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QUARTERLY i 3031 FHA,' "_ OLVO. PH. bl4 B

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~ ~dCt?. Ceo. i
.~~t_~~~ Israel's
.j/~..2.~ i Departure

Fourth Quarter,

Roligious Liberty Publishing Association,
42 Prospect Rd., Summer Hi!!, N,S.W,
Lesson No. I-Sabbath, October 2, i943 (1,/4:93;'
1. What does the name, "Israel," signify, and to whom was
it first given? Gen. 32 :28, 29.
NOTE: "Jacob 'had power over the Angel, and prevailed.'
Through humiliation, repentance, and self-surrender, this
sinful, erring mortal prevailed with the Majesty of heaven.
. . . As an evidence that he had been forgiven, his name
was changed from one that was a 'reminder of his sin, to
one that commemorated his victory. 'Thy name,' said the
Angel, 'shall be called no more Jacob (the supplanter), but
Israel; for as II mince bllft thou power with God and with
men, and hast prevailed.' '-P.P., pp. 197, 198.
2. In what strange country did the descendants of Jacob
or Israel live after the death of their father, and for
how long? . Gen. 15:13; Acts 7:15-17.
3.' What was the experience of the Israelites in Egypt
after the death of Joseph? Who was chosen 0.£ God
to deliver Israel? Ex. 1:13, 14; 2:23; 3:4-10.
4. With what message did Moses approach Pharaoh the
king.? What was the king's reply? Ex. 5 :1-5.
NOTE: "In Ex. 5:5 we learn that Moses and Aaron
m~de the people 'rest from their burdens.' From these facts
"'e may conclude that the Sabbath was one of the things
in which they could not serve the Lord in Egypt; and when
Moses and Aaron came with the m~ssage of God (Ex. 4:29-
31), they attempted a reform which only i l' sed e
oppression~-P.p., ;~ 758, Appendix, Note 4.

'"5 . What wonderful message did Moses bring to Is'rael, and

how was this message received?· Ex. 6:5-9.
6. What means was the Lord compelled to employ. to
bring about the deliverance of His people? Ex. 7 :2-5.
NOTE: "He (Moses) was informed that the monarch
would not yield until God should visit judgments upon
Egypt, and bring out Ismel by the signal manifestation of
His power. Before the infliction of each plague, Moses
was to describe its nature and effects, that the king might
save himself from it if he chose . . . God would glorify
His own name, that other nations might heal' of His
power and tremble at His mighty acts, and that His people
might be led to turn from their idolatry and render Rim
pure worship."-P.P., p. 263.
7. What did Pharaoh say af.ter he was convinced of the
power of God? Ex. 8:25-28. What did Moses reply?
Ex. 10:8, 9, 24-26.
8. As a remembrance of Israel's deliverance, what great
ordinance was instituted by the Lord in Egypt?
ANSWER: "Before obtaining freedom, the bondsmen
must show the\r faith in the reat deliverance about to be
acccom lished. The token of blood must be placed upon
" their houses, and they must separate then;selves and their
famjljes from the Egyptians, and gather \\Tithin :their own
dwellings. .Had the Israelites- disregarded in any particu-
lar the directions given them, had they neglected to
se arate their children from the Egyptians, had they slain
the lamb, but failed to strike the door-post with blood, 01'
had any gone out of their houses, they would not have
\. ...... been secure. (' he mi ht have honestl belie ed th the
"-J had done alI ·that was necessary, but their sincerity woulrl .
not have s.aved them. All who failed to heed the Lord's
directions, would lose ti:ir first-born ha
deStro" er."-P.P., p. 278.
9. Who was the invisi..!)l~ leader of Israel? Ex. 13 :21,
22; 1 Cor. 10:1-4.r"r,./,-I'
17'" 10. What wonderful experience did Israel have after their
6tCtrcl. departure from Egypt? Did .they .hAve f~ Dbe- /
lief? Ex. 14:10-16, 19-22. 7,{7 ...~~Q"7D ol!r¥ t!i,7Y'
11. What happened to Pharaoh and the Egyptians? Ex.
12. What wond·erful song of praise did Moses and thlll
Israelites sing? Ex. 15 :1-21.
13. Through what was the trumphant departure from
E~ypt accomplished, and how are we to depart from
tlie· world? Heb. 11:28, 29; 1 John 5:4.
Lesson No.2-Sabbath, October 9, 1943


In whose school were the children of Israel? Wnat
were they to learn? Deut. 8:5, i: 10-12.
20 With what did the Lord first try His people? Did they
endure the test? Ex. 15 :22-24.
3. What miraclll was wrought by God in Marah? Ex.
40 What promise was given to Israel, but under what
conditions? Ex. 15 :26.
NOTE: "Let attention be called to the laws that were
aught to Israel. God gave them definite instruction in
egard to their habits of life. He made known to them the
aws relating to both physical and spiritual well-being; and
n condition of obedience He assured thllm, 'The Lord will
ake away from thee all sickness.' "-M.H., p. 114.
A~~ I I To what place did Israel now come on their journey?
Ct~, . Describe this place.
Ex. 15:27.
~::- 6. b. the wilderness of Sin, what further experience fol-
W~ lowed? What did Israel desire? Ex. 16:1-3.
~ 7. Against whom were their murmurings directed? Ex.
What commandment was -especially to be kept even
before the law was given at Sinai? Ex. 16:22-30.
NOTE: "Every week during their long sojourn in the
wilderness, the Israelites witnessed a threefold miracle,
designed to impress their minds with the sacredness of
the Sabbath: a double quantity of manna fell on the sixth
day, none on the seventh, and the portion needed for the
Sabbath was preserved sweet and pure, when if any were
kept over at any other time it became unfit for use."-
PoP., p. 296.
90 What preparation was to be made on Friday? Ex.
NOTE: "On Friday let the preparation be completed.
See that all the clothing is in readiness, and that all the
, cooking is done. Let the boots be blacked, and the baths
be taken. It is possible to do this. If you make it a
rule, you can do it., The Sabbath is not to be given to
the repairing of garments, to the cooking of food, to
pleasure-seeking, or to any other worldly employment. Be-
fore the setting of the sun, let all secular work be laid
aside, and all secular papers be put out of Si~lt. . . . We
should jealously guard the edges of the Sabbath. Remem-
ber that every moment is consecrated, holy time."-Vol 6,
pp. 355, 356.
10. How w'ere those who transgressed the Sabbath after
the law was given punished? Num. 15:32-36.
What will the Sabbath be for God's people in these
last days? ,f/)~"-:'~J~5'
ANSWER: "The Sabbath will be the great test of
alt ; for it is the point of truth especially conlroverted.
~~l'i1I!~e!i!nil'othe final test shall be brought to bear upon men,
then the line of distinction will be drawn between those
who serve God and those who serve Him not."-G.C., p,
12. What did God command, to be preserved. ~ a memo-
rial of His feeding them? Ex. 16:33, 35. ~;

13'. Of whom was the manna, eat. by the children of

Israel, a type? John 6:48-51. '
14. Where , as ~e pot with maI1na later preserved? Heb.
9:4. ,~.~.)
Lesson No.3-Sabbath, October 16, 1943
~~~. oA .~. QUESTIONS
1. What experience did Moses have at Rephidim? Of
what was he accused? Ex. 17 :1-3.
NOTE: "After leaving the wilderness of Sin, the
Israelites encamped in. Rephidim. Here there was no
water and again they distrusted the providence of ~
hen they had been so abundantly supplied with food,
they remembered with s~:.d2;ir unlj.elief and murmur-
~;:/ --Lea.o/7/ o-.JA{-~.
(Jttd ~ ~ -/~-.
~~,' It 6~.e.eL-~·
ings, and promised to trust the Lord in the future; but they
soon forgot their promise, and .tailed at .th~ first trial. of
their faith."-P~P., p. 297. - . •
2. What Jlliracle did God perform through Moses? Whom
did the Rock that Moses smote represent? Ex. 17:4-7;
Ps. 78:15, 16; 1 Cor. 10:4.
NOTE: "Moses smote the rock, but it was' the Son
of God who vailed in the cloudy pillar, stood beside- Moses,
and caused the life-giving water to flow. . . .- In their thirst
the people had tempted God, saying, ~he Lord among
us, or not?' and.~Ii_God has brought us here, why
He not give us water as well as bread?' The unbelief
thus manifested. was criminal, and Moses feared that the
judgments of God would rest upon them. And he called
the name of the place Massah, 'temptation,' and Meriban,
'chiding,' as a memorial of their sin."-P.P., p. 298.
3. What experience did Moses have with Israel at ~ ~ ~
Num. 20:1-5. ~ • o.a..+- -
4. What did -Moses do? W t sh ld he av~onef"7-
Num. 20:7-11. a-;t.u.
5. What earnest and solemn message was given to Moses?
Num. 20:12. Did Moses conceal his> sentence? Deut.
3:26• .trt ~J'''/~
NOTE: "Moses did not conceal his sentence, but told
the people that since he had 1tln~ to .aSCI~ ,glor~ tg.
~ he could not lead them into t e promIse land". He
'baaethem mark the severe punishment visited upon him,
and ~hen. consider how God must regard their murmurings
in c argmg upon a mere man the judgments which they
rad, by tbeir sins, brought upon themselves."-P.P., p.
G9. a-s ",~q
6. What happened to Israel at Rep idim? Ex. 17 :8.
7. Was it God's plan for Israel, if they had been faith-
ful, to engage in open warfare on their journey to
Canaan? E~. 23:20-23.
NOTE: "Because of their murmurings against Him,
the Lord suffered them to be attacked by their enemies.
. . . It was not His purpose that they should gain the land
V warfar~t ~ strict obe<!!ence to His commands."-
.P.;-pp~, 39 .
8. Who_ fell a prey to the Amalekites? Deut. 25:i7, 18.

NOTE: "The Amalekites, a fierce, warlike tribe inhabit-

ing that region, came out against them, and smote those
who, faint.. lin~ weary, had fall~:,.the rear."-P.P., p.
298. ~ - ()o..- -
9. Fro whom did Moses seek help in the battIe against
A alek? Ex. 17:9-11.
10. What did Aaron and Hur do? What instruction is
there for us in this example? . Ex. 17:12.
11. Which side gained the victory? What did God instruct to do as a emorial of their victory? Ex.
17:13-16:11I...d-U-' rGl-~~
12. What Iesson for us in our battle with Satan and his
confederates is found in this experience? Col. 4:2;
Eph. 6:18, 19.
NOTE: ~L the Hebrews triumphed when Moses was
reaching his 1Ui'iids toward heaven and interceding in their
behalf,~the Israel of God prevail when they by faith
take hoTdupon the strength of their mighty Helper. Yet
divine strength is to be combined with human effort."-

I Lesson N~~,-7/f~OL)J~D)
October 23, 1943.
t/.r:d;;: i.u.u«-t2.. . UESTIONS
r 1. On the way to Sinai who visited Moses? Ex. 18:1-12.
2. What instruction did Moses receive from his father-in-
law. Ex. 18:13-24.

3. What were to be· the c,haracteristics of those who were

to assist Mos·es? How' was organization institUted?
Ex. 18:21.
4. Was this system of thorough organization to remain

until they reached the land of Canaan,' and

be further developed? Num. 2:2; 10:1-10. ~

5. 'Vhat instruction for the remnant "IJ' c IS con- •

tained in this wonderful organization of Israel? Rom.
NOTE: "Has God changed from a God of order? No;
-lie !J! the ..§ame in the present dispensation. as in the
former. . . . & is as ~rticular now. as then. And he
designs that we should. learn lessons of order and organiza-
tion from the perfect order instituted in the days of'
Moses, for the benefit of the children of Israel"-VoI. 1,
p. '653.- - - ' -
6. What attitude did Jesus take toward organization?
Mark 3:14.
NOTE: "It was at the ordination of the twelve that
the first step was taken in the organization of the church
that after Christ's departure was to carryon His work
on the earth."-A.A., p. 18.
7. How was thS! apostolic chur~~ga.nized? Eph. 4:11;
Acts 20 :28¥j1 . _. .:;:;~ ./J
~ • , !/iK1.'k/}
8. What is the great obje of church order and organi- .
zation? Eph. 4:12-14; JOhn,17:2b23.U4'~A ~.
9. Is it possible to attain unto this high aim without
church order and organization? Rom. 16:17, 18.
NOTE: "I saw thatJ.his d:tfr at which the enemy
comes in to perplex ana troube the flock can be shut.
I inquired of the angel how it could be closed. He said:
'The church must fle~ to Go§s word and e 0 -
lished u on os el or er, WhlCli as een overlooked an
neg ec e . IS IS l ' I neces ar in order to
bring thG church into i e "-E.W., p.
10. How were the IsraeUtes who disobeyed the' order of
God concerning the sacrifices punished? Were they
permitted_to o)f.5t'acrit:.~ anvoth~r Z:~ Lev.
17:8, 9.6~~_:N"'.7~~ ;:r:.,'-4.
11. Will some beJfound in the last d~s, 0 wiliB~~
can dispense with organization? By whom are they

P!.;f-1" -9-
, A~WER: "Some have advanced the thou ht th~t as
we near the close 0 1l11e e er c 1 0 0 WI act
m e en en 0 fln re 1 10US or amza ion. But I ave
een 111S rue e y e or at 111 IS work there is no
such thmg, as every manls being independent. . . . By
ome, alI efforts to establish order are regarded as dan-
gerouE,-as a restriction of personal liberty, and hence to
be feared as popery. These deceived ,tjpuls regard it a
virtue to boast of their freedom to thmk and act inde-J
{;f~ .. f'1'!"
e dently."-G.W.,> pp. 487, 496. /?,. o·er.
_._ _

.~ jJ. .f.r.4J:esson No.5-Sabbath, October 30, 1943.

1. What announcement did God make to Israel before
the law was given? What promise did Israel make?
Ex. 19:3-8.
2. What preparations were necessary before the Lord
revealed His divine power? Ex. 19 :10-15.
3. In what manner was the law given to Isnel? Who
was the great Law-giver? Ex. 20:1, 2.
4. Was the law given only to ancient Israel? Eccl. 12 :13.
NOTE: "The law was not spoken at this time exclu-
sjvely for the' benefit of the Hebrews. God honored them
by making them the guardians and keepers of His law,
but it was to be held as a sacred trust for the whole
world. The precepts of the decalogue are adapted to all
mankind, and they were given for the instruction and
government of all."-P.P., p. 305.
5. What great principles are anchored in the ten com-
mandments? Deut. 6:5; Lev. 19:18; Matt. 22:36-40.
6. What did Israel again say when Moses gave them
other statutes? Where were these written? Ex.
24:3, 4.
7. In what manner was the old covenant confirmed? Ex.
24:4-8; lIe~ 9:19. 20.
NOTE:, "An altar was built at the foot of the moun-
tain, and beside it twelve pillars were set up, 'according
to the twelve tribes of Israel,' as a testimony to their
acceptance of the covenant. Sacrifices were then presented
by· young men chosen for the service. Having sprinkled
the altar with the blood of the offerings, Moses 'took the
book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the
people.' Thus the conditions of the covenant were
solemnly repeated, and all were at liberty to choose
whether or not they would comply with them."-P.P., p.
8. What special comm'andment was again impressed upon
Israel? Ex. 31 :12-16.
9. What grievous apostasy took place while Moses was
on the mount? . Ex. 32 :1-6.
10. What did Moses manifest for Israel when God wanted
to destroy them? Ex. 32 :30-32.
11. What did Moses do with the tables of stone when he
came down from the mount? What did he do with
the golden calf? Ex. 32 :19, 20.
Whom did Moses hold responsible for this apostasy?

What did Aaron say? Ex. 32:21, 22.

r What terrible judgment came upon Israel?

Ex. 32:25-

NOTE: "Those who performed this painful act, thus

manifested their abhorrence of rebellion and idolatry, anq
consecrated themselves more fully to the service of the
true God. The Lord honored their faithfulness by bestowing
special distinction upon the tribe of Levi."-P.P., p.' 324.

Lesson No.6-Sabbath, November 6, 1943.

1. What was Israel to make according to the command
given to Moses on mount Sinai? For what purpose?
Ex. 25:8, 9.
2. According to what pattern was the sanctuary to be
constructed? Ex. 25 :40; Heb. 8 :5.
NOTE: "That sanctuary, in which Jesus' ministers in
our behalf, is the great original, of which the sanctuary
built by Moses was a copy."-P.P., p. 357.
3. How were the necessary means for the building of the
sanctuary obtained? Ex. 25:2; 35 :29.
NOTE: '~otiQn to G.od and a ~irit of sacrifice were
the....w.L requisites in preparing a dwellIng-place for
the Most High."-P.P., p. 343.
4. On what da~as the ~W1ct'!~J finished and dedicated?
Ex. 40:17./ 7//"'~7.4.o.)
5. Desc'ribe briefly the sanctuary. Heb. 9 :1-5.
6. Who was in direct communication with the sanctuary?
Ex. 40 :34-38.
7. To whom was ·the service of the sanctuary given?
Num. 1:53; 3:6-10.
8. What provisions were made for the support of those'
who served in the sanctuary? Ex. 18:21; Heb. 7:5.
NOTE: "So it is with God's claims upon us. He places
His treasures in the hands of men, but requires that one-
tenth shall be faithfully laid aside for His work. He re-
quires this portion to be placed in His treasury. It is to
be rendered to Him as His own; it is sacred, and is to
be used for sacred purposes, for the support of those who
carry the message of salvation to all parts of the world.
He reserves this portion, that means may ever be flowing
into His treasure-house, and that the light of truth may
be carried to those who are nigh and those who are afar
off."-Vol. 6, p. 386.
9. What was the sanctuary to be for the .children of
Israel? What was the ark of covenant to signify to
Israel? Lev. 17:3, 4; Num. 7:8, 9; 1 Sam. 4:22.
10. What great work was performed in the sanctuary once
a year? Lev. 16:29-34.
NOTE: "In the type, this great work of atonement,
or blotting out of sins, was represented by the services
of the day of atonement,-the cleansing of the earthly
sanctuary, which was accomplished by the removal, by vir'-
tue of the blood of the sin-offering, of the sins by which
it had been polluted."-P.P., p. 358.
11. How was Nadab and Abihu punished when they trans-
gressed the Lord's command concerning the service of
the sanctuary? Lev. 10:1-3.
12. What lesson are we to learn from the sanctuary and
its services? Have we to-day also a sanctuary? Dan.
8:14; Heb. 8:1, 2; Rev. 11:19.
NOTE: "But such subjects as the sanctuary, in con-
nection with the 2,300 days, the commandments of God and
the faith of Jesus, are perfectly calculated to explain the
past Advent Movement and show what our present position
is, establish the faith of the doubting, and give certainty
to the glorious future. These, I have frequently seen,
were the principle subjects on which the messengers should
dwelI."-E.W., p. 63.

Lesson No.7-Sabbath, November 13, 1943

1. What again happened as Israel continued on their
journey to Canaan? Num. 11:1-3.
2. What greater evil came after this experience? Who
was the cause of this? Num. 11:4.
NOTE: "The mixed multitude that came up with the
Israelites from Egypt were a source of continual tempta-
tion and trouble."-P.P., p. 408.
3. How was the Lord displeased with their murmuring?
Num. 11:10.
4. What did Moses ask God? Nlim. 11:13.
5. What was God's purpose in not allowing Israel to eat
flesh-foods? 1 Peter 1:16; 2:9.
NOTE: "In choosing man's food in Eden, the Lord
showed what was the best diet; in the choice made for
Israel He taught the same lesson. He brought the
Israelites out of Egypt, and u!).dertook t~eir training, that
they might be a people for His own possession. Through
them He desired to bless and teach the world. He pro-
vided them with the food best adapted for this purpose,
not flesh, but manna, 'the bread of heaven.' "-M.H., p.
~. How'long was Israel to receive flesh? Num. 11 :18·20.
7. Whom had they rejected through their dissatisfaction?
Num. 11 :20, last part.
'8. What happened to those who ate flesh-foods on this
occasion? N urn. 11 :33.
NOTE: "Large numbers were cut down by burning
fevers, while the most guilty among them were smitten as
soon as they tasted the food for which they had lusted."
-P.P., p. 382.
9. What earnest admonition does Paul give concerning
lustful desires? To what does he describe the eating
of flesh? 1 Cor. 10 :6.
NOTE: "The children of Israel would have flesh-meats,
-and said, as many now say, We shall. die without meat.
God gave rebellious Israel flesh, but His curse was with
it. Thousands of them died while the meat they desired
was between their teeth. We have the example of ancient
IErael, and the warning for us not to do as they did."-
Vol. 3, pp. 171, ~ 72.
10. In what condition will the Lord find His people at
His second coming? Heb. 12:14; 1 Thess. 5:23.
11. What is our body? To whom do we belong? 1 Cor.
6:19, 20.
12. Are those who continue to eat flesh, in harmony with
the will of God? 1 Cor. 10 :31.
NOTE: "The meat diet is a serious question. Shall
buman beings live on the flesh of dead animals? The
answer, from the light that God has given, is, No, decidedly,
no."-H.L., Par. 470.
13. To what have lustful desires always led? James 1:14,
15. 1 John 2:16, 17.
14. In whom should we always delight? Ps. 37:4.

Lesson No.8-Sabbath, November 20, 1943

1. What other incident happened on their journey to
Canaan? What was the cause of Miriam and Aaron's
L ~ .~'ff:!~
. ~
~~~. (t:4f~)

~t~/~~. ~~~
/~ .'(~£Zi.&. ~
sin? What punishment followed? Numbers ~aPter
12. ~~A~",-._~~
2. How many spies were sent to the land,,6f Canaan?
Num. 13:1-3. .
3. For what purpose were these spies sent to the land of
Canaan! V~ How ong did they remain there? Num.
13:17-2~.. ' uJ.
4. What did ~ethe spies manifest, whe~ the report
concerning t la d a ive? Num. 13:27-33.
NOTE: " ell' u lie' cas 'a gloomy shadow over
the congregation, and the mighty power of God, se
often manifested in behalf of the chosen nation, was
forgotten."-P.P., p. 388.
5. On which side were the people found? What sugges-
tion was made by some? Num. 14:1-4.
6. Who revealed strong faith? What did Joshua and
CalelJ say? Num. 14:6-9.
7. What did the unbelieving people say .when they heard
this message of encouragement? Num. 14:10.
NOTE: "The unfaithful spies were loud in denuncia-
tion of Caleb and Joshua, and the cry was raised to stone
them. The insane mob seized missiles with which to slay
those faithful men."-P.P., p. 390.
8. What had they now decided for themselves? Num.
9. Who received the promise to inherit the land of
Canaan? Num. 14:24; 26:65.
10. What happened to the ten spies who had discouraged
the people? Num. 14:36, 37.
NOTE: "The ten unfaithful spies, divinely smitten by
the plague, perished before the eyes of all Israel; and in
their fate the people read their own doom."-P.P., p.
11. How long did Israel wander in the wilderness? Num.
12. W·ere the children of Israel willing to accept their
fate? What did they now plan to do? Num. 14:39, 40.
13. What happened as Israel disobeyed the will of the
Lord? Num. 14:42-45.
NOTE: "The army of Israel was utterly defeated.
,Destruction and death was the result of that rebellious
experiment."-P.P., p. 394.

Lesson No.9-Sabbath, November 27, 1943

~(~. KORAH
1. What plot did Satan make against the leadership of
Israel? Who were willing instruments in his hand?
Num. 16:1, 2, 8-10.
NOTE: "The former rebellions had been mere popu-
lar tumults arising from the sudden impulse of the excited
multitude; but now a deep-laid conspiracy was formed,
the result of a determined purpose to overthrow the
authority of the leaders appointed by God Himself. Korah,
the leading spirit in this movement, was a, Levite, of the
family of Kohath, and a cousin of Moses; he was a man
of ability and influence . . . Korah and his fellow-con-
spirators were men who had been favored with special
manifestations of God's power and greatness."-P.P., pp.
395, 396.
2. What accusation did they bring against Moses and
Aaron? Num. 16:3.
3. What did Mos'es say concerning Korah and his fellow-
conspirators? Was it yet possible to save them from
destruction? Num. 16:11-14.
4. What took place on the following day? What call of
separation was extended to the congregation? Num.
NOTE: "The test was to be deferred until the mor-
row, that all might have time for reflection. . . . Korah
had withdrawn from the assembly, to join Dathan a,nd
Abiram, when Moses, accompanied by the seventy elders,
went down with a last warning to the men who had re-
fused to come to him. The multitudes followed, and be-
fore delivering his message, Moses by divine direction,
bade the people, 'Depart, I pray you, from the tents of
these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye
be consumed in all their sins.' The warning was obeyed,
for an apprehension of impending judgment rested upon
all. . . . As he ceased speaking, the solid earth parted, and
the rebels went down alive into the pit, with all that per-
tained to them, and they perished from among the congre-
gation."-P.P., pp. 398, 400, 40l.
5. How far had this spirit of rebellion taken effect? Of
what was Moses and Aaron now accused? Num.
16:41, 42.
NOTE: "That night of probation was not passed in
repentance and confession, but in devising some way to
resist the evidences which showed them to be the greatest
of s~nners. They stilI cherished hatred of the men of God's
appointment, and braced themselves to resist their
authority. Satan was at hand to pervert their judgment,
and lead them to blindfold destruction."-P.P., p. 402.
6. What fate befell those who had false compassion with
Korah and his company? How dangerous is such
false sympathy? Num. 16:49.
NOTE: "The divine rebuke is upon that false sym-
pathy for the sinner which endeavors to excuse his sin.
. . . Many have gone down to ruin as the result of this
false and deceptive sympthy."-P.P., p. 36l.
7. What did Moses command Aaron to do that the plague
might cease? Num. 16:46-48.
8. Through what miracle did the Lord again confirm the
leadership of Moses ana Aaron? Num. 17:1-9.
9. Where was Aaron's rod to be kept? For what should
this rod ever be a remembrance? Num. 17:10; Reb.
10. What lesson is found for us in the rebellion and des-
truction of Korah? Gal. 5 :26; Phil. 2 :3.
NOTE: "Do not the same evils stilI exist that lay at
the 'foundation of Korah's ruin? Pride and ambition are
widespread; and when these are cherished, they open the
door 'to envy, and a striving for supremacy; the soul is
alienated from God, and unconsciously drawn into the
ranks of Satan."-P.P., pp. 403, 404.
11. What sin did Korah and his company commit?, Matt.
.NOTE: "It is through the agency of the Holy Spirit
that God communicates with man; and those who deliber-
ately reject this agency as satanic, have cut off the chan-
nel of communication between the soul and Heaven."-P.P.,
p. 405.

Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, December 4, 1943

d'.k~cu.ed i;6. ~ S~ ./-
7 /1. What/incident;~h
Num. 20:1, 28.~~ ~
and on mount Hor?
,,2. What round-abou1;.1vay as Israel.forced t~ke: ~.
'JJuJ.,.2,~.t.. 20:17-21N~_X'ecl ~-;t;'1~ ",~~_..__ .
(;. . 31 Upon what condition did the Lord give ,I~rael
viet ry

. over the k~'n ofJA.rad?J Num. 21..:1.-3:7416"(
~~ -£ad ~~.P.:r.No....... .
. In what con tion were the people no agai? What
qU~~~!?.2? • m. 21:4, 5.

5. ~l~~~~'i'~;:~~
6. Ho was this terrible plague stopped.' Num.·21kl:~
NOTE: "The fatal effects of sin can be removed o;iY
by the ill:Qvision tha.,t..God bas made. The Israelites saved
their liveslly looking upontIle upnned serpent. That look
implied ~ They lived because they believed God's
word, ana trusted' t e means provided for their re-
covery. So e smner' may 0 rIS , and live. He
receives pardon through ,faith.. in the atoning sacrifice.
Unlike the inert and lifeless symbol, Christ has power and
virtue in Himself to heal the J~pen~ing sinner."-P.P.,
p. 431.P~-tM~~~d""~ (~.'-t.I.,/J...3..~p.
7. What wonde ul lesso is found in the uplifting of
. the fiery se pent? Jo n 3:14, 15.'
8. What opposition did Israel meet on the border of
Canaan? On which side was the victory? Num. 21:10-
13, 21-25, 32-35.
NOTE: "When the Lord brought His people a second
time to the borders of Canaan, additional evidence of His
power was granted to those heathen nations. They saw
that God was with Israel in the victory gained over King,
Arad and the Canaanites, and in the miracle wrought to
save those who were perishing from the sting of the ser-
pents."-P.P., p. 434.
9. Who commanded the~~atYfs and also gave victory?,
Deut. 2i!1':!l; ~. ~.J.
10. How did the Lord 40 years earlier want to bring Israel
int~ Ca~aan? W.hy 'Y~s .H~ ~t ble 't~ do so? Ex.
23.2 - ,Heb. 3.19~('~~VO-.#"7""'~
NOTE: "It was not His purpose that they should gain
the land by warfare, but by strict obedience to His com-
mands."-P.P., p. 392.
11. What should wael have kept continually before them?
Deut. 8:6-11JCluQ 77~
12. What should we learn from the experience of Israel?
Heb. 4:11.
NOTE: "It is important to believe God's word and
<:lct u-1!n! it ~Igmp~~. whjle His angels are waiting to work
fO,r us. Evi ange s are ready to contest evett amnce
lfell' And when God's providence bids HiS" c Hdren go
orward, when He is ready to forget things for them,
Satan tempts them to displease the Lord by hesitation and
delay; he seeks to kindle a iftirit of ~trife or to arouse
murwuriui: or ~ and t us Jeprive tEem of the bless-
lngs that God~to bestow."-P.P., p. 423.

Lesson No. 11-Sabbath, December 11, 1"943 '

QP~j.,e~BAALAM f?tf.~~ 1.1.~

(7c~ Q..~ ~
1. What plot did Satan aga~ plan ainst Israe at the
Jordan? Num. 22:1·6• .r~;- ~'e-.L~.~
on T.. .
NOTE: ':!!aal!.ll1 was once a good ma~nd a~.
VlW 6
~; but he ba.d..ll~si1i.tiz;ed, apa had given himself ujl
to ~~etQnress;~xet h,g, §.tIn lLrofesse.,d to be ,lL,servant of
the ost liE. ill was not Ignorant of God's work in be-
half of Israel; and when the messe,ngers announced their
errand, he well knew that it was his quty to refuse the
rewards of Balak, and to dismiss the ambassadors. But
he E tured

.-"""::tr.dA" ~-<-=",
to dally with temptation, and urged the 'mes-

f~/~~tra .
sengers to tarry with him that night, declaring that he
could give no decided answer till he had asked counsel of
the Lord. Baalam knew that his curse could not harm~_
Israel."-P.P., p. 439. i.d'~~ ...... ~ d ~_
2. What' inst~t;tion $J' God ,gi,ye to Baalam? urn.
22:7-12. ;v./:H;Zf",a4-~.
3. What did the Lord permit him to do? Relate'the
jo.urney o' aalam to Barak. Num. 22:20-35; 2 Peter
--K. 2:15, 16., ~?~ ~ ~~ .
4~~ gr-a~ offer'ed upOn t~seven altars .
:/;;f Balak. Jld Baala have any effect? Num. 23:1-10;
1.f~.10:20(-?J: ~~.
5. How many times did Baalam bless Israel? What won·
derful prophecy was he forced to give? Num. 24:10, 17.
6. What was the reason that B~ld. not curse
Israel? NU~. ~i'~" '/"'-:::;:.-:
7. What plan of ~trtan;:; last su eeded against Israel?
Num. 25:1-3. yY.'#~.3"
NOTE: "At Baalam's suggestion" a grand festival in
honor of their gods was appointed by the king of Moab,
and it was secretly arranged that Baalam should induce
the Israelites .to attend. He was regarded by them as a
prophet of God, and hence had little difficulty in Il.ccom-
pUshing his, p1,lrpose. Great numbers of the people joined
him in witnessing the festivities. They ventured upon the
forbidden ground, and were entangled in the snare of
Satan. . . . It was not long before the poison had spread,
like a deadly infection, through the camp of Israel. Those
who would have conquered their enemies in battle, were
overcome by the wiles of heathen women. The people
seemed to be infatuated. (The rulers and the leading men
were among the to transgress, and so many of the
people were guilty that the apostasy became national./. ..

heir iniquitous. practices did that for Israel which all thel
nc a tments of Baalam could not do-they separated the~(
r.o - God."-P.P., pp. 457, 458.
8. What ju~gment came ~ e:':-...a res!lIt f thi~_
apostasy. Num. 25:4, 5 , , ....J'_ ~
9. How many died of the plague? Num. 25:6-9. ..1""·,..,-e
10. What judgment was brought upo the Midianites who
deceived Israel? Num. 31:2-10. ~ ~ v~
- iCOr-Ji'./
11. For whom is th~postasy at Jordan an l:irnest
tion? 1 Cor. 10:11, 12; Provo 7:26. " ,

12. What good c un~ls ~Ul

Wll mos; earnestly heed?
Provo 4:23. p • ~aLL:7::"
. 'R-¥H -4h'S: .
NOTE: "Tho e who would. not'fall a prey 0 Satan's
devices must guard well the avenues of the soul; they must
avoid reading, seeing, or hearing that which will suggest
impure thoughts."-P.P., p. 460.

Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, December 18, 1943

1. 'Vho was chosen, by the Lord, to succeed Moses as
leader? Num. 27:18-23; Deut. 34:9.
2. What solemn moment now drew near for Moses? What
were his last words? Deut. 33 :26·29; 34 :1-4.
NOTE: "The severest trial was his separation from
the people of his care and love,-the people with whom
his interest and his life had so long been united. But he
had learned to trust in "God, and with unquestioning faith
he committed himself and his people to His love and
mercy. For the last time, Moses stood in the assembly of
his people. Again the Spirit of God rested upon him, and
in the most sublime and touching language he pronounced
a blessing upon each of the tribes, closing with a benedic-
tion upon them all."-P.P., pp. 470, 471.
3. Why was Moses not permitted to enter Canaan? Duet.
32:50-52; Num. 20:11-13. n
NOTE: "As he looked back upon his experience as a
leader of God's people, one wrong act marred" the record.
If that transgression could be blotted~ol:lt, he felt that he
would not shrink from death. He was assured that repen-
tance, and faith in the promised sacrifice, were all that God"
required, and again Moses confessed his sin, and implored
pardon in the name of Jesus."-P.P., p. 472.
4. What commission was given to the new leader of
Israel? How did the Lord encourage him? Josh. 1:1-9.
5. What report was brought back by the spies who were
sent out by Joshua? What is th~ difference between
these and the other spies? Josh. 2:23, 24; Num. 13:31·
6. Who only crossed the Jordan and was permitted to
enter the land of Canaan? Num. 26:63-65; Josh. 5:6.
7. How was the crossing of the Jordan arranged? What
instructions were given to the people? Upon what
should Israel constantly look? Josh. 3:2-5.
8. What command was given to the priests, and what
miracle was wrought by God? Josh. 3:6, 14-17.
NOTE: "At the divine command, the priest advanced
to the middle 01; the channel, and stood there, while the
entire host descended, and crossed to the farther side.
Thus was impressed upon the minds of all Israel the fact
that the power that stayed the waters of Jordan ~s the
~that had opened the Red Sea to their fathers-Yorty
years before."-P.P., p. 484.
9. What other miracle . )1ri) Lord perform for Israel?
Joshua, chapter 6. . JY'..4 .
10. What did the Lord comman oshua .to appoint as a
blessing for Israel? Josh. 20:1-6.
11. What wonderful lesson is herein found for us? Who
is our refuge? Rom. 8:1, 34; Heb. 6:18.
NOTE: "The cities of refuge appointed for God's
ancient people were a symbol of the refuge provided in
Christ. The same merciful Saviour who appointed those
temporal cities of refuge has by the shedding of His own
blood provided for the transgressors of God's law a sure
retreat, into which they may flee for safety from the second

12. Did the Lord keep all His promises?
death. No power can take out of His han s the souls
that go to Him for pardon."- . ., pp. 516 5 IN..o ....
Josh. 21 :43-45.
13. Will the Lord also fulfil all His pro~ises to His faith-
ful children in the time of the eull? Ps. 33:4; Mal.
3:17; Rev. 21:3. 4.
Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, December 25, 1943
1. In the history of ancient Israel, what lesson is to be
found for spiritual Israel in these last days? Rom.
15:4; 1 Cor. 10:11. .
NOTE: "The history of the wilderness life of Israel
was chronIcled for the benefit of the Israel of God to the
close of tiil.1e. God would have His people in these days
review with a humble heart and teachable spirit the trials
through which ancient Israel passed, that they may be
instructed in their preparation for. the heavenly Canaan."
-P.P., p. 293. .
2. Was it the will of God that Israel should wander forty
years in the wilderness? Is it God's wiII that we on
our journey to the heavenly Canaan should wander so
long in this world of sin? .
ANSWER: "It was not the will of God that Israel
should wander forty years in tHe wilderness; He desired
to lead them directly to the land of Canaan, and establish
them there, a holy, happy people. But they could not
enter in because of unbelief. Because of their backslid-
ing and apostasy, they perished in the desert, and others
were raised up to enter the promised land. In like man-
ner it was not the will of God that the coming of Ohrist
should be so long delayed, and His people should remain
so. many years in this world of sin and sorrow. But un-
belief separated them from God."-G.C., p. 458.
3. Because of this, what should be manifested among us?
IIeb. 4:1, 2, ? 7. 11.
4. IIow complete' should be our departure from Babylon?
Jer. 51:6; Rev. 18:4; 2 Cor. 6:17, 18.
5. What special banner are we to uphold before the
world? . Eze. 20:19; Rev. 14:12.
6. Against whom will Satan especially manifest his
wrath? Rev. 12:17.
7. What position will God's children take toward health-
ful living? 1 Cor. 9:25-27.
8. Will the remnant church be thoroughly organized in
their last conflict with Satan and his confederates?
Eph. 6 :10·18.
NOTE: "In vision I saw two armies in terrible con-
flict. One army was led by banners bearing the world's
insignia. the other was led by the blood-stained banner of
Prince Emmanuel. An angel flying in the midst of heaven
put the standard of Emmanuel into many hands, while a
mighty general cried out with a loud voice: 'Come into
line. Let those who are loyal to the commandments of
God and the testimony of Christ now take their position.'''
-Vol. 8, p. 4l.
9. Who will be victorious in this terrible conflict? What
song' will the victorious sing? Rev. 15 :2, 3.
NOTE: "The battle raged. Victory alternated from
side to side. . . . Christ's soldiers planted Hb banner on
the walls of fortresses till then held by the enemy. The
Captain of our salvation was ordering the battle, and send-
ing' support to His soldiers. His power was mightily dis-
played, encouraging them to press the battle to the gates.
He taught terrible things in righteousness as He led them
on st by te conquering and to conquer."-VoJ. 8,
p. 41.
10. Who will have no pl\rt in t.he triumphant entrance
into the heavenly Canaan? Rev. 21:8; 2 Tim. 3 :1-5.
11. What is promised to the overcomer or true· Israelite?
Rev. 21:7; Rev. 3:21.
NOTE: "Jesus opens wide the pearly gates, and the
nations that have kept the truth enter in. There they
behold the Paradise of God, the home of Adam in his inno-
cency. Then that voice richer than any music that ever
fell on mortal ear, is heard, saying, 'Your conflict is
ended.' 'Come, ye bless·ed of My Father, inherit the king-
dom prepared for you from the lour.dation of the world.'''
-G.C., p. 646.

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