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Yesid Ferney Lozano Suelta COD.


Activities to develop

Each student in the group has to answer the following questions using academic references to support
the research:

1. Explain the concept of loss tangent by means of an example.

The loss tangent is the ratio at any particular frequency between the real and imaginary parts of
the impedance of a capacitor. Short for the degree, an angle unit of 100 grad is a right angle. Rad
is the abbreviation of radian - 2 (Pi) radian is a starting point. So 360 degrees = 2 (Pi) radian =
400grad. The choice of units is imaterial when a calculator designed to work in any of those units
is used. In the case you quote in your question, there is not enough information to decide if the
loss tangent is 0.01, or you are trying to find the loss tangent from an angle that is 0.01 in some
units not revealed.

2. What kind of information give us the propagation velocity in electromagnetic waves

First, he assumed that the same relationship between stiffness and density would be true for
electromagnetic waves. Assuming the then generalized theory of the ether but modifying it
conveniently, he calculated what he thought should be rigidity, measured as a modulus of
elasticity, and the density of electric and magnetic fields propagating through the ether. In
Maxwell's mechanical model for ether, rigidity was related to the electric field and density to the
magnetic field.

He then showed mathematically that the ratio between these two factors, which should
determine the speed of the waves, is the same regardless of the power of the fields.

Finally, Maxwell showed that the speed of the waves (if they existed !, remember that this was
still only a theoretical deduction) is a concrete quantity that can be calculated from experimental

But for this calculation there was no need to wait for the experiments to be carried out. In 1856
Wilhelm Eduard Weber and Rudolf Kohlrausch had carried out the necessary tests. Taking the
data they had published, Maxwell calculated the propagation speed of the alleged
electromagnetic waves: 311,000,000 m / s.

But this value was familiar to Maxwell. It was very coincidental that this large number turned out
to be very close, less than 1% difference, with a number that the whole world of physics knew at
the time. In 1849 Armand Fizeau had measured the speed of light and had obtained a value of
313,300,000 m / s (the value currently admitted is 299,792,458 m / s).
Yesid Ferney Lozano Suelta COD. 1058274657

Nineteenth-century physicists knew that the waves of light were transverse. In 1816 Ampère and
Fresnel's experiments on polarization left no room for doubt. When Maxwell found that in an
electromagnetic disturbance the electric and magnetic fields must be perpendicular to each
other and also with respect to the propagation direction of the wave, he concluded that
electromagnetic waves are transverse

3. Explain how an electromagnetic wave behaves in free space, perfect dielectrics and good
Wave propagation refers to the propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space. Although
free space really implies in a vacuum, propagation through the terrestrial atmosphere is often
called propagation through free space and can always be considered that way. The main
difference is that the Earth's atmosphere introduces signal losses that are not in a vacuum.
Electromagnetic waves propagate through any dielectric material including air but do not
propagate well through leaking conductors like the seawater because electric fields cause
currents to flow in the material, rapidly dissipating the energy of the waves.
Radio waves are considered electromagnetic waves like light and, like it, travel through free space
in a straight line with a speed of 300,000,000 meters per second. Other forms of electromagnetic
waves are infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays.
Radio waves propagate through the Earth's atmosphere with energy transmitted by the source,
later the energy is received from the side of the receiving antenna. The radiation and the capture
of this energy are functions of the antennas and the distance between them.

Ideal electrolyte or perfect insulator, which does not allow the movement of charges inside it at
all. The effect of a finite conductivity on a real dielectric is analyzed when studying electrical
currents. Here we consider the simplest model of an ideal dielectric.
The best electrical conductors are metals, such as copper, gold, iron, silver and aluminum, and
their alloys, although there are other non-metallic materials that also have the property of
Yesid Ferney Lozano Suelta COD. 1058274657

conducting electricity, such as graphite or solutions and saline solutions (for example, sea water)
or any material in the plasma state.

4. Using the electromagnetic spectrum, explain the practical application of every type of

Although the classification scheme is usually accurate, there is actually some transposition
between neighboring types of electromagnetic energy. For example, radio waves at 60 Hz can be
received and studied by astronomers, or they can be conducted along cables as electrical power.
Also, some low-energy gamma rays actually have a longer wavelength than some high-energy X-
rays. This is possible because "gamma ray" is the name given to photons generated in nuclear
decomposition or other nuclear and subnuclear processes, while X-rays are generated by
electronic transitions that involve very energetic inner electrons. Therefore, the difference
between gamma ray and X ray is related to the radiation source rather than the wavelength of
the radiation. Generally, nuclear transitions are much more energetic than electronic transitions,
so gamma rays tend to be more energetic than X-rays. However, there are low-energy nuclear
transitions (eg the nuclear transition of 14.4 keV of Fe -57) that produce gamma rays that are less
energetic than some of the higher energy X rays.

Radio waves are usually used by antennas of the appropriate size (according to the principle of
resonance), with wavelengths ranging from hundreds of meters to approximately one millimeter.
They are used for data transmission, through modulation. Television, mobile phones, magnetic
resonances, or wireless and amateur radio networks are some popular uses of radio waves.

Radio waves can carry information by varying the combination of amplitude, frequency and
phase of the wave within a frequency band. The use of the radio spectrum is regulated by many
governments by assigning frequencies. When the electromagnetic radiation impacts on a
conductor, it is paired with it and travels along it, inducing an electric current on the surface of
that conductor through the excitation of the electrons of the conduction material. This effect (the
skin effect) is used in the antennas. Electromagnetic radiation can also cause certain molecules
to absorb energy and heat up, a feature that is used in microwaves.

The super high frequency (SHF) and the extremely high frequency (EHF) of the microwaves are
the following in the frequency scale. Microwaves are waves that are short enough to use tubular
metal waveguides of reasonable diameter. Microwave energy is produced with klystron tubes
and magnetron tubes, and with solid state diodes such as the Gunn and IMPATT devices.
Microwaves are absorbed by molecules that have a dipole moment in liquids. In a microwave
oven, this effect is used to heat the food. Low intensity microwave radiation is used in Wi-Fi.
Yesid Ferney Lozano Suelta COD. 1058274657

The average microwave oven, when active, is in a nearby range and powerful enough to cause
interference with poorly protected electromagnetic fields, such as those found in mobile medical
devices and cheap electronic devices.

Rays T:
The radiation of terahertz (or Rays T) is a region of the spectrum located between the far infrared
and the microwaves. Until recently, this range was very little studied, since there were hardly any
sources for microwave energy at the high end of the band (submillimeter waves or also called
terahertz waves). However, applications are appearing to show images and communications.
Scientists also seek to apply T-ray technology to the armed forces, where they could be used to
direct them to enemy troops, since high-frequency waves incapacitate electronic equipment.

Infrared radiation:
The infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum covers the range from approximately 300 GHz
(1 mm) to 400 THz (750 nm). It can be divided into three parts:

* Far infrared, from 300 GHz (1 mm) to 30 THz (10 μm). The lower part of this range can also be
called a microwave. This radiation is absorbed by the so-called rotational modes in molecules in
the gas phase, by molecular movements in liquids, and by photons in solids. Water in Earth's
atmosphere absorbs this radiation so strongly that it gives the atmosphere opaque effectiveness.
However, there are certain ranges of wavelengths ("windows") within the opaque range that
allow partial transmission, and they can be used in astronomy. The wavelength range of
approximately 200 μm to a few mm is often referred to as "submillimeter radiation" in
astronomy, reserving the far infrared for wavelengths below 200 μm.

Visible radiation (light)

The frequency above infrared is that of visible light. This is the range in which the Sun and the
stars similar to it emit most of their radiation. It is probably not a coincidence that the human
eye is sensitive to the wavelengths that the sun emits most strongly. Visible light (and near
infrared light) are absorbed and emitted by electrons in molecules and atoms that move from
one energy level to another. The light that we see with our eyes is really a very small part of the
electromagnetic spectrum. A rainbow shows the optical part (visible) of the electromagnetic
spectrum; the infrared (if it could be seen) would be located just below the red side of the
rainbow, while the ultraviolet would be behind the violet.

Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between approximately 400 nm and 700 nm is

detected by the human eye and perceived as visible light. At other wavelengths, especially near-
infrared (longer than 700 nm) and ultra-violet (shorter than 400 nm) they are sometimes called
light at times, especially when visibility for humans is not relevant.
Yesid Ferney Lozano Suelta COD. 1058274657

If the radiation that has a frequency in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum is
reflected in an object, such as a deep bowl of fruit, and then impacts our eyes, we get a visual
perception of the scene. The visual system of our brain processes the multitude of frequencies
reflected in different shades and nuances, and through this psychophysical phenomenon that is
still not fully understood, it is how we perceive objects.

In most wavelengths, however, the information conveyed by electromagnetic radiation is not

directly discovered by the human senses. Natural sources produce electromagnetic radiation
through the spectrum, and our technology can also manipulate a wide range of wavelengths. The
optical fiber transmits light that, although not suitable for direct vision, can transport data that
is then translated into sound or image. The coding used in such data is similar to what is used
with radio waves.

Ultraviolet light:
The next frequency in the spectrum is ultraviolet (or UV), which is radiation whose wavelength is
shorter than the violet end of the visible spectrum.

Being very energetic, ultraviolet radiation can break chemical bonds, making the molecules
exceptionally reactive or ionizing them, which changes their behavior. Sunburn, for example, is
caused by the damaging effects of UV radiation on skin cells, and can even cause skin cancer if
radiation damages complex DNA molecules in cells (UV radiation is a mutagen ). The Sun emits a
large amount of UV radiation, which could quickly turn Earth into a sterile desert if it were not
for the most part absorbed by the ozone layer of the atmosphere before reaching the surface.

After the ultraviolet, X-rays come. Hard X-rays have shorter wavelengths than soft X-rays. They
are generally used to see through some objects, as well as for high-energy physics and astronomy.
The neutron stars and the accretion discs around the black holes emit X-rays, which allows us to
study them.

X-rays pass through most substances, and this makes them useful in medicine and industry. They
are also emitted by the stars, and especially by some types of nebulae. An x-ray machine works
by firing a beam of electrons over an "objective". If electrons are fired with enough energy, X-
rays are produced.

Gamma rays:
After the hard X-rays come the gamma rays. They are the most energetic photons, and the lowest
limit of their wavelength is not known. They are useful to astronomers in the study of objects or
regions of high energy, and are useful for physicists thanks to their penetrating capacity and their
production of radioisotopes. The wavelength of the gamma rays can be measured with great
accuracy by means of Compton scattering.
Yesid Ferney Lozano Suelta COD. 1058274657

There is no exactly defined boundary between the bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Some
types of radiation have a mixture of the properties of radiations found in the two regions of the
spectrum. For example, red light resembles infrared radiation in that some chemical bonds can

5. What is the refraction index and what kind of information give us about the electromagnetic
waves behavior?
His refraction of a wave consists in the change of direction that it experiences when it passes
from one medium to another. This change of direction occurs as a consequence of the different
speed of propagation that the wave has in both media.

The refraction of a plane wave from a medium 1 to another medium 2 is represented in the figure
below, assuming that the velocity of propagation is lower in the second medium than in the first.
As the wave front AB is affecting the separation surface, the AC points of that surface become
secondary foci and transmit the vibration to the second medium. Because the velocity in the
second medium is smaller, the envelope of the transmitted secondary waves forms an EC
wavefront, in which the point E is closer to the separation surface than the B. As a consequence,
when passing to the Second, the rays deviate towards the normal direction N.

By similar reasoning it is verified that the deviation of the propagation direction takes place in
the opposite direction when the wave travels from a medium where its velocity of propagation
is less than to one in which it is greater.

To formally describe the refraction of light waves (non-mechanical) we define the refractive index
of a medium, n, indicating the number of times that the speed of light is greater in the vacuum
than in that medium. That is, the refractive index is equal to 1 in the vacuum (where the light has
its maximum speed, 300000 km / s) and greater than the unit in any other medium. In the linked
Yesid Ferney Lozano Suelta COD. 1058274657

document, the law of refraction is deduced, expressed as a function of the refractive index (Snell's
Normally reflection and refraction occur simultaneously. When a wave hits the separation
surface between two media, the points of that surface act as secondary foci, which transmits the
vibration in all directions and form reflected and refracted wave fronts. The energy and the
intensity of the incident wave is distributed between both processes (reflection and refraction)
in a certain proportion

6. What is a plane wave and a non-plane wave and where are they used? What is a magnetic and
a nonmagnetic medium and where are they used?

There are some known materials that have easily detectable magnetic properties such as nickel,
iron, cobalt and their alloys that are commonly called magnets. However, all materials are
influenced, in greater or lesser way, by the presence of a magnetic field.

Or magnetic Does not affect the passage of magnetic field lines.

Example: the vacuum.
Diamagnetic Weakly magnetic material. If a magnetic bar is placed near it, it repels it.
Example: bismuth (Bi), silver (Ag), lead (Pb), water.
Paramagnetic It presents a significant magnetism. Attracted by the magnetic bar.
Example: air, aluminum (Al), palladium (Pd), molecular magnet.
Magnetic Ferromagnetic par excellence or strongly magnetic. Attracted by the magnetic bar.
Paramagnetic above the Curie temperature
(The Curie temperature of metallic iron is approximately 770 ° C).
Example: iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), mild steel.
Non-magnetic antiferromagnetic even under the action of an induced magnetic field.
Example: manganese oxide (MnO2).
Ferrimagnetic Less magnetic degree than ferromagnetic materials.
Example: iron ferrite.
Superparamagnetic Ferromagnetic materials suspended in a dielectric matrix.
Yesid Ferney Lozano Suelta COD. 1058274657

Example: materials used in audio and video tapes.

Ferromagnetic Ferrites with low electrical conductivity.
Example: used as a core inductor for AC applications.

Waves. Reflection and refraction (s.f.). Retrieved September 30, 2018, from
403 Forbidden. (2016, July 26). Recovered September 30, 2018, from
Electrostatics in the presence of dielectrics (GIE). (s.f.-b). Retrieved September 30, 2018, from
Electromagnetic spectrum. (s.f.). Recovered September 30, 2018, from

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