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撥綾毅荻綴務瀦解鰯鍵徽繁雄磁綾教が猪狩 、こ/二二二一 ̄  ̄ ̄

NARcH 2き. 2015

The Trinidad Trails and Greenways Master Pian is comprised of this manuaI, the TraiIs and
Parceis Master Plan, and the lmplementation Database. The Traiis and ParceIs Master Plan is in
.dwg format and contains the traii aii9nmentS (at a master pIan ievei), City streets, and parcei

geomet「y (with parcei numbe「 and owner narle). The lmpiementation Database is a Mic「osoft
Access database comprised ofthree datatables, and two data queries. An in depth desc「iption

Ofthe database, aSWeI看as instructions on its use, Can be found in ChapterVofthis document・

丁his project commenced in May of 2014 and the Master PIan was completed bythe beginning

Of 2015. Beiow is a Iist ofthose who contributed to the Master Plaming P「ocess. The City of

Trinidad wouid Iike to thank the many citizens of Trinidad who attended the multipie pubIic
WOrkshops′ COmPIeted the community survey′ and aiso p「ovided vaiuable input to the Master

Planning Process.

二、⊃し冊ミ鞘総轄嘱憤酸⑱ 照諌Ⅴ謡関釜開Å博昭の
告¥、高畠当棚の虹野 週の粥A胴翁の開抽出曲
’、 _し、こ ̄斤○穂の悶甘藍謹聴醜匿凄

〕 ヽ}w臆⊂Iき′農I書. ⊂〇億



羨みああ′琉有功鞠了敬重艶子堅脅誘磁宏勧♂綾グ ¥/-/・P音二一一一・・.
∴ ̄工!   仁’戸出     】
l i ̄ 、 ̄       仁一

(/ ̄二十十∴∴l:.工、 」星
上  ̄ ̄工言号  を

二二∴臆/」∴ ∴′∴真書町」

PREVエOUS甲RA亘LS PしANS。。。。。……。。。..。…。。。。……。。。。….。。.。。。。。。。。。。。。。.。.。..。.。。。.。。.。。。。。。。。 2〇五


問亘S了O配電CAL/㊨U囲丁URAL §貫G囲電離㊨A聞C匿。.。…。。.。。……。。。。…….。.。。。.。.。。。..。。。…。。。。。。2"6

( ̄ ̄子音上′       I!
、ノ _ 之 子、∴  .  _  」..し」

∴ ∴・、〆)∴ノ∴・∴、. 、,言、′ __∴.,∴_

PROJ臣C了S了ÅR了"UP          ..。.。。…。。。...。…。…。。。..。。。.。……。。.。.。….。…。訃里

DÅ丁A ㊧A甲軸匿R登NG …。。。……….。○○。。…….。.。。。…‥。。。。..。。。。。。。...。…。。。。..。…。.。。。。。。。.。.。….。.。。 5-2


EARしY AC丁菖ON PR⑱J冨e耳。.。….。..。……。。。。。….。………….。……。.。……。.。….。.。○○.。。.。…。5"9

--.1 ∴十 ̄占千言/十㌦′

十㌧言古∴中“言 直) 上’
丁RA竃しPLANNING M岳丁HODOL⑱㊧Y….。.。。..。..。。。………….。……‥。………。….。。..。。。.. 4一曲

AC丁量V登丁拙S 8 AM且N量丁惟S BY TRA批.…。.。…….。.。。……。。…………….。。……。。。。…….4-4

G臣N巨RAL TRAI格RたeIONS 。。…。…。。。….。。。……。。。。..。。。…………。…。.。。。.。。.。○○。……。。……4"4

丁RA登L SYS丁匿M量D臣NTI丁Y…..……。.。。。..。。○○。..。….。.。…………。.。.。…………。…………。…4-6

干RA竃L SIeNAGE …………。。….。...。…。。………………。.。.。○○.。…….。.。.。。……。○○。….。。。。。。。。。..4-9

EDUCA丁量ONAL PROGRAM     ...。。………。。。.。.。….。。。………………….。..。.。。4-量⑱

-′、′ 上告 ̄つ ̄ 、《
-¥_/ ・ ∪ノー、) _  し∴・、∴、∴∴言、

工手古記小五告′l、申子症.∴∵∴∴十㌧十 _/ ,                 ,
DA丁ABAS匿⑱V岳RV肥W       .。。。。。.….。。。。○○…….。。.。..。。.。。.。……‥。。。。.。..。。。.。 5“量

MISS竃NG PAReELS ……。...。○○…..…。.。。。。。...。。.。○○。。。。。。。。….。。……。……………。.。….。.。…。.昌・昌

DATABASE US匿竃N§丁RUC丁IONS..。。。。。。。。。…。。。…。。。.。.。。。.。。…。.…。。。。。.。……。。..。…。。。.。.昌-5



、六、、¥「十十-  ̄廿上 告、へい ∴ 言、′三千1士、十十、、、吉章二章二高子章、__  l、音

ヾノノ 卑 し』

¥∴三軍隠 し  _.,._

∴臆し¥ミニノ し_ 」二」

The City of Trinidad a=d its surrounding a「eas have a long history′ and associated with that

history is a Iarge networkof informai traiis. However′ untiI 「eiativeIy recentIy′ the CityofTrinidad

has not made a significant effo「t to own′ maintain′ Or develop these trail systems. Within the

past lO-20 years′ this has changed and the City has taken numerous steps to deveIop traiIs in
and around Trinidad that can serve as destinations for both tourists and residents. The City has
also invested in some iongerterm pianning efforts, and this isthe first projectthat rea!Iy looks
at creating an overa= Traiis network as weii as a too看to assist the City in prioritizing projects.

Whiie manyofthesetraiis are known and used by Iocal residents′ theyare currentiy on private

property. The T「inidad TraiIs and Greenways Maste「 Plan not onIy creates an overa= vision and

goaIs for the iargert「a‖ networks′ but it aiso c「eates a data based tool thatthe City of Trinidad
Can uSe for a number of pre-impiementation steps:

. Priori施e毎ai/ pr?/ects based on recreationa/ amenitie5 prOVided

・ Priori施e拓ai/prqiects ba5ed on ”umber ofparce/ o仰ers fhat wou/d偏ve zノO

be invo/ved /n ”eタOti慮tion5・
・ Wew data on /nd柄dua/拓ailprq/ect5 5uCh as打ai/ /engtんamenitie叩rOVidecl

and parce応required for /mplementation伽cんding parce/ o肋er /nfbrmation)・

This databasewas created in conjunction with a parcei map in AutoCAD that showsthe existing
and proposed traiis′ aSWeil asthe parceI geometrycollected・Within each parcel′the ownerand

pa「cel numbe「 is Iisted.The intent isthat ifthe Citywasto use Geographic lnformation Systems

(GIS) software in the future, the AutoCAD map and Microsoft Access database information
cou!d becombined in GIS.


d霧荻綾雛/霧鰯物影砂銭綾錫夕鶴彩繊教珍 、`二三`;】○○-:’ ̄- ̄
In orderto create a successfui and usabie Maste「 P獲an forthe City of Trinidad′ the fo-lowing

goais we「e esta帥shed fo「 the project:

㊨㊨Å』荻㊨隠匿鯛圏㊨㊨悶闇匿㊨瑚㊥闘㊨国師閑醍醐軍閥圏軍配鎚』 $Y㊧甲園醐㊨

77,e area5 5u〃Ounding 7訪n枕d /n a〃 d/recrfon吊ave some very d応tinct and c耕f訪h9

environments. 77'e枕5ter Phn 5P庵fhe寝所5 hto鮎e Genera/ 7売i/ Regions; and

Creating comections between勅e5e reタion5 enSure5 a h′ワer COhesive frai/ network.

77,e C華y of 7irnided is ”nique /n訪ut che型/Or朋tu憎I re5OurCe amenitie5 are W/thin a cIose

PrOXimit牛o Do仰to肋・ Makhg direct comecr/ons hom Domto仰fo初e5e ameniue5

CreateS eCOnOmic叩portunities for /ocal bu5he5Se5 fo cater fo fourJ扇s and /oca后who want

toねke advanねge of the mtu憎/ beautysu〃Oundinタ7tinidecl


77,e C華中a5 a number ofex扇ing fra/旬as we〃 as t憎偽r厄t are currentケbe句p鳥medand

COn5truCted /t was cruc庵/ fhat fhi与M勝ter P鳥n rook a〃 ofthose tra妹/nto acc.ount fo create

a九mCtiona/拓ai/ networん

⑥◎Å』塩田鰯韓国⑧V箆Å㊨㊧圏$㊨ A醐㊥ S遍㊨闇Å㊨国囲㊨鞄酸網㊨開聞㊨軍配△圏蟻

Overal′ exi訪nタf憎i佃/n 7tinidedare not advert扇d and m訓ked we〃 enouタんwhich cause5

5Ome COnんsion fo fra/l users. 77,is Ma5ter P/訪amrs to /mprove both of初ese by making

5fgnage recommenderfons and identify/nタんture t憎i左裾utpro面允the opportunify to 5erye

節frai偽eads for mu/咋Ie f帽iん


Cl髄ting an /dentity for fhe 7irnided 7売iんand Greenways w/〃 contr砂ute fo初e hnタ-term

SuCCe55 Of fhe Or},与れoiんby identifyfng mu/卸后f憎iんas being part of fhe same鳥rger

System・ /t aho creaねs economic opportunitie5九両ocaI bu与ine55eS and devehp5 a Sen5e

Ofpride and omers碕, for /o。a応by a〃o所ng功e C争車o be recognfrredわr fheir f脆施and
natura/ amenities.


訪露効議戯動座磁嘉戯繊細妬努グ甥鶴形動物グ ー¥」、一一〇臆臆二〇〇一〇 ′

Aithoughthis Master PIan is unique inthatitisthefirstTraiis MasterPianthatis linking the City
trails to the surrounding areas with an impIementation tooIset′ there are previous pians that

Iook at existing and proposed traiIs in va「ying degrees・ These pIans a「e listed and described

below in chronoIogicai order:

盆㊥㊥㊨圃Å睦醍S Å開園隠匿㊨隠匿金甲国㊨閑鯛Å$同国醗酵瞳Å醒

This Master Plan was 6.5 TraiI and Linear Parks

Created to guide City staff Purgatoire River Walk
in developing a Parks and Location: AIong PII「級atOlre RlVer from I-25 nortl- tO Klt Carso11 BvDaSS

Pa「k Type   ’「南1

Recreation system′ and whiIe it Size         4 85 ac「es

Parking Sma= undefined lo[ at Llnden ’「「a11 head
inciudes recommendations on Picnic Fac描くies ∴∴∴3 Tables
Other FaciIities ∴∴∴RlVe「 Ove「iooks

Prioritization, it does not make

funding recommendations.
丁he majority of the pian

focuses on evaIuating existing

recreation facilities and needs,
and making 「ecommendations

fo「 the future demands. The

PIan also discusses Parks much

more than Traiis. However,
the plan does evaluate the
Purgatoire River WaIk and
makes recommendations such
as expanding the existing
traiI, adding amenities such as
benches and drinking fountains′

and developing a nature center・


謙譲雛該幼蜘鰯が銭勧物議磁穀忽′夕霧雛 “ここ一二年こ" ̄、 ̄ ̄ ̄
盈⑥◎㊨ ㊨㊥開園醜園閑園悶S題W匿圃』Å醒

As the name suggests′ this plan Iooks at the City on a broader scaIe and is focused on

eva!uating and making recommendations based on the City of Trinidad-s naturaI resources′

population and land use′ reCreation and community resources′ tranSPO「tation′ and ut亜ies.
Within the natu「al resources section, the PIan ve「y clearIy recognizes that Trinidad Iies in

a unique setting that varies greatiy in teirain′ elevation′ and natural environment. 1t also

hig旧ghts the fact that Trinidad is home to one of the most diverse wildlife popuIations in

the state, incIuding many endangered and threatened species. Many of these species are
birds′ and their habitats range from p「airie land to the rive「s.

This Comp「ehensive Pian aiso inciudes a recreation and community resources section′

which contains a brief discussion of trails within Trinidad. The text mainly describes the
existing trails′ eXPanSion pIans that we「e unde「way at the time′ and makes some genera!

recommendations conceming potentiai future comections to Lake T「inidad State Pa「k′

Simpson's Rest′ and some other loca=andmarks.


This Master Plan is the first real T「ails Master Plan that was created for the City of Trinidad,

and much ofthe info「mation in itwas ut吊zed in the creation ofthis Master PIan. The 2009

Plan focused mainly on trails within Cityしimits such as the Downtown Historicしoop, the

Purgatoire River Bottom T「aii′ the Bouieva「d Addition Loop and theしake Trinidad State

Park Connection. Since 2009, there has been significa=t Pianning and implementation
work on the Old Sop「is Traii′ Which incIudes the Bouievard Addition and the Lake Trinidad


AII ofthese planswere researched in the pIanning ofthisdocument′ and aIthoughthe 2009 plan

has served as the main document for identifying and planning for trails with the City′ it does

not investigatetrails outside ofthe City Limits. ln manyways′ the Trinidad Traiis and Greenways

Maste「 Plan is an extension ofthe 2009 plan′ COnneCtin9 itto the surrounding areas. This pian

is aIsothe first pian to identify and pian fo「the deveIopmentofCitytraiIs on Fishe「-s Peak.The

other main difference between this pIan and the 2009 plan is an impIementation database that
heips the City staff prioritize projects based on parceI ownership.


拐あ窃豹′誘諸物荻初手名霧飽彫鍛弼`脇拗㌔法線 -くさこデー ̄- 「 ̄

できこu○○里○∈〇°○ ﹁

ト調李一重エ○-8S○○り一 -
いNO-きま○∈-1 重-色感閏 Uoぎ甘O-○曾°○○)高さ山○ ⋮堅強薬窪中葉窪誰軍需薄霧詳講評非業鴇詩誌蓮韓詑
う-事○○o空言<●さ 一一e-トpg亀o己●◆◆●●
さ・盲思量圭○○喜巾白い 〇〇〇ト雲量歴i l〇〇〇-○こ唾○○-き-●-工く

「ヽ一一  一
HistoricalIy, T「inidad and the surrounding areas have been abundant with traiis traversing

the prairies′ meSaS′ rivers′ and peaks・ These trails have been u帥zed by sportsmen′ hunters′

farmers′ eXPIorers′ and adventure-Seekers. However′ many Of these trails are cu「rentiy on

P「ivate property. Although many Iocals st川ut吊ze these trails′ the private ownership p「events
the City from maintaining, deveIoping, and promoting these traiIs・

A good exampIe ofthis would be the t「aiIs Ieading up to Fisher’s Peak. Fisher-s Peak is awe=

known Iandmark, and there is great interest in hiking to the top′ but the oniy pubiic access is

from the New Mexico side and it is a iong and arduous joumey. From the Coiorado side, there
are multipletrails in the beautiful valieys belowthe Peak′ aSWeIi astrailstothetop′ but all a「e

on private property. They generalIyfa= on one owne「,s p「operty′ and some locaIswho knowthe

owner of the property have been able to arrange scheduled hikes with the owner-s permission・

While this is a great amenity to those seiect Ioca!s′ PubIic access can provide economic and

SOCiaI benefits to the City and community of Trinidad.

As is discussed above, the City is cur「ently working on impiementing many tra龍such as the

Bouieva「d Traii Addition and the Purgatoire River Pedest「ian b「jdge. These trails′ COmbined

with the acquisition and impIementation of trails currentIy on private property′ C「eateS a t「aiI

system that provides users with a muititude of ecosystems and environments a看l whiie remaining

cIose to the City of Trinidad.


誘級拐膨落城彩夕鶴聯`;勉忽タメ銑携 、iテン ̄二 ̄ ̄、- ̄i ̄
・ I砂夕を`・{
The City of Trinidad has a rich culturaI history
dating back to the mid 1800’s, When Spanish

and Mexican traders be9an deveIoping the area

becauseofits proximitytotheSantaFeTrail.This
histo「y aIso saw Bat Masterson as the Town

Marsha=′ COai mining booms that progressed

the loca看economy and popuiation′ and the

creation of Camp Trinidad, aWW= German

POW camp that housed Rommel’sAfrika Korps.

丁he historicai and cuIturaI significance of a=

Of these events, aS We= as others′ are directIy

linked tothet「aiis in and around Trinidad.

Many of the trails in this Master Plan a「e a direct resuit of historica看events and the names of

the traiis reflect that・ Fo「 example, One tra旧eads directly to Camp Trinidad and then loops

a「ound the Camp. The looptra旧s, in fact, the oId jeep road thatse「ved asthe perimeter road

forthe Camp du「ing its use. Othertrails lead to histo「ical cemeteries′ deserted coai mines′ and

monuments such as the Simpson-s Rest tombstone/monument. The traii system aiso links up
to the historicai Santa Fe Trail, and the Coiorado F「ont Range Trail, an 876 miie trail that links

diverse communities′ SCenic看andscapes′ CuItural and histo「ic points′ and parks and open spaces

from New Mexico to Wyoming.

The c「eation, PIanning′ and maintenance of traiIs also has a chIturai and environmentai

significance that is important to the community of Trinidad. Because of this′ the Master Plan

aiso inciudes an educational p「og「am (availabie at www.ANewWaytoSeeT「inidad・COm)

to be integrated into the locai eIementary schooIs to promote interest in using and developing
traiis through p「oactive tra= pianning. Both the community and the consultantteam agreethat

nurturing this interest in the youth is key to creatin9 an effective long term trails plan. More
information on the educationaI prog「am can be found in the Educational Prog「am section of

Chapter lV・
In Novembe「 of 2012, the City of Trinidad appiied for a Coiorado State Trails/GOCO grant

(Appendix D) to fund the Traiis and Green翌yS Master Plan. By the end of 2013′ the City
had been awarded the g「ant and issued a Request for Proposals. THK Associates submitted′

interviewed, and was awarded the project in eariy 2014. The project kicked off with a sta「t-uP

meeting on May 21, 2014that established a projectscheduIe (Figure 3・1), PrOject goals, and

a generaI work plan. Fo=owing this meeting′ data gathering began immediateIy.

cH▲p丁ER I重賞" pROC管SS

詔巌窃磁/霧諸物務訪《劫鍛移瑠鵜鶴ク縦線 「=「こ二二でi ̄iil ̄ ’ ̄
FoIlowing the project sta「t-uP and vision/goaIs identification, the consuItant team began

gathering a= reIevant data for the Master Pian. This data ranged from previous pia…ing
efforts, tO eXisting tourism pamphiets, tO Pa「Ce=nformation′ tO field data coilection・ The data

gathering process, COmbined with the project start-uP, PrOVided the basis on which the Maste「
Pian was created・ This datawas gathe「ed mainly through the foiiowing methods:


Early on in the pIanning process′ the consultant team hiked a numbe「 of traiIs withしouis

Finebe「g, City Planne「′ in o「der to fu=y grasp the natu「at amenities that the Trinidad a「ea

has to offer. During these fieId visits, the team GPS tracked the hikes (Figure 3.2) in
orderto aIign them with pre-eXisting traiI maps′ and cataloged the hikes with GPS tagged

photographs・ A= of these photog「aphs a「e available in Appendix A′ the FieId Visit

Photograph Catalog. AIthough theteam couId not hike a= ofthetraiIs in the Master Plan′

the selected hikes provided insight into each ofthe unique trail regions.



誘鶴男砿妙膨妨鋤鍋教師彩勉動機膠 「"ノー    ̄
・ C占mp 71.inidad 7竜ih

〃庵hike began on a pub庇road a売d

traversed pr/胞te PrOperty h7uCh of

Which応bank o仰ed) fo arr/ve at fhe

remnants of轟mp 7+hidad 77,e feam

妬en trekked around fhe per/meter /o6p

road and hvest匂ated numerou5∴a鳩a5

within初e camp.

77)e amOunt Of杭storica華y s匂ni庇ant

remain5 WaS aStOunding告んese mcんded

5truCture foundatio均rock-〃ned pat毎,

the water cおtem and treatment p庵n4 a

brick and stone chimne" and even eymbo/s

CarVed /nわ初e cement fo〃nch面on5. Near che c厨er旬的ere grewa hrge sねnd of存旬which

お〃kely thrivinタon拐e same w拙er妨at后d初e Cbmp durinタ応active period A舟erspendh夕

muc信ime expIo面g the cam凡的e feam retumedわ的e sねrrfng poht via fhe same f憎i/

u5ed fo arr/ve at fhe camp・

二1“〇°や素食,嫌椋を∴.     ’¥、-∴高一へi 、〇・騨蹴売


.†.し′ 音臆へ÷章一・暮ト 音〇、吋-婁 ,ヽ ぐ ー.㌦、吏・ノ

5impsont Aest and Me5a D負m 4oop:

7桁s hike began at Simp5On5∴kest ’and

proceeded fo勅e Norfhwe5t On fop of one

of the mesa5. /t fhen fumed fo fhe VA5t and
PrOCeeded back fo fhe Soufh as /t desc.ended
into a va〃ey between rhe me5aS. 77,e ’hike

featured5Cenic vieus bo初from on fop of初e

mesa声nd from do仰/n fhe va〃e" aS We〃 as

h扇orical remnant5 Of hte 79tんand ear小2Oth

Centun中nhabiねnt5・ An unbroken g/is botf/e

仲hoto 3.g/ wasわund on f偏hike. 7加Ough

research it was d庵coveredthatitwas 〃ke小hom

the鳥te 18005 orearly 1900t andconねineda

vete〃nary medicine. 7he hike comp/eted by

C〃mbing over fhe `ね旬de5Cen訪ng /nto fhe

ne匂んbohood beIowレand fhen hiking up fhe

hi侮ide fo Simpson t Aest

・ Bou/evardAd訪uon Loop:

At初e time ofthe hike #uly2014J the C互yhad

recenft亘cqu存ed fhj5心nd for勅e Bou/evard

Ad訪tion 4oop拓ai厄. 77,e team exphred fhe

newly ac'quired鳥ncl hiking from fhe end of

Boulevard Street fhroug伍he wooded bo5que

hab舶t fo初e Purgafoire Aive,二

Bo5que庇biねt応a fype of ga〃ery forest

訪at occu′5 aIong r佃arfan #ooc*,hhs /n fhe

5oufhwestem United Sねtes. /t応fmicany

CharactehZed by oa5お-〃ke veタeねtion in ar/d

Or 5emi-arid regions; and usua勅y only庇s a

5ing/e canapy o〆vegeねr/on・ Becau5e Of fh互

tんere is an abun宛nce of shru4, g帽S$ and

〃ower unde匂rowth which supporおa /a′ge

Var/ety of bird坤ecies. A〃 of fhese facto′ち

COmbine fo create an exceptiona勅y句ge

贈nタe h biodiversity for a semi-ar/d region・

圏圏 醒国語園
醜 埋躍鞄躍起
師・i蹄丁鈍る.王之勘、▲博二理香Ai融C V漉海戦『申∪轍㊦A了㊥3総監駿馬V勝己∴短冊鴎を)嚢も油島6・酪朗r頂諦

77,e Bou/evardAd抗fon are高s a pr栃e area for bird初g声nd many /oc訪訪ea少use /t for

thii Cbmbhed w/th inte′Preuve s匂naタe anda var/ety of厄rd and5O存拓ai旬fhおおa great

area for environmenねI Ieaming opportuniues.            ’

7瑞s are訪s訪o where fhe Purgatoire River Pedest庇n br/句e所〃 be phce匂and fhe feam

inve5t匂ated potent庵/んc訪ons for tんe br/句e. 77,is br/dge w/〃 create a key pede5trfan

connection between fhe農5t and 1M料t side5 Of 7+inided


● Re5erVOir勅/〃Hshert Peak Fごeder 71頓ih

Although fhe con5u庇nt feam was unab/e fo

SeC'ure Pemission fo hike fo H与hert Pea4

chey were ab/e fo hike part of che f憎肪and

area that wou元I serve∴a5∴COmeCtion亨 fo

塵んert Pe訪・ 7竹庵hike began at Re5erVOir

H/〃 and proc'eeded fo che Southeast fowards

駕her5 Peak. 77)e PrOXimity of初e5e traiん

to Do仰to仰 7Tfnidad prov/des a great

叩portunity fo boんter fhe hcaI economy

througんpromotion of初e natu脆/ amenities.

Throughout aIl of these hikes, it was tru!y amazing the difference in experie=Ce that each hike
Offered while st川remaining within a lO-15 minute drive of Downtown Trinidad. In addition to

gathering the GPS and photographic data, the experientiaI data of physica=y expIoring these
areas was invaluable. 1t aIso provided the consuItant team with the insightto create a cohesive
Master Plan thatwas aiigned with the natural resources ofthe a「ea, aSWe= asthe fabric ofthe



As weli as aIigning with the naturaI resources and the City′

this Master PIan aiso needed to mesh with the community of

丁rinidad. ln o「der to gather pubIic input, a PubIic meeting

WaS held in September of 2014. The meeting was advertised

through newspapers, radio stations, anld f!yers posted at iocai
businesses. The meeting was aiso spread th「ough wo「d of

mouth by City staff and locai organizations such as the Trinidad

Outdoor Club.

This initiaI public meeting was attended byover30 peop!e and

WaS formatted as a workshop. Attendee input was gathered
through ope= discussion focused around maps showing existing
and proposed traiis′ and th「ough a pu帥c survey. The survey

WaS aVailable as hard copies fi=ed out in person′ aS WeII as in

an online format. The onIine survey remained active for 3 weeks鰯U鞘・剛闘隅的r臨

after the public meeting′ and was f川ed out by 25 participants.

Overa=, attendees were very excited about the project and had usefu=nput as far as how
theycurrentIyusethetraiisand whattheywould liketo see impIemented inthefuture.Some
Of the most f「equent comments pertained to time-f「ame for implementation and inte「est

in deveIoping the Fisher-s Peak region・ Below are afew quotes from responses in the survey′

and the fu看l resu!ts a「e avaiiable in Appendix X・

’1 think拓応can be a good opportunit所or 7+inidad fb祝and’itse/f& get some

regu/ar fourism・ ′′

′Purcha5e mOre hnd for open叩ace. ’’

′′し偽宛ve amazinタacces5 fo ”nねinted outdoor叩ace5!′′


The finaI pubiic meeting was heId at the beginning of December and was formatted
as a presentation. The TraiIs Master Plan was presented′ aS Weil as an overview of the

lmplementation Database and howthe Cityw川use it. Responseto the pIan was good, and

attendees did provide good input and questions aboutthe plan. Most ofthe questions dea!t
With cIarification of detai!s of the Pian or database′ and did not introduce any unforeseen

PrObiems or concems with the Pian. Some of these questions invoIved cIarifying what the
finaI productw紺be′ and how that transitions to more detailed pians for individual traiIs,

Which can then be imp看emented. Some attendees we「e concemed that because the TraiIs

丁able did not include a dog activity category, this meant the trails wouId not be dog

friendIy. ItwasexpIained thata= traiiswouid be dog friendiy′ aSthiswas in compliancewith

City regulations′ and it simp!y is not Iisted in the database because it wouid not serveto

differentiate bさtween traiIs.


Akeytothis Maste「・Pian wasthe creation ofadatabasetooi thatthe Citycan useto prioritize

trail projects based on parceI ownership, and subsequently view the ownership of parceIs
required for a particular traiI・ Theしas Animas County Assessor-s office is not equipped with

Geographic lnformation Systems software (GIS), and does not have a comprehensive map
Of parcels. The consuItant team spent a great deaI of time and effort searching fo「 and

COmP帖ng pa「ceI data・ These searches incIuded searching and scanning physicai maps′

t「acking down digital files of individual parceis′ and combining alI ofthis data into a sin9ie

ParCel map with owner and a「ea information.AIthough this is a briefsummary ofthe effort
to compiIe the pa「cel database′ C「eating the eIect「onic database was the main focus of the

Master Pianning effort.


雰魂教護磁動物′ &猿餓,誓約読破醜勧誘鞍移 》⇒ ̄ ̄ ̄

捌脇腫 鰹
With the majority of the data gathering compiete, the consuItant team began c「eation of the

lmplementation Database′ Which inciudes the T「ails Tabie′ the Parceis Tabie′ and the Requests

Table. The tab看es a「e expIained in g「eater deta旧n Chapte「 5′ but their purpose is to catalog

the traiis and necessary property acquisitions′ and organize them into a tool that City staff

can use to prio「itize projects based on a variety of factors. These factors inciude recreationaI

activities, CuItural/environmenta看amenities, and ease of impiementation′ determined by the

number of Iandcんners affected by requiring p「operty acquisition.

器靭期⋮即諾即諾⋮笥曇等詩誌薬毒葦Oje則蕊棚認諾00 。繁


誘巌雛擁誘移勅幼少諸成穀物`徽勤務雛      も](ジ 葛も_▲嘉- ̄〇一〇 ̄
In order to capitalize on public momentum created by the Master Planning process, it is
recommended that an Ea「ly Action Project be unde「taken. The earIy action project was

discussed at both pub!ic meetings′ and there was agood response by attendees thatwouid be

interested in participating.

The earIy action p「oject車an opportunity to showcase the proposed traii signage that would

be standardized throughout the City of Trinidad Traii System. Please see page 4-9 to see the

PrOPOSed standard trail signage.The const「uction ofsofttrailsand traiI signage inthe BouIevard
しoop Addition areawas identified as an ideal eariy action project forthe foIiowing reasons:

・ me hnd is訪e主dyomedby拐e C旬7 there is no additionalhndacquis/#on nece5Sary;

・ 77,e area /s c/ose fo Do肋tom and面〃加medfate小南ve a sign筋cant /mpact on fhe

perception of 7+iniくねd outdoors areas.

.柵e main t憎i高話eadyんndedand c.omれuction isphmed for tんe nearんture・

. `bn5truCtion ofso居れai杭s easy for ”On-PrOfession訪fo comp/ete.

VoIuntee「s for Outdoor Coiorado is a potentiai partner for this project that would heIp

to facilitate a quick and successfui compIetion. Another aspect of the project that couId be
undertaken byvoluntee「s is the gene「aI cleanup of the BouIevard Addition area. There is afair

amount of barbed wire, Old cement foundations, and othe「 「emnants that need to be cleaned

out ofthe area.


The areas su「rounding the City of Trinidad already contain multiple existing traiis that have

historic, SCenic, and envi「onmental significance.Although these traiis genera=y aren-t identified

on any City TraiI Maps′ many Of them are shown on USGS topographic maps or are visible

on higher qua=ty aeria=mages. The trails shown in this Trails Master Plan (Figure 4・3) were

identified from eitherthe USGS maps′ aerial imagery′ local know!edge′ Or field visits・ The fieId

visits were fac硝tated and Ied byしouis Fineberg′ City PIanner′ Who has devoted a great deaI of

personaltimeto hiking and expioring thesurrounding areas.The local knowiedgewas gathered

through the onIine survey and the pubiic workshops. For exampIe′ at the first pubiic workshop′

participants were invited to draw on USGS maps and aeriaI imagery whiIe discussing where
they currentIy hike and anticipate in othe「 outdoors activities. Although the aIignments of the

traiis are accurate to a master pian levei′ the final aIignments a「e likelyto change as the design

PrOCeSS for each individuai t「ail p「oject progresses.


The TraiIs within the Master Pian were aiso designed to create key connections to downtown
Trinidad, key landmarks′ and between the t「ails themseives・ Creating these connections forms

acompletetrai看system′ ratherthan aseries ofdisconnected trails′ and helps to boIsterthe locaI

economy by capitalizing on the proximity of natural resources to the downtown area.

The Trails Master PIan (Figure 4.3) shows訓ofthe proposed traiI projects, aS WeIi as

any existing or in progress trails. These traiIs are a= cataloged in the Impiementation
Database, aIong with their accompanying amenities (Figure 4.2).


諺綴′鰯影砂接触餓雛拶訪磁砂教豪綾紗 でここ二二二一 ̄二 ̄’ ̄’ ̄-
鰯& e勿始織物勿盈拶
Ashasbeendescribed inthis
Master Plan, the trails and
areas surrounding Trinidad eREEN ICONS SHoW AcT重VITIES
PrOVide a huge variety of しIST OF TRAIしS
amenities. In creating the
Trai!s Tabie, aCtivities and
MES▲しOOp TR▲暮し
identified・ For example′
the t「aiis within the Mesa S重MPSONIs REST TRAIし

T「ails System genera=y PROSpECT PO重NT TRAIL

Offe「 the opportunity fo「 J▲NSEN CEMET害RY TRAIし

bouidering. SimilarIy, the MES▲ DOWNTOWN TRA重し

traiis accessing Fisher-s e▲RcIA CEM ETERY TRA重L

MES▲ TO各NcしたV暮ししE TRA暮し

Peak offer the opportunity
for rock climbing (with
ropes).    Amenities
identified for specific t「aiis
inciude points of interest′
FISHとR’S Pた▲議TR▲lし
Viewpoints, interpretive
Signage opportunities, and とNcLEV重ししE TRA重し

downtown connections. ENCLEVIししE CEMETとRY TR▲Iし

A= of the activities and H重eHし霊NE M重NE丁RA重し

amenitie! by trail can be HSH各R“S P置AK SOuTH TRAIし

viewed in Figu「e 4.2′ aS SOPRIS TO FISHER’S PEA魅TRA重し

weII as in the Trai看s Table HOORE“S CANYON TRAIL

in the lmpiementation COAしMINES TRA重し


Database. This table was
Created not only so thatthe
City knows which activities
may be 、aPPrOP「iate for
each trail, but aIso so that
the City can prioritize CARBON ARROYO
impiementation based たAST TO COUcAR CANYON

on these activities and BOU」EVÅRD ADDIT重ONしOOP

amenities. TR霊N霊D▲Dし▲RE STATE PARK



陣場地膚霞4.2 ∧日揮V紳輔$ Å約めA軸巨N責了服S BY T韓A要し($酸Ap即G ㊤F手軽A弛S丁へB彊)


Because the t「ails and are争S Su「「Ounding Trinidad vary so greatiy in eIevation, ter「ain, and

envi「onment, general trail regions were identified (Figu「e 4.4)・ The foliowing pages give

descriptions and photographs (mo「e photos a「e available in Appendix A, the Field Visit

Photograph Cataiog) of each ofthese t「a出egions・ Ali of these 「egions connect directly the

CrtyofT「inidad, and there aret「ailsthat linkail ofthese 「egionsto each other in orde「to fo「m

a看a「ger t「aiis netwo「k.

! 、ぷ箕 ∴_; ∴∴亘 一∴:∴塙工 手→ヽも.  雛駕

十’音 ∴章藤懸語草薄黒終回醤欝音鰯撥慾誓書㌣・笥
一ヽ〇〇〇〇  濁説話、 ̄職、  秦誤認¥酪    ∴●. すご【冒十七二㌢1ざ.

霊溺譲 きま蕊∴∴誉
く、’ ′、繚 懸藍罵言∴∴罵言 、_∵ 一葦・,メノ  ー∴j・ 訟( 潔、′消 ●置 ヽ∴ ●、.、l 、高畠誤認欝・ 予、 音′ ̄↑

p岬㊦草㊥乳㊨醜匿W飢㊥的㊨ A閑馴騒匿萌し⑳醒⑯町総離し         四囲⑳甘◎生ア食的踊欄匡V闘⑩瞬慢砂暇鎚虹飢⑰陣㊥鵬⑩置百的睡詳言惟釜Å怠

Mesa 7+ai/ 5汚tem - 77,is area is fo訪e Northwe5t Of 7+ini宛d and encompasses Sinpso木
月est竹o5PeCt Po朽and fhe surroundin夕meSがand va侮ys・ H於es w励in r届s新aiIsystem pass

through P/non mne fore鴫/nto canyons between mesa卯nd fo fhe fap ofme5aS fhat provide

great view5 OVer fhe C句y of 7訪nid訪f/evation5 wi面n the Mesa 7竜i1 5ystem伯nタe舟om 6 700′

Hoehne 7亮t/ S汚tem - 77,isarea短o fhe Nor勅eastoH訪idadandserves a訪e comec'f/on

to fhe杭sfo庇5an細尾71亀朽a5 We〃a訪ost毎y訪u Cbmp 7諭ided POWC左mp・ 77’ereお面面かa/

eIevation chanタe面面高伍s f憎咋ysteI叫and fhe eco5ystemS are厄rgely short・g贈5S and mid-

g贈s叩憎fr/es. One of fhe main d憎ms /n初is f帽i/5ystem is Cb叩, 7+inid訪77,e hi与tory of f妨
PO W camp is訪〃 abundanfty ev/de旬and的短読great o〆ron fo, edrcafrona/叩portunities.
H訪ert Peak 7売tI j昨tem - 7T'is area
応fo the Southea5t Of 7+inid左d and cont日高5

numerou5 加ai応 fhat access abandoned

mhe5∴and cemeterie$∴aS披e〃 a5 H±heI七

Peak・ 77}e fop offf5her5 Peak鳩st at g635;

OVer王000’h匂her fhan初6 C華y of 7+inided

Bec負u5e Of fhe d憎5tic chan夕eS /n elev拙o旬

妨e eco5ystemS∴and庇b舶ts w励血fh応
region 1館野On fap of H訪ert Pea4 fhe
habitat応sim硫r fo a h匂h a/titude short-

g成s5 P憎存/e・ At bwer a/titude5 fhere are

h,ワe areaS Ofpine forests. me融産出w励h

th店5ystem /ncIude hikinタ叩CanyOn5 and

んi侮ides /n che shadow of HsheI七Pea4 a5

we〃 a5' Shorter hikes fhat o侮r access fo

ん后tor/c cem eter/es and cultura/ site5.


諺巌姦効d鰯鰯勧進荻鍛雛響勃磁綾教護を雛 「こ;二・馨’プロ ̄ ̄一
OH Sop所e 7fail S汚tem - 77]庵area is fo fhe 5o面west of 7訪}i宛d and /nc/udes初e
βoulevard Addition [oap, a5 We〃節C.OmeCtOI5 fo Do仰town声he僻shert Peak j昨ね旬fんe
Mesa 5ystem声nd lake 7+inid訪7he PuIgatOire River #ows fhrough初店請ail system and

much of the area /S a bosque庇biねt We5C所bed /n anapter //〃・ Because of fh旬初ere are

ampIe birding and wethnd有ver ac'紡ties avai厄bIe here・ 77,e C/o5e PrOXimiγ fo fhe C砂o侮rs

mu/ap/e short hike opportunitie5初at訪o prov/de acce5S fo fhe r/ve手

雄一〕露骨〔う弘明V勝幸J ⊂盲“㊦守門豊島A轡丁㊦V臣離しA搬三嶋“縄訊¥記妙ÅB与.①配S円黒鍵 $囲三太律

L個ke 7Jini〔ねd 5ねte Park - Al妨ongh裾s jc扉exact恒拓a/I reタion of fhe 7訪ん肋ster

P厄旬/t /5 an /mporねntpiece offhe f贈iん5ystemS and /t doe5 Sねnd on応o肋becau5e /t /5 a

5ねte儀rk 77,e la后e o侮帖存ehin夕and boathタOPPOrtun妬e争and fhe Sねte儀rk訪o o施rs

βV camping and group fac/〃存es4,icnic she/ters. 7be Sねte竹rk応”nique /n fんat /tお/n c/ose

proximit牛o fhe C旬7 a〃owmg for hiking aption5 fhat comect the Sねte Park directl声o


拐徽鰯幼教繊轡絡拗ク磁秘 1しこ、ここ=■お・・・i ̄ ’ ̄
AIthough T「inidad is situated in a prime a「ea for a variety of outdoor activities, the City does

not cur「entiy gain significant economic benefit from this. The consuItant team feeis that this is

Partially becausethere is no real branding or identitythat has been estabIished forthe Trinidad

As part of the Master Pian, a iogo has been c「eated that 「epresents the va「iety of iandscapes

that sur「ound Trinidad and can be accessed via the proposed and existing traii systems・ The

iogo was created to emulate the style of the series of Nationa! Parks posters thatwe「e created

as part ofthe New Deal Work§ Progress Administration (WPA) in the 1930’s and 1940’s. These

POSterS hig帥ghted the majestic beauty of the Nationai Parks and are stili sought after today.
Beiow are some of the key characteristics that made these posters;O iconic:

・ b館ggerated 1andmark5 - /n a偏ost a〃 of fhe poste句che most recogn融ble

応atures 。f fhe Aa丑are exaggerated anc栃r rear憎n夕ed /n order fo h匂h佃んt rhem・ h fhe

7tini`ねd 7faiんand Greenways /ogq, f杭s后mo討noねbl可one面th Hshert Peaん

弼雀‡置拙‡生れて薬重光出注油揃男¥!柄 的!博満円㊦$彊昭か‡∋即.AV舗寸㊦語義A、講の隣諜A下駄恥


窮み滋訪拐動劾磁瀦/諸種粥細物勉勧磁綾 で- ̄““-′
. Depth of HeH - One of初e most cap飾融fng feature5 Ofthe National Par駕po5ters

応Aow fhey c履w the viewersモye hto fhe des匂n. 77]直属done動力的fhe abr岬t d応tinction
betweenわregroun匂midc"e-grOun匂and bac匂round o4/ec吟as we〃 as sねgge〃ng these

O4/ect5 fo create a path初rough the hndscape to fhe foca/pomt佃ouavy in the midd/e or

backgroun匂)・ 77,応cause5 fhe viewer foわ〃ow fhi5 Path and experience a〃 piece5 Of fhe


・ 5imp備ed 4andscapes - Anofher common訪ty between a〃 of fhe Mtiona/ Pdr鳥

posters応fheir simp備cation of very compIex鳥ndscape5・ fy s加p〃fying叫e /andscape5;

the l,iewer応/mmedfately di′℃Cted fo fhe most /conic and recog柄ねb/e features of fhe



霧挽物a解が移細教鰯瑠紳搬房`蟹饗     享狙


The iogo developed for the Trinidad TraiIs and Greenways (Figu「e 4.27) shouId be used on

PubIished iiterature (such as trail maps), t「aiI signage, and adve「tising for the area. This gives
the traii system an identitythat aIIows users to associate the various trails as being connected
to each otherand tothe CityofTrinidad.

As discussed above, the Trinidad T「ails and Greenways iogo was deveioped with the intent of

being integrated onto a= trail signage. In orde「forthe logoto be legib看eand recognizabIe′ itis

recommended thatthe iogo not be printed sm訓erthan 3.5一一x5一一・鉦o理・朝生粟描出di′l show

the proposed designs for traii signage, With the logo incorporated.



荻譲初動/拐秘抄磁移訪露鰯暫し親猿励揚     豊守も 「←ニー’一〇お〇・ ̄’ ̄

The consuItant team c「eated a trails and 9reenWayS educational p「ogram to be integ「ated

into 4th-6th grade ciasses in Trinidad. The objective of this program is to educate the next

9eneration of outdoors expIorers on the history and reievance of trails and greenways in the
丁rinidad area, aSWe= asthe impo「tance offuture p!anning to ensurethe preservation ofthese

The educationai program is a game that introduces students to terms concerning traiIs and

greenways′ With an open discussion about how having these areas can be beneficiai to a
COmmunity. The discussion aIso focuses on how students see themseIves ut出zing trai!s and

greenways. The game also includes terms aboutwatersheds since waterways have been used as
t「aiis byanimaIs and humansthroughout history・

丁his first iesson/game can potentia=y be an introduction to a Iarger unit′ Which would inc!ude

the proposed buiIding of a classroom diorama and a fieId trip. Below are excerpts from the
introduction to the lesson/game:

W閉館『 Å隠覆軍配Å醍S ㊨ ㊨隠匿匿関脇館③曾

7竜iんare path川sed for wa佑ing, bicyc〃ng互orsebac* r/ding or other forms ofrecre訪on or

tran5POrねtion・ 5ome greenways /nc/ude f憎i旬whi/e others do noL Greenways are corridors

Of protected open岬ac.e managed for con5erVaf/on and recre訪on pupose5・ Greenways

o舟en fo〃ow natu元l鳥nd or water feature争and /ink nature reserve5; Par佃cu/tu帽/ feature5

and伍storic sites面功each other and with pop〃鳥ted areas.

W開館亜㊨軍閥匡垣轍醇◎罷軌鉛閥㊨匡㊨匠軒園魔王姐㊨ Å悶◎ ⑥配置園閥轍館㊨曾

7faiI and greenway 5ystem叩rOteCt /mporねnt庇b庇t andprovide corr/dor訪or peop/e and

開催W危∴rhey provide a sa向hexpensive avenue for ,eguhr exerciseわr peop/e 〃v/ng /n

ru憎4 urban andsuburban areas. 7売i厄andgreenways a応o庇ve the power fo comect us fo

Our her/ねge bypreserving h扇oric〆aces and byprovidhg acce5S fo勅em・ 1a5t朽f憎iんand

greenways provide count/ess apportunities for economic growf信for any s/Ze community
hom bike sale5 and renね佃to re如u憎n巧Io句mg, camPing, mu5eum5 and ofher att帽ctiong

hawhg a t憎i/ and greenway system where v厨toI5 and re5idents can ehyoy b昂ng outside

away from busy roadways is a great way fo spur economic growth・

The fu= educational program can be found at ww肋ANew間色y7b5ee7+inid訪com


羨み殻幼鰯教場進数鍛移ク甥微動諸を物 -ごこフ傘- ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
感麹  匪璽園
丁he lmplementation Database consists of three tabIes that are Iinked to each other・ The

relationships between thetabIes are shown in Figu「e 5.1, and thetables are described below:

The Trails TabIe lists every trail within the

Master PIan (existing and proposed), and
identifies the app「opriate activities and

OPPOrtunities such as interpretive signage′

POints of interest′ and viewpoints. This table

also liststhe iength ofthetrail, and the number
丁貫A聖上吏 巨隻史坦蓮垂車喪研ぐ・
Ofparcel ownersthatwouid needto be invoived 丁RA重しNA調と

With negotiations for implementation. AIi of 寄重りNG

E重S調教N e
りA重し裏NG ApD京冨SS
きQU各S了R【AN N剛c物8o慮齢〇〇〇
these datafields can be used to heip the City ROCk CLIMBINO moPES) IAX D重S丁則【c了

Prioritize projects. Although these activities XC S請】皿NO

S重○○IoN o丁員

are accurate for the trails, final activities for POINT OF INTE鼠EST S ECTIO N
重NTERpRとTIV重OPPO鼠了UN重丁Y loW調§討重p

each traii are subjectto change as each project 了級A重しH量Ao

SU B D重V重S重o N
NuNB各R 〇日pARCたしS Bしoc競
is designed in greater detaii・ NUMB各R o胃oWN雷京S ○○了
重N p慮○○京教SS

The Parceis Tabie isthe resuitofthe extensive

parceI searches described in Chapter岨一t闘潤’咽胴囲潤闇鵬
COntains aiI of the ownership data for the parceis that were compiied in the parcei map. For

POrtions of traiIs that w紺be within a pubIic Right of Way (alongside a road), ParCei entries
were created with the road name.

丁he Requests Table is what links the Traiis Tabie to the Parceis Tab看e. For every trail/parcei

interaction, there is a record in the Requests TabIe. For exampIe, eaCh parcel that the Mesa
Loop Trail passes through has an entry in the Requests TabIethat Iinksthat parceI record (in the
Parcels TabIe) to the Mesaしoop Tra出ecord (in the Trai宴s Table). This al○ows the City to run a

queryon anytraii which w川retu「n a iisting of訓parcels required to implemented thattraiI′aS

WeIi as the ownership info「mation for each ofthose parceIs.


詔繊弱錫教餓妙徳滋娩鶴誓約`′綴鵜杉タ教彩 「ミニニーズ- ̄  ̄
The lmplementation Database aiso has aTrail Queryfo「the Citystaffto use. inthis query,the

City staff can select any number of c「iteria in 。Order to prioritize p「ojects. Fo「 example, the City

couid se!ecttraiIsthat have Points of Interest′ BouIde「ing, and Viewpoints and the query

W帖eturn the matching t「aiis. This is shown graphica=y in Figure 5.2・










持たSA 〇〇〇p丁京A重し 感
SItlPSotl‘S REST T(lA重し



eや凋勘1音符)寄l即 ̄腔、
S裏MPSON'sRESTTR▲重し  田園劇団隠田団窃園田
PROSPECTPO重HTTRA重し  田園廻田園田図第臼田

The City can aIso use this query to p「ioritize trail projects based on funding and ease of

impiementation factors. ExampIes wouid incIude selecting traiis with iess p「opery owners,

Iimiting the need fo「 negotiations′ O「 traiIs that p「ovide specific l-eC「eationaI amenities that

WOuid make it appiicabIe forspecific grants o「fundin9・

丁here is aIso a Parcel Query in the Database in which the City can input a particula「t「aiI, and

the querywilI retu「n with a report ofthe parceis required for impiementation′ aS Well as some

Ofthe parceI information such as parcel number′ Pa「Ce! owner′ and areaofthe parce看・

描く証書母子 年子の木蝋)郡 で即謙軍営玲鵜へr朝雄,


WildWI -^ t]]⊥d▼HO
珊 一㌔  一 __  _                        ミ ロ 」 、 ̄ ㌻∵言子吉‡章二

I i

「-」 「-」
.サS ∋」n6!] u! Pa川! P∋叩6冊6叩a」t?


Sle⊃」でd 6u!SS叫=甲甲!M !!別事事O S事ue…6∋S

∋lI⊥ ●e」nlua^ ln事事!n」Jun ue St?M nglll lnq


pt3P哩」⊥ u!んpd田O⊃叩!l le⊃O看qu6no」lll

elせP SPunOq Puel Sel∋叫u!e叩O Ol ∋P曾山

OSle SEM l」OJJ∋ u∀ ●uO!鳩山」OJu! elqel岬^e

Ou S! e」e甲事判事Sie⊃」でd ∋田OS i世S e鵬

e」e甲’e⊃拙O S,」OSSaSS∀亙uno⊃ SPuJ!u∀

叫6n。」「事Se甲」でeS e^!Sue事X∋ e甲e事!dseq




/千〇 /

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/一′←/ /i音レノ

T高二ィ」 袖重Nと丁RA重し

一一一一一「 l 陣S軸各【

● ● ● ● ●



雷麹彰獲墜雄膠嬢をタ等猿写 -〉;二=事-・。  ̄/
in orde「 to implement the trails that contain co皿cts with these missing data parce-s, the

fo=owin9 tWO OPtions are 「ecommended:


77’e C華y can enタage a fit/e company fo c.omplete even more in 。ep拐5earChe5 for fhe

m’551ng PrOPertie5・ /f fhere are any vesting 。ee。s 。e5Cribing fhe parce旬/t /〃ike炉hat a

tit/e company面〃 be able fo筋od the5e. 77}isproce55 W/〃ねke some fime.

⑱酎門㊨閏2: ㊤朋肥丁鞘甲醒

7桁e option wou/d invo/ve an attomey in fhe proces5. h rhe quiet fit/e proce5争a /eタaI

de5Cr卑ion of fhe propo5ed route of fhe庇〃砂wou/d be 。reated 77’enJ Pub〃c notice5

WOu/d bepo5ted fo amounce fhe intent fo either obねin the hnd or c.reate a打ai/ ea5ement

存his would 〃kel中aγ from f憎i/ fo打ai〃. 7方ere /5 a 。ertain amount of fime for owners fo
COme forwarc星ut訪er postinクrhe amounc.ement5 /t /sthe re5POn5ibifty of fhe fand

O仰er fo come forward /f theybe〃eve fhey om ±he property /fnobody come5 forwarかhe

acqu応ition or easement creation move forward

The City does not have to choose one of these options exc-usive-y; eaCh individual acquisition
OreaSementShould be handled in the most app「opriate mannerfo「the situation.

Within some ofthese areas′ SOme Ofthe parce- ・ AIon9 the 50Prおfo H5her5 Peaん

numbe「s a「e known・ Howeve「′ the County Moore Mine; Cba/Mhes声ndMoore 5

Assessordoes not have anyfu「the「 information C左nyon 7+ai亙
On these parcels. These parce! numbe「s a「e: ・ 12536301
・ 13乃0702
・ AIong the Simp50両帝e5t 7売丑
・ 10カタ300
・ 10781300
・ 10夕夕8011
・ 10642646
・ 11118400
・ 1186与501
・ 12805520
・ 11870010
・ 11051000 ・ AIong fhe 50pri5 rO H与her5 Peak

・ 12与16000 右左i′
・ 10167100 ・ 13458与00

・ 14385000

・ A/ong fhe Pro5PeCt Point 7子a朽

・ 106タ2010
・ 13511501
・ 13与13603


Using the database in MicrosoftAccessisquitesimple.To run aTrail Query, SimpIydoubIe cIick
the -Trails Query’in theAccess Objectstooibaron the Ieft hand side ofthe screen. Thisw川open

the query in the Iastform itwas used.

看f it is in DatasheetView (shown in Figu「e 5.6), CIickthe Design View button in the upper ieft

to switch to Design/Form view. This wi= presentthe design view′ Where the user shouId see a

iisting ofaI! ofthefieidsthat are in the †raiIs Table.

自高層埋草毒( ’「′Vj上白れ,i持きてI三色手刷軌珪詰再現蛍海、暮了話J_弛 雄二¥


該教務譲移動遁劫教務彩総勢貌物日徽綾 .てこニー`二′i ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
If the userwants to search for a= trails that have bouldering, SimpIytype ’yes’into the C「iteria

fieid beIow ’bouidering- and click the Run button in the’top Ieft. This w川produce a report

of alI of the bouldering traiIs. To search based on numericai data, uSe SimpIe mathematical
expressions. For exampie′ a uSerCOuid type一<5- in the Criteriafieid for-Numberof Owners- a=d

the repo「tw川return a= traiisthat have fewerthan 5 Iand owners.


To use the Parcel Query, doubie clickthe ’Parcei Que「y’in the Access Objects toolba「・

Once in the Design/Form View′ tyPe the Tra旧D of the desired tra帖nto the Criteria

fieId for-Tra旧D- and the que「yw川retum with a report of訓ofthe required parcels.


諺桑ああ劫乙種鍛紗鰭初動鍛ii誓約夕鶴揚幼老紘鯵 ¥こ_了一一一レ¥-一-→′

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