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1 Divide the following into CLASTIC and NON-CLASTIC rocks

Sandstone Chalk Limestone Mudstone
Coal Shale Siltstone Conglomerate

a) Describe briefly the difference between a SHALE and a MUDSTONE

_____________________________________________ (2)
b) What is the origin of this difference?


2 Draw and label 3 separate WAY-UP criteria

3 Compare a SANDSTONE and a SHALE in terms of relative proportions of ;
i) Carbon
ii) Silicon
iii) Aluminium
Explain why sandstones will usually have different amounts compared to shales.
________________________________________________ (6)
4 Write the following in the order or resistance to chemical weathering, starting
with the least resistant.
5 Draw and label TWO features which could indicate a palaeocurrent direction
in a sedimentary rock

6 Clay particles have much lower settling velocities than erosion (pick-up)
Velocities. Explain why.
7 What are the main weathering processes of ;
i) Limestones ______________________
ii) Feldspars ______________________
iii) Fe Mg minerals ______________________
8 Which of the following is most likely to have been transported and deposited
by bed load traction ( Clearly CIRCLE one only)

Mudsone Rock salt Conglomerate Chalk

9 Draw and label an oolitic limestone. Describe the process of formation and
suggest the environment of deposition.


10 Draw scaled, labelled diagrams to illustrate the differences between a

poorly sorted breccia and a well sorted sandstone.
ESTA GEOTREX The Geology Teachers Resource Exchange
Contributor: Dave Turner Establishment: Highfields School Date:May 05

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