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Room 111 News!

Jolly Phonics: Bridges: Pumpkin Theme:

This week we reviewed the sounds We started our next unit: Pumpkins! We This week we started
will pattern our calendar using pumpkins talking about
/s/, /a/, and /t/. We also played
and fall leaves. We are also starting to pumpkins! We received pumpkins in our
“What’s in the T talk about the lifecycle of a pumpkin. classroom, washed them, and also
Box?” and found
practiced describing them. Afterwards, we
items that started 1. Plant the seed in soil with water/sun.
made observational drawings of the
with the letter T. 2. A sprout grows.
We then described 3. The sprout grows bigger and has
the items using vines/flowers.
the Expanding
4. A green pumpkin grows. Other Info:
5. The pumpkin This week we had a bus evacuation
Expression Tool turns orange and drill. The kids practiced safely getting
guidelines. is ready to pick!
on and off the bus.

Important Dates/Facts:
Speech Update:
Second Step: ● October 5,2018, Early Release: AM
In speech this week the children read the book “It’s
Pumpkin Time” with Ms. F! While reading the story, the children students attend, no school for PM
This week we learned about practiced turn-taking, labeling and identifying objects in students
following directions. We pictures, labeling and identifying pumpkin vocabulary, ● October 8,2018, Fall Break: No School
played following the leader increasing utterance length, speech-sounds, answering and ● October 20, 2018, Fall Fest:
and Simon Says to help the asking “wh” questions, sequencing, and following directions.
9:00-11:00am. All families are
The children also learned how to carve a pumpkin into
children practice! a jack-o-lantern by playing a pumpkin game on the Ipad! They
practiced sound production, turn-taking, labeling and identifying
pumpkin vocabulary, answering “wh” questions, increasing -GB is collecting paper towels, toilet paper,
utterance length, making requests and comments to peers, and cleaning supplies for the local food
increasing grammatically correct sentences, and following pantry. Please consider contributing!
Donations can be left in the box in the lobby.

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