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Intro to Spanish – Práctica – 2.4.

Fill in the boxes with appropriate examples of adjectives from the Guided
Notes. Change the adjective accordingly to fit in the proper category.


1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Circle the word that successfully completes each phrase below.

1) Roberta es (ordenado / 5) Sr. Rabin es (trabajador /

ordenada). trabajadora).

2) El chico es (reservado / 6) Lebron James es (talentoso /

reservada). talentosa).

3) La chica es (estudioso / 7) Luisa es (antipático /

estudiosa). antipática).

4) Danielle es (simpático / 8) Donald es (atrevido /

simpática). atrevida).

Complete the sentences below by writing in the correct form of the

adjective shown in the picture. Make sure to change the adjective to match
the noun, if necessary!

9) Roger es ________________.

10) María es ________________.

10) Samantha es ________________.
First, read the following statements in English about Malik and Lauren.

Then, fill out the Venn diagram IN SPANISH using the adjectives we
learned in class. Decide which adjectives to use based on the
statements below.

Make sure to have the proper endings on the adjectives, depending on if

the adjective fits Malik, Lauren, or both.

Malik likes to play sports. Malik hangs out with his friends
every single day.
Lauren likes to paint.
Lauren tells a lot of jokes.
Malik does all of his homework
and receives A’s on every test. Malik can sometimes be a bully.

Lauren only likes to sit on the Lauren loves to play basketball.

couch and watch television.
Malik likes to go rock climbing
and sky diving.

Malik Lauren

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