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Ana Patrícia Rosa* , Jorge Matos† and João Marcelino‡

Engidro, Engineering Solutions
R. Luís Cristino da Silva, lote 248-2º 98E, 1950-172 Lisboa - Portugal

Keywords: Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC), Small dams, Embankment dams,


Abstract. Some of the dams currently in operation, specially the older ones, do not have
the capacity to safely convey their peak design flow without the occurrence of
overtopping. This is in general due to the evolution of knowledge on the estimation of
extreme floods, along with the alteration of the characteristics of catchments. The
solution to this problem can be either the construction of an emergency spillway, raising
the top of the dam, lowering the maximum water level or some combination of these
solutions. The option of a new emergency spillway is generally costly, particularly in the
case of small dams, where the entities responsible for the dam operation usually have
scarce financial resources.

As an alternative to the conventional approaches, the application of roller compacted

concrete (RCC) overlays is an expeditious technique which, among other advantages,
does not require emptying the reservoir. For these reasons, the application of RCC
overlays is a technically and economically interesting solution.

This paper presents a brief overview of the application and hydraulic design
recommendations of RCC emergency spillways. To illustrate the application of this
technique, an emergency spillway for Arroio dam, a small earth dam with an insufficient
release capacity for the design flood, is presented and the cost of this solution is
compared with the actual cost of a traditional labyrinth spillway.

The evolution of knowledge regarding the calculation of the maximum flood for the
design of dam spillways has frequently lead to higher peak discharges than those initially
adopted on a number of dams currently in operation. Therefore, several dams are unable
to pass the revised design flood without the occurrence of overtopping. In the case of
embankment dams, overtopping may lead to severe erosion, or even dam failure.
In terms of protection measures, the protection of the downstream face of the dam can
sometimes be the most advantageous solution from an economic standpoint, particularly
in the case of small dams.1

CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.

Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisboa.

Ana Patrícia Rosa, Jorge Saldanha Matos and João Marcelino

The development of roller compacted concrete (RCC) construction methods made this
a durable, structurally stable and economically competitive solution for dam overtopping
protection1 . RCC is a fast construction process, requiring simple methods and equipment,
and in the case of dams it does not require lowering the reservoir level, thus contributing
to the economy of this solution.
However, the use of spillways over embankment dams should be an exceptional
situation, thus serving mainly as emergency spillways. In general, they are not considered
suited to serve as main spillways.


RCC has been widely used over the last few decades for the construction of new dams
and for overtopping protection of embankment dams1, 2,3.
The Ocoee Dam no. 2 (Tennessee, USA) was the first case where RCC was used in the
downstream face of a dam as an overtopping protection method. It is a timber crib rockfill
dam built in 1913 (Figure 1) 1. Due to its severe deterioration the dam was rehabilitated in
1980 by placing RCC in its downstream face. Since then the dam has been subject to
frequent overtopping, namely for the practice of white water rafting 1. Little signs of
erosion were observed on the top of the RCC protection. However, further downstream,
the RCC steps showed some erosion, particularly in the uncompacted lift edges. Despite
the mentioned signs of erosion, the dam continued to operate normally4.

Figure 1: Ocoee Dam no. 2 (

No.-2, in 11/21/2016).

The slight erosion in uncompacted step edges was verified in other dams with RCC
protections, such as Brownwood Country Club Dam (Texas, USA), Kerrville Dam
(Texas, USA), Lower Lake Royer Dam (Maryland, USA) and Lake Tholocco Dam
(Alabama, USA). However, these events did not compromise the normal operation of
these dams or the spillways4.
Red Rock detention basin is a case where flow transports sediments. These sediments
can, in some cases, be as large as 90 kg boulders4. Inspections in 2005 and 2006 showed
that the effect of sediment transport lead to superficial erosion and polish of the steps.
The steps showed less than 50 mm of erosion on their outer face. Some spalling was
noticed in areas where concrete segregation occurred4.
The information retrieved regarding different cases, some operating for decades, has
led to the conclusion that RCC performs well in the long run, even after the passage of
high flows that originate significant head over the structures, or flows transporting large

Ana Patrícia Rosa, Jorge Saldanha Matos and João Marcelino


3.1 Types of flows over stepped spillways

Flow over stepped spillways can be classified in three main types2: nappe flow,
transition flow, and skimming flow.
Several authors have proposed formulae to characterize the type of flow on stepped
spillways, in function of the discharge and step geometry (e.g., Ohtsu & Yasuda, 19975,
Chanson, 20022, Chanson et al., 20156). For chutes slopes typical of those found on the
downstream slope of embankment dams, the onset of skimming flow occurs for a small
critical flow depth, approximately equal to the step height (dc/h ~ 1). Therefore, stepped
spillways over embankment dams are usually designed for the skimming flow regime.

3.2 Characterization of the skimming flow along the spillway

Various researchers have developed formulae for estimating the location of the onset
of air entrainment (i.e., inception point) on stepped chutes, Li, as well as the flow depth at
such location, di, for a broad range of slopes (Chanson, 20022, Chanson et al., 20156)
To estimate Li and di specifically on 1V:2H (θ = 26.6°) sloping stepped chutes, the
following equations were suggested, based on experimental results obtained by André &
Ramos (2003)7 and Cabrita (2007)8 (Meireles & Matos, 20099):

Li 0.95 (1)

di (2)
=0.28Fr* 0.68

where is the roughness Froude number given as and k = h cosθ.

Equations (1) and (2) were obtained for 1.9 ≤ Fr* ≤ 10.
Hunt & Kadavy (201310, 201411 ) obtained experimental data for a broader range of Fr*
and θ (θ ≤ 26.6°) and presented the following equations to estimate the location of the
inception point:

Li (3)
=5.19Fr* 0.89 , 0.1 Fr* 28
Li (4)
=7.48Fr* 0.78 , 28 Fr* 105
For the same range of Fr *, Hunt & Kadavy (2014)11 suggested the following relation to
calculate the flow depth at the inception point:

di (5)
=0.34 sin θ 0.13
Fr* 0.62
Meireles & Matos (2009)9 analyzed experimental results from André & Ramos (2003)7
and Cabrita (2007)8 and concluded that the normalized flow depth, upstream from the
inception point (d/di) strongly depended on L/Li but was practically independent of dc/h,
for 1.27 ≤ dc/h ≤ 2.85. The following relation was proposed therein:

Ana Patrícia Rosa, Jorge Saldanha Matos and João Marcelino

h (9)
C 0.0645 0.216 0.453 sin θ

for L/Li > 2.0.

Equations (8) and (9) were obtained for 0.035 ≤ h/dc ≤ 1.1 (0.9 ≤ dc/h ≤ 28.6)
and 10° ≤ θ ≤ 30°.
These equations show that the mean air concentration increases more abruptly in the
vicinity of the inception point, and in a more gradual manner downstream of that region.
A similar trend can also be observed from Matos (2003)3.
Hunt et al. (2013)12 developed the following expression to estimate the equivalent clear
water depth, as a function of the critical depth:
d h (10)
0.34 cos θ 0.063
sin θ -0.18
dc dc

Equation (10) is applicable downstream of the inception point (L⁄Li ≥ 1), for
0.035 ≤ h/dc ≤ 1.1 (0.9 ≤ dc/h ≤ 28.6) and 10° ≤ θ ≤ 30°.
The characteristic depth, Y90, is given by

d (11)

where d can be estimated from Eq. (10) and C can be obtained from Equations (8) or (9).


4.1 Crest treatments

The crest treatments for stepped spillways are in general free uncontrolled overflows.
For embankment dams, it generally takes the form of a broad-crested weir, or an ogee-
shaped crest. Different crest treatments result in particular features the designer must
address. 13

4.2 Step height

The height of RCC layers is a conditioning factor to the step height. Usually this height
varies between 0.20 and 0.60 m. For steep chute slopes, typical of RCC dams,
Tozzi (1992)14 found an optimum step height regarding energy dissipation as h/d c = 0.3.
According to his findings, no appreciable increase in energy dissipation was achieved by
further increasing the step height. More recently, Ward (2002)15 conducted experiments
on a 1V:2H large scale flume with 0.30 and 0.60 m high steps and found good agreement
with the criterion proposed by Tozzi (1992)14 (Frizell & Frizell, 201513).

4.3 Sidewall design

The sidewall height should in general take into account air entrainment, if the
inception point occurs on the spillway, for the design discharge.
The sidewall height may be calculated using the following expression:

ysw nY90 (12)

Ana Patrícia Rosa, Jorge Saldanha Matos and João Marcelino

where n is a safety factor to account for flow bulking and splash due to air
Boes & Minor (2000, 2002)16, 17 and Boes & Hager (2003)18 suggested that, in the case
of embankment dams, n=1.5. Recently, based in results obtained over the course of
several years, in large scale models, Hunt & Kadavy (2016)19 proposed the following
equations to calculate the sidewall height:

ysw h (13)
1.4 for 0.40
Y90 dc

0.37 (14)
ysw h h
2.0 for 0.40
Y90 dc dc

If the inception of air entrainment does not take place on the spillway, for the design
discharge, Equation (12) may also be applied, replacing Y90 by d and considering a safety
factor to take into account the flow waviness (e.g., n=1.5).


5.1 Weir crest and spillway

The weir crest should be protected with one or two RCC layers, that can be extended to
the upper region of the upstream face of the dam1.
The spillway slope is usually identical to that of the downstream face of the dam.
However, a different slope can be adopted. Usually the spillway angle with the horizontal
is comprised between 14 and 30º (frequently 26,6º - 1V:2H). Generally, the step height is
0.20 or 0.30 m, even though in some cases 0.60 m high steps can be adopted.
The construction process of RCC overlays is very particular, and to ensure equipment
operation, RCC layers should have a minimum width between 2.40 and 2.70 m.1

5.2 Drainage system

A filter/drainage system is crucial. This system should be placed as a continuous layer
under the spillway and should include a filter adapted to the material of the embankment,
constituted by granular materials or, alternatively, geotextile materials that function as a
filter in relation to the embankment materials.

5.3 Spillway treatments

To avoid deterioration due to climate action or aggressive hydrodynamic actions, a
spillway treatment can be considered. Breaching of the RCC overlays should be avoided
or minimized to prevent water passing to the embankment material under the spillway.
Several treatments can be used, depending on structural and aesthetic requirements,
such as: concrete, pre-fabricate concrete elements and earth either covered with
vegetation or not. The main criteria to take into account when choosing a spillway
treatment should be: cost, aesthetic appearance, durability and simplicity of execution1 .

Ana Patrícia Rosa, Jorge Saldanha Matos and João Marcelino


6.1 General remarks

The case study is the Arroio Dam, in Bragança, Portugal. It is an earthfill dam with a
height of 15 m and a crest length of 110 m. The dam was designed in 1989 by CNEC,
Engenheiros Consultores20 .
The dam crest has a total width of 6.0 m, 5.0 m of which are used for vehicle
circulation. The slopes of the upstream and downstream faces of the dam are 1V:3H and
1V:2H, respectively. The upstream face is protected with rip-rap, whereas the
downstream face is protected with rip-rap in the upper region and vegetation cover in the
lower region. The elevation of the dam crest is 440.2 m, the maximum storage level is
438.5 m and the maximum flood level is fixed at 439.8 m.
The water stored in the Arroio dam is intended to supply nearby regions, and for that,
there is a water treatment plant (WTP) immediately downstream of the dam.
During the construction of the Olgas dam, in January 2007, an inspection of the Arroio
dam was undertaken, since it is located 3 km upstream from the Olgas dam. One of the
issues identified in this inspection and confirmed in later studies, affecting the safety of
both dams, was the lack of capacity of the main spillway of the Arroio Dam, according to
the current national legislation. The original spillway had an irregular broad crest at the
elevation of 439.0 m, and was carved in natural rock.
Cenor, Projectos de Engenharia, Lda. (2007)21 performed a hydrological analysis and
evaluated the peak discharge for return periods of 20, 100 and 1000 years, as,
respectively, 62, 92 and 134 m3s-1 . Given the characteristics of the existing spillway and
the minimum freeboard necessary between the spillway and the dam crests, it was
concluded that the maximum flood that could be released by the spillway was 79 m3s -1 ,
thus only having the capacity to pass a flood with a return period of slightly over 20
years. One of the goals of the work developed by Cenor (2007)21 was the design of a
spillway capable of safely conveying a flood with a 1000-year return period. With the
goal of enhancing the capacity of the spillway without lowering the dam’s maximum
storage level, a labyrinth weir was envisaged, as well as the replacement of a portion of
the irregular rock spillway with a rectangular concrete channel (Figure 3).

(a) (b)
Figure 3: Arroio dam: (a) original spillway and (b) new labyrinth spillway.

Ana Patrícia Rosa, Jorge Saldanha Matos and João Marcelino

6.2 Proposed alternative solution

The use of RCC to materialize a complementary spillway can be an advantageous
solution, since it does not require emptying the reservoir and it would allow the use of the
original spillway, that did not show signs of structural damage.
The solution proposed in this work consists of building an additional RCC stepped
spillway, placed over the crest and the downstream face of the dam, with a capacity to
convey approximately 55.4 m3s -1 (thus complementing the capacity of the main spillway
for a flood with a 1000-year return period). For the design of the spillway, equations
presented in sections 3 and 4 were used.
A 17.5 m wide spillway with 0.3 m high steps was selected, resulting in a unit
discharge of q = 3.2 m2s -1 . For this design discharge and step height, skimming flow
occurs in the spillway and Tozzi (1992)14 relation for estimating the optimum step height
gives h/dc=0.3. The adopted step length is 0.6 m, thus maintaining the slope of the
downstream face of the dam (1V:2H). To maintain the maximum storage level, it is
necessary to provide for the lowering of the dam’s crest in the spillway area, to the
elevation of 438.50 m.
Table 1 shows the cost estimate of both solutions. Even though in the case of the
labyrinth weir, the estimation does not contemplate the full extent of the necessary works,
it can be noted that it exceeds the estimated cost for the execution of the RCC spillway. In
fact, actual cost of the spillway was 337 200 € (R$ 1 345 740).

RCC Spillway Labyrinth Weir

Partial demolition of dam's crest 27 177 € R$108 459 - -

Pickling of the downstream face 5 663 € R$22 601 - -
Drain and filter layer 11 326 € R$45 202 - -
RCC spillway 221 567 € R$884 256 - -
Spillway sidewals 5 355 € R$21 372 - -
Foundation slab of the labyrinth weir - - 166 993 € R$666 453
Labyrinth weir - - 37 607 € R$150 085
Wing walls, includng foundation - - 85 548 € R$341 412
Total 271 088 € R$1 081 890 290 148 € R$1 157 950

Table 1: Estimated cost of both solutions for the spillway upgrade.

Based on some experimental studies developed to date, particularly on chute slopes
typical of the downstream slope of embankment dams, equations that characterize the
skimming flow along a stepped chute were presented, as well as their application for the
hydraulic design.
For the case study, an alternative solution to that actually implemented was presented,
by means of building an RCC spillway over the downstream face of the dam. The results
suggest that the use of RCC can be less expensive and could be considered.
Not only RCC overlays are a possible solution, from the technical standpoint, for the
rehabilitation of embankment dams, but its use is less costly than a traditional concrete
spillway, which is particularly interesting in small dams and in countries where less
financial resources and specialized equipment are available.

Ana Patrícia Rosa, Jorge Saldanha Matos and João Marcelino

There are numerous cases in Portugal and other countries where this technique could
be advantageous when compared with the solutions usually adopted. One of the main
reasons for the limited use of this method is judged to be due to the lack of diffusion of
RCC overlays and the degree of uncertainty associated to building a spillway over an
embankment dam. There is, however, an extensive knowledge of these solutions
worldwide, namely in the USA, which can be a starting point towards the development
and application of RCC for overtopping protection of small embankment dams in

The authors gratefully acknowledge Águas do Norte, for providing information on the
Arroio Dam.

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Ana Patrícia Rosa, Jorge Saldanha Matos and João Marcelino

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