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Middle semester

Nama :--____________________________________kelas :_____________________________________

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban (a,b,c atau d) yang dianggap paling benar dengan memberi
tanda silang (X) pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia !

1. What is a good expression to complete the following dialogue?

A : Are you sure that today will be rain?
B : ……………, because it is cloudy.
a. I’m not sure b. I’m sure c. I don’t think so d. I doubt
2. Beni : Are you sure that you can operate this laptop? Hendi : ..... I’ve no cumputer course
a. I’m not sure b. I’m sure c. I’m certain d. I doubt
3. Ratna : Hallo, I’m Ratna, can I speak to Liz, please?
Liza : ............, who is speaking
Ratna : I’m Ratna
a. Pardon me b. What’s up c. Ok d. Wow
4. Aldi : Look at this mobile phone. This is new released
Dian : .........
Aldi : It’s, the feature is really cool
Dian : Exactly!
a. I doubt it c. Are you sure about that
b. What a nice mobile phone d. Do you want to but it?
Text for questions no 25

Withdrawing cash with ATM card

1. Read the direction
2. Put your card into the slot
3. Punch in your PIN
4. When the choice appear, select “Withdrawal from checking”
5. Enter the amount that you want to withdraw
6. When your money appears, remove it.
7. When the machine asks if you are finished pres “yes”
8. Take out the receipt
5. What should yo do after inserting your card?
a. Press “yes” b. Enter the PIN c. Take the receipt d. Select “continue”
6. What is text a bout? ……
a. The best way to keep our money safe
b. The ways to with draw money from automatic teller machine
c. The procedure of saving money in a bank
d. The description of an automatic teller machine
7. How many steps are there in the text?..
a. Five b. Six c. Seven d. Eight

Text for questions no. 15 – 17

Newspaper and magazine very important in a modern life. People in cities, towns and villages want to have current information.
Newspaper and magazines provide them with news about politics,crime,entertainment,sports and other information they need. The
production of newspaper and magazine is very hard work. Journalists search news. They try hard to interview people to get the
correct issue directly, from the source’s mouth. Then they write it in good and interesting articles. The editors decide the headlines
and the news layout. They decide wich articles must go on the front page and wich news ins printed inside the paper.
After all pages are ready then a managing editor approves a nd now the newspaper is ready to publish.
8. What does the text tell us about?....
a. Newspaper and magazines c. Journalist of a newspaper
b. Current information d. Advertisements on a newspaper
9. The journalist try hard to interview people to get correct issue in order to..
a. Decide ot the headlines c. Approve the articles printed
b. Make good and interesting articles d. Decide the layout of articles
10. The second paragraph tells us that ........
a. The editors decide which news is printed inside the paper
b. People in cities want current information
c. It is not an easy work to produce the newspaper and magazines
d. They write good and interest articles

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