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I have been discriminated because of my physical appearance 16

I am often teased as black skinned 11
My weight is one of the reasons of why I'm discriminated especially in group physical activities 10
My unique style has been a problem among my blockmates 16
My desire to fit in is always there due to their discrimination 11
I am not treated as well as others due to my facial features 13
My different lifestyle bothers me 16
The amount of make-up that I apply on my face affects on how people see me 18
I eat alone during lunch breaks because of my physical appearance 8
It is hard for me to socialize 10
I have been publicly humiliated of my physical appearance 8
The books that I carry inside my bag reflects my capacity as a student 8
I'm always the last to be picked in group activities 10
I usually do work on my own because I'm an irregular student 10
It is hard for me to go to school because of my grades 8
They might think I'm incapable of doing difficult tasks because of my previous grades 13
My past mistakes does not define me 21
I can do more of what people expect me can 27

My gender perference is one of the reasons why I'm being discriminated 10
My choice on how I dress myself based on my gender orientation affects the way people see me 13
I am gay but I still prioritize academics more than anything 16
I admire people who are treated better by professors 13
It bother me that I can't freely express myself towards others 14
Stereotypes capsulate what people think I'm capable of 11
I tend stay alone instead of joining a friend group because of the possibility of their discrimination 8
The way I talk affects the way people think of me 13

I am not comfortable whenever Iam in class 10
I don't want to go to school because I feel discriminated 10
I found my second family in my organization 27
My confort zone are my friends inside the university 25
I don't feel at ease in front of my professors because on how they treat me 13


Ever since the discrimination my grades got low 16
It is hard for me to focus well in class 11
I don't get to comply with my requirements on time 16
I don't feel confident in reciting or expressing my ideas in front of the class because they might judge 8
I believe my capabilities, at times, have been misjudged by my classmate or blockmates 11
I intend to keep quiet in class because I feel that I'm not belong to the group 10
My ideas are disrupted because some don't take me seriously 22
My gender preference limits me to the things that I want to do 27
I am not as cheerful as before 15
Little things always affects me emotionally 15
I always feel depressed 30
I over think every little detail 10
I am afraid to make an interaction with people because of my gender preference 14
Physical appearance matters when I interact with other people or student 15
I have been treated disrespectfully because of the way I look inside the institution 16
I intend to keep myself away from my classmate because I might get judged or discriminated based o 27


My reassurance is my academics 9
Even though, I am different they still accept in class 8
I perform well in school in order to prove myself 8


I have accepted my indifference among others 11
My uniqueness is what gives me confidence 10
I am different but I am happy about it 11
I am fully accepted by my friend group even though I'm different 8
My uniqueness helps me to interact with other people 9
My indifference is my asset 8
I am not shy to express myself 10
My friends are not in anyway judmental 10
2 3 4 5
11 27 8 13
8 30 18 8
12 20 11 22
11 27 13 8
18 30 8 8
8 21 16 17
8 13 11 27
8 30 11 8
13 11 16 27
10 15 20 20
11 16 13 27
8 30 11 18
15 20 10 20
10 25 10 20
13 21 17 16
8 27 11 16
17 16 13 8
13 16 11 8

10 13 20 22
8 21 16 17
8 27 13 16
11 15 14 22
12 25 11 13
12 27 8 17
11 16 13 27
11 22 15 14

13 22 10 20
10 25 15 15
14 15 9 10
14 12 11 13
8 17 21 16

5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

13 27 11 8
18 30 8 8
11 27 13 8
18 30 11 8
14 22 12 13
20 25 10 10
15 14 13 11
13 16 11 8
13 22 14 11
9 27 14 10
19 10 9 7
15 25 15 10
13 25 12 11
13 22 13 12
12 25 14 13
11 16 13 8

15 27 14 10
11 27 13 16
13 21 11 16

13 14 22 15
12 14 16 23
14 13 15 22
13 16 17 21
10 14 15 27
8 11 18 30
11 12 22 20
10 15 15 25

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