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硕 士 学 位 论 文

清 代张嫵 《 其 嚢 寸 飾 》 之 田 形 艺 术 形 尤研 堯


指 导 教 师 : 罗 江玫 教 授

专 业 名 称 : 美术学

研 究 方 向 :
数字 艺术


七年 五 月

独 创 性 声 明

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指导教师:罗江玫 教授

2017 年 5 月
A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Normal University in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

An Analysis of Artistic Forms of

Graphic Poetry in
Xi Nang Cun Jin

Candidate:Bian Haipeng
Supervisor:Luo Jiangmei Professor
Major:Fine Arts
College:Digital Art

Chongqing Normal University

重庆师范大学硕士学位论文 中文摘要


摘 要



重庆师范大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要

An Analysis of Artistic Forms of Graphic Poetry in

Xi Nang Cun Jin


"Xi Nang Cun Jin" 奚 囊 寸锦 is a collection of Graphic Poetry, The author of this
book is Zhang Chao, in the Qing Dynasty Kangxi creation and publicationthe .Graphic
poetry is composed of Chinese characters and graphics in accordance with a certain
arrangement of the way, and then set up a special reading process, graphic meaning and
poetic mood to meet each other to show the visual arts.Ancient Chinese graphic Poetry,
From the beginning of the Han Dynasty have been extended until the Qing Dynasty.The
Graphic poetrys in the "Xi Nang Cun Jin" are an important part of Chinese traditional
painting art and traditional graphic art, In the visual innovation of Chinese characters
and graphics decoration and combination of arrangement, and showing a symmetrical
balance and other forms of beauty.
At present, there are many researches on the art form of graphic poetry, but the origin,
classification, the relationship between poems and words, the variety of artistic
expression of graphic poetry or historical illustrations Metaphor and so on the question
of exploration, the lack of a certain depth and breadth. In recent years, the domestic
media, academia for the traditional graphic arts and Chinese character graphics attention
is getting higher and higher.
At this time, this paper from the perspective of art to "Xi Nang Cun Jin" a book of
graphic art form and the form of Chinese character graphics as the object of study, The
method of literature, graphic method and case analysis is used as the research method,
and the five parts are discussed.
First of all,the author of the paper among the concept of graphic poetry to define,
then the research object, the reason of the topic, the purpose of the study, the research
review, research methods are described.
Secondly, it will discuss the origin, social background and author of "Xi Nang Cun
Jin", and analyze the relationship between graphics and poetry in this book, and then
classify the many forms of graphic art in this book.
Subsequent discussion the graphic form and the Chinese character graphic form in
"Xi Nang Cun Jin",and get the "Xi Nang Cun Jin" as the representative of the Graphic

重庆师范大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要

poetry in the relationship between graphics and text of the regularity of the summary.
Finally, the artistic connotation of graphics and text graphics in this book is analyzed
and the expression of artistic metaphor is discussed. Finally, the graphic and text
graphics appearing in this book are briefly discussed for the reference function of
today's digital art creation.
In short, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the graphical form and Chinese
characters graphic form of graphic poetry in "Xi Nang Cun Jin",and the regularity of the
relationship and function between graphics and Chinese characters graphic form in
graphic poetrys represented by "Xi Nang Cun Jin", and then it can be used to reflect the
artistic metaphor of graphic and text graphics in the expression of the visual poetry.

Keywords:Graphic Poetry, Xi Nang Cun Jin,Zhang Chao,

Early Qing Dynasty,Graphic Art Form,Artistic Metaphor

重庆师范大学硕士学位论文 目录

目 录

摘 要........................................................................................................................................... I
1 绪论................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 图形诗的概念界定.................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 研究对象简述.............................................................................................................................2
1.3 选题缘由.....................................................................................................................................3
1.4 国内外研究现状........................................................................................................................ 5
1.5 研究目的及创新点.................................................................................................................... 8
1.5.1 研究目的................................................................................................................................8
1.5.2 创新点...................................................................................................................................8
1.6 研究方法.....................................................................................................................................8
2 清代张潮《奚囊寸锦》创作背景及内容分类概述......................................... 10
2.1 《奚囊寸锦》艺术源流论述.................................................................................................. 10
2.2 《奚囊寸锦》创作背景、作者简介及创作缘由分析..........................................................18
2.2.1 《奚囊寸锦》社会背景论述............................................................................................ 18
2.2.2 《奚囊寸锦》作者简介.................................................................................................... 19
2.2.3 《奚囊寸锦》创作缘由分析............................................................................................ 20
2.3 《奚囊寸锦》诸图形诗中图形与诗词的关系简述.............................................................. 23
2.4 《奚囊寸锦》中图形诗艺术形式分类.................................................................................. 25
2.4.1 几何图形诗.........................................................................................................................25
2.4.2 具象图形诗.........................................................................................................................26
2.5 本章小结...................................................................................................................................27
3 《奚囊寸锦》中图形与文字图形的形式分析................................................... 29
3.1 《奚囊寸锦》中的图形艺术形式分析.................................................................................. 30
3.1.1 《奚囊寸锦》中的几何图形形式.................................................................................... 30
3.1.2 《奚囊寸锦》中的具象图形形式.................................................................................... 42
3.2 《奚囊寸锦》中的文字图形形式分析.................................................................................. 49
3.2.1 《奚囊寸锦》中分书合读的文字图形形式.................................................................... 50
3.2.2 《奚囊寸锦》中合书分读的文字图形形式.................................................................... 52
3.3 本章小结...................................................................................................................................53
4 《奚囊寸锦》中图形与文字图形的艺术内涵分析和对于数字艺术创

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