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Star of David Kippah

©2009 Elizabeth Ham, all rights reserved

used with permission

Materials: one ball of J&P Coats Knit-Cro Sheen

size 10 100% Mercerized cotton. The sample is
color 182 True Blue. A size 2 steel crochet hook.
One 150 yd ball is more than enough for one kip-

Gauge: Rounds 1-2 make a 1 1/2-inch circle.

Special sts: Star Mesh stitch (from Lion Brand web

site at
language=En )

I adapted the Star Mesh stitch for working in the round so follow instructions as written in
the pattern below not as in the original at Lion Brand web site.

Starting at center, ch 5. sl st in 1st ch to make a ring.

Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc). make 15 more dc in ring. (16 dc)

Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in same st as joining. 2 dc in each dc around. Sl st in top of turning ch.

(32 dc)

Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in same st as joining. (Dc in next dc. 2 dc in next dc.) around. Sl st in top
of turning ch. (48 dc)

Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc in same st as joining. (Dc in next 2 dc. 2 dc in next dc.) around. Sl st in

top of turning ch. (64 dc)

Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc in same st as joining. (Dc in next 3 dc. 2 dc in next dc.) around. Sl st in

top of turning ch. (80 dc)

Rnd 6: Ch 3, dc in same st as joining. (Dc in next 4 dc. 2 dc in next dc.) around. Sl st in

top of turning ch. (76 dc)

Rnd 7: Ch 3, dc in same st as joining. (Dc in next 5 dc. 2 dc in next dc.) around. Sl st in

top of turning ch. (92 dc)

Rnd 8: Ch 3, dc in same st as joining. (Dc in next 6 dc. 2 dc in next dc.) around. Sl st in

top of turning ch. (108 dc)

Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc in same sp as joining. Sc in each dc around. sl st in 1st sc.

Begin star Pattern:

Rnd 10: Ch 5, sk 1st sc, Yo twice, insert hook in next sc and draw up lp, *yo and draw
through 2 lps (3 lps on hook and first leg of CrTr), yo, skip 1 sc, insert hook in next sc and
draw up a lp, [yo and draw through 2 lps on hook] 4 times (1 lp on hook and 2nd leg of
CrTr), ch 1, yo, insert hook in middle of CrTr where legs meet and draw up lp, [yo and
draw through 2 lps on hook] twice—CrTr completed, ch 1, skip 1 ch, yo twice, insert hook
in next ch and draw up lp; rep from *. End with sk 1 sc, Yo twice, insert hook in next sc
and draw up lp, *yo and draw through 2 lps, insert hook in 2nd ch of beg ch-5, yo and
draw through ch and next lp, (yo and draw through 2 lps) twice more. ch 1, sl st in 4th of
the beg ch-5.
Rnd 11: Ch 5, turn. (Wrong side)Skip first st and ch-1 sp, *CrTr over 2nd leg of CrTr and
first leg of next CrTr of previous row, ch 1; rep from *. End same as rnd 10.

Rnd 12: Repeat Round 11(right side).

Rnd 13: Do not turn. Working with right side facing, ch 1, sc in each leg of Cr Tr and ch
around. sl st in 1st sc.

Rnd14: Ch 3, dc in each sc around.

Rnd 15: Ch 1, sc in same sp as joining. Sc in each dc around. sl st in 1st sc.
End off .
Draw up tail under round one to draw center hole closed. Weave in the ends to hide tails.

Terms of use: I retain copyrights to all my patterns. You may do whatever you like
with the finished item. However, you may not sell or redistribute my patterns. Do
not claim the patterns as your own. Do not post them on a website or in emails. You may
post a link to my web site at .

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