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David Harno Prasetya. 2017.

"Application of Explicit Intruction Learning Model

On Radiator Cooling System Treatment Material In Class XI (TSM) Smk
Karsa Mulya Palangka Raya Tahun Teaching Year 2017/2018 "Supervisor: (I)
Prof.Dr. Sanggam R.I Manalu, M.Pd., (II) Wiyogo, ST, MT.

Keywords: Explicit Intruction, Student Learning Outcomes, Radiator Pedering System


The not optimal learning outcomes of students on the standard kumbingensi care radiator
cooling system because students feel tired with the method of discussion and learning
becomes more passive, causing the value of learning under KKM 70.
This study uses Explicit Intruction learning model to find out student learning outcomes
and student activeness with material of radiator cooling system. The subjects of this
research are class XI TSM where there are two rooms namely TSM A and TSM B, as
sample of research that is TSM B with number of student 21. Instument used in this
research that is learning activity, student response questionnaire, and student learning
The result of the research shows that students' activity is 81% with many students 21
observed percentage of teacher and student learning activities that are in excellent
predicate. Student response obtained 87% based on the response criteria table concluded
the students strongly agree. At the pretest of 5 students complete students of 21 students
who meet the KKM 70 who took the test. And result of learning of student after using
Explicit Intruction model which taught directly by teacher, at posttest can be seen that
student learning result increase, 21 student expressed with average value 81%.
So the conclusion after the Explicit Intruction learning model is applied on the radiator
cooling treatment material of the students' learning result of class XI TSM B is complete
and meets KKM 70 standard established by Karsa Mulya Palangka Raya academic year

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