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Crossing the World.

Nile into the Danube, Danube into

the Nile
Relations between the Danubian Provinces and Egypt during the Graeco-Roman Period

Call for Papers:

Dear Collegues,

In an attempt to better understand long distance travel of ideas, people and material
culture, this call for papers aims to create an image of the relations between two distance
places, the area of the Danube and Egypt during the Graeco-Roman period. The main topics
which are highlighted are (although other topics are accepted):

 Diffusion of the Isiac cults in the Danubian area during the Graeco-Roman period.
 Material culture from Egypt in the Danubian area in during the Graeco-Roman period.
 Dacians in Roman Egypt.
 Material culture from the Danube area in Roman Egypt.
 Prosopography and teophorical names in Egypt respectively in the Danube area.
 Perception of aegyptiaca in the Danubian area.

If you are interested in submitting a paper please do send an abstract and 5 keywords until
June 30th 2016 and the manuscript until December 31st 2016. The email address is:

Best regards,

The Editors.

The manuscript should be send in a word document Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 cm, while
illustration has to be sent in CorelDraw,.jpeg or .png. The languages accepted are: English,
French, German, Italian and Spanish.

The notes should be writen in Times New Roman, 10, Single.


Bricault 2001, 95.

Bricault, L.
2001 Atlas de la diffusion des cultes isiaques ( IVe s. av. J.-C.- IVe s.apr. J. C.).[Mémoires de
l`Académie des Inscriptions et Belles- Lettres 23]. Paris: Diffusion De Boccard.

Articles in collective volumes:

Decourt, J. C. and Tziafalias, A.

2007 Cultes et divinités isiaques en Thessalie: Identité et urbanisation. Pp. 329-363 in Nile
into Tiber. Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings of the IIIrd International
Conference of Isis Studies, Leiden, May 11-14 2005 [Religions of the Graeco-Roman
World 159], eds. L.Bricault, M. J. Versluys and P. G. P. Meyboom. Leiden-Boston:

Articles in journals:

Leclant, J.
1958 Découvertes d’objets égyptiens ou égyptisants hors d’Égypte. Orientalia 27: 91-101.

Unpublished PhD or MA Thesis:

Perc, B.
1968 Beiträge zur Verbreitung ägyptischer Kulte auf dem Balkan und in den Donauländern
zur Römerzeit. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Quellenmaterials aus dem Gebiet
des heutigen Staates Jugoslawien [Ph.D. Dissertation]. München: Universität zu

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