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Ollin Morales 

Austin, Texas 
(512) 587-5562 

❖ Education
➢ Stephen F Austin High School; Academy for Global Studies
■ Application based program focused on multi-disciplinary, global-oriented,
project-based learning with the intent of producing mindful and impactful
Global Citizens
■ Student, 4 years, 2016-2019
❖ Volunteering
➢ Life Teen at Saint Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church
■ Program that prepares teenaged Catholic youth for Confirmation, requires
two years and is focused around lectures, small-group discussion, and
■ Participant, 2 years, 2016-2017; Youth Leader (Yeet), 1 year, 2018
➢ Confirmation Classes at Saint Ignatius Martyr Catholic Church
■ Series of classes that focuses on more advanced teachings of the Catholic
Church, taking place the school year before Confirmation; consists of
lectures, small-group discussion, community service, prayer and
homework assignments between classes
■ Participant, 1 year, 2017; Youth Leader, 1 year, 2019
➢ To’hajiilee Native American Reservation
■ Participated in activities with younger Navajo children on the reservation,
specifically working on arts-and-crafts while also discussing with them
about their lives and life on the reservation
■ 2018
❖ Extracurriculars
➢ Model United Nations; MUN Board
■ Simulates the procedure of the United Nations for the purpose of better
understanding the inner workings of global politics while also researching
the issues affecting individual states; the Board coordinates the many
important events related to MUN, most especially fundraising and
organization of multiple AHS hosted conferences, notably FreshMUN and
Austin Area Model UN
■ Participant, 3 years, 2017-2019; Board Member, 1 year, 2019
➢ Math Club
■ Organization that serves as an umbrella for the majority of academic UIL
activities, including math, social studies, current events, etc.
■ Participant, 1 year, 2019
➢ Classical Guitar
■ Fine art that explores the both the history and importance of guitar, while
also performing in UIL
■ Participant, 3.5 years, 2016-2018
➢ Link Crew
■ An organization that is designed to help 9th graders better adjust to high
school, while also coordinating and staffing various community events
■ Link Leader, 2 years, 2018-2019
➢ Tea Club
■ Participant, 2019
➢ Picnic Club
■ Participant, 2018
❖ Awards
➢ AISD Trustee Award (10%) for 9th, 10th and 11th Grade
➢ AP Scholar
■ 2018
➢ Classical Guitar Ensemble UIL
■ 1s for Concert
■ Ensemble Member, 2017-2018
❖ Skills
➢ Proficient in Spanish
➢ Plays Guitar
➢ Capable writer

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