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Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based On Geological

Investigation Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) In

Sukamaju Area, Tenggarong Seberang, Regency of Kutai

M. A. Syam, Heryanto, M. D. Balfas

Geological Engineering, Mulawarman University, Sambaliung Road, Samarinda 75119, Indonesia

Abstract. A landslides susceptibility mapping (LSM) produced as a mitigation step

to reduce risk of landslide occurring in slope area. Landslide susceptibility mapping
aims to identify most vulnerable area to landslide hazard. There are many weighting
methods able to be applied to map landslide susceptibility, one of them is Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP). Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is quantitative
method based on qualitative assessment to certain phenomena. This method was
applied in Sukamaju area, Tenggarong Seberang, regency of Kutai Kartanegara.
Study area covers an area of ~51 km2 and is located between 507320.79 – 518136.33
mT and 9989040.48 – 9971977.82 mS. Data were used to map landslide
susceptibility in study area are relief data, detail geological investigation, and
engineering geology data, and landcover data. The relief in study area ranges 11 –
160 meters, landcover dominated by forest, shrubs, and arid agriculture, and
geological investigation data consist of detail geological and geomorphological map
scale 1:10.000, litology in study area dominated by sandstone, greywacke sandstone,
and alluvium and morphology developed covers structural morphology,
denudational, and fluvial morphology, and engineering geology data is rock mass
rating (RMR) value describes the strength of the rock. Those data then were
classified and weighted based on the influence to landslide. The weights of data
based on calculation using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Calculation
of weight assigned that morphology is most important factor causing landslide by
weight 39%, 25% for RMR value, 19% for lithology, 10% for landcover, and 7% for
relief. Weighted data then were analyzed spatially using overlay to get vulnerable
area to landslide. The result of study indentified that the most vulnerable area to
landslide covered in southern of Sukamaju area, exactly located in coordinate
507996.29 mT and 9976076.02 mS.

Keyword: landslide susceptibility geological investigation Rock Mass Rating, AHP method.

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