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The professor pointed out the problems of the viewpoints raised in the passage

to argue that dinosaurs were not endotherms.

Firstly, she questioned the temperature in ancient polar regions. Although there
are many dinosaur fossils discovered, the polar region was much warmer than today.
Further, the professor said that dinosaurs may have migrated or hibernated after
polar became cold.

Next, she doubted the purpose of dinosaurs' leg positions. Rather than to make
dinosaurs run quickly, their legs underneath the body is more likely to support
their large, weighted body.

Finally, she challenged the Haversian canals structure by growth rings. It is

claimed that dinosaur's bone structure indicating they are endotherms; the
professor, however, found another feature in their bones called growth rings.
This feature shows that their bones grow slowly in cold environment, which is a
strong evidence of dinosaurs being reptiles. (142 words)

Cars, as private transportation, are becoming popular in an dynamic speed during

the last twenty years. Some think there will be much more cars in the next twenty
years; however, I believe fewer cars will be see on road at that time.

In the past decades, not only cars have evolved, but also cities and public
transportations. In most countries and areas of the world, urbanization is still
a predictable trend. People will tend to take public transportations when cities
become more gigantic and crowded, because metro and bus system will mature as
the cities grow. In contrast, heavier traffic jams will prevent people from
driving on their own.

Besides, the government may take actions to eliminate the crowd and pollution
before cars could gain further popularity, especially in those already-polluted
industrial regions. In China, series of policy have been made by the government
to reduce the number of cars, such as increasing gas tax and allocating. In this
situation, cost of owning a car will rise so that people will turn to other

For those who still need private transportation, some of them may turn to
aircrafts. Choosing air transportation not only saves time, but also more
comfortable. In Shanghai and Beijing, which are quite full-loaded, there are
already some wealthy people hiring pilots and private planes to transport. With
the development of technology, people can spend less to own a plane or helicopter;
further, aircrafts may be easier to pilot for common people. Going up to the sky
may be an alternation to driving on roads.

Overall, although cars are widely accepted nowadays, it is predictable that

people turn to other efficient ways of transportation rather than only driving
cars because of mentioned reasons. We can conclude that fewer cars can be seen
on roads than today. (300 words)

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