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Unit of work: Gift of Life Salvation topic: Baptism Human person Topic: New life

Year Level: Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith situations/

Key Understanding: Wondering at the gift of human life previous lessons/Units)

Previously have learnt about rituals of the church and

Learning Point(s): are familiar with going to mass
- Identifies signs that they are alive

- Identifies actions that people can perform because they

have life
Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope in-
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Identifies what objects are alive and not alive
• pose questions about the topic
• Use the camera (ipad) correctly

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation:
 Provision for students at educational risk:

(include Teacher Witness)
Make sure the student are supervised in the school yard - give
Ipads clear instructions on boundaries and the aim of the task
Projector board

Gotten the parents to state wether their child has been baptised prior to
inform teacher
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction: Resources/References
Have all the students sitting on the mat Align these with the segment
where they will be introduced.
As we look around, we can see that there are many things in our
world, far too many to count. Some of these have life and others do
not. There are many things about us, too, that show that we have the
gift of life. We can walk, think and perform many actions.
We can hear our breathing and feel our pulse and we know that these
are signs of life. We can look at other people and in them, too, see
signs of life.
Because we have the gift of life we can do many things.
People are different, they enjoy doing different things, such as:
- painting
- playing on equipment
- dressing up
- singing and dancing, etc. 

We know that there are many things that we can enjoy because
we have the gift of life.

Be open to the students asking questions and answering each others


Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

Group Children into 4 groups, each group with one iPad

- Go for a walk around the school and take photos of other students
performing an action or things that they can see alive or not alive
- Make stops to give the children time to take a photo- for example near a
class doing sport, near a garden ect.

Display the Photos on the board and one group at a time go through and
have the children explain the photos that they took
Prompting Questions
- What are some of the people in the picture doing?
- How is it that people can do these activities?
- I wonder why I am alive?
- I wonder why some things are not alive?
- I wonder why I can feel my pulse?
- I wonder why I can hear my breathing?

During the activity lead the children to an awareness that people can do
these activities because they have the gift of life.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

Have all the students standing in their own spots on the mat and play a
game of Simon says allowing the children to experience a variety of
movements or activities.
Closing Questions:
- Which activity did you enjoy the most?
- How are you able to do so many different activities?
- Could you do these activities if you did not have the gift of life?
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Gather students on the mat in their spots ready to go to lunch

If there is spare time have the children find a spot to themselves on the
mat and through a yoga activity

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be


Observational checklist

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