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Dalam menghadapai persaingan global mendatang, perkembangan

ekonomi kreatif di Indonesia pun mulai diperhatikan. Ekonomi kreatif
yang berbasis kepada modal kreativitas sumber daya manusia, berpeluang
mendorong daya saing bangsa Indonesia di masa depan. Perkembangan
Ekonomi kreatif diikuti pula dengan perkembangan wirausaha muda di
Indonesia yang saat ini mengalami peningkatan jumlah yang cukup baik.
Di Kendari sendiri banyak ditemukan komunitas-komunitas anak muda
yang melakukan suatu kegiatan jual-beli dan pameran produk-produk
industri kreatif yang berbasis lokal meliputi bazaar produk fesyen,
makanan, kerajinan, desain, dll. Selain itu didalam acara seperti ini
biasanya dilengkapi dengan pertunjukkan musik, booth-booth hobi anak
muda, dsb. Maka dari itu sangat diperlukan sebuah wadah untuk kegiatan
pengembangan industri kreatif yang ada di kota Kendari.
Dalam perancangan ini, wadah tersebut berupa Rumah Kreatif yang
direncanakan berlokasi di kawasan pusat bisnis (CBD) bertempat di jalan
Made Sabara Kota Kendari. Rumah Kreatif ini mewadahi kegiatan bekerja
dan edukasi di bidang industri kreatif, dengan adanya fasilitas seperti
ruang-ruang workshop dan studio, ruang kelas serta ruang pameran atau
pertunjukan baik indoor maupun outdoor untuk kegiatan-kegiatan kreatif
lainnya. Sesuai dengan pendekatan dan rumusan masalah yang diangkat
maka proses perancangan bangunan dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan
kondisi eksisting site, kebutuhan dan program ruang serta perwujudan
arsitektur modern terhadap bangunan agar dapat mewadahi kegiatan di
dalamnya dan sesuai untuk pengguna Rumah kreatif.

Kata kunci : industri kreatif, arsitektur, modern, kendari


In facing the upcoming global competition, the development of
creative economy in Indonesia began to be considered. Creative economy
based on human resource creativity capital, opportunity to push the
competitiveness of the Indonesian nation in the future. The development of
creative economy is followed by the development of young entrepreneurs
in Indonesia which is currently experiencing an increase in the number of
good enough. In Kendari itself is found many communities of young
people who perform a buying and selling activities and exhibitions of local
creative industries based products include bazaar fashion products, food,
crafts, design, etc. In addition to this event is usually equipped with
musical performances, hobby booths young people, and so on. Therefore it
is necessary a container for creative industry development activities in the
city of Kendari.
In this design, the container is a Creative House which is planned to
be located in the central business district (CBD) located on the street
Made Sabara Kendari City. This Creative House embraces work and
education activities in the creative industry, with facilities such as
workshop and studio rooms, classrooms and exhibition halls or indoor
and outdoor performances for other creative activities. In accordance with
the approach and formulation of the issues raised, the design process of
building is done by considering the existing condition of the site, the needs
and space program and the embodiment of modern architecture to the
building in order to accommodate the activities in it and appropriate for
the user Creative home.

Keywords: creative industry, architecture, modern, kendari

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