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5th Grade Weekly News

October 8, 2018 – October 12, 2018

Vocabulary Words: This Week’s Objectives

Please know spelling and definitions
of the words below: Reading/Writing: In Unit 1, students read the
observation: something you have noticed by watching graphic novel Investigating the Scientific Method
with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Donald B.
Lemke as well as several informational articles about
inventions that have been developed to meet
hypothesis: an educated guess on how something will people’s needs. Students learn about and analyze
turn out. structures and visual elements authors use to
convey complex ideas.
dependent variable: a measured result of change in We will continue reading Wonder by RJ Palacio
the independent variable of an experiment which will allow us to learn how to be kind to one
independent variable: a part of an experiment that
changed Grammar: Common and Proper Nouns

accurate: correct in all details; exact. perfect Math: This week in math we will continue Module 2:
Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction
Operations. Students apply patterns of the base ten
procedure: a particular way or order of doing
system to mental strategies and a sequential study
something. of multiplication via area diagrams and the
distributive property leading to fluency with the
reproduce: to make a copy, representation, duplicate, standard algorithm.
or close imitation of
Science: Matter Cycle, Food Chain
conclusion: findings; a research result that comes
from facts and/or a scientific investigation. 
 Social Studies: Jamestown Colony

Health: Disagreeing Respectfully

Reminders/Upcoming Events
• Tues. 10/9 Committee Meetings
Student Shout Outs
• Thurs. 10/11 Jersey Mike’s Fundraiser /All Day Shout-Out to Teague & Cooper –
• Sat.10/20 Monster Bash Teague is a great friend and he always is there
• Wed. 10/31 Halloween Parade /8:30 am when I don't have anyone to play with. Cooper
is very good in class and he listens to what his
friends or teacher has to say and they are both
*Thursday, 10/11 – Mid-Mod. 2 Math Test great students and friends.
Monster Bash Candy Donation: The class that Shout-Out to Vianca—
donates the most candy by weight will win a For being a good friend.
$20 Amazon Gift card.

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