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Impact of human activities on nature

The action of man on the planet has been remarkable, especially in the last century that
it can be said that there is no system that has not been affected by its activity. They are
human actions that negatively influence the functioning of the ecosystem.

7 real impacts of human activities on nature.

Developments in the fields of health and health management of human settlements
have made it possible to significantly increase human life expectancy while contributing
to the reduction of the mortality rate. The consequence of this has been overpopulation.
Today the planet earth is inhabited by almost 7500 billion people.

Displacement and extinction of animal species

There are many examples of animal species that are at risk of disappearing due to the
lack of climatic or food conditions that have led to the destruction of their natural habitat.
Perhaps one of the most mediatic is the case of the panda, in danger of extinction due
to the deforestation of bamboo forests, its place of refuge and food par excellence.

Air pollution
The proliferation of factories and the emissions of greenhouse gases have had an
impact on the fact that the air is not totally pure and harmless to human health.
Similarly, smoke particles or gases that are generated by decomposition of organic
matter, mining or combustion of hydrocarbons, are making the air become harmful to

Soil and water pollution

This type of pollution is much related to each other because, in general, soil pollution
ends up reaching the different water tributaries.

It is also related to the problem of the processing and disposal of waste because there
are no clear and efficient waste management policies or systems, the extensions of
soils that become improvised landfills are wider.
Sonic pollution
It is a type of pollution that is generally not considered, however, it affects a large
number of people.

This is especially true in large cities where urban traffic and employment end up raising
the decibels to which the ears of people must submit.

Sonic contamination can affect the functioning of the human auditory system and is also
related to sleep disorders and cardiovascular diseases.

Global warming
Global warming is a notion that even today is skeptical, but that it is usually related to
the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide is
produced by the human being simply by breathing, but its level has increased since the
Industrial Revolution fostered the use of fossil fuels in many processes.

Excess waste
A common problem in large cities is the difficulty in adequately managing the huge
amount of waste produced daily. Generally, landfills and sanitary landfills remain
overcrowded and cannot cope, and many do not have a recycling system that allows
the use of material that could perhaps be reused.
Society, social organization.

Society is a term that describes a group of individuals. Marked by a common culture, a

certain folklore and shared criteria that condition their customs and a lifestyle and that
relate to each other within the framework of a community.
Human societies are constituted by populations where the inhabitants and their
environment interrelate in a common context that gives them an identity and a sense of
The organization of a modern society is based on the superposition of a set of
structures and networks that are responsible for regulating its operation and maintaining
its stability. The cultural structure is based on the superposition of cultural experiences.

Class society constitutes a hierarchical division based mainly on differences in income,
wealth and access to material resources. Although classes are not closed groups and
an individual can move from one class to another.
The set of social classes and their relations form a class system that is typical of
modern industrial societies


Marx stressed that, unlike all previous societies in the history of the West with multiple
groups of antagonistic classes, in modern capitalist society the unequal distribution of
capital is simplified in the formation of two large classes characterized by this
"distribution": proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The latter, because of its original social
function, would have capital physically, that is: economically, and therefore of the
means of production. It would be proper to this class the mode of production called
capitalism and its theoretical support, liberalism, understood as its ideological
epiphenomenon. Weber distinguishes between social classes, status groups and
political parties, different strata corresponding respectively to the economic, social and
political orders.

Social classes are defined by the economically determinable relationship between its
members and the market. These are only one of the forms of social stratification,
attending to the conditions of material life, and they do not constitute a conscious group
of their own unity beyond certain conditions without necessary community of interests.

¿What is culture?
The culture is the way of doing things proper to a human community,
Usually determined by its unique characteristics of time, space and
1. Culture is learned.
2. It is shared.
3. It is dynamic.
4. Look for adaptability.
5. Presents a common symbolic code.
6. Culture is an arbitration system.
7. It is an integrated system.
8. Generally, there will be incoherence between what is lived and

What is Socio-cultural diversity?

Cultural diversity is a common heritage of humanity and is as necessary forhumankind
as biodiversity is for living beings. But to take advantage of its benefits it is necessary to
establish equal relationships between different social groups.
Cultural diversity reflects the multiplicity and interaction of cultures that coexist in the
world and that, therefore, are part of the common heritage of humanity.

How it manifests
Cultural diversity is manifested by the diversity of language,religious beliefs, land
management practices, art, music, socialstructure, crop selection, diet and every
conceivable number of other attributes of human society.
Healthy foods vs. industrial foods
Food is our body's central source of energy, however, are we fully aware of the foods
we choose to
Eat When a food is processed, its natural flavor is modified in order to intensify it, soften
it or change itcompletely. It can also intervene, for example, to extend its useful life. The
problem with it, is thatwhat it allows, the natural properties are lost at the same time
they are added to the reach of total fats,saturated fats, trans fats, sugar and sodium.
According to a report by the World Health Organization, in Latin America the traditional
diet is beingreplaced by the consumption of ultra-processed foods and beverages that
cause health problems,especially the increase in obesity.
They are those that have not been altered chemically. They have theirnutritional
properties intact because they have not gone through any industrialprocessing. They do
not use additional substances such as fats, sugars or salt intheir processing, except for
Fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, grains or corn that have been dried,frozen,
ground or fermented without the addition of fats, sugars or salt are anexample of this
type of food.
They are those who have been added ingredients such as oils, fats,sugar, salt, flour and
sweeteners. This category includes foods in which conservation methods such as
salting or fermentation with salt were used. Examples are canned vegetables that
contain salt or smoked cheeses, among other foods.
Although there is a great difference between unprocessed, processed or ultraprocessed
foods, missed information makes it difficult to understand their difference in order to opt
for a healthier diet. In thissituation, the interests of large food multinationals that market
products that shorten preparation times when cooking, eliminate nutrients and add fats
and sugars that are harmful to our body have a great relative weight.
Population phenomena

They are all those facts that are related to a society and that in turn influence the socio-
economic development of an entity.

Migration refers to any displacement of the population (human or animal) that occurs from one
place of origin to another destination and involves a change of habitual residence in the case of
people or habitat in the case of animal species. Migratory According to the above there will be
two types of migrations: human and animal migrations.
The process of leaving a specific country, region or area to adopt permanent residence.
Immigration. It is the process of moving from one country, region or specific area to another (a)
to adopt permanent residence.

Population Pyramid
It is another tool that allows us to measure the population phenomena that can indicate us in
what stage of growth is, youth or population aging, gender balance or imbalance, including the
demographic effect of natural disasters and wars. It is an important instrument that helps in
making decisions about the current and future needs of its inhabitants.

This factor, which manifests globally, is accompanied by others, such as the increase in the
quality of life and the increase in leisure time.
The constitution of the population also has a direct relationship with this factor. It is assumed
that a country with a mostly young population is more productive, and that the opposite is a
demographic and even economic problem.
The impacts of this factor are also manifested in the demand for housing and in the type of
educational institutions, health and services that the population demands.

Each country has its own way of dealing with population phenomena, under the
assumption of provoking tendencies contrary to national planning.

Some countries limit births, with natural results.

Other situations of migration with questionable measures in terms of justice.
In general, it is natural that population movements follow economic trends, and that they
affect aspects of work. However, the most natural effect is the perception of social
Some groups can achieve that these perceptions become supéral, in turn, in turn, in
turn, in turn, to the problems that arise.
Probably the solution has to do with the grouping of people in the territory, so that
increasing numbers are generated and achieved:
An increase in the escalation of production.
Flexibilize the economic scheme, eliminating productive waste.
Increase the international influence of the nation, strengthening an economic position.
Global climate change: causes and consequences.
Climate change is a significant and enduring change in the statistical distribution of
weather patterns over periods from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in
average weather conditions, or the distribution of time around average conditions.

What causes global warming?

The temperatures on Earth are suitable for life thanks to a natural process called the
greenhouse effect. When solar radiation reaches our atmosphere, part of it is reflected
into space, and part of it passes and is absorbed by the Earth. This causes the surface
of the Earth to warm up. The heat is radiated outwards and absorbed by the gases
present in the Earth's atmosphere, the so-called "greenhouse gases". This process
prevents the heat from disappearing, causing the temperature to rise to + 15 ° C instead
of -19 ° C.

There are many greenhouse gases responsible for an additional heating of the
atmosphere, which are produced in different ways by people. Most come from the
combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories and the production of electricity. The gas
responsible for most of the heating is carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Other
contributors are methane expelled from landfills and agriculture (especially from the
digestive systems of grazing animals), nitrous oxide from fertilizers, gases used for
Cooling and industrial processes, and forest loss from otherwise they would store CO2 .

Climate change is changing our economy, health and communities in different ways.
Scientists warn that if we do not substantially curb climate change now, the results are
likely to be disastrous. If the Earth warms up, some of these important changes will

The water expands when it is heated and the oceans absorb more heat than the earth,
the sea level will rise.
Sea level will also increase due to the melting of glaciers and sea ice.
The cities of the coast would suffer floods.
Places where it usually rains or snows a lot could get hot and dry out.
Lakes and rivers could dry up.
There would be more droughts so it would be more difficult to grow corn.
There would be less water available for agriculture, food production, drinking or
Many plants and animals would become extinct.
Hurricanes, tornadoes and storms caused by changes in temperature and evaporation
of water would occur more regularly.
Lifestyles and consumption
Consumption means meeting present needs in the future.

Lifestyle or way of life are expressions that are designed, in a generic way, to the style,
form or way in which life is understood; not so much in the sense of a particular
conception of the world (little less than an ideology -although that is the intention of
expression, when the totality of culture and art is extended), as in that of an identity, an
idiosyncrasy or a character, particular or group (national, regional, local, generational,
class, subcultural ...), expressed in all or any of the areas of behavior (work, leisure,
sex, food, clothing, etc.). ), fundamentally in the customs of daily life, but also in housing
and urbanism, in the relationship with objects and the possession of goods, in relation to
the environment or in interpersonal relationships.

1. - In epidemiology, the lifestyle, habit of life or way of life is a set of behaviors or
attitudes that people develop, which sometimes are healthy and sometimes are harmful
to health. In developed countries unhealthy lifestyles cause numerous diseases. Within
the epidemiological triangle causing disease, it would be included within the host factor.

· Consumption of toxic substances: tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.

· Physical exercise.
· Night sleep.
· Driving of vehicles.
· Stress
· Diet
· Personal hygiene.
· Handling of food.
· Leisure activities or hobbies.
· Relationships.
· Environment.
· Sexual behavior

Sustainable lifestyles
Avoid and reduce waste, and increase reuse and recycling.
· Manage and treat waste according to the criteria of good practices
· Avoid the consumption of unnecessary energy and improve efficiency in the final use of
· Commit to making sustainable acquisitions

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