consciousness of another . " As Georges Poulet put it in
" Phenomenology of Reading , ' ( 1969 ) : " When 1 read as 1 ought … with the
total commitment required of any reader , " then " 1 am thinking the thoughts
of another.二,But 1 think it as my very own.… My consciousness behaves
as though it were the consciousness of another " ( It should be noted that
Whereas the philosopher Husserl , 5 aim in phenomenology was to describe the
essential features of consciousness Whlch are common to all human beings ,

的手段。 ”)然而,在其发展过程中,日内瓦学派的批评家从胡塞尔、海德格尔和其他现
意识” 。就像乔治・波利特在《阅读的现象学》(1969)一书中所说的那样:“当我需要阅
读时… …阅读中我完全承诺了作品对读者的要求”,于是“我思考他人的想法… …但我
把他人的想法当做就是我自己的想法… …我的意识似乎是按照他人的意识在活动”

the Geneva critics , quite dlfferent aim 15 to ldenti厅一and also to identi印one -
self with一the unlque consciousness of each individual author . )
勺Vlthin this framework , critics of consdousness differ in the eXtent to
whlch they attend to specific elements in the " externaln contents , formal
strUcture , and style of a text , on their Way toward lsolating its author , s " inte ・
riorn mode of consciousness . A conspiCUous tendenCy of most of these critics 15
to put together widely separated passages within a singie Work , on the princi -
ple , as J . Hillis Miller says in his book CharleS Dick即5 , that since all these pas -
sages " reveal the persistence of certain obsessions , problems , and attitUdes , "
the critic mayt by analyZing them , " glimpse the original unity of a creative
mind . " Furthermore the critics of consciousness often treat a single work not
as an individual entity , but as part of the collective body of an author , S writ -
ings , in order , as Miller sald of Dickens , " to ident介what persists through all
the swarming multiplldty of his novels as a view of the worid which 15 unique
and the same . " Georges Poulet has also undertaken , in a number of books , to
tell the history of theva州ng ima矛native treatments of the topic of time
throughout the course ofw比tem literature , regarding these treatments as cor -
relative with diverse modes of liV6d experience . In these histories Poulet sets
out to identify " for each ePoch a consciousness common to all contemporary
minds , , ; he claims , howeve乙that within this shared period一consdousness , the
consciousness of each author aiso manifests its uniqueness . The influence of
the Criticism of consciousness reached its height in the 19505 and 19605 , then
gave way to the exPlicltly opposed critical modes ofs 。刀c扭ralism and decon ・
s如c红on . Many of its concepts and procedures , h0Wever , sup门ve in some forms
of reader-碑sPonse币廿cism and receP找on一aesthe瓦c .
Robert R . Magliola , Phenomenoloi卿and LiteratUre ( 1977 ) , deals with vari -
ous types of phenomenological poetics and criticism in the context of an ex -
position of Husserl , Heidegger , and other phenomenological philosophers .
Brief introductions to the Geneva School of critidsm are Georges Poulet ,
" Phenomenology of Reading , " N白甲Litera甲拭‘ to甲1 ( 1969一70 ) , and J . Hillis
Mille乙“ The Geneva School …," in人fode阴FrenchC对红南m , ed . J . K . Simon
( 1972 ) . In " Geneva or Paris ? The RecentW改k of Georges Poulet , " Universi印of
TOronto Quarterly 39 ( 1970 ) , Miller Indicates his own transition from the criti -
cism of consciousness to the very different critical mode of decons如ction . A
detailed study of the Geneva School 15 Sarah Lawall , 5 Cri互cs of Cons吻usness :
角e Existen行aIS臼初ctUres ofLitera栩re ( 1968 ) ; see also Michael Murra又Mddem
以瓦cal仆eo甲A Phenomen0I州cal劲tTo如c找on ( 1976 ) . Among the writings Of
Geneva Critics and other critics of consciousness available in English are
Georges Poulet , S勿成“ in Human Time ( 1949 ),仆e扭州orDistance ( 1952 ) , and
仆eMeta脚orPhosesoftheCircle ( 1961 ) ; Jeanstarobinskl,角elnven瓦onofLib -
e嘟1700 - - 1789 ( 1964 ) ; Gaston Bachelard , Subversive枷manist:及义臼andRead -
ing , ed . Mary M . Jones ( 1991 ) ; J . Hillis Miller , Charies Dickens:仆e WOrldof川s
NOvels ( 1959 ),角e Dis叼即earance of God ( 1963 ) , and POe七。厂Reali妙(1965 ) .
other critical works influenced by phenomenology are Paul Brodtkorb , ISh -
mael , sW从te灿rld : A Phenomfnol州cal Readingo厂Md妙Dick ( 1965 ) ; David

离分隔的段落组合起来,因为这些段落“揭示了某些持续存在的困扰、难题和态度” ,
批评家也许可以通过对它们的分析来“管窥一个富有创造力的心智原有的统一性” 。
“找出在作者浩瀚的小说里某种一贯的、独特的、一成不变的对世界的看法” 。乔治・
罗伯特・ R.马格利奥拉的论著《现象学与文学》(1977)在阐述胡塞尔、海德格尔
型。对日内瓦学派文学批评的简介有:Georges Poulet , " Phenomenology 。 f Read -
ing , , , New Literar夕Histor夕l , 1969一1970 ; J . Hillis Miller , " The Geneva School …,"
in腼己ern Frenc人criticism , ed . J . K . simon , 1972 。在《多伦多大学季刊》 1970年第
义。莎拉・洛华尔的《意识批评家:文学的存在结构》(1968 ),详细研究了日内瓦学
派。也请参阅:Michael Murray , Md己ern Critical Theory : AP人enomenological
Introduction , 1976 。已翻译成英文的日内瓦学派批评家和其他意识批评家的著作
有:Georges Poulet , Studie , in Human Tzm 。,1949 ; The Interior Distanc 。,1952 ;
andTh 。叼讼tamorPhose , of th 。 Circl 。,1961 ; Jean Starobinski , Th 。 Invention ofL艺be叮夕,
1700一1789 , 1964 ; Gaston Bachelard , Subversi刀e Humanist : Texts and Reading , ed .
Mary M . Jones , 1991 ; J . HilliS Miller , Charle , Dicken , : Th 。 Wdrld of Hi 、 Novel , ,
1959 ; Th 。 D艺sappea : anc 。 of God , 1963 ; and Poet , ofReality , 1965 。其他受现象学
影响的批评作品还有:Paul Brodtkorb , 15人mael ' , whit 。 Worl己:A尸人enomenological
446PI人ToNlc LOv 〔

Halllburton,硕阳r Allan POe : A PhenO用enol叻caIVi日甲(1973 ) ; and Brucejohn ・
son,了翔eCO能sPondence : A PhenomenoIOi妙O厂仆ooas枷rdy , S NOvels ( 1983 ) .

Ploto川c Love . In Plato , S扣即osium 210 - - 212 , Socrates recounts the doctrine
about Eros ( love ) that , he modestiy says , has been imparted to him坪the wise
woman Diotinla . She bids us not to linger in the love evoked by the beauty in
a single humanbo奴buttomountupas勿astai称“ fromonegoingonto饰o ,
and from幻陀0 to all fair forms , " then up from the beauty of the body to the
beauty of the mind , until we arrive at a final contemplation of the Idea , or
Form , of " beauty absotute , separate , simple , and everlasting . " From如5 beauty ,
in its ov 『 n Woild of ldeas , the human soul 15 ine劝1鸟and of it the beauties of
the body and of the world perceived by the senses are onfy distant , distorted ,
and如permanent reflections . Plotinus and other Neoplato心ts ( t he " new Pla ・
tonists , " a sChool of Platonlc philosophers of the third to the fifth century ) de -
veloped the view that all beautyin仇e sensible world一as well as all goodness
and truth一15 an " emanation即(radlation)丘。 m the one or Absotute , wh1Ch 15
the source of all being and all vatue . From both Platonic and块oplatonic
sources , Christian如nkers of the Itallan Renaissance , mer多ngt址5 concept of
the Absotute with the personal God of the Bible , developed the theory that
genulne beauty of the body 15 oniy the outer manifestation of a moral and sPir ・
itual beauty of the soul , WhiCh in tum 15 rayed out from the比solute beauty of
the one GodH恤self . The Platonic lover 15 irresistibly attracted to the bodily
beauty of a beloved person,加t reveres it as a sign of the spintuai beauty that
it shares with all other beautiful bodies , and at the same time regards it as the
lowest rung on a ladder that leads up from sensual desire to the pure contem -
plation of Heavenly Beauty in God .
比ghly developed versions of this conception of Platonic love are to be
角und in Dante , Petrarch , and other writers of the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries , and in many Italian , French , and English authors of sonnets and
other love poems during the助naissance . See , for example , the exPosition in
Book IV of Castigllone , S仆e COu币er ( 1528 ) , and in Edmund Spenser , s " An
Hymn in Honor of Beauty . " As Spenser wrote in one of the sonnets he called
Amore级(1595 ) :
Men call youfayre , and you doe credit it.…
But only that 15 permanent and free
From frayle cormption , that doth flesh ensew .
That 15 true beautie : that doth argue you
Tobedivineandbomeofheavenlyseed :
Derived加m thatfayre spirit , from whom al true
And peifect beauty did at first proceed .
From如5 complex reli矛ous and philosophical do比dne , the modem notion
that Platonic love 155加ply love that stops short of sexual gratification isa
dtastlC reduct1Oll .
The concePt of Platonic love has fascinated some later poets , especially
Shelley ; see his “即iPsychidion , , ( 1821 ) . But his friend Byron took a skeptical

Read£ng of Md占夕Dick , 1965 ; David Halliburton , EdgarAllan Poe : APhenomeno -
109艺cal View , 1973 ; Bruce Johnson , True Correspondence : A Pheno机enolog ) of
Thomas Hard夕’ 5 Novels , 1983 。

Platonic Love柏拉图式恋爱

高度发展了柏拉图这一恋爱观念的各种解释体现在但丁、彼特拉克和其他13 、 14
斯宾塞的《美颂》 。斯宾塞在他的十四行诗中一首名为《爱情小诗》(1595)的诗中写道:

人们说你美,你也相信是如此,… …

《厄皮塞乞迪翁》(1821)〕 。不过,他的朋友拜伦却对这种将人的“厄洛斯冲动”升华的
448 PLO丁

view of such lofty cla加5 for the human Eros一impulse . " Oh Plato ! Plato ! "
Byron sighed ,
you have paved the way ,
with your confounded fantasies , to more
Immoral conduct by the fancied sway
Yoursystem feignso , er the controlless core
Of human hearts , than all the long array
Of poets and romancers.…
( D on lua礼I , cxvi . )

See Plato , s和刀posium and Phaedn线and the exposition of Plato , 5 doc -
trine of Eros , which Plato applied to homosexual as well as heterosexual 10ve ,
in G . M . A . Gmbe , Plato , s角ought ( 1935 ) , chapter 3 . Refer to J . 5 . Harrison ,
刀口tonis脚in English Poe抑ofthe Sixteenth andseventeenthCentU找es ( 1903 ) ; Paul
Shore又刀口tonis附Andent and Mdde阴(1938 ) ; George Santayana , " Platonic
Love in Some Itallan Poets , " in Selected Cri红cal下竹i红伙叭ed . Norman Henfrey
( 2 vols . , 1968 ) , I , 41一59 .

Plot . The plot ( Which Aristotle termed the mythos ) in a dramatic or narratlve
work 15 constituted by its events and actions , as these are rendered and ordered
toward achi州ng partiCUlar artistic and emotional effects . This description 15
deceptively slmple , because the actions ( i nduding verbal discourse as well as
physicala比ons ) are performed by pa由cular characters in a work , and are the
means by which they exhibit their moral and disposltional qualities . Plot and
character are therefore interdependent critical conceptsesas Henry James has
sald , " What 15 character but the determination of incident ? What 15 Incident
but the iltus恤tion of character ? , , ( See character and动aracteriza如n . ) Notice
also that a plot 15 distinguishable from the sto职一that 15 , a bare synopsis of the
temporal order of what happens . When We summarize the story in a literary
work , we say that first this happens , then that , then that.… It 15 oniy When
We speci厅how而5 15 related to that , by causes and motivations , and in what
ways all these matters are rendered , ordered , and organ让ed 50 as to achleve
their pa币cular ef]泛cts , that a synopsis begins to be adequate to the plot . ( on
the distinction be们浑een story and Plot see na加瓦ve and na溯toloi盯,. )
There are a great variety of plot forms . For example , some plots are de -
signed to achieve tragic effects , and others to achieve the effects of comedy ,
romance , satire , or of some othergenre . Each ofthesetypesinturnexhibitsdl -
verse plot一patterns , and may be represented in the mode either of drama or of
narrative , and either in verse or in prose . The following terms , widely cuxrent
in traditional criticism , are useful in distinguishing the component elements
of plots and in helPing to discriminate types of plots , and of the characters
appropriate to them , in both narrative and dramatic literature .
The chief character in a plot , on whom our interest centers , 15 called the
protagonist ( or alternativel又the hem or heroine ) , and if the plot 15 such
that he or she 15 pitted against an important opponent , that character 15 called
the antagonist . Elizabeth Bennet 15 the protagonist , or heroine , of Jane
Austen , s州de andl州u成ce ( 1813 ) ; Hamlet 15 the protagonist and擞ng Claudius

概念持怀疑态度。拜伦在他的长诗《唐・磺》(1 . cxvi .)中叹道:“哦,柏拉图!柏
拉图!" ,


参阅柏拉图的《会饮篇》和《斐德罗》,G . M . A.格鲁布的《柏拉图的思想》(1935)第
其运用于解释异性之爱恋。也请参阅:J . 5 . Harrison , Platonism in English Poet勺of the
Sixtee刀th and SeventeenthCe耐uries , 1903 ; Paul Shorey , PlatonismAncient and八如de阴,

1 938 ; George Santayana , " Platonic Love in Some Italian Poets " , in Selected Critical
Writi , : g , , ed . Norman Henfrey ( 2 vols . , 1968 ) , I , 41一59 。


说:首先这事件发生了,接着那事件发生了,然后另一事件发生了… …只有当我们在
450 PLoT

tne an不agonlst In OnaKespeare ' 5 play ) anQ tne relanon betwe n them 15 one of confi ct . If the antagonist 15州l , or capable of cruel and Criminala由ons , he

or she 15 called the villain . Man另but far from all , plots deal with a conflict ;
Thomton Wilder , s play Our Town ( 1938 ) , for example , does not . In additionto
the conflict between individuals , there may be the conflict of a protagonist

against fate , or against the cirCUmstances that stand betwe n him and a goal he has set himself ; and in some works ( as in Henry James , Po功视it ofa Ladr )
the chief conflict 15 between opposing desires or values in the protagonist , s
。 wn temperament . For the recent exP10itation of an anti一traditional protago -
nist , see an肋亡阳.
A character in a work Who , by sharp contrast , serVes to stress and high -
light the distinctive temperament of the protagonist 15 termed a foil . Thus
Laertes the man of action 15 a foil to the dilatory Hamlet ; the firebrand Hot ・
spur 15 a foil to the cool and calculating Prince Hal in Shakespeare , 51乃飞九尽
IV ; and in州de and Prejud玄C6 , the gentie and compliant Jane Bennet serves as
a foil to her strong - willed sister EllZabeth . ( " Foil , , originally signified " lea坑”
and came to be aPplied to the thln sheet of bright metal placed under a iewel
to enhance its brilliance . )
If a character initiates a scheme Which depends for its success on the 19 -
norance or gulbllity of the person or persons against whom it 15 directed , it
15 called an intrigue . Iago 15 a villain who intrigues against othello and Cassio
in Shakespeare , 5 tragedyo伪ello . A number of comedies , induding Ben Jon -
son , 5 VOIPone ( 1607 ) and many Restora如n plays ( for example , William Con -
greve , S了触种钟ofthe科/O rld and William Wycherley , s介e Coun钾Wife ) , have
plots Which turn largely on the success or failure of an intrigue .
As a plot evolves it arouses exPectations in the audience or readerab叫t
the futUre course of events and actions and how characters will respond to
them . A lack of certainty , on the part of a concemed readet , about what 15
going to happen , espedally to characters with whom the reader has estab -
lished a bond of sympathy , 15如own as suspense . If what in fact happensvi -
olates any expectations we have formed , it 15 known as su印rise . The
interplay of suspense and surplise 15 a prime source of vitality in a traditional
plot . The most effective surprise , espedalfy in realistic narratives , 15 one which
turns out , in retrospect , to have been gTOunded in What has gone before , even
though we have hitherto made the wrong inference from the given facts of
ctrcumstance and character . As E . M . Forster putit , the shock of the unex -
pected , " followed by the feeling , ' oh , that , s all right , 15 a sigu that all 15 well
with the plot . " A " surprise ending , " in the peiorative sense , 15 one in which
the author resolves the pfot without adequate earller grounds in characteriza -
tion or events , often by the use of highly unlikely coincidence ; there are
numerous examples in the short stories ofo ・ Henry . ( For one tyPe of manip ・
ulated ending , see deus ex machina . ) Dramatic irony isa印edal hnd of sus ・
penseful expectation , when the audlence or readers foresee the oncoming
disaster or triumph but the character does not .
A plot 15 commonfy said to have unity of action ( or to be " an artistic
whole , , ) if it 15 apprehended by the reader or auditor as a complete and ordered

温和柔顺的珍妮・班纳特则衬托(foil)出她妹妹伊丽莎白的意志坚强(" foil ”原指“叶
出了错误的推论。正如E . M.福斯特所说,在出乎意料的震惊之后,“伴随着一种感觉
‘哦,没错’是情节完美的一个标志” 。从贬义上来看,“意外结局”指的是作者在前期

452 PLOT

structure ofa由ons , toward the intended effect , in which none of the
Comp parts , or incidents , 15 nonfun比onal ; as Aristofle put
prom this concept ( P oe改cs , Sec ・ all the parts are " 50 closely connected that the

8 ) of
transposal or withdrawal any one of them will disloint and dislocate the
whole . " Aiistotie claimed that it does not constitute a unified plot to present
a series of episodes which are st几ng togethers加ply because they happen
to a single character . Many picaresque na加百雀匀nevertheless , such as Danlel
Defoe , sM讨1 Flanders ( 1 722 ) , have held the interest of readers for cen加ries with
such an ePisodic plot structure ; while even 50 tightly integrated a plot as that of
Henry Fielding , 5 Tomfo " es ( 1749 ) introduces , for variety , 5 sake , a long storyby
the Man of the Hill , which 15 related to the main plot by parallels and con -
tiastS .

A successful later development which Aristotle did not foresee 15 thetype
of structural unity that can be achieved Witti double plots , familiar in Eliza -
加than drama . In this form , as叻plot一a second story that 15 complete and in -
teresting in its own right一15 introduced into the play ; when skillfully
invented and managed , the subplot serves to broaden our perspective on the
main plot and to enhance rather than diffuse the overall effect . The integral
subplot may have the relation of analogy to the main Plot ( the Gloucester
story in King Lear ) , or else of counterpolnt against It ( the comic subplotin -
volving Falstaff inl乃砂王尽I码.Edmund Spenser , s乃e Faerie Queene ( 159于96 )
15 an instance of a narrative romance which interweaves main plot and a mul -
tiplidty of subpfots into an intricately interrelated strUcture , in a Way that the
critic C . 5 . Lewis compares to the pol即honic art of contemporary Eliza -
bethan music , in whlch two or more diverse melodies are carried on simulta -
neously .
The order of a unified plot , Aiistotle pointed out , 15 a continuous se -
quence of beginning , middle , and end . The be乎nning initiates the main ac -
tion in a way Which ma缺5 us look forward to something more ; the而ddle
presumes What has gone before and requires something to follow ; and the
end follows from what has gone before but requires nothing more ; we feel
satisfied that the plot 15 complete . Thes加CtUral beginning ( sometimes also
called the " initiating action , " or " polnt of attack , , ) need not be the initial
stage of the action that 15 brought to a climax in the narratlve or play . The
epic , for example , plunges in mediasres , " in the middle of things , , ( see ePic ) ,
many short stories be矛n at the point of the climax itself , and the writer ofa
drama often captures our attention in the opening scene with a representative
incident , related to and closely preceding the event which precipitates the
central situation or conflict . Thus Shakespeare , 5 Romeo andlulietopenswitha
street fight be七陀een the servants of幻陀0 great houses , and his Hamlet with the
apparition of a ghost ; the exposition of essential prior matters一the feud be -
tween the Capulets and Montagues , or the posture of affairs in the Royal
House of Denmark-一Shakespeare weaves rapidly and skillfully into the dia -
logue of these startling initial scenes . In the novel , the modern drama , and
especialfy the motion picture , such exPosition 15 sometlmes managed by
flashbacks : interpolated narratives or scenes ( often 】 ustified , or natUralized , as

情节具有行动一致律(或成为‘一个艺术整体’ , );芷如亚里士多德所说:情节的所有组
如丹尼尔・笛福的《摩尔・弗兰德斯》(1722 ),就是由于有这种插曲式的情节结构而
完整的小说《汤姆・琼斯》(1749 ),为了要显得多样化也引人了山里人讲述的冗长的
喜剧式次情节)。埃德蒙・斯宾塞的《仙后》(159 。一1596)是一个叙事体传奇的例子,
它把主情节和许多次情节交织成一个复杂精巧相互关联的结构。批评家C . 5.刘易斯
( " in medias res , ')开篇(参见:史诗);许多短篇小说是从高潮那一点开始。剧作家常
454 pLoT

amemo珊areverie , oraconfessionbyone of the characters ) whlch represent
appened before the time at which the work opened . Arthur
D拟th ofa Salesman ( 1949 ) and Ingmar Bergm an , 5 filmw湘d
esmakeperslstentands袱llful use of this deviCe .
The Gertnan crltic Gustav Freytag , In及‘五nique of角e Drama ( 1863 ) , in -
sknownasFreytag , s I ' yramid . Hedescribed

燕薰嚣黔薰 as a pyramidal shape , consisting of a Tising
.龙though the total pattern that Freytag de -
scribed apPlies only to a limited number ofplays , variousofhistermsarefre -
quently echoed by critics of prose fiCtion as well as drama . As applied to
Hamlet , for example , the rising action ( a section that Aristotle had called the
complication ) be乡ns , after the opening scene and exposition , with the
ghost , S tdling Hamlet that he has been murdered by hls brother Claudius ; it
continues with the developing conflict be勺澎een Hamlet and Claudius , in
which Hamlet , desPite sethacks , succeeds in controlling the course of events ・
The rising act10n reaches the climax of the hero , 5 fortunes with his proof
of the抢ng , S guilt by the device of the play within a play ( 111 ・ 11 ・)・ Then comes
the crisis , the reversai or " tUrnlng point , , of the fo如nes of the protagonist , in
his failure to kill the租ng while he 15 at prayeL This inaugurates the falling
action ; ftom now on the antagonist , Claudius , largely controls the course of
events , until the catastrophe , or outcome , Which 15 decided by the death of
the hero , as well as of Claudius , the Queen , and Laertes . " Catastrophen 15 usu ・
ally applied to tragedy only ; a more general term for this precipitating final
scene , whlch 15 applied to both comedy and tragedy , 15 the denouement
( French for " unknotting , , ) : the action or intrigue ends in success or failure for
the protagonist , the conflicts are settled , the mystery 15 solved , or the misun -
derstanding C16ared away . A frequently used altemative term for the Outcome
of a plot 15 the resohition .
In many plots the denouement involves a reversai , or in Aristotie , 5 Greek
term , periPety , in the protagonist , s fortUnes , whether to the protagonist , 5 fail -
ure or destrUction , as In tragedy , or success , as In comic plots . The reversal fte -
quently dePends ona山scovery ( in七istotle , 5 term , anagnorisis ) . This 15 the
recognition by the protagonist of something of great importance hitherto un -
kiio , vn to him or to her : Cesario reveals to the Duke at the end of Shake -
speare , s乃作洲主Night that he 15 realfy Viola ; the fact of Iago , 51户ng treachery
dawns upon othello ; Pielding , s JOseph Andrews , in his comic novel by that
name ( 1 742 ) , discovers on the州dence of a birthmark一,, as fine a strawberry
as ever grew in a garden ,,一that he 15 in reality the son of Mr . and Mrs . Wilson .
Since the 19205 , a number of Wrlters of prose fiction and drama一building
on the examPle of Lau爬nce Sterne , 5 TristramS为an办50 early as 1759巧7一
have deliberat目ydesignedth比worksto加stratetheexPectationsofchrono -
logiCal order , coherence , reliable narration , and resotution that the reader or
auditor has formed by habitu北on to traditional plots ; some Wrlters have even
attempted to dispense altogether with a recognizable plot . ( See , for example ,
literatUre of the absurd , mod白” tsm and postmode阴ism , an改novel , the new novel ・)
Also,拍nous recentt即es of critical theory have altered or supplemented

的。 “结局”通常仅用于悲剧;一个用来指迅速发展的最后一幕的较普遍的术语(可用
于喜剧和悲剧)是结局(法文,意思是“解开纠结” ) ―即行动或阴谋以主人公的成功
自2 。世纪20年代起,一些散文体小说和戏剧作家,以劳伦斯・斯特恩早在
456 po曰Ic olcTloN

many traditional concepts in the classification and analysis of plots . Thea戚e -
妙al币沈Northrop Frye reduced all plots to fourt即es that reflect the myths
corresponding to the four seasons of the yeaL StrUcturalist Critics , Who con ・
ceive diverse plots as sets of alternative conventions and codes for constrUcting
a flctional narrative , analyze and classifytheseconventionalplotformsonthe
model of linguistic theory . ( Sees加ctUralist币丘由m and naITatoloj汉and the
discussion of plots in Jonathan Culle丸S加ctUralist Poe红残1975 , pp . 205一4 . )
And some recent critical theorists have undertaken to exPlode en位ely thetra -
ditional treatments of plots , on the ground that any notion of the " unity " ofa
plot and of its " teleological , , progress toward a resotution are illuso琳or else
that the resolution itself 15 only a facade to mask the irrecond曲le conflicts
and contradiCtions ( whether psychological or soclal ) that are the trUe compo -
nents of any literary text . See under pos七加c勿ralis拼.
For recent developments in the concept of plot , see na溯百ve and na即tol -
咫笋Refer to Aristotle , POe瓦cs , . E . M . Forster , AsPectS of the Novel ( 1927 ) ; R . 5 .
Crane , " The Concept of Plot and the Plot of Tom IOn6S , " in Crane , ed . , Cri瓦cs
and Cri找cis阴(1952 ) ; Wayne C . Booth,仆e Rhetoric ofFic瓦on ( 1961 ) ; Elder
olson,介毋即and the角eoly ofDrama ( 1966 ) ; Robert Scholes and Robert Kel -
1099,仆e撇tUre ofNa溯瓦雀(1966 ) ; Frank Kermode,角e Senseo厂anE " ding . '
StUdies in the角eo尽OfFic瓦on ( 1967 ) ; Eric 5 . Rabkln,撇溯互ves叨沪ense ( 1974 ) ;
TZVetan Todorov ) The Poe瓦cs OfProse ( t rans ・,1977 ) ; Seymour Chatrnan , Stoly
and DIScourse : Na加瓦ves加c细re in Fi币on and FIIm ( 1980 ) ; Peter Brooks , Read -
ing for the Plot : Des妙and Inven瓦on inNa加的己(1984 ) .

Poetic DICtion . The term diction signifies thetypes of words , phrases , and
sentence structures , and sometimes also of figuratiVe language , that consti ・
tute any work of literature . A writer , 5 diction can be analyzed under a greatva -
riety of categories , such as the degree to Which the vocabulary and phrasing 15
abstract or concrete , Latin or Anglo一Saxon in ori矛n , colloquial or formal ,
technical or common . Sees圳e andPoe红clice月se .
Many poets in all ages have used a distinctive language , a " poetlc dic ・
tion , " which includes words , phrasing , and figures not current In the ordi -
nary discourse of the time . In modern discussion , howeve乙the term poetic
diction 15 applied especlally to poets who , like Edmund Spenser in the Ellza -
bethan age orG , M . Hopkins in the Victorian age , deliberately employeda
diction that deviated markedly not only ftom common speech , but even
from the writings of other poets of their era . And in a frequent use , " poetic
diction , , denotes the special style developed by neoclassic机lters of the eigh -
teenth century who , like Thomas Gray , believed that " the language of the
age 15 never the language of poetry , , ( letter to工chardw此t , 1742 ) . This neo -
classic poetic diction was in large part derived from the characteristic usage
of admlred earlier poets such as the Roman Virgil , Edmund Spense乌and
John Milton , and was based on the reigning prindple of deco川巩according
to which a poet must adapt the " level , ' and type of his diction to the mode
and status of a particular genre ( sees今le ) . Formal satire , such as Alexander
Pope , 5 EPistle to Dr . Arbuthnot ( 1735 ) , because it represented a poet , 5 direct

作《结构主义诗学》(1975)第205一224页有关情节的探讨」 。一些近代文学批评理论
有关情节理论的新近发展,参见:叙事和叙事学。也请参阅:Aristotle,尸oetic , ;
E . M . Forster , Aspects of the Novel , 1927 ; R . 5 . Crane , " The Concept of Plot and the
Plot of TOm Jones " , in Crane ed . , Criticsand Crit : c艺sm , 1952 ; WayneC . Booth , The
Rhetor乞c of Fiction , 1961 ; Elder Olson,共视ged夕a , , d the Theo勺of Drama , 1966 ;
Robert Scholes and Robert Kellogg , TheN叮ure of Narrative , 1966 ; Frank Ker -
mode , The Sense of an Ending : Studies in the Theory of Fiction , 1967 ; Eri 。 5 .
Rabkin , Narrative Suspense , 1974 ; Tzvetan Todorov , The Poetics of Prose , trans . ,
1 977 ; Seymour Chatman , Stor夕and Discourse : Narrative Structure in Fiction and
Fil执,1980 ; Peter Brooks , Reading for the Plot : Des乞90 and Invent艺on£九N口rra -
tive , 1984 。

Poetic Diction诗意辞藻

一术语通常是专指像伊丽莎白时期的埃德蒙・斯宾塞或维多利亚时期的G . M.霍普
作品中的措辞都大不相同的措辞。 “诗意辞藻”经常用来表示由18世纪的新古典主
正规的嘲讽文体,如亚历山大・蒲柏的《致阿布斯纳博士书》(1735 ),由于表现的是诗

commentary on ay matters , permitted月ndeed required一the use of
and cultivated people of the time . But
by language really spoken urbane and cultivated peopleo全tne time . sut
what Were ranked as theh igher genres , such as epic , tragedy , and ode , re ・
auired a refined and elevated poetic diction to raise the style to the level of
the form , while pastoral and descriptive poems , which necessitated re橄ence
to what were considered lowly materials , used a special diction to invest
these materials with a dignity and elegance appropriate to poetry .
Prominent characteristics of eighteenth一century poetic diction were its
archa钻m and its use of reCUrrefit ePithetS , . its Preference for resounding words
derived from加tin ( , , refulgent , " " irriguous , " " umbrageous , , ) ; the frequentin -
v口诩瓦ons to , and Person访ca如nso瓦abstraCtions and inanimate obiects ; and
the persistent use of periphrasis ( a roundabout , elaborate Way ofs娜ng
something ) to avoid What were perceived as low , technical , or commonplace
terms by means of a substitute phrase that was thought to be of higher dignlty
and decorum . Among the many periphrases in James Thomson , S仆e Seasons
( 172卜30 ) are " thefinnytribe , , for " fish , " " thebleatingkind , , for " sheep , " and
" from the sno训7 leg … the inverted silk she drew , , instead of " she took off
her silk stocking . " The following stanza ftom Thomas Gray , 5 excellent period
plece , " ode on a Distant巧ospect of Eton College , , ( 1 747 ) , manifests all these
devices of neoclassic poetic diction . Contemporary readers took special plea -
sure in the ingenuity of the periphrases by Whlch Gray , to achieve the stylistic
elevation appropriate to an ode , managed to describe schoolboys at play
While evading the use of common , hence what were considered to be unpo ・
etic , words such as " swim , " " cage , " " boys , " " hoop , " and " bat , , :
Say , Father Thames , for thou hast seen
Full many a sprightiy race
Disporting on thy margent green
The paths of pleasure trace ;
Who foremost now delight to cleave
with Pliant arm thy glassy wave ?
The captive linnet which enthrall ?
What idle progeny succeed
TO chase the rolling circle , 5 speed ,
or urge the flying ball ?
Inwilliamwbrdswo曲,s famedattackontheneoclassicdoctrineofasPe -
dal language for poetry , in his preface of 1800 toL州cal Ball自瓶he dahaed
that there 15 no " “肥”血Idi旋rence between the language of prose and metri -
cal composition , , ; deCried the poeticdi比on of eighteenth一century叭成ters as
, , artifidal , " " vidous , " and " unnatural即;set uP as the criterion for a valld poetic
language that it be , not a matter of artful contrivance , but the " sPontaneous
田erflow of powerful触lings , , ; and , by a drastic reversal of the class一hierarchy
of linguistic decomm , claimed that the best model for the natUral expresston
of丘犯ling 15 not uPper一dass speech , but the sPeech of . " humble and rustic life . "
See Thomas Quayte , Poe红c Dic扮on : AS纽即of Eighteenth一CentU甲珑” e
( 1924 ) ; Geofftey Tillotson , " Eighteenth ・ Century Poetic Dictionn ( 1942 ) ,
rePrinted in Eighteenth一Cen匆Iy Engl定sh LiteratU代ed . James L . Clifford ( 1959 ) ;

亮的拉丁词源的字词〔譬如,“光辉的” ( refulgent)、 “湿润的” ( irriguous)、 “成荫的”
( umbrageous)」;经常对抽象的概念和无生命的物体使用祈愿词,并使其拟人化和不
雪覆盖的腿上摘去倒置的丝绸”,而不用“她脱下长丝袜” 。以下是选自托马斯・格雷
时也成功地避免了使用因为常见而缺乏诗意的词,譬如“游泳” 、 “笼子” 、 “男孩” 、 “铁
环’,和“环拍” :


在18 。 。年出版的(抒情歌谣集》的序言里,威廉・华兹华斯对新古典主义关于诗
质的区别” 。他指责18世纪作家的诗意辞藻是“矫揉造作的” 、 “邪恶的”和“不自然
的” 。华兹华斯奠定了判断有效的诗歌语言的标准:诗歌语言不是玩弄技巧的词语组
合,而是“强烈感情的自然流露” 。他还推翻了语言仪轨的阶级等级原则,宣称感情自
参见:Thomas Quayle , Poetic Diction : A Stud夕of Eighteenth Centu勺Verse ,
1924 ; Geoffrey Tillotson , " EighteenthCentury Poetic Diction " , 1942 , reprinted in
Eighteenth - Centu勺Engl艺sh Literature , ed . James L . Clifford , 1959 ; J . Arthos ,
460 poETIc Jus下Ic 〔 ・ poE丁Ic LICENsE

J . Arthos,劝e La似双昭祀ofNa加ral DescriP厅on in EIShteenth一CentU甲Poe妙
H . Abrams , " W改dsworth and Coleridge on Diction and Figures , " ( 1949 ) ; M ・
in刀未e Col ndent Breeze ( 1984 ) . For general treatments of the diverse vo ・
cabularies of poets , refer to OWen Barfield , POe灯c Dic如n ( rev . , 1973 ) , and
Winifred Novotn丫仆e La,娜网弹POets Use ( 1962 ) .

Poetic Iu砒ce was a term coined by Thomas却mer , an English critic of the
later seventeenth centur又to signify the distribution , at the end of a literary
work , of earthly rewards and punlshments in propo出on to the virtue or vice
of the various characters . Rymer , 5 view was that a poem ( in a sense that in ・
cludes dramatic tragedy ) 15 an ldeal realm of its own , and should be govemed
by ideal princiPles of deco川m and morality and not by the random way things
often work out in the real world . No important critics or literary Writers since

Rymer , s day have ac eded , in any but a highly qualifiedwa又to his rigid rec ・ om endation of poetic lustice ; it would , for example , destroy the pos ibility

of tragic suffering , whlch exceeds What the protagonist has deserVed because
of his or hertTa舒c伽w ・
See Introduction to跳e Cri百cal科七rksof仆omasR卿er , ed . Curt A . 21 -
mansky ( 1956 ) ; M . A , Q班nlan , POe红clus红ce in跳eDrama ( 1912 ) .

Poetic License . John Dryden in the late seventeenth century defined poetic
license as " the liberty Which poets have assumed to themselves , in all ages , of
spea擞ng things in verse which are beyond the severity of prose . " In its most
common use the term 15 confined to dic百on alone , to lustify the poet污depar -
ture from the rules and conventions of standard spoken and Written prose in
matters such as syntax , word order , the use of archaic or newly coined words ,
and the conventional use of卿一动娜es ( Wind一ind , daughter一laughter ) . The
degree and klnds of linguistic freedom assumed by poets have varied accord -
ing to the conventions of each age , but in every case the lustification of the
freedom lies in the success of the effect . The gTeat opening sentence of Mll -
ton , 5 Paradjse Lo 、 t ( 1667 ) , for example , departs radically , but with eminent
success , from the colloquial language of his time in the choice and order of
words , in idiom and figurative construction , and in syntax , to achieve a dis -
tinction of language and grandeur of announcement commensurate with
Milton , s high subiect and the tradition of the epic form ・
In a broader sense " poetic license , , 15 applied not only to language , but to
all the ways in which poets and other llterary authors are held to be free to vi ・
olate , for special effects , the ordinary norms not only of common discourse
but also of literal and historical truth , including the devices of meter and
rhyme , the recourse to literaryco " ventions , and the representation of fictional
characters and events . In 1 Hen甲I环for example , Shakespeare follows Samuel
Danlel , 5 history in verse of the Wars of the Roses by making the vallant Hot -
sPur much younger than he was in fact , in order to serve as a more effective
foil to the apparently dissolute Prince Hal ・ A special case 15 anachronismsethe
Placing of an event or person or thing outslde of its historical era . Shakespeare
described his Cleopatta as wearing Elizabethan corsets ; and in Iul定us Caesar ,

The La " guage of Natural Descr : pt , on in Eighteenth一Centur夕Poet勺,1949 ; M . H .
Abrams , " Wordsworth and Coleridge on Diction and Figures , in The Corresponde儿t
Breez 。,1984 。有关不同诗人使用的不同词汇的概述,参阅:Owen Barfield . Poetic
Dictio儿.rev . 1973 ; Winifred Novotny , TheLanguagePoetsUse , 1962 。

Poetjc Justice诗的正义

参看:克特・ A.齐格曼斯基所编《托马斯・赖默评著》(1956)一书的序言;M . A .

Poet , c License诗的破格

予自己的那种不受散文的严谨限制、用韵文表达意思的自由” 。在其最一般的意义
用传统视觉韵(如wind一bind , daughte卜laughter)等方面,有权背离标准的口语或书面
出放荡的哈尔王子。 “诗的破格”的一个特殊用法是时代错误―将某一事件、人物或
462 PolNTO 「 vl 〔 w

whlch 15 set in ancient Rome , he Introduced a clock that strikes the hour . The
term " poetic license , , 15 sometimes extended to a poet , 5 violation of fact from
ignorance , as well as by design ・ It need not diminish our enloyment of the
work that Shakespeare attributed a seacoast to landlocked Bohemia in仆e
扒入” ter , s Tale , or that Keats , in writing " On First Loo犯ng into Chapman , s
Homer , , ( 1816 ) , mistakenly made Cortez instead of Balboa the discoverer of
the Paciflc ocean .
See Geoffrey N . Leech , A Li,醒,is灯c Guide to English POe抑(1969 ) , chapter
3 , " Varieties of Poetic License . " For the view by RussianFO洲alis七that vari ・
eties of poetic license are used to refresh our perceptions of literary language
and of the world it represents , see Victor Erlich , RussianFO洲alism ( 1965 ) .

Point of View signifies the way a story gets told一the mode ( or modes ) es -
tablished by an author by means of which the reader 15 presented with the
characters , dialogue , actions , setting , and events which constitute the na做-
瓦ve in a work offiction . Thequestionofpointofviewhasalwaysbeenaprac -
tical concern of the novelist , and there have been scattered observations on
the matter in critical writings since the emergence of the modern novel in the
eighteenth century . Henry James , prefaces to his various novels , howeve 、
collected as仆e Art ofthe Novel in 1934一and Percy Lubbock , s仆e Cra斤。厂Fic -
灯on ( 1926 ) , which codified and expanded upon James , comments , made
point of view one of the most prominent and persistent concerns in modern
treatments of the art of prose fiction .
Authors have developed many different ways to present a story , and
many single works exhibit a diversity of methods . The simplified classifica -
tion below , however , 15 widely recognized and can serve as a preliminary
frame of reference for anal州ng traditional types of narration and for deter -
mining the predominanttype in mixed narrative modes . It deals first with by
far the most widely used modes , flrst一person and third一person narration . It es -
tablishes a broad distinction between these two modes , then divides third -
person narratives into subclasses according to the degree and klnd of freedom
or limitation which the author assumes in getting the story across to the
reader . It then goes on to deal briefly with the rarely used mode of second -
person narration .
In a third一person narrative , the narrator 15 someone outside the story
proper who refers to all the characters in the story by name , or as " he , " " she , "
" they . " Thus Jane Austen , s Emma begins : " Emma Wbodhouse , handsome ,
clever , and rich , with a comfortable home and happy disposition , seemed to
unite some of the best blessings of existence ; and had lived nearly twenty一one
years in the World with very little to distress or vex her . " In a first一person nar -
rative , the narrator speaks as " I , " and 15 to a greater or lesser degree a partici -
pant in the story . J . D . Salinger , s角e血tc人er in the Rye ( 1951 ) begins : " If you
really want to hear about it , the first thing you , 11 really want to know 15 where
Iwasborn , andwhatmylousychlldhoodwaslike , andhowmyparentswere
ocCUpied and all before they had me , and all that David Copperfield kind of
crap.… n

裙;在《尤利乌斯・凯撒》里,故事发生在古罗马,但他却引人了报时的时钟。 “诗的破
参看:Geoffrey N . Leech , " Varieties of Poeticl子icense " , A Linguis艺ic Guide to
Engl傲Poetry , 1 969 , chapter3;有关俄国形式左义者认为不同的诗的破格可用来更
新我们对于文学语言及其所表现的世界的看法的观点,参阅:Victor Erhch , Ross£“
Fo州刀口lism . 1965 。

Point of Vlew视角

1934年出版的《小说的艺术》 ―以及拍西・卢伯克所著的《小说的技艺》(1926)。
物,称呼他们的姓名或称之为“他” 、 “她” 、 “他(她)们” 。例如,简・奥斯丁的《爱玛》是
生活中的几种最大幸福,已经无忧无虑地在世上过了差不多二十一个年头了。 ”在第
一人称叙事摸式中,叙述者以“我”的口吻讲述故事,或多或少是故事的参与者。 J . D .
前都干了些什么,以及诸如此类大卫・科波菲尔式的废话… … ”
464 polNToFvl洲

1 Thlrd ・ PersonPointsofvi . w
( 1 ) The omniscient point of view . This 15 a co班mon term for the many
and varled WorkS of fiction , vrltten in accord with the conven如n that
the narrator knows everything that needs to be known about the
agents , actions , and events , and has privileged access to the charac -
ters , thoughts , feelings , and motives ; also that the narrator 15 free to
move at will in time and place , to shift from character to character ,
and to report ( or conceal ) their speech , doings , and states of con -
SCi0USlleSS .
Within this mode , the inti " sive narrator 15 one who not only
reports , but also comments on and evaluates the actions and motives
of the characters , and sometimes expresses personal views about
human life in general . Most works are written according to the con -
vention that the omnisctent narrator , 5 reports and ludgments areto
be taken as authoritative by the reade乙and 50 serve to establish what
coullts as the tme faCtS and姐IUeS wlthin the fiCtional worid . This 15
the fashion in which many of the greatest novelists have written , in -
cluding Fielding , Jane Austen , Charles Dickens , William MakePeace
Thac缺ray , George Eliot , Thomas Hardy , Fyodor Dostoevsky , and Leo
TOlstoy . ( In Fielding , 5 TOm fones and Tolstoy , s认勺r and几aC6 , 1863一9 ,
the intrusive narrator goes 50 far as to interpolate commentary , or
short essays suggested by the subiect matter of the novels . ) on the
other hand , the omniscient narrator may choose to be uninti " sive
( altemative terms are加personal or Obiective ) . Flaubert inM泛dame
Bova甲(1857 ) , for example , for the most part describes , reports , or
, , shows , , the action In dramatic scenes without introducing his own
comments or iudglnents . More radical instances of the unintrusiVe
narrator , who gives up even the privilege of access to inner feelings
and motives , are to be found in a number of Ernest Hemingway , s
short stories ; for eXample , " The称llers , " and " A Clean , well一Lighted
Place . " ( See showing and telling , under character . ) For an extreme use of
加personal representation , see the comment on Robbe一Grillet , 5 Ieal -
ous另under novel .
G通rard Genette subtilized in various ways the analysis of third -
person point of view . For example , he distinguishes between focus of
narration ( w ho tells the story ) and focus of character ( who per -
ceives What 15 told us in any part of the story ) . In Henryjames , W五at
M泛isie Knew , for example , the focus of narration 15 an adult who tells
the story , but his focus 15 on events as they are perceived and inter ・
preted by the character Maisie , a chlld . Both the focus of narration
and the focus of character ( t hat 15 , of perception ) in a single story may
shift rapidly from the narrator to a character in the story , and from
one character to another . In To the Lighthous马Vi哪nia Wbolf shifts
the focus of character to each in turn of the principal participants
in the story ; and Hemingway , 5 short sto供“ The Short Happy Life of

( 1)全知全能视角。这个常用术语指的是按戈学惯例所创作的许多纷繁各异的
短的论说文」 。另一方面,全知全能的叙述者也可以是非介入的叙述者(也
466 polNTo 「 vlEw

Francts Macomber , " 15 a third一person narrative in which the focus of
perception 15 , in various passages , the narrator , the hunter Wilson ,
Mrs . Macomber , Mr . Macomber , and even , briefiy , the hunted lion .
SeeG乏rard Genette , Na加瓦ve Discourse : An Essay in Method ( 1972 ,
trans . 1980 ) .
( 2 ) The limited point of view . The narrator tells the story in the third
person , but stays inside the confines of What 15 perceived , thought , re -
membered and felt by a singie character ( or at most by very few char -
acters ) within the story . Henry James , who refined this narrative
mode , described such a selected character as his " focus , " or " mirro兀”
or " center of consdousness . " In a number ofjames , later works all the
events and actions are rePresented as they unfold before , and filter to
the reader through , the particular perceptions , awareness , and re -
sponses of only one character ; for example , Strether in仆e Ambas -
sadors ( 1903 ) . A short and artfully sustained example of this limited
narration 15 Katherine Mansfield , 5 story " Bliss " ( 1920 ) .
功ter writers developed this technique into stream一。产consciousness
nanation , in Which we are presented with outer obserVations only as
they加Pinge On the continuous current of thought , memo年feel -
mgs , and assoc认tions which constitute a particular observer , 5 total
awareness . The llmitation of point of view represented both byjames ,
" center of consdousness , , narration and by the " stream一of - conscious -
ness , , narration sometimes used by James Joyce , vir矛nia WOolf ,
William Faulknef , and others , 15 often said to exempllfy the " self - effac -
ing autho石” or " obiective narration , " more effe比vely than does the
use of an unintruslve but omnlsdent narrator . In the latter instance , it
15 said , the reader remains aware that someone , or some outside voice ,
15 telling us about What 15 going on ; the aitemative mode , in which the
point of view 15 lillilted to the consciousness of a character within the
story itseif , gives readers the illusion of experiencing events that
evolve beforeth改。 vm eyes . For a revealing analysis , however , of the
way even an authorwhorestrictsthenarrativecenterofconsciousness
to a single character nonetheless communicates authorial ludgments
on people and events , and also controls the ludgments evoked from
the read甄see IanW直tt , " The First九ragraph of仆e AmbassadOIS , ' An
砍plic甜on , " rePrinted injames,劝eAmbassadors , ed . 5 . P Rosenbaum
( 1964 ) . See alsopersona , ton马andvoice .

11 F.乃t一person PO . nts of vlew
This mode , insofar as it 15 consistently carried out , limits the matter of
the narratlve to What the first一person narrator knows , experiences , in -
fers , or can find out by talking to other characters . w迫distinguish
be勺陀een the narrative " I , , who 15 only a fortuitous witriess and audi -
tor of the matters he relates ( Marlow in石俪rt ofDa沃ness and other
works by Joseph Conrad ) ; or Who 15 a pa觅cipant , but only a minor or

事话语:方法论随笔》(1972 , 1980年英译本)。
( 2)局限性视角。叙述者用第三人称讲述故事,但局限于故事中某个人物(或至
这一叙事方式,他把这种选择出来的人物称为他的“焦点” 、 “镜子”或“意识中
心” 。在詹姆斯后期的一些作品中,所有的事件与行为都按其之前发展的样
如,《大使》(1903)中的斯特西尔。凯瑟琳・曼斯菲尔德的故事《幸福》(1920 )
体现了“自我隐遁的作者”或“客观叙事” 。在全知全能的非介人叙事方法中,
说》,该文重新出版在5 . P.罗森伯姆所编、詹姆斯著的《大使》(1 964)中。也
468 polN下oF vl 〔 w

pself the central character in the story ( Danlel Defoe , sM讨1 FlandetS ,
erip heral one , in the story ( lshmael inH曰man Melvil e乞Mb勿一ick , NICk in F . Scot  Fitzgerald , s仆e Great GatS划;or Who 15 himself or her -
Charlotte Bronte , 5 jane马兜and VIllette , Chailes Dlckens , Great称Pec -
ta廿ons , Mark Twain , s仆e Adven加res of HuckZebeny Finn , J . D .
Salinger , s仆e Catc人er in the Rye ) . Ralph Ellison , s劝e扭嘛ible吞勿n
manifests a complex narrative mode in which the protagonist 15 the
first一person narrator , Whose foCUs ofcharacter 15 on the perceptions of
a third party一white America一to whose eyes the protagonist , be -
cause he 15 black , 15 " invisible ・,, For a rpecial type of first一person nar -
rative , see ePistola甲novel .
111 Second ・ person Points of vlew
In this mode the story gets told solel又or at least primarily , as an ad -
dress by the narrator to someone he calls by the second ・ person pro -
noun " you . ' ' This form of narration ocCU仃ed in occasional passages
of traditional fiction , but has been exPloited in a sustained Way only
during the latter part of the twentieth century and then only rarely ;
the effect 15 of a virtUoso performance . The Rench novelist Michel
Butor ) in La人勿d诉cation ( 1957 , trans . as Second角oug ),奴1981 ) , the
Italian novelist Italo Calvino in Ifona叭nter , s Nightal ' rO veler ( t rans ,
1981 ) , and the American novelist Jay Mclnemey in BlightLigh饥Big
Ci妙(1984 ) , all tell their sto理with " you " as the naITatee . Mclnemey ' s
刀心址乙ights , B哲Ci尔for example , begins :
YOu are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this at this time
of the morning 、 But here you are , and you cannot say that the terrain 15
entirely unfamiliar , though the details are fuzZy . YOu are at a nightclub
talking to a girl with a shaved head , The club 15 either Hearthreak or the
Lizard Lounge ・
This second person may turn out to be a sPecific fictional charact既
or the reader of the story , or even the narrator himself or herself , or
not clearly or consistently the one or the other ; and the story may
unfold by shifting between telling the narratee What he or she 15 now
doing , has done in the past , or Will or 15 commanded to do in thefu -
tUre . Italo Calvino uses the form to achieve a complex and comic
form of involuted刀c瓦on , by involving " you , " the reader , in the fabri -
cation of the narrative itself . His novel opens :
YOu are about to begin reading Italo Calvino , s new novel , Ifon a winter兮
九妙ta加veler . Relax . Concentrate . , . Best to close the doot ) theTV 15 al -
ways on in the next room . Tell the others right awa又“ NO , 1 don , t want
to watchTV ! ” … Or if you prefe ( don , t say anything ; lust hope they , 11
leave you alone .
Refer to Brian Richardson ; " The Poetics and Politics of Second一Person Narra -
tive , " Genre 24 ( 1991 ) ; Monika FludernicK " Second - Person Narrative as a Test
Case for Na叮atolo舒” S印le 28 ( 1994 ) ; and " Second ・ Person Narrative : A Bibli -
ograph又” S今le ( 1994 ) ; Bruce Morrissette , " Narrative ' You , in Contemporary

尔斯・狄更斯的《远大前程》,马克・吐温的《哈克贝利・芬历险记》,J . D,塞
的” 。有关第一人称叙事的特殊类型,参见:书信体小说。
《政变》(1957 , 1981年英译本为《三思之后》),意大利小说家伊塔洛・卡尔



你即将读到伊塔洛・卡尔维诺的新小说,《如果在冬夜,一个旅人》 。
放松。集中注意力・ ・一最好把门关上,因为隔壁房间的电视总是开着。
立刻告诉其他人:“不,我不想看电视!” … …或者,假如你愿意的话,你也

参阅《体裁》 24期(1991)中布赖恩・理查森的文章《第二人称叙事的诗意性与
政治性》;《文体》 28期(1994)中莫尼卡・弗鲁德尼克的文章《作为叙事学测试

Literature,即Co林para瓦veLitera扭res匆成“ 2 ( 1965 ) . SeanMatthewAndrewsan -
narrative in short stories by Lorrie Moore ,
alyzes tactics of second - Reynold Price in AD宜sq “定s主红o " on Second Person撇卜
Frederick Barthelme , and
ra瓦ve , Senior Honors Thesis in English at the Pennsylvania State University ,
1996 .
TWo other frequently disCUssed narrative tactics are relevant to a consid -
eration of points of view :
The self - conscious narrator shatters any illusion that he or she 15 telling
something that has actually happened by revealing to the reader that the nar -
ration 15 a work of fictional art , or by flaunting the discrepancies between its
patent fictionality and the reality it seems to rePresent . This can be done ei -
ther seriously ( Henry Fielding , 5 narrator in TOm fones and Marcel in Marcd
Proust , s Remembranceof升i叮,为‘ t , 1913一27 ) or forprimarilycomicpurposes
( mstram in加urence Steme , sT跳tram Shandy , 1 759拓7 , and the narrator of
Lord Byron , 5 versified Don luan , 1819一4 ) , or for purposes Whlch are both se -
rious and comic ( Thomas Carlyle , 5 Sartor Resar加5 , 1833一34 ) . See Robert Altet ,
Pa币alM咭ic . ’仆eNovelasaself - ConsciousGenre ( 1975 ) , andrefertoro脚an吮
ironr .
one variety of self - conscious narrativ6 exPloited in recent prose fiCtion 15
called the self - reflexive novel , or the involut6d novel , which incorporates into
its na仃ation reference to the process of composing the fictional story itself ・
An early modem version , Andr通Gide , s劝e COunte币iters ( 1926 ) , 15 also one of
the most intricate . As Harry Levin summarized its self - involution : it 15 " the
diary of a novelist who 15 writing a novel [ t 0 be called角e Counte币iterslabout
a novelist Who 15 keeping a diary about小e novel he 15 Writing , , ; the nest of
Chinese boxes was further multiplled by Gide , 5 publication , also in 1926 , of
his own loumalof仆e COunte币iters , kept while he was composing the novel ・
讥adimir吻bokov 15 an ingenious exploiter of involuted fiction ; for example ,
inPaleFire ( 1962 ) . See阴eta斥如九讯theenttynovel ,
W七ordinarily accept What a narrator tells us as authoritative . The faillble
or unreli曲le narratot , on the other hand , 15 one whose perception , interpre -
t甜on , and evaluation of the matters he or she narr袱5 do not c01ndde with
the opinions and norms implied by the autho耳whlch the author expects the
alert reader to share , ( See the commentary on reliable and unreliable narrators
in节厄yne Booth,仆e Rhetoric ofFiction , 1961 . ) HenryjamesmaderePeateduse
of the narrator whose excessive innocence , or oversophistication , or moral
ob加seness , makes hlm a flawed and disto觅ng " center of consciousness , , in
the work ; the resuit 15 an elaborate strUctUre of ironies . ( See j1On升)EXamples of
James , use of a fallible narrator are his short stories " The Aspem Papersn and
" The Liar . n仆e Saa吧d FOunt and仆e Tum ofthe Sa了w are works妙James in
which , according to some critics , the dues for correcting the views of the fal -
llble narrator are inadequate , 50 that what we are meant to take as factual
within the story , and the evaluations intended by the autho乙remain prob ・
lematic . See , for examPle , the remarkably div6rse critical interpretations col -
lected in A Casebooko拄Henly lames ' “角e几阴ofthe Scre琳” ed . Gerald Willen
( 1960 ) , andin仆e Tum ofthe Sa甘咐ed . Robert屹mbrough ( 1966 ) . The Critic

“你” 》;西恩・马修・安德鲁斯在宾夕法尼亚州大学四年级高级课程毕业论文《有关
的〔托马斯・卡莱尔的《旧衣新裁》(1833一1834 )]。参阅罗伯特・艾尔特的论著《部分
魔术:作为自我意识体裁的小说》(1975 ),以及浪虔体反讽。
〔这部小说将起名为《伪币制造者》 〕,小说描写了小说家所记录的与他正在创作的小
的套数。 《日志》是作者在构思小说的过程中记录下来的。弗拉基米尔・纳博科夫是
(螺丝在拧紧>的资料汇编》(196 。),以及罗伯特・基姆布朗主编的《螺丝在拧紧》
472 pos丁coLoNIALs丁UDIEs

Tzvetan Todorov ) on the other hand , has classifiedT为e几m ofthe Sa ℃ w as an
instance of fantastic literature,汕ich he defines as deliberately designed by
the author to leave the reader in a state of uncertainty Whether the events are
to be exPlained by reference to natural causes ( as halluCinations caused by the
protagonist , 5 repressed sexuality ) or to suPematural causes . See Todorov , s几e
Fantas找c : A Shac勿ral APProach to a Litera州G胡re ( trans.形chard Howard ,
1973 ) ; also Eric 5 . Rabkin,仆eFa拄故s改i九Litera扭re ( 1976 ) .
Drastic exPerimentation in recent prose fiction has complicated in many
ways traditional renderings of point of view , not only in second ・ person , but
also in first - and third ・ person narratives ; see万c瓦On and persona , to柱马and voice .
on point of view ) in addition to the writings mentioned above , refer to Nor ・
man Friedman , " Point of View in Fiction , ”尸彻陇月70 ( 1955 ) ; Leon Edel,角e
腼dem凡外彻l叨cal NOvel ( rev . , 1964 ) , chaPters3 - - 4 ; WayneC ・ Booth,仆e
Rheto汀c of Fic瓦on ( 1961 ) ; Franz StanZel , A角eolyo厂Na加找ve ( 1979 , trans .
1984 ) ; Susan Lanse兀几eNa加百ve Act . . POint ofVi日困in Fic瓦on ( 1981 ) ; W缸lace
Martin , Receot Theorieso厂Na加瓦ve ( 1986 ) .

Postcoloniol StU山e , . The critical analysis of the histo年cultUre , litera -
tUre , and modes of discourse that are specific to the former colonies of Eng ・
land , Spain , France , and other European imperial powers . These studies have
focused especially on the Third Wbrld countries in Aftica , Asia , the Caribbean
islands , and South Amerlca . Some scholars , however , extend the scoPe of such
analyses also to the discourse and cultural productions of such countries as
Australia , Canada , and New Zealand , Which achieved indePendence much
earller than the Third WOrld coUntries . Postcolonial studies sorn以imes en -
compass also aspects of British literature in the eighteenth and nlneteenth
centUries , viewed through a perspective that reveals the extent to which the
social and economlc life represented in the lit6rature wast拍tfy underwritten
by colonial exploitation .
An important text in establishing the theoryandpracticeinthisrecently
developed field of study was orientalis拼(1978 ) by the Palestinian一American
scholar Edward Said , whlch applied a revised form of Michel Foucault , 5 his -
toricist Critique of discourse ( see undern , h台toricism ) to analyze what he
called " cultural imperiaiism . " This mode of imperiallsm imposed its power
not by force , but by the effective means of disseminating in subiugated
colonies a Eurocentric discourse that assumed the normality and preeminence
of everything " occidental , " correlatively with its rePresentations of the " ori -
ental , , as an exotic and inferior other . Since the 19805 , such analysis has been
supplemented by other theoretical principles and procedures , including AI -
thusser , 5 redefinition of theM劝rx定st theory of ideology and the decons加c脚e
theory of Derrida , The rapidly exPanding field of postcolonial studies , as a re -
sult , 15 not a unified movement with a distinctive methodology . one can ,
however , identify several central and recurrent issues :
( 1 ) The relection of the master一natrative ofw眺tem imperialism一m
which the colonial other 15 noto川y subordinated and marginalized ,

( 1966)中搜集的、对容易出错的叙述者视角各种迥然不同的批评解释。但批评家茨
类型的结构主义分析》(理查德・霍华德译,1973 );也可参阅埃里克・ 5.拉伯金的《文
调与言念。除了以上提到的著作之外,有关视角的讨论还可参阅:NOrman Friedman ,
" Point of View in Fiction , " PMLA 70 , 1955 ; IJeon Edel , TheM乙der刀Ps少chological
Novel , rev . 1964 , chapters3一4 ; Wayne C . Booth , TheRhetoric ofFiction , 1961 ;
Franz Stanzel , A Theo勺ofN巨rrati * , 1979 , trans . 1984 ; Susan Lanser , The风犷rati *
Act : Po泛二tof叭e二£二F ' c艺‘ on , 1981 ; Wallace Martin , Recent Theories of Narrat乞ve ,
1 986 。

Postcolonjal Studies后殖民主义研究

主义研究还包括对18 、 19世纪英国文学中某些方面的分析,其审视角度旨在揭示殖民
赛义德所著的《东方主义》(1978 ),该书更改了米歇尔・福柯对话语的历史主义批评方
式(参见:新历史主义),用来分析他所谓的“文化帝国主义” 。这种帝国主义形式并不

( 1)摈弃西方帝国主义的主体一叙述―在这种叙述中,殖民地他者不仅处于从
474 PosTcoLoNI ^ L STUDI 〔 s

butin团泛ct deleted as a cujtural agency一胡d its replacement bya
counter一narrative in Wh1Ch the colonial cultUres flght their Way back
into a World history Written by Europeans . The influential collection of
essays,仆eE呷ire不竹ites Back:了触口甲and乃似币ce in Pos卜Colonial Lit6ra -
tures ( 1989 ) , ed , BlllAshcroft , GarethGriffiths , andHelenTiffins , stresses
what it terms the hybridiZation of colonial languages and cul加res , In
whl比如perialist importations are superimposed on indigenous tradi -
tions ; it also indudes a number of postcolonial countertexts to the
h绍珊祖onic texts that present a Eurocentric version of cofonlal history .
( 2 ) An abiding concem with the formation , withinw比tem discursive
practices , of the colonial and postcolonial " sublect , " as well as of the
categories by means of Which this subiect conceives itself and per -
celves the woild within which it lives and acts . ( See subject underpost -
shactUralism . ) The subaltem has become a standard way to designate
the colonial subiect that has been constructed妙European discourse
and internalized by colonial peoples who employ this discourse ;
" subaltern , , 15 a British word for someone of inferior rank , and com ・
bines the Latin terms for " under , , ( s ub ) and " other , , ( a lter ) . A recurrent
topic of debate 15 ho成and to what extent , a subaltern subiect , writ -
ing in a European language , can manage to serve as an agent of resis -
tance against , rather than of compliance with , the very discourse that
has created its subordinate identity . See , e . g . , Gayatri Chakravorty
Spivak , " Can the Subaltem Speak ? , , ( 1988 ) , reprinted in角e POstcoto -
niaIS勿dies Reade乙listed below .
( 3 ) Ama1orelementinthepostcolonialagendaistodisestablishEuro -
centric norms of literary anda比stic values , and to expand the liter -
ary canon to indude colonial and postcolonial writers . In the United
States and Britain , there 15 an increasingly successful movement to in -
clude , in the standard academic curricula , the briiliant and innova -
tive novels , poems , and plays by such postcolonial writers in the
English language as the Africans ChinuaA山由e and叭/O le 50户nka ,
the Caribbean islanders V . 5 . Naipaul and DerekM白Icott , and the au -
thors from the Indian subcontinent G . V Desani and Salman
Rushdie . See Homi Bhabha,介e Loca如n ofCultUre ( 1994 ) ; and fora
surVey of the large and growing body of literature in English by post -
colonial Writers throughout the world , see Martin Coyle and others ,
En印cloPedia ofLiteratUre andC汀沈ism ( 1990 ) , pages 1113一1236 .
A compr比ensive anthology 15仆e为St - Coton定aIStU成esReader ( 1995 ) , ed .
Bill Ashcroft , Gareth Grlffiths , and Helen Tiffin . Refer also to Franz Fanon ,
仆e训触tched oftheEarth ( tr ans . , 1966 ) ; RanaiitGuhaandGayatriChakravorti
Spivak , Selected Subalte阴S勿dies ( 1988 ) ; Trinh T . Minh一ha,认七man , Na瓦v6 ,
other:林竹互雌为£如toniali妙andFe阴inism ( 1989 ) ; Terry Eagleton , Fredric
Jameson , and Edward W . Said , Na五onalis琳COtonialism , andL定介m细re ( 1990 ) ;
Christopher L . Miller,仆eorieso厂A欣四s:几视ncoPhone LiteratUre and Anthro -
polo}沙inA例ca ( 1990 ) ; Edward W . Said , CultUre and加perialism ( 1993 ) .

( 2)始终关注在西方推理实践之中殖民主义与后殖民主义“主体”的形成、这一主
欧洲话语的殖民地各民族在意识中“内在化”了。 “低等” ( subaltern)是英国
一书中转载的G . C.斯皮瓦克《低等人能说话吗?》(1988)一文。
( 3)后殖民主义一项重要的研究议程在于废除以欧洲为中心的文学规范与艺术
贝与沃什・索因卡,加勒比海岛的V . 5.奈保尔与德里克・沃尔科特,印度次
大陆的G . V.德塞尼与萨曼・拉什迪。参阅霍米・巴巴的《文化的定位》
( 1994 );世界各地的后殖民主义作家用英语创作了大量且日益增加的文学作
( 1 990)第1113一1236页。

义研究读本》(1995)这部综合文集。也可参阅:Franz Fanon , The Wretched of the
Earth , trans . , 1966 ; Ranajit Guha and Gayatri Chakravorti Spivak , Selectedsubaltern
Studies , 1988 ; Trinh T . Minh一ha , w匕man , Native , Other : W八t艺ng Postcolonialit夕
and Feminism , 1989 ; Terry Eagleton , Fredric Jameson and Edward W . Said ,
Nationalism , Colonialism , and Literature , 1990 ; Christopher L . Miller , Theoriesof
Africans : Francopho , e Literature and Anthropolog夕乞n Africa , 1990 ; Edward W .
Said , Culture andl阴perialism , 1993 。
476 posTsTRucru队LlsM

designates a broad variety of critical perspectives and
procedures that in the 19705 displaced structuralism from its prominence as
the radically innovative way of dealing with language and other signi单ng
systems . A consp icuous announcement to American scholars of the poststruc -
tural point ofvi洲was Jacques Derrida , s paPer on " StrUc七ure , Sign and Play in
the Discourse of the Human Sdences , " delivered in 1966 to an Intemational
Colloquium at Johns Hopklns University . ( The paper 15 included in Derrida , s
1竹龙瓦叮and Difference , 1978 . ) Derrida attaCked the systematic , quasl一scientific
pretensions of the strict form of structuralismes一derived ftom Saussure , 5 con ・

cept of the structUre of language and rePresented the CUltuTal aflthro ・
pofogist珑vi一strauss一by asserting that the notion a systemic structure ,
whether linguistic or other , presupposesa " center , , that serves to organlze and
regulate the structure yet itself " escapes strUcturality . " In Saussure勺theory of
language , for example , thls center 15 assigned the function of controlling the
endless differentiai Play of intemal relationshiPs , while lemaining itself Out ・
side of and而mune from , that play . ( Sees 。优扭ralis川.) As Derrida , 5 other
writings make clear , he regards this incoherent and unrealizable notion of an
ever ・ activeyetalwaysabsentcenterasonlyoneofthemanyWaysinWhichall
ofw比tern thinking 15 " logocentricn or dependent on the notion of a self -
ce币幼ng foundation , or absolute , or essence , or ground , which 15 ever -
needed but never present . ( See deconstTUc丘O ” ・)other contemporary thin奴rs ,
including Michel Foucault , Jacques Lacan , and ( in his later phase ) Roland
Barthes , although in diverse Ways , also undertook to " decenter , , or " under ・
mine , , or , , subvert , , traditional claims for the existence of self - evident founda ・
tions that guarantee the validity of knowiedge and truth , and establish the
possibility of determinate cor时。 unication . This antifoundationalism in phi ・
losoph又conloined with skepticism北out traditional conceptions of mean -
ing , knowledge , trUth , and出e sub ) ect or " self , " 15 evident In some ( although
not all ) current exponents of diverse modes of literary studles , including
Ma加st , feminist , new historicist , and reader一response criticism . In its extreme
fonns , the poststructural claim 15 that the workings of language inescapabfy
undermlne meanings in the very process of making such meanings possible ,
or else that every mode of discourse constructs or consti拟tes the very facts or
t川ths that it claims to discover
t , Postmodem , , 15 sometimes used in place of , or interchangeably with ,
" poststrUctUral . " It 15 more useful , however , to follow the example of those
Who aPpfy " postmodern , , to recent developments in literature and other arts ,
and reserve " poststructural , , for recent theories of criticism and of Intellectual
inquiries in general ・(S ee mode阴is从andpostmode阴ism . )
salient features or themes that are shared by diverse types of poststruc -
tural thought and criticism Indude the foflowing :

( 1 ) The primaCy of theory . Since Plato and Aristotle , discou : se about po -
etry or litera拟re has involveda " theo琳” in the traditional sense ofa
conceptual scheme , or set of principles , distinctions , and categories一
sometimes explicit , but often only implied in critical practice一for


新颖的方式论述语言及其他符号系统的结构主义的显著地位。 1966年,雅克・德里
语中的游戏》一文仁该文收录在德里达的《写作与差异》(1978)一书中」 。这篇论文明确
已、 ”,这个“中心”有助于结构的组织调节,但中心本身又“逃离了结构性” 。例如,在索

( l)理论的首要地位。自柏拉图和亚里士多德以来,诗歌或文学话语就涉及到
478 posTs丁Ruc下u队LlsM

identi尔ng , classi单ng , anal州ng , and evaluating works of Iiterature .
( S ee币灯cis用・)In poststructural criticism What 15 called " theoryn has
come to be foregrounded , 50 that many critics have felt it incumbent
to " theorize , , their position and practice . The nature of theory ,
howev既15 conceived in a new way ; for the word theory , standing
without qualification , often desiguates an account of the general con -
ditions of signification that determine meaning and interpretation in
all domains of human action , production , and intellection . In most
cases , this account 15 held to apply not only to verbal language , but
also to psychosexual and soci0CUltural signifying systems . As a conse -
quence , the pursuit of literary criticism 15 conceived to be integral
with all the other pursuits traditionally distinguished as the " human
sciences , , , and to be inseParable from consideration of the general na -
ture of human " sublectlvity , " and also from reference to all forms of
social and cultural phenomena . often the theory of signification 15
afforded primaCy in the additional sense that , when common exPeri -
ence in the use or Interpretation of language does not accord with
what the theory entails , such exPerience 15 re } ected as unlustified and
illusory , or else 15 accounted an ideolo矛cally imposed concealment of
the actuai operation of the signi加ng system ・
A prominent aspect of poststructural theories 15 that they are
posed in opposition to inherited Ways of thinking in all provinces
of knowledge . That 15 , th即expressfy " challenge , , and undertake to
" destabilize , " and in many instances to " undermlnen and " subvert , "
what they identify as the foundational assumptions , concepts , proce -
dules , and彻dings in traditional modes of discourse inw比tem civi -
lization ( in ctuding Iiterary critidsm ) . In a number of politically
oriented Critics , this questioning of establlshed ways of thinking and
of formulating knowledgeis ioined to an adversarial stance toward
the established institutions , class structUres , and practices of political
power and soclal organization .
( 2 ) The decentering Of the sublect . The oppositional stance of many
poststructural Critics 15 manifested in a sharp critique of what they
call " humanism , , ; that 15 , of the traditlonal view that the authorse一。 r
more generally , the human " sublect ,,一15 a coherent identity , en -
dowed with purpose and initiative , whose design and intentions ef -
fectUate the form and meaning of a literary or other written product .
( S ee hu脚anism ・)Structuralism had already tended to divest the sub -
iect of operative initiative and control , evacuating the Purposive
human agent into a mere location , or " space , " wherein thedi旋ren -
tial elements and codes of a systematicla护孕记precipitate into a par -
tiCUlarParole , or signi加ngproduct . Derrida , however , bydeletingthe
structUrai linguistic " cente乙” had thereby also eliminated the possi -
bility of a controlling agency in language , leaving the use of langUage
an unregulatable play of purely relational elements . In the view of
many deconstructiV6 critics , the subiect or author or narrator of a text

此,许多批评家认为必须将自己的立场与实践“理论化” 。但他们对理论的
础假设、概念、方式及研究结果提出了明确的“挑战”,试图“动摇其稳定性” ,
井在许多情况下力图对其予以“破坏”和“颠覆” 。一些具有政治倾向的批评
( 2)消除主体的中心地位。许多后结构主义批评家的反对观点体现在他们对所
说,人类“主体” ―是一个连贯的本体,被赋予了目的性与主动性。主体的
主体,仅仅将其视为一种位置或“空间” 。在这个空间里,系统性语言的各种
480 pos下s下RucTu队LISM

becomes itself a purely Iinguistic producteeas Paul de Man has put it
in AlleXOries ofReading ( 1979 ) , we " rightfully reduce , , the subiect " to
the status of a mere grammatical pronoun . " Alternatively , the sublect -
author 15 granted at most the function oft州ng ( although always
vainly ) to " mastern the incessant freeplay of the decentered slgnifiers .
Michel Foucault and Roland Barthes both signallzed this evaCUa -
tion of the traditional conception of the author by announcing the
" disappearance of the author , " or even more melodramatically , " the
death of the author . " ( Foucault , " What 15 an Autho毛” 1969 , in Lan -
gU峪e , Counter-入介阴o华乃份c瓦ce , 1977 ; Barthes , " The Death oftheAu -
thor , " 1968 , in加峪‘加佃对c,及义t , 1977 . ) They did not mean to deny
that a human individual 15 a necessary link in the chain of events that
results in a parole or text . What they denied was the validity of the
" function , " or " rolen hitherto assigned inw匕tem thought toa
uniquely individual and purposive author , Who 15 conceived as the
, , cogito , " or origin of all knowledge ; as the initiator , purposiy6 plan -
ner , and ( b y his or her intentions ) the determiner of the form and
meanings of a text ; and as the " center , " or ofganizing prindple , of the
matters treated in traditional literary criticism and literary history . In
addition , a number of current forms of psychoanalytic , Marxist , and
new historicist criticism manifest a similar tendenCy to decente乙and
in extreme cases to delete what 15 often called the " agency , , of the au -
thor as a self - coherent , purposive , and determinative human sub } ect .
Instead , the human being 15 said to be a disunified self that 15 the
product of diverse psychosexual condltions , and sublected to the un -
controllable workings of unconsctous compulsions.川tematively , the
sublect 15 held to bea " constru山on , , by current forms of ideology ; or
a " siten traversed by the " cultural constructs , , and the " discursive for -
mations , , engendered by the concePtual and power configurations in
a given era . ( See authorandauthorshiP , )
( 3 ) Reading , texts , and writing . The decentering or deletion of the author
leaves the reade耳or interprete乙as the focal figure in poststructural
accounts of signl卿ng practices . This figure , howeve称like the autho乌
15 stripped of the traditional attributes of purposiveness and initiative
and converted into an impersonal process called " reading . " What this
reading engages 15 no longer called a literary " work , , ( since this tradi -
tional term implies a purposiv6 human maker of the product ) ; in -
stead , reading engagesa " textn一that 15 , a structUre of signifiers
regarded merely as a given for the reading process , Texts in their tum
( especially in deconstructive critidsm ) lose their individuality , and
are often represented as manifestations of改ri加几卜一that 15 , of an all -
inclusive " textuali年” or writing - in ・ general , in whlch the traditional
" boundaries " between literary , philosophical , historical , legal , and
other classes of texts are considered to be botti aTtifidal and suPerfi -
cial . See text and wri瓦叮依对tUre ) .

法代词的地位” 。或者,主体一作者至多被赋予了这样的功能,即试图(但总
形态的“构建物”,或是“文化构成”与“推论结构”相互交叉的“地方” 。这种
( 3)阅读、文本与书写。消除或取消作者中心地位使得读者,或阐释者,在后结
指,作品具有目的性的人类作者);相反,阅读涉及的是“文本” ―即被视

A distin由ve poststructurai view 15 that no text can mean What it
seems to say . TO a deconstructive critic , for example , a text 15 a Chain
of signifiers whose seeming determinacy of meaning , and seeming
reference to an extra一textUal World , are " effects , , produced by the dif -
ferential play of conflicting intemal forces which , on a closer analy -
515 , turn out to deconslruct the text into an undecidable scatter of
opposed significations . In the representation of Roland Barthes , the
" death " of the author frees the reader to enter the literary text in
whatever way he or she chooses , and the intenslty Of pleasure ytelded
by the text becomes propo撇onate to the reader性abandonment of
limits on its signi尔ng possibilities . In Stanley Fish , 5 version of reader -
律印。 nsecri跳结m , all the meanings and formal features seemingly
found in a text are proiected into the printed marks by each individ -
ual reader ; any agreement about meaning be勺附een七那0 Individuals 15
co而ngent upon their belonging to a single one among many " inter -
pretive communities . "
( 4 ) The concept of discourse . llterary critics had long made casual use of
the term " discourse , " especialfy in application to passages represent -
ing convers甜ons be七泞een characters In a literary work , and in the
19705 there developed a critical practice called discourse一analrsis
whlch foCUses on such conversational exchanges . Thistype of Criti -
cism ( as well as the didl州c币价妇m inaugurated by Mikhail Bakhtin )
deals with literary discourse as conducted by human characters
whose voices engage in a dynamic interchange of beliefs , attitudes ,
sentiments , and other expressions of states of consclousness .
In poststrUd卫ral critidsm , discou " e has become a very promi -
nent term , suPplementing ( and in some cases displadng ) " text , , as the
name for the verbai materiai Which 15 the primary concem of literary
critidsm . In poststrUctural usage , however , the term 15 not confined to
conversational passages but , 11ke " W " tlng , " designates all verbai con -
stiucdons andimplies the supe币dality of the bound硕es be七滓een lit -
erary and non一literary modes of 51脚ncation . Most conspicuously ,
discourse has become the focal term among Critics who oppose the de -
constrU由ve concept ofa " general text , , that funCtions independentiy
of particular historicai conditions . Instead , they conceive of discourse
as sodai parlance , or language一in一us乌and consider it to be both the
product and manifestation not of a timdess linguistic system , but of
pa比cular sodal conditions , dass ・ stTUCtUres , and power - relationships
that alter in the course of history . In功chel Foucault , discourse一as一such
15 the central subieCt of analytic concem . Foucault conceiv6s that " dis -
coursen 15 to be analyzed as totally anon扣mous , in that it 155皿ply " sit -
uated at the level of the ' it 15 said , ( o n dit ) . "(角eA兀heoloJ沙ofLa叨形侧re ,
1972 , pp . 55 , 122 . ) For examplen曰甲histo汀比七(fo r Whom , in thisre -
sPeCt , Foucauit serves as a model ) may attend to all Renaissance refer -
ences to usury as part of an anon叨mous " discourse , " which drculates

于同一个“解释群体” 。
( 4)话语概念。文学批评家长期以来都随意使用“话语”这一术语,尤其用它来指
说’这一层次上”(《语言考古学》,1972,第55 、 122页)。例如,新历史主义搅
484 poSTsTRuCTu队LlsM

through legal , reli乡ous , philosophicai , and econo而c叭的tings Of the
era ; It circulates also through those literary而廿ngs , suchas
speare , 5 sonnets or TheM日丫hant Ot磅爪ce , in which usury 15 alluded to ,
whether literally or figuratively . Any allusion to usury 15 concelved to
be better understood if it 15 referred to the total body of discourse on
that topic , as well as to the soCial forces and institutions that have pro -
duced the conception of usury in that time and place .
( 5 ) Many sodally oriented analysts of discourse share with other posts加c -
皿alists the convi由on ( or at any rate the strong suspicton ) that no text
means what it seems to say , or What its Writer intended to say ' But
whereas deconstrUctive Criticsa士ibute the subversion of the apparent
meaning to the unstable and self - confli比ng nature of language ltsel瓦
sodal analysts of discourseeseeand also psyc加ana秘c币打“一vlew the
surface , or " manifest , , meanings of a text as a disguise , or substitUtion ,
for under切ng meanings Which cannot be overtly said , because they
are suPpressed by psychic , or ideolo多cal , or discursive necessities . By
some critics , the covert meanings are regarded as having been sup -
pressed by all three of these forces together . Both the sodal and psy -
Choanalytic critics of discourse therefore interpret the manifest
meanings of a text as a disto比on , displacement , or total " occlusion , , of
its real meanings ; and these real mean讯gs , in accordance Wlth the
Critic , 5 theoretical orientation,加rn out to be either the Writer , s psychic
and psycho一linguistic compulsions , or the material reali比5 of histo琢
or the sodal power一strUctUres of doniln甜on , subordination , and mar ・
ginal业ation that obtained When the text was wrltten . The widespread
poststruCtUral view that the surface or overt meanings of a literary or
other text serve asa " disguise , , or " mask , , of its real mea到由95 , or sub -
text , has been called , In a Phrase taken from the French philosopher of
language Paul租coeur , a hermeneutics Of suspidon .

The primacy of " theory , , in poststrUctural criticism has evoked coun -
tertheoretical challenges , most prominentfy in an essay " Against Theory , , by
Steven Knapp and Walter Benn Michaels that Was published in 1982 . Defin -
ing theory ( in consonance with the widespread poststructural use of the term )
as " the attempt to govem interpretations of particular texts by appealing to
an account of interpretation in general , " the two authors daim that this 15 an
impossible endeavor " to stand outslde practice in order to govem praCtice
from without , " assert that accounts of interpretation in generai entail no con ・
sequences for the actUal practice of interpretation , and conclude that all the ・
ory " should therefore come to an end . " Such a condusion 15 suPported bya
number of Writers , including Stanley Fish and the irifluential philosophical
pragmatist形chard Rol饥who ( despite disagreements in thdr supporting ar ・
guments ) agree that no general account of interpretation entails particular
印nsequences for the actual practice of literary interpretation and critidsm .
( See W . J . T . Mitchell , ed .,月邪inst几eo甲:LiteralyS勿dies and theN沙四尸阳侈附a ・
tis机1985 , which includes the initiating essay plus a supplementary essayby

士比亚的十四行诗或《威尼斯商人》 。这些作品间接提到了这种好处,不论
( 5)与后结构主义批评家一样,许多具有社会化倾向的话语分析家坚信(或强烈
或完全的“阻挡” 。这些真实意义,根据批评家的理论取向,应该是作者的精

的释义实践的结果,并由此得出结论,所有的理论都“应当结束” 。一些作者,如斯坦
文学释义与批评实践的特殊结果(参阅W . J . T.米特切尔编写的《反理论:文学研究
与新实用主义》,1985 。该书收录了纳普与迈克尔斯最初的论文及增补论文,以及费
486 pRE.队p日^〔 Ll下〔 s

如app and Micnaels , together with essays and critiques即Fish , ROrt又E . D .
Hirsch , and others . ) The French philosopher Jean一Francois琢otard has also
mounted an influential attack against " theory ) " whlch he regards as an at -
tempt to impose a common vocabulary and set of principles in order illegiti -
mately to control and constrain the many independent " language ・ games , ,
that constitute discourse ; see his劝e POstmod白” COndi红on ( 1984 ) . one re -
sponse to this skepticism about the efficacy of theory on practice ( a skepti -
dsm that 15 often labeled the new pra目matism ) 15 that , whlle no general
theory of meaning entails consequences for the practice of interpretation ( in
the strict 10琪cal sense of " entailsn ) , it 15 a matter of common observation that
diverse current theories have in actual fact Served both to foster and to cor -
roborate a number of diverse and novel interpretive practices . ( For a view of
both the inescapability and practical fun由oning of literary and artistic the -
ory in traditional Criticism , see M . H . Abrams , " What , 5 the Use of Theorizing
about the Aits ? , , 1972 , reprinted in Doi叮仆i玛拜with7饮ts , 1989 . )
Jonathan Culler , s Litera甲几eoIy . ' A珑Iy ShortlntTOduc红on ( 1997 ) 15 an en -
lightening analysis of the recurrent issues and debates that cut across the
boundaries of diVerse current theories . See also形chard Harland , 5即ers加c -
加ralism:角e PhitosoP妙ofs加血ralism and POst - S如ctUralism ( 1987 ) ; Anthony
Easthope , Bri协h POsotrUc加ralis爪since 1968 ( 1988 ) . Anthologies that include
important posts加ctural essays and sele川ons : David Lodge , ed .,人勿山m Cri卜
icism and角eo甲(1988 ) ; K . M . Newton , ed . , 20th一C胡tUIy Litera甲仆eoly
( 1988 ) ; Robert ConD州5 and ROnald Schleife马eds . , ContemPora尽Litera甲
Cri州sm ( r ev . , 1989 ) . For discussions and critiques ofposts加ctUralisttheories
and practices from diverse points of view : Howard Felperin , B即ond Decon -
s加ction:仆e Uses and Abuses ofLitera甲劝co甲(1985 ) ; Fredricjameson , POst -
s加c扭ralis娜or仆e Cul勿raIL州c ofLate CaPi扭lism ( 1991 ) ; John McGowan ,
助5加odemism and招Cri瓦cs ( 1991 ) ; Jonathan Arac and Barbarajohnson , eds .
仆e COnsequenceo厂仆eoly ( 1991 ) ; Dwight Eddin , ed .,角e EmPerorRedressed . .
Cri向uing Cri找cal角eo口(1995 ) ; James Battersby , Reason and the撇ture ofTe义ts
( 1996 ) ; W匕ndell V . Harris , ed . , B卿nds加c勿ralism ( 1996 ) .

Pre一Rophoe舫tes . In 1848 a group of Englisha由sts , including Dante
Gabriel Rossetti , William Holman Hunt , and John Millais , organized the " Pre -
Raphaelite Brotherhood . " Their aim was to replace the reigning academic
style of painting by a return to ttie tmthfulness , simplicity , and spirit of devo -
tion which they attributed to Italian painting before the time of彻phael
( 1483一1520 ) and the high Italian Rena钻sance . The ideals of this group of
painters were taken over by a literary movement which included Dante
Gabriel Rossetti himself ( W ho was a poet as well as a painter ) , his sister
Christlna Rosse出,William Morris , and川gemon Swinburne . Rossetti , 5 poem
" The Blessed Damozel ,,钾pifies the medievalism , the pictorial realism with
symbolic overtones , and the union of flesh and spirit , sensuousness and reli -
矛ousness , associated with the earlier writings of this school . See also
Christina Rossetti , 5 remarkable poem " Goblin Market , , ( 1862 ) and William
Moms , narrative in verse角e Earth加Paradise ( 1868一70 ) .

什,罗蒂、 E . D.赫兹和其他人的论文与评论文章)。法国哲学家让一弗朗索瓦・利奥
释义实践(有关传统批评中文学与艺术理论的不可避免性及其实际功能,参阅M . H .
界限且反复出现的议题与争论。也可参l阅:Richard Harland , Superstructuralism :
The Philosoph夕of Structuralism and Post一Structuralism , 1987 ; Anthony Easthope ,
Britis人尸oststructuralism , inc 。 J夕‘ 8 , 1988 。关于后结构主义的重要论文集及作品选
集,可参l阅:David Lodge , ed . , Mddern Criticisma刀d Theor夕,1988 ; K . M . Newton ,
ed . , 20功一Centur夕Litera卿Theor夕,1988 ; Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer ,
eds . , contempora勺乙itera勺criticism , : ev . , 1989 。从各种角度讨论、评论后结构主
义理论与实践的著作包括:Howard Felperin , Be夕ond Deconstruction : The Uses and
Abuse 、 of Litera划Theo勺,1985 ; Fredric Jameson , Pos卜structuralism ; or The Culture
Logic of Late反pitali , m , 1991 ; John McGowan , Postmoder二15卿and It , Cr£tic ' ,
1991 ; Jonathan Ara 。 and Barbara Johnson , eds . , The Conse叮uence of Theor夕,1991 ;
Dwight Eddin , ed . , The Emperor Redressed : Criti , uing Critical Theor夕,1995 ;
James Battersby , Reason and the Natur 。 of Text , , 1996 ; Wendell V . Harris , ed . ,
Be夕ond Structural汇sm , 1996 。


和约翰・密莱司,组成了“前拉斐尔派兄弟会” 。他们的目标是回归到拉斐尔(1483一
1 520)及意大利文艺复兴全盛时期之前意大利绘画所具有的真实、简朴和对艺术的奉献
名诗《精灵集市》(1862)和威廉・莫里斯的叙事诗歌《人间天堂》(1868一187 。)。

William Gaunt,角e彻一aPhaelite ( 1942 ) ; Graham Hough,介e
Last Roman找cs ( 1949 ) .

对m讨viso und介ogress . A pri而tivist 15 someone who prefers What 15
, , natural " ( in the sense of that Whiche劝sts prior to or independently of
human culture , reasoning , and contrivance ) to what 15 " artificialn ( in the
sense of what human beings achieve by thought , activities , laws and conven -
tions , and the complex arrangements of a civilized society ) . A useful , al -
though not mutually exclusive , distinction has been made between two
manlfestations of primltivism :

( 1 ) CultUral primitivism 15 the preference for what 15 conceived to be
" nature " and " the natural , , over " art , , and " the artificial , , in any area of
human culture and values . As the intellec加al historian A . 0 . Lovejoy
has neatfy summarized it , the " natural , , 15 " a thing you reach by going
back and le州ng out . " For example , in ethics a CUltural primitivist
lauds the natural ( that 15 , the innate ) instincts and passions Over the
dictates of reason and prudential forethought . In soctal phllosophy ,
the ideal 15 thes加ple and natural forms of social and polltical order in
place of the anxleties and frustrations engendered by a complex and
highly developed soctal organ让ation . In milieu , a primitivist prefers
outdoor " natUre , " unmodified by human intervention , to Cities orart -
ful gardens . And in literature and the other arts , the primltivist lauds
spontanei娜the free expression of emotion , and the intuitive produc -
tions of " natural gentus , " as against a calculated adapt硕on ofa觅stic
means to foreseen ends and a conformity to " aftifidal " fonns , niles ,
and conventions.仰pically , the cultural primltlvist asserts that in the
modem woild , the life , actlvities , and products of " primitive , , peo ・
plese司四ho are considered to live in a way more accordantto " nature , ,
because they are isolated from clvilizationesare at least In some Ways
preferable to the life , acdvities , and products of peoplel州ng ina
highly developed sodety , espedally in ctties . The eighteenth一centUry
cult of the Noble Savage一who 15 conceived to be " na加rallyn intelli -
gent , moral , and possessed of high dignity in thought and deed一and
the concurrent vogue of " natural , , poetry written妙supposedly uned -
ucated peasants or working folk , were both aspects of primitivism .
Cultural prlmitivism has played an especially prominent and persis -
tent role in American thought and literature , where the " new woildn
was early conceived in terms both of the classical gOId(热ag6 of the dis -
tant past and the Christian millenntum of the future . The American
Indian was sometimes identified with the legendary Noble Savage ,
and the American pioneer was often represented as a new Adam who
had cut free from the artlfice and comiptions of European civilization
in order to reassumea " na加ral , , life of freedom , innocence , and sim -
plicity . See Henry协sh Smith , Vi娜n Land ( 1950 ) , and R . W . B . L即往s ,
角eAm州诩nAda阴(1955 ) .

参看:威廉・冈特《前拉斐尔派的悲剧》(1942 );格雷厄姆・霍夫《最后的浪漫主

尸rimitivism and尸rogress尚古主义与进步论


( 1)文化尚古主义是指在任何人类文化和价值领域里,都偏爱“自然”或“自然事
物”,而非“艺术”或“人为事物” 。文化史学家A . 0.洛夫乔伊将“自然事物”精
辟地概括为“回到过去、遗留在露天而获得的东西” 。例如,在伦理学上,文化
中人们的生活、活动和产品更加可取。 18世纪对高尚野蛮人―这些人“天
生活。参阅亨利・纳什・史密斯的《处女地》(1950)以及R . W . B.刘易斯的
490 pRIMITlvlsM ANo PRooR 〔 55

( 2 ) Ch阳nolo矛cal primitivism designates the belief that the ideal era
of humanity , s way of life lies in the very distant past , when mefi and
women lived naturally , simply , and fteel又and that the process of
history has been a gradual " decline , , from that happy stage into an
increasing degree of artifice , complexlty , inhibitions , prohibitions ,
and consequent anxietles and discontents in the psychological , 50 -
cial , and cultural order . In its extreme form , the ideal era 15 postu -
lated as havinge劝sted in " the state of nature , " before society and
ctvilization had even begun ; more commonly , it 15 placed at some
later stage of development , and sometimes as late as the era of classi -
cal Greece . Many ' but not all , CUltural primitivists are also chrono -
logical primitivists .

A historical concept that 15 antithetic to chronological primitivism
emerged in the seventeenth century and reached its height in the nineteenth
century . This 15 the ldea of progress : the doctrine that,饰virtue of the devel -
opment and exploitation of art , sclence and technology , and human rational -
i尔the course of history represents an overail improvement in the life ,
morality , and happiness of human beings from early barbarity to the present
stage of civil让ation . Sometimes it 15 also claimed that this historical progress
of humanity will continue indefinitely-一possibly to end in a final stage of 50 -
cial , rational , and moral perfection . ( See Enlightenment and UtoPia ・)
Primitivism 15 as old as humanity , 5 recorded intellection and imagin -
ings , and 15 reflected in pagan myths of a vanlshed age of gold and a lost
Garden of Eden . It achieved a special vogue , however , in the eighteenth
century , by way of reaction to the prevailing stress on artfulness and the re -
finements of civilization during the入阳oclassic Period , in a European move -
ment in Which Jean一acques Rousseau ( 1 712一78 ) was a central figure . D . H .
Lawrence ( 1885一1930 ) 15 a later example of a broadly primitivistic thinke乙
in his laudation of the spontaneous instinctUal life , his belief In an ancient ,
vanished condition of humanity , 5 personal and social wholeness , his high
regard for " pr加itive , , modes of life that still su州ve outside the bounds of
sophisticated societies , and his attacks on the disintegrative effects of mod -
em science and technology and on the economy and culture these develop -
ments have generated . There are also strains of primitivism in , for example ,
James Fenimore COOper , 5 Leather - Stocking Tales , in Mark Twain , 5 Hucklebe抑
Finn , and in the outlook and life一style Of drop一outs , " hippies , " and related
subcultures in our own time , as well as in the recent establishment of com -
munes whose ideal 15 a radically simplified individual and social life close to
the 5011 . But most men and women , and many writers of litera加re , are
primitivists in some moods , longing to escape from the complexities , fever ,
anxieties , and " alienation , , of modern civilization into the elemental sim -
plicities of a lost natural 11fe . That ima乡ned life may be identlfied with the
individual , 5 own childhood , or with the prehistoric or classical or medieval
past , or may be conceived ase劝sting still in some primitive , carefree , far -
away place on earth .

( 2)年代尚古主义相信人类生活方式的理想阶段出现在非常遥远的过去,那时男

古典主义时期对非自然的艺术性和文明的各种教养的普遍推崇。 D . H.劳伦斯
( 1885一1930)是后来的一位毫无拘束的、典型的尚古主义思想家。他赞美自发本能的
《皮袜子的故事》,马克・吐温的《哈克贝利・芬历险记》,我们当代的逃避现实者、 “嬉
492 pRosL 〔 M pLAY ・ pRosE

See H . N . Fairchild,仆e Noble Savage ( 1928 ) ; J . B . Bury,角eld6aof乃’ O8卿55
( 1932 ) ; Lois Whitney , Pr洲i灯vis阴and介leasof阮侈ress ( 1934 ) ; A . 0 . Loveioy
and George Boas,州mi瓦vis功and Related IdeaS in Anti叮u宜妙(1948 ) ; A . 0 . LOve -
loy ) ESsa卢in the价sto印of Ideas ( 1948 ) ; Clifford GeertZ , Local KnowledJ尸
( 1983 ) . Friedrich NietZsche , s仆e Geneal咫夕of人forals ( 1887 ) and Slgmund
Freud , 5 CiviliZa瓦on and Its Disconten 。(1949一see ps产hoanalysis ) involve as ・
pects of cultural primitivism , in their stress on the compelling needs of the
body and of the elemental human Instincts , especially sexuali尔which re -
quire a complex and perhaps impossible reconciliation with the repressions
and inhibitions that are inescapable in a civilized society . A work of radical
山ltural primitivism that was influential on the rebelllous youth movements
of the 19605 and ' 705 15 Norman 0 . Brown , s LifeAgainstDeath ( 1959 ) .

Problem Ploy . A type of drama that Was popularized by the Nor四e多an
playwright Henrik Ibsen . In problem plays , the situation faced by the protag -
onist 15 put forward by the author as a representative instance of a contempo -
rary social problem ; often the dramatist manages一by the use of a character
who speaks for the author , or by the evolution of the plot , or both一to pro -
pose a solution to the problem Whlch 15 at odds with prevailing opinion . The
issue may be the drastically inadequate autonom多scope , and dignity allotted
to women in the mlddle一class nineteenth一centUry famify ( Henrik Ibsen , sA
Doll , S HOus ' 1879 ) ; or the morality ofprostitution , regardedasa协咖calprod ・
uct of the economic arrangements in a capitalist society ( George Bernard
Shaw , sM污.科公附n , s Pro斥Ssion , 1898 ) ; or the crisis In racial and ethnic rela -
tions in present ・ day America ( in numerous current dramas and films ) . Com -
pare social novel .
A subtype of the modem problem play 15 the discussion play , in which
th乒social issue 15 not incorporated into a plot but exPounded in the give and
take of a sustained debate among the characters . See Shaw , sGe币ngM比沉麟
and Act 111 of his M . n and SuP绷a珍also hls book on Ibsen , 5 plays,仆e Quin -
tessence oflbsen钻m ( 1891 ) .
In a speciallZed application , the term problem plays 15 sometimesaP -
plied to a grouP of Shakespeare , 5 plays , also called " bitter comedies , , ee祀s -
pecially Troilus and Cressida,入伦asure for Measure , and All , s触11角at Ends
We12 ' Whlch explore ignoble aspects of human nature , and in which the reso -
lution of the plot seems to many readers to be problem甜c , in that it does not
settle or solve , except superficially , the moral problems raised in the play . By
extension , the term came to be applied also to other Shakespearean plays
which explore the dark side of human nature , or Which seem to leave unre -
solved the issues that arise in the course of the action . See A . P . Rossite耳“ The
Problem Plays , " in Sha灭eSPeare : MOde川Essays龙” C衬廿cism , ed . Leonard F . Dean
( rev . , 1967 ) .

15 an inctusive term for all discourse , spoken or wri讹n , whiCh 15 not
patterned into the lines either of metric verse or of free verse . ( See meter . ) It 15
possible to discriminate a great variety of nonmetrictypes of language , whlch

参看:H . N . Fairchild , The Noble Sa椒ge , 1928 ; J . B . Bury , The Idea of Pre -
gress , 1 932 ; Lois Whitney , Pr£mitivism and Ideas of Progress , 1934 ; A . 0 . Lovejoy
and George Boas , Pr乞mitivism and Related Ideas in Antiguit夕,1948 ; A . 0 . Love - -
ioy , Essa夕5 in the Histor夕of Ideas , 1948 ; Clifford Geertz , Local Knowledge , 1983 。
( 1949 ―参见:精神分析)涉及了文化尚古主义的诸多方面。他们强调肉体及自然的
和压制形成复杂的,也许是不可能实现的调和。诺曼・ 0.布朗的《生与死》(1959)是一

尸roblem Play问题剧

和尊严极为不够(亨里克・易卜生的《玩偶之家》,1879 );也可能是被视为资本主义社
业》,1898 );或者是当今美国种族关系和民族关系中存在的危机(当代许多戏剧和电
问题剧有时特指莎士比亚的一些戏剧,也称为“痛苦喜剧” ―尤其是《特洛伊罗
斯与克瑞西达》 、 《一报还一报》以及《终成眷属》 ―这类戏剧探讨人类本性中可耻的
问题悬而未决的莎翁戏剧。参见伦纳德・ F.迪安所编著《莎士比亚:现代批评文集》
( 1967年修订版)中的A . P.罗西特《问题剧》一文。



can be placed along a sPe Ctium ac ordingtothedegre t0Whichtheyexp1oit , and make prominent , modes of formalo rganiZation . At one end 15 thei

laf , and only occasionally formal , prose of ordinary discourse . Distinguished
written discourse , in what John Dryden called " that other harmony of prose , "

15 no less an art than distinguished verse ; in all literatures , in fact , a
written prose seems to have developed later than written verse . As wrltte
Drose只ets more " literary ,,一whether its function 15 descriptive , expository ,
narrative , or eXpresslve一it exhibits more patent , tnougn拟gnly dlverse ,
modes of rhythm and other formal features . The prose translations of the po ・
etic books of the old介stament in the玲ng James Blble , for example , havea
repetition , balance , and contrast of clauses which appro劝mate the form that
in the nineteenth century was named " the prose poem . " Prose poems are
densefy compact , pronouncedly rhythmic , and highly sonorous composi -
tions Which are written as a continuous sequence of sentences without 11ne
breaks . Examples of prose poems are , in French , Charles Baudelaire , 5 Little
尸决ms in Prose ( 1869 ) and ALrthur租mbaud , s Illumina如ns ( 1886 ) , and in En -
glish , excerptible passages inw扛lt6r Pater , 5 prose essays , such as his famous
meditation on Leonardo da Vinci , s painting the Mbna Lisa , in仆e RenaiSSance
( 1873 ) . John Ashberry , s角ree Poems ( 1972 ) are prose poems , in that they are
printed continuousl又without broken lines . Farther still along the formal
spectrum , we leave the domain of prose , by the use of line breaks and the con -
trolled rhythms , pauses , syntactical suspensions , and cadences that identify
加‘ verse . At the far end of the spectrum we get the regular ) reCUrrent units of
weaker and stronger stressed syllables that constitute the meters of English
Vefse .

Sees印le ( including the list of readings ) , and for a special form of elabo -
rately formal prose , euPhu定s从.鞭fer to George Saintsbury , A Histo甲ofEnglish
尸阳肥R妙th脚(1912 ) ; M . Boulton , Anato卿0厂尸阳se ( 1954 ) ; George L . Trager
and Henry Lee Smith , Jr . , Ano " tline of EnglishS如ctUre ( 1951 ) ; Robert
Adolphe,仆eR定seo厂Md改m Prose Slyle ( 1968 ) , E . D . Hirsch discusses the de -
velopment of English prosein , e PhilosoP妙ofC0mPosi " on ( 1977 ) , pp . 51一72 .
on the prose poem , see Jonathan Monroe , A Pove仰ofobjects:仆e尹rosePO溯
and the POIi吞cs ofGenre ( 1987 ) .

P , osody signifies the systematic stUdy of vers近cation in poetry ; that 15 , a
study of the princtples and practice of me峨动娜e , and stanza forms . Some -
times the term " prosody , , 15 extended to include also the study of speech -
sound pattems and effects such as allitera如n , assonance , euPho雌and
onomatOPoeia .

PSycltolog五col ond Psycho曲olytic Criticism . Psychological Criticism
deals with a work of literature primarily as an exPression , in fictional form , of
the state of mind and the structule of personality of the individual author .
This approach emerged in the early decades of the nineteenth centu以as part
of the romantlc replacement of earlier mimetic and pragmatic views by anex -
pressive 、 lew of the nature of literature ; see币红cis川.By 1827 Thomas Carlyle

集》(1886 ),用英语创作的散文诗则包括沃尔特・佩特的散文随笔中一些可摘录的段
阅:George Saintsbury , A Histo勺ofD : 911 , h Pro , e Rhyme , 1912 ; M.肠ulton , Anato明y
ofProse , 1954 ; Geo很e L.肠ager and Henry Lee Smith , Jr . , A " Outline of English
Structure , 1951 ; Robert Adolphe , Th 。 Ris 。 of腼deo Pros亡St夕l 。,1968 。 E . D.赫兹在



PsyCho } ogical and PSyc卜oana } ytic Criticism心理学与精神分析批评

496 PsYC日oLOcICAL ^ No psvc日oAN^盯Ic cRI下ICisM

coulds盯that the usual question " with the best of our
15 one " mainly of a psychological sort , to be answered liscovering and de -
lineating the ar nature of the poet丘om his poetry . " During the Roman -
瓦c八洲od , we acticed all three variants of the Critical
( still current today ) that based on the assumption that a work of literatUre
15 correlated初th its author , 5 disllnctivemental and emotional traits : ( 1 ) ref -
erence to the author , s personality in order to exPlain and interpret a literary
work ; ( 2 ) reference to literary works in order to establlsh , biographically , the
personality of the author ; and ( 3 ) the mode of reading a literary work spedfi ・
cally in order to exPerience the distinctivs subiectivity , or consciousness , of
its author ( see币廿cs ofconsdousness ) . W七even find thatjohn Keble , in the se ・
ries of Latin lectures on the乃饱aling尸协wer ofPOe勿一publlshed in 1844 , but
delivered more than ten years earlier一proposed a thoroughgoing proto -
Freudian 11terary theory . " POetr另” Keble daimed , " 15 the indirect expression …
of some ove印owerillg emotion , or rUling taste , or feeling , the direct indul -
gence Whereof 15 somehow rePressed , , ; this repression 15 imposed by the au ・
thor , 5 sentime爪5 of " reticence , , and " shame , , ; the conflict between the need
for expression and the compulsion to repress such self - revelation 15 resolved
by the poet , S ability to give " healing relief to secret mental emotion , yet With -
out detriment to modest reserve , , by a literary " art Which under certaln veils
and disguises … reveals the fervent emotions of the mind , , ; and this dls -
guised mode of self - expresslon serves as " as决ty valve , presep月ng men ftom
ma如ess . " ( The emergence and the varleties of romantic psychological criti -
cism are described in M . H . Abrams,角e凡n加ra拄d the La玲哄1953 , chapters6
and 9 . ) In the present era many critics make at least passing references to the
psychology of an author in disCUssing Works of literature , with the notable ex -
ception Of those Whose critical premises invalldate such reference ; mainly for -
maZism , N白甲Cri瓦cis巩shac切ralism , decons加币on .
Since the 19205 , a very widespread form of psychological literary criticism
has come to be psychoanalytic criticism , whose Premises and procedures
were established by Sigmund Fr6ud ( 185企1939 ) . Freud had developed thedy -
nalnic fonn of psychotogy that he ca业d psychoanalysis as a means of analysis
and therapy for neuroses , but soon expanded it to account for many develop -
ments and pra比ces in the history of civilization , inctuding warfare , mythol -
。 g环and reli廖on , as well as literature and the other arts . Freud , s brief comment
on thewo南ngs of the artist , s imagination at the end ofthetwenty - thirdlec -
ture of hisln加而‘如nto只罕choanalysis ( 1920 ) , supplemented by relevant pas -
sages in the other lectures in that book , set forth the theoretical frameWOrk of
what 15 sometimes called " dassical , , psychoanalytic criticism : Literature and
the other arts , like dreams and neurotic symPtoms , consist of the ima多ned , or
lantasied,加m 】 Ilnent of wishes that are either denied勿reaiity or are prohib -
ited妙the sodal standards of morality and propriety . The fothidden , mainiy
sexuai ( " libidinai , , ) wishes come into conflict with , and are rePressed by , the
" censor , , ( th e intemaliZed reptesentative within each individual of the stan -
dards of soctety ) into the unconscious rea如of the artist , s而nd , but are per -
mitted by the censor to achieve a fantasied satisfaction in distorted forms

的,要回答此类问题,需要从诗人的诗歌来发现并描述他独特的本质。 ”我们发现,浪
上的,即文学作品与作者独特的精神特征和情绪特征相联系:( l)参照作者的个性,以
此来说明和阐释文学作品;( 2)参照文学作品,从生平角度确定作者的人格;( 3)具体
们甚至发现,约翰・基布尔在系列拉丁文讲稿《论诗歌的治疗功能》中― 1844年出
布尔宣称,“诗歌间接地表达了… …某种难以抑制的情感,或主导的品味,或感受,直
“艺术在某种面纱和掩饰下… …揭示了思想上的炽热情绪” 。这种自我表达的掩饰模
式则起到了“安全阀门的作用,防止人们发疯” 。(M . H.艾布拉姆斯的《镜与灯》,
上的内在化代表)相冲突。 “审查者”将这些愿望压抑在艺术家思想的潜意识领域内,
498尸svc日oLoclc ^ L ^ No psvcHoAN^盯Ic cRITIclsM

whlch serve to dlsguise their real motives and obiects from the conscious
mind . The chief meChanisms that州泛ct these disguises of unconsdous wishes
are ( 1 ) " condensation , , ( t he omission of parts of the unconsctous material and
the fusion of several unconscious elements into a single entity ) ; ( 2 ) " displace ・
ment , , ( the substitUtion for an unconscious oblect of desire by one that 15 ac -
ceptable to the consdous mind ) ; and ( 3 ) " symbolism , , ( the representation of
repressed , mainfy sexual , obiects of des讹by nonsexual obiects Which resem -
ble them or are assoctated with them in prior experience ) . The dis洲sed fan -
tasies that are州dent to consclousness are called by Freud the " manifest "
content of a dream or work of literatUre ; the unconsdous wishes that finda
SemblanCe of SatisfaCt10ll 111 this distorted for刀n he CallS the " latellt , , Content .
用50 present in the unconsctous of every individual , according to Freud ,
are residual traces of prior stages of psychosexual development , from eariiest
infancy onward , whlch have been outgrown , but remain as " fiXationsn in the
unconsdous of the adult . When triggered by some later event in adult life , a
repressed wish 15 revived and motlvates a fantasy , in disguised form , of a satis -
faction that 15 modeled on the way that the wish had been gratified in infancy
or early childhood . The chlef enterprise of the psychoanalytic critic , in a way
that parallels the enterprise of the psychoanalyst as a therapist , 15 to reveal the
trUe content , and thereby to explain the eff6ct on the readet , of a literary work
by translating its manifest elements into the latent , unconsctous determl -
nants that constitute their suppressed meanings .
Freud also asserts , howeve兀thata觅sts possess special abilities that differ -
en血te them radically from the patently neurotic personality . The artistic
person , for example , possesses to an espectally high degree the power to sub -
limate ( that 15 , to shift the instinctual drives from their original sexual goals
to nonsexual " highern goals , including the discipline of becoming profident
as ana觅st ) ; the ability to elaborate fantasied wish一fulfillments into the man -
i允st features of a work of art in a way that conceals or deletes their merely
personal elements , and 50 makes them capable of satis尔ng the unconscious
desires of people other than the indlviduala由st ; and the " Puzzling , , ability一
which Freud elsewhere says 15 a power of " geniusn that psychoanalysis carmot
explaineeto mold the artistic medium into " a faithful image of the creatures
of his imagination , " as well as into a satis单nga川stic form . The result isa
fantasied wish一fulfillment of a complex and artfully shaped sort that not only
allows thea橄st to overcome , at least partially and temporarily , personal con -
flicts and repressions , but also makes it possible for thea币st , 5 audience " to
obtain solace and consolation from their own unconscious sources of gratifi -
cation whlch had become inaccessible , , to them . Litera加re and art , therefore ,
unlike dreams and neuroses , may serve the artist as a mode of fantasy that
opens " the way back to reality . "
Th1soutlineofhistheoryofartin1920waselaboratedandrefined , butnot
radicaily altered , by the later developments in Freud , s theory of mental strUc -
tUres , dyn田卫ics , and processes . Rominent among these developments was
Freud , s model of the mind as ha训叭9 three funCtional aspects : the id ( w hich in ・
corporates libidinal and other desires ) , the superego ( the intemalization of

识的真正动机和对象。实现对潜意识愿望掩饰的主要机制包括:( 1 ) “凝聚”(排除部
分潜意识素材,将几种潜意识因素融合成单一实体); ( 2 ) “移置”(用意识思想可以接
受的欲望对象替代潜意识的欲望对象); ( 3 ) “象征”(用非性欲对象表现被压抑的欲望
得慰藉” 。因此,与梦和神经症不同,文学和艺术可能以幻想的形式帮助艺术家开启
“返回现实的道路” 。

standards of morallty and propriety ) , and the ego恤川ch tries as best it canto
negotiate the confiiCtS be伽een the insatiable demands of the id , the加possibly
stringentrequlrements of the suPerego , and thel加ited possibilities of gra朋ca ・
tion offered by the world of " re曲ty , , ) . Freud has himself summarized for a gen ・
eral audience his later theoreticai innovations , with his remarkable power for
dear and dramatic exposition , inN亡w IntToduCto尽L己日助res on丑甲choanalrsis
( 1933 ) and An outlineof几冰hoanalysis ( 1939 ) .
Freud asserted that many of his views had been antidpated by insightful
authors inw此tem llteratUre , and he himself applied psychoanalysis to brief
dis山ssions of the latent cont即t in the manifest characters or events of liter -
ary works induding Shakespeare , 5 Hamlet , Mncbeth , A洲dsummer Night , s
Dream , and King Lear . He also wrote a brilliant analysis ofFyodor Dostoevs匆,s
仆eBrothersKaramazovandafull一lengthstudy , DelusionandDream ( 1917 ) , of
the novel Gra成va by the Danish wTiter withelm Jensen . ssPedany after the
19305 , a number of writers produced critical analyses , modeled on classicai
Freudian theory , of the lives of authors and of the content of their literary
works . one of the best - kn0Wn books in this mode 15 Hamleta " d OediP哪
( 1949 ) by the psychoanalyst Ernest Jones ・ Building on earlier suggestions by
Freud himseif , Jones explained Hamlet , 5 inabllity to make up his mind to kill
his uncle by re傲ence to his oedipus complex一that 15,也e repressed but
continuing presence in the aduh , 5 unconsCious of the male infant , s desire to
possess his mother and to have hls rival , the角ther , out of the way . ( Freud de -
riVed the tenn ftom Sophocles , Greek trage勿oediPus the King ) Whose protag -
onlst has un如owingly killed his father and ma川ed his mother . ) Jones
proposes that Halnlet , 5 conflict 15 " an echo of as加ilar one In Shakespeare
himself , " and goes on to account for the audience , s powerful and continued
response to the play ' over many centuries , as a result of the repressedo曲pal
conflict that 15 shared by all men . In more recent decades there has been in -
creasing emPhasis by Freudian critics , in a mode suggested by Freud , 5 later
writings , on the role of " ego psychology , I in elaborating the manifest content
and artistic form of a work of literature ; that 15 , on the way that the " ego , " in
contriving the work , consctously manages to mediate be勺陀een the conflicting
demands of the id , the superego , and the limits imposed by reality . on such
developments see Flederic C . Crews , " Literature and Psycholog另” in Rela廿ons
ofLitera甲S扭办ed . James Thorpe ( 1967 ) , and the issue on " Psychology and
Literature : some Contemporary Directions , " inN曰即Literaly娜sto尽12 ( 1980 ) .
NOrman HOlland 15 a leading exponent of the apPlication of psychoanal州c
concepts not ( as in most earlier Cliticism ) to the relation of the author to the
work , but to ther目ation of the reader to the work , explaining eaCh reader , s
individual response as the product ofa " transactive , , engagement be七拟een his
or her unconsdous desires and defenses and the fantasies that the author has
pro } ected in the literary text ; see under reader - re印onse币tic定sm .
The term psychob10目raphy designates an account of the life of an author
( seeb仰夕叩切that focuses on the subiect , s psychological devefopment , rely -
ing for州dence both on eXtemalsources and on the author , 5 ovmw对tings . It
stresses the role of unconsdous and disguised motives in forming the author , s

乎严格的要求、 “现实”世界给予满足的有限可能性这三者间的冲突)。在《精神分析
作品包括莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》 、 《麦克白》 、 《仲夏夜之梦》与《李尔王》 。他还撰文精湛
尽地研究了丹麦作家威廉・詹森的小说《格拉迪沃》 。尤其是在20世纪30年代之后,
浦斯王》 。该剧的主人公在不知情的状况下拭父娶母)。琼斯认为,哈姆雷特的内心冲
( 1967)一书中弗雷德里克・ C.克鲁斯所著的《文学与心理学》一文,以及《新文学历
史》 12期(1980)中《心理学与文学:当代发展的若干方向》一文。诺曼・霍兰德不是

personallty , and 15 usualfy Written in accordance with a version , or a revision ,
of the Reudian theory of the stages of psychosexual devel叩ment . A maiorex -
emplar of the mode Was Erik H . Erikson , s Young凡敌n Luther ( 1958 ) , in whlch
Erikson stressed the importance of Luther , 5 adolescent " identity Crisis , " other
notable instances of literary psychobiograPhy are Leon Edel,价刀甲Iames ( 5
vols . , 1953一72 ) , and Justin Kaplan,从沈沃了加口切and His灿rId ( 1974 ) . Promi -
nent and div6rse examples of Freudian literary criticism are in the collections
listed below . It shonld be noted , in addition , that many modem literary Critics ,
like many modem authors,。 we some debt to Freud ; such maior critics , forex -
ample , as众nneth Burke , Edmund Wilson , and Lionel Trilling assimilated cen -
tral Freudian concePts into their overall critical views and procedures .
Carl G . Jung 15 sometimes Called a psychoanalyst , but although he began as
a dlsctPle of Freud , his mature verslon of dePth一sychology 15 very different
from that of his predecessor , and what we call Jun乡an criticism of literatUre
deParts radicaily ftom psychoanalytic critidsm . Jun 『 5 emphasis 15 not on the
individuai unconsdous , but on what he calls the " colleCtive unconsdous , "
shared勿all individuals in all CultUres , whlch heregards as the repository of
, , ractal memories , , and of prlmordial加ages and pattems of exPerience that he
calls ar ’火e妙es.决does not , hke Reud , view literature as a disguised form ofli -
bidinal wish一加lfillment that to a large extent parallels the fantasies of a neu -
rotic personality . Instead , Jung regards great literature as , like the myths Whose
Pattems recur in dlverse CUltures , an expression of the archetypes of the collec -
tlve unconsCious . A gleat author possesses , and provides for readers , accessto
the archet即al imagesb硕ed in the radal memory , and 50 succeeds inr州tal沈-
ing aspects of the psyche which are essential both to individual seif - integration
and to the mental and emotional well一eing of the human race . Ju叮5 theory
of literature has been a cardinal formative influence on arche妙al币吞跳m and
柳伪币瓦山功.seejung , COn沉bu五ons toAna洲‘凡洲火。矛卿(1928 ) andModem
叼如in Sea戚ofa Soul ( 1933 ) ; also Edward Glover , Fr阳d orlu叮(1950 ) .
Since the development ofs如c勿ral and pos七如c加ral theories , there has
been a strongr州val of Freud , although in diverse reformulations of the clas -
sicai Freudlans山eme . Close attention to Freud , 5 Wrltings , and frequentiy the
assimilation of some version of Freud , 5 ideas to their own views and proce -
dures , are featijres of the criticism of many current writers , whether they are
Marxist , Foucauldian , or Derridean in theoretical commitment or primary
focus . Harold Bloom , S view oftheanxie加of亩明uencespecificailyadaPtstothe
composition and reading of poetry Freud , 5 concepts of the oedipus complex
and of the distorting operation of defense mechanisms in dreams . A number
of feminist币瓦cs have attacked the male一centered nature of Freud , 5 theory一
especially evident in such crucial conceptions as the oedipus complex alld
" penis enVy , , on the part of the female child ; but many feminists have also
adapted a revised version of Freudian concepts and mental mechanisms to
their anaiyses of the wrlting and reading of literary texts . See Juliet Mitchell ,
只叭儿口analysis and几用inism ( 1975)二Mary Jacobus , Readi叮钊而man ( 1986 ) ;
Nancy Chodoro琳凡用inism and PSychoana扮瓦c仆eoly ( 1990 ) ; Rosalind Min -
sky , ed ・,几沙口analysis and Gender : An IntTOductoly Reader ( 1996 ) .

展阶段论的模式或其修改模式进行创作。这种模式的主要代表作品是埃里克・ H.埃
卷,1953一1972 ),查斯丁・卡普兰的《马克・吐温与他的世界》(1974)。形形色色的弗
卡尔・ G.荣格有时也被称作精神分析学家。尽管他最初是弗洛伊德的追随者,
个人共有的“集体潜意识” 。荣格认为,集体潜意识是“种族记忆” 、原始意象及他称之
心理学文集》(1928)与《追寻灵魂的现代人》(1933 );也请参阅爱德华・格洛弗的《弗洛
叶・米切尔的《精神分析与女性主义》(1975 );玛丽・雅格布斯的《解读女性》(1986 ) ;
南希・乔多罗的《女性主义与精神分析理论》(1990 );罗萨林德・明斯基主编的《精神

Jacques Lacan , " the French Freud , " developed a semio瓦c version of Freud ,
COnverting the basic concepts of psychoanalysis into formulations de巾ed
from the linguistic theory of Ferdinand de Saussure , and applytng these con -
cepts not to human individuals , but to the operations of the process of slgni -
flcation . ( See under linJ州is瓦cs in litera甲币价钻m ・)lypical 15恤can , 5 oft一quoted
dlctum , " The unconsctous 155加改ured like a language . ' ' His procedure 15 to
recast Freud , 5 key concepts and mechanisms into the lingUistic mode , vi四dng
the human mind not as pre一existent to , but as constituted by the language we
use . Espectally important in Lacanian litera叮criticism 15加can , s reformula -
tion of Freud , 5 concepts of the early stages of psychosexual development and
the formation of the oedipus complex into the distinction be幻陀een a pre -
linguistic stage of development that he calls the加a乡nary and the stage
after the acquisition of language that he calls thes犷mbolic . In the im娜nary
stage , there 15 no clear distinction between the subiect and an Obiect , or be -
tween the self and other selves . Intervenient be幻脾en these妇浑0 stages 15 what
Lacan calls the mirror stage , the moment When the infant leams to identi勿
with his or her image in a mirro耳and 50 be多ns to develop a sense of a sepa -
rate self that 15 later enhanced by What 15 reflected back to it from encounters
with other people . When it enters thes犷mbolic stage , the infant subiect as ・
similates the inherited system of linguistic differences , hence 15 constitutedby
the sylnbolic , as it learns to accept its pre一determined " positionn in such lin ・
guistic oppositions as male / female , father / son , mother / daughter . This sym ・
bolic realm of language , in Lacan , s theo琢15 the realm of the law of the
fatherr in which the " phallus , , ( i n as脚mbolic sense ) 15 " the privileged 519 -
n访er , , that serves to establish the mode for all other signifiers . In a parallel
fashion , Lacan translates Freud , s views of the mental workings of dream -
formation into textual terms of the play ofs伽恤踢Converting欣ud , s dis -
torting defense一mechanisms into linguistic figures of speech . And according
to Lacan , all processes of linguistic exPression and interpretation , drivenby
, , desire , , for a lost and unachievable obiect , move incessantly along a chain of
unstable signifiers , without any possibility of coming to rest ona血ed signi ・
fied , or presence . ( See Jacques Lacan,石币tS : A Selec如梅1977;加can , s much
discussed reading of Edgar川lan Poe , s short story仆e即rIOined Letter as an al -
legory of the wo由ngs of the signifier , in Yale FrenchS勿dies , Vol . 48 , 1972 ;
and Malcolln Bowie , Lacan , 1991 . ) Lacan , s notions of the inalienable split , or
" difference , " that inhablts the self , and of the endless chain of displacements
in the quest for meaning , has made him a prominent reference in posts加c -
tUral theorists . And his distinction be勺陀een the pre ・ oedipal , maternal stage of
the pre一linguistic imaginary and the " phallocentric , , stage ofs扣rnbolic lan -
guage has been exPloited at length by a number of Rench feminists ; see He -
lene CIXous , Luce Irigaray , and Julia Kristeva under脚ninist拭互cism .
Many of Freud , 5 psychoana卿c叭旧tings on llteratiire and the arts have
been colleCted by Beniamin Nelson , ed . , Si8切undFI即d on Crea洲印and theUn ・
印玛。 。 us ( 1958 ) . Anthofogies of psychoanalytic Critidsm妙various authorsare
William Philiips , ed . , Art and几产hoanalrsis ( 1957 ) , and Leonard and Eleanor
Manheim , eds .,拭由助Pa旋ms : S加成郎in几产hoanaly价Li细’ a IyCri瓦ds功

学)。拉康最常被引用的名言就是“潜意识就像语言一样构建起来。 ”他的批评方法是,
学会接受它在诸如男性/女性,父/子,母/女等语言对立中预先确定的“位置” 。在拉
着,绝不可能停止于某一固定的所指或存在。(参阅雅克,拉康的《作品选集》(1977 ) ;
康》,1991 。)拉康提出了存在于自我之中不可分割的分裂或“差异”,以及在探寻意义
括:William Phillips , ed . , Arl and Ps夕choanal夕515 , 1957 ; Leonard and Eleanor Man -
heim , eds . , Hidden Patter , , : studie , in Ps夕choanal夕tic Litera砂Critic艺sm , 1966;弗
506 puN ・ puRPLf PATCH

( 1966 ) . Useful discusslons and developments of Freudian literary theory子re
Frederick J . HO劲man , F阳心之an朽m and而Litera甲斌nd ( rev . , 1957 ) , which describes Freud , 5 wide influenCe on wrlters and币tics ; Nolman N . Hol an

U gP
1 ( O勺叼
HOlla刀d , s Guide toPs班hoana栖cPs林火01卿and Litera加reun茶几洲为oloJ沙(19
and Peter BrookS,乃州卫oanalysis and Sto甲telling ( 1994 ) . and peter BrookS . Ps ”叻oanalvsis and Sto即telli叮(1994 ) . EI让abeth叭叭只ht ,
choana洲cCri吞此m:角即侧in Prac找ce ( 1984 ) , reviews 、 various recent develep -
ments in psychoanalytic theories and their appllcations to literary Critidsm . For
to litera即crltidsm . Fol
柳。 maior traditional Critics who have to an lmportant extent adaPted Freudian
。 ”~于。协介hp谊r卯nP朋1 Pn份rnd究e ‘即Fdml盆ndV切l叹nn7为户下幼,, , ? d口”沙场户
general enterprise , see Edmund Wilson
Bow ( 1941 ) I Lionel Trllling , " Freud and UteratUre , " in角e Lib曰司加代乒加-
如n ( 1950 ) . Frederic C . Crews , who in 1966 Wrote an exemplary
cal stuuy,仆。 SinS ofthe Fathers : Hawthome , s丑甲chol州cal仆翻es ,
his Freud认n co刃n力nitment ; see his SkeP互calE侧滩犷阴en台(1986 )
views and adaptations of Jacques加can , see Jane Gallop , Rea动雌Lacan ( 1985 ) ,
Shoshana凡lman , Iacques Lacan and theA动吧ntUre oflnsight ( 1987 ) ; and Eliza -
beth Grosz , Iacq " es Lacan : AFe阴inist加加山c如n ( 1990 ) ,

P . n . A play on words that are either identical in sound ( homonyms ) or very
similar in sound , but are sharpfy diverse in meaning ; an example 15 the last
word In the title of oscar Wilde , s comedy,角e1功portanceo厂Bei叮Eamest
( 1895 ) , Ihans have often had serious literary uses . The auth0Tity ofthePoPein
Roman Catholicism goes back to the Greek pun uttered by Christ in Matthew
16 : 18 , " Thou art Peter田etrosl and upon this rock [ P etra } 1 will build my
church . " Shakespeare and other Writers used puns seriously as well as for
comic purposes . In Romeo and luliet ( 111 . 1 . 101 ) Mercutio , bleedlng to death ,
says grimly , " Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave mann ; and
John Dorme , 5 solemn " Hymn to God the Father , , ( 1633 ) puns throughout on
his own name and the past particiPle " done . " Milton was an inveteratein -
ventor of serious puns in Paradise Lost . In the eighteenth century and there -
afte乙howeve丸the literary use of the Pun has been almost excluslvely colnic .
A maior excePtion 15 James Joyce , 5 Finneg口nSI咖ke ( 1939 ) , which exPloits
puns throughout in order to help sustain its complex effect , at once serious
and comic , of multiple levels of meaning ; see por加anteau word .
A special type of pun , known as the equivoque , 15 the use of a single
word or phrase Which has七四0 disparate meanings , in a context Which makes
both meanings equally relevant . An example 15 the couplet in a song from
Shakespeare , sC娜beline : " Golden lads and girls all must , / As chlmney sweep -
ers , come to dust . " An epitaph suggested for a bank teller consists of a series of
equivocal phrases :
He checked his cash , cashed in his checks ,
And left his wifldow . Who 15 lleXt ?

入rPle Potch . A translation of Horace , 5 Latin phrase " purpureus … pan -
nus , , in his verslfied Ars POe改a ( first centuryB ・ C , ) , It signifies a marked height -
ening of style in rhythm , diction , repetitions , and figurative language that
makes a passage of verse or proseseeeespecially a descriptive passageesstand out

雷德里克・ J.霍夫曼的《弗洛伊德主义与文学思想》(1957年修订版)有效地讨论并发
探讨与发展了弗洛伊德文学理论的论著还有:Norman N . Holland , Holland ’£Guide
to Ps夕choanal夕tic Ps夕cholog夕andL艺terature一and一Ps夕cholog夕,1990 ; Peter Brooks ,
Psychoan “如15 and Storytelling , 1994 。伊丽莎白・赖特的《精神分析批评:实践中
上修改并借用了弗洛伊德的概念,参阅:Edmund wilson , Tho wound 。 ndth己Bow ,
1941 ; Lionel Trilling , " Freud and Literaure , ' , in The Liberal Imagination , 1950;弗
雷德里克・ C.克鲁斯于1966年撰写了弗洛伊德批评研究的代表作《父亲的罪恶:霍
( 1986)。女性主义对雅克・拉康理论的看法与修正,参阅:Jane Gall叩,Reading
Lacan , 1985 ; Shoshana Felman , Jacgues Lacan and the Adventure of Insight , 1987 ;
Elizabeth Grosz , Jac口ues Lacan : A Feminist Introduction , 1990 。


戏。例如,奥斯卡・王尔德创作的喜剧《认真的重要性》(Tho ImPo对ance ofBe£ng Ear -
nest ) ( 1895)剧名中的最后一个词。双关语常常具有严肃的文学用途。罗马天主教中大
主教的权威可以追溯到《马太福音》 16 : 18中基督所说的希腊文双关语:“你是彼得,我
要把我的教堂建造在这磐石上。 ”莎士比亚和其他作家使用双关语既用来达到滑稽的
指‘坟墓’又指‘严肃’)。 ”约翰・多恩在庄严肃穆的《上帝天父颂》(1633)中通篇采用了
他自己的名字(Donne)与过去分词“ done ”的双关语。弥尔顿在《失乐园》中锲而不舍

Purple Patch词藻华丽的章节

短语“ Purp盯eus … pannus ”的英文译名,表示节奏、措词、重复和修辞性语言在文体上

its context . The term 15 sometimes aPplied without derogation to a set
separable and quotable , in Whlch an author rises to an OCCasioll . Afi eX -
ample 15 the eulogy of England by the dying John of Gaunt in Shakespeare , s
Rlchardll ( II . 1 . 40 ff . ) , beginning :
This royal throne of kings , this scept , red isle ,
Thls earth of males年thls seat of Mars ,
This other Eden , demi一paradise.…

other well ・ known examples are Lord Byron , s dePiction of the DuChess of
形chmond , s ball on the eve of节厄terloo in Childe Harold , s几咖m冈re , Canto
111,尤心哎r时11 ( 1816 ) , and Walter Pater , 5 prose description of the MOna Lisa in
his ess好on Leonardo da Vinci in仆e Renajssance ( 1873 ) . Usually , howev饥
, , Purple passage , , connotes disparagement , implytng that one has self -
consciously girded oneself to perform a piece of fine Writing . In Stella
Gibbons , satiric novel , ColdCo用fo材Fan件the narrator 15 proud of her purple
此scriptive passages , and follows the example of Baedeker , S guide一ooks by
marking them with va州ng numbers of asterisks : " Dawn crept over the
DOv刃ns like a sinister white animal , followed by the snariing cries of the wind
eating its way be们四een the black boughs of the thoms . "

Q即eer Theory 15 often used to designate the combined area of gay and les -
bian stUdies and critlctsm , as well as theoretical and critical writings concem -
ing all modes of variance ( suCh as cross一dressing ) from the normatlve model
of biofo乡Cal sex , gender identity , and sexual desires ・ The term " queer , , was
otiginally der0gatory ' used to stig叭atize male and female same ・ sex love asde ・
viant and unnatUral ; since the early 19905 , howeverl it has been increasingiy
adopted by gays and lesbians themselves as a non一invidious term to identifya
way of life and an area for scholariy inquiry . ( See Teresa de Laurentis,伽配r
仆印尽Les七iana摊dG即Sexua " ties , 1991 , and Annamariejagose , Queer几印甲:
A摊In臼.oduc瓦。执1996 . )
BOth lesblan studies and gay studies began as " liberation move -
ments ”一n parallel with the movements forA脚can一阴州can andfe柳加ist
liberation,峨uring the anti ' VletnamW自乙anti一establlshment , and counter -
" ltUral ferment of the late 19605 and 19705 . Since that time these stUdies
have maintained a relation to the political activities to achieve , for gays and
lesblans , political , legal , and economic rights equal to those of the heterosex -
ual ma } ority . Through the 19705 , the two movements were primarily sePa -
ratist : gayso触n thought of themselves as quintessentially male , while many
lesbianS , allguing themselv6s with the feminist movement , characterized the
cultUre . Recently , however , there has been a growing recognition ( signalized
by the adoption of the loint term " queer , , ) of the degree to Which the七榨O
grouPs share a history as a despised and suppressed minority and possess
common politicat and social goals .
In the 1970 ' researchers for the most part assumed that there wasa
nxed , unitary identity as a gay tnan or as a lesbian that has remalnedst北le

这一个新的伊甸―地上的天堂,・ ・ …(朱生豪译)

噬,穿越在黑色的荆棘树枝之间。 ”


批评论著。 “同性恋”这一术语最初带有贬义,用来指责男性和女性同性相爱的变态
性恋理论引论》(1996)〕 。
反正统、反文化动乱期间的“解放运动” ―类似于非裔美国人解放运动和女性主义
510 Qu 〔 〔 RT日〔 oR丫

through human history . A malor endeavor was to identi厅and reclaim the
wo比5 ofnon一heterosexualwritersfromPlatotoW巨ltWlli恤an , Proust , Gide ,
Auden , and James Baldwin , and from the Greek poet Sappho of Lesbos toVi卜
续nia Wbolf , Adrienne形ch , and Audre Lorde ・ The list included writers
( S hakespeare and Christina Rossetti are examples ) Who rePresented homo -
erotic sublect matter , but Whose own seXuality the available biographical evi -
dence leaves uncertain . ( S ee Claude J . Summers,了触G即and Lesbian Litera尽
价rita . g6 : A Reader , s Co洲沪anion to the训斤iters and仆eir WOrks,加m An廿qui印to
the Present , 1995 . ) In the 19805 and 19905 , however一In large part because of
the assimilation of the viewpoints and analytic methods of Derrida , Foucault ,
and other posts如c勿ralis 。一the earlier assumptions about a unitary and sta -
ble gay or lesbian identity were frequentiy put to question , and historical and
critical analyses became increasingly subtle and complex .
A number of queer theorlsts , for example , adopted the deconstmctive
mode of dismantling the key binary oppositions ofw眺tem CUltUre , such as
malelfemaie , heterosexual / homosexual , and naturallunnatural , by whlcha
spectrum of diverse things are forced into only柳0 categories , and in which
the first category 15 assigned privilege , power , and centrality , While the second
15 derogated , subordinated , and ma卿nalized . ( See under decons如c如n ・)In an
important essay of 1980 , " Compulsive Heterosexuality and Lesbian Exis -
tence , " Adrienne租ch posited what she called the " lesbian continuum , , asa
Way of stressing how far一ran矛ng and diverse 15 the spectrum of love and
bonding among women , including female friendship , the family relationship
be七湘en mother and daughte耳and women , s partnerships and social groups ,
as well as overtlyp抑sical same一sex relations . Later theorists such as Eve Sedg -
wiCk and Judith Butler inverted the standard hierarchical oppositionby
whlch homosexuality 15 ma叨nalized and made unnatural , by stressing the
extent to whlch the ostensible normativity of heterosexuality 15 based on the
suppression and denial of same一sex desires and relationships .
Another prominent theoretical procedure has been to undo the earlier as -
sumption that heterosexual and homosexual are essential , universal , and
transhistoricalt即es of human subiects , or identities , by historicizing these
categories一that 15 , by proposing that they are soctal and discursive " con -
strUcts , , that emerged under special ideological conditions in a particular cuL
ture at a particular time . ( See under new histo八由m . ) A central text 15 the first
volume of Michel FOucault , s拭sto甲of Sexuali印(1976 ) , whlch claims that ,
while there had long been a soclal category of sodomy as a transgressive
human act , the " homosexual , " as a specialtype of human subject or identity ,
was a construction of the medical and legal discourse of the latter nineteenth
century . In a further develoPment of constructionist theory , Judith Butle乙in
G阴决r加uble : Feoinis阴and the Su加日峨on of Iden万印(1990 ) , described the
categories of gender and of sexuality as pelfo洲a瓦ve , in the sense that the
features which a cultural discourse institutes as masculine or feminine , het -
erosexual or homosexual , it also makes happen , by establishing an identity
that the soctalized individual ass加ilates and the pattems of beha巩or thathe
or she enacts . Homosexuality , by thls view , 15 not a particular identity that
5 11

蒂),但可获得的传记证据并不能确定他们自己的性行为〔参阅克劳迪・ J.塞默斯的
《男女同性恋文学遗产:作者及其作品读本,从古至今》(1995)〕 。但是在20世纪八、
恋是在特定时期、特定文化中特殊的意识条件下出现的社会及推论“观念” ―从而

apa ttem of action , but a soCially pre一established pattem ofa比on that
produces the ef ect of origin atil g in a pa币cular identity . ( For such poststrUc - turalist extensions of John Austin , s concept of " the performative , " se  sPe ch -
act theo邝)
In recent Writings , the constrUctionist view has been elaborated妙con ・
sidering the cross一influences of race and of economic dass in produdng the
identities and modes of behavior of gender and sexuality . ( See , e ・ g ・,Barbara
Smith , “肠ward a Black Feminist Critidsm , " 1977 , reprinted in州thi摊the Cir -
cle : An Anth 。娜沙ofA脚can砚功翻诩n Litera酬Cri瓦由脚加m the Harl洲Renais -
sance to the尸resent , ed . Angelyn Mitchell , 1994 ; and Ann Allen Stickley , " The
Black Lesbian in American Literature : An ove州e代” in Condi瓦ons:几爬2 ,
1979 . ) Sustained debate among queer theorists concerns the risk of a radical
constru由onism , whi山would dissolve a lesbian or gay identity into a purely
discursive product , as against the need to afflrm a special and enduring iden -
tity in order to signal让e and celebrate it , and to est比lish a base for concerted
political action .
gay studies and criticlsm ; the field has also become the subiect Of regularly
scheduled leamed conferences , and has been est比lished in the curriculum of
the humanities and social sdences in a great many colleges and universities ・
Anthologies : Karia Jay and Joanne Glasgow , eds . , LesbianTe义ts and COnt6x七:
RadicaIR日以sions ( 1990 ) ; Diana孙55 , ed ・,Inside / Dut Lesbian角印找es , Ga夕劝e -
o月es ( 1991 ) ; and Henry Abelove , Mich色le Aina Barale , and David M . Halperin ,
eds .,角e Lesbian andG即S匆dies Reader ( 1993 ) , which includes sele比onsby
almost all the theorists and critics mentioned in this entry . There 15 a large
and rapidly growing body of books on these sublects . In addition to the texts
llsted above , see Eve Koso污ky Sedgwick,及自代明Men:五叼ish Litera加re and
M凉le Homosocial Desire ( 1985 ) and EPiste州OloJ酬ofthe Closet ( 1990 ) ; Diana
Fuss,凡3en血I扮SPeaking . ' Feminism , NatUre , and Di欣rence ( 1989 );形chard
Dyer,入勿w YOu Se6It . . S扭成“ onLesbianandGayFIIm ( 1990 ) ; GregoryW . Bred -
beck , SOdO柳and初加甲阳ta互on , M泛刁。 we to Milton ( 1991 ) ; Judith Butie石Bodies
thatM沈创淤r ( 1993 ) ; Gregory Wbods , A Histo尽ofGayLitera勿re:仆eM比Ie了’ radi -
如n ( 1998 ) . See also underfe用in钻t币红dsm .

Reoder - Response Cddci珑does not designate any one critical theo年
but a focus on the process of reading a literary text that 15 shared by many of
the Critlcal modes , American and European , which have come into promi -
nence since the 19605.助耐er一response critics tum from the traditional con -
ception of a work as an achieved structure of meanings td the ongoing mental
operations and responses of readers as their eyes follow a text on the page be -
fore them . In the more drastic forms of such reader一response critidsm , mat -
ters that had been considered by critics to be featU : es of the work itseif
( i ncluding narrator , plot , characters , style , and stmcture , as well as meanings )
are dissolved into an evolving process , consisting prim硕ly of diverse kinds of
exPectations and the violations , deferments , satisfactions , and restrUctUrings
of exPectations , in the flow of a reader , 5 experience . Reader一response Critics of

从哈莱姆文艺复兴到当代的美国黑人文学批评选集》(1994)一书中;以及《形势:5 》
( 1979)第2期中安・爱伦・斯蒂克雷所著的《美国文学中的黑人同性恋概述》一文〕 。
Karla Jay and Joanne Glasgow , eds : Lesbian Texts and Contexts : Radical Rev艺sions ,
1 990 ; Diana Fuss , ed . Ins£de / Out : Lesbian Theories , Ga夕Theories , 1991 ; Henry
Abelove , Michele Aina Barale , and David M . Halperin , eds . The Lesbian andGa夕
studies Reader , 1993,该书收录了几乎所有本词条中所提到的理论家与批评家的文
参阅:Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick , Bet二een叼妞:Engl£sh乙iteratore andM砚e Homos -
ocial Des艺re , 1985 and EPistemolog夕of the Closet , 1990 ; Diana Fuss , Essent艺all夕
Speaking : Feminism , Nature , and Difference , 1989 ; Richard Dyer , Now You See
It : Siud艺es on Lesb乞ana刀dGa , F艺lm , 1990 ; Gregory W . Bredbeck , Sodom夕and
Interpretation , M巨rlowe toM汀ton , 1991 ; Judith Butler , Bodies thatM改tter , 1993 ;
Gregory Woods , A Histo勺of Gay Literature : TheM山leT,欢dition , 1998 。也请参

Reader一Response Criticism读者反应批评


all theoretical persuasions agree that , at least to some consider的le degree , the
of a text are the " produ出on , , or " creation " of the individual reade耳
hence that there 15 no one " correct , , meaning for all readers either of the lin -
gulstic parts or of the artistic Whole of a text . Where these critics importantly
difter 15 ( 1 ) in their view of the Primary卜ctors that shape a reader , 5 resPonses ;
( 2 ) in the place at Which they draw the line between what 15 " obiectivelyn
乡ven in a text and the " subiective , , responses of an individual reader ; and as
a result of this difference , ( 3 ) in their conduslon about the extent , if any , to
whlch a text controls , or at least " constrains , , , a reader , 5 responses , 50 as to au -
thoriZe us to relect at least some readings as misreadings , eveni瓦as almost all
reader一response Critics assert , we are Unable to demonstrate that any one read -
ing 15 the correct readlng ・
The following 15 a brief survey of some of the more prominent forms of
reader一response criticism :
The contemporary German critic叭陌lfgang lser develops the phenome -
nological analysls of the reading process proposed by Roman Ingarden , but
whereas Ingarden had limited himself to a description of reading in general ,
Iser applies his出eory to the analysis of many individual worki of literature ,
especially prose flctton . ( FOr Ingarden , see phenomenol昭y口nd币雌c定sm . ) In
Iser , S view the literary text , as a product of the writer , 5 intentional acts , in part
controls the reader , s responses , but always contains ( to a degree that has
greatfy inCreased in many modem literary texts ) a number of " gaps , , or " inde -
terminate elements . " These the reader must fill in by a creative participation
with what 15乎ven in the text before址m . The experience of reading 15 an
evolving process of anticipation , frustration , retrospection , reconstruction ,
ands甜sfa比on . Iser distinguishes between theimplied reader , Who 15 estab -
lished by the text itself as one who 15 expected to respond in spedfic ways to
the " response一invitings加Ctures , , of the text , and the " actual reader , " Whose
responses are inevitably colored by his or her accumulated private experi -
ences . In both cases , howeve称the process of the reader , s consciousness con -
stitutes both the partial patterns ( which we ordinarily attribute to ob } ective
features of the work itsel刀and the coherence , or uni尔of the work asa
whole . As a consequence , literary texts always permit a range of possible
meanings . The fact , however , that the author , 5 intentional acts establish lim -
its , as well as Incentives , to the reader , s creative additions to a text allows us to
rejeCt some readings as misreadings . ( For an application of phenomenological
analysls to the history of ever ・ altering reader一responses toa矛ven text , see
浓印如n - theoly . )
Frenchs打刀c匆ralist币红cis琳asjonathan CullerhassaidinS如c细ral朽tPO -
e吞CS ( 1975 ) , “达essentialty a theory of reading , , Which aims to " sPecify howwe
90 about making sense of texts , , ( P p . viii , 128 ) . As practiced by critics such as
Culler in the course of址5 book , such critidsm stresses literary conventions ,
codes , and rules whlch , h即姓ng been assimilated by competent readers , serve
to strUcture their reading exPerience and 50 make possible , at the same time
as they impose constraints on , the partially creative activity of interpretation .
The strUctUralist Roland Barthes , howeve乙in his later theory encourageda
5 15

家或多或少都承认,一部文本的意义是读者个人的“产物”或“创造物” 。因此,不论是
“正确的”意义。这些批评家重要的不同观点是:( l)他们对形成读者反应的主要因素
的看法;( 2)他们如何划分文本中“客观地”表现的事物和读者个人“主观的”反应之间
的界限;由于这一不同之处,因此导致了,( 3)他们关于文本能在何种程度上控制、或
5 1 6R队。 〔 R . R 〔 SPONS 〔 CRITICISM

mode of reading that opens the text to an endless play of altematlve mean ・
ings . And the poststructuralist movement of decons打刀c如n 15 a theory of read ・
ing that subverts the structuralist view that interpretation 15 In some part
controlled妙linguistic and llterary codes , and instead proposesa " creative , ,
reading of any text as a play Of " dlfferences , , that generate innumerable and
mutually contradictory , but " undectdable , ' meanings .
American proponents of reader ・ response types of illte甲retlve theory
often be矛n by reie比ng the daim of the AmericanN亡w以跳钻m that a liter -
ary work 15 a self - sufficient obiect invested with publicly available meanings ,
whose intemal features and structure should be analyzed without " extemaln
reference to the responses of its readers ( see affec以ve fallacy ) . In radlcal oppo -
sition to this view , these newer critics tum their attention exctuslvely to the
reader , s responses ; thcy differ greatly , howeve称in the factors to Whl比they
attribute the formation of these responses ・
D州d Bldch , In Subjec瓦veCri价钻m ( 1978 ) , undertakes to sho代on the
basls of classroom exPeriments , that any purportedly " obiectiVe , ' reading ofa
text , if it 15 more than an empty derivation from theoretical formulas , turns
out to be based on a response that 15 not determined by the text , but 15 instead
a " sublective process , , determined by the distinctiv6 personality of the indi -
vidual reader . In an altemative psychoanalytic analysis of reading , Norman
Holland accounts for the responses of a reader to a text by recourse to
Freudian concepts ( see psychoana恻c币丘cism ) . The subiect matter of a work
of literature 15 a prolection of the fantasie ? ngendered by the interplay of
unco川dous needs and defensessethat constitute the partlcular " identity , , of
its author . The individual reader , s " subleCtive " response to a text isa " transac -
tive " encounter between the fantasies prolected by its author and the particu -
lar defenses , expectations , and wish ・ fulmling fantasies that make up the
reader , s own identity . In this transactiv6 process the reader transforms the
fantasy content , " which he has created from the materiais of the story his de -
fenses admitted , " into a unity , or " meaningfultotality , " whlch constitutes the
reader , s particular Interpretation of the text . There 15 no uniy6rsally determl -
nate meaning of a work ; two readers will agree in their interpretation only in -
sofar as their " identity themes , , are suffidently alike to enable each to fit the
other , S re一creation of a text to hls or her own distinCtive responses .
In his theory of reading , Harold Bloom also employs psychoanalytic con ・
cepts ; in particula乙he adapts Freud , s concept of the mechanisms ofd晚nse
against the revelation to consctousness of repressed desires to his own view of
the process of reading as the application of " defense meChanisms , , against the
" influence , " or threat to the reader , S im娜native autonom又of the poet
whose text 15 being read . Bloom applies Freudian concepts in a much more
complex way than Holland ; hea川ves , however , at a parallel conclusion that
there can be no determlnate or correct meaning of a text.赶l " reading
15 … misreading , ' ; the only difference 15 that betweena " strong " misreading
anda " weak , , misreading . See anxie印ofi明uence ,
Stanley Fish 15 the proponent of What he callsa月沁ctive stylistics . In his
eariier Writings Fish represented the activity of reading as one that converts
5 17

受文本制约的反应为基础的,是一种由读者个人显著的性格特征所决定的“主观过程” 。
份” 。读者个人对文本的“主观”反应,是作者投射的幻想与构成读者自己身份的特定
的意义。所有的“阅读”都是“ … …误读”,唯一的不同在于“严重”误读与“轻微”误读

the sDatial seauence of printed words on a pa职into a temporal flow of expe -
rience in a reader who has acquireda " literary competence . " In士ollowing tne
orinted text with his eve , the reader makes sense of what he has 50 far readbv
・ anticipating what 15 still to come . These anticipations may be tulfilled妙
what follows in the text ; often , however , they Will tUrn out to have been mis -
taken . But since , according to Fish , " the meaning of an utterance , , 15 the
reader , s " exPerience - - all of it , " and the reader , 5 mistakes are " part of the ex -
perience provided by the author , 5 language , " these mistakes are an integral
part of the meaning of a text . ( See " LiteratUre in the Reader : Affective Stylis -
tics , " published in 1970 and reprinted with slight changes in交举Consu川ing
Ar瓦fac七:介eExP拭enceofseventeenthCentU甲Litera勿re , 1974 , andinIS几erea
及义t in角15 ClassZ 1980 . ) Fish , 5 analyses of large一scale literary works were de -
signed to show a coherence in the klnds of mistakes , constitUtive of specific
types of meaning - experience , which are effected in the reader by the text of
John Mllton , s撇radise Lost , and by various essaytsts and poets of the seven -
teenth century .
Fish , s early cla加was that he was describing a universal process of the
competent reading of llterary texts . In later publications , however , he intro -
duced the concept of interpretlve communities , each of whlch 15 composed
of members Who share a particular reading " strategy , " or " set of community as -
sumptions . " Fish , in consequence , now presented hls own affective stylistics as
only one of many altemative modes of interpretation , which his earlier叭的t -
ings were covertly attempting to persuade his readers to adopt . He also pro -
posed that each communal strategy in effect " creates , , all the seemingly
obie币ve features of the text itseif , as well as the " intentions , speakers , andau -
thors , , that we may infer from the text . The result 15 that there can be no uni -
versal " right reading , , of any text ; the validity of any reading , however obv10us
it may seem to a reader , will always dePend on the assumptions and strategyof
reading that he or she happens to share with other members of a pa饭cular in -
terpretive community . Fish , 5 claim 15 that all values , as well as meanings , ofa
text are relative to the concept or scheme of a pa橄CUlar interpretive commu -
nity ; furthermore , that such concePtual schemes are " incommensurable , " in
that there 15 no standpoint , outside of any橄e甲retive community , for trans -
lating the discourse of one community into that of another , or for mediating
beb那een them , ( S ee Fish , Is仆ere a Text in仆15 ClassZ角e Authori妙oflnterPre -
廿veCo阴muni价s , 1980 ; and for a condse exposition ofphilosoPhicalcritiques
of Fish , s claims for interpretlve relativism and incommensurabillty , James Bat -
tersby , Reason and the NatUre ofTe义ts , 1996 . ) In a later book , DOing科肠atCO脚es
NatUral今:C加构叭Rhetoric , and th6 Prac红ce of仆co甲in Litera甲and娜价15加成“
( 1989 ) , Fish analyzes , and defends , the role of the professional " interpretive
community , , of academic crltlcs in literary stUdies ; he also extends his views of
literary interpretation into the domain of legal Interpretation .
Since the early 19805 , as part of a widespread tendenCy to stress cultural
and politlcal factors in the stu即of literature , reader - resPonse critics have in -
creasingly undertakento " situate , , a particular reading of a text in its histori -
cal setting , in the attempt to show the extent to which the responses that
5 19

提供的部分经验”,那么这些错误也是文本意义不可缺少的一部分〔见197 。年发表的
纪文学的经验》(1974)和《这堂课有文本吗?》(1980)这两本书中重版」 。费什分析了许
同的特定阅读“策略”,或一系列“群体设想” 。费什因此将自己的感受文体学描述为
换或斡旋的立足点。 〔见费什《这堂课有文本吗?解释群体的权威》(1980 );对费什的
本质》(1996)。 」费什在后来的著作《做自然的事:改变、修辞以及文学研究和法律研究
自2 。世纪80年代初以来,作为文学研究强调文化与政治因素这一普遍倾向的

constitUte both the interpretation and evatuation of literature have been de ・
termined by a reader , S ideOI昭夕and by built ・ in biases about race , class , or gen ・
der . See Peter J . Rabinowits , Before Reading . ' Na欣瓦ve COnven瓦ons and the
PolitiCS of InterPreta " on , 1987 ; and for feminist emphasis on the male biases
that affect the responses of readers , Judith Fetteriey)仆e Resis瓦ng Reader
( 1978 ) ; andEI妞abeth A . Flynn and Patroctnio Schweikart , eds . , Gender and
Reading . ' Essays on Readers,及义认and ContextS ( 1986 ) .
A survcy of a number of reader一response theories of criticism 15 included
in Steven Mailloux , 5 own contribution to this mode in Inte甲re找ve Conven百ons
( 1982 ) ; another survey from the point of view of deconstrUctive theory 15
EliZabeth Freund,仆e RetU阴of the Reade广R改山卜丑已卿nseCri打cism ( 1987 ) .
Antholo矛es of diverse reader一response essays : Susan Suleiman and Inge
Crossman , eds .,仆e Reader in the及义t ( 1980 ) ; Jane P . Tompkins , ed . , Reader -
R曰沪onse以讹七优(1980 ) . Important early instances of a criticism that isfo ・
cused on the reader : M白lter J . Slatoff,刚th ResPect to Readers ( 1970 ) ; Louise
ROsenblatt,几e Reade乙the Text , the Poem ( 1978 ) ; Umberto Eco,角e Role ofthe
丑留而r ( t rans . , 1979 ) .
In addition to the titles mentioned in this essay ' the follo初ng are promi -
nent exemplars of reader一response criticism : Staniey Fish , SurPrised妙Sin:仆e
Rea由in华狡radise Lost , , ( 1967 ) andse华COnsumingA币facts:几e ExP翻ence of
5曰把nteenth一CentU甲Li加ratUre ( 1972 ) ; Norman Holland,仆eD州amics ofLiter -
a甲ReSPonse ( 1968 ) and FiveRead比Reading ( 1975 ) ; Wblfganglser,仆e如Plied
Rea衍(1974 ) and介eActofReading : A劝co尽ofAesthe红cResPonse ( 1978 ) , For
币tlques of Fish , s " affeCtive stylistics , , : Jonathan Culler,仆e Pursuit ofs如5
( 1981 ) ; Eugene Goodheart,几e SkeP找c DisPosi廿on in Conte冷IPora甲Cri瓦cism
( 1984 ) ; M . H . Abrams , " How to Do Things with Texts , " in Doing角i飞,with
及义七(1989 ) .

Reolism一d Noturoliso . Re比sm 15 aPplied by literary critics in七泞0 di -
verse Ways : ( 1 ) to identify a movement in the writing of novels during the
nineteenth century that inctuded Honor乏de Balzac in France , George Eliotin
England , and William Dean Howells in America ( see realis瓦c novel , under
noveo , and ( 2 ) to designate a reCUrrent mode , in various eras and literary
forms , of representing human life and experience in literature .
Realistic fiCtion 15 often opposed to romantic fiction . Thero脚ance 15 said
to present life as we would have it beesesmore pic皿esque , fantastic , adventur -
ous , or heroic than actuallty ; realism , on the other hand , 15 said to represent
life as it really 15 . This distinction in terms solely of sublect matte称while rele -
vant , 15 dearly inadequate . Casanova , T . E . Lawrence , andV内nston Churchill
were peoPle in real life , but their blographies demonstrate that truth can be
stranger than literary realism . It 15 more useful to identi勿realism in terms of
the effect on the reader : realistic fiction 15 Written to give the effect that it reP -
resents 11fe and the social worid as it seems to the com们non reader , evoking
the sense that its characters might in facte对st , and that such things might
well haPpen . TO achieve such effects , the novelists we identify as realists may
or may not be selectlve in sub } ect matter - - although most of them prefer the

构成文学解释及文学评价的反应。参阅彼得・ J.拉比诺维茨的《阅读之前:叙事惯
例与阐释策略》(1987 );女性主义强调影响读者反应的男性偏见,有关这方面的内容
参阅朱迪思・菲特利的《抗拒性读者》(1978 );以及伊丽莎白・ A.弗林与普特洛西尼
( 1987)则用解构主义的观点概述了读者反应理论。各种有关读者反应的论文集包
括:Susan Suleiman and inge Crossman , eds . , TheReader in the Text , 1980 ; Jane P .
Tompkins , ed ・,Reade卜Res户onse Criticism , 1980 。早期强调读者批评的重要论著包
括:Walter J . Slatoff , With Respect to Readers , 1970 ; Louise Rosenblatt , TheReader ,
th 。 Text , th 。 Poem , 1978 ; Umberto Eco , Th 。 Rol 。 of th 。 Reader , trans . , 1979 。
除了以上文中提到的书目,有关读者反应批评的重要著作还包括:Stanley Fish ,
Surprisedb夕Sin : The Reader in " Paradise Lost " , 1967 , and Self - Consuming Arti -
facts : The乙不perience of Seventeenth一Centur少Literatur 。,1972 ; Norman Holland ,
TheD汉namics of Litera勺Response , 1968 , and FiveReadersReading , 1975 ; Wolf -
gang lser , The Implied Reader , 1974 , and The Act of Reading : A Theor夕of Aes -
t人etic Response , 1978 。有关对费什的“感受文体学”的批评,参l阅:Jonathan Culler ,
The Pursuit of Signs , 1981 ; E吧ene Goodheart , TheskepticDisposit艺oninCOntempora -
r夕Criticism , 1984 ; M . H . Abrams , " How to Do Things with Texts , " in Doing
Thingsw艺th Texts , 1989 。

Realism and Naturalism现实主义与自然主义

文学批评家对现实主义有两种不同的用法:( l)表示19世纪的一场小说创作运
霍威尔斯(参见小说中的现实主义小说); ( 2)表示各个时期或各类文学样式中反复使
面而言,显然不够完善。卡萨诺瓦、 T . E.劳伦斯、温斯顿・丘吉尔都是真实生活中的
522R队LISM ^ NoN ^ Tu队LISM

commonplace and the everyday ' represented in minute detail , over rarer as ・
pects of life - but they must render their materials in ways that make them
seem to their readers the very stuff of ordinary experience ・ For example ,
Daniel Defoe in the early eighteenth century dealt with the extraordinary ad -
ventures of a shipwrecked mariner named Robinson Crusoe and with the ex ・
traordinary misadventures of a woman named Moll Flanders ; but he made his
novels seem to readers a mlrror held up to reality by his reportorial manner of
rendering all the events , whether ordinary or extraordinary , in the same clr -
cumstantial , matter一of - fact , and seemingly unselectiVe Way . Both the fictions
of Franz Kafka and the present一day novels of阴州‘ realis脚achieve their ef -
fects in large part by exploiting a realistic manner in rendering events that are
In themselves fantastic , absurd , or fiatly加possible .
彻ssianfo洲alis 。,followed more systematically bys如c勿ral台t币瓦“ ,
proposed that both the selection of sublect matter and the techniques of ren -
dering in a realistic novel depend on their accordance with literary conven瓦on
and codes WhiCh the reader has leamed to interpret , or natUraliZe , in a Way that
makes the text seem a reflection of everyday reality . ( See Roland Barthes , " The
Reallty Effect , " in French Litera甲仆eo甲几泳琪ed . TZVetan Todorov , 1982 , and
Jonathan Culle乙S如c加ralist Poe以“ , 1975 , chapter7 , " Convention and Natu -
ralization . " ) Some theorists draw the conclusion that , since all literary rePre -
sentations are constituted by arbitrary conventions , there 15 no valid ground
for holding any one kind of fiction to be more realistic than any other . It isa
matter of common exPerience , howeve称that some novels indeed produce on
the reader the effect of representing the ordinary course of events . Skeptidsm
曲out the possibility of ftctional realism 15 not an emplrical doctrine Which 15
based on the widespread experience of readers of llterature , but a metaPhysi ・
cal doctrlne that denies the叨stence of any obiective reality that 15 inde -
pendent of altering human conventions and cultural formations . ( For
philosophical discussions of conventionality and reali娜see the essays勿
Hilary Puinam , Nelson Goodman , and Menachem Brinker inN亡w Litera尽拭,-
to邝VOI . 13 , 1981 , and Vol . 14 , 1983 . )
NatUralism 15 som比mes claimedto矛ve an even more acCUrate depic -
tion of life than reallsm . But naturalism 15 not only , like realism , a spectal se ・
leCtion of subieCt matter and a special way of rendering those materials ; it isa
mode of fiCtion that was developed by a school of Wrlters in accordance with
a pa币cular philosophical thesis . This thesis , a product of post一Darwinian bi ・
ology in the nineteenth century , held that a human beinge范sts entirely in
the order of natUre and does not have a soul nor any mode of pa出dPatingin
a reli矛ous or spiritual world beyond the natural world ; and therefore , that
such a being 15 merely a higher一order animal Whose character and behavior
are ent此ly determinedby们泞0 klnds of forces , heredity and envirorunent . A
personi曲erits compulsive instinct卜especially hunger , the drive to accumu -
late possessions , and sexuality一and isthen sublect to the social and eco -
nomic forces in thefa而ly , the class , and the milleu into Which that person 15
bom . The French novellst Emile Zola , beginning in the 18705 , did much to
develop this theory in what he called , , le roman exp亡rimental , , ( that 15 , the

论》,以及乔纳森・卡勒的《结构主义诗学》(1975)第七章“惯例与归化” 〕 。有些理论家

novel organized in the mode of a scientific exper加ent on the behavior of the
characters it depicts ) . Zola and later naturalistic writers , such as the Americans
Frank Norris , Stephen Crane , and Theodore Dreiser , try to present their sub -
lects with sdent访c oblectlvlty and with elaborate documentation , sometimes
including an almost medical frankness about activities and bodily functions
usually unmentioned In earlier literature . They tend to choose characters who
eXhibit strong animal drives suCh as greed and sexual desire , and who are
hdpless victims both of glandular secretions within and of sociolo多cal pres -
sures without . The end of the naturalistic novel 15 usually " tra小c , " but not , as
in classical and EliZabethantTO攀办because of a herolc but losing struggle of
the indlvldual mind and will against gods , enemies , and circumstances . In -
stead the protagonist of the naturalistic plot , a pawn to multiple compulsions ,
usually disintegrates , or 15 wiped out .
Aspects of the naturalistic selection and management of sublect matter
and lts austere or harsh manner of rendering its materials are aPparent in
many modem novels and dramas , such as Hardy , 5 jude the obSCUre , 1895 ( al ・
though Hardy largefy substituted a cosmic determinism for biolo矛cal and en ・
vironmental determinism ) , various plays勿Eugeneo , Neill in the 19205 , and
Norman Mailer , 5 novel ofw匕rid叭厄r 11,仆e Naked and the Dead . An enlight -
ening exercise 15 to distingulsh how the relation between the sexes 15 repre -
sented in a romance(形chard Blaclamore , 5 Loma DOOn马1869 ) , an ironic
comedy of manners仃ane Austen , sP减de and Prejudice , 1813 ) , a reallstic novel
(稍Uiam Dean Howells , A人rodem Ins掀nC6 , 1882 ) , and a naturalistlc novel
(枷ile zola , s枷na , 1550 , or Theodore Dreiser , 5 AnA切erican Tr ' lge办1925 ) .
Movements originally opposed both to nineteenth一centUry realism and natu -
ralism ( though some modern works , such as Joyce , s Ulyss6S , 1922 , combine as -
pects of all these novelistic modes ) are群Pressionism ands脚bOI台m ( see
和” bolistMo ? ent)・
See socialist realism , and refer to Erich Auerbach , Mimesis:角e RePresenta -
丘on of Reali印in认/e Stem LiteratUre ( 1953 ) ; IanM / att,劝e Rise of the入勿vel
( 1957 ) ; Emst GombriCh , Art and Illusion ( 1960 ) ; HarryL州n,仆e Gat6Sof
HOm : A StU即ofFive Fre " ch RealiS 。(1963 ) ; Ren乏W日lek , " The Concept of助-
alism in llterary ScholarshiP , " in ConceP七of Cri找由m ( 1963 ) ; J . P . Stem , on
Realis附(1973 ) ; Ioan Williams,角e Realist NOvel in England ( 1975 ) ; George
Levlne,角e Realis沦加叨” a瓦on ( 1981 ) ; Donald Pizet , Realism andNa加ralism
in Nineteenth一CentU甲Am州can LiteratUre ( rev . , 1984 ) .

Reception ・ Theory 15 the historicai application of a form of reader-闭沪onse
theory that was proposed by Hans RObert Jauss in " Literary History as a Chal ・
lenge to Literary Theory , , ( inN枷Literaly拭sto华Vol . 2 , 197于71 ) . Like other
reader一response criticism , it focuses on the reader , s reception of a text ; its
prime interest , howeve写15 not on the response of a singie reader at a given
time , but on the altering responses , interpretive and evaluatlve , of the general
reading public over the course of time . Jauss proposes that although a text has
no " obleCtive meaning , " it does contain a variety ofob ) ectively describ比le
features . The response of a partiCUlar reader , which constitutes for that reader

现代小说和戏剧中都有明显的体现,如哈代的《无名的裘德》(1895 )(尽管在这部小说
作的各种剧作以及诺曼・梅勒有关第二次世界大战的小说《裸者与死者》 。富有启迪
( 1813)〕,在现实主义小说中〔威廉・迪恩・豪威尔斯《一个现代的例证》(1882)〕,以及
在自然主义小说中〔左拉的《娜娜》(1880)或西奥多・德莱塞的《美国悲剧》(1925)〕 。
参见:社会主义现实主义;参l阅:Erich Auerbach , Mimesi ,:八。 Re户resentation
ofRealit少inw此tern Literature , 1953 ; Ian Watt , TheRiseoftheNovel , 1957 ;
Ernst Gombrich , Art and Illus汇on , 1960 ; Harry Levin , The Gates of Horn : A Stud夕
of Fiv 。 French Realists , 1963 ; Rene Wellek , " The Concept of Realism in Literary
Scholarship " , in Concept , of Criticism , 1963 ; J . P . Stern,凸2 Realism , 1973 ; Ioan
Williams , The Real艺、 t Novel汇刀England , 1975 ; George Levine , TheRealist艺c Imagi -
nation , 1981 ; Donald Pizer , Realism and Naturalism in Nineteenth一Centur少Ameri -
can Literature , rev . , 1984 。


特・姚斯在《作为向文学理论挑战的文学史》(《新文学史》第2卷,197 。一1971)中提

the meaning and aesthetic qualities ofa a text , 15 the ioint product of the
reader , s Own " horiZon of exPect甜ons , , afid the confirmations , disappoint -
ments , refutations , and of these exPectations when they are
" challenged , ' by the化atures of the teXt itself . Since the linguistic and aes -
thetic expectations of the population of readers change over the course of time , and since later readers and critics have ac es  not only to the text but
also to thepublished responses of earlier readers , there develops an evolving
historical " tradition , , of critical interpretations and evaluations of a given lit -
erary work . Follo,拄ng concepts proposed by Hans一Georg Gadamer ( see under
inte甲reta如n and henneneu挂cs ) , Jauss represents this tradition as a continuing
, , dialectic , " or " dialogue , " between a text and the horiZons of successive read -
ers ; in itsel瓦a literary text possesses no fixed and final meanings or value .
This mode of studytng literary reception as a dialogue , or " fusion , , of
horizons , has a double aspect . As a reception一aesthetic , it " defines , , the
meaning and aesthetic qualities of any indivi血al text as a set of implicit se -
mantic and aesthetic " potentialities , ) Which become manifest only as they
are realized by the cumulative responses of readers over the course of time . In
its other aspect as a reception一history , this mode of study also transforms
the history of llterature - - traditionally conceived as an account of the succes -
sive production of a variety of Works with fixed meanings and values一by
making it a history that requires an " ever necessary retelling , " since it nar -
rates the changing yet cumulative way that selected texts are interpreted and
assessed , as the horizons of successive generations of readers alter in the pas -
sage of time .
See Hans Robert Jauss , TOwards an Aesthe灯co厂ReceP灯on ( 1982 ) , and The
Aesthe价称钾rience and Litera甲月己m阳neu瓦cs ( 1982 ) ; and for a history and dis -
cussion of this viewpoillt , Robert C . H01ub , Rea争找on仆eo甲:A以找calln加-
duc红on ( 1984 ) .

助fr己n . A line , or part of a line , or a group of lines , which 15 repeated in the
Course of a poem , sometimes喊th slight changes , and usuaily at the end of
eaCh stanza . The refrain occurs in many ballads and work poems , and 15 a fre -
quent element in EliZabethan songs , where it may be merely a nonvethal car -
rier of the melodic line , as in Shakespeare , s " ItW此a Lover and His Lass , , :
“ 、 vlth a hey , and a ho , and a hey nonino . n A famous refrain 15 that which
closes each stanza in Edmund Spenser , s " EPithalamionn ( 1594)一“ The woods
shall to me answer , and my echo ring ”一n which sequential changes indicate
the altering sounds during the successive hours of the poet , s wedding day .
The refrain in sPenser , s " Prothaiamion ,,一“ Sweet Thames , run softly , till 1 end
my song ”一5 echoed ironically in Part 111 of T . 5 . Eliot , s仆e不撇ste Land
( 1922 ) , where it 15 applied to the Thames in the modem age of polluted rivers .
A refrain may consist only of a single word一"Nevermoren as in Poe , s
" The Raven , ' ( 1845)一-。 r of an entire stanza . If the stanza一refrain occurs ina
song , as a section to be sung by all the auditors , it 15 called the chorus ; for ) ex -
ample , in " Auld Lang Syne , , and many other songs by RObert Burns in the late
eighteenth century .

学的“潜在可能” 。这些“潜在可能”只有通过随时代逐渐累积起来的读者反应才能得
参看:Hans Robert Jauss , TOords an Aesthetic of Reception , 1982 , and The
Aesthet£c Ex户erience andL泛tera勺Hermeneut泛cs , 1982;关于这种观点的历史与讨论,
参阅:RObert C . Holub , Receptioo Theor夕:A Cr艺t乞call , troduct艺。,, 1984 。


一诗中有这么一句“唱着嘿,嗬,嘿,浓呢浓” 。著名的叠句出现在埃德蒙・斯宾塞的
《婚曲》(1594)里。诗中的每一诗节都以叠句― “森林将向我回应,我的回声响彻森
里声音的不断变化。 T . 5.艾略特在《荒原》(1922)一诗的第3章中,戏谑地附和斯宾
塞《婚前曲》中的叠句― “迷人的泰晤士河,轻柔地流淌,直到我停止歌唱” ―以此
叠句也可能仅由一个词构成―如坡的诗歌《乌鸦》(1845)中的单词“永不” ( nev -
ermore ),也可能由一整段诗节构成。如果整个叠句诗节作为所有观众都参与演唱的
628 REN ^ 155 ^ Nc 〔

Ren川55曲ce ( " r比irth , , ) 15 the name commonly applied to thep颐od ofEu ・
ropean history following the Middle Ages ; it 15 usually said to have begun in
Italy in the late fourteenth centUry and to have continued , both in Italyand
other countries of westem Europe , through the fifteenth ands汰eenthcen -
tUries . In this period the European arts of painting , sculPture , archit6改ure ,
and literature reached an eminence not exceeded in any age . The develop ・
ment came late to England in the sixteenth centu琢and did not have its
flowering until the Eliz的ethan and Jacobean periods ; sometimes , in fact ,
John Milton ( 1608 - - 74 ) 15 desCribed as the last great助naissance poet . ( S eePe -
rio山。厂English literatUre ・)
Many attempts have been made to define " the Renaissance " in a brief
statement , as though a single essence underlay the complex features of the in -
tellectual and culturat 11fe of numerous European countries over severat加n -
dred years , It has , for example , been described as the birth of the modem
world out of the ashes of the Dark Ages ; as the discovery of the worid and the
discovery of man ; and as the era of the emergence of untrammeled individu ・
alism In life , thought , religion , and art . Recentfy some historians , finding that
attributes similar to these Were present in varlous peoole and places in the
MIOdle Ages , and also that many elements long held to be medieval survived
into the Renaissance , have denied that the Renaissance ever existed . This
skeptical opinion serves as a reminder that history 15 a continuous process ,
and that " periods , , are not given by history but invented by historians .
NOnetheless , the division of the temporal continuum Into named segments 15
an all but indispensable convenience in disCUssing history . Furthermore , dur ・
ing the span of time called " the Renaissance , " it 15 possible to identi勿a num -
ber of events and discoveries which , beginning appro劝mately in the fif = teenth
century , dearly effected radical and distinctive changes in the beliefs , produc -
tions , and manner of life of many people , espeCially in the upper and the in -
tellec加al classes .
Be多nning in the 19405 , a number of historians have rePlaced ( or dse
supplemented ) the term " Renaissancen with early modem to deslgnate the
span from the end of the middie ages until late in the seventeent
The latter term looks forward rather than back , emphas坛ing the
which the time , instead of being mainly a rebirth of the classical past , can be
viewed , in its innovations and intellectual concems , as a precursor of our
present century . ( S ee Leah 5 . Marcus , " Renaissance/助rly Modem Studies , " in
砌dmwing the Boundaries , ed . Stephen Greenblatt and Giles Gunn , 1992 . )
The innovations血血9 thisp州od may be regarded as Puttlng a strain on
the relatively closed and stable world of the great clviliZation of the later Mid ・
dle叱es , when most of the essential and permanent trUths about God , man ,
and the universe Were considered to be adequately known . The fullimpact of
manV deVeloproents in the RenaissanCe dld not make itself felt Until the En -
lightenment in the later seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries , but the fact
that they occurred in this period indicates the vitality , the restless curiosity ,
and the而aginatlve audacity of many men of the era , whether scholars ,
thinkers , a川sts , or adventurers . Prominent among these develoPments were :

Renaissance ( ' , rebirth ")文艺复兴

世纪后期的意大利,15 、 16世纪在意大利及其他西欧国家继续得到发展。在这一时
主编的《重新划定界限》(1992)一书中利厄・ S,马库斯所写的《文艺复兴/早期现代时
期研究》一文」 。
530R 〔 N ^ 155 ^ Nc 〔

( 1 ) The new leaming . Renaissance scholars of the classics , called human -
亡sts , r州ved the knowledge of the Greek language , discovered and dis -
seminated a great number of Greek manuscripts , and added
considerabfy to the number of ROman authors and works which had
been known during the Middle Ages . The result was to open out the
sense of the vastness of the historical past , as well as to enlarge im -
mensely the stock of ideas , materials , literary forms , and styles avail -
able to Renaissance叭成ters . In the mid一fifteenth century the invention
of printing on paper from movable type ( for which Johann Guten ・
berg of Mainz , Germany , 15 usually矛ven credit , although the Chinese
had developed as加ilar mode ofp血ting several centUries earlier )
made books for the first time cheap and plentiful , and floods of pub -
lications , ancient and modem , poured ftom the presses of Europeto
satis印the demands of the expanding population Who had leamed to
read . The rapidity of the spread of ideas , discoveries , and types of lit -
erature in the Renaissance was made possible by this new tec恤ology
of printing.仆e technology reached England in 1476 , when William
Caxton set up a press atw此tlninster , Where he published , among
many other books , Chaucer , 5 Canterb呷Tates and Mafory , s加MO欣
D , A rthur .
The humanistic revival sometimes resulted in pedantic scholar -
ship , sterile imitations of ancient works and styles , and a ri矛dly au -
thoritarian rhetoric and literary critidsm . It also bred , howeve不the
gradous and tolerant humanity of an Erasmus , and the high concept
of a cultivated Renaissance aristocracy exPressed in Baldassare Cas -
tiglione , 5 IICo怕呀iano ( " The Courtier , , ) , published in 1528 . This was
the most admired and widely translated of the many Renaissance
courtesy books , or books on the character , obligations , and training
of the man of the court . It sets up the ideal of the completely rounded
or " universaln man , develoPed in all his faculties and skllls , physical ,
intellectual , anda川stic . He 15 especially trained to be a warrior and
statesman , but 15 cap的le also as athlete , philosophe丸artist , conversa -
tionallst , and man of sodety . The courtier性relations to women , and
of women to men , are represented in accordance With the quasi -
religious code of Plato " icto鸿and his activities and productions are
crowned by the grace of sprezzaturaeethe Italian term for what seems
the spontaneity and casual ease with which someone has been
trained to meet the demands of very complex and exacting rules .
Leonardo da Vinci in Italy and Sir Philip Sidney in Ellgland are often
represented as embod厂ng the many aspects of the courtlyideal .
( 2)仆enewreligion . TheReformationledbyMartinLuther ( 1483一1546 )
was a successful heresy Which struck at the very foundations of the
institutionalism of the ROman Catholic Church . This early Protes ・
tantism was grounded on ea山individual , 5 inner experlence of spiri ・
tUals加ggle and salvation . Faith ( b ased on the word of the Bible ) was
alone thought competent to save , and salvation itself was regarded as

( l)新学问。文艺复兴时期的古典主义学者被称为人文主义者。他们复兴了希
地丰富了文艺复兴时期的作者所能获得的思想、素材、文学形式与风格。 15
使得文艺复兴时期的种种思想、发现与文学类型得以迅速传播。 1476年,这
之死》 。
物》中所表现的高度文明的文艺复兴贵族理念。 《宫廷人物》是文艺复兴时
然(sPrezzatura ) ―这是一个意大利词语,指的是使人感到自然的举止或轻
( 2)新宗教。马丁・路德(1483一1546)领导的宗教改革是一次成功的异教改革,
532 REN ^ 155 ^ Nc 〔

a direct transaction with God in the theater of the individual soul ,
without the necessity of intermediation by Church , priest , or sacra ・
ment . For this reason巧otestantism 15 sometlmes said to ha爬been
an extteme manifestation of , , Renaissance individualism , , in north -
em Europe ; It soon , however , developed its own type ofinstitutional -
ism in the theocracy proposed by John Calvin ( 1509一64 ) and his
PUritan followers . Although England officially broke with the
Cathofic church during the rdgu of Henry Vlll , the new state reli -
多ous est的lishment ( the Angiican church ) headed by the monarch
retained many of the characteristics of the old church while embrac -
ing selected Protestant theological prindples . The result was a politi -
cal and theolo多cal compromise that remained the subiect of heated
debate fot Cen加ries .
( 3 ) The new world . In 1492 Christopher Columbus , a出ng on the persist -
ing and widespread belief in the old Greek idea that the worid isa
globe , sailed west to find a new commercial route to the East , only to
be frustrated by the unexpected barrier of a new continent . The suc -
ceeding explorattons of this continent al记its native p0Pulations ,
and its settlement by助拍peans , gave new materials to the literary
imagination . Them娜c worid of Sha缺speare , s角eTe川IPes七for ex -
ample , as well as the treatment of its native inhabitants by Prospero
and others , 15 based on a contemporary account of a shipwreck on
Bermuda and other writlngs about voyages to the NewW匕rld . More
importantfor助giish literature , however , was the加ct that economic
exploitation of the new worideeesoften cruel , oppressiv6 and devastat -
ing to the native peoPles一put England at the center , rather than as
heretofore at the edge , of the chief trade routes , and 50 helped estab -
lish the commercial prosperity that in England , as in Italy earlier , was
a necessary though not suffident condition for the development ofa
vig0Tous ifitellectual and arti吐ic life .
( 4 ) The new cosmos . The cosmos of medieval astronomy and of medieval
C加stian theology was Ptolematc ( that 15 , based on the astronomy of
Ptolem琴second century ) and plctured a stationary earth around
which rotated the successive spheres of the moon , the various plan -
ets , and then the fixed stars . Heaven , or the Empyrean , was thought
to be sitUated above the spheres , and Hell to be situated either at the
center of the earth ( as in Dante , s Infemo ) or else below the system of
the spheres ( as in John Milton , 5 Parad钻e Lost ) . In 1543 Copemicus
publlshed his newh即othesis conceming the astronomlc system ; this
gave a much simpler and more coherent exPlanation of accumulating
obserVations of the actual movements of the heavenly bodies , which
had led to ever greater comPlications within the sCheme of the Ptole -
maic worid pictUre . The COPernlcan theo砰proposed a systemin
whlch the center 15 the sun , not the earth , and in whlch the earth 15
not stationa以but only one planet among many planets , all of which
reV01ve肚OUfid the sUfi .

( 3)新世界。古希腊观点认为世界是一个球形的物体。根据这种持续且广为流
( 4)新宇宙。中世纪的天文学与基督教神学信奉托勒密宇宙观(建立在公元2世
所述)。 1543年,哥白尼发表了有关天文学体系的新假说。这一假说更为简

Investigations have not bome out the eariier assumption by his ・
torians that the worid picture of Copemicus and of the sdentlsts who
followedh如(sometimes referred to as the new phUosophy ) dellv ・
ered an lmmediate and profound shock to the theologicaland seCUlar
beliefs of thinking men . For example in 1611 , when Donne wrote in
" The First Annlversary , , that " new Philosophy calls all in doubt , " for
" the Sun 15 lost , and th , earth , " he did 50 only to support the ancient
theme , or literary toPOS , of the world , 5 decay , and to enforce a stan -
dard Christian " contemptus rnundi , , ( contempt for the worldly ) . Still
later ' Milton in Paradise Lost ( 1667 ) expressed a suspension of ludg -
ment be们泞een the Ptolemalc and Copernican theories ; he adopted ,
however , the older Ptolemaic scheme as the cosmic se橄ng for his
poem,比cause it was more firmly traditional and better adapted to
his narrativ6 purposes ・
MuCh more加portant , in the long川n , was the effect on men , s
。 pinlons of the generatp血ciPles and methods of the new sclencede ・
veloped by the great successors of CopemiCUs in the late siXteenth and
early seventeenth centuries , such as the physidsts Johannes Kepler
and励lileo and the助glish physictan and physiolo矛st William
HarVey . Even after Copemicus , the cosmos of many Writers in the
Elizabethan era ( asexempli加d in a number of Sha缺speare , s Plays ) re -
mained not only PtOlemaic , it remalned also an animatec仍mos that
was invested with ocCUlt powers and inhabit6d by demons and sp沉ts ,
and was widely believed to control men性liv6s by stellar influences
and to be itself subject to control by the p0Wers of witchcraft and of
m娜c . The cosmos that emerged in the course of the seventeenth cen -
加邓as a product of the scientific procedure of construc如9 hyPothe -
ses cap翻e of being tested by predsefy measured ObserVations , was the
physlcal cosmos of Ren厄Descartes ( 1596 - - 1650 ) . " Giv6 me extension
and motion , , , Descartes叭厅ote , , , and 1 will construct the universe . " The
unlv ' e rse of Descartes and the new sdence consisted of extended pa币-
cles of matter whlch moved in space according to fixed mathematical
lal叫s , free ftom interference by angeis , demons , human Prayer , oroc -
cult magical powers . Thls uniy6rse was , howeve称sublect to the llmited
manipulations of experimental scientists Who set outin如5 way to
discover the laws of nature , and Who , in Frands Bacon , s phrase , had
leamed to obey nature in order to be her master . In Descartes and
以her thlnkels , the workingh即otheses of the sdentlsts about the
physical worid were converted into a philosophical woildview , Whlch
was made CUrrent by popular exPositions , and一together嫩tb the
methodolo多cai prindPle that controlled observation 15 the criterion
of truth in many areas of knOWledg卜hdped constitute thed加ate of
eighteenth一century opinion如。 Wn as theE " ligh如ment .

Joan众lly inaugutated a splrlted debate among斥优inis亡and other schol -
ars初th her essay , publlshed in 1977 , " Did Wbmen Have a Renaissance ? , , ( in

学对一切都产生了怀疑”,因为“太阳消失了,地球也不见了。 ”他这么说只是为了
的生活,宇宙自身又受到巫术与魔法力量的控制。 17世纪出现的宇宙观是勒内
建构的假说能够经受精确测量观察的检验。笛卡尔写道:“给我广延性和运动” ,
“我就能建构宇宙。 ”笛卡尔和新科学提出的宇宙由广泛的物质微粒构成。这些

琼・凯莉1977年发表的《女性有过文艺复兴吗?》[见《女性、历史与理论》(1984 ) ]

科句阴en , HISto甲and仆eo供1984 ) . Her own answer to the question , based pri -
marily on州dence from central ltaly , was that women did not . For a book妙
a fem而st scholar who counters this claim , by reterence to women , s changing
roles in the family , in the church , and in positions of political and CUI加ral
power ' see Margaret L.拟ng , p而men ofthe Renaissance ( 1991 ) .
Reler to J . Burckhardt , Ci讨Ziza红on oftheRenaissanceinltaly ( firstpub -
lished in 1860 ) ; H . 0.飞ylor,仆。峪htand称Pression in the 16th Cen匆Iy ( 1920 ) ;
E . A . Burtt,劝e缺taPh卢ical Founda丘onso厂MOd曰” Science ( rev . , 1932 ) ; W . K .
Ferguson,仆e Re " aissance动王价勿此ml几01 , ght ( 1948 ) ; C . 5 . Lewis , English Lit -
erature in the 16thC汹n加甲(1954 ) , . Mariorie Nicolson , Sc如ce and加呼” a如n
( 1956 ) ; Thomas 5 . Kuhn,仆e CoP翻ican ReVolu拄on ( 1957 ) , ' Paul 0 . Kristelle乙
Renaissance仆oug)讼介e Classic , Scholastic , andHu脚anis灯c StTa沁(rev . , 1961 ) ;
John R . Hale,仆e Ci诬liza以on ofEurOPe in the Renaissance ( 1993 ) .

Rhetodc . In his POe瓦cs the Greek philosopher Aristotle defined poetry asa
mode of加i匆红on一a fictional representation in a verbal medium of human
beings thin犯ng , feeling , acting , and interacting一and focused his discussion
on elements such as plot , characte称thought , and diction within the work it -
self . In his Rheto成on the other hand , Arlstotle defined rhetorical discourse
as the art of " discovering all the avallable means of persuasion in any乎ven
case , , , and focused his discussion on the means and devices that an orator
uses in Order to achi四e the intellectual and emotional effects on an audience
that will persuade them to accede to the orator , s point of view . Most of the
later由etoridans of the classical era con以rred in the vie , v that the con此rn of
rhetoric 15 with the type of discourse Whose chief aim 15 to persuade an audi -
ence to thlnk and feelo , act in a partiCUlar way . ( A notable exception 15 the
maior Roman rhetoridan Quintillan who , in the flrst centUry , gave rhetorica
moral basis by definlng it as the art " of a good man skllled in speaHng . " ) Ina
broad sense , then , rhetoric can be desCribed as the study of language in its
pra比cai uses , focusing on the persuasiVe and other effects of language , and
on the means饰which one can achieve those effects on auditors Or readers ・
Following Aristotle , 5 lead , classical theorists analyzed an effective rhetor ・
ical discourse as consis血9 of three components : inven如n ( the finding of ar -
guments or proofs ) , disposition ( the arrangement of such materials ) , ands州e
( th e choice ofwords , vethalpattems , andrhythmsthatwillmosteffectively
express and convey these materiais)・仆15 last topic of " style , , came to incinde
extensive classifications and analyses of figurative language . Rhetoricians also
discrilninated three main classes of oratory , each of Whlch uses characteristic
d州ces to aChieve its distinctiVe persuasiv6 effect :

( 1 ) Deliberativeee to persuade an audience ( such as a le多slatlve assem -
bly ) to approve or disapprove of a matter of public poliCy , and to act

example , in a ludicial trial ) either the con -
demfiatiofi some person , s actions .

据。女性主义学者玛格丽特・ L.金参照女性在家庭、教会、政治地位、文化权力中角
参阅:J . Burckhardt , Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy , first published in
1860 ; H . 0 . Taylor , ThoughtandExpressioninthel护Centur夕,1920 ; E . A . Burtt ,
TheM此aph夕sical Foundations of Mddern Science , rev . , 1932 ; W . K . Ferguson , The
Renaissance艺n Historical Thought , 1948 ; C . 5 . Lewis , English Literat " re in thel尹
Centu勺,1954 ; Marjorie Nicolson , Science and Imagination , 1956 ; Thomas 5 .
Kuhn , The Copernican Revolution , 1957 ; Paul 0 . Kristeller , Renaissance Thought :
The Classic , Scholastic , and Humanistic Strains , rev . , 1961 ; John R . Hale , The
Ci二ilizaiton of Europe in the Renaissance , 1993 。


的劝说手段” 。他还着重论述了演说家为了对听众造成理智与情感上的效果而采用

( 1)审议性的―用于说服听众(如立法会议等)赞同或反对某项公共政策,并要
( 2)法庭式的―用于谴责或赞同某人的行为(如法庭审理);

( 3 ) EPideictic一,, display rhetoric , " used on appropriate , usually ceremo -
nial , occasions to enla塔e upon the praiseworthiness ( or sometimes ,
the blameworthiness ) of a person or grouP of persons , and in 50
doing , to display the orator , 5 own talents and sklll in rising to the
thetorical demands of the occasion . Abraham Lincoln , s " Gettysburg
Address , , 15 a famed instance of ePideictic oratory . In America , it re -
mains traditional for a chosen speaker to meet the challenge of the
Fourth ofjuly or other dates of national slgnificance by appropriately
ceremonious oratory . The Ode 15 a poetic form often used for epideic ・
tic purposes ・

F如ra廿vela脚脚侧禺although dealt with at length in classical and later tra -
ditional rhetorics , had been consldered as only one element of style , and
often , as subordinated to the overall aim of persuasion . In the present cen -
turyl however ( and especially in the last fifty years ) , the analysis of the types
and fun由ons of figurative language has been increasingly excerpted from
this rhetorical context and made an indePendent and central concern , not
only by critics of literature but also by language theorists and by philoso -
phers . ( S ee脚etaPhor , thcoriesof ) Some recent theorists regard all modes of dis -
course to be constituted by " rhetoriC缸,, and flgurative elements Which are
inherently nonreferential and counterlo矛cal , and therefore subvert attempts
to speak or认成te in ways that have decidable meanings , or 10gical coherence ,
or reference to a world beyond language . ( S ee decons加c瓦on . ) other theorists
are devefoping a cognitive rhetoric , ftom the vie例point of " cognitive scl -
ence ,,一that 15 , representations of the most general operations of the mind
and brain ( b ased in part on problems faced in developing high一level comput -
ers ) , whlch cut across the standard distinctions between literary and non -
literary , and between rhetorical and non一rhetorical mental and linguistic
processes ・ see Mark Tumer ' Readins Min由‘介e StU即ofEnglish in theA岁of
C叱两万ves决nce ( 1991 ) and仆e Litera尽Mind ( 1996 ) .
取fer to ethos ( the rhetorical concept of a speaker , s proiected character
that functions as a means of persuasion ) under persona , ton马and voice ; also
rheto月cal币找dsm . See Aristotie , 5 Rhetoric , ed . Lane Cooper ( 1932 ) ; Quintilian ,
InS瓦勿tes oforato甲(4 vols ・,Loeb Classical Library , 1920 - 22 ) ; M . L . Clarke ,
Rhetoric at Rome . . A Histo八cal Surp即(1953 ) ; George Kennedy,角‘ A材OfPersua -
sion玄n Greece ( 1963 ) ; Edward P . J . Corbett , Classical Rhetoricfor功e MddemS加-
而” t ( 4th ed . , 1998 ) , For a brief history of rhetoric , from the GreekS to the
revived interest among contemporary theorists , see Renato Barilli , Rhetoric
( tr ans . , 1989 ) .

R卜etoric0I Cdtic坛m . The Roman Horace in his versified Art ofPOe勺(first
century B . c . ) declared that the aim of a poet 15 either to instruct or delighta
reader , and preferably to do both . This vie代by making poetry a calculated
means to achieve effects on lts audience , breaks down Aristotle ' 5 distinctlon
between如itative poetry and persuasive rhetoric ( see rhetoric ) . SuChpr咫阴a瓦c

( 3)富于词藻的― “展示修辞的”,通常用于合适的礼仪场合,详细论述某个人

学” ―即对思维与大脑最普遍的运作的描述(部分以发展高层次计算机所面临的问
的、作为劝说手段起作用的个性);也可参见:修辞学批评。参看:Aristotle ' Rhet 。-
ric , ed . Lane Cooper , 1932 ; Quintilian , Institutesoforator夕(4 Vols . , LoebClassical
Liberary , 1920一1922 ; M . L , Clarke , RhetoricatRome : AHistoricalS倪r刀e夕,1953 ;
Geo很e Kennedy , Th 。 A材of Persuasion in Greec 。,1963 ; Edward P . J . Corbett , Classical
Rhetoric for tho Modern Stud胡t卿“ e己), 1998 。有关修辞学的简短历史,从古希腊时
期到当代理论家的重新关注,参阅:Renato Barilli,尺人etori : , trans . , 1959 。

Rhetorical Criticism修辞学批评


币沈ism became the dominant type of 11terary theory from late dassical times
through the eighteenth century . DisCUssions of poetry in that long span of
time absothed and expanded upon the analytic terms that had been devel -
oped In traditional rhetoric , and represented a poem mainly as a deplo犷ment
of established artistic means for achi州ng foreseen efl泊cts upon its readers ・
The triumph in the early nineteenth centUry ofexPressive theories of literatUre
( w hich conceive a Work primarily as the exPression of the feelings , tempera ・
ment , and mental powers of the author ) , followed by the prominence , be多n ・
ning in the 19205 , of objec找ve theories of ilterature ( which malntain thata
work must be considered as an oblect in itself , independently of the attributes
and intentions of the author and the resPonses of a reader ) , served to dimin -
lsh , and sometimes to eliminate , rhetorical conslderations in literary Criti -
cism ・(See under币沈ism . )
Since the late 19505 , howeve兀there has been a re们val of interest in liter ・
ature as a mode of co刀n们nunic甜on ftoma破hor to reade石and this has led to
the development of a rhetorical criticism which , without dePa由ng froma
primary foCUs on the literary work itself , undertakes to identi勿and analyze
those elements within a poem or a prose narrative Which are there pnmarily
in order to effect certain responses in a readeL As功layne Booth said in the
preface to his influential book角e Rheto康ofFic瓦on ( 1961 ) , his subiect 15 " the
rhetorical resources available to the叭成ter of eplc , novel , or short story as he
tries , consciously or unconsciously , to impose hisfi由onal world upon the
readeL " A number of recent critics of prose fiction and of narrative and non -
narrative poems have emphasized the author , 5 use of a variety of means一n -
cluding the authorial presence or " voice , , that he or she prolectssein order to
engage the interest and guide the ima多native and emotionai responses of the
readers to whom , Whether consdously or not , the llterary work 15 addressed .
( See person乌tone , and voice . ) Since the 19605 there has also emerged a reader -
response Criticism which focuses upon a reader , 5 interpretlve responses to the
sequence of words in a literary text ; most of its representatives , howeve耳ei -
ther iguore or reiect the rhetorical view that such responses are effected by de ・
vices that , for the most part , are contrived for that purpose by the author . ( See
reader - resPonse币沈ism . )
For recent examples of the rhetorical Critictsm of poetry and fiCtion see ( in
additionto协白yne Booth ) Kenneth Burke , A Rheto爪ofMO以劝绍(1955 ) ; M . H .
Nichols , Rheto爪andCri价ism ( 1963 ) ; Donald C . Bryant , ed ・,八护哪in Rhetoric
and POe沈(1965 ) ; Edward P . J . Corbett , ed . , Rhetorical Analyses ofLiteraly WorkS
( 1969 ) ; Brian Vickers , ClassicaIRheto汀cinEnglishPoe抑(2 ded . , 1989 ) .

Rhetoricol ngures . It 15 convenient to list under this heading some com ・
mon " figures of speech , , Whlch , according to the traditional anaiysis , depart
ftom what 15 experienced by competent users to be the standard , or " literal , "
use of language mainly by the arrangement of their words to achieve spedal
effects , and not , like metaphors and othert7即es , by a radical change in the
meaning of the words themselves . ( See肋Jra脚e la咫uage ・)A number of cur ・
rent theorists , however , reiect the distinction be七浑een figures of speech and

段,对读者产生预见的效果。 19世纪早期表现主义文学理论的胜利(将作品视为是表
地选用的修辞手法” 。近代许多散文体小说和叙事体或非叙事体诗歌的批评家强调,
作家使用的各种手法―包括他或她投射到作品中的作家存在或“言念” ―旨在唤
读者(参见:第一人称、基调和言念)。 20世纪60年代以来出现了读者反应批评,重点
Kenneth Burke , A Rheto八。 of叼比i * , , 1955 ; M . H . Nichols , Rhetori 。 and Cr艺ticism ,
1963 ; Donald C . Bryant , ed . , Papers in Rhetoric and Poetic , 1965 ; Edward P . J .
Corbett , ed . , Rhetorical Anal夕se , of Literar夕p而rk , , 1969 ; Brian Vickers , Classical
Rhetoric inE刀glish Poet卿(Zd ed . ) , 1989 。

RhetoriCal Figures修辞格


tropes ; some relect even the general distin由on between literal and figurative
language . ( S ee me娜hor , theo汀eS冰)
An aPostrophe 15 a direct and exPlictt address either to an absent person
or to an abstract or nonhuman entity . often the effect 15 of high formaiity , or
else of a sudden emotionalimpetus . Many odes are constitUted tbzoughout in
the mode of such an address to a listener Who 15 not literally able to listen . 50
John Keats begins his " ode on a Grecian Umn ( 1820 ) by apostroph让ing the
Urnse " Thou still unra训shed bride of quietness " - and directs the entirety of
the poem to the Um and to the figures represented on it . Samuel几ylor Cole -
ridge , S fine lyric “取collections of LOve , , ( 1817 ) 15 an aPostrophe addressedto
an absent woman ; at the end of the poem , Col时dge , while spe翻ng still to
his beloved , tums by a sudden impulse to apostrophize also the形ver Greta :
But when those meek eyes first did seem
TO tell me , LOve within you Wrought - -
OGreta , deardomesticstream !
Has not , since then , Love , s promp加re deep ,
Has not Love , S whlsper evermore
Been ceaseless , as thy gentie roar ?
Sole voice , when other voices sleep ,
Dear under一song in clamor , 5 hour .
Many apostrophes , as in these examples ftom Keats and Coleridge , implya
personi户ca廿on of the nonhuman oblect that 15 addressed . ( See Jonathan
Cullerl " APOstrophe , " in仆e Iharsuit ofs如s , 1981 . )
If such an address 15 to a god or muse or other suPernatUral being to assist
the poet in his composition , it 15 called an invocation.腼invocation often
serves to establish the authoritative or prophetic identity of the poetic voice ;
thus John Mllton Invokes dlvine guidance at the opening of Paradise Lost :
And chiefly Thou , 0 Spirit , that dost prefer
Before ail temples th , upright heart and Pure ,
Inst川ct me.…

A rhetoricai question 15 a sentence in the grammatical form of a ques -
tion whlch 15 not asked in order to request information or to invite a reply ,
but to achieve a greater exPressive force than a direct asse川on . In everyday
discourse , for example , if we utter the rhetorical question " Isn , t it a shame ? , ' it
funCtions as a forceful altemative to the assertion " It , S a shame . " ( In terms of
modem sPeech一act theo供its " illocutionary force , , 15 not to question bot to as -
sert .)仆e figure 15 Often used in persuasiv6 discourse , and tends to加p毗an
oratorical tone to an utterance , whether in prose or verse . When " fierce
Thalestris , ' In Alexander PoPe , s仆e RaPe oftheLock ( 1714 ) asksBelinda ,
Gods ! Shall the ravisher display your hai乙
Whlle the fops enVy , and the Iadies stare ?
She does not stay for an answer , which she bbviousfy thlnks shonldbe " No ! "
( A common form ofrhetoricalquestionisonethatwon , ttake “决snforanan ・
sweL ) Shelley , s " ode to thew比t Wind , , ( 1820 ) closes with the most famous
rhetorical question in English :

诗的开头就对古瓮采用了呼语法― “你,尚未失身的恬静的新娘” ―并将诗歌的

的拟人〔见乔纳森・卡勒《追寻符号》(1981)中的“呼语法” 」 。

教导我吧… …(顾子欣译)




O , Wind ,
If Winter comes , can Spring be far behind ?
This figure was a favorite of W . B . Yeats . A well ・ kn0Wn instance 15 " Among
School Children , " which ends with the rhetorical question , " How canwe
know the dancer from the dance ? , , In this instance the po比c context proba -
bly indicates that the question 15 left hanging because It 15 unanswerable , pos -
ing a problem for which there 15 no certain resolution .
Chiasmus ( derived from the Greek term for the letterX , or fora
crossover ) 15 a sequence of two phrases or dauses which are parallel in syntax ,
but reverse the order of the corresponding words . 50 in this line from Pope ,
the verb first precedes , then follows , the advethial phrase :
科乞rks without show , and without pomppreside£
The cross一over 15 sometimes reinforced by alliteration and other similarities in
the length and component sounds of words , as in Pope , 5 summary of the
common fate of coquettes after marriage :
A fOP theirpassion , buttheirp电easot .
In Yeats , " An Irish Airman Foresees His Death , , ( 1919 ) , the chiasmus consists
in a reversal of the position of an entire Phrase :
The years to come seemed waste ofbreath ,
Awasteofbreaththeyearsbehind . *
And as a relninder that all figures of speech are used in prose as well as in
verse , here 15 an instance of chiasmus In the position of the们泞0 adiectives in
Shelley , s Defence ofPOe抑(1821 ) : " Poetry 15 the record of the best and happl -
est moments of the happiest and best minds . "
Zeu目口a in Greek means " yoking , , ; in the most common present usage , it
15 aPplied to expressions in Which a single word stands in the same grammat ・
ical relation to幻陀0 or more other words , but with an obvious shift in its 519 -
nificance . Somet加es the word 15 literal in one relation and metaphorical in
the other . Here are examples of zeugma in Pope :
ors匆动her honou乙or her new brocade .
obliged by hunge乙and request of f = riends ・
Byron uses zeugma for grimly comic effects in his description of a shlp叭厅eck
in DOn luan ( 1819一4 ) , CantoZ :
And the Waves 00乙ng through the port一hole made
Hls berth a little damp , and him afrald .
The loud tempestsra钻e
The waters , and repentance for past sinning .
To achieve them树mum of concentrated verbal effects within the tight
l加its of the closed couPlet , Pope in the earfy eighteenth century exPloited all
* Llnes from " An Irish川rman Foresees His Death , , reprinted with permission of Maa刀1llan
Publishing Company from几ePO哪of议B . Yea 。:AN比夕Edi打On , editedby几chard J .
Finneran . Copynght 1919 by Macmillan Publishing Company , renewed 1947 by Bertha
Georgie Yeats .


修辞性疑问句是W . B.叶芝最喜欢采用的修辞手法。著名的例子是《在学童中间》一




J决、最优秀的思想对最美好、最幸福时刻的记录。 ”




海浪,激起对过去罪草的忏悔。 (查良铮译)


经麦克米伦出版公司同意,这些诗句选自理查德・ J.芬纳兰主编的《 W . B.叶芝的诗歌:新
版》 。 1919年版权归麦克米伦出版公司,1947年伯莎・乔吉・叶芝重获版权。
546R日YM 〔

the language patterns described in this entry with suPreme virtUosity . He isan
English master of the rhetorical figures , as shakespeare 15 of tropes ・
other linguistic pattems or " schemes " that are sometimes classified as
rhetorical flgures are treated elsewhere in this Glossa了see an找thesis , allitera -
扮on , assonance , rhetorical dimax ( u nder bathos ) , andparallelis优.Forconcise
definitions and exa们。 ples of additional月gures of speech which are less com -
monly referred to in literary analyses , see Edward P . J . Cothett , Classical
Rhetoric for the Mdd白洲S勿dent ( 4th ed . , 1998 ) .

Rh脚Ine . In English versiflcation , standard比yme consists Of the repetition ,
in the rhyming words , ofthelaststressedvoWelandofallthespeechsounds
following that vowel : l丘te一fate ; f6llow一h6llow .
End rh扣mes,饰far the most frequenttype , occur at the end of a verse ・
line . Intemai rhymes occur初thin a verse一line , as in the Victorian poet
Algemon Swinbume , s
Siste聪my siste ' 0加et sweet swallow .
A stanza from Coleridge , s " The砒me of the Andent Mariner , , illustrates the
pattemed use both of internalrh叨rnes ( wi thin lines 1 and3 ) and of an end
thyme ( lines 2 and4 ) :
In mist or ctoud , on mast or shroud ,
It perched for vespers ninC
Whlles all the night , through fog - smoke white ,
Glimmered the whlte moon ・ shine .

The numbered lines in the following stanza of Wbrdsworth , s " The Solitary
Reaper , , ( 1807 ) are followed by a column whlch , in the conventional Wa又
marks the terminalrh脚rne elements by a corresponding sequence and repeti -
tion of the letters of the alphabet :
( 1 ) Whate , er her theme , the maiden sanga
( 2 ) As if her song could have no ending ' ' b
( 3 ) 1 saw her sin多ng at her workc
( 4 ) Ando , er the sicklebe刀成叹卜b
( 5 ) 1 listened , motionless ands廿11 , . 4
( 6 ) And as 1 mounted uP the hill,滚
( 7 ) The music in my heart 1 bore , c
( 8 ) Long after it was heard no moree
Llnes 1 and 3 do not rhyllle with any other line . Both in lines 5 and 6 and
lines 7 and 8 theth扣me consists of a single stressed syllable , and 15 calleda
masculine rh扣rne : stilleshlll , b6re-们n6re . In lines 2 and4 , therh叨rne consists
of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syll北le , and 15 called a felni ・
nine rhyme:巨n币ng-悦n苗ng .
A femininerh犷rne , since it involves the repetition oftwosyllables , isalso
known as a double rhyme . Ath扣rne involving three syllables 15 called a triple
rh脚Ine ; suchth叨rnes , since they coindde with surprising patness , usually
have a comic quality . In Don luan ( 1819一4 ) Byron often uses triple rhymes

辞格的简要定义和例子,参见爱德华・ P . J.科比特的《适用于现代学者的古典修辞


的所有语音,如l么te - - f么te , f6llow一h6llow 。



( 1)不管唱的内容是什么,那姑娘
( 2)唱的歌儿仿佛没有尽头;b
( 3)她一面干活,一面歌唱
( 4)手握着镰刀深深低着头b
( 5)我静静地站着欲欲地听,d
( 6)好久以后,当我爬上山顶,d
( 7)歌声依然在我的耳畔回响,
( 8)虽然我早已听不到她歌唱e(何功杰译)

音节,这叫做阳韵:still一hill , b6re - m6re 。第二、四行的押韵格式是由一个重读音节加
上一个非重读音节构成,这称为阴韵:如dfng一b亡ndlng 。
瑞、(1819一1824 、中.拜伦常使用三重韵,如。 omparioo 。只arrison 。诗人有时也强加上
548 RHvM 〔

such as comparisonesgarrison , and somet加es intensifies the comic effect by
permit ing the pres ure of theth扣rne to force a disto觅on of the pronuncia ・ tion . This maltreatment of words , cal ed forced rh叨rne , in Whlch the poet
多ves the effect of seeming to surrender helplessly to thee劝gencies of a diffi -
cult thyme , has been comically exploited饰the poet Ogden Nash :
Farewell , farewell , you old rhinocerous ,
I , 11 stare at something less prepocerous . *
If the correspondence of theth扣rned sounds 15 exact , it 15 called pe决ct
rh犷me , or else " full , , or " tmeth叨me . " Until recently aimost all English writers
of serious poems have limited themselves to perfect rhymes , except for an oc -
caslonal poe讹license such as eye一rhylnes : words whose endings are spelled
alike , and in most instances were once pronounced ali奴,but have in the
course of time acquired a different pronundation : prove - 10ve , daughter - -
laughter . Many modem poets , hoWever ' deliberately supplement perfect
rhyme with imperfectrh丫me ( also known as partiai rh如rne , or else as " near
th叨me , " " slantth叨rne , " or " pararhyme ")・ This effect 15 fairiy common in folk
Poe抑such as children , s verses , and it was employed occasionally by various
认耐ters of art lyrics such as Henry Vraughan in the seventeenth , William Blake
in the late eighteenth , and very frequentfy by Emily Dicklnson in the nine ・
teenth century . More recently , Gerard Manley Hopklns , W . B . Yeats , Wil加d
owen , and other poets have systematically exPloited partial rhymes , in Which
the vowels are only appro劝mate or else quite different , and occasionally even
the thymed consonants are similar rather than identical . Wilfred owen , in
1917一18 , wrote the folloWings议一line stanza using only two sets of partial
th扣rnes , established at the ends of the first two lines :
Tlle代ntUries will bum rich loads
With which we gToaned ,
Whose warmth shall lull their dreamy lids ,
While songs are crooned .
But thcy will not dream of us poor lads ,
Lost in the ground . * *
In his poem " The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower , ,
( 1933 ) , Dylan Thomas uses , very effectively , such distantly appro对mate
rhymes as ( with masculine endings ) treeseerose , rockseewax , tomb卜Worm , and
(州th feminine endings ) fiower - - destroyereefever .
The passages quoted willlllustrate some of the many effects that can be
aChieved by thed州ce that has been called " making ends meet in verse ,,一魂he
pleasure of the exPected yetva州ng chlme ; the relnforcement of syntax and
thetorical emphasis when a strong masculineth犷me concurs with the end ofa
clause , sentence , or stanZa ; the sudden grace of movement Which may be lent
Nash , from Verses加阴1卯9伪by ogden Nash .
ission of Little , Brown and Company . Also
, copyright 01933 .
台。 m7触coll氏立滋尸侧州钻of刚Iffedow即Copynght
pennlssion of New Dlr以为ons Publlshing CorT幻ra
rDOration .

我将注视不那么乖庚的东西。 ”

如果押韵的语音完全一致就叫做完美韵,也可称为“全韵”或“真韵” 。直至近代,几乎
有了不同的发音,如prove一love , daughter一laughter 。但是,许多现代诗人有意采用不
完美韵(也叫半韵、 “近似韵” 、 “偏韵”或“平行韵”)来增补完美韵。这种押韵效果在民
浴诗歌(如童谣)中相当常见。 17世纪的亨利・沃恩,18世纪末的威廉・布莱克等艺
完美韵。更近代的杰勒德・曼利・霍普金斯、 W . B.叶芝、威尔弗雷德・欧文等诗人


(强音尾)trees一rose , rocks一wax , tomb一worm以及(弱音尾)flower - - destroyeofever等模

选自《欧文诗集》 。重印获New Directions出版公司许可。
550 RoM ^ N入cL 〔 F 。 s盯IR 〔

by a feminineth尸rne ; the broadening of the comic饰a pat coincidence of
sound ; the haunting effect of the 11mlted consonance in partial rhymes . Cun -
ning artificers in verse maketh扣me more than an auxlliary sound effect ; they
use it to enhance or contrlbute to the signlficance of the words . When Pope in
the eariy dghteenth centUry sa如zed two contemporary pedants in the lines
狱ne , er one sprig of laurel graced these ribalds ,
From slashing Bentley down to piddling Tibalds ,
the rhyme of " Tlbaids , " as W . K . Wimsatt has said , demonstrates " what it
means to have a name like that , " with its implication that the scholar isa
graceless as his appellation . And in one of its important functions , rhyme ties
indivi血al lines into the larger pattem of a stanza .
See George Saintsbury , Histo甲。厂五喇ish尹roso即(3 vols . , 1906 - - 10 ) ;
H . C . K.叭切d , StUdies in English Rh脚es ( 1923 ) ; W . K . Wimsatt , " one Relation
of Rhyme to鞭ason , " in介e珑rbal ICon ( 1954 ) ; DonaldW比ling,仆e Chances
ofRh脚e : De诬“ and MOde阴i印(1980 ) ; John Hollander , Rh脚e , S Reason : A
Guide to English珑rse ( 1981 ) . For an analysls of the complex interrelations be -
tween sound ・ repetitions and meaning , see Roman Jakobson , " Linguistics and
Poetics , " in his La双乒似亡and LiteratUre ( 1987 ) ,

Rom皿立clef ( French for " novel with a key , , ) 15 a work of prose fiCtion in
whlch the author exPeCts the knowing reader to identity , despite their altered
names , actual people of thet加e . The mode was begun in seventeenth一century
France with novels such as Madeleine de Scud厄ry , 5 Le Grandq门绍(1649一53 ) .
An Engiish example 15 Thomas Love Peacock , 5 Nigh臼” areAbb即(1818 ) , whose
characters are entertaining carica匆res of such contemporary literary figures as
Coleridge , Byron , and Shelley . A later instance 15川dous Huxley , 5 Point Counter
POint ( 1928 ) , in which we find , under flCtional names , well一known English
people of the 19205 such as the novelist D . H , Lawrence , the critic Middleton
Murry , and the right-初ng political extremist oswald Mosely .

Sotire can be described as the literary art of diminishing or derogating a sub -
lect饰making it ridiCUlous and evoking toward it attitudes of amusement ,
contempt , scom , or indignation . It diff改5 from the comic in that comedy
evokes laughter mainly as an end in itself , while satire derides ; that 15 , it uses
laughter as a weaPon , and against a butt thate范sts outside the work itself .
That butt may be an individual ( in " personal satire , , ) , or a type of person , a
dass , an institutton , a nation , or even ( as in the Earl of ROchester , s " A Satyr
against Mankind , " 1675 , and much ofjonathan Swift , s Gulliver , s乃花vels , 1726 ,
espedally Bookl码the entire human race . The distinction between the comic
and the satiric , however , 15 sharp only at its extremes . Shakespeare , s Falstaff 15
a comlccre甜on , presented primarily for our enjoyment ; the puritanical
Malvolio in Shakespeare , sT阮褂Night 15 for the most part comic but has as -
pects of satire directed against thet即e of the fatuous and hyPocritical Iharitan ;
Ben Jonson , s VOIPone ( 1607 ) clearly satirizes the type of person Whose clever -
ness印r stupidity衬5 put at the service of his cupldity ; and JOhn Dryden , s


正如w . K.维姆萨特指出的那样," Tibalds ”上的押韵显示了“拥有那样的名字意味着
什么” 。言外之意,这位学者和他的名称一样不雅。另外,押韵的重要功能之一在于
参看:George Saintsbury , Histo勺of English Prosod夕,3 vols , 19D6一1910 ; H .
C . K . Wyld , Studies in English Rh夕mes , 1923 ; W . K . Wimsatt , " One Relation of
Rhyme to Reason , , , in The Verbal Icon , 1954:伪nald Wesling , TheChancesofRh夕me :
De饭ce and八肠dem艺t夕,1980 ; John Hollander , Rh夕概’ 5 Reason : A阮ide to肠91£sh
1针5 。,1981 。有关语音重复与意义之间复杂联系的分析,参阅:Roman Jakobson , " Lin -
guistics and Poetics , " in his Language andL£terature , 1987 。

Roman合clef影射小说(法语,其义为“带有答案的小说” )

年代的著名人物,如小说家D . H.劳伦斯、文学批评家米德尔顿・默里以及右翼政治


( 1726)的大部分章节,尤其是第四卷」 。不过,讽刺与滑稽之间的区别只有在极端的
5525盯IR 〔

apennanenttypeofthepretentiOuspo -
M魂cFlecknoe ( 1682 ) , whiler叩resenting a pennanenttype ottne
etas概sati血ed speciflcalfy the living author Thomas Shadwell

Satire has usually been lustified by those who practice it as a correctlve
human vice and folfy;月eXander Pope , for example , remarked that " tho
who are ashamed of nothing else are 50 of being ridiCU10us . " Its frequent

claim ( not always borne out in the pra比ce ) has be n to ridicule the failing rather than the individual , and to liIYilt its ridiCUle to cor l咖le faults , exclud -

ing those for which a person 15 not responsible . As Swift said , speaking of him -
self in his ironic “诀rses on the Death of Dr . Swift即(1 739 ) :
Yet maljce never was his aim ;
He lashed the vice , bot spared the name.…
His satire points at no defect ,
But What all mortals may correct.…
He spared a hump , or crooked nose ,
Whose owners set not up for beaux .
Satire occurs as an incidental element Wlthin many Works Whose overatl
mode 15 not satiric - in a certain character or sitUation , or in an Interpolated
passage of ironic commentary on some aspect of the human condition or of
contemporary society . But for some literary writings , verse or prose , the at -
tempt to diminish a subiect by ridicule 15 the primary organ边ng prindple ,
and these works constitute the formal genre labeled " satires ・,, In discussing
such writings the following distinctions are useful .

( 1 ) Critics make a broad divisionbe七泞een formal ( or " d加ct , , ) satire and in ・
d讹ct satire . In fonnai satire the satiricp仍ona speab out in the first
person . This " I " may address either the reader ( a 5 in POpe性人勿ml凡照ys ,
1731一5 ) , or else a character,爪hin the work itseif , who 15 called the
adversarius and whose ma沁r田七stic function 15 to elldt and add cred ・
ibility to the satiric speaker , 5 comments.助Pope , S " EPistie to Dr . Ar ・
buthnot , " 1 735,匆buthnot serVes as adversarius ・)Tw 。协甲es of formal
satire are co幻nrnonly distin洲shed , takjng their na们nes from the great
Roman satirists Horace and Juvenai . Thetypes are deftned by the char -
acter of the persona whom the author presents as the first - person satiric
speaker ) and also by the attitude and tone that such a persona manifests
toward both the subject matter and the readers of the Work ・
In Horatlan satire the speaker manifests the character of an ur -
bane , wit诊and tolerant man of the World , who 15 moved more often
to wry amusement than to indignation at the spectacle of human
folly , pretentiousness , and hyPoCrisy , and who uses a relaxed andin ・
formal language to evoke from readers a Wry smile at human failings
and absurdities一ometimes including his own . Horace himsdf de -
scribed his aimas " to laughpe叩le out of th比vices and follies . "
Pope , 5 Mdral Essays and other formal satires for the most part sustain
afi HO份tiafi StafiCe .
In Juvenatian satire the character of the speaker 15 that of a seri -
ous moralist who uses a dignified and public style of utterance to

评论道,“那些恬不知耻的人显得如此可笑” 。作家经常讽刺的对象(并非总是来源于


他抨击罪恶,但隐去姓名… …
而是针对所有凡人都可以改正的过失… …

( l)文学批评家大体上区分了正规(或“直接”)讽刺和间接讽刺。在正规讽刺中,
论》,1731一1735 ),或与作品内的某个人物进行交谈。这个人物叫做对立者,他在艺术
斯纳博士书》(1735)中,阿布斯纳就起着对立者的作用〕 。正规讽刺通常分为两种,它
自身的罪恶与愚蠢” 。蒲柏创作的《道德论》等正规讽刺作品大都具有贺拉斯式的讽

decry moQes ot vice and error wnich are no less dangerous because
they are ridiculous , and who undertakes to evoke from readers con -
tempt , moral indigu甜on , or an unillusioned sadness at the aberra -
tions of humanity . samuel Johnson , s " London , , ( 1 738 ) and " The
Vanity of Human Wishes , , ( 1 749 ) are distinguished instances ofjuve -
nalian satire . In its most denunciatory modes , it resembles thejere -
脚iad , whose model 15 not Roman but Hebraic .
( 2 ) Ind加Ct satire 15 cast in some other literary form than that of direct
address to the爬ader . The most common indirect forrn 15 that of a fic ・
tional narrativ6 , in whiCh the Obiects of the satire are characters Who
make themselves and their opinlons ridiCUlous or obnoxious by what
they thinK say , and do , and are sometimes made even more ridiCU -
lous by the author , s comments and narrative style ・
one type of indirect satire 15 Menippean sati花,modeled ona
Greek form developed by theC叨吐c philosoPher Menippus . It 15
sometimes called物rmnian sa吐比,after a Roman imitato耳Varro ;
whileNo曲rop Frye , in Anatomy ofCri百cis叭pp . 308 - - 12 , suggests an
aitemative name , the anatomy , after a malor English instance of the
type , Burton , sA九atomy ofMelancho扮(1621 ) . suCh satires are Written
inprose , usuallywithinterpolationsofverse , andconstitutea而scel -
laneous form often held together by a loosely constrUcted narratiy6 .
Amaiorfeatureisaseriesofextendeddialoguesanddebates ( often
conducted at a banquet or party ) in Wh1Ch a grouP of loquadous ec -
cen悦cs , pedants , literary people , and rePresentatives of various pro -
fessions or philosOPhical points of view serve to make ludicrous the
attitudes and vie例points they typi厅妙the arguments they urge in
their support . Examples are Rabelais ' Gargan勿a and Pan吨川el ( 1564 ) ,
Voltaire , s Candide ( 1 759 ) , Thomas Love Peacock , s Nigh加are Ab卿
( 1818 ) and other satiric fiction , and Huxl州5 POint CounterPo定nt
( 1928 ) ; in this last novel , as in those of Peacock , the central sat沉c
scenes are disCUssions and disPutes during a weekend at a country
manor . Frye also class访es Lewls Carroll , s七陀0 books about Alice in
Wbndeiland as " perfect Menippean satires . , ,
It should be noted that any narrative or other literary vehicle can
be adaPted to the purposes of indirect satire . John Dryden , 5 Absatom
and AChitoPhel tums old介stament history into a satiric allegory on
Restora万on politiCal maneuve血95 . In Gullivl叮’ S了翔劝吻SWlft converts
to satiric use the early eighteenth ・ centUry accounts of voyage and dis -
cove琢and his为rO动绍t助少osal 15 Written in the form of a pro } ectin
political economy . Many of Joseph Addison , S SPectator papers are
satiric essays ; Byron勺Don luan 15 a vers近ed sat试c form of the ofd
episodic piCa心que fiCtion ; Ben Jonson性介e Alche机钻t , Moli之re性仆e
树拟nthr(少e , w产heriey , s角e Coun抑州凡and Shaw , s Arms and the
M比n are satiric plays ; and Gilbert and sulllvan , sPa红ence , and other
works such as Joha Gay , S eighteenth ・ centuryB侧落ar , s oPera and its
modem adaptation勿Bertolt Brecht,仆e角陀即en呷印翻(1928 ) ,

( 2)间接讽刺反映在另一种文学形式中,并没有直接面向读者表述。最普通的间
荒谬可笑。拉伯雷的《巨人传》(1564 ),伏尔泰的《老实人》(1759 ),托马斯・洛夫・皮
也归人“完美的梅尼普斯式讽刺作品” 。

are satiric operettas . T . 5 . Eliot , s仆e科么ste Land ( 1922 ) employs motifs
from myth in a work which can be considered as by and large a verse satire directed agalnst What Eliot perceiv6s as the spiritual dearth in
饰e而eth一century life . The greatest number of reCent satires , how -
ever , are wrltten in prose , and especially in novelistic form ; for exam -
ple Evelyn劝/a ugh , s角e LOved one , JosePh Heller , s Catch一22 , and Kurt
VOnnegut , Jr . , s Player巧ano and Cat , s Cradle . Much of the current
vogue of black humor occurs in satiric works Whose butt 15 what the
author conceives to be the widespread contemporary condition of 50 -
cial cruelty , inanity , or chaos ・
Effectiv6 English satire has been written in every period begin -
ning with the Middle Ages . Reces in the English九nch and the Amer -
ican入陌w yorker demonstrate that formal ess娜stic satire , like sat沉c
novels and plays , still commands a wide audience ; and W . H . Auden
15 a twentieth一century author Who wrote excellent satiric poems . The
proportioning of the examples in this叭icle , however , indicates how
la塔e the Restoration and eighteenth century loom in satiric achieve ・
ment : the century and a half that included Dryden , the助rl of
ROchester , Samuel Butler , wycheiley ' Aphra Behn , Addison , Pope ,
Lady MaryW匕rtiey Montagu , Swift , Gay , Fielding Johnson , oliver
Goldsmlth , and late in the period ( it should not be overioo知d ) the
Robert Bums of " The Hofy Fair , , and " Holy Willie , 5 Ptayer , , and the
William Blake of角eM比m刊弹ofHeaven and Hell . This same span of
time was also in France the period of such ma1Or satirists as Boileau ,
La Fontaine , and VOltaire , as well as Moli色re , the most elninent of all
satirists in drama . American satire broke ftee of English in the nine ・
teenth century with the light satiric touch ofw如hingtonl州ng ' S
Sketch Book , the deft satiric essays of oliverw七ndell Holmes(仆e Au ・
tocrat oftheBreakfastTable ) , andaboveallthesatiricessaysandnovels
of Mark TWalll .
See also Iight verse . Thea比cles on burlesqu灼on iron另and on wit ,
humor , and the comic describe some of the derogatory modes and de -
vices avail的le to satirists . Consult James Sutherland , Englishsa时re
( 1958 ) ; Gilbert Highet,仆e Anato卿ofsa丘re ( 1962 );川劝n B . Keman ,
角e Plot ofsa廿re ( 1965 ) ; Matthew Hodgart , Sa瓦re ( 1969 ) ; Charles
Sanders,仆escoP七ofsa瓦re ( 1971 ) ; Michael Seidel , Sa瓦ric加h州tanC6 ,
Rabela台to Ste动e ( 1979 ) ; Dustin Grlffln , Sa丘re : A Cri灯calRein臼.duc百on
( 1994 ) . Anthologies : Ronald Paulson , ed ・,Satire : Mddem Essays in Crit -
ic钻m ( 1971 ) ; Ashiey Br0Wn and Jo恤L . Klmmey , eds . , Sa瓦re : An An -
tholOJ沙(1977 ) , which includes both satiric writings and critical essays
011 Satire .

Science nction ond和口tosy . These terms encompass novels and short sto -
ries that represent an imagined reaiity that 15 radicalfy different in its nature
and fun比oning from the world of oux ordinary experience . often the set ・
Ung 15 another planet , or this earth prolected into the future , or an imagined

( 1928)等都是讽刺性轻歌剧。 T . 5.艾略特的《荒原》(1922)从神话中汲取其主旨,这
的摇篮》 。当今流行的黑白幽默大都出现在讽刺作品中,讽刺的对象是作者认为社会
剧一样,仍然拥有广泛的读者。 20世纪作家W . H.奥登就创作出极为出色的讽刺诗
婚礼》 。这一个半世纪也是法国杰出的讽刺作家布瓦洛、拉封丹、伏尔泰和最伟大的
讽刺剧作家莫里哀的创作时期。 19世纪,美国的讽刺文学脱离英国的影响,这期间的
选用的一些贬低性模式与手法。参阅:James Sutherland , English Satire , 1958 ; Gil -
bert Highet , Th 。 Anatom夕of Satire , 1962 ; Alvin B . Kernan , Th 。 Plot of Satir 。,
1965 ; Matthew Hodgart , Satire , 1969 ; Charles Sanders , Thescopeofsatire , 1971 ;
Michael Seidel , Satir泛c Inher艺tance , Rabelais to Stern , 1979 ; Dustin Griffin , Satire :
ACriticalReintroduction , 1994 。文集有:RonaldPaulson,。 d . , Satir 。:M乙dern
Essa夕5 in Criticism , 1971 ; Ashley Brown and John L . Kimmey eds : Sat£re : An
A川hology , 1977,该书既收录了一些讽刺作品,也收集了一些有关讽刺的批评文章。

SCienCe fiCtjon and fantasy科幻小说与幻想作品

5585 〔 MIOTICs

parallel unlverse . The two terms are not sharply disCriminated , but勿and
large science fiction 15 applied to those narratives in which一unlike in pure
加ntasy-一an exPlicit attempt 15 made to render plausible thefl比onal Worldby
reference to kn0Wn or imagined scien比c princiPles , or to a prolected advance
In technology , or to a drastic change in the organ让ation of soctety .
Mary Shelley , sF巾nkenstein ( 1818 ) 15 often considered a precursor of sci -
ence fiction , but the basing of fictional worlds on explicit and coherentiy de -
veloped scientific principles did not ocCUr until later in the nineteenth
century , in such叭币tings as Jules Veme , 5 fou阴即to the Center oftheEarthand
H . G.功阳115,仆el认打ofthe钊吻rl山.助cent important authors of sdence fiction
include Isaac As加ov , Arthur Clarke , Ray Bradbury , J . G . Ballard , and Doris
Lessing . Sdence fiction 15 also frequently represented in television and film ; a
notable instanCe 15 the Star朴妞k SerieS .
Fantasy 15 as old as the fictional utOPiaS , and its satiric forms have an im -
portant precursor in the extraordinary countries portrayed in Jonathan SWlft , s
Gulliver , s Travels ( 1 726 ) . Among the notable recent writers of fantasy are C . 5 .
Lewis and J . R . R . TOlkien(角e HObbit,角e Lord oftheRi护1gS ) , whoseworksin -
corporate materials from classical , biblical , and medieval sources . Ursula Le
Guin 15 a maior author of both sdence fiction and works of fantasy .
Some instances of science fiction and fantasy prolect a future utopia ( Le
Guin , s角e DisPossess网,or else attack an aspect of current science or society
by imagining their即stoplan conclusion ( George orwell , S从neteen Eigh午
FOur and Kurt VOnnegut , 5 Cat , s Cradle ) ; and many叭的ters use their imaginary
settings , as Swift had in Gulliver , s了抽vels , for political and social satire(龙dous
Huxley , 5 BraveN细灿rld and much of VOnnegut , 5 prose fiCtion ) . See utOPia
and dystOPia and sa此re .
A recent development iscyberpunk , apos加odemformofsciencefiction
in which the events take place partially or entirely within the " virtUal reality , ,
formed by computers or computer ne七泞orks , in Which the characters may be
either human or artifidal intelligences . A well一如。 Wn instance 15 Willlam
Gibson , 5 Neuromancer . See the essays inFic如n 2000 : C沙erPunk and theFu匆re
ofNa舰瓦ve , ed . George Slusser and Tom Shippey ( 1992 ) .
For other novelistic forms that depart radically from the worid of ordlnary
exPerience , seem叨c realism and阴eta户c瓦on , under novel . Refer to儿ngsley
Amis , N白甲M娜ofHell : A Sur卿产ofscienceFic如n ( 1960 ) ; H . Bmce Ranklin , Fu -
tUre PetfeCt : Am州can SdenceFi币on ofthe Nineteenth CentUly ( rev . 1978 ) ; RObert
Scholes and Eric 5 . Rabkin,反化刀ceFi币on:月钻to 〕 ScienC6 , VISIOh ( 1977 ) ; Ursula
K . LeGuin,劝e La叹卯昭‘ of the Night Essa那on凡nta划and SdenceFi川on
( 1979 ) ; Gary K.叭七旋,Cri红cal五结阴5 forsdenceFi苗On andFantasy ( 1986 ) ; Jane
Donawerth , Fmnkenstein , s Dallghters:侧而脚en钊用找叮Sc应州ceFi苗on ( 1997 ) .

Semiotics . At the end of the nineteenth centUry Charles Sanders Peirce , the
American philosophe乙described a study that he called " semlotic , " and in址s
Course in General LinJ川iS瓦cs ( 1915 ) the SWiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure in ・
dePendentiy proposed a science that he called " semiology . ' ' Since then semi -
Otics and semiology have become alternatiVE names for the systematic study

的《地心游记》以及H . G.威尔斯的《星际战争》 。近代重要的科幻小说作家包括艾萨
克・阿西莫夫、阿瑟・克拉克、雷・布雷德伯里、 J . G.巴拉德以及多丽丝・莱辛。科
夫特《格列弗游记》(1726)中描述的奇异国度。近代著名的幻想小说作家包括C . S.刘易
斯、 J . R . R.托尔金(《霍比特人》,《魔戒》),他们的作品融人了源自古典的、圣经的与中世
《 1984 》,小库特・冯尼戈特《猫的摇篮》);许多作家用想象的背景来讽刺社会与政治,
如斯威夫特的《格列弗游记》 、奥尔德斯・赫青黎《美丽新世界》 、冯尼戈特大部分的散
姆・什贝合编的《小说200 。:电脑靡客与叙事的未来》(1992)一书中的文章。
与元小说。参l阅:Kingsley Amis , NewM泛ps of Hell : A Surve夕of Science Fiction ,
1960 ; H . Bruce Franklin , Future Perfect : American Science Fiction of th 。 Nine -
teenth Centur少,rev . 1978 ; Robert Scholes and Eric 5 . Rabkin , ScienceFiction : His -
tor夕,Science , Vision , 1977 ; Ursula K . LeGuin , TheLanguageoftheNight : Essa ) s
on Fantas夕and Scienc 。 Fiotion , 1979 ; Gary K . Wolfe , Critical Term : for Science
Fiction and Fantas夕,1986 ; Jane Donawerth , Frankenste艺n , s Daughters : M而men Writ -
ing Science Fiction , 1997 。


5605 〔 M旧下Ics

of signs , as these fun比on in al  areas of human exPerience ・ The consideration of signs ( conveyors of meaning ) 15 not limited to expilCit systems of com u -

nic甜on such as language , the Morse code , and traffic signs and signals ; a
great div6rsity of other human activities and productions印ur bodily pos -
tures and gestures , the sodal rituals we perform , the klnds of clothes we wear '
the meais we serve , the buildings we inh的it , the oblects we deal withwecon -
vey common meanings to members who participate in a particular culture ,
and 50 can be analyzed as signs whlch fun比on in diVerse kinds of signi单ng
systems . Although the stu即of language ( the use Of specifically verbal signs )
15 technically regarded as only one branch of the general sdence of semiotics ,
11驾uis瓦CS , the highly developed sdence oflanguage , infacthasforthemost
part supplied the basic concePts and methods that a semiotictan applies to
the stUdy of other social sign一systems ・
C . 5 . Peirce distinguished three dasses of signs , defined in terms of the
hnd of relation between a signi加ng item and that which it signifies : ( 1 ) An
icon functions as a sign by means of inherents加ilarities , or shared features ,
with what it signifies ; examples are the similarity of a portrait to the person it
depicts , ort尽e similarity of a maP to the罗ographical area it stands foL ( 2 ) An
indsx 15 a sign which bears a natural relation of cause or of effect to what it
signifies ; thus , smoke 15 a sign indicating fire , and a pointing weathervane in -
dicates the direction of the wind . ( 3 ) In the synlbol ( o r in a less amblguous
term , the , , sign proper , , ) , the relation be勺阿een the signi尔ng ltem and What
it signifies 15 not a natural one , but entirelyamatterofsocialconvention . The
gesture of sh观ng hands , for example , in some CUltures 15 a conventional sign
of greeting or pa厂匕ng , and a red traffic light conventionally signifies " Stop ! "
The ma ) or and most complex examples of thls thirdt即e of Purely conven -
tional sign , howeve乙are the words that constitute a language .
Saussure introduced many of the terms and concePts expfoited byQ双rent
semiotidans ; see Saussure underl如浏istics in modem币价朽m . Most lmportant
are the follo雨ng : ( 1 ) A sign consists of勺榨0 mseparable components or aspeCtS ,
thes如诉盯(i n language , a set of speech sounds , or of marks on a page ) and the
s如恤d ( th e concept , or idea , which 15 the meaning of the sign ) . ( 2 ) A verbal
sign , in Saussure , 5 term , 15 " arbitrary . " That 15 , with the minor exception of ono -
matoP0eia ( words which we perceiv6 as simllar to the sounds they signify ) ,
there 15 no inherent , or natural , conne由on be幻泞een a vethal signifier and
what it slgnifies . ( 3 ) The identity of all elements of a language , inctuding its
words , their component speech soUnds , and the concepts the words signify ,
are not determinedby " posltlve qualities , ' ' or obiective features in these ele -
ments themselves , but饰成加洲‘巴产or a network of relationships , consisting
of distinCtions and oppositions from other speech sounds , other words , and
other signifleds that obtain only within a pa觅cular linguistic system . ( 4 ) The
aim of linguistics , or of any other semiotic enterprise , 15 to regard the parole ( a
singie verbal utterance , or a pa由cular use of a sign or set of signs ) as onlya
manifestation of thela叹纠e ( that 15 , the general system of implidt differentia -
tions and rules of combination which underlie and ma缺possible a particular
use of signs ) . The focus of semiotic interest , accordingly , 15 not in interpreting

C . 5.皮尔斯根据能指物体与所指物体之间的关系,区分了三类符号:( l)图像。
言学词条中有关索绪尔的内容。以下是一些最重要的符号学术语与概念:( 1)符号由
“任意的” 。除了语言中很少的拟声词外(我们所感知的这些词与其所指的声音相
5625 〔 Mlo下Ics

a pa觅cular instance of signification but in est的lishing the general signi切ng
system that each particular instance manifests ・
Modem semiotics , like strUctUralism , has deve10ped in France under the
ae乡5 Of Saussure , 50 that many semiotidans are also structUralists ・ They deal
with any set of sodal phenomena or productions as " textsn ; that 15 , as consti -
tUted勿self - sufficient , self - ordering , hierarchical structures of differentially
determined slgns , codes , and rules of combination and transformation Whlch
make the texts " meanln目初” to members of a partlcu妞r society who are com -
petent in that signi加ng system . ( Sees如ctUralist币坑钻m . ) ClaudeL乏vi -
Strauss , in the 19605 and later , inaugurated the apPlication of semiotics to
cultural anthropo1OgyJ and also established the foundations of French struc -
turalism in general , by using Saussure , s 11nguistics as a model for analyzing , in
primitive sod比es , a great variety of Phenomena and practices , which he
treated as quasl一languages that manlfest the strUctures of an underl扒ng signl -
单ng system . These include kinship systems , totemic systems , ways of prepar -
ing food , myths , and prelogical modes of interpreting the world . Jacques Lacan
has aPplied semiotics to Freudian psychoanalysis一interpreting the uncon -
sdous , for example , as ( likelanguage ) a strUc加re of signs ( see Lacan under psy -
choanalrsis andp邢hoana恻c币价钻m ) . Michel Foucault developed a mode
of semiotic analysis to deal with the changing medical interpretations of
卿mptoms of disease , thed映rse Ways of identi加ng , classi加ng , and treating
Insanlty , and the alt时ng concePtions of human sexuality ( s ee under pos仃如c -
加mljs叫.ROland Barthes , explicitly aPPI界ng saussurean princiPles and meth -
ods , has written semiotic analyses of the constituents and codes of the
differential sign一systems in adve比sements which desCribe and promote
women , s几shions , as well as analyses of many " bourgeois myths , , about the
worid wh1Ch , he claims , are exemplified in such social sign一systems as profes -
sional wrestiing matches,山ndren , s toys , cookery , and the striptease . ( See his
帅伪01州es , trans . , 1972 . ) Barthes was alsoinhiseailier叭成tingsamalorexpo -
nent ofs如血ralist币红比m , Which deals with a literary text as " a second一order
semiotic system , , ; that 15 , it views a literary text as empl州ng the first一order
semiotic system of language to form a secondary semiotic structure , in accor -
dance初th a specifically llterary system of conventions and codes .
For a related field of study , Which can be characteriZed as the semiotics of
cultiire , see cul匆rals加成“ . Introduc目ons to the elements of se而otic theory are
included in Terence Hawkes , S加日知ral台脚ands日” iO瓦cs ( 1977 ) ; Jonathan Culle兀
仆eP知rsuit ofsig仍(1981 ) ; RObert Scholes , 5日州。红cs and劲比巾reta找on ( 1982 ) ;
and in the anthol呼es , Thomas A . Sebeok , ed ・,角e Tell一TaleS妙:A Su即即of
义胡io如(1975 ) ; and Robert E . Innis , ed ・,5日” totics : An IntTOduCto甲Anth口2卿
( 1985 ) . See aiso Umberto Eco , A仆eo甲ofs日” totics ( 1976 ) ; Roland Barthes,刀卜
men七of拍们ioloJ酬(trans . , 1967 ) ; Thomas A . Sebeok , S日” totics in the Unitedstates
( 1991 ) . Among the semiotic analyses of diverse social phenomena available
in助glish are ClaudeL洲一施auss , S仃初c加ral An功呷olOJ粼(1968 ) and仆eR咖
阴泛咖Cooked ( 1966 ) ; Roland Barthes,种肋口J叻es ( 1972 ) , also Sel6cted钊斤i丘瑰叭
ed . Susan Sontag ( 1983 ) ; Jacques Lacan,角e La峪,阅孵ofthese护仆e Fun币Onof
La叹纠吧诊动凡卿叫nalrs台(1968 ) ; and Michel Foucault,仆e ArchacolO}沙of

要素的介绍可参阅:Terence Hawkes , Structuralism an己semiotic , , 1977 ; Jonathan
Culler , The Pursuit of signs , 1981 ; Robert Scholes , Sem该otics and Interpretation ,
1982 ; Thomas A . Sebeok , ed . , Th 。 Tell一Tal 。 S诬gn : A Survey of Sem艺ot乞cs , 1975 ;
Robert E . Inrus , ed . , S幼泛ot£cs : Anln亡roducto即A 、 tholog夕,1985 。也可参阅:Umberto
Eco , A Theory of Semiotics , 1976 ; RolandE厄rthes , ElenzentsofS溯10109少,trans . , 1967 ;
ThOInas A . Sebeok , Semiotics in the United States , 1991 。对形形色色的社会现象的符
号学分析,可参l阅的英文论著包括:ClaudeL ' vi一Strauss , structural Ant入ropolog夕,
1 968 , andTh 。 Raw and the Cooked , 1966 ; Roland Barthes,入勺tholog艺es , 1972 ;
Susan Sontag ed . Selected Writings , 1983 ; Jacques Lacan , The Language of the
Self : The Funct诬on of毛an厂ua厂e艺n Psvchoanalys诬s , 1968 ; Michel Foucault , The
5645 〔 Ns [ BILI代Ll丁〔脚uR 〔 oF

如owledge ( 1972 ) , M晚dness andC派viliZq吻n ( 1965 ),翻d劝e Bi欣of血Cl认ic
( 1973 ) . on semiotics and liter田下analysis : M硕a Co比,Anln如du心on toLi岔ra砂
交功io如(1978 ) ; Michael几而terre,交切勿dcs ofPOe妙(1 978方胡d , in appliCa -
tionto 角eatres日” io以“ : S伽5 ofL诉
( 1990 ) . For a clltical vie钱see J . G . Merq川0瓦月旧川孙叨犯toPa泊(1 986)・

Sen的b川ty , Litero 。叮e of . When a modem critic talks of a poet , s sensibil ・
ity , the reference 15 toa characteristic way of responding , in perc叩tion ,
thought , and feeling , to exP州ence ; and when T . 5 . Eliot cla加ed that adis ' o -
ciationo厂sensibili妙set in with the poetry ofjohnMiitonandjo恤Dryden , he
sign谊ed that there occurred at that time a division between a poet , S sensuous ,
intellectual , and emotional modes of experience . When a literary historian ,
howevet , talks of the literature of senslbility , the reference 15 to a particular
cultural phenomenon of the elghteenth century ・ Thistype of literature was
fostered by the moral philosophy that had developed as a reaCtion against
seventeenth一century Stoicism ( which emphasiZed reason and the unemo ・
tional will as the sole motives to virtUe ) , and even more恤portantly , as are -
action against Thomas Hobbes , claims , inL州athan ( 1651 ) , that a human
being 15 innately selfish and that the mainsprings of human beh州or are self -
interest and the drive for power and status . In opposition to such views , many
sermons , philosophical认币tings , and popular tracts and essays prodalined
that " benevolencen一wishing other persons well一峨5 an Innate human Senti -
ment and motive , and that central elements in morai exp州ence are the feel ・
ings of sympathy and " sensibility ,,一that 15 , a hair ・创gger responslveness to
another person , 5 distresses and joys ・(see翻IPathy ands娜叩athy . ) " sensibillty "
also connoted an intense emotional responsiveness to beauty and sublimi娜
whether in nature or inart , and such resPonsiv6ness was often represented as
an index to a person , 5 gentility - that 15 , to one3 uPpe卜dass status ・
Emphasis on the human capadties ofs叨mpathy and wishing others
Well一n如portant contribution was Adam sn爪h , s介e介eo尽of为roralsen扛-
m阴ts ( 1759卜一helPed to develop sodai consciousness and a sense of conunu .
nal responsibility in an era of exPanding commerclallsm and of an economy
based on self Interest . Highly exaggerated forms of sympathy and benevolence ,
however , became prominent in eighteenth一century culture and llteratUre . ft
was a commonPlace in popular morality that readiness to shedas脚mpathetic
tear 15 the sign both of polite breeding and a virtUous heart , and such avi卿四
was often accompanied by the observation thats丫mPathy with another , s刘ef ,
uni旅personal幼ef , 15 a Pleasurable emotion , hence to be sought as a vaiue in
itself . Common phrases in the cuit of sensibility ware the似尸价oro川“ the lux -
ury of grief , " " pleasUrable sorrOWs , ' ' and " the sadiy pleasing tear , " A late -
eighteenth一century mori卫aryinscription in Dorchester Abbey reads :
Reader ! If thou hast a Heart fam , d for介ndemess and Rty , Contemplate
this Spot . In which are dePosited the Remains of a Young加dy.…
When Nerves ・ were too delicately spun to bear the rude Shakes and
Jostlings which we meet with in this transitory worl氏NatUre gave Way ;
She sunk and died a Maltyrto砍cessive Sensibility .

Archaeolog夕of Knowledge , 1972 , M改dnessandCivilization , 1965 , andTheBirthof
t人‘ clini 。,1973;有关符号学与文学分析,参考:Maria Corti , An Introduct£on to Lit -
era勺Semiotics , 1978 ; Michael Riffaterre , Semiot£csofPoetr夕,1978;有关符号学在
戏剧文学中的运用,参阅:Marvin Carlson , Theatre Semiotics : Signs of Life , 1990 ;
批判性的观点可参阅:J . G . Merquior , Fro二Pragu 。 t 。尸ar£,, 1956 。

sensi匕ility , Literature of , I青感文学

验的独特反应方式;当T . 5.艾略特宣称,情感的分裂源于约翰・弥尔顿和约翰・德莱
短文随笔都对霍布斯的观点提出异议,公开宣称“善” ―祝福他人―是人类固有
的情感与动机;道德经验的中心要素在于同情心和“情感” ―即对他人的悲伤和欢
乐具有一触即发的反应(参见移倩与同情)。 “情感”也意味着对自然界或艺术上的美
值的东西加以追求。在这种情感狂热中,文学作品中常常出现“悲伤的欢快” 、 “怡人
的哀愁” 、 “悲哀欢喜的泪水”等逆喻。 18世纪后期,在多尔切斯特寺院里矗立的一块

这里埋葬着一位年青淑女的遗骸… …当柔弱的神经再也忍受不住我们在这
5665 〔 NsIBILITY , Ll丁〔 RATuRE or

It 15 dear that much of What in that age was called , with approval , " sensibil ・
i汀” we now call , with disapp种val,万en枷entalism )
In 11tet川肚丈e these ldeas and tefiden口es Were retleCteQ m tne QnUna ot Sell ,
s化川娜or sen廿mental comedy , Whlch were representations of middie ・ class
life that replaced in the thetough amora 】 lty and theco而c or Satiric rep -
d license inRestora如nco功已尔Inthecontempo ・
in his " Comparison
between Sentitnental and Laughing Comedy " ( 1773 ) , " thevirtuesofprivatellfe
are exhlbited rather than the viCes exposed , and the distresses rather than the
faults of mank]山d ma址our interest in the piece , , ; the characters , " though they
want humo称have abundance of sentiment and触ling ; , , with the result , he
added , that the audience " slt at a play as gloomy as at the tabemacle . " Plays
suchas几chard Steele , s仆e Consdo必LO朴日性(1 722 ) and几chard Cumberland , s
仆e协协t介以ia拄(1771 ) present monumentally benevolent heroes and heroines
of the Ililddie dass , whose dialogue abounds with devated moral sentiments
and who , prior to the manipulated happy ending suffer创bulations designed
to eVoke from the audience them田dmum of pleasurable tears ・
Thenovelofsensibility , orsen往Inentalnovel , ofthe妞tterpartofthe
eighteenth centUry similarly emphas让ed the tea血1 distresses of the virtUous ,
dther at thdr Ov们n sorrows or at those of thelr mends ; some of them rePre -
sented In addition a sensiti讨ty to beauty or sublimity in natural phenomena
which also exPressed itself in tears ・ Samuel租chardson , s Pamela , . or , Vi月知亡R卜
wanled ( 1 740 ) exploits sensibility in some of its scenes ; and Laurence Steme ,
in7沦tram Shan即and A Sen百,ental loum今published in the 17605,矛ves us
his own inimlt蒯e compound of sensibili尔self让。 ny , and Innuendo . The
vogue of sensibility was intemational . Jean一acques Rousseau , s novel Iulie , or
the入殆w石回d七e ( 1761 ) dealt with 10vers of sensibili年and in his autoblogra -
ph又角e Confessto书(written 1764 - - 70 ) , Rousseau represented himseif , in
some drcumstances and moods , as a man Of extravagant sensibillty . Goethe , s
novel仆e 50 ”叮ws ofYO “叮城肋er ( 1 774 ) 15 a famed present甜on of the aes -
thetic sensitivities and finespun emotional tribulations of a young man who ,
加strated in his love for a woman betrothed to anoth既and in general unable
to adapt his sensibility to the demands of ordlnary life , finally shoots hitnself .
An extreme English instance of the sentimental novel 15 Henry Mac众n -
Zi6 , s扑eM比n ofFeel宜ng ( 1771 ) , which rePresents a heTo of such exquisite sen -
sib山ty that he goes into a decline from excess of pent一uP tendemess towarda
young lady , and dies in the pertUrbation of finally declaring to her his emo ・
tion . " If all his tears had been tears of blood , " dedares an editor of the novel ,
Hamish Mlles , " the poor man could hardly have been more debile . " Jane
Ansten , s gentiy satiric treatinent of a young WOman of sensibillty ins曰” 。 and
5曰” ibili印(b egun 1 797 , published 1811 ) marks the decllne ofthefashion ; but
theexploitation of the mode of literary sensibility survives in such later nov -
elistic episodes as the death of Little Nell in Charles Dickens , old Curiosi印
ShoP ( 1841 ) and the death of Little Eva in Harriet Beecher Stowe , S UnCIe TOm , s
Cabin ( 1852 ) , in some叭d优lan服todra州哪,as well as in many movies that
Holl州ood labeled " tearlerkers . "

美德而不是邪恶。人类的悲伤而不是人类的过错使我们对这些戏剧感兴趣” 。剧中
的人物“尽管缺乏幽默感,但却多愁善感,具有丰富的情感” 。结果,观众“观看这类戏
剧的心情和他们在犹太圣堂里的心情一样凄凉抑郁” 。理查德・斯梯尔的《自觉的情
斯认为:“即便他所有的眼泪都是血泪,这个可怜人也不会更虚弱了。 ”简・奥斯丁在
5685 〔 N下IM 〔 N认LISM ・ sETTING

In角e Poli如ofsensibili印(1996 ) , Marklnan Ellis departs from the usuai
treatment of the sentimental novels of the later eighteenth century , by argu ・
ing that they participated in some maior controversies and reform move -
ments , including opposition to slavery , discussions of the morality involved
in commerclai and business praCtices , and the movement for the reformation
of prostitutes .
see彻e ofs州sibili粉under八对Ods ofEnglish LitemtUre . Refer to Herbert
ROss Brown,仆e Sen互m朗tal NOvel in America ( 1940 ) ; Arthur Sherbo,五叼七h
Sen廿功en匆IDrama ( 1957 ) ; R . P . UtterandG . B . Needham , Pamela勺Daugh加招
( 1963 ) , . R . 5 . Crane , " Suggestions toward a Genealogy of the ' Man of Feeling , , "
in仆e I ' lea oftheHumanitieS ( Zvols ・,1967 ) ; JanetTodd , 5阴sibili尔A摊加加如c -
如n ( 1986 ) ; JohnD例ye耳竹到力ousD七course : 5曰” ibili护and COmmuni妙in La加
Eigh左en功一CentU甲5印如刀d ( 1987 ) , . Jolm Mullan , 5朗红阴ent andso血bili尔仆e
La ’矛叫孵ofFeeling in the Eishteenth CentU甲(1988 ) ; Claude Rawson , Sa找re and
交”瓦阴ent 1660 - - 1830 ( 1994 ) ; Jerome McGann,介e Poe以“ ofsensibili护(1996 ) .

Sentimen翻d如m 15 now a pe } orative term applied to what 15 percelved to be
an excess of emotion to an occasion , and espedally to an ovetindulgencein
the " tender , , emotlons of pathos and sympathy . Since What constitUtes emo ・
tional excess or overindulgence 15 relative both to the ludgment of the indi ・
vidual and to large一scale historical Changes in culture and in literary fashion ,
what to the common reader Of one age 15 a normal expression of humane feel ・
ing may seem sent加ental to many later readers . The emotional resPonses of
a lover that Shelley expresses and tries to evoke from the reader in his
" Epipsychidion , , ( 1821 ) seemed sentimentai to theN己wC汀打“ of the 19305
and late石who insisted on the need for an ironic counterpoise to intense feel ・
ing in poeti了Most readers now find both the drafnao厂se形ibili印and the肋vel
ofsensibili印of the eighteenth century ludicrously sentimental , and respond
with ieers instead of tears to once celebrated episodes of pathos , such as many
of the death scenes , especially those of children , in some Victorian novels and
dramas . A staple in current antholo矛es of bad poetry are sentimental poems
which were no doubt叭厅ltten , and by some peoPle read , with deeP and sin ・
cere feeling . A useful distin比on between sentimental and nonsentimental 15
one whlch does not depend on the intensity ort即e of the feeling exPressed
or evoked , but labels as sentimental a work or passage in Which the feeling 15
rendered in commonPlaces and clichds , instead of being freshly verbalized and
sharply realized in the details of the rePresentation .
See pathos , and sensibili尔literatUreo厂and re傲to 1 . A.形仁hards,乃闷苗cal
Cri沈钻m ( 1929 ) , chapter6 ; Laurence Lemer , " A Note on Sentimentality , ”角e
刃创“ tPOe妙(1960 ) ; and the discussion ofsentimentalitybyMonroeC . Beard ・
sley , " Bad Poetry , " in介e为ssibili印of以跳ism ( 1970 ) .

Se创dng . The overall setting of a narrative or dramatic work 15 the generallo -
cale , hlstorical time , and social circumstances in which itsa由on occurs ; the
setting of a single ePisode or scene within such a work 15 thep时以cularphysi -
cal location in Whlch it takes place . The overall setting ofM4cbe伪,forexample ,

参见英国文学各时期的划分中的情感时期。参阅:Herbert ROss Brown , Th 。
Sentimental Novel乞n America , 1940 ; Arthur Sherbo , Engl汇sh Sentimental Drama ,
1957 ; R . P . Utter and G . B . Needham , Pamela ' 5 Daughters , 1963 ; R . 5 . Crane ,
" Suggestions toward a Genealogy of the ' Man of Feeling , " , in The Ideaof亡he
Humanitie , , 2 vols . , 1967 ; Janet Todd , Sensibilit夕:An Introduction , 1986 ; John
Dwyer , Virtuo " sD艺scourse : Sens艺bilit夕and Communit夕in Late Eighteenth一Centur少
Scotland , 1987 ; John Mullan , Sent泛ment and Soc云ab乞l泛t夕:The Language of Feel泛ng
in the Eighteenth Centu勺,1988 ; Claude Rawson , Satireand sentiment 1660一1830 ,
1 994 ; Jerome McGann , The Poetics of Se , , ibilit夕,1996 。


参见悲伤感和情感文学,并参1阅:1.入凡chards , Pract诬cal Crit£cism , 1929 , chapter6 ;
Laurence玩二r , ‘ ・ A吻te on反ntunentality , ”认。玩est凡etry , 1960;以及门罗・ c.比尔
兹利《批评的可能性》(1 970)中“劣等诗歌”部分关于多愁善感的讨论。


5705 〔 vEN oEAoLv sINs

i , medieval scotiand , and the set助gfor中哩顶cul肛一衅in吻chM吵e中
comes uPon the witches 15 a blasted heatn ・ l伙ove皿1 setnng gr Jalnes JO衅,
阴娜es 15 Dublin on June 16 , 1904 , anditso谬n钾g " Plsode ls . setl县.tne
Martello lbwer over 】 ooking Dublin Bay . In WorkS即wnters sucn as七明ar
Allan Poe , Thomas Hardy , and Wiiliam Faulknet , both the overall and individ -
ualse比ngs are impo血nt elements in generating the le atmosPhereof their
works . The Greek tertn叩515 ( " scene , " " sPectacle ' , ) ts now occas10nally USed

to denote aPa出cular visible or picturable settingin any work of literature , in -
duding alyric poem ・
When applied to a theatrical production , " setting , , 15 synonymous with
d己cor , Which 15 a French term denoting both the scenery and the prope川es ,
ormovablepiecesoffurniture , onthestage . TheFrench而seensc赴ne ( , , Plac -
ing on stagen ) 15 sometimes used in English synonymously with " settingn ; it 15
more useful , howeve耳to apply the term more broadly , as the French do , to
signify a director , s overall conception , staging , and dlrecting of a theatrical
performance .

Seven De 。山y Sins . In medieval and later Chlistian theology these sins
were usually identified as Ride , Covetousness,加st , EnVy ) Gluttony , Anger ,
and Sloth . They Were called " deadly , , because they were considered to put the
soul of anyone manifesting them in peril of etemal perdition ; such sins could
be expiated only by absofute penitence . Among them , Pride waso批n consid ・
ered primary , since it Was believed to have motivated the original fall of Satan
In heaven . Sloth was accounted a deadly sln because It signifled not simply
laziness , but a torpid and despondent sp试tual condltion that threatenedto
make a person despair of any chance of achievlng divine Grace . Altemative
names for sloth were accldle , " de ) eCtion , " and " spiritual dryness , , ; it wasa
condition close to that Which present一day psychiatrists diagnose as aCUte de -
pression .
The seven deadly sins ( or in an alternative term , cardinai sins ) were de -
fined and discussed at length by such malor theologians as Gregory the Great
and Thomas Aqninas , and served as the topic of countless sermons . They also
played an important role in many works of medieval andRenaissance litera -
turees一sometimes in elaborately developed person诉ca找onseelncluding William
Langiand , s几ers PIO娜an ( B , PassusS ) , Geoffrey Chaucer , s " Parson , 5 Tale , , ,
William Dunbar , S " The Dance of the Sevin Deidly Synnis , " and Edmund
Spenser , sFa州e Queene ( Bookl , Canto4 ) . Refer to Morton W . Bloomfield,爪e
5即阴DeadIF SinS ( 1952 ) .
The seven deadly slns were balanced by the seven cardinai对到刀es ・
Three of these , called the " theolo矛cal virtUes , , because they were stressedin
the New介stament , were Faith , Hope , and Charity ( that 15 , Love)一ee St ・
Paul , S ICo汀nthians 13 : 13 : " And now abideth faith , hope , and charity , these
three . " The other fou兀the " natural virtues , " were derived from the moral phi ・
losophy of the anctent Greeks : iustlce , prudence , temperance , and fortitUde .
Refer to Robert W . Acken刀an , Bac彻” undsto入抢d龙eval English Litera勿re
( 1966 ) .

景与道具,也指舞台上可移动的家具。法语中的mise ensc之ne(意为“放置在舞台上” )

Seven Deadly Sins七大罪

这种状态将使人对获得神圣的天恩感到绝望。懒惰也可称为倦怠、 “沮丧”以及“精神
多前书》 13 : 13 : “如今常存的有信、有望、有爱。 ”其他四德称为“自然美德”,源自古希
参阅罗伯特・ W.阿克曼的(中世纪英语文学背景》(1966)。

Sho竹Story . Ashortstoryisab讹fworkofprosefiction , andmostofthe
terms for analvzlng the component elements , the types , and the various nar -
rative techniques Of the novel are applic的le to the short story as well . ' 1九e
short story differs from the anecdote一魂he unelaborated narration of a single
inctdent-一in that , like the novel , it organizes thea比on , thought , and dia -
logue of its characters into the artful pattem of a ptot . ( S ee na加瓦ve and na朴
toloJ沙・)And as in the novel , the plot form may be comic , tra矛c , romantic , or
sa颐c ; the story 15 presented to us from one of many availablepointsof讨eW ;
and it may be节庄itten in the mode of fantasy , realism , or naturalism .
In the tale , or " story of incident , " the focus of interest 15 on the course
andoutcomeoftheevents , asinEdgarAllanPoe , sT灿GoldBug ( 1843 ) andin
other tales of detection , in many of the stories of 0 . Henry ( 1862 - - 1910 ) , and
in the StoCk but Sometimes well一contrived westem and adventure Storiesin
poPular magaZines . " Stories of character , , focus instead on the state of mind
and motivation , or on the psychological and moral qualities , of the protago -
nlsts . In some of the stories of character by Anton Chekhov ( 186于1904 ) , the
Russian master of the form , nothing more happens than an encounter and
conversation be们陀een two people . Ernest Hemingway , 5 classic " A Clean , W日l -
Lishted Place , , consists only of a curt conversation between幻那0 waiters about
an old man Who each day gets drunk and stays on in the ca佗until it doses ,
followed by a brief meditation on the part of one of the waiters . In some sto ・
ries th巴e 15 a balan此of interest between external actiofl and ChamCteL Hem .
加尹ay , s " The Short HapPy llfe of Frsncis Macomber , , 15 as violent in its
packed events as any sensational adventUre一tale , but every pa由cular of the
action and dialogue 15 contrlved to test and reveal , with a surprising set ofre ・
versajs , the morai quallty of all three protagonists .
The short story dlffers from the novel in the dimension that Arlstotle
called " magnitude , " and thisl加itation of length lmposes differences both in
the effects that the story can achieve and in the choice , elaboration , and man ・
agement of the elements to achieve those effects . Edgar Allan Poe , who 15
sometimes called the ori乡nator of the short story as an established genre , was
at any rate its flrst Critical theorist . He defined what he called " the prose tale即
as a narratiy6 Which can be read at one sittmg of from half an hourto七泞0
hours , and 15 limited to " a certain unique or single effect , , to Whlch every de ・
tail 15 subordinate ( Revlew of Nathaniel Hawthome , sT冲ice TOld Tales , 1842 ) ,
Poe , S comment applies to many short stories , and points to the economy of
management which the tightness of the form always imposes in some degree .
we can say that , by and碗ge , the short story机iter introduces a very hmited
number of persons , cannota且brd the space for the leisurely analysis and sus ・
tained develoPment of character , and cannot undertake to develop as dense
and detailed a social milleu as does the novelist . The author often begins the
story closeto , or even on the verge of , the dimax , minimizes both priorex -
position and the details of the se峨ng , keeps the complications down , and
clears up the denouement quickly-一sometimes Ina化w sentences . ( See ptot . )
The central inddent 15 often selected to manifest as much as possible of the
protagonist , 5 life and characte写and the details are devised to ca叮ma劝mum

s卜ort story短篇小说

爱伦・坡的《金甲虫》(1843)和其他侦探故事,欧・亨利(1862一191 。)创作的许多故事
以及大众杂志上刊登的、陈腐但偶尔构思巧妙的西部故事或冒险故事。 “人物故事”
小说大师安东・契诃夫(186 。一1904)的一些人物小说仅仅陈述了两个人物之间的邂
够的篇幅来从容地分析人物和持续发展人物个性;他也不能像/J 、说家那样,详尽细致

import for the develOPment of the plot . This spareness in the narrative often
川ves the artistry in a good short story higher visibility than the artistry in the
more caPadous and loosefy strUctUled novel .
Many distinguished short stories depart from this paradigm in various
ways . It must be remembered that the name covers a great diversity of prose
fi由on , all the way from the short shott story , Which 15 a slightly elaborated
anecdote of perhaps five hundred words , to such long and complex forms as
Herman Melville3 BIlly Budd ( c . 1890 ) , Henry James,角e Tum of the Screw
( 1898 ) , JosePh Conrad , s石reart ofDarkness ( 1902 ) , and Thomas Mann , 5 M4rio
and the肠娜cian ( 1930 ) . In such works , the status of middle length be七拟een
the tauiness of the short story and the expansiveness of the novel 15 some -
times indicated妙the name nove 】 e饮e , or novella . This form has been espe -
cially exploited in Germany ( w here it 15 called the Novelle ) after it was
introduced by Goethe in 1 795 and ca川ed on by Heinrich von犯eist and
many other wrlters ; the genre has also been the sublect of special critical at -
te而on by Gennan theorists ( see the list of readings below ) .
The short narrative , in both verse and prose , 15 one of the oldest and most
widespread of literary forms ; theH由rew Bible , for example , includes the sto ・
ries of JOnah , Ruth , and Esther . Some of the narrative types which preceded
the modem short story , treated elsewhere in this GlossalyJ are the fabl马the
以附咧um , the folktale , the fabIl ' au , and the Parable . Early in its history , there
developed the device of the hame ・ story : a preliminary narrative within
whlch one or more of the characters proceeds to tell a series of short narra ・
廿ves . Thlsd州ce们5 widespread in the oral and written literature of the助st
and Middie East , as in the collection of stories called仆e Arabian Nigh饥and
was used by a number of other叭成ters , induding Boccacdo for his proseD卜
cam日刃n ( 1353 ) and by Chaucer for his verslfied Canterbu尽介les ( c . 1387 ) . In
the latter instance , Chaucer devetoped the ftame一story of the lourney , dia ・
logue , and interactions of the Canterbory pilgrims to such a degree that the
frame itsdf approximated the form of an organlzed plot . Within Chaucer , S
ftame一plot , each story constitutes a complete and rounded narrative , yet
functions also both as a means of chara由rizing the teller and as a vehicle for
the quarrels and tOPics of argument en route . In its more recent forms , the
ftame一story may enclose either a singie na打ative ( Henryjames,仆e几阴ofthe
5 ? ) or a sequence of narratives仃oel Chandler Harris , stories as told by
Uncle Remus , 1881 and later ; see under beastfable ) .
The fonn of prose narrativ6 which appro劝mates the present concePt of
the short story was developed , be乎nning in the early nineteenth centu琢in
order to satisfy the need for shortfi由on by the many magaZines ( P eriodical
collections of diverse materials , including essays , reviews , verses , and prose
stories ) that were Inaugurated at thatt加e , Among the early practitioners
wereM / a shingtonl州ng , Ha节沈home , and Poe in America , SirW班ter Scott and
Mary Shelley in助giand , E . T . A . Hoflmann in Germany , Balzac in France ,
and Gogol , Pushkin , and Turgenev in Russia . Slnce then , almost all the malor
novelists in all the European languages have also written notable short sto -
ries . The form has fiourished especially in America ; Franko , Connor has

小说”这一名称包含大量纷繁各异的散文体虚构作品,短至50 。字左右,简单描述某件
轶事的小小说;长达像赫尔曼・梅尔维尔的《比利・巴德》(约189 。年)、亨利・詹姆斯
与卷幅浩瀚的小说之间,因此有时也被称作中篇小说(novelette / novella)。自1795年
斯1 881年以来创作的雷默斯大叔讲述的故事;参见:动物寓言故事)。
沃尔特・司各特爵士和玛丽・雪莱;德国的E . T . A.霍夫曼;法国的巴尔扎克与俄国
576 socIAL15T REALIsM 。 socIOLOGY oF LITERA ’ 『 uRE

called it " the national art form , " and its American masters include ( in addi -
tion to the writers mentioned above ) Mark Twaln , William Faulkne耳Kather ・
ine Anne Porter , Eudora功爬lty , Flanneryo , Connor , Johno , Hara , J . F . Powers ,
John Cheevel , and J . D . Salinger .
See H . 5 . Canby,仆e Sho汁Sto甲定n English ( 1909 ) , . Seano , Faolain,仆e
Short Stoly ( 1948 , reprinted 1964 ) ; FrankO , Connor,角e Lonely VOice : A StUdy
of the Short Stoly ( 1962 ) ; R . L . Pattee,角e DeVeloPment of the American Short
Sto甲(rev . 1966 ) ; Julie Brown , ed ・,Am州can WOmen Short Sto尽训沉加路(1995 ) .
on the novella : Ronald Paulson,角e NOvelette Beforel卯o ( 1968 ) ; Mary Doyle
Springer , FO洲5 of theM乙dem NOvella ( 1976 ) ; Martin Swales,角eG日口” an NOv -
elle ( 1977 ) . on the frame一story and tales in the anctent colleCtion of Arablc
stories , see the Introduction to爪e Arabian Nigh帆trans . Husain Hadda例y
( 1990 ) .

Sociolist Reoliso Was a term used by Marxist critics for novels Which , they
claimed , reflected social reallty一that 15 , novels that accorded with the Marx -
lst view that the strUggle be妇泞een economic classes 15 the essential dynamic of
society . After the 19305 , " Socialist Realism , , was the offidally san比oned artis -
tic mode for communist wrlters until the dissotution of the Soviet Unlonin
1991 . In its crude version , it served as a term ofapprobationaPplledtonovels
that adhered to the party line by stressing the oppression of workers by bour ・
geois capitalists , the virtues of the proletariat , and the felicities of life undera
communist regime . A flexlble Ma加st Clitic such as Georg Lu肠cs , on the
other hand , applied complex criteria of narrative realism to laud the tradi -
tional classics of European realistic fiCtion .
SeeM论rxist币万cism and realism , and refer to GeorgLu肠cs , StUdies in Eu -
roPean Realis阴(trans . , 1964 ) ; Mark Slonim , So沦tRussianLitera加re ( 1967 ) ; and
George Bisztray , M比rxist加fodels ofLitera甲Realism ( 1978 ) .

Sociology ofL妞eroh甘e . Most literary historians and critics have taken
some account of the relation of individual authors to the drCumstan此5 of the
social and cultural era in which they liv6 and Write , as well as of the relation
of a literary work to the segment of soctety that itsfi由on represents or to
which the work 15 addressed . ( For malor exceptions in recenttypes of Criti -
cism see Russian fonnalis巩入砂wCri厅cis功,s如c匆ral钻成动丫。 ns如c红on . ) The
term " sociology of literatUre , " however , 15 applied only to thew对tings of
those historians and critics Whose primary , and sometimes excluslve , interest
15 in the ways that the constitution and form of a literary wo坎are affectedby
such cirCUmstances as its author , 5 class status , gender ' and political and other
interests ; the WayS of thinking and feeling characteristic of its era ; the eco ・
nomic conditions of the writer , 5 profession and of the publication and distri -
bution of books ; and the social class , conceptions , and values of the audlence
to which an author addresses the literary product , or to which it 15 made avail -
able . Sociolo矛cal critics treat a work of llterature as inescaPably condi -
tioned一in the choice and development of its sub 】 ect matter , the ways of
thinking it incorporates , its evatuations of the modes of life it renders , and

术形式” 。美国的短篇小说大师(除了以上提到的之外)还包括:马克・吐温、威廉・
J . F.鲍尔斯、约翰・契弗以及J . D.塞林格。
参l阅:H . 5 . Canby , The Short Sto勺in English , 1909 ; SeanO ' Faolain , The
Short Sto勺,1948 , reprinted 1964 ; FrankO ' Connor , The Lonel夕Vo乞ce : A Stud夕of
th 。 Short Sto即,1962 ; R . L . Pattee , Th ' Development of the American Short Sto勺,
rev . 1966 ; Julie Brown , ed . , American WOmen Short Stor夕Writer , , 1995 。有关中
篇小说的内容,参I网:Ronald Paulson , The Novelette Before 1900 , 1968 ; Mary Doyle
Springer , Forms of the几如dern Novella , 1976 ; Martin Swales , TheGermanNooell己,

Socialist Realism社会主义现实主义

说与马克思主义观点相一致,认为经济阶级间的斗争是社会最根本的动力。 20世纪30年
持续到1 991年苏联解体。粗略来说,这一官方认可的术语指代遵循苏联共产党路线的小
( 1964年英译本);马克・斯隆尼姆《苏俄文学》(1967 );乔治・比兹特瑞(文学现实主

Sociology of Literature文学社会学

578 soLILoQUY

the sodal , political , and economic organiZa ・
even in its formal quallties一by the sodai , political , a
also tend to view the interpretation and
tion and forces of its age . Such Critics also tend tovi ,
assessment of a literary work by a reading public as shaped饰the
stances specific to that public , s time and place ・ The French historian Hip -
polyte几ine 15 sometimes considered the first modem sodologist of literature
in his Hi3to尽ofEnglish LiteratUre ( 1863 ) , which analyzed a Work as largely ex ・
plicable by reference to three factors : its author , S " race , " geograp hiCal alld 50 -
cial " milleu , , ' and historical , , moment . , '
ForprominentsociofogicaiemphasesinrecentCritical认滋tings , seefe而・
nist币五南阴~hich emPhasizes the role of male interests and assumptions as
determinants of literary content , form , vaiues , and interpretationsweand also
为随仪ist币瓦dsm . It should be noted that Marx , 5 view of the economic basis of
social organization , class定deol州es , and class confiict have influenced the
work of many Critics Who , although not committed to Ma川st doctrlne , stress
the soctolo矛cal context and content of works of literature . The most thor -
oughguing treatinents of literary works as cultural products that are totally
embedded in the contextual drcumstances of a time and place are by adher -
ents of the current modeS of criticism daSSified as the new historic钻m .
See the readings listed under authors and authorshiP,伽卫inist沉红比m ,
M论伙ist币以由机andn脚h七勿dds脚. Refer also to the pioneering studyby
赶exandre Beliame,人化” ofLe价rs and theEnglishPublic - - - - i . e . , intheeighteenth
century ( 1883 , trans . 1948 ) ; Levin Schticking,角e sodolo!沙ofLitera甲介ste
( r ev . 1941 ) ; Harry Levin , " llterature as an Institution , " in仆e Gates ofHOm
( 1963 ) ; Hugh Dalziel Duncan , La侧侧冈脾and Litera勿re in SOcie伙丽th a Biblio -
岁即hical Guide to the SodoloJ沙ofLiteratUre ( 1953 ) ; Pierre Bourdieu,仆e几eldof
CultUral乃.内川。 n:枷ays切Art and LiteratUre ( 1996 ) . Collections of essays in
sociolo渗cal Critidsm include Joseph P . Strelka , ed ・,Litera甲Cri沈is脚and Sod ・
oloJ沙(1973 ) ; EliZabeth and Tbm Burns , eds ・,Soctolo}沙ofLiteratUre and Drama :
Sele口怡dRea动ngS ( 1973 ) ; andtheissueofCri廿callnqUi甲devotedtothesodol -
Ogy of literature , vbl ・ 14 ( Spring , 1988 ) .

50川叫.y istheactoftalklngtooneself , whethersilentlyoraloud . In
drama it denotes the conven如n by which a character , alone on the stage , ut -
ters his or her thoughts aloud . Pla刃杠ights have used thls device as a conven ・
le址way to convey informat10n about a character , s motives and stateof
mind , or for purposes of exposition , and sometimes in order to gUide the
ludgments and responses of the audience . Christopher Marlowe , s Dr . Faus如
( fi rst performed in 1594 ) opens with a long exPository soliloquyJ and con -
cludes with another whlch exPresses Faustus , frantic mental and emotionat
condition during his belated attempts to escaPe damnation , The best - known
of all dramatic soliloqujes 15 Hamlet , s speech whlchb娜ns " TO be or notto
be . " ( Compare monoloi卿e ・)
A related stage device 15 the aSld思,in Which a character exPresses to the
audience his or her thought or intention in a short speech which , by conven -
tion , 15 inaudlble to the other characters on the stage . Bothd州ces , common
in Elizabethan and later drama , fell into disuse in the laternineteenthcentury '

纳有时被认为是第一位现代文学社会学批评家,他在其所著的《英国文学史》(1863 )
中提出一部作品大致可以用三个因素来分析,即作者的“种族” 、地理和社会“环境”以
及历史“时代” 。
众》(1555 , 1945年英译本),以及:Levin Schucking , Thesociolog少ofLiterar夕Taste ,
rev . 1941 ; Harry Levin , " Literature as an Institute , " inTh 。 Gate : of Horn , 1963 ;
Hugh Dalziel Duncan , Language and Literature in Societ夕,with a Bibliographical
Guide to the Sociolog夕of Literature , 1953 ; Pierre Bourdieu , The Field of Cultural
尸ro ' uction : Essay , in Art an ‘毛iterature , 1996;社会学派批评的论文集包括:Joseph
P . Strelka , ed . , Litera勺Criticism and Sociolog夕,1973 ; Elizabeth and Tom Burns ,
eds . , sociologyof乙iteratur 。 an己Drama : SelectedReadings , 1973;以及《批评探索》

501 iloqu丫内心独白


when the increasing requirement that plays convey the illuslon of real 11fe im -
pelled dramatists to explolt indirect means for conv州ng exposition and guld -
ance to the audlence.加gene ONelll , however , re衬v ' e d and extended the aside
andmadeitacentraldevicethroughouthisplayStra伙孵众烈“ de ( 1928 )

A州c poem consisting Of a single stanza of lourteen iamblc pen ・
tameter lines linked勿an intricate rhyme scheme . There are two malor pat ・
tems ofth犷rne in sonnets wrl讹n in the Ellglish language :
( 1 ) The Itallan or Petrarchan sonnet ( named after the fourteenth ・
century ltalian poet Petrarch ) fails into七挥0 main parts : an octave
( eight lines ) th扣rning abbaabba followed坪a sestet ( six lines )
th扣ming cdecde Or some variant , such as滚cc改・ Petrarch , 5 solmets
were first加itated in England , both in their stanza form and their
subiect一the hoPes and pains of an adoring maie lover - - by Sir
ThomasW夕att in the earlys议teenth century ・(See几tra汕a " conceit . )
The Petrarchan form was Iater used , and for a variety of subiects , by
Milton,叭陌rdsworth , Christina Rossetti , D . G . Rossetti , and other
sonneteers , who sometimes made it technicany easier in Engiish
( which does not have as manyth犷rning possibilities as Italian ) byin ・
trodudng a new pair ofth扣mes in the second fourlines of the octave .
( 2 ) The Eari of Surrey and other English experimenters in the slxteenth
century also devel叩ed a stanza form called the English sonnet , or
else the Shakespearean sonnet , after its greatest practitioner . Thls
sonnet falls Into threequ口tTainS and a concluding couPlet : abab cd ’衷
价厂舒There was one notable variant , the SPenserian sonnet , in
which sPenser linked each quatrain to the next饰a continuing
th犷rne : abab bcbc诩山ee .
Jo恤Donne shifted ftom the hitherto standard sublect , sexual
love , to a variety of religious themes in hisHo扮Sonnets,认成tten early
In the seventeenth century ; and Milton , in the latter part of that
centUry , expanded the range of the sonnet to other matters of seri -
ous concern . EXcePt for a lapse in the Ellglish Neoclassic Period , the
sonnet has remained a popular form to the present day and includes
among its distinguished praCtitioners , in the nineteenth century ,
Wbrdsworth , Keats , EI让abeth Barrett Browning , Christina Rossetti ,
and Dante Gabrlel Rossetti , and more recently Edwin Arlington
RObinson , Edna St . Vincent Millay , W . B . Yeats , Robert Frost , W . H .
Auden , and Dylan Thomas . The stanza 15 iust long enough to permit
a fairly complex lyric development , yet 50 short and soe对gent in its
rhylnes as to pose a standing challenge to the artistry of the poet .
Theth犷me pattem of the Petrarchan sonnet has on the Wholefa -
vored a statement of problem , situation , or incident in the octave ,
with a resolution in the sestet . The Engiish form sometimes usesa
similar division of materiai,加t often presents a repetition一with ・
variation of a statement in eaCh of the three quatrains ; in either case ,



( l)意大利式十四行诗,或称为彼特拉克式十四行诗(以14世纪的意大利诗人彼
的韵脚格式为cdecd 。,有时也会有所变化,如。 dccd 。 。 16世纪初期,英国的托马斯・
克里斯蒂娜・罗塞蒂、 D . G.罗塞蒂和其他后来的十四行诗诗人将彼特拉克十四行诗
的形式用于表现多种多样的主题,有时还在第5 、 6 、 7 、 8行中引入一对新的韵脚,从而
( 2 ) 16世纪的萨里伯爵等英国创新诗人也发展了一种诗节形式,称为英国式十
比亚。这种十四行诗分为三组四行诗,以及结尾的一组对句:abab 。 dcd 。 fef 99 。该
行诗一一相连:a6a占6cb 。 。 dcd 。心。
即两性间的爱情,转向各种宗教主题。 17世纪后期,弥尔顿又把十四行诗的主题范围扩
此时期之外,十四行诗一直是从古至今的一种流行形式。 19世纪杰出的十四行诗实
米莱、 W . B.叶芝、罗伯特・弗洛斯特、 W . H.奥登及迪伦・托马斯。十四行诗的长度
582 spEEc日一^CTT日Eo卿

the final couPlet in the Engllsh sonnet usually imposes aneP勿’ a优・
巾a沈turn at the end . In Drayton , 5 fine EllZabe出an sonnet in the
Efiglish form " Since there , 5 no help , come let us hss and part , , ,
the lover brusquely declares in the first quatrain , then reiteratesin
the second , that he 15 glad that the affair 15 cleanly ended , but in the
conctuding couplet suddenly drops his swagger to make one last plea .
Here are the last quatraln and couplet :
Now at the last gasp of love , S latest breath ,
When , his pulse failing , passion speechless lies ,
When faith 15如eeling by址5 bed of death ,
And innocence 15 closing up his eyes ;
Now if thou wouldst , when all have given him over ,
From death to life thou mlghtst him yet recoveL
Followlng Petrarch , 5 earfy example , a number of Ellzabethan authors
arranged their poems into sonnet sequences , or sonnet cycles , in whicha
series of sonnets are linked together by exploring the varied aspects of a rela -
tionship be饰een lovers , or else by Indicating a development in the relation -
ship that constitUtes a klnd of implicit plot . Shakespeare ordered his sonnets
in a sequence , as did Sidney in Ast1(少hel and Stella ( 1580 ) and Spenser in
Amore川(1595 ) . Later examples ofthesonnetsequenceonvarioussubiectsare
认陌tdsworth , s仆eR加盯D “翻洲,D . G . ROssetti , s HOuse ofLife , Elizabeth Barrett
Browning , 5 Sonne 。加m thePO找从卿ese , and the American poet William Ellery
Leonard , sT吻Lives ・ Dylan Thomas , Altarwise勿Owl一light ( 1936 ) 15 a sequenCe
of ten sonnets Whlch are meditations on the poet , 5 own life . George Mere -
dith , sM匕讹m Love ( 1862 ) , which concems a bitterly unhappy marriage , 15
sometimes called a sonnet sequence , even though its poems conslst not of
fourteen but Of slxteen lines ,
on the eariy history of the sonnet and its develoPment in Engiand
through Milton , see Michael R . G . Spiller,角e DeVeloPmentof伪e Sonnet . . Anln -
加血‘丘on ( 1992 ) . See also L . G . Sternet,仆eso " " et定n Am南can Ljtera加re
( 1930 ) ; J . B . Leishman,介emes and撇ria瓦ons in Shak已砂are , s Sonnets ( 1963 ) ;
MIChael R . G . Spiller ’角e Sonnet Sequence : AS加即of the Stra华岁es ( 1997 ) ;
Helen Vendler,角e Art ofshakesPeare , S Sonnets ( 1997 ).灿thur Marotti relates
the vogue of the sonnet sequences to the politics and system of literary pa -
tronage in Elizabethan England , in " Love 15 Not Love : Elizabethan Sonnet Se -
quences and the SOdal order , ”皿从VOI ・ 49 ( 1982)・

peech - Act Theory , developed by the philosopher John Austin , was de -
scribed most fulty in his posthumous book到row toDo几ings侧th认勿n七
( 1962 ) , and was exPlored and expanded by other " ordinary一language philoso -
phers , " indudmg Jolm Searle andH ・ P . Grice . Anstin , 5 theory 15 directed
against tradittonal tendendes of philosophers ( 1 ) to analyze the meaning of
isolated sentences , abstracted from the context of a discourse and from the at -
tendant ctrcumstances in which a sentence 15 uttered ; and ( 2 ) to assume , in
what Austin desCribes as a logical obsession , that the standard sentence一。 f


各种主题,如华兹华斯的《杜冬河》 、 D , G.罗塞蒂的《生命之家》 、伊丽莎白・巴雷特・
勃朗宁的《葡萄牙人的十四行诗》 、美国诗人威廉・艾勒里・伦纳德的《两条生命》 。
Michael R . G . Spiller , The Development of the Sonnet : An Introduction , 1992 ; L . G .
Sterner , The Sonnet in American Literature , 1930 ; J . B . Leishman , Themesand Var -
iationsi " Shakespeare ' 5 sonnets , 1963 ; Michael R . G . Spiller , The Sonnet SeQuence :
A Stud少of th 。 Strateg£es , 1997 ; Helen Vendler , TheArt ofshakespeare ' ssonnets ,
1997 。阿瑟・马洛蒂将十四行组诗的流行与伊丽莎白时期英国的政治及文学资助制
度相联系,参阅“ Love 15 Not Love : Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences and the Social
Order , " ELH . Vol . 49 , 1982 。


的遗作《如何以言行事》(1962)中得到了详尽的描述。约翰・塞尔、 H . P.格赖斯等“普
传统倾向:( l)分析孤立句子的意义。这些孤立的句子脱离了话语的语篇,脱离了表
述句子时的相应环境;( 2)认为标准的句子―其他类型的句子都只是变体―是一
584 SpE 〔 c日消CT下日〔 o解

which othertypes are merely variants一15 a statement that describes a situa -
tion or asserts a fact and can be iudged to be either true or false . John Searie , s
adoption and elaboration of Austin , s speech ・ act theory opposes to these views
the clalm that when we attend to the overall 11nguistic and situational con -
texteeincluding the institUtional conditions that govem many uses of lan -
guageeseswe find that in speaking or writing We performs加ultaneously three ,
and sometimes fou耳distinguishable kinds of speech aCts : ( 1 ) W七uttera
sentence ; Anstin called this acta " locution ・ ” ( 2)功爬refer to an obiect , and
predicate something about that oblect . ( 3 ) W七perform an illoCUtionary act ・
( 4 ) often , We also perform a perlocutionary act .
The illocutionary act performed by a locution may indeed be the one
stressed by traditional philosop坤and 10矛c , to assert that something 15 trUe ,
but it may instead be one of very many other possible speech acts , such as
questioning , commanding , promising , waming , praising , thanking ) and 50
on . A sentence consisting of the same Words in the same grammatiCal form ,
such as " 1 will leave you tomorrow , " may in a pa比cular verbal and situational
context tum out to have the " illocutionary force , , either of an asse币on , a
prolnise , or a threat . In an illocutionary act that 15 not an assertion , the prime
crit吐on ( although ttie utterance may make reference to some state ofa到沁rs )
15 not its trUth or falsity , but Whether or not the act has been performed suc -
cessfully , or in Austin , s term , " felidtously . " A felicitous performance of a par -
ticular illocutionary act depends on its meeting " approPriateness conditions , ,
whlch obtain for thatt即e of act ; these conditions are tacit linguistic and 50 -
cial ( or institutional ) conventions , or rules , that are shared勿competent
spe欧ers and interpreters of a language . For example , the successful perform -
ance of an illocutionary act of promising , such as " 1 Will come to see you to -
morro琳” depends on its meetingits special set of appropriateness conditions :
the speaker must be capable of fulfilling his promise , must intend to do 50 ,
and must believe that the listener wants him to do 50 . Failing the last condi -
tion , for example , the same verbal utterance might have the illocutionary
force of a threat .
In How toDO角i雌5蔽th协b劝,John Austin est的lished an initial dis血c -
廿。 n between勺泞0 broad协甲es of locutions : constatives ( sentences that assert
something about a fact or state ofa血irs and areadiudged to be true or false )
andPe对bnnatives ( sentences that are aCtions Whi山accomPlish something ,
such as questioning , promising , praising , and 50 on ) . As he continued his sub ・
tie anaiysis , however , Aus血showed that而5 initial dl访sion of utterances into
勺陀。 sharply exclusiv6 classes does not hold , in that many pe而rmatlves also
Involv6 reference to a state of affairs , whlle constatives also perfonn an illocu ・
tionary aCtion . Austin , however , drew sp川al attention to the " exPlidt peribr -
mative , " which 15 a sentence Whose utterance itseif , when executed under
appropriate institutional and other conditions , b血95 about the state of affairs
that itsi即价es.欧amples are " 1 name而5 shiP the你leenEI让汤beth , , ; " 1 apol -
。脚e , , ; " 1 call this mee血gtoorder , ' ; " LetspadesbetrUmps . "
If an iltocutionary act has an effect on the actions or state of mind of the
hearer Which goes beyond merely understanding what has been said , it 15 also

有时是四种不同的言语行为:( l)我们说出一句话;奥斯汀称这种行为为“发话行为” ;
( 2)我们指某一事物,并对该事物进行描述;( 3)我们表达一种话中行为;( 4)我们也
警告、赞扬、感谢等等。同样词语组成且语法形式相同的句子,如“我明天将离开你” ,
有的“适宜条件” 。这些条件是有某种语言能力的说话者和解说者共同的默契语言、
白女王号” ; “我道歉,' ; “我宣布会议开始” ; “让黑桃当王牌”等。
586 spEEc日.^ c丁下日〔 oRv

aperiocutiona叮act . Thus , theutterance " Iamgoingtoleaveyou , " withthe
illocutionary force of a waming , may not only be understood as such , but
have ( or fail to have ) the additional perlOCUtionary effect of mghtening the
hearer . Similariy , by the illocutionary act of promising to do something , one
may please ( or else anger ) the hearer ; and by asserting something , one may
have the effect either of enlightening , or Of Inspiring , Or of intimldating the
hearer . Some perlocutionary effects may be intended by the speaker ; others
occur without the speaker , 5 intention , and even against that intention . Fora
useful exPloration of the relations , In diVerse cases , of ill0CUtionary and per -
locutionary speech acts , see Ted Cohen , " Illocutions and Perlo山tions , " in
Founda如ns ofLa权乒阅醉9 ( 1973 ) .
A number of deconstrUctive theorists have proposed that the use of lan -
guage infi由onal literature ( Whlch Austin had excluded from his considera ・
tion of " seriously , , intended speech ・ acts ) 15 in fact a prime Instance of the
peri沁nnative , in that it does not refer to a pre一e劝sting state of affairs , but
brings比out , orb血95 into being , the characters , a由on , and world that it de -
scribes . on the other hand , slnce peiformative linguistic acts can , t avoid re -
course to the language of statement and asse由on , deconstructiv6 theorists
convert Austin , s constativelperformative distinCtion into an undeddable
deadlocK or osdllation , of irrecondlable oppositions . See decons如币on and
refer to Barbara Johnson , " Poetry and PerformatiV6 Language : Mallarm亡and
Austin , " in仆e Cri以cal Difference ( 1980 ) ; Sandra PetreyJ sPeechAcoandLitem甲
角eo甲(1990 ) ; Jonathan Culler , Litera尽仆eoly : A Vely Short IntTOduc瓦on
( 1997 ) , chapter7 , " Performative Language . " Judith Butler has proposed that
the terms we use to describe gender and sexuality are modes of the performa -
廿veuseoflanguage , inthatthereiteratedapp1icationofsuchterms , inaccor -
dance with conventions that govem their use , in fact bring about ( or
" perform , , ) the identities and modes of behavior that they purport to de -
scribe . See Judith Butie耳Gender加uble ..凡阴inism and the Subverston ofI ’介n互印
( 1990 ) and Exdtable SPeech ( 1997 ) ; also refer to Queer角eo甲.
Since 1970 speech一act theory has infiuenced in conspicuous and varied
ways the pra比ce of literary critidsm . When applied to the analysis of direct
discourse by a character within a literary work , it pro访des a systematic but
sometimes cumbersome framework for identi加ng the unspoken presupposi -
tions , implications , and effects of speech acts which competent readers and
critics have alwaystaken into account , subtly though unsystematically . ( See
discourse analysis . ) Speech一act theory has also been used in a more radical way ,
however , as a model on WhiCh to recast the theory of literature in general , and
especially the theory of prose narratives ( see斥廿on and如th ) . What the au -
thor of a fiCtional 、 vork一。 r else what the author , s invented narrator - esnar -
rates 15 held to constltUtea " pretended , , set of assertions , which are intended
by the authot , and understood by the competent reader , to be free froma
speaker , s ordinary commitment to the truth of what he or she asserts . Within
the frame of the fiCtional world that the narrative thus sets up , howeve乙the
utterances of the fictional characters一whether these are assertionsor prom -
ises or maritai vows - - are held to be responsible to ordinary illocutionary

摆动。参见:解构主义,以及Barbara Johnson , " Poetry and Performative Language :
Mallarme and Austin , " in The Critical Difference , 1980 ; Sandra Petrey , SpeechActs
and Litera即Theo勺,1990 ; Jonathan Culler , Literar夕Theor夕:A Ver夕Short Intro -
己uction , 1997,。 hapter7 , " Performative Language ” 。朱迪恩・巴特勒提出,我们用来
( 1 " 7 );也可参见:同性恋理论。

CommitmefitS . some speech ・ act theorists prOPose a new verslon
Of mimetiC the ory ( see im定匆tion ) . Tradltlonal mlm比c critlcs had dalmed that
llterature imitates reality by representing in a verbai medlum the sett比9 ac -
tions , UtteranCeS and interactions of human beings . SOme speech一act theo -
rists , on the other hand , pr叩ose that all literatule 15 simply " m红netic
discourse . " A lyric , for example , 15 ani而tation of that form of ordinary dis -
course in Which we exPress our feelings about something , and a novel 15 an
imitation of a pamCUlar form ofM币tten discourse , such as biography ( Henry
Fielding , s角e Histoly ofTOmlones , 1749 ) , orautobiography ( CharlesDickens ,
David COI护e币eld , 1849一50 ) , or even a scholar , 5 almotated edition of a poetic
text伽abokov , 5 Pale Fire , 1962 ) . See Barbara Hemstein Smith,伪theM幼娜出
ofDIScourse:仆e Rela如n ofLitera匆re to La侧川阅脾(1978 ) .
For basic philosophical treatments Of speech acts seejohnAnstin , s石rowto
Do仆i雌sw定th不钧rds ( 1962 ) ; John R . searle污SPeech Ac七:An Ess即in the Phi -
toso口hv ofLanJ翻闭帐(1970 ) ; and H . P . Grice , " LOglc and Conversation , , , in伽卜
妞andse阴an瓦cs3 ( 1975 ) . Among the attempts to model the general theory
of literature , or at least of Prose fiction , on the theory of speech actsare
形chard ohmann , " Speech Acts and the Definition of Litera拟re , " Phi勿soPhy
andRhetoric4 ( 1971 ) ; Charles川tieri , " The Poem asAc七”勿林恤R曰内日甲6 ( 1975 ) ;
John R . Searle , “仆eLO乒al Status of Fictional Discourse , " in hisE冲ression
and人倪aning ( 1979 ) , chapter 3 . A detailed application to literary theory 15
Mary Louise Pratt , 5 TOward a SPeech Act仆eo甲ofLitera尽DIScourse ( 1977 ) . For
、飞ews of the limitations of speech一act theory When aPplied in literary Criti -
cism , see Stanley Fish , " HOw to Do Things with Austin and Searie : Spee由一ct
Theory and Literary Criticlsm , " inls仆ere a Text加介七CI公52 ( 1980 ) ; and
Joseph Margolis , " Llterature and Speech Acts , " PhilOSoP勺and Li加ratUre3
( 1979 ) . For Jacques De仃lda , 5 deconstrUctive analysis of加stin , S views , and
John Seaile , S reply , see under decons如c红on .

StonzO . A stanza ( Italian for " stopping place , , ) 15 a grouping of the verse ・
lines in a poem , often set off by a space in the printed text . Usuany the stan ・
zas ofa多ven poem are marked by a reCUrrent pattem Ofth叨rne and are atso
uniform in the number and lengths of the component lines . Some unth丫med
poems , however , are divided into stanZaic units ( for example , Wllliam
Collins , " ode to Evening , " 1747 ) , and someth叨rned poems are composed of
stanzas that vary in their component lines ( for example , thei邓卿左Iarode)・
of the great diversity of English stanza forms , many have no spedal
names and must be described by spedfying the number of lines , thetype and
number of metric feet in each line , and the pattern of therh脚e . Certaln stan ・
zas , however , occur 50 often that they have been given the convenlence ofa
name . Some literary scholars apply the term " stanzan only to divisions of four
or more lines . This entr努h0Wever ' follows a widespread application of the
term also to divisions of two and three lines .
A couplet 15 a pair ofrhymedlinesthatareequalin1ength . Theoctosyl ・
labic couplet has llnes of eight sytlables , usually consisting of four lamblc
feet , as in Andrew Marvell , s " To His COy Mistress , ' ( 1681 ) :

学都只不过是“摹仿式的话语” 。例如,一首抒情诗摹仿了我们对某物抒发感情的惯常
斯》(1749)」 、自传〔查尔斯・狄更斯的《大卫・科波菲尔》(1849一185 。)〕 、甚或是某一
学者对诗歌文本所作的注释版本[纳博科夫的《灰火》(1962)」 。参阅芭芭拉・赫恩斯
对言语行为基本的哲学论述,参阅:John Austin , Howto肠仆ings顽th words ,
1962 ; JohnR反arle , Speech Act , : An Essay in the Philosl7P}沙of Language , 1970 ; H . P .
Grice , “玩sic andc加versation ' ' , in凡明tax andse欣斑tic 、 3 , 1975 。尝试用言语行为理论构
建一般文学理论,至少是散文体小说的一般理论,参阅:凡chard Ohmarin , “匆eech Acts and
the块finition of Literature , " Philosoph夕and Rhetorlc4 , 1971 ; Charles习tieri , " The Poem
as Act , " IO此Re饭ew6 , 1975 ; John R . Searle , " The Logical Status of Fiction欲压scourse " ,
in his Expression and加角Zning , 1979 , chapter3 。该理论在文学理论中的具体运用,参
阅:Mary Louise Pratt , TOward a Speech Act Theor夕of Litera勺Discourse , 1977 。
有关言语行为理论在文学批评运用中的局限,参阅:Stanley Fish , " How toD 。
Things with Austin and Searle : Speech - Act Theory and Literary Criticism , " in 15
There a Text in This Class ? , 1980 ; Joseph Margolis , " Literature and Speech Acts " ,
尸hilosophy and Literature3 , 1979 。雅克・德里达对奥斯汀观点的解构主义分析,以


( 1747)〕,而在一些格律诗中,组成诗节的一些诗句长短也不尽相同(如无律颂)。
节,通常由四个抑扬格音步构成。如安德鲁・马韦尔的诗歌《致羞涩的情人》(1681 )

The grave , 5 a fine and ptivate place ,
But none , 1 think , do there embrace .

Iambic Pen匆meter lines止yming in pairs are decasyll汕ic ( " ten -
syllable , ' ) couplets or " heroic couPlets . " ( For examples , see heroiC couPlet . )
The tercet , or triplet , 15 a stanza of three lines ,
由叨me . The lines may be the same length ( as in Robert He川ck , s
Clothes , 1648 , wrltten In tercets of iambic tetrameter ) , or else
lengths . In砒Chard Crashaw , S " Wishes to His SuPposed Mistress , I ( 1646 ) , the
lines of each tercet are successiv6ly in iambic di阴ete乙沉从eter , andte加阴eter . .
Whoe , er she be
That not impossible she
That shall command my he叭and me ,
介rza rima 15 composed of tercets which are interlinked , in that each 15
loined to the one following by a common rhyme : aba , bcb , cdc , and 50 on .
Dante composed his Divine Comedy ( e arly fourteenth centUry ) in terza rima ;
but although Sir Thomas wyatt introduced the form early in thes议teenth
century , it has not been a common meter in English , in Whichth叨rnes are
much harder to find than in Itaiian ・ Shelley , however , used it brilliantly in
" ode to thew此t Wind , , ( 1820 ) , and it occurs also in the poetry of Milton ,
Browning , and T . 5 . Eliot .
The quatraln , or four一line stanza , 15 the most common in English versifi -
cation , and 15 emp10yed with various meters and rhyme schemes . The ballod
stanza ( i n altemating four一and three ・ foot lines thyming abcb , or less fte -
quently abab ) 15 one common quatrain ; when this samestanza occurs in
力娜狱it 15 called common measure . Emily Dic址nson 15 the most subtle , var ・
led , andpersistent0fallusers0fthistype0fquatrain ; herftequentuseofslant
动脚epreventsmonotony :
This season of the year ,
And when a soul perceives itself
TO be an Emperor .

The heroic qua七,in , in iambic pentameter rhyming abab , 15 the stanza of
Gray , s " ElegyV六ltten in a Country Churchyard , , ( 1 751 ) :
The curfew tolls the幼ell of partingd眼
The lowing herd winds slowlyo , er the lea ,
The Plow们nan homeward plods his weary way )
And leaves the World to darkness , and to one .

砒me royal was introduced by Chaucer in乃刀ilus and
13805 ) and other narrative poems ; it 15 believed to take ! Cris即de ( th e latter
its name , h0Wev饥
from its later use by " the Scottish Chaucerian , ”见ng James 1 of Scotland , in
his poem仆e Ki州s伽air ( " The租ng , s Bookn ) , written about 1424 . It isa
seven一line , iambic pentameter stanzarh叨ming ababbcc . This form was quite
widely used饰Eliz比ethan poets , induding by Shakespeare in " A LOver , s
Complaint , , and仆e RaPe ofLucre此whlch begins :

格四音步同韵三行诗节〕,也可能长短不一。理查德・克拉肖的《祝愿意中人》(1646 )

另一连句依靠一个共同的韵脚格式彼此衔接:aba , bcb,。 d 。等等。但丁的《神曲》(14
一诗体形式。弥尔顿、勃朗宁和T . 5.艾略特的诗歌中也曾出现过三行诗节隔句押


成,押韵格式为abab :


行抑扬格五音步诗节组成,押韵格式为ababb ‘ 。 。伊丽莎白时期的诗人普遍采用这一
诗体形式,如莎士比亚的(情人的抱怨》与《鲁克丽丝受辱记》 。 《鲁克丽丝受辱记》是
5925认Nz ^

From the besieged Ardea all in post ,
Bome by the trustless wings of false desire ,
Lust七reath色d几rquin leaves the ROman host
And to Collatium bears the lightless fire
Which , in pale embers hld , lurks to aspire
And girdle with embracing flames the Waist
Of Collatine , S fair Iove , Lucrece the chaste .
ottava rima , as the Italian name indicates , has eight lines ; it rhymes
abababcc . llke terza rima and the sonnet , it was brought from Italian into
Ellglish by Sir Thomas叭乍att in the first half of the sixteenth century.川-
though emp10yed妙a number of earller poets , it 15 notable especially as the
stanza Which helped Byron discover What he was bom to Write , the satiric
poem DOn Iuan ( 1819砚4 ) . Note the comic effect of the forcedrh脚e in the
conctuding couplet :
Juan Was taught ftom out the best edition ,
EXpurgated by leamed men , who place ,
Judiciously , from out the schoolboy , 5 vision ,
The grosser parts ; but,允arful to deface
TOo much their modest bard勿this omission ,
And pi切ng sore his mutilated case ,
They oniy add them all in an appendix ,
Whlch saves , In fact , the trouble of an index .

Spens时an stanza 15 a still longer form devised饰Edmund Spenser for
仆e Faerie伽eene ( 1590一96 ) - nine lines , in which the first eight lines are
iambic pentameter and the last iambic hexameter ( an Alexandrine ) , rhyming
ababbcbcc . Enchanted by Spenser , 5 gracious movement and music , many
poets have attempted the stanza in spite of its difficulties . Its greatest suc -
cesses have been in poems which , like角e Faerie Queene , evolve In a leisurely
Way , with ample time for unrolling the richly textured stanZas ; for example ,
James Thomson , s " The Castle of Indolence , , ( 1 748 ) , John Keats , " The Eve of
St , Agnes , ' ( 1820 ),处rCy Bysshe Shelley , s " Adonais , , ( 1821 ) , and the narrative
section of Alfred , Lord介nnyson , S " The Lotus Eatersn ( 1832 ) . The following 15
a stanza from Spenser , s Faerie伽eene 1 . 1 . 41 :
And more , to lulle him in his slumber soft ,
A trickling streame from high rocke tumbling downe
And ever一drizling raine upon the Ioft
M认t with a murmuring winde , much like the sowne
of swarming Bees , did cast him in a swowne :
NO other noyse , nor peoples troublous cryes ,
As still are wontt , annoy the wall色d towne ,
Might there be heard : but carelesse Quiet lyes ,
WraPt in eternall silence farre from enemyes .
There are also various elaborate stanza forms imported from France , such
as the rondeau , the villanelle , and the triofet , containing intricate repetitlons
both ofth扣mes and of entire lines , whlch have been used mainly , but not ex -
clusiv6ly , for Iight verse . Their revival by W . H . Auden , William Empson , and

八行诗体,正如其意大利名所示,含有八行诗句,押韵格式为abababc ‘ 。与三行诗
斯宾塞式诗节是埃德蒙・斯宾塞为诗歌《仙后》(159 。一1596)所设计的比八行诗
节。这类诗歌的例子还包括詹姆斯・汤姆森的《懒惰的城堡》(1748 ),约翰・济慈的
《圣阿格尼斯节前夕》(1820 ),拍西・比什・雪莱的《阿多尼斯》(1821 ),阿尔弗雷德・
丁尼生的《食落拓枣的人》(1832)中的叙事部分。以下是选自斯宾塞《仙后》(1 . 1 . 41 )

要用于但并非完全用于轻松诗。 W . H.奥登、威廉・燕卜荪和20世纪中期的其他诗

other mid ・饰entieth一century poets Was a sign of renewed interest in high
metrical artiftce . Dytan Thomas , " Do not 90 gentle into that good night , , isa
vll 】 anelle ; that 15 , it consists of five terce七and a quatTain , all on two rhymes ,
and with systematic later repetitions of lines 1 and 3 of the first tercet .
one of the most intricate of poetic forms 15 the sestina : a poem of sixs认-
line stanzas in which the end ・ words in the lines of the first stanza are re -
peated , in a set order of variation , as the end一words of the stanzas that follow .
The ses血a concludes with a thlee一line envoywhlchincorporates , inthemid -
dle and at the end of the lines , all six of these end words . ( An envo丫or " send -
off , , , 15 a short formal stanza whlch 15 appended to a poem by way of
conclusion , ) This form , introduced in the twelfth century , Was cultivsted by
Italian , Spanish , and French poets ・ Despite its extreme diffiCUI娜the sestina
has also been managed with success by the Eliz的ethan Sir Philip Sidney , the
Victorian Algemon Swinburne , and the modern poets W . H . Auden andjohn
Ashberry .
See me奴Poetic forms discussed elsewhere in the GIOSsaly are ballad stanza ,
bIGnk verse,加已vers马heroic couPlet , 11州erick , and sonnet . The form and history of
the various stanzas are desCribed and exemplified in R . M . Alden , E喇ish Verse
( 1903 ) , and in Paul凡ssell , POe流M亡勿andP0e沈FOnn ( rev . 1979 ) .

Stock Cho叮octers are charactertypes that occur repeatedly in a partlcular
literary genre , and 50 are recognizable as part of the conven廿ons of the form .
The Old Co附edy of the Greeks had three stock characters whose interaCtions
constituted the standard plot : the alaZon , or impostor and self - deceiving
braggart ; the eiron , or self - derogatory and understating characte耳whose con -
test with the alazon 15 central to the comic plot ; and the bomolochos ,
buffoon , whose antics add an extra comic element . ( S ee Lane Cooper ' An Aris -
totelian角eo今ofCOmedy , 1922 . ) In his Anatomy ofCri沦ism ( 1957 ) , Northrop
Frye revived these old terms , added a fourth , the agroikos一the rustic or eas -
ily deceived character - - and identified the persistence of theset即es ( v ery
broadly defined ) in comic plots up to our own time . The Italian commedia
dell , arte revolved around such stock characters as Pulcinella and Pantaloon ;
SeeCO爪阴南故dell , a rte .
The plot of an Elizabethanro脚an沈come办such as Shakespeare , 5 As YOu
Like It andT沁el肋Night , often turned on a heroine disguised as a handsome
young man ; and a stock figure in the EliZabethan comedy of intrigue was the
clever servant Who , 11址Mosca in Ben Jonson , 5 VolPone , connives with his
master to fleece another stock character , the stupid gull . Nineteenth一century
comedy , on stage and in fiction , exPloited the stock Englishman with a mon -
ocle , an exaggerated oxford accent , and a defective sense of humor . w比tem
stories and films generated the tight一lipped sheriff Who lets his gun do the
talking ; while a familiar figurein由e fiction of the recent past was the stoical
Hemingway hero , uniltusloned but faithful to his primal code of honor and
10yalty in a civilization grown effete and comipt . The Beat or hipster or alien -
ated protagonist who , with or Wlthout the help of drugs , has opted out of the
EStablishment 15 an even more recent stock character .

维多利亚时期的阿尔杰农・斯温伯恩,以及现代诗人W . H.奥登与约翰・亚斯比利
诗与十四行诗。有关各种诗节形式及其历史的描述与例子,参阅:R . M . Alden , Eng -
lish Verse , 1903 ; Paul Fussell , PoeticM此er and Poetic Form , rev . 1979 。

StocK Characters定型人物

见莱恩・库拍的论著《亚里士多德式的喜剧理论》(1922 )]。诺斯罗普,弗莱在《批评的
一位定型人物,愚蠢的傻子。 19世纪的喜剧,不论在戏剧舞台上还是在小说中,都会

In some literary forms , suCh as morali妙play and Ben Jonson , sco优edyof
hu阴ours , the artistica恤does not require more than tyPe一characters . ( See also
加tcharacte ' undercharacteTandcharacteriza廿on ・)Buteveninrealisticliterary
forms , thea比stic success of a protagonist does not depend on Whether or not
an author incorporates an established type , but on how well thetype 15 recre -
ated as a convincing individual Who fulfills his or her function in the overall
plot . TWo of Shakespeare , 5 greatest characters are patently conventional . Fal -
staff 15 in part a rerendering of the仍C6 , the comic tempter of the medieval
morality play , and In part of the familiar braggart soldler , or miles gloriosus ,
of ROman and Renaissance comedy , Whose ancestry goes back to the Greek
alazon ; and Hamlet combines some stock attribotes of the hero of EI龙abethan
泊吧卿弹的攀旋5 with those oftheElizabethanmelancholicman . JaneAusten , s
delightfulEI让abeth Bennet in州de and乃对udice ( 1813 ) can be traced back
through助storation comedy to the type of intelligent , wit尔and dauntiess
heroines in Shakespeare , 5 romantic comedies .

Stock Re印onse . A derogatory term for a reaction thought to be habitual
and stereotyped , in place of one which 15 genuinely and aptly responsive toa
多ven literary passage or text.仆e term 15 sometimes applied to the response
of authors themselves to characters , situations , or topics that they set forth in
a work ; usually , however , it 15 used to desCribe standard and inadequatere -
sponses of the readers of the Work . 1 . A.形chards , In his Pra币cal Cri百cism
( 1929 ) , chapters , gave currency to this term by citing and analyzing stockre -
sponses by students who Wrote critiques of unidentified poems presented for
th比interpretation and evaluation .

Stock Situotioos are the counterparts to stock charac细rS , ' that 15 , theyare
often一sed types of inctdents or of sequences ofa比ons in a drama or narrative ・
Instancesrange from single situations一魂he eavesdropper who 15 hidden behind
a bosh or in a closet , or the suddenly discovered will or birthrnark-一to the
overall pattem of a ptot . The HoratiO川ger books for boys , in而d - nlneteenth -
centUry America , were all variations on the stock plot of rags一to ・ riches ・ by一tuck -
and一kick , and we recogn返e the standard boy - meets一沙1 inddent in the opening
episode of much popular flCtion and in many motion pictUres .
Some recent critics distinguish certain recurrent charactertypes and ele -
ments of plot , such as the sexually irresistible but fatal enchantress , the sacri -
ficial scapegoat , and the underground ioumey , as " archetypal , , components
whlch are held to recUri not simply because they are fun由onal literary con -
ventions , but because , like dreams and myths , they exPress and appeal to
universal human impulses , anxieties , and needs . See arche妙爵and for strUc ・
turalist analyses of recurrent plot ・ types , na加瓦ve and na加tolo}琳

Streo团.ofConscio ”比ness wasaPhraseusedbyWilliamJamesinhis洲nd -
pl6s ofPs那holoJ沙(1890 ) to describe the unbroken flow of percePtions ,
thoughts , and feelings in the waking mlnd ; it has since been adopted to de ・
scribe a narrative method in modem fiction . Long passages of introsPection ,



1 . A.理查兹在《实用批评》(1929)一书的第五章中,引用并分析了对指定给他们设释

Stock Sjtuations定型情景


Stream of consc } ousness意识流

5985下R队M or coNscloUsNEss

inwhichthenarratorrecordsindetailwhatpassesthroughacharacter , s aware -
ness , are found in novelists from Samuel形chardson , through William James ,
Henry James , to many novelists of the present era ・ The 10ng chapter 42

oas 1888 a minor French writef , Edouard Duiardin,叭几。 te a short novel Les Lau ・
fjames , Po月mitofaLady , forexample , isentirelygivenovertothenar ator , S description of the proces  of Isabel , s memories , thoughts , and fe lings . As early
riers sont couP占(" The Laurels Have Been Cut , , ) whlch 15 a rather crude but sus -
tained attempt to represent the scenes and events of the story solefy as they
加pinge upon the consdousness of the central character . As it has been refined
since the 19205 , stream of consciousness 15 the name applied spedfically toa
mode of narration that undertakes to reProduce , without a narrator , s interven -
tion , the full spectrum and continuous flow of a character , 5 mental process , in
which sense percePtions mingle with conSCious and half - consctous thoughts ,
memories , exPectations , feelings , and random associations .
Some critics use " stream of consciousness , , interchangeably with the
termi狱erior monologUe . It 15 useful , howeve乙to follow the usage of critics
who use the former as the inclusive term , denoting all the diverse means em -
p10yed饰authors to communicate the inctusive state and process of con ・
sciousness in a characteL " Interior monologuen 15 then reserVed for that
species of stream of consciousness Which undertakes to present to the reader
the course and rhythm of consctousness precisely as it occurs in a character , s
mind . In interior monologue the author does not intervene , or at any ratein ・
tervenes而nimally , as describer ) guide , or commentator ' and does nottidy
the vagaries of the mental process into grammatical sentences or into a 10矛cal
or coherent order . The interior monologue , in its radical form , 15 sometimes
desCribed as the exact presentation of the process of consciousness ; but be -
cause sense perceptions , mental images , feelings , and some aspects of thought
itself are nonverbal , it 15 clear that the author can present these elements only
by converting them into some kind of vethal equiv & lent . Much of this con -
version 15 a matter of narrative conventions rather than of unedited , point ・ for -
point reProduction , and each author Puts his or her own imprint on the
interior monologues that are attributed to characters in the narrative . ( For the
linguistiC techniques that have been used to render the states and flow of con -
sciousness , see Dorrit Cohn,乃份nsParent Min办:Na服瓦ve Mddes for Presen丘ng
ConsciOUSness in几川on , 1978 . )
James Joyce develoPed a variety of devices for stream一of - consdousness
narrative in外” es ( 1922 ) . Here 15 a passage of interior monologue from the
, , Lestrygonian " eplsode , in whlch Leopold Bloom saunters through Dublin ,
Obse州ng and musing :
Pineapple rock , lemon platt , butter scotch . A sugar一sticky girl shoveling
scoopfuls of creams for a christian brotheL Some school treat . Bad for
their tummies . Lozenge and comfit manufactUrer to His Maiesty the
" ng . God . Save . our . sitting on his throne , sucking red luiubes white .

Dorothy形chardson sustains a stream ・ of - consciousness mode of narrative , fo -
cused exclusively on the mind and perceptions of her heroine , throughout

的思想:小说中展现意识的叙事模式》(1978)〕 。



the twelve volumes of her novelPi恻脚吧诊(1915一38 ) ; Virginia Wbolfemploys
the procedure as a primary , aithough not exclusiv6 , narrative mode in several
novels , indudingM污.Dalloway ( 1925 ) and TO the LighthoUSe ( 1927 ) , . and
v以11iam Faulkner exploits it brllllantly in the first three of the four parts of
仆e SOund and theFu甲(1929 ) .
Refer to na而tolo}沙and Point of诉ew , and see Leon Edel,仆eM匕山mPs势
chol州cal NOvel ( 1955 , rev . 1964 ) ; Robert Humphre又S白℃ am ofCOns吻usness认
the Mddem NOvel ( 1954 ) ; Melvin Friedman , S白℃ am ofConsciousness : A StUdyi "
LiteraryM诊thod ( 1955 ) .

StrudtUr吐St Criticism . Almost all literary theorists since Aristotle have
emphasized the importance ofs加ctU腾conceived in diverse ways , in analyz -
ing a work of literature . " StrUcturalist criticism , " howeve不now designates the
practice of critics Who analyze literature on the exPlicit model of sttucturalist
linguistics . The class indudes a number of Russian fonnalists , espedally
Roman Jakobson , but consists most prominently of a group of writers , with
their headquarters In Paris , who applied to literature the concePts and ana -
lytic distinctions developed by Ferdinand de Saussure in his Course in General
Li,岑对s廿cs ( 1915 ) . This mode 0fCritidsmispartofalargermovement , French
structuraiism , inaugurated in the 19505 by the cultural anthroPologist
Claude L6vi ・ Strauss , who analyzed , on Saussure , s linguistic model , such CUI ・
tural phenomena as mythology , klnship relations , and modes of preParing
food . See IinJ侧is瓦cs in Iitera甲币价ism .
In its early form , as manifested妙硬vi一Strauss ando也er Writers in the
19505 and 19605 , structUralism cuts across the traditional disciPlinary areas of
the humanlties and social sciences饰undertaking to provide an obiective ac -
count of all social and cultUral praCtices , in a range that includes mythical
narratives , literary texts , advertisements , fashions in clothes , and patterns of
social decorum . It views these practices as combinations of slgns that havea
set signlficance for the members of a Particular culture , and undertakesto
make explidt the rules and procedures by Which the practices have achieved
thelr cultural significance , and to specify what that significance 15 , by refer -
ence to an underl界ng system ( a nalogous to Saussure , sla叹纠e , the implicitsys -
tem of a pa出cular language ) of the relationships among signi柳ng elements
and their rules of combination . The elementary cultural phenomena , like the
linguistic elements in Saussure , s exposition , are not oblective facts identifi ・
able by their inherent prope川es , but purely " relational , , entities ; that 15 , their
identity as signs are矛ven to them by their relations of differences from , and

binary op ositions to , other elements within the cultural system . This system of intemal relationships , and of " codes " that determine significant comblna -
tions , have been mastered by each person competent within a given culture ,
although he or she remains largely unaware of its nature and operations . The
primary interest of the structu而ist , like that of Saussure , 15 not In the cultural
Parole but in thela雌刀e , . that 15 , not in any particular cultural phenomenon or
event excePt as it provides access to the strUcture , features , and rules of the
general system that engenders its significance .

( 1929)这部小说的前三个部分里也精湛地运用了这种叙事手法。
参见:叙事学与视旁。也可参阅:Leon Edel , Tho Moder , Psychologic 。 1 Novel ,
1 955 , : ev . 1964 ; Robert Humphrey , stream of Consciousness int人亡Modern Novel ,
1954 ; Melvin Friedman , Stream of Consc艺ousness : A Stud少艺nL艺terar夕
叼此hod , 1955 。

Structuralist Criticism结构主义批评


As applied in literary stUdieS , strUcturaiist criticism views literatUre asa
second ・ order signifying system that uses the first ・ order structural system of
language as its medium , and 15 ltself to be analyzed primarily on the model of
linguis次theory . StrUcturalist critics often apply a variety of linguistic con ・
cePts to the analysis of a literary text , such as the distinction between phone ・
优ic and mo甲hemic levels of organization , or between Paradig用a以c and
s洲切护班以c relationships ; and some critics analyze the structUre of a literary
text on the model of thes州tax in a well一formed sentence . The unde血king of
a thoroughgoing literary strUcturallsm , hoWever ' 15 to explain how it 15 thata
competent reader 15 able to make sense of a partiCUlar literary text by speci印・
ing the underlying system of literary conventions and rules of comblnation
that has been unconsCiously mastered勿such a readeL The alm of classic lit -
erary stIUctUralism , accordingly , 15 not ( as inN七wCri改ism ) to provide Inter -
pretations of an individual text , but to make exPlicit , in a quasl ・ scientific way ,
the tadt岁’ a优mar ( the system of rules and codes ) that govems the forms and
meanings of all literary productlons . As Jonathan Culler put it in his luddex -
positlon , the aim Ofs加cturalist critidsm 15 " to constrUct a poetics Wh1Ch
stands to literature as linguistics stands to language , , ( S如ctUralistP ' Oe廿CS ,
1975 , p . 257 ) . Roland Barthes , G之rard Genette , Julla Kristeva , and Tzvetan
TOdorov were prominent strUcturalist critics of literature .
StrUcturalism 15 in explidt opposition to mi优e价币瓦南m ( th e view that
literature 15 pr如arily an imitation of reality ) , to群户ressive币廿由拼(t he view
that llterature prima川y expresses the feelings or temperament or creative
加a矛nation of its author ) , and to any form of the view that literature isa
mode of communication be七榨een author and readers . More generaily , in its
attempt to develop a science of literature and in many of its salient concePts ,
the radical forms of strUcturalism depart from the assumptions and ruling
ldeas of traditional humanistic criticism . ( S ee humanis优.) For example :

( 1 ) In the strUcturalist vie晰what had been called a literary " work , ' be -
comesa " text , , ; that 15 , a mode of叭币ting constituted by a play of
component elements according to specifically literary conventions
and codes ・ These factors may generate an illusion of reality , but have
no trUth一vatue , nor even any reference to a reality喇sting outslde the
literary system itself .
( 2 ) The individual author , or subject , 15 not assigned any initiative , ex ・
pressiv6 intentions , or design as the " ori矛n , , or producer of a work .
Instead the COnsdouS " Selfn 15 deCla爬d to be a const川ct that 15 itself
the product of the workings of the linguistic system , and the mind of
an author 15 described as an imputed " space , , withln Which the im -
personal , " always ・ already即existing system of literary language , con ・
ventions , codes , and rules of comblnation gets predpitated intoa
particular text . Roland Barthes exPressed , dramatically , this subver -
sion of the traditional humanistic vie残“ As institution , the author 15
dead , , ( " The Death of the Autho石” in加吧巴・ M比ic - Text , trans . 1977 ) .
See author and authorshiP and pos 。如ctUralism .

学,就如同语言学支撑语言一样” 【 《结构主义诗学》(1975)第257页」 。罗兰・巴尔特、

( l)结构主义认为,所谓的文学“作品”其实成了“文本”,即根据特定的文学惯例
( 2)作者个人或主体并不具有主动性、表现的意图或作为作品的“本源”或生产
文学语言、惯例、代码和组合规则组成的客观的、 “始终已经”存在着的系统
义观点的颠覆,“作为基本原理,作者已经死亡。 ” ( “作者的死亡”,收人1977
604 sTRuCTu队LlsT cRITIclSM

( 3 ) StrUctUlalism rePlaces the author妙the reader as the central agenCy
in criticism ; but the traditional reader , as a consdous , purposeful , and
feeling individual , 15 replaced by the impersonal activity of " reading , "
and What 15 read 15 not a work imbued with meanings , but云洲tUre ,
writing . The focus of strUc加ralist criticism , accordingly , 15 on the im -
personal process of reading Which , by brin尔ng into play the requisite
conventions , codes , and exPect甜ons , makes literary sense of the se -
quence of words , phrases , and sentences that constitute a text . See

In the late 19605 , the general structuralist enterprise , in its rigorous form
and inclusive pretensions , ceded its central position to deconstru比on and
other modes of poststructUral theories , which subverted the scientific claims
of strUcturalism and its view that literary meanings are made determinate by
a system ofinvariantconventionsandcodes . ( SeepostS加CtUralism ・)Thisshift
in the prevailing point of view 15 exemplified by the changing emphases in
the lively and influential Writings of the French critic and man of letters ,
Roland Barthes ( 1915一80 ) . His early work developed and helped disseminate
the structuralist theory that was based on the linguistics of Saussur卜a theory
that Barthes applied not oniy to literature but ( inM)声thol叨es , 1957 ) to decod -
ing , by reference to its underl外ng signi单ng system , many aspects of popular
culture . In his later writings , Barthes abandoned the scientific aspiration of
s加c拟ralism , and distinguished be勺衬een the " readerlyn text such as the real -
istic novel that tries to " close , ' interpretation by insisting on specific mean ・
ings , and the “叭币terly , , text that aims at the ideal of " a galaxy of signifiers , "
and 50 encourages the reader to be a producer of his or her own meanings ac -
cording not to one code but to a multiplicity of codes . And in仆e Pleasureof
the及xt ( 1973 ) Barthes lauds , in contrast to the comfort的le pleasure offered
by a tradltional text that accords with cultural conventions , the jouissance ( or
orgasmic bliss ) evo缺d by a text that indtes a hedonistic abandon to the un -
controlled play of its sign饭ers .
Stiucturallst premises and proceduxes , howevet , continue to manifest
themselves in a number of current enterprises , and esPedallyin the se而otic
analysis of cultUrai phenomena , in stylistics , and in the Investigation of the for -
mal strUcturesthat , in their combin甜ons and variations , constitute the plotsin
novels . See semio瓦cs , cultUrals加以ies , s酬ts打cs , and na,以ve andna加toIO}拼
A clear and comprehensive survey of the program and accomplishments
of structuralist literary criticlsm , in poetry as Well as narratiVe prose , 15
Jonathan Culle石S加而ralist Poe找cs ( 1975 ) ; also Robert Scholes , S加c扭ral台m
in LiteratUre : An Introduc瓦on ( 1974 ) . For an introdu由on to the general move -
ment of structuralism see Philip Pettit,角e ConcePt ofs加c纽ralism : AC汀坑以
Analysis ( 1975 ) ; Terence Hawkes , S如ctUralism and Se阴10位s ( 1977 ) ; and Peter
Caws , S打材日知ralism:仆e Art ofthe加tell娜ble ( 1960 ) . For critical views of struc -
turalism see Gerald Graff , Litera勿re勺ainst招elf ( 1979 ) ; Frank Lentricchia ,
A # er the八陌w Cri丘cism ( 1980 ) , chapters 4 - - 5 ; J . G . Merquio石F功mP川岁eto
撇ris : A Cri向ue ofs加ctUralistand为St - S如ctUralist角ougl姑(1986 ) ; Leonard

( 3)结构主义把读者,而非作者,视为批评的中心力量;但是,传统的读者,作为有

( 1915一1980)充满活力、颇具影响的论著中得到了体现;巴尔特在其论著中改变了批评
统,将其运用到对大众文化许多方面的解码中【如在《神话学》(1957)中l 。在他的后期
( 1973)中称赞了快乐地放纵其能指毫无节制的游戏的文本所引起的狂喜(或极度兴
取得的成就:Jonathan Culler , Structu 、 l£st Poet£c , , 1975 ; Robert Scholes , Str二ctur -
al乞sm£nL艺terat " re : A , Introduction , 1974;有关结构主义整体运动的介绍,参阅:
Philip Pettit , TheCO " cep亡of Structuralis爪:A Cr艺tical Anal夕51 、,1975 ; Terence
Hawkes , Str二c:二ral艺sm aod Se撰oitic : , 1977 ; Peter Caws , S ' ructural乞s拼:TheArtof
t人。 Intell£g£bl 。,1960;有关结构主义的批评观点,参阅:Gerald Graff , Literature
Against It : elf , 1979 ; Frank Lentricchia , After th 。 Ne二Crit艺c£s扭,1980 , chapters
4一5 ; J . G . Merquior , From Prague to Par£:: A Cr£t£que of Structoral£st aod Pos卜
S : r , ct二ral£、 t Thought , 1986 ; Leonardjackson , ThCPover 。夕ofstruct二ral£s爪:L£ter -
at二re ands ' ? tural£st Theo勺,1991;结构主义文集包括:又chard T . DeG印rge and M .
606 swL 〔

Jackson,角e Pover印ofs加ctUralism : LiteratUre ands打祝c加ral行t介印甲(1991 ) .
Some colleCtions of structuralist Writings:砒chard T . De George and M . Fer ・
nande , eds .,角es加c扭ralis朽:F功功M泛rx toL酬一tTquss ( 1972 ) ; David RObey ,
ed . , S如ctUralis从:An Introduc如n ( 1973 ) ; and砒chard Macksey and加genio
Donato , eds .,角e ShactUralist Controve乃丫介e La叹纠叮“ ofC行红c亩sm and the
Sciences ofM湘(1970 ) . Among the books of strUcturalist literary criticism
available in English translations are Roland Barthes , Cri材cal Essays ( 1964 ) ;
Stephen Heath,仆e NOUVeau Ro阴an : AS勿即in the Pra币ceo厂别用万ng ( 1972 ) ;
TZVetan TodorOV,角e POe沈Sof尹rose ( trans . , 1977 ) and IntTOdu币on to POe红cs
( tr ans . , 1981 ) ; G包ard Genette , F如reso厂LiteraryD宜scourse ( tr ans . , 1984 ) . Str ' Uc -
turalist treatments of cinema are Christian Metz , La叹和峪巴ofFilm ( 1973 ) and
Peter Wbllen , S如5 and人feaninX in the Cinema ( 1969 ) .

S甲e hastraditionallybeendefinedasthemannerOflinguisticexpressiOnin
prose or verseseas五卿sPeakers or writeTs say whatever it 15 that they say . The
style spedfic to a pa觅cular work or Wrlte耳or else distinctiy6 of atyPe of Writ -
ings , has been analyzed in such terms as the rhetorical situation and alm ( see
rheto肉;characteristicdi苗on , or choice of Words ; tyPe of sentence strud卫re
ands娜匆刃and the density and kinds of助刁ra的e扭侧甲阅孵.
In standard theories based on Cicero and other dassical rhetorlcians ,
styles were usually dassified Into three main levels : the high ( or “歹and , , ) , the
血ddle ( or " mean , , ) , and the low ( or " plain , I ) style . The dOCtrine of deco川琳
of style in a work be aPpropriate to the sodal dass of the speake耳to the occa -
sion on WhiCh it 15 sPoken , and to the dlgnity of its lite翩下罗nre ( s eepoe价泛记
丘on ) . The modem Critic NOrthrop Frye has introduced a variant of如s
long - persisting analysis of stylistic levels in literature ・ He makes a primary dif -
ferentiationbe细een the dsmotic style ( W hich 15 Inodeled on the langUage ,
rhythms , and assodations of ordinary sPeech ) and the hieratic style ( w hich
employs a variety of formal elaborations thats叩arate the literary language
丘。 m ordinary sPeech ) . Frye then Proceeds to distingulsh a high,而ddle , and
low level in each of these classes . See仆e Well-角呷ered以讹(1963 ) , chapter 2 .
In analyZing style,七泞。加es of sentence stmc拟re are often distinguished :
The periodic sentence 15 one in Which the component parts , Or " mem -
bers , " are 50 composed that the close of its syntactic structUre remains sus -
pen业d untll也e end of the sentence ; the effect tends to be formal Or
oratorical . An example 15 the eloquent opening sentence of James BOswel 】 ’ S
Life ofsamuel foh " son ( 1791 ) , in Which the structUre ofthesyntaxisnotcon -
duded until we reach the final noun , " task , , :
others , and who , whether we consider his extraordlnary endo,几nents , or
his various works , has been equaled by few in any age , 15 an arduous , and
may be reckoned in me a presumptuous task .
In the nonPeriodic ( or 100se ) sentence一whiCh 15 more relaxed and conver ・
sational in effecteethe component members are continuons , but 50 loosely

Fernande , eds . , The St阳以ural泛sts : From八五rx toL户v汇一Strauss , 1972 ; David Robey ,
ed . , Structuralism : An Introduction , 1973 ; Richard Macksey and Eugenio Donato ,
eds . , The Stroc忿。 ral艺st Co , tro * rs , : The Laogoages of Cr笼t乞c乞s仇a二d the Sc汇e 、 cesof
Mdn , 1970 。翻译成英文的结构主义文学批评论著包括:Roland Barthes , Cr£t艺cal
Essa , s , 1 964 ; Stephen Heath , The No , veau Roman : A Stud夕in the Practiceof
Writing , 1972 ; Tzvetan Todorov , ThePoeticsofProse , trans . , 1977 , andlntroduc -
t艺on to Poetics , trans . , 1981 ; G6rard Genette , FiguresofLiteraryDiscourse , trans . ,
1984 。有关结构主义对电影的论述,参l阅:Christian Metz , Language of Film , 1973 ;
Peter Wollen , signs andM七aning in theC艺nema , 1969 。


“高贵的”)文体、平庸(或“中等”)文休和低劣(或“平淡”)文体。 18世纪颇具影响的仪
务” ( task)时,句法结构才结束:


608 swL 〔

ioined that the sentence would have been syntactically complete if a period
had been inserted at one or more places before the actual close . SojosephAd ・
dison , 5 two sentences inSP亡ctator 105 , describing the limited topics in the
conversation ofa " man ・ abo砒・ town , , , or dilettante , could each have closed at
several points in the sequence of their component clauses :
He will tell you the names of the principal favourites , repeat the shrewd
saytngs of a man of quality , Whisper an intrigue that 15 not yet blown
upon by common fame ; orl if the sphere of his observations 15 a little
larger than ordinaryl Wlll perhaPs enter into all the incidents , tums , and
revolutions in a game of ombre . When he has gone thus far he has
shown you the Whole circle of hls accomplishments , his parts are
drained , and he 15 disabled ftom any farther conversation .
Another distinCtion often made in discussillg prose style 15 thatbe勺陀een
parat树5 andh即ota劝s :
AparatacticstyIeisoneinwhichthememberswithinaSentence , orelse
a sequence ofcompletesentences , areputoneaftertheotherwithoutanyex -
pression of their connection or relations except ( at most ) the noncommittal
connective " and . " Ernest Hemingway , 5 style 15 characteristically parata比c .
The members in this sentence ftom his novel劝e Sun Also Rises ( 1926 ) are
loined merelyby " ands , , : " It was dim and dark and the pillars went high up ,
and there were people pr娜ng and it smelt of incense , and there were some
wonderful blg buildings . " The curt paratactic sentences in his short story " In -
dian Camp , , omit all connectives : " The sun was coming over the hills . A bass
lumped , making a circle in the wateL Nick trailed his hand in the wateL It felt
warm in the sharp chill of the moming . "
Ah即眺acticstyle 15 one in which the temporal , causal , 10乎cal , and syn -
tactic relations between members and sentences are specified by words ( such
as " when , " " then , " " because , " " thereforen ) or by phrases ( such as " in order
to , " " as a result , ' ) or妙the use of subordinate phrases and clauses . The style in
this Gtossa甲15 mainlyh即otaCtic .
A very large number of loosely descriPtive terms are used to characterize
klnds of style , such as " pure , " " omate , " " florid , " " gay ) " " sobe兀” " simple , "
, , elaborate , " and 50 on . Styles are aiso classified according to a literary period
or tradition ( " the metaPhysical style , " " Restoration prose style , , ) ; according to
an influential text ( , t biblical style , ”已即huism ) ; according to an institutional
use ( , , a sdentific style , " " } oumalese , , ) ; or according to the distinctive practice
of an individual author ( the " Shakespeareann or " Miltonic style , ,;叮ohn -
sonese , , ) . Historians of English prose style , especially in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries , have dis血guished between the vogue of the " Ciceron -
ian style , , ( named after the characteristic practice of the Roman机lter Cicero ) ,
which 15 elaborately constrUcted , highly periodic , and typicalfy builds to a cti -
ma茂and the opposing vogue of the dipped , conCise , pointed , and uniformly
stressed sentences in the " Attic , , or " Senecan , , styles ( named after the practice
of the ROman seneca ) . See J . M . Patrick and others , eds . , S妙le , RhetoriC , and
R妙thm : Essays勿材d而W Croll ( 1966 ) , and Georg6 Williamson,仆e Senecan
Amble : AS扭dy in ProseFo溯加椒Bacon to Collier ( 1951 ) .


中没有任何连接或关联的表达法,(至多)除了含糊连词“ and "(和)。欧内斯特・海明
( 1926)的句子中,句子的主要成分仅仅靠许多and来衔接:“里面阴沉而幽暗,几根柱
子高高耸起,有人在做祷告,堂里散发着香火味,有几扇精彩的大花玻璃窗。 ”以下这
进水里,让手在水里滑过。清早,真是冷咫咫的,水里倒是很温暖。 ”
从属句文体是指用词(如“当…的时候” , “然后” , “因为” , “所以”等),短语(如“为
了一” , “结果”等)或从属的词组与句子来明确说明句子成分之间和句子之间的时间
用来大致区别各种文体类型的描述性术语非常多,如“平铺直叙” 、 “词藻华丽” 、
“言词绚丽” 、 “轻松明快” 、 “肃穆凝重” 、 “朴实无华” 、 “精心雕琢”等。也可依据文学时
期或文学传统(如“玄学派文体” 、 “王政复辟时期的散文文体”等),某部影响深远的文
本(如“圣经文体” 、尤弟伊斯体等),某种组织机构的用语(如“科学文体” 、 “新闻文体”
等),或某一作家的独特实践(如“莎士比亚文体” 、 “弥尔顿文体” 、 “约翰逊文体”等)来
对文体进行分类。研究英国散文文体的史学家,尤其是研究17 、 18世纪英国散文文体
名)。 “西塞罗式”文体布局结构精巧,多用尾重句,其典型特点在于渐次达到高潮。
“塞内加式”文体则采用省略、简洁、准确、重音一致的句式。参阅J . M.帕特里克等编
著的《文体、修辞与节奏:莫里斯・ W,克罗尔论文集》(1996 ),以及乔治・威廉森的
610 swLls下Ics

Francis ・ N说1 Thomas and Mark几mer , in Clear and SimPle as the乃祝th
( 1994 ) , cla加that standard trea恤ents of style such as those described

deal only with the surface featUres of Writing . They propose instead a basic analysls of style in terms of a set of fundamental dedsions or as umptions by
an author conce而ng " a series of relationshiPs : What can be known ? What
can be Put into words ? What 15 the relationship be们能en thonght and lan -
guage ? Who 15 the writer addressing and why ? What 15 the implied relation -
sh中be幻泞een wrlter and reader ? What are the lmplied conditions of
discourse ? , ' An analysis based on all these elements界elds an indefinite num ・
ber oft即es , or " families , " of styles , each with its own Criteria of excellence .
The authors focus on " the classic style , , exemplified in叭厅itings like取n泛
Desca血s , D台course onM亡thod ( 1637 ) or Thomas Jefferson , s " Declaration of
Independence , , ( 1 776 ) , but identify and dls山55 briefly a number of other
styles such as " plaln style , " " practical style , " " contemplative style , " and
, , prophetic style . "
For some recent developments in the treatlnent of style based on modem
linguistic theory and philosop坤of language , sees酬七tics and discourse analr -
s钻.Among the more traditional theorists and analysts of style are Herbert
狱ad,五州ish尹roses吵(1928 ) ; Bonamy Dobree,人勿山阴乃m肥S州亡(1934 ) ;
W . K . Wimsatt,角e尹mses吵ofsamuelfohnson ( 1941 ) , . P . E Baum,角eother
Hannonyof户rose ( 1952 ) ; Erich Auerbach,人介阴“ 15 . . 7为e RePresen匆瓦洲ofReali印
勿州比份用LiteratUre ( 1953 ) ; JosePhine Miles,五川‘ andM匕des in English Poe妙
( 1957 ) ; Louis T . Milic , ed . , S扭150 ons今Ie : A Handbook with Sele币Ons forAnalr -
515 ( 1969 ) .

S切二川cs . Since the 19505 the term stylistics has been applied to Critical
procedures whlch undertake to replace What 15 said to be the sublectivity and
加pressionism of standard analyses with an " ob ) ectlve " or " sdentific , , analy -
515 of the style of literary texts . Much of the impetUs t0Ward these analytic
methods , as well as models fol their practical application , were providedby
the writings of ROman Jakobson and other Russian fon " alis饵as well as by Eu -
W记can distinguish勺陀0 main modes of stylistics , which differ bothin
conception and in the scoPe of their application :

( 1 ) In the narrower mode of formal stylistics , style 15 identified , in the
traditiona1W利另by the distlnction between What 15 said and how it 15
Said , or between the content and the form of a text . ( Sees吵.) The
content 15 now often denoted , howevet , by tenns such as " informa ・
tion , " " message , " or " propositional meaning , " while the style 15 de -
ftned as varlations in the presentation of this informatlon that serve
to alter its " aesthetic quallty , , Or the reader , S emotional response.功e
concepts of modem lin}川is位5 are used to identi匆the Stylistic fea -
tures , or " formal properties , " which are held to be distinctive of a par -
t1CUlar work , or else of an author , or a literary tradltion , or an era .
These stylistic features may be phonolo廖cal ( P attems of speech

体,如“朴实的文体” 、 “实用文体” 、 “深思的文体” 、 “预言性文体”等。
戈体学与话语分析。更加传统的文体理论家和分析家的论著,参阅:Herbert Read ,
English Prose Style , 1928;氏namy伪bree,入而de沈Prosest夕le , 1934 ; W . K . Wimsatt ,
The Prose St , l 。 of Sam " el Johnson , 1941 ; P . F . Baum , TheotherHarmon夕ofProse ,
1952 ; Erich Auerbach , M玄mes£s : TheRepresentation ofRealit夕inw比tern Literature ,
1953 ; Josephine Miles , Eras andM乙des in English Poetr , , 1957 ; Louis T . Milic ,
ed . , St夕lists on St夕le : A Handbook with Selections for Anal夕515 , 1969 。



( l)第一种是形式文体学较为狭义的模式。在这种模式中,是以通过区分所说的
体)。不过,内容现在常用“信息” 、 “主旨”或“主题意义”等术语表示,而文体
某位作者、某种文学传统或某个年代有特色的文体特征或“形式上的特性” 。
612 swuSTlcs

sounds , meter , or rhylne ) , or syntactic ( types of sentence structUre ) ,
or le劝cal ( abstTdct vs . concrete words , the relative frequenCy of nouns ,
verbs , adiectives ) , or rhetorical ( the characteristic use of助理ra脚e Ian -
圳吸禺i巾冈弹职and 50 on ) . A basic problem , acknowledged by a num -
ber of stylisticians , 15 to distinguish between the innumerable features
andpattemsofatextWhichcanbeisotatedby恤即沾ticanalysis , and
those features Which are functionally stylisticsethat 15 , fea加res which
make an actual difference in the aesthetic and other effects on a co刃少
petent reader . See , for example , Mlchael拓到汕terre , 5 oblection to the
elaborate stylistic analysis of Charles Baudelaire , 5 sonnet " Les Chats "
( The Cats ) by ROmanjakobsonandClaudeL翻一Strauss , ins加血ral -
15阴,ed . Jacques Ehrmann ( 1966 ) .
Styllstictans Who aim either to replace or supplement the qualita ・
tiVe ) udgments of literarys山olats by obiectiVely determinable meth -
ods of research exploit the ever一mcreasing technological resources of
computers in the service of What has come to be called stylometry :
the quantitative measurement of the features of an individual writer , s
style . Litera甲and Lin.叫is瓦c COmPu五ng 15 a iournal devoted to the use
of computers in literary studies , and the " VOice of the Shuttle , , web
site ath仰:/ / humanitas ・ ucsb ・ edu provldesuP一to一date information on
the general use of computers and other electronic media in literary
stUdies . See also B . H . Rudall and T . N . Corns , ComPuters andLiteratUre . .
APrac位aIGuide ( 1987 ) . 0theranalystsofstylewhousenonquantita ・
tive methods make use of concepts derived from language theory ,
such as the distinction between paradig嫩a价ands卿匆罗叭a讹rela -
tions , or the distinction between surface st斑c加re and deeP structure
in加nsfonna如nal Iin别iS找cs , or thedis如ctlon beb枕en the proposi -
tional content and the iltocu如naly force of an utterance insPe巴ch一aCt
theo华For a stylistic analysis of the Ways a character , s speech and
thought are represented in narratives , refer to加e认direct discourse ,
under Point of城ew .
Sometimes the stylistic ente甲rise stops with the qualitative or
quantitative determination , or " fingerprinting , " of the style of a sin ・
gle text or ctass of texts . often , howeve石the analyst亩es also to relate
distinctivestylistic features to traits in an author , 5 psyche ; or to anau ・
thor , 5 characteristic ways of perceiving the worid and organizingex ・
perience ( see Leo sPitZer , Li护娜石s红cs and Litera尽Histo供1948 ) ; orto
the typical concePtual frame and the attitude to reality in an histori ・
cal era ( Erich Auerbach , Mimesis , 1953 ) ; or else to semantic , aesthetiC ,
and emotional functions and effects in a partiCUlar literary text
( M ichael拓fl汕terre and others ) .
Stanley Fish Wrote a sharp Critique of the sdentific pretensions of
formal stylistics ; he proposed that since , in his view , the meaning ofa
text consists of a reader , s total response to it , there 15 no valld Way to
make a dlstinction in this spectrUm of response between style and
content ( " What 15 Stylistics and Why Are They Sa体ng Such Tetrible
6 13

学:对某个作家的文体特征进行定量测量。 《文学与语言学计算》是一本专
门介绍文学研究中运用计算机的期刊。网址为httP : / / humanitas . uc , b . edu
的最新信息。也可参阅B . H.卢达与T . N.科恩斯的《电脑与文学:实用指
定或“指纹式测定” 。不过,文体分析者也试图把独特的文体特征与作者的
中的“何谓文体学?为什么他们如此讨厌它?";也可参见:读者反应批评〕 。
614 SwLIS - I - ICS

Things About It ? , , inIS劝ere aTe对in角15 ClassZ 1980 ; see also
reader-理sPonsecri互c定sm ) . For extended critiques of traditional analy ・
ses of style , as well as of modem stylistics , based on the thesis that
style 15 not a separable feature of language , see Bennison Gray , S吵:
仆eProbl翻and招Solu如” ( 1969 ) , and " Stylistics : TheEndofaTra -
dition , " loumalo厂Aesthe瓦cs andA汁Cri瓦dsm 31 ( 1973 ) . In CI6ar and
S泛mPle as the加th ( 1994 ) , Frands ・哪el Thomas and Mark Tumer
claim that standard stylistic analyses concem merely the surface fea ・
tures of writing , and PrOPose a set of more basic features by which to
deftne styles of Wrlting ; see unders切e . on the other side , the valid ・
ity of distinguishing be七浑een style and propositional meaning一not
absolutely , but on an appropriate level of analysis一5 defended by E .
D . Hirsch , " Stylistics and Synon叨rnity , " in角e Ai功5 oflnterPre匆瓦on
( 1976 ) .
( 2 ) In the second mode of stylistics , whlch has been prominent since the
mid ・ 19605 , proponents greatly expand the conception and scope of
their inquiry by defining styllstics as , in the words of one theorist ,
, , the stUdy of the use of language in literature , " involving the entire
range of the " general characteristics of language … as a medlum of
literary expression . " ( Geoffiey N . Leech , A Lin.卿jstic Gu定de to EngJ诬sh
Poe郊1969 ; see also Mick Short , " Literature and Language , " in Ency -
己即edia ofLiteratUre andC汀价ism , ed . Martin Coyle and others , 1990 . )
By this definition , stylistics 15 exPanded 50 as to incorporate most of
the concems of both traditionai literary币沈ism and traditlonal rhet -
o心its distin出on from these earlier pursuits 15 that it insists on the
need to be obiective by focusing sharply on the text itself and by set -
恤9 Out to discover the " rules , , goveming the process by which 11n ・
gUistic elements and patterns In a text accomplish their meanings
and literary effects . The historian of Criticism处n通功爬llek has de ・
scribed this tendency of stylistic analysis to enlarge its territorial do ・
main as " the imperialism of modern stylistics . "
A comprehensive anthology 15角es粉listics Rea衍加m Ro阴an
Iakobson to th6 Present , ed . Jeanjacques功倪ber ( 1996 ) . on formal styl -
istics see Thomas A . Sebeok , ed . , S印le in La掩侧峪巴(1960 ) ; Se犷rnour
Chatman , ed . , Litera尽S印le : A和nPosiu州(1971 ) ; Howard 5 . Babb , ed . ,
Ess哪ins印l钻讹Analysis ( 1972 );砒chard Bradford , S州iS互cs ( 1997 ) .
For an exhaustive stylistic analysis of a twelve一line poem , see Roman
Jakbbson and Stephen Rudy , Yea朽,S " Son ' O w ofLove ,,仆roug力the冲ars
( 1977 ) ,
In the pra出ce of some critics , stylistics inctudes the area of stu即
lmown as discoursea摊alysis , which 15 treated in a seParate entry in this
Glossa华For inclusiv6 views of the realm of stylistics , see M . A . K . Hal -
liday,称plora如ns in the几nc找ons ofLa似,吧祀(1973 ) ; G . N . Leech and
M . H . Short , S印le inFic如n ( 1981 ) ; Roger Fowler , Li矛娜农is瓦cC汀以cism
( 1986 ) ; ROnald Carter and Paul Simpson , eds . , La力别吧马Discourse and
LiteratUre : An切的血cto尽Rea衍in DIScourseS印115流s ( 1989 ) .

法》一书(1969 ),以及他在《美学与艺术批评期刊》第31期(1973)上发表的
体。相反,E . D.赫兹在《释义的目的》(1976)中的“文体学与同义性”标题下,
( 2)第二种文体学模式自20世纪60年代中期以来异军突起,其倡导者极大地扩
“研究文学中的语言使用”,涉及“作为文学表达媒介的… …语言的一般特征”
整个领域〔参阅杰弗里・ N.里奇的《英语诗歌的语言学指南》(1 969 );也可参
国主义。 ”

参阅综合性文集:Jean Jacques weber , ed . , The St夕listics Reader from Roman
Jakobsont 。 th 。 Present , 1996 。有关形式文体学的内容,参l阅:Thomas A . Sebeok ,
ed . , St夕le in Langua群,1960 ; Seynlour Chatn坦n , ed . , L£tera砂St夕le : AS , zposium ,
1971 ; Howard 5 . Babb , ed . , Essa夕5 in St夕listic Anal夕515 , 1972 ; Richard Bradford ,
Stylistic , , 1997 。对一首十二行的诗歌进行透彻的文体分析,参阅:Roman Jakobson
and Stephen Rudy , Yeats ' s " Sorrow of Love " Through the Years , 1977 。
作为一个单独的词条列出。有关文体学领域的综合性观点,参阅:M . A . K . Halli -
day , E工plorations in the Functions of Language , 1973 ; G . N . Leech and M . H .
Short , St夕le£nF泛ction , 1981 ; Roger Fowler , Linguistic Criticism , 1986 ; Ronald
Carter and Pa吐Simpson , eds . , La儿guage , Discourse and Literature : Anl月troductor夕
Reader乞儿D艺sco " rse St , l玄st艺cs , 1989 。

Sul,肚。 e . The concept was introduced into the critidsm of literatUre and art
by a Greek treatisePe对huPsous ( " on the sublime , , ) , attriboted in the manu -
script to Lon矛nus and probably Written in the first centuryA ・ D . As defined by
Lon多nus , the sublime 15 a quality that can ocCUr in any type of discourse ,
Whether poetry or prose . whereas the effect of rhetoric on the hearer or reader
of a discourse 15 persuasion ; the effect of the sublime 15 " transport , , ( e ks匆515)一
it 15 that quality of a passage Which " shatters the hearer , 5 composure , " exer -
cises irresistible " domination , , over him , and " scatters the subiects like a bolt
of lightning , " The source of the sublime lies in the capacities of the speaker or
wrlter . Three of these capacitieseethe use of figurative langua罗,noblllty of
exPression , and elevated compositionesare matters of art that can be acquired
by praCtice ; but two other , and more important , capadties , are largely innate :
, , 10衍ness of thought , , and " strong and inspired passion . " The ability to
achieve sublimity 15 in itself enough to establish the transcendent genius ofa
w对te马and expresses the nobllity of the叭时ter , 5 character : " sublimity 15 the
ring of greatness in the soul . " Longinus , examples of sublime passages in
poems range from the epics of Homer through the tragedies of Aeschylus toa
love ・ lyric by Sappho ; his examples In prose are taken from the writings of the
phllosopher Plato , the orator Demosthenes , and the historian Herodotus . Es -
pedally notable 15 his quotation , as a prime instance Of sublimity , of the pas -
sage in the Book of Genesis Wrltten by " the lawgiver of the Jews , , : " And God
said , ' Let there be light , ' and there was light , ' Let there be land , , and there was
lalld . n
Lon多mis , treatise exerted a persistent efl泊ct on literary Critidsm afterit
became widely known by way of a French translation饰Boilean in 1674 ; even -
tually , it helPed est叙ish both the曰甲ressive theory of poetry and the Critical
method of imPressionism ( see under币沈钻脚). In the eighteenth century an im -
portant phenomenon was the shift in the location of the sublime from a qual -
ity of linguistic discourse that ori矛nates in the powers of a wrlter , 5 mind , toa
qualjty inherent in extemal oblects , and above all in the scenes and occur -
rences of the natural world ・ Thus Edmund Burke , s highly influential PhilosOPh -
ical肋qU妙into theo喇n ofour介leas ofthe Sublime andBeau红加1 , publlshed in
1757 , attributes the source of the subl加e to Whatever things are " in any sort
terrible ,,一that 15 , to Whatever 15 " fitted in any sort to exctte the ideas of pain ,
and danger ,,一provided that the obserVer 15 in a situation of safety from dan -
ge兀and 50 15 able to exPerience what would otherwise be a painful terror asa
, , deligh血1 horror . " The qualities of oblects conducive to sublime hormr that
Burke stresses are ObsCUrity,如mense powe乙and vastriess in dimension or
quantity . Burke , S examples of the subl加e indude vast architectural structures ,
Mi 】 ton , s description of Satan in Paradise Lost , the desCription of the king , s
anny in Sh砍esPeare , s1于份n尽IU and natural phenomena ; a sublime passion
may be producedby " the noise of vast cataracts , ra矛ng storms , thunder or ar -
tillery , " all of Wh1Ch evoke " a great and awfol sensation in the mind . "
During the eighteenth century , to而sts and landscape painters traveled
to the English Lake Country and to the Alps in search of subl加e scenery that


生的是劝说性的效果,而崇高的效果却是“激情” ―即文章“打破听者镇静心态”,不
生俱来的:“思想的高尚”以及“强烈的灵感激情” 。实现崇高的能力本身就足以表明
作家的卓越天赋,而且表现作者性格的崇高:“崇高是灵魂的伟大光环。 ”朗吉努斯在
为崇高的主要例子:“神说:‘要有光’,就有了光;‘要有地’,就有了地。 ”
建立(参见:批评)。 18世纪出现的一种重要现象是崇高定位的转变,从源自作家了合
质。 1757年,埃德蒙・伯克出版了影响极为深远的《崇高与美的理念之起源的哲学探
他情境下是痛苦的惊骇体验为“愉快的恐惧” 。伯克强调,引起崇高恐惧的客体具有
的激情;所有这些事物都会激发起“心灵中伟大与敬畏的感觉” 。

thrillingly vast , dark , wild , stormy , and ominous . WhterS of what was
called " the sublime ode , " such as Thomas Gray and William Collins , sought
to achieve effects of wildness and obscurity in th已r descriptiVe style e style and
obscurity of
abrupt transitions , as wel  as to render the wildnes  , vastnes  , and GothiC九O光lS the sublime oblects they descrlbed . ( Se  ode . ) Anthors of
c no光七ex -

, ity of delightful horror . both in the natural and architec -
: heir narratives and in the actions and events that they
H . Monk , a pioneer historian of the sublime in the eigh -
teenth century , dtes as the " apotheosis , , of the natural sublime the descrip -
tion of Simplon Pass in Wbrdsworth , s仆e Prel " de ( 1805 ) , 4 . 554 ff . :
The immeasurable height
of woods decaytng , never to be decayed ,
The stationary blasts of waterfalls ,
And everywhere along the hollow rent
Winds thwarting winds , b咧ildered and forlom ,
The torrents shooting ftom the clear blue sky ,
The rocks that muttered close upon our ears一
Black drizzling crags that sp砍e by the wayside
As if a voice were In themeethe sick sight
And giddy prospect of the raving stream ,
Tumult and peace , the darkness and the light,…
( See Samuel H . Monk,肠e Sublime . . AS加即ofC挂t -
ical仆eo材es in Eighte阴th一C翻勿IyE吧land , 1935 . )

In an extended analysis of the sublime in hisCri红que oflu勿” ent ( 1790 ) ,
the philosopher Immanuel Kant divided the sublime obiects spedfied by Burke
and other eariier theorists into two kinds : ( 1 ) the " mathematical sublime , ' en -
compasses the sublime of maguitudeseesof vastriess ins让e or seeming limitiess -
ness or infinitude in number . ( 2 ) The " dynamic sublime , , encompasses the
obiects conduCive to terror at our seeming helplessness before the over ・
whel而ng power of nature , provided that the terror 15 rendered pleasurable by
the safes如ation of the observer.灿1 of Kant , 5 examples of subllmity are
scenes and events in the natural woild : " the immeasurable host , , of sta叮sys -
tems suCh as the Milky节白另“ shapeless mountain masses towering One above
the other inwi 】 d disorder , " " volcanoes in all their violence of destruction ,
hurricanes le州ng desolation in their track , the boundless ocean rising with
rebellions force , the high waterfall of some mighty rive : " Kant main城ns ,
however , that the subl如ity resides " not in the obiect of nature即itself , but
" only in the mind of the iudging Sub ) ect , , who contemplates the obiect . Ina
noted passage he describes the experience of subl加ity as a rapid sequence of
painful blockage and pleasurable releas卜“ the feeling of a momentary Check
to the vital forces followed at once by a discharge all the more powerful . " In
the mathematical subl加e , the mind 15 cheCked by its inadequaCy to compre -
hend as a totality the boundlessness or seeming infinity of naturai magnl -
tudes , and in the dynamic subl恤e , it 15 chec众d by its helplessness before the
seeming irresistibility of natural p0Wers . But the mind then goes on to feel

运用了愉快的恐惧感的崇高性。塞缪尔・ H.蒙克是18世纪最早研究崇高的历史学
家,他引用了华兹华斯的《前奏》(1805 ) ( 4 . 554)中有关辛普朗山口的描述,并将其作为
自然的崇高的“完美典范” :

喧闹与宁静,黑暗与光明・ ・一
「参阅塞缪尔・ H.蒙克的《崇高:18世纪英国批评理论研究)) ( 1935)」

将伯克和其他先前的理论家具体说明的崇高物体分为两类:( l ) “数学上的崇高”包括
( 2 ) “动态的崇高”包括那些我们在强大的自然力量面前似乎显得无能为力而产生恐
相矗立、杂乱无章的群山” , “具有强烈破坏性的火山,沿途留下一片废墟的咫风,梁鹜不
驯、辽阔无垠的海洋,强大的河流飞流直下而形成的高悬瀑布。 ”但康德坚持认为,崇高
心灵之中” 。在一个著名的段落中,康德将崇高的体验描述成一连串快速的痛苦的阻塞
与愉悦的释放― “感觉到生命力受到瞬间的抑制,但立刻又得以更加强烈的发泄。 ”在
620 suRR以LISM

at the recognitton of its inherent caPacity to think a totality ina

way that transcends " every standard of sense , " or else at its discovery within ourselves of a capact y for resistance Which “乡ves us courage to be able to
measure ourselves against the seeming omnlpotence of nature . " In Kant , s
view , the ability to experience the sublime exemplifies on the one hand the
limitations and weakness of finite humanity , but on the other hand its " pre -
eminence over nature , " even When conftonted by the " immeasurabllityn of
nature , 5 magnitude and the " irresistibility , , of its might .
In仆eRoman互csublime : S切diesinthes加ctUreand乃班holOJ沙of乃砚nscen -
山力ce ( 1976 ) , ThomasW乙skel undertook to translate Kant , s theory ofthesub -
lime , and especialfy his anafy旅5 of blockage and release , into terms both of
recent semio瓦c theory and of the psychoana叫c theory of the oedlpus com ・
plex . See also Neil Hertz,仆e End ofthe Line : ESsays on几样hoa刀alysis and the
Sublime ( 1985 ) .
Refer to Elder olson , " The Argument of Lon孚nus , On the Sublime , " in Crit -
ics and Cri瓦cjs巩Anc诬ent and MOd曰礼ed ・ R . 5 . Crane ( 1952 ) ; W . J . HIPPle,角e
Beau啦1 , the Sublime , and the PictUresque in Eighteenth一CentU甲B汀出h Aes伪e沈
仆co甲(1957 ) ; Ma约orie Nicholson , Mduntain Gtoom andM而ntai柞Gto甲(1959 ) ;
Steven Knapp , Person诉ca廿on and the Subli用e . . Milto " to COI州咬夕(1985 ) .

Surre目ism ( " superrealism , , ) was launched as a concerted artistic movement
in France by Andr乏Breton , sM咖ifesto on Su卿lism ( 1924 ) . It was a successor
to the brief movement如own as Dadalsm , which emerged in 1916 out ofdis ・
gust with the bmtality and destructiVeness of the First WbrldW舀r , and set out ,
according to its manifestos , to engender a negative art and literature that
would destroy the faise values of modern bourgeois sodety , induding itsra -
tionality and the art and literature it had fostered . Among the exponents of
Dadaism were , for a time , a由sts and poets such as Tristan Tzara , Marcel
Duchamp , Man Rayl and Max Ernst .
The expressed aim of surrealism was a revolt agalnst all restraints On free
creatMty , including logical reason , standard morality , social and artistic con -
ventions and norms , and all control over the artistic process by forethought
and inte而on , To ensure the unhampered operation of the " deep mind , , ,
which they regarded as the only source of valld knowledge as well as art , sur -
realists tumed to automa价wri互ng ( writing delivered over to the promptings
of the unconscious mind ) , and to exploiting the material of dreams , of states
of mind be幻浑een sleep and waking , and of natural or artifidally induced hal -
IUClllattons .
Surrealism was a revolutionary movement in palnting , sculpture , and the
other arts , as well as llterature ; and it often loined forces , although briefly ,
with one or another revolutionary movement in the political and social
realm , The effects of surre动sm extended far beyond the small group of its
professed adherents such as Andr乏Breton , Louis Aragon , and the painter Sal -
vador Dali . The influence , direct or indirect , of surrealist innovations can be
found in many modern wrlters of prose and verse who have broken with con -
ventional modes of artistic organization to eXPeriment with free assoctation ,

力,或是在自我身上发现抵抗的能力,这能“使我们勇于抗衡自然表面上的无所不能” ,
估量”以及自然力量的“不可抗拒” , “人类比自然更为卓越” 。
参l阅:Elder Olson , " The Argument of Longinus ' On the Sublime , " in Critics and
Criticism , Ancient and Mddern , ed . , R . 5 . Crane , 1952 ; W . J . Hipple , TheBeauti -
ful , the Sublime , and the Picturesgue in Eighteen一Centur夕British Aestheti 。 Theor夕,
1 957 ; Marjorie Nicholson , Mountain Gloom and几勃untain Glor夕,1959 ; Steven
Knapp , Personif艺cation and the Sublime : Milton to Coleridge , 1985 。

Surrealjsm / Superrealjsm超现实主义


a bro址n syntaX ) nonlogical and nonchronological order , dreamlike and
nightlnarish sequences , and the luxtaposition of bizarre , shocking , or seem -
ingly unrelated images . In Engiand and America such effects can be found in
a wide range of writings , from the poetry of Dylan Thomas to the flights of
fantasy , hallucinative Writing , startling inconsequences , and black humor in
the novels of Henry Miller , william Burroughs , and Thomas Pynchon ・
For a precursor of some aspects of surrealism , see decade " C6 , ' for later de ・
velopments that continued some of the surrealist innovations , see literature
of the absurd , an瓦novel , m叨c realis脚,and postmodemism . Refer to David Gas -
coyne , A Short Sury即ofsu脚115脚(1935 ) ; A . E . Balakian , Litera甲0哪nso厂Su卜
realis脚(1947 ) ; Maurice酗deau,拭sto甲ofsu脚115阴(t rans . , 1967 ) ; Mary腼n
Caws,仆e POe抑of Dada and Su二alis 。(1970 ) ; Paul C . Ray)角e SurTealist
M匕雀用ent in England ( 1971 ) . InAutoma坑肠man:肠eRePresenta找onof灿men
in Su卿lism ( 1996 ) , Katharine Conley analyzes the obsessive and complex
concern of male surrealists with the lemale body , which was often rePre -
sented in a distorted or dissected forrn ; she also discusses the work of妇泞ofe -
male surrealists , Unica Ztim and Leonora Carrington ,

sy . bol . In the broadest sense a symbol 15 anything which signifies some -
thing ; in this sense all words are symbols . In discussing literature , howeve乙
the ten " " symbol , , 15 applied only to a word or phrase that signlfies anob 】 ect
or event which in its tUrn slgnifies something , or has a range of reference , be -
yond itself . Somes叨mbols are " conventional , , or " publlc , , : thus " the Cross , , ,
" the Red , White , and Blue , " and " the Good Shepherd , , are terms that refer to
sylllbolic obiects of which the fuxther significance 15 determinate withina
particular culture , Poets , like all of us , use such conventionals叨mbols ; many
poets , however , also use " private , , or " personal symbols . " often they do 50 by
exploiting widely shared associations between an obiect or event or action
and a particular concept ; for example , the general association of a peacock
with pride and of an eagle with heroic endeavor , or the rising sun With birth
and the setting sun with death , or climbing with effort or progress and de -
scent with surrender or failure . Some poets , however , repeatedly use symbols
whose slgniftcance they largely generate themselves , and these pose a more
difficult problem in interpretation .
Take as an example the word " rose , " which in its literal use signifiesa
沁nd of fl0Wer . In Robert Burns , line " 0 my love , s like a red , red rose , ' ' the
word " rose , , 15 used as a simile ; and in the lines by Winthr叩Mackworth
Praed ,

She was our queen , our rose , our star ;
And then she danced一0 Heaven , her dancing !

the word " rose , ' 15 used asa脚etaPhor . In仆e Romance of the Rose , a long me -
dieval动阳am廊10玛we read about a half - oPened rose to whlch the dreamer , s
access 15 aided by a character called " Fair Wdcome , " but impeded or forbid -
den by other characters called " Reason , " " Shame , " and , ' J ealousy . " W记readily
recogn让e that the Whole narrative 15 a sustained allego即about an elaborate

的发展,参见:荒涎派戈学、反小说、磨幻现实主义和后现代主义。参阅:David Gas -
coyne , A Short Surve少of Surrealis从,1935 ; A . E . Balakian,毛iterar夕Or£g£nsof
Surreal范sm , 1947 ; Maurice Nadeau , H区stor夕of Surreal£、 m , trans . , 1967 ; Mary Ann
Caws , The Poetr夕of Dada and Surreali 、,n , 1970 ; Paul C . Ray,刃比Sorreal汇st
腼vement in England , 1971 。凯瑟琳・康利在《机械的女性:超现实主义中的女性描


有的词都是象征。不过,在讨论文学时,' ‘象征”这个术语仅用来表示指代某一事物或
照范围。一些象征是“约定俗成的”或“公众的”,如“十字架” 、 “红、白、蓝” 、 “好牧羊人”


忙,但却遇到名为“理智” 、 “廉耻” 、 “嫉妒”等角色的阻拦或禁止。我们很容易就能辨
624 svMBoL

courtshi 。,in which most of the agents are personified abstractions and the
rose itself functions as an allegorical emblem ( that 15 , an oblect Wtiose signit -
icance 15 made determinate by its qualities and by the role it plays in the nar ・
rative ) Which represents both the lady , 5 love and her lovely body . Then we
read William Blake , 5 poem " The Slck Rose . "
0 Rose , thou art sick .
The invisible worrn
That flies in the night
In the howling storm
Has found out thy bed
of crimson ioy ,
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy .
This rose 15 not the vehicle for a simile or metaphor , because it lacks the paired
subiect - - , , my love , " or the girl referred to as " she , " in the examples iust
cited一which 15 an identi卿ng feature of these figures . And it 15 not an alle -
gorical rose , since , unlike the flower in仆e Romanceo厂the Rose , it 15 not part
of an obvious double order of correlated reforences , one literal and the second
allegorical , in which the allegorical or emblematic reference of the rose 15
made determlnate by its role withln the literal narrative . Blake , 5 rose isa
rose一yet it 15 patently also something more than a rose : words such as " bed , "
, , ioy , " " love , " Which do not comport literally with an actual flower , together
with the sinister tone , and the intensity of the lyric speaker , 5 feeling , press the
reader to infer that the described obiect has a further range of suggested but
unspecified reference which makes It a symbol . But Blake , 5 rose 15 a personal
symbol and not一like the symbolic rose in the closing cantos of Dante , s
fourteenth一century撇radiso and other Christian poems一an element in a set
of conventional and widely known ( hence " publicn ) religiouss犷rnbols , in
which concrete oblects of this passing world are used to signi尔in a relatively
determinate way , the oblects and truths of a higher eternal realm . ( See Barbara
Seward,仆e砂州bolic Rose , 1960 . ) only from the implidt suggestions in
Blake , 5 poem itself-一the sexual connotations , in the realm of human ex -
perience , of " bed , , and " love , " especially in coniunction With " ioy , , and
" Worm ,,一supplemented by our knowledge of similar elements and topics in
his other poems , are we led to infer that Blake ' 5 lament for a crimson rose
which has been entered and sickened unto death by a dark and secret worm
symbollZes , in the human realm , the destruction wrought妙furtlveness , de -
ceit , and hyPocrisy in what should be a frank and ioyous relationship of phys -
ical love.物rious critics of the poem , however , have proposed altemative
interpretations of its symbolic significance . It 15 an attribute of many private
symbols - - the White Whale in Melville , 5 Md妙一ick ( 1851 ) 15 another famed
exampleesesas well as a reason why they are an irreplaceable literary device ,
that they suggest a direction or a broad area of significance rather than , like
an emblem in an allegorical narrative , a relatively determinate reference .
In the copious modem literature on the nature of the literary symbol , ref -
erence 15 often made to two seminal passages , written early in the nineteenth




玫瑰在这里不是明喻或隐喻的喻矢,因为它缺少相对应的主体― “我的爱”,或是前
仅仅是玫瑰:“床” 、 “欢欣” 、 “爱”这些词字面上的意思和真正的花朵毫不相称,再加上
( 1960)」 。只有从布莱克的诗歌本身隐隐约约的暗示里―在人类经验领域中,“床”

century by Coleridge in England and Goethe in Germany , concerning the dif -
ference between an allegory and a symbol . Coleridge 15 in fact describing what
he believes to be the uniquely synlbolic nature of the Bible as a sacred text ,
but later commentators have assumed ( probabfy mistakenly ) that he intended
his comment to apply also to the symbol in secular literature :
Now an allegory 15 but a translation of abstract notions into a picture -
language , which 15 itself nothing but an abstraction from Oblects of the
senses.… on the other hand a symbol … 15 characterized by a translu -
cence of the special [ i ・ e ・,of the species 」 in the individual , or of the gen -
eral li . e . , of the genus 」 in the special , or of the universal in the general ;
above all by the translucence of the etemal through and in the temporal .
It always partakes of the reality which it renders intelligible ; and while it
enunciates the whole , abides itself as a living part in that unity of Whlch
it 15 the representative . [ A llegories 】 are but empty echoes which the
fancy athitrarily associates with apparitions of matteL …
( Coleridge , The States优an , sM比nual , 1816 )
Goethe had been meditating about the nature of the literary symbol in seCU ・
lar writings since the 1 7905 , but gave his concept its clearest formulations in
1824 :

There 15 a great difference , whether the poet seeks the particular for the
sake of the general or sees the general in the particular . From the former
procedure there ensues allegory , in which the particular serves only as 11 -
lustration , as example of the general ・ The latter Procedure , however , 15
genuinely the nature of poetry ; it exPresses something particula称with -
out thinking of the general or pointing to it ・
Allegory transforms the phenomenon into a concept , the concept
into an image , but In such a way that the concept always remains
bounded in the image , and 15 entirely to be kept and held in it , and to be
expressed by it .
Symbolism lhowever ] transforms the phenomenon into idea , the
idea into an image , and in such a way that the idea remains always infi -
nitely active and unapproaChable in the image , and even if expressed in
all languages , still would remain inexpressible ・
( Goethe,加佃对ms andRe刀ec行ons ,
Nos ・ 279 , 1112 , 1113 )
It will be noted that , whatever the differences be七泞een these cryptic passages ,
both Coleridge and Goethe stress that an allegory presents a pair of sublects
( an image and a concept ) and a synlbol only one ( the image alone ) ; that the
allegory 15 relatively specific in its reference , while the symbol remains indefi -
nite , but richly - even infinitely - suggestive in its significance ; and also that
for this very reason , as扣mbol 15 the higher mode of exPression . TO these
claims , characteristic in the Romantic Period , critics until the recent past have
for the most part agreed . In express opposition to romantic theory , however ,
Paul de Man has elevated allegory over symbol because , he claims , it 15 less
, , mystified , , about its status as a purely rhetorical device . See de Man , " The
Rhetoric of Temporality , " in InterPreta如n:仆eo甲and Prac灯ce , ed . C . 5 . Single -
ton ( 1969 ) , and Alle}阳ries ofReading ( 1979 ) .

身仅仅是感觉客体的抽象概念… … 。另一方面,象征… …是以个体内的特
它也是作为代表整体的有机部分。 〔寓言口只不过是空洞的回声,而幻想力
随意地把这些回声和物体的幻影联想在一起… … 。
(柯勒律治,《政治家手册》,1816 )


(歌德,《准则与反思》,Nos . 279 , 1112 , 1113 )

位不会感到“困惑” 。参阅:C . 5.辛格顿主编的《阐释:理论与实践》(1969)中德・曼
628 svMBoLIs下MovEMENT

See W . B . Yeats , " The Symbolism of Poetry , , ( 1900 ) , in ESsays and扭tTOduc -
瓦ons ( 1961 ) ; H . Flanders Dunbaf , Sy阴bolism in Medieval仆oug)忙(1929 ) ; C . 5 .
Lewis,角e AlleXOIyO厂LOve : AS匆即in放成eVaITI在di红on ( 1936 ) ; Elder Olson ,
" A Dialogue on Symbolism , " in R . 5 . Crane , ed . , Cri瓦cs and Cri瓦南m ( 1952 ) ;
W . Y . Tindall,仆e Literaly和” bol ( 1955 ) ; HarryL州n , " Symbolism and Fic -
tlon , " in Contex七ofCri厅cis优(1957 ) ; Isabel C . Hungerland , POe灯c Discourse
( 1958 ) , chapters ; Maurice Beebe , ed ・,Litera甲5脚bolism ( 1960 ) .

S脚Inbolist Moventent ・ Various poets of the ROman红c Pe汀O谋,including No -
valis and HOlderlin in Germany and Shelley in England , often used private
symbols in their poetry ( see和啊bo乃.Shelley , for example , repeatedly made
symbolic use of oblects such as the morning and evening star , a boat moving
upstream , winding caves , and the conflict between a serpent and an eagle .
William Blake , however , exceeded all his romantic contemporaries in his re -
course to a persistent and sustained symbolism一that 15 , a coherent system
composed of a number ofs扣rnbolic elements一both in his lyric poems and his
long prophetic , or epic poems . In nineteenth一century America , a symbolist
procedure was prominent in ttie novels of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman
Melville , the prose of Emerson and Thoreau , and the poetic theory and prac -
tice of Poe . ( See Charles Feidelson , JL,和汕olism and American LiteratUre ,
1953 . ) These writers derived the mode in large part from the native Puritan
tradition oftypology ( see interPre故瓦On:妙01叻cal and allegorical ) , and also
from the theory of " correspondences , , of the Swedish theolo孚an Emanuel
Swedenborg ( 1688 - - 1772 ) .
In the usage of literary hlstorians , however , Symbolist Movement desig -
nates specifically a grouP of French writers beginning with Charles Baudelaire
( FI eursdu阴al , 1857 ) and including such later poets as Arthur形mbaud , Paul
Verlaine , St仑phane Mallarm趋,and Paul确l趋ry . Baudelaire based the symbolic
mode of his poems in part on the example of the Anlerican Edgar Allan Poe ,
but especially on the ancient belief in correspondences一the doctrine that
there exist inherent and systematic analogies be勺四een the human mind and
the outer world , and also between the natUral and the spiritual worlds . As
Baudelaire put this doctrine : " Every ' thing , form , movement , number , colo耳
perfume , in the sPiritUal as in the " a匆ral world , 15 significative , reciprocal ,
converse , co讹sPondent . ”仆e techniques of the French Symbolists , who ex -
ploited an order of private symbols in a poetry of rich suggestiveness rather
than explicit signification , had an immense influence throughout Europe ,
and ( espectally in the 18905 and later ) in England and America on poets such
as Arthur Symons and Emest Dowson ( see Decadence ) as well as W . B . Yeats ,
Ezra Pound , Dylan Thomas , Hart Crane , e . e . cummings , and叭厄llace Stevens .
Malors犷mbolist poets in Germany are Stefan George and Rainer Maria形Ike .
The MbdemP州od , in the decades after Wbrld叭/a rl , was a notable era of
symbollsm in literature . Many of the maior writers of the period exPloit sym -
bols which are in part drawn from reli尔ous and esoteric traditions and in part
invented . Some of the works of the age are symbolist in their settings , their
agents , and their actions , as well as in the obiects they refer to . Instances ofa

Yeats . " The Symbolism of Poetry , ' , 1900 , in Essa夕5 and Introduc -参阅:W . B .
tZOns , 1 961 ; H . Flanders Dundar , S夕mbolism in Mid艺eval Thought , 1929 ; C . 5 .
Lewis , The Allego恻of Love : A Stud夕in Medieval Tradition , 1936 Elder Olson
" A Dialogue on Symbolism " , in R . 5 . Crane , ed . , Critics and Criticism , 1952 ; W .
Y . Tindall , The Literar少S夕mbol , 1955 ; Harry Levin , " Symbolism and Fiction ln

Conte了ts of Criticism , 1 957 ; Isabel C . Hungerland , Poetic Discourse , 1958 , chapter
5 ; Maurice Beebe , ed . L iterar夕S夕mboli , m , 1960 。

sym匕olist Movement象征主义运动

义与美国文学》(1953)」 。这些作家的象征主义表现手法主要来自于美国本土的清教徒
( 1688一1772)的“对应”理论。
不过,象征主义运动这一术语是文学史学家用干特指自查尔斯・波德莱尔〔 《恶
互对应。 ”法国象征主义者在其寓意丰富而非意义明确的诗歌里,娴熟地运用一种私
(参见:颓废派文艺),以及W . B.叶芝、埃兹拉・庞德、迪伦・托马斯、哈特・克莱
恩、 e . e.卡明斯和华莱士・斯蒂文斯。德国主要的象征主义诗人有施特凡・格奥尔
630 svN 〔 s下日〔 51^。 T 〔 NsloN

persistently symbolic procedure ocCUr inl州cs ( Ye ats , " Byzantiumn poems ,
Dylan Thomas , series of s0Imets Altarwise勿Owl一Iight ) , in longer poems ( Hart
Crane , s仆e Bridg马T . 5 . Ellot , s仆e科公ste Land , W习lace Stevens , " The Come -
dian as the LetterC " ) , and in novels仃ames Joyce , 5 Finn绍ansl叭欢已William
Faulkner , s角e Sound and theFu动.
See Arthursymons,仆es卿bolist人勿ve阴ent in LiteratUre ( 1899 , reprinted
1958 ) ; Edmund Wilson , Axel , s Castle ( 1936 ) ; C . M . Bowra,仆eHeri吨eo厂匀胡-
bolism ( 1943 ) ; Kenneth Cornell,角e扣nbOlist Mdve用ent ( 1951 ) ; Edward En -
gelberg , ed ・,仆es)柳bolist Poe脚(1967 ) ; and Anna Balakian , ed ・,角esy阴bolist
从dvement in the LiteratUre ofEuroPean La权卿昭比(1982 ) . For attempts to de -
code Willlam Blake , s complex symbolism , see 5 . Foster Damon , A BlakeDic如-
na甲角e介leas ands卿bols OfwilliamBlake ( 1965 ) , andNorthropFrye , Fea咖I
即阴功e抑(1947 ) .

Syne洲be吐。 signifies the experience of two or more kinds of sensation
when only one sense 15 being stimulated . In literature the term 15 appliedto
descriptions of one klnd of sensation in terms of another ; color 15 attributed
to sounds , odor to colors , sound to odors , and 50 on . w七often speak of loud
colors , bright sounds , and sweet music . A complex literary example of synes -
thesia ( which 15 sometimes also called " sense transference , , or " sense anal -
ogy , , ) 15 this passage ftom Shelley , s " The Sensitive Plant , , ( 1820 ) :
And the hyacinth purple , and white , and blue ,
W 】 11ch fiung from its bells a sweet peal anew
of music 50 delicate , soft , and intense ,
It WaS felt llke afl odor Wlthill the seflse .

The varicolored , bell一shaped fiowers of the hyacinth send out a peal of music
which effects a sensation as though it were ( w hat in fact it 15 ) the scent of the
flowers . Keats , in the " Ode to a Nightingalen ( 1819 ) , calls for a draught ofwine
几sting of Flora and the country green ,
Dance , and Proven弓al song , and sunburnt mirth ;
that 15 , he calls for a drink tasting of sight , color , motion , sound , and heat .
Occaslonal uses of synesthetic imagery have been made妙poets ever
since Homer . Such imagery became much more frequent in the Romantic pe -
riod , and was especialfy exploited by the FrenchS)朔bolis岛of the middle and
later nineteenth century ; see Baudelaire , 5 sonnet " Correspondences , " and
形mbaud , 5 sonnet on the color of vowel sounds " A black , E whlte , 1 red , U
green , 0 blue . "
旋fer to June Downey , Crea瓦velm叨na瓦on ( 1929 ) , and to the general dis ・
CUssion and detailed analyses of synesthesia in IUchard H . Fogel,介elm阅牟甲
of价ats and Shel脚(1949 ) , chapter 3 .

介ns五on became a common descriptive and evaluative word in the dticism
of the 19305 and later , especially after Allen Tate , one of the入陌wCri灯CS , pro -
posed it as a term to be made by " lopping the preflxes off the 10乎cal termsex -
tension and intension . " In technical logic the " intension , , of a word 15 the set

坛黄昏》),长篇诗歌(如哈特・克莱恩的《桥》,T . 5.艾略特的《荒原》,华莱士・斯蒂文
斯的《喜剧家字母C 》以及小说(如詹姆斯・乔伊斯的《芬尼根的觉醒》,威廉・福克纳
参看:Arthur Symons , The Symbolist Mdvement in Literature , 1899 , reprinted
1958 ; Edmund Wilson , Axel ' 5 Castle , 1936 ; C . M . Bowra , The Her艺tage可S夕mbol -
ism , 1943 ; Kenneth Cornell , TheS夕mbolist Md . ement , 1951 ; Edward Engelberg ,
ed . , TheS夕mbol乞st Poe爪,1967 ; Anna Balakian , ed . , TheS夕mbol乞5艺M 。刃ement in the
Literatur 。 of Europea , Longuage , , 1982 。对威廉・布莱克复杂的象征主义进行解
码的尝试,参1阅:5 . Foster Damon , A BlakeD乞ct乞onar夕:The Idea , ands夕mbolsof
William Blake , 1965 ; Northrop Frye , FearfulS夕nzmetr少,1947 。

Synesthes } a通感

等。以下这段诗选自雪莱的《敏感的植物》(182 。)。这是一个文学中采用复杂的通感




莱尔的十四行诗《感应》,以及兰波描述元音色彩的十四行诗《 A黑色,E白色,I红色,
U绿色,O蓝色》 。
参l阅:June Downey , Creative Imagination , 1929;有关对通感的整体讨论与详细
分析,参l阅:Richard H . Fogel , The Imager夕of Keat , and Shelle , , 1949 , chapter3 。


语―尤其是在新搅评家艾伦・泰特提出“把逻辑术语‘外延’(。 xtension)和‘内涵’
( intension)的前缀删去”之后便形成了“张力”这个术语以来。按照严格的逻辑意义,
632丁〔 x下ANo wRfl - INc(〔 cRI丁uRE )

of abstract attributes which must be possessed by any oblect to which the
word can be literalfy applied , and the " eXtension , , of a word 15 the class of
concrete oblects to Which the word applies . The meaning of good poetry , ac -
cording to Tate , " 15 its ' tension , ' the ful  organized body of al  the extension and intension that we can find in it . " ( " Tension in Poetry , " 1938 , in on the
Li脚i臼ofPoe郊1948 . ) It would seem that by this statement Tate meant thata
good poem incorporates both the abstract and the concrete , the general idea
and the particular image , in an integral whole . ( See conCrete and abstTact ,
above . )
other critics use " tension , , to characterize poetry that manifests an equi -
librium of the serious and the ironic , or " a pattern of resolved stresses , " ora
harmony of opponent tendencies , or any other mode of that stability ・ in ・
opposition which was the lavorite way in theN白胃Cri瓦由m for conceiving the
organization of a good poem . And some critics , dubious perhaps about the va -
lidity of Tate , 5 logical derivation of the term , simply apply " tension , ' to any
poem in Which the elements seem tightly rather than loosely interrelated .

rext曲dwriti . g(论critUre ).肠aditionalcriticshaveconceivedtheobject
of their critical concern to be a literary " work , " whose form 15 achieved by its
author , 5 design and its meanings by the author , s intentional uses of the verbal
medium . Frenchs加ctUral朽t critics , on the other hand , depersonalized a liter -
ary product by conceiving it to be nota " Work , " but an impersonal text , a
manifestation of the social institution called ecriture ( writing ) . The author 15
regarded as an intermediary In whom the action of writing precipitates the el -
ements and codes of the pre ・翻sting linguistic and literary system into a par ・
ticular text . The interpretation of this writing 15 effected bya " lecturen
( French : process of reading ) which , by bringing to bear expectations formed
by earlier exposure to the funCtioning of the linguistic system , invests the
marks on the page with what merely seem to be their inherent meanings and
references to an outer World . S加cturallsts differ about the degree to which
the activity of reading a text 15 constrained by the literary conventions and
codes that went into the writing ; many deconstTUc灯ve拭红CS , howeve称propose
that all writing , by the internal play of opposing forces , disseminates intoa
set of diverse and opposed meanings ・
The system of linguistic and literary conventions that constitute a llterary
text are said by strUc加ralist and pos七如血raltst critics to be " naturallzed , , in
the activity of reading , in that thea川fices of a nonreferential " textuality , , are
made to seem vralsembl比le ( credible)一that 15 , made to give the illusion of
referring to reallty一by being brought into accord with modes of discourse and
山ltUral stereotypes that are 50 famillar and habitual as to seem natUral . NatU -
rai往ation ( an alternatlve term 15 recuPeration ) takes place through such ha -
bitual procedures in reading as assigning the text to a specific genre , ort翻nga
fictional text to be the speech of a credibly human narrator , or interpreting its
artifices as representing characters , actions , and values that represent , or ac -
cord with , those in an extra一textUal world . To a thoroughgoing strUcturalist or
poststructuralist critic , however ) not only 15 the text , 5 representation of the

有机整体” 「泰特的《论诗歌的局限》(1948)一书中的“诗歌的张力” ( 1935)一文〕 。从这

丁ext and writing(亡criture)文本与书写(书面文字)

634T 〔 x下u ^ L cRI丁iclsM

world no more than an effect generated by the process of reading , but the
world 15 itself held to be in its turn a text ; that 15 , simply a structure of signs
whose sign谊cance 15 constituted by the cultural conventions , codes , and ideOI -
q妙that happen to be shared by members of a cultural community . The term
intertextUality , popularized especially by Julia Ktisteva , 15 used to signify the
multiple Ways in which any one literary text 15 made up of other texts , by
means of its open or covert citations and allusions , its repetitions and transfor -
mations of the formal and substantive features of earlier texts , or simply its
unavoidable particiPation in the common stock of linguistic and literary con -
ventions and procedures that are " always already , , in place and constitute the
discourses into which we are bom . In Kristeva , 5 formulation , accordingly , any
text 15 in fact an " intertext ,,一the site of an intersection of numberless other
texts , ande劝sting onfy through its relations to other texts .
ROland Barthes in 5 / 2 ( 1970 ) proposed a distinction between a teXt which
15 " lisible , , ( readable ) and one which , although " scriptible " ( writable ) 15 " 111151 ・
blen ( unreadable ) . Readable texts are traditional or " classical , , ones一such as
the realistic novels by Honor乏Balzac and other nineteenth一century authors一
whlch for the most part conform to the prevailing codes and conventions , lit -
erary and social , and 50 are readily and comfortably interpretable and
naturalizable in the process of reading . An " unreadable , , text ( such as James
Joyce , 5 Finnegans晰欢e , or the French new novel , or a poem勿a highly exper -
imental poet ) 15 one which largely violates , parodies , or innovates upon pre -
vailing conventions , and thus persistently shocks , baffles , and frustrates
standard expectations . In Barthes , view an unreadable text , by drawing atten -
tion in this way to the pure conventionality and artifice of literature , laudably
destroys any illusion that it represents social reality . In仆e Pleasureo厂the Text
( published 1973 ) , Barthes assigns to the readable text the response of mere
" plaisir " ( quasl一erotic pleasure ) , but to the unreadable text the response of
, , louissancen ( orgasmic ecstasy ) ; as Jonathan Culler has put Barthes , view ,
iouissance 15 " a rapture of dislocation produced by ruptures or violations of
intelligibility , , ( ShactUralist POe瓦cs , p . 192 ) .
For related matters and relevant bibliographic references , see strUc扭ralist
币瓦cism , posts加c勿ralis阴,and semio红cs .

1论川tUd cdticism undertakes to establish the principles and procedures
that will lustify the text of a literary or other work that a scholarly editor pre -
pares and makes available to the public . The theory and practice of textual
Criticism goes back many centuries . It was applied at first to biblical and clas -
sical texts , of Whlch all the survivlng manuscripts had been written ( and often
altered ) by scribes long after the death of the original writers . Later , textual
criticism Was adaPted to apply to the early era of the printed book , then to
later times When editors had access to differing edi瓦ons of a printed text and
sometimes todi到笼ring manuscripts written by the authors themselves , as well
as differing transcripts of such manuscripts by various people . ( Seefo二at ofa
book . ) Until recently the ruling principle , whether explicit or tacit , was that
the task of a scholarly editor 15 to establish , from all the available evidence in

的话语。因此,克莉丝蒂娃认为,任何文本事实上都是“互文” ―无数文本交叉的地
罗兰・巴尔特在他的论著《 5 / 2 》(1970)中区分了“可读性”文本与“可写”但“不可
例,因此在阅读过程中能够轻松自如地得到解释与归化。 “不可读性”文本(如詹姆
斯・乔伊斯的《芬尼根的觉醒》 、法国的新小说,或某个勇于创新的诗人所写的诗歌)

Textual criticism文本批评

636T 〔 xTu ^ L cRITlclsM

manuscript and print , the text that as nearly as possible conforms to the text
originally composed by its author ・ most schofarly editors subscribed to the
In the mld一们岑entieth century
prindples of the coPy一text , propounded in a highly influential paper by the
as otOD

Engllsh bibliographer W . W . Greg ・份eg fonnulated his views mainly州th ref -
erence to editing Shakespeare and other取naissance authors , but the princi -
ples he proposed were soon expanded and modifled by Fredson Bowers and
others to apply also to later authors and modes of publication and transmis -
sion . The Greg一Bowers theory ( as it 15 often called ) proposed , as the goal ofa
scholarly edition , to establish a single " authoritative , , or " definltive即teXt that
rePresented the " final intentionsn of the author at the conclusion of his or her
process of composing and revising a work . Editors choose , as the " copy一text , "
that one of thee对sting texts ludged to be closest to what the author wrote or
intended to Write ; usually the copy一text 15 the earliest printed edition of a work
( or in some cases , the author , 5 Wlitten manuscriPt of a work ) , since this 15
ludged to be dosest to the author , s own intentions . This base ・ text 15 emended
by the editor to eliminate what are ludged to be inadvertent errors made by the
author in wrlting out the text , and also to delete intrusive " substantive , ,
changes ( changes In wording ) that are ludged to have been introducedby
other people without the author , s " authorization . " ( Such non一authorial intru -
sions and changes in the words of a text , by c0Py editors , printers , and others ,
are often labeled " corruptions , , or " contarnlnationsn of the ori多nal text . ) The
coPy一text 15 further emended to include any later deletions or additions that
the editor ludges , from the available eviden筑to have been introduced or au ・
thorized by the authorh加self or herself , and that therefore may be assumed
to embody the author , s " final intentions . " The resulting published document
( often with copious edito血1 footriotes and other materials to identify the
emendations and record the re } ected textualv硕ants ) 15 kn0Wn as an eclectic
text , in that it accords with noe劝sting model , but 15 constrUcted by fitting to -
gether materials ftom a variety ofe劝sting textseematerials that are sometimes
supplemented by the editor , 5 own coniectures ・
Beginning in the late 19205 , two developments helped to bring the copy ・
text theory under increasing scrutiny and oblection . one was the appearance
of scholarly publications that made available a multitude of diverse forms
of a single poem , in drafts , manuscrlpts , transcriptions ( sometimes with
changes and insertions ) by family and friends , and corrected proof - sheets ,
even before the poem was ori渗nally published , The many volumes of the COr -
nell灿rdswo肋,for example , begun in 1975 under the editorship of Stephen
Parrish , record all such variants ; for a number of Wbrdsworth , 5 writings , they
also printa " reading copyn of the full text at sequential stages in the compo -
sition and revision of a single work . Another development was the poststruc -
tural Climate of critical opinion , wllich brought into radical question the
centrality of the " subject , " or author , and denied the validity of appealing to
the intention of a writ6r as determinative of meaning . A number of poststruc -
tural theorists also shifted attention to the role of social factors in Const川ct -
ing the meanings of a text , or emphasized the variability in the reception and

英国目录学家W . W.格雷格在一篇影响极为深远的论著中提出了复制一文本的
原则。 20世纪中期的学术性编辑大多赞同这一原则。格雷格提出这些观点主要是针
阶段的“最终意图” 。编辑在现有文本中选择一部被认为最接近作者创作的或想要创
来加人或授权的任何增减,因此可以认为体现了作者的“最终意图” 。经过进一步修
读副本” 。另一种发展趋势是批评观点的后结构主义风气,后结构主义强烈质疑“主

interpretation of a text over time . ( See author and authorshiP , pos台hactUralism ,
and rea争如n theo华)
Scholarly endeavors at a singie , eclectic , and definitive text of a literary
work are now often derogated as resulting in an ideal text that never in fact
e对sted , and 15 apt to inco甲orate the inclinations of the editor rather than the
intentions of the authoL In an influential Cri红que ofM乙泛曰湘及义勿al Cri廿cism
( 1983 , reissued 1992 ) , Jerome McGann introduced his social theory of tex -
tual Criticism , in which he attributes " textUal authorityn to the cumulatiye
soctal history of the work , including the contributions not only of the author ,
but also of the editor , publisher , printe耳and all others who have cooperated
in creating and producing a book that 15 made available to the public ; all
these components , in McGann , 5 vie琳are valid determinants of a text and its
meanings , considered as social constructions . In later writings , McGann has
stressed the matehal features of a book-一including itstypograPhy , paper ' for -
mat , and even prictng and advertising-一as cooperative with its vethal element
in genera血9 its total CUltural significance . ( See McGann,仆e Tex加al Condi -
瓦。玛1991 ; refer also to D . E McKenzie , Bibliog拟户抑and SocioIO}沙ofTe义ts ,
1986 . ) Attempts to edit by reference to an author , S final intentions have been
brought into further question by Jack Stillinger , s儿加I仰le AuthorshiP and the
为印场ofsolita甲Genius ( 1991 ) , Which demonstrates by many examples that
the printed text of a work 15 typically the loint product of a number of pa觅c -
ipants , including friends , family members , transcribers , literary agents , edl -
tors , and printers , in addition to the person Who 15 ordinarily considered to be
its Sole allthor .

Despite such critiques , the Greg一Bowers copy一teXt theory has continued
to be defended and applied , although with various modifications , by a num -
ber of scholars , most prominently by G . Thomas Tanselle ( see his A Ra如nale
o厂及欠tUal Cri沈is巩1989 ) . Many editors now subscribe to some form ofa
theory of textual versions , of which an early exPonent was James Thorpe in
洲nciPlesof及XtUal Cri瓦由阴(1972 ) . The growing consensus 15 that the com -
position of a literary work 15 a continuous process without a fixed terminus or
pe改cted state , and that eache对sting stage , or " version , " of the process ,
whether in manusCript or print , has an equal right to be regarded as a product
intended by the author at its particular time . A scholarly editor ought , there -
fore , to give up the hopeless aim to achieve a single authoritative and defini -
tive master一text of a literary work . Instead , the editor should select and edita
textual " version , , of a work according to the circumstances of the particular
case , and also according to whether the editor , 5 pu甲ose 15 to appro对mate
what the author wrote , or else to reproduce the printed text as ite对sted for its
readers when it was first published .
For a concise survey of the history of textual theory and criticism , see
D , C . Greetham,及义tUal ScholarshiP : An IntToduc红on ( 1992 ) , Greetham has also
edited , for the Modem Language Association of America , Scholarlr Edi瓦ng . ' A
Guide to Resea兀人(1995 ) , which includes a survey , wrltten by specialists , of the
history and types of scholarly editing applied to classical literature , the Bible ,
and a number of foreign literatures , as well as to the various periods of English

《现代文本批评之评论》(1983 , 1992年再版)中介绍了自己提出的文本批评社会理论。
格伦的《文本的条件》(1991 );以及D . F.麦肯齐的《文本的目录学与社会学》(1986)〕 。
〔参阅其《文本批评的原理》(1989)」 。现在许多编辑都赞成文本版本理论的某种形式。
的印刷文本,以此来选择或编辑一部作品的文本“版本” 。
关于文本理论与批评历史的简要概述,参阅:D . c . Greetham , Te二tual Scholar -
认沙:An伽trod 、 tio刀,1992 。格里瑟姆还为美国现代语言协会编辑了《学术性编辑:
文学、 《圣经》 、一些外国文学作品及英国文学不同时期的学术性编辑的历史与类型。
640下日〔 oR.〔 5 oF cRI下!clsM . cuRRENT ・下日R 〔 〔 uNI丁!〔 s

literature . See also , in addition to works Cited above : W . W . Greg , " The Ratio -
nale for Copy - Text , ' ' reprinted in his CollectedPaPers , ed . J . C . Maxwell ( 1966 ) ;
Fredson Bowers , Bibli昭叫P妙and及义tUal Cri红cism ( 1964 ) ; and for recent de -
velopments , Gary Taylor and MichaelM厄rren , eds ・,角eD定v定s定on of the Ki蟹
do . s : ShakesPeare台T沁口磅rsio " sof刀King Lear , ' ( 1983 ) ; Donald H . Reiman ,
Roman找cTe义ts and Contex朽(1982 ) ; George Bornstein and Ralph G . Williams ,
eds . , PalimPsest . . Editorial几eo甲in the Humani瓦es ( 1993 ) . Walter Gabler de -
scribes brieflycu仃ent modes of German and French textual theory and proce -
dures in TheIO儿ns HOPki " 5 Gojde toL定加m甲仆eo甲andC八瓦cis巩ed . Michael
Groden and Martin Krelswirth ( 1994 ) .

Theodes of Critids . , Current ・ The entry in this Gtossaly on币瓦cism de ・
scribes traditionaltypes of literary theory and of applied criticism from Aris -
totie through the eariy twentieth century . Since Wbrld Warl , and especially
since the 19605 , there have appeared a large number of innovative literary
theories and methods of Critical anafysis , inctuding revised and amplified ver ・
sions of the earlier forms of M4众ist cri瓦cism and ps尸choanaly找c币灯cism . An
entry on each of these new critical modes 15 entered in the Glossa机according
to the alphabetic order of its titie . Following 15 a table of the approximate time
when these modes became prominent in literary criticism :
19205 afid 19305 R " SSia刀F口斤九探115阴.
19305 and 19405 arche妙aI币坑ism .
19405 alld 19505 N曰即Cri瓦c定Sm , . pheno柳e " 01州ca里cri灯c主s执.
19605 s如c加ralist币坑is啊modem forms offe阴inist币找cism , '
s印115找cs .
19705 theory of the anxie粉of in刀uence , . decons如c如n , . dis -
course analysis , . various fonns of reade卜爬毕onse州瓦-
cis啊爬“沪找on次eo份semio红cs , . sPeech一act thco华
19805成以州c币瓦cis耽new historicism , ' cul纽rals匆成“ .
19905 postcOlonial stUdies , ' queer theo今
See the entry posts加ctUralism for the current signification of the term
" theory , " as well as for a description ofsome critical persPectives and practices
shared by many ( ' b ut not all ) of the theories that have appeared after the
19605 .

丁hree Unlties . In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , critics of the
drama in Italy and France added to Aristotle , 5 uoj妙of action , which he de -
sCribes in his POe瓦CS , two other unities , to constitute one of the用Ies of drama
knov刃n as " the three unities . " on the assumption that verisimilitUdesethe
achievement of an illusion of reality In the audience of a stage play - requires
that the action represented by a play approximate the actual conditions of the
staging of the play , they imposed the requirement of the " unity of place , ,
( that the action represented be limited to a single location ) and the require -
ment of the " unity of time , , ( t hat the time represented be limited to the two
or three hours it takes to act the pla又or at most to a single day of either

除了以上所列作品,还可参阅:w . W . Greg , " The Rationale [ or CopyText " , reprin -
ted in his Collected Papers , ed . , J . C . Maxwell , 1996 ; Fredson Bowers , Bibliogra -
p人yand TextualCriticis明,1964;这种理论在当代的发展,可以参l阅:GaryTaylor
and Michael Warren , eds . , The Dioision of the Kingdom 、:Shakespeare ' 5 Two Ver -
sionsof " King Lear " , 1983 ; Donald H . Reirnan , Ro二anticTe二t , and Co , texts ,
1 982 ; George Bornstein and Ralph G . Williams , eds . , Pal艺mpsest : Editiorial Theor夕
inthoH " maniti邵,1993 。在迈克尔・格罗登与马丁・克里斯沃思主编的《约翰斯・

Theorles of Crltlcism , Current当代批评理论

有关“理论”这一术语的当代意义,及对20世纪6 。年代后出现的许多(但是并非

Three Unlties三一律

在16 、 17世纪,意大利和法国的戏剧评论家对亚里士多德在其《诗学》中提到的
的“三一律” 。他们假定,逼真―造成观众产生舞台上的戏剧是现实的错觉―这
642 Touc日5丁oNE ・下队c 〔 oy

twelve or twenty一four hours)・ In large part because of the potent example of
SEnglish neoclassi比脚as they did criticism in Italy and France . A final bl0WWaS
hakespeare , many of whose plays represent ftequent changes of place and the pas age of many years , the unities of place and time never dominated
the famous attack against them , and against the principle of dramatic
verisimilitude on Whlch they were based , in Samuel Johnson , s " Preface to
Shakespeare , , ( 1 765 ) . Since then in England , the unities of place and time ( as
distinguished from the unity of action ) have been regarded as entirefy op -
tional devices , available to the playwnght to achieve special effects of dra -
matiC CofiCefltration .
See Joel Spingarn , Litera甲Cri瓦cis椒in the Renaissance ( rev . , 1924 ) ; J . W . H .
Atkins , English LiteralyCri灯cism : 5曰超刀teenth and Eighteenth Cen匆成5 ( 1957 ) ;
狱n乏Wdlek , A Histo尽。厂腼demC汀瓦cism , VOI . 1,仆e LaterE妙倪阴th CentU甲
( 1955 ) ; Bernard Wdnberg , A HISto甲ofLiteralyC万价ism in the Italian Renais -
sance ( 1961 ) .

TOucltstoue 15 a hard stone used to determine , by the streak left on it When
川bbed by a piece of gold , whether the metal 15 pure gold , and if not , the de -
gree to which it contains an alloy ' The word was introduced into literary crit -
iclsm by Matthew虹noldin " The Study of Poetry , , ( 1880 ) to denote short but
distinctive passages , selected ftom the writings of great poets , which he used
to determine the excellence of passages or poems which are compared to
them . Arnold proposed this method of evatuation as a correCtive for what he
called the " fallacious , , estimates of poems according to their " historic , , impor -
tance in the development of literature , or else according to their " personal , ,
appeal to an Individual critic . As Amold put it :
There can be no more useful help for discovering what poetry belongsto
the class of the trUly excellent … than to have always in one , 5 mind
lines and expressions of the great masters , and to apply them as a touch -
stone to other poetry.… If we have any tact we shall find them … an
infallible touchstone for detecting the presence or absence of high poetic
quality , and also the degree of this quality , in all other poetry which we
may place beside them .
The touchstones he proposed are passages from Homer , Dante , Shakespeare ,
and Milton , ranging in length from one to four lines.伽0 of his best一known
touchstones are also the shortest : Dante , s " In la sua volontade色nostra pace , ,
( " In His will 15 our peace , ,;撇radiso , 111 . 85 ) , and the close of Milton , 5 descrip -
tion in Paradise Lost , I丫271一2 , ofthelosstoCeresofherdaughterProserpine ,
“ … which cost Ceres all that paln / To seek her through the world . "

1 ' r ogedy . The term 15 broadly applied to literary ) and especially to dramatic ,
representations of serious actions which eventUate in a disastrous conclusion
for the protaJ和nist ( the chief character ) . More precise and detailed discussions
of the tragic form properly begin尸eealthough they should not end一with Aris -
totle , 5 classic analysis in the POe厅cs ( fourth century a . C . ) . Aristotle based his
theory on induction from the onfy examples available to him , the tragedies of

参看:Joel SPingarll , Litera创Criticism in the Renai,犯nce , rev . , 1924 ; J . W . H . At -
kins , English Litera勺Criticism : Se ? teenth and Ei动te 。:th公nturies , 1957 ; Rene Wellek ,
A Histo勺of人如deo Criticism , VOI . 1 , The杨terEi劝teenthQ川u勺,1955 ; Bernard Weln -
be馆,A Histo7 , ofLitera勺Critic艺smintheltalianRenaissa , ce , 1961 。



判断诗歌是否属于佳作的最有效方法莫过于・ ・一自始至终牢记伟大诗
人们的诗句及其表达法,并把它们当做检验其他诗歌的试金石… … 。只要
我们机敏,就会发现它们… …是检验所有与之相比较的其他诗歌是否具备

的宁静蕴藏于您的意愿”(《天国篇》,Hl . 85)以及弥尔顿在《失乐园》第四篇章第271一
272行中,描述刻瑞斯失去女儿普罗塞耳皮娜诗句的结尾“ … …使刻瑞斯耗尽心血/在
世上将她寻找。 ”



Greek dramatists such as Aeschylus , Sophocles , and Ellripides . In the subse -
quent two thousand years and more , many new and artistically effective types
of serious plots ending in a catastrophe have been developed一协甲es that Aris -
totle had no Way of foreseeing . The many attempts to stretch Aiistotle , s anafy -
515 to apply to later tragic forms serVe merely to blur his critical categories and
to obscure important dlfferences among diverse types of plays , all of which
have proved to be dramatically effectivE . When fle劝bly managed , however ,
Aristotle , s discussions apply in some part to many tragic plots , and his ana -
lytic concepts serVe as a suggestive starting point for identi单ng the differen -
tiae of various non一Aristotellan modes of tragic construction .
Aiistotle defined tragedy as " the imitation of an action that 15 serious and
also , as having magnitude , complete in itsel坑’ ' in the medium of poetic lan -
guage and in the manner of dramatic rather than of narrative presentation ,
involving " incidents arousing pity and fear , Wherewith to accomplish the
catharsis of such emotions . " ( See imita改on . ) Precisely how to interpret Aristo -
tle , 5 catharsis - - w hich in Greek signifies " purgation , " or " purificatlon , " or
both一5 much disputed . on two matters , howeve乙a number of commenta -
tors agree . Aristotle in the first place sets out to account for the undeniable ,
though remarkable , fact that many tragic representations of suffering and de -
feat leave an audience feeling not depressed , but relieved , or even exalted . In
the second place , Aiistotle uses this distinctive effect on the reader , which he
calls " the pleasure of pity and fear , " as the basic way to distinguish the tragic
from comic or other forms , and he regards the dramatist , 5 aim to produce this
effect in the highest degree as the principle that determines the choice and
moral qualities of a tragic protagonist and the organization of the tragic plot .
Accordinglyl Aristotle says that the tra乎c hero will most effectivEly evoke
both our pity and terror if he 15 neither thoroughly good nor thoroughly bad
but a mixture of both ; and also小at this tragic effect will be stronger if the hero
15 " better than we are , " in the sense that he 15 of higher than ordinary moral
worth . Such a man 15 exhlbited as suffering a change in fortUne from happlness
to misery because of his mistaken choice of an action , to which he 15 led by his
ham碰la - hls " error of iudgment即orl as it 15 often though less literally trans -
lated , histra乡c flaw . ( one common form of hamartia in Greek tragedies was
hubris , that " pride , , or ovep泞eening seir - confidence which leads a protagonist
to disregard a divine waming or to violate an important moral law . ) The tra尔c
hero , like oedipus in Sophodes,诀帅us the King , moves us to pity because ,
slnce he 15 not an州1 man , his misfortUne 15 greater than he deserves ; but he
moves us also to fea兀because we recogniZe similar possibillties of error in our
own lesser and fallible selves . Aristotle grounds his analysis of " the very strUc -
ture and inctdents of the play , , on the same principle ; the plot , he says , whlch
侧11most川泛ctivelyevoke " tragicpityandfear , , isoneinwhlchtheeventsde -
velop through complication to a catas之ToPhe in which there occu - rs ( O ften by an
an侧沪洲515 , or discovery of facts hitherto unknown to the hero ) a sudden
拌即eteia , or reversai in his fortune from happiness to disaster . ( See ptot . )
Authors in the Middle Ages lacked direct knowledge either of classical
tragedies or of Aristotle , 5 POe瓦cs . Medievai tragedies are simply the story ofa

的,涉及“引起怜悯与恐惧的事件,并以此达到情感上的陶冶。 ”(参见:摹仿)。对如
何准确解释亚里士多德提出的情感陶冶―希腊语中表示“净化” 、 “纯化”,或两种
的― “判断错误” ( hamartia)所造成的,或称为悲剧性缺陷,该词经常不是严格的字
面对译仁古希腊悲剧中常见的一种判断错误是傲晚神明(hubris ),即导致主人公无视
646T队G 〔 ov

person of high status who , whether deservedly or not , 15 brought from pros -
perity to wretchedness by an unpredictable turn of the wheel of fortune . The
short narratives in " The Monk , s几le , , of介e Canterbu甲Tales ( late fourteenth
century ) are all , in Chaucer , s own term , " tragedies , , of this klnd . With the Eliz -
abethan era came both the beginning and the acme of dramatic tragedy in
England . The tragedies of this period owed much to the native religious
drama , the miracle and morality plays , which had developed independently of 协
classical influence , but with a cmcial contribution from the Roman writer
Seneca ( first cen位ry ) , whose dramas got to be widely known earlier than
those of the Greek tragedians .
Senecan tragedy was written to be redted rather than acted ; but to En -
glish pla孙讥lghts , who thonght that these tragedies had been intended for the
stage , they provided the model for an organ让ed five一act play with a complex
plot and an elaborately formal style of dialogue . Senecan drama , in the Eliza -
bethan Age , had two main lines of development . One of these consisted of ac -
ademic tragedies Written in ctose加itation of the Senecan model , including
the use of a cho川5 , and usually constrUcted according to the rules of the three
uni瓦es , which had been elaborated by Itallan critics of thes认teenth century ;
the earliest Efigllsh example was Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton , 5 Gor -
boduc ( 1562 ) . The other and much more important development was written
for the poPular stage , and 15 called the revenge tragedy , or ( in its most sensa -
tional form ) the tragedy of blood . Thistype of play derived from Seneca , sfa -
vorite materiais of murdet , revenge , ghosts , mutilation , and camage , but
while Seneca had relegated such matters to long reports of offstage actions by
messengers , the Elizabethan writers usually represented them on stage to sat -
isfy the appetite of the contemporary audience for violence and horror .
Thomas Kyd , s介e SPan钻h Tr ' 1gedy ( 1586 ) established this popular form ; its
subiect 15 a murder and the quest for vengeance , and it inchides a ghost , in -
sanity , suidde , a play - within一a一Play ) sensational incidents , and a gruesomely
bloody ending . Christopher Mariowe , s角e]已w ofM改匆(c . 1592 ) and Shake -
speare , sTi如Andronicus ( c , 1590 ) are in this mode ; and from this lively but
unlikely prototype came one of the greatest of tragedies , Hamlet , as well as
JohnW七bster , s fine horror plays of 1612一13,角e Duchesso厂M泛侨and仆e
W力iteD即11 .
Many malor tragedies in the brief flowering time between 1585 and
1625,勿Marlowe , Shakespeare , George Chapman , M爬bster , Sir Francis Beau -
mont and John Fletcher , and Philip Massinge几d州ate radically from the Aris -
totelian norm . Shakespeare , s othelle 15 one of the few plays whlch accords
closefy with Aristotie乞basic concepts of the tragic hero and plot . The hero of
M比cbeth , hOWeve几15 not a good man who commits a tragic erro乙but an am -
bitious man who kno , dngly tUms great gifts to evil purposes and therefore ,
although he retains something of our卿rnpathy by his courage and self -
insight , deserves his destru出on at the hands of his morally superior antago -
nists . Sha址speare , 5 Richard 111 presents first the success , then the min , ofa
protagonist who 15 thoroughly malign , yet arouses in us a reluctant admira -
tion by his intelligence and imaginative power and by the shameless candor
尝‘吕台-监盖告盖二‘ ‘告二忿二


illlteeeeeseses - - l - - - -

剧” 。伊丽莎白时代是英国戏剧性悲剧兴起并达到全盛的时期。这一时期的悲剧大
居U 》(1562)是英国最早的学院式悲剧。另一条主线的发展更为重要,是为大众剧场而
主题,剧情包含鬼魂、疯狂、自杀、戏中戏、耸人听闻的事件和恐怖的血腥结局。 ・克里
克斯》(约159 。年)也属于这种模式。这种生机勃勃但不大可靠的戏剧原型也孕育了
出恐怖剧《马尔菲公爵夫人》和《白魔》 。
一?一一一一? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?~.. . ..功,? . . . , ,

648丁队c 〔 ov

with which he glories in his ambition and malice . Most Shakespearean
tragedies , like Elizabethan tragedies generally , also depart ftom Aristotie , 5 par -
adigm by introducing humorous characters , inddents , or scenes , called comic
reli晰which were in various ways and degrees made relevant to the tragic
plot . There developed also in this age the mixed mode called tTag龙‘口阴e办a
popular non一Aristotelian form which produced a number of artistic successes .
And later in the seventeenth century the Restoration Period produced thecu -
rious genre , a cross between epic and tragedy , called heroict几lgedy .
Until the cl % e of the seventeenth century almost all tragedies were writ -
ten in verse and had as protagonists men of high rank whose fate affected the
fortUnes of a state . A few minor Elizabethan tragedles , such as A Yorkshire
介聊即(of uncertain authorship ) , had as the chief character a man of the
lower class , but it remained for eighteenth一century叭川ters to popularize the
bourgeois or domestic tragedy , which was written in prose and presenteda
protagonist from the middle or lower social ranks who suffers a commonplace
or domestic disasteL George Lillo , s角e London沁rchant . . or ’仆e Histo甲of
Geo枯阳Ba用well ( 1 731 ) , about a merchant , s apprentice who succumbs toa
heartless courtesan and comes to a bad end by robbing his employer and mur ・
dering his uncle , 15 still read , at least In college courses .
Since that time most successful tragedies have been in Prose and rePresent
middle一class , or occasionally even working - dass , heroes and heroines . The great
and highly influential Norwe多an playwrlght , Henrik Ibsen,叭厅。 te in the latter
nineteenth centUry tragedi郎in prose , many of Which ( su ch as A Doll3 House ,
Ghosts , An Enemy ofthe PeOPle ) revolve around an issue of general sodal or polit -
ical significance . one of the more notable modem tragedies , Arthur Miller , s仆e
刀翻th ofa Salesman ( 1949 ) , relles for itstra乡cs州ousness on the de孚eeto
whlch Willy Loman , in hisb即爪dered defeat by life , 15 representativ6 of the or -
dinary man whose aspirations reflect the false values of a commercial sodety ;
theefl泛ct on the audience 15 one of comPassionate understanding rather than
of tragic pity and terror . The protagonists of some recent tragedies are not
heroic but antiheroic , in that they manifest a character that 15 at an extreme
from the dignity and courage of the protagonists in traditional dramas ( s ee an ・
找hero ) ; while in some recent works , tr娜c effects involve elements that were
once specific to the genre of farce ( see literature of the absurd and black come办).
Tragedy since Wbrid IVar 1 has also been innovative in other ways , in -
cluding experimentation with new versions of ancienttypes.加geneo , Neill , s
Mouming Becomes Electra ( 1931 ) , for example , 15 an adaptation of Aeschylus ,
oresteia , with the locale shifted from Greece to哑w England , the poetry al -
tered to rather flat prose , and the tragedy of fate converted into a tragedy of
the psychological compulsions of a famlly trapped in a tangle of Freudian
complexes ( see psychoanalysis ) . T . 5 . Eliot ' sM扮介妙in the Cathe而对(1935 ) isa
tragic drama which , like Greek tragedy , 15 Written in verse and has a chorus ,
but also incorporates elements of two earfy Christian forms , the medieval爪ir -
acle Play ( dealing with the martyrdom of a saint ) and the medieval morali印
pla苏A recent tendency , especially in the critics associated with the new his -
toricis切,has been to interpret traditional tragedies primarily in political

劳动阶级的男女主人公。 19世纪后半叶,影响深远的伟大挪威剧作家亨里克・易卜
生用散文体创作的许多悲剧(如《玩偶之家》 、 《群魔》 、 《人民公敌》等)都围绕着具有普
销员之死》(1949 );这部戏剧的悲剧严肃性就在于威利・洛曼在生活中遭受了匪夷所
T . 5.艾略特的《大教堂凶杀案》(1935)这出悲剧与希腊悲剧类似,不仅采用了诗体和
650丁队GlcoM 〔 ov

terms , as incorporating in the problems and catastrophe of the tra多c individ -
ual an indirect representation of contemporary social or ideological dilem as and crises . Se  Froma 1 . Zeilti n and John J . Wlnkle石eds . , Nothing to DO with
D宜0呷sOSZAthenia九DramainltSSocialContext ( 1990 ) andLindaKintz,丁触Sub -
ject , s几孕咖POI才灯cal尹决址渴凡功inist了加0职andD朋ma ( 1992 ) .
See卿re . and refer to A . C . Bradlev , S力akespeareanTr刊醉即(1904 ) ; H . D . E
屹tto , GreekTr ’娜dy ( rev . , 1 , 54 );七lder Ulson,了拟罗即ana rnel neo尽O厂刀mma
( 1961 ) ; George Steiner,仆e Deathof升叮edy ( 1961 ) ; R . B . Sewall , ed ・,升裂弹dy :
MOde阴Essays inCri价is阴(1963 ) . For recent theoretical treatinents of tragedy ,
see Llnda Bambe乙Comic协乞men,升叨c人介枕AS加即of GendeT and Genre in
ShakesPeare ( 1982 ) ; and Catherine Belse又角e Subject ofTr ’孕dy : Iden灯ty and
D定fference in Renaissance Dra阴a ( 1985 ).形chard H . Palme乙介攀办and介州c
劝co甲An Ana恻cal Guide ( 1992 ) , 15 a useful survey of contested issues in the
theory and criticism of tragedy , with many quotations by theorists from the
ancient Greeks to the present ・

1扮。 glcomedy . A type of Elizabethan and Iacobean drama Which intermin -
gled both the standard characters and subiect matter and the standard plot -
forms of tragedy and comedy . Thus , the important agents in tra乡comedy
included both people of high degree and peoPle of low degree , even though ,
according to the reigning critical theory of that time , only upper一class charac -
ters were appropriate to tragedy , While members of the middle and lower
classes were the proper sublect solefy of comedy ; see deco爪m . Also , tra矛com -
edy represented a serious aCtion which threatened a tragic disaster to the pro -
tagonist , yet , by an abrupt reversal of ctrcumstance , turned out happily . As
John Fletcher wrote in his preface to角e Faith加1 ShePhercless ( c . 1610 ) , tragi -
come即“ wants [ i . e . , lacksl deaths , which 15 enough to make it no tragedy , yet
brings some near it , which 15 enough to make it no comed又which must bea
representation offamiliar people,… A god 15 as lawfulin [ t ragicomedyl as in
a tragedy , and mean people as in a comedy . " ( Seeco脚edy and trllge即・)
Shakespeare , sM已rchant Of碑川ce 15 by these criteria a tra多comedy , be -
cause it mingles people of the aristocracy with lower一class characters ( such as
the Jewish merchant Shylock and the clown Launcelot Gobbo ) , and also be -
cause the developing threat of death to Antonio 15 suddenly reversed at the
end by Portia , 5 ingenious casuistry in the trial scene , Francts Beaumont and
JohLn Fletcher in PhilasteT , and numerous other plays on which they collabo -
rated from about 1606 to 1613 , inaugurated a mode of tragicomedy that em -
ploys a romantic and fast一moving plot of love , iealous又treachery ) Intrigue ,
and disguises , and ends in a melodramatic reversal offo血ne for the protago -
nists , who had hitherto seemed headed for a tragic catastTPPhe . Shakespeare
认理。 te his late plays叮卿bel动e and几e渐nter , s Tale , between 1609 and 1611 ,
in this very popular mode of the tra矛comic romance ・ The name " tragicom -
edyn 15 sometimes applied also to plays With double plots , one serious and the
other comic ; see double ptots , under ptoL
助fer to E . M . W缸th,角e Patte阴ofTrl州come即in Beaumo " t and Fletcher
( 1952 ) ; M . T . He川ck,升叼come即(1955 ) . Gordon MucMullan and Jonathan

或意识形态的困境与危机的间接表现。参阅:Froma 1 . Zeiltlin and John J . Winkler , eds . ,
凡兀hing to肠枷th及。刀夕505 ? Athenian公旧ma in Its Social肠ntext , 1990 ; Linda凡ntz ,
TheS叔习ect ' s书视笋勿:Political POetics , F朋而ist Theo即,a , d肠石ma , 1992 。
参见:文学类型,参阅:A . C . Bradley , ShakespeareanJ汾群dy , 1904 ; H . D . F . Kitto ,
0视k Tra酬勿,rev . , 1954 ; Elder Olson,升“ ged夕and the Theo卿of Drama , 1961 ;
George Steiner , The Death of Traged夕,1961 ; R . B . Sewall , ed .,男双ged夕:人而de 。
Essays in Criticism , 1963 。近来有关悲剧的理论论述,参l阅:Linda Bamber , Comic
Wdmen,孔叹gic Men : A Stud夕of Gender and Genre in Shakespeare , 1982 ; Catherine
Belsey , The Subjectof肠视ged夕:Identit夕and Diff计ence in Re , Za乞ssance Drama ,
1985.理查德・ H.帕默的《悲剧与悲剧理论:分析指南》(1992)有效地概述了悲剧理


悉的人… … 〔悲喜剧里」神的存在和悲剧里神的存在一样合情合理;悲喜剧里普通人
物的存在也和喜剧中普通人物的存在一样合乎情理。 ”(参见:喜剧和悲剧)
行的悲喜传奇剧模式。 “悲喜剧”这一名称有时也用于表示具有双重情节的戏剧,即
参1阅:E . M . Waith , Th 。 Pattern of Tragicomed夕in Beaumont and Fletcher ,

Hope have edited a collection of recent essays on仆e POIi瓦cso厂升叨co从edy . .
ShakesPeare andA脚r ( 1992 ) .

Tronscendentolism In Americo . A philosophical and literary movement ,
centered in Concord and Boston , Which was prominent in the intellectual
and cultural life of New Ellgland from 1836 until lust before the CivilW臼r . It
was inaugurated in 1836 by a Unitarian discussion group that came to be
called the Transcendental Club . In the seven years or 50 that the group met
at various houses , it included at one time or another RalphW习do Emerson ,
Bronson Alcott , Frederick Henry Hedge , W . E . Channing and W . H . Channing ,
Theodore Parker ) Margaret孙ller ) Elizabeth Peabody ) George租pley , Nathaniel
Hawthorne , Henry Thoreau , and Jones Very . A quarterly periodical角e Dial
( 1840 ? 44 ) printed many of the earfy essays , poems , and reviews by the Tran -
sCendefitalists .
Transcendentalism was neither a systematic nor a sharply definable phi -
losophy , but rather an intellectUal mode and emotional mood that wasex -
pressed by diverse , and in some instances rather eccentric , voices . Modern
historians of the movement tend to take as its central exPonents Emerson ( es -
pecially inNa钾re , " The American Scholar , " the Divinity school Address , " The
Over一Soul , , , and " Self Reltance , , ) and Thoreau ( especially inV自I改n and his
loumals ) . The term " transcendental , " as Emerson pointed ont in his lecture
" The Transcendentalist , , ( 1841 ) , was taken from Immanuel Kant the German
philosopher ( 1724 - - 1804 ).劫nt had confined the expression " transcendental
knowledge , , to the cogn让ance of those forms and categories - - - - such as space ,
time , quantity , causality一Which , in his view , are imposed on whatever We per -
ceive by the constitution of all human minds ; he regarded these aspects as the
universal conditions of all sense一exPerience . Emerson and others , howeve ' ex -
tended the concept of transcendental knowledge , in aw好Whose validity Kant
had spec近cally denied , to include an intuitive cogniZance of moral and other
nuths that transcend the limits of human sense一exPerience . The intellectUal
antecedents of American Transcendentalism , in addition to Kant , were many
and diverse , and induded post一Kantian German Idealists , the English thinkers
Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Thomas Carlyle ( themselves exponents of forms
of German Idealism ) , Plato and Neoplatonists , the occult Swedish theolo多an
Emanuel Swedenborg , and some varieties of Oriental philosophy .
What the various Transcendentalists had in common was less what they
proposed than what they were reacting against ・ By and large , they were op -
posed to rigid rationalism ; to eighteenth一century empirical philosophy of the
school ofjohn Locke , which derived all knowledge from sense impressions ; to
hlghly formalized religion , especialfy the Calvinist orthodoxy of NewEn兮
land ; and to the social conformity , materialism , and commercialism that they
found increasingly dominant in American life . Among the counter一views that
were affirmed by Transcendentalists , especially Emerson , were confidence in
the validity of a mode of knoWledge that 15 grounded in feeling and intuition ,
and a consequent tendency to accept What , to logical reasoning , might seem
contradictions ; an ethics of individualism that stressed self - trust , self - reliance ,

1952 ; M , T . Herrick , Tragicomedy , 1955 。戈登・马克穆伦与乔纳森・霍普主编的

Transcendentalism in Amerjca美国的超验主义

拉尔夫・沃尔多・爱默生、布朗森・阿尔科特、弗雷德里克・亨利・赫奇、 W . E.钱宁
与w . H.钱宁、西奥多・帕克、玛格丽特・富勒、伊丽莎白・皮博迪、乔治・里普利、
纳撒尼尔・霍桑、亨利・梭罗以及琼斯・维里。季刊《日唇》(184 。一1844)上发表了许
常将爱默生(尤其是《论自然》中的“美国学者” 、神学院献辞、 “论超灵”与“论自助”)以
( 1724一1804)。康德曾将“超验知识”局限于某些形式与范畴的认知―如空间、时
654 uTopl ^ s ^ No ovsTopl ^ s

and self - sumciency ; a turn away from modern society , with its ge出ng and
spending , to the scenes and obiects of the natural world , which were regarded
both as physical facts and as correspondences to aspects of the human spirit
( see corresPonde " ces ) ; and , in place of a formal or doctrinal reli矛on , a faith in
a divine " Principle , " or " Spirit , " or " Soul , , ( Emerson , s " over一Soul , , ) in which
both humanity and the cosmos partictpate . This omnipresent Spirit , Emerson
said , constitutes the " Unity within whlch every man , s particular being 15 con -
tained and made one with all other , , ; it manifests itself to human consdous -
ness as influxes of inspired insights ; and it 15 the source of the profoundest
truths and the necessary condition of all moral and spiritual development ,
协勺之康九(1854 ) records how Thoreau tested his distinctive and radically
individualist version of介anscendental values by withdrawing from societal
comple劝ties and distra由ons to a life of solitude and self - reliance in a natural
setting atw抓den Pond . He simplified his material wants to those he could
satisfy by the bounty of the woods and lake or could provide by his own labor ,
attended minutely to natural oblects in the material world both for their in -
herent interest and as correlatives to the mind of the observe兀and devoted
his leisure to reading , meditation , and writing . In his nonconformity to sodal
and legal requirements that violated his moral sense , he chose a day in lail
rather than pay his poll tax to a govemment that supported the Me劝can叭厄r
and slavery . Brook Farm , on the other hand , was a short一lived experlment
( 1841一7)妙more community一oriented Transcendentalists who establisheda
commune on the professed princiPle of the equal sharing of work , pa另and
cultural benefits . Ha叭沈horne , who lived there for a while , later wrote about
Brook Farm , with considerable skepticism about both its goals and practices ,
in角eBlithedaleRomance ( 1852 ) .
The Transcendental movement , with its optimism about the indwelling
divini年self - sufficiency , and high potentialities of human nature , did not
su州ve the crisis of the CivilW改and its aftermath ; and Melville , like
Hawthorne , satir让ed aspects of Transcendentalism in his flction . Some of its
basic concepts and vahies , however , were assimilated byw缸t Whitman , were
later echoed in Writings by Henry James and other maior American authors ,
and continue to re一emerge , in both liberal and radical modes , in latter一day
America . The voice ofThoreau , forexample , howeverdistorted , canbereco兮
nized still in some doctrlnes of the counter ’浏I加re of the 19605 and later .
See periodso厂Am州can literatUre , and refer to octavius B . Frothingham ,
了栩nscenden匆115阴inN亡w England ( 1876 ) ; Harold C . Goddard , S勿dies inN己W
England升口nscenden故ltsm ( 1908 ) ; E 0 . Matthiessen , Am州can Renaissance
( 1941 ) ; the anthology edited , together with commentary , by Perry Mille耳升e
介王出cende ”匆lists ( 1950 ) ; Joel Po讹,Emerson and介oreau:了翔nscende九故listsin
COn刀ict ( 1966 ) ; Lawrence Buell , Literaly Transcendentalism : S印le and Vision in
the American Renaissance ( 1973 ) .

Utopios曲d Dystopios . The term utopta designates the class offi由onal
writings that represent an ideal but non喇stent political and social way of life .
It derives from UtoPia ( 1515一16 ) , a book wrltten in Latin by the取naissance

天赐“原理”,或“精神”,或“灵魂”(爱默生的“超灵” ),而不信仰形式化或教条化的宗
奇》(1852 ),书中表现出作者对布卢克农场的目标与实践深感怀疑。
参见:美国文学各时期的划分,以及Octavius B . Frothingham , Tra " sce " de " tal -
ism in Ne切England , 1876 ; Harold C . Goddard , Studie , in New England Transcen -
己entalism , 1905 ; F . 0 . Matthiessen , An , erican Re刀ai ' sance , 1941;已编辑出版的文集
及评论,参阅:Perry Miller , Th 。 Transcendentalist 、,1950 ; Joel Porte , Emerson and
Thoreau : Transcendentalist , in Co刀flict , 1966 ; IJawrence Buell , Literar夕孔石nscen -
dentalism : St夕le and Visio儿in the American Renaissance , 1973 。

UtopiaS and Dystopjas乌托邦和反面乌托邦

656 vlcrOR . AN ^ No vicroRI ^ NlsM

humanist Sir Thomas More Whlch describes a perfect commonwealth ; More
formed his titie by conflating ttie Greek words " eutopia , , ( good place ) and
" outopian ( no place ) . The first and greatest instance of the literary type was
Plato , s RePublic ( latter fourth centuryB ・ C ・), which sets forth , in dialogue , the
etemal Idea or Form of a commonwealth that can at best be merely appro劝-
mated by political organizations in the actllal world . Most utopias , like that of
Sir Thomas More , represent their ideal state in the fiction of a distant country
reached by a venture阴me traveleL There have been many utopias written
since More gave impetus to the genre , some as mere Arcadian dreams , others
intended as blueprints for social and technological improvements in the actual
world . They include TOmmaso Campanella , 5 Ci妙。厂the Sun ( 1623 ) , Francis
Bacon , sN己w Atlan价(1627 ) , Edward Bellamy , 5 Looking Backward ( 1888 ) ,
Wllliam Moms,入啥ws加m NOwhere ( 1891 ) , Charlotte Perkins Gilman , s乃飞riand
( 1915 ) , andjames Hilton , sLostllorizon ( 1934 ) .
The utopia can be distinguished from literary representations of imagi -
nary places Whlch , either because they are inordinately superior to the pres -
ent world or manifest exaggerated versions of some of its unsavory aspects ,
serve primarily as vehicles for sa丘re on contemporary human life and society ;
notable examples are the fourth book of Swift , 5 Gulliver , s乃祝vels ( 1726 ) and
Samuel Butler , 5 Erewhon ( 1872 ) . Samueljohnson , sRasselas ( 1759 ) presentsthe
" Happy Valley , " which functions as a gentle satire on humanity , 5 stubbom
but hopeless dream of a utopia . Not only does助sselas discover that no mode
of life available in this world guarantees happiness ; he also realizes that the
utopian satisfaction of all human wishes in the Happy valley serVes merely to
replace the unhappiness of frustrated desires with the unhappiness of bore -
dom ; see chaptersl一3 .
The term dystopia ( abad place , , ) has recently come to be applied to
works of fiction , including science fiction , that represent a very unpleasant
imaginary world in which ominous tendencies of our present social , political ,
and technological order are proiected into a disastrous future culmination .
Examples are川dous Huxley , 5 BraveN渐灿rid ( 1932 ) , George Orwell , 5 1984
( 1949 ) , and Margaret Atwood , S仆eHan加aid , S Tale ( 1986 ) . UrsulaK . LeGuin , s
角e DisPossessed . . An Amb伽ous UtOPia ( 1974 ) contains both utopian and
dystopian scenarios .
For utopias and dystopias based on future developments in science and
technology ) see science厅c行on . Refer to J . 0 . Hertzler , The HIStoly of UtoPian
劝oug附(1923 ) ; Lewis Mumford仆e Sto甲ofUtOPias ( 1922 ) ; Karl Mannheim ,
IdeoloJ沙and UtOPia ( 1934 ) ; ChadW缸sh,几u 。卿杯a to Nigh加are ( 1962 ) ; Nell
Eurich , Science in UtOPia ( 1967 ) ; and the anthology UtoPian Litera扭re : A Selec -
瓦on , ed . J . W . Johnson ( 1960 ) . Francis Bartkowskl has analyzed Fe阴inist
U仰ias ( 1989 ) , from Charlotte Perkin Gilman , sH沙Iand ( 1915 ) to the present .

叭dod皿皿d Vlctodonism . In its vatue一neutral use , " Victorian , , simply
identifies the historical era in England roughly coinddent with也e reign of
Queen Victoria , 1837一1901 . ( See Victo万anp州。试underperiods ofEnglish Iitera -
细re . ) It was a time of rapid and wrenching economic and sodal changes that

书名由两个希腊词混合而成― eutoPia(极乐地)与Out叩ia(乌有乡)。这一文学类型
例子包括斯威夫特的《格列弗游记》(1 726)第四部和塞缪尔・勃特勒《埃瑞洪》(1872)。塞缪
邦的例子包括:奥尔德斯・赫青黎的《美丽新世界》(1932)、乔治・奥威尔的《 1984 》
( 1949)、玛格丽特・阿特伍德的《使女日记》(1986)。厄休拉・ K.列・吉恩的《一无所
考:J . 0 . Hertzler , The Hi 、 tor夕of Utopian Thoug人t , 1923 ; Iewis Mumford , The
Stor ) of Utop£as , 1922 ; Karl Mannheim , Ideolog夕and Utop£a , 1934 ; Chad Walsh ,
From Utopia to Nightmare , 1962 ; Nell Eurich , Science in Utopia , 1967;以及J . W .

VICtor旧n and VJCtorian ' Sm维多利亚时期与维多利亚时期的特.# .

658 w . T,日uMoR , ^ No下日〔 CoMIc

had no parallel in earller histo巧‘ - C tianges that made England , in the course of
tvelopments , while they fostered a mood of nationalist pride and optimism
he ninete nth century , the leading industrial powe耳with an empire that oc u - pied more than a quarter of the earth , 5 surface . The pace and depth of such de -
alitically , and psychologically , with the cumulative problems of the age ・
bout future progres  , also produced sodal stres es , turbulence , and widespread anxiety about the ability of the nation and the individual to cope , social y , po -
玩gland was the first nation to exPloit the technological possibilities of
steam power and ste l , but its unregulated industrialization , while it pro - duced great wealth for an expanding mid le clas  , led also to the deteriora -
tion of rural England , a mushroom growth of often shoddy urbanization , and
massive poverty concentrated in slum neighborhoods . Charles Darwin , 5 the -
ory of evotution ( On theor诬n OfSPecies was published in 1859 ) , together with
the eXtension into all intellectual areas of positivism ( the view that all valid
knowledge must be based on the methods of empirical investigation estab -
lished by the natural sciences ) , engendered sectarian controversy ) doubts
about the truth of religious beliefs , and in some instances , a reversion to strict
biblical fundamentalism . Contributing to the social and political unrest was
what was labeled " the woman question " ; that 15 , the earlyfe脚inist agitation
for equal status and rights .
The Victorian age , for all its conflicts and anxieties , was one of immense ,
variegated , and often self - critical intellectual and literary activities . In our
time , the term " Victorian , " and still more Victorianism , 15 frequently used in
a derogatory way , to connote narrow一mindedness , sexual priggishness , the
determination to maintain feminine " innocence , , ( that 15 , sexual ignorance ) ,
narrow一mindedness , and an emphasis on social respectability . Such views
have a valid basis ina饭tudes and values exPressed ( and sometimes exempli -
fied ) by many members of the expanding middle class , with its roots in Puri -
tanism and its insecurity about its newly won status . Later criticism of such
Victorian attitudes , however , merely echo the vigorous attacks and devastat -
ing ridicule mounted by a number of thinkers and literary writers in the Vic -
torian age itself .
Refer to G . M . YOung , Victorian England . . POrtTait of an Age ( republished
1977 ) ; David Thomson , England in theNineteenthCentU甲(1950 ) ; JeromeBuck -
ley)角e Victorian TemPer ( 1951 ) ; W . E . Houghton,仆e Victorian Fra脚e ofMind
( 1957 ) , on Victorian attitUdes to love and sexuality see Peter Gay,角e Bour -
geois ExP南ence , Victoria to Fre “成Vol . 1 , Educa瓦On Ofthe介nses ( 1984 ) , and Vol .
2,仆e及月泛扮Passion ( 1986 ) ; and on the undercover side of Victorian sexual
life , Steven Marcus,角e other Victorians ( republished 1974 ) .

M月仁Hu . . or,曲d比e Comic . At present both " wit , , and " humor , , desig -
nate species of the comic : any element in a work of literature , whether a char -
acter , event , or utterance , whlch 15 designed to amuse or to excite mirth in the
reader or audience . The words " wit " and " humo乙” howeve乙had a variety of
meanings in eailier literary criticism , and a brief comment on their history
will help to clarify the differences between them in present usage ・

化使英国这个占世界表面1 / 4以上面积的帝国成为主要的工业国。这些发展的速度
知识与文学活动中经常自我反省的时代。 “维多利亚时期” ―或更多的是维多利亚
参l阅:G . M . Young , Victorian England : PortraitofanAg 。,republishedl977 ;
David Thomson , England in the Nineteenth Centur少,1950 ; Jerome Buckley , The
Victorian Temper , 1951 ; W . E . Houghton , The Victoria儿Frameoj ’从nd , 1957 。有
关维多利亚时期对爱和性的态度,参阅:Peter Gay , Tho Bourgeois公perience , Victoria
toF傀ud , Vol . l,乙绝~t艺on of the Senses , 1984 , and Vol . 2,刀比Tender Passio刀,
1986;关于维多利亚时期性生活的隐秘方面,参阅:Steven Marcus , Tho Other Vict 。-
rians , republished 1974 。

Wit , HUmor , and the Comic机智、幽默与滑稽

660 wlT,日uMoR , ANo THE CoMJc

The term " wit , , once signified the human faculty of intelligence , inven -
tiveness , and mental acuity , a sense it still retains in the term " half - wit . " In the
sixteenth and seventeenth centurles it came to be used also for ingenuity in lit -

erary invention , and especial y for the ability to develop bril iant , surprising , and parado对calfi罗res of spe ch ; hence " wit , , was often ap lied to thefi脚a -

tive language in the kind of writing we now call metaPhysicalpoe勿.And in the
eighteenth cent - Ury there were attempts to distinguish the false wit of Abra ・
ham Cowlcy and other metaphysical stylists , who were said to aim at a merely
superficial dazzlement , and " true Wit , " regarded as the apt rephrasing of truths
whose enduring validity 15 attested by the fact that they are commonPlaces .
Thus Alexander Pope defined " true wit , , in his Essay onCri瓦cism ( 1 711 ) as
" What oft was thought , but ne , er 50 well exPressed . " ( See under ncoclassic . )
The most common present use of the term derives from its seventeenth -
century application to a brilliant and paradoxical style . 1叭t , that 15 , now de -
notes a kind of verbal expression which 15 brief , deft , and intentionally
contrived to produce a shock of comic surprise ; itstypical form 15 that of the
epigram . ( SeeeP勿’ am ・)The surprise 15 usually the result of a connection or
distinction between words or concepts whlch frustrates the listener , 5 exPecta -
tion , onty to satisfy it in an unexPected way . Philip Guedalla wittlfy said :
" History repeats itself . Historians repeat each other . " Thus the trite comment
about history turns out to be unexPectedly appropriate , with an unlooked一for
t - Urn of meaning , to the Writers of history as well . once MaeW此t remarked
that " too much of a good thing can be wonderful . " The resulting laughte乙in
a famous phrase oftheGermanphilosopherImmamielKant , arises " ftomthe
sudden transformation of a strained expectation into nothing " ; it might be
more precise to sa又howeve耳“ from the sudden satisfaction of an expectation ,
but in a way we did not expect . "
MaeW比t , 5 remark 15 what the psychoanalyst Slgmund Freud called
" harmless wit , " which evokes a laugh or smile that 15 without malice . What
Freud distinguished as " tendency Wit , " on the other hand , 15 aggressive : it isa
derisive and derogatory tUrn of phrase , directing the laugh at a particular per -
son or butt . " Mr . James Payn , " in oscar Wilde , 5 barbed comment on a con -
temporary novelist of the 18905 , " hunts down the obvious with the
enthusiasm of a short一sighted detective . As one tUms over the pages , the sus -
pense of the author becomes almost unbearable . "
Repartee 15 a term taken from fencing to signify a contest of wit , in
which each person tries to cap the remark of the othe石or to turn it to his or
her own advantage . Attacking Disraeli in Parliament , Gladstone remarked
that " the honorable gentleman will either end on the gallows or die of some
loathsome disease . " TO which Disraeli reloined : " That depends on whetherl
embrace the honorable gentleman , 5 principles or his mistresses . " Restora瓦on
comedies often included episodes of sustained repartee ; a classic example 15 the
give and take in the discussion of their coming marriage by the witty lovers
Mirabel and Millamant in william Congreve , s仆e认/a y of thep内rld ( 1700 ) ,

( half一wit)一词中仍然保留着这一含义。在16 、 17世纪,“机智”也用来表示文学创作
曾多次试图区分亚伯拉罕・考利和其他玄学派文体学家的假机智与“真机智” 。据说
亚历山大・蒲柏在《批评论)) ( 1711)中将“真机智”定义为“人们常常想到但从未被完
学家彼此互相重复。 ”这番关于历史落入俗套的评论,以其意思上的意外转变,居然出
了。 ”这句话令人发笑,因为,借用德国哲学家伊曼纽尔・康德的一个著名短语,这种
笑发自“从紧张的期待突然转化为虚无” 。不过,更为准确的说法应该是这种笑“发自
对某一期待的突然满足,但这种满足的方式是我们所没有预料到的” 。
当做笑柄。 19世纪90年代,奥斯卡・王尔德在评论某位同时代的小说家时,语中带
读者翻阅书本时,作者制造的悬念几乎让人难以忍受。 ”
人作呕的疾病。 ”迪斯雷利对此回应道:“那取决于我是否信奉这位尊敬的绅士的原
则,或是否拥抱过他的情妇们。 ”王政复辟时期的喜剧通常都有持续的机智应答的片
662 wl工日uMoR , ^ No下日〔 coMlc

, , Humorn 15 a term that goes back to the ancient theory that the partlcu -
lar mixture of the four humours determines eacht即e of personality , and from
the derivative application of the term " humorous , , to one of the comically ec -
centric characters In the EliZabethan come即O厂hu , ours . As we now use the
word , humor may be ascribed elther to a comic utterance or to a comic ap -
pearance or mode of behav10r . In a useful distinction be们浑een the two terms ,
a humorous utterance may be said to differ from a witty utterance in one or
both of two ways : ( 1 ) wit , as we sa代15 always intended by the speaker to be
comic , but many speeches that we find comically humorous are intendedby
the speakers themselves to be serious ; and ( 2 ) a humorous sa厂ng 15 not cast
in the neatly epigrammatic form of a witty saytng . For example , the chatter of
the old Nurse in Shakespeare , 5 Romeo and Iuliet 15 verbose , and humorous to
the audience , but not to the speaker ; s加ilarly , the discussion of the mode of
life of the gnldfish in Central Park by the inarticulate and irasciblet初driver
in J . D . Salinger , s角e Catcher in the御e ( 1951 ) 15 unintentionally but suPethly
humorous , and 15 not cast in the form of a witty tum of phrase .
More如portant still 15 the difference that wit refers only to the spoken or
wrltten word , while humor has a much broader range of reference . w亡find
humo乙for example , in the way Chailie Chaplin looks , dresses , and acts , and
also in the sometimes wordless cartoons In仆eN如尹Yorker . In a thoroughly
humorous situation , the sources of the fun may be complex . In Act 111 , Scene
iv of Shakespeare , sT沁el肋Night , Malvolio , s appearance and actions , and his
utterances as well , are humorous , but all despite his own very solemn inten -
tions ; and our comic enloyment 15 increased by our knowledge of the sup -
pressed hilarity of the plotters who are hidden auditors onstage . The greatriess
of a comic creation llke Shakespeare , s Falstaff 15 that he exploits the full gamut
of comic posslbilities . Falstaff 15 humorous in the way he looks and in what he
does ; what he says 15 sometlmes wit尔and at almost all other times humor -
ous ; whlle his actions and speech are sometimes unintentionally humorous ,
sometimes intentionally humorous , and not infrequently - as in his whimsi ・
cal account to his skeptical auditors of how he bore himself in the highway
robbery , in the second act ofl石殆nlyl认一they are humorous even beyond his
intefition .
one other point should be made about humor and the comic . In the
normal use , the term " humor , , refers to what 15 purely comic : it evokes , as it
15 sometimes said , s扣rnpathetic laughter ' or else laughter which 15 an end in
itseif . If we extend Freud , s distinction between harmless and tendency wit ,
we can say that humor lsa " harmless , , form of the comic . There 15 , however ,
another mode of the comic that might be called " tendency comedy , " in
which we are made to laugh at a person not merely because he 15 ridiculous ,
but because he 15 being ridiculed一the laughter 15 derisive , with some ele ・
ment of contempt or malice , and serves as a weapon against its subiect . Ten -
denCy comedy and tendency wit , rather than humor , are among the devices
that a writer most exploits in sa瓦re , the literary art of derogating by deriding
a subiect .

个方面的差异:( l)正如我们之前所述,说话人总是故意使机智带有滑稽的成分,但许
多我们认为滑稽性的幽默言语,其说话人的本意却是严肃的;( 2)幽默的话语并不具
叨在观众看来是幽默的,但对说话人本身而言就并非如此。类似地,在J . D.塞林格的
664 wl毛日uMoR , ANoT日E coMlc

On the alternative use of the term " comic , , to define the forrnal features
of atyPe of dramatic or narrative plot , see comedy ; on the widespread form of
humor一in一horror in present一day literature , see black hu脚or . For div6rse theo -
ries of wit , humor ' and the colnic , together With copious examples , refer to
Slgmund Freud , Wit and招Rela如n to the UnconsciouS ( 1916 ) ; Max Eastman ,
石匆妙用ento厂Laugl蕊妙(1936 ) ; D . H . Monro,仆eA恻ment ofLal , gh ter ( 1951 ) ;
Louis Kronenberger,仆e仆read ofLaughter ( 1952 ) ; Stuart M.介ve,仆e Ami -
ableHu嫩orist ( 1960 ) ; Jerry Palmet , TakingHu阴or Seriously ( 1994 ) .

机智、幽默与滑稽的各种理论及大量例子,参阅:sigmund Freud , Wit andlt ' Rela -
tion to the Unconscious , 1916 ; Max Eastman , E川。夕me儿tofLaughter , 1936 ; D , H . Mon -
ro , TheA塔ument of Laughter , 1951 ; Louise Kronenberger , The Thread of Laughter ,
1 952 ; Stuart M . Tave , The Amiable Humorist , 1960 ; Jerry Palmer , Taking Humor
Seriousl夕,1994 。
赚Ind ' e龙of只u伍口。切

This Index lists significant references to authors ; it does not include pass -
ing references , or the authors listed for supplementary reading . Following
each name are the page numbers of general references , then , in alphabetic se -
quence , the page numbers of references to works written by the author .
The literary terms discussed in this Glossary are listed in a separate Ind以
ofTe刀” s , to follow ・

Abrams , M . H;仆eMi加r and the Ashberry ) John;仆ree POems 494 .
La扑沪2 18 , 316 . Atwood , Margaret;仆e Handmaid , s
Ach比e , Chinua 434 , 474 . Tale 656 .
Addison , Joseph 166 ; SPectator554 , Auden , W . H . 510 , 592 ;
608 . " Owhereareyougoing ? , , 16 ;
Adomq Theodor 298 , 300 . " Septemberl , 1939n 396 .
Aeschylus 616 , 644 ; oresteia 648 . Auerbach , Erich ; Mimesis 122 , 612 .
Alcuin 422 . Augustine , St . , of HIPpo ( 354一30 )
用fred the Great 422 . 264 ; COnfessions科・
川ge兀Horatio 596 . Austen , Jane ; Emma 462 ; NOrtha俺阳r
Allende , Isabel 390 . Abb即54 , 222;洲de and Preju币ce
Allston , W扛shington 394 . 68 , 270,科8 , 450 , 596 ; Sense and
Althusse耳Louis 300 , 302 , 366 , 472 . Sensibili粉566 .
Ammons , A . R ; " Small Song即214 . Anstin , John 1 18 , 5 12;石的w to Do
Apollinaire , Guillaume ; Cal - 角i魂笋with认/o rds 582 , 584 , 586二
I娜口mmes 90 ・
Aquinas , St , Thomas 266 . Babbitt , Irving ; LiteratUre and the
Arabian NightS,仆e 574 . American COllege 236 .
Aragon , Louis 620 . Bacon , Francis ; Essays166 .
Aristophanes 78 . Bakhtin , Mi劝ail 124 , 126 , 128 , 366 , 436
Arlstotle 154 , 216 , 224 , 482 ; " Discourse in the Novel , I
232 , 300 , 310 , 448 , 452 , 538 , 126;尸功blems ofDostoevs妙,s
640 , 646 , 648 ; 尸况tics 12氏Rabejajs and His
POe瓦“ 126 , 218 , 246 , 346 , 536 , 仍勺rld 126 .
642,麟4 ; Rhetoric 434 , 536 . Baldwin , James 5 10 .
Amold , Matthew 210 , 234 , 372 ; Balzac , Honor亡de 520 , 634 .
" Dover Beach , , 168 , 294 ; " The Baraka , Allllri ( LeRoi Jones ) 48 .
StU即of Poetryn 642 . Barlow , Joel 412 .



艾布拉姆斯,M . H .,《镜与灯》,219 , 317亚斯比利,约翰,《三首诗》,495
阿奇贝,奇努阿,435 , 475 阿特伍德,玛格丽特,《使女日记》,657
艾迪生,约瑟夫,167;《旁观者》,555 , 609奥登,W . H . , 511 , 593;《何往?》,17 ;
阿多诺,西奥多,299 , 301 《 1939年9月1日》,397
埃斯库罗斯,617 , 645;《俄瑞斯武亚》,649奥尔巴赫,埃里克,《摹仿》,123 , 613
阿尔昆,423 奥古斯丁,圣,希波的(354一430 ) , 265 ;
阿尔弗烈德大王,423 《忏悔录》,45
阿尔杰,霍拉旭,597 奥斯丁,简;《爱玛》,463;《诺桑觉寺》,55 ,
阿连德,伊莎贝尔,391 223;《傲慢与偏见》,69 , 271 , 449 ,
奥尔斯顿,华盛顿,395 451 , 597;《理智与情感》,567
阿尔都塞,路易斯,301 , 303 , 367 , 473 奥斯汀,约翰,119 , 513;《如何以言行事》,
阿蒙斯,A . R .,《小曲》,2巧 583 , 585 , 587

阿奎那,圣・托马斯,267 白璧德,欧文,《文学和美国大学》,237
《一千零一夜》,575 培根,弗朗西斯,《随笔》,167
阿拉贡,路易斯,621 巴赫金,米哈伊尔,125 , 127 , 129 , 367 ,
阿里斯托芬,79 437 , 483;《小说的话语》,127;《陀斯
亚里士多德,155 , 217 , 225 , 233 , 301 , 311 , 妥耶夫斯基诗学问题》,127;《拉伯雷
449 , 453 , 539 , 641 , 647一649;《诗学》, 和他的世界》,127
127 , 219 , 247 , 347 , 537 , 643一645;《修鲍德温,詹姆斯,sn
辞学》,435 , 537 巴尔扎克,奥诺雷・德,521 , 635
阿诺德,马修,211 , 235 , 373;《多弗滩》,巴拉卡,阿米里(勒罗伊・琼斯), 49
169 , 295;《诗歌研究》,643 巴洛,乔尔,413
668 INo 〔 x or ^ u丁日oRs

Barth , John;仆e Sot-协全ed撇ctor Bloom , Harold 208 , 24吕,25U , Z万Z ,
388 . 502 , 516 .
Barthes , Roland 30 , 32 , 476 , 480 , Bloomfield , Leonard ; La雌u昭祀282 .
482 , 5 14 , 562 ; " The Death of the Blumenberg , Hans;灿rk onMy伪
Author , , 602;种尸thol叻es 106 , 340 .
604 ; The Pleasure ofthe了’ ex t 604 ; Boccaccio , Giovanni ; Decameron
匆艺634 . 380 , 574 .
Bate , W扭lter Jackson ; The Burdenof Bodkin , Maud;八徉力e妙al Patt6ms
the Past and the English Poet 252 . in POe抑26 .
Baudelaire , Charles 612 ; " Corre - Boileau , Nicholas Despreaux 54 , 56 ,
spondences , , 630 ; Fleurs du mal 6 16 .
628 ; Little POems in Prose 494 . Booth,叭厄yne 438 ; The Rhetoricof
Beardsley , MonroeC ; " The Inten - Fic瓦on 138 , 346 , 470 , 540 ; A
tional Fallacy , , 8 , 252 . R人etorico厂Iro恻272 .
Beaumont , Francis ; Philas勿650 . Borges , Jorge一Luis 390 .
Beauvoir , Simone de 178 ; Thesecond Boswell , James ; Life ofsamuel fohn -
Sex 1 76 . son 606 .
Beckett , Samuel 338 , 340;仆e咖- Bowdler , Thomas ; Fami妙S儿ake -
na脚able 272;飞从拄ti叮for Godot Speare 52 .
2 , 4 , 22 , 272 . Bowers , Fredson 636 .
Beckford , William ; Vathek 222 . Bradford , VVllliam 410 .
Bede 422 . Bradstreet , Anne 410 .
Behn , Aphra ; oroonoko 426 . Brecht , Bertolts , 10 , 130 , 132 , 150 ,
Bello琳Saul;角e AdventUres ofA叨e 158 , 172 , 298 , 300 ・
M魂邝力382 . Breton , Andr乏;M泛nifesto on Sun ℃ al -
Beniamin , W欲ter 298 , 300 . ism 620 .
Beowulflg民240 , 400 , 422 . Bridges , Robert 330 .
Bergman , Ingmar;州ld StTOwbe沉es Bronte , Charlotte ; janeE尸182 , 222 ,
454 . 386 .
Betti , Emilio 256 . Bront赴,Emily;、俩Jthering价ights
Bialostosky , Don 128 . 222 .
Bible , The 56 , 58 , 264 , 404;价b姗 Brooks , Cleanth 58 , 360 , 362 ; Under -
Bible ( old Testament ) 56 , 58 , standingFic灯on 360 ; Unders匆nd -
2 12 , 238 , 264 ; Genesis 404 , 616 ; ing POe勺360;仆e阶11一W由叨忙
je , iah 276 ; PSalms 210 ; Songof 阶力2科,340 , 404 .
So矛195 276 ; New Testament 264 ; 1 Brown , Chafles Brockden 222 , 412 .
Corinthians 570 ; Lukel4 . Brown , Normano ; Life Against
Black , Max ; " Metaphor , , 3 10 . Death 492 .
Blackmu乙R . P . 360 . Brown , William Hill;角e POwerof
Blake , William 152 , 210 , 276 , 342 , 5娜叩a功夕4 12 .
354 , 356 , 358 , 548 , 628 ; " The Sick Brown,勺Villiam Wdls ; Clotel 414 .
Rose , , 624 . Browning , Ellzabeth Barrett ; Aurora
Bleich , Davld ; Subjec红ve Cri红cism Leigh 1 98 ; " How do 1 love thee ?
5 16 . Let me count the ways , , 294 .

巴思,约翰;《烟草代理商》,389 布卢姆,哈罗德,209 , 249 , 251 , 253 ,
巴尔特,罗兰,31一33 , 477 , 451 , 453 , 515 , 503 , 517

107 , 605;《文本的乐趣》,605;《 S /布鲁门贝格,汉斯,《神话》,341
Z 》,635 薄伽丘,乔瓦尼,《十日谈》,381 , 575
国诗人》,253 (又译《诗中的原型模式》), 27
波德莱尔,查尔斯,613;《感应》,631;《恶布瓦洛,尼古拉斯・德斯普鲁克斯,55 -
之花》,629 ;(散文小诗》,495 57 , 6 17

比尔兹利,门罗・ C , “意图谬误” , 9 , 253 '布斯,韦恩,439;《小说修辞学》,139 , 347 ,
博蒙特,弗朗西斯;《菲拉斯特》,651 471 , 541;《讽刺修辞》,273
贝克特,塞缪尔,339 , 341;《无名的人》,鲍斯韦尔,詹姆斯,《约翰逊传》,607
273;《等待戈多》,3 , 5 , 23 , 273 鲍德勒,托马斯,《家用莎士比亚选集》,53
贝克福德,威廉;《瓦提克》,223 鲍尔斯,弗雷德森,637
比德,423 布雷福德,威廉,411
贝恩,阿弗拉;《奥鲁挪克》,427 布拉兹特里特,安,4n
贝娄,索尔,《奥吉・玛琪历险记》,383 布莱希特,贝尔托尔特,9 , 11 , 131 , 133 ,
本雅明,沃尔特,299 , 301 1 51 , 159 , 173 , 299 , 301

《贝奥武甫》,199 , 241 , 401 , 423 布雷东,安德烈;《超现实主义宣言》,621
伯格曼,英格马,《野草毒》,455 布里奇斯,罗伯特,331
贝蒂,艾米利欧,257 勃朗特,夏洛蒂;《简・爱》,183 , 223 , 387
比亚洛斯托斯基,唐,129 勃朗特,埃米莉;《呼啸山庄》,223
《圣经》,57 , 59 , 2 " , 405;《犹太教圣约》布鲁克斯,克林斯,59 , 361 , 363 ;
(旧约), 57 , 59 , 213 , 239 , 265;《创世 《理解小说》,361;《理解诗歌》,361 ;
记》,405 , 617;《耶利米》,277;《诗 《精致的瓮》,245 , 341 , 405
篇》,211;《雅歌》,277;《新约》,265 ;布朗,查尔斯・布罗克登,223 , 413
《哥林多前书》,571;《路加福音》,15布朗,诺曼・ 0 .,《生与死》,493
布莱克,马克斯;《隐喻》,3n 布朗,威廉・希尔,《同情的力量》,413
布莱克墨,R . P . , 361 布朗,威廉・韦尔斯,《克洛代尔》,415
布莱克,威廉,153 , 211 , 277 , 343 , 355 ,勃朗宁,伊丽莎白・巴雷特;
359 , 549 , 629;《病玫瑰》,625 《奥罗拉・利》,199 ;
布莱奇,戴维,《主观性批评》,517 《我是怎样地爱你?让我逐一细
670 . No 〔 xo 「 AuT日oRs

Browning , Robert 140 ; Capote,竹uman 222 ; In Cold Blood
388 .
,,仆e Bishop Orders His Tomb , ,
322 ; " Meeting Cariyte , Thomas 278 , 494 , 652 ; Sar -
torR路4r切5 356 .
at Night " 398 ; " My Last
Duchess , , 394 , 436 ; Carmichael , Stokely 46 .
" Pied Piper , , 1 68 ; " Soliloquy of Carroll , Lewis 280 , 554 ; Al定ce定n
the Spanish Cloister , , 272 . 科勺nderland 142 , 406;仆ro峪力the
B拟ner , Jerome ; Ac朽of人化aning Looki叮Glass 20 .
348 . Cary ) EliZ如eth ; The乃咫祀办of
M魂月“ m 424 .
Bryant , William Cullen 412 ;
" Thanatopsis , , 224 . Castiglione , Baldassare;劝e COu心er
Buckingham , George Villiers , sec - 科6 , 530 .
ond duke of;角e Rehearsal 232 . Caxton , William 530 .
Bullough , Edward 136 . Cervantes Saavedra , Miguel de ; Don
Bunyan , John ; Grace Aboundingto Quixote 382 .
the Chiefo厂Sinners 46;介e Pil - Chanson de Roland 400 .
洲阴,s乃呢哪5 10 , 12 , 142 . Chauce称Geofftey ; Canterbu甲Tales
Burke , Edmund 616 . 202 , 228 , 574 ; " The Franklin , s
Burns , Robert 200 , 562 , 622 ; " 0 my Tale , , 278 ; " The Miller , s几le , , 174 ;
love , sllke a red , red rose , , 194 , " The Monk , 5 Tale , , 646 ; " The
294 ; " TO a Mousen 150 . Nun , 5 Priest , s恤le , , 14 , 16 ; " The
Burroughs , William 622 . Pardoner , 5 Tale , , 14 , 174;仆e Leg -
Bush , Douglas 174 . 州do厂Good专Vom阴228 , 400 ;
Butler , Judith 1 86 , 5 10 ; Gen衍乃Uu ・ Troilus and Criseyde590 .
ble 5 10 , 586 . ChekhO丫Anton 572 .
Butl既Samuel ( 1613一1680 ) ; H份成bras Chesnutt , Charles W . 414 .
54 , 138 . Chomsky , Noam 282;扣ltac瓦c
Butl饥Samuel ( 1835一1902 ) ; S加瓦tU爬5 288 .
Erewhon 656 . Chopin , Kate 414 .
Buto乌Michel ; LaM叼主乃ca眨on 468 . Chr通tien de Troyes ; Erec etE " ide
Byatt , A . 5 ; POsses成on 54 . 422 .
Byrom , JOhn 160 . Cicero 232 , 606 , 608 .
Byron , George Gordon , Lord 550 ; Cisneros , Sandia 420 ,
Chil而Harold 356 , 508 ; Do摊Iuan Cixous , H趋l之ne 1 84 , 186 , 504 .
42 , 274 , 320 , 324 , 358 , 5科,546 , Cleveland , John 316 .
554 , 592 . Coleridge , Hartley 54 .
Coleridge , Samuel Taylor 132 , 160 ,
Cable , GeorgeW如hington 292 . 19么198 , 202 , 330 , 342 , 354 , 356 , 258 ,
Caedlnon 422 . 430 , 550 , 652 ; BioJ夕aPhia Liter -
Calvin , John 532 . a血174 , 206 , 356 ; " Christabel , ,
Calvino,】 ta 】 0 390 ; Ifona训入n妙兮 28 , 328 , 408 ; " Delection : An
Night a7 ' ra veler 468 . ode , , 396 ; " Frost at Midnight , ,
Camus,川bert 2 . 292 , 394 ; " Recollections of Love , '
Campion , Thomas 330 . 542 ; " The租me of the Ancient

主教吩咐后事》,323;《夜半相会》,卡莱尔,托马斯,279 , 495 , 653;《旧衣新
399;《我那已故的公爵夫人》,395 , 裁》,357
道院里的独白》,273 卡罗尔,路易斯,281 , 555;《艾丽丝漫游奇
布鲁内尔,杰罗姆,《意义的表现》,349 境记》,143 , 407;《镜中世界》,21
观》,225 后》,425
练》,233 447 , 531
布洛,爱德华,137 卡克斯顿,威廉,531
程》,11 , 13 , 143 诃德》,383
伯克,埃德蒙,617 《罗兰之歌》,401
彭斯,罗伯特,201 , 527 , 623;《啊,我的爱乔雯,杰弗里,《坎特伯雷故事集》,203 ,
人像朵红红的玫瑰》,195 , 295;《致 229 , 575;《富兰克林的故事》,279 ;
小鼠》,151 《磨坊主讲的故事》,175 ;
巴罗斯,威廉,623 《僧侣讲的故事》,647;《尼姑教士讲
布什,道格拉斯,175 的故事》,15 , 17;《卖赎罪券者讲的故
巴特勒,朱迪思,187 , 511;《性别困扰》, 事》,15 , 175;《好女人传说》,229 ,
5 11 , 587 401;《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西德》,591
勃特勒,塞缪尔(1613一1680 ),《休迪布拉契诃夫,安东,573
斯》,55 , 1 39 切斯纳特,查尔斯・ W . , 415
勃特勒,塞缪尔(1835一1902 ),《埃瑞乔姆斯基,诺姆,283;《句法结构》,289
洪》,657 肖邦,凯特,415
布托尔,迈克尔,《政变》,469 克里蒂安・德・特鲁瓦;《艾赫克与艾妮
拜厄特,A . 5 .,《占有》,55 德》,423
拜罗姆,约翰,161 西塞罗,233 , 607 , 609
哈罗德游记》,357 , 509;《唐・瑛》,西苏,埃莱娜,185 , 187 , 505
43 , 275 , 321 , 325 , 359 , 545 , 547 ,克利夫兰,约翰,317
555 , 593 柯勒律治,哈特利,55
柯勒律治,塞缪尔・泰勒,133 , 161 , 193 ,
凯布尔,乔治・华盛顿,293 199 , 203 , 331 , 343 , 355 , 357 , 359 ,
凯德蒙,423 431 , 551 , 653;《文学传记》,175 ,
加尔文,约翰,533 207 , 357 ;
卡尔维诺,伊塔洛,391;《如果在冬夜,一 《克利斯托贝尔》,29 , 329 , 409;《沮丧
个旅人》,469 颂》,397;《霜夜》,293 , 395 ;
加缪,艾伯特,3 《爱的回忆》,543 ;
672 INo [ x OF ^ u下日oRs

Mariner , , 38 , 194 , 308 , 546;仆e Defoe , Daniel270 , 522 ; Mdll Flan -
States脚反n , sM魂刀配魂1 626 . 山” 382 , 452 ; RobinsonC川soe
Collins , William 618 ; " Ode on the 382 .
Poetical Character , , 12 ; " ode to de Man , Paul 1 18 , 480 ; " The
Evening , , 18 , 396 , 588 . Rhetoric of Temporalityn 626 .
Congreve , william;科匆ofthe Demosthenes 616 .
1钧rld 450 , 660 . Denham , John ; COoPer , s HIll 230 .
Conrad , JosePh;价a厅ofDarkness De Quincey , Thomas ; Confesstons of
380 , 466 . an English OPium Eater 356 .
Coope乙James Fenimore 412 ; Derrida , Jacques 22 , 1 10 , 112 , 114 ,
Leather - Stocking Tales 490 . 1 16 , 1 18 , 472 , 478 , 510 ;
Copernicus ( N icolas Koppem止) OfGrammatol昭yl 12 ;
534 . " StrUcture , Sign and Play in the
Cowley , Abraham 316 , 396 , 660 . DISC0urse of the Human SCienCeS , ,

Cowper ) William 240 . 476 ; " white Mythology " 3 1 6 .
Crabbe , George;仆e珑11昭祀406 . Desani , G . V 474 .
Crane , Hart 628;仆e Bri心祀630 . Descartes , Ren乏534 ; Discourse on
Crane , R . 5 . 204 , 218 , 246 . M砂thod 6 1 0 .
Crane , Stephen 414 , 524 . Dlckens , Charies ; Bleak月buse 222 ;
Crasha代形chard 316 ; " Saint Mary GreatExPeCta红ons 222 , 386 ,;仆e
Magdalene , , 86 ; " Wishes to His old Curiosi印ShoP 408 , 566 ; 01灿叮
Supposed Mistress , , 590 . T网对124;介le of孙0 Ci吞es 388 .
Crews , Frederick ; SkeP灯calE玛滩罗- Dicki牡son , Emily414 , 548 , 590 ;
阴ents 306 . " Wild Nights , Wild Nights , , 292 .
Culle耳Jonathan ; Li加raly仆co甲A Dllthey , Wilhelm 234 , 254 , 256 , 258 .
Ve甲Sho材加tToduc瓦on 236 , 486 ; Disraeli , Benlamin 660 .
S如c加ralist Poe灯cs 5 14 , 602 , 634 Doctoro琳E . L ; Bil扮Batllgate 388 ;
Cumberland,形chard;角e科/e Stln - R叱州阴e 388 .
dian 566 . Dollimore , Jonathan 376 .
CUmmings , e . e . 628 ; " Chanson In - Donne , John 58 , 60 , 62 , 84 , l科,
nocente , , 2 12 ; " r一p一o一p一h一e一s一s一a - 3 16 , 318 , 534 ; " The Canoniza -
g一rn 90 . tion " 86 , 140 , 292 , 402 ; " The
Cynewulf 422 . Flea , , 86 , 14q HOly Sonne七580 ;
, , Death , be not proud , , 402 ;
Dali , Salvador 620 . , , Hymn to God the Father " 506 ;
Dante ( Dante Alighieri)科6 ; Divine " A Valediction : Forbidding
Come即142 , 1 56 , 266 , 590 ; Infe , o Mouming , , 86 .
532 ; Paradiso 88 , 624 , 642 ; " Let - Dooli川e , Hilda ; " At Ithica , , 148 .
ter to Can Grande " 130 . Dos Passos , John ; USA 388 .
Darwin , Charles ; On theo咖nof Dostoevsky , Fyodor ; BrotheTs Kara -
SPecies 658 . mazov 500 .
Davidson , Donald ; " What Douglass , Frederick ; Nan ' a丘雀ofthe
Metaphors Mean , , 3 12 . Life ofFrederickD口叨“ 55 412 .
da Vinci , Leonardo 530 . Dowson , Ernest 1 10 , 628 .

《古舟子咏》,39 , 195 , 309 , 547 ; 笛福,丹尼尔,271 , 523;《摩尔・弗兰德
《政治家手册》,627 斯》,383 , 453;《鲁滨逊漂流记》,383
柯林斯,威廉,619;《诗人颂》,13;《黄昏德・曼,保罗,119 , 481;《短暂的修
颂》,19 , 397 , 589 辞》,627

康格里夫,威廉,《如此世道》,451 , 661 狄摩西尼,617

康拉德,约瑟夫,《黑暗的心脏》,381 , 467德纳姆,约翰,《库拍山》,231
库拍,詹姆斯・费尼莫尔,413 ; 德・昆西,托马斯,《一个英国鸦片服用者
《皮袜子的故事》,491 的自白》,357

哥白尼(尼古拉斯・科波尼克), 535 德里达,雅克,23 , 111 , 113 , 115 , 117 , 119 ,
考利,亚伯拉罕,317 , 397 , 661 473 , 479 , 511;《论文字学》,113;《结
柯伯,威廉,241 构、符号、人类科学话语中的游戏》,
克雷布,乔治,《乡村》,407 477;《白色的神话》,317
克莱恩,哈特,629;《桥》,631 德塞尼,G . V . , 475

克莱恩,R . 5 . , 205 , 219 , 247 笛卡尔,勒内,535;《方法谈》,6n
克莱恩,斯蒂芬,415 , 525 狄更斯,查尔斯,《荒凉山庄》,223;《远大
克拉肖,理查德,317 ; 前程》,223 , 387;《老古玩店》,409 ,
《圣女玛丽・马格德琳》,87 ; 567;《雾都孤儿》,125;《双城记》,389
《祝愿意中人》,591 狄金森,埃米莉,415 , 549 , 591 ;
克鲁斯,弗雷德里克;《可疑的约定》,307 《暴风雨夜,暴风雨夜》,293
卡勒,乔纳森;《文学理论简介》,237 , 487 ;狄尔泰,威廉,235 , 255 , 257 , 259
《结构主义诗学》,515 , 603 , 635 迪斯雷利,本杰明,661
坎伯兰,理查德;((西印度人》,567 多特罗,E . L .,《比利・巴斯盖特》,389 ;
卡明斯,e . e . , 629 ; 《爵士乐》,389
《天真之歌》,213;《蝗虫》,91 多利莫尔,乔纳森,377
基涅武甫,423 多恩,约翰,59 , 61 , 63 , 85 , 145 , 317 , 319 ,
535 ; ((圣徒追封》,57 , 141 , 293 , 403 ;
达利,萨尔瓦多,621 《跳蚤》,87 , 141;《神圣十四行诗》,
但丁(但丁・阿里格杰瑞), 447 ; 581;《死神,别那么得意》,403;《上帝
《神曲》,143 , 157 , 267 , 591 ; 天父颂》,507;《莫为分离悲伤》,87
《地狱篇》,533 ; 杜利特尔,希尔达;《在伊萨卡》,149 .
《天国篇》,89 , 625 , 643 ; 多斯・帕索斯,约翰,《美国》,389
《致坎・格兰德的信》,131 陀思妥耶夫斯基,费奥多,《卡拉马佐夫兄
达尔文,查尔斯,《物种起源》,659 弟》,501
戴维森,唐纳德,《隐喻的意义》,313 道格拉斯,弗雷德里克,《弗雷德里克・道
达芬奇,列奥纳多,531 格拉斯的生平与时代》,413
道森,欧内斯特,111 , 629
674 IND 〔 x Or ^ UTHORs

Drayton , Michael ; " Since there , s no Erasmus , Desiderius 530 .
help , , 582 . Erikson , ErikH ; YoungM比n Luther
Dreise乙Theodore 524 . 502 .
Dryden , John 44 , 426 , 460 , 494 , Ernst , Max 620 .
554 , 564 ; " Absalom and Achi - Euripedes6科.
tophel , , 10 , 56 ; “川exander , s
Feast , , 396 ; All for Love 232 ; Faulkner , Wllliam3科,390 ; Absa -
" Anne屹lligrew , , 396;仆e Con - Iom , Absalom ! 222 ; Sanc匆a尽
questo厂Granada 230 , 232 ; " Dis - 222;角e Sound and the Fuly 600 ,
conrse Conceming Satire , ' 268 , 630 .
3 16 ; Love翔u巩砷ant 232 ; Fettelle另Judith;劝e Resis互叮
, , MacFlec如oe , , 550 , 552 . Reader 1 50 , 1 80 .
Du比amp , Marcel 620 . Fielding , Hen哪josePh Andrl解5 54 ,
Duiardin , Edouard ; Les Lau滋rs sont 454;介从加” es 434 , 438 , 452 ,
couP打598 . 464;仆eTr峪邵ly ofTr ' lge泛定es 50 ,
du Maurier , Daphne ; Rebecca 232 .
222 , 224 . Fish , Stanley 482 , 484 , 516 , 518 ; Is
Dunba称Paul Laurence 414 . 角ere aTe火t in仆15 ClassZ 518 ;
" What 15 Stylistics二,? " 612 .
Eagleton , Terry 302 , 304 FitzGerald , Edward;升e Ru城iydtof
Edel , Leon ; Hen甲Iames 502 . Ooar Kha冷泛m64 ・
Edwards , Jonathan 410 . FitZgerald , E Scott;仆e Great GatS妙
Eliot , George 520;角e Mill on the 468 ; Tales ofthelazzA岁416 ;
F勿55 386 ; Romola 388 . 升”山r 15 theN妙t 416 .
Eliot , T . 5 . 58 , 212 , 274 , 318 , 330 , Flaubert , Gustave;人血dame Bova甲
360 , 362 , 394 , 416 , 564 ; " The 464 .
Love Song ofJ . Alfred Prufrock , , Fletche石John;仆e Faith加1 SheP -
86 , 394 ; " The MetaPhysical he忘le . " 406 , 650 ; Philas妙650 .
Poets , , 134 ; M妇样妙in the Cathed由l Forster , E . M . 450 ; AsPec七ofthe
648;肠e科么ste Landl鼠334 , 342 , Ndve了66 .
526 , 556 , 630 . Foucault , Michel 132 , 236 , 366 , 472 ,
Elhs , Marknlan ; The Poli以cs ofsensi - 476 , 480 , 482 , 562;川,to印of
bili印568 . SeXuali印5 10 ; " What 15 anAu -
Ellison , Ralph;角eln治1 ' ble人ran thor ? " 30 , 32 .
468 . Fowles , John 392 .
Ellman , Mary;仆inking about Franklin , Beniamin 152 , 410 .
1喃men 1 76 . FraZe乙JamesG;角e GOlden Bo峪h
Emerson,肋lphw缸do 628 , 652 , 654 24 , 334 .
" The Transcendentalist , , 652 . Freeman , Mary wilkins 292 .
Empson , william , 592 ; 5曰叱”了知es Freneau , Philip 4 12 .
ofA脚b妙i今20 , 22 , 362 ; So优e Freud , Sigmund 1 12 , 334 , 496 , 498 , 502 ,
怜乃fons ofPastoral 406 . 5 16 , 660 ; Ci讨Iiza万on and招Dis -
Engels , Friedrich 294 , 296 , 298;角e conten七492 ; In加du币on toPs梦
Ger巾an I ' leoI卿296 . choanalrsis 496 ; N沙甲IntTOducto甲

们吻别吧》,583 埃里克森,埃里克・ H . ,
德莱塞,西奥多,525 《年轻人路德》,503

德莱顿,约翰,45 , 427 , 461 , 495 , 555 , 565 ;恩斯特,马克斯,621
《押沙龙与阿奇托菲尔》,11 , 57;《亚欧里庇德斯,645
233;《安妮・齐利格如》,397;《格拉福克纳,威廉,345 , 391 ;
纳达的征服》,231 , 233;《讽刺对话》, 《押沙龙,押沙龙!》,223;《圣地》,
269 , 317;《爱的胜利》,233;《迈克弗 223;《喧哗与骚动》,601 , 631
列诺》,551 , 553 菲特利,朱迪思,《抗拒性读者》,151 , 181
杜尚,马塞尔,621 菲尔丁,亨利,《约瑟夫・安德鲁斯》,55 ,
杜雅丹,艾都瓦,《月桂树砍倒了》,599 455;《汤姆・琼斯》,435 , 439 , 453 ,

杜・莫里哀,达夫妮,《蝴蝶梦》,223 ' , 225 465;《悲剧的悲剧》,51 , 233
邓巴,保罗・劳伦斯,415 费什,斯坦利,483 , 455 , 517 , 519;《这堂课
伊格尔顿,特里,303 , 305 ・ ‘ ・ …?》,613

埃德尔,利昂,《亨利・詹姆斯》,503 菲茨杰拉德,爱德华,《欧玛尔・海亚姆的
爱德华兹,乔纳森,4n 鲁拜集》,65

387;《罗马拉》,389 比)) , 469;《爵士时代的故事》,417 ;
艾略特,T . 5 . , 59 , 213 , 275 , 319 , 331 , 《夜未央》,417
361 , 363 , 395 , 417 , 565;《普鲁弗洛克福楼拜,古斯塔夫,《包法利夫人》,465
的情歌》,57 , 395;《玄学派诗人》,弗莱彻,约翰,《忠实的牧羊女》,407 , 651 ;
135;《大教堂凶杀案》,649;《荒原》, 《菲拉斯特》,651
19 , 335 , 343 , 527 , 557 , 631 福斯特,E . M . , 451;《小说面面观》,67
埃利斯,马克曼,《情感策略》,569 福柯,米歇尔,133 , 237 , 367 , 473 , 477 ,
埃里森,拉尔夫,《隐身人》,469 451 , 455 , 563;《性史》,511;《何为作
埃尔曼,玛丽,《想想妇女们》,177 者?》,31 , 33
爱默生,拉尔夫・沃尔多,629 , 653 , 655 ;福尔斯,约翰,393
《超验主义者》,653 . 富兰克林,本杰明,153 , 4H
燕卜荪,威廉,593;《七种歧义类型》(又弗雷泽,詹姆斯・ G .,《金枝》,25 , 335
译:《晦涩的七种类型》 、 《朦胧的七弗里曼,玛丽・威尔金斯,293
种类型》), 21 , 23 , 363;《牧歌的一些弗瑞诺,菲利普,413
形式》,407 弗洛伊德,西格蒙德,113 , 335 , 497 , 499 , 501 ,
恩格斯,弗里德里希,295 , 297 , 299;《德意 503 , 517 , 661;《文明与它的不满》,493 ;
志意识形态》,297 《精神分析引论》,497 ;

LectUres on凡班hoanalysis 500 ; An Gra另Thomas 456 , 6 18 ; " Elegy功介it -
outline of凡班hoanalysis 500 . ten in a Country Churchyard , , 12 ,
Freytag , Gustav ; Technique ofthe 224 , 590 ; " Hyllln to Adversityn
Dm从口454 . 396 ; " Ode on a Distant Prospect
Frye , Northrop 218 , 342 , 554 ; of Eton College , , 458 ; " Ode on
Anato阴y ofCri灯cism 26 , 28 , 66 , the Death of a Favorite Cat , , 42 ;
78 , 152 , 15东270 , 456 , 594;几e " The Progress of Poesy , , 396 ;
阶11一TemPered Cri沈606 . " stanZas to ML Bentieyn 428 .
Fugard , Athol 434 . Greenblatt , Stephen 34 , 370 , 372 , 374 ,
376 ; Renaissancese娇Fashioning
Gadamer ) Hans一Georg 1 32,科0 , 526 370 ; ShakesPeareanN怨O五a瓦ons
了翔th andM己thod 258 , 260 . 374 , 376 ; " TOward a Poetics of
Gallie , W . B . 346 . Culture , , 370 .
Garland , Hamlin 292 . Greg , W . W . 636 .
Gautie乙Theophile6 , 108 . Grice , H . P . 132 , 134 , 260 , 262 , 582 ;
Gay , John ; B心活ar , s oPera 56 ; SheP - StUdies in the下Va尸of下钧rds 1 34 .
herd , s不恤ek 406 . Grierson , H ・ J ・ C;沁taPh邓icaIL)戒cs
Geertz , Clifford 132 , 366 . and Poe阴5 ofthe Se ' Venteenth Cen -
Genet , Jean 4 . 勿Iy 318 .
Genette , G亡rard 346 , 464 , 602 . Guba乙Susan;劝eM魂口woman in the
George , Stefan 628 . A币c 182 ; Ed .,角eNo心nAnthol -
Gibbons , Stella ; Cold ComfortFa洲 q妙口fLiteratUre妙肠men 188 .
390 , 508 . Guedalla , Philip 660 .
Gide , Andr乏5 10;仆e Counte币iters Gutenberg , Johann 530 .
386 , 470 .
Gilbert , Sandra;仆eM泛口woman in Hamburger , K泣te;仆eL叨c ofLiter -
theA川c 182 ; Ed . , TheNortonAn - 探tU阳344 .
thol昭洲OfLiteratUre妙肠men 188 . Hamilton , Alexander 412 .
Ginsberg , Allen 212 , 418 ; HOwI42 . Hardy , Thomas 290 , 388 ; lude the
Gladstone , Wllliam Ewart 660 . obscure 524 ; " In Tenebrisl , , 168 ;
Godwin , William ; Caleb WIlliams The RetU , oftheNa红ve 28 , 200 ;
222 . 几550厂theD ’阶白ervilles 132 , 190 ,
Goethe , Johann Wdfgang von 574 ; 274 .
Max加5 andR叨e苗ons 626;几e Harpet , Francis EllenW缸kins
S口加ws ofyoung科/e rther 566 ; 412 , 414 .
WIlhelm MeisteT , s APPren瓦ceshiP Harliot , Thomas ; A Briefand7 ' n , e
386 .
RePort oftheN己w FOundLandof
Goldsmith , oliver ; " Comparison Vi廖nia 374 .
between Sentimental and Laugh - Harris , Joel Chandler 14 , 574 .
ing Comedy , , 566 . Harris , Mark;林公ke UP , StUPid 384 .
Gordime乙Nadine 434 ; Burger , S Harte , Bret 296 .
Daugl王ter 386 . Hawthorne , Nathaniel 628 , 652 , 654 ;
Gramsci , Antonio 302 . 仆eBlithedaleRo阴ance654;劝e
Grass , Gtinter 390 . HOuse ofthe Seven Gables 384 .

《精神分析新引论讲义》,501;《精神分析格雷,托马斯,457 , 619 ;
概要》,501 《墓畔哀歌》,13 , 225 , 591 ;
弗雷泰戈,格斯泰夫,《戏剧的技巧》,455 《逆境颂》,397;《伊顿公学远眺》,
弗莱,诺斯罗普,219 , 343 , 555;《批评的剖 459;《祭爱猫之死》,43;《灵感的进
析》,27 , 29 , 67 , 79 , 153 , 155 , 271 , 程》,397 ;

457 , 595;《好脾气的批评家》,607 《献给本特利先生的诗》,429
富加德,阿索尔,435 格林布拉特,斯蒂芬,35 , 371 , 373 , 377 ;
《文艺复兴的自我形成》,371 ;
伽达默尔,汉斯一乔治,133 , 441 , 527;《真《莎士比亚的谈判》,375 , 377 ;
理与方法》,259 , 261 《走向文化诗学》,371
加利,W . B . , 547 格雷格,W . W . , 637

加兰,哈姆林,293 格赖斯,H . P . , 133 , 135 , 261 , 263 , 583 ;
戈蒂埃,泰奥菲尔,7 , 109 《言语方式的研究》,135
盖伊,约翰,《乞丐的歌剧》,57;《牧人一格里尔森,H . J . C;《 17世纪玄学派抒情
周》,407 诗与诗歌》,319
吉尔茨,克利福德,133 , 367 格芭,苏珊,《阁楼上的疯女人》,183 ;
热内,让,5 编《诺顿妇女文学选集》,189
热奈特,热拉尔,347 , 465 , 603 奎达拉,菲利普,661
格奥尔格,施特凡,629 谷登堡,约翰,531
391 , 509 汉伯格,凯特,《文学的逻辑》,345
387 , 471 哈代,托马斯,291 , 389 ;
吉尔伯特,桑德拉,《阁楼上的疯女人》, 《无名的裘德》,525;《在抑郁中》,
183;编《诺顿妇女文学选集》,189 169;《还乡》,29 , 201 ;
金斯堡,艾伦,213 , 419;《嚎叫》,43 《德伯家的苔丝》,133 , 191 , 275
格拉德斯顿,威廉・尤厄特,661 哈拍,弗朗西斯・埃伦・沃特金斯,
戈德温,威廉,《凯勒布・威廉斯》,223 413 , 415
与反思》,627;《少年维特之烦恼》, 要真实的报道》,375
567;《威廉・迈斯特的学徒生涯》,387哈里斯,乔尔・钱德勒,15 , 575 .
喜剧的对比》,567 哈特,布雷特,293
戈迪默,内丁,435;《伯格的女儿》,387 霍桑,纳撒尼尔,629 , 653 , 655 ;
葛兰西,安东尼奥,303 《福谷传奇》,655 ;
格拉斯,君特,391 《七个尖角阁的房子》,385
678 INo 〔 x oF ^ u下日oRs

Hazlitt , WIlliam 100 , 356 , Howells , William Dean 520 .
H . D . see : Doofittle , Hilda . Hughes , Langston ; " Mother to Son , ,
Heidegge乙Martin 1 12,科0 ; Being in 2 14 .
Time 258 . Hunt , WUIiam Holman 486 .
Heilman , RobertB ; Th定5 Great Stase Hurston , Zora Neale;仆e定r抑es
2科. 协乞re不Vatching God 228 .
Heliodorus ; AethioPica 380 . Husseri , Edmund 440 .
Hemingway , Ernest ; " A Clean , Huxle又川dous ; Brave入阳w 】吻rid
W已l一Lighted Place " 464 , 656 ; Point Counter POint 550 , 554 .
572 ; " Indian Camp , , 608 ; " The Huysmans , J . K . 1 10 .
抢llers , , 464 ; Across theR定ver and
IntO the了’ re es 56 ; " The Short Ibsen , Henrik ; A Doll , S月d " se 492 ,
HaPpy Life of Francis Ma - 648 ; An Ene柳ofthe凡oPle 648 ;
comber , , 464 , 466 , 572 ; The Sun GhOSts 648 .
AISo Rises 416 , 608 . Ionesco , Eug之ne 2 .
Henry , 0 . 292 , 450 , 572 . Ingarden , Roman 440 , 5 14 .
Herbert , George 316 , 318 ; " Virtue , , Irigaray , Luce 186 , 504 .
92 . Irving Washington 412 .
Herde石Johann Gottfried科2 . Iser , Wblfgang 514 .
Herodotus 616 .
Herrick , Robert 426 ; " To the Vir - Jacobs , Harriet ; IncidenO in the Life
gins , , 338 ; " Upon Julia , S ofa Slave Giri 412 .
Clothes , , 590 . Jakobson , Roman 196 , 204 , 206 , 208 ,
Hesiod ; Works andDays 220 . 288 , 600 , 6 10 , 612 .
Hiiuelos , oscar420 . Jamesl , king of Scotland;仆eKi雌15
Hippocrates ; APhoriS脚5 160 . 伽air 590 .
Hirs山,E . D . 256 , 258 , 260 ; Aimsof James , Henry92 , 432 , 448 , 654;了加
InterPreta " On 256 , 614 ; Validi粉 Ambassadors 466;升e Artof伪e
in InterP理ta如n 254 . NOvel 390 , 462 ; PO功诫t ofa La即
Hobbes , Thomas ; L酬athan 564 . 450 , 598 ; " The Sacred Fount , ,
Hoffmann , E . T . A . 222 . 470 ; " The Tum of the ScreW即
Hoggart , Richard 106 . 470 , 574 ; WhatM比isieK " ew 464 .
H6lderlin , Frledrich 628 . James , william;尸减” ciPles ofPs ) , cho不
Holland , Norman 500 , 516.、 绍夕596 .
Homer 152 , 158 , 164 , 352 , 616;八e Jameson , Fredric 302 , 304 .
Iliad 1 54 ; The odyss即1 54 . Ja仃另A价ed;肠uroi灿“ theKi叨2 .
Hopkins , Gerard Manley 456 , 548 ; Jauss , Hans Robert 524 , 526 .
" TheM介eCk of the Deutschland , , Jefferson , Thomas 1 52 , 412 ; , , Decla ・
328 , 330 . ration of IndePendence , , 610 .
Horace 354 , 398 , 552 ; Ars Poe瓦ca Jensen , Wilhelm 500 .
34 , 122 , 350 , 506 , 538 ; O决,62 . Jewett , Sarah ome 292 .
Horkheime乙Max 298 . Johnson , Barbara 1 18 .
Howe , E , W . 292 . Johnson , samuel 58 , 122 , 316 , 352 ,
Howe , Irving 418 . 428 ; " Life of CoWley " 84 ; " Life

黑兹利特,威廉,101 , 357 霍威尔斯,威廉・迪安,521
H . D .,见杜利特尔,希尔达 休斯,兰斯顿,《母亲对儿子说的一席
海德格尔,马丁,n3 , 441;《存在与时 话》,2 15
间》,259 亨特,威廉・霍曼,487
海尔曼,罗伯特・ B .,《这个大舞台》,245赫斯顿,佐拉・尼尔;《他们眼望上苍》,229
赫里奥多鲁斯,《伊西奥皮卡》,381 胡塞尔,埃德蒙,441
海明威,欧内斯特,《一个干净明亮的地方》,赫青黎,奥尔德斯,《美丽新世界》,657 ;
465 , 573;《印第安人营地》,609;《杀人 《针锋相对》,551 , 555
者》,465;《跨过河流,进人森林》,57;《弗于斯曼,J . K . , 111
465 , 467 ; 573;《太阳照样升起》,417 , 609易I 、生,亨里克,《玩偶之家》,493 , 649 ;
亨利,欧,293 , 451 , 573 《人民公敌》,649;《群魔》,649
赫伯特,乔治,317 , 319;《美德》,93 尤内斯库,尤金,3
赫尔德,约翰・戈特弗里德,443 英加登,罗曼,441 , 515
希罗多德,617 伊瑞格瑞,露丝,187 , 505
茱莉叶的衣裳》,591 伊塞尔,沃尔夫冈,515 .
胡罗斯,奥斯卡,421 雅各布斯,哈丽特,《一个女奴的生平事
希波克拉底,《哉言》,161 件》,413
赫什,E . D . , 257 , 259 , 261;《释义的目雅各布森,罗曼,197 , 205 , 207 , 209 , 259 ,
的》,257 , 615;《释义的合法性》,255 601 , 611一613
霍布斯,托马斯,《利维坦》,565 詹姆斯一世,苏格兰国王;《国王书》,591
霍夫曼,E . T . A . , 223 詹姆斯,亨利,93 , 433 , 449 , 655;《大使》,467 ;
霍格特,理查德,107 制、说的艺术》,391 , 463;《贵妇人的画
霍尔德林,弗里德瑞奇,629 像》,451 , 599;《圣泉》,471;《螺丝在拧
霍兰德,诺曼,501 , 517 紧》,471 , 575;《梅西知道的》,465
荷马,153 , 159 , 165 , 353 , 617;《伊利亚詹姆斯,威廉,《心理学原理》,597
特》,155;《奥德赛》,155 詹姆逊,弗雷德里克,303 , 305
霍普金斯,杰勒德・曼利,457 , 549;《德意雅里,阿尔弗雷德,《于布王》(又译《乌布
志号的沉没》,329 , 331 王》), 3
贺拉斯,355 , 399 , 553;《诗艺》,35 , 123 ,姚斯,汉斯・罗伯特,525 , 527 .
351 , 507 , 539;《歌集》,63 杰斐逊,托马斯,(又译杰弗逊,托马斯)
霍克海姆,马克斯,299 153 , 413;《独立宣言》,611
豪,E . W . , 2 93 詹森,威廉,501
豪,欧文,419 朱厄特,萨拉・奥恩,293
约翰逊,塞缪尔,59 , 123 , 317 , 553 , 429 ;
《考利传》,85 ;
680 INo以OF ^ u丁日ORs

of Milton " 146 , 234 ; " London " " On First Looking Into Chap -
554 ; " Preface to Shakespeare , , man , S Homer , , 462 ; " TOAu -
tUmn , , 12 , 1 98 , 398 .
642 ; Rasselas 24 , 656 ; " The物n - Keble , John ; on the Healing POwer of ity of Human Wishes , , 554 .
Poe抑496 .
Jones , Emest ; Hamlet and oediPuS
500 . Kelly ' Joan ; Wo阴en , Histo甲and
Jones , Inigo 306 . 仆eoly 534 , 536 .
Jonson , Ben 78 , 82 , 596 ; " Drink to Kennode , Frank;仆eG明esis Ofse -
me onfy with thine eyes " 240 , Crecy 266 .
294;五雀甲M论n in His Humour 82 ; Kerouac , Jack418 .
仆eM劝sque ofBla比nesse 306 ; 掀ng , StePhen 224 .
仆eM比squeo厂Queens 306 ; " To …枪ngston , Maxine Hong 420 .
Mr . Wllliam Shakespearen 枪pling,助dyard 290 .
34 , 36 , 292 ; " TO the Immortal 冷eist , Heinrich von 574 .
Memory and FriendshiP of That Knapp , Steven;八护i拄st角eo甲484 .
Noble Pai马Sir Lucius Cary and 众ight , G . Wilson 244 ・
Sir H . Morison , , 396 ; VOIPone Kriege兀Murray 364 .
450 , 550 , 594 . Kristeva , Julia 186 , 504 , 602 , 634 .
Joyce , James 64;几刀n绍阴s种勺ke Kyd , Thomas;仆e SPan钻h Tras ' dy
20 , 22 , 142 , 334 , 342 , 506 , 630 , 646 .

634 ; PO巾a定t oftheA川st asa
Young Man 1 60 , 2 16 , 386 ; StePhen Lacan , Jacques 1 84 , 476 , 504 , 562 ,
价rol60;阴加esl56 , 164 , 334 , 342 ,妞Fayette , Madame de ; La州ncesse
570 , 598 . 泛e Cl色ves 382 .
Jung , Carl 24 , 26 , 452 . La Fontaine , Jean de 14 .
Juvenal 552 . Lakoff , George ; MUre角an CO01 Rea -
son 314 .
Kafka , FranZZ , 170 , 172 , 522 ・ Lamb , Charles 356 .
Kant , Immanuel 660 ; Cri向ueof 加ndor , w砚ter Savage 160 .
加勿” ent6 , 136 , 618 , 620 ; " What 15 Langland , Willia斌几ers Plow洲陀an
Eulighte帅ent ? , , 152 . 16 , 328 , 424 .
Kaplan , Justin ; M斑rkT沁ain and His Lanier , Sidney 414 .
F而rld 502 . Lawrence , D . H . 490 .
Ka滋n , Alfred 4 1 8 . Lea乙Edward 280 .
Keats , John148 , 348 , 354 , 356 , 358 ; Leavls , E R . 60 , 318 , 360 .
" La Belle Dame sans Merci " 338 ; Lee , Nathaniel ; The Rival Queens
“助勿mionn 88 , 14尽230 , 232 .
324 , 326 ; " The Eve of St . Agnes , , Leech , Geo价ey ; A Linguis价Guide
164 , 166 , 200 ; " The Fall ofH即er ・ toEnglishPoe抑614 .
ion : A Dream " 142 ; " H叨mn to Le Guin , Ursula 558;仆eD泣sPos -
Apollo , , 238 ; " HyPerion , , 1 52 , S郎Sed 656 .
358 ; " ode on a Grecian Um , , 18 , Leibniz , Gottfried 224 , 226 .
24 , 542 ; " ode to a Nightingale , , Lentricchla , Frank 208 .
88 , 94 , 630 ; " ode to Psyche , , 88 ; Le Sage ; Gil Blas 380 .

《弥尔顿生平》,147 , 235;《伦敦》,555;《莎《初读查普曼译荷马有感》,463;《秋颂》,
士比亚绪论》,643;《拉塞勒斯》,25 , 13 , 199 , 399

657;《人类愿望的虚荣》,555 基布尔,约翰,《论诗歌的治疗功能》,497
琼斯,欧内斯特,《哈姆雷特与俄狄浦凯莉,琼,《女性、历史与理论》,535 , 537
斯》,501 克莫德,弗兰克,《神秘的起源》,267
琼斯.伊尼戈,307 凯鲁亚克,杰克,419
琼森,本,79 , 83 , 597;《用你的双眸给我祝金,斯蒂芬,225
酒吧》,241 , 295;《人各有癖》,83;《黑金斯敦,玛克辛・汉(即汤婷婷), 421
威廉・莎士比亚先生》,35 , 37 , 293 ;纳普,斯蒂文,《反理论》,485
友谊》,397;《狐狸》,451 , 551 , 595 克莉丝蒂娃,朱莉娅,187 , 505 , 603 , 635
乔伊斯,詹姆斯,65;《芬尼根的觉醒》,21 ,基德,托马斯,《西班牙的悲剧》,647
23 , 143 , 335 , 343 , 507 , 631 , 635;《一
个青年艺术家的画像》,161 , 217 ,拉康,雅克,155 , 477 , 505 , 563
斯》,1 57 , 165 , 335 , 343 , 571 , 599 拉封丹,让・德,15
荣格,卡尔,25 , 27 , 503 雷柯夫,乔治,《并非只是冰冷的理
尤维纳利斯,553 论》,315
卡夫卡,弗朗兹,3 , 171 , 173 , 523 兰多,沃尔特・萨维奇,161
康德,伊曼纽尔,661;《判断力批判》,7 ,朗格兰,威廉,《农夫皮尔斯》,17 , 329 , 425
137 , 619 , 621;《论启蒙运动》,153 拉尼尔,西德尼,415
卡普兰,查斯丁,《马克・吐温与他的世劳伦斯,D . H . , 491
界》,503 李尔,爱德华,281
卡辛,艾尔弗雷特,419 利维斯,F . R . , 61 , 319 , 361
济慈,约翰,149 , 349 , 355 , 357 , 359;《无情李,纳撒尼尔,《竞争的皇后们》,233
的美人》,339;《恩底弥翁》,89 , 149 ,里奇,杰弗里,《英语诗歌的语言学指
231 , 325 , 327;《圣阿格尼斯夜》,165 , 南》,6 15
167 , 201;《海披里昂:梦》,143;《阿波列・吉恩,厄休拉,559;《一无所有》,657
罗颂》,239;《海披里昂》,153 , 559 ;莱布尼兹,戈特弗里德,225 , 227
《希腊古瓮颂》,19 , 25 , 543;《夜莺兰特里夏,弗兰克,209
颂》,89 , 95 , 631;《心灵颂》,89 ; 勒萨日,《吉尔・布拉斯》,381
682 INoEx oF ^ u丁日oRs

Lessing , Doris 434 . MacKen乙e , Henry;劝eM比nof凡el -
L通vi一S加uss , Claude 340 , 476 , 562 ing566 .
M尽clean , Norman ; " From Action to
? ? , " ' , “一“ J Image , , 396 .
Lewis , C . Day ; P介”昭巴242 Madison , James 412 .
Lewis , C . 5 . 452 , 558 . Maile石Norman;角e Execu瓦oner , s
Lewis , Matthew Gregory;仆eM乙nk Song 388;乃e Naked and the Dead
222 . 524 .
Lewis , R . W . B;仆e Ame八can Ada川 Malcolm X 46 .
488 . Mallarm己,St乏phane 628 .
Lillo , George;仆e London人伦rchant Malory , Thomas ; Mdrted , A rthur
648 . 424 .
Lincoln , Abraham ; " Gettysburg Ad - Mann , Thomas ; Deathin磅川ce
dress , , 24 , 538 . 380 ; Dr ’凡us扭5 386;凡IixK川11
LOcke , John 652 ; Ess叮Conce阴ing 382 ; TOnioK城ger 386 .
Human咖由悠tandi叮3 12 . Mansfield , Katherine ; " Bliss , , 466 .
Lodge , Thomas ; Rosa恤de 380 , 406 . Marie de France ; Lais 278 , 422 .
Longfello琳HenryW泛dswo曲330 . Marlowe , Christopher ; Dr . Faus如
LOnginus 102 ; on thesublime 616 . 50 , 578 ; Ed即ard H 74;劝e卿甲of
Longus ; D即hnis and Chloe 380 . M以ta646 ; " The Passionate Shep -
Lord , Albert 400 . herd to His Love , , 406 .
Lorde , Audre 5 1 0 . M轰rquez , Gabriel Garcia 390 .
Lorris , Guillaume de ; Roman dela Martial 1 58 .
Rose 142 , 422 , 622 , 624 . Marvell , Andrew 3 16 , 3 18 ; " The Gar -
Lovecraft , H . P . 224 . den , , 406 ; " An Horatian ode
Loveloy ) A . 0 . 488;角e Great Cha动 upon Cromwell , 5 Retum from
ofBeing 226 . Ireland , , 394 , 398 ; " TO His Coy
Lowell , Amy ; 50阴。 Im叼女Poe台244 . Mistressn 62 , 240 , 294 , 588 .
Lowell , RObert ; Life StUdies 90 . Marx , Groucho 1 96 .
Lubbock , Percy;仆e Cra斤ofFic红on Marx , Kari 294 , 296 , 298 , 334 , 376 , 578 ;
462 . 介eGen " anldeoIO}沙296 .
Lucretius ; DeR翻拼N比匆ra 130 . Mather , Cotton 410 .
Luk巨cs , Georg 298 , 576;仆eo甲of Mather , Increase 278 .
th已Ndvel 1 56 . Matthiessen , E 0 . 412 .
Luthe乙Martin 530 ; " A Mighty Maugham , Somerset ; OfH幼man
FOrtreSS 15 OUr GOd " 238 . BondaJ牟386 .
Lyly , John ; EuPhues and his England McGann , Jerome ; Cri瓦que ofMdde二
168 ; EuPhues:角eAnato柳of州t 及欠加al Criticism 638 .
168 . Mclnern你Jay ; Bright Lights , Big
Lyotard , Fran叮015;劝e POs加ode阴 Ci印468 .
Condi百on 486 . McPhee , John 388 .
Melville , Herman 628 , 654 ; Mo妙-
Macherey , Pierre 374 ; A仆eo甲of Dick 15氏468 , 624 .
Literaly Produc廿on 302 Mefiander 78 .

莱辛,多丽丝,435 麦肯齐,亨利,《情感男人》,567
列维一斯特劳斯,克劳德,341 , 477 , 5G3 ,迈克利恩,诺曼,《从行动到意象》,397
601 , 613 麦迪逊,詹姆斯,413

莱文,哈里,471 梅勒,诺曼,《刽子手之歌》,389 ;
刘易斯,C.戴,《诗学意象》,243 《裸者与死者》,525

刘易斯,C . 5 . , 453 , 559 马尔科姆x , 47

刘易斯,马修・格雷格里,《僧人》,223 马拉梅,斯蒂芬,629
刘易斯,R . W . B .,《美国式亚当》,489 马洛礼,托马斯,《亚瑟王之死》,425
李洛,乔治,《伦敦商人》,649 曼,托马斯,《死在威尼斯》,381;《浮士德
林肯,亚伯拉罕,《葛底斯堡演说》,25 , 539 博士》,387浅费利克斯・克鲁尔》,
洛克,约翰,653;《人类理智论》,313 383;《托尼奥・克略特尔》,387
洛奇,托马斯,《罗莎琳德》,381 , 407 曼斯菲尔德,凯瑟琳,《幸福》,467
朗费罗,亨利・华兹沃斯,331 玛丽・德・法兰西,《籁歌》,279 , 423
朗吉努斯,103;《论崇高》,617 马洛,克里斯托弗,《浮士德博士》,51 , 579 ;
朗格斯,《达芙妮与克罗埃》,381 《爱德华二世》,75;《马耳他的犹太人》,
洛德,艾伯特,401 647;《热情的牧人致情人》,407
洛德,奥德,511 马尔克斯,加布里埃尔・加西亚,391
洛里斯,纪尧姆・德,《玫瑰传奇》,143 ,马提雅尔,159
423 , 623 , 625 马韦尔,安德鲁,317 , 319;《花园》,407 ;
洛夫克拉夫特,H . P . , 225 《贺拉斯体颂:为克伦威尔从爱尔兰
洛夫乔伊,A . 0 . , 489;《伟大的生存 归来而作》,395 , 399;《致羞涩的情
链》,227 人》,63 , 241 , 295 , 589

洛威尔,罗伯特,《人生写照》,91 马克思,卡尔,295 , 297 , 299 , 335 , 377 ,
卢伯克,拍西,《小说的技艺》,463 579;《德意志意识形态》,297
卢克莱修,《物性论》,131 马瑟,科顿,411
卢卡契,乔治,299 , 577;《小说理论》,157马瑟,英克里斯,279
路德,马丁,531;《上帝是我们万能的保护麦西森,F . 0 . , 413
者》,239 毛姆,萨默赛特,《人生的栓桔》,387
黎里,约翰,《尤弗伊斯及其英国》,169 ;麦格伦,杰罗姆,《现代文本批评之评论》,639
《尤弗伊斯:才智的剖析》,169 麦金纳尼,杰伊,
利奥塔,弗朗索瓦,《后现代条件》,487 《明亮的灯火,伟大的城市》,469
马舍雷,彼埃尔,375 ; 梅尔维尔,赫尔曼,629 , 655 ;
《文学生产理论》,303 《白鲸》,157 , 469 , 625
684 INo 〔 xo 「 Au下日oRs

Menippus 554 . Mukarovsky , Jan 204 , 206 .
Meredith , George;角e Idea ofCO脚- Murdoch , Iris;劝e枷亡口阴224 .
edy 80 ; Mddem Love 582 .
Merieau一Ponty , Maurice 440 . Nabokov , Vladimir ; Pale Fire 272 ,
Meun , Jean de ; Roman de la Rose 142 390 , 470 .
422 , 622 , 624 . Naipaul , V . 5 . 434 , 474 .
Michaels , W自lter Benn;八卯inst伪e - Narayan , R . K . 434 .
o尽484 . Nash , ogden 320 , 548 .
Millais , John 486 . Nashe , Thomas ; " Litany in皿me of
Mille石Arthur ; Death ofa撇lesman Plague , , 18;角e Unfo血nate7 ' tav -
454 , 648 . 心ller 382 .
Mille乌Henry 418 , 622 . Neal , Larry 46 .
Mille毛J . Hillisl20,科2 ; Charles Newman , John Henry ; " Lead ,
Dickens 444 ; RePe瓦找on and Fic如n 苟ndly Light , , 240 .
340 . Nietzsche , Friedrich 1 10 , 334;肠e
Millett , Kate ; Sexual POli改csl76 GeneaIO}沙ofM口rals 492 .
Milton , John 122 , 154 , 156 , 158 , 234 , Norris , Frank 524 .
528 , 564 , 580 ; " L ' Allegro , , 294 ; Norton , Thomas ; Gorboduc 646 .
" Comus , , 306 ; " Lycidas , , 96 , Novalis ( Friedrich Leopold von
144 , 146 , 198 , 394 ; " on the Morn - Hardenberg ) 628 ・
ing of Christ , s Nativity , , 238 ; Par -
adise Lost 10 , 50 , 130 , 152 , 156 , 158 ,
Odets , Clifford;下物i瓦ng for Le御132 .
19民226 , 294 , 340 , 358 , 404 , 434 , 0 , Neill , Eugene 524;角e EmPemr
460 , 506 , 5 18 , 532 , 534 , 542 , 616 , fones 1 72 ; MOuming Becomes Elec -
642 ; " 11 Penseroso , , 294 ; " Whenl tTa 342 , 648 ; StTa玛阳Interlude
consider how my light 15 spentn 580 .
292 . ong,叭厄lter 438 .
Mitchell , Margaret ; Gone with the origen , 264 .
w动d 388 . orwell , George ; AnimalFa洲14 ;
Monk , Samuel H . 618 . Ninete印E沙纷凡ur 656 .
Monroe , Harriet 414 . Otwa又Thomas ; VeniceP八巧盯光d
Montagu , Lady Mary Wbrtley 428 ; 232 .
" The Lover : A Ballad , , 64 . OWcn , VVllfred 548 .
Montaigne , Michel de ; Essa那44 ,
166 . Paine , Thomas 412 .
Montrose , Louis 366 . Parrish , Stephen;劝eCO阴ell
Moore , Marianne ; " The Steeple - 下钧护由worth 636 .
Jackn 242 . Parry , Milman 400 .
More , Paul Elmer 236 . Pate乙W缸ter6 , 100 , 102;仆eRenais -
More , Sir Thomas ; U帅ia 654 , 656 . sance 494 , 508 .
Moreau , Gustave 1 10 . Peacock , Thomas Love ; N妙加are
MoritZ , K . P ; Anton Reiser 386 . Abb即550 , 554 ; " The叭lar Song
Morris , William 486 ; " The Earthly of Dinas Vawr , , 278 .
Paradise , , 486 . Peirce , Charles Sanders 558 , 560 .

梅尼普斯,555 穆卡诺夫斯基,詹,205 , 207
梅瑞狄斯,乔治,《喜剧的观念》,81 ; 默多克,艾丽斯,《独角兽》,225
梅洛一庞蒂,莫利斯,441 纳博科夫,弗拉基米尔,《灰火》,273 ,
莫恩,吉恩・德,《玫瑰传奇》,143 , 423 , 391 , 471

623 , 625 奈保尔,V . S , , 435 , 475
迈克尔斯,沃尔特・本,《反理论》,485 纳拉扬,R . K . , 435
密莱司,约翰,487 纳什,奥格登,321 , 549
米勒,阿瑟,《推销员之死》,455 , 649 纳什,托马斯,《瘟疫年的祈祷》,19;《倒霉
米勒,亨利,419 , 623 的旅行家》,383
米勒,J.希利斯,121 , 443;《查尔斯・狄更尼尔,拉里,47
斯》,445;《重复与小说》,341 纽曼,约翰・亨利,《慈光歌》,241
米利特,凯特,《性政治》,177 尼采,弗里德里希,nl , 335 ;
弥尔顿,约翰,123 , 155 , 157 , 159 , 235 , 《道德的谱系》,493
529 , 565 , 581;《快乐的人》,295;《科诺里斯,弗兰克,525
玛斯》,307;《利西达斯》,97 , 145 ,诺顿,托马斯,《戈尔伯德克悲剧》,647
147 , 199 , 395;《圣诞清晨歌》,239 ;诺瓦利斯(弗雷德里希・冯・哈登伯格), 629
《失乐园》,11 , 51 , 131 , 153 , 157 , 159 ,
1 99 , 227 , 295 , 341 , 359 , 405 , 435 ,奥德兹,克利福德,《等待老左》,133
461 , 507 , 519 , 533 , 535 , 543 , 617 ,奥尼尔,尤金,525;《琼斯皇》,173;《哀
643;《沉思的人》,295;《想到自己失 悼》,343 , 649;《奇妙的插曲》,581
明的时候》,293 翁格,沃尔特,439
米切尔,玛格丽特,《飘》,389 奥利金,265
蒙克,塞缪尔・ H . , 619 奥威尔,乔治,《动物庄园》,15 ;
门罗,哈丽特,415 《一九八四》,657
情歌集》,65 欧文,威尔弗雷德,549
蒙田,米歇尔・德,《随笔》,45 , 167
蒙特罗斯,路易斯,367 潘恩,托马斯,413
穆尔,玛丽安,《尖顶》,243 帕里什,斯蒂芬,《康奈尔・华兹华斯》,637
莫尔,保罗・埃尔默,237 帕里,米尔曼,401
莫尔,托马斯爵士,《乌托邦》,655 , 657佩特,沃尔特,7 , 101 , 103;《文艺复兴史研
莫罗,古斯塔夫,In 究》,495 , 509
莫里茨,K . P .,《安东・赖绥》,387 皮科克,托马斯・洛夫,《恶梦隐修院》,
莫里斯,威廉,487;《人间天堂》,487 551 , 555;《黛纳斯・沃的战歌》,279
皮尔斯,查尔斯・桑德斯,559 , 561
686 INo以。 「^ur日oRs

Peppe乙stePhen c ; world双叩othe - Quintilian 536;加s找加t6s oforato甲
ses 3 1 6 . 192

Perc另Thomas ; Reli例es ofAncient
English POe抑38 , 428 . Rabelais , Franfois ; Gargan加a and
Petrarch ( Francesco Petrarca ) 84 , Pan切卿el 554 .
446 , 580 , 582 . Radcliffe , Ann;劝e为rysteriesof
Phillips , John ; " The Splendid U如IPho 222 .
Shilling , , 52 . Rahv , Phllip 418 .
Philo , 262 . Ransom , John Crowel68 , 360 , 362 ;
Pindar 396 . TheN白胃Cri找cism 360;劝e
Plath , Sylvia ; " Daddy , , 394 . 1钓rld , sB 。即88 .
Plato 2 16 , 224 , 232 , 272 , 5 10 , 616 ; Ray , Man 620 .
角eRePublic342 , 656;和即仍iu优Reinhardt , Max 172 .
科6 . 几ce , Elmer;角e AddingM比chine 172 .
PlautUs 78 . 形ch , Adrierme 5 10 ; " Compulsive
P10tinUS 224 . Heterosexuaiity and Lesbian Exis ・
Plutarch ; Parallel众v “科. tence , , 5 10 .
Poe , Edgar Allan6 , 222 , 412 , 628 ; 租chards , 1 . A . 8 ; PhilosoP抑of
角e GoldB叮572;角e九而切心 RhetO月c 194 , 286 , 310;月的c互cal
Le旅r 504 ; , , Tlle Raven , , 526 . Cri红cism 360 , 362 , 436 , 596;尸对n ・
Pope , Alexander 228 , 5科,550 , 552 ; c争les ofLitera甲Cri找‘ ism 276 ,
, , EPistie to Dr . Arbuthnotn 22 , 24 , 360 ; SCience andPOe抑190 .
434 , 456 , 552 ; " Essay on Criti - 砒chardson , Dorot坤;几沙,吧理
dsm , , 74 , 76 , 130 , 166 , 352 , 398 , 598 , 600 .
660 ; " Essay on Man , , 130 , 166 , 226 ;形chardson , Samuel 598 ; Cla廊sa
Imita如nsof乃勿race 248 ; MdralEs - 382 ; Pamela 382 , 566 .
sa声552 ; " of the Characters of 砒coeur , Paul;仆亡Rule ofMe帅hor
Wbmen , , 230 ; " on Bathos " 40 ; 3 16 .
, , Pastorals , , 406 ; " Rape of the 形到汕terre , Michael 612 .
Lock " 24 , 54 , 164 , 270 , 542 ; " The Rilke,助nier Maria 628 .
Universai Ptayernl24 ・ 形mbaud , Arthurl 10 , 628 ; " A black ,
Porte石Cole 86 . E脚五ite , 1 red , U green , 0 bhie , ,
Poulet , Georges 444 ; " Phenomenol - 630;刀lumina如ns 494 .
ogy of Reading ,,钊2 . Robbe一Grillet,用ain ; leatousy 390 ,
Pound , Ezra 228 , 2科,330 , 416 , 464 .
628 ; Cantos 334 ; " In as恤tion of Rochestet , John Wilmot , second
the Metro " 228 , 246 . earl of ; " A Satyr against
Praed , Winthrop Mackworth 622 . Mankind " 550 .
Propp,讥adimir;仆e MorPho佃沙of Robertson , D . W . 266 .
the FOlktale 348 . Ro找又形chard 484 .
Proust , MarCel 5 10 ; Re阴e阴如nceof ROssetti , Christina ; " GOblin Market "
仆奴笋而st 386 . 486 ; " NO , thank you , John " 294 .
即nchon , Thomas 622 ; Gra诬印,s Rossetti , Dante Gabriel 486 ; " The
Rainbow 388 . BleSSed Dalhozel " 486 .

佩拍,斯蒂芬・ C .,《世界假设》,317 昆体良,537 ;(雄辩术原理》,193
诗辑古》), 39 , 429 拉伯雷,弗朗索瓦,《巨人传》,555
彼特拉克(弗朗西斯科・彼特拉克), 85 ,拉德克利夫,安,(尤道弗之谜》,223
447 , 581 , 583 拉夫,菲利普,419
菲利普斯,约翰,《耀眼的先令》,53 兰塞姆,约翰・克罗,169 , 361 , 363 ;
斐洛,265 《新批评》,361 ;
品达,397 《世界之躯》,89
普拉斯,西尔维亚,《父亲》,395 雷,曼,621
柏拉图,217 , 225 , 233 , 273 , 511 , 617;《理赖恩哈特,马克斯,173
想国》,343 , 657;《会饮篇》,447 赖斯,埃尔默,《加法机》,173
普劳图斯,79 里奇,阿德瑞尼,511;《强制的异性恋与女
柏罗丁,225 同性恋之存在》,511
普卢塔克,《希腊罗马名人比较列传》 理查兹,1 . A . , 9;《修辞哲学》,195 ,
(又译《名人列传》), 45 287 , 311 ;

坡,埃德加・爱伦,7 , 223 , 413 , 629;《金甲 《实用批评》,361 , 363 , 437 , 597 ;
虫》,573;《失窃的信》,505;《乌鸦》,527 《文学批评原理》,277 , 361 ;
蒲柏,亚历LIJ大,229 , 545 , 551 , 553;《致阿 《科学与诗》,191
布斯纳博士书》,25 , 25 , 435 , 457 ,理查森,多萝西,《朝圣》,599 , 601
553;《批评论》,75 , 77 , 131 , 167 , 353 ,理查逊,塞缪尔,599;《克拉丽莎》,383 ;
399 , 661;《人论》,131 , 167 , 227 ; 《帕美勒》,383 , 567
《仿贺拉斯作》,249;《道德论》,553 ;利科,保罗,《隐喻的规则》,317
(女人性格论》,231 ; 里法泰尔,迈克尔,613
《论诗歌中的突降技巧》,41 ; 里尔克,赖纳・玛丽亚,629
《牧歌集》,407 ; 兰波,阿尔蒂尔,111 , 629;《 A黑色,E白
《卷发遇劫记》,25 , 55 , 165 , 271 , 543 ; 色,l红色,u绿色,O蓝色》,631;《灵
《共同的祷告》,125 光篇》,495
波特,科尔,87 罗布一格里耶,阿兰,《嫉妒》,391 , 465
庞德,埃兹拉,229 , 245 , 331 , 417 , 629;《诗 的讽刺》,551
章》,335;《地铁车站》,229 , 247 罗伯逊,D . W . , 267
普里德,温思罗普・麦克沃思,623 罗蒂,理查德,485
普洛普,弗拉基米尔,《民间故事形态罗塞蒂,克里斯蒂娜,《精灵集市》,487 ;
学》,349 《不,谢谢,约翰》,295
普鲁斯特,马塞尔,511 ; 罗塞蒂,但丁・加布里埃尔,487 ;
《追忆逝水年华》,387 《天女》,487
688 INo以oF ^ U丁日ORS

ROusseau , Jean一acques 490 ; Confes - Lear 88 , 150 , 244 , 408 , 452 ; Love , s
sions 566 ; Iuli灼or theN白困石间otse Labour , s Lost 1 70 ; M沈cbeth 568 ,
566 . 646;人化口sure for Measure 492 ;
Runyon , Damon 292 ・ Merchant of Venicel96 , 200 , 484 ,
Rushdie , Salman 434 , 474 . 650 ; othello 240 , 450 , 454 , 646 ;
Ruskin , John 392 , 406 , 408 . , , The肋pe of Lucrece , , 590 , 592 ;
Ryme称Thomas 122 , 460 . Richard H 508 ; Richard 111 646 ;
Romco and luliet 452 , 506 , 662 ;
Sackville , Thomas ; Gorboduc 646 . Sonne朽16 , 84 , 196 , 294 , 484 ,
Said , Edward 302 ; orien加lism 472 . 580 , 582;仆eTe呷est 150 , 306 ,
Salnte一Beuve , Charles ・ 374 , 532 ; Ti初Andronicus 646 ;
Augustin 276 . 乃刀ilus and Cressida 492;孙el肋
Salinger , J . D;劝e Catcher in the Rye Night 274 , 454 , 550 , 594 , 662 ;
462 , 662 . " Venus and Adonis " 148;州n妙,s
Sapir , Edward 282 . Tale 72 , 462 , 650 .
Sappho 510 , 616 . Shaw , George Bemard 130 , 132 ; Ge爪ng
Sartre , Jean一Paul 2 . M沈沉翻492 ; M泛n and SuP绷an
Saussure , Ferdinand de 1 14 , 282 , 284 , 492 ; M污.下叭之力℃ ” , s户mfession 492 .
476 , 504 , 558 , 560 , 562 ; COurse in Shelley , Mary ; Fmnkenstein 56 , 222 ,
General Li,绍,is以cs 282 , 558 , 600 . 558 .
Schelling , F . W . J . 342 . Shelley , Percy Bysshe 35东356 , 358 , 55q
Schlegel , Friedrich 274 , 342 . 628 ; Defence ofPOe抑162 , 5料;
Schleiermachet , Friedrich 254 . " Epipsychidion , , 446 , 568 ;
Schofes , Robert 392 . " Hymn of Apollo , , 238 ; " Hynln
Scott , SirW欲ter ; Ivanhoe 388;切尸of of Pan , , 238 ; " ode to thew比t
功eLastMinstTEI 278 . Wind , , 394 , 396 , 542 , 590 ;
Scud亡ry , Madeline de ; Le Grand 尸功metheus Unbound 358 ; “仆e
砚网5550 . Sensitive Plant , , 630 ; " To Night , ,
Seaile , John R . 582 , 584;五护resston 292 .
and人犯“ ninK 190 ; " Metaphor , , Sheridan,形chard Brinsley;仆e Ri -
156 ; sPeechA由262 . vals 294 .
Sedgwick , Eve 5 10 . Shklovsky , Victor 204 , 206 ・
Seneca 608 , 646 . Showalte乙Elaine 180 .
shakespeare , william 34 , 36 , 210 , Sidne又Sir Philip 234 , 330 , 530 ;
352 , 492 , 526 , 54氏580 , 582 , 596 , APol昭夕for Poe抑190 ; Arcadia
642 ; All , s IVell ThatEn山不怜11 380 , 404 ; AstToPhel and Stella 20 ,
492 ; Anto呷a摊d CleoPa如20 ; As 582 ; " Leave me , 0 love , , 402 .
You Like Itl96 , 380 , 406 , 594 ; Silko , Leslie Marmon 420 .
C卿beline 506 , 650 ; Hamlet 28 , Sinclair , Upton;劝e junslel32 , 386 .
19瓜21民244 , 402 , 448 , 450 , 452 , Sinfield,灿an 376 .
454 , 500 , 578 , 646 ; 1石飞n甲IV Sir Ga撇in and the Green Knight 424 .
268 , 376 , 450 , 452 , 460 , 616 , Skelton , John 138 .
662 ; 2石殆n尽IV 376;石飞”尽V Smith , Adam;仆e仆eolyo厂MOral
376;扭Iius Caesar44Q462 ; Ki叮 Sen瓦从朗ts 564 .

卢梭,让一雅克,491;《忏悔录》,567 ; 《李尔王》,89 , 151 , 245 , 409 , 453;《爱
《朱莉,或新爱洛绮斯》,567 的徒劳》,171;《麦克白》,569 , 647 ;
鲁尼恩,达蒙,293 《一报还一报》,493;《威尼斯商人》,
拉什迪,萨曼,435 , 475 197 , 201 , 485 , 651;《奥赛罗》,241 ,
罗斯金,约翰,393 , 407 , 409 451 , 455 , 647;《鲁克丽丝受辱记》,
赖默,托马斯,123 , 461 591 , 593;《理查二世》,509;《理查三
世》,647;《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,453 ,
萨克维尔,托马斯,《戈尔伯德克悲剧》,647 507 , 663;《十四行诗》,17 , 85 , 197 ,
赛义德,爱德华,303;《东方主义》,473 295 , 485 , 581 , 583;《暴风雨》,151 ,
圣一伯夫,查尔斯一奥古斯丁,277 307 , 375 , 533;《泰特斯・安特洛尼克
塞林格,J . D .,《麦田守望者》(又译《麦田 斯》,647;《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》,
里的守望者》), 463 , 663 493;《第十二夜》,275 , 455 , 551 , 595 ,
萨巫尔,爱德华,283 663;《维纳斯与阿多尼》,149;《冬天
萨福,511 , 617 的故事》,73 , 463 , 651
萨特,让一保罗,3 萧,乔治・伯纳,131 , 133;《结婚》,493 ;
索绪尔,费迪南・德,1巧,283 , 285 , 477 , 《人与超人》,493;《华伦夫人的职
505 , 559 , 561 , 563;《普通语言学教 业》,493
程》,283 , 559 , 601 雪莱,玛丽,《弗兰肯施泰因》,57 , 223 , 559
谢林,F . W . J . , 343 雪莱,拍西・比希,355 , 357 , 359 , 551 ,
施莱格尔,弗里德里克,275 , 343 629;《诗辩》,163 , 545;《厄皮塞乞迪
施莱尔马赫,弗里德里克,255 翁》,447 , 569;《阿波罗颂》,239;《潘
斯科尔斯,罗伯特,393 神颂》,239;《西风颂》,395 , 397 , 543 ,
司各特,沃尔特爵士,《艾凡赫》,389;《最 591;《解放了的普罗米修斯》,359 ;
后的吟游诗人之歌》,279 《敏感的植物》,631;《致夜晚》,293
塞尔,约翰・ R . , 583 , 585;《表达和意义》,什克洛夫斯基,维克托,205 , 207
塞德格威克,伊夫,sn 锡德尼爵士,菲利普,235 , 331 , 531;《诗
塞内加,609 , 647 辩》,191;《阿卡迪亚》,351 , 405;《爱
莎士比亚,威廉,35 , 37 , 211 , 353 , 493 , 527 , 星者和星星》,21 , 583;《离开我吧,那
547 , 551 , 583 , 597 , 643;《终成眷属》,493 ; 最轻易就能得到的爱轻如尘埃》,403
喜》,197 , 351 , 407 , 595;《辛白林》,507 ,辛克莱,厄普顿,《屠场》,133 , 387
651;《哈姆雷特》,29 , 197 , 219 , 245 , 403 ,辛菲尔德,艾伦,377
449 , 451 , 455 , 455 , 501 , 579 , 647;《亨不}〕四《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》,425
世》第一部,269 , 377 , 451 , 453 , 461 , 617 ,斯克尔顿,约翰,139
世》,377;《尤利乌斯・凯撒》,441 , 463 ;
690 INo以or ^ uT日oRs

Smith , Barbara Hernnstein ; M泛州娜Suckling , Sir John ; " A Ballad uPona
ofDiscourse 190 , W亡dding " 1 62 .
Smjth , Hen守Nash;树创” Land Surre又Henry Howard , earl of 48 ,
488 . 580 .
Sondheim , StePhen;孙een即Todd , Swedenborg , Emanuel 628 , 652 .
仆eBarberofFleetS加et 308 . Swlft , Jonathan 270 , 554 ; Gullivl叮,s
Sophocles 644;诀帅us the King 于叹光15 12 , 434 , 550 , 558 , 656 ; " A
274 , 6科. Modest Proposal , , 272 ; A Tale ofa
Southey , Robert ; " The Three Bears " 几白240 ; “决rses on the Deathof
202 . Dr . Swift , , 552 .
50厂nka , Wble 434 , 474 . Swinbume,龙gemon 486 .
spender ' stephen 194 . Symons , Arthur 628 .
Spense不Edmund 234 , 3 16 , 330 ,
456 , 580 , 582 ; Amore川科6 , 几me , Hippolyte ; Histo甲ofEnglish
580 , 582 ; " EPithalamion , , 162 , 394 Litera细re 578 ,
526;角eFa州e Que朗e 12 , 24 , 62 , Tan , Amy 420 .
巧6 , 452 , 592;初柳℃场铆ns238 ; Tanselle , G . ThomaS ; ARa互onaleof
" Prothalamion , , 526 ; ShePherd , s 几沈栩al Cri吞cis脚638 .
Calendar404 . Tate,川len 360 , 630 , 632 ; " ode to
SpitZer , Leo ; LinJ脚is瓦cs and Litem甲 the Confederate Dead , , 396 ;
Histo甲6 12 . " Tension in Poetry , , 632 .
Spivak , Gayatri Chakravorty 306 . 几刃。 r , Edward 410 .
Spurgeon , Caroline ; ShakesPeare , s Tennyson,灿fred 330 , 402 ; " The
加侧珍甲and林伪atlt Tells UsZ科. Charge of the Light Brigade , ,
Steele , Sir几chardl66;升e Consdous 396 ; " Come Down , 0 Maid "
Lovers 566 . 398 ; In人抢moria脚164 , 242 .
Stein , Gertiude 334 , 416 . Terence 78 .
Steinbeck , John;仆eG " IPesof TheoCritus 144 , 404 .
科厅口th 386 . TheoPhrastUs ; Charac扮rs 64 .
Steme , Laurence ; A Sen以men的1 Iour - Thomas , Dylan 628 ; Alta柳ise妙
n即566;了冶tTa脚功刚办274 , O例.light 582 , 630;介Do notgo
454 , 566 . gentie into that good night , ,
Stevens , W班lace 628 ; " The Come - 594 ; " The Force That Through
dian as the LetterC , , 630 ; " The the Green FUse Dri代5 the
Idea of order at KeyW比t , , 396 ; Flower , , 548 ; " In Memory of Ann
" Sunday Moming , , 394 , Jones , , 86 .
Stillin罗耳Jack ; M以即le Authorship Thomas , Frands一No趁l ; Clear and
andthe加叫忿ofsolita甲6改ius 及呷le as the加th 610 , 614 .
638 . Thomson , James ; " AH卯rnn on the
Stoppard , TOm 4 . seasons , ' 238;角e Seasons 218 ,
StOWe , Harrlet BeecheU Uncle Tom , s 458;劝eTr ’娜办ofs叩hon红ba
Cabin 13乌386 , 408 , 566 . 50 .
Strawson , P . F . 262 . Thoreau , Henry David 628 , 652 , 654 ;
Strout , Cushing 410 . 下峋Iden 654 .

界》,1 91 萨里,亨利・霍华德,伯爵,49 , 581
史密斯,亨利・纳什,《处女地》,489 斯维登堡,伊曼纽尔,629 , 653
桑德海姆,斯蒂芬,《斯维尼・托德:舰队斯威夫特,乔纳森,271 , 555;《格列弗游
街的理发师》,309 记》,13 , 435 , 551 , 559 , 657;《温和的
索福克勒斯,645;《俄狄浦斯王》,275 , 645 建议》,273;《一个木桶的故事》,241 ;
骚塞,罗伯特,《三只熊》,203 《悼斯威夫特博士》,553
索因卡,沃利,435 , 475 斯温伯恩,阿尔杰农,487
斯彭德,斯蒂芬,195 西蒙斯,阿瑟,629

斯宾塞,埃德蒙,235 , 317 , 331 , 457 , 581 ,
583;《爱情小诗》,447 , 581 , 583;《婚泰纳,伊波莱特,《英国文学史》,579
曲》,163 , 395 , 527;《仙后》,13 , 25 ,谭恩美,421
63 , 157 , 453 , 59a;《赞美诗四首》,塔塞尔,G.托马斯,《文本批评的原
239;《婚前曲》,527;《牧人月历》,405 理》,639
斯皮泽尔,利奥,《语言学与文学史》,613泰特,艾伦,361 , 631一633;《南军死难将士
斯皮瓦克,佳娅特丽・查克拉沃蒂,307 颂》,397;《诗歌的张力》,633
义》,245 丁尼生,阿尔弗雷德,331 , 403;《轻骑兵旅
斯梯尔,理查德爵士,167;《自觉的情 的进击》,397;《下来吧,少女》,399 ;
人》,567 《,障念》,165 , 243
斯泰因,格特鲁德,335 , 417 泰伦斯,79
斯坦贝克,约翰,《愤怒的葡萄》,387 武奥克里托斯,145 , 405
传》,275 , 455 , 567 论》), 65
斯蒂文斯,华莱士,629;《 C字母一样的喜托马斯,迪伦,629;《祭坛黄昏》,583 , 631 ;
剧演员》,631;《基・韦斯特地方对秩 《别轻柔地走进那美好的夜晚》,595 ;
序的看法》,397;《礼拜日之晨》,395 《那通过绿色的茎催放花朵的力》,
斯蒂林格,杰克,《多重作者与孤独天才的 549;《纪念安・琼斯》,87
神话》,639 托马斯,弗朗西斯一诺埃尔,<像真理一样
斯托帕德,汤姆,5 简单明了》,611 , 615
133 , 387 , 409 , 567 季》,219 , 459;《索弗尼斯巴之悲
斯特劳逊,P . F . , 263 剧》,51
斯特劳特,库欣,4n 梭罗,亨利・戴维,629 , 653 , 655;《瓦尔登
692 INoEX OF ^ uTHORs

Thorpe , James;州” clPleso厂触tUal Webste乌John;仆e Duchess ofMa价
Cri瓦ds用638 , 402 , 646;仆eM肠定teD酬1 646 .
Tillyard , E . M . w;介e Elizabethan W亡ems , Mason L . 202 .
利自rldPi ' tUre 424 . W成skel , Thomas;仆e Roman价Sub -
TOdoroy , TZvetan 208 , 602;角e Iime 620 .
凡拄tas瓦C472 . W亡llek , Ren仑204 , 614 .
Tolklen , J . R . R . 558 . Wdls , H . G ・;不撇r ofthe下钧刁由558 .
Tolstoy , Leo ; 1掀r and Peacel56 , 192 , W七sley , Charles 238 .
388 , 464 . Wesley , John 238 .
Traheme , Thomas 3 16 . W七st , Mae 660 .
Trllling , Lionel 418 . Wheatley , Phillis 410 .
Tumer , Mark ; Clear and SimPle as White , Hayden 346 ・
theT翔价6 10 , 6 14;仆e Litera尽 Whitman,叭爪It 2 12 , 4 14 , 5 10 , 654 ;
Mind 14 , 348 ; Mdre than Cool Rea - , , 0 Captain , My Captainn 292 ;
son 314 . Leaves OfGlass 210 ; " When
IWain , Mark ( Samuel Clemens ) Lilacs Last in the Dooryard
240 , Bloom , d , , 146 .
292;仆e AdventUreso厂TOm Wiene , Robert;介e Cab动et ofD式
Sa林侧er 382 ; HucklebenyFinn490 , Cal如ri 1 72 .
介ler , Royall ; The COntTast 412 . Wilde , oscar 660;角ellnPo血nceof
TZara , Tristan 620 . Being Ea阴est 80 , 506;角e Pi湘re
ofDOrian Gray 1 10 .
Val通ry , Paul 628 . Wllde丸Thomton ; our Tow儿450 .
V自灯0 554 . Williams,助ymond 106 , 304 , 376 .
Vaughan , Henry 3 16 , 548 . Wilson , Edmund 418 .
Verlaine , Paul 628 . Wilson , Ha城etE ; our Nig414 .
Veme , Jules ; lo " m即to tho Centerof勺Vlmsatt , W . K . 360 , 550 ; " The In -
功eEa月大558 . tentional FallaCy , , 8 , 252 .
Virgill44 , 158;几eAeneid48 , 152 , 154 ; Winthrop , John 410 .
Ecl0)卿es 404 ; Geo州cs 130 . Wittgenstein , Ludwig 220 .
vivas , Eliseo 364 . Wbolf , Virginia 5 10 ; A
Voltaite ( Fran ' 015一硕e枪ouet ) Room ofone , s own 176 ; Iacob , s
226 ; Candide 554 . Roo脚334 ; M朽.Daltoway 600 ; or -
Iando 436 ; TO theL沙thouse 464 ,
劝厄Icott , Derek 434 , 474 . 600 .
叭厄Ike耳Alice;劝e Color Pu巾le 384 . WOrdsworth , Dorothy ; foumals科・
W欲pole , Horace;仆e Castleof Wbrdsworth , William 122 , 162 , 354 ,
0tT ’王nto 222 . 356 , 358 , 430 , 636;乙州calBal -
W砚ton , Izaak ; Lives科. lads 38 , 354 , 458 ; " Michael , , 240 ,
叭厄rren , RObert Penn 276 ; Under - 406 , 408 ; " ode : Intimations of
standi叮几币。 n 360 ; Understa " d - Immortality , , 294 , 396 ; " odeto
ingPOe钾360 . Duty , , 396;劝e Prelude40 , 42 ,
W缸klns , Francis Ellen 412 . 46 , 162 , 356 , 358 , 618 ; " She
Watts , Isaac 238 . Dwelt Among the Untrodden

索普,詹姆斯,《文本批评原理》,639 韦伯斯特,约翰,《马尔菲公爵夫人》,403 ,
蒂利亚德,E . M . W .,《伊丽莎白时代尘世 647;《白魔》,647
图》,425 威姆斯,梅森・ L . , 203
托多罗夫,茨维坦,209 , 603;《怪诞》,473魏斯克尔,托马斯,《浪漫的崇高》,621
托尔金,J . R . R . , 559 韦勒克,勒内,205 , 615
托尔斯泰,列夫,《战争与和平》,157 , 193 ,威尔斯,H . G .,《星际战争》,559
389 , 465 卫斯里,查尔斯,239
特拉赫恩,托马斯,317 卫斯里,约翰,239
特里林,莱昂内尔,419 韦斯特,米西,661
特纳,马克,《像真理一样简单明了》,611 ,惠特利,菲利斯,411
615;《文学思想》,15 , 349;《并非只是怀特,海登,347
冰冷的理论》,315 惠特曼,沃尔特,213 , 415 , 511 , 655 ;
吐温,马克(塞缪尔・克莱蒙斯), 241 , 293 ; 《啊,船长!我的船长》,293 ;
《汤姆・索亚历险记》,383;《哈克贝利 《草叶集》,211 ;
・芬历险记》,491 《庭院里的丁香花开放的时候》,147
泰勒,罗耶尔,《对比》,413 韦恩,罗伯特,《卡利加里博士的密
查拉,特里斯坦,621 室》,173
瓦莱里,保罗,629 81 , 507;《道林・格雷的肖像》,111
瓦罗,555 怀尔德,桑顿,《小城风光》,451
沃恩,亨利,317 , 549 威廉斯,雷蒙德,107 , 305 , 377
魏尔兰,保罗,629 威尔逊,埃德蒙,419
凡尔纳,朱尔斯,《地心游记》,肠9 威尔逊,哈丽特・ E .,《我们黑人》,415
维吉尔,145 , 159;《埃涅阿斯纪》,49 , 153 ,维姆萨特,w , K . , 361 , 551;《意图谬误》,
155;《牧歌》,405;《农事诗集》,131 9 , 253
维瓦斯,埃利西厄,365 温思罗普,约翰,411
伏尔泰(弗朗索瓦・马利・阿鲁埃), 227 ;维特根斯坦,路德维格,221
《老实人》,555 吴尔夫,弗吉尼亚(又译伍尔夫,弗吉尼
亚), 511;《一间自己的房间》,177 ;
沃尔科特,德里克,435 , 475 《雅各布的房间》,335;《黛洛维夫人》
沃克,艾丽斯,《紫色》,385 (又译《达洛威夫人》), 601;《奥兰
沃波尔,霍勒斯,《奥特朗托堡》,223 多》,437;《到灯塔去》,465 , 601
沃尔顿,艾萨克,《名人志》,45 沃兹沃斯,多罗西,《日志》,45
华伦,罗伯特・佩恩,277;《理解小说》,华兹华斯,威廉,123 , 163 , 355 , 357 , 359 ,
361;《理解诗歌》,361 431 , 637;《抒情歌谣集》,39 , 355 ,
沃特金斯,弗朗西斯・埃伦,413 459;《迈克尔》,241 , 407 , 409 ;(不朽
瓦茨,艾萨克,239 的征兆》,295 , 397;《责任颂》,397 ;
《序曲》,41 , 43 , 47 , 163 , 357 ,
359 , 619 ;
694 INo 〔 x oF AuT日oRs

功白ys " 242 ; " The Solitary Yeats , VVlllia刀n Butier64 ,
ReaPer " 1 62 , 346 , 546 ; 342 , 548 , 628 , 630 ; " An Irish Air -
" Tintem Abbey , , 50 , 140 , 292 , man Forsees His Death , , 5科;
394 , 436 ; “仆e1Wo ^ P ril " Among School Children , , 5科;
Momings , , 1 62 . " Easte耳1916 , , 396 ;
W夕att , Sir Thomas 84 , 580 , 590 , " Sailing to Byzantium , , 294 .
592 .
YOrkshireTr ’攀咖A 648 ・
wycherley ' william;八e Coun抑
州斤450 . Zola,它mile 522 .

《她住在人迹罕至的地方》,243 ; 《爱尔兰飞行员预见自己的死亡》,
《孤独的收割者》,163 , 347 , 547 ; 545;《在学童中间》,545 ;
《丁登寺》,51 , 141 , 293 , 395 , 437 ; 《 1916年复活节》,397 ;
《四月里的两个早晨》,163 《驶往拜占庭》,295
怀亚特,托马斯爵士,85 , 581 , 591 , 593 《约克郡的悲剧》,649
叶芝,威廉・巴特勒,65 , 343 , 549左拉,埃米尔,523
629一631 ;

The first numbe耳in boldface , identifies the page of the text that contains
the princ扣al disCUssion of a term ; in the text itself , that term 15 also
printed in boldface . Succeeding numbers , in italics , identify other pages of
lhe teXt on whlch the term occurs , in a context that illustrates its uses in
critical practice ; on such pages , the term 15 also italicized . The term in the
text may be a modified form of the term listed in the Index ; the forms
" parodies " and " parodied , " for example , are referred to " parodyn in the
Index , and the form " struc加ralist " 15 referred to , , structUralism . "
Some entries in the Index are followed by one or more references to re -
lated entries that supplement the exposition ; thus : " courtly love . See : Pla -
tonic love . " A number of comprehensive terms , such as " drama , "
" figurative language , " or " novel , " are followed by a list of the entries that
deal with the sPeCies of the general dass or with the component fea加res of
the literary form ・
Terms likely to be mispronounced by a studen卜many of these are
borro,八ngs from a foreign languageweare followed ( in parentheses ) bya
simplified guide to pronunciation . This guide marks the stress一In some
instances , both the primary and secondary stresse卜and also indlcates
the pronunciation of those part of the word about which the student 15
apt to be in doubt . The following vowel marks are used :

巨(fate ) 1 ( P in )
盖(pat ) 6 ( rope )
往(father ) 6 ( pot )
厄(meet ) 00 ( food )
趁(get ) d ( cut )
l ( P ine )

abstract ( language ) , 86 . accentual verse , 328 .
absurd , llterature of the , 2 ; 1 72 acddie , 570 .
272 , 336 , 418 . act ( in drama ) , 4 .
accent ( in meter ) , 320 . action , 66 .
accentual mete称318 . adversarius ( advers益r ‘飞us ) , 552 .
accen加al ・ syllabic mete乙320 . aesthetic distance , 136 .


中列出的变体形式;例如," parodies "(戏谑模仿的复数形式)和“ parodied "(戏谑模仿
的分词形式)在索引中同指“ parody "(戏谑模仿);又如," Structuralist "(结构主义者)在
索引中指的是“ structualism , ,(结构主义)。
词条;如“骑士恋。参见:精神恋爱” 。在许多像“戏剧” 、 “比喻语言”或“小说”等综合

。(fate ) r ( pin )
d ( pat)。(rope )
巨(father ) 6 ( pot )
己(meet ) 00 ( food )
乏(get)。(。 ut )
i ( pine )

抽象(语言), 87 强音诗歌,329
荒诞派文学,3 ; 173 , 倦怠,571
273 , 337 , 419 幕(戏剧中), 5
(格律中的)重音,321 行为,67
重音格律,319 对立者,553
音强一音节格律,321 审美距离,137
698 iNoEx or TERMs

See : empathy ands犷rnpathy . antidimax , 42 .
Aesthetic Movement , 6 . antifoundationalism , 476 ,
Aestheticism , 6 ; 108 , 276 . antihero , 22 ; 4 , 450 .
affective fallacy , 8 ; 362 , 516 . antimasque , 306 .
affective stylistics , 516 . antinovel , 390 .
African American writers , 410 ; 46 , antipath又150 .
240 , 374 , 412 , 414 , 416 , 420 antistrophe ( ands ' tr6反), 396 .
See . . Black Arts Movement ; antithesis ( anfith ‘赴应s ) , 22 ; 230 .
Hariem Renaissance ; slave nar - antithetical criticism , 250 .
ratives ; spirituals . antltype , 264 .
Age of Johnson , 428 ・ anxiety of influence , 248 ; 1 82 , 198 ,
Age of Sensibili娜428 . 502 , 516 , 640 .
Age of Transcendentalism , 412 . aPhorism(盖f ' 6rism ) , 160 .
Agrarians , 416 apocryPha(盏p6k , dfa ) , " .
agroikos(巨groi ' k6s ) , 594 . apologue , 12 .
alazon(盖l ’盖z6n ) , 594 ; 270 . aporia(巨p6 , r厄a ) , 116 ; 4以.
Alexandrine ( alexan ' dfin ) , 324 ; apostrophe ( ap6s ‘的反),引2 .
138 , 592 . apothegm(盖p ' oth赴m ) , 160 .
alienation effect , 8 ; 150 , 158 , 300 . applied criticism , 100 .
allegoricai加agery , 12 . aPpropriation ( in reading ) , 372
allegorical interpretation , 264 ・ Arcadla ( ark巨,dia ) , 404 .
allegory , 10 ; 130 , 142 , 264 , 332 , 622 . archaism ( ar , k滋sm ) , 24 ; 458 .
alliteration , 16 ; 24 , 206 . archetypal criticism ( ar , k赴tip , ' aD ,
alliterative mete兀16 ; 328 , 424 . 26 ; 76 , 204 , 218 , 340 , 342 , 456
allusion , 18 . 502 , 640 .
ambience(巨m , b诬题ns ) , 28 . See : myth .
ambiguity ( ambigyoo ' It巨), 20 ; archetype ( ar,蛇tip ) , 24 ; 502 ,
1 14 , 362 . 596 .

American literature , periods of , argument ( in narrative forms ) ,
408 ; 350 . 156 .
American Renaissance , 412 . art for art , S sake , 6 ; 104 .
anachronism ( an巨k ‘苗nism ) , 460 . article , 164 .
anagnorisis ( anagn6 ' fi点s ) , 454 ; aside , the , 578 .
6科. assonance(盏‘ s6n盖ns ) , 18 .
anapestic ( a nap诬s ' tik ) , 322 . a恤osphere , 28 ; 384 , 570 .
anatomy ( in satire ) , 5别. aubade ( 6b题d ' ) , 338 .
aneedote , 572 ; 202 . Augustan Age ( aw幼s ' tan ) , 428 .
Anglo一Norman Period , 422 . autho乙28 ; 30 , 270 , 480 , 602 ,
Anglo一Saxon处riod , 422 . 638 .
annals , 72 . 义已death of the author .
antagonist ( in a plot ),科8 ・ authoritatlve , 464 .

参见:移情与同情 突降法,43

唯美主义运动,, 反基础论,4 "

唯美主义,7 ; 109 , 277 反英雄,23 ; 5 , 451

情感谬误,9 ; 363 , 517 滑稽穿插戏,307
感受文体学,517 反小说,391

非裔美国作家,411 ; 47 , 241 , 375 , 413 ,反感,151
415 , 417 , 421参见:黑人艺术运动;哈相衬诗句,397
莱姆文艺复兴;奴隶故事;灵歌 对偶,23 ; 231

约翰逊时代,429 对立批评,251

情感时期,429 反原型,265

超验主义时期,413 影响的焦虑,249 ; 183 , 199 , 503 , 517 , 641
平均地权论者,417 警语,161
乡巴佬,595 伪经,57
骗子,s , 5 ; 271 道德故事,13
亚历山大体,325 ; 139 , 593 反逆性,117 ; 405
异化效果,9 ; 151 , 159 , 301 呼语法,543
寓言形象,13 格言,161
寓意释义,2 " 实用批评,101
寓言,11 ; 131 , 143 , 265 , 333 , 623 挪用,373

头韵,17 ; 25 , 207 阿卡迪亚,405
头韵格律,17 ; 329 , 425 仿古,25 ; 459
典故,19 原型批评,27 ; 77 , 205 , 219 , 341 , 343 , 457 ,
气氛,29 503 , 641参见:神话
歧义,21 ; 115 , 363 原型,25 ; 503 , 597
美国文学各时期的划分,409 , 351 (叙事体作品中的)论点,157
美国的文艺复兴时期,413 为艺术而艺术,7 ; 105
时代错误,461 文章,1 "
发现,455 ; 645 旁白,579
抑抑扬格,323 半i皆音,19
剖析,5钻 作品基调,29 ; 385 , 571
轶事,573 ; 203 晨歌,339
盎格鲁一语曼时期,423 奥古斯都文学盛世,429
盎格鲁一撒克逊时期,423 作者,2 , ; 31 , 271 , 451 , 603 , 639参见:作者
年鉴,73 的死亡
(小说情节中的)对立角色,449 权威,4 "

authorship , 30 ; 602 , 638 . cardinal sins , 570 .
autobiography , 44 . carica扣企,56 ; 550 .
aUtomatic Wrlting , 334 ; 620 . camivalesque , 126 ・
avant一garde(盖’ v6n一gard " ) , 336 ; Caroline Age , 424 ,
374 . ca甲e diem ( kar ' p趋d己‘赴m ),似;
338 .

ballad , 36 ; 200 , 400 . catalectic ( k盖t巨lek ' tik ) , 322 .
ballad stanza , 36 . catastrophe ( in a plot ) ( k且t巨s '
baroque ( b泛r6k ' ) , 40 ・ tr6反), 454 ; 6科.
bathos ( b巨‘ th6s ) , 40 . catharsls(球th盆r ‘点s ) , 644 .
beast fable , 12 . Cavalier poets , 426 ; 280 , 3 16 .
Beat wrlters , 42 ; 48 , 1 10 , 172 , 594 . CelticR州val ( k趁l ' tik ) , 64 .
beginning ( of a plot ) , 452 . character ( in a plot ) , 64 ; 448 .
beliefs ( in reading literature ) , 192 . character , the ( a llterary form ) ,
Bildungsroman ( bi ld即 64 ; 382 .
ungsr6m盆n ' ) , 386 . characterizing , 66 ; 448 .
biograph又44 ; 500 . 交巴distance and involvement ;
Black Aesthetic , 48 . empathy and sylnpathy .
Black Arts Movement , 46 ; 418 . chiasmus(苗巨z ' mds ) , 5 " .
black comed另4 . Chicago School ( of critlcism ) ,
black humo耳4 , 556 , 664 . 204 ; 104 , 218 , 246 .
Black Mountain poets , 418 . chivalric romance , 68 ; 24 , 96 ,
Black writers , 410 ・ 424 .
Se亡:AftiCan AmeriCan , vrlters . choral characte乙72 .
blank verse , 48 ; 138 , 210 . chorus ( in a drama ) , 70 ; 646 .
bombast ( b 6m ' b巨st ) , 50 ; 232 、 chorus ( in a song ) , 526 .
bomolochos ( b 6m61 ' 6k6s ) , 594 . Christian humanism , 234 .
book , formato云210 . chronlcle , 72 .
bourgeois epic ( b oor ' ZWa ) , 156 ; chronicle play , 74 .
298 . chronological primitivism , 490 .
bourgeois tragedy , 648 . classic , a , 350 ; 58 .
bowdlerize ( b6 ' dleriz ) , 52 . classical , 350 .
Breton la另278 . clich亡(kl乏sh巨‘ ) , 74 ; 568 .
broadslde ballad , 38 . climax ( in a plot ) , 454 .
bucolic poetry ( b yook61 ' ik ) , 404 . climax ( rhetorical ) , 40 .
burlesque , 52 . close reading , 362 ; 118 .
closed couplet , 228 , 354 , 544 .
cacoph ) ny ( k巨幼f , 6n厄), 168 ; 398 . closet drama , 138 .
( s趁:Caesllra Zyo or,巨), 326 . cognitive rhetoric , 538 .
canon of literature , 56 ; 184 , 318 Colonial Period , 410 ; 278 .
350 . 474 . cofoPhon你61 ‘份6n ) , 210 .

作者身份,31 ; 603 , 639 基本罪过,571

自传,45 讽刺漫画,57 ; 551

自动书写,335 ; 621 狂欢化,127

先锋派,337 ; 375 查理时期,425
及时行乐,63 ; 339

民谣,37 ; 201 , 401 异体扬抑格,323

民谣体诗节,37 (情节中的)结局,455 ; 645

巴洛克风格(巴洛克风格作品), 41 情感陶冶,645

突降,41 骑士诗人,427 ; 251 , 517

动物寓言故事,13 凯尔特文艺复兴、 “
垮掉派作家,43 ; 49 , 111 , 173 , 595 (故事情节中的)人物," ; 449
(情节中的)开始,453 人物素描(一种文学形式), " ; 383
(阅读文学中的)信念,193 人物塑造,67 ; 449参见:心理距离与感情
主人公成长小说,357 介人;移情与同情

传记,45 ; 501 交错配列法,545

黑人美学,49 (批评中的)芝加哥学派,205 ; 105 ,

黑人艺术运动,47 ; 419 2 19 , 247

黑色喜剧,5 骑士传奇,6 , ; 25 , 97 , 425

黑色幽默,s ; 557 , 665 唱白人,73

黑山诗人,41 , (戏居U中的)合唱队,71 ; 647

黑人作家,411参见:非裔美国作家 (歌曲中的)合唱部,527

无韵诗,49 ; 139 , 211 基督教人文主义,235
浮夸之辞,51 ; 233 编年史,73

丑角,595 编年历史剧,75

成书的版式,211 年代尚古主义,491

市民史诗,157 ; 299 经典,351 ; 59

市民悲剧,649 古典,351

作品删节,53 陈词滥调,75 ; 569

布列塔尼籁歌,279 (情节中的)高潮,455
宽页传单上的民谣,39 (修辞学中的)层进法,41

田园诗,405 细读,363 , 119

滑稽讽刺作品,53 闭合双韵体,22 , ; 355 , 545

非谐音,169 ; 399 认知修辞学,539

行间停顿,327 殖民地时期,411 ; 279

文学经典,57 ; 185 , 319 , 351 , 475 出版者商标,Zn
702 INo以oF下£RMs

crisls ( in a plot ) , 454 .

comedy , 76 ; 650 , 664 .
comedy of humours , 82 ; 596 , criteria ( in criticism ) , 100 .
662 . criticism , literary , 98 ; 478 , 640 .
comedy of manners , 78 ; 82 . For types of criticism , see : an范-
comedy , sentimental , 566 . ety of influence , archetypal
comic , the , 658 ; 160 , 550 . criticism ; art for art , S sake ;
comic relief , 82 ; 648 . Chicago School ; contextUal
commedia dell , arte ( c6m孟,d厄a criticism ; criticism , current the -
d赴l益r , t赴), 82 ; 80 , 594 . ories of ; critics of conscious -
corQ刃以on measure ( in meter ) , 590 . ness ; deconstrUction ; dialogic
Commonwealth Period , 426 . criticism ; feminist critidsm ;
competence ( linguis资ic ) , 282 . lin州stics in modem Critidsm ;
compllcation ( in a plot ) , 454 ・ Marxist criticism ; New Criti -
concelt ( In figuratiye language ) , cism ; new hlstoricism ; phe -
84 . nomenology and crlticism ;
concrete ( language ) , 86 . postcolonial studies ; psycho ・
concrete poetry , 90 ; 242 . 10孚cal and psychoanalytic
concretize ( in reading ) , 440 . criticism ; queer theory ;
confessional poetry , 90 ; 418 . reader一response criticism ;
confidant , 92 . reception ・ theory ; rhetorical
conflict ( in a plot ) , 450 . criticism ; Russian formalism ;
connotation , 92 . semiotics ; sociological criti -
consonance , 16 . cism ; speech一act theo甲
constative , 584 . structurallst criticism ;
Contemporary Period . 416 . stylistics .
义已MOdem Period . criticism , current theories of , 640 ;
contextual criticism , 364 . 186 .

conventions , 94 ; l科,404 , 460 , critics of consciousness , 442 ; 104 ,
578 , 598 . 438 , 496 .
conversion汪6 . cultural materialism , 376 .
CoPemican theory ( k6pdr , cultural poetics , 374 .
城kan ) , 532 . cultural primitivism , 488 .
copy ・ text , 636 . culturals钮dies , 106 ; 562 , 640 .
correspondences , 628 ; 654 . S已巴new historiCISm .
cosmic irony , 274 . 即berpunk , 558 .
counterculture , 418 ; 42 , 1 10 , 654 .
couplet , 588 ; 214 . dactylic ( d巨比l , Ik ) , 322 .
介巴heroic couplet . Dadaism , 620 .
courtesy books , 530 . dead metapho乙196 ・
courtly 10ve , 96 ; 70 , 84 , 402 . death of the autho瓦480 .
S已已PlatolllC 10Ve . decadence , 108 ; 42 , 628 .

喜剧,77 ; 651 , 665 (情节中的)关子,455
性格喜剧,83 ; 597 , 663 (批语中的)标准,101
风俗喜剧,79 ; 53 文学批评,99 ; 479 , 641关于批评类型,参
滑稽,659 ; 161 , 551
喜剧性调剂,53 ; 649
即兴喜剧,83 ; 81 , 595
普通格律,591 话批评;女性主义批评;语言学在当
共和国时期,427 代批评中的运用;马克思主义批评;
(语言学中的)语言能力,283 新批评;新历史主义;现象学与批评;
具体(语言), 87
具像诗,, i ; 243
( l阅读中的)具体化,441 符号论;社会学批评;言语行为理论;
自白诗,91 ; 419 结构主义批评;文体学
已、腹,, 3 当代批评理论,641 ; 187
意识批评家,443 ; 1 05 , 439 , 497
文化唯物主义,3 "
表述句,585 文化诗学,375

当代时期,417参见:现代时期 文化尚古主义,489
上下文批评,3 " 文化研究,107 ; 563 , 641参见:新历史主义
文学惯例,95 ; 145 , 405 , 461 , 579 , 599 电脑朋客,559
对应,62 , ; 655 达达主义,621

命运反讽,275 亡隐喻,197
反文化运动,419 ; 43 , 111 , 655 作者的死亡,481
对句,589 ; 215参见:英雄双韵体 颓废派文艺,109 ; 43 , 629
骑士恋,97 ; 71 , 85 , 403

decasyllabic couplet ( d赴k , aSlla , ' dispositlon ( In rhetorlc ) , 536 .
blk ) , 590 . disseminate ( in deconstruction ) ,
deconstruction , 110 ; 22 , 192 , 198 , 114 .

236 , 286 , 3 16 , 340 , 364 , 366 , dissociation of sensibili叨34 ; 3 1 8 .
404 , 476 , 5 10 , 5 16 , 538 , 586 , dissonance ( dis ' Onans ) , 168 .
632 , 640 . distance , aesthetic , 136 ; 15q 300 ,
d乏cor ( da ' kor ) , 570 . 348 .
decorum ( d赴kO ' mm ) , 122 ; 202 , See : empathy and sympathy .
2 16 , 352 , 354 , 456 , 458 , 606 , distancing effect , 8 .
650 . documentary drama , 388 .
deep structure ( linguistic ) , 290 . documentary fiction , 388 .
defamiliarize , 206 . doggerel ( dog,趋r趋l ) , 138 .
deictic ( dlk ' tlk ) , 344 . domestic tragedy , 648 .
deism ( de ' ism ) , 124 ; 352 . double plot , 452 ; 650 .
deliberative orato琢536 ・ double rhyme , 546 .
demotic style ( dem6t ' ik ) , 606 . drama , 138 ; 216 .
denotation , 92 . For types of drama , see : absurd ,
denouement ( danoom盆n ' ) , 454 . literature of the ; chronlcle
deus ex machina ( da ' 005 exm往k , plays ; comedy ; comedy of hu ・
ena ) , 124 ; 450 . mours ; commedia dell , arte ;
diachronic ( dlakron ' ik ) , 282 . drama of sensibility ; epic the -
dialects , 284 . ater ; expressionism ; folk
dialogic criticism , 124 ; 366 , 482 , drama ; heroic drama ; masque ;
640 . melodrama ; miracle plays ,
dialogic form , 126 . morality plays , and interindes ;
dialogue , 64 ; 134 . mummer , 5 play ; pantomime
diary , 44 . and dumb show ; pastoral ;
diction , 456 ; 460 . problem play ; satire ; sentimen -
didactic literatUre ( did巨k ‘性k ) , 130 . tal comedy ; tragedy ; tragicom -
diff6rance ( dif ' ar盆nsl , ) , 114 . edy . For features of drama , see :
difference ( in linguistics ) , 284 ; act ; atmosphere ; character and
560 . characterization ; deus ex
dimeter(由m ' eter ) , 324 . machina ; plot ; proscenium
dirge , 144 . arch ; setting ; theater in the
discourse ( in poststructuralism ) , round ; three unities .
482 ; 1 26 , 302 , 346 , 366 , 434 , drama of sensibili尔566 ; 568 .
472 . dramatic irony , 272 ; 450 .
discourse analysis , 132 ; 482 , 586 , dramatic lyric , 140 ; 292 .
6 10 , 614 , 640 . dramatic monologue , 140 .
discovery ( in a plot ) , 454 . dramatis personae ( dr往m ‘题找s
discussion play , 492 . perso , ne ) , 434 .

十音节对句,591 (修辞学中的)布局,537
解构主义,111 ; 23 , 193 , 199 , 237 , 287(结构主义的)播撒,115
3 17 , 341 , 365 , 367 , 405 , 477 , 5 11思想与感受的分裂,135 ; 319
5 17 , 539 , 587 , 633 , 641 不合谐,16 ,
布景,571 审美距离,137 ; 151 , 301 , 349参见:
仪轨,123 ; 203 , 217 , 353 , 355 , 457 , 459 移情与同情

607 , 651 间离效果,,
深层结构(语言学), 291 纪实戏剧,389
陌生化,207 纪实小说,359
指示词,345 打油诗,13 ,
自然神论,125 ; 353 家庭悲剧,649
审议性的雄辩术,537 双重情节,453 ; 651
通俗文体,607 叠韵,547
表义,93 戏剧,139 ; 217
结局,455 关于戏剧的各种类型,参见:
降神,125 ; 451 荒诞派文学;编年历史剧;喜剧;风俗
历时,283 喜剧;即兴喜剧;情感戏剧;史诗剧
方言,285 场;表现主义;民间剧;英雄剧;假面
对话批评,125 ; 367 , 483 , 641 歌舞剧;情节剧;奇迹剧,道德剧,插
对话形式,127 剧;假面剧;哑剧和默剧;牧歌;问题
对话,65 ; 135 剧;讽刺;感伤喜剧;悲剧;悲喜剧。
日记,45 关于戏剧的特征,参见:幕;作品基
措辞,457 ; 461 调;人物与人物塑造;降神;情节;舞
教诲文学,131 台拱顶;场景;圆型剧场;三一律。
异延,115 情感戏剧,567 ; 569
(语言学中的)差异,285 ; 561 戏剧性反讽,273 ; 451
双音步诗行,325 戏剧抒情诗,141 ; 293
挽歌,145 戏居日独白诗,141
(后结构主义中的)话语,483 ; 127 , 303居口中人物,435
347 , 367 , 435 , 473

话语分析,133 ; 483 , 587 , 611 , 615 , 641
7061闪D 〔 X OF下〔 RMS

dream allego琳142 ; l科. epic theate几158 ; 8 , 300 .
dream vision , 142 ; 12 . ePldeictic oratory(娜dik ' tik ) ,
dumb sho琳402 . 538 .

duodecimo ( d 00 ' 6d乏s即飞m6 ) , 210 . epigram , 158 ; 582 , 660 .
dystoPja脚st6 , p己盖), 656 . ePIPhany(色卢f ‘蕊n动,160 .
episodic , 382 ; 452 .
early modern ( period ) , 528 , epistolary novel(赴访s , , t61趋r,厄),
Eariy National Period ( A merican 382 ; 468 .
literature ) , 412 . ePithalamion(赴p ‘飞th盖l压即m毛6n ) ,
echoism , 398 . 162 .

eclectic teXt , 636 epithet , 164 ; 156 , 268 , 458 .
eclogue(赴k ' 169 ) , 404 . ePode(色,p6d ) , 396 .
亡币tUre(孟‘ krityoo衅), 632 ; 480 , equivoque(趁k ‘诚v6k ) , 506 .
604 . Erziehungsroman(赴rts乏即
edition , 142 ; 634 . ungsr6m题n勺,386 .
Edwardian period , 432 . eschatology(赴s , k盖tor 61劲,266 .
ego , 500 . essa又164 .
eiron6 ’苗n ) , 594 ; 268 . estrange , 206 .
elegiac meter(赴l赴扛’盖k ) , 144 ・ estrangement effects , 8 .
elegy , 144 . ethnic wrlters , 418 ; 48 , 374 .
Elizabethan Age , 424 . ethos(己‘ th6s ) , 408 ; 434 , 538 .
embler 。,624 . euphemism ( yoo , femism ) , 166 ・
emotive language , 190 . euphony ( yoo ‘砧n乏), 166 ; 398 .
empat娜(赴m ' p缸h乏), 145 ; 564 . euphuism ( yoo ' fyo碗sm ) , 168 .
encomiastic传nk6而盖s ' tik ) , 396 . exegesis住x色i诬‘ 515 ) , 254 .
end ( of a plot ) , 452 . exemplum(赴x趋m ' pldm ) , 14 .
end rhymes , 546 . existential philosophy , 258 ; 2 .
end一stopped Iines , 326 . explication , 362 ; 22 .
English litera加re , periods of , 420 exposition ( i n a Plot ) , 452 .
350 . expressionism , 170 ; 336 .
Ellglish sonnet , 580 . exPressive criticism , 102 ; 218 , 246
eniambment(朗i巨mb ' m色nt ) , 356,科2 , 494 , 540 , 602 , 616 .
326 . eye一rhymes , 548 ; 460 .
Enlightenment , 150 ; 12东224 , 428 ,
534 . fable , 12 .
envoy ( in a poem ) , 594 . fabliau(绝b ' l巨动,172 ,
epic , 152 ; 216 , 232 , 400 . fabula , 346 .
决巴heroic drama ; mock epic ・ fabulation , 392 ; 388 .
ePic question , 156 . fallible narrato称470 ; 272
epic simile汪58 ; 1 56 . failing action , 454 .

梦幻寓言体,143 ; 145 史诗戏剧,159 ; 9 , 301

梦幻体,143 ; 13 富于词藻的雄辩术,539
默剧,403 警句,159 ; 583 , 661

十二开本,Zn 灵瞬,161

反面乌托邦,657 插曲式的,383 ; 453
书信体小说,383 ; 469
早期现代时期,529 喜歌,163

(美国文学的)早期民族文学时期,413 属性形容词,165 ; 157 , 269 , 459

回声词,399 后颂部,397

编选的文本,637 歧义词,507

牧歌,405 教育小说,387

书面文字,633 ; 451 , 605 末世学,267

版本,143 ; 635 杂文,165

爱德华七世时期,433 间离,207

自我,501 陌生化效果,,

愚人,595 ; 269 民族作家,419 ; 49 , 375

哀歌格律,145 特质,409 ; 435 , 539
哀歌,145 委婉语,167

伊丽莎白时期,425 谐音,167 ; 399

象征物,625 尤弗伊斯体,169

传情语言,191 注释,255

移情,14 , ; 565 劝谕性故事,15

赞颂的,397 存在主义哲学,259 ; 3
(情节中的)结尾,453 解说,363 ; 23

尾韵,547 (情节中的)交代,453
行尾停顿式诗行,327 表现主义,171 ; 337

英国文学各时期的划分,421 ; 351 表现主义批评,103 ; 219 , 247 , 357 , 443

英国式十四行诗,581 495 , 541 , 603 , 617

跨行连续,327 视觉韵,549 ; 461

启蒙运动,151 ; 125 , 225 , 429 , 535
(诗歌中的)结尾诗节,595 寓言故事,13
史诗,153 ; 217 , 253 , 401 寓言诗,173

参见:英雄剧;模拟史诗 故事的组成素材,347

史诗问题,157 寓言,393 ; 389

史诗明喻,15 , ; 157 容易出错的叙述者,471 ; 273
708 INo 〔 X OF下〔 RMs

false wit , 660 ; 3 1 8 . folk ballad , 36 ; 320 , 424 , 428 .
family一resemblances , 220 . folk drama , 200 .
fancy , 174 . folk songs , 200 ; 36 , 400 .
fantastic litera加re , 472 . folklore , 200 ; 338 .
fantasy , 558 . folktale , 202 ; 14 , 340 .
farce , 78 ; 308 . foot ( in meter ) , 320 , 322 .
feminine ending , 324 . forcedrhyme , 548 .
feminine rhyme , 546 ・ foregrounding , 206 .
feminism , 176 ; 414 , 522 , 658 . forensic oratory ( fsr赴n ’点c ) , 536
feminist criticism , 176 ; 28 , 150 , form , 202 .
222 , 236 , 250 , 374 , 436 , 502 , 交已plot ・
504 , 520 , 578 , 640 , 658 . formal essay , 164 ・
flcelle ( fis乏l ' ) , 92 . formal satire , 552 .
fiction , 188 ; 586 . formalism ( in literary criticism ) ,
See references under " novel , " 204 ; 104 , 346 , 362 , 364 , 378 ,
in the IndeX of Terms . 442 , 522 , 610 .
figural interpretation , 264 . See : RUSSian fotmalism .
figurative language , 192 ; 242 , 538 . format of a book , 210 .
See : rhetorical figures ; style . See four humours , 82 ; 662 .
also the separate entries for the fourfold meaning , 266 ,
following flgures : allusion ; am - fourteene耳324 .
biguity ; antithesis ; aPoria ; con - frame一story , 574 .
ceit ; epic simile ; epithet ; Frankfurt School , 298 .
hyPerbole and understatement ; free Indirect discourse , 3科.
irony , kenning ; litotes , para - free verse , 210 ; 244 , 330 , 494 .
dox ; pathetic fallaCy ; periphra - S印:me忱L

515 ; pun ; symbol ; synesthesia . FreUdian以itiCISm
For figures of sound , see . . alllter - See : psychoanalytic criticism .
ation ; onomatopoeia ; thyme . Freytag , 5 Pyramid , 454 .
figures of speech , 194 .
See . . figuratlve language ・ gay studies , 508 .
ftgures of thought , 192 . gendet , 178 .
fin de 51亡cle(撼n ' d色s护k , l ) , 110 . generative linguistics , 290 .
first一person narrative , 462 . Geneva School ( of criticism ) , 442 ;
flashback ( in a plot ) , 452 . 120 .
flat characte乙66 ; 308 . genre ( zh盆n ' r ) , 216 ; 26 , 342 , 352 ,
focus of characte乙464 ; 468 . 362 .
focus of narration , 464 . For prose genres , see . ' autobiog ・
foil , 450 ; 460 . raphy , biography ; the charac -
folio , 210 . ter ; drama ; essay ; exemplum ;
假机智,661 ; 3 19 民间歌谣,37 ; 321 , 425 , 429

家族类似,221 民间剧,201

感受力,175 民歌,201 ; 37 , 401

怪诞文学,473 民间传说,201 ; 339

幻想小说,559 民间故事,203 ; 15 , 341

闹剧,7 , ; 309 (格律中的)音步,321 , 323
弱音尾,325 迫韵,549

阴韵,547 前景化,207
女性主义,177 ; 415 , 523 , 659 法庭式的雄辩术,537
女性主义批评,177 ; 29 , 151 , 223 , 237 ,形式,203参见:情节
251 , 375 , 437 , 503 , 505 , 521 , 579 ,正规杂文,165
641 , 659 正规讽刺,553

笔偶,93 (文学批评中的)形式主义,205 ; 105 , 347 ,
虚构小说,15 , ; 587 363 , 365 , 379 , 443 , 523 , 611参见:俄
参见术语索引中“小说”下的有关 国形式主义
条目 书本版式,211
形象释义,265 四种体液,83 ; 663

比喻语,193 ; 243 , 539 四层含义,267
法;逆说;感伤谬误;迁说;双关;象自由诗,211 ; 245 ; 331 , 495参见:格律
声;押韵。 弗雷泰戈金字塔,455
概念性比喻,193 男性同性恋研究,509
世界末日,111 性别,179
第一人称叙事模式,463 生成语言学,291
(情节中的)倒叙,453 (批评中的)日内瓦学派,443 ; 121
干瘪的人物形象,67 ; 309 文学类型/文类/样式/体裁,217 ; 27 , 343 ,
人物焦点,465 ; 469 353 , 363关于散文文学类型,参见:自
叙事焦点,4 " 传;传记;人物素描;戏剧;杂文;
陪衬,451 ; 461

fable , fantastic llterature ; heroic poem , 152 .
novel ; parable ; satlre ; short heroic quatrain , 590 .
story . For verse genres , see : bal - heroic tragedy ) 232 ; 648 .
lad ; chlvalric romance ; drama , heroine ( In a narrative ),科8 .
emblem poem ; epic ; epigram , hexameter ( h趁x三m ’是ter ) , 324 .
fable , Georgic ; fabliau ; lai ; light hieratic style ( hi ‘赴r盖犷飞k ) , 606 .
verse ; lyric ; occasional poem ; high burlesque , 52 .
pastoral ; satire . high comedy , 80 .
Georgian period , 432 . high modernism , 334 .
Georgian poets , 432 . high style , 606 .
georgic ( i6r ‘介k ) , 130 . historical novel , 388 .
golden age , 220 ; 404 , 488 . history play , 74 .
Gothic , 220 . hokku , 226 .
Gothic novel , 222 . Homeric epithet , 164 .
Gothic romance , 222 ; 430 . homonyms , 506 .
gramma乙282 ; 602 . homostrophic ( h6 ' m6 str6 , I fik ) ,
grammar of narration , 344 . 398 .
grand style , 154 . Horatian ode , 398 .
Graveyard Poets , 224 . Horatian satire , 552 .
Great Chain of Being , 224 ; 354 . hubris ( hyoo ' bds ) , 644 .
grounds ( of a metaphor ) , 194 ; 92 . Hudibrastic poem ( hyoo ' dibr巨51 ,
gull ( in drama ) , 594 . tik ) , 54 .
gynocriticism , 180 . Hudibrastic verse , 138 .
humanism , 232 ; 254 , 352 , 370 ,
hagiography ( h鲍‘乏6犷r盖距),科. 602 .
haiku(址,koo ) , 226 ; 246 . humanist , 232 ; 60 , 530 .
hamartia ( h题m往rt乏,a ) , 644 . humanities , 232 , 236 , 254 .
Harlem Renaissance , 228 ; 416 . humo称662 ; 1 60 .
hegemony ( h赴1赴m ' 6n乏), 3似; humours characte称82 ; 66 .
474 . humours , fou耳82 ; 662 .
heptameter ( h乏pt盏m,赴ter ) , 324 . hybridiZation , 474 ・
hermeneutic clrcle ( h赴r , m赴noo即 hymn , 238 ; 294 , 590 .
fik ) , 256 , hyPe由ole ( hipu广b61厄‘ ) , 240 .
hermeneutics , 254 . hyPotactic style(垃,p6t盖kl , tik ) ,
hermeneutics of suspicion , 484 ; 608 .
262 .

hero ( in a narrative ) , 448 . iambico巨m ' bik ) , 322 ; 214 .
heroic couplet , 228 ; 138 , 226 , 232 icon ( in semiotics)位k6n ) , 560 .
heroic drama , 230 ; 50 , 138 , 225 , iconography 0k6n6 ' gr盏距), 266 .
426 . id , 498 .
7 11

型,参见:民谣;骑士传奇;戏剧,寓意英雄悲剧,233 ; 649
歌;讽刺 神圣文体,607

乔治时期,433 上等滑稽讽刺作品,53

乔治时期的诗人,433 高雅喜剧,81

农事篇,131 现代主义高潮时期,335

黄金时代,221;连05 , 459 高雅文体,607

哥特式,221 历史小说,359

哥特式小说,223 历史剧,75

哥特式传奇,223 ; 431 徘句,227

语法,283 ; 603 荷马属性形容词,165

叙事语法,345 同音异义词,507

宏伟绚丽的文体,155 同形诗句,399

墓畔诗人,225 贺拉斯体颂,399

伟大的生存(环)链,225 ; 355 贺拉斯式讽刺,553

(隐喻的)基础,l , s ; 93 傲脱神明,645

(戏剧中的)傻子,595 休迪布拉斯诗,55

女性批评,181 休迪布拉斯诗体,139
人文主义,233 ; 255 , 353 , 371 , 603

圣徒传,45 人文主义者,233 ; 61 , 531

徘句,227 ; 247 人文学科,233 , 237 , 255

判断错误," 5 幽默,663 ; 161

哈莱姆文艺复兴,229 ; 417 性格人物,83 ; 67

霸权主义,303 ; 475 四种体液,83 ; 663

七音步诗行,325 混合,475

阐释循环,257 赞美诗,239 ; 295 , 591

阐释学,255 夸张,241

怀疑阐释学,485 ; 263 从属句文体,609

(叙事作品中的)男主角,44 ,
英雄双韵体,229 ; 139 , 227 , 233 抑扬格,323 ; 215

英雄剧,231 ; 51 , 139 , 229 , 427 图像,561
7 1 2 INo 〔 x oF下〔 RMs

identity theorists , 236 . interpellation , 302 .
ideology住d乏61 ' 6j厄), 296 ; 60 , 178 , Interpretation , 254 .
366 , 520 . interpretation : typological and al -
idyll , 404 . legorical , 264 ; 26 , 628 .
illocutionary act介l ' 6kyoo开 interpretive communities , 518 .
shdn压ry ) , 584 . intertex拟aiity , 634 ; 20 .
imagery ) 242 ; 2科. intonation , 288 ; 326 .
imaginary ( in Lacanian critlcism ) , intrigue , 450 .
504 . introspection , 596 .
imagination皿74 ; 356 . intrusive ( narrator ) , 464 .
imagism , 244 ; 228 , 414 . invective , 268 .
imitation , 246 ; 102 , 352 , 536 , 588 , invention ( i n rhetoric ) , 96 ; 536 .
6科. invocation , 542 .
imperfect rhyme , 548 . See : personificatlon .
impersonal ( narrator ) , 464 . involuted novel , 390 ; 274 , 468 ,
implicature , 132 . 470 .

implicit metapho乙194 . involvement ( of a reader ) , 138 ; 150 ,
implied audito石436 . 300 , 348 .
implled authol , 438 . Irish Literary Renaissance , 64 .
implied reader , 514 . irony , 268 ; 1 8 , 362 .
imPressionistic criticism , 100 ; 616 . irregular ode , 396 .
in medias res ( Inm巨’ d诬往sr巨s ' ) , Italian sonnet , 580 .
156 ; 452 . ivory towe称276 .
inCidents ( in a plot ) , 452 .
incremental repetition , 36 . Jacobean Age , 424 .
incunabula 6n ’称oon盖b " yool盖), leremiad ( i赴r,赴而即盖d ) , 276 ; 554 .
142 . ioumal , 44 .
index ( in selniotics ) , 560 . iudicial criticism , 102 .
indirect satire , 554 . iuncture ( in linguistics ) , 288 .
influence , literary , 248 ; 1 82 . Jungian criticism , 502 ; 26 .
交巴anxiety of influence . Juvenalian satire , 552 .
informal essa又164 .
intention ( in interpretation ) , 256 ; kenning , 198 ・
1 12 , 272 . kinds ( of literature ) , 216 .
intention ( in Phenomenology ) , KunsUerroman ( kunst ' l赴r6m盆if3 ,
科0 . 386 .

intentional fallacy , 252 ; 260 , 362 .
interior monologue , 598 . Lacanian literary criticism , 504 .
interlude ( in drama ) , 332 . lai ( l巨), 278 .
internal rhyme , 546 . lampoon , 56 .
7 13

身份理论家,237 质询,303

意识形态,297 ; 61 , 179 , 367 , 521 释义,255

田园诗,405 释义:象征释义与寓意释义,2 " ; 27 , 629
话中行为,585 解释群体,51 ,

意象,243 ; 245 互文性,635 ; 21

(拉康批评中的)想象阶段,505 语调,25 , ; 327

想象力,175 ; 357 错综情节,451

意象主义,245 ; 229 , 415 自我反思,597

摹仿,247 ; 103 , 353 , 537 , 589 , 645 介人的(叙述者), 465
不完美韵,549 谩骂,269

非个人的(叙述者), 465 (修辞中的)文学创新,创造,97 ; 537
话语含意,133 祈愿词,543参见:拟人
含蓄隐喻,195 内延小说,391 ; 275 , 469 , 471

隐藏的听众,439 (读者的)感情介人,139 ; 151 , 301 , 349
隐遁的作者,437 爱尔兰文学复兴,"
隐在读者,515 反讽,269 ; 19 , 363

印象主义批评,101 ; 617 无律颂,397

倒叙,157 ; 453 意大利式+四行诗,581
(情节中的)附带事件,453 象牙塔,2 "

古版本,143 詹姆斯一世时期,425
(符号论中的)标示物,561 哀史,277 ; 555

间接讽刺,555 日志,45

文学影响,24 , ; 183 分析批评,103

参见:影响的焦虑 (语言学中的)连音,289
非正规杂文,165 荣格文学批评,503 ; 27

(释义中的)意向,257 ; 1 13 , 273 尤维纳利斯式讽刺,553

意图谬误,253 ; 261 , 363 隐喻表达法,1 "

内心独白,599 (文学的)种类,217

(戏剧中的)插剧,333 艺术家成长小说,387

7 1 4 INo以OF丁〔 RMs

langue ( in linguistics ) ( l往ng ) , 282 ; M题rchen ( mer ' sh趋n ) , 202 .
478 , 560 , 600 . Marxist crlticism , 294 ; 128 , 208 ,
lay ( song ) , 278 . 236 , 246 , 368 , 374 , 376 , 576 ,
legend , 340 . 578 , 640 .
leltmotif ( ll尸motef ' ) , 338 . masculine ending 324 .
lesbians加dies , 508 . masculine rhyme , 546 .
light verse , 278 ; 592 . masque ( literary form ) , 306 .
limerick , 280 . mechanic form , 202 .
l加lted point of view , 466 . medieval romance , 68 .
line ( of verse ) , 320 . medieval tragedy , 644 .
linguistics , 280 ; 560 . meiosis ( mlo ' 515 ) , 240 .
literal meaning , 194 ; 1 1 6 . melodrama , 308 ; 94 , 566 .
ljterariness , 206 . memoi刃44 .
literary ballad , 38 . Menippean satire ( m趋nip ' ean ) ,
literary canon , 58 . 554 .

Iiterary critiCism metafiction , 392 ; 470 .
交已criticism , literary . metapho石194 ; 92 , 310 , 622 .
literature of fact , 388 . metapho乙theOlies of , 308 ; 194 ,
literature of sensibility , 564 . 538 .

literature of the absurd , 2 ; 172 , metaphysical conceit , 84 ; 40 ,
272 , 336 , 418 . 3 18 .

litotes ( n ' tdtez ) , 240 . metaphysical poets , 316 ; 60 , 134 ,
local colo乙290 ; 388 . 274 , 402 , 410 , 416 , 660 .
logocentric ( l 0905趋n ' trik ) , 112 . meter , 318 ; 206 , 210 .
loose sentence , 606 . See also : alliterative meter ; do兮
Lost Generation , 416 . gerel ; free verse .
low burlesque , 54 . metonymy ( m趋ton ‘飞me ) , 196 .
low comedy , 80 . metrical romance , 70 .
low style , 606 . mlddle ( of a plot ) , 452 .
lyric , 292 ; 140 , 216 , 346 , 356 , 396 . Middle Engllsh period , 422 .
Fortypes of lyric , see : dramatic middle style , 606 ・
monologue ; elegy ; epithala - miles gloriosus ( me ' las gldreo '
mion ; folk song ; haiku ; ode ; sds ) , 596 .
SOnnet . mime(而m ) , 402 .
mimesis(而me ' 515 ) , 246 .
machinery ( in an epic ) , 154 ・ mimetic criticism(而m赴t , Ik ) , 102 ;
magazines , 574 . 602 .

magic realism , 390 ; 522 . miracle play , 330 ; 80 , 424,斜6 ,
malapropism ( mal ' apropism ) , 648 .
294 . mirror stage , 504 .
7 15

(语言学中的)语言,283 ; 479 , 561 , 601 仙女故事,203

籁歌,短诗(诗歌), 279 马克思主义批评,295 ; 129 , 209 , 237 , 247 ,
传说,341 369 , 375 , 377 , 577 , 579 , 641

中已意思,339 强音尾,325

女性同性恋研究,50 , 阳韵,547

轻松诗,279 ; 593 假面歌舞剧(文学形式), 307
打油诗,281 模具形式,203
局限性视角,467 中世纪传奇,69
(韵文的)诗行,321 中世纪悲剧,645
语言学,251 ; 561 曲言,241
字面意义,195 ; 117 情节剧,309 ; 95 , 567
文学性,207 回忆录,45
诗谣,39 梅尼普斯式讽刺,555
文学经典,59 元小说,393 ; 471
文学批评,参见:文学批评 隐喻/暗喻,195 ; 93 , 311 , 623
事实文学,389 隐喻/暗喻理论,309 ; 195 , 539
情感文学,5 " 玄学派巧思妙喻,85 ; 41 , 319
荒诞派文学,3 ; 173 , 273 , 337 , 419 玄学派诗人,317 ; 61 , 135 , 275 , 403 , 411 ,
反语法,241 4 17 , 661

地方色彩,291 ; 389 格律,319 ; 207 , 211
以理性(词义)为中心,113 另参见:头韵格律;打油诗;自由诗
松散句,607 借喻,197
迷惘的一代,417 格律传奇,71
下等滑稽讽刺作品,55 (情节中的)中部,453
世俗喜剧,81 中古英语时期,423
低劣文体,607 平庸文体,607
抒情诗,293 ; 141 , 217 , 347 , 357 , 397关于满口大话的士兵,597
摹仿式文学批评,103 ; 603
(史诗中的)超自然的情节机制,155 奇迹剧,331 ; 81 , 425 , 647 , 649
杂志,575 镜子阶段,505
魔幻现实主义,391 ; 523

mise en scene ( me ' z往ns赴n , ) , 570 . Naturalistic Period , 414 .
mixed metaphor , 196 ・ na加ralize ( in reading ) , 632 ; 94 ,
mock epic , 54 ・ 220 , 372 , 390 , 452 , 522 .
moCk heroic , 54 ; 42 . negative caPability , 348 .
Modern Period , 432 . neoclassic , 350 ; 202 , 428 , 640 ,
modemism , 334 ; 246 , 414 , 432 . 660 .
modernist , 334 . See aISo : closed couplet ; deco -
moment , the , 162 . rum ; deism ; Enlightenment ;
monody , 144 . Great Chain of Being ; human ・
monologiC ' l26 . lsm , primltivism ; satire ・
monologue , 140 ; 578 . Neoclassic Period , 426 ; 122 , 490 .
monometer ( mdndm ’赴ter ) , 324 . neoclassic poetlc diction , 456 .
mood , 28 . Neoplatonism ( neoplat,。 nism ) ,
morality play , 332 ; 12 , 424 , 596 , 446 .
646 , 648 . New Comedy , 78 .
morpheme , 286 . New Critlcism , 360 ; 8 , 58 , 100 , 104 ,
morphology , 282 . 198 , 204 , 208 , 256 , 404 , 416 ,
motif ( motef ' ) , 338 ; 62 . 5 16 , 602 , 630 , 640 .
motivation , 66 . See also : affective fallacy ; ambi ・
multicul加ralism , 60 . guity ; form and st川cture ; in ・
multiple meaning , 20 . tentional fallacy ; tension .
mummers , play , 200 . new formalism , 216 .
mystery play , 330 . new historicism , 364 ; 30 , 106 ,
myth , 340 . 150 , 208 , 236 , 482 , 510 , 640 ,
See : archetypal criticism ; folk - 648 .
10re . 交已CUltuml StudieS .
myth critics , 342 ; 26 , 146 , 502 . New Humanism , 236 .
mythoi(而th ' oy ) , 26 . new novel , 390 ; 634 .
mytholo邪340 . new philosophy , 534 .
mythos , 448 . new pragmatism , 486 .
new science , the , 534 .
naive hero , 270 . New York Intellectuals , 418 .
narratee , 346 , 436 , 468 . New YOrk Poets , 418 .
narration , grammar of , 344 . NOble Savage , 488 .
narr武Ive , 346 ; 3科,科8 , 596 , nonfiction novel , 388 .
narratolo邪346 ; 208 , 344 , 448 nonPeriodic sentence , 606 .
456 , 596 . nonsense verses , 280 .
narrator , 462 . nouveau roman , 390 .
natUral geniuses , 350 . novel , 380 ; 46 , 1 88 , 572 .
na恤ralism , 522 . See : fiction , short story '
7 17

放置在舞台上,571 自然主义时期,415
并合隐喻,197 (阅读中的)归化,635 ; 95 , 221 , 373 , 391 ,
模拟史诗,55 453 , 523

仿英雄体诗,55 ; 43 否定能力,349
现代时期,433 新古典主义,351 ; 203 , 429 , 641 , 661

现代主义,335 ; 247 , 415 , 433 参见:闭合双韵体;仪轨;自然神论;
现代主义的,335 启蒙运动;伟大的生存(环)链;人文
黄金瞬息,163 主义;尚古主义;讽刺
独唱挽歌,145 新古典主义时期,427 ; 123 , 491
独白诗,127 新古典主义诗意词藻,457
独白,141 ; 579 新柏拉图主义,447
单音步韵行,325 新喜剧,79
氛围,29 新批评,361 ; 9 , 59 , 101 , 105 , 199 , 205 ,

道德剧,333 ; 13 , 425 , 597 , 647 , 649 209 , 257 , 405 , 417 , 517 , 603 , 631 , 641

词素,语素,287 另参见:情感谬误;歧义;形式与结
形态学,283 构;意图谬误;张力
题旨,339 ; 63 新形式主义,217
动机,67 新历史主义,365 ; 31 , 107 , 151 , 209 , 237 ,
多元文化主义,61 483 , 511 , 641 , 649

语义重叠,21 参见:文化研究
假面剧,201 新人文主义,237
神秘剧,331 新小说,635 ;
神话,341参见:原型批评;民间传说 新哲学,535
神话批评家,343 ; 27 , 147 , 503 新实用主义,487
主题,27 新科学,535
神话学,341 纽约文人,419
神话,449 纽约诗人,419
愚偶,271 非虚构小说,38 ,
叙事对象,347 ; 437 , 469 疏置句,607
叙事语法,345 无意义的诗歌,281
叙事,347 ; 345 , 449 , 597 新小说,3 , i
叙事学,347 ; 209 , 345 , 449 , 457 , 597 小说,381 ; 47 , 189 , 573
叙述者,463 参见:虚构小说,短篇小说。


Fortypes of the novel , see : ab ・ onomatopoela ( 6n ' omatOPe即a )
surd , literature of the ; fantastic 398 , 560 .
literature ; Gothic novel ; magic opsis(己p,班s ) , 570 .
realism ; novel of sensibility ; oral formulaic poetr又400 ; 30 , 1 52 ,
novelette ; sdence fiction ; 198 , 200 , 422 .
utopias and dystopias ・ organic form , 202 ; 174 , 356 .
For features of the novel , see . . organicist , 202 .
atlnosphere ; character and ori孚nality , 96 .
characterization ; confldant ; ottava rima ( dt如,趁re ' m益), 592 .
distance and involvement ; over一reading , 22 .
frame story ; local color ; per - oxymoron ( O刃mo ‘功n ) , 402 ; 564 .
sona , tone , and volce ; plot ;
point of view ; realism and nat ・ palinode , 400 .
uralism ; setting ; stock charac - pantom如e , 402 .
ter ; stock sltuations ; stream of parable , l峨
COnSCIOUSneSS . paradlgmatic ( in linguistics ) , 288 .
novel of characte兀382 . paradox , 402 ; 362 .
novel of incldent , 38之. parallelism , 22 .
novel of manners , 384 . paratactic style , 608 .
novel of sensibility , 566 ; 568 . parody , 52 ; 50 , 84 , 1 62 , 232 .
novelette , 574 ; 380 . parole ( in linguistics ) , 282 ; 478 ,
novella ( no健l ’巨), 380 ; 574 . 560 .

Novelle ( no健l ' e ) , 574 ; 380 . partial rhyme , 548 .
pastoral , 404 ; 146 , 220 .
obiective , 394 ; 348 . pastoral elegy , 144 ; 96 .
oblective correlative , 394 . pathetic fallacy , 406 ; 198 .
ob ) ective Criticism , 104;尽208 , 交巴invocation ; personification .
252 , 362 , 540 . pathos , 408 .
oblective ( n arrator ) , 464 . See : empathy and sympathy .
occasional poem , 394 . patriarchal , 176 ; 60 .
octameter ( dkt益m ' eter ) , 324 . pattem poem , 88 .
octave ( Ok ' tav ) , 580 . pentameter ( P赴nt益m ‘趋ter ) , 324 .
octavo ( Oktav , O ) , 210 . perfect rhyme , 548 .
octosyllabic couplet ( dk ' to 511益b即performance ( in linguistics ) , 282 .
认), 588 ; 1 38 . performance ( of a poem ) , 328 .
ode , 396 ; 72 , 238 , 538 , 542 , 618 . performative ( in speech ・ act the ・
oedipus complex , 500 . ory ) , 584 ; 5 1 0 .
Old Comed又78 ; 594 . performative ( in poststructUral
old English Period , 422 . theory ) , 586 ; 5 1 0 .
omniscient point of view , 464 . perlodic sentence , 606 .
7 19

关于小说的类型,参见:荒诞派文学;拟声词,39 , , 561
义;情感小说;中篇小说;科幻小说;口头程式诗歌,401 ; 31 , 153 , 199 , 201 , 423
乌托邦和反面乌托邦。关于小说的有机形式,203 ; 175 , 357
义;背景,定型人物;定型情景;意逆喻,矛盾修辞法403 ; 565
」险格小说,353 翻案诗,401
事件小说,383 哑剧,403
生活方式小说,355 醒世寓言,15
』清感小说,567 ; 569 (语言学中的)聚合,289
中篇小说,575 ; 381 逆说,403 ; 363
中篇小说,381 ; 575 对仗,平行结构,23
中篇小说,575 ; 351 并列句文体,609
戏谑模仿,53 ; 51 , 55 , 163 , 233
客观的,395 ; 349 (语言学中的)言语,253 ; 479 , 561
客观对应物,395 半韵,549
客观批评,105 ; 9 , 209 , 253 , 363 , 541 牧歌,405 ; 147 , 221
客观的(叙述者), 4 " 牧人哀歌,145 ; 97
应景诗,395 感伤谬误,407 ; 199参见:祷文;拟人
八音步诗行,325 悲伤感,409参见:移情与同情
前八行,581 父权制,177 ; 61
八开本,211 图案诗,89
八音节对句,589 ; 139 五音步诗行,325
颂,397 ; 73 , 239 , 539 , 543 , 619 完美韵,54 ,
俄狄浦斯情结,501 (语言学中的)语言运用,283
旧喜剧,79 ; 595 (诗歌中的)表现,329
古英语时期,423 (言语行为理论中的)施为句,585 ; 511
全知全能视角,465 (后结构主义理论中的)施为句,587 ; 511
720 iNo 〔 xo 「下ERMS

Periods of American Literature , poetic ) ustice , 460 .
408 ; 350 . poetic license , 460 .
Periods of English LiteratUre , 420 point of vie琳462 ; 68 ,
350 . 92 , 134 , 346 , 384 , 390 , 438 , 572 .
peripety ( pe八p ’趋te ) , 454 ; 6科. polltical readings , 374 .
periphrasis ( p赴nf ' raSls ) , 458 ; 1 98 . polyphonic , 452 .
perlocutionary act , 586 . popular ballad , 36 .
persona ( perso ' na ) , 434 ; 272 , portmanteau word ( portman to ' ) ,
552 . 20 ; 1 14 , 506 .
personal lyrics , 292 . positivism , 658 .
personification , 198 ; 10 , 148 , 408 , postcolonial studies , 472 ; 108 , 150 ,
458 , 542 . 236 , 434 , 640 .
介已Invocation ; pathetic fallaCy . postmodern period , 434 .
Petrarchan conceit ( petr盛r ' kan ) , postmodemism , 336 ; 390 , 432 ,
84 ; 98 , 404 , 580 . 476 .

Petrarchan sonnet , 580 ; 3 16 . poststructuralism , 476 ; 30 , 60 , 1 12 ,
phallogocentric(犯ldg , ose扩trlk ) , 124 , 338 , 366 , 502 , 640 .
184 . practical criticism , 100 .
phenomenological criticism,科2 ; pragmatic crlticism , 102 ; 538 , 540 .
5 14 , 640 . Prague Linguistic Circle , 204 .
phenomenology , 440 ; 5 14 . Re一Raphaelites , 486 .
philology , 280 . presence ( in deconstruction ) , 112 ・
philosophical optimism , 226 . primitivism , 488 ; 220 .
phoneme ( fo ' nem ) , 284 . printing , 530 .
phonetics ( fon趋t ' Iks ) , 284 . problem pla多492 .
phonocentric ( fO nosen , t直k ) , 112 . problem plays ( Shakespeare , s ) ,
phonolo邪282 . 492 .

picaresque narrative ( Plk ‘任r趋sk ' ' ) , progress , ldeao瓦490 ; 150 , 220 .
380 ; 22 , 452 . propagandist literature , 132 .
Pindaric ode , 396 . properties ( stage ) , 570 .
Platonic love , 446 ; 452 , 530 . proscenium arch ( prosen ' eom ) ,
See : courtly love . 6 ; 94 .
Play ( d rama ) , 138 . prose , 492 .
plot , 448 ; 126 , 346 . For prose forms of literature , see
See : narrative and narratology . the references under " genren in
plurisignation , 20 . the Index of Terr以5 .
poetaster ( pOI ’趋t巨s ' t趋r ) , 76 . 交‘ also : style ; stylistics .
poetic diction , 456 ; l之24 , 198 , prose poem , 494 .
354 . prose romance , 384 ; 414 .
poetic drama , 13技 prosody ( pros , ode ) , 494 .

美国文学各时期的划分,409 ; 351 视角,463 ; 69 , 93 , 155 , 347 , 385 , 391 ,
英国文学各时期的划分,421 ; 351 439 , 573

突变,455 ; 645 政治解读,375

迁说,459 ; 199 多声部,453

话后行为,587 流行民谣,37

第一人称,435 ; 273 , 553 合并词,21 ; 115 , 507
个人抒情诗,293 实证主义,659

拟人,199 ; 11 , 149 , 409 , 459 , 543 后殖民主义研究,473 ; 109 , 151 , 237 ,
参见:祈愿词;感伤谬误。 435 , 641

彼特拉克式巧思妙喻,85 ; 99 , 405 , 581 后现代主义时期,435
彼特拉克式十四行诗,581 ; 317 后现代主义,337 ; 391 , 433 , 477

男权主义,185 后结构主义,477 ; 31 , 61 , 113 , 125 , 339 ,

现象学批评,443 ; 515 , 641 367 , 503 , 641

现象学,441 ; 5 15 实用批评,101

语文学,281 实用主义批评,103 ; 539 , 541

乐观主义哲学,227 布拉格语言学学会,205
音素,音位,285 前拉斐尔派画家和诗人,487
语音学,285 (解构主义中的)在场,113
语音中心,113 尚古主义,489 ; 221
音韵学,283 印刷术,531
流浪汉叙事文,381 ; 23 , 453 问题剧,493

品达体颂,397 (莎士比亚的)问题剧,493
柏拉图式恋爱,447 ; 453 , 531 进步论,491 ; 151 , 221

参见:骑士恋 宣教文学,133
戏剧,139 (舞台)道具,571
情节,449 ; 127 , 347 拱形舞台,7 ; 95
参见:叙事和叙事学 散文,493关于散文体文学,参见术语索引
复义,21 中“文学类型”下的参考条目。另外
冒牌诗人," 参见:文体;文体学。
诗意词藻,457 ; 13 , 25 , 199 , 355 散文诗,495
诗剧,139 散文体传奇,385 ; 415
诗的正义,461 韵律学,495


prosopopoeia ( proso ' p6p碧a ) , Renaissance ( literary and artistic ) ,
198 . 424二232 .
protagonist , 448 . Renaissance ( historical period ) ,
proverbs , 16 . 528 .

pseudostatements , 190 . Renaissance , American , 412 .
psychoanalytic critiCism , 496 ; 1抖Renaissance , Harlem , 228 ; 416 .
184 , 250 , 484 , 516 , 640 , 648 , 釉naissance , Irish Literary ) 64 .
660 . repartee(拢p ‘欲雌勺,660 ; 78 .
psychobiography , 500 . representation ( in new histori -
psychological criticism , 494 ; 104 . cism ) , 366 .
Ptolmaic universe ( tdl ‘趋ma " ik ) , resolution ( of a plot ) , 454 .
532 ; 154 . Restoratio玩426 ; 230 .
pun , 506 . Restoration comedy , 78 ; 426 , 566 ,
Iharitan Interregnum , 426 . 660 .

purple patch , 506 . revenge tragedy , 646 .
pyrrhic ( Plr ' Ik ) , 324 . reversal ( in a plot ) , 454 ; 572 .
Revolutionary Age ( in American
quantitative meter , 318 ; 230 . literature ) , 412 .
quarto , 210 . rhetoric , 536 ; 434 , 616 .
quatrain , 580 ; 36 . rhetorical criticism , 540 ; 1 02 .
queer theo职508 ; 1 84 , 236 , 640 . thetorical figures , 540 ; 1 94 .
See references under " figurative
reader一resP0nse critidsm , 512 ; 8 , language , , in the Index of
208 , 444 , 482 , 524 , 540 , 640 . 及r们ns .
realism , 520 ; 170 , 382 , 414 , 576 . rhetorical question , 542 ,
realistic novel , 384 ; 520 . rhyme , 546 ; 206 .
Realistic Period ( in American lit - rhythm , 320 .
erature ) , 414 . rime royal , 590 .
reception一aesthetic , 526 ; 444 . rising action , 454 .
reception一history , 526 . rituals , 340 .
reception ・ theory , 524 ; 5 14 , 640 . roman ( the genre ) ( rom盆n ' ) , 380 ・
recto , 210 . roman直clef ( rom往n ‘盖kla ' ) ,
reCUperation ( in reading ) , 632 . 550 .
reflection ( in Ma加st Cliticism ) , romance , 70 ; 380 , 520 , 650 .
298 . See also : prose romance ; chivsl -
Se巴imitation . ric romance ; Gothlc romance ;
Refor刀以ation , 520 . romantic comedy .
refrain , 526 ; 36 , 400 . romantiC , 354 .
regional novel , 388 ; 292 . romantic comedy , 76 ; 594 .
regular ode , 396 . romantic irony , 274 .

拟人,1 " (文学和艺术的)文艺复兴,425 ; 233
主人公,449 (历史时期的)文艺复兴,529
谚语,17 美国的文艺复兴时期,413
模拟陈述,191 哈莱姆文艺复兴,229 ; 417
精神分析批评,497 ; 105 , 185 , 251 , 485爱尔兰文艺复兴,"
5 17 , 641 , 649 , 661 机智应答,661 ; 79

心理传记,501 (新历史主义中的)陈述,367
心理学批评,4 , 5 ; 105 (情节中的)冲突解开,455
托勒密宇宙观,533 ; 155 王政复辟时期,427 ; 231

双关,507 王政复辟时期的喜剧,79 ; 427 , 567 , 661
清教徒执政期,427 复仇悲剧,647
词藻华丽的章节,507 (情节中的)逆转,455 ; 573
抑抑格,325 (美国文学中的)独立战争时期,413
修辞学,537 ; 435 , 617
音长格律,319 ; 231 修辞学批评,541 ; 103
四开本,211 修辞格,541 ; 195
四行诗,581 ; 37 参见术语索引中“比喻语”下的参考
同性恋理论,509 ; 185 , 237 , 641 条目
读者反应批评,513 ; 9 , 209 , 445 , 483 , 525 ,押韵,547 ; 207
541 , 641 韵律,321

现实主义,521 ; 171 , 383 , 415 , 577 皇家韵律,591

现实主义小说,385 ; 521 起始行动,455
(美国文学中的)现实主义时期,415 仪式,341

接受美学,527 ; 445 小说(文学类型), 381

接受历史,527 影射小说,551
接受理论,525 ; 515 , 641 传奇,71 ; 381 , 521 , 651
正页,211 另外参见:散文体传奇;骑士传奇;哥
(!阅读中的)复原,633 特式传奇;爱情喜剧。
(马克思主义批评中的)反映,2 " 浪漫主义的,355
参见:摹仿 爱情喜剧,77 ; 595
宗教改革,521 浪漫主义反讽,275
叠句,s乞7 ; 37 , 401
地方小说,389 ; 293
724 INo 〔 xo 「丁〔 RMs

Romantlc Period , 430 ; 32 , 38 , seven cardinal vlrtues , 570 .
496 , 628 . seven deadly sins , 570 .
Romantic Period in America , 412 . Shakespearean sonnet , 580 .
round characte石66 . short story , 572 ; 1 88 .
rules ( linguistic ) , 288 . short short story , 574 .
rules ( neoclassic ) , 352二640 . showing ( in narratlve ) , 66 ; 464 .
run一on lines , 326 . sign , 560 ; 284 .
Russian formalism , 204 ; 198 , 600 , sigu proper ( in semiotics ) , 560 .
640 . significance ( in interpretation ) ,
See : formalism . 258 .

signified ( in linguistics ) , 284 ; 560
sarcasm , 272 . signifie耳284 ; 504 , 560 .
satire , 550 ; 52 , 130 , 656 , 662 . simile ( Slm ‘飞le ) , 194 ; 310 , 622 .
satiric comedy , 78 . Skeltonics , 138 .
scan , 324 . slant rhyme , 590 .
scansion ( sk如‘ s加n ) , 324 . slave narratives , 412 .
scenario , 82 . sloth , 570 .
scene ( in drama ) , 6 . social novel , 386 .
schemes ( figures of speech ) , 184 ・ social theory of textual criticism ,
science fiction , 558 ; 656 . 638 .

second一person points ofvi洲(in socialist realism , 576 ; 132 .
narration ) , 468 . society verse , 280 .
self - conscious narrato石470 ; 274 sociology of literatUre , 576 .
self - refle对ve novel , 470 . Socratic irony ) 272 .
semantics , 284 . solecism ( 501 ‘赴Slsm ) , 294 .
semiolo舒558 . soliloquy ( sohl , dk哑), 578 ; 140 .
semiotics , 558 ; 1 14 , 286 , 504 , 640 Sonof Ben , 426 .
Senecan tragedy , 646 . sonnet , 580 .
sensibility , 564 . sonnet cycle , 582 .
Sensibility , Age of , 428 . sonnet sequence , 582 .
sensibility , drama of , 566 ; 568 . sound一symbolism , 286 ; 398 .
sensibility , literature of , 564 . speech一act , 584 ; 262 .
See : Sentimentalism . speech一act theo年582 ; 1 18 , 132 ,
sentimental comedy , 566 . 186 , 190 , 208 , 312 , 640 .
sentimental novel , 566 , Spenserian sonnet , 580 .
sentimentalism , 568 ; 408 , 566 . Spenserian stanza , 592 .
See . . sensibili年literature of . spiritual autobiography , 44 .
, estet , 580 . spiritUals ( Aftican American ) ,
sestina ( s趋ste ' na ) , 594 . 240 .

setting , 568 . spondaic ( sponda ' Ik ) , 322 ; 328 .

浪漫主义时期,431 ; 33 , 39 , 497 , 629 七项基本美德,571

美国的浪漫主义时期,413 七大罪,571

丰满的人物形象,67 莎士比亚式十四行诗,581

规则(语言学), 289 短篇小说,573 ; 189
法则(新古典主义), 353 ; 641
跨行连句式诗行,327 (叙事中的)展示手法,67 ; 465
符号,561 ; 285
俄国形式主义,205 ; 199 , 601 , 641
(语言学中的)所指,285 ; 561
能指,285 ; 505 , 561
讽刺,551 ; 53 , 131 , 657 , 663
直喻,明喻,195 ; 311 , 623
科幻小说,559 ; 657
社会主义现实主义,5 " ; 133
自我意识的叙述者,471 ; 275
文学社会学,5 "
语义学,285 语法错误,295
符号学,559 内心独白,579 ; 141
符号论,559 ; 115 , 287 , 505 , 641 本之子,427
塞内加式悲剧,647 十四行诗(又译商籁诗), 581
情感,565 十四行诗序列集,583
情感时期,429 十四行组诗,583
,清感戏剧,567 ; 569 语音象征,287 ; 399
情感文学,5 “参见:感伤主义 言语行为,585 ; 263
感伤喜剧,567 言语行为理论,583 ; 1 19 , 133 , 187 , 191
感伤小说,567 209 , 313 , 641

感伤主义,569 ; 409 , 567参见:情感文学斯宾塞式十四行诗,581
最后六行,581 斯宾塞式诗节,593
六节诗,595 精神自传,45

背景,569 (非裔美国的)灵歌,241
扬扬格,323 ; 329
726 iNo 〔 x oF下〔 RMS

sprezzatUra ( sprets ‘且too即r任), 530 . stylometry ( snl 。 ’ m趋tre ) , 612 .
sprung rhythm , 328 . subaltem , 474 .
stable irony , 272 . subiect , 478 ; 474 , 510 , 602 .
stanza , 588 . subiective , 392 ; 348 .
See also : ballad stanza ; bla吐 sublime , 616 ; 564 .
verse ; heroic couPlet ; refrain ; sublimate , 498 .
Sofinet . subplot , 452 .
stock characte兀594 ; 66 , 78 , 82 , subtext , 484 ; 304 .
94 . subversion一containment dialectic ,
stock response , 596 . 378 .
stock situations , 596 . superego , 498 .
sto年346 . suprasegmental ( in linguistics ) ,
stream of consciousness , 598 ; 68 , 286 .
390 , 466 . surface structure ( in linguistics ) ,
stress ( in linguistics ) , 286 . 290 .
stress ( in meter ) , 320 . surfiction , 392 .
strong一stress mete耳328 ; 16 . su甲rise ( in a plot ) , 450 .
strophe ( stro ‘爬), 396 . surrealism , 620 ; 336 .
structural irony , 270 . suspense ( in a plot ) , 450 .
strUcturalism , 600 ; 208 , 286 , 300 , syll的ic mete称318 .
346 , 476 , 502 . symbol ( in semiotics ) , 560 .
struc加ralist criticism , 602 ; 30 , symbol ( literary ) , 622 , 628 .
68 , 102 , 204 , 218 , 236 , 282 , 340 , symbolic ( in Lacanian critiCism ) ,
456 , 5 14 , 522 , 562 , 600 , 610 , 504 。
632 , 640 . symbolism , 628 ; 354 , 416 .
structure , 204 ; 600 . Symbolist Movement , 628 .
S已已also : SttuC扭ralism . Symbolists , 628 ; 2 12 , 630 .
style , 606 ; 52 , 122 , 132 , 494 , 536 . synlpathyll48 ; 564 .
义e魂150 : Cofinotatiofl and de - synchronic ( Slnkrdn ' Ik ) , 282 .
notation ; decorum ; stream of synecdoche ( Sln趋k ' doke ) , 196 .
ConSCi0USneSS . For features of
synesthesia ( sln ‘趋sthe , , zya ) , 630 .
style , see . . ambiguity ; antithesis ; syntagmatic ( Sln ' t益gm挂尸Ik ) ,
archalsm ; bathos and anticli - 288 .
max ; bombast ; clich乏;concelt ; syntax , 282 .
concrete and abstract ; eplthet ; syUzhet ( in Russian formalism ) ,
euphemism ; euphony and ca - 346 .

cophony ; euphuism ; figurative
language ; imagery ; purple tale , 572 .
patch . tall tale , 240 .
stylistics , 610 ; 13气208 , 640 . telling ( In narrative ) , 68 ; 464
目然,531 文体测量学,613

弹性节奏,3 " 低等,4 , 5

指令反讽,273 主体,479 ; 475 , 511 , 603

诗节,589另外参见:民谣体诗节;无韵诗;主观的,393 ; 349
英雄双韵体;叠句;十四行诗。 崇高,617 ; 565

定型人物,595 ; 67 , 79 , 83 , 95 升华,499

定型反应,5 , 7 次情节,453

定型情景,597 次文本,455 ; 305
故事,347 颠覆遏制对立,379
意识流,599 ; 69 , 391 , 467 超我,499

(语言学中的)重音,287 (语言学中的)超音段,287
(格律中的)重读,321 (语言学中的)表层结构,291
重音体格律,32 , ; 17 超小说,3 , 3

诗句,397 (情节中的)意外,451
通篇性反讽,271 超现实主义,621 ; 337
结构主义,601 ; 209 , 287 , 301 , 347 ,(情节中的)悬念,451
477 , 503 音节格律,319
结构主义批评,603 ; 31 , 69 , 103 , 205 , 219 ,(符号论中的)符号,561
237 , 283 , 341 , 457 , 515 , 523 , 563 ,(文学)象征,623 ; 629
601 , 611 , 633 , 641 (拉康批评中的)符号阶段,505
结构,205 ; 601 象征主义,629 ; 355 , 417

另外参见:结构主义 象征主义运动,6 "
文体,607 ; 53 , 123 , 133 , 495 , 537 象征主义者,629 ; 213 , 631
另外参见:涵义和表意;仪轨;意识同情,149 ; 565
偶;仿古;突降与突降法;浮夸之辞;举隅,i , 7
章节。 (俄国形式主义中)用于表述故事的具体
文体学,611 ; 135 , 209 , 641 描述,347

(叙事中的)讲述手法,69 ; 465

tenor ( of a metaphor ) , 194 ; 15凡 transcendental signified , 114 .
3 10 . Transcendentalism in America ,
tension ( in poetry ) , 630 . 652 ; 412 .
tercet仰r , s趋t ) , 590 . transformational一generative
terza rima ( t趋r ' ts且re ' m任), 590 . gramma乙288 .
tetrameter ( t趋tr赶m ’赴t趋r ) , 324 . transformatlonal linguistics , 290 .
text , 632 . travesty , 54 .
textUal criticism , 634 ; 32 , 104 , 142 , trickste兀l屯
254 . trimeter ( t直m ’趋ter ) , 324 .
theater In the round , 94 . triple thyme , 546 .
theater of the absurd , 2 . triplet , 590 .
theme , 340 ; 126 , 190 , 362 . trochaic ( troka ' Ik ) , 322 .
theodiCy ( theod , lse ) , 226 . trope ( figurative ) ( trop ) , 192 ; 250 ,
theoretical Ctitictsm , 100 . 540 .
theories of litera加re , current , trope ( liturglcal ) , 330 .
640 . troubadour , 96 .
theory ( in poststructuralism ) , truth ( in fiction ) , 190 ; 586 .
478 ; 640 . 钾pe ( In biblical interpretatlon ) ,
theory ( in traditional criticism ) , 264 .
100 . tyPe ( in characters ) , 66 .
thesis ( of a literary work ) , 190 . 勿pological interpretation , 264 ;
thick descriptions , 366 . 26 , 628 .
thlrd一person narrative , 462 .
three unities , 640 ; 352 , 646 . ubi sunt motif ( 00 ' be sdnt
threnody ( thr趋n ‘ 。 de ) , l绍鹉. motef , ) , 338 .
tone , 436 . understatement , 240 .
topos ( top , 05 ) , 338 ; 534 . unintrusive ( narrator ) , 464 .
touchstone ( i n criticism ) , 642 . unitles , three , 640 ; 252 , 646
trace ( in deconstruction ) , 114 . unity of action , 450 ; 640 .
traditional ballad , 36 . unreliable narrato乙470 .
traged又翻2 ; 22 , 200 , 524 , 650 . unstable lrony , 272 .
See aISo : heroic drama ; tragic utopia , 654 ; 490 , 558 .
irony ; tra矛comedy .
tragedy of blood , 646 . variorum edition ( v6 r eor ' dm ) ,
tragic flaw , 644 . 142 .
tragic hero , 640 . Varronian satire ( v8 ro ' nian ) ,
介e also : antihero . 554 .
tragiC itony , 274 . vehicle ( of a metaphor ) , 194 ; 158 ,
tragicomedy , 650 ; 648 . 242 , 3 10 , 624 ,
Transcendental Club , 652 . verbal iron又270 .

(隐喻中的)喻的,195 ; 159 , 311 超验所指,115

(诗歌中的)张力,631 美国的超验主义,653 ; 413
同韵三行诗节,591 转换生成语法,289
三行诗节隔句押诗法,591 转换语言学,291
四音步诗行,325 效肇作品,55
文本,633 骗子,15
文本批评,635 ; 53 , 105 , 143 , 255 三音步诗行,325
圆形剧场,95 三重韵,547
荒诞戏剧,3 三行联句,591
主题,341 ; 127 , 191 , 363 扬抑格,323
神正论,227 (修辞中的)比喻,193 ; 251 , 541
理论批评,101 (礼拜中的)圣歌对白,331
当代文学理论,641 行吟诗人,97
(后结构主义中的)理论,479 ; 641 (小说中的)真实,191 ; 587
(传统批评中的)理论,101 (圣经释义中的)原型,265
(文学作品中的)论点,191 (人物)模式化人物,67
深度描述,367 象征释义,265 ; 27 , 629
三一律,641 ; 353 , 647 悲叹消逝的岁月在哪里的题旨,33 ,
葬歌,145 含蓄,241
基调,437 非介人的(叙述者), 465
常用主题,33 , ; 535 三一律,641 ; 253 , 647
(批评中的)试金石,643 行动一致律,451 ; 641
(解构主义中的)踪迹,115 不可信任的叙述者,471
传统民谣,37 非指令反讽,273
悲剧,643 ; 23 , 201 , 525 , 651另外参见:英乌托邦,655 ; 491 , 559
流血悲剧,647 集注本,143
悲剧性缺陷,645 瓦罗式讽刺,555
悲剧性英雄,641另外参见:反英雄 (隐喻的)喻矢,195 ; 159 , 243 , 311 , 625
悲剧性反讽,275 言语反讽,271
悲喜剧,651 ; 649
730 , NoEXoFT 〔 RMS

vethal meaning , 258 . victorianism , 658 .
verisimllltude(说r , 1嗽成r飞tood ) , villain ( in a plot ) , 450 .
640 . villanelle娜l ‘任n赴l ' ' ) , 594 .
vers de soci乏t仑(说r ' d趋sosyata即), votce ( in a literary Work ) , 436 ;
280 . 442 . 540 .

vers libre ( v6 r le , br ) , 210 . vraisemblable ( Vra ' sdmb18 ' ' bl ) ,
verse , 320 . 632 .

verse paragraPh , 50 .
versification , 494 . wit , 660 ; 1 6q 3 1 8 .
versions ( of a text ) , 638 . See also : comedy ;
verso(川r ' 50 ) , 210 ・ irony ; satire
Vice ( the character ) , 332 . wrenched accent , 320
Victorian , 656 .
Victorian Period , 430 ; 408 , 656 . zeugma ( z 009 , ma ) , 544 .

语言含义,259 维多利亚时期的特点," ,
逼真,641 (情节中的)反面人物,451
上流社会轻桃诗,281 维拉内拉诗,595
自由诗,211 (文学作品中的)言念,437 ; 443 , 541
韵文,321 貌似真实的,633

韵律,495 机智,661 ; 161 , 319
(文本的)版本,639 另外参见:喜剧;警句;反讽;讽刺
反页,211 误加重音,321
维多利亚时期的,657 扼式搭配法,543
维多利亚时期,431 ; 409 , 657
[General Information]
书名=文学术语词典 中英对照


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