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Name: _______________________

Social Studies 6
Ms. Buckley

Human Movement and Migration

Textbook pages 126-131

1. Brainstorm, in the box below, as many ways you can think of that people
move around Earth:

2. What is “migration”? _____________________________________________

3. Define the words below (page 126):

a. Immigrant ________________________________________________
b. Emigrant _________________________________________________
c. Economic Migrant _________________________________________
d. Illegal Immigrant ___________________________________________
e. Refugee _________________________________________________

4. Brainstorm, in the box below, WHY you think people move:

5. Fill in examples from page 128 for ​push​​ factors:




Name: _______________________
Social Studies 6
Ms. Buckley

6. Fill in examples from page 129 for ​pull ​factors:





7. What percent of Canadians are immigrants or descendants from immigrants?

_____ percent
8. What does Canada have in place that allows the federal government to
choose who can move to Canada? __________________________________

9. Give 2 examples for each box from the information provided (page 131):
Positive and Negative Consequences of Migration

Departures Arrivals

Benefits to migrants’ home country Benefits to migrants’ new country

Costs to migrants’ home country Costs to migrants’ new country

Name: _______________________
Social Studies 6
Ms. Buckley

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