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[osep ll~uh;

Viv iendas e 11. '_ ore 116

Housing Complex


Housing C arl- S P 'j tz vV eg - Gasse

Stadtvi 'I '1 a r». B raasch


Residential Building ill Wien-Hernals


H o usi 11,g B] o ck


Condoruinio Los delfines

Arch ttects

Gabl e, wul I and Garden Houses, ,L~Shape,d, Hi uilding, Gateway Houses



Commercial and Apartment Building on a Long and Narrow Lot

Five Apartment Tower B locks





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Expe ri m e n La,~ 1-10 use


Marc. 71 Boulevard Barbes


Knm m uncles Wohn haus M U llheinrerstrusse


Countrv Houses



Arq IlJ itecto s


Apartments in Tours

Apartmerrt House in the Halden strasse

Postmen's Flats

, J r f a tea. t e h J ic - B[13.rOTECA

The desi 9 n of ho us i n~g blocks is wi thout d ou b t a ne of the most interesting and ottrocfive subjects of conternporary etch itectu re, This is, because In these projects th e arc h ~tecrs face so me, of the most serious cent] lets g:enen:rted by' present-dey society: the problem of h Igh=· density development in lorqe cities, the shortoqe of development land and the deqrodolion of ,quality of Ufe due 1"0 'factors such os ocoustic and environrnentcl pollutlon.


Dorinlg the second ha,'f of the 20th century, the use of

vertical Dons ruction has proven tOI be' the most loqicol and effecti've soil uti on . However, reol-esrote speculation has led to serious new problems such os ~he bUilding o·f Ilarge ring roads surrounded by mediocre construction, vol umetric lex.aglgera:tiJ0 nand CI n i 1m' pe rsono I' :1 ife-5Ity~[e.

ln the [oee ,of this situotion, S,Q,mI9 architects are beqlnnl ng to came out in favour lof the recovery of qlJO'lIi'ty end digni'ty in present-dey society. This is the ottitude u nderlyi. '9 the projects that form the present VOI~U me of Architecturol Des.ign,f o practical guide in which the professional w]~11 find the most cttractiv'e and hmctionol solutions that have b,een cp:pl'ied by some of the' orchitscts who Q re most' corn m itted to thies,s current problerns.

The, selection of works has not been mode occording to the pre.s,f-jlg e o'f fhe arch it'BCtSI but occordinq to the q lJQ I ity' olf the pro] eels '" Thersfore, in th i 5 VO'~U m e some of the firmlty estoblished stars [Q'f contempororv orchitectere ~G'lJlst(lV Pe j,clhll i Me rrorel ~/Boh i go s/ MJock[cy, Jiea n N!ouvel~1 sho re the, limel i~g ht with sam,€! of those who are b,elg[nning to make C1 name Ior them,s.e,illve.s.

The present volume olso serves tOI offer OJ wide rOlngle o] ·the lotest tendencies ~ n bo'mh com m u n i try ho usi ng and s i fkg I a-fal m Ii: Illy u n Ii is, [0: n d to 5 how ~h e ~ fa tes t, ICO n s lru cri 0 n t1echn iques that are now b'Q:ing incorporated into ~h is orec IOlf orchltecture. Thus, thls volume serves as a prcc ... ticol guide~ end a point' of: re'ference to the new channe,ls to, be exp1lored in the sublect of housinq blocks, since it includes this most bril~~(Jnt ,and emblemotic pro-

Dentro Q~el panorama Qrq'Url'ectollico actuall. Ui 10 de 10$ campos m()s in etesantes y ottoctivcs es sin duda a/guno et de los bloques de- vlviendas. Ello se deb's a que, en esros pi ovectos, los Qrquitectos S8 enFrenfon a algunos de l05 cooluctos rnO$ ocucuuve .. ' gensrodos por to 50ciedaci con ternporc5'l1eo: el problerno tIe 10 rno5ificacion en 10$ granafes ciudode», fa escosez de suelo ediffcable }I to degradoci6f1 de 10 catidod de vida cacdoso prob/ernas como /0 con tominacion oC~Jsfica y fTIedioam.bien 10/.

Durante to .segundo rnftad del sig/o XXI eJ tecutso a t consttuccion vertical 5[~ flo fGvelado como 10 solve/tin mas loglco y eFec:.Nva, Sin e~nbargo~ /0 especuJaci6n inn10bjiior«: ha provocodo nuevos y g1'QVe .. 5 conflicfost como el c1e to edifjcoci6n de gronares cin tutones perifericos pi esididos PO{ to nedicc! idad Lons/ructivQ, /0 exogeraci'6n volunleirica y 10 lmpersonalidod en et modo d~ vide.

Ante esJo Bituaci6r j t se eston otzodo voces entices que oboqor. pot 10 recuperoci6n de /0 calrdod y to dignidad ofen/fo del sistema de vida contetncotoreo. E$to e~ to


octltud que. 5ubyoce en los proyect"os que configuron eJ

otesente vounnet: de Architectural Desjgnl una gUla ptocfica en to que el profes{onot encontrara 105 soluciones .rTlQS ouocuvos y funciona/e51 concebuics par algunos de 105 outotes m6s comprometido5 con 10 problem6Nco actual,

La seieccio« de ObtO'5 no se ho realizado s610 en fun-' clan del presNgio de los orq Ldtecto81 sino del nive/ cua/itolivo de los proyecto5, Po: tcinfot en este tome comporten prolog'onisma alg"unos are tos osuos consagrados del panoro n~o orqu rtecton j co actual (Tadao A~ldo'l G,I.j.5 tav Pelchi/ Marforeit/Ba/1igo's!Mackax jeon Nouvel .. I J con cAguno5 de los. n.ombles que empiezal1 a de.spunfar e.on lueczo en sl campo de to o'lquftectura tectente.

EI pre..senre voJuiTIen sirve Q,s'imisrno para clrecer un clm1oilo' oboruco ale las ultimo5 tendencios en moterio de ptovecto: rea~den~io'es; 'O'l1to de grupos cottnmitctic:

COrf)O ore unidade,s fonli/faresl as! como para (nos I a, las

ncvedodes que! e11 tnotetia consf'ructivQ/ se eston incor porano1o (Jc~uah~nenre en este 6mbilo arquitectonico. As!


[eels of contemporory orchitecture 'in this fis,ld.

These are projects that· are committed to sociol realHty and the environment This can be seen both in ~he layout o'f ·the rasldentio] units. and in the way the buildings relote to the.iJ r context ~ not 'Onl'y i: non i m rned iate· sense but also on the larger scale ,of the city and h1 the'if relofionshtp with the climate.

One. of the most important emerging tendencies of ecclcqicolorchitecture is a form of understondlng construction in close relotion to nature - both in erior and exterior = and the use of olternotive 'energy sources. In this volume, the professional win find the., Iiolfesf ond most i mO:lg inc' ive i n novotio ns in th i s a reo of the m os! recent crchilecture, and some of the projects ~hat are becalming standards for 01 new w'r:Jy' cl conceiving li'Fe. in residentiJc'l blocks; not in the hobitool sense of high~ density development and mediocrity, but through o recovery of drgnity and quality of IIHe.

pues, este toiro sil Vi? C0l170 guro pracrica y IPUIl~O d,e refetencia c~e las nuevas vias Q exp!oro'( en el tema de IOE Dlo· cues de viviendos, yo que recopila tos proyectos mos brilIonte3 y e'nbierncJti'cos de La otoueectuto COnl'91npOrOnea en este cameo.


Se vote de ali s8flos compromeudo» con /0 realidad

socio! y con al enrorno, a/go que se optecio tanto en to comcoscto« distriLiutfvd de los unidades resrdencioles cornQ en el vinculo que los -8arffrcIos ~,'stoblecen con su contexto, no sofa en un seotido inmedioto sino tombie» en 10 escaic rnas am·plio dr!3 10 ciudool 0 de fa reine/on con /0 clim.ato/o9.fa.

En 851!e semido dt"-:s/aco como una de los tendencio5 ma'S enlBf9snf-es.; /0 de lo arquftec1ura ecoiogicol una forma de- enten['JeN to consttucciot: estrecharnente felacionado con /0 notuJofezol totno intetto: como exterior" y con e/ aprovecharn ietito de 10$ tuentes et: ergehcas aifernolivas. f n este voiumer, el profes/ono! enconfrara las ulrmQ$ y rno$' imoginaNvD5 itmovociones ell esre on1bila de 10 mas recietve 0 qui/'ecluJ o, as! como algunos de los provectos que' se eston convu ti~ndo en estondi» tes de una nuevo forma de concebil· /0 vida en los bloques testdeacicte», no yo en el habitual S€fltfdo de rno,sIficoclon y medioctidod, sino como tecupetccio« de 10 d'gnido,d y coiuiac: de vida.




Josep Lluls

Viviendas en Torell6 (ToreJlo~ Spai ) 1995

In the old pert o·f (~viUa:g:el' the burld'i1ng develops an active. and g·enerOl~S reloticnship with the narrow and undulctinq slreet on which ilt is [ocoted. The funC'HonG~ mixture fdwelUngls on the upper Ho,ors; public: services on the ground floor}m,ake.s It necessory to 'juxtapose technoloqies: to use structures conslstlnq of' brick wells 'for the dwellings end structures consisting of' concrete pillars. Of1 the ground flooL Manipu.lating this factt the solid upper port of the building seems to Hoot over the street, 'where it extends "the public space. lhe fooa.d,e o·f 'rhe· bloc k d isploys '0 I ~ the contextuo I i st· stereotypes U,ong windows, bolconies, etc.) I' trying to distort them without fully deswroyJng the 'fomilliar images wh~ch moke comm U~ ii cction p05 si ble "

'I:) t' II I .. .i. h- f 'b -I "

for tcu or y' .surpfls~ng rs the treonnent D. _-a_Gon res

and windows. The windows emerge 'from the lr'ac~a,d,e. plane and have a system a,f sHding ponels [on exposed rolls ...

lndeed, the interventlon ,o·f Jose Luis Mateo is an explorofion of the froditloncl typOlo.glical. concepts and of contexfucllsrn, wiih the odditlon of new elements thot, 'wijtho[u,t delstroy~-ngl the erchitecturol essence of the surroundinqs, give the bu~ildrng a claor end pe:rfectly d lslin 9 u I shoble ide·nh1y ..

En el JJ (icleo ardiguQ d8i pueblo de TOlel/al ei adificlo ~?foyec/CJdo pDj ./osep Uurs Moise) de~ianolto uno activo y a /0 vez generoso ~ e/]1l con to estteclv: y ondulonle caffe en fa que se enccenuc vbicodo. to toco{jz'Oci6n del eddlcio ha obh'godo 01 arquije~:J'o 0 odoplarse 0' una pstricfo normoitvo cie edilicD.cfon en cunnfo a altura mnxir71(}.' penn itido y composic ion de 10 rachodo ,.

[0 tnezcio Funcionol (viviendos siiuadas en 105 plEOS

. ". bl' ~ I J') J

supenores Y sotv« lOS pu· ·.ICOS en los o an~'O'S pa,O's nace

· io vuxtooosici: r j I I' S· f ,1'1'

necescno Q yux aposJclon oe lec.norog,ros, -8 .1Q Ur"lU.z.O-

do una estHJctUIO COfl~~islef1fe en truros tx» fOllies die ladri- 110 en ios viviendo: y esfruc;uro de pI/are:; d!e houyrig6n atmodo en lo plan/e bOlO,

Monipu/an(lo esre hecho, fa solida pone superior deJ edificio potece ftolar por en-elmo de 10 calle. Los lactde.s ole to planta bajo tetroceden y petttuter. que ·131 esoocio publico sa ensoncher Como coosecuencio de /0 eslrrcJa notmotivc; la fochada del bJoque Inantiene todos 10'5 euereolf'pos contextuolisto'S del nucleo anN9~(> de Ja localidad (/argos ventanos, bolcones, s!!e, J e injefl.~D deforrnuf/os sfn lieg(Jr Q desrrulr fotahnente las imogenes rornitiares que evccon yq,ue bcce« f..1Gsfble to comunicocion con la'S edr

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The bUild j'ng cdcpts to the narrow and undu .. , I~ting street in which il ~s locoted.

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De 0 i I of the floor~ ng on the bclcony

On the facade pf the build i ng i- the crchitect atte-mpts to modify fhe ~ merge of such il'ko'r 8-liements as bolconies CJ nd iangl windows ,-

tn fo rOCllC1d'o -die.! 0cfiriclnl p/ arC{lJilc.\:/Q fuego a t'[lo~idicor 10 iItTO,qC]tr cie elefnenio5 «n, IOHlifiores como los bolcones Y' ven/Clnos Olc~'[_'lLlJa.s_



Structu rcl pIa n s

PIanos de esttucnno


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Plano de estrucfura de tos rOljodo5

No -fh..,ecst eleva: ion I Alzada nordesle

Typ~'lcal floor plon / Plan a tux:


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C)n 'the lo,wet' ~evel", which is intended f,or public ~erv;lcesl the, bui~d~'ng is perfec,tly' oldiapr,ed to ,the ,ci1m',ns,ioln.s of the 'street. IDif"flerent views o,f the moin erdrClfttCe ond emergency exi't ore shown on thb; doub~le p9g:,e'.,

En 10 .pode balol destinada a setvicios pDbJic05, ef e1d1ificio se odopta perrectamente a los dim'sn5iones de to calle} octvondo, odetnas, como posible arnpli'ac·,on de ;0 mf.smo. En la.$. rrnqgel1e-s. de esta dobfe pagina pceder, verse dfFerenfes tarnos de 10 entrada pr'ncipal y de 10 solido de emergencia d€t iocot.




I n the· i nte rior the in rerpl Qy of' te.x'tu res, Qiln,d colours ts evident.

En e.{ 'nteric», el ILego de fexlvras y cenotes se conviette en PfolCi9onf.sta.

Cross .secfion / Seccion transversol


Sabri ety (If' colour ond t,extu re ~ s fhl e do m ~ 1r1 0 nt them e in the p ro [ect, y' lor the interior and


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La so·briedad en coJore5 y fextMra:s es 1o nota domi-

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nart'e, en tcdo to rrderven-

cion i lomas del inlEliOf Y del cueipo de, escoietos.

Tn.e ,s~'t1J lr~es ct- the li1ottb,!mr Qf ;9 ¥'Io~te.'.

Tha h0U sii n fa ~m k19S, Gal Ii r:le·(1 r ,form I ' W " ~ ~;e'rv1i c es FiL.ln n :ij r1:§J' il'~f!)n9 -~ Icen'tF1",J s~j.nre, hl.rlet1,fh fhe ,91atiun,d .. -H:Qdl bathro .. oms. AI~(]I~r ~re~ t:be ,&;ttfle~~ ~,m~ tJn:-es,;. whjck r~:lr-" OO~ le the 61 nfJ I'e o'f fh,e :aJt,Si" a Ul ,aw,eU ~ n9:5 '~~~ '®ftr~'Q'§IQn,a~ Iy

P~ I -' n n' a ~ I~ ull ~I:' u 11...1 iCIi ~ i "le - ~ "I!l-i!3 r"i a"~ - i ~·I;F.\ ~ t~, r:.ilf 'h- ffl' If:o!i oi n i\;'i CI.',.~,~ll U~:',,:~ Q.<l"~'~~~ ~ nto ~ se ~i~;jl 9:f IJ; ~~~~ l~~ cr ulll!:~~' I ~

o'nglm,s t~ 'foHI,q.w tn$ rh~ero..brank~

Thle' dweU,[rrngs ore ,~I€lt8, i1hat Ycry '~'n ,~i~e 'rf~0,m ,?n~ to'

'3;'" • -

thi~~le :be·~raQmr·i 'rln'0s!9 'on '~Ipper flc'eJ:'s kH~tng' fe'c.e\~,ed

~y' to kJnd,s o"f ,:,,~Jf:eiFn a,~ 5h~':~ FQC,$e. On" t.~pe is a :stm~' r 5)St

rn thei' 9lq,ps betwt?en th~e blo~'~ .'" w·, ere th'ay' qh«J1Bre langle~ tKen3If:G)f'a no'r ,only Ire5[p?®ndiJ1:11 tm ~h@: sitte but, elsa tQk'ing Q~tilvqntrf,s_, ~f the~ 3~lgfgras,t'erd .FfIttiti'Gn. Tl~u!'s:e'

teirs r., .....l1 +..". ~n',;I!.'1:lII es e [1k~I!;L r)' "~'r' ~~!ti'--"I en ijg'[L ~

&_,""'-1 n~ ~~laiO~ iv ~!I' :lilr~I~C .. ".:J. 1\ilI!' tD'~'II'r:Ii ," f,-: "' 0' ~~:yeKS W' rna

$:pi,n& Q" thl~ bloE,k. The 'othe'r k,rncdl ef- ah;J!Jr,r eeeurs wHhi,rr

~I~ ~ b· II - I,~ pic.; ito B'~ 11 , :n n ~ r . W' , 0 1=, - ~. j, .• "" , ~. ,L.i'~ -, ~ t -

llir~l~ ~ ,I,®e~/J, ~"'~~ ~ n a ~IR~:111 'D.', SJ:~ r nerween IliW'~ ,UF1I, s,

The-Ipll,:o'qing sf lar;ge f~m~~5', 0' ·th~'· i~Q vp~er 'flgG),J~s ~n€i smell ane~ on the BW'o,und miln'im·:z&s; the n,umb~f elf

stGi j' rs re'~fU r r'ad' .

T'k~,,' £om'Ed.~ aUlaJ i ntrlQ wing, E!firenid I profi l'e,';'~v,el,oJ!r5i frQtim, the (n~::€e,s,s 'Itcirs~ ItJn1d, g~lrH;'lr9t),s pf.n~~SH!)n ".;,u~ b,g:l~ c¢~,n,~,e'i., whiiC:I' ere b,ot~ prlQ[ B,;tiedl, out

The 0 ~ t,§'f t: l:o,d Itrl, i mil'Sl if m 0 [n Illy' ret[ 4ller O'n ~ di~-,b,e'a .ri'n@1.

- "I'

b~'Qek4$i but corner ki't'~~e~,iS\ Gl',n s;~clpRdlGlfY 'f'lf(j:mss a,rJEf

c jl!~a :ir, 5~haet' 'rhetg~. An in'~eresf~ng i~n,~Q¥ctiQn i~ 'fhe uS', 'e, Pr ··~fi I i't ~'ICf:.$ ~Q nel~' i,c>r f:1he I iyj nla .. reoms, tF'[;fnsl uc:e1rd ~u* not tLlra~ns:,parent TAil provj:'" 'e,s ple~~ty ~,f[ay!'iE,hf' ,with the vh!:,w 1re.8,~ricted ,tG the e~'ntrql ~~!?,ei~irl9 o~~el~H~~~ 5'C', the t@Jll~n~S, at .• n~lt ,ei ,'ce:s,sirr\",ely le~p€nii:Jd o'n thiS 'I~HJI~'~i~c, ,s[d!g, ,At rli'gh:t the raQmB, ff~t' ;'~c).m wit:h~nl. turn iritul '9111'Qw'l~ng' to)Ve,r:s ~

Lm fjJ.Jen1t1 ".des1cansa en fa pflrte baja de u,J~~a'le.

~er$, viv, ~nttfas ,rit:l~prr;:n ~ntt f(st ]11'0 li{\r;J(jJJ/r G@I' 0,erWieiG5' 'que ~;SG0rr8» tJJ t~dfJ, l@ lorS~Q fp ~p'ifjrJ t~lJtro.jl <ti~btttP2' fi~ lQ~ bd15o.· de to pIs n'o ,/301a. ~ti;xJrte ds IQS 8ff}!~'eJ . S ~n ~ :,~tFe"n05~f. ,~~ue 5~'.'OOrtdn ~ . ell' t· ," 'eJn~,u/o c1ej 16mp/a~mien~':t tQ~,;~ let.s vhtieJ,Gt,--' hon 5";'~ ~J~ne:·e1Qs.' Q ~$€triaJment~ pero rlfvJGih&ms 'e19 unc :Ii(e,r~e, de bl@~JJS~ ,~ur; ,,·'1:tmJ5j'6,11 tie~Q11tJtl/l ',p@ra -S5$uir ef tJ\(fjJ1CO ,del rlil#.

Lt4$,i,'oJ:)4!1tfiJrt1 : m t' ~'r$lrf~n -de tPm,(fjJiQ: ile wn': fiJ Ires h . bJtac toties tz;oi vi "lira J:1da'. . : q'~e.lla 5 que ~ e: e]laU$fj ra Q ' i tu :;~ do'S en .Ii1:i pJ~nrCl ~u.--er!Qr se ~/GtfJJ1:zdn rn€f!diQnte d0 .. , Npt.?s fie cajQIJ' ale e..5GolerC!~ &;tE PerB3: Urf fffJQ aSl wn~ :eta.=:Jiaro ejijG,(£1jodfiJ en 81 Ii ~N8C{:!J $Uug<jo ,entre 105 ,bl~~ue~ ,en el

, ,I~ ....J . ~ 1 ~:\~ f. ~ , d.1

ItJ,r;_ml que. ,GQ'mw.r@tJ t],'r! anglJrG{ no S@lW ~.r.r rUnG/QnJe~

ju~ :. l~n ~/·._~e :;~ '6:;nti eft M $in~ fEim15i"en temcfndo vent·, ·io e:Je Ig f11J'fe€J:l@f1 pr..or;iu@iettJ, f~,~s e~~41er~'$ Co.fiJd~rEf$.ni GJ Ittis: ,riflrff£l(ifiJ$" o umbos plenTo! stJpefieJres -s'n tCJ e..~pJn'Q f!lQI,kitQijt/e, Et ~tio' rfpe or: iiscfiiJ61r0St: se GeoorrollFln en ei ,nre"iotf del ,bioqcr ~:.~'$:9 ~n(£' ·Sfftf.Sn ,s}tuaGIlS' en un 0$~iJ~~ l1uBC:o. entre €los> unir;:Jod~fo~. La ,Q@lo~-9ci~n ,s. ~ 1(f1) vivl~rr" SI~S~ m)i"W<p~'S'~en ~as cJ~.a fEJien1rJ8 8titperio"e~ .y las '¥1e!J'@re.s ~n lQ$f' f2jfJ'I'tt~ bqit;!,s~ rfhirdmizr:tJ, 'Il nvme.Jo' de ea' a lares, t:erq ueri q/@.

El ~t5B,cf@'eWferiGJ{ de lei:' Jilviendcrs ba slela scafuc;f)necjo IrJ@iVmr.:ift;1dOJ ':e~fe ,fan' tD/aqu' s ,de ' utC3 ortan/esi perc fa:J'a ceaiaas j<ituedo5, e~ las 'e$~l:Jingts ~ '~pgJ;;~a~ larSun~m,prtP.i nGlr1 SJ80 re:5u6i-lfos can f<iJmirl(J$ de ,meta/. Uno inter®$f111ts (,nn'QVQcion ho 5Vd:o I.a r;Juti~·ciGrj de pXGJnrtles rie crisiol


Prc;;':h'!i1' ,en tatS 3a/o~i diL eS!QI.' Ir{Jn~/6t£U;i, per. " no. ffi,~rr'SpCi-

rent~., Esto pn8.JYf~OO de ,5ufickef-l:fte ItJz dfll dtf;J (;.-n tas vi~tQ " " ~~~rlngJid(!Js. Q Ids fiJ'~r.fur/ S: jj-r(iclitf1IJJes centrafe$~ rile, (Qflj}~' ~'ute lCi5 ra:S.i~#n t~~ ntj, q li.~dari ,e~Qe$ rVD mem ~ e'~;pue$'tf!J5, De. (Joche~ I@s>: h-9bite:~iGft.· ~ ilumlnm~t!l. rl~s~e' ,&lenfta, Jle ,(:;~n' ifJ'~e'h en ts:rres brillantes.

The iinlerpl1ay or tronsporcncles and cold colours, intersected by the ob,~jq'ue stoircoses, is fLJn,d'a:men'wa:~ to thls projec "t

1··.·· ," v· !!'


En 10 infervenci'6n es fundament·of ai juegd de transporencios y co-ores itios .. otravesodos par los bloques obj"cuos d~e 105 cuerpos de escoieras.


" L, ~:"

Tn, fxf<e:rnal, ·pf()f;le is bused on st'sps :olnd baleon res that project

G'UMorrds,. .

£J perFi I ~ :gterno sed sse rroNa a po rti t de e5CbJeras de ccceso y be/cones ~U;. 56 &l.rayecton hecla e! extetio:

AU -, f t~~le horns s have, been p lenned .Glrfh~gQncllly but divided into, 1Jf1'ib of varryi "9' crn9~e·s ~

TodQ5 t . ,dviendos han sido pJaneodas ortWYCJnQJm,enfe y divididos en uno serie de bloques que cambian

dtii 6n u/e.

I. ~
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Boscmlnr pla'~ I Planfq satono

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Second Boer plon / ,Segundo planta

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Grollnd HOOf plon I Planfa bal:

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0' ,',

At n~'glht· theL rooms, i~lulmin{lted fro',ml 'wIrtnin, become ,~h'~~ In i n 9 tower 5 .

De rccne, los I,obitociones {{urn r nodes se con vietie« en ton as brijiontes,


Los poneie: de cristo! trans/ijcldo permifen ta entrada de suficienfe luz natural 01 inferior de las: vtviendos.

28· .. ·

.' . , ....

Cross section I

Seccion transversal

The,on~y views are from 'the m.Qva~· ble centro.11 opening .. s.

Las vistas quedan restrlngidas ,Q abertL'ras ceattales procNcobJe5.



"A, 'pair 'of 1~~0usin,9 bl~~k,s with i!L~ '::',,~'Oftm,etnf$ m.:if11 f:Qur ,stglrey'~ f so ,that a, mec.nQni'·cclll Ie levtfl]tor' w.'o~~d Mro,t 'n.~',d te ~. 5p'ie'G:~fh~~lft Tha lJI~p.r two stor~yti con'f,~ irll M!p.~snnietl!~:Sf "the ~pe1rtm,~nt,& ~"r'~rr,lB' up 'C>Mer ~:lQth ~lev!0.;ts ~ _ h I.S mea "IS thGit n~flne 1fl1 U'st <su;,~en,td m~'t,e. the·n 'tw~ ;sh~)re~',s tm reach tiru~itrr fldt. Tlhe ,mlc,h~s'ne'~f'e'8 hcrv~a.'t.n O,€I~dl"'th~tr11 r~Qf te:rra,ceir which ,in urbH3lM' O~fe'as, m:usr be

Ii I C' _ d _ II. ';.u II ~f- b _. ,', .....,. ~,~,

usee ~JSr( 91 ~lrS, ~.~ ~~~:l"'!n "p,~~~~

l'Lo ~o~ dI b ' - (.'j ""on' t i, ~', 't~I' ' i ~ Rlf~' ! I~, ~t"!\ ~f~ r~:,j!.tS' , n~' ~" ,,~IIU Y , ,I,~a r I n a', 'C :',' isrr uc 0 n !I i!<I' l~,;/, a s I III p,~ 'I6;,\;;;ti~"~-,¥ I ,"c II~~

JSI~clb 'ry11'eL The i[~iASJ dregs lie aloogs[d,e .&a'G;h etner, 5'0 ell sp1J'Ce!f ~m~ 'e~\~ff~- GI f'hfQ _I~:h rhl~ ~1:Qlm'p,~'~$tl$~ {de'jFtt~ af ,the. '~itJ,i1ldins~ givi,ng. ncdUfel ,Irgh,t the sky in two

~', r~i!""t ot'.'i. t' ,d ,,.. r'A.:mc..!o- k a"" .... , be miFf; (".' Ilv I ~'fI!.

&lI . .1'9',,-, ~naj. eng n~' II ~I~m [11:: 510;:' ~I'I di]€IO ., h.

Th'e ~aire'fully d"S1igned ,aer~i'§) rl~i'llmSr ·the. bQtn an\~1 utin ity, reerns, ere a rf'~~~SJelcJ CU~ OJ un h. 'w'1"t'h t'he~·S'ntra n.~ la,'"by f-o r~le flDtf i.n Fhe' 'fronf of the mcln b(~di~ ef the, b~'iJ~:;, ,j'"~:~IIJ. T,hef kihi'hen 'S,un !a',e ',pc $fcErGi, len lany p:~Sj"fJol'n w·i>fHir.l the~ plan. The' Ho~r oree 'o'f ,'h~ FI'at ·E.~,n hJe inGrl@l(~f§iefd hiy

1IIIiim~neif.' - il 'l~l- _ , n th _ , . th '·I·~I III itr.~

e~IU I I ~ ling rns tau, GQnllSS, .0 te sourn 5,,Iq,16;r e,aC~1 'WI-~

th e' d ~ rrfe n $: ion s Q,f Q te r'~~~lee. Th~e Nl:J1 m·erQ'u:s ,tfJ~:€les s :sll€l'T rs 0f' S I m.p Ie stee I eon st,r u eti~~ n th 0 t ,CI"roe 'm:'~,(:: h b'f~etl TG the. Duildlf1':@) ere' i1ntend~~1 to give' '~he r~i"dents, ,the 'f~e~a,JinQI of ,~ 'f;!"'Br~'~nGI~ G1~cel! to threlr I~~ome, end to tlfatla~n e eenne,~t,jJqn, tQ he' ~'riO'und ~Jalne'. At m0~t tnlr'·,: Qfe' rhre,e flots. on e'mc~1 itair:x::'cs.e.

!<eien ff<G,m the rdfjfi eCI;ch blklCZk hOls €I d,efi'n,ed,. SG,u'fi119~n· o'n5=1 I Q:rthern f~~pse:j' thm,t h:~ve cli§dr': f,qjr'm,Cl ~ IQlft.rer;ceoS in ,re,o'tm'ent and ')~et ha'~le ~ ,~~mn1(Ui ~[~r~ ~irty'. hT fh"a ~jlolle(ftitlIB: I~ppe~ s:torey;s, 'of the :sou',.h rO~'O~6!J tme ~hl,~dL .g, is, of w~1te re'nQlrf@lh~d 9l,QSii v';kila this neftn is

" [_. [ L·' 11:.c. da, · 'I ,oJ 'T--L. II

g;~ven a SKin e~]r rngt~=errQ .. ~ me,rlrn~e fi), ~WO~iU~ ne reS'Vh

t~ IiS' afm,Qs p Rere' is, lo'f c(b,ol mqter i all, ()n th~ we tm 'f€l,ce,' and 'tIC! th;e ~,old si;d:I$ iG' cpplleci ,m 'W'Cl'rrml s~ufo!c:a. The. 1m a. tar ~ a:r~ e :mfp ~ IQo/jed vi lib i Y cf~erl1 astra tfl~ tl1 e ,~s. ty I [s'~'i e tr,a

dit-ion g, Isf the bu iidj ng I' .J

Sa . rofci de. dOj hloque5 d~ vhr,l~ndQ~ con f;parento y nue~~ Q;pfJ· 'orfl PI', 'So cls',"ic,utdG's en c~!rilrQ pl.onj(ff;s" tQS dos' !yJan/~s ': ~1JF?eri0I.e~ CO.rlNen,en vj,v!iCfif4!l~: (in ~f-mo' ,rte" dtnolex. Los roisos .siluQdo3 e'l /0 eene c.umeKAor ~/e.rren

I r"'-;~ jrj:, /}f:_

~etntfL,S r~fr.C1ZJD.i f6 ~u~.en z{)nClS UfMn"d5 ptJede set 60.n"

§icieT@J.dfJ> y~~\" ~ ~n .:rrre,' ,; -'!ffi» de: flS'P,' Gj'b~ st)ie.ii: ~ ,

L ';0: j , • J'

.Q 'Gonstn.:JQCJ,®fJ ,,' uS! !St3P9(:O us !eO~§e.s as uno 'SltTI ~

I ~ .', '_k h ~ ~ J y ~ J' I ". d ~

(fj$'Q is,e Q[fftftJpn, r.OS zonGS (1'9 '0 Vl'v:tatl,{!J nQ 'es,wn

, " ail' ~,. df{S Yl piG( I~ tC9MtQ'~ .derros d~ ~d{tJ, unG' ~ en~uen-

tt;'o oto», rie~SrEan5Qnda l.untQ Q t(fJ sigM.F~tJ' 'Sf. ,de rna "e,~' ~re Nif6lr)$ h~,s ~$pacllrD'" pwari1eln esseodeise o Ie l®rgol ,fl:l~1 C?p'" ifJ~1b ~dfilt ecirh;;t€t.: pe mUlafJt~l(!) qu' /~. ,U:~ nrtftwrOl! entre e~ do.~ rr,r~r!io'le5Jt: kq' .. ',!Jid,rjo' hfJIb;'f<il(lj~t~~$-",6 ~"vic~J €if l)J21i1 . .a )h 1ctr{ ho/DffcfJclrDnes ¥de l150 G~mrjjij, sstQf/ di~p;ues'" to; ~,torn~ tJnt; SGIJrp utftd"Jd/ ibn sl v§strbulD Q1-el dPQrt(JJ~ l1tifnf@ enfrent ... :($/el CJ./erpiQ pN'·' ;~crl elfl ~f'1t;1rJ). EII¢J: sa rQrQ,J 'del aporti:Jmentw pLrsde iM,ererneatr;Jrse elJm/nttnd;p ItlS", "pj0 IC"Dn«s: sobee_'1 el ftu:ka 51d~ cada uniJ de Irl5Jl rh~men~tGn-e~ 'as 10 frr!jrrrJJ~" L-t;;Js. fiuirfyersSiQ,S. e~ Qlera~ de,' aGe.e~ de'

j d J ._J" f,., "'.J f:~ .i: ~

'qcero GJl€ 0', Q$ et: ~I ecplru;io,:e~'ff1Jj ~@Stl"r:;1~ll$ ~ ~;iir j' r~a

re:$lsante& l(D ~efjSeCfGj1 de un aecese t?l@fsenrzJ'/ (D' 5~ v~¥ienWe y ,Mfl1bieH ,~~ ';c rfJ_g.r ~n'~ G:I~i1~ "nOfJ ~I planrfJ cle Ne-


fro. ~~m@ lWQ.~imo, ~'m,y ;fffi~ rellsHQ~ ~ t . SCSfe,rrjJi

\1i~ 8, ciesd e fer GI{) bIer/a: ~cGl'd(J1 bIer:! uS!, N ere u.n o JG1,~h ®, 6J pN e n rrd'ifte a ~ u r' d'h;c~' cJ nQf fe I CGn cia rQS €h.fefenrsi [115 forroo/e..a en JU ,~etldm-;entb pff,rQ, (!~f1 un·tf} C"f3J;€i~Ol: 1rnftaf En Is' prn){s,cci@n de I(J~ y,i\tiief7do:s eJe' las, pronfcJ;:s " .u,;~eriwr res. en ",J for:he. a ~ri6J~tdSO .,' sur det ;ecliticf@ 611 G:e.rrga m4~ntP. ~'.' ·',.e vidN, eJrru~lrQ4 .• O/Q'f1C9 ,mfenfn;f:iJ ¢iUS en' el ""do n .. rt~ -10 pfei 5161 ediffe ~ .. - s :rzia ,meJd~rrEJ '®¢:ntr~r:ha" ~€1~drs1 rr1CJrfn~t l" atrne-sfe'ra resultants es de' v'! .r{1at~dal m4'y 1 riQ ~ I· i~ fer;i1ac1Q Co lido I rrrten I;, .j ~ 'an Bl locleJ. f iQ' e ha' o.plh2Qde; IInQ s-uper#cie.!de rp{1tariai s crh{ids5. to' Fno~eri· Ie.E~ em,plead()s rntJes-tr:an cJo~o men fe 10'5. ,bca~r~s ~stiHsr{~~ tJ§j edt -{~io.



The unit'S 'are ploced one behind the other so that naturall I'ig h,t enters frrom two diijil f"e enl di f

rrec ions.

Dettos de coda vivtenda se encoeruo otic de5- cansQnda junfo a fa sigvienfe1 de tnoneto que lo luz natural entra descle dos ditecciones dfffr" renres.


The nQrfh~;fac~ng facade is ~'otally diad w'~tt sheets o] 'marine p~ywo,od.

to fachoda ol'ientod~O 0 nOl'fe se encuenttc tOi~alrnente I"eveslida con plocas de mode«: confrochapoda manna

Interior elevorion / Alzada intetic»

h d I, h ,,~ _. b I k di

.~ , - .. ' .. ' '". - . - - '. ~. -. .; I'... : ... : .'::' ." .':'.' II . '. ~: ",' ," '.': -

J e mo I~ s rows ~. Ie apartment. OCI, '" ~s-

~ ril L Illt~~1 ~ ,rl' en g' . F~, U' 'Ii" I QV"· e 'III i!!'. w, it· h iI-;Cj; r .. ro c ,,0 Q' .ro 11' '

'!I'_ 1_ ~u ~~r!l ~ I~ ," ro·, .. 111 ~"",;;J .. _ II _ ~;).._.._ .... ~~~I v

t~ie rO;o't

En 10 magueto puede verse como el bfoqve de apo ,~to m en tos se d i:3#; bu ye en coot: 0 planlast ,on tenozos an fa cu.biefta,~


Th·e OIC(:'9SS to eoch cl ·th,e dwellings is by the stoirs siruoted on the outside! or .the buildinq.

EI cccsso 0 coda una de las vivierrOft1S se e.fectL~a a troves de esco tetos situ odos en el extet 'or de' eGJif icio.

Ground Hoor plon I Planta bola






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r;Jum-erous ,5,~ee~ stcircoses insure that eoch r.esident has. a privets enlronce.

LaB fjtJrnerosQS 9sca/eras de oceto one/ados pI ~dffjcio sitven para lograr que coda tesidei1le cuente con ,un-O antra,do personal Q su vVlenda


The t()frcj oreo of the apartment'S con be, increosed, thereby elimrnoting the bclcon iss. locored on the south 'facade.

FI a .. 0 totol de los oponarne: JO$ puede incteme. Forse eliminando J05 bolcone: $i/'uado.') en /~ coio sur,

The, south-jocing fooo'de, LSI c.1'o'd wHh wh ~te enamelled glass.

Los cettamiento: de /0 fochoo1a otietuodc a set son ,de vidrio esmottodo blanco.


J "_"


. ~

iii I,

fl maferial frio de /0 FOChOdc) otiet: foda a 'sur con~ro5ta con .10 cotidez ale /0 locnodo i IQ'Ils.

~ I


- . ~.'"


T ,8 design j' - D(UUil~ typor:agi[j)clily on 'fhe, e;dsfin9: ·~iiUas in the· n'lifdghbcurk€),t5)cj, trcruso11Tled into onClth'E!r des~gn ignguage. Us,in,g the steepJi,y S~O(Jlh119 s~t~t 'h'e hou:se, has three levehl, en 'I e 9,or,den side Qnd JQUlr en

,the street' sriJde'~ The owne,r.,'1 C1PCI rtment is $,i uaJred on th e two upper floe 5, 'wh.i'fs,t thna8 sece dory . pprtrrrent&. ore, on thm [owe Roo,~sl en drrecty accessible by s,~'p(Jro,fe externg s~CirG;CS'eSih A bar el roof CQVe:fS fhe. ful.len.g h ~iv]ng TQOm on tt"le top floor.

As, f0r the compositlon o,f fhe fa~CJdes, thew,o mow,n fro'in "'~ ,~, les,. CVQlr ['oaki ns ~e $freet c di th.. ~; - Irden I' hlt:lve 'a mere epen, ti1ijoIP!ncns:os, cQnfi9[Jra.t~on then th(u~~ an'

he sides, These, more opaque fa~(]:de:s toke .a'dvan~cge o·F ~he II,olpe of the' lend .0 ~gcate some o'f' the fliS'ht, oJ steps, that pr,oV'i e ,dc'(:·ess tm the voriou,s ren ,ed Q'l~a' t .. ments, The' fa~CJeJ.e which iloaks, out over the Q rden hes four ~e,y,e~s, ,c'na on i the main s,'tainif{lSI9: end some ,of the


~CJ~cJonfes in ~he ~'p'Drtm.enfs c,re ~Ie,ft exposed" 1he I~cr"er

are strategically p(tsifiOined thanks to tihe vo umetrie orrcngemBTit olf the buildi ng.. The me in 'foc- is of ettennon, howev.~r, Is the 9'lc!t5, st,-utture, ~:Qeate,d 0n 'f' '. smo-

'~ileI sl'd,e's,.~ thQt mL~ke\S WID' tli,!! fop I~QveL Nat only ,dQes It 9 ant the b'uddh'9 i'ndiv~duQnty ~n~he ,face olf ~li iPSY" 'cholQ@~ca~ enviro!nment but it sive! ,gr,9Gter 111eight end n(]turc~ luml 'o,5'i~ to the ~o~ 1~'erve'll 'wh1~h '~hus becomes Ilh_ most .spcce in ~he: whole erehltecturo] cOimpo:s:iti'on.

r:::/ d· - '_dI iIo ~. r ,~If' b d i ~ ~ ,,!! -

C . jsenOC] (J6I. 19"5.'0 VJ~h'e'nd'o es~a' :'QSOi G rlpOtog~'Camen-

teO eM fa:s ~ r~fr lsfenfe' v.lllas del v cJndCEJrfOt ftlero 6 petrrir de un n~evo leng' 'ale e~ ilf.itico ... pro, en/rondol I esct1- lonodo pend"'enfe del 50J~~ al compJejn residranC:;Jol presents fJ'Si n{vs!es no'cta 10 verHe.:nf:e' d f /,GJrdfn Y crJ'Qjro r.rSOfD' :raj tfJafV ¢~ ,~ Qi!J1Je tds p"ropJe ~r{" '. ~I ~lfi~i(J hahif~n j,:5 a/o's . iveles ,super'ofe-5, mientras qu~ en los plonf. s rrras altos 5 . !:}u:on res aporldmenfos secunda(fvs~ fodo,:; ~cces~bl 3 <ifrettarrterl te mersJi:pln Ie escale' .Q~ eX((9ri'orss inds'pendi.enfss. ,[fescJe une per.spec,bta exletio; des OC(fI 10 9rGrJ cubiMc abovedad'o glue CUbfr!] 10 solo d es'ar clef Piso' sUfJerieJf1 . n S,~d 10' atidat:J

F:tJr 10 q UfJ J"e!SlJeria d /(;J' . Qm PO,~ici6n d,Q fdcha ... S:( 105 rzJGS frentes ~lincipales (colle y fordfn) Ipr:s5.sntan U/1GJ ClDl1- ffgufotbrin rrr', reJoterto "1 aidfano en comporaciBn ,0 105 (Jlzaoo' , 10 ere/ell/. masdp,at!~'Si y T:r Je:5- C1 '13 S o~" rovechtrr el desnfvel del terr,eno para utnc· r f1/~unas de las! esa'rSlterQs' que don ct:ce~o e IO~5 disNn D'S tJ{i)t}'rJ(]'n,enf{)'S de a/qui/sf. [a Fcmh"cldo que dfJ hcciG ell lardrn ,,~~ cupl~Q nive~!j~ dei"o {J 10 v.isro e( n(u;/eo prfnc.iRol de e$CC/er05. y aJ§vnas de fms tettazas de 105. 0f30 te:menI05, e5rrrJte9jCQ~ rtlenfe ~b;c· ,t:1as '§roc.ia e it! 'ifOfJ~'g~rocioh ~Q1Lrmfltri~c GJ~eJ eoifi'cio ,Srn ,~mbQr§a~ lt1 mOJ=;imCJ D~encfGn tecoe en ~l cuerpa. Q€ristaJodo- situocio en sus ~ados menores, que eonfo. me) el n{, el s~)renbr. Con t!iIlGle CCJl~igu.e' ~~ selo lnr:iivitfUfllizQr el etdifrcro &:e'nte 0. 51/J enfQr.n,c' ,p5ievh59ic(D, sino rronse,guj'r maroi aliura ~ lumifJD,sidao natural .en e! nrvBI ;;iupettor, que se '€Gnvierle ·en el eSpDGfa mdJs. ottoc i:

V~ d~ ,G.on/uf'1ro ,{?j'f'!.uilectonico..

A 2:'

~ •....

I~fzado nOI Ie

1 :200

South el'e,vati on '.

A/zoolo' sur

Eo,st elevation.

1 :200

'West elevation.

l\/Zddr-' oeste




!~ -
, 8 I ~ 1 ~1 .


1 I
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~r-~ _._~

IL~. ~

.-;r __


--"' -


First Hoar pia n I Pttmen: plante

Second He,or plon / Segundo p,/onto

'lh:is double, pagel; 1Nv'o views of: the' moin stoircose on ,the- facade facing the 9iorden, N'ext page:: two ph ,0 tographs of ~he large livi'n~g room on the tOIP [eve],

E i b' '>'. d' "~' d' I ; . J n esJ'o dO,:}9 paglno, cos Irno'genes • 'e cuetpo prInClpOI

de escotetos de 10' fuchoda del lardin. En io 5igu;en''r2t~ tios tomes de 10 gran solo de es.1ar del njveJ supisriof.




ln the melsenelte c~~'mlpi~e~ by He,n:ke/Sthtei'e€k In H,ehrn'cls, the. tfn:h itects compensqte for the' nq rr'owrf~§I',

I I .

mm,fil'(;iSe,d b " s:rantiar6Jized f100,f pl~lcn "si,'z.e'i biy maki~lg a~'1

II' ,. ., ~ ,j, , ....J [I " IL· '1'· '0' b -I

fJ'pace ~rl~ml'dShlons las. If):pen Olnltl W ~*u~):.,~ ·as P:f?S'l~ ~', e

'~hroiU9h the· redulChoa 'of aU thr;e:shcrddls land !tati,G f~Ka""

~, TI.. h"' 'h ,_J - h·' h I·'d~

t:~o'tL nelre Q,fe ,'610m,- - Ili:~ I eoors room- Il,g - 5J' " J"9 po r-

~ ~ ti 'on s I' r,og.fn-h'i Q Ii ,!!J I oss Wlr;i I bt, i n:.s ide ern d OtJ ts ide; 'rh e re ere ne lintels, ne poropets, no ~hl"ies~01~s~ Th &S G~e'n~· n$Js Qf 'stntc:tur,e' GffFers, poss i lDi'[Ui,es that the tenia nts CQ n I

f,· - h ~ h ., Il, I .~ ,. , • .J ~I

'd'l course, ,Ine",tufui tGJI t -I~ei'r own, 'l'gnl!Y InglrVI,~uall

d S·I~d" L tt ,,' L~" -.JI :1\" ~., - "...111

nee s. .: .. u .: In9 S~!U aes, ~~, ,: ',;~ s IQlnel ~lagg~l;s. p'F,eVI'~e

seV,'er{l~ H~ .erin'g la¥ers: b,eriWe:uan pi .b:~~e, spOfce 'and prlv,r:JIfJ,y, The hp~s ins corn plex eon'ls'rs, gfr '~Gl wi nl'gs ~hc1t lmle;,st ed e corner: ,9 sou'~~ern WiAI9lw~:'~~ \ frotn ga, rd'en}l, whQ',Scs m,OniSOlnl,e·tfe dwe~,lingi e~E,ho the lrhythnrr sef by ,the'

fal'c,~d.e·s df ~h€ neijghbtlrring ®~,d,eF ibui~~ding$J 'and () wes.tern w'ing with flC1ts 'rJndl sihops 'f,acdng the stre.t

The, €Qrner area in Ibefrwe~n, - alwGl:ys cli'frFiclJ~' 1,'0 hcnd~ h,~ in 'terms 'erf a H"oor pJlal n ee is: h~~:ken up b;y on 0 pre 11 en~rClnt~E! h'dll crn,d sfc i 'w'(ell~ that s,_e rye sa' the glgtle and


pTvo·t oJ the oecess ~)t,tem. The 'col.lrtyar'd 'f~Ci1cClpe ~f the,

m'lQiac:nleth!s f~et\JI' es IQc:cess Q'a~lerlI85 wjt·h glo5s, reefs thet rece\~" Qlh the hi,g' Ie fl.$iors to: admrf' more, Hsht t1n~' C ,i r to' th e 'co U Irty,a rrdf.

'ine sU~'PQrt'i~g s,~rucfure consists Q,f cencrete. Des.~ ~te the dmmlcnlas fnGl,d,er can insulatjOn tDdoy crio,ss-waH5j~ 5Uf?:po,rts end fld,Ors. nmlv.: l~fee'n d~'i9nm,~ in sue - c way' rhot: ~h9 she rpl Q ppenrcnee of the CeJ reoss has, b:a,en pne~ 51$r·:y~d. Ctn1th'lL:hi~lu'5, DeaenlWQQd froors, froshed !Jlas,s

d~ , 1'"'11,.,.,1 [; ~~~..J I, r n i !l'u ~,B .:J ~'II b" ,I i n 1"'1 - " ~ ~ """m·.-lll '. Vl , • d- . 0

eers ~lr},[l h,uili~{:l' J,U. _~III ll'~ I~'~'Y='IIIL t, 'al.'~' rC:h,,;,.', 'UlfI",'I,' ers

cQ'nfi11 ue, fhe the~me· of openness cnd s!po,c:i,Q S.I e;s~, even in ~h,e queHtry o.fthe.: detcUs.

Ed el cQnlun~ res ,'C!lencial reonsfl uidfJ) par Henkft Y St;Prr~ieck en Her(Jor~ 10.s' r:JrqJ;)ftecto. CQm{liU1-S0n kr I01CLt fjd~d impussio p®F !eg, ,medU,.¢r::; ,·~}tBndar de J~s PJtanf'(j:~ iipoJ convittiendo led limlJa'Cjo..n~e'8i e5p~·, toles en '10 ma;) Q,~iert{j$ y Re "b/e$ PQ$lb/fJ5 y ~fidtJcfendo kxies las umbraiss ''1 ffjQ,qo,!e" ~ ,f?!st¢NsCJ$;.

Lao p ueft(ll~ s&fle/e:rfie:ntQs~ serDo rodores eesl,z,gnte! I ~ p¢,F~d,*~ tie Grfslat .tanfo denffo Cronirat fu,era ·que Gcupan t@e1fJ le 'IiUfliJ ~e fa; habntlCian. No hoy ,cfilntel; $, antep~ chG~' ni umbrcr/6~'" E;S,Q abertufrtl d~ 10 es~J"uc-lurtJ e ~n pdBnclo,j qjJe las inGfu tn0s PfJeder.r~ par .jupu,eS~Ot oelaP"' fmr tG] .311~ neeesrr:;lrnde:s· inf;/Jvrdva/es,- Pers]enss co[rederos, (N.lompgf,Q.$ )? golefro~ oOierlt1.§. aOKH)n COJ7?O esfrtJt~ $'~~ rgdores gntr9 91 espo'cio ,PubfirSo y. sf prrvQcio.

Ei ~or1i ~je/o dai'f?d, forio consi~t~ en dos alas que 58 eneu~~n ran len un: e~gjjf-ng: una sr'ruddM e/j el lad· . .5.U1; ,oon UfJ jC1rdrn deioRl'ef ICUYO: jm'orJ.~n oontfnu9 e1 rltrruJ itrfpUesrw {:Jaf ds 'ac/~rJ'[da~"'de IQ edrfic'as vecinos yo axis~enf6$l y' fa ofro si' " dQ~e-n '.-: J Ibdo ,9~fe :€Qn 0r:tartatn~err,tra;§ ~ comercies) que mir9.rl direqo'meoff£ a 10 e'- Me.

[fJ ~Q,n:o d~ -en(Et:Jenire> de 19's dG~ olo's -uni@.n sJemprs , . rffc} I ~r1 fermin es ~~ pis. nlet- ff'rJ srda Qcupada po - un wesHbwfo obi vto y un ,nuf;Jem"de esmhE,rCJ:J, 'Q'Ul(!> ,sir-v€: clff p~}e' to de: entre, dCJ r: eta prin'CipuJJI ,del sl'sfsnrJ.CIJ e!e eccsso. If] J _' 'fuJen' tiu '61' '"e .dO ./ po~jQ se ,ituan lal g,oierio$ de acof},ida Guhierr67S trOll :enstal y _'tqU~ 'er~{3ted&n en I&;6 fJ1;sos: mas aIres: para que 'al pG'Ue lIegve mD.i fwz y ~oite.

to ~Sfff1dtJJ(§J (!4tl)J 'fJnfe-· es eJe harm 'g,on. AX p~~~dr de i@s: re' uisitrts. df!! ifurnln@ {an, 105 ,te.,f~rOJf' $.,bpQtt~t ');A farlci'das han,5.;I'{1o disenados de to} mliJ.nera que: 10 'EJrJrtJrien~'ia i "n9,uL~ de' Ie ~nvDlve.nte quede pfieservoda 5uelo~ eonfinues de: R(jrq,cJJe;:j ptJ~RCl.s" de ll~driC) hr;JsbJcid~:) y mue~e~ h'~ch'@6' a mealido r=!H!tuan¢o, cerna ~epCtJ(G~(Jf.e·1i ,d.e e~QJGiiQS,1 c®nf, us· ~on eJ em(J de fa epeJ""'u{(J yes.poci.G5idad eM ,~utJnfc" 's la' ClfJ/~·rif;l' cd~ los deJoUe~,.

The top MIa photographs show views [of' each wi'ng of the residentiol complex: on the ~eft, whe least block, shewi ns'" a I SOl the, outer n ucleu S of stc ~ rs th at orticu lotes 'I'h e two wit1,gs,; on the right, the south block facing the 'g,arden, Bellow, the facod·e OIJ the south block,

Los fotOgfOfios supetiores n7uestran dos fm6g·ene5 conespOlldienf"es a coda una de los oic: que conForrndn al complejo residenciol: a io izqvierdof el bloque e$~e, en

no imagen que deja 'r,a5Iu~ir el i ucl 0 exietio: de escoteras que 01 Jicr;ia arnbos cto»: y el bloque meridional (0 10 der8choJJ enfrent:o'do ot jar.dln. A,bojol alzada de e!';t'e· uhirno.

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Thes,e. three photographs. ShCiW' the 19re-at degr~he of' fl.ex~bi!Hy or1d openness with which

+h ~ n if"i"" IL ~"~~iI"",~.~. IL a ~ .~~ f" 0 I ';;~t:l df +:l 0. t"" 0- m" Ip' oF'!; IC' " t·~ on 0- J: u ~ 'I,;;;I1..,;.,.rh~~\..·u..:J· n .'!f~ 0',- hf~' Ilfljv.'Is.;:1 I'.'V';';;' ~. i or

fgGC d.,s I p:erm ~ Iti ng. the te 11101 nts 'to 10 d 10 pt th e ou't'~r structure to their individuol needs wit~O,lJt d j,sllulrbi ngl the ge nero I rhytJh m of the -rCH!.Q de s .

tufas IreS imogenes mltesiran lei ampifa de flexi bilidad y ooenuu: co n que /05 orqv i teeI~ hart resuelto 10 composicto« de facnodo'5., to qu,e permit-e a 105 inquf!inos ad,opto"r to estructu fa ei(f~riol" -0 SUS" necesidodes fndiviciuale5 "sin perturbar .el r itmo' gen e raJ de tee a is: a do'S ,

<niv rstta tea Te h rdefi I,,,.

[) 1 2




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- Facade [o;f the ecst block olnd detail of one o,.f the 'j nterncl corri dors.

Alzooro del IJ/oq )(i! este y detalle de uno de /05 corte,dOi.8.5f il teriotes.

Coda ~'fJquifjnc) cueoto con una enuoda per~9nalJzod9 a 10 que .ss accede o'e'sde el cuetpo general de escoletos.

EClch resident has a person 0111 entrance w'h ich is. eccessed fr.olm the g:en ero I ,5.'t'CI'jca.,SIS,;.


ln~e composition of exteriors fcrv,ours the, spotic] quol~ty Cl1'd the ~ i9 hti;ng o'f ,the interi Of'S,

La comoosickx: de extetiote: beneficia I,' cal/dad eso» cial y 10 tuminos/dod de los lnteriores.

,5--3- :,

I, .'. _'

Site pJan /' Plano de en1ptazamiento

Ground floor plan I Planto boio

First Hoor plan I Primera planta


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Upper level floor plan I Planla nivel superk»

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longitudinall section

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This, pro,'teet F'ir,((~'e,&e,;,§, ,the reimtiQn ~e'1wI,sn '~tl diffe,~ rent ry-pet$: s"i1:1leAi~J lhe:~rvY' -buJ~'ldilns5. Q'rf~ 11~1'~t-1 'QJ~"triva $: n~~-

!Ii Th '~ !Ii f ,.~ ,L. "Id"' "'h' ~.,

'1IUrEJ.S!., Ie 9"eneraJ conosp,'~r G~ q mIIU=:rfjl~. OI!JI <)If1rIQI Wl~'.! qqt'l~

VI, ,sh u~'t~:re~ i ~ ,g d:i'fflef'E~Hlt wc~ I~:f Q~ta inlng ~;h.e \((1J r'iet,)t

.. .J IL I.;., II. I~ ,. f-' fb ' •

.. r.e,q,ulrerJ ~:y tnQ,: p:fgnn~Ag r."~g',Y~(d~~n,s., la -: tie, City

3. i lell!lt bu[~d [1~'9 ~~ Q lI'\(e sfu gP'e. tat 'iR,'e urb'on spa~(f ~'n,d pelrm'U' t.!J~€.8S,S 'l,~~t 'i);e (j'p1err'r ~-I.rnt.s th ro,uJ~rh the intsri'~lr .g re~'If,iI' Z\~net:. TJIHe I d,ad-b.§¢lJi n"g· . @McrrJe $'h~'Ucture ,Ras tb·· EI~ fCt!C101 e6, ir,n whrh::.h the·' J'e.ninlr:ls, .al~e tepe.~:rt,ed rhyth-

i 'Il~' r . h ". · · h . ~ d dl L

rmeo ll~t \WI'W' varloftlons' UlI tie:.: Wln:- oCl'W& one Ion t"n·@

[,SIQ~,;. T~, $'lruI~llJrgll <)y·-~em Qnd '[f,e IS~lenin~ S. 8hl'~tl 'uni-· ~ue.~ ~el~I'~L~Us',nl' tih.~t erCJ:M· o.nJy' b~ ~reaTe.~J on, ths :sc~le' Rf: the . ity~ With the 9€,oncC)'my@f ~, 1~lr9.e flg5.~ d~nth'i1 - ~u i I .. idi'ne 'it h~ ,been p,'. §i,l:de to ,dtltfin in~~vhdlHJlio/, It is

i rn F-1'ort:a n t r:f!J IflO i Ir1Ht· ,~.u t th~lt 1 rf ~h e le~ rl1 ~,~!!x W ~tli· 1 90 re';s i=

JI ~ I _. ,IL. o~ d'~rf - b ,qd'·

U\ent!c,~ tUiHms juer,e are '?;,u" ure er:ly ·_I:LH~<·.lnm 1y'pffSm

Ilin' th[s p,re~fle't spe~.ial im,~'Qrt~inc,e" has beSf1l fji'len 'tOI ~,G)\:mlmun;Cli lS,~~~e, which i'$ nO~rl"aUy re.d!ll,ce.c1 ~d, Q rf(jhi~ mum lin re.,.~de",Ho,! ~ro~;e'c.:t.;I, by dle¥-e'~o~e'rs bJzg~y.s@ ,~ hal H:cU~Je ¢om,m·'arc'itCi~ \1Q!llJe. However, In this, C(!1"SI~l The

bl' ~ ,., '. -,II b . ~ . . ~ ~~,~):d" !!jILl

pU n,:;' it~'Q!I€ 1·5 :cs~:,nec~~v~_~ la~ ~eunQ, In~-,eerl~:~"eQ rn ~[ne

eorn p~~~it;y Olf' the" p~ Gl:C~ c,nd o:f, GiFU~it1 ~ i rn p0HQnE~ fer The r:&S,i:'~9n;t& of the' nm'w ci~. The:· two publi"c ,Q'" ~r~' opan to, 1'D·n ,th-e· mernbim.,fS' c:f' 'tl ie rle$ide.ntidi~ cG1ntrr:u}J .. , n ity,. The ~S~l~nle ha! 'beerl ,~rf'Gng ~q f? n hN"O. d 'ff '~'r~'rE't levels oDo;Ve the, ,G;fgr PGlrk. The Icue:t[ve rooms di'fmj'~9u.e w],t·h 1r;he ~.ub.,II~ S'Pi:l"C!Et 1: nv~ r.~ n mant~ wiu~!h funG.ti~Qn~:1 Py r' ~Im.sei!l h.~V'~ been 'i nehJ~ed I slv~h :Q~:SI 'mm€tr~ n~J ~0tOmS t


which '~~e,n I.cced·ad h~ 'f~e p'ublil~ 9:~Jrd,en \hnk~ o:n m I~(jr:

ti~.l:Jlgrr cihfl~rd,e~:er,. TlrHi" pi~bl i,e eerv,edere, Si"frlH:fted at the t~,p Q'f tH~e l1~nicclinl'9i. !QP~·ns ~h'f;! ,S~0,ee contel ,the p·",·'-ro~c-

f' T' L b ,..J 11.: A If · · l· • h ,i ••• L.·I

m CI 0- ~ ,0 ~y19 ,'tJ ¥ ell nll~t ,~;~~o tJ I"1I't; UI;~ I· 'W tlrl·C . liS VI S I ~ e: .0;!M

e~'ear ~ibyl"l' Th1e fss'ul;it is the creICl'Nsn Qlf eJ ipu!b~.k: ~.f1t1f:e

• .~ .'- :' i ~- . - ~ ... - !i~~,~+. -"f . '" i~J~., 'n-'f };...I'l, --:~i - . Ie,. '. :"1 n ~ IH ~ -

In a ~nv:m~;~' n91~ G r, ~~lQ,e' '~ll ~Iln~ ,Q·mlmler:G:II\.ot11 tt;),e'~c

. .

E f c®n'ce pta "g,~,IJelQ I dfB~ t~tdJ fr ciG 0 lien~ ff!4·$Q "C®M e~ rruC!~uffiJ), ¢ffJj~as yQ u~,tt f~fmd GliR ,"enre Je' 0~ errsr tal ltorieW'o r;11t1~eri'gjo f§f-~r~j P. ttn@. regtul .' r;:lsr . e IG r;:~'{JdQ -;

Los edificlos :tffsnciosJZ):") alan forma cd eSftJo.c:@ urll,snQ Y


perm' 'fen, el aC!t!p,$Q· 0 le& 0 porfrflment0S a 'frr:;iv@Ti! d~ If!f

zQrr' Vff!Hrle fnf&riQ,~

Lq 1e;5f(tJctl.jra FfJr!if ante de hor:ml9JiJn tlene r~:3ihoCt$J' m~'r;i~ .z~~ J9n JtTJ$ qkJ'e IG8- o'bl9: N:)r.@:s S9 repi'rsll rffrnioCt.menJ"e (C0Cl ~O' i~GiGf"~ 'en 'i~nff)_n,m~ y oljhJeffCJ)~ Et 5i$"~~ e'$,r.rrJflt~L c / .'y (p.~ -o~er'tura8 pfD~le'·~lo·n ;U!151 sens', ~r~l Uni(';el quet PId,f1j® reQh2fJtJ~e d/a men te· (1 Id'ssIT.sJa de ta cfudod, A$II 1tGlfl ieJ 1'c~ ~rntd rI~ ty}l ~;1iJn ~tiihcf.0 re~~icJfjnci.¢i1 110 'idb FleD,1 ~/fj; CiJlJtefJ&r' una: gran {1f.ltdiv·GUp!icfGcI 5~ irrrPQ tonte· ,de~.t(jJ6Gr rque :en@} cemp/ej'o 60n 1 ~ unjdad,~~;:iC!:d~s- psfece·n Q'J, nptJ~SJ;QS e;dlficatarass 'c1isNntifJ&

En 'Ef"s~e rJt(JJ¥,~c.~, S$i' fJ ratnblJid~ ~~~gioi irnpor!tjtt;Gfb 'oj 'ssfJGcio pel/JUcol ~N0fma/mente ~ 1 los prQYfJPttps r.~ll.~8 n~} aleJJ pj,fQmlO vJciGJS po. ,ernpfe'SQ'$$ in llJ o·,b; Ii Q rkl5, ,el

$.$;t:t i~. c-or-nun S.~I t&€lu~e' of mfnrmdlt p~r~ve ti9n-e pat:A ·v(:t/.:e'Jr 'Ogrp~f,c"f@t En cam,~i€${ en e:se ·e&s·tp! sl 6~E'io \ f(J,1iierr& sa concibe como ihte~.rGJdor ·@h lei compJeiidad :deI11rlge'f y ~e ctueic;J! 1n1,ptJl,tttncitJ POlrl lets rBIS/dentel, de·

kl nU9\;1~ ci wdoud. lt~B, cia! /pr€h rl~; ~'d;dr. @~ f!$i:pn f3bJel~§, o IOJ"iie;,.) 1m3 miembros de 10 00munida:d asidenl.'et. 1:1 ~~ptlJ'~/a ,S$ nm rcfJlai&"oos ~n r;las. nivei!es dif&renfS~ 1'&1 eJ1.tHm,s· J~e lp Zf!f1·&} 'GJe:§NnClfl~ _~ Q~H~amiel1t~·, Lr,;is· hJ!l~'ltf!IJzf!J,)e13 ,ac.' \!d~ dldfcrQt~Hl COil @I espocie)' oofrlunitrlJl"io, Se h51n

~ ,

i " «/ujdb.~ GJm 'f -' n"' -'is r§'on rie'5Nno's ft.:ulctonaies td/~5 £()mo

~@A.$ de relU1;TJn~s/ '/0, cvo~e~.r. Cc:ADCf:J~@& en el Ie -cJ~n p6bllroj ed~ut§Jfen tJn oCfJl!qcter 111rJY' ;e£p~fr;;tl. t ~'f"~Jclorl '.situ{jd~ ,en to PQrte otta arid 8diflcjjD~ ab,R3 el e$fJQc 'Q sf Fl' nSfO(J1G1 {fie fbi <"-~./ 11i:Sf Gte TS~iGiry~§j1 mc~t'f~ Fuji Y.5:_b~ -fi


~;~ rdoreg .. }~I res;u/to¢(o ~I .ta re;rJJji2Q·r:;.ie.N'~ r9f51 un ~l#l;ici0.

cGmtlAiJ'cr!a't2n wn p.r(')re(!J~ pdltlcul.Q( ,~e csnsfrtJcrr::/ofJ F~sj{j~ntrr;J1 '? ce. . e:'o;io-/.

Open spec,€: has been conceived cs on i' n h~:g n:.1lt~v,e e lem eo nt j n 't he,

. omplsxity - 'f' .J!.1k- c'i~'~ end n- t"'I

co '_:_ exnv 0' me ;.}:!IU~··':~'I:_, cs ~I

point """'f erucic] imp .. orto n'r-e" Ior ~!h':'D

..... ·!:,III[I! \""'!, .'. ··!ir..oIY I' ." ,',_ '~:. II, ,~,

res ~d€'nts of the new cHy.

,ff espocio obierf~o se he concebido como in~,e9rador -tIe 10 con7pie/idod del lugar y punta de. crucial importoncio para 10.,;5 f'es.jdenlf_~s de: io nueva ciudad.



The oip~'nin8s lore repe-a'~ed, rSEularliy oJong' the ienglth rof the, 'tn'iJdk concrete rfa,cades I

Las aberfuro5 ,se rep/len titm icamenle en las del' ~sa5 Fochad,s de 11ormfg6n.

Site plcn I Plano de 6fnplazamient.o





'. J ~. _:



l r .-,,---;---...,----t


lEa Sf elevation

Alzada sur

Alzada esf'e

Eas'l-we~it lonqitudincl section / Seccion long' udfnal esse-oeste

" 1 ?:l Ei 10tn

I ~ I II ~ I

~ n ~ i ~

cI .Hio·1-!t) ~ jQtl

In I,
I I, ..... l--T:::>

~ l- I
0 .--
t;F- ~
2 I-- ,--- r I
~UJ~tml 1'"
D DO DDDDDDDDfl ] l D D [] 0 •
I I~l[ I 0 DOD 0 DOD DOD 0 OJ D ~ 0 0 [ID[1~11

. LV'·
.l[ J IJ hOD ODD 0 D D DOD D ~O [l 0 0 LJ [1111111111 I

,..J..... ~c .... n ... n ... '
~L...J-JLI 0 D DOD DOD DOD D 0 [IJ il n II I I 11~llllm

~. tIl ~I J~I! ,-----
:~I' . I 1 1 Il J , I s I U ~ Ir

I ,,. '!!!! ~. - ~I
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I l II
,- '" _, • '!!j • • '" 'I'!> I - ' .. .. ' -r ..

I V'" d t .. · .," f th

'." • " .. : ,,:-.: I .:-: • '1"' -,' . " "'[1' ....... '. . _- '. [ •• ','...". . • .' .' .' 1 ••

. I ew an: oxoncrne: nc project on ot _e

pub ~ ~ c bel veda reo 'Cit th 6' top O'tr rh e bu ~ 1- ding.,

lmqgen y axonof?lefda def mirador publrco sifuado en 10 parte alta Ide) ediricfo,;

N0d~-so~th ilongi'tudiln.all section / Seccton longitudinal notte-su:

o 0 DOD 0 0 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiII DDDDD DD~--"""'I o 0 0 0 0 0 O..._-----I

DDDDD DD~--"""""" ODD D D ............ ~-----I

~~~ I-~~~~~~

ODD DOD 0 ~----ldl...llll-4 D 0 00000 D,ODDD DD~~~-I DOD '~===----I DD._., ---ODD


The oreos set cside 'for comrnuncl use stri-

k . -- - d- ,I, -II "tl "l- - b~ ,I,

e up ;0, r ~al~logue W~ n me P,U'IilC space ..

Las zonas de-sUnodo5 d U~105· comUI,'tori05 dialogan con el espocio pllblico,

• 1





o ,5 j 2 I I I J

3 I

5-11 J

r[ I I r Q125 '5

I 10

I 16f

los D,~ f'i 'n ~~~, ~}< ~~,(I :b~Ji.eJ i nl~: ~ O~IQt.,rd' :i F1. '~'" fa ~~'n i ,gtg

8'albcHl :on the cl@d.,i~ 01 ~'C.'rl.lo,miC ~1ty, Th,e bd'e~f reclo~te,~ .' 'tne] :c'rEtli:lfiojJ '~"f '1'll2 dwe:!II,~'n9iS~ p}0.1f~~rr9 'al' .:l~!· ~_Hi~ ,~IIC&S'i 1 S:Op i:~l~um~~a m;··hfes I~f .bffi~c·:· s'J1shce fjn~ :~dlr,g.~ Gom,muni.!y a~e;',QS)", lh~ gJrce' di'ffi'culty in ,t:h,~~ dIJ~~iBR of' the· 'bouUdine WCtl .. d'elgUnm 'wJth ~he vlQlurnEffrl G,tr "s:~ch a


,d, ~v'ers;~;y ,¢:f ri~C! w i r,sim1t,n t s ~Jt~ 'tl1,e a v'~n,~ i m M, SI J·va.rll to!

mlok~nQ mi1j ~h"~ 'a~'c:JI~h1i,ei~t ~"'tt.~ ·fo'lf}e ~1f1tJ ~f:I~M~ r,. T~h;e's~~ PQFGim,e:Ju'er,~ ~'r',e n:;lf1leGted in ,~'he i,~]ghr t~rr~i(rn ~"f: the

~Q~~ns, tn ,Orda1r ·tB· p~r.mi' Ci~ll t~~'= ·Qpaflm.e~f'S: "Q F.g~~ •. , 'fn~ d·es~i Ffld v'J eW5 and' t~ .i~~re~ SFtt~ther. frDnf t0wef 1J~',~m' b,IA!1"

~ . .. - ~. ·,m ~O:- n-'" ~ . ._ s- ~ - I~J

~jng the ,4e.w IIDf' thee one thot Is ll;e~eded [0 fhe'mo~t

~Q.$ifi on of 'r~:e" .~;ite6.,

The' ifrlJc'~WFe ~:f fhe lllh~ima.r:~' tJ~WQj,S( iI~s' ~f' {'lS:Q, ~F~t~ a,nd ct~e flpor slebs are ~,t),sl~,st,·r:es~ed. It WI~; d~~G.,i';.ed te

~. .. e- - ~ .

[~ ht~e t~~ !rttu ctu ri ~I ntl~JceJ srn ~,~ d 8 i,~ ~ fy hy IGlI· e3:

Fr;JJ~ J.~tGlI 60~~ ~~IQ~ ab:sS:.f'~iS~i~1 ~:he Porit:es .Ipf:~th_ !pro~e~fi T~~i§ str.u~~trural selufion pfov;j'dl,e·.s I~ ,'f'nae 'Ac'0r if'~ce "W"llt~ a ~~~'nJli'le :~ef ,Qrf e®lu'mnlt It!Jt rRJ,e' per~mmef mind n'oh~t["tI,t~

H ~

h~~l "19 I p.~ rf ff i o"n W~ ~~~ ,SJ n ~ ~~.~J~~",5, 'I'

'1 he' G't?Jn:l m ~,n ity 6l reel, w,h;Jc~, ,~~,s I~:I r k~:f1m.s~ 0:' 'fe.r~ i 11~1'&s d rId ~ rtrs;trtJ ~l ~ atia n":s~ I W,!) ],,,~~)afedl :GJ n th efi' fth and ~ I.~dh ,fI'GUl rs,

9 ivl f:1€J' v.i ~ 'W&jJ 0E t:~~ b:'e1¥ u n·d tth~~1 ~~i'

The ~J~nJn'd· 'fIQ::SFtl w'~re d'~·· :m -, ~JletJ ;~o flr,~;er WIG. ~~pt~R rmnt<9l the. sfre:et eorner w'l~h its"' '91.aJi~e'f:T:es and c~v,ered miQt(:~ Dr,~t~'~~,1,~1 '~'~\}I' ,~ ,,'n,a:arJ'Q] RI~n'e" t,L:.k1'f '"':~'~"~,tlll"!ile.~: ,th-~~,

r - -," ~'c" ~~-~~. ~ ~,~~ ~ ~~ - --.~~~~I. ~"-~~ I I'l'~ .ajwJ~~ 11 ~~. ~

olli~gn,m~·rd~mf· 'thi~~ ~~,lrrg~'lt ~,;tr,~J~ ln '~~cti' Wi'thi' it.s fQJ~,'n"famns

AIii"fI ..JI nA";i\'Q~.Q;rnt'i:' ~t'l ~ iliii:iiii:!. MAL t::i; iCI, - :1- _. IrniC - 1 - ~L - m. - ",AiL

y~-:!Itl!l r~''t''~I'~:'~w~}'~ I~ -:;~ 1':~1~~ W~'h~~ ~n~r~'~'~'~li,~] I'[jlf! 'Ir~,'e~~~l~?]F

~~!tU. h~e:d' th,raf 91ilss 'frrfm, fheftA~efHt1:,o. B'lClflJOS bJtwo'ttds,

~1~'~ U r'kR"n- ··:f'il""il'I"-'-:'f1rF~,n llj'n~ .. qu, . ~J~~II ~:~~

t@:S'J D,~jhilljr; ~ UJ1' -:gdiPi~j& ~~~~ e~ ~ i4v~~ir;}rm' Br!J Ib®Cl' qilis as t:OJ t~ ~ e ra:tde fa c'ill(elt!1(i de FleUr (£J me" E I PfO\1 ~rf1mif i:t.ffliIiJ ltJ, ~a~c'8ii de l' O;g: wl\.l{efl.du5; ~;:t§ plO'Z08 ~~ ,fjftgft'i@,h1jt11j~rrfG) 1 ,i jO~ mettiD~ LJl~tir~,cJ.~s ~f5j 1@~Ie:.r dfJ~N,111ri!J(i:loo a POfMJi'nf;18 }f a m~/1ras ~ realf ppcia l~ to cd,! fierJl·

r r

ferd m8~0r dsl diS€nG ~deJ 6fdl~'cio no 8MClfi el 'mf.J'n'~'Q

Y:b(YrPe1rlit~ • tql C('We~~t.d8l1 ~f! ~ftquMl!D;$~~ ~ t¥l ste:~j~n hlfrPfrd~leJa e le:~:oof t'1'U t~~~,~j ,~~~ tt.1flj:~de~ J~n.~rtam~;:J~-

• ~ .' .?tJf. , ~ ~ '" ~',". J4~ ..... r-: ~,W '>"' ..,i;,: '" .

IS'S: ge ottfent5Jt;;(5Jn- ~ac;ka aJ ~Q~Qnf1\. E5'{]S pOf.t1'metr@;£~q~e.~

Wrt (!JJ6r~ t~ 1:Qrr~ff$j; re_ad!rJJfS ~fl' ti:J4 li~J~t'rj t~r-$~lltli lJte IQ'S· r1~ ~ '~e nl~;) fg US: 1'8i~~ JfJrr~f! msvJ'Ran flfXtfJ ig~Jl1J f N fl, ~ ttwJftl~ ~o'@ ~,PJCJ rto ffI~nt~ DrTf?JO tarse ~c 1 Q llil:tJ vi 51ta~ d:e,s8®~dfl-!j' yeui ..

, .

ffjr ;q,~,e iGJ tQrte rlelQtrltQrc rrnpl'tic lo . isit!Jn tJl cfJ/e;Gotl~ ,err

~~ peJri~t~il moo fn ~'fir'Qt rJel ~ern5tn~

~La E7~i~rufify ra d~ ~g~. torr~,~~ de· SO plel m fcrf1$.~ e.s de ro rmlgpn

v l~"""-4 j:;o..:;..~JC: .~s::"\n "r:;:tp.~~~~fI'~~~";"~ ~~~~·~i"';'~- t~ i'fi'""",'~~~i'rin..Jr:tJ If . ~ I~·~,}' @··~A I F~~~j liQ~:IIM~"",'I' -¢C~~:\Srt.Y~ !;l1;J r~~ j'l,bll' ,tJK:.";'£'ip:~J...:u"L I w~

rP'~Jf:lr ',~ lp. ff$trVqWr~ • lQ n'g tttlf!lz m A?i.Jt~m i t:~ ~ em n ,1~ tJ b~cG1r;i~r1 ~e un :r2Jlmo e ,fruc.tUJ;oloqua ab5Qrbe I~ f;@tQlrr:;,d ~'B I(J]B~sf~[t?;jD8 ·d~ (i i~en6.. Lo ~b ~uc;'etn e:sJ'rrJGl[vr?n1 '{iJ~rm rfe· ~V,er f~tf4'J~'nfa ~~(§~e UblRl ·eDj1 Uf'f solo lpe!JL(l~ci,B.e€tllJm(io'~ ~~/frr~lrate$ ~ t~J~1~4t6;.rra' .Y rsr;h~d~~f 1i;JO ,@5 'rliJ.~furrEJ/~~

La ,.oocnCJ 3ClQroJ c0munltifJJh~ilt. dotodd con t®~,O tipo de

~f4Jdj~4fJin:i~'nICiJ'$' te: in:i;r~~OJ:jf.}llSJ5h ~,~ ,ubioa ~n JC!li Mi~,les ~UfnJb Y~~~'r.$:~r$· t~ Q\4enLdQ' y .~lm'~~~1 r;t~-fnjtei d~1 to. bfilh. r'@J ~ la ~Jud0d y~i .b@rJ jBne ciuoo l

[§$ p$ltsnrfJl M$lB~c ~ flitf8fr. ~11 .pam ~lfrJtlrsf< s lQ e,::,~,~d~ niT urlw~f1I" ~~,~, ~tl~ .m~Jef1fsJ§; ][' PJ$/I~tGJf €'btirltfi~l~~ prQ'f~:g.idWl: ~}IJ!j' un pfril'~0 de fmf;hf£J(~ler 9U8- define 1m {t1tIH~"fE'i@'n cl~ .ti1 Gol11a mOi iori~ :6 de h1a:ehe~ c®r1sfltU\jIB com sus Fuentes y q~ras t~ pu~rtp d~ ~rftradtJ ~~j &on ",(j ~qu.e ~F ~d*ffgf1rja

'I ;n.J· ~ Ut'e;_ '

eJ~$efe' lG) ~,vJrJnlQ;Q ,B~~;;Q hnt;fIJr er tfJf/~~ UfbtJJ1io ..

- - -

------ -_ .


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._ --- - _. -- _"_.

; "=-. ,-~-- " " .•

-- -- -


-" -

.. --. .

- - -

:~I ,~~"

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~~."- -I


I __ ~. _

The bulldinq is provided w~tlh dwelli·nlg.s, pClikingspoces, loffi:ces dnd ompls recreofion oreos,

EJ ecii.'icfo coento con vivierdos, plazas de Opdfcomiento, oricino.s y amp/ios areas sociole».

One of 'the: priorities of the project WOIS thClt an the ports should f'ace 'rhe, oc,ean.

Una de las l:Jri'orldades de! ptovecio ha sido con~ seg'uir ,que todos las PQr!~5 se 01 iemen bcxio el



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w~' E S

'D U


Ground fl,OQlf plan / Plonta bola



Ihs bui~ding ls equipped with a structure] core that suec.e,ssw Ily' absorbs (l~! sa lsrn ic stress, The stru ctu ria I so'! u~ tiofl ine,bllisS the floor pl a n to be [I"eft, o'pen I wi th a s i ng Ie set ,of perl'metral columns Clr1ld nonstruclurol portitlon wO]II'5 and fa,cad '9S,,,

Se ho do to do 01 eC1ificI'o' de un alma estructural que 0650rbe. /0 fOfalidad de /0$ esluerzos sismicos. ia 50luci6n e-sftucfural pernlfte que 10 p/onfa ouede fibre, con un .solo fuego de COluJ71nO'5 perimetrotes y fabfquerfa y fachadas t 0 esfruCrUfo/es i




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f1AN'fA, n.EL AREA SOCIAk~ ~YEl mol.. 2


lhe· fully equipped community recreofion QfG!O 'is, loceted on the Hhh and six:th 'Hoolrs,

b -l - t ;'d- ,; i f':Ji,t b

.a eve hlr9 street, provil-_~ng VI'9W,S IQ' -, ~'~;H;9 ~~.ay.,

Io zooo rocia! comunitotio, doto'do' con todo: lotJ e,guipomlerdos e tnstaiacionest se vb/co en 108 rl fveies· quinta y seao score I'D oveniao I peTmn'iendo el o'/sfrufeJ de 10$ vistas sabre /Q bahRam



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1IlIi1Eol"';I.'1U ''I!i'Ji ..... ~ !!II ~~.~~





The, strucfurol solution allows the Hoor ·to be fr,ee, wilth a sin9~e set o·f columns ot ,th,e pmr'li mete r,

LO solIJci6n estrucfurol ce rnife que In planto qusde Nbrel con un 50/0 jus90 de columna's pe{,~m etro /ss.

. - I

-- -- .

. !-.-·I







ouscs, (Be r 1,. Germany, 1995

IGB'1 '. W WI & Gateway

-The plropo,sed urban ferm' :cron:s'i'5:S (J:~ t.lg·sling, ~fl d~,e Hr.,.: wa'H lJ'f the; bU~II'f~ln9 on ,the corner of


FrweaJlf'I'i'ehstnl5S~ Grnd K;G,.ch~'tr~~58. wi~h e ~r!Qk g.Q~je

w'(11 ~ f wh ose CI ut,o n 'e m OuU'S ~r. m i ~ ·WlS PTel~h~'~'~' pt1 [(!J 11«1, f~ Ko;elh-sfn~l,:r~.a Fe ,- nrn ~~,e aolbl~a wCl.11 Gf 'the garden hf9u~ s,~S't e,,:t~I~~:~shi'f]$J ¢l ViSU(ll I ei.Q'tien betv~(:~en :the new ~n~1 the old. This wall t" let b~~k fF'~m the -street 'ra line up wrth the main 'cody 9f the' Ideo] Insurance b'ulrenng~ Igndl Gg)lln lril eq:ted ~'Q i~ witM c MQ.~,st,nt,e'~ 'iJ1:1'Ozed com rn en:'ia~ or i nIt itut i 0' nl!:l il bur dlng t €I n d ·fni~.-o nlc,~ sa " t-es rm th-e s:e m i, .. pu!bHc urbcn sc{ucre O)nl~l g:clrd,BI1& of the, "l'nterior"

Thle gcrdan huses stret" h hl a r~w' frem K-aehstTc;s.;SI to Zimmers,tro5,' e f~ifrninB an 't-aho,lRea blJ.ilairie; w,,~th privets·· gardlens to ther we's't ElrJd ,e'U~h(i The u rba n fOf,m itss'lf 11s· m'amr~ulated to c'vloi'd the ~sel~afi'on of ihd'n~9 ne>;t

,Ii,. th,§ t .6. 'II iI;.,":;I'~ I1I11I1

,11'0 r ~ liQrm~r Yl('~~,' •

A smaU buffeJ was establish.ed haM,en the f.orme'r nWfJ~1 tJ Qnld ~lhe g:srden house, te cus jon th~, I1sgctiMe e'frc'Gt· IQ~ f1~e wa~,1I. This is) sj:reen'ed w'ith all open PS'(SIQlie cu"s tree! reserving 0 narr'Qw.stri'p of Imna w~~c,n wUI B,e Filled i:n wHh shops wh,en '{1' new pllen for the

Z· -' ,_ - t . " ~ ..11 - dl' :_ • ..JI -. •

Imm~~r$ res" e ,Il~, ~~CII ,eo upon .

. tach of rhese gafoe:woy hc.u-s~JS is deep~r than the Duil~ dingli en either :slde in order j,o eccem ,mod a te' 0 'hiQh.r den ity' of ~w.'eJ~iins's ~a~~n9 eo,sf t1ncj west awqy from wbe n'oLse Q,f- he. IK.oQh$$e to the· south. The Koehstrosse Iocode is liW1 f'ac~ ;the g:clb~le ,'en:~ o,f ~he ,bijil~ cding~ The trhree build~'n9!' thus nGVlt! c hC1dit,~olnfl~ e,ntr:al~I-' ~e whi,ch nets cs '01 meQsur.,d mreok .latlons the ndr:fh 'fc]'ca d e of th e K,oe h ,5' ro s se ~

~a: f(QrrnGt urlilo11a pr@pus~ a con~s.lste en un 01tll0 olJt6~ ft~m''G1· ~e fodrilla ~lJe c;;'etra1' ~l·echfit.lQ. $ifuatJc .en i.e e$J1rJt~ no dra ias G@.t{e.s fri6'fE1,riGnstrQ5~e' )4: \~ochset'1iM$eJ t ·ClJ~,ya f~{md euJfbr10ma sa rep#e poralelomen1e Q esJo liltim,g


!D,om cGiryf(?Jrffl" r to ~ntroda ~ lals C~~ s;~iGrriJft1; 88tGib/e-

cier"Jde LJ~~ {lB/~c 6n \Yi$'uQI I~nf~. (0 frlJBVO Y IQ fltntfrtJ~'r;f. 'fl 'mlJr~e r::ie "O~$e.~n0tJentra ai~:@ n3trmgq!Jffra.df:J respecr:to ~ f~

. "

t:'QlIp .. Gr~ d.lfnef!J.rJ.rfJ ~n el !Suerpa fJr/rl'cipal del erJificie

de ie C1se~ur:o~rQ ldest ~ ·!/ltJ~d(p ·pone£.foctr:1 () ~'fiste' m I iont~ ell fJ.ciGS comer:cfoies Q, in:stituc~'one/e$, gcrist€1}Q.7

da~"'~ de d(j) ~ . - fonto:s'l 'canfurrl1ondo Ie .entrada d f~ plaza u rbra nQ ,si(!rrri-p:~ 6/ i C:' Y '''$: 10 fltr/I n~ i" fer i,ot~~

Los C(fsQ'EJ~iQrdrn ~e e~li~nden ftn ~'(S ej,e~. JttC)C/~l!tf1::. ,~S6

~im'me stross-s form6Jnd® un edifieio eR fOfirn(J de]. eon /0 til" .'~ privo_~~ Qrt· ntQ~Q)5 01 .asff] 'Y sur, Lo orma wt'bo>no en ·s; IT tsma hm Isitiio mon[PvtGtqeJ para e'\?f~'Qr et eishy mtaniGi prdt1hlcld(l of \l:ivir IUfltO tlnd' pored fonnel.

.W(f p:et/.ue.fiYJ§: a, Gttlgu.o€lof sa ho est. b~eciffJ~ ntf;e J(;j fitored ,fe,rm@1. 'I los casas} lrard(R (iJ ro atEintJtli· el f!l.a~t~ nefjotiv.G def ewro. ESf) se ha ecu!tgdo c~n unG ~~.rfIP/~ G)Sfert¢1 }i Glro~/a5g r.e;S'f;r1la ldo. W~ ff:G]9171~nt@~ S'IDfflmriQ de tierra ri{V~ ~E'rQ G!,~ppod 0 ·C9'n comsrci·C!,~ (Jj,~ol1',dCt el nv.;6 '0 .p on pa,(d tel ,zt'rnJ71elSb-osse S:fB 1I~'0e Q ~qk;,~.

C·-~ (g}a uno .de e,st(:Js entrads's dl sdtHtlo es 111dS' pHrifun~ dQ ~Ve' aJ I~'d~ 'i~rQan ca6iQ iCit;~® eon ~I rfn de acomoclar una mas alta densidod de viYleJ1dQsdand~ /0 'cQlra g, IG arienfCS1c+on f!sfe y ti,e~'e~ ,o!ei6ndo$s as! del .~ujrtJo px@dudee $n- hff1 ,I~a~'tit;rsse SnlJfJolel'GI !iur_ l'O loahaQo ~ue do a to cqlle ~oQh,~trCJsse. 6S- de /18chs ed 0nal tiel !3dlflclQ. As[ puesJ 105 rres .edih€fes U'enen lIna f!9ntreqGJ tr9dicn~l1QI qug. fJcftJo c;~mEl ,:' . urado aiv;sJ6n G /(;) larg® de fo fbcl1ads no'[te de /0 KG'JC/1.ktfi~Sf;.


The go ble is a rticuloted wi th th e add i tion of a 9 lossbrick tower contoi n i ng the stcircose and Hft betwsen thiS' two brick g,oble walll:,s to vi:sua~lly enrich the connection between the new' ro'nd the old. lit clso serves to mark

' .

the enlronce.

E/ ohara esto arNculodio mediante el oiiodido de uno pored ore ladrltlos de crlstal que cooiiene to esccieto }! ral QS.C6IiSOr. ESle onadldo sitve pore en! icuece: visuolme.nte /0 conexion entre 10 nuevo 'Y to antiguo. Tornbi.en se ho uNIirodo para seisoior ei punta de occeso rat edificia.


~ 11..! ,II

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fiirst f:lloor plcn / Primelo plonto




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Site p,la:n I P:pono' de emp azorhienfo


AtZQ,do cle lo fochoda pr/nclpol


I • ".

The OlutOf),Om(l,US· brick ~g,a:b~e w~an set bock lrom the main f-aoade, the glla]ss~brick tower, the exccvotsd volume of the. [porch which vi:.sLJialll~y' connects rhe street wah the ~.nfJe'rIor urbon spoce, and ,the Corrstructionolist styI ~ Irl:g ol '[he upper street 9"olil"lery bridge, a r.e takenfro,m the aorl ier d,es ~g n Q,f the, G~d ble We~.I' :H ouses,

In ~1.Qred exento de' ladril/o$ se ha situado r:eftO'oqusodo tespecto a 10 entrada principa( ,Q 10 fOJ te de /odrl/io5 (3e cristo! y of votumen del porche; que,ecl0 vi~uaitnente

I IJ . j "b "t" I . '/' • ~

.Q COne con e esioaCl0 ur ana Jf76tJOr. LO esuuzccio»

conshucti'vi:slo del puente de 10 go/eric se ha fnspiroL1o et,' el dlsefio original de 105 Gab.fe Wall House'S .. ,

8- 16·:.

- .

Plonta baja, plont,a !liveJ inter media y plt,nt"o !livel sopetto:


-I • .J!I

• i

1 I

___ IIIII"I"'P'~ __ , __ , .... oiiiOiii _ iiiikOIIi. ... ..-_1



• • ! ,

Due, to t,he n ew .~ca n Qm'iJG C iJrc'ums,'tQ n ~es 'th,.e,F.fl: 'is Qn6:e' m'OIIF'e' e -;-IA,n~kJet flor :9CQnLomy' hOlu5Iingl,., This pro'l~ecJ f0rms

f f- . .If ~. ~, L'" ilk 'K'" h F"' IL' D'

,p:Cfr "9' a QfiDUPI 0, }~Iav~~n In wnren "u_n I,S£in =: 'OC]

EI'A Fi,1i R.c!IJ r' La vo;. .r" t":1ei. iI"!-!il.,m,'~~ m,Jr;n n tifl'!f; m" ""1 ca' il r. - ~ m m ~ JII ...... rlIo i ~ _

,rY~ ~I!~II~_ ~f;1.:~' ~ ~1~{~u'l,l~ia ~~~~_~IU~.i D .! ... _ .. : ~ ¥iC::C~I, _'_I,_i~t1Y-'lllj~n

~hh'J'wg'h the rski'll'ful 'Use of ZQrM:rn:ng' and C0f1'I'~ruction~

_ h -k ' II"

, ~.1I!l ;,. J II- • . _ II i

5.1\ 'ISS Fu-:ggmoHfisr'l LS,'~ .1& "e~note,. tZ:onV'Er I ~tonCl :OIZO I

b ·'~'I,.Jl·' t"_ - i.. ,I ',- .Jl .~, 'i~' ~I f, t,· ,

rUI~,un~:9 .eEf'lI~·lques are usee" cna ',SlmQ,~, IGU~le'_ ,J ere

ImUowed'," c;;lheap- er m,amBFicds cnlfi fe'w alelmelnts 'Iare USred

I -

mn reS,p(eU1S'9 ~Jl 'hrS qlues.tffi.DA,~ what j's re~l'ny n.esded~

But .,:, , ")ncmy cdse il~adfs 'iQ ern QSlto;ln'~s,hlln9 'FleJti~~litt of d'esign :andl USiBi All th~e VoVI3U! ,ar,e .ertraigh1 Qru~ ril~ veF e= tl¢mU~l thr~l!u9han nemr~, Il3cc:h room has ,the, 9,Cl,me w:idtn, SQ· wjh~ hICIIY,e':,i, S'lRet;lal e'nltronICe$~, bath' 00 'S Glnd ~nte'rn,ol: hC3nS ~Qn :be IGreoted. Two~ room Wjid·ths


"'dl I: "-b~I~' 11

prfQVI:J! 0 ra:nQ,e or pDSSII~-~~ IlhStS ~

It l's Pl5SSillr"B tp, c,nl: __ liP' the dftrCng·ement ·o .. f the' lindrvii dU'a~ apartmerl'" sIzes Idu(lng the a,G:litgn Qnd b~uilrJ!~nig S"tClIQ'e\.anm to c:dgpt the· space of efl,eh apolr~lmen·t dUFli~n9 use". ,BrQ,f.h fyfJes Olf, ~'e*ib~~Uy mre re(3lched b)l '~hB sa me, mBQln,s: us'i"'9 II swl~thl-\rD,m'mSr ~I I II se:p' , ro,r,'i 0n mp" "IS ~I

- ndl 'I!-he ecrrld 'i:I",nn'e's 0'- - { OJ, r IIr.mad~I.n"'- ...... ~

a I, II I: ~';I '. '0,11" zones us r[lee, In el' 'L~"" ore W';i,)eS~

h l: ,.Jd ~ m fL ~

\$wik: Ir00J~IS, can 1~le ,D,m' a,a 'fa rhe~ ~e:'Fr OF' dght a'paro~~

ment thrgl, 9n 'he medi'hcafoln mf' the,lc!~out ef'lhe, deors Qnd corridor ends. Sepcr.c:tjon r'00mir lore; glways, ',ear to the !1E(co:nd bo,tnroom of a 'Ial~,ge opmrtm,ent. Thus\~ rM rou fa h the ~ h ~elrpo r€],ti~fJrn QJ" o S,lm~, ~~ ki tcHen 01 sm'9llir Hat 100ln be se'f:?c"rated, fr,oml',hlie ,m[Jiin GRe"

Each gparf1ment hlla,sl '0 front end a black. Tlhe 'frrol1t is, the, $ntren{;e: 'and the Irear '~h,e 9QI~ae:n fccdd'e~ Aif ~e

f·' '..... t -It dl IL

rent I,S C selm'l-p'r~ya1e en lClnrce 'we l~way Q:ni.· ot tr~lle·

bock Q priva~te ba:,lc:Q'_:Y~

Klulhn F~,~€her & Partner Ursa ,a6cU'mu~cfi0n a,s c ~st)lu .. , n011A to the lb jl!,~;infJ 'sf tJpaltmlen'frs.l'~~y ,Sq~OW ~hQt ImrllJ:cl~ can be lea.rnt frrom tne pa:~t .a'~ la time w'h~" 1~'tH'le ~,e,w' remlc,i:c ,'~I to be di5:EQV,ered.

QS~ltrlGI e. la~ rtUe\/Q,$, ~frcurr5:trtrtcitr5 6!2tJnomioos hSYf' ,un~ vez m:rJi~; um mercoQfiJ P:rJrt;J is viviendq :eoon~lm.~cQ. Esre.p[GJ, acto fo·rma pa.rle de unlgrupo ~e 5i~ -' en Ips·,qrJ~"MtJl1n f JJ" ~ ',~r s ROfl.·· tet n Q'n ctearlG' .un Q eoon6m lED' cice-

,f' ~, ~ ~.~j' • ~" .f. , -

mO'QCJ®n at 'rQ~s Pftr u;'_, ,ete ~er. ~r1tr~Gs~ron~

El prQf)ma~j$mQ s'MtZ:G es ria bf,fSa pfUJCipG( ,':,ft M~.n ul't1jzi?Jao$ rIle ~6nsfri1CGiiSn IdCiBI ,r:onvenci{)rJfiJleS' 11 fi!e;q,~efj~:' ,jetet::1-aJ'!$ han -~fa(1 ~~fmltj'dfiJ~. ,MatsNr:;jie ' 'ieAct ndmicQrs i' ~fJDG3 elementos, en ,e"s~uesJtj' e. ~stQ ~,ue3Ii(j11" aque ~·l qua reaim'enie liri:1ceSJramos? <

'«fro io Ise6nt)fllin ra/TIlb, e'" '~. 'i\d, Ci,~ h(J1 fa tJflQ Reki klifl~ dod del cJ~sefjGr ,V' 'el u~O;c .E~ p0sJbJ$) $0mlbl~r f.<~ fflrSQir.;ffJ& de IQS 6s:pocies de f~ apart',mento!J indlvlduoles durQnte '&J Ctiise.fJo y , ~1~tjrUl,C:16 I deJ §J:i ~:fiG j S j Y fildC1 plar el ~spa~'tq de CQE/~ e;JCJrtr;Ul1.~nto tflJf0nre su ,utilFZfJC~~'~rn" Afn~7.," :~" tlprn ale flf;&)flEJ!ll;daGi SDn ®icarrzos'6fJ, sa 10 mi~r:llti1 ferma: /'. JJnll~QciGJn fJeii:l5le de los lib'blf€iCi'Q(.;as, ''aneM ,,0' ntre n a'b.ltof?\ . Fj es }? ./pa Z(J ~'S Sf! ,(!i reuJc(c~Gm ' ($mo s/as interm·e&o"B li,bps.s, Las h01,bnacianas fl9Ribles n,uep)sn Ot1'~ dJfr$~e' a lo'S tllparrmm'eni@,s si . s,dro'S G1 derache ,(0, Gi ,lAf:1u!er~ do' t'o.:.~~ del lb mG,' if&i.Qr;leh ,dliff 10 . d~~$ J afslcipn de \ loS'

, puertgs: y 91 fi[tpl cfe If!k;) ~ r§drJ'J:e~, LQ~ li~'Is1terc}gn_e;s ,"~ ~~"lSrfQC}Q se ,en, uenrron sJemprs (Usr;CQ riel f!e§U'OOQ t:;pfi .. ~ae l>g C!/=tt.1lt€JHt . nto ~ gfttJnrJiies« ~irpfVe$i Gl rtm~es' cJe fa i nt~'Sfraaf:O, ~ ir};~' ~e uno p~,rJeFiQ c®.eYn Q j PJJsiter /!)liJf~ rre~SB Un, pequ.efi 0 QfXJri€i1'mBtl 110 m'ed;~n te de 1(11 &ep~'(~" eJQn S'iel m ,.ysr.Cs,r1t;) tilport m' nto ~i,etane una ·:Gffe delGn~ refQy o,tra rrQ~B~ _~ la prj'm:~ra GSrrJii~pcl" ~e {; Ja fFn:/n;ida Y' Is ,fra,wrfJ fJ' /0 fOcn.fJda ~I:le do al jt!1rrilrt Etl 1m ~rl~ dei(J'ntara se 'ren ~ .. ~snlro un'a' e'f:rt'{oda ,semli-prl1ftCJ'd~ y en is

'rose 0 u &m/csll"


JirQh n F'fsc:n'ef >~ ~(3 r~n er vir li1!8 n IQ Qeum 1110 . tci;rr '. _0mc~

.JQj~ClCN" del edi&lc/€J Ide apGirklmenio3,. ,kdos 9fISBn,an "$'1 ~Ufi ,~un ppdem~5 GJ''P,~fteJer mlfcM.o 'del p!Gsaa'o -en ~~I #empp ene,J ique p~rEO.s~ Cr;1$JE1, . netS !fIlue,qan fJQf)~~'. uJ;rlr.

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Sfte plon I Plano de emptozanliento



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Cross section I Secci6n longitudinol


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The bu i ld i' ng is cho rccterized by the use 'Q'F f'e:w arch i tectu rcl el ernen ts, ch eo p mate iii a I 5 and locol bullding techniques,

Ei ,8,dlFiGio se cotocienzo tx» sl «so ,de eJem·enfo's a rquUeci'onJ'co5) motor fale s y tee nicos ptoce dentes die lQ$ sistemas consttuctivos locates.

N~'v.t, IP'o'-, 9' iCI! 'V'/I'I!~'W"'~': o] tha privote balcony , ...... 1'11

w~ .... .: .... ~ Ii ~. ~ .. ',-' If II rl·· ," ~ .. ",._ ~... IJ .... K,-".: . L II,:,: VI~ I

,the fac.ade overlooking ,th,e .Q'iorden.

Pogino siguiente .. Vista de.sde ,e/halcon privodo que mi'(Q 0 10 zona ° fOfdin ado ,

,a 0"·



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Perspectiva conico

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I .

Together wi.,th ,the Erdr'e.p~ot lan~ -he 'SUe1i,esb,!ock Quild~n9s ('(~d~ desJglne·d, B)' Ce~&zledl Ii. ViJI~ Ths B'o,og~ bdU~i~di ng 'f'~rm 51" rr 'i 111 P ; .. ,'f't1!l]nt pia t 01 the ,pre:shg'i,cuJs Kop vo 1'"1. Z.uiid Pi] p~e€t in ,tfire 0bd~ pi~fYt of, IRi~ttelrd'~m~

The, BO'Q@) wes GJe\i:,eloped Qutsld'9 the ~llmir,ci~bDns of the ,u~'btln B,nivi']fQnm'Bht The kleig!Kt 0 the eqrnpi1ex r~SI an of)Nlmum eholee :in :anzJ:,r ~tlD ,take )~lll daventlag1e @,fr the :SJJn~i'9,ht in thle. new o'partments end ln ·~he· existing onas in ,Sti ,iieJ.str,set}. and. t:, :c®nstrw:' ~hQ' meximurn ntrember Q;f cpartme'n~s)! Othar ~iimitin8 fCH~ro~.S WSf.· the Vi'19W,:' 'Qf the, port .Iclnd '~h'e d.ishJioc,e .be~e~n the 'e)ds~ing ,ehurch en the ·sj'he and the 01: 'wareh0US6l buildi~g i

A dl"ubl"e ,segmI9'nt lelf o .ci ,C'i,e WCI§ .ohos,ell to SIOI~'v.e thsse problems. The segments ore eenneeted by means, mf 0 .. nltjl,cleu.s of totoUy Q'hrtzea smircases, a Ij·ft end OJ gllczed lift welL This. sttdrcm's:B i's, s'ituatEfs :~,n ~he prEtcise loootion if! wh'ie,h ~;hewCJr·eh(JoSJ3 ~u'ilding iis c'~ose's,t ,~,tl The: Bao·g. An the QJpa·1rtm e nts '~he·r,e;ro:re hC'lJS '90iOd



BeG:ous,e this f,orm wa~s, ICh'Ds,~n, ~or tne $egmsRts; most ~,f the a:pa-rtms'nts have a ~a,odl view of fhe river (3nd m w:id,~ F,ui;d~,e walt ',ana ~he ~.jre hs:s m'IQ~e spg:ce~. ·The· gcdller'y WS e,n the' side of the 51·he· oplp' the

:C't'" I ,. i'~ I L 1.Jh I .....g,. d tl h '. ~ t h

~ lie ,BS[) O.::t(.IIS 'ayc,ul rs steppe I "us In~rea'

ct!e(1 of the entrances te the ap.ortmlent~lt whih m,olY b'e e:mven' fl ·sem· 0' So:;: •

The fcu:ad.e is cOlvered Wi1h ~e.'stern ,ed eedQ: . ~als, a referenc;e tta the WGH~;;ld:er.J oecms erF the old worshouse h,~ilild[ ng i3 nd d we frp ~he h?w weig h.r o,f th~, m·a~" The g~lo,ze~ opm:n'ing:s ore s'T~)ec'iall'Y ;polilliihe~ OT)d,s no frame'wlOrk i:n order to emphasflze: the beauty of ~he wO'Q,a ~ The fr':_-Ins,p:a re~l'~ e rrkdnc. (J n(j thl9 b. olcen i,e S G,f the f:_ cOJde were. made Q'rr arancitc Iclumin]tJ1m -~nd eonnect t~~e wooden facades. ..


olla d) 995

E I ~'if/~#$J~ .; 'Qpr:JM.~· ml~11 ta'5 Th,~' BQrJ)S-, i urlf(iti(i{n ~e' ~OrJ: (jJ tJd;ffClfJ ~En reF}()·t if el §tieJlesbfock (toatos SNOll dis f! ,figap's;por G:speze .' B. V) 'orman parte tnfesrants det pres rlSlicsjrJ [iJlfQyeclb ./(Qp V\on, itJ'd; ~n s1 antig'Uo ~ue.rtGc ~(! Ro#etdC1m~

The Bos9 h .' skio desarroNado fuer:o de Ir:;rsltmifocion.e{;


'del enf-OJ" -. Wf"lJ?ja ,;Q.. La alJ\1 s (ieJ cornplel' - surge oomo

~pJ i rna ~J(iJ~f on po to (lJP (j·v,e.f{f)!ra; r lit!). maxi m ~ copt· e i- ~ Ii .sGJar en las !J ueVQS vlviendGs Y' 105 yo e)t~~tentes de 10 ~ :;~'~tre,~tl .~ ~ ta "c(Jffst uir la rna~im~' canhdod de ~tirtomeMtPs' Ftosl~:b/e, ,OU'O' ('dCf;rJ;es tile Ilnl ~rQC~6:n fUe:ron

los Vi.9faS del puerto y /:Q rdi.srof1c-io entre '0 f.§)/~~q exi~tan~' Ie en @I 'SQ·iar ,Y ei (21nfig'lJG ediffcio rJe a/mocene5 ..

Un r:/oble segmenrrt en ci eD/a He .S~d6 es ,'o~ids p. r. fesoJv~r 6£/0_ prok1Jemq;s .. EslOs sefJ'[r~erde8 astOn <cone:cfQdQS rn eQ~·, - H te wn n etc Iso de esooteros to al me[Jle ,(!Jeri 51'0- la'd(fJ'; -n e.S:C~M$?iJ1 y un 11U.~CO de aseereot de, criD!sl. E~tfJ aaio de~esC'ofef05"e5tO.$1 ,de ~.n el pfeclij,'o J~g~r en ~C!llJe el e'rJlficieJ d.e alm'Gcenes ~se encuentto mcis c.ercano 0: The Bioclg. De St)to fflanero t(5)d :;s lOIs Ofila umen eI3 90Z0 n. de Sue nBS v/5J:o &.

AI e~'GJJ)gef r35t"rJ lotmo p((llra Iss seem,rant05, to moy:c;rieJ S~ IQ~ Of,lOrtGm8n;"5 Nenen uno ,buena vista ael rio y un oneh ~. n enfe de _'o(:ha -'. '0, y el $olqr ,rjisfrV.fG1 cle ma ' espccie. IQ fia/~do qU~EjO sn el lamG tl-eJ so~afi G U~~O a Jo ·~uelre&bJelt::R~ L~ ra·~hoaa es/a cublBrfs ae CEdro rojo.'occi"

d.flr.l CJ'lt 'C~mQ re~ rent:fa - Jaf yig'os ide rnadeaJ del anU"_!JO edifkJi~' de o/macenes ,)( debls'o I bOjrJ p. .-: -." del materia! . to" absrtur:a,s oats ta1o,do,s, ru/a n BS'psf£io/n1enJe

~wfid.~s, y. nQ If nen' C1rm'(1~6n pOra fin/(Qtt- a, Id beJleZfJ' de 1o madertl. £1 Qrqgr€lmo eJfJ S '}:lO tdrn;{SnftJs con.s1?i; de woo zona con los dOfmirQriost los oofiras y ~CJ.£ hflbUr;g;iGF ,n S$. pfM iv!(JJ/~" (e:; . [5J S (- sfq n ~es. ha prtoc;:i (in e'S, fa coa no .y to s~la c:!~ :96''e{ ~st6n ~r fl'dP'S ~n tJJ1€J .£o~na psre1/.elCl. TetJCis los dPfJ tam'snto5 .disponen de un balcon Gon Vi8~ £.

,f)'a' 1'0

Site plon I Plano de·la,zamiento






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Typicall Ho'or plon / pronto tux:

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