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D.S. Zingade1, Manali Joshi2, Viraj Sapre3, Rohan Giri4

Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS IOIT, Pune, India

ABSTRACT detecting the disease using back propagation artificial neural

- One of the most common and augmenting health problems
in the world are related to skin. The most unpredictable and
one of the most difficult entities to automatically detect and In this paper we propose a system which works in three
evaluate is the human skin disease because of complexities of phases. The first phase includes processing the skin image that
texture, tone, presence of hair and other distinctive features. In is infected with disease to obtain substantial features like
this paper, we proposed a system which detects the skin average color code of the region, the second phase is the
diseases using Artificial Neural Network. The system training phase which is used to train the neural network for
successfully detects different types of dermatological skin identifying the dermatological diseases using feed forward
diseases. It consists of mainly three phases image processing, back propagation neural networks.
training phase, detection phase. In image processing phase we 2.1 Image Processing
apply algorithms like grey scale conversion, RGB to HSV
conversion to the input image. After getting HSV values In the first phase, the image is processed by applying
disease corresponding to the input image gets detected by algorithms like RGB value extraction, Gaussian filter, RGB to
artificial neural network algorithm. Also, as an addition to the LAB conversion, and the features are extracted from the
detection the percentage of infection is identified. interested regions of skin image. First, we blur the image..
These features are applied as inputs to the Artificial Neural
General Terms Network Algorithm.
Feed Forward ANN, Back Propagation, RGB Color code,
Disease Detection.

Neural Network, Dermatological Disease, Image Processing,
Disease Training.

Dermatology is the branch of medicine that deals with skin,
hair and nails in the widest sense. A dermatologist detects
dermatological and cosmetic diseases of the skin. Detection of
diseases is very important in today’s world scenario because
the epidemics of skin diseases cause severe losses to people
all over the world. Especially in developing countries there is
a need for automated diagnostic system that would reduce
manual efforts and time consumption of dermatologists and
patients. We proposed a system that would help the patients as
well as doctors to diagnose the disease to detect the diseases
of the skin by just providing the image of the affected area of
skin. Different from the existing detection systems relying on
support vector machines or fuzzy logic mechanisms, our
detection system uses features extracted from input image of
skin through image processing algorithms along with feed
forward back propagation neural network for classification
and detection purpose. Basic features of image are extracted
from the region of interest of skin image. These features are
then applied to Back-propagation Neural Network algorithm
Fig. Image processing using Gaussian filter
for training in database or detecting disease from
database.The Skin disease detection system consists of two
parts where the first part is processing the image of infected
region using image processing algorithms. The next part is

2.2 Artificial Neural Network Algorithm classifier. Artificial Neural Network Algorithm contains two
An artificial neuron network (ANN) is a computational phases– training and testing phase and detection phase. In
model. It is based on the structure and functions of biological training phase these features are trained to the database using
neural networks. Neural Network facilitates in estimating the back propagation algorithm.The training and testing processes
most cost-effective and ideal methods for reaching at are among the crucial steps in developing an accurate process
solutions while defining computing functions or distributions. model using ANNs. The dataset for training and testing
ANNs have three layers that are interconnected. The first processes consists of two parts; the training features set which
layer consists of input neurons. Those neurons send data on to are used to train the nueral network model. While a testing
the second layer, which in turn sends the output to neurons of features sets are used to verify the accuracy of the trained
the third layer. There are different types of Neural Networks using the BP network. In the training part, connection weights
such as Feedback, Feed-forward, Back propagation, were always updated until they reached the defined iteration
Classification-Prediction, etc. In our system,Neural Networks number/suitable error. In detection phase the features of input
are used in the automatic detection of skin diseases by using image whose disease is to be recognized are compared with
Back propagation algorithm. Neural network is chosen as a the features in database using Artificial Neural Network.
detection tool due to its well known technique as a successful

Fig: Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Network

In this paper, we have used the algorithms such as Image
Processing and Artificial Neural Networks to detect The working of the same can be explained as follows:
Dermatological Diseases. The architectural flow of our system
is as follows: 3.1 Disease Training
Human skins are affected by a variety of diseases and
problems. Keeping track of all the majorly affecting diseases
and analyzing their properties proactively fall under this
module. The analyzed properties help in creating the database
for the skin diseases and also helps in the recognition of the
same. The training of image is the primary process of the
whole project after which the trained image is processed by
using Image Processing Algorithm.
3.2 Image Processing
The fed input skin image is processed using blob detection
algorithm. The image obtained is processed according to
different parameters and all the information regarding the
input skin is obtained through image processing. The process
considers the average color code and the pixel values of the
image which helps in the disease detection. For images, the
pixel value is a single number that represents the brightness of
the pixel. The most common pixel format is the byte image,

Eczema 30 26 86%
where this number is stored as an 8-bit integer giving a range
of possible values from 0 to 255.

3.3 Neural Network Construction

Neural Network is the replica of the human neural network
system. It consists of the inputs, neurons, nodes, weights and
output. The network is form by interlinking all these
parameters which produce a definite result. The receiving
neuron can process the signal(s) and then signal downstream 5. CONCLUSION
neurons connected to it. Neurons may have state, generally We proposed a neural network based disease detection system
represented by real numbers, typically between 0 and 1. for dermatological diseases. Unlike, the other disease
Neurons and synapses may also have a weight that varies as detection systems that depend on support vector machines or
learning proceeds, which can increase or decrease the strength fuzzy logic mechanisms for classification and detection, our
of the signal that it sends downstream. system makes use of back propagation artificial neural
network which detects skin disease based on the image values
3.4 Detection Module obtained from ROI of the input image through image
The functions used in the image processing and ANN are processing. We implemented the detection system and
implemented in this module which produce the desired output evaluated its performance on both small scale experiments
i.e the recognition of the disease. For recognizing the skin and large-scale simulations. Our results showed that the
disease it first coverts the RGB color code values obtained by system accurately detects the disease and provides output for
Image Processing to Lab values and feeds them to the ANN. the corresponding skin image.
The ANN maps the values of the image to the database of skin
diseases in the hidden layer. When the values f a skin disease 6. REFERENCES
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