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Teacher : Good morning!

Students : Good morning… (s)
Teacher : How are you this morning? (s)
Students : I’m fine. (s) And you? (s)
Teacher : I’m very well, thank you (s). Are you ready to study now? (el)
Students : Yes. (rep)
Teacher : All right ( m). Before we study let’s pray together ( s)
Student : Attention, please! ( s) Before we study let’s pray together. Pray begin ( s).
( Students were praying) ^. It’s done. Greet to the teacher! (s)
Students : ( Greeting in the Balinese utterances) (s)

Teacher : Now (m), I would like to check your presence. ( Teacher mentioned the name
of students one by one and each of them answered “hadir”.

Teacher : Okay ( m), very good (m). Now (m), please open your student worksheet,
open your LKS, try to oberve chapter one (d). Kita akan membahas sekarang
chapter one bab pertama (cl). Lihat dulu LKS nya supaya ada sedikit
kegiatan (d). observing (rea) Now (m), we continue to the chapter one. Before
we continue the study, sebelum kita mulai materi hari ini, I have two
pictures. ( cl) Observe the pictures (d). This is the picture number one (cl).
(students are observing) Observe it, coba amati gambarnya (d). And this
the picture number two (cl), coba amati gambar kedua yang bapak
perlihatkan ( observing) (rea) (d). And then try to find out what
situation related to the picture. Now (m) in your mind, try to think
what is the situation related to the picture (d). Kira-kira gambar apa yang
kalian lihat pertama? (el)
Students : Orang bersalaman. (rep)

Teacher : Yes, picture number one is salaman (acc). In English is shaking. (acc) And
then, picture number two? (el)
Student : Pelukan (rep)

Teacher : Yes, pelukan. (acc) Okay (m) now (m), what’s interaction that’s usually
related to the picture number one? (el) Kira-kira kegiatan
apa sih yang ada hubungannya dengan gambar itu? (el)
Okay? ( com)
Student : Ucapan selamat. (rep)
Teacher : Ya? (com)
Student : Ucapan selamat. (rep)
Teacher : Ya. ( acc) Ucapan selamat (acc). Good (e) What else? Yang lain kira-kira
apa lagi?? (el)
Student : Congratulation (rep)
Teacher : Ya, congratulation (acc). Great! ( e) What else? (el)
Student : Meminta maaf. (rep)
Teacher : Ya? (com)
Student : Meminta maaf.(rep)
Teacher : Meminta maaf. Ya, (acc) bagus (e). What else? (el)
Student : Baru pertemu pertama kali ketemu. (rep)
Student : Perkenalan (rep)

Teacher : Ya, perkenalan (acc). Okay, next. What is the situation relate to the picture
number two? (el) Kira-kira kegiatan apa yang berhubungan dengan
gambar dua?(el)
Student : Thing in birthday. (rep)
Teacher : Yes, thing in birthday (rep)
Teacher : Come on,(p) what else? Apa lagi?(el)
Student : Gambar orang sedih (rep)
Teacher : Ya (acc) sedih.(e) Apalagi? Satu lagi saja (el)
Student : Minta maaf (rep)

Teacher : Minta maaf.(e) Ya,(m) kalau kita lihat cukup dari tiga pendapat.(com) Melihat dari
gambar tadi berarti materi kita banyak sekali hari ini.(con) Ada yang minta maaf, ada yang ini
itu.(i) Sekarang (m) untuk lebih jelas mengenai materi ini, ada video show. (com)
Silent (Showing video show)
Teacher : I have one video for you. (i) And then (m) try to find out what the situation related
to the video (com). Kira-kira situasi seperti apa yang berhubungan dengan video ini? (el)
Play video

Teacher : Ok (m). Let finish the video show (s). Yak (m), now (m) what is the situation related
to the video? (el) Kira-kira video tadi berhubungan dengan apa?(el) (sambil mengangkat
tangan) (cu)
Student : (Raising hand) (b). Expressing congratulation and birthday (rep)

Teacher : Yes (acc), expressing congratulating not birthday (e). What else?(cu) Apalagi? (cu).
Who wanna try? (sambil mengangkat tangan) (cu)
Student : (Raising hand) (b)
Teacher : Yes the right one (n)

Student : Ngucapin selamat (rep)

Teacher : Yes (acc). Ayo apalagi?(cu) Ada yang lain? (cu).
Teacher : Ok (m) tidak ada lagi?(cu) Dari video tadi, kalian bilang expressing congratulation
karena tadi abis nelpon dia bilang apa? (ch)
Students : Congratulation (rep)
Teacher: Haaa? (l)
Students: Congratulation (rep)

Teache: Ya congratulation.(rep) Bahwasanya yang dikatannya itu merupakan bentuk

selamat.(i) Jadi materi kita hari ini adalah ucapan selamat.(con) So our lesson today is about?
Teacher: is? (ch)
Teacher: is?(ch) Congratulation? (cl) ex?(cl) (shwoing the slide)
Students: Congratulation, Expetation (rep)
Teacher : And? (ch)
Students : Hope (rep)

Teacher : Ya Congratulation, Expetation, and Hope. (e) Ya itulah materi kita hari ini (con),
bagaimana kita mengucapkan selamat dan disertai harapan juga.(i) Sebelum kita lanjut
materi,(com) kita lihat kompetensi dasar apa sih yang diminta dalam pelajaran ini. (com)
(Showing another slides)

Teacher: Yak,(m) There are two basic competencies.(i) Ada dua kompetensi dasar yang
diminta.(i) Yang pertama, kalian diminta untuk memahami ucapan selamat dan harapannya.(i)
Ingat memahami dulu. (i) Kedua kalian bisa mengucapkan selamat kepada orang lain dan juga
bisa menulis teks ucapan selamat. (i) Ya, itulah kompetensi dasar yang hendak kita capai.(i)
Mari kita ulas satu persatu.(com) Now(m) we start about congratulation.(com)

Teacher: Now (m), I'll take you to the first one is about congratulation.(com) Congratulation is
used to give an honor as a happiness. (i) Ucapan selamat hanya boleh diucapkan pada saat
baha? (ch)
Students: Bahagia (rep)

T: congratulations is an expression to give an honour as a happnes. Ucapan selamat hanya

boleh diberikan pada saat suasana bahagia. Apakah sedih boleh? Misalkan ada ayah teman
kamu meninggal, jangan pernah bilang “Selamat yah ayah kamu meninggal.” Gak mungkin itu
salah. Itu lihat congratulation is an expression to give an honour as a happnes of someone.
Ungkapan apa saja yang kita katakan kalau akan mengucapkan selamat? Number 1:
congratulation. Cukup bilang congratulation. Ingat disertai kata tantanga. Atau congratulasion
on atau congratulation for your. Hai congratulain ffor your birthday. Ada 2 kata baru, kalau
anda menyaksikan film-film eropa, misal kalau ketemu kemudian mahasiswanya berprestasi “I
got the best winner” “oh fantastic” fantastic similar with congratulation. Also well done. Well
done is also expression of congratulation. Jadi untuk mengungkapkan ucapan selamat boleh
congratulation, congratulation on, congratulation for, atau boleh juga well done atau fantastic.
Kemudian congratulation tidak boleh lepas dari expectations baik di luar negeri atau di
Indonesia setiap ucapan selamat pasti ada semoga. Selamat ulang tahun, semoga panjang umur.
Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga langgeng dan sebagainya. Pasti ada tidak mungkin
tidak. Jadi congratulation can be expired by expectation. So expectation is when you expect
good things. Expectation harapan adalah ketika kamu mengharapkan sesuatu yang baik tejadi
pada orang itu nanti. Hope what something whoever to be true. Dia memperoleh sesuatu yang
baik. Bagaimana mengungkapkan harapan dalam bahasa inggris? Boleh mengatakan dengan,
I expect boleh I hope atau hopefully. Misalnya “oh congratulation for best winning, I hope you
will be success. Oh happy birthday, I expect you will be success. Boleh I hope, boleh I expect,
boleh hopefully. Bisa diterima?
Students: bisa.
Teacher: bisa diterima?
Students: bisa.
Teacher: nah sekarang bagaimna sih contoh dari ungkapan-ungkapan selamat? Ada beberapa
contoh yang pertama saya berikan contoh dalam bentuk conversation. Yaitu dialog berbanyak
namanya conversation. Lihat didepan ada lina, ada siti, ada udin bebanyak. Dialog yang seperti
itu namanya conversation. Yang kedua ada yang namanya dialog. Kalau dialog namanya
percakapan berdua. Ini dialog anatara katty dan George. Perhatikan, Katty berkata “hai George,
you are so happy. What’s up to you?” hai George kamu kelihatan bahagia sekali, ada apa?
George mengatakan, “Hmm, I win the science Olympiad” saya memenangkan olimpiade.
Dibalas oleh katty “wow, congratulation George. We expect you will be success.” Setiap
ucapan selamat dibalas dengan?
Students: terima kasih.
Teacher: In English?
Studets: thank you.
Teacher: itu contoh dari dialog. Nanti mudah-mudahan bisa membuat dialog. Selanjutnya ada
contoh yang ditulis. That is congratulation card. Perhatikan contohnya. Ini adalah contoh
congratulatin ard yang pertama. Ini suasana dalam keadaan yang bagaimana? Jelaskan.
Students: mendapatkan pekerjaan
Teacher: yah ini ketika mendapatkan pekerjaan. Contoh kedua. What is the situation?
Students: melahirkan anak pertama.
Teacher: yaa, melahirkan bayi pertama. First baby. How about this?
Students: lulus ujian.
Teacher: yaa, lulus ujian. Bisa diberikan ucapan selamat. And the last?
Students: pernikahan.
Teacher: yaa, on the situation of marriage on wedding. In Bahasa Indonesia adalah pernikahan.
Bisa diterima contoh-contoh tadi?
Students: bisa.
Teacher: jelas?
Students: jelas.
Teacher: okay if you are clearly, now please make group of five.

T: okay (m), now (m) you are in the group (s). Now (m) you are in the group (s). Okay (m),
keep silent (s). Now (m) you are in the group (s). And now (m), please make a dialogue (el).
Make a dialogue what is about congratulation, expectation, and hope (el). Silakan coba buat
dialog tentang congratulation, expectation, dan hope (el). Go on (d). (menunjuk siswa) jangan
duduk di jalan (s). (Mengatur kursi grup)
T: make a dialogue (el)
T: Make a dialogue (el)
T: Make a dialogue (el)
T: Ya (m)
T: Diskusi ya, diskusi (s). Ngomong. Gadak orang diskusi diam (el).
T: Speak up! Speak up! (s)
T: Speak up! Speak up! Speak up! (s)
T: Ya, speak up! Speak up! (s)
T: Okay, speak up! Speak up! (s)
T: Speak up! (s)
T: Okay, speak up! Speak up! Speak up! (s)
T: Okay, pay attention! Pay attention (s)

Teacher: Okay (m) pay attention,pay attention. If you want to be able to speak english, us
hould pride to speak up (s). Jika ingin pinter berbahasa inggris, belajar ngomong, ngomong
yang banyak. Tidak ada istilah kelas tidak boleh ribut kalau pelajaran bahasa, bahasa karena
kita berbicara, ngomonglah, iya ngomonglah(s). Okay (m) are you ready?(s)
Students: Yes (el)
Teacher: Okay (m) now (m) you get you have presentation (s), start from group one.
Student: Raise hand (b)
Teacher : Okay (m) Come in (p)
Student 1 : Hi, eka. Iwant dancing competition yesterday (s)
Student 2 : Oh congratulation(rep) for you success(el)
Student 1 : Thank you (s)
Student 2 : You’re welcome (el)
Teacher : Yak, (el) clapping your hands (rea), next group, next group, come in (p)
Student 3 : Hi desi, I want to ... (s)
Student 4 : congratulation (rep) for your competent (el)
Student 3 : thank you
Teacher : yak (el) clapping your hands (rea), next, next group
Student 5 : ... (s)
Student 6 : ... (el)
Student 5 : thank you (el)
Teacher : okay (m) clapping your hands (rea). Next, come in (p). Okay (m) next group
Students 7: ... (s)
Student 8 : ... (el)
Student 7: thank you (s)
Teacher: yak (m) clapping your hands (rea) and(ch) now (m) the last group
Student 9 : ...(s)
Student 10 : congratulation (rep) for your success (el)
Student 9 : thank you (i)
Teacher : yak (m), clapping your hands(rea). Yak (m) there is your friend presentation have
already done in the class (i) most of you have already presentation in the class (i). So, this is
the end of the lesson today (i), yak (m) and (ch) then before we end the study, let me conclus
(i) mari kita buat kesimpulan (com) kira-kira materi apa yang kita pelajari hari ini ?(el)
Students : congratulation (rep)
Teacher : congratulation, yak (m) coba ? (el)
Students : raise hand (b) congratulation, expectation, and (ch) hope (rep)
Teacher : yak (m) very good (acc), clapping your hands (rea). Ya (m) today we have discuss
about congratulation, expectation, and (ch) hope (i). Ya (m) jadi, kita sudah mempelajari
tentang ucapan selamat dan harapan-harapannya (i). So, at home (take a book) try to apply
your book(i). Yak (m) yak (m) look at students work sheet page 7 (com), lihat lks halaman 7
(com) sudah nemu ?(el)
Students : sudah (rep)
Teacher : yak (m) silahkan kerjakan dirumah, nanti pertemuan berikutnya mungkin akan
dikumpulkan (i) yak (m) silahkan kerjakan dirumah (i) okay (m)
Students : okay (m)
Teacher : yak (m), and (ch) of course (showing video) this is about our lesson(com), ya (m)
Play song sayonara
Song is off
Teacher : okay (m) this is our lesson today (com), we have already finish (ch) discussing
about congratulation, expectation, hope. Now (m) before we end the study lets pray together
Student: attention please, before we end the study lets pray together, pray begin. Done .... the
teacher (i) omm shanti shanti omm
Teacher : okay (m) thank you very much (i), good bye
Students : good bye (rep)

Initiation Response Follow-up
m s el ch d i p cl cu b n ^ ms con l z ack rep rea com acc e
50 35 35 9 7 20 3 6 7 4 5 12 - 4 3 - 4 27 10 13 7 7

Based on the table above, it can be said the situation and interaction in the classroom is the teacher tends to mark the boundaries in the class, and
also the reaction of the students not that active to participate in the classroom interaction. In other words, by counting the amount of elicitation and
compare to the reply of the students, it less. In other hand, the teachers try to stimulate the students by asking them some question to gain the
information, but the reaction of the students are not too active. To conclude we can say that the classroom interaction doesn’t indicate the group
interaction because it doesn’t match to the requirement of curriculum 2013 where students don’t take much participation but teacher often begins
the interaction in the class.
Table of Initiation


35 35



15 12
10 7 7
6 5
3 4 4 3
0 0
Table of Response





5 4

Table of Follow-up

12 13


6 7 7

com acc e

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