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Childhood obesity

Childhood obesity is very common nowadays. It is really worrying the amount of children
that suffer of obesity. Obesity is caused by different facotres, such as external jsajs,
lifestyle issues and the emotional aspect. Related to the external factors, obesity can be
caused due to genetic; according to studies its estimated that children have between 50%
(if one of the two parents is obese) and 80% (if both are) of probability of being
obesesdfds. Also, obesity is associated with some inherited diseases which can cause
obesity in children. A second external issue is medicines. There are some like corticoids,
antidepressants, which facilitate weight gain. These external factors aren’t decisive; even
considering that certain genes lead to obesity, if there aren’t other factors such as the diet
or lack of exercise, obesity will not develop. Another reason for obesity in some children
has to do with their lifestyle. Bad eating and sedentaism are decisive; nowadays most of
children eat junk food, dsksdkd. Some parents are also responsibleof this isusue because
sometimes they buy food that is cheap but contains more fats or sugar, which is harmful
for children’s health. They don’t do physical exercise, usually they stay at home watching
movies or playing videogames which “helps” the gaining of weight, so it leads to obesity.
Having a healthy diet pattern and regular physical activity is important to fight against this
disease. Finally, there is also an emotional cause that can lead to obesity, for example
stress, depression/anxiety.

Some investigations show that there is a relationship beteween eating disturbances and




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