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Assistant Director of Corporate Services and Monitoring Officer

Helen Miles

County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UD

Telephone (01983) 821000



Time 5.00 PM


Members of the Cllrs Andrew Garratt (Chairman), Debbie Andre, Julie Jones-Evans,
Committee Steve Hastings, John Kilpatrick, Michael Lilley, Brian Tyndall, Lora

Co-opted (Voting) Cllr Gill Kennett (IWALC Rep)

Democratic Services Officer: Maisy Green, telephone 821000, email

1. Minutes of the last meeting

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2018. (Paper A)

2. Declarations of Interest

To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the

3. Public Question Time – Maximum of 15 minutes

Questions may be asked of the Chairman of the Committee without notice but to
guarantee a full reply at the meeting such questions must be delivered in writing or by
electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 5.00 pm on Friday, 5 October
2018. Each question must give the name and address of the questioner. In addition,
members of the public are invited to make representations to the Committee regarding
its future Work Plan, either in writing at any time or at a meeting under this agenda
Details of this and other Council committee meetings can be viewed on the Isle of Wight
Council’s website at This information may
be available in alternative formats on request. Please note the meeting will be audio
recorded and the recording will be placed on the website (except any part of the
meeting from which the press and public are excluded). Young people are welcome to
attend Council meetings however parents/carers should be aware that the public gallery
is not a supervised area.
4. Progress on Outcomes and Recommendations from Previous Meetings

The chairman to give an update. (Paper B)

5. Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service – Impact Report

To consider the assessment of the impact from aligning the permanent, whole time
firefighter resources to the times of greatest demand. A report on this matter will be on
the agenda for the Cabinet on 11 October 2018. A copy of the committee’s previous
discussions on this matter has been compiled. (Paper C)

6. Quarterly Performance and Finance Report – Quarter 1

To give further consideration to the report due to be submitted to Cabinet on 13

September 2018. (Paper D)

a) Corporate Plan Priority – Growth and Regeneration

b) Corporate Plan Priority – Opportunity
c) Corporate Plan Priority – Wellbeing
d) Organisational Health Indicators
e) Revenue Budget Monitor
f) Capital Budget Monitor
g) Annual Summary of Complaints made to the Local Government & Social Care

7. Digital Transformation Strategy

To review the completion of actions contained in the strategy identified for delivery in
2017-18 as agreed at the 10 July 2018 meeting. (Paper E)

8. Comments on other items due to be considered by Cabinet on 11 October 2018

To review other items due to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 11

October 2018, and where appropriate, make comments that the committee believe
should be taken into account on key significant issues. These as currently shown on
the latest forward plan are:-
• Niton Undercliff Drive - Feasibility Study
• Review of Business Parking Permits

9. Leader’s Update

The leader to brief the committee on major issues that he is currently working on and
the content of any item included within the forward plan where applicable. This will
enable the committee to decide if further information should be requested or an item
added to the future workplan.
10. Committee’s work plan 2018/19

Members to give consideration to the inclusion of any further item within its future

11. Members’ Question Time

A question of the Chairman of the Committee must be submitted in writing or by

electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 5.00 pm on Monday, 8 October

Assistant Director of Corporate Services and Monitoring Officer
1 October 2018

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