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XQ Super School Project Proposal

By Sean Tracy

Our super school will be called: ​What is the "working" name of your high school?

★ S.T.E.A.M.A.H.
○ School of Science, Technology, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Arts,
Mathematics, Agronomy, Athletics, Humanities and Health & Wellness
★ MicroSoft Academy, MicroSoft Institute, MicroSoft High, MicroSoft School

A bold and compelling idea will be at the center of our school: ​What is your idea,
and why does it have the potential to transform high school learning?

★ Give students the freedom to choose their pathway/“major” - Students only take
classes that interest them, classes with content that they are passionate about
learning and studying - Must enroll in at least 4 out of the 10 pathways/“majors”
every semester. Required to enroll in Athletics and/or Health & Wellness every
★ S.T.E.E.A.M.A.A.H.H. – Science, Technology, Engineering, Entrepreneurship,
Arts, Mathematics, Agronomy, Athletics, Humanities, Health & Wellness
○ Athletics/Team Sports - Basketball, Soccer, Baseball/Softball, Tennis,
Track & Field
○ Health & Wellness - Yoga, Meditation, Zumba, Weight Training, Spin
Cycling, Hiking/Nature Walks, etc.
★ Individualized, real-world project/research based learning & Vocational/Trade
★ Culturally relevant curriculum/gender relevant
★ College type schedule (only 2 - 4 classes per day).
★ Community research projects
★ Innovative and state of the art learning environments - relaxing and nurturing
○ Every student has laptop - workstations, open work areas, cyber-cafes in
○ Open outdoor plaza/courtyard at school - to be used as workspace when
weather is nice
○ Community/school gardens
★ Year around school with four seasonal breaks
○ Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
■ Each quarter is 9 weeks x 4 = 36 weeks
■ Each break is 3 weeks x 4 = 12 weeks
All the elements of our school will come together in powerful learning
experiences for students: ​Describe 4-6 core experiences that exemplify what it will
mean to be a learner at your school, and especially how students will be encouraged to
take ownership of their own learning.

★ School Day Begins at 8 am and finishes at 3:30 pm

8:00 - 8:15 am - ​Student led morning announcements​​ (positive affirmations) - 15 min
8:15 - 9:45 am - ​Project-Based Learning Time ​(student centered) - 90 min.
9:45 - 10:00 am -​ Morning Break​​ – 15 minutes
10:00 - 10:45 am -​ R.E.A.D - Risk Everything And Dream​​ (Students take 45 minutes a
day to read and dream about what they want to do)
10:45 - 11:45 am -​ Personalized Learning Time​​ – 60 minutes
11:45 - 12:45 pm -​ LUNCH​​ – 1 hour
12:45 - 1:15 pm - ​Mentor Time​​ – 30 minutes
1:15 - 2:00 pm - ​Project-Based Learning Time​​ (student centered) – 90 minutes
2:00 - 2:15 pm - ​Afternoon Break​​ – 15 minutes
2:15 - 3:15 pm - ​Team Building/Physical Education​​ - 60 minutes
● Team Sport
● Health & Wellness Session
3:15 - 3:30 pm - ​Meditation/Reflection (written)​​ – 15 minutes
● Peer Acknowledgment
3:30 - TBD - ​After School ​- 30 minutes - 3 hours
● Academic support, sports, clubs, etc.
The additional expertise and/or people we need are: ​What other experts or
community resources will you need as team members, advisors, or supporters?

★ Venture capitalist (must share vision and mission)

★ Businessmen/women (local, national, international)
★ Educators
★ Entrepreneurs
★ Students (grad., undergrad., high school)
★ Workforce development boards

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