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Social media technology impacts on terrorism

Manuel Coronel
Arizona State University
When you hear the word terrorism, what comes to your mind? People will say routine, tragic
events, my life, and world news that happens in other countries. Terrorism is a system of terror
and use of violence or threats to intimidate for political purpose. Whenever there is a worldwide
attack in the U.S it’s brought terrorism to the national wide news and social media. Terrorist tend
to use social media and news to spread fear, to recruit, publicize itself, and to terrify the civilizes.
When terrorist attack New York in 2001 and killed over thousand people, the main reason was to
spread fear to millions of people in the worlds. Journals and news companies needs to know
when to cover and how to cover terrorist attack because do you want the world to keep living in
fear. It’s important to know more about how terrorism is using new ways to spread their fear and
study to prevent terrorist attacking on the United states America. Not only the experts should
know, but the world should know how to deal with terrorist attacks and stop letting them spread
fear to civilizes.
Bertram, L. (2016). Terrorism, the Internet and the Social Media Advantage: Exploring how
terrorist organizations exploit aspects of the internet, social media and how these same platforms
could be used to counter-violent extremism. Journal for Deradicalization, (7), 225-252.
This article talked about the nature of social media in this world and time beginning have
brought us information and capture someone’s life helps us the civilians. The same information
that civilians in the united states get so does the terrorist and their organization. Terrorist found a
way to use the same technology to interact with the world. This will help their organization by
conducting operation, attracting new terrorist, and exploited. The article also takes the position to
analysis the terrorist use of social media information to counter the violence that the terrorist had
already made in the digital age.
Galily, Y., Yarchi, M., Tamir, I., & Samuel-Azran, T. (2016). The Boston Game and the ISIS
Match: Terrorism, Media, and Sport. American Behavioral Scientist,60(9), 1057-1067.
These reporters summarize a recent event that took place during the Boston Marathon bombing
and how the high new coverages on social media put the spot light on terrorist organization.
Terrorist organization intend to use large scale sporting events to leverage their plans and
ideology. Also, how ISIS uses social media and news on television to show the world what
terrorist could cause. when the news is covering spreading information around the world it
makes views feel as if they were part of the attack. When the media is showing all of this
information and awareness it the media platform could be illustrate positive and negative.
Hazel Kwon, K., Chadha, M., & Pellizzaro, K. (2017) Proximity and Terrorism News in Social
Media: A Construal-Level Theoretical Approach to Networked Framing of Terrorism in
Twitter, Mass Communication and Society, 20:6, 869-894.

The article was about investigation on how the network framing of terrorism new in twitter by
three proximity effects on the audience, media intuitional frames, and construal-level theory. The
investigation analysis the tweets when the Boston Marathon bombing and Brussels airport attack.
The institutional and the audience shows similarly, but it does not always show on twitter. The
similarities between those two are attributed to a human tendency for social categorization and
how the minds of not only citizens. The social media platform is becoming more popular through
global audience receive, share, and discuss recent news topic about terrorism events.
Laura Huey. (2015). This is Not Your Mother’s Terrorism: Social Media, Online Radicalization
and the Practice of Political Jamming. Journal of Terrorism
The publication, which is based on social media in the modern life that everyone has access to
information about someone’s life, evadible to terrorist and their organization. Social media
present new opportunities for terrorist group to seek radicalize audience. It shows that scholar
have been studying a mechanism by radicalize message to those audience. The author has one
key aspect of ‘jihadi cool’ that means pro-Islamic terrorism into something trendy among online
audience. This use of political jamming that draws to reinforce ideologic message and the
opportunity to counter those messages through the same technique as the terrorism is doing.
Lim, S. (2016). The contested ethics of mainstream reporting of terrorism in the social media
age. Auckland University Law Review, 22, 249-280.

The article summarizes how Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) movement has continued to
rattle news media. this article was completed in July 2015, Levant has high profile terrorist
attacks like Brussel, Tunis, and Pairs. These recent terrorist events showed how the world
preceded by in which Levant released videos on the internet where the videos showed hostage
executions. The article will show the studies on how the new media faced in reporting on these
videos that the terrorist posted on the internet. Every terrorist attack it had to be on the news
about how Levant headed a hostage and the hostage were part of a propaganda game.
Marcu, M., & Balteanu, C. (2014). SOCIAL MEDIA-A REAL SOURCE OF
Series Oeconomica, 16(1), 162-169.
The article talked about how terrorist group involved in acts expanded geographically, the use of
modern technology, and use of social media. the terrorist organization has developed over the
years with new strategy by using large scale of communication and information. Social media
gives the terrorist the ability to communicate over long distance and not get caught. The main
purpose of this article is analysis and implication of social media use. It shows the increase of
extremist groups in the virtual world of the internet. The result of this was 9 out of 10 cases
organized terrorism on the internet.
Rothenberger, L. (2012). Terrorist Groups: Using Internet and Social Media for Disseminating
Ideas. New Tools for Promoting Political Change. Revista Romana De Comunicare Si Relatii
Publice, 14(3), 7-23.
this article summarizes how terrorism is one of the essential problems in our world. The terrorist
organizations have they’re in social movements that terrorist cannot reach their promoting
political changes other than violence. This paper talks about how the use of the internets and
social media by terrorist organization. Social media is starting to be essential part to the strategic
communication and not only it uses for the internal organization, but also the dissemination to a
broader public. The only way the government wants to counteract terrorist movement and
counteract use of social media. all of this will help in a case studies in order to show
interconnectedness of terrorism and social media.
VanLandingham, R. E. (2017). Jailing the twitter bird: Social media, material support to
terrorism, and muzzling the modern press. Cardozo Law Review 39(1), 1-58.
It talked about how social media companies like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, youtube, and
other companies are criminal prosecution. These social media companies support terrorism
organization by sympathizer glorify and pursue violence on social media. Not only this article
exposes that vulnerability as well as the support conflict with the first and fifth amendments.
This article shows how social media providers have responded to threats to the U.S government
by deleting hundreds of user accounts and censoring protected speech. What this shows that
social media should be fourth estate. The article identifies the first amendments should help from
counter terrorism statues.

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