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Key Terms:










Relational Process

The main characteristic of relational process is that they relate a participant to its

identity and description. In essence, they state that something is/awas/will be and hence

relational process are often described as process of being. But other verbs may relate a

participant to a description, for example seem, become, look, appear, remain, have, feel,

ect. Butt et. al (1996:49) state “the main characteristic of relational processes is that they relate a
participant to its identity or description”. Halliday (1994:119) states that relational process come in two
distinc modes:

a) Attributive ‘a is an attributive of x’

b) Identifying ‘a is the identifying of x’

Behavioural Process

According to Halliday (1994:139) “behavioral processes are process of (typically human) physiological
and psychological behaviour, like breathing,coughing, smilling, dreaming and staring.” He also includes
some verbs referring to actions which reflect mental states, for example: laugh, cry, gasp, grimace, snore,
hiccup, ponder, etcThe participant who is ‘behaving’, labelled behaver, is typically a conscious being.
Functional Grammar is a study of sense and meaning in context of grammar. It is primarily concern with
the function of structures and their constituents with their meaning in context.

Transitivity is a proper verb that relates to whether a verb can take direct object and how many objects a
verb can take. There are 3 basic elements to all process of transitivity. The process itself, the participant
in the process and the circumstances associated with the process. There are six process under
Transitivity, they are: Mental, Material, Relational, Behavioural, Verbal and Existential.

Material Process.

There are 3 elements in a Material process. The Actor, The Process( Material) and The Goal.

According to Halliday (1994:110) “material processes are processes of ‘doing’.” They express the
notion that some entity ‘does’ something which may be done ‘to’ some other entity. Material
process are processes that includes Physical action like running, dancing and etc. This process involves a
doing(process) and a doer. It is a process that may answer questions such as 'What did A do?' 'What
happened to B?'


Mental Process.

Halliday (1994:117) states that “mental processes or process o f sensing are processes of feeling,
thinking, and seeing.”

This process says that if something goes on in the external world, there would also be something in the
internal world of the mind. here are many verbs which refer to these mental processes, of thinking,
imagining, liking, wanting, seeing, etc. And the participant involved in mental processes is in a
doing sense, as sensinghaving feelings, percivi ng or thinking. Thus, for the two participants in a
mental process is termed as Senser and Phenomenon. The senser is the conscious being that is
feeling, thinking or seeing. The phenomenon is that which is ‘sensed’ (felt, thought, or seen.
Halliday divides mental process verbs into four classes: cognition, affection, perception and

1. Cognition is the verb of thinking, knowing and etc.

2. Affection is the verb of liking, wanting and etc.

3. Perception is the verb of seeing, hearing and etc.

4. Desirability refers to the intentions and wish of the speaker.

This process could be answered by questions, 'What do you think/know/feel about A?'.
This may help future language learners in terms of variations present in Verbs. This may help them
identify each of tbe purposes of the verbs. This could also help language learnerz that encounter verbs
and face confusions in the process of understanding Verbs. This could be a helpful guide to compose
written outputs as well as a message in a conversation. Transitivity could give them types or varieties of
verbs that may be used in sentences and identify what appropriate verb could be provided.

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