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Bhakti Shastri (042) - Bhagavad Gita Introduction

सार्थं सार्थथम अर्जथनस्यादौ कजर्वं गीतामृतं ददौ लोकत्रपोकाराय तस्मै कृष्णात्मनः नमः

सार्थथम अर्जथनस्य आदौ – lord became sarathi of Arjuna

कजर्वं गीतामृतं ददौ – He gave nectar of Gita, For what purpose लोकत्रपोकाराय for sake
of benefit of तस्मै कृष्णात्मनः नमःunto soul of exsistence ममात्मा obessiance unto
that Supreme Lord.


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