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Name: ____________________ Pd.

________ Date: __________________________

Directions: In the spaces below, respond to each of the following topics in no less
than 5 sentences. Provide three specific examples.

What is power? What does power look like? How do people or groups obtain or come to
power? What happens when they lose it? What does it mean to have power? Can or does
everyone have power? Why/ Why not?

What is loyalty? What does it look like? How do people or groups of people show it? What
happens when they lose it? Does everyone deserve loyalty? Why/ Why not?
Greek Theater and Antigone Notes 

Elements of Drama:
Tragic Character:__________________________________________________________________________
Stage Directions: __________________________________________________________________________

Five parts of a plot are:

1. _________________: ________________________________________________________________
2. _________________: ________________________________________________________________
3. _________________: ________________________________________________________________
4. _________________: ________________________________________________________________
5. _________________: ________________________________________________________________

E l e m e n t s o f G r e e k T h e a t r e: 
Plot: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Setting: _________________________________________________________________________________
Character(s): _____________________________________________________________________________
Chorus: _________________________________________________________________________________
Stage(Amphitheater) : _____________________________________________________________________

Oedipus Rex / Antigone Notes … Background Notes:







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