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Research Proposal

Environmental Conservation of Historical Wetlands and Geographical Trend

Analysis due to Climate Change: GIS and RS based study on Matasagar and
Sukhsagar of Dinajpur

Research Supervisor:
Professor Dr. Shahedur Rashid

Prepared By:
Md. Zakiur Rahman
Final Year (B. Sc. Hon’s)

Department of Geography and Environment

Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka-1342 
Environmental Conservation of Historical Wetlands and Geographical Trend Analysis
due to Climate Change: GIS and RS based study on Matasagar and Sukhsagar of Dinajpur


"Wetlands" is a geographic term used to refer marshes, swamps, bogs and similar areas.
Wetlands are found in flat vegetated areas, in depressions in landscapes, and between water
and dry land along with the edges of streams, rivers, lakes, and coastlines. Wetlands areas can
also be found in nearly every country and climatic zone. Inland wetlands receive water from
precipitation, surface water, tides and groundwater. Surface water sources include run off and
storm water. The total area under wetlands in Bangladesh has been variously estimated at
seven to eight million hectares, which is about 50% of the total land surface. The historical
wetlands such as: Ramsagar, Matasagar, Sukhsagar, Anandasagar of northern region of
Bangladesh are occupying a large history and environmental significance.

Problems Statement

The gradual destruction or less of our wetlands is leading us to an environment with the crisis
of check and balance. Administrations and other related organizations are not taking
sufficient steps to protect the destruction of wetlands. Sukhsagar and Matasagar are very
important historical wetlands of Dinajpur district. But those are endangered today due to
individuals profit and lack of public awareness. This is high time, some tangible steps should
be taken for the environmental conservation of these places.

Rationale of the Study

Due to its important role in harmonizing ecosystem, wetlands demand much attention as a
significant part of our environment. Destruction of wetlands cause micro climate changes and
also has a negative impact on agriculture and fisheries.

Bangladesh is in a highly vulnerable spot due to its geophysical location, hydrological

influence by monsoon rainfall and regional water flow patterns. As the environment doesn’t
allow static condition, our climate is changing very quickly. Wetlands play a vital role on
micro-climate of a particular region. The scope of this research lays on the environmental
conservation, such as: implementation of environmental act, conservation of wetlands,
conservation of biodiversity of adjoining area and geographical trend analysis due to climate

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Study Area

Name of the Study Area 1: Matasagar Name of the Study Area 2: Sukhsagar
Mauza: Dinajpur Mauza: Dinajpur
Thana: Dinajpur Sadar Thana: Dinajpur Sadar
District: Dinajpur District: Dinajpur

Google Earth Image: Matasagar Google Earth Image: Sukhsagar

Literature Review
Bangladesh is a land of river or in another words it is a country of wetlands. Basically those
wetlands contain fresh water and have a great influence on the primary economic activities
such as agriculture and fisheries. Due to recent climate change the production of agriculture
and fisheries are decreasing. Local people are becoming landless day by day. Elimination of
wetland destruction is not impossible, it only needs implementation of environmental acts
and wetlands acts with rebuilding public awareness. The main aim of this research is explore
and explicate the environmental conservation systems of wetlands and their implementation
mechanisms and geographical trend analysis due to climate change using GIS and RS tools.
A very few research work have been done on these area or topic. A few numbers of studies at
both macro and micro level related to this subject are available; yet they cannot completely
provide with all necessary information and its management policy. There are considerable
literatures on environmental conservation and climate change. But there is no particular
literature about this topic. During this research I will try to conduct a literature review

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relevant to my research. I will be committed to prioritize direct field work based on
questionnaire survey and my skills on Remote Sensing while collecting data.

Aim and Objectives

The main aim of this research is to explore and explicate the Environmental Conservation
systems of Wetlands as well as their implementation mechanisms and geographical trend
analysis due to climate change.

1. To develop base line information of Matasagar and Sukhsagar using GIS and GPS applications.
2. To verify present environmental problems of the study area with the help of Remote
Sensing and in-situ observation.
3. To identify the impact of climate change on those wetlands and surrounding communities.
4. To analyse the implementation of existing environmental conservation acts of wet lands.
5. To locate the major confusions and impediments within environmental conservation acts
of wetlands.
6. To identify factors to be addressed while policy making.
7. To get some pragmatic suggestions for proper implementation of wetlands conservation.

Data and Methods

Sources of Data
For the purpose of this study, the data will be collected from the following sources:
1. Primary Data Sources
2. Secondary Data Sources

Primary Data Sources

In order to achieve the aims and objects of this research, two types of primary data (socio-
economic and geographical) will be collected from the field by using questionnaire survey,
FGD and GPS device etc. Major primary sources which will be conducted in four ways-
a) In-situ observation
b) Formal Questionnaire Survey
c) FGD
d) GPS Survey

Secondary Data Sources

a) Publication of Government Agencies
b) Publication of Related NGOs
c) Satellite images (provided by Google Earth)
d) Previous research works, relevant journals, articles and papers
e) Publication of BBS, BARC, RDRS and Upazila administrative offices

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This reesearch willl be done on

o the basis of four major
m technniques. Suchh as: questtionnaire
survey, data maniipulation annd analysiss, Remote Sensing annd GIS. Thhe methods of this
researchh work are mentioned
m b
below with a chart.


Title Select

ms and Obje

e Review Datta Collection

Primaryy Data: Seco
ondary Dataa:
aire Survey,,  Bookks and Articles
FGD, GPSS Survey Satellite Im
mage, Mau
uza Map

Data M
on and Dataa 

mary Tabularr Data Analysis Image Analysis Second
dary Data An

Daata Represe

ndings  Conclusion

Figure: Flowchhart of Researcch Methodoloogy.

Rahman, Md. Zakiur_____________________________________ 4 out of 5 

Proposed Time Frame

This research work will take approximately four month to draw a conclusion with findings.
Tentative time frame is shown below in a tabular form.

Work Procedure April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010
Problem Identification
Research Proposal
Literature Review
Data Collection
Data Manipulation
Data Analysis
Draft Report Preparation
Final Report Preparation
Report Print & Bind
Report Submission
Table: Showing tentative time frame for the research work

Expected Findings

¾ Biodiversity of these area is endangered.

¾ Agriculture and fisheries are endangered due to destruction of wetlands.

¾ Destruction of wetlands have Social, economic and environmental impact.

¾ Changes in land use pattern due to climate change of adjoining areas occurred.

¾ Implementation of Environmental acts for wetlands is ignored.

¾ Clarify respective agency as well as individual role for environmental

conservation of wetlands.

Rahman, Md. Zakiur_________________________________________________________________5 out of 5 

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