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1) Artigos definidos: a, an ou the

Quando usar:
A ou AN – Ambos possuem o mesmo sentido(artigos INDEFINIDOS), diferem-se
apenas que: A usado antes de palavras que tem som de consoante e AN usado
antes de palavras que tem som de vogal

Características: Primeira menção, definição de coisas ou pessoas, não tem

gênero e nem plural.

THE – Artigo definido (o, a, os, as), ou seja, usado para coisas que já

Características: Não tem gênero (serve pra qualquer um), usado para coisas
específicas ou já mencionadas antes.

OBS: não uso em nomes próprios, generalizações, alguns termos abstratos,

antes de possessivos.


There is___ excellent doctor in___hospital I know.

2. He is___university student.
3. We are___champions.
4. It is___honor for me to be here.
5. I'll be back in___hour.
6. I think this is___end of___story.
7. Are you___manager of this company?
8. He is___good father.
9. She is___great friend.
10. We are from ___USA.

1. An / the 9. A
2. A 10. The
3. The
4. An
5. An
6. The / the
7. The
8. A
2) Is ou Are (Present Simple To Be)
Are – Plural (We, you, they)
Is – Singular (You, he, she, it)

11 - Paulo .......... one of my best friends.

12 - .......... you really studying English?
13 - Her boss .......... not a good leader.
14 - The books .......... on the table.
15 - The book .......... on the table.
16 - Rafaela and Achiles .......... great doctors.
17 - Marcela .......... studying German.
18 - .......... they coming with us?
19 - We .......... not going to help him.
20 - Who .......... they?
21 - .......... it too cold outside?
22 - My car .......... being repaired.
23 - Why .......... he talking to john?
24 - The cat .......... outside.
25 - Why .......... the cats outside?
26 - It .......... really hot today.

3) Foods and Restaurants – Vocabulary

Maçã - Apple
Banana – Banana
Uva - Grape
Laranja – Orange
Chocolates – Candy
Bolo – Cake
Sobremesa – Pie
Biscoitos – Cookies
Oleo de coco – Coconut oil
Oleo de milho – Corn oil
Oleo de oliva – Olive oil
Manteiga – Butter
Queijo – Cheese
Leite – Milk
Iorgute – Yogurt
Massa – Pasta
Arroz – Rice
Macarrão – Noodle
Pão – Bread
Comidas do mar
Peixe – Fish
Mexilhões – Clams
Shrimp – Camarão
Squid – Polvo
Caranguejo – Crab
Cenoura – Carrot
Pimenta – Peeper
Brocolis – Broccoli
Cebola – Onion
4) Technology and You
A tablet – Um tablete
Laptop ou Desktop – Computador
Keyboard – Teclado
GPS – Termo Abrasileirado
Smart Phone – Telefone Inteligente
Cell Phone – Telefone celular
Camera digital
Headphones – Fone de ouvido
Earbuds – Fone de ouvido pequeno
Projector – Projetor
Printer – Impressora
Speakers – Autofalante

Present Continous – Forma to be + Verb – Ing

27 Listen to the birds. They (sing) are singing / 're singing .

28 Look at that one. It (fly) is flying / 's flying high in the sky.
29 The other one (play) is playing / 's playing with a worm.
30 I feel happy because I (have) am having / 'm having a good time here in
these woods.

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive)

31 Look! Sara (go) is going / 's going to the movies.

32 On her right hand, Sara (carry) is carrying / 's carrying her handbag.
33 The handbag (be) is / 's very beautiful.
34 Sara usually (put) puts on black shoes but now she (wear) is wearing / 's
wearing white trainers.
35 And look, she (take) is taking / 's taking an umbrela
36 John (read) a book now.

37 What (you do) tonight?

38 Jack and Peter (work) late today.

39 Silvia (not listen) to music.

40 Maria (sit) next to Paul.

41 How many other students (you study) with?

42 The phone (not ring).

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