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Engineering Degree in Oil Management

Properties of Natural Gas

Alexander Marcel Zeballos Panozo
Ninth semester
Engineering Degree in Oil Management
Private University Domingo Savio
La paz – Bolivia
Natural gas is composed of 90-95% of
methane and, to a lesser extent, of other
gases, such as nitrogen and helium.

The gas is a hydrocarbon that was formed in

the bowels of the Earth millions of years
ago. It is the product of the decomposition
The gas is defined as a homogeneous fluid
of animals and plants that were trapped
of low viscosity and density, which do not
between layers of rock, many meters deep,
have a defined volume but expand
away from air and light.
completely until filling the container that
contains them.
 It comes from nature and can be eaten
as it is presented.
The hydrocarbon gases normally found in
 No odor. Before it is distributed, it is
natural gas are methane, ethane, propane,
butane, pentane, and a small amount of
 With a product called mercaptan, which
hexanes and heavier.
serves to detect losses through the odor.
 Respect the environment, as it is
transported in underground pipes.
 It is clean in its combustion, produces a
blue flame and burns without generating
ashes or smoke.
Engineering Degree in Oil Management

The non-hydrocarbon gases, which are  It is less polluting compared to

impurities, include carbon dioxide, hydrogen liquefied gas.
sulfide and nitrogen. Knowledge of  It's clean.
pressure-volume-temperature (PVT)  It is beneficial, both for industry and
relationships and other physical and for domestic use, since it plays
chemical properties of gases are essential important roles as an energy fuel.
for solving problems in reservoir  Its main component is methane (c4).
engineering. The properties of interest  It is a light gas, lighter than air.
include:  Its calorific value is double the gas
 Specific gravity g  It is a dry gas.
 Compressibility factor Z
 Density of gas μg Equation of state of gases
 Specific volume v
 Isothermal compressibility coefficient An equation of state is an equation that
of gas Cg relates, for a system in thermodynamic
 Bg gas formation factor equilibrium, the state variables that describe
 Fact of gas expansion Eg it. It has the general form:
 Viscosity μg

These gas properties can be obtained by There is no single equation of state that
direct laboratory measurements or by describes the behavior of all substances for
prediction of generalizations of all pressure and temperature conditions.
mathematical expressions.
Equation of state of an ideal gas
Natural gas is a mixture of various gaseous
and light hydrocarbons, which we find in the La ecuación de estado más sencilla es
subsoil, whose main component is methane aquella que describe el comportamiento de
is a primary energy source such as coal and un gas cuando éste se encuentra a una
oil. Most important properties are: presión baja y a una temperatura alta. En
estas condiciones la densidad del gas es
 It is a fossil fuel.
 It is colorless and odorless.
Engineering Degree in Oil Management

muy baja, por lo que pueden hacerse las considered point particles. In the ideal
siguientes aproximaciones: gas model, the substances are always in
a gaseous state.
No hay interacciones entre las moléculas del
gas, el volumen de las moléculas es nulo.
However, the behavior of a real
substance is much more complex. This
La ecuación de estado que describe un gas
may experience what is called a phase
en estas condiciones se llama ecuación de
estado de un gas ideal. La ecuación de change or change of state.
estado de un gas ideal es el resultado de
combinar dos leyes empíricas válidas para When a substance is supplied or
gases muy diluidos: la ley de Boyle y la ley extracted a certain amount of heat, at a
de Charles. microscopic level the interactions
between its molecules change and,
depending on its thermodynamic state,
it can be found in the solid, liquid or
vapor state, or in a combination of these

The isotherms of a real gas have a more

complex shape than the isotherms of an
ideal gas (hyperbolas), since they must
account for the phase changes that may
Equation of a real gas
The so-called Andrews isotherms have
The equation of state of an ideal gas is been represented in the figure below.
based on the hypothesis that the These isotherms were measured
interactions between the molecules of a experimentally, and represent the
gas at very low density are negligible. In pressure depending on the volume at
addition, under these conditions, the different temperatures.
molecules that make up the gas are
Engineering Degree in Oil Management


P = Absolute pressure
V = Volume
n = Gas moles
R = Universal constant of ideal gases
The isotherm represented in red is called
T = Absolute temperatura
the critical isotherm (and its
temperature, the critical temperature).
General equation of ideal gases

The equation of state

Starting from the equation of state:

The state of a quantity of gas is

determined by its pressure, volume and
temperature. The modern form of the
Where R is the universal constant of the
equation relates these simply in two
ideal gases, then for two states of the
main ways. The temperature used in the
same gas, 1 and 2:
equation of state is an absolute
temperature: in the SI system of units,
kelvin, in the imperial system, Rankin

Common way
For the same gaseous mass (therefore,
the number of moles "n" is constant), we
The equation that normally describes the
can affirm that there is a constant
relationship between pressure, volume,
directly proportional to the pressure and
temperature and the amount (in moles)
volume of the gas, and inversely
of an ideal gas is:
proportional to its temperature.
Engineering Degree in Oil Management

Joaquin Zeballos Panozo and my cousin

The PV product is directly proportional Paulo Mateo Chavez Panozo.
to the temperature of the gas and if T is
constant, P and V are inversely With a fun childhood and a youth
proportional. without direction, little by little I began
to realize that I should do something
about it, I decided to study oil
engineering and in the course of my
Bibliografía university life I had the pleasure of
meeting people from different places
 General Chemistry 7Th and realities.
edition.pdf, Raymond Chang.
Chapter 5. Once inside the university I felt that I was
drowning between all the good and bad
 General Chemistry 8th edition, decisions, they were more wrong than
Ralph H. Petrucci. Chapter 6. right. When I was on the verge of
collapse, a camouflaged light of sport
 came to me...... RUGBY which guided me
gasesreales.html on how to have a full lifestyle, enjoy
every moment that gives us life and
Biography above all get up after each drop.

My name is Alexander Marcel Zeballos Also with the unconditional support of a

Panozo, I was born on a cloudy and very special person for me, which I
rainy morning of February 2, 1996, I am support in good times and bad, my
22 years old, and I am a student of the friend Nicole, I am currently one step
Domingo Savio Private University. away from finishing my university career,
besides being a coach of my club
Within my family is my mother Monica (WARA RUGBY CLUB ).
Ada Panozo Morales, my father Oscar
Zeballos Aramayo, my brother Fabricio

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