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Group 8

Walk Through Two Banyan Tree

Masangin = Masuk Dua Beringin

Muhammad Faiz Ramdhani 16001151158

Farid Sofyan Sauri 1601154178
Luthfia Khansa 1601154408
Muhammad Syaifuddin 1601154182
Jonathan Andrew Sinaga 1601150024
Muhammad Ibnu Bagas M 1601154176

Walk Through Two Banyan Trees

In Indonesian : Masangin, Masuk Dua Beringin
alasan ambil tema. tujuan esai utk apa

Indonesia is an archipelago state country. Lots of islands with their owns geographical
characteristicts make the cultures and habits be born. The cultures and habits may be various and
different with one another. This unique and typical cultures are not just implemented in
traditional foods, dances nor arts, but they also include beliefs that may become one iconic
characteric to a region.

Myth is something we can’t really take off from talking about culture. Myth comes from the
world “Mythos” (Yunanian) or mite (Belandanian, is a folk which tells us a story happened in
the past, containing interpretation about universe and every single living creature, considered as
something really happened for one’s who believed. In the more comprehensive definition, myth
can be referred to traditional story. Myth comes up from an occasion note which inflict enormous
and fictionous story, as an allegory or personification as natural phenomenon or a clear
explanation about some ritual. These were spread to share religious experience or ideal, for
forming certain models of characteristicts or as a teaching materials in a community.

Jogja is one of the region in Indonesia with tons of cultures that still alive in their dwellers.
Become the special region (Daerah Istimewa) in Indonesia, Jogja, that still menganut kingdom
system (although the king is not the one who leads the region and just be iconic leader for the its
cultural sake, has a lot of unique public places with its own cultural characterystict that attracts a
lot of people to visit.

Alun Alun Jogjakarta is famous already to anyone who lives whether inside nor utside of
Jogjakarta. The place with lots myths and stories literally divided into two parts, the south one
and the North one. Of course this division has some certain means. These two places has their
own functions, the south alun2 is a place to calm people’s hearts as it is one place that many
people believe the gods may rest here and the other one is made as public and recreational place.

Talking about South Alun - Alun, it contains stories that this place was once used as place where
keraton knights trains their ability to fight or build knights’ solidarity. Once this place was not
used anymore for training sake, people started to use this part as entertainment for all-age people
like North Alun - Alun as well.

From the things that can be done here, one unique activity can be done. It is Masangin. Masangin
means Masuk Dua Beringin, in English : entering to two banyan trees. For anyone who wants to
practice a ritual that is now regarded as the game is very easy. Things need to be prepared just
blindfold and a pure heart. When the night time has come, we are obliged to walk past the two
banyan with eyes closed. According to local belief, those who managed to perform this ritual
will undoubtedly get a mate

Begins from a culture in the past, when a soldier doing an events for a clan of muslims in
jogja. Masangin is a ritual ceremonial as a means “ngalap berkah” or symbols of request for
Jogja protection to god. Beside that, Masangin also considered as fortuneless from enemy
who threat peace in Keraton Jogja.

Many versions stating how the history of the banyan trees games, but many people
believe that history begins from the story of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I were holding a
competition in finding a life partner for her daughter. He made contest (sayembara) that
condition his life companion is able to walk with my eyes closed and a second pass banyan in
Alun Alun Kidul.

Therefore, Masangin’s stories and application ways have developed from time to time
from onced used as cultural ritual event until it is now known as traditional game. One must be
considered that Masangin is one culture that may be conserved as Indonesia’s unique culture that
can’t ever be ignored in order to get its eternity.

Kerangka :

1) Indonesia adalah negara dengan beragam kebudayaan

2) Mitos pada permainan tradisional
3) Jogja adalah salah satu daerah di Indonesia yang masih kental akan budaya daerahnya
4) Alun2 Jogja terbagi menjadi 2 > Fungsi2nya
5) Alun2 Kidul memiliki permainan tradisional yang kerap dihubungkan dengan mitos,
yaitu masangin > definisi , mainan seperti apa
6) Sejarah alun2 kidul

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