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# Changelog

All notable changes to the Appliance will be documented in this file.

## [2.3.4] - Appliance Pales - 2018-05-25

### IMPROVEMENTS of base system:

NoVNC now uses local token authentication which replaces the current password login

### IMPROVEMENTS of provided Openthinclient Manager:

Preinstalled with an updated 2.3.4 version
Latest packages from the current manager rolling release
"Manage ThinClient" menu point connects automatically to WebStart on VNC via token


manager settings:
Fixed Single Sign On Client default settings

Adapted Invalid verbosity value for hardware type "debug startup"

Application "Kiosk" had some invalid position values
Fixed failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable upon VNC

## [2.3.3] - Appliance Pales - 2018-03-11

### IMPROVEMENTS of base system:

Installed network-manager to provide graphical front end for managing the network

### IMPROVEMENTS of provided Openthinclient Manager:

Preinstalled with an updated 2.3.3 version
Latest packages from the current manager rolling release

## [2.3.2] - Appliance Pales - 2018-02-08

### IMPROVEMENTS of base system:

Usage of legacy network interface naming (eth0)
Midnight Commander (mc) is now a default package
Switched from mySQL to MariaDB for backend database
Ships with an integrated VNC Server to be able to use the "Legacy WebStart Manager"
from inside the new Manager WebUI
Several non essential desktop icons were removed to provide a much better desktop
Increased default memory size to 2GB
Moved the default installation location from /opt/openthinclient to /opt/otc-
Create a symlink between new install path and legacy install path
Updated README files

### IMPROVEMENTS of provided Openthinclient Manager:

Preinstalled with an updated 2.3.2 version
Latest packages from the current manager rolling release
Single Sign On Client is now available as default device


Several fixes for the preset default realm
The "change password" tool for the Appliance username now correctly shows the
default user credentials

## [2.2.7] - Appliance Pales - 2017-09-19

### IMPROVEMENTS of base system:
Latest package upgrades for Debian 8.6 "Jessie"
Added custom bash aliases for user and root
Switched to open-vm-tools for VMware build

### IMPROVEMENTS of provided Openthinclient Manager:

Preinstalled with an updated 2.2.7 version
Latest packages from the current manager rolling release


Fixed minor typos and provided settings for the preset default realm

## [2.2.5] - Appliance Pales - 2017-07-14

### IMPROVEMENTS of base system:

Latest package upgrades for Debian 8.6 "Jessie"
Updated README files
Added additional packages: screen tcpdump emacs
Changed default password for the Appliance login from openthinclient to 0pen%TC

### IMPROVEMENTS of provided Openthinclient Manager:

Preinstalled with an updated 2.2.7 version
Latest packages from the current manager rolling release
Updated some of the presets for the default realm


The automatic ldap backup script now uses a static user

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