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Teaching Philosophy Assignment

Name: ______Richard Rubin________________________

Copy/Download this file and type your answers below each question. Print and bring to class on the due
date. Each question is worth 5 points each.

Music Education Philosophy - What is the purpose of music education in your words? (4-8 sentences)

The purpose of music education is to teach the importance of music. As young students are going
through band, orchestra, solo/ensemble, or even music theory class, they should be able to leave each
session as a better musician. It is then the job of the educator to assess the students to see if they have
gained the proper knowledge of music from each music class. Another purpose/important aspect of music
education is that each student is given the opportunity to apply non-musical concepts into the music
classroom setting. It combines multiple subjects!

Marching Band Mission Statement - Explain the purpose, value, and nature of your marching band
program. (2-4 sentences)

The mission of the Marching Band is to give the students an experience that they can learn from,
and will never forget. The band also strives to be the best that we can be at all times by achieiving high
music educational goals, working hard, and having fun.

Goals of the Marching Band - What are the goals of the marching band? (4-8 bullet points)

 Develop marching band skills

 Strive to be the best
 Provide students opportunities to expand their musical horizon
 Form memories
 Be musical

Marching Band Style - What is your preferred marching band style (non-competitive, parade, show, big
ten, competitive)? Why? (3-6 sentences)

I prefer the competitive style of marching band because it gives the students motivation to want to
be good. Being in a competitive marching band also gives the students the opportunity to show multiple
audiences what they have been working on throughout the past several months. Another apsect of the
competitive marching band style is that these bands are typically judged at festivals. It is important for
students to be able to understand that there is always something to work towards, and know what it feels
like to be successful and to fail.
Rehearsal Schedule - How will you structure your rehearsals? Describe the rehearsal frequency, lengths,
and types (band camp, after-school, before-school, in-school, weekend, game-day,
winds/percussion/guard, sectionals, full-ensemble, visual, music, etc.) (create a list-format

BAND CAMP (1 week):

8:00am-11:30am: Morning session would consist of the students marching outside (basics, fundamentals,
12:30pm-4:00pm: After the morning session ends, students eat lunch and make their way into the band
room for music rehearsal. During music rehearsal, we will focus on the music alone, and constantly work
on memorization of the halftime show music.

AFTER SCHOOL (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

3:00pm-3:15pm: Student will set the attendance block, drum majors will lead stretches to warm up
muscles, students will march the attendance block with all fundamentals learned
3:15pm-3:30pm: Sectionals. Each group (winds and auxiliaries) will have this time to work on music
memorization and/or marching techniques.
3:30pm-4:15pm: Full ensemble in concert arcs. At this time, the band will form the concert arcs and work
on the music/memorization of the music.
4:15pm-6:00pm: Visual. For the remiander of rehearsal, the ensemble will work on drill and applying
marching techniques and music to the drill.

IN-SCHOOL (M, T, W, Th, F)

During the school day, the band will primarily focus on the music and stationary marching techniques
(attention, parade rest, mark time, etc.). Each period throughout the day will have different members of
the band, but each period group will work on the same concepts with the exception of the percussion

Marching Band Membership - Would your students have to be in marching band to do concert band, vice
versa, or neither? Why? (3-6 sentences)

In order for my students to participate in the marching band, they would also have to participate
in the concert band. The concert band setting allows for the students to grow musically. There are also
apsects of the concert band setting that can be easily transferred into the marching band.

Band Motto - Create a concise and precise motto that reflects your teaching philosophy, mission
statements, and goals of the marching band.

Strive for Success.

Band Expectations - List your expectations of your marching band students. (3-10 bullet points)

 Be prepared
 Be motivated
 Ask questions
 Seek ways to grow as musicians
 Treat yourselves, each other, and all instruments with care
 Be respectful

Attendance Policy - Describe your attendance policy (expectations, legitimate excuses, unexcused
absences, consequences).

-Always be on time
-Be ready to go when it is required
-Stay for the duration of rehearsals/performances (there are exceptions)

-Family emergencies
-Personal medical emergencies

-Staying late in a previous class (there are exceptions)
-Using the restroom for an extenuating length of time before rehearsal.

Reserve Policy - Write up a reserve (alternate) policy or a reason why you would not use a reserve
system. (3-12 sentences)

I think that it is beneficial to have a reserve (alternate) policy in place. In my opinion, the main purpose
for having reserves is so that there aren’t any missing spots (visually and musically) in the halftime show.
Reserves also come into affect when a current marcher needs a substitute, gets kicked out of the band
program, and other special situations. Those are reserves also have the opportunity to prove themselves
by demonstrating great work ethics.

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