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ST Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/21 : ClA-RDP90-00965R000100260020-4 ¥ . TICLE APPEARED ce Pees ALE ONY The Invisible Third Worla war by Walter H. Bowart and Richard Sutton Editors note: Walter Bowart's Opes: — only have these weapons been devel- ments which the government is wile tion Mind Contral caused a furor in the ped without the knowledge of their ing to release is just the wp of the United States intelligence commun- intended victims, but, worse, they invisible iceberg. The fac that inno ity when it was first published th Cannot even be detected at the very cent civilians have been vit 1975. Bowart’s research on the sub- jmoment they are murdering or fob- the mae 1975 Bo fash oat ney aremardering ie Ont governieniy however lect of government agency invelve- Suzing civilian populations makes clear the threat poted ment dogeus ind aeen te “Subic ieey sed layne cca! threatening human experimentation wal the tree people ofthe werd nave onunwitting iizens paved the way Tnyhopefseniwagiongenoupate —_y Mlroblologcsl Holocaust for anew era in exposure of such _iberate themselves From the Beak, airs have been busy develop- unconstitutional practices. As 2 re-unlivable futurepromised by thetech. i" biological warfare weapons since Halted andthe responuile govern. "ORY Of We vactae ‘is pouoned their enemies “The memory ofthe political use of disease during the Crusades and the Inquisition may have been too fresh in Hitlers mind to allow him to un- Teash the vast arsenal amassed by Nas scientists ‘The lapancte, however, had no suchcompunctons. after World War il, germ warfare rials were. held which convicted » number of their War criminal. Those trite even more Sensationalthan the Nuremberg rls, fot little attention from the press of the day Biological warfare was next used during the Korean War, and then t was used in Vietnam Perhaps the mort hideous story is that of the leakage of anthrax germs from weapons inthe remote, secret city of Semipuatinsk in the Soviet, Union, Thee, just a few years ago. hundreds diedin hornble agony from Anthrax germs crested for the pur ose of bolopcal warfare, Current genetic developments in wat called “Recombinant ONS thyeaten tounlessh mutant logical warfarestransfeom which the word may neve recover Demite anne biological warfare, some nations dey srechating ug ayay cord ing to recently telessed Pestagon documents, the Soviets may wellhive used both chemical and biological wer. fare weapons in Afghanistan ment agencies were forced to release information which had previously been hidden from the general public. Bowart continued his research into the horrifying, mind-crippling effects of government exploitation ofits own citizens in mind control experiments- tion. What he uncovered is more incredible than any science fiction Tm the as-yet unpublished manu- script, The Invisible Third World War, Bowart and co-author Richard Sut- ton reveal that the world is already locked in deadly, invisible warfare, fighting for the ultimate prize — the mind of man, When the first atomic bomb was detonated at Alamogordo, New Mex- ‘co, in 1944, the warriors of the mod- fern world experienced a flashiof in- sight that changed the nature of war forever. The men who built the bomb realized that civilian populations were ow unavoidable targets, and that conventional war had now become 2 dangerous trigger which could cata- lyze an earth-destroying retaliation with nuclear weapons. Such old-fashioned methods of wa fare as gunpowder, employed by revo- lutionaries fighting protracted con- flicts, were suddenly perceived as potential threats which could ignite the nuclear holocaust, The only safe way to wage war, the warriors realized, was to wage it silently. The Secret Plagues Governments do experiment on their own citizens. Tn the Soviet Union, the victims never get a chance to talk about it But in a supposedly free society — if they are left in good enough shape to remember that they have been vic~ timized — citizens ean not only talk about it, they can even sue their government ‘A wide range of Invisible Warfare experiments conducted on unwitting citizens by the United States govern- ment has already been exposed. Ina numberof experiments, asecret CIA-Army team infected Americans with deadly germs from 1949to 1969. Equipped with nasal filters and other protective gear, these clandestine agents targeted civilian populations in Hawaii, Alaska, New York, Florida and California with experimental bio- logical weapons. Using trick suitcases and a 1954 Mercury equipped with dual mufflers, and extended tailpipes, the spooks cast their clouds of plague along four New York City turnpikes and through the commuter-choked Lincoln and Holland tunnels. ‘Attacks on Florida were followed by an epidemic of whooping cough in which 12 persons died In 1950, a secret biological warfare weapon launched from 3 Navy vessel blanketed San Francisco Bay. Thirty or—t—es——C—“=ri=C“=“t‘=EE” cqltiible, Matfare — or IW, as tenet raponded with avery When the news of rere aking one lawsuits against the government. Army "Weteye” nerve gas canntor tty sf World War I tw. _ Govermmene agent hove mjeted Ble Carnie nee thousands of unsuspecting Americans sent shivers through the citizens of with germs such as syphilis, and sim- the Mile High City. Would Denver be ilarincidents have oceurredin Britain America’s first Semipalatinsk? and the Soviet Union. ‘A controversy over how to dispose Now that formerly secret biologi- of the nerve gas bombs has raged hha’ war had een Grae cal warfare documents have been over the past few years in Utah and ‘Secret-invisible weapons now pose _‘eleased after nearly 30years, atleast Colorado, a more ominous threat to life than Part of the grisly story can be told sree crmmous threat t0 life than Pere ae ween learn from thedocu- —& BRAAUZIVUIND research had begunin earnest, and in the ensuing decades, modern war- norgdeveopedsnumber of nidious methods of subduing enemy popula. tions without their ever knowing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000100260020-4 Deciassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/21 : ClA-RDP90-00965R000100260020-4 ZL The US. government wanted to lawing germ and nerve gas weapons. thought. shipthebombstearemotelocavonin ‘Chemical warfare development "OWEN Utah, since the task of neutralizing overlaps that of biological warfare, Dette earlier denis: the CIA did the bombs seemed impossible. The and the growth of the new sclence of eee — foverament announced thar they genetic engineering wich gos an ychatry ‘vould foad the bombs on nirplanes even greater danger through sim, Ititutionl paychiatry has become 3nd ty them from Denver 10 the silty than does wellknown and af atTument of cluken cote! of Re ined already-predicted nuclear holocaust, "Me modern state, Tet lepton eee td lta ne overihecountrye honeett ted TheCIANas Ceecion SMB Feplaced the ermal a loud protetsrone Today those nerve Clandestine wirande ofthe "Cold pregyetm the Soviet Union, Be- as bombs sit ina storage depot nest War" have searched for new technol- Pape Deatineigurt or ogy 0 forcibly control the human tents whleTegsisors of Colorado ™R4fOr more than 40ers, hind Utah battle Pentagon bureaucrats yA theslose of World War I. when herdof terrified and apathetic autom. over the life-and-death question of goaaessers Of Nazi and U.S. intelli. atons, with high technology Soviet shat to do with unwanted nerve Struct anaed inteligence network, TiNdcontrolemployed against polit mn thea spychet weaker’ Cen, lesen oben them perma: Wizards of Death the OSS's William Donovan, and the) The United 5; Like biological warfare, chemicat FBI's]. Edgar Hoover all conspired to. p_l, the Unite warfare was firstdevelopedin ancient 4¢velop mind control weapons. times, andit has been used in World Hoover and Donovan, like their Wan ced ILatbe Korean War ond Nasicounterpatts,commissioned lead ing psychiatrists in their nation to able conditions would otherwise spark revolt, psychiatric techniques have turned the Soviet population into 3 es, the mental beak induatey bas been opersting for many years on Sovietype plane to replace the American juste sys, tem with mind contol operations sn Vietnam, Electromagnetic Mind Control serriei as a “herbicide” during COME up with an automaton-making 7 Vietam,thechemialwarareweape 'echnology een Nazi research into mind control, Protected by the general public's fon Agent Orange, for example, pot- soned thousands of American’ Gls, Today, those Gls suffer from the aftereffects of the weapon, unable to, receiveadequate compensation from Uncle which began during the 1920s at the unwillingness to believe that such Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, inspired the things can actually happen, Soviet concentration camp atrocities of the forces have been beaming invisible infamous Josef Mengele and others, microwave radiation at Americans Sim, whorcontinues to minimize tne AMerican research in the years fol- for more than 20 years, mysteriously dangers of agent Oren lowing World War Il victimized con. triggering cancer, heart problems cat. Tn 1980, the Soviet Union attacked Y#lescing World War II veterans. aracts, and emotional stress, Afghan rebels with deadly “gomen’ The Nazi inspiration for the CIA's ‘The bizarre Soviet zapping of the nerve par mocking every tréstyron T™ndcontrol operations has recently U.S. embassy in Moscoot on noadent nerve gas been documented with the declasifi- which has been known 95-"the Mons ‘According tot, Gen. Nikolai Cher ‘2t0nof aproject code-named Paper- Cow Signal: aay well have bees ane nov, the Soviets equip every division “P. ‘opening volley of the Invisible War of ofthe Army with TMGcoSdecontaen PAPetclip evolved into a series of electromagnetic wesponey inant tracks Soviet-led Warsaw Pact CIA Proietts using unsuspecting cis In 196% while sucenitg the em troops regularly conduct nerve gas ‘ili#h Buinea pigs — these included bassy for bugs, American security war games using “live” weapons ged Such code names as Bluebird. Arti: personnel detected s microwave beng deploying 100.000 chemical and bio- choke, Midnight Climax, and the aimed straight at the embassy. Nat. logical warfare specialist troops. 80W-infamous MKULTRA. Docu. _urally, the Pentagon and the fare. The United States maintains three Tents related to these projects have gence community became alarmed at million convulsion-causing “sarin” fevealedthat America’s mostrespect. the possibility of neurological and ed. influential psychiatrists conspired behavioral effects on diplomatic per= atilery shells, several thousand “sar- ry Mae, tounleash mind control weaporeon tonacl, in bombs, and hundreds of thou- sands of gas land mines, Nerve gas UMtuSpecting Americans —and sucz While keeping the knowledge of weapons comprise two-thirds of the ceeded the microwave beam secret from the 150,000 tons of poison gas in the ‘American Frankenstein suffering embassy staff for 12 years, the CIA launched project code named Pandora, which was aimed at understanding the Soviet’s motives for the microwave attack, Amer arena Since the days of ancient China ‘Asthey dd with Blogicalwarare, legendary werk’ Son Teen the CIA tested chemical warfare oatral ar ee heen te seeapone on US. citizens attaching alee sultry aneatey mest tush hundreds of unsuspecting Gia with techniques were developed sedrcl Pandora personnel discovered that 82s halucnone iootiney ore Unedtrougntenscecdngenuce. the vetehasoenconucinge Powerful than LSD. It was difficult tionsof India, China, Egypt the May, tensive microwave research opera: for the BZ victims to complain of an Empire, Greece, Rane, Mediergi "ons for Yeats and that they had aftereffects of the tests, however, Europe, Nazi Germany. Soviet Rus, concentrated their studies on the since BZleft the victims with amnesia. si, Red China, and, finaly, the Unie. €™otional and mental effects of mi- GintaiprcenpenlobnSecc eft Sore wall rengned in horror ater reve ummerot 1965, Pentagon- Sons cfthemla ware taceies SQ, FO ore widely used gated toa caked eee bytheageney Despite the provera Teihaée of tind contel have in Stockwell and other men of con- manipulation, drug- hypnoris, behavior modification an : — scence, 4 powerful lobby today de- rorad gt a moatcation and PENI ‘mands repudiation of all reatev out. fs which con- 3 trol an individual's freedom of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000100260020-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/21 tute for Defense Analysis conveneda special task force to replicate Soviet ‘experiments and analyze the problem. ‘The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) then began, ‘experimenting on rhesus monkeys with microwaves at Walter Reed Army Research Institute. The results are still classified Top Secret, but from recent duplicate studies we learn that microwaves cause profound effects con the central nervous system and ‘change behavior of rhesus monkeys ‘Ata summit meeting at Glassbor New Jersey, during June 1967, Presi dent Lyndon Johnson asked Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin to halt the Moscow Signal In 1968, leading microwave scient- ists gathered at the University of Virginia Medical College at Richmond forathree-day symposium on Biolog- ical Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation Microwave authority Dr. Karel Matha of Czechoslovakia declared that microwave bioeffects included pains in the head and eyes, fatigue and overall weakness, dizziness and vertigo, poor night sleep, irritability fear, hypochondria, tension, depres sion, inhibition of intellectual Func tions, and decreased memory. ‘Yet, most of those at the sympo- sium ignored the dangers of human bioettects Research biophysicist Dr. Allen H. Frey was more than interested, how- ever. Frey had determined that hu- mans could actually hear pulsed mi- crowaves at frequencies ranging from 300 to 3,000 megahertz. ‘The News Starts to Leak tt was not until syndicated colum- nist Jack Anderson broke the "Mos- cow Signal” story in 1972 that the public began to learn the truth Several months after Anderson's microwave column ran, the Soviets accused the U.S. of irradiating chess wizard Boris Spaasky with electronic devices, causing him to lose a cham- Pionship match to Bobby Fischer. ‘On February 7, 1976, The Los Angeles Times quoted U.S. Ambassador Wal- ter J. Stoessel Jr. as telling his staff that the microwaves could cause leu- emia, skin cancer, cataracts, and va ious forms of emotional llness. Stoes- sel himself was reportedly suffering froma mysterious illness resembling. leukemia, which caused nausea and bleeding in the eyes. Two of his predecessors at the embassy died of ‘According to National Security Ad- visor Zbigniew Brzezhinski, U.S. em- bbassy personnel in Moscow suffer the highest cancer rate in the world. Today, despite a brief respite, the bombardment of the embassy con- tinues, while much of the evidence fathered by US. intelligence agen- Eesremsing clasiied Tiowever raising the lid on Project Pandors has uncovered » box full of fecrets about microwave effects, “The Eugene Wavelength “A powerful radio signal that may be affecting human health has bee tmonitoredin several Eugene locations Ind in the air three thousand feet Shove the city“ proclaimed Th Exsene Bainer-Guardon March 26, 1978,"The sourceof the radio signals unknown.” ‘Thus did Eugene, Oregon, become the first major population center © sufer the effects of electromagnetic lohssarde Shortly before the Reiser-Guerd printed the story. 4 middle-aged Eu: Bene man named Walter Deposkey Eame down with symptoms remark ‘bly similar to thore attributed to microwave sickness He noted strange vibration ema- from within his home. He heard voices. He could not sleep. He suffered burning of his cornes. University of Oregon industria hppienyst Marshall van Ent, called upon tonvestigate Deposkey’s com- plaints, found that he suffered the Same symptoms while in the man's home Disturbed, van Er recruited The engineers measured an unusual cai sal wich they etre to be capable of producing potential biohazard ‘After unsuccessfully dogging pub- lic health agencies to tovestgate the matter further, van Er broke the ory in the papers. The Eugene Signal was described ass radio frequency pulse at 475 tmegsherts.Irwas recorded within at Teast two locsl homes and at 3,000 feet above the city. The signals strength was rated st $00,000 wetts "yotimes the Federal Commanice ons Commission (ECC) radio. Censed limit. The signal extended a3 faraway asthe next tows, Corvallis ‘After receiving. 150 documented complaints sbout the signal, Cover- for Bob Straub, Senator Mark Hat- Field, and Congressman jim Weaver were prompted to demand an Envi ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) investigation ‘A dats analysis by the State Health Department's Radiation Control Sec- fon determined that there wa prob. able cause" linking the complaints £0 the strange frequency Saud Cifford Shrock, Textronix, Ine radio frequency analyst who had written electronics manuals for the Cand the National Security Agency Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/21 CIA-RDP90-00965R000100260020-4 (NSA), “1 was surprised, 12 T&er seen anything like before” Reactions 10 the story flooded in from around the world, Callscamein from people who had simular stories torelfabout their own distant areas Severalealscamein from technicians offering their hypotheses about the Signal, suggesting a possible link to secret weapons radiation ‘The people of Eugene began to learn about Electromagnetic Radia. tion (EMR) biohazards ins hurry. No one, however, could get 10.the bottom of Eugene's problem, The FCC's Enforcement Division assistant chief, Richard Smith flatly steibuted the Frequency to a naval ransmitter 38 Dison, California, nicknamed the “Dixon Duck.” Nan Er and others disputed this ‘The Navy denied that the Dixon Duck was responsible When the EPA technicians finally arrived, however, they proclaimed that the mysterious signal did not exist at all Van Ert, Shrock and others who had felt the signal and measured it strongly disagreed with them But the EPA investigators held 3 press conference at which they dis- Eredited the reports of the strange Eugene Signaland promptly returned to their Las Vegas headquarters where they refused to apeak t0 reporters ‘After this, the investigation folded altogether The Eugene Signal cemains an offi- cial mystery Although the people of Eugene didn’t know it, both the US and Soviet military had been working for years 10 pect thevute of electro magnetic frequencies as lethal psy. shological weapons my ‘Similar symptoms reportedin such places Timmons and Kirkland Lake {inCanada were traced to s notorious Soviet radio broadcast dubbed by ama. teurradiooperstors the woodpecker These effects beara strong resem- bance to the bioharards inherent th invisible weapons like the Electro magnetic Pulse (EMP) under devel. pment by the Pentagon “The Woodpecker” On October 14, 1976, radio com- munications throughout the globe were disrupted. by. powerful radio waves emanating from the Soviet Union. The broadcasts appeared inves. ularly and varied between very high tnd very low frequencies. When the US. Canada, Great Bet- Y EQNEINUBD CIA-RDP90-00965R000100260020-4

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