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1. remuneration – payment for work done .

2. minimum wage – the minimum payment prescribed by law that employee must receive for work.
3. probationary period – period of time at the beginning of employment in which employee and employes decide
whether they want to work together in future.
4. to be made redundant – to lose job for the reasons on the part of employer.
5. to be fired – to lose job because sb is a poor worker.
6. to be on the dole – to be unemployed and get money from the state.
7. perks – extra money that you are given because of your job; sth extra given apart from remuneration.
8. severance allowance – extra money when sb loses job because contract terminates .
9. to work overtime – to work extra hours.
10. annual leave – right to holidays to be taken every year.
11. harassment – treating sb in the way that person doesn’t accept.
12. flexitime – to work not regular hours.
13. furnish – provide.
14. reinstate – bringing sth back to the previous situation/position.
15. payroll – a list of employees together with remuneration.
16. injunction – court’s order not to do sth.
17. dispense – provide.
18. exemption – a right to be excluded from.
19. impartial – neutral.
20. venue – place of an event.
21. withhold – refuse to do sth anymore.
22. gardening leave – a period of time of notice in which an employee whose agreement has been terminated is
requested not to do work but is paid remuneration.
23. contract coś tam – breach, violate.
24. discrepancy - conflict of information/data.

labor law/employment law
labor law – covers trade unions, discrimination, strikes, picketing
employment law – deals with relationship betweend employer and employee
wage - money paid weekly for work done, money that is paid each week
salary – money paid monthly for work done
sick leave/annual leave
sick leave – the period of time during which sb is absent from work because of illness
annual leave – a right to holidays to be taken every year
retire – leave a job when a retirement ag e is reached
resign – to give u pan office or position
temporary work /permanent work
temporary work - hiring an employee for a contracted period
permanent work – hiring an employee without any time frame for his exit
unfair dismissal/wrongful dismissal
unfair dismissal – when sb loses job for no good reason
wrongful dismissal – when sb loses job against provisions in employment contract
25. vacancy – position that is free.
26. occupational disease – cost by conditions of work ????/ disease which occurs as a result of work or
occupational activity.
27. pursuant to – according to.
28. severability clause – a clause which states that some provisions are breakable / a clause which states that
invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of agreement won’t affect the validity or enforceability of any other
provision .
29. entire agreement clause - provision which aims to prevent the party from being liable for any statements or
representations except expressly set out in the agreement.
30. defrimental – harmful.
31. trade union – organisation that protects employees’ rights.
32. stosunek pracy – employment relationship.
33. zakład pracy – work establishment.
34. przepisy BHP – health and safety provisions.
35. realizować np. politykę, cele, program – pursue.
36. civil procedures – it aims at the examination and settlement of civil cases and at the compulsary enforcement of
judicial opinions.
37. envisage – predict.
38. lawsuit – action brought before a court.
39. judicature – whole legal system and the worki it does.
40. rationae materiae – by reason of the subject matter
41. review proceedings – when the case is examined and resolved.
42. non-litigious procedures – not involving a dispute.
43. court enforcement oficer – bailiff; court oficer that enforces court’s orders.
44. uncontested – used to describe a decision which nobody opposes or disagrees.
45. auxiliary – providing extra support or help.
46. remote – distant.
47. writ of payment – written order issued by a court to pay sth.
48. impartial – neutral.
49. reimburse – pay back costs that sb has incurred.
50. ADR – alternative disputes resolutions.
51. remuneration – earnings, money paid for sb’s work.
52. caucus – meetings between each party and mediator separately.
53. venting – saying or doing sth to let your anger off .
54. flare - a sudden outburst (as of excitement or anger); (about anger) to become worse.
55. inadmissible – when sth cannot be accepted, used.
56. facilitate – to make sth easier.
57. defensive – quick to protect yourself from criticism.
58. conclusive – proving that sth is true.
59. Kodeks postępowania cywilnego – Code of Civil Procedure.
60. sprawa jest rozpoznawana przez sąd – the case is heard by court.
61. sprawy kwalifikujące się do rozstrzygnięcia – cases qualifying for resolutions.
62. dojść do wniosku – to come to a conclusion.

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