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The Advantages of Vegan Diet

What is Vegan Diet?

Veganism is both the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an
associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals. Distinctions are sometimes made
between several categories of veganism. “Vegan” word is based on Roman word “Vegetus” means Healthy,
Strong, Fresh. Vegan Diet (or strict vegetarians) refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but
also eggs, dairy products and other animal-derived substances. ( Source: Wikipedia )

Why people start to have Vegan Diet as their Lifestyle?

Reasons for following a vegan diet can include preventing cruelty to animals, environmental considerations,
or simply looking to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle.

1. Vegan as Healthy Lifestyle

Research proof that Human Intestinal tract are designed to be Herbivore rather than Carnivore,
Carnivores don’t require fiber to help move food through their short and smooth digestive tracts.
Herbivores require dietary fiber to move food through their long and bumpy digestive tracts, to prevent
the bowels from becoming clogged with rotting food. Humans have the same requirement as herbivores.

Health Benefits Of Being Vegan

The health benefits of following a vegan diet are explained more fully in the sections below.

a. Controls Obesity : Zero Animal Fat helps to combat obesity in all age groups.
b. Prevent Cancer: Meat eaters are at a higher risk of colorectal and prostate cancers.
The vegan diet consists of far higher volumes of legumes, fruits, and vegetables, fiber, and vitamin
C. These are believed to protect against a variety of cancers.
c. Strong Bone :
For a vegan, figs, kale, spinach, black-eyed peas, and turnip greens can be excellent sources of
calcium. Vegan milk alternatives are becoming more widely available, such as soy milk, almond
milk, and even vegan cheese.
Bones also need vitamins D and K, potassium, and magnesium. Soy, fruit, and some vegetables
contain appropriate amounts of these nutrients without the health risks of animal fats. Daily
exposure to the sun also enables the body to make vitamin.
Vegans have also shown more efficient absorption of calcium and bone metabolism rather than
cows milk.
d. Healthy Heart: essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, known
can reduce the risk of heart disease. In common Diet we can get this nutrient from Meat and
Animal Innards, like chicken livers or brains . but the innards contain bad cholesterol, toxins and
free radicals that are more harm than good.
Vegan can get B12 Nutrient from Cereal and Bacterial which fermented Tempeh with no toxic risk
at all.
e. Healthy Colons: All vegetables, Fruits Legumes and grains contains high fibre, which function to
sweep out fats, leftovers and oil from our Intestinal tract.
f. Protect Against Chronic Disease: Many studies have proven the presence of chronic diseases is
closely related to the pattern of consumption of animal foods high in cholesterol and saturated
fats. Bad cooking process like frying, roasting, burning build free radicals and carcinogens in our
food. Vegetarian diet is one alternative that can prevent and treat chronic diseases. Vegan
promote Healthy and Raw Diet Serving with less oil no animal fat diet.
Studies also proven Amino Acid Diet in Fermented Soy Product like Tofu and Tempeh can
counteract an individual's genetic likelihood of developing a chronic disease, such as type 2
g. Smarter and Stay Young: Right diet of Vegan makes body healthier, Omega 3, 6 and vtamin B lead
to strong in memory, vitamin c and collagen lead to youthful body and longetivity.

( Source: )

2. Vegan as Morality against Animal Cruelty

Many people identify themselves as animal lovers, yet intentionally or not, this rarely extends to the
animals we use for food. There are a lot of misconceptions about how animal products are obtained and
we often turn a blind eye towards inhumane animal ag ricultural practices. Animal welfare is an issue we
like to push out of our minds, and we are blinded by Animal Product Commercial.

a. Chiken and Egg

after hatching, chicks separated by gender.Male chick is considered useless and immediately milled
on the day he hatches to make nuggets and meatballs. Egg laying hens are kept in small, overcrowded
cages, sometimes with so little room that the animal cannot even turn around. Cage free chickens are
often kept in large warehouses that are so crowded that the animals are debeaked to prevent
cannibalism in the flock.

Chicken also feed with artificial feed contains growth and sex hormone to increase eggs production,
also antibiotics which is unhealthy and toxical. They also stress and eat their own Quill to coverage
the calcium deficit. While normal chickens can live for more than 10 years, egg laying hens are
slaughtered between the age of 2-2.5 years old as this is when egg production begins to decline or
sick, they are distribute to Slaughterhouse. It seems unethical as human being enslaved other beings
for our enjoyment, more unethical we eat something out from chicken vagina.

b. Meat, Pork and Dairy

2 hours After birth, Calfs already be separated from its mother, they don’t even drink her mother’s milk.
They being forced to drink artificial growth hormone, separately between Male and Female and forced
to growth rapidly with hormones and medicine.

Just like humans, cows will not produce milk if there is no pregnancy. Then the dairy cows must be
repeatedly and forcibly artificially fertilization and pregnant for the rest of their lives. Stressful,
Inhigienic, and Inhuman Treatment cause dairy cows su ffered pathogen Disease, Osteoporosis until
Cervical Cancer.

To keep maintaining milk production, dairy cows are forced to produce milk by Inhuman way. living
imprisoned from birth to death, lifelong injected with growt h hormone, sex and painkiller. Research
found that in 1 glass of Cows milk contain Blood, Feces, 20 type of Painkiller, Antibiotics and growth
hormones, Acidic protein which cause Osteoporosis, and Casein which contributed in Breast and
Prostate Cancer. After Dairy Cows sick and Unproductive they were brought to Slaughterhouses to be

The animals as cows and pigs suffer injuries which are often left untreated, from broken bones to burns
and lesions from constant contact with their own feces. With the focus on profit, time is money, which
means that slaughterhouses process as many animals as possible in any given day. It’s common for
the production lines to be moving so fast that the methods used to kill the animals are rarely effective
and cause a great deal of suffering and pain. Because of the quick processing time many of the
animals are still alive, terrified, and in unimaginable amounts of pain during skinning, scalding, and

( Source : )

3. Vegan slows down Global Warming and Cures Hunger

There was a time during our evolution when eating meat was necessary to our survival. In fact, it’s one of
the reasons we’re here today! However, our environment won’t be able to support our current level of
food production for much longer. In 2010, the UN released a report encouraging a global move away
from animal products. The report states, “Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially
due to population growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to
look for alternatives: people have to eat. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a
substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products.”

Breeding, raising, and feeding animals for food is a tremendously inefficient use of our natural resources.
Animals raised for food production are fed over half of the all the world’s crops. As our population grows, we
require more and more agricultural space. 60% of worldwide deforestation results from land being converted
for use as agricultural land, much of which is used for grazing cattle. An estimated 14% of the world’s
population (over 850,000,000 people) suffer from undernourishment while we continue to waste valuable
agricultural land and resources to produce animal products, therefore obtaining only a fraction of the
potential caloric value. Continuing this foolish management of our natural resources is simply not sustainable.

Following a vegan lifestyle contributes less air pollution and puts less stress on our natural resources by
requiring less land, fossil fuels, and water. As the world’s population is expected to reach 9 billion by
2050, a widespread movement towards vegan lifestyle is the most effective way to reduce pressure on
our environment and may be absolutely crucial to our survival as a species.
How Turning to Vegan can save You, us and This World?

- By having a vegan diet, you have low percentage suffering chronical disease ( cancer, heart attack,
stroke, hypertension, anemia, osteoporosis, diabetes, etc ). Why? This can be attributed to a higher
intake of fibre, phytonutrients, antioxidants, flavonoids, and carotenoids. Foodborne illnesses,
bacteria, parasites, and chemical toxins are more common in commercial meat, poultry, and seafood
when compared with plant foods, (particularly organic fruits and vegetables). Vegans also consume
less processed food as a rule.

- Research has revealed that vegans may be happier than their meat-eating counterparts. In fact it was
discovered that vegans and vegetarians had lower scores on depression tests and mood profiles when
compared to fish and meat-eaters. There is an element of freshness to most plant based dishes,
especially when it comes to organic produce – so this is bound to purify our minds and keep our
thoughts positive.

- vegan morality leads us to live a noble life as a human being, to control our ego, to honor the glory of
other living beings especially animals, to love, and to make steps bringing the world into peace and
- Stop meat consumption more effective in saving resources, reducing c02 gas emissions, and avoiding
global warming. Studies proof that meat productions are waste of natural resources and Vegan Diet is
future choice for Human Survival as one of the species in nature.
In short decades, we need to eat less meat. "The biggest intervention people could make towards
reducing their carbon footprints would not be to abandon cars, but to eat significantly less red meat,"
( Professor Gidon Eshel, at Bard College in New York, tells The Guardian ).
Vegan diet also leads us to appreciate and not to waste food away.

( Source: )

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