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Statement from A-B Tech Board of Trustees

Mary Ann Rice, Current Chair (2017-18)

Joe Brumit, Immediate Past Chair (2013-17)

We commend the Citizen-Times for exploring this issue and bringing to light the misuse of sales
tax funds intended for construction at A-B Tech. Because this occurred on our joint watch of the
A-B Tech Board of Trustees, we also believe it is very important to note that in addition to
transferring money from the quarter-cent sales tax to the county's general fund, the county also
simultaneously reduced A-B Tech's annual appropriation by approximately $2 million a year.
The reduction of the annual appropriation significantly impacted the College’s ability to keep up
with ongoing maintenance needs, which were addressed in a 10-year facilities maintenance
plan provided to the Commission on multiple occasions.

To be clear, the county is legally responsible for maintaining facilities at A-B Tech and, until
2014, appropriated in excess of $8 million per year out of the county operating budget. Now it is
maintaining a lower annual appropriation and taking all of our funding out of the quarter-cent
sales tax fund. This is not what the voters approved in 2011 – the voters approved the sales tax
for the exclusive purpose of constructing new buildings at A-B Tech.

Finally, the Commission planned a new building at A-B Tech that was intended to replace the
Rhododendron building, which the county demolished, and the Elm building, which it also
intended to demolish. After Rhododendron was torn down, the Commissioners opted not to
replace either building. The Trustees had to make the decision to keep the Elm building
because it is our largest academic facility. These were two of our largest facilities and both were
long overdue for replacement.

Sent on behalf of Mary Ann Rice and Joe Brumit

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